TTTFj COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BT.OOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Don't Hum to Cure Iinpni. "It hns Ioiir licon n custom with blacksmiths toburnnhorso'smouth wltli n rod-hot iron, to euro n c:llcd 'Intnpas." It la n cruel ninl n uaok'Si practlco, as will bo scon by tho follow ing opinion of mi eminent vuk-rluivry surgeon : "Tho symptoms of this Imnulimry (llscauo nro, tho liorso quids bis liny, or rcfusos his food. It Is moro common In young horses i tho groom looks Into tho mouth of tho animal, nud perceiving tho bars to bo almost on nlovcl with tlio Incisor teoth, ho prouounccs Ills charge to havo tho lumpas, and takos tho poor creaturo to bo burnt within Its mouth accordingly. "It Is truo tho nnlnml has recovered Its appctlto by tho tlmo tho oiTccts of thu burn havo passed away, but so 11 would havo dono liad not hot Iron been cruelly omplojed. Tho fact Ts tho young util nml U tlien cutting n molar loolli, and a day or two having elapsed, all tho lb ver and pain occasioned by tho process would havo boon over, No man should allow his hon.0 to bo burned for tho lam pas. It Is u torturlug, and ldlo and wanton operation, and lends rather to do harm than good. "If an oldhorso bo reported os hav Ing tho lampas, cxnmlno his mouth nnd something may bo found wrong with his grinders, or, to a ecrtalnty.tho euuso is to bo sought in another part of llio body than tho roof of tho mouth. It Is soinctimo indlcatlvo of disordered stomach." Tho nbovo sonslblo ndvlco wo clii from onn of our exchanges, which wo llnd Is noted for similar articles, and Its publication in our columns shall havo tho rllWt to prevent tho tiso of hot Iron In u single case, wo shall bo amply ro paid for our trouble During tho last few ycais wo havo raised sovoral horses :iiid did not find 0110 to c-icapo (he dls easo known as Ininpiu. Wo never mado uo of any remedy other than to provldo tho colt with such food ns it could most readily cat, and wo depended upon na turo to effect a cure, In which wo never havo been disappointed. In tho caso of nn older animal tho troublo which a surgeon had pronounc crd to bo lampas,was found to bo caused by a small pleco of corn cob becoming fast In tho roof of tho animal's mouth. Tho moro we boo of Blck animals, tho moro wo nro convinced of tho old vot man Jothro Tull's advico to "Treat your brutes like men." If a human bo- ing had a similar discoso, no doctor would prescribe hot iron. Then why is It good for a horso? J5Jr. Poultry Keeping. Thero aro many women who, especially within tho last half dozen years whllo tho prlco of eggs has been so high, mako money much faster by feeding poultry than by sowing. It is an occupation suited to women, because In requires patlonco and constant attention to details, rather than strength. Then again tho hardest thing for many men to learn in hand ling either poultry or bees Is gentleness. Uow many timo3 wo havo seen boys Jerk hens roughly from tholr newts, onter tho poultry houso abrup'tly and frighten the occupants till thoy rush In a fluttering mass Into tho farthest cor ner, and keep tho poultry community in constant agitation and distress, But all domestic animals apprcclato tho manner of woman attondants when thoy are fortunate enough to bo cared for by them. Now that thero aro wo men gardeners and florists who by com mendable industry and business quali ties havo risen to cmlnonco in those callings, and whllo ono of tho moat successful, if not tho most successful bco keeper in the wholo country is a woman, wo hopo to seo others givo poul try moro attention than it has hitherto received. Asldo from profit, tho koep Ing or flno poultry for fancy is an ele gant pasllmo, very popular with Eng Ish Indies, and wo seo no reason why tho fashion should not bo adopted bore. Voullru World. A Qi'.kat Farmeu's Maxims. Tho BucceFsful llfo of Mr. Jacob Straw, tho prlnco of American farmers, Is attribu ted to tho closo obsorvanco of tho fol lowing maxims, originated by himself: When you wako up do not roll over, but roll out. It will glvo you timo to ditch all your sloughs, break thorn, har row them and sow them, Mako your fencing high and strong ond tight, so that it will kcop thocattlo and pigs out. If you havo brush, mako your lot KfTiiru and keep your hogs from tho onltlo ; for if tho corn is kept cloan.thoy will cat U bettor than If it Is not. lit) fiuro to got your hands to bod by 7 o'clock ; thoy will rlso early by forco of of clrcuinstancos. Pay a hand, If ho la a poor hand, all you promise him : If ho Is a good hand,pay him allttlomoro, it will oncourago him to do still bojtor, Always ioou your nanus as well as yoursolf, for tho laboring men nro tho bono and slnow of tho land, and ought to bo well treated. I am satisfied that early rlslng.lndus- try and regular hablta aro tho best modlclnes over prescribed for health, Whon rainy, bad weathor somos, so mat you can't work outdoors, cut.spllt unit nam your wooa. Mako your racks ; fix your fonco or a gate that Is off tho hinges, or weather- ooaru your nam whero tho wind has oiown ino siuing oif, or patch tho roof of your houso. Study your Interests clo3sly, and do not spondyour tlmo electing Presidents Sonators and other small officers or talking of hard times when spondlng your tlmo whittling storo boxes, otc. Tako your tlmo and mako calcula tions. Don't do things In n hurry, but do thorn at tho right time, and keep your uunu as won as your body em ployed, Jiurallsl. Cold Water Bad for Cows. Dur ing tho past summer In tho days of July and August, tho animals rosortod to tho lako to drink, and, nftor slaking their thirst thoy would wado Into tho water win remain somotlmea an hour or two wim mo legs naif Jramorsod. This um u was round Invariably dlmlnlab. od tho flow of milk at night, and, In order to loam tho extent of thodlmlnu. lion, careful observations wore mado. It was ascertained that standing In tho water nn hour diminished tho flow to herd of thirteon cows. Tho loaa wa bo grea that whenever tl.oy rosortoa to tho water thoy wero driven nwny to tho pRflluro again at onco. y "Young Folks The Wlilsprrrr. Undo Joo, being "ntumped" by tho children to It'll u story about n lilroh- tree, bonnu us follows! Thorn was muu a lovely Princess Who had a fairy for n godmother. This young Princes? was slender, graceful, nnd very fair to behold. Sho usually dresu'd In green, nrwii being her favor ite color. Thh pretty creaturo would havo been a croat fuvirltu but for her very troub- miiiic habit of whispering. Blio hurt al ways somo wonderful nows, or seemed to have, which overybody must hear prlvotoly j so no wonder that sho camo to bo kuown,at last by tho namo of Tho Whisperer. Now this conduct was very displeas ing lo tho old Fairy, who, being of a hnsty temper, would oftou become an gry and scold and threaten her, though, when good nalurcd, sho would smllo mo3t pleasantly upon her and drop gold In her path. Tho Princess, as may bo Imagined,' liked to seo herself well drcssod, nnd every your alio saved up tho gold which her godmother had dropped, and spun and wovo hersoll a flno golden mantle. Tho Fairy was quite willing to find her In gold tospln, and all would havo gone well only for tho habltabovo mentioned which habit, 1 will say in passing, was very strong upon her In breezy weather. Hut ono day tho old lady, who was, as has been remarked, of rather a hasty turn, becamo so provoked that alio lost all patlonco with tho WhUpcier, and touching hor with her wand, changed her, quick ns thought, to a slender green tree 'Now stand there, and whisper to tho winds 1' cried tho angry Fairy. And sure enough sho did. Tho pret ty, graceful treo did stand and whisper to tho winds ever nftcr, but always saved up sunshine enough, through tho long summer days, to wcavo for Itself a golden mantle, and when decked In that was as pleased ns a tree could be,to seo itself so fine. "And that's tho way,soI'vo been told" said Undo Joo, laughing, "that birch trees began, uo into tho woods any tlmo when thcro'sn light brcczo stirring and you may hear them, whispering, whispering, whispering I Thoy nover fail, howover, to save up sunshlno enough through tho long summer days to weavo for thcmsolve.i flno golden mantlo-i. lint these lino golden man ties aro sure to b j spoiled by a rough old king who comes this way ovcry year, storming and raging and making a groat bluster. Ho gives thorn whlto ones instead, but thoy nro not so protty. Say, my llttlo children do you know who this old king is?" Old- Ycung Folk. An Unmanageable Echo. Up In tho Lehigh valloy thero Is a hotel kcop cr who has a mountain about a quarter of n milo from hh house, and it occur red to him that it would bo n good idea if ho could fix things so that a magnetic echo could bo heard from tho mountain by porsons who stood at his hotel and halloed. Ho thought the phenomenon might attract visitors. So ho engaged a boy named Jim SImms, who lived ovor tho mountain, to bo on hand ovcry day from twolvo till two, and to sccrcto himself behind a littlo clump of trees, and whon he saw nnybody on tho roof of tho hotel, and heard thorn calling, to repeat their words fifty or sixty times in n voice which should grow fainter and falntor. Ho mado Jim practlcc,and tho rosult was splonded. So ono day tho landlord announced that ho had dis covered that a noble echo could bo heard from tho roof of tho hotel. Ho took a lot of pooplo up to let them enjoy tho dlscovory. The guests called for half an hour, but without hearing any echo. Tho landlord was crimson wlthrago; but Just as ho was about to givo It up tho volco of Jim camo sailing over tho river to this effect : "Bin down to tho spring for mother. Flro away, now. I'm all right." Thoguests smiled. Tho land lord glided downstairs nnd toro ovoHo tho mountain, whero ho shook Jim up a fow times, nnd gavo him a, lecture and somo fresh instructions. In u fow days tho landlord rushed up a now crowd of guests to hear tho echo. It worked grandly for ft whllo, but nil of a suddon it stopped In tho midst of an Imprcssl vo reverberation. In vain tho callers 3trovo to awako tho ocho. It was dumb. But prosontly, in answer to an exceedingly boisterous cry, tho following strain was waffed across from Jim: "Youcomo ovor and mako him givo .mo my knlfo, and then I'll holler IIo's boon ft sot tin' On rho.U Tho. landlord dropped down stairs nnd charged ovor to tho mountain. Thero was Jim lying upbn tho ground, with a big boy holding him down and whacking him. Jim and his antagonist had engaged In agamoof mumblopcg, during which tho big boy had solzod Jim's knlfo, and Jim all at onco lo3t .his interest In tho echo busl ness.,Tho landlord wont home, nscond- od tho stairs, and uailcd tho trap door fast. No moro echoes for him. A Hint to Giiumbleks, "What a noisy world this Isl" croaked an old frog, as ho squalled on tho margin of tnopooi. "Do you hear those tocso. how thoy scream and hlssV What do thoy do it for?1' "O.Just to nmuso thomselvw." an- sworod a llttlo fleld-mouso. "Presently wo slial) bavo the owls hooting j what Is that for?" "It Is the muslo thoy llko host," said tho mouso. "And thoso grasshonnora. thov can't go homo without grlndiug nnd chirp Ing j why do thoy do that ?" "O, thoy'ro so happy they can't holn It," said tho mouse. "You unci oxcusos for all : I bollovo you don't understand music, so you llko mo Hideous nolsos." "Well, frlond.toho houost with vou." said tho mouso, "I don't greatly ndmlro any of them ; but thoy nro all sweot In my cars, coraparod with tho constant croaking of a frog." Kopatoraeatatcrln." This was tho note sent by a farmor to tho school toachor in tho potato-digging season, to oxpiam ins noys aronco from scjiooI. Thero was n llttlo maid, Whon their nolghbor's lions had laid Their eggs In horfathor'a garden, Shousod to soil thorn, so Sho bought somo calico, Ann mnuo norsou a Howling, Dolly T lllUUH Miscollanoourj. BOOTS Sc SHOES. AT E.M.KNORKS SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every variety ror Men, Women niut Children. OLD STOCK Balling nt Cost to closo out to nuiku room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. J. EVANS. HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. UH HAH T1IK FINEST QOODH, LATEST STYLES AND K.Ul'f.OYH THU ii i: s t w o it it if i i: n. for good flts ninl iromptnons In tilling orders llicio Is tho place tn no. Ills good? nro soloctod with aire, mid his Cus tom Work will comparo lnvornbly wltU tho Lest elTorts of tho fashionable, city Dealer. HK KliEl'3 A LARQU HTOCK OK HOYS' AND CHILDIIGN'S ,CM)THIX(J AND GENTS' FtJRMSHINU GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Tricon. Bloomaburg, Sent. 2J. T71-tt JOHN G. JACOB Y'H BAKEKY AND CONFECTIONERY! UKHWICK, I'JONN A. Tho uudoislgned would respectfully Inform tho Citizens ot llerwlck, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened n Confectionery and Ualiery tn ODD FELLOWS' HALL, whero ho 1h iireunrml in nimlah nil kinds of PLAIN AND KANCY CANDIES. l'KUNUU CANDJEH, F0KE1UN AND DOJIOsriO KIIUI'IVJ 0KAN0ES, LEM0NM, ItAISINU Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. II V WHOLESALE AND RltTAIL. Ainoni! tho assortment will ho found Cieam Nuts, English WnluuU), l'ef.nuts. Almonds, Fil berts, Figs, Apples, Cocon Nuts, Jollies or -JUIer-cnt kinds, Mustnrd.G'nUnp, ricltlos, Chocolate. Canned Fruit of nil kinds. (Torn siai-pIi. l'.m nio. cult, Boda Crackers, Oyster Crnckers, (Siee&c, Soap, Writing l'aper, Agreement Papers, En- 1 FISII AND OYSTERS, And produce of nil kinds. Frosh llrcad an Cakes every day. lco Cream in Season, ' Your patrouago In solicited. JOIINtl.JACOBY. Uorwlck, Jan 171 tv QONNELli & I1ATT1N, Wholesale and Itetnll Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL" AND NATLS, Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, and PIPE BOXES, IIORSE SHOES, HORSESHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER anil SAN I), GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY. OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agcnls for Fairbank's Scales! PLUMBING. STEAM anil GAS FITTING, 4S" Orders by mall solicited, nnd promptly Qllcd. 118 Pcnn Avenue, SORANTON, XJA. npr,4,1872:tf. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONBTITU'l'ION OF PENNSYLVA NIA, , JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Conitllntlon ofPonusylvanla. lit it rtnhcd lulhe Senate una owe oj Jten. raentathci oj the ammonweaWi of VcniunUaniii in Ooneral Auimbly , That tho following amendment of tho Constltntlonof this Common wealth bo proposed to tno peoplo for their adop tion or rejection, pursuant to ttio provisions of tho tenth drtlclo tliercor, to wit; ' u,"'uu" ul AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth section of the artlclo or the Constitution, and Insert In lien thereof tho following! "A Suite Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times nnd for such term of scrvlco as shall bo prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speakers of tho House of Itepresentatlvcs, JAMK8 B. nth'AN, . Speaker of the BenaU'. Arrnovm-Tho twenty-second day of March, AJino Domini ono thousand oiuht hnniir.i mJ soventy-two, Prepared and certllled for publication pursu ant to tho Tenth Article of tho Constitution. FltANCJS J0UDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. OrncE SECniTAKV ojtjie Commonwealth. llAiiiusiiuiia, Jiuioaiii.ljo.', ' July Mli, 1W, ' 3m, MiHcollnnoona. JyJlLLER'8 STORE. II. II, OT1IU.1UI HUN, havo removedllielrHlnrolntlio room formerly (icruplodliyMcndeuliall.nn Malhi)treel,lllnnnin. ImriT, nearly nppmlta tho Eplncopul t'hiircli whoro they nro determined to soltonnsinodcrato torms ai can bo procured olso whero. Thlor slock comprlsei LADIEH' DIUMH C100D3 ot tho choicest styles nnd latest fah!ou'i,tngclher with n largo nssorliuent or Dry (Inods nnd (Irn. corles, consisting of lliof.ilhiwlngiu Holes Carpels, Oil Cloths, olh.i, Oaislmorts, Ifliawls, KIhuiioIs, Milks, Whllo Ooods Linens, ItoopUkliiii, Muslins, Holluwwitro Cedarwnro HueeiHwarc, llnnHvarj I loots nnd Million, Hals and Capi Hoop Nels, Uinhroll.w, Looklug-Clliissoi, Tobacco. CMli, MiU.irs, Tims, lll-ii, ' .Mlsplcn, (Itngor, Clnnninnn, Nutmeg AND NOTUINM (IKNKUALLY. In AI..I.I ilcn.-ll.t t... ...... ... .......... ni.t..., .-..-.,., miiiimi, j..','. ti. v.iiiiiifjr tores, to which thi y lnv-Hu tho nttontlon of tho ,'unwu liuiiuniiiy, , in. nim-Hi iricuwill uo p'llil tut iHuimr prittiuci. in exciuin;o lor goous, H, II. MILl.HIlAMON Ulnoiunbiirg I 'a ocl 31'71-tf jTEW HT0C1C OF CLOTHING. Fiesharilvnl of SPRING GOODS DAVID I.OWENIlKltd Invites attention to his stock of CHHAP AND l'AMIIlO.VAni.lK'l.orlllNll nl hlmiloroou MalnHtrect, In tho new block, llloomsburg, l'n., whoro no has Just received from Now York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable duinulo, and uanusomo DKES3 U00D3, consisting of nox, HAt'ir, noco, oum.and oil-uloth COATS AND PANTS, or all torts, sizes and colors. Ho has also rep len Isucd his already largo stock of CLOTH AND CAS3IMCRES , HTKIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS yillUTS. CI tA VATS, STOCKS, C0I.LA1W 1 1 A N 1) K E ItCl II EFH. Q LO V H4. SUSPENDUItS, AND FANCY AltTICI.ES Ho constantly on hand a lnrgo nnd well-so- ecled n;sovtmcut or CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order lutonuy kind or clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, nnd most of H Is of homo miinuractnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWiXRY, ol ovcry description, flno and cheap. His caso ol fewolrylsnotsurpa!.sedlnthislplace. Call nnd eiramluo his general assortment or CLOTHING, WATC1IFS JEWELHY.&C. octla'71 DAVID LOWENUEltO. hu K. Rn F5ADWAY H READY RELIEF cuuiN Tin: worut iminh In from Ono to Twonty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR r.ftcr rtmlltirll 1 rulvpitlaomcnt neej any ceo M'H"Elt WITH I'ALN. i'T lil LiJl. It was tho first and 1j O?lio Only Xaln Ilcmcrty 1 hit Instir.tly Mop& tho most cxcruchllnc pa!n, allnrs In il.imm.itloni, ftti.l cjroi t'oncCFtloni, ivlicthcr of tlio Lunps, stomicli, Howe I?, or other cuntU cr organs, by oco ari'llca llon, IN TROM ONE TO TWHNTY JIINtJTES. No tinttcr Low violent cr excruciating tho p-tfn llio KIIEU MATIU, Hcil rltlJen, luflrni, Crippled, Iscrvou?, Neuralgic, cr iroitnitcd vrtth discao may Bulicr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF 1 WIM, AFFORD 1X6TANT EASE. I 1NTLAM1IATI0N OP 1IIB KIDNEYS. INI- LAMMATION OF TUI3 DLADDEIi. I.NTLAMMAHO.N OF TUB 1I0WELM. (ONOESTIDN OF TOE LUXGS. SOKE TUI'.OAT, PIFFKIULT 11UEATIIIN0. I'ALI'ITATION OF SJUi llEaUT. HYSTERICS, CT.0U1', DU'HTHEr.IA. CATAltltU, KTLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTIIAfnr, ' NEUItALOLl, RHEUMATISM. COLD W11M.S, AOUE CHILES. Tho oppHcatloii of the Itenilv ncllef tn the rarter I'Oru tho iala or tlUhculty elbta will juTyrd caso aoil comfort. Twenty drops In half a tiimhlor ftf water will In a fow moment cure CltAMlU, M'ASSIS, FOUIt MOUACH, HEAIlTntlllN', MCK IlKAUACIli:, DIAltHIIEA DYSKNTEItY. ('01,111. VLND IN THE IJOWELS, ani on lNrEUNAL WIMi. TraulcM fhouUl aln-ars carry ft tottlo cf ltntlnnf4 Iti'aav Kcllcf with them. A lew Crops lu water uU I re t nt ilcUieaa or pains Irom chanpe of water. It ti better than I reach Ikamly or Hitters as a stimulant. PCVKIt AND AGUE. FEVEP. AND AUL'U curcj for !ly eents. Thero 13 r.ct a remedial nc;cr.t In this world that will euro Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, hllloiis. Scarlet, Tvphol.l. Yellow, and ether Fevers OiMctl hv ItADWAY'8 1'lLLS) so quick as RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. Fitly cthtj cr liCitUc. bold LyDrUfgbts. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! h hTrrnxo an'i rinsn r.inii m.oon-iNOREAsr op FI.EII AMI Wl:iilHTl'I.EAIl fcltlN AND EEAU' T1FUI, UOJU'LEXluN bECUKED TO ALL. DR. R AD WAY-S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ' ir.i :.rADE tug most astonisiiino ominst m (muck, so liAi'in auu Tin; oiianoiw 'fin: liouv iTNpr.i.noi:, n.Nnnit tmk inkluknci; mjTiiu tkuly wu.ui:itruL mi:uic1nl, tivory day an Incroaso In Flosh nnd Weight Is Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every Irrp rf t!,j SAKSA1'AUIU.1AN JIEaOLVU.NT rmiimunW-iU'i tUr nyli tho Jllood, har. rilm'.fiml tthtr (luiaaain. Julcis ut tui i n llm c ( .r It rtii tlra tho wutci r tho Luii t.t.v nn.) fciiml matt Viol. Scrofula, byi-lillln, t'uiinHiiiiiloti, .Ihnliilar dlacnsc, Ultcm In tho ', Muuth, Tutnom, Notk'j lu tl.o dlaiitU ntiil ( iitcuri In tho onilj, r.inl nil weakening ami raluful did' flurd, iNhiH .Swi-atii. Lt tf 8'crm, auil all wnstcscf tho hiti j.i4'iifiije, aro within tho curative rmgo of Hits woulcr i r M'ctTii I', anil n fow lnys so Mill rrovo to utiv vn ii wAnx li t .r nth t tf Ihcso fwruis of disease Its latent puwer to iiirn thiin, i If tho .Hoiii.tlilly Ucon.Ina rciluccj l-ythewaflcsard fi yiiiiio-stloti tl,,,t li tot.tinu illy iTOrcBwiiir, succeeds In irn .ti,r thesa atcj, nnd roiinlr tho n-imc wlih now mitrr '. ') iV, lj r.tiIU i,c. lUly Lluod-uua thl$ tU t-AUdAl'AlilL-U N w.ll .ui'l dAfi bccurt. Nut culydi'i' Iho MuaAPAmxtu:! RrsuvtST cicet all 1 in.nii i. ni-fiiti In tho euro tt Chronic, Bcrofuloun, on Mfit'i.'i d, bU-idUfjics ; lut ItUlhciulyposltlvg cure fur r tls: iy As 15 lad tier ComplaiiUs, ri.r(ary, n nl M' rub dN(.if?s, Onvtt, iJhltteii, Irepy i -l I" ir'J or litir. lncMitlr of Urlno, llrlght'i DUeiwci - ii iiiuiiiiiiii, utnl la id) criicn whero tlcro are brlctduit do iir tiio v.ittrUthkk, tlDudy, mlxcl with mbitanccs . thu jvi.'totf ii'i ir., tr thiiudi like white Btlk, or thero i it'rlM, itiiik, lllluitd appcarnnee, and whlto toncdut . -.l', uint wIvm tlti'ro la ft rkklii( hunilnff rcDiallon v. i ,Hii'.Lt r. aid t'dtUuUiQ uallof tLo Uack and WORMS, Ilia oi.ty luQwn and sure Remedy for Ttuttov r V2 Years' Growth C'tii'oa !y lladuay's Resolvent. l t.m v, Mam , July 1?, IBCC. t 1 ii v i II n i I I Otnrtaa Tumor In Hit CTurln nj ' 1 1 I li i. t i. . 1 "tlitn- wi n htlpfor It." I trlvd i ii i tit i.t r I it it (Kin litliicl tn. I iamt .r 1. . t ii, ni 1 il.' .,. II u i.Ulry i( U h no huh In It, 1 m . I r .1 i r -!. 1 t. k lU UllUl t U 1 . .! i I .t I.jIh4)'i Till', ft4 two lottUlCf Mir 1. ( . i V lit, .n, 1 (i . I i it L'n ..f tti'iti.r W U iern cr Mt, i i I I i I ii ii f, iamr, fid Uniur iliin 1 lio fji twilv)ei. J u v, .i t r u - hi tlx WUf.U cf iht UtttU. OTr Ibi irroio. 1 n.n i! t u j u i tU Ut.auf ibm, ii run luUUhllif HANNAH 1'. KNAl'i't R. RADWAY'S' PIIFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, r fi etly li'ttles., clejiiiitly ifialLil vltliBweit cum, rnreci n enlali-, (unity, cli..e. uul Huwllicn. Uuluu's l'llls, fcf,"'1 'u:;, 'f ,H ili-'ink-rsiif Ilia bijm-.di. Liver, Uowds htiltii-v., Ul.iilili-r, Tmvoin 1)1-. use., Ileiiimehe, L'onsttjift. l"n. J'.i IWm. ... liullmtlMi, J I j -j 1 1.-U. lllllciunics.. III! IJ 1 tv.r, Ltlliimiii'iUimbt llio JIohiIk, 1'ltes. Rii'l ail Ito. rnvi'iiienlJ ilu VI. Wurnintcit to cirect aini'itlnmirc. runly VivU.iUe, coiitaluliia u3 mercury, r l.,i,rilJii,.,ii.indnil " S" V .'tv,'ll,0 i"H' Ii'Jl svnil Ii nia rcsultlrc from Dls. CrJi.,of thu ll.,ttl0Ortlll, . Cliilll wmn. Irn "I Illit. liilln. .1 It. rlr.,1 la Ilia II-.! y..muy l. II., r.tU.ljr ,.f t SI ,,, I,, j, ,. ,u,i,n, lHt,i.K. I ..I.I nil' i.wu or JW .'lil lu il, hiiim li, h ur Knit lulioni , unklrjr cr 1 lult.r iiiil llitir 11., hnlmi.. if,.! H'. Ikttd. llurH.4 and ; 7," .'"ki .iu.u'tiiii, ni in. iivtti. i iiu.inir ir ', '."l'n l'"-lu., lllma... !, )ki. cr U.rnrv i. HIbIiI, l...raua liull l'iu In Hi. IUh.1. fl, tJ l.r.j.i,jliin, ,1 if,, Hi,, ,. i,,. Wn ,cj II "L UuiU, aul .110.11 llu.U. t llii, l.un.tctf la IL. A (' (! .. i c r.AllVAY'H 1'ILI.H ulll fan tlosy.tem iroiiutilh' i.t.iv.iiiin il iliMinlir.. I'llce. t. edits lur UiK. IIV hittllililkl'S. ''" " . ll,K!,'.'JU,iN15 .W M'K? Bu"1 "' '"'! Ii IIAHtVAy A- CO. Ku. f Main,,, Una, Nu.V i' it t "'i . i i uul. . I a l.t) nil. Ul8'72-ly I'lllMlUKNTIAL UAUl'AIUN. UArHOArES & TOKCIUa. Html for IixuimtATicD c:n- CITI.AH tlllll l'BICE Jaw. eUNlNINUIIAM & IJJLL, MANurACTiritEas, No. 201 Clmrch Street. J'Hir.ABEU'JIIA. Juuoiil, mxmoa. JtiANK DEEDS. " " ))'o uow iircvo the flncntussottmoutof I1LANK I)i;i:i)H nn liuml nucl (or talo Unit wero ovor kcptluliluomiibiirc. Jjirco tlin on beat I'ftrch. limul iiaper, Common Uuecla, Kxeoutor'a mul Aclinliilnlrator'H Deccln nrnrill Mzo eooil unci Clirnpaainmnu Dctiln, ao. R BMOVALII 1. W. NrTiES', MUSIO W A It K'U 0 O M B Imvo boon loninvoi) to tho NEW IJHIOK JJUIIiDINd OlTOrjlTJUIioKl'IrlUOl'.U.OIUIItOII.MAIKUt Wlit'iono will lirop !i rtssurlmonl nl THE LATEST HHHHT MUHIO, IMANOH.OIUIANH, VJOMNS, nml rill KIND.4 Ol'" MtlMK.'.W. INrtTltll.MKNIM. AIsdMIIMU) HOOIcH for nil INMritllMIINW. 1'IANO AND OIKIAN HTOOI.S A I.I. HI'YI.131 ANIll'ltK.'IW. THE SITOfAlvlOll 1TANO is tlio cheapest FirjctChififjriimo in tlio mnrkcl. Hitvlnsnpcitrpil tlio AEPifyt tlio (IUO. WOOIIS' ltr.NOWMllI) OIUIANK, lorColumlilnt'otliily, liyollier with tlui Or.l.HllltATIM) TCMI'l.l! ANdHLiC, fnrnlNhrn nilvmiticoi to imiolinai'i's mil fimiul elsewhere. STATIONAHY OF A,h KINDS. A full nysoitmenl ot SQUAUE AND OVAD KIlAiMKIW, ;nll styles nml prices conili;utly on hmlil. STJiur. r.u lt.vviNOH, cIlno.Mo t coumui) 1'KlNTrj, HTlIlllCOSCOl'KS AND VJKWM. CaII mul oxmtilno. incliS'7J-(;in. NNOUNOE JIENT ! TllK IlI.OOMSinillll UTIOUAltY INsriTUlT. AND STATE NOUMAIs SCHOOL will open iimlor tho entire control of tlio IJOAHD OF TItUSTEES. They havo Koleclul ni Principal of tho Insti tution BBV. JOHN UK WITT, a Koutloman whoso mtallllcatlons havo lieon lully toslcil ami provoil In other cilucatloual en terprises of a llko nnturo; anil thoy nsk nnd havo a lljht to'leniand lor him nuil tho Insti tution, the confidence and support of onr own citizens, anil of tho frlcmlsof tho cnlcrpriso and ol education cvorywhora. In point or comfort, convenience and beauty of buildings and Rur roumllus, uo school In tlio Htato smpaBscs this; and wo nro doterinlncd It shall not bo second In tho kind, quality and thoroushuois or Its dltcl plluo and culture. Tlio rail and wlntersesaiou or in-olv weeks will begin MONDAY, AUGUST 2(1 hi, and closo FHIDAY, DECEMBER 20 ru. EXPENSES: , Tuition and Hoarding, lncltulln? w.isliliu and neat, per week, 55.00. ACADEMIC DEl'AllTMEN 1 Tuition for day pupils, nuo dollar per week. In tho model bcliool, sixty cents per week. In thn nrlmnrtr. fnt f i-r..nt u ...... .ir.i.iir iimin lnis, t'alntluu, &c., oxtiu ' ' ..Mia uiu iiiiiuje, uuu iiuixt ns pan promptly, ouo-hall at tho beislnnlng and tlio other hair at j. a. FitEEzn, ' r. ii. ihh-kiit, becremry. l'rosldeut A0E1TTS I . Tjtttl fct Twelve Years "Mild lilans,uhfe Plains. Tho romnrknblo ailvcntiires or tho famous WIIlTKOiHUl'' nnd 1110 WAHItlOIl among tho Uedaklus. Tbrllllnu acemints or Oreat Hunts, Ilalrlircadlh incnpesnud 'JVrriblo Contests with tho blBKamoandliostllotilbcs. Hplritcd descrip tions of tlio habits mid superstitions or that straugo people, Their fciporls, I.ecends, Tradi tions. How they Woo and wed, Scalp, Doctor: Worship, dc. Now, Fiesh and l'oputnr, 1'ilco Low. It Is selling by tho thousands wltli won dorful rapidity. Agents mo making train 8.50 to 8100 per week. Choice Held yet vacant, beudnt onco jor sampio ciininriH, illustrations nud pal tlculnrs to A. II, UUIIHAllU, l'ublUher, Jauli771-tf. 4uo Chchtunt St., l'hlla Tlio Raoo of Tlmo ICoopors, M. B. ALL E BACH DKAI.Kll IN WATCHES ami .7I3WI0LTIY DANVILLE P.i. ani 1'i.ati:i wviti:. fhwjcii cr,oci:H, hwish anu amkhican btk.m watcihw. tiim ui:nowni:i) ixuin watcjijch. a i-aikjuabhoutmhntok l'jnjj Ji:wi:utY, jiiAMONm &c. If Itepalilng pioiiipllytttiendciiu Miscellaneous. 1872. 1872. NEW BPTUNO CIOODS. -:o:- M. P. LUTZ lias lust returned Iron Now Vink wllhn Aill lluoul ULAOK AND COLORED SILKS, LYONS' SI IjK I'OI'JiLNH, cSIIiK l'OcNOKKS, plain slilpn nud olicne, .s';7''iV.v, til 1 1 pi-nnd plain OKAS.1! (! LOTUS, ultlpn plain nlid i-hrne. WASH I'Ol'LINS, l.l.ick nud roliiied, Arj'AOAfi, f'ANUy I'JjAWN, 0 0 1.0 It K I) OA M I! It I OS, 1'HltOALHS, WHITE GOODS, NinnHi:, TAlir.ATAN, VICIOKIA IiiW.V, ISIHIIOl' I.AW.V, NAINSOIIKH, CAMliltlCri, r.oNtior.oTii, i,ini:ns. NAl'KINH. IHIIYI.M, TOWl'.I.M, i.Aci: (.untTAiiot, SHAWLS, NOTIONS, TltlMMINOS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, and oveiylhlng i;cneially kepi lu n tlrst-class DRY (tOODS STORE. nilOWEU'H I11.O01C, lliCAsriii.'i.'diiin'.irmiHi'i.'.MAiNi: rur.i:' lll.OOMSHUIUl, l'A- ITMi Cut Illustrates tho manner of Using i jTiJX. PIERCE'S Fountain .usal Injector, DOUCHE. This Instrument Is especially designed for tlio per fect application or DR. SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY. It Is tho only form of Installment yet Invented wltli which fluid msdlclno can bo earilcj high vp and pcrtclly applied to all paitsof tho nflcctcil natal yitt pa?os,aiul tlio chambers or cavities comtmtnlcathii therewith, iinvlilcliEorcsanditlcci-a fictiuchllycxht, ami fiom wlilcli tho catarrhal tllschareo generally pro ceed). TUo want of incccH In treating Calniih'licic tofori) hu arisen largely from tho linpoetllilllty of applying rcmodlcs to theso cavities and charafiers by any of tho ordinary methods, TliU ohstnclo In tlio way orcffcctlntrcurcsls cnthcly oveicoine hyllio Invention of tho Doitclio. In uslni; this liiHraiiKnt, the Flulil li carrlcil Ii Its on weight) no tr.ull r.g. lore .lag or pumping being requited,) up ono not I ill lu a lull weiitiyilowhig stream to tlio 1il;hctt Jitlcn of llio un?al passages, passes Into and tlioiouuliiydrauEcs hlltlieiuhea and chambers rouuectcd tl.cicultli. and ,(10 s out ol the oiiposilo ncsttl I. llsuto is plcntantnud so i-lmplo n child can miileiataud it, full ami explicit direction accompany each instiiimciit, When used wltli this Inalrumciit, Dr. Mzo'it Catanh Itenicily cures recent attacks cf "!olcl lu tlio IK'iul bv a few npiilicatlon?. NymptonjM of Valnri-li. rieqiu-iit head ache, discharge falling Into throat, EOlm times pro ruso, watery, thick mucus, purulent, cilcnslve, ice. In others n dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed ovca, Honpln? up or ob.lructloa or natal passage?, rfiijln? in ears, clearness, hiwktng and couchlnc to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs irom ulccis, olco altered, nasal twan?, oil'eusivo breath, impaired or total deprivation ol setiso of imcll and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss or appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tlcklins coiirIi. &c. Only a few of theso symptoms aro likely to uo present In any case at ono tlmo. r. Narcc Vntnrrli Ilcntcdy, when used with Ilr. I'leree'H.N'uwil l)oucliv(andnccom panlod wltli tho constitutional treatment Mhlch is recommended In tho pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of tho ltemcdy, is a perfect rperlDc for this loalh Bomodiscase, and tho proprietor offers, in good fallh, 85(10 reward fot n caso lio can not euro. Tbo liemeilyls mild nnd pleasant to use, containing no slronx or caustic ilrtit'S or poisons. Tho Catarrh llcmcily Is sold nt W cent., Dnncho at W rents, liy nil IlriiKKUIH, or either U11 bo mailed by pro prietor on iccolpt of t.0 cents. it. v. i'ii:ii:i:, ai. Holo 1'roprlctor Itri'I'AUi. N. Y. MS721y, QARRIAQE MANUPAarOIiY, Jlloomtburg, Pa. M. O. BLOAN & UHOTUKlt Have on linnd and ror snlo at tho moot rauonn bio ruton a splendid stocl of ' OAUHIAOEH, HUUUIEH. and every ducrlptlos of Wbkods botlj 1I;AIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mndo of tho Lett and must dnr. ablo materlalu, nnd by I Ho moht oxnciienccd workmen. All work "out nut from tlio tali. llahmoiit will bo found lo lioortlio lilutiont data and mire to ulvo porrecl HtUfiictloii. They have also a nuo ni.w)rtiiieut ot B Ii E I U It B of all tho ncweKt and moat lanhlonablo atylou Iti'liuauiiuiviuii uiiiuaauu ui uiu UVHl JUUIOl. lulu. An Insppcllou of tholr work tn nuked nn III liellovod nml noun Miperlnr cau Im found in (ho country. nu nt mm on mnvi w on rttu inUc ihcun IMUcvn nrcrd .i , 1 i t - i Ii i iiiuvlH, plovidtJ thc!r i i 1 1 nor ilhcrmein! m 1 ''i wtr u utK ml (lie t-olnt of npair. lt'mciKi oi IntTliicntloii. Ilci-'cUlie, in ni ilu MkmiI Vn,( 'I i lunci df Ilia Chest, Dusl ii't , StHir l.itici.nniiis cf lliu .'-ifimuli, U.itl Two in iho Mmitli. Hiln-i- Atu1. , r.ilriinion t( tho Heart. Tn il.iniiniticn t itic I.uiu: , l'.iin tn ttifi renions rf llio Kid t .1 Imiifluit r-tlu r p.iinfill ynitHoniS, Mi lllO off 'piinc of l))pep.i. (n tlico Complaints It ha no e.iiiC and one Wile will prove .1 letter guattntea cf Its i ants tlnn l IcnRlliV ndvcitictncr.t. Vov Vi limit r(iniillHt in ynuiiK or cM, m.M 11 I rr Fulfil, .it tlic dawn pf womanhood, it iht turn i f life, thc;e 'Ionic I'.titrs dipl.iy fto decided nn Influcnca tint a mniKcd imiMOemei.t is 8om perceptible, l'nr Inilninniiitniy nuil Clnoiilo mini mal I him and (lout, liiliotiis Ucniittcnt and Intermit trtil levers l)itetf tlio Illood, Mvcr, Kidneys and Dl.uMcr, lltee liitlm hwc m equal. Such Diseases nro mixed 1 Vili.itcd Hloo-l, is RCncrolly produced by ilernuKCinci.t of llio DifiOBiivc OrRans. They nrc (Initio PuiRntUc n wrll n TniilCt ioMiersiii( nlso ilia peculiar merit nf acting as ,i powerful a ut In iclicunn CongeElion or lnfbntm.ition of the Liver .ind Vicoral OrRatu, and In HUmus Diseases. I'm Skin lUcn-, Krimtiom. Tetter, Salt Ulicum Hlnklics Spot, l'implc, I'uRtiilc", lloilj,'-, Uiiu-w mis Si.ald-IU i 1, Sore Kc, Uryinicl.y, ltdi, Suirf , lirtultii itioti , f.f tho Skin, Humors andl' eji.c- rf ilic Skin, ol uh.-itctct inme or nature, aro lit emllyduu up nnd c.-uricd out cf llio j tern in a ftlicrt time by the 'o vt thco Ihlicn Thu iniitillfs cf Di.. Kmkiirs ViNnr.AR Hitthwi are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutiitioup, Laxative, DnuoUc, fiedalivo, Countcr-ltri taut, Smlr'ntH, Micrntiw. and Atiti-liilioin. (Jinfrttil ThiMt-iiiitlH pmc'.iim 'iNtaMt Pit V)n (In: mi 't w i 'ii I m .1 (inly' nit that ever Mist.nucd t lie mkin i VA1 KLU.riopi Ii.II.P!iI)O.VAM&,CO., Ditirfv.i-.i- .in 1 1' ii Ati.. y tn l''r.inchco. Cab, and cnrtiti t W t 'nn -t okI (.'Ii Hts , New Vol It Mil D 11 V A! 1. I'll'' 1-1 : AND DUALliKS. UK 23 am THE QUE 33 Iff BUTTON-HOLE OVERCAME and (;o.ui,Iii;ti:skwix() m.vchin'k. -n- Tho llrht nnd nnly llUlTON-Iior.i: AND HHW'JNtl MACIIINi: coinhllicd lins lil liln Its ndvent In this or tiny oilier country. Ao'l'lio followliii; runions nro ylvun why tills lu tliobtiit. Fivmily Machino lo Purchaso. J. Uocmi-io 11 will do ovorvthlncrtliiitniivmii-' i I. Jlecaiivoltwlllworlt ibenutllul oyclct hole. chlno enn do, 'nowlnB Irom tho llncsl to the 5. Itcc.iuso it cau do coarsest niaicnni, Horn. iniiiK, felllus, coiilliiK. brnldlHEr, binding gntli crlnnnd Fowlnc on.nt nvr-h.inil i.eamlni?. liv (which sheets, pillow cases nnd tho llko nto tho Kamo tlmo nillllHK.i riulltlni;, etc., beaten tlnn nny oilier ma chine. sow cd over nud over. 0. Jiccntiso tho best niccltnulcHprounmicoll tlio best lliilbhed nud liiadc on tlio best princi ple or nny mnchlno inanuliicliiicd, It lins uo EprliiKS In break; 'nollilug to get out ot ordur, 2. Ilcc.iu.-o It tun work n bcanlllnl buttou-liolo, mnhlnu iih Unon pcnrP n.s by tho limd. , ., ,,, ,,, , , 7. lkciuio It Is two .1. I.culUSO it Will clll-,i, In imc A brol.lor over tho clo.l iro"' not : Woiii; inaltluu ti neat miJl rmV 'Ssu A v. btnutllul bolder on nny1 ."cinibln'd. gauiicul. , 4-Nooicr .Machltiocaiinccoiiipllsli llio kind ol sewliiKSlatod lu Nos. i!.:i. I. niul-j. I'm lies uvIiik a Inmlly tcwlug lnachlnc wnnt n WHOLi: JlAClIINlI.ouo Willi all llio linprovo menls. It Is to last a LirilTIMB. nnd thercforo ono Is wanted that will do tlio most work, mid do 11 tho bent: and this machino can do Rovcml 1:1 mis ot'sewluanotdono on ANY OTIIKllMAClIINi;, uesiacs uoiug ovcry itinu mat nn oiucrs no The Anicrican or Plain Rowing Machine. (Without the liultmi.hiilo liails). docs all Unit is dono on tho CoinMuaiinu except biillonhoIo uuu ovei'M'.iiniiiy. S. J. FAUX, Agent, Bl.iOOIMSIJQJIO-, Pa. AUEXTS AVANTHI) IN EVERY TOWN. COJU'ANY'S WA11EUOOJIS, 1310 Chostnut Stroot, Philadelphia. i:-iimlno Ui"ni l. lino purchasing nny other uivin .Mucin lie. ii; i iri.-.iiiii, JJ-cKErA'Y, NEiVl. & CO., DKAI.HUf) IN DKY GOODS, G HOC E 11 I KH, AND Geneva I Me vol nut d isr, lU.(H)MS15Ultn, I' SEWING MACHINES. "A rpiIE BALES OV SEWINCJ MA- JL I'liinin lu it.,1, nsicponoi, iiudir oatn, in lui, to tho owners of tlio Sen I onls, show that tlio Machino I'.il- .M AM UEACTUJUNd (DM I'A N Y -AST YK.Ut M 1. 11 18 J, 2G0 MaeluuoH, NINETY I'EH OENT.OKTI1E.M UK 1NU J-'OU FAIIEY L'rfK. X2IIG XC OVldlX 9- iMOHESEWINCl MAUIIINEBTIIAN WKUE HOhl) HY ANY OTII EHCOJIPANY J)Ult JNO THEHaVME l'EHIOl). Tho Singor Manufacturing Co., 31 UUIOW SQUAItE, hew Yonn . 1'llII.AIlUI.riUA OFFCll UK ClictuulBt. J. A. UoitoN, Aur, ... Ill l.lllklllll if. nuaOly i.OCO AOKNTU WANTIIUI Tor our uow book, liy W, iZ, Willll. IUD UU.C, . IUll.ll ...... .....U- oi lit. A most nccurato nud Inscliuiling descrip tion or tho wlldnesu nnd wcultli or tho bouud. loss West. Its untold riches, illg Injuns, Uullalo, Wolves. &c. Crowded with valuable Information sparkllue with tho kconest wit and rudest liiiinor, rlvnllntt Marie Twnln's best, nudsplcn ilkllj Illustratisl. Will bo linmeasely popular nud fccli beyond precedent. For fcani'lii panes, lllustintlous, teiins, Ac.nildiess, lIUUilAItb UIU 1.4., I'libllslicrs. nprll'.V7Mf TU Hansuiii HI,, I'lillu. ......... .I.n ..n.r... tlln,.... Tflim. THE Rnil RonOa. pKNNSYJ.VANIA UAIM.,),, MtlMMHIt TIMnr.WlM.- UlRht Trrtliil ,milly)lii mid rroni lMiil.i mid I'JtlHljiinr, iuil TmiTrft , (IMIly) lontid from niro. Ciiindnyn Kxccplod.) ON mul nftor Momlny, ju,m Iho 1'nsioiiBcrTrrtliiiof tlio taimJJ 11 I'nsioiiBcrTrnliiiof Iliii-oimJv .ompnnr will ilopartfrom I-iffH'"'' J nlVlilladolpiiu'nm iit", )Sg$' tluilrliAil f? nnd nrrlvo lows t UAS'L'WAltl). '.;W-riitladclnli!i lixprwi lcnvc-i llm, .1 ccpt Miindny) nt anj n. in,, nud unl . v,, -t'lillodolplihi nl 701 n. in. ' " S:U-Iall Traill lonvoi llnrrlsliur'il I . "U,1,,J Apii'ii iu;ivrs rinrri Uiu r .1 i i'lOlh"' "1"lln,1 ""'vesnt West l'mimiup s (??c? A nt 2:00 p. in., nud v !.J , 10;i uinclniintl lliprcm lenrci II . Sfw-llniTlslinit,' Arconiinodntlon I sartf.wffft - 7:oU-I.:inciiHti;r Tinln, via Mount J . , ., lliirrlsbnri il.illy i (except Muiiilnr)iU7iV , 5. nnd nrrlvis nt Wat l'lillndclMJa m ."( " " WESTWARD. Hunglit i-ffo rit ;iK m.yl "l " ' ' ' 1,1 i:iji.riu mini wosi,ior Kr p. 1. nvri II,.... btiris dully nl 1:15 n. in,; arrlvlnit w r"i,t . ' ,, lil- tflf'llifiltitmd I . , dnll7(oonYnturriri.f,;7, -.'i0,1"116"10 I:xP'Wf lc.ivo Iliirrhl.urif .1 h ly1TrK',rvVtoa0i?io.lV,"J:'' nmlnrrlrcs nt l'lttsimrg it u.wn. m. 4:3u-l'nit Jdno lciivvi Iliirjlsburn d.i.K , copt Mundny) nt l:3Jp. in., nrilvj-.m Ah V 0:0 p. in,, tnkos Mippcrnndiiirlvi' niMi.' ntliijn. m, ' 1;!) .Mnll Tinln. lrnvca Jlnrrl-.liiir,' i,,. , rcpt Htmdny) nt liwp. ni.nrrlvi.ini lf 1 7:1.11.111., tnltes (.upper nnd iirilvuiu' ii nt 1:03 n. in. 7:10-Wny lVisponscr Train lonvc i uT, .,, tlnlly (oxcopt Hiiiuho. nt n. . 1 Alloona nt 1;W p. in. nr.d nt I'm ,i ... ,, 1 in. " " -' U:00 Throusli riishCiiKCi'TKiiln Uav i bnrKdiilly(oxecpt.Monili-)nt.l:)i;i, iM , ntAitooiuintSilon.iii.nudurrlVi. aii'.t , ' l:J.p. in. 11 Hllpl.MI.I. DK (. lv Dauvillc, Hazlctoii & filtetallli KAVrWAIll). J'K'rtt'Vl.i). Hunbury i!."o llnuvlllo 7iy C-'d t'alnwlfsa s s" Hii.lctou o.ut inSj J.. i ... New Yin lr, ' m. riii llclliliih'iii et ilehcni, y. J l.Mu , JIar.l, I ,n. l'lilliu iilphla Ujj 'Jli, Caiawl i. llazleton, (V-M I'At. 'I Danville. .ewoik, Jjj; 3.M uiilttiij. '.'!,. L-,M P- train gulii Yv i , , , J 'UllamsportMJ; f.ocl: llnveii 7.J", p.i ,-.n, . i? Central 1.60 p. in., um Vs . leaching llnrilshnrg 7.t p. in., ., JO.Io p. m and nlso with thu Nuuli.ii j a,,,, , t'oinlortnblo mul li.indsmno l'ineiii:i. uow roule. JjJII.llVKY K.VHIC.Hiipeiiiu.n.. n iq-OUTirEllN OEN'L'IiAL ItAH on mid nftcr JuuoiUd, 187J, li wm IcnvoHuNuuiiY ns follows i NOUTIIWAUD. Dally to Wllllamsport, lilmir.i, t uau. nSlf N.' "Sllsf1" Uuui"- H'Pen.ioiilIrl!lJi, 12.13 r. M. nunuio, N. Fnlis, ,ic. O.U3ii, tn. Wllllamsport i;iuilr.i Kilo Ac, 0,Msp,on,nmi1ii,rf"CCia BuMaj",) n" w"" u 'r')..l,',,!ir,-' 1'l!y. ("sceptHnniliijB) r unr., i:ullnlonndKl:i!;ar.ili-all,vl.i. Krlc um. irom Klin Irs. TliAINS HOUTIlWAitl), UM5 A.M.iially for llAltlmmt, Wasiniigtim una riilladelphln. 11.05 A, M.Ilaliy (except HuiiiI.ijNjr.,! n., iiwr r Washington nnd 1 nlladjlphlj. 0,:'',f m' ll,,,,,y.(CJtcl't ''Uiidays) in in. Philadelphia, ,ic. HU. H. Ylll'Ntl, Uonouilfa. iikit Atjcnt. Al.KuiiD It. I' Uon'l.Hup'1. E A l5 J NO KAIL UO AD. SU.M.MKll AitllANUKMl.Ml' iiiui:snAY,Auiiu-,rlsi is-j I. .T.1."."'? ''""'"uniB lor New oilt u. lows: At am,, n. m auj -no ,, , , licctlng with trains on IVnnsilvu . U:u road, mm arriving at New Yoiit J,M, and p. m. icspectHvly, lteturnlnu': Lcavo .New Yoik ni 'I.. ., ., 12-V nnu 0.W p. in. l'hll.idelplii.i nt i. , nnd 3.110 p. in, Lcavo lliirrlsburglorlteadliiB, lvusv.. niaiiua, .Mlnersvllli!. AMiland, hh. lenfowu nnd l'hllu'd. nt ri.oonnd in ,i m. nniU,Uo p.m.,sliippIiigntl.ehanon uud in m way slat onsj ho 1,03 p. in. train conuec i. ! ii.'i'V"".1 ?n"'l-oliiniblnoi,iy. rurl'Tu. j e, Schuylkill ira von nud Auburn. .is. uu. kill and husiiuehauiia llallroad, nave llm burg at :t,lO p. in. Kast l'oniiNj-lvnnla trams i. . Heading lor Allenlown i:.iston and New ut 7.UI 10.10. a. ni., nnd i.Oi p. in. Ke'un, lcayeaNow V oik at u.non. in , i.,ii ami ... .. uud Allcntowu ut n. in. I.'. . '.i.,. . . mid V.'Zi p. ni, Way Ki&songcr Train icans 1'hil.uUn., 7.;,, conucctlug Willi similar liaiu on i Pa. rallioad leluriilug irom Itediugat ii . . stopping nt nil Matisus. I.i.ivo l'oltsvlllo ut d:W nml 0,00 n. in. nun -VW p. m., Heuidou at 10.00 u. in., Khnni is. u j.lOaml 11,15 n. in., Ashland nt 7.0ja, in, nml I.,, p. m.,Wahnuoy City at 7..1I a. m. and I,: p. in, i.imaqua at i,:i.n. 10,, nnd s,in p. in. 101 I'lun delphla, Now York, Heading, llairlsl.ui,A. l.cavo r.ittsvllio via ischnylklll mul humii,, lianua ItallioadatS.lja. in. lor llarrlsini II, 1b n. 111., lor I'lno Urovo nud 'i'loinoiit l'ottsvlllo Accommodation Tinln lcnvesl'01 vllloutS.oO n. 111. .passes Heading at 7,05 , 111,, riving at Piilladelphlant 0.3j a, m. It. uiiu.u, leaves l'liilndelphln nt 5,1.5 p. m., passln" 11. lug nl 7,10 p.m., uirlvlngat l'otlsvillont "..up.iu, 1'oltMown Accommodation 'J'raln,lcavcsl"i.i -tiiwnatu.iia.iu., rutnriilUK, leaves l'lillndiipli n iNliiIli and Urcou) at l,a) p.m. Columbia Hallioad Trill na leavo lUuimt, 7,'JJ 11.111., nud U.13 p.m. lor Kphrata, Lulz, i.ui.i ter, Columbia, Ac; rcliiriilug leave 1,-iu 1 il. JO 11. 111. and asi p. m nnd Columbia in. nud J.ll p. 111. I'crklomen Hall HoadTralusJe.ive I'd 11 nin. . Juuctlouat7.35aintS,oja. m.,'J.5iAi 1 p. a tiiruint', leavo Oieen Jine i.t 0.1.1 n 111., n.a" couue'eHug with Irani n lteadlngltallioad. Pickering Valley Hallrnad trains lea.e I n nixvllloatO.IO!i.m.,a.lo uud, lug, leavo ilyers nl 0.3.5 a. 111., lili and 4 .1 ci.iineellng wltli trains nn ltnailliK Haiii d Ciilebiiiiikiliilo liuiliiiiid I laius leavo l'oi' ali'.l.) u. in, l.i'OO.'Jut 7.13 p. lu., retnriKiis, n Ml. rie.1s.111t at 11.0 S.ui unit a. 111., p. onueetlnirwlli' trains on Ki'.ullng HdIIio.kV Cnesler Valley itailinad Tiolns leavo ln pni I at S.lMa. in. and .!) and S.ulp. m. it 11 ' leavo IJoiiiliiiiiuwii at u.Vi a, 111., 1 MJ p. 111,, conui.1i.ii wlih 11 hi s 01 I. . Hallinad, On hiundajs, liaveNew Ytulc at 0,1 11 1. m . jilila nl K,10 11. 111, nud .'l.l.'ip. in,, (Mm mm 1 iralL iiiimlug onlyto Hendi..g;) liavu 1'"' 8,00 a. in. llaiiisbuiuiilMNin. m. mid 1 leavo Allenimvii ut 1.3) and H..U p. 111 , Headliitf al 7,16 a. m, nud Ki.u.'jp. in, a 1 I burg, ut 7.10 it. in. lor New 7.. Allcntowu uud iitU.IU a. in., nud 1 ia 1 Phlladulplila. ' 1 Commutation, Mlleau, Kcimiii, Sm Kxciirslou Tickets In ami Irom nil pi. ducod rates, HaKg.uecliockod Ihroiish; 1''0 pou . each p.u.uuu'c-r. .1. n. Worn 1 1 Atst. Hunt. & Kng, l lloldln.'. I'a , Aug. I. Wi I A OK A VANNA AND IJLun .lJ IHJl.'ii ,; V 1 laUOA l On in. lull . . iv. 17, IWI, Pais u. . Illl liill'i . (lolng Norlh. MrHu Alllvu il in. p. m, Mil 1,11 II.M tin l,e,ll 1 Serai inn Plllsi 01 .. i.ri J.I I K'lllUiliill 1 M, .V W.liallfjVl-s l- Plymoulli Ml Hhlekslilnu .... 7.;w llei whk 7,-H lllOOUl K.05 Dauvlllu titll 12.00 ll.Ui 11.11 2. Ill 3. M :ui 11.37 10.10 Ciiiiuictlnii iiuiilu nlHeraiiinu liy II111 iu.iou.iu. irai iloi (licnl lieiid, llliighniiilou, Albany and till points North, Hast mid West, U.T.JlOUNO.Hiip'l, PATENT ARION PIANO. Tim only perfect Insti iimciit In tho World I j Is unemutllid lu Hleliness, J'ower, liillllancy niu DuriiUllly. Hpcclal tonus to Teacheis. ilmliid favors to Cleigymen, Heud ror lllusl ruled Arloi' Painphlol, . . f. W, KOHTKll, Ueneral Aucnt. mar 10'71-tr.) JUuen I'hunk, Pa JUnOE'87lLAlWB. Wo now liuu mi Hand 11 larfinuaUy 111I1111.I nuBortinent of JUHTICK'H pd IXJNHtAUI.I H III.ANKH, to which wo luvllo tho ntteiillon of Iht'soiilllcers, . lananla'k .ilia .