The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 30, 1872, Image 2

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    ijloomsbuiig, va.
Friday, .'luguM SO, lS7f2.
A Hrncr. of KalsoliooiK
Tlio RejwbUcan of July 1th iiuotos
from tlio Mcavcr Jiiulloal (nnd by quot.
Ini?riulor80(i)nnnrtlclo of iibuso of Mr.
Jluckulow, In which 11 Is tuaortcd that
(ho pcopio lmvo Rot from him In rolurn
fur hU employment nml compensation
In public lltouJiut 'jug1 temperance
htw, moling from the courts nil dlscrc
Von in the sentence qf a person convict
nf its violation, and compelling the im
prisonmcnl of the liquor setter in the
county jail, and an amendment to tU
constitution robbing Philadelphia of two
Senators which archer riaht."
How hlmbby this Jumbloof falsoluodn
is, win Hppearrrom rt sltitcmptit of thn
following points :
1. Instead of Riving tho pcopio tho
"JuK law," Mr. 1J. both spoke nml volo.l
nanlnst H at tho session of 1855, whon
u wins passoti. it was ri very foolish
statute and wiw repeated by a strong
vote at tho next session.
2. The provision in tho seventh roc
lion of Iho tint nrtlcln of ihnHfutn m.m.
stltutlon, that "no city or county shall
uo uiuiueu 10 cicct moro than four Sen
ators," was Inserted In tho constitution
In 1700 and has remained thero un
changed over since, It llmlls Philadel
phia to four Senators whoroas In nu
apportionment based on population sho
wouki now oo entitle;! to six. To hold
Mr. Btieknlew reiponslblo for n conatl
tntimV provUlott which was. In oxis.
t( . .i ,iv Hutu, thirty yoara boforo lio
i r vu submit Is lathor "eteop"'
in . waynf impudencoovi'u for Quay
m I li . UU.y.
.. .Mr lluckaluw'swrj' cxt'nlluiif law
of . t Miiy, tsr.l, "for in0 protection
i.f t'irt.iIiidomeMWaiiit lghlt)
uiui lo proven I iibii.iM.ln thn S!ilo,iu)l
u-o or Inloslcjitlng drinks" was truly
u meflfsuro of rufbun mid ww justly
I'oninieiidod by a,jK0 Ag(iow, In do
llverlng tho opinion or tho fcupromp
Court In n recent mni, ns ouo of tha
bwllrtwa upon tho statuto book. It
prevents (ho HlulTing Of boys, craiy
pi'opln and drunkon men with Intoxi
cating drinks, onabfiw thii inemborri of
tho family of an habitual drunkard to
'Hlup tho supplies' by hotlco to liquor
dealers ngalnst furnishing him there
with, and rorblds tho porformauco of
thn marrlauo corcmonv wlumovnr ono
of llioparlioa Is Intoxicated. It it not
trim that tho comt has no discretion as
to thosontonco In casoofn conviction
uniJer this law. Tho lino mav bo from
flO to &0, and tho Imprisonment inn tn
sixty days. Considering that thooffonco
must D0 8iiown to do "wilful" In order
to a conviction, tho punishment is not
Roverc or unreasonable.
J. Tho hardihood of tho assertion
that tho people havo "Just" obtained
from Mr. B's public sorvlco ajug law
(which ho voted against) nnd a limita
tion of Sonators from Philadelphia
(with which ha had nothing to do,) need
not surprlso any ono who considers tho
desperation of tho Ilarrlsburg Ring,
and of Its organs. Their grasp upon
tho public treasury and tho nubile nflinns
Is threatened aud thoy know they must
ugnt uosporateiy to maintain their pos
ition. But "their labor will bo in
A Double-Headed Falsehood.
Several times during tho prcsontyoar
tho Columbia County llepubllcan has
pretended to clto expressions from a
speech raado by Mr. Buckalow In front
of tho Court Houso, in Bloomsburg,
some years slnco, woll knowing their
fahehood but Intending them for cir
culation and uso in othor parts of tho
Stato. For instance, in that papor, un
der dato of July 11, 1672, appeared tho
"Mr. Buckalow In a speech upon tho
Court House steps in Bloomsburg, in
which ho roviled tho Union soldiery as
Lincoln HIrolings. said:
"Fellow citizens, when I landed in'
New York from South America and
found that Abo Lincoln, thorall-splltter
of Illinois, was President and W. H.
Seward his Secretary, I was humilia
ted "
Tlio old sayingthat "liars should havo
good memories" comes injust hero, for
tho fact that tlio spooch in-quostlon was
published iii.full at tho limo, sooms to
havo boon forgotton bythoforgor of tho
nbovo article. That speech as publish
ed shows that no sucli lauguago or .Ideas
a anorlcd woro uttered In tho spooch,
and tlio truth of tho statomont has boon
dimlod moro than ouco In our columns.
IbMldct), tho original phonographic
notes of tlio speech aa taken down at
tho tiino by ono of tho most compotont
reporters In tho United Slides, nro now
lying bororo ub, with tho following eon
clusivoBlatcmont by tho roporlor ap
pended thorolo :
"In tho foregoing short-hand notos of
Mr. Buekaluw's remarks on tho Court
J",ij' bloomsburg, Soptombor
JO, 18(11, (Ukon down by mo fully and
completely at tho tlmo, without a word
btdng missed) no Buch oxproaslon aa
"Lincoln hirelings," or "Abo Lincoln
tlio rall-splltlcr," occurs.
Aug. 21, '72.
With this declslvobrnml nf f.iW.!,,.!
upon It wodlsmiss thiswiolched forgery
irom luriuor attention.
8ECHETAKY BOUTWELI, lias Ovldeilt-
ly becomo an apt scholar In Korablo's
fchool of addition and division. From
bN reports wo find that thero woro $1,.
(iOL'.fiGii.SOO of nvo-twonty bonds out
standing on Juno 30, 18G9. Ho also
states, In his roport of March, 1872, that
thero woro f 500,115,100 of thoso bonds
retired botwoon Juno 30, 18G0, and
Mnrch 1, 1872 j yet wo And in tho samo
monthly statement" that thero woro $1,.
181.020,300 or nvo-twonty bonds out
standing on March 1, 1872; which only
shows tho actual rctlromont of $118,031,.
600 worth of theso bonds during that
poriod. Hero la a discrepancy In his
own statement of $81,480,000 an actual
loss or dropping out somowhero of that
amount. Now where has that $81,180,
000 gono 1 Boutwol 1 Bays ho has redeem
ed that amount of bonds moro than ids
own figures show havo boon rotlrod. Is
thero a ring steal of that amount In tho
purchaso and rctlromont or bonds? If
so, It Is a vory largo porcontago to go to
tho addition, division, and slienco ring.
A steal of over $81,000,000 out of ovory
$500,000,000 la a larger porcontago than
tho Tweed Ring took for tholr privnto
uso. It Is a moro extensive practlco of
tho system of addition, division, and
slienco than tho country can long stand.
WHAT Ul..-lliLll'Nn sv AM(lt t ,nM
TlttT.i Nu great i let I ., dlrt-iulhrMHlim
with thn Unpiibllctti Htalo Itdti'l, vim
Ill ON HT HA. J i. -Ijinraslri 1'riJ.s.
Wo roitret that iw long im Auditor
Ounoriit Hurt rutin, Wru mi thiixtatiil bo
foru tho Kviuw InveHtlg.itljg Commit,
too UK 1)11.) NOT TIS1A, Aliti HH
KNEW eonirrning tho niTiilr. Pitts
burn Uatrtte,
Your eomtntlioo havo not language
RulllcicnUy filiong to wqirctH tholr ilU
approbation or ho bold un outrago, or
fllUilg tiirniM to ehametorlzo TUOSK
THIS iVltONn.-ibri. Jas. L. tfrrt
haul. l thoy nro not (Unproved (elwrges
against Ilortranft) thoy will bonceopt
cd na truo by tho pooplo. IT WILL
OUIl OAKDIVX'VE.-Pittsburg D,'s
patch. They cannot but oxpresi their disap
probation of tho looseness or OFFI
ry White.
Evnna collected S1S1, 108.81 and ro
tains tho whole. STATE OFFICIALS
O. Ar. White.
'Hie Hilling Creek Conrwlcracy.
Tho Htalo slanders about this subject
have been so often and so thoroughly
mfuUd that wo seldom pay much at
tention to them. Wo conv. however, nn
articlo on the subject by tho cdllor of
tuo Hhenamloah Herald, nn Independ
ent journal, which howovor supports a
portion or tho Republican ticket. Tim
wrltor was a member or tho "Army or
invasion," nnd knows whereof ho
Hpeaks :
So It is with thochargoof fathering
tho "Fishing Creek Cohfe(Iorac.v"whIcli
la cast upon thostatcaman liko shoulders
Yet wo know this eiiargo is false, for
wo woro on tho spot and took part In
i inu ceit-unucii campaign to crusn it.
Woll do we remember tlio heroic chargo
wo mailo on tho supposed battlements
of tho conredorntea after a fortnight's
preparation, reconnoltorlug, scouting
and picketing and qulto vivldiJs tho
plcturo still In our miudsof tho disgust
ed coimtonancos of tho ono thousand
braves as they reached tho summit of
tho mount whoro wo woro taught to bo
llovo tho Fishing Creek army was
massed nml wlilnli far mm .,.,! i.
wo had regarded with awo aud oxpoct
aucy, and found not n man, nor tho
uiuuuuii, uvmonco inai n man nau over
been there. Rnnh wna mir
appointment that our sojourn in Colum-
um iuiiuij Mua ouuriunuu none loo soon
and llllf fl fntv rlnva nlancn.l 1nfn nk
soldier was to bo seen whoro for six
wooks all had been bustle, and activity.
Tho Government was beautifully fooled
'.j. iwujiiu wuo wameu lo seo tno
- - "
us Inform you, that such a thing as a
confederacy to resist tho U. S. Govern-
iuuuu uuym ujtiaiuu in uoiumuia coun
IV. thflt thn irnilliln Oint nvWn
durlnc- thnt Inlirnsllnrr nnrlnrl nf IU.
when tho draft was so sovoro, amount
ed to nothing moro than what existed
In this and other counties of tho Stato,
and that was thodosortionof a fow men
that had been drafted and their rofusal
to appear whon summoned in defence
ui lucir couuiry. jmo opon resistance,
no organization in opposition to tho fed
eral nilHinrltloa nnthlnrr riiif thn n.l ..r
- - J f, um. Vl.o ULU Ul
a.fow, men who fled to escapo being fore
od Into tho army and this Is tho his
tory of tho "Fishing Croek Confeder
ccy." As ovorythlne nertainlnir to tho men
prominent in tho political world at
this time is sought after, wo transfer
lo our columns tho following sketch of
Colonel Blanton Duncan, who leads
tho attempt at forming a stralehtout
movement. This sketch Is taken from
a southern paper:
Whon ho found that his own stato,
TvOntllfllrv. millil nnt lift fnrnn1 infn
cession ho offered his services to Jeff
.Davis wun ino expectation or receiving
a high commission. Ho was mado only
colonol and aido-do-camp, and Boon
resigned to tako a contract for cngrav-
iua uuu juiiuiun ujuitneraie notes. jj.o
fn flirt nlmvurt s f linflitr
- - x ww v4u ui tin
tho treasury department, and on his
Tnon ho ontercd into tho busino33 of
blockado running, In which lio mado
monoy. ThoMomphls Avalanche says
or mm mat iriio does not stay in tho
Bourbon movemont longor than ho did
ill thn Cntlfriflnr-ntn nrmiy mntmmnnf n
...... . ...J 1.I.J . n
soarch warrant will bo required to find
uiui ouvuiiu wooks ueioro iiiocampaign
ppons. Duncan has Iniluoatlal friends
In WaShlnptSIIl.linwnvni- If lio lino nnnn
in tho soUth, and Grant's postmasters
uiugiuuim igusaisi m luillicrillg Ills
projocts. Mr. J. M. Edmunds, tho
nOStmUstnr nt. Wnsililnnlnn n.,.l unnm.
lory of tho Orant congressional com.
..limy, w uiruumiinn iiuncan'8 circular
for him. nppimiinnlml mlMi lm c.lill..
- , I J .... . II 1 .. hivj ohimuiu.
ed ukaso to postmasters:
wiwiungion, u. u., July no. 1872.
1)EAU Hrn; Plrmcin tnn.l II, n Vi.mlr.i
circular lo active domocrats In your
district who do not support Mr. Greeley
nnd will eo-opcralo in tho Louisvlllo
convcniton. twnu mo a list of such men
in your county Immediately.
. "Secretary."
Tho Duncan movement ia of no nc
count In Itsolf, but tho action of tho
administration mauagora in giving It
goyornmont support ia signlUcant, as
indicating tho desperato strait to which
thoy must feel thomsolvca reduced
when thoy nro ready to rosort to such
means In tho hopo of stemming tho
lido of reform.
Blanton Duncan'a principal co-adju.
tnr in T'nnnavlunnln Ij ivr. ir...i i....
of Philadolplila, who has recently been
pardoned out of tho penitentiary by
Tlio Loaders.
It la well known that Tweed In Now
York, Cameron In Pennsylvania, and
Grant at Washington, aro tho leading
spirits and lnsplrers of tho plundering
gangs who now infest all places of trust
or prom in tlio United Btatoa. Speak
ing of such as thoy, and thoso who oth.
erwlso run tho Government, Carl
Schurr, lately remarked :
"But I db say that almost every eno-
mv nf niniiPAtv nml nf r.-at..fnn -
form and ovory defender or usurpations
and broaches or law and ovory whlto
waahorof abuses and ovory defender of
corrnnt nractices in thn Ttnnnlitlrnr.
party la to day a friend of tho adminis
tration nnd an advocato of Grant's re-
olectlon. Laughter and applause It
llaughtor and thero Is no oacapo from
it: and thoso gontlomen being tho most
solflsh, tho most Interested, tho most
nctivo, tho boldest, nnd most unscrupu-
Innq. will Tin nntlirnllu Ihn lKirlln nni.
Its in such party."
Thn Hon. Hubert J. Walker, Sccreui
ry of the Tnmmtry under Mr. Polk, nnd
lately a ill.-dltigiilHhcd defender nf don.
1 , In n letter written flomo tlmo
ngo, upon thoHulJect of our national II
nanwn, iitnkrei u ntnloment which In
duces us to Hiipposo that ho too will bo
found firOrceleynnd Brown. Mr. Walk
er says s
"Tho Judical policy, iw exhibited In
nil llitlr legislation foru poriod or near
ly four yoatsBlnco thn conclusion of tho
war, hIiowj a late of oxpondltuiw In
Umoof peace exceeding $ 1 00,000,000 n
year. Tho continuation or tho Radical
pulley necessarily involves a repetition
of thesu expenditures. But Biich expen
ditures render taxation so Intolerable
as to lead to repudiation and bankrupt
cy. Thero la but one party really and
Blnecroly In favor of tho payment of tho
public debt, nnd that Is tho party advo
cating a vast docroaso or tho public ex
penditures." Hkiiu Is a Washington despatch tele
graphed from Washington all ovor tho
country :
"Prlvalo letters, wlthln a day or two,
from tho moat promlnout Republicans
of Pennsylvania, aro much moro hope
ful, and speak with great confidence of
llartranft'a election in October. Tho ro
cent changes havo all boon In tho Inter
est of unity and consolidation within
tho party, which la in much bottor con
dition than a month ago. Tho-lnlluonco
of tho Pennsylvania Contral Railroad
has been secured, and Don Camoron,
son of tho Senator, has gono into tho
corneal wun nunis nullity, anil will Uo
voto himself to it until tlui election.
Do tho peoplo of Pennsylvania elect
their officers or Mr. Don Camercu, "flon
of tlio Senator?" Tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has not and will not
tako any part In tho canvass.
Ai.n tho Presidents from AVashlngton
to Jackson looked upon tho Federal of
fieca as part or tho government, and ro
moved no ono oxcopt for personal or of
ficial demerit. From Jackwni to John
son they woro looked upon aa party pa
trouago. Johnsou and Grant nro tho
only Presidents who havo regardod
them ns personal requisites, nnd filled
them with their personal favorites and
retainers, and mado personal fealty tho
solo condition of appointment and con
tlnuanco hi oillco. Theso nro tho stops
of our national doscent to tho corrup
tlon wo behold nnd deplore to day. For
tho first forty years of our government
thero woro only nbout fifty removals
from office Grant has removod doublo
that numbor In a singlo month. This
shows tho necessity of civil sorvlco rO'
form. Mr. Grccloy will bo tho first
President fairly pledged to carry out
this sorely needed roform, nnd tho first
President of Iho whole peoplo slnco
James Monroe. It ia a great thing to
help inaugurato a now era In national
politics. Oolden Age.
The Know otIiItig Cnndldnte.
Wo clvo below a letter, which folia
us own tale, from Albert riko. tho law
yor and poet. No ono will doubt tho
truth of tho charcro ii'Mlnst tho Radical
VIco-Prcsidentiai candidate, In tho face
or so direct and nositivo a statement.
mado by a gentleman of Mr. PIko's
nonor ana truthfulness.
To the Editor of the Xew York Tribune:
"Was Hcnrv Wilson a Know Nnth-
inc?" You sav vou aro conatantlv ro.
coiving letters asking nu answer to this
i wm answer it. I was a delegato to
unu a meinoer oi ino national council
of tlio Jrnow nothing party, in tho sum
inor or 1855, nt Philadelphia, and ono
of tho seven delegates from a Southern
Stato. I found tho present Senator
Henry Wilson In that body when I en
tered it, and ho sat in it during the
wholo session, and helped to settle the
platform, being ono of tho seven dele
gates of Massachusetts.
To bo thero he had to have tho sign,
word and grip, and necessarily had ta
ken tho same oath which wo all had ta
ken on cntoring tho ordor,. e.,not to as
sist in any way in clovating to any of
fico of trust or profit any person of for
eign l)Irth, or any Roman Catholic. Tho
oath Is as binding on him now aa It was
My name will assure you that I
know that of which I speak, I object
to Mr. Wilson's sneaking out of tho
scrapo, by both tho supprmio vert and
suggestio falsi. Albert Pike.
Washington City, August 22, 1872.
Let It be Ifemcmhcrcd.
Let tho tax-cursed working men of
this Stato rcmomber that It was John F.
Hartranft, tho Radical candldato for
Governor, who. aa tho auditing oDlcor
of tho State, covered up tho Evans
awindlo by which thoy wero robbod of
ovor three hundred thousand dollars at
ono tlmo.
Lot thorn reincinbor that this samo
John F. Hartranft roceive.d, as his sharo
of tho Evans swindle, seven thousand
dollars 1
Lot them cmombor that this samo
Jonn F. H.rtranft rccclvod from a
Philadelphia broker at ono tlmo two
thousand dollars, and at various other
times sundry largo amounts, as his
"dlvy" In speculations on Stato funds.
Let them roniombor that if John F.
Hartranft had boon an honest .udltor
Gonoral, and had mado out hi nnual
report) as ho was required to , and
had takon an oath that ho woui.i, that
tho Evaii3 swlndlo could nover havo
been perpetrated, and tho 300,000
stolen by tho ring or which ho was nnd
is a mombor, would now bo in tho
Treasury of tho Slato.
Let tho corporation cursed pe.iplo of
this Slato remember that Harrison Allen
tho radical candldato for Auditor Gen
eral, whllo a mcmbor of tho Sonato,
voted for ovory corporation measuro
Lot them romomber that aa a Senator,
ho voted to rob them of nlno mifllons or
dollars, at ono haul, by voting for tho
bill that gavo tho nlno millions of Stato
securities now belonging lo tho sinking,
fund of tho Stato to rail road corpora
tions. Let them remember, that in hisentiro"
Senatorial career ho was nover known
to voto for tho Interests of tho tax-payers,
whero It waa a question between
tho mas3oa nnd monopolloa.
Lot them remember that both John
F. Hartranft and Harrison Allen aro
toola of Simon Cameron, and if elected
will bo used by him to rob tho Stato to
enrich him and hla rings. Bellfonte
A Washington despatch announces
that Sccrotary Boutwoll will not ro
sumo his official dutlca in tho Treasury
Department until nrter tho Presidential
oloctlon, having engaged to canvass tho
Stato or Pennsylvania without delay in
bohalf of Mr. Grant. Considering that
tho honorable gentleman's salary
(which ho contlnuoa to drttw) la paid to
engago lilm as Sccrotary of tho Trcasu
ry and not ns n travelling stump-spoak.
or, tho tax-payora of tho country may
perhaps hesltato about affording him
an opportunity to res u mo his duties
"after tho Presidential election."
Satnuol J. Randall reports tho enthu
siasm for Qrceloy in Northwestern
Pennsylvania unprecedented. So far
as tho West is concerned, Catneronlan
rings and Hartranft speculators will ho
hurled out of sight,
l'itt slntrir Liberal at Work,
Tho deslru to hear Hon. Thomas M,
Marshall, who baa been until tho pres
ent year thn great light or tho rcpubll
can parly in this eottnly, drow logothor
last evening tho largest crowd that haa
ovor asaombled in this clly during thn
campaign. Hdoii nrter 8 o'clock, Dr.
King called Ihn meeting to order nnd
proposed Dr. H. T. Coffey for l'rosldont,
whoao namo wa received with eheois.
llo nlno read tho list of vlco-prosldouts.
Including Homo of our most prominent
Dr Coffey Introduced Hon, Thomas
M. Marshall, who said: "Moro than
thirty yoara ago, when n boy, nml
standing within a stone's throw of this
corner, I was callod upon to nddioss my
follow cltlzona on tho samo principle
aa thoso I advocato to-day. A voice,
"You wero for Henry Clay." No, sir,
I was not for Houry Clay ; 1 waa for J.
G. Blrnoy, and 1 waa among tho first
abolitionists of this county. 1 was taught
tho principles or human liberty at my
mothcr'a lcnco. Applause. I havo
always bollovcd In that, and maintained
it. Now I am told that becauao I am In
favor of Horaco Greoloy for president
that I havo loft tho republican party. If
1 havo left tho republican party I havo
many companions. I shall not feel lone
ly. But what Is tho republican parly
composed of t Is It composed of custom
hoii30 nnd Incomo lax aud rovonuo col
lectors ? Aro theso officers tho republi
can parly V If thny are it Is bccau3oyou,
tho pooplo, havo permitted them to bo
bo. You, tho poople, fought tho batllo,
and prcsorved tho country, and gavo
them thoofilcni. But what Is tho repub
lican party V They met In Philadelphia
in 18M and virtually adopted tho
Declaration of Independence aa their
platform. Evory ailtelo, ovory lino,
ovory lottor of (hat plntfurm can bo de
fined to moan just theso thrco plain
propositions: First, fro men : second,
fico labor; third, tron binds. Tho plat
form doesn't nv a word nbout!tho tariff.
ro-uay wo stnti i tu'-n ova to nvo anil
look nt each li f-r fun to face, and
whoro 13 tho "in 1 1 i it free except
tuu southern wiillu unu. Applause.
Show mo u man with a black skin am
I wilPshow you a frco man. But his
lormcr master in tho south la not free,
rAnnlnuse. I And labor is froo to ovcrv
limn h.ivo Homoof tho Into southern mas
turs. Haven't wo froo lands? Every
aero from north to south, from east to
wostof thia broad domain ia freo to every
man save some ot uio southern masters
Wo nro told wo inust'n t loavo the ronub
llean party that mado slaves aud labor
and laud froo I But was it tho republican
party mat mauo mo slaves free t it was
tho republican party with tho heart of
tuo American pcopio inai mauo mem
free. It waa tuo Irish and Gormnna
with tho American pcopio that mado
tho slnvos free. Who wero thoso, I nsk,
that camo homo from tho war shattered
aud crippled ? Don't tlio Irish Catholic
who sacrificed his sons demand the
right to say : "I gavo myjowola to frco
tnoBiavov" Appiauso.
Tho German camo hero without a dot
lar, but ho had a bravo and honest heart
Ho was contont to no out and cot nos
session of a liltlo piece of rock that tho
irisu and Americans would inuerli at
But with truo German couraeoho would
plant a tree and dig up tho stouo, and
in a iew years wun luuustry and por
soveranco tho "wlldornesa waa mado to
blossom as tho roso." Tho noxt genera
tion saw tuo ucrmana a powor in mo
land, and thon Iho Germans wont out
to tho war aud gavo up their lives to set
ino siavoj ireo. xio not ton mo nouodv
struck a blow for human liberty but
urantr icueors.j wno aro tuo truo
heroes ? Their names aro numcrous.bii t
tue.v nover woro Biioutuor strana nor
stars. I Jionor Grant and voted for him,
aud you Domocrats know I hit you
many a hard lick for him. I Lauchter.l
l Know iioraco urceiey. no is a imro
minucu mau. no is ino oniy man in pub
lic lifo in tho United States that I may
say my icoungs aro lor. .tie ia puro ana
innocent. Partisan papers hero describo
mm aa a narieciuin. a loot aim a clown.
as a man who goos about shabbily nnd
ouuiy dressed wun old cowhldo boots.
and ono log of bis pauts rollod up for
mo mero iovo oi eccentric notoriety.
He is also guilty of every crlmo in tho
calendar. He ia tho author of tho Asiat
ic cholera. Ho Is responsible for tho Chi
cago fire. Ho sold a cow that had a calf
mat was cousin in somo remoto degree
to a calf of Mrs. O'Leary'a cow that
kicked over tho lamn that set flro to tho
barn that burned Chicago. Roars of
laughter. Ho had read Mr. Ureeloy's
book "Recollectiona of a Busy Life,"
and he thought it ono of the finest proofs
of tho worth of Mr, Grooloy's real char
acter. Ho said in tho book ho had no
higher ambition than that It might bo
Wiitton on hla tombstono that he was
tho founder of tho New York Tribune.
But ho, tho speaker, thought thonropcr
epitaph of Horaco Greoley ought to bo
inai no was too lounucr oi marepubii
can party. Prolonged cheerintr.l Ho
was an Instructor of tho nation in na
tional and political honesty and virtue.
It had been said of lilm that when that
old whlto hat was on Ills head it covered
tho largest brain in tho United States,
and that old whlto coat covered tho
warmest heart In America. Applause
Look at his history. His farno is not
built on tho sighsand woes of humanity.
His famo was mado in a frco land and
in tho Interests of humanity ; nnd now
let us raatco him president ot n frco peo
ple. Partisans say that Qreelev is a
licklo man, full of vagaries, A man who
has fiiiight for ono idea for over thlrtv
years, nnd Huh Miccculed in miking
hlm-ilf theirriMicst mind ! 'he- nation.
Is not a tlckli-' may. D ( "ic ! of a
poor farmer, A-jvi milvi d -I 'his wav.
appear fickle? v
tbko upthoronuhi en iu-i."i in A o.
gheny county nnd look over It. You
would notsunnosofromit thero aro 8.000
or 9,000 Germans in thia county. Thero
Is not ono German namo on tho list.
Thoy aro horry for that now, and nro
anxious to havo somo of tho smallest
officers off, so aa to put Gormnna on, to
ouy ino uerman voto.
All tlio crcatpolnta of mv nol Ileal
compa-ja havo boon fulfilled. In tho
Chicago platform they said tho rights of
tho statea should bo rospected nnd each
ono loft to regulato Its own domestic nr
fairs according to Its own laws, and the
rights of 8tntC3 should bo protected.
That was good republican doctrine In
1808, and it ought to bo In 1872. But at
tho last congress thoy brought up a bill
to suspend tho writ of habeas corpus, to
enabio Graut to suspend tho laws lu t-
iccnsuiiea, -
But thev sav vou can't voto for Think.
alow. Yes, I'm going to voto for an hon
est man. and ovorv honest stato sunatnr
win endorse UharlesR. Buckalow aaan
iionorauioanuuprient eontioman. Iain
opposed to Hartranft; I know him.
iiiaugntcr.i i tion't think ho Is very
bail j thero lsnotenough of him for that.
Tho speaker related tho Evans affiir,
for tho repotltlon of which wn Inplr
Tiioy Bay uucKalow did not votn In
company with republicans. I am sorry
for that. I wish ho had. But ho Is hon
est, and I will voto for him. But thev
say, "You go over to tho democrats." I
wont over to mora onco boforo lu 1855.
Wo went to bed Amorlcan citizens ono
night, as Dutch and Irish and tho noxt
morning wo woko up forolgnors. IA
voice "How about Wilson V"J Wilson
was candldato for know nothing gov
ernor of Massachusetts, nnd -was thrco
limes defeated. Ho lefti Ho won't
stay long when tho chair la not warm''.
Tho spoakor concluded arahht great
appiauso and enthusiasm.
Campaign Xotes.
Kx-Govornor Stono, of Iowa, Is out
for Greoloy and Brown Ho Is ono of
tho most Influential republicans lu (hat
Tho Now Orleans llepubllcan Bays
that Orant Is coming out for Greoloy
on tho fourth of March.
So vou hundred republicans of tho
filly pf Pittsburg, Pa., havo signed a
call ror a Greoloy and Brown meeting,
Kx.".1ros'dent Motion, formerly of
Oborlln College, dollvorcd n Greoloy
speech at Oberlln on tho 20th Inst. Ho
denouncoil Grant aa "corrupt, vulgar,
and trustless."
A. O. Koyns, ono of liliieolii'd post
niiMtcri In Allegheny uounly,M out f r
Tho prominent Republicans in Con
greaa who support Grccloy, unit Brown
aro: Governor Aualln IHnlr, of Michi
gan; General Nathaniel P, Banks, nl
Massachusetts s General John F. Famx
worth, of Illinois; Hon. MlloGoodrloli,
of Now York, nud Hon. Jih. L, Mor
phia, f Mississippi.
A Grant minion, lu a speech deliver
ed In Now York clly on Tuesday night
last, thua expressed himself regarding
tho nowspapura which do not bollovo In
Grant: "I look upon tlio public puna
its u public nulsanco, nnd tho people
ought lo nriso lu tholr majesty nnd put
down Iho newspapers which malign our
Hon. John Brtsblu, a director and
attorney of tho Delaware, Lnckawutiini
and Western railroad, has declared fr
Greoley nnd Brown. Four yean ngo ho
voted for Graut. Gon. Brlshlu Is highly
respected and esteemed In prominent
business clrclai In thin Htate. Ho form
erly roprosonkd Lu,ruu county lu con
greaa. Next I
A nowly-lnvoutod canal-boat, Just
complotcd, propolled by steam power,
will start on hor oxporimcntal trip lo
Buffalo on Monday noxt, with n freight
of 100 tons. It Is n bold attempt to win
the JluO.000 offered by tho Legislature
ofNow York for tho best method of nav
igating our canals by steam, nud excites
considerable Interest as to tho result.
A policeman has been caught In Now
ork In tho very act of burglary, ano
liter policeman keeping watch. This
wll" explain many of Hie "myslorluui
robborios" noted In tho p ipers,
Tlio Republicans of New York nonil
nated nt their couvuutiou, on .August
:21st, jonn a. ijix for Governor.
Tho Schuylkill county Democratic
Convention met Agust 20, and mado
thu following nomination!): Hon. James
llyon for President Judge; Hon. Isaac
Kline for Associate Judge; for Congress
Hon. II, Reilly ; Delegates to tho Con
Btitiitlomil Convention, Joel McO.iman t
mid J. M. Wotliorlll ; for Assembly,
Clms. F. King, Thos. Egan, and J. W.
Miinnan, Tho convention was largo
and enthusiastic.
Hon. Androw G. Curtiu arrived nt
New York from Liverpool last Sunday
He will doubtless soon bo heard from
in thia Stato.
Governor Hoffman, of Now York, has
written a letter declining to bo a candi
dato for rcuomluatlon. lio has been
twlco elected Governor, nud has had his
full Bharu of tho honors of tho oillco, and
la tired of itscarca nnd responsibilities,
Gledstanoa A Co., E ist India and Chi
na merchants, havo failed in London,
Jingland. Their liabilities are over $10,
Returns from West Virginia indicatu
tho clcctiou of Jacobs, Independent, by
1 to C000 majority.
Tho South Carolina Republican Con
vcntlon, was tho most disgraceful affair
ovor known In politics, nnd broko up in
a row in- which pistols woro drawn nnd
nourished. Tho better class of delegates
bolted and organized a separate Conven
tlon tho noxt day. Carpet baggers and
negroes woro tho causo of tho trouble.
At Washington on Tuesday, a roslau
rant keeper was fined $100, nud ordered
to forfolt his license, for refusing to sell
liquor to n colored man, thereby violat
ing nn equal rights st Unto of tho Dis
trict of Columbia.
Tho exponses of tho Boston Jubilee,
according to tho report of tho Execu
tive Committee, wero about SG50.000,
and thoreceipts 1 10,000, leaving n deficit
of $210,000.
New Advertisements.
v.. v.. ,v uutiwuru. lAtiii'cmr jor i;7", ill nccouiu
with tho Town of lUoointlmrg to Jlny Uli, 1S72.
To as per last nnuual Btntomcut tllOD 08
nyoxoneriUkms 12 :H
lly aiuouut paid Tr eas. ;i3jfr 7J tlluO 08
fl. W. Foster. Collector for 1S71 tn ncromit with
tllO Town Of lltoomsburir In Mnv Hit 1ST'-
To nmoiint of ilnplicato
sw;ii id
ny CAili pnUl TrwiAurcr
l'lis ftl
01 m
I 01
!)" n
liy corrected assessment
lly oxnucratlous
Dilauco nncjlloctod
Mil U)
10J nu
ll.ilaiico lu hands of Trcasuior at last set
tlement mR .-ti
Amount uncollected at last teltltiucnt on
dunllcato 01 1S70 I inn o-t
Amount or tax levied for year 1STI '."JIO 91)
uuiiuui. lucejvuu upon nacs ao tj ,u
W."J Ot
Exonerations of if. o. Wno.iimr.1
I 12 a,
(ill 11
-312 51
5 ;ii
1C) 00
Treasurer's commtslou on 3107 01
l'ald on road account
Hiving nnd i'SUillsMiijr giad'cn
l'ald lor Uiko nud icnt of cuslno homo
l'ald Hecretary'H sulnry
l'ald 11. U. Woodward servlni; notices nnd
alcudluij Bliows, service in Town Con
Water ncroimt, profile .Ve.
US 10
si as
111 Ul
L-l '20
711 (Ml
: ro
111 0)
l.'l (III
s uu
5 00
I 7.i
Ti 00
II -20
II 00
17 111
ni 1.1
l'ollco nnd boding
I). (I. lUrkley, professional servlc.iv
K, II, J.lttlo - '
Kent, luel and light
Copy ot nssessmeiit
Pamphlet ol Town In-.vs
Treasurer's notices
Oath or oillco
W. II. Eat, fees
Tax refunded
raid Auditors
(I, W, Foster exonerations
11. W. KoUer uncollected
in nanus or Treasurer
rnldouUtandlu3 ordeis last year
1 :;!).) so
21 11
819.9 03
Dnooncxpeuso account lo Bimtry- p;
37 CI
Outstanding order No. !Wl
3 00
jMJijViftrinii sundry pornons
10 111
31 79
Amount of lax lovlcd for navmnn I of
nxoncratloiiH r.2 T3
DlHlUTnai-uivj ri
Treasurers commission on f 1125 1 (18 S')
rum on poor debt i iu eel
1 on noor debt
'aid on road debt
llulanco In hands of Treasurer
Uncollected ou dupllcato
711 81
on 71
270 S3
13751 00
... . .. l'reslcloutof Couuell
AttChtl P. I-'.VKII Utv.'..
in- ' . ""'ei"Buen Auuuors or tuo to-wj
IllopmsburB. do hereby ccrtlly that wo huvo
n ot
.. .....u,, ,uu uuiivu loiegoiug Btaiomonlof 'xpeu-
fniinrf iinu no'ouuU ol Collectors, nnd havlnu
v "vth .. itjiiruvi) mo HJunv. -
JJloomslnir'-1" 1,1 acoouul t1"1 'fowu of
' Jtlrt:' Ult.
To bnlauco lu hla hands as ptr last an
nual statement JiajJ S3
To mnoutof tax assessed for imymonloX
IJtXlt 375t'CO
To omountof tax assessed for ourront cot
psnscs -J21U W
Jo amount rccclvod from II. O.W on
ward, collector for 1B70 1SS.7 03
To amount recolvcU Iroin (1, W. Foslr.
collector for 1S71 ' ' ' joh 7J
To enor In duplicate ofd. w.Fostor m 05
lo amount recclvul upon fl uts de. M 70
. XUOisl CO
hands of o. W. Foktur. collector' liifiK) IS
lly amount ol onlern rideemod
llv .millil li.filr.ri 1
137 01
0187 it
1190 21
llalanco lu Ills hand May llh, IW2,
a . JU31K3U)
A"8)'2t ftrlMUyr.ll.
J'i Camo In Iho premlsM of tlio mibsctlber In
Inionst townRhlp nn or about Aluunt 1st, n COW,
nwitcr o.ijioiisesnndtalto
filtiiiiL ulnvoii veals nlil. Willi w hlln racn. 'Jlio
uer nwnr or sun win oa hoiu nccornioiz to inw.
A Hit, 30, 1372-2W
IrCttnrs testamentary on tlio cstalo ofltonry
iajiii, ihid 1)1 . jicuver iivi'., uiiniuiuiii i-wiuuy.
dci tased, lmvo been tmiilnl by Iho ltcalstcr of
saM connly.lo Joseph I,chr nnd Andrew Hhu
man, All persons liavlnit claims nRilnsl tlio
nslalo mo rtiiiicstiKt to present them In tlio
1'i.M'i'uioi s in hum in urn con it iy. j imsu inii'iii.eii
In thn pstnlc. cither on uotn.luili-mcnt. lnortcnco
or tsiolr nccouut will mnko inymout tn tho
ivxcciuors wiiooui ucny.
Aug, DO, 1S72-0W.' Kxcculois.
Wilt bo held nt
KUIE, MKPTliMIIKU, 17, IS, It), and SI, 1S72.
Comoolltlon lri co.nxteulvo with thoirnllnd
Btates nnd tho l'rovlntos, and tito elllens of
other HtatcH nnd Iho Dominion nri- cordially In
vited tncompoto for our No Ilulry l'eo
lscnargen. uxcuriion uckch wm o-j isaucu ny
all tho railroads unit slock nud nri U les carried
It thn lowest lutes. J U.'Oll it, UHY,
I). W. Hxn.Kli, Ucc.ffco. l'lesldoot,
KMiiiinoi! Mcl'oMi i.v, Cor. Hcc. 3w
rpO THE WoHKtNd C1.AW.4, undo or fom do.
I 80.1 n week uarauteod. ltiHtiectablo em
ployinent nt lioine, day or cvi iiln'! no irtpltnt
required j mil Instruction nnd valuablo puck
ago of rooiM to start with sent frco by mall,
Addros with 0 cent rolurn stump.
M. YOUNO A CO., 10 Com Hand St., N ew York,
AQENTiJ WAIfTETI- If Is- tli.t .r
Grant 0-rooloy
inmirolli uriiM. Over do Htuol I'urtrslU,
woith twlco llio cost of Iho book. Want dovcrv.
where. Ak'H lmvo wonilerful success. Mond for
Clicnlar, nddrns .UXII.nit & .MuUUIUJY. 018
.viciinb , i uuuueipiiiii, i .1
ArciiIs Mimlc.l fortboAlirollIOdlt.Vt'HY of
R a tl rTi RH rl 1". BTI w H rr. rt
'Ibn best anil only nllllnn wilitnn liy iiiuisoir;
and for our lbK CVMl'AlUN .MANlTAIi, n book
of tho tiiutH lor all lurtlcs, II uiti.iti'd,
Asent sold 80 In line mays., for Ileadlty's
l.lfoof I'risldenl Ornut, and Mplendld l'orlralts
01 1 .iiiiiin.iiiiH, ..iuu nioniii iiiriuc.
13. H. TIU3.T, l'ubll ,hor,w."i ilnudway, N. Y,
If to llanp
First rieniium CJ Am.Inst.l871
llnlllltn liMnvrllrvl flvnn ll'n.tiiln.. I'l.uinl ll..ll
lni; Uoor, render Unaiil, Dumnrnn; A slinHlnji
(Iratp. lJlrectDrnll. KUf,l,13U, W AU1H3N .t Co"
MS Walerntreel.N. Y. nio-lw
iiah cuiii:i) r-ivT rr deaknlss
iiui'ji i Dili; w , ti ANli
WlhLi CUlll'3 All AJXX CATAltllll
For euro SI, (or TestRamplo i,cents,l by mall,
Hr. 13. V. lIYATr.aiOOrnndHtrccU Now York
. 113I--IW
Tho nubile examinations for Iho nivsent vcrii
wilt ha hold ns follows !
For Catnwlssa nml Franklin nt Clayton's
ichool houso In Franklin Sept. 1Mb.
Kor llo.iver and Alain at Jamison's school
uouso in .Miuu epi nan,
For SItUIln at Sllllllnvlllo Hopt. llth,
For Montour at Huneit Hcnl. l'2lb.
For HoarliiBcreek aud Locust ntMorrls' sclionl
uouso in Locust ftcm, inn,
For Hemlock at ltuckhorn Sept. lmh.
For Madison nt Jerseytowu Hcpt, 17tli.
For Heolt at IJspy IStli.
For Oreenwood nt Centra school house Hopt,
For Orani-a nt Ornucovlllo Kent 21st.
For Mount Pleasant nt Jones' school houso
Sept. 2 Id.
1 or FlsnhiBcroek nt Forks school houso Bcpt.
ll u,
For Ccntront Hldler's school houso Sept, 2Jl!i.
u. ini.iii;ii;vu uuii i.ui vii;ii. nt iici iv iei nciii
For Jackson, Husarloal and llonton nt Hon ton
aepi. i ii.
For I'lno nt Sereno Hept. 30th.
Examinations will coinmenco a. 10 o'clock A
M. Teachers should at tend In tho district lu
which they Intend making application,
Ceiilllcatos will not bo p.rantcd tho samo day.
Hoards of Directors nro l ospectt'ully Invited to
uu present.
W. H. SNYDKR, Co. Sunt,
Cntawlssj.l'a ,1S7'2, iilllwS
AIltY VII3W ACADEMY, l'erryvlllo Station,
l'n. It. li. (For Males & Female 1'nplls.) l.nna
established, thorough, successful; location
healthfol nud nccessiblo; connnuulty social,
moral aud religious! bulldlmzs lariro and cnstlv-
a f u 11 corps ol ablo teacheis ; mountain air, puro
wilier, saio uaiuinR, ouo saaiiu; empuaucaiiy
a homo school. Whole exnenso. lor Uoaid. Tnf.
tlon, Itoom, Fuel and Washing (for 4U weeks.)
C4 than livo hundred ilotlttrs. wlntor session
begins Hept. .1. Send for Circulars. WILSON .1
i .infiiisuA, i-oii uoyiu, juninm L.O., im.
Tuscavora Academy,
Send for n Circular nnd Teslhiionlals.
D. l).SlrtSE,A.M.,l'h.D. J. J.l'.mKlwa.N.A.M.
nOKDKNTOWN (N. J.) K1-3M AI.1-3 COLI.EdE.-
U -luorouRii InstrnctloH. iiculturul nnd beau,
tlful location. Ono of thn most carolullv con
ducted nnd best sustained lustllullnns In tho hor terras, elc, lUldrcss llev. JOII.V II,
HHAKEI.EY', I'h. I). nugllvrl
Slcubenville O., Female Seminniy,
This wldely.kuowu School ntl'oids thoroiiRh
Christian education, at n cost oflttllo moro than
So a week; ono-rourth on' for clergymen, Tho
S7th session f.'j weeks) opens Sept. llth. Tho
address ol all fnrmor pupils Is lcqnested. A
trrnnd reunion at tho close nf thn next voar.
Sond for rartlculars to Hev. C1I Allf.l-M c. 1H3A
TY, I). 1). hh. D., Sup'l., or Hev. A. M. ItEID,
I'll. D., Principal niujUwl
Mcrchantvlllc. X. J..
Four miles from Philadelphia,
(toriuerlv located at l'rlucelown, N, J.)
Uov. S. N. 1I0WEI.I.,A. M., l'rlnclpnl.
Forty-lourth Aiuiunl 'Venn begins Sept. mill.
Send for Circular.
I. mla, Juniata Co., l'n.
Eire Insuraiicc.
The Mutual Plan L'lmriinlonu In llm nii.innlli.
Insured tho meutest seeurllv tiir thn lunst. mwvi.
hla cost. Tho premium notes nro tho capital.
On this no dividends ntopatd to tho stockhold
ers, hut It Is simply nssesod to pay dellcleuclcs
nrlslni; alter tho payment ol losses nnd ex
nouses, which lu IhoCOLUMlUA 1NHU11.VNC13
COMPANY, durlui; tho total 12;$ yotrs of lis ox-
.-.1..1.. u , iti.iu ti, uiiv;ii:i Ullb uj'j ILT CUlllllUl UpOU
ho rremlum nolo, boins lower Unu tho rates
paid lu tho host solvent stock comp.intus during
tho samo poiloJ of tlmo. In Iiiaurlni; at stoeic
rates, tho Insured must prounuucj to hlmsoll
that ho navs fvervvoarenonirh ui. To form
nn nccuiumated luul lor oinorjiom-UH; -2d. To
i-iij, iiiiKu miuti-iuis iu 11111 cipnai iiivcmcii ill
Iho Company, 3.1. Runs tho vlslcoi n "Cnlcni;o
llio" conilni; mid wiping his Compiuv out of
existence. In a Mutual 1 nmpaiiy ho keoH his
own rescrvo lu baud tuitll ueedi'd, nnd p.iy-i uA
dividend to capitalists. Tho-mulually lusiiruil,
..w,ub iiivinauii us wiu i-apiuiiisis, looic niter tun
business, Its character and Us njjents lu nil
placof, tliiisprolectlnit each olher. For Insur
ances or Aueucles, address
J. F, FItUKAUFF, Recrotary,
Columbia, Lancaster Comity, l'.i,
Aoic.NTs WANTim for Chamberlln's areatfam
palgn hook, The
StriiRglo of '72;
A Novolty in rolitlcal nntiropularLUoratuio.
A UiuVmu JlUtory of tlio Ucpubllcau or it
Democrat lo nartlrs' a racv ,lrf ti h ni tlio Kn-rall.
od LlbemIItoitul)Ucan Tally ; nn Inside vior of
tuu vviuuiuuiui wuuvuuiiuii iiiu minor iicttcia
or sklo shows of the camniifini. Tim tinoKt Illim-
tratotl lloolc publlbhr.!. A Hook wantod by every
Amorfean citizen, To htcur territory at oice,
NUUU 1 Jtir OIU III, UMUfl 1 U Jlul DllltNli uu,
ClUcauo, 111., l'nila., l'a., or HpringilcM, M ass,
jiu-emswanteii lor our campaign cooils. Sell a
hlullt. l'a v 100 iici' i in nilf Mnii. ic fin
llino. Rend ntonee for Deserlptlvo Circulars nnd
l'rlco Lists of our Kino Steel liueravlugs of all
tho Candidates, Caiupalisn lllographlos. CUarls,
.'. .'jB.ui'tir., Ihiuyi'., 1 1' tlllll US tTl -
thlUK bulled to tho times. Ton Dollars per day
easily mado. Full samples sent lor tl Address
Diumm uoonsrKyii, ou i-aric lijw, siovr iork
Thirty now tin a hoatitirul
ilea I tin. 4. (iot l'ricoljstof
II IHn.! it It,... ... li
fjj 0p fly WjA &Sjj
uever pi04lucod a mlueral water wl.lch com.
tkltiAU 111 Cnnli lifivr..tlnnd nnnllll..i r 11
- ....... vM jAi.vvuuui UIU iulllC U( 1UIV1
litlloustouleand cathartic medicine, nl that of
1 1) n Hal ( .r, Unn, n.t.irn...... .......
fi I i"" Ai-jJiiiBrSr Is tho aintlolattiiulvaleut
ur uny case of Ilhnd, Hlot-il-
nir. Jtrhliii or luot mtl
ItkUEDV lullt lo L'llin. It U
1'iuiM iniii hh niNira rn
Jirvpuiwl expretui.yto euro thot'lhui.iiuduuthlutf
viui nutu uy uu j-zruuiniB, a iiuo,
Wo now havo nn hand aiorEO neatly printed
assortment of JUHTlOK'mind C(iNi4i'A iir.i-u
UJiANKH, to which wo Invito tho intention of
i ii';i winters.
la 1
lie ihenpesl nnd best nrt Iclo lit Ihn hiarltol rnr
K liiK Clollirs, Tim KHlultin hash, Hi liar-
11 lllH l mi lies, inn Kcuiiiiin nasiMin liar
h nml Wlllberuers nainn on Ibn l.i'n'l.und Is
up nt Wlllbcmci'n limit Ht'uv, N.i 211 Norlli
ondHt , I'lillinrcliihla. II. m, l,'t'i:liltUHIl,
pilelor. Fur '.ilo by Ihn 1 ' 1 and llroci rs
WBIiliS (UUIJOIiliJ TvMihl'iTS
''Oil i;Ol!(llllt, Ctllil W .V llOAl!)liNIWH.
TIiOHn'rnblcts iiriisout thfi Acid 111 (.'O'llblnallon
with other clllch nt ri'inodlos, hi rt popular form
for thn euro of all Til 110 Tnnd LUNfl Diseases.
IIOAU.Sl3NI3HMnud II I.CMUATIDN of Iho lllloilt
nro Immodlati'ly rellovctl nnd stntntuotitH nro
oonslantly I ml in; ncnl. to thn proprietor nt rellof
In iiiKcs or throal iiiincuitios or jears slanillnit.
i"l A 1 1'HIMM . liou'lboilccclvedliyvorlhless
UAU J lUiN Imitations, (lot only Wells'
(Tiubollo'lnblels, Price '21 cents por llox. JOHN
I). K13LLOOU, Hl'laltHI.,N, HoloAacnt for
Iho U. H. Hond for Circular. u31wl
(jOUrtA MONTH cnslly mado with Htcncll
rTZ.H f find Kcv.t'licck Dies. Mecuto Cliculnr
anil H uiiple, frit. H, M. Hfmic'Kit, lltaltlehoio,
ritlXTIlinl '"'"l f"r eliculirs mnl spochil
ItII.N ' ,l terms for "Mcllellau's lti i.uljll
AlimxiJ. canlsiu In Aincilca. "I'lio l.utcsl
solllnjr book out.
.1. M. MTOllDAHl' &. CO,, Publishers, Pnll'n
irilKP IT HANDY. Tho ltollablo Family
IV Modlclno, for tho prompt euro nf Crnlern,
iilarrhco.i. chnlnrn Infuutniu. Dvsonlerv.
I'rn.nps, Hummer Cnmplnlnt, Ac,, .lardella's
I'oi.ipoiind Hyrup ol lllacltberry Itoot nnd llhu
barb, nu old nud well-tiled remedy, entirely
eiiitnblp, pleasant to Inlto, (julek ami certain
In ell'cet; tan bo depended ou in tho most urgent
lasnst may bo islvon lo tho youh'jost lnihnl as
Melius to thonged, It Is readily taken byrhll
druti. Komi It In tho house., nnd mo In limn.
Hold by Drugjtlsts. HAHSl'il.h ft UHO &W
MaiketHlroel.f'hlladelphU Try 11.
1 ailNTd WANTED. AkciUs mnko moro mnu
1Y ey at work for us limn nt nnvthlni; else.
Jlu'iluesslliihl and permanent, Pnrlleulars flee.
O. MINHOJI ti Co., Kino Art Publishers, Port
laud, Maine, nugiwl
AUF.NTrt WANT1311 FOll
On Manlusnl, Womanhood, mi l tholr Mutual
imer-roiaiious t J.ove, 11s, l'ower, 010.
Hend for specimen pa"oi nnd circulars, with
lorms. AddroiF, NATIONAL FITIlhlaitINU
CO , Phlln, l'. n'll-lw.
Dio Lr.wis' new A crentcRt work 1 inn liiimencn
SUCCO.S, lath thouuud In prow. Aleuts dciiuhl
ed nnd oolullnr luoney, AUKNiH WAN'l'Kl)
everywhere. (1130. MACL13AM, Publisher, "III
Hanson 8t., Phlla. li'JMw
U.1.I.1I Ulllllll'll I'Vl. Ll.J-Jr.1 1,1 .
Ari'HIs, wo will pay you f IJ pcrwooit In eish
lljim will en-tno with usat onch. llverythlutf
lurnlshod, nnd ntpcuses paid, Adilreiis 1'. A,
13I.L') & l ()., Chiiilottn, Midi. nUKDWl
ti IDT,- ill 1 a Tsrm.i i.viii a rjr.-M'i'ij 1
t.t '. n..f .r...iil
loo's for ttich ptnty. Secure Uirltory nt once,
and coin monev. Aihircss,
11.13. JOHNSON, Publisher, 7W Arch HI. rhlla.
lUal KVKUYlamily want and will liuviit hkiht?
men It TUB HLW ILLUfll'llATED l'lltKSlDl
jLrtniiii, ju f (fiu'it OfJiiivu, j.n piit-is; uvt'r 'Jj
At;r&lllustiatloni, tinted yttpcr, superior bindhvj
only U 6t, Thn eilHAi'iiHr and most populnr
boolc lu print. Ih n preat inr. Will hell Kvr.iiY-wjit-ui':
lllto nor takv.s. ToHterH. clrculair.,
torms, and our Ag'ts rocltet Companion, mall'il
IlL'llllAUl) 11110.9., Publishers, 7 '21 Hamsom St
Phlla. aus'Jwl
It Ii not n nlivhlc wlilch mav trlvn tnriiiiArnrv
veltof to the MiU'crer for the (list tow doso1. hut
wnieii, 110111 continued uso oringfirilcs nnd Kin
dled diseases to ntl iu wpakoaliig the Invalid,
nor Ntt adoctnif tl llimor. u hloh. iimlcr lliniumti.
lar namo of "liittpis" W tn pxtf-nnlvplv .vilinm)
olt'on thepuhllca sovcrol'fn lomedloshut ltlsn
nuwt powerlulTonic nud alterntlve, prououiuvd
mi iiiu luuiin iiiulucui inuitoniius oi iontiou
nud l'aris.aud lius boon Uina used liv tint ti i-nini-
physi(lani of olher commies with wonderful
rem ct uui lciiuii.
Dr. Wolla' Extract of Jurubeba
retains all tho medicinal virtues pocnll tr to the
plantnnd mustbotalitn asapuimaiU'iil curatlvo
Is there want of action In yourl.lver A Spleen?
Unless rellovo.1 at onco, tho blood becomes lni
puto by delelerlous Kccretlons, proiluclui: scrol
ulons or skin diseases, lllotche.s.Feloni, Pustules.
Canker, l'lmnlcs. Ac. A.
'Inko Jurulieha to cleanse, purify nud restore
inn iiiiuii'ii iiiiiuii 10 iiuaiiny nciiiiu,
Hao you n Dyspeptic Stomach? Unless iIIl-cs
lion Is promptly nlded tho system 1. debilitnt ed
with I0.1S ol vital forco, poverty of Iho Mood,
Dropsical Tendency, Uoueral Weakness or Iis
sltudo. Tako It to nsslst Digestion wllhout roactlon, It 1 jiiiiiiiuu visor ui uiu weary suueier.
Havo you weakness of the intestines? You
nro in nauRcr 01 curonic niarrhoeaiH' tho
till lnllammalion nt'tbn Iini.-.u.
Tako It to allay irrltutlou aud w.ud oil tenilcu
cv lo lnllammntfnn.
Ilavoyou weakness ol tho Ulerino or Uilnary
Orjiaus? Yon must proenro Instant relief or
you nie lliblo toRtiircrlni; woiso than death.
Taku it to stiengthou oiuaulo weakueis or llio
becomes a burden.
Finally It should ho f-efluenlly taken to keep
tho sjstim lu perfrcl health or vou aro other
vlo In cicnl tinncurcl malarial, miasmatic or
Ulllllliril llll'ir.l-M,
JOHN O. KELLOOO. 1 Platl SI.. Vnw Vorlr
, ., KoIuARCntforlho Untied Hl.Ues.
Price 81 per IJottlu. bend for circular, nu jtln-I
Judgoor Iho Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd
Ooiiural Jail Delivery, Court ol tiuarler Missions
IV linuKAS. I in 1 oil. Wll tnin 1" llr.ll li..n. 1.1...
ni mo . i-iicti unu uiiui i tn iHimmou I'leas and Or
phan's Court in tho 2Utli Judicial IHstnct. com,
lirlknil ri. 1 lin .i.,.l Iau ..r 1...1 l.t.. .!. .
Wyomlus.nnd tho lion. Irani Ii.'mV'iiii.I Isaacs.
Mnnroo Assoclnln .Itnlinw nf r.. i,.i.. ;
havo Issued their precept,,. tlio llth
day of .May, In tho year of "ur Lord, ono
thousand, eluht hundred htivi.inv.tiu., .i3..i .n
modlrected lorholdinKnCouiioi Over anil Tcr-
Court of Coi.tmon Picas end (iii.i.ius I'mut. lu
iitiii.:! iiini ..-uii.'riii ijimi'Lnr M-s. .in. ..i i in
iiioo.nsuu.i,', in tlio county ofCi.'uiniila. on tho
ursi .iiouuay, belus tho IM day m o t mber
next, t'icontinno two weeks.
JNntlCO Is he.vliv frlveil. tntlin I 'm rin... i . .I.
Justices of tlio Peace, nnd tho I'unst.-iil s the
saldcouiily of Columbia, that tlivt be inm mil
lueiuni ineirpinpcr poison al lu o'ldm-lc lu Iho
forenoon of said M day ol Pe.itemliei Mitiiihelr
records, lnnulslttons and other ronieiubiances, lo
dothosiithinss which lo their olllces npnertaln
to bo done. And thoso that nro bound by
recoHiilance, to pioeculu ajialnsl tho pi Is.
oners lhat nro or may bo lu tho J ill ol tho
sjiui . ..::ily of Columbia, lo bo then nnd
thero to proiecutu them ns shall bo lint, Ju.
rois mo iciiucsted lo bo punctual lii'thoir lutvud
anco.utsiccnbly lolhelriiotlccs. D.itwlut Ulooms-
( ) "uiu, 1.10.U111 iho sear
s L. H. 1 ot our Lord, ono thousand eight hun-
" died and sovoiily-lwonnil lutbonlnety
llflh year of tha Independeuco ol tho Hulled
aH UH -Viucilc.i. AAUO.V SMITH,
llloomsburg, July .llth, ls7-. Sherlil'.
JJ Heptember lerm 1S7J
uipoin.-Oeo. w. Hates, tleo. Cavnnoj, Angus
lus Mason,
llcrwlclc Hudson Owen.
llriarCicok-Unoch llltt cnliou.e.
l eaver I'elcr Knetht.
Ccntio Kit waul llartmau.
Centraliii-Patrlck I'. Iliiike.
( atawlssa-Samucl Fiederlck.
Hemlock 1311 ohl.
Montour Samuel aigcr.
Main Nathan Miller;
Madlson-Wiu. I', 1'r.i.icli Unny.m.
fl'in'n 'S" "..'"riY."1- J1"1''1'' 1 """ JOIKK.
Pino John Uordner,
cum.'"'""' u'cck-Joh "ouck, 1' Yo.
man"lh0mi,!l Vm'(!noS- Jr. J- Ammcr-
List oif petit .unions
nu is;:'.
I'llisr wi:ki.
Dlooin lactib 1 (llrton, Uji, W, Miernir,
Clark M, lhown,
lloavi r A. W. Mann.
lloiwlck Lovl Kurtz, ,r. II. llnyt Aim,
lUnion Kllai Doilinn.
Ilriarcreik Daniel llaiubach, (I j . p, L nu.
Catawlssa N. P. John.
Cuulrn tlon, L. Low, (leo, II, IVoas,
rraiikllu louathau Former, Jackson Cleaver.
Flshlugcrcek John Whllo, M, A. Anniiur.
mau, Divld Yost,
(freeuwood Parvln 13vo, J, H. Hlu Lion,
Hemlock llcubou llogarl.
Mllllln I). A. Hess, llenjumln Yohe.
Mndlson Isaao Whipple,
Montour Mlohaol ltouch.
Orango Jonathan 1-oust.Wni, Schuyler, Moses
Everutl, Joseph Henry.
Pino Win. Kerchuer, (leo. 11. Uotly,
Hoaring Creek David lUilg,
Husar-loaf Wm. A. Kile,
Sisitt Joseph Mufluian, J, L, Crawford, J,
M. llullzhlser,
Bico.NU wu:u,
lllooui.-Frnuk V. Mcllrldo, .'. II, Vuuattu, It,
11. Mlnnab, (Jeo.Kltchcn.ll, F.J'.irr.Jo'lepli sharp,
less, I. W. MeKelvy,
Heaver Simon p, Joliusnn,
Hcrwlck JoslaU II. Dodsou,
Honton William Wilson, Iteubou Applomnn, Jacob L. Shannon, M, (1, llugheu,
llunilltou Fisher, Adam Fcderuir. Jacob Kielgh,
Jacob Clowell. .
Contro-Jolmcnln', 1 .
Coiiyngbam John J. Ciuiglillu.
Fraukllii Christian Arlloy.
Fishing Creek lllrnm Jlclloniy, Jm, M, Am.
merman, lllchard llrlght.
Urceuwood John Btaddon. Chandlor Kvos.
John K. Musgrovo, Abriiui Trlplepleeo,
Jackson Cllulon Lewis.
locust Simon liolwlir, Houry Ilelwlg,
Malu-D. 11. Fcdderoll, David H. llrown, Wes
ley John.
Ml, Pleasant I'M. Crftwf ml.
Heolt-lt. J, Mllluid, It, (I, Ciovcllng.
1 WTV A f IMTrCJwantcd lornodY 2o,).jj
L V l'i AUl'llN J Ol'r. Coruell's Lives oi
UltlSKI.UY uiui llllOWN, Iho latest nnd best;
also, Judge Hum ll'H "Llio ni Henry Wilson,"
onlvtoiiectidltlon published, VNijjaro' prices I
.li..:....! .r...,l. li'lll rrl lint liilvnlllntn .il l,?.! nrrr
yi now AiwiAi.sKAiKNTHi
soiinl piopcily net apart lo widow, t.'i ,1 '
A li v it 1 1 it I w inu iniiiriiisniiiitiiia nr
' 1 T. ,
;s:r,;...i.i .... ..v" .v.1 . 1110 n
1.W1-. ..Mr. ,i,r.lll- 11 HI 1 1 illiat III), Fi 'l, ,' l,,t
ous yilled, of which nil persons Inter, 'i
Bald oslnles will lakonolfioi ,l'd i.i
j. , , , 1 0 1 1 ip i , 1 1 an hi'iti , la to f
township, deceased, ' 1 .it
vy now 01 Aiirani ynimj, atn 1,1 1, ,
owm iln. I'cceascd. ' 1 " " "ln,i
11. Widow of Joimlbali Knltllp, irttc n.
yiighani township, del oimd, 01 n.
1. now 01 juuu c im y, iato in n .
township, decfiisod. " l!mt,a
0. wmow or l'etcr (loiilmil.lato of 11,,,..
iwnshlii, ileceasiHl, ' "'avir
0. Widow of I'hllln WrHinrh.i. t..i.. .....
township, deceased. . s..iiU(1..1
7. Widow of Cornelius K'lkcmlall, la'. ,,1 ,,
lllti township, deceased ' '""U
h. wiunwor i.iumor nainpton.lale 11
inncieett townshlii. ilnciasoii, '
l. Widow ul William F.Houder.laU. n
10. Willow ll Joseph Weiss. Inl . ,.r m .
llWi,Slllll. llCCI'11-.Cd. 11
11. Wlilow or Leaudcr t'ai linn, lain ,
township, dicousul.
Uloouislilllg, Aug, !, ICTi!. l' r'
r'so-hSoro'l.'J toJfiSto'i.!.1..
1. Tho second account ol Halnuel (vn...
township, ilceoasoil. -uiiuin
9. The iiccouutofH.imuel Creasy. Admlm 1.
tor or Mary Creasy, Into of AIIIIII11 tlKttp.'i;'
j. 1110 imr.i imn utial nccount of Nun,.,.,
ship, deceased.
5. Tho flmt ami llnnl nccouul or Hninuui i-.,
y, llxecutor of Hannah ..inor, Into 01 1' ',
township, deceased. '
1). Tho llrstniiil llnal account or JikmiIi
Simon Whllinoyei', Executors or John !u 1"
ninyei. lain of Pino lownsblp, dei-i a.-,vd.
7. Tin llrst nnd llnnl account nrilcori'o 1
licc, ndmlnlMintoror Susan J.Cavince Uiu
Mount l'leaMint township, doccnscil. '
l. The 111 Ht nud pm-llil n-contit of 1,,
Cuionto, llxcculor 01 i.ditaiil t'.ivoiue m
Mount l'lcnsanl township, di'ccasod. ' '
11, 'llio account of David 14 lla. m 01. mn,i,.
1 dralor of l'ctor l'eirer, Hto of c, ,ita, tj , ' ' '
ikeonsed. " ""'f'
10. Too llnal no'iiinl or llenliiuln ,i
adinluistrnlor 01 Wm. Sm'th, ii ,,( T;
township, deceased.
11. Too llnnl nccn.nt nf .Michael II 11, 1,.
ndmtnPi.rnloror Mlchul Hotter l , o r M , i
township, decoascd. 11 -'""Un
11, 'Ihn llnal lueoiitii. nr -,ti..i ,. .. ..
ndmlnislraiorof John J, Holler iiin ni- mi m.
township, dtceased. "ei"-r, 1,110 ol Mlim,,
i'i. 111 i juuiiui 111 vieorgo .Mover mbnliilci .
tor ot Kllrabclh Moyer, Wo 01 tm -l in
llloomsburR, docoase.f. 0 1 lw"
17. 1110 account or uhliJuhnln s
Cathatluo Ohl.lHo of Hemlock t iwiH
In p 1
.i8-. I'.tS ';' "u;l'"nl, nccount or John 11,
Aunll.Kxt'Cii or of Isuio Fowler, Lit" of I ,
creek townshlp.dceensed.
111. Tho iicconut or Paul Fry. ndmlnl.t,
decovsed " "f llt''m'1' 'OHushi,.
an. Tho second nnd dual account oi (1,1,1, ..
ley, admin slmlor of Htiiha Alherlson, I m.
(Irceuwood township, deccasoil.
r"1,,!1",1"",10?0""1 "'. t'y'us " While,
or Michael Lemon, Into of Fisblugc x. k t.. ,,,
shin, deceased. "
- Tlio Hint nml final aci-nitiit r Mlplmt 1 1:111
h.;lm,(luardlan of tho person nndislaleoi M.oy
13. Porsel, ol Madison township. 1
S,.-.,.T1. nr0?""1 nf J- K- i" iriilcss, Kvi . .1
ol 1.1 zabeth K. Y'cltcr, lalo or Catawls ., 1, ,.
ship, deceased,
21. Tho nccouut of llllaa C. Tieinbly, Adruin.
Isirator of Jolm Tieinbly, lata of soti unvn
shlji, deceased,
fti. Thoaccouiitof Henry L. Freas, Willi un
II. l'K-as, nnd Jaxnat 1-. Freas, admlnlstiiiim
of Andiow 1'i-ois, Into of Ceutro townsliln. .1c
aj. Tho nccount of Josaph Pohe, ndinliH ,ira
lor of Leah I'ohe, lato ol Ceutro township, de
ceasod. 1 '
J": Tl! 'lt''",mU "ftniifl ICnorr, n.lm'nis
Iratorol Autlumy Whitman, l.Uo of tlio 'limit
ot llloomsburg, deceased.
'J,'b"hvcouutor lllchnrd Kilo, rise am ni
John Kile, lata of .Suguilmi township, ill
co.isod, 1
11. Thn ncciunt of lVlcr llckr.ite, a tuilu a
tor of Solomon Fcltmto, lato l llcaci io,vn
shlp, deceased,
SO. Fltst and Hunt iifc.iunt or Susan hum
U.xecutrls Clcorgu ICellei I do of Flshi,,,.. ,iy 1
lownsblp, decensoil.
, . . , WILLIAMSON II. JAi'dllV
lteglster's Oillco, 1; ., ,.
llloomsburg, Aug.!.', 1S7.',
lieiirgo A. Frlck vs. Thomas Mlackhouse.
William Longciiherger, ot. al. vs. Hugh W 11 .
A. C. . F. llag.'rm.iu vs. S iniusi Scbw p.. ,1.
Mlclnct drover's 'uso' vs. Savago ,t Ilrlglit.
Michael drover's 'uso' vs. Kavago A Hi Igut.
llioomall .V Co. vs. MOi'lnch A slum m,
Clemuel (1. llieltetts' adm'r vs. David 8w. . n
el, nl.
I.cwls J. Adams vs I'lshlngcreek hch.iol In 1,
I'., bcittcrthwallo vs. Frederick Merceiou.
l ranklliiTowiishliMS. John Mclteynoldi . 1 ni
lianlelF. seybert vs. Klluoloh .v Ynii m.
enlah Iteeeo 'adtnrs' vs. W, A. Klino.
Michael Mahlon vs Philadelphia .e He i.liv : I:
It. Co.
Patrick Monaglnmvs. Phll.idelplila and l!i 1,1
lug U. It, Co.
ltoger Dixon vs. Plilladelphla & Hea ling It. 11.
M.r.s -yary Couuelly vs. Phll.i,lelphl.i A li, ,1 li ,
It, It. Co,
Francis J. Klluo vs. Jacob Herring.
14 11. llleki Its is. John Sweeney ot. nl.
Ueorgo It. Hess vs. Joseph Weiss el. al.
David Oelslnger vs, Jesso . Illco.
llogart .t Kroamer vs. William llaib.r.
Joseph W. Fausey vs, Jolm -Mulligan.
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Joseph M, li'r. el..
A. li, Stewart vs. Frauds 11. Jolly,
William Mllncs vs, Jonas Doty.
Andiow Crcvcllug vs. Thoiiuis Trcucu.
Jeremiah Hess 'usa' Vs'. John Hnll'ni.iu el ,p,
Frank 14 lliockwni vs. D. F. Seyhoi t,
Drastus ltos4 vs, Oliver A. Jucohy.
Ucorgo Whltinoyur's ex'rs. vs. John sterner.
A, Pardee A Co. vs. Hugh W. Mclluynolds. 1 ,0.
A. l'nrdeo A: Co. vs. Danville A Wi Un -
barrolt, It.
Susan llllham vs. Martin M. Ihobst.
James Dryai.t vs. llloomsburg Iron Co.
Mordccal Millard Vs. Hugh VV. Mullejnoldi.
Thomas Williams vs, John Cain.
KzrnS. Ljons vs. Sojomnn Dirk.
J. W. Hanker vs. 0. 11. Mellck. Merrell s. A. II. Stewart.
13dw. Jl. Tewksboiry ct ux, vs. James c. Ilecdi r
et u,
Wllllim II. Abbott vs. Jeremiahs. Iliohsi.
13, S. IClrkcudall vs. -Michael drover,
d. W. Masloltcr vj, William Williams,
John Y. Alllgur vs. II. CI. Ciovcllng.
lleajamin Wnguer vs. Joseph It. lluoilcs.
THuniis Hess vs. C. D. Fowler etui,
Dunlol Snyder s, John Mowry.
Ahr.ihin Knceht s. Dauvlllo Hazlclon nn.l
Wllksbarro ll. It, Co.
William MeKelvy vs. IMnvlllo Hazlctnn and
Wllksbarro It. It, Co.
Joualhati Houck vs. Dauvlllo Ilaxluum .iTi.t
Wilkesbairo U. It. Co,
Peler Knceht vs. lunvlllo llazlct )uaud Wduvss
barro It, It. Co,
Frodilck Hosier vs. Danville HarltUm ,unl
Wilkesbairo It. It. Co.
Haivey Dennifion A; wilj vs. Dauillii Jlanteton
nnd Wllkesbauo It. It. Co.
Simuol Nungciser is, Dahvlllo llaJelon ad
Wllkesbariu tl. It. Co.
Ucorgo tfcnlt mid Wllo vs. Danville Iliub 1 di
and Wilkesb.irro It. It. Co,
It. H. liower's 'admit' vs. L. !'. Deiu .1 Jl. I,
John Yeagei's'admrs' vs. David Houck's 'uiluis
M.13. Waluur'itsu' vs. ltlouiusburg l.llerary lo-
btituto .v statu Normal bchool,
I.avlna Uoiilder 'uso' vs. Mnthlas Klluo.
John Lawrence's ex'is is. Amanda Lawieiifc,
W. U. Uerard vs. John O. Jacoby.
Wilson Ager vs, c. 11. llrnclcwny.
lllli ibeihsmoycrsadm'is v. Jltchael llulkr.
C, D. I'oiiUr l.ndorseoof II. 11. Umlto vs. 1), 11
William Coleman vs, Howard Urlinos,
Jolm Auspach & wlfo s. Hmnuuel llasl , Jncob
KtomUi inert l'hllip llioutzol A: A. Auteutii-'li.
.Maiy .MilU-r vs. John Miller's ex'rs.
Ji'iemlali s, Ihobst vs. Dauvlllo Hnzlclou aud
Wilkosb uiii 113 It. Co.
...........i.v.lll.rit Y.UIItltil I 1111 I1UIOS Of t .,,, "I
lylllboiirosentnd lor nbsolulo rtiiuiri , 11 u
Ihn orphans' Court in bo held In llio',, , iinVi'' "
iiud.lor wild eouuty.tiii Wednesday. in . iVi.T '
Hcp.l, IH72, nt, a .,V k i-. m nfwiia '.'''''f
r1,iiiiii.-.iiiiiii,.i. mil. in 1 111, ri, 1 mi 1. 1110 Tn Mri
lug nilmlnlstratlon nnd Riianliaii ncroutitii .
been filed lu the nilli eol Iho KeifiM, r V r Vi.J.. will bo presnntnd for eonii ,., '
tlon and allowance 111 tho OrpliaiM'C'.uii I 1
held in llloomsburg.oii Wednesday, lh,, ii'i, ', '.''
or September, ls7.', i.l 2 o'clock p.' !,,,' H1
v I
tiensy unu nii lien 1111 in
.l..cb Uoho, latoor Mliiliuiow sli p ..iCeoKed'
1. Tho nccount ol Samuel iv, !!; VI"'
of Lenora Yetter, Into I.eiuirii 0 iwii 1 111
child of Mattbuw limwii.i,Vii,l.J,J.,jy.,.l. 1
" .'iiiiini inun
1.. iinai account or Wm.,,,
iidmlnlstrator bonis uo,i ,J " ci, ' ' ! '
buch, Into ol Ornngo townshlpfdocea ul
1.1. Tho second nn.l llual aTOm t Vi'l I,.,..
Ycltcr. isxociilor ot tlcorco Ilowc ,ic u it?
10. im-iiiiniiicioum ot.Iacob Yohe lluarilfn
ol lleorgc M. Iliown, minor ellil ,V ?, V
llrown, Into ol Mllltlu tnwrslm, il...;.,.:i
Hied by V. II. Ihown mm 1. Y. Wi,e V'ic ,',5,
of.I.icnb Yohe, deceased. "oc, i.xiuttop,
J)l. CAllPENTBll.
1,50 M'.'LISHIUIY SrilUlCT,
Is un v treating sncconsfullv,
Consumption. BriincliilN,
and all diseases ,f tho Throat and Lungs, wun
Dur,' a Hi' past Ion yoais Ur, Ciupejilei ha.,
trviitid and tailed thousands of cases of In
above nulled U lotuses, and has how lu his pni
lesion of cures Ironi every p.uioi
(tin country, 'lliu liilnilulloa Is hieathed dliecllx
Into the lungs, snolblug ami healing over nil
lnll'tuietl hiulaues, eitlerlt-g Into tho bloml, it
iiup.11 Is vluilii v as it pormoates to every part of
the system 'llio hcusntlnu Is uut unpleasant
and thn II lot Inhabit lou.nllcn gives very deciihil
rdlel, p.irlleulaiiy when iheru is iiiucli dlitlculiy
olbrealhlug. Under llio Inllucuco of my reiue.
dies', tho cough soon grows easier, tho nlgln
sweats eeasu, tho liectio Ueuh vanishes, nnd wllh
Impiovliig dluostlon tha tiatlont rapidly gain
strength, and heallh Isngalii within hlsgiusp.
'1 lio t'liiii'i'idiiitril l'uoil inptdly builds up 1 110
most debilitated patient, piescullug to Ibn
stomach food nil leady In bo assimilated nud
mado Into good, rich heullhy blood.
llio ( uusli Kjruti is to bo taken al night tonllu
vlalo tho t ough and enabio the patient lo obtain
slcop. ''( tUrcctions accompany each Uoc 0 wn
ii irietHM, which constat of
Dm' lalialtri Ouo llultloo Illhrotlif Inhalant lino
lliillln ul Soot hi uir 1'elirlfiiKe liiluiluiil 1 llm'
Hull If or lull Iht'iiiorrlniule iiilislaul
One llotUiil'vurcnlralfil l'uoJ
Ouo Hot t lo o t'euBli
l'llco ot Uox coutnIul'i)g''reniedles lo last ono
mouth, flOj two months, lis-, thieo nioulhs.t ji
Sent to any address C. 0. 1). Pamphlclsion.
tabling laigu list of pallculs cuied scut liee.
I.ettots ol liuiul.y must contain ouo dollar to In
sure answer. Address,
A. II. OAltl'13NTI3ll, M.D., Nowatk, N. J.
Dr. OAiii'KNTUU'a CATAltllll ItllMHIiy will
give Immedlnlo relief, nud will cilectu pin.)
nent euro In irmn ono lo three months, nice
or mueily to last ono mouth,;); two luonlli.
Itij three months, til).
I'.l.M'Wi lu nil IU forms succoskfully troulc.l,
Hond for list ol Patients cured, lo ,
A. 11. CAIU'HNI'HU, Al, 1 Nowiuli, N. J.