The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 06, 1872, Image 3

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    ini jwnnii
Tub Columbian.
Friday, Hop I. (J, 187 &
Railroad Timo Tablo.
Norlll. Bout)).
Ml . 0:82 A.M. 4:!i7!'PM.
Ai'lt tiilMotfltlitl 4MHA.M. ll:ll'.P M,
(?srM IMWP.M. liilHA.M.
(Iil Hi' Mot Hi. uning bouuc
ii ii
, M.
Tiusiiis wero no less limn fourteen nr
rcst, for various ciinau-i, niutlu in tills
town lust week by cnnsttililo Woodwnrd,
on witrr.ttm Is mod by J. J. llrowcr,
Wis c irreol u Into lsaio of tho Col
I'MiiiANby Hlittlnu Hint tbo Montour
County convention notnlnnteil Jcs30
Anniii'riuuti for JjPRl.ilatiirc, and 13, IC.
HIioiIim for Congress.
Tins meeting of Congretlonnl Con
feree i of tbU District took plnco on
TlmtMljy but too Into for tliclr
proemllng to bo Inserted In Ibis ls'iito
of till) Coi.umiiian.
WiMtiss-BAunK is to lnwo n city
Iio'plliiK It will bo loeittcd on Canal
street ojiposlto tbo' Wiro Kopo factory.
Tbo hojpltiil will bo freo for tbo treat,
moat of nil ueekleuts occurring In llto
lulniM. U will In no seiiHO bo n pest
bouse iior u homo for invalid.?.
Tins (Aitiuvkw Valley Fair will bo
bold till-) al lllii(?towii, Schuylkill
Co. September 171b, 18th, 10th, and
20tli. Excursion trains will run on tbo
UitawisMi H. U. for tbo accommodation
of visitors. Tlio advertisement in an
other column will glvo full particulars
ns to prices of admission Ac.
Wis uro Indebted to S.unuol Noyhiml
for tbo liirguit and finest flavored
petiebus wo have seen tbis season, and
which wero grown by himself, ilo lias
a gout assortment of young trees which
Intvi! J list Iipguu to bear mid bo thinks
their fruit will be hard to beat in a
year or two.
Tl'.M PKitATUltlS of August 1872 at
ISlnoin-iburg, result of tbroo dally ob
hervatioiis.tU 7 a. m., al 2-md atti p. in.
Maximum 01, on tbo 2s!d., al 2, p.m.
iiiiniiuuiu OS", on Ilia Otb and on tlio
hist at 7 a. in. Mean of tlio mouth 71.
ii. z.
In last week's Columhian w cavo
an account of a tboft of ahorse a 'I ''ti
gy front Chas. K. Savngoof tbi- i ' -.
The thief, who gavo bis namo s II
liain Steivcr, was arrested In Sunbury
tlio day following the robbery, and was
committed to jail. Steivrr N a Oerman
and stated that bo was on I is way to
Wis iiavo been shown a tato vine,
grown by Wesley Evans, oftliis town,
which measures 10 feet " incites in
length. Mr. Evans, wo arc told, calls
tho variety tlio "Oroeley potato" from
tills evident disposition to I i.'twvn and
magnify. Tbero will bo a bit-go crop of
them this fall.
Titr.itK is a very good reason why
0 rant's odlce-hohlers refuse to clasp
bauds across tho bloodychasm. They
invo their hands so deep in tbo people's
pockets mill tbo Treasury that it is not
convenient for then) to clasp bands with
anybody J ust now. They aro afraid, if
they withdraw their hands for that pur.
pose, tliey will lose all opportunities for
a grab at tlio public funds.
SoMi: tlmo hineo wo printed tlio pre
diction of a weather wUo philosopher,
that tho first frost would occur this
year on tho 3rd of September. Tills
prediction lias proved a Into one, iu this
.region at least, for on Tu"-Uay night
last wo had an undoubted fiost plainly
visible in this town. Wo aro glad to
know that bomoono has at last mado a
prophesy concerning this most remarka
ble year, which has proved itself cor
At a club meeting hold In Liight-
Streot on Friday night last tbo follow
big ollleeivi wore chosen, President,
Alex, llachmau j Vico President,
Joseph Vaiidorslleo j Secretary, O. I'
Knt ; Treasurer, A. M. While. A larg
number of ntinos woro added to tbo
list of niombi'rs. l. Frank VSirr Esq
mldivs-ed tho Club.
Tin: lliudfird Democratic Conven
tion met iu Tow.tuilu, .m Monday last
The principal interest was ccittorcd in
tho Congressional nomination. Col. V
K. 1'iolctt was nominated on tho fire
ballot, thu voto standing, I'iollet.Cil
Dolus Itockwell, ill ; ,I.,b P. Kirby,
After tho nomination a eommitteo was
appointed to confer witli tho Liberal
Republican eommitteo on the subject of
a county ticket. Col. II. IS, McKe.ui
was nominated for Constitutional Cjii
vcutlou by acclamation.
wilmam HiiAi'i'isit, ono or our
County Coiuml-'sioners, mot with an oc
eldent on Thursday of last week at Up
per Llmo Itldgo which will probably
prevent bis attending to business for
bomo time. Ifo was attempting to get
on ids wagon when his foot slipped
from tho wheel, and ho was thrown vlo
lently to tho ground. Ho suH'orcd moat
violent pain in tlio ovenlnj and was so
seriously III as to rcntiiro tbo attcndaiwo
or a doctor. Ho Is, bo wover, recover
lug from the ellocts of tbo fall.
Tun Court Houso was filled to Its
utmost capacity on Tuesday uvciiin
last on tho occasion of tbo Democratic
meeting hold pursuant toonouuecmont
Hon. lUchard Vaux of Philadelphia
was tbo orator of tlio evening. Tbo
meeting wns called to order by David
Lowonborg Esq. Chairman of tl:
County Committee, when tho following
oflleers wero choson : President, Hon.
Peter Entj Vleo Presidents, J. C. Smith
I. K. Krlckbatmi, John K. Grotz,
Joseph Pobo, E. J. Mellonry, Michael
Casey, Jacob Evans, Peter Knecht,
Thomas aoraghty, Thomas J. Vaii
dorslleo, Willhun Miller, Samuel
Bnydcr, Samuol Dlottrich, John Smith,
David Herring, William A. Kline,
John D, Hauck, W. H, Tubbs, Ilolnn
dus Hcrbeln, Nathan Mlllor. Secrolur
Ics, Chaa. M. Vandorslieo, John M.
Clark. Mr. Vuux opoko for about two
hours In his usual iluoiil oasy mauuor,
on tho Issues of the campaign and
mndo many happy hlln which wero
heartily npplaudcil.
t'onrl Proceedings,
Tho general September Turin or 0 -Itiinbla
eotinly Coiirln, conwiu'd on
Monday, L'eploinber 2, his Honor, Wll
Hutu Ellwell, President Judgo, Irnin
Dcrr and I iaao H. Monroo, Associates,
on tho lloiich,
Tbo Constables of tho Hovnral town
Hhlps mado their returns.
Hudson Owen, Esq., of llorwlck, was
appointed foreman of tho Grand Jury.
'Tlio Itcport of E. II. Little, Esq., an
dltor to iimko distribution of tho funds
In thu hands of Gilbert II. Fowler,
Trustee of Daniel Fowler, deccasod,
confirmed nl. si.
lloturns of Inquisition on tho cstato
of Jacob Harris, confirmed nl. si.
On petition of Francis M. Ktstler,
Alfred Eck was appointed his guard
ian. ,
Tho Keportof .1. G. Freeze, Esq., Au
ditor to make distribution of tbo funds
In tbo hands of tbo executor of John
.clglor, deceased, conflrmod nl. si.
In tho cstato of P. W. Steely, deceas
ed, n polllion was presented for tlio snlo
of tbo realty for payment of debts.
Itcport of salo in tho cstato ofSylves
tor Poalor, deceased, confirmed nl. si.
Ileporl of salo in tho estate of John
Ycager, Jr., deceased, confirmed hi. si'.
Jacob S. Evans, Samuel Htettlor, and
Michael 0. Keller, woro appointed tip
staves. Overseers of tho Poor of Pino town
ship ugrtlnst tho Overseers of tbo Poor
ofMadi-'on township, on motion of E.
It. Ikeler, Eq,, leave wns granted to
enter an appeal.
In the estalo of Jacob Harris, deceas
ed, a petition for salo of roally was pre
sented ; salo was ordered.
Tho report of W. Wirt, Esq., auditor,
to make distribution of tho funds in tbo
hands of thu administrator of Eleascar
Hess, deceiibcd, continued ii. si.
In tbo C3tato of Henry Eyerly, de
ceased, on motion of 15. Frank air,
Esq., tbo order of publication iu tbo
specific performance was continued.
Tbo petition of .Toaoph F. Pattoi.son
asking for tbo appointment of a guard
Ian was presented, ami Benjamin Hicks
was appointed.
The petition of Lloyd Sliuman, asking
to bo allowed U select a guardian, was
presented, and on leave granted ho
clioso John W. Sliuman.
On motion of John G. Freeze, Esq.,
W. Wirt, Esq., was appointed auditor
to mako distribution iu the cstato of
Clot worthy Fisher, deceasrd.
Petition of Rebecca D. March, for
guardian, M. E. Jackson was appoint
ed. Petition of Mary E. March asking to lie
permitted to choose a guardian, on leavn
granted, M. E. Jackson was selected.
In the eotato of It. W. Ilowman, a pe
tition was presented for an order of sale
for tbo payment of debts. Sale ordered.
The place of holding tbo election in tlio
borough of Uorwiek was fixed at tlio
botino of John MeAnall, Esq.
Com. vs. James Fowler. Charge, lar
ceny. A Into bill.
Com. vs. Patrick Sweeney. Ch'aige,
larceny. Not a true bill.
itcport of S. Knurr, Esq , nuditor to
mako distribution in tlio estate of Sa-1
ilia Pcaler, deceased, confirmed lit. si.
Bloom Poor District against Catha
rine Long. On motion, a ruio was
ranted to show cause why tho judg
ment should not lio set aside.
The report of E. It. Ikeler, Esq., au
ditor to iimko distribution iu tlio cstato
of Lydia Waulch, deceased, confirmed
nl. si.
lteturn of tho inquisition in tlio es
tate of Mary llarmnn, deceased, con
firmed '(. si.
lteturn of tha inquisition in the es
tate of Malcolm Mason, confirmed ni. si.
relitionof Elislia Driesbacb for di
vorce. Siibptetni awarded.
Petition of Elizabeth Peters for di
vorce, bubpoona awarded.
Com. vs. Elias Hogart. Charge, as
sault and battery. A truo bill.
Keport of sale of tho real estate of
Abraham Hess, dreeuscd, confirmed
ni. si.
Petition of Martha Ureu for divorce
A subprena was awarded.
itcport of 11. Frank Y.wr, Esq., audi
tor to mako distribution in tbo cstato of
John Wampole, deceased, confirmed
ni. si.
In tbo ease of Com. vs. .Tamos Fow-
ler,;u Jury was called who returned tiial
the defendant was guilly in manner
mil form indicted, ami was sentenced
by tho Court to restore tlio goods stolen,
or pay tho price and costs of prosecution,
and bo Imprisoned in thocounly j ill for
thirty days.
Petition for partition in tho estate of
Georgo Liubacb, deeoa-'eil, Inquisition
Iu the estate of Christian Lutz, an In
quest was awarded and directed to give
notice by publication.
In tlio case of Tony and Downs
ugaliisl Wilhud mid Tlngley, mi poll
lion the Vend. J'.r. was t-el aside, and
rule granted to how caiiso why the
judgment shall not bo opened, and dJ
fondants let into a defense.
On petition tho llconso of John Hul
Shaffer for a tavern iu lloaver township,
was transferred to N. Ilredbender, Sr,
On motion of L, T. Thompson, Esq.
M. E. Jackson was appointed
commissioner to take te.stimdiiy in tbo
dlvorco easo of Iloppe.s against Hoppos.
Report of salo In tbo estate of Andrew
Whltmoyer, deceased, confirmed ni si,
Com. vs. Elias liogart. lndlctiiiunt,
Assault andBittery. A Jury was called
and returned a verdict lindiiig tho do
fondant guilty In manner and form as
Indicted. Tlio Court seuluneed him to
pay the costs of prosecution, and uu
dergo an Imprisonment in tho county
jail for four months, and pay a lino of
fifty dollars.
Com. vs. James Archie. Cbargo as
sault mid battery. A True bill. A Jury
was called, and a verdict was returned
of not guilty, and that tho prosecutor
pay half of tho costs, and tho defendant
tho other half.
Report of the auditor In favor of sell
lug tbo realty of Clara Ulttuiiuomler tit
private sale. Sale ordered.
Com. vs. James Harry and Philip Ho
veron. On motion of tbo District At
tornoy, n noil. ros. was utiowou on
payment ot costs.
Com. vs. Charles Wilson and Christ
Ian Asfi. On motion of District Attor
iicy, lion. pros, was allowed on piy
nient of costs.
Kato Karsbner vs. Win. II. Karsh
tier. Potltlon In dlvorco, Dlvorco do
creed from tho bonds of matrimony,
lteturn of an inquest on thu body of
Benjamin Bolber j approved as nccessa
Ilottirn of an Inquest on tho estate of
Isaiah Shuuiiiii, deceased, confirmed
III, si,
Keportof viewers of road iu Grcon
wood (ownnblp, reporting iu favor of a near I) I', Albrrlson's conllrnifil
Charter incorporating the Ciituwissi
Cemetery Co. ; granted.
Ulna Ur incorporating tho Genitalia
Saving Fund Association j granted.
Com, vs. Wesloy Iliiyinan unil others.
Char go malicious mischief. 1)111 Ig
nored, and Samuel Achonbacb, the pro
secutor to pay tho costs.
Itcport of vlowors of road In Bonlon
township, near Jool Itobcrl's, reporting
in favor of ft road, confirmed nf. el.
Itcport of vlowors of road In Benton
township, near thoSldlor House, con
firmed til. si.
In the cstato of Simon Cottier, de
ceased, petition by administrators for
dlschargo j ordered to bo discharged.
Com. vs. Blmon Glen. Charge, as
sault mid battery. Bill ignored, and
prosecutor to pay cost.
Keport of viewers of a road in Benton
township, near Aaron Smith's; con
Somij person with a statistical mind,
has mado a calculation from which It np
poar.s that tbo avorago ago of tbo Grand
Jurors of the present term of court,
twonty-ono in number, 13 CI years.
' The Conspiracy." Under this gush
lug liofid tho Republican dlshcj up an
Imlpld irtieloln defenco of Hartranfl
upon tho autliority of'Senator Coo)or."
There is no "Senator Cooper" In 1'cnn-
sn'ranla i Tiyajraln Daniel.
An exchange toys: "Fnyetto county.
In some parts, Is overrun With snakes.
On.' girl killed blxtten copperheads In
a Hingio day. ami n wasn't a goon uay
fir tlio variulnli', either."
l iufo snnki'h are very searen near
Bloonniliurg tbis yr, wo are told, and
i he above paragraph wou'd seem to ex
pliiin where they have ymie. Wo con-
graiiilalo Fayetlo and naiUe no cbargo
for ibo tiansfer.
On Tuesday last, Charles M( stcilor of
Milllln fownslilii, had a valuable Iioim-
sloleu from lilnijiuiil on thosatno even
ing, piesumably by the hanio partle.
them was also stolen from .Tames Kief-
fer, lu Maino township, :i buggy mid
set of harness. Ono hutidnd dollars
bus been oll'eicd for tho recovery of Ibo
property, and tho arrest of the thief.
A rATAii accident happened on Mon
day last nl tho stone quarry near what
Is known as "tho dry saw mill," on tho
Dinvillo road. Whilst tlio workmen
wero engaged in hoisting slono a link
lu tlio iron guy rod of the deriick broke
causing tlio derrl 'k lo fall, and the rod
in its descent struck u young man
named Henry Kyler on tho back of the
bead causing instant death. Kyler was
about "7 years of ago, and a resident of
Huntington county, Several of tho
workmen had nairow isc.ipes from tlio
falling derrick.
ntr.itn will shortly be published a
most valuable work entitled 'Tho
lection; Laws of Pennsylvania," di-
osted and arranged with notes and ju
dicial lUclnions lo tho year 1S72, Inclu
sive, by Hon. Francis Jordan, Secretary
tho Commonwealth. This book
should bo in tho bands of every one who
takes an interest iu the welfare of the
State, and who desiies mi intelligent
opinion of the important laws gov. ru-
elections. Tho book will give the
aws rolativo lo tho holding of election'!,
defining tbo rights of electors, flxiiij
lie powors of election oflleers, &c, and
will bo full and complete. Published
by B. Singcrly, Stnlo Printer, Harris-
burg, Pa., to whom orders should be
addressed. SInglo copies SI; twelve
copies $10,
1'unsuANT lo notico a meeting was
held In Cadman's Hall on Friday even
ing, August SOth, 1S72, for tbo purposo
of organizing a campaign club. The
meeting was called to order by David
Lowenberg, Chairman of tho Standing
Committee who stated tho objects and
aims of tbo club. Robert F. Clark,
Esq., was chosen President, Mr. Wm,
Kreamer, Vico President, and F.
Cooloy Secretary. Tho Constitution and
By-Ltws woro read and adopted. On
motion It was resolved lo hold tlio next
meeting of tho club on Monday oven,
log, September Oth., at which timo
speakers would bo present and deliver
addresses, duo notico of tho samo to bo
ivcu In tbo form of baud bills and by
publication In tbo papers. Tbo moot
ing thou adjourned.
Mit. William Butlisk, tbo lands
lord of tho "Montour House" at Uupert,
and well known to many of our lead
crs, dint nl his residence on uuuuay
last, aged about CO j He bad been
in ill-health for several months, hul had
been better of late, and bis death was
sudden and tinexpicted. Mr. Butler
was born in Queen's Co., Ireland, and
canto lo tills country homo '2"! years ago
For nine years ho held thu position of
tr.tck-bo.-.s" on the CatmvKs.i railroad,
mil resigned it totukoup the business of
hotel keeping. About nine years since
lio married a widow, and to her and bis
step-daughter all his property, which
was considerable, was left by will. Mr.
Butler was a warm-hearleil, gonerous,
and eharltablo man, whoso heart and wero always open to mo poor
and neody, and no ono Iu want was ov
er turned from his door. His largo clr
clo of friends will miss tho jovial, clieo
ry, generous dispenser of hospitality,
and tho poor will know that they luivo
lost a friend.
At iilimit four o'cloclc on Tliuviiluy
inornliiK last, tiro wamllsiiovt'icil In tlio
fnilllO liullllilio; ou Sllllil Htlt'Ut O.MIL'll
by Ciooru'o C'olintnor uutl used ns it link
cry by Homy Itosonstoclc. Mr. D. V
Robblna who Uvea near tlio buildinc,
wiw tlio llrst to discover tho tiro tuiil
trivo tho itlitrm. OwiiiL' to llio want of
wntoi' tlio llanien obtulntid hucU lioml
way as to rondur lioiioless nil nttonipta
to sitvo tho hoiiHO. Thu llrciucii weru
l)i'Oiiiilly ou liund nnd, when wtitur
Ii ml hriui nhlnlnnil. Ilirmv fitrn.iinn nil
tho dwollliiij houso ndjoinlug tho bum
inK building on ono Bido nuil on Oil-
nioro'ji lartjo now on tho
other, both of which woro saved, Tho
coiituiiU of tho bulldliiK woro mostly If
not entirely saved. Tlio biilldlnir U
btniiiojeil to bo Inaurid but, in tho nb
sonco of Mr. Colltiinor, wonroonnblo to
statu to what amount. Tho eauso of
tho Uro Is nut known.
Wo iiresnino that tho Town Council
will tulle vigorously ubuut ''thu Holly
System" mid other platu for water
worka for n weok nt loast and that'd
nl' Nl:w oitir.
or Mtssount.
f SnoAii Vowah, of Wostmorolnnil.
llr.uuoi: W. Hiun.vkii, of Vraiiklln.
Hkmikn MAiiviNiof Uric
John h, Mim.kii, of lluutltiKlon.
H. uitom 1'iiv, ot l'lillailclplilu.
1. Tliomai J. Ilarepr,
11. I). IxiwonlifrK.
12. Htcph, 1). AiulLiKon.
3. JoUu Moimt.
4. l)eou;o It, ilcrrcll.
6. IN'nl ngiccil lipou.l
II. Is.lnh II. Ilnupt,
7. Hamucl I). Uyur.
5. Jchho (J. Itawldyi
V. II. 11. Hwiur.
II). II. Jtcllly.
II. Julin Kiinltlc,
U. 1'. V. UitUHtcr.
1(1. llonrj- J. Htnlilc.
17. It. W. Curlstlo.
1. William ''.Logan.
II). llftHsplnnllrown.
i), F. M. lloliltmon,
.1, It. Million.
'II. T. II, Hlovcimou.
l.'Jnlin II. Ilnnl.
U. Ucorgo W. Mlllor.
op i:mr. coU.ntv.
or l'liu.Aniu.i'iiiA.
Of Al.l.l.dllKM V.
v Mi itiln l m nr (ho C'nliHllliilloiinl Con
vi ill Inn.
(iko. w. wooiiWAiii), riiiiiiiicieh'a,
WM. llKlI.lSIl, Clourllplil.
v. j. 1 Al' K. (Sonieisfl.
W. It. H.MI11I, Alloaliony.
FKANKMN II. (IOWKN. I'hlliuli'In hln.
JOHN II. (.Ml'IlKl.b, l'hllaik'li'lila.
H. A. IlllYNOI.IM, Lmiraiter.
.1A.MIX lSI.I.IS.Kiliuylklll.
H. (!. T. DODD, Vennngo.
(ilSO. M. DA LI. AS, I'lilliidclpliln.
UUIIISltr A. I.AMIII'UITUN, lllllllUlln.
A. A. 1'lIIl.MAN. (JlOOn.
WM. Ii. COltlllSTT, ri irlon.
FOIl IMtlSSIDKNT .11111(11-',
I lo IhciliMlnliiiinf tlio Ills! i let Ciiiili rri'i)
FOlt MISN'AlXm,'
nut CD.vsTirtJTiONAr, convuntion,
JOHN (1. FREEZE, of Columbia.
JOHN J. MET.GER, of Lycoming,
i on AfwisMiu.Y,
For. iti:oiB-ri;i: & liKcoiinr.ii,
FO 1 1 (. ( ) U NT V COM M I K-U ON K 1 1 ,
FOlt AUDlTOil,
U. .1. i. AMP15KLL.
MlS.MltF.US 01' TIIK Ht'.VNDINd ('t)MMIl'
ISonvor Moics Hclillolicr.
liontim I. K. lvilclUiaum.
llciwlclc I.0V1 Uicilliomlor,
llloom, ISast Dlsl D.ivhl LdwoiiIicir.
UKXIlll, WOltl JJlfel. V llUHin illCKUUH y.
Ilrlarcreclc .1 . C Kmltli.
Catawissa Cli.'ii. Hcotl.
C'outu II. 1). Kuoir.
Ocutialla C. Q. Murphy.
CoiiynUiam Nortli
i.iiuyui,iiaiii winui--Aiitnaci iiiauiian.
l Kiiinoiocic i.. j. aicnenry,
Franklin VllUani blolior.
( 1 . i'on wood Wtslry Morris.
M.'iiiiuL'lc Setli Slinujiiiikor.
.laoUson Silas W. Mclloiiry,
l, rill
M.ntNon Jonn Allan.
Mnln W. T. Klmnifii.
M . HI In Samuel Snyder.
Mniilinir .Inlm tl. tluli'lc.
Ml, I'liasanl (looiso W. JacdIijv
Draniiu n. K. Hloau.
nil' v. minus.
Ifmii ltiiri.ilc.l. 11. lvllni'f.r.
fOOlt 0. 1'. ISllt.
suiiarlo.if J. II. l ilt..
Vigilance Committee,
llcavei-lieo. I)rclbach. Chas. MUhaoI. II.
lenton J. J. -Hcucnry, it. j. (.uso, j as. Con
ner, ... ....
lierwicn Jsaian nower, u. if. jncicsou.
llloom. KastM. Millard, Juo. 1). Casey, iSaml.
llloom. ivc&l-.'l. I'-yeriy, jiiines isieiiier,
Drlarciook Chas. ItcoJ. Ueo. Miller. Uoo. M.
cntawusa .M. n. v. Kuno win. isuyuor.
Centre Wm. Miller. Kd. Ilnrtuiau. Stiml.
I'ouyuRlmm, North
L'ouyngnani houiu
Fiihluncrcek Ii. SI. Crovellni:. Cyrus Iloblni.
Silas Mclleurv, Cliai. Ash.
1'iauKllu -Mnses Jlclieurv. wnsnincion r.wr.
flroouwoDd Frank Derr. tl. W. Utt. Jaclisou
Hemlnck T. J. VaiuleralUe, I). I), Wnguci-,
Wm. Wluleisteeu,
jacKson lionry agner, ji.inici loiins.
Locust 1:1 as Cieasv. uau el SI no. Jno. buy-
iter, Ooo, Clotty. . .
Madison lUchard Uoiuott, Dr. T.J. Hftlshcr,
J. M.lllrlon.
jinino Jeremtau i.oncnociijer, ji.o. suis".
Mlillln Josenli G. Kwank. Ahralm achweppcti-
hclsci, Henry noss.
Jioniour im. .iiouser, 1-. .v, Lvaiii.
Mt. l'loasantWiii. Miller, Jno. Mordan, Sr.
Oiangc II. It. Kline, U. Ji. Knt.
l'luo L. A. Herman, Wm. Karshnor.
IloarliiKcreek Jno, .Moury, Amz.1 Cuila.
Sm.,iii...1. s. It.icliiinm. u. .1. Allllliril
Hugarloaf Alonsso Alberliion, Clinton Cole.
upnnlulbnirnn. William Klwell. l'roHldCnt
Juduoof tho C'ouit of Oyer nnd Teunlner and
Oenernl Jail Delivery, Court of (Quarter Hesslons
ot tho l'eaeo nml Com t of Common l'lcns and Or-
phau'H couil in llio juiu juuiciai insinei, coin-
poseiiiu ino cimiiiii s in v iiiiiiiioi.i, iiini.iiu uu..
Wyoming, and tho Hon.Iram lleiraml Isaacs.
Monroo Assoclato Judges of Columbia county
linen IumipiI tlu-lr m'econt. bcarlll'' dalo tho HI 1
it. iv nr May. In Ibo vear of our Lord, ono
thousand, cUtht bundled nlld sovcnly-two.and to
luouirccieii lor iiounuirucourtoi uyor nun iir
lulncr and General Quarter .Sessions of th lVaco
couiioi common ncas miu or iuuira unin, in
ltloiimsbui'L' iu Ihnfouutv of Columbia, ou the
llrst AMouday, bolus Iho M day ol Hoptomla r
I1I1XL. LI1 Cllllllllllll LWtl Ul'Ulil.
Notico Is hereby edven. to tho Coronor. to tho
Justices of tlio l'eaeo, nnd tho Conslables ol Iho
Kaldcountyof Columbia, that thoy bo Ihennnd
inoro in ineir proper pel , on ai, iu oeioeit in uiu
loreuoou in sunt nay in rei'ieiiinei iviuiiiien
vecoids. liifiuislllonii and oilier re'lieiithvances. In
dothosi'thlUKS which to tludr olllees nppeil.ilu
in no none. Ami nioo inai. aro oouuu iy
roctr'nlzaneo. in nroaeenlu inralnst llio pris-
oners that mo or may bo In tho Jail ot thu
nam scanty of Columbia, to bo Ihc.i and
Ihero to prosccuto uiem as sunn no jusi. ju
rors aro reriuent( d lo bo punctual In their attend
nuco. agreeably totholrnottces. Dated at lllooins
ouii;. iiiuuin uuy ui jiny , in uiu iu
j. . i oi our Lulu, unu iiiuuaiinii i-iuhi. iiini-'-
ilrml nnd ROveiilv.twnand lulliouluetv
Illtli yenr of tho ludependenco of thn United
mates ot America, i,uuis niuiin, ,
jlloomsuui'i;, July .oin, lb,.'. nuoriu.
IJ Helitombcr torin 1S72.
llloom. ueo. w. uaics, ueo. cavnnoo, Annua,
Ills Vinson,
llorwlck iiunsou Owen,
llrlar C'reok ISnoch Itlltoiihouso,
Heaver l'oter Knecht,
Oonlio Edward llarlmau.
Ccntinlla-l'atrlck I'. llurko.
C'alawlksa Samuel Fiodcilck.
(Ireenwood Frank ltoat.
lfomlock-ISlt (Jlil.
Montour Kamuol aiger.
Malu-Nftthnu Miller,
Madison Win. l'oiiman, I'ranels Hiinyan,
Mt, I'leasaut Win. Miller, 'lliomas Jones,
Oiaiigo David Ilerrlut', James ISvoj.
l'lne Juhu (lordlier.
Itaailna Creek-John V. llouek, l-'iaulc Yc
Heur - i noma-, Lrcvtuia Jr, J. ji. Aininir
1M Tho undorMgucil liculiy uotily all tlioso
imlAiileil In them on note, bond or Look account.
to cull nml k llio tho samo on or before the Hist
day oi ucioner nexi, ,u iHtjiecuuif uns uuiico
may expect io nuy ihh,
1 tit. i m ,1 n Tr t si
- Wl finil fl fifffi W MM I.RI M
III I..VU VV.tWW - V -.,,
With ample UroumU and cleiinut llulldlut'S, ro
lilted up ns to bo liomellkonud ntlractlvo, nnd
welt equipped for thorough (ducatlounlwoik,
will mien the Flut Term of tho next Academic
year beptember lib, Jt7'.'.
Itev. O. It. LANK.
ri'r iiieuiuiH, apply iu
1 fi Ann A033NTa WANTED
Tho most nttmctlvo mm saiablo tlilni; out. it
la Imllhinmisiiblo to men of all nurtlett. furaUhlut!
Juht thu fucts nnj Hsurcs ueuitoil. lor every In
It'iU (to uv voivr. -vi-hihiu bitiiiK iruiu,
lfi TO ilO A DAY,
Tco most llbeiul terms. Bond for descriptive
circulars. Addretis,
UVVVlKUt AHHM HAD. l'ubllslicr,
I A 1 1 1 1 ,N t : U (lAlitt. -In I villi' AimitHfiiiMl.
lit- llnv A hi lltiti imiti !ii- Will iini (lulittlr
ol 'ii l. ttiil, 'lt(oinliii!oit, Ml t I I ti t A
CtUl' "I J( iMC (OH 11, I ill, t U., I'll,
(AMI'lll'.I.K-tn MahivUlo. Mnttil.ilaintlilcrnf
tl. .1. nint M. H. (Janipljoll, nui'd lu iiioiiilm mill
lldayn. , llio Li i IiihI.. ni Malnvlllo.
Willlo, Mill ef tlaik Ilurdur, hkmI about 5
UlouitiMbiirx; ftnrlct,
Wluntper IiuhIicI II.M
live " V)
Com " tr,
Oats. . " - ,A I)
Hour per narrei wm
3 W
I mxKCi'ii
1 CO
Ilrleii Appli
Hldos nuil KiiiiiiI It is
i,nru ior tiuii)ti..
Hay per Ion 25 UU
Obi IWalillslicil Coal Yanl.
C. W .Nkal&Biu). Wholesale & Re
tall Dealers Iu all sizes of tho best
qualities of lied nlld Whlto Ash Coal,
at tbo verv IowchI market rutts. Lime-
burners supplied t liberal rates witli
best quality No. G.eoal. Fer smith tires,
in nddlllonton prime article of lump,
we iiavu a first class quality 01 xjiiunii
nous coal, nt iffJ.l!.') nor Ion on wharf.
Lareo stocks of all si sua constantly on
hand. Strict personal attention given to
tlio preparation of all our coal. Grain,
LuinberntidSlabstaken In exchange for
coal. Coal dcMveied lo iinv part of tho
town. Orders It ft at MeKelvy Neal it
Co's. store or at our (.llleo, will reeoivo
prompt attention. Orwcii A Yauds at
Mt'Kl.l.VY & NlSAti'rt FC'ltN.U'lS, IOast
Bi.oomsi.uiui. Your patronage respicl
fully solicited.
No. 1. Timothy Seed at I.
W. Hurt
You can buyGingliains.Slrii 0',(!li(els
Jlusllns, Ac., Ac, ul I. W. Hartmaii's
for 12 cents per yard.
Ailtcrtlsoi! by Ninth's
Is S'o,i)i)ONT, and If you usu It dully,
the while gleam of tbo pearls be I ween
tbo parted rubies will piovo its excel
lence as a Dentifrice, and the sweetness
of thu breath will attest it) puiiryiug
Have and mend pieces, uso Spalding's
Linen Tablo cloths for 10 els. per yd.
at I. W. llartm mi's.
marked increase of femnlo loveliness l'
the eye.dellghtlng result of the im
mense popularity which I lagan's Mag
nolia Halm lias obtained among tbo
ladles of America. Complexions radi
ant willi snowy purity and tinged with
the roseato liuo of health arc commonly
met with whenever it 1 1 used. For the
f-allow andiinwholesonio appearance of
tho face and neck, which utterly coun
terbalances tbo ell'eet of any personal
attract ion tho owner may possess, it
substitutes that clear, pearl-liko com
plexion which is such a Irauscoiulaiit
charm in woman, renders the roughest
skin as soft as Genoa volvet. No ono
is moro astonished than tlio person
using it at tho marvellous transforina
tion which it effects in theso particulars.
i:vi.rv iinrvoiia YouneMan In lha Union.
reeelve, Itvo, u lloolpo tliiit irllljirovon blcsslm;
Uiroili:!! IU", vy ItllllltasniK, in uuihuh-iu-i-,
lie-. 117.' 1". O. 1 Cedar Kt., N. V
feu. 0,1 y,
Important Testimony!
Tho following lcttcis nr nmoiiR llio many wo
nvoctjiistaiilly iccclvlug Horn pi-rsoiH wlic linvo
boon Cmvil by
Sclicnck's Puliuonic Syrup,
Schimck'tf Sou Weed Tonic,
Sclicnck's jMuiulrako Pill.
J'tmisgiov., SiiUiu Cauuty, New Jcrbey.
I'EimuAr.v sr, 1S72.
Dr. J. II.BCHUXcii.u. K.comorHixiuana Ann
Eirceis, L-miaiieipiiiu,
itcnnectcil Hlr I lake nleasuro In nddlm; my
tcMlmony to that of llio many others who havo
been cured by thoeillcicyof Sclicuok'al'ulmonlo
Byrup, Won Weed Tonic, and Mandrako I'ills,
COUSUllipniiii mis uwh i.v.viiii,n.v wim ni
family, moMof in members hnIii2 died ot It at
r.tii-u- mrf-s. Mv mother and throo orolheisdlod
at tho ago of JI, ouo liratlierntt.7, and my sister
ftI was. .'llen about "1 yoais, KeUcd with liver
complaint, which lapldly dovelorcd Into I'ulmo.
liaiy uonsillHpiloii, i mis i uiiii'i.-iii:ii iu ieiiu
nutah my employment (that of n blncKfcinllh.)
lonnfcultod Bklllful nml eminent nhyblclaus.
nml tried many patent nostrums but without,
success, do that my lilends wire sure Hint Ihero
wn no lionoof mv rccovoiv. lor I wns ro,lnce,l
rrom no pouuus in iui, tinu w as uoi, uoio iouo
uuytuini; wiinuui. iissisuuice,
liy WIUll, L HOW it'uu ni'iiii un ii i iui iiii-iiiiui in.
ii riioslllon. I wna Induced lo try your u-modles
nnil nlaco mvsell under sour Heatmeul. inid mi
rapid nml tliormiKh was my recovery, that It
lower was
nt woik, ami to-d.iy 1 nm us well ns at any llmo
iiuillll; my uu'. iweiiinij ptiiinuu, am ,iu yiais
old and lor some tlmo Iiavu been leaulnilv at-
teiullli',: to my bubluets, blddlui; lalrto live ton
OOil Olll HKt.
l nm thankful lo vn.t bevond exnresslnn lor
having placed mo In il position wherein 1 am n
'liclll lllsioaii oi u nuiueu in my i.iiniiy.
Your Mamlraku l'lllsurethu only mciUilnnl
over ti.o now, I think thoy mo tho bust In tho
wnrli .
1 can rclcr you lo nuuiireds oi my ueialinors
who will voilly all I havo wrltleu,aud any lu
formation any of my fellow citizens may deslio
will bu liecly and Kladly kIvmi, upon leeolplol
sirtin', oy loiuii, eic.
ueiii.s e . 1U.II1U,
Key West, t'!a., I'cl?. t'.Vi.
Dr. J. 11. Isl'lll-SNt'is, N. I'S. cor. Sixth mid Arch
hllCLlH, I'llllllllOlpllIlt,
Dear Hlr l'hani lorwmil. per llr-.t i.leainei . Mv
bottles Hi a Weud Tonic ami Iwehu bullies I'ul
i.ii.n Ii- Kvilin.
not bo without lliom in my household, nnd 111
l nnr iiieineincs nro o Mien v aiuo i i il i can
laci no lamuy biiuuiu no wiiiioul iitciu,
lhavoulven thoni n l.Ur test, and openly do-
ciaru uieiu io oo even ueuer iiiau yoiLciauu.
vt rv reunecii inv ours. .c.
W. A. WlltTlSHUlWT.
l'HII.Ab: 1,1'lIIA, Mill ell 1, JSTJ.
Dr. .1. il. Hl'lIlSNl'K.
Itosneclyil Hir 1 take nleasuro In awarding to
you tbli certlllcalo ol Iho wonderlul curu yuur
l'uiinouie ttyiup ami mo.i wcoutouiu piouuccu.
Mv tlnoat ami tubes woie so hlublv
liuhiuu I that It was nlmoM luipu.sible n,riiiu lo
bwuuow my uiou.
I ui,. on a vlult to bi iniclo, Mr, Chailes John
son. No. vlii Federal bticet. who b.eb your modi-
ebiL . l.ued him 11 om almost death altd all oth
er men had lalled.aml lie having, theiefoic,
full eonlldeuiu In tho virtue oi youl lemedles
stlontily leeouiiuended luo to tiy them. 1 did
so. nnd lu one week Horn llio time I commenced
hiking them my tlnoat undciwent a very uruat
ehaiio lor thu bolter, bo that 1 could eat my
meals without uuy ullllculty or pain. I can
scarcely liud words to oxpress my Biatltudo lor
me cany lcuoi your invaiuauio mciuciuos pro
duced unon mo. ami I deem it but auact ot urutl.
ludo to ylvo you the acknowledgement ot my
appreciuiiuu. lours lespeciiiuiy,
uai'iIi:l m. jacoiw.
No. ju, wist Thlrly-tUIrd siicel, Now Yoik.
Thcso nro tlio only medlcluci that will euro Coubumptlou. Dr. Behenck has been
lu constant pracuco over inuiy years eoniiuu-nlH-
oMimlnliiii lunrrR. nnd knows his medicine.
If prope rly lake u. will euro Consumption, Ills
Mandrako Villa cleanse tho llvernnd sloinncn;
his Sea Weed Ton in dissolves llio lood. stimu
lates tho coating of Iho stomach, and makes It
uigesi. jus I'uimouio ayrup ripens uiu niiuiei.
nud niiluro lliiuwb lion wiiuouiany oxoiuou,
Pilco of tho pulmonic Hyrup nnd fen Weoil
'mini', m,-i per iioiiie, or cr uu per uau uu.eii,
.riumuuito 1 ins veins per uu,
N, IS, Comer HIXTII nud AHQU Streets,
And by DiukkIsIs nnd Dt-iiloru yc nomlly,
JOIINSTO.N, lltllil.OWAy & COWDP.N',
G0S1 Anon HinuuT, PjiiiiAmsia'uiA.
Wholesale Agents.
npr 12. ls7My
('A iuiiia A milmlltiilo for Cdatur Oil- It n
i.Iivm, wlili h ttiioM not ilMtniMiiir KrUiK, lint hi
muo In "pernio when nil ollioi rctiinlii h hnvr
0(111. tnu nnu" "iilHtiiiiiy. rei.y ii.,i in
iii in mom ifii Ai 'io, I'niniip iiii'ii. menu'm j
nip. Win tun. Vilofl ni ili,ranr'i',l I '. i. II i ')n-
lillnn i,i 1 1 In i M 1 ii , ' I Mciiplllm, U Hi' 'I' i
Alcolml, lull ih puiciy n cillil pu pit'iillon,
natfcctly linriinmn, ami nuovo nit, nlMHiil to
Ihjip. 1 lin tiuitiirla wmlliennml 'iiiloM Hid y-
lom, nnil priHUirn'i naiurai mci'ii, ii in n wo'inrr
rnlllilnn In nHMlinllflta Ilia fiiml ol clillilroil Blul
iirovonl lliom frinii cry I tig, A Mooiil Itoltlo will
In tlio work for a Innilly nml savn innny iloc lorn'
lllllM. amuw-jw.
Ilt.MBtMOS lllliriltTlUt AM TlltY TAKE TIIRIR
Ki.naiT. tho ruler or niewntiKS n uomi nuniin
wiinoui, which uoiinntc in woriu inn uiivin
It Hal way h npprcolatwl ul 11k tiua value nrtr It
la lost, lint, tun ofiii,not liofoi-o. Live properly,
and corrocl tillnirnls boloio lliey beoomo ftoalou.
Fnr illHonmin or Lhn llvrr. lililnovN.nkln. NlotnAoll.
nml nil riling from Impnro or feelilo lilnotl, Db.
n. miro nml nppcily lomtily. It liai ucvrr ret
failed In n Nlnulo hiilnncc.
A I'MMIMiIisBhAsiin. (JlolKinH nml dollKliUul
an IlieHilinluiT wonthor Ih, Uu tioplcnl lionl IP n
aovoro trlnl to tlio vllal powrn. Kvon the
RtrmiKOHinro noini'tlini h print in led liy IUoIIocU.
1 lio ronunnn plirnno iipplli i lo IIi'k ci.nlllloll.or
llio hody 1 "Konornl iul,llily." Now, acneral
liability nrlnoH Irnin, inc. I iiilci n variety of
nllmoniH. 'J'lio llvrr fs muro n.' loai aliened, tl o
biiwols nro fltlior roiiN'Ipiiied or lo, lunch lo
laxi'd, tlio summon Imlliiill ih iIdi i.ih the wotk
or illijutloii, llionppollln 1 , poor, and tlieaplrllH
ileproiHiil. Tlili Ii what Incmllud Keuc.alildil'U
physical fiiiKlloni, niul refmhf n ni nioinoityn
ineilli'li'a thai Mill rogulnfu lliomnll. Himtil
lor'i Hlomncli Dlttera Ih ospeclnlly mlnplcl lo
tlilt pnrposo. lt general operation Is not oon
llneil ton amnio organ. If tlio liter Is nllecl, ,1,
It ri'Htorci ItH lone, If tho Htomnrh
retfi'ii.ia1oH It. If thu nei vt'b aro Iremuloni and
Wink, 11 InacoH nml rolnlnrroH them. If tl ,
liillid, whlou cvor sympalhlos Willi tho body, is
Rlooiiiynnil ilriponilciil, It relievos tlioilllllcully,
anil no, m lulhus Ihewholo iiuthnnlsm of thu
bnily Into haniiony wllh the laws or health.
Thuio Is no tlvlllrod nation In tho Woxtr rn
)toinls)ilieio lu which llio utility or lloiti ttui
Ml, ,111:1111 UUlcmaui tonic, voriecllvo, mid nntt
bilious moUli lno.U not known nml npprcclnti'il.
'1 nioiiKliout llio Tropics It Is considered, both by
the pi-nplo and thn prof'Hlon, the Htamiarit upo
olllc. Vhllo It Ih a iimllclno lor all seasons and
all climates, 11 In rsprclnlly Hulled to tlio coin
plidati i;enorntiil by tho weather, being tho pnr
ut and boht cgnlufilo Hllinulcul ill Ilia World.
licnaro of thu llltltis mnJo of ncrld nuil ilnu
Kuioiii lnalerlali, Mhlcli uuHcrupuloui imitlCH
are rndcnnilng to fcilft upon llio people. "1 tiulr
namo Is leiilon, nnil the public tins no cuaranloe
that Ihty uro not pnUonous. Adhtio lo thu Irled
remedy, lloslettcr'H mile's, sold only In ulass,
and neer In l;ets or baricl-.. H31i I
ly. ii in ii nullum! uimii iiiiiki niciii, ul mi 11 u
fno THIS WiiltlCtKO t'f, KS, nialo orfomiilo.
I nil u wet it mi.iranieou, i.tApecinoio em
ployincntnt home, Cay or evening; no rnpltnl
rcfiuludi full lnsiructlons nuil valuablo l-iiL-n
of l-iHidH to Htnrt with i,ont frco bvinatl.
Address with 0 tent return stninp.
1, VUUlMl A CU., Ill LOUrilllHIl !Sl., T.L'W i one,
nil,, i,i
mtui,flll,iili'J. Ovor 40 Ulool rorlralta.
wiu'th twice tho eo.'it of tholioiilc. Wnnli d evei y
wlieie. A'i'ls havn womlorliil hiiccc si. JSend lor
Clii'Ular, mlilii'Hs Zimi.lSU .Mi'CUItllV,
Well Ml , 1 .ill.l'leipui.l, I'l
ARi'llli wnnlnt lot- Ibo Al'TOIUOdl! M'llV of
'till' In St. nml ulilv I'dll Inn 1. 1 llll'it l!V lllllise'l
mid lor our W12 CAMl'AKIN MANUAL, a Ijook
of the linn s for all pirtk i. llliisli.Ucil. (hie
Airtnl sa tl hum liireoilay.s. Alss. lor lIomlRw h
1, Ilo or l'reslile'jt Uiiiul.nnd (Splendid I'oilniil i
of Cmdldatcs, S'Maniout'i mud".
M. II. TIiF.AT, I nbllslic,,-i' l.iu,idw.iy, K. .
IK? tn ViaJBOWil
flrsi rremlnni
lollblij l:li'V!ilr I OVi-.i. W.irinlli,- Ch'-ot. illnll
inn Iieor, IVnib r (Juur-l, 1 )iii j , i1 n x AMiakliu
Clr.Uo. Dire t l'r.ilt. ! ULLISU. WA1LH,:. .V (
DSii Walei Hl.tct.N. Y. n-IO-lw
hah rtniKD HTVTr K )
hols cuuK rw . A ami
I-'or euro St, (or Tost Ramplo z; cents,) by mall,
1)1. K. r. ltVATl', 4111 lll.llld HllOet. t.'ow York
nHI Iw
'Ibo publlo exnnilnatioiM I ir tho liresooi j o ir
will bu held as billows:
I'or (.'al.iwlssn and I'miilcliu n' . !.i; Uui's
school house In r'raiildln Hcpt. bin.
I'or Heaver nnd Main nt Jamison "s n boil
houso In Main Mont 101b.
roi'MIIUIn atMiiltlnvilloPcpt. I It Ii.
I'or Montour at Itupert Sept. Mi.
For Hoirlngcroelc anil Locust utMoiie.' 'cl-.ool
liouie lu Locust Sept, llth.
L'or llomloclc at l.ucUhovn Kept lGlli,
I'or Madison at Jtrsoylowu Ucpt. 17th.
,-or Kcolt at ISspy Sept. lsth.
Tor (Ireenwood nt Ceiitio school bouiii SrpI,
Vav Oranso at OnuisfvlIloSVpt.
I'or Mimut Ploasnnt at Jones' R-tion lionsf
i'or j'snin"ci'ifik ni i-oni.i 'scmmij jioiio R-t'iit,
llrliucrot'l; and Ccnvtclc at Uerwlck S-nt.
I'or ,TiK!;son. HucirlO'if an I llrtiifou at IK-nlon
Sept. 27tli,
I- r 11 no ai, .crt'iio Hept. :Jtn.
Ix.imlnatlons will coninipiipn a. 10 o'clotlt A.
M. Tt.VL-ltois bliouKl atlenil in tho Ulstrfet in
wlilfHUiey luteml making njiplicfilion,
i ft iincaius win jiut uo KiaiiLcn i no Minn uay.
HoariHOt DirL't Loraaroicnoftriillv inviiEJ Ui
bo iu"-L'nt.
w , ii. ni i, uo, .-mi pi.
Catavvlbs.i, l'a , li2, ii'JlwJ
Al. C. Woodward. Collector tor 1S7,). In account
Willi tho Town of Dloomsburs to May 1th, 1S7J.
To hal.mcD r.s per 1 ist annual statement SlliM 08
liy exonerations 1- 85
ny amount paid iro.,!i. ;i7 7) U'juts
(I. W. l'oilcr, Collector for 1S7I in account yith
uiu iuivii ui uiuuiiisuiiiK iu .nny nil, ior.,
To amount of dupllcato ' Ii)
Uy cash pild Treasurer
liy error in
Uy coiTeilod assossmont
Uy exoneration i
II iUiico uue-'lleetod
srvrriu.sT or i:i'iNsK Anoi'M' to iv j, 7-.','ini'o In haiuls of Tie isur u al Ixst set
turnout fcu'i- r.i
Amount inicniiei-'i'ii al last seltumeui on
iliinlienliior ls7D
Amount of la le lo I fur year 1S71
Alliouut leeetMdllpon Hues Ac.
i'Jl'J ID,:Mi:' -i.
I'Aom rations of M. IJ. Woodw u I I
5 12
Troisorors commislim on a u. ul
(!) II
IJ7') 'JU
Sill 1.1
aid uu toad account
(11 vim; and stablinhlui! i
I'.uil lor uoso aiei ii'ul in ona t.i i.uiise
8' 18 Hi
D lio
1'aid .'eiviary s salary
l'uld M. C. Wooilwanl sei'vin.? I'nt'o s and
ateudluL; bhows, sci'vluos us Town Won-
Water nccounl, piofllo,
run. ma
1'iitlco nml haduos
('. (I. llarkley, irofon.liml iimvIcsi
i . it. i.uiie.
Item, luel awl Unlit
Copy of assessment
I'.'llipilleL Ol -jowii li''vs
Tu us.irer's liollcpa
(lain of otlli'O
W. 11. 1 ill, lies
Tax n.if.l.lrd
I'.ild Audllom
ii, w, Foster oxonomlliMH
(I, W. I'osli'r iincollieleil
in nanus oi TrouMirer ,
1'ai'l n itsti'iidlnff orders last year
S10.D OJ
Duo on expoivso oceonut to sundry
lie i.
17 01 order No. 361
3 tO
) 0
Due Tow,', troiii snniry pei .ous
blATESKXT ol' HURT AcwojniT TO )AV I.1S73.
Amount of lax levied for ridyraont of
J7;l UJ
Tli'.ibuiel'hoolumibbtimon Sll.'l II
1'al.l on poor debt
I'.ild on loadilobt
2HU l)D
IUI nice in hands of Treasurer
UiiLOllujted ouilupUeito
I'rosidont of Ootinoll,
Atto ti 1'. C, ISi bit,
Bee y,
Wo. thoundci'sUined Audllorsot tho Town of
TUnoniBlinrir. do licTl'obv col HfV 1 hat WO liavoox-
amliwd Ihuabovoloiugolui; statomcntof espon-
tiuuros, nnd ncoounis oi couociors, nun nmvinu
foliud ll'enl cuircei unapprovo uiu bauiv.
Ann. II, ls7..
1). It. ll-.elor
lu r.ccnuut with
tho Town of
To liabinco in ills hands as nor last au
mull hlltieiuoiii 3iii,
To nmoul of tiiMissciMod lor payment of
Ddbt :)7il CO
To nmountof lax iis8soil for eurrout ex- .
neuses . . all1! W
To amount received from M. 0. W ootl
To amoutit recwlvcd Horn (I, V . router,
collector lor i7l
To eiior In dupllcalo of (I. W.l' oiter
Tonnio iDt recelM.t upon lines Jttf.
lit, noinniil i,r iluiilltuita rnssail lulu tlui
hands of U. W. rosier, oolluetor l'
liy iiliiouui oi uriwrs rssiwuiiw
Jiy eominlistoii
IUL. iko In his hand May llli.UfiS.
A uti.M.-i.l l.- An.lllAvu Klavlltli 1k7.
J. 11. CAS1SY,
Ai ", JO-it 1', P. DlllNKKII.
Moytis' Column,
To tho fact that Ihoy are ntllt pnatilDijt the Drug
lillHlnoHH with nil tho enorgy o clmtROlerlmlo of
inoiiinoivcs in lormor uinoi, ni uioir om nui
ncm Html In
urowisr's urAOOK,
nil 1 nl tlio Comer nf Main nuJ Market Mttcoti.
Their slock Is lariier nuil moio varlod thniiean
ho found lu nny other cilnhllKlimeiit horlof
l'hUadelphia or Now Ydrlr. All of which is otter
ed In largo or email qunutltleit nt figure! iw low
If nut lower, than mine r,k),! ran bu puicli.ieil
olHowheio. Call nml rxninlun ror youiroir. Tho
wholeHRloitepnrtnient under tho Immeillnto hii
porviHtou nnd eonlrol of the llnn.nnnprlHeH
l'AINTS, OIL'S, oiiABU, 1'UrrV, itQ, AO.
They keep constantly on hnnil fromnve to six
dlirorerit lirands ol While Iiuil, uinons which 1
John T. Lewis & Bros., Buck Lead,
White Oak, Diamond, Arctic, Ac,
Varnishes, Coach, Furniture,
Datnar, Shellac and Japan
Drj er.
In eolois you will llnd I'mbors both dry and In
oil, HIcnlKiB, Ilrowni, Metallic and Vaiidke,lleil
Venetian, Hwl Lpad, Amorlcinnn'l I'tiluesu Vcr
mtlllunx, UlueH, Yellow ami CJioenn,
.'iiiion wiili'h uro the relobraled VersailleH and
Shamriiel;. uy handsome and pcimuiicut.iiud
especially adapted to t'lo pa'tilliii; or bllmlM,
Ae. LIum'ii! 1)11, TiUjp ulilie, Ac. All
w Indow lasi, lai'Kt' hIi-n of hiipei'liir iimillly for
pillllli'h, II Kpii't.llll . Cll'tliil-oll Ii) Ihl'glllloll
or iloKon, Laiidauiitii, I'.iinniiili'. r..ileninn'H
ilmpH, Koldeli llnetuie, Ho M illln, (Ind
rioy's Cordl-il, llspeneis Leriliui, 1 epi'ertlllllt,
Wluu ririi'eu and I'lnn imoii. All llm lvipul.u-
p.ltotlt, llleilli illi'S ul ll,l d IJ , HI, mi lllt'll WO
Ayros, Jiiyiirs', Vinegar BlttOrs, Hostel
ler's, Drake's, unil I loolland's (!er
niiiii Ullters. i'ills, Wriglil's
J.iym-V, Kelii '.cti '.s.aiul all
iillu i's hiimvii in the (; imuninlty.
X laini) and varied iMKoiluieut of Kulghls v.'oild
louoMiitil eouklnif .-lrn'ts.
Lomon, Vanilla, linse, Itimphi riy, Klmulierry,
1'lno Apple.Olery, ll..hana, Ac, are oller
ed below inanufiotur.'i's pillion, lo
enuntry meiohuu. plool
IN ipor, Mai e.
M U'
price '. A I.SO,
ltnilnnd l ioursii'
pliur, ISpsom Haliii,
Salt l'ttie, Ciilahra Llo
oilce, 011111' niiiplior,Uorai-,
Assula'tlda, ('ntllu anil Iloifco
I'owdeis.llluo VIIilol.Lxtract Lou
wood, Olbtllo and Luundiy Koaps,
Lamji CliiiiiiieyK, and Lmnp Rootli nenor
nlly. Lump C'tinll., hllviv land, Calcined
l'.iiilcr, Ito-sendal t'i 'ui'iitbi thobairelorbufihcl.
Tho eileluatod Mlllvlllo Kiull Jar. nrknowl
cihfed lo bu by fir llio best lu iho Markets, n"
Klasi, of mporlor material nod woikinanship.
Oousumeii, iiavluu olcc mod these, h-111 havo no
Country rhvblclaus leill find nilr,toek full nnd
complete, comprising all tho old Rtuples of tho
Materia Modle.i, ai well an all tlio latior discov
eries or medical science, (lulnine, Morphia nnd
Opium always In nlimiilmno. llnnco liios. nnd
Whltu'H pharinnoautle il preparations, Kluld nnd
Solid extract ISIlxlis anil l'lllsof tho l'harma
corwa hugar-coatid. I'owera ami WolBlilmau'.s
ChentlcaN, ami l'roi. M.iulbls medicine, a lull
I'annorH and nthor.i v !',1 llnd nurnloeir r rl'ims
(tronnd Weslcin Hone, oil or Vitriol, Mulphato
ofSod.innd Kltrato of Bo.p, of bettor iiuallly
auu ul lower pi ices inaiicuniioioiiuii eibowucre.
COACH AH I) W.WUN .MAKISiiH would do
well to soo our Block mid inulro our prices be
fore puiohasli KeUewheie.
Our li.t.Uland Pioscripil'i
ii deiurlment Ii under
llio suj.ei vision tu
Mil. A. 15. CVVHSCAHT,
who lias hadyenis of cTpcilenco In the busluosp.
Able and competent iu.gist-.iuU always In nltcu-
d.iuco. This ilep.uliuent couslsls ol tho com-
'oititilini; oi I'liisicians' proscriptions and lami-
y rielpes, Iho ptilllp up of Dyo Wtulls, of.,
llio rulalliiiK i.r I'.itonl Medicine mi l Drimglsl's
Kumlilcs, Ruch as Pi'iiuni'iry, comprbdni; all of
11IU IIUMI. I'UUICO III. Ill ..Ul ill'isL I'.lllUOUL AI.lOl 1-
oaii muiuif ict linos aud tho sp claltlos of all the
I'orelKn, I'Von.-Ii, lCuiilLsii, Clerinnii uttd
liuimii I'eriiinit'iv.
'IVilh t Koanw in tamo v.ulil v. luth Inn oiled and
Finn Half, Tciotli, Flcjh, CI.'llus.Sliiiv
injf tt Nail lUiishoi). TiiiH-teM.Hhoul-dor
itnii'os !i rsupportein, Knr?t
liiK ISutlleH, l'oeltdt, Hooks,
Hill lJ'KlkH, Ac., Ac.
CIkhh of rarest an 1 el. u. cost br nidi from 5 cts,,
lu.) els,, each,
I'ipos nnd t lar smokeis and many thliiRS lm-pus-
lbleto euuiuerale here. Thu handsomest
lnthlanart of the Sh'o. ealli'd llio "lecliers.
irouiwiilob lscoustauilyiliawii, tliobe oool nud
lOliCHUluir otivcr.iues so wii.l liio ,iner-
loan pimi.e, aisu, .110 iiiviMOHuii svuiern oi vizuv
Buralos.l nml 'je'.izer,
Our Mniiufiiturln'! tnparmcnt. eniaprls
nil llmolliolnal pieputaliui.s ol Uiu U.H. Vliar
mncoiwea,'J'lucluHs, s iiipi, etc..
uKiiei'ile lor Cionp. lliirns nnd Sculdbaud,
nf ihe moil valuable nnxlllailL. Intheeiiri'
yetn r-piles, Luiiiseueii, elu., ovcrKiiuivn. Thu
lari! ly luciciiiluii sales atlest It:, popularity ns
a iiouseuoiu reiuuiiy,
Movei's Tar Cuuuu IJrtHw
n valuable lonuUy
frir nAnulitt nf lomr itnndfhir mill lncllllftlit
bumnUuu, l'lavoi inn ialraets,Uw,ico Janmlsa
manor, inc. ior.u oi which wo ok iumwn'
Hon oi mo Bouorm pnniiv.
Tho wagon will still oontlnuo to
Hi hinuxi vi4ii u) ineir country cuikuu
MOYEll 1JH03.
Muy 10, ly.
Tim mi iMirlll'THliln b, rrliifitro otliltlna llnd i
I lip Arm nttnw of Mnydor, llarnunn Oq ImlH
otvl by thofleilli of lienjiim,n F. lfwr. Th"
t"K ofilio Isl" II rm am Ih 11m hitlMlilfT l)ii"i
MuvdLr lo whom M bf thoih UattW .tt th
IMVM lu Ins indented ti Miollriaamr, umiteii id
matiM iinuiaillAlo IllJlnHQl.
under t. nnmo ... 1.. ""v?' m
rarr May I7tu Iitj-k
Life lusnranoe Company.
No. of Policies toed, 43,000.
ASSBTfJ $6,500,000.
ISSUKSullthe new form of I'olieic
nml pron'ine n lovombb tirtm tu ftny e,nu
p,ny In llio t Mbites.
The e 'flip my will make temporary loaoH on
Thirty Uiiih' ' -o allowotl ou each pnj uu m
nod llm policy I, ',! koo'1 ctnrlnu Uint time.
All our polloli "loluoonloatitblo for thn u ,
en 11 hoi.
l'oliolcs Imucii ' y this company i.ik mm i i
teliur. Mo extra rhartfoa undo for trftvelllns p iiti.o.
Policy holtfer liar" 'n llio auiiiiaT prolli - o
thu company, -i I l.nvf a voice 111 til elec i"..i
noil iu inai;iiiui ol I fclto uotnpatty.
No oljcy or inii e il leu charged.
Jt'Hfl LAWUKNC15, lVrs t.
W. II. WYNKOOl', Vice f iif i.
.1. 1. IIookbs, l-i erelary.
H. C. t'HAKiiw ii, Jr., A.'lu ,rj
Central Olcc of North-Mem Peini'a.
General Agent.
NISW YOItK. COllK', AND . IVr.ltiMI I,.
NEW AND ri'LL-l'OWKltKli KTKASI"11 il ,1.
Halllns Horn New York on S.VI I'ltDAYM, bom
Liverpool ou TiiuHauAin, nua c.rrcil.u''r
tho uuv fol mv nor.
From tho Whit
Jersey City.
S'nr no"lt, LR-oul.v Firry,
Passenger nr 'onvpo Iniions (fur
all cl: . ,es)
iiurivaueii. rtuiioiiitiiir
Halooux, stalo-roomi, t,mokinK-room nnd bath
room In mldhlp si cllon, wlicio least motioj Is
felt, HnrgcoDS and ttawardossea nooompnny
these steamers.
Kati.s Saloon, SSi Rold. f.teorago, S30cur, en
cy to Loudon, Liverpool Uhiagjiv lmitomlor v,
and llilstnl. Tho-e wishing to Kend rorlrlenlls
from tho Old Country can now obtsln stcer.t.o
pre'iald cortlllcates, 53 currnney.
l'assengers booked to or from all parts of
Ameilca, Paris, llamburijli, Noiway, uweJm.
Inilln, Auslrall.i. China, 1 1,'.
lUalts lrom ii upwards.
For Inspection nTpl ms -mil other Information,
opply at the Comp-iuj 'si. likes, Mo. UlUroadway,
New 1 ork.
J. II. '-PAIIKt. Aen
.i, I., ,- IT.' . , ,i ,.-
lll.ioiii urj. Pi.
Raw Boils Superior Piiospliate
Btnudard hlgUl) Improved and warranted.
Price, S1,,00 per 2,0f 0 lbs , Ca.-1.
O-Now Worl:3 now la oreratton.-ea
fi3Now Material used In manufaclurlng.-v J
27.c Jlrc uMc?i destroyed our u ml. t in i.i c
April, cuutcil only a temporary iXctav.
Wo warrant tho standard ot our I taw I'.ro
Phosphate to bo of n higher cruise than bit ire.
No consignments will be made under any r
cu instances.
It Is not ceilnin we can cohtluuo to sell i ' , ur
present icduced price cwinu to the ec(r.i. ,n
I'litii Mntcrint.
AH-Wo thank cur customers and fi', a's
Kfneinlly lor th'lr (onlitiued irado iii.d in
ci cased orders.
Wo can r. .so furnish our
W A P. It A N '1X1) PUKE,
At -ilo.OO per 2,000 lbs., cash.
Ordeis tor fall trade me lcrmesUd lo Le ,
in tin e.uiy lie piititiuiti.
No. SiKoutli Delaware Ave., Phllndolpl 1,1
July V 3ji
ii. urrATKor l'lrrEitsnu. kku nitc'ii.
l.etleis ol AdmlulstiHtlou on the estate of
l'eliThlrlckor into or Cntawlssa township. Col.
llllllll.l 1-ollUlV. tloc-fins-oil. bnift Ii.t n irrnttt..,. 1,
the liri(l,ior of snld ronuly to 1 1 Irani J. I., ile
Catawlsatwp. AUicrouiilutvlii(clnlnuuuiiiC' t
the estalo of iho decedent are requested m i ru
beut thtmi I'or setllement, ami tlioeo Indcblcd to
tho cstato lomakii pay mui.llo ILo undcrshmi J
ndnilnlsiralor, without delay
nSlwO. Admlulntrator
Ill HSTATl; OP HTEI'IIkN 11 11.11V llKO'll.
Lb1ler4 ueiamcmuiry on llio estalo of si, lute of Cutawlssa township. I'oUi ,
onunly ilooeubed, have been ljimiiIiH l.y t I
Islor ol Columbia county, ui I'eti r L. ' ,
llouslus Iluiiio. nnd willlnni .1. Inrt u 1 v .
i Uih to whom all jKiisons ImloblesI to sin : .
are racinesled lo innko payiuonl, and t,"-
lllj ciaimsiie iieiiiain.s ikluiiihihiiiii 'csi'i"
mako lliom Uuowu to iho l.'xeentois v.
J 11AI.DY,
DOUHLAH Itruilf' ,.
AUS237MW Km.,.,'
itsTATH or W.rz.Mii.rii KiarbRit, i
I.illeis ul udinlulKI till Ion on lliu e i ,
ISllabflh Klstler lata of Ml. I'leasf.nt ti .,
iimblacounlytdeoAabcd.UavoLh'enrant' 1
lteRlstcr ol said county lo Ji eoh O'l', '
same In il All iieiHOii.ilinvli.jci..uiisa...i'
estutoof tin) docedent aro roquootekl to i
Ihcm lor settlement, andtho.o ImlibU l , ,
estate lo maliu pavmeut to Ihe uiulei.oiit '
iiiliilslmlnr. wlthont ilolav.
JUl.111 Vll lllllM- I
Aug I37211W. Adiulnlsli i
iieiiers lusiiuiiuiiijiiy ih iiiw i'mh
IV ul a vs. i- l.'ilont Cenli'r townshln.Ciiilllii' i i
ty. dee'd.havo been granted by thu Reu -
twp., and l-ovi rcRT-roi i cmruiM,,. t
haMus claims u..u.l 11 u ustul' uu
lo pif-onl IliLin to the 1'Slcii! as in i ,
oouuly. 'iaoto l.ulebud to tLatsmteeiu
nolo, J,ulrniet4, morln'in or bof k no, ( i '
inaueitaymi in iu weunuHinm mo
Uli-llW. 1 x
ESTATE!, I' UOUV I.K1IH, Ulie'l.
ijetiern le-siiuiii-mwry mi in,, i-Bi,
1, rr HiavAr twi.. (lluiubla c,l
drcensed, havo betu gr.micd by llio Hi- ;M
said county, to Jonep'i I. hr nud Andrew
man, ,u poi'son-i ,t. -i.r. i ',i u , ,
eslato aro to iiesout theio i ,
ISxecutorii lu "iu.uo' Thom .
to tlu) estate, i ur ou uuluimlgiueni.
or book nevmnt will maBo fayioe' t
uUrsi..o.uaemfcKrH fVih
Aug. 30. li-Uw.
. .tv it i i t'VIIIniriilM Ilk 'I'l'l
Will bo hfltl tit
tUIlS, tH TKMDBJt, ltill,l.',u. ' - .
Ilnmnolltlnn 1 nA.nTlABfttVO U'llll ill I
Siate nml tlia Prqylncof, (Wd too ell , nod tnDoiuliiroo uro void i
vltad to domiwM ror our lrw. fl " ' .'
u eharced. Mxeiiraloa llckeuiwiu lie '--o
all trillro'ii 'Vv!..'..les,
at tlio lowest rates. JAUUU II. I 11
don -
unl,urlliArs til the aftllUlklHtel-k ill 11, v-
WM Uraueh nuUiiSf, Itoreby uoin , i
II luy (ail v uy 'J" jwm ;"". i
ou udd stooK duo irnit ju.y,
en or t eloii
I dy ot Avitusi jwnflwy Vl lu),',
fejtol iuatV of ne jwr oeutper uiouih .
TtyOTderoftb? Uoaid .d liuectoi..
ullloTMm. WM.NL.'iL, Ties.-v
I 1.