THE COLUMBIAN A.ND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBT7J2G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. M'luit UIIIqIi 1'iiriiiliip. It li n Rysloui nf tlllni; nnd fiirin tniiimrftmciil (hot U fl()f mistnltiltiK , sy.stcm tlint tnkca nothing but tlio b.iro land, tlio doincallc nnlmnls, Uio farm lmnlcmcnla ami lniulilnery, ami culti vates tho soil, sustains tlio family nuil tlio anlnmU, nays tho annual taxes, do- frays tho oxnonsos mehlont to thn Improvement Hint must bo mailo on lho farm, cancels tho annual Interests on tho nionoy Invested In tho hind, oventually pays for tho land, nil from tlio product of tho soil cultivated; anil uftt-r one, two and thrco decades ol veiiro, leaves every aero In a far better tao of fertility than tho soil wan at tho b"t;lniiliijr. This Is high iitriiiltiK. There nro untold numbers of quiet, iiimlitnulvo tillers of tho soil In many (if our States who havo commenced iiroelei'ly ni wo liavo Indicated, without nno dollar of ea9h wuiltnl ! who havo no reveiiini whatever besides lho tiatu ral rpHiiureeH of their cultivated floldi, and who by hard work and Judicious management sustained their families, paid for their land, erected all their building, paid for all their valuable Improvements, anil at tho saiuo tlmo Imvo brought their land up to that stale, of productiveness, by their Judicious management, that every ncro now yields from two to thrco Ions ot hay wliero only ono was origlnnlly gathered, and thoy hnrvest nearly two bushels in many Instances moro than two of cereal grnlu, whero tho product was but ono bushel. That Is high farming. Yet such a system of husbandry Is usually sneered at simply becauso tho proprlo tor knew how to savo his monoy to defray tho expenses of Improvements, rather i linn siiend thrco times moro Itiiin hr niiide. jYcw York Observer. t'AKKor Iloiisiis' IjEos. Fow men who handlo horses glvo nttontlon to tho fiet nnd legs. Kspcclally Is this tho e,a on farms. Much tlmo Is spent of a morning In rubbing, brushtng and smoothing the hair on tho sides and hips, but at no tlmo aro tho feet ox nmlncd and properly cared for. Now, holt known, that tho foot of n iiorso requiro moro caro than tho body. Thoy need ten times as much, for, In ono res pect thoy aro almost tho cntlro horse. All tho grooming that can bo dono won't avail anything if tho horso is forced to stand whero his feet will bo lllthy. In this enso tho foot will becomo disordered, and thon tho legs will got badly nut of fix ; and with bad feet and bad legs, thcro Is not much olso of tho horso fit for anything. Stablo prisons generally aro torrlbly sovoro on tho feot nnd lcg3 of horses; and unless theso buildings can afford a dry room, whero a horse can walk around, lie down, or roll over, thoy aro not half bo healthy and comforfablo to tho horso as tho pas ture, and should bo avoided by all good hostlers in lho country. North Brltlih Agriculturist. Prow i no Twtrk von Wit rat. A correspondent of tho Cincinnati Qatelte I writes : If any ono will broak his ground deeply and thoroughly two or three times during tho Spring and Summer tho extra amount of wheat por aero will pay for plowlng.and lcavo a handsome profit besides. I havo tested this prac tlco soveral timet., with tho most satis factory results. In 1SG9 1 had a field of 1G acres of liko fortuity. I expected to plant half of tho field in corn, but fer some reason I did not. In tho half that had been plowed for corn after the ground had been broke, tho woods grow moro rapidly. Consequently I broko It again tho 20th of Juno. On tho 1st of September following I plowed tho en tiro field, and eowod in whoat. Tho result was as follows: Tho half which had only received a singlo plowing yielded por aero 13 bushels and 18 pounds : tho half that received three breakings yicldod per aero 23 bushels and -10 pounds, which mado a difToronco of moro thtm IS bushels por aero. At ono dollar per bushel this would pay for tho extra plowing, and lcavo a not extra profit of six dollars per aero bo hides. G.vrEa in Chickens. Having noti ced recently In difforont poultry papers a discussion on tho causa and euro of gapes in chickens, I thought it might bo of vnluo to glvo my vlows to tho "fraternity." For sevoral years I havo lint a great many young chickens by this uomplnlnt. I now nra suro I havo arrived at tho cause, and to provont it Is easy. In tho first placo, nothing that you can givo in food will afford relief, after lho gapes makes ita oppoar anco ; thcreforo, prevention Is tho only hope. Noarly ovory ono Is nwaro that It Is caused by worms In tho windpipe, which fasten thoinsclvcson Uko a leech, nnd finally stranglo tho chicken to death. I contend that this worm Is caused by tho largor species of tho louso, that lay their young In tho chlckon'a mouth, Llko tho maggot from tho blow fly, that boglns at onco to crawl, so tbo gapo-worm finds Its way Into tho opening of tho chlckon'a windplpo. Ono thing I know, if you will keep lice off tho small chlckons you will havo no gapes. As soon as I tako off tho brood I put a small quantity of carbolic soap, In solution, undor tho wings and on tho breast of tho hen ; this applied onco a wcok will keep them all right. Tho abovo is from actual experlonco and ob servation with my own fowls, and If II will ba of sorvlco to any that havo boon ns badly troubled as I havo will bo wortli publishing and a trial. John L. Black, Poultry Bulletin. Stiu the Surface. It does, not fol low that although wo havo plenty of rain, tho soil will remain moist. Ev aporation is vory actlvo boneath tho Summer suns. Heavy showers tend to compact tho soil and render It impcrvl ous to water which remains on tho surface until evaporated. Llttlo benefit, then, accrues, unless tho hard crust baked by tho sun is broken up and tho sou racnoweu by cultivation. It Is thon rendered porous nnd absorbent and is less inclined to givo up its molsturo at tho demand of thoscorclilnghoat.whllo ut night, cooling moro rapidly than tho air, It ro-condonsos and retakes In abun dance tho molsturo it has been forced to glvo up during tho day. Thus tho crop novcr suffers during a succeeding drouth, for tho soil Is always In condi tion to supply lis needs from tho atmosphere when denied n supply from lho clouds. Young Folks. The Imp I'l'inr, HV ItANH ANllUltXO.V, A Plot, n (Irii'-Hlinppcr, iiml ii Lo.ip frog once wanted to seo which could Jump highest; and they Invited the whole world, and overy body olso be sides who chow to come, to hco tho fes tival, Thrco famous Jumpers werothey, as ovrry ono would sty, when they all mo' together In tlio ro. mi. "1 will give my daughter to him who Jump highest," exclaimed tho King; "for it Is not so amusing whero thcro is no prize to Jump for." The Flea tho llrt to atop forward, lie had i xqulslto manners, and bowed In the coiiipiny on all sides ; for ho had imblo blood, and was, moreover, acciH liniiotl to tho society of mini ulono; anil that makci a difTcronco. Then camo tho Grasshopper, llo was considerably heavier, but ho was well mannered, nnd woro a green uniform, which ho had by right of birth; ho said, moroover, that ho belonged to n vory anciont Egyptian family, nnd thnt In tho houso whero ho then was, ho was thought much of. Tho fact was, ho had been Just brought out or tho fields, nnd put In u pasteboard houso, thrco stories high, all mado of court cards, wlth'tho colored sldo Inwards; and doors mid windows cut out of tho Queen of Hearts. "I slog so well," snld ho, "that sixteen natlvo grasshoppers who havo chirped from Infancy, nnd yet got no houso built of cards to livo In, grow thinner than they wero boforo for sheer vexation when thoy heard mo." It was thus that tho Flea nnd tho Grasshopper gavo an account of them selves, and thought they wero qulto good enough to marry a Princess. Tho Leap-frog said nothing; butpco plo gavo It as their opinion, that ho thcrcforo thought lho moro ; and when tho house-dog snuffed nt him with his nose, ho confessed tho Leap-frog was of good family. Tho old councillor, who had had thrco orders given him to mako him hold his tongue, asserted that tho Leap-frog was a prophet ; for that ono could sco on his back, if thcro would bo a sovoro or mild winter, and that was what ono could not sco oven on tho back of tho man who writes tho al manac. "I say nothing, It is true," exclaimed tho King; "but I havo my own opin ion, notwithstanding." Now tho trial was to tako place. Tho Floa Jumped so high that no ono could seo whero ho wont to ; so thoy all as sorted ho had not Jumped nt all ; and that was dishonorable. Tho Grasshopper jumped onlyhalfas high; but ho leaped into tho King's faco, who snkl that was Ill-mannered. The Leap-frog stood still for a long time lost in thought ; it was believed at last ho would not jump at nil. "I only hopo ho Is not unwell," said hlho houso-dog ; when, pop I ho made a Jump all ou ono sido into tho lap of tho Princess, who was sitting on a llttlo golden stool closo by. Horoupon tho King said, "Thcro Is nothing abovo my daughter ; thcreforo I to bound up to her Is tho highest Jump I 41. l v. .1 . , r 11.1. wins uuum uu mauu , uui lur una, uuu must possess understanding, and tho Leap-frog has shown that ho has under standing. He is bravo nnd Intellec tual." And so ho won tho Princess. "It is all lho same to me," said tlio Flea ; "sho may havo tho old Leap-frog, for all I caro ; I J umped tho highest ; but In this world merit seldom meets its roward. A fine exterior is what peoplo look at now-a-days." Tho Flea thon went into foreign ser vice, whero, it is said ho was killed. Tho Grasshopper sat without ou a grcou bank, and reflected on worldly things ; and ho said too, "Yes a fine exterior is everything a fine cxteriori is what pooplo caro about." And thon ho began chirping his peculiar melan choly song from which wo havo taken this history ; and which may, vory pos sibly, bo all untruo, although it docs stand hero printed in black nnd whito. From Father to Sou. Ono day a young man entered a mer chant's oflleo in Boston, nnd with a palo and caro-worn faco said : Sir, I am in need of help. I havo been unablo to moot certain payments, becauso certain parties havo not dono as thoy agreed to by mo, and I would llko to havo $1,000. I camo to you be causo you wero a frlond to my father, and might bo a friend to mo." "Como In," said tho old merchant, "coino In and havo a glass of wine." "No," said lho young man, "I don't drink." "Havo a cigar thou?" "No, I never smoko." "Well," said lho old gentleman, "I would llko to accommodate you, but I don't think I can." "Very well," said lho young man as ho was about to Ie.ivo tlio room, "I thought porhopj you might. Oooil day sir." "Hold on," said tho merchant, "you don't drink ?" "No." "Nor smoko?" "No." "Nor gamble, nor anything of that klud?" "No, air, I am suporlntondont of tho Sunday-school," "Well," said tho morclmnt, "you shall havo It, and throo tlmca tho amount If you wish. Your father lot mo have five thousand dollars onco nnd asked mo the samo questions, no trusted mo, and I will trust you. No thanks I owo It to you for your fath er's trust. A worthy parson who had, as worthy parsons ofton do, becomo bald hcudod, thinking it no harm to assist nature in her tonsorlal operations, pro cured a wig. His old-fashioned congre gation was greatly oxcrclsed thoroby. Some thought It very worldly for a par son to wear a wig at all, whllo somo thought tho shape "horrid." Others thought tho hair should bo shorter in front, somo at tho sides, and somo bo hiud. Finally tlio good pastor invited tho brotljrCH and sisters to rnoet him nt tho parsonage 'Whon they woro assem bled ho himded his wig to them to trim according to tholr tasto. Ono clipped It hero, another there, and another In a dllforont place, until tho poor wig look cd llko anything but a head of hair, When handed back to tho parson ho ex amined It carefully and then gravely said : " Brethren and sisters, wo may safely worship this, for it Is tho like ness of nothing In tho heavens abovo, on tho earth beneath or tho waters under tho earth." MiscollnnoouB. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E. M. KNORR'S SPRING STALES, THE LATEST AND P.EST. Evory variety for Men, Women mul Children, OLD STOCK Helling at Cost to closo out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. KVANS. READY MADE AND CLOTHING. hi: 11 At) Till': FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND KMl'I.OYH THE BUST W O II H 51 n IV, For pood fits nuil promptness In nillue orders ttiot o to tlio placo tn bo. Ills goods are selected with caro nnd Ills Cus tom Work will compare lavornbly wltU tlio best ollorts or the fashionable city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAHUE STOCK OV HOYS' AND C1ULUIIE.VS .CLOTIIINfJ AND EHiTS FURNISUINtt ttOODS, At l.lnnl.l.ln.l.r llloomsuurg, Hopt. 20. 1371-tl JOHN G. JACOpY'S BAKEttY AND CONFECTIONERYI BERWICK, PENN A. tho Citizens of Berwick, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery nnd Bakery in ODD FELLOWS HALL, Berwick, Pa., whore he Is prepared to furnish all kinds or PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES. KKENC1I CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, KA1BINB Ac., &e., Ac., Ac. BY WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL. Among tho assortment will he found Cream Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, FU berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa-Nnts, Jollies of Jiirer .u8,,1',;dtCat.8uI,j Wckles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of all kinds, Corn Starch, Egg Bis- Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En- , FISH AND OYSTERS, f ui m, aiuuh, rivaa urcau an patronago is solicited. . . JOHN M, JATO1IY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv QONNELL A BATTIN, Wholcsalo and Retail Doalcrs In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL aND NATr,S, Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, and PIPE BOXES, HOUSE SHOES, nnd HOUSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, rijASTElt nnd SAN I), GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturer of TIN W A RE . Agonta for Fairbank's Scales ! PLUMIHNG. STEAM and GAS FITTING, W- Orders by mail solicited, and promptly UUod. 118 Penn Avenue, BOBANTON, PA. opr. 4,1872:ir. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO NIATUE CONSTITlmoN 0l' PENN8YI.VA- ' . JOINT RESOLUTION onnlivanam0ndra!tU, "l0 '"t"""0" lit it moHcd ivthe escnatt nnd Uoiue oj Itep- in (lateral Autmblu met. That the to lowinB amendmont of the Constitution of this Common wealth bo proposed to the people for their adoi !Lon. or "lection, pursuant to tho provisions of the tontU article tliereof. to wit; ',u,""ou ul AMENDMENT! Strike out the sixth section of the article of the Constitution, nnd Insert lu Hen thereof the following! "A SUte Treasurer shall be chosen by the nuallnod cleotors of the suite, at such times and for such term of service as shall Jo rtcsortbod by law." D , WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speakeiu of Uio House ofllepreieutatlves. JAMES H. llljTAN, , .. mi . , Hpeakerof tho bonato. AwnoVKD-The twenty-second day of March. Anno Domini one thousund eight huudrod auif seventy-two, , JNO. W. OEAUY. Prepared und eertined for publication pursu ant to tho Tenth Artlelo of lho Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Omt : HEC11ITAUV OVTIIE COUUONW KAIVril. llAinusuuufi, JnnoSUh.JSW, ' JnlyOtii.iw, ' am. Mincollanoouo. jyriLLEH'H HTOltE. n. II. MILLER h HON, lavo removed lliotrHtnrotn tho room lormorly occuplod ijyMondoiihall.mtMalnslroot, lllooms burg, noarly opposlto tlio Episcopal Church nhoro they aro dolormlnod to sollou ns modomto terms m can bo procured elso wtioro, Tlilor stock eoinprlsei LADIES' I) 1 1 ICS!! (100DH of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together Willi a largo assortment of Dry Uoods nnd Gro ceries, conslstlni; of tho folluwlucutlclos Carpets, Oil Cloths, OtlH, Cosstiiities, Hliawln, Flnminlx, Hllhs, Will to Oood' Ltuous, tfnnptJkltlt, Muslins, Ilnilowwaro Oil urwaro ( n, lined who, ItonUl and HIioM, IIalniil0.ipi Hoop Noln, Umhrollns, Ioklng.(lltumoi, Tobicco, (VllN.o, liuirs, Thus, Itlno, Alhtiico, (llnccr, Clnnainnn, , Niilms AND N01IUNH UI'.MiUALLY, lu ihort, cvciylhliij iisnnliy kept In country lorna, to which thoy invito (ho attention or tlio public conornlly. Tim liluinwl inlcowlll bo pnW ;or cniiuiry prmium in nxclmngo fur goods, ' H. II. M1L,EK A HON. oonwi-sr """,m"""1"'"' JEW STOCK OF ULOTH1NO. Fresh arrival of SPlttNG GOODS DAVID LOWENllEIlO Invites nttcutton to Ids stock of CHEAP AND FAM11IONAI1LE CLOTH I NO. at hit storo ou MiilnHlieet, In lho new hloclr, Uloimishiirg, Pn., wlioro no has Just received from New Yoiknnd l'lilladeiphla a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOT1I1NU, Including tho most fashionable, durnblo, nnd uuuusomo niti'im firuiim couklstlng of JlOX, BACK, HOCO, OUM.AND 01L-ULOTH COATS AND PANT8. of nil sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also rep Ion tsucd his already largo stock of CLOTH AND 0AS3IMEUE3 , 8THIPED, FIQUKED, AND PLAIN VESTS H1I1KTS, CHAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAUM HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HUSPENDEltS, AND FANCY AKTICLES u "iii vuuBwmiy uu aiiua n inrgo and well-so- octed assortment of CLOTHS AND VEHTINOS. which ho Is propared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notlco, and lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW3LUY, ol ovcry description, flno nnd cheap. Ills caso ol fewolryisnotsurpassodlnthlsjplnco. Call nnd OTnmluo ills general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELll Y, AV. oct'371 DAVID LOWENIIEIIG. ft. R. HaDWAVS ready relief ('DICES THE WOHHT PAINS In from Ono to Twonty' Mlnutos. HOT ONE HOUR Ijlcr rcidlnr till, ftdvprllscmpnt nnA ivtiv er.ft t-ClTEU WITH I'AIN. i:.vmrAYS ncAur iielick is a cunt; koii EVEllY VAIN. Itwullio first and I Tlio Only rain Itcmeity lion. IN FI10M mr. TO TWENTY MINUTES. matter how vlt'.cnt or c xcniclatlnff the pain tlic KIIEU MATIU, Bed-rlUcn, iEllrm, Crlpplcu, Kcnoua, Ncuralrl?, cr prostratcil wltU dUcaso mar eulltr, - RADWAY'S READY RELIEF . WUi AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADUEH. INFLAMMATION OP TUB llOWEfis. UL""1-lu CONOE8T10N OF TOE LCNCS. BOOT THROAT, PIFFIOULT nUEATIIINO, I'ALl'ITATION Of THE llEAKT. HYSTERICS, CROUl', DIPHTHERIA. ,,,... ,. . . , CATAItllU, ETLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTDACnE, NEURALGIA, III1EUM1TISM, COLD tniLLS, AOUE CHILLS. Tho nrpllratlon of lho ItenJv Ilcllef to tho rmtor rartshcro tho tiala cr thuicultr exists Milioiroid ciuc tuid comfort. Twenty drora In Jalf a lumllcr t f watrr will In a few moments euro CRAMTS, M'ANMS, SOUIt STOMACH, JIEAIlTmmN, t-lt'K IIEADAOIIB. DIAnUHEA Traveler! thouia nlyaj-n carry a Utile of l!rt.lni,r ItenJv Itclicr with Ihem. A kw ilrops lu watoi Mill I rcci t tlcluie.a or palm irom chant c of water. It ii belter uua l rccch Eraudy cr D.ttcri oi .1 .tlmulaht. FKVKIt AND AGUE, FEVER AND AGUE curd for any cents. There U not ft remedial nceot la world that win euro I'evcr and Ague, and all other Malarious Dillons, bearlct, Typhoid, billow, and other Kcvtrs (alileil hv RAIlWAY'iJ I'lLLbl a Quick as llADWAY'bllEADY RELIEF. Fitly cents I cr iiottlo. bold ty Drtifl,u. HEALTH !BEAUTY! STRONOAND TITRE RICH m.OOD INCREASE OP ,M,E;U AND, WEIlllll-l'LEAH bltlN AND EEAL liFUL COMPLEXION bECUKED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY-'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT " ? 'l!"V,.,! HB J'.NI'Ell THE INFLUENCE Tlli! TKULY WONDERIUL MEDICINE, Evory Day an Incroaso In Flesh nnd Wolght Is Seon nnd Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop it Ilia a.Mt.-.M'ARII.LlAN RESOLVENT tlm.iish II. i llUmil,, Filr.o, and ctlur lluldi and Juices or 11. j t lcm llm l.jr i r Iif.-. ( 't It reial n the wnitw or tho body wllh ueiv mid Euund maMlal, KrotLl.;, Myphlll;, Con-umptlon, (lluidnUr lilwaw. Ulcers In tho throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In tho Oluuil ur.d c turpi'", MjU Switj Lew cr hpcrni, unit all wwtticf the lito i.rl;iti;-UYftro nltltlu Iln cuutlvo wiita &f thli wnlcr ft Moikiu iMifjuKtry, un.l a few ihys' ma will rrovo lo t.ttyiim,n utuj u ur tttli,T vt tlunc foriia pf dittos Us jsufpi.t imwcr t curu tlicm. If tl.u f.utcnt, iUly LicomliiiT rttuced ty tU waitcaaml t'otoni 1.011 Ion that ii couth uMly rrujircsklnir. Buccccda la urrcAtny tlupo wMtea, nnj t LinlrM tlto tamo witli now miffr. I4 VU lu (r.0l I'S'iHUy Llood-uui tkU the BAUSAI'AIUL IA N M'.U ami tloci hecure, Kit t.nly iW tlio maparillu:: Hejlvest ciMall lu.-wn u-itiulLil Rctnti in tho cure cf Clironlc, ticrofulous. 'I'lixtUutluniti, a:, J bktu illstaiii i but ll 1) IliC culy posith o mro for r Kll ll cj An. -Miii, ur uiu w.iiat 1 UHCK, uouuy, imxcu Willi tubisuncci ktftitalilur( mtset vt thrcaJ nkowUtoUk, or thcro hti iM'iii.,, tii.rlc, bV.U, u n;'i.arnncp,aij(J white bone-dust i. iii-itii whin I lit-1 a it a inUkhiff, burelna ornwtlon lnu i. iiu ttau r. i.iln lu lho bmall &r tho Hack anil WORMS, TJ.a only kuowu wiU suro Remedy for Tumor of 12 Yearn' GroutH Curt'U Uy ICiuIuay's Resolvent. . ItivsKi v, Mam., July 19, 1S$9. i All ihu li l.' .4II "lherwaiiioiflpfof ll." I Uld t rry Uilnjr tint wm rr .ui.mi h4. J t Ul itolhlnji hdpcJ mfl. 1 ww ur h iiit, nj (h'HirfLl yulltry Itt tut liid no fiitb In It. I.,'i Ih.l.iffr fir tHiitto y in, 1 tflolt U lwltll r tli Llt.l. .1. HlJ , b, , I Ii.Ju.iiV l'lll sir- I t IJ.1.. UmU U.l .(i nut tli i li u U iLh of luuu.r la U wta or hit. jiij.1 ( f .1 1. . it r, . ntt-r, iti.J hiM.f.rtluu I tm fur twtlr yean. I Ue wur t In" r o In i) Uf IJ of ih Lowrli, orcr tit froa. 1 will t'.I li ) u httbi, Utf! f Mk.ri, 0 ran .utll.Tilitf HANNAH 1VKNAIT, DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, I Rcllr IuIMms, clrcM.lly crmtd with r-cl turn, rnrirc. fw llio tun i,t nil illjordcrsr.r Hie btemuli. Liver, llowilj. KliliK'I's, IIUiUUt, Kirvmu lilt, ists, Hta.lncl.c, CVlibtlrn. lion, (Wlivmji, lii.MjulKni llittibb, llllliiu.iius nil luiis r'cur, IimuuuulRincI tlio llouils. Vilcs.nnd ull Do r.t.,5crr, i.f llm Intcinal VI Jtr.i. M'urrantetl lo circa uio lihoin;,- purely V.gdiiUt', ioutilulng no mercury, . 'il''rvctiiuruiowiiirf syni. loins iv.ulilrir from DIi I'.iltrtor lie W.Mllvo Oijjm. (.j, ti,..,,, I,i,,,j in, , gi, ,, , if , ,t, ACMl.y .r 11.. M..U...I,, a.v,. ll,n,iLurn, lili.ui. 1 uuJ, lull i". .r1 !" nt"'"" li, ur,. .n,Lli.2 nt i lu.ur , .. ..hfl, ' " lJ. H,.-.iuiirli t lii.ii.liitf ut tl,, I111U.UI1 U.Mhlu, I lull. rli. nut.. JUwl, fr bullu,..iui( h.nMtlwii. talicn lit i, l,lnB lium. it,i,p., , l,l, Iki, Ufur. Ik. Hull, l,i,ajiu '., lu Ui. Il...l.i.llclcr Ji''!'!''""".",' '"'.' ll' Mill .11.1 1,,., 1 .lu In Hi. Il.,fl M Mla.ll, if JKbl, U.tiluy lu 111. A bwiWt m. ItADWAY'S TILLS 111 frco lie sr.'i.o M;'rm1u!,iST'''',u'', Vi j"if. to liAlllVAV .1. ().. Kn. . M.l.l.ii 141,1, JJvw-V ' lururiiiutlun wi-rtli lliniiiii.t. v''! .. mut yuu. li!8'7Wy I'llKSICINTIAI, CAMl-AiaW, I'.U'ri, CAPES A TOUC1IIU. BlUll for II.I.VHTUATED Cm- nuil ami PmcE List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, MANUFACTURED, No. 201 Church Street. PHILADELPHIA. Juno 21, Wi-uaou. JJLANIC DEEDS. Wo now navo Hie flncktaikorlineutorilLANK ULl.LH on liana ana for ialo tliat wero over koiilln llltiomfcuiim. ijirgo alio on Lout lmrcli. mcnt naner. (nmnnn iuoiIh. iiTMiiinrTu o,ii AllniiuiktialOr'H llCllfl nmnll klvn i,riAil nuil Clifafiooiiininii HccIh, Ac, U R M 0 Y A L ! ! I. W. NIT13S', 1 i JI I) H I 0 W A H l' H () O Bl tl liavo boon roiiiovi'il to llio Nnw nmoic mniiDiNti opposrrr. tho Mi'iimii'.vi. -t iu itoit, m ai n"i Wlicronn will koepnijffnenl riwntnioit til TII10 L A.TKHT II HKT 0, ' PIANOS, OIUJANH, VIOIjINH, ' and all IvINll.-i ()! .MtlaiCM, INHTIttLMUN'lH. Also MtlMIl! IIOOKH fur nil INHTltlt.MllN'IK PIANO AND OlttlAN HTIKH.M AI.I, HI'VLIX ANltPJtlCIM. THE SIIOEMAKRR PIANO is tlio clic:i)csl Fii-fltClasii Piano in tho market. lltVlngHocnrod tho Arpiicj- nt tho ono. wooi) nr.NowNKi) ouoan.s, forCnlnmlila County, toj;c1lior with tlio CHLEtniATEl) TEMPLE ANtlELtl', furnishes a Iv.nitnces In ptirch.tier-i not found C1.SCW11CIC, .STATIONARY OF AM, KINDS. A full ruwilmont nt RQIIAIIK AND OVAIj FItAJII3I, ;all styles iukIiuIccs ronxlKiitly on linlil. STEEL EOltAVINOH, CIIUOMtM .t COLOltEl) IMUNTH, rSTEHEOHCOI'KS AND V1UWH. d-Call anil examine. incIiS'7JC'ni, NNOUNi NOUNOEMENTI THE lir.OOMBIUIIlll LITKItAIlY INSTITUTI AND STA'l'E NOHMAIj aOUOOlj will open niulcr tlio cntlro control of tlio 130AK1) OF TBUSTEES. Tlicy Iiavo bclcctcil as Principal of tlio Innti- lllllUU BEV. JOHN HEWITT, a Kcutlomm whoso nttalillcatlons liavo boon fully Icslcd nuil nrovoil In other on. crirliios of a liko nature j nuil thoy nslc anil uiivwiiiiiii, lu'icmniiu jur unu nun luo iubll tutlou. tho contlilence nuil support of our own citizens, nuil of tlio fricmls or tho cutorprlso nuil olcitucatlon ovorywhero. In point of comfort, convenience ami beauty of buildings anil sur roundings, no school In tlio State surpasses thli; ana wo nro determined It s 1 1 : 1 1 not bo second lu tho kind, rmallty and tiioronghuois ol Us illscl- imuo aujctitiuie. The fall and winter session of twelve woelts will uegm MONDAY, AUGUST 2(1 m, and clobo FHIDAY, DECI3MBKU 20 Hi. EXPENSED: , Tuition nud Hoarding, luclmlln? washing iitul heat, per week, S3.U0. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Tnltlon for dftv nnnlla. oini ili-tMnr n.-, woni. In tho model school, sixty cants per week. In tho primary, forty cents per weoir. Music, Draw- iu.l l AlUUUg, ui.. uxirii. uius aro pnyaoio, anil must uo paid piomptly, ono-half at the beginning nud tho other half nt IUU IU1UU10 Ol IU0 SCSS10U, J.a.FIlEEZE, Bccrctary. L. B. ItUPEHT. ITeslilcnt. AGEHTS 7jt'.ti fer Twclre Tears ts wili IiiiiiB,afflii, TIlO remarkable nilvnntiirrH nf tlm fiviniia WHITE CHIEF nnd 1110 WAKltlOK among tho ItoilHklns. Thrilling accounts of Urcat Hunts, Hairbreaath Esc.ipeHiiuilUVrriblo Contests with tho big enmo and hostllo tribes. Hplrltcd descrip tions ol the habits and buperstitious of that strnngo lieople, Tholr Hporls, legends. Tradi tions. How they Woo nud Wed, Scalp, Doctor; Worship, Ac. Now, Froali nud Popular, Price Low, It is soiling by tho thoiiR.mds with won. dorftil lapldlty. Agents nro making from $50 to tilOU per week. Choice Uclil yet vacant, Bcnant onco jor sampio cnapters, Jiinstratious mm pat ttculars to A. II. HUIIBAUU, I'ulillslur, Jau2i';Mf. 4()j Chestnut St., Phlia tfv.y wt Tlio Unco of Tlmo Keopori. M. B. ALL E BACH in WATCiriCS and .TEWEUtY OANVlIiLE 1M. HILVEK AND PLATED WAItE, Ji'ltKNCII CLOCICH, HW1SH AND AMEIUCAN HTEM WATCH W, THE KENOWNUD ULCIIN WATCHEH, A LAUdEAHHOHTMKNTOl'' FINE JKWELUV, D1AMONDH Ac, . If HipnliliiK iuomilly nlleiiilnl In BBS!!; mmmmw Miocollanooufi), .1,872. 1 872. NEW SPRINti GOODS. -:o'- M. P. LUTZ llasjnst reliirlicil fiom New Vuilcwllhn full lliionl HLACIC AND COI.OHEI) .SIIiKS, JiYoNS' HII.K rOPMNX KltiK. I'ONOHUS, (illliittfliafiilriiiMio. c u- .,t"T . '"f ! ' "" "twHpfcrnul plitu ' , Hum uf.p'1'iiff, slilpo ptatil ami ofiotiti, WAUII POPIilNH, . i i ' . ' iilaolt Und POIorcdl FAXOV PLAIDS, 0 Oli OK KD 0AM UU If! H, PEUOAUES, WHITE GOODS, BUIKSE, TAltli.VI'A.V, ViUTOIlIA LAWN, JIIUIKIP LAWN, NAINSdllKH, l'KlUIN, ua Shucks, lonh CLOTH, LINENS, NA1MCINM, D01YI.H, TOWELS, LACE r(lltTAIiM, SHAWLS, NOTIONS, TJUMMINQK, HOS1EUY AND 0 LOVES, and errrytlilnif (jonemlly kept lu n llrnt-clnss nnv (h)ods .stoke. IJHOWEU'S lll.OUK, EAHrdri'iiimi'.iioiwii:, .i w.n. hi'iihei', ULOOMHISUim, pa- CP. PLLET3i O O o o o Or Sngnr-Contcil, Coneciilrnteil, Root and Herbal Juice, Antl-Ullloui Graiiiilos. TIIK "LIT-IXE GIANT" CATHAItTIf, or ritiltinii lu I'ni-vo I'hyslf. w Tlio novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and mnccutlcnl Science. No tiec of any louder taking tho hrpc, lCjuiLhe and uftttscons pilld, composed of chip, ciurtc, and bulky ingredients, when wo cm by ntarcfu Qnpllcntiou of chemical science, extract all tho cathartic anil ether medicinal niopcrtics from tlio mojt valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them Intoa mlimto (ir.innle, t.cnrecly InrRcr (linn a miislnrtl hccil , Hint ran bo readily twallowcd by tlioiO ofthciao.-t ren.llivi) etom.tchs and l.iilldloin tastes. CichllttlolMrcntlvo I'ollolicnrcecntf, la a mott coticcnti.iti'il lurni, as much catliartle power as is embodied in any nl tho Lugo pills found for sale in tho dm? flioju. 1'iom t'.iclr wonderful lathatilc poucr, In piDportlon lo their tlze. peoplo m Ito havo i.ot trlcil them aro aiit lo Mipno.o that Inoy aro hareh or drastic hi effect, (nit tnch tiiiot ot all tlio caso, tlio diaorcntnctlio medicinal pilnclpLs of which Iheyara composed licbrftoliairaoulsed and luoillilej, ono by tho ethets, as to produco n most scnrohltiK ami Uioroileli, yet gently and lillldly onuru llllf,'catlilirlic. r?3()0 Itownrtl id lieaby offered by tho proprie ior of tnoto I'lllilt, lu any thcnn.t '.n, ution a'l. iJysls, will flat! in thi'm nuyCaloiml or other forun ii mercury or uny oilier poi.ou, IIoIiik entirely vcaotnblo, no parilcuUr itilo is iiiutrul i.ln'.o itui j thci.i. Tin' opetato without dlsiuilnnco lu tl.o tonnltullon. di 't, or oo ciiratlon. l or r.umdlcc, llfiidiicho, C'ou- ktlpiltlOll, IllllMII'O Itlllllll, I'n'll III tlio MiotlldciH,'J'lKlittic.m1 tliotl ,tllz zlnc. Sour Ii'iit'liitlouu of tiii iom ucu, llail fnsto in niouili, ftiitoti nttncltt, I'nln in i-cp;Ioii or KI.Iiiojr. I'ovor, isioiitod fvelliiir nltoiit sto.iincli, Ituli ot II I Dint to lima, lllclt Colored llrluo, Unsociability uinl l.looiuy I'oi'cboilliiKw, tako Ur. l'Jorco'i IMcn.niit I'lirffiillvo t'cllotu. In ottibim tlonot tho lenv '.Hi poucr or my in real Ira Pellets over top-eat. i vi.itotyer m 1 wf.h tor.iy that tholr action upon tiui uiiliiinl ociiin. iny l uiitvorsal, no. u Bland or llmuo oktapliis T xauittlvo Ininrcn.. Ara coca not impair them: tin ir nvir-coathirf and being rr.clojcdlngla'4 bottles pu'rervo their litues unim paired for any length of time. In any climate, to that they aro ulwuyn ficsh and reli.iblo, widcU is nottiiu caso with the pill found In lho dm t stoics, put up hi cheap wood or boes. "llecollect that for nil diseases w hero a Laxative, Altcrnllvo or I'liruiltlvo Is liidlcatcil, llieso lllllo lUcU will flic lho most perfect tatlsfai.tlon toull who nso ILom, Tlioy nro lolil l.y nil ontci prlnliiK USK"l. .IS ! Vl'lllH IS IfUIIIC'i 1)0 KGt allow Etiv rlnifirlsl tn !n,1n. Do not allow any ilrnfglst to inrtneo jon to take i, fi r '"On-111 no may soy is Just as good as my 1'ulletS iTcL'lli.f hit ltiil1.Lil ll l)r,.r tirnlll , bo rccoiainvnda If your dnisglit cannot supply them, inclosu s.5 nuts and recelvo them by return iiiiitu mall irum Jf. I', l'tVllCli, Jf. ., Vroii'r, lUTPALO, N. V. u IS 72 ly. QARRIAQB MANUPACIV)HY, uioonuburg, Pa, M. C, HLOAN A UKOTHEK Havo on liiindnnd forsalont tho moil icnsonn. bio rates n splendid stock of CAimiAUEH. 11UU01144. mul evory description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of lho Lost nud most dur nblo materials, nud bv thu most cxnrihmrml workmen. All work sunt out limn lip estab lishment will bo found lu booftlui lilKlmst class ami suro to give perfect sntlsracliuu, Tiiuy liavo also a lino ussortinout of H L E I U II H of all the nowest mul most fashionable styles well anil carefully madonna of tho best mater lals. , An Inspection of their work Is tisked tin it I hellnvfwl thnt linun sitinM-lnr .nt, i.n r,...i i i.n "iiuilrv lan I it I Stiff Kn Pciaou can toko iheso UU(fifl pecrrd. (ur to ilircctiuuii fliitl lennln lens (uiwt!l f fovMcJ their tonci are not destrr y. il by ,1 ilionor . tlitt means, mul tho vlu! wistcit bc M tlie point rf ft pain I)5'MiC!lu tmllffcllon llerhclic, JIn in the Shoulder I, L'oiijIip, 'iit;Iitnci3 cf lho Chfilt, Ulni ncs, Rutir r.inrtatlous cftti6 htfm.icli, U.vl T.wic lo the Mduilii Ht'i-tii Atiack', I'ali.tiHn cf tlio Ifeait, In H,.vnniitjm ( f tlu J.initis Tain m tho rcf,i:ns of the KiJ i)b, ainl .- hi i mh cd i-llitr pilnful tympii'in, ito the olf xpriiiBi cf Dyspquia. In iluid tomplainu it han no equal, and mio Untile will frovo ;1 uttrt xii iratitCC cf tU inerin thati a !ci.t;thy atlvcu'cnirnt Kor IV inn It Coinilnlutfttn ysuny er vU, m.r or finslu, at the ihvn cf ncmatilnoii, .r tti turn of life, these Tonic HillcH 'i 'play sa JccuJeilaninlluem; tint a matKctl Imprnvcment 19 8wn pctccptihle, Vnr litfl.iniiiuttory tvml Cluonlc UlKU ninlU.ii nnfl (out,rilioti9, Ucinlttcnt ant. Intermit lent rcvemt Uieasca c-f the Wontl, Liver. Kidiipys and Hlvidtr. thcic IhKer hive no tqual, Sncli Ducic nre caused by Vitiitcd Iltod,v.hich Is Rcncully produced h- deranRcmcnt tf the Digestive Organs. Thry nrr n (Uiillo IMirRntUo nk will n n Tonic, ponctinc nln tho peculiar merit nf atthifpi a iiftidfTful a pert In iciicv'mx Consiton ot Inflitnmatnvn c f lite Liver .ind VUcoral Orpins, mh in Udioii3 DisetRti Tor Sltln iJlstnutHt I-riiniion. TetUr, Silt Kluiun, llltrlitrt, .SKts, 1'imi lt, rutttilos TloIU, Cill Inmclc Kiiia ncmu, Sf'd-Ilcii, Si'ic Kyus, Lryrpclas 1 ich, 5itnf' I)iKolpration U the Hlt n, Humors AndXiv tvt" of 'liij Skm, of v.lute'er nanu nr nature, are lit trftlly dnc up And carried out of tho sitcm in it ehcit time by the uv of thoic iiiittti TIiv iiroprrtlei) cf Pn. WAtKPk's ViNtman liiTTi Ri arc Aperiint, UiApIic-etic nnd Cummativa, N"tr timi, Laxatht, Piurouc, Sedative, Counter Inl tmt, Sadorific, Alkiatiw, .ind Antl-Hilicus n tt f nt Tlitiit-tiiiiilrt prottnm V::)C''Ak Hit-Ti'i-- the rnrnt adi?rf'l !iivi;oriit that ova tuitnintd l!it oiukiiiit tl-iii t WALKI.k.W pi K.H. ?ni)ONAT.O.VCO., Pruisl ami (Ion Ati, San Krancifco, Cab. und ti rn.r - V.'i h. iic i-d ilium , NmW V.-ik tOl.l IA I) 1 .(.hi- NI DLALLHS. H18-72 nugiMSiii WH3ES BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEAMIH& ANM) COMl'LRTK SKWINU MACIIIXK. -0- Tho Hist and only lltnTON-HOLli AXI) HKW1NU JIAt'lIINU combined that has mado lis ndvent In this or nny other country. C3-Tho loltowluu rcus.iui aro ulvon why this is tlio best. Family Machine to Purchase, J, llocauBo It will do' everything thatnny ma chluo can do, sowing1 from tlio llucst to the1 i. Ileenniottwlllwork abcautllul eyelet hole. 5. liecauso it can do coarsest material, uem mine, Idling, cording. ovcr-haud seaming, by wnicn meets, pniow cases mul tlio llko nro sewed over nnd over. 0. liecauso lho bekt iiiceliaulcaprononucolt !tho best finished nnd !inado 011 tho best princi ple of nuy machine liiuinulitclured. It has no springs to break: 'nothing to got out ol order. inniuiiib. u,i,,,,b erina nud powinu on.nt raiding, binding gatli- lho h.imo tlmoiuDlliig,! iiullllng, tie., bettel' than any other ma chine. L llce.iuioit can win k ft lieaiitlful bultiiU'liolo, niaklnir ur lino a pearl ns by the hind. S. liccuiseitwlll ein-'1,hhTes" Tn ' one "a making a neat nud. ..... .,., jj,,,., j... border ou nuy VoiiVi' luoJ. i-Nootlicr AlncliluorannCtfoinnlltU iheklud of sowing statod in No?, '-.ll. 1. and 5. Parties using n family sewing machlno waut 11 wiiuiju -M.vill-,.ouo Willi an 1110 improve' incuts. it la to last a LIPUTIMIJ. and therefore one is wanted that will do tlio most work, and do It mo ocsi: nuu una inacniiio ran uo Rovcr.11 ie.uus ol sewing not dono on ANY OTItllltMAUIIlNll, nesiites iioiug every uina mat an oiuerj can uo Tlio American or Plain f?ovinu; Machine. (Without the butlim-liolo varls). iloei all that lsdouo oil (uiK' e-ccipl billtiiu-liolu auu Dver-soaiuiug. S. J. FAUX, Agent, BLOOMSBUllfr, Pa. AUEXTS AVANTU1) IN 1SVURY TOWX. COJIPANY'S WAnEUOOSIS, 1310 Ohsstnnt Straat, Philadelphia. jJ"olvELVy, NEMj A CO., DKALKRS in DIIY GOODS, g 11 o c is 11 1 s , AND General Morel 1 1 1 luliso, niiuOM.sisuiui, i- jnuii'TJ-ti SEWING imWM.. mm U1 rpjlU BALKS OF SHWIKO 3A X. chluca In 1S71, ns lepmi 1. iimlcr cuth, lu l.i;:', to lho owners nf llio Boh .. JI u-bli'o I'.it. cnls.hliuw that llio 1MA1N (JFACTURIXCJ COMI'AN V LAST Y1IAU HOI.I) 18.1, 260Macliincs, NI.VKTV VFAl CENT. OP THEM UIO- ha ran pajiii.y vhk TIttfi III OVER 9 MOUliSKWINa MAOJIINESU'UAN WKHI5 SOLD JJY ANY OTII Kit COMPANY DUJt INO TIIUSAM'H PKIUOl), Tlio Siiigor Manufacturing Co., rJIILAllEU'IIIA OFI'CL' IMS ChcslmitHt, J. A. Donox, AQT, 111 lUooiushurg. auti.Jy 1,000 AQENTfi ' ANTED I for our now bnuk, liy f, K. WKHUi Uio noted I'loncer nud Hum orist. A most nccurato and fascluntinailcscrln t Inn nr I lm wlldnCSS nnd wealth nrihn lininul less West. Its untold 1 Icheo, Ilia Injuns, llullhlo, Wolves, io. I'rowdod Willi valuahlo Inforuiallon spaiklluB Willi tho keenest wit nud raciest luimor, rivaling Mark 'Iwnlu's best, unit splen did!) illustrated, will bo immensely popular mul sell bcyuml precedent, l'ur snmplu pages, llliibtrntloiis, terms. Aenddiess, HUUllAllI) IIUU.4., I'libllslieiR. niuirjA'T'-ll 72.1Haiu r!l I'lilla. THE 1 &A Hnil RondB. (UIMMjvIt Tin,; TAlirit. Elfiht Trains (Dally) tu nm, frol nml rii sbmg, nnd TiVA ' vi. 1 ' 1 . aMIIy)tonndfromKnl,i' ' (mtudays IUccpted.) ' ON nnd nf(or Moiulny, j , llio rnswnger Trnlni of tui . 1,1 'i. HiillioniU'ompiuiy will d.p ii trr.rm V, 1 iuiilnrrlo ntTliUiulolphU nml 1V11V. iur,,'u' ' lOWSi - uiu., . 1 EASTWAItD. KjiO-l'hllalelnhln lipresH,. "'iM1 'Wo'i'l'InntCiMn.iii " 1 '- '1:2.51-091 l.luo Imivcis llanlsbiirj 1, eept Monday) at n-ij n"in ii J lri'l IJ' J'hll-iaelphla nt 7-0J .1. m. " aiu ,lr" n I 'W .Moll Train leaves If.irrlalitn . .'':.x3l'llc,"n cxprona loavei Itarrl , , , 1 -UinV. m" nua "rrlvM nt "lU'lcil ' iW Ijtiiilrn Express lenves llai-ri i.w, we'y'li ladolpl.lantOipVlii. "u ' 1 i:2j-Ulncliiiinll Kinross lenves II .1 I In ..... WKSTWAHU. I iu-Erie EsprcKS wt, Tor Trie v ,1 ;',',nr,; ,",n.,ly (copt Bunday) at ! .tn',' '' 1 lylug nt Jjrio nt 7: ID n. in. p' - 1:15 Isrlo Mall weat.ior Erie 1, ,1 , . .1 burg dally at l.l', 11. m.', nnlvinSVtj! J,'.,'" hK;' ; 15 m-iXSnV'i.ia ntmVAW arrives nt l'ltuimrp nt 2:W ' r.""? 11 ' " '" VrtJ- .. "--w"iiiiiii.;w iii in. x-'7?5-uU'.r,u P1"" '""cs Ilarrl ,imr..,. i .-0-1'nsl I,ino lor cout Bumliiy) nt I:5t 'Jil'-'P. in., takes aup nt 1:3 a.m. . . i . '".in. .iiu nin: -1 wp. ni nrrivoH .I'JIUI nun -. 1 1 1 I . 4 , i.jj-jmu iiaui.ionvcs Knrrl-uu i eept SuudayMU 1:20 p. m. in Is ,V , ill l-oVn"'iuHkt '"PP1"1" 1,1111 ""-a ' 7i'J0 Way l'nsseUk'-r Tialn h , dally (except Sunday., at 7.11 ... ,., Altoonn nt I-) p. m. nndf. ; SiOJ-Tlirousli I'ussCDKorT.u.ii 1 ,. burg dally (8.tept Monday) al an 1 , at Aitoou.i ntnilun, m.amlur. n . I:k) p. 111, HAM. . A 1 . Sup!. M' 1 gllOKTKfcT KOU'lT Danville, Uazleton & Wilk wixrmt a nuAXui:: W l hAHTWAKD. T.I l'W Hunbury ' iiju' ill lHUVIllU Catawi ,sa Ilnzletou 7.' . O.OS I 2-J 1 ' Ik-tlili-hoin, I'jlil.lllClplllil Hllll-tllM r -'l 1AIII I lloy. ! t -li mi ll'uliiw.-. i-'-s I-'.'. 1 1 liiiuvith J.W 1 SitliL-nrv New Viiiu, xuonncruoou trnlu co-iueel i it - Wllil.inuiOTrto.Hiljiwkllir.uui.jji. , 1 lho J.ortlieru CentniH.50 11. in . ' icachlug Jlnriisburg 7.01 p. m., U'.lip. in., and also with I'u an Isiowu L'omtoitablo nud 11.1udK1.n9 now route J, UEKVEY liAHE.Hiuui ., jOimriHlN" "OENTUAL. K Vn Ou aud nftor Juuosjd, "i 72, Ti -l. u leave (SuNBDiiy as follows : NOUTlIWAltl). 12.30 p.m. Daily to Willlamsport, Eim. . unlL-uii, Hoclicstcr, Uutl.ilo, . Sunpo -n nnd X. l-'alls. 1 1?.M v. Jt, Hull'.ilo, X. K.ill", .tc. O.Ojn.m.Wllllamspoii Elmir.i Erlmv.-. OMl'.M.gDnllv-.foscopl SiindaysJ-for V sport ami Eric. ,,co.,r-.rM., I'nl'y. (except Wniiilay -i .11 IUiir.Uii and Nliyiia 1--.U1., , ,. -:, , u irom Elmii-j, TllAINS SOU'IilW tllii. 12.1 ;A.M. Dally for UayfrnoK, Wnsl riiiuiu-ipiii.i, ll.OS A.M. Dally (exioiil. Sun.' ,-,) .,1 ,1,, yasiiiiiijti)n..iiia ruii.i 1 K; Vally (except Huiid.ij- 1 ., 1, rhlladolphln, ,ie. IJ. 1. .si N. UeuornI I'.ik.i tir AwA ALrncii It. i-'isn, Giu'l.isup't, JEADINQ KAIJJ40A13. HUMJIElt AIHtANaEMi r.'l HilDAT, AUl, l-T 1st 11; Tinlus k-ivollariishuru for Now t. lows: At i.i u, ,io, a. hi ui , ,,. - neeilng witli trains on lvnn v load, mid urilvlns ut New V. a .". nnd 9,U p. m. iopooilvel. Kcluruiiiu': Eo.ivo Now Vm ii Oji Jiu u 11.00 p. ill. 1'J 1 1 ladul ph t't nt 1 .. und 3.3U ji. 111, ' 1 Le.vvo llnrrlsluiij; lor Ilendnu;, i',n uariu.1, .MInersvllie, Asliln n.lT -1. n - li-ulown nud l'hlla'il, nt 6,(i uriil - 1 . and l,Uj n.m., stopping m, jbami,, t S7lff.8la!i.1."li !u I'- 1 'i' 1 1 VlaL' P,,ll,,v,,1,lV.nlull"nibliii ... , yl e.schuylkllliravi-iiauii m kill aud nusiiuehanua lt.i'...i' . burtf nt UHp, m. East Pennsylvania R1111..1.1 4 , lte.1,1111-; lor Allentuwn Uis 11 ,. 1 . at 7.W ll'.W. a. 111., nml j.cj ,.. leave Xcw Yorknt v.tvin. m and Alleutowu ai7.2)a. in. . . ,. , . nm' U.J5p. 111. Way ru3scngcr Train . 7.30 ll.lil,, conueetlni; with . 'a- .. l'.i. railroad roturiiliij: Irum lie 1. btopplns nt all stations. Luivo l'ottsvllla nt 5.i a 1 2,GUp. ni,,lIcmdon nt lwu 11. 11 , --. ,, 5,!0uiid 11,13 a. m Ashland at -.uj . in. u, .1 )i. inAIahanoy City at 7. "il n. 1 1. , , I'liiuaiiua at Vfij a, m,, nua .,111 p. m. .w aclpliU, New York, ltcaillnri,Il.i., , Eenvo l'pltsvlllo vlu Hcliuy.ltill ami hauua ltalliii.ul nt S.lj 11. m. ior Harris 1 1, li n, 111.. for l'lno tirovo anil Tremom l'ottsvlllo Aoeommodatioii Tram Jeiv- Vllll-I 111 .1 till n. 1,1. . Ilecnj llr.. - livlus nt I'hlladelphlaut u.aj aTi'n.''ltei,i leaves i-iuiaueipnui nt 0,13 p, ni r.i t - 1 lncat 7,10 p.m., nriivlnsat rotinvilleui ' . tni71 nt li 1 n in. rut iin l 1. S. (N'iulh and Urccn) at 1,:.) i"in. v.uiuiuuia ittiutuau iiatus i .ive i 7,-10 n.m., nnd U.13 p.m. lor Eplnni.1,1 . , ter. Collllnbln. ,V-i, vi.lin iilmr n..iv . i ........ S.6UU. in. nnaiS.Sjp. m r.nd Coliun ,.i in. nnu a.isp. in. :. . i Junctional 7.;ij.indK,iin. m., ' -i, iiirulutr, leave aicc-ii l.niio .u o , ami p. m conne.lii j - il, Ui-aillna l'iekcrin' Valley Itallro.U li .u.i , t lilVV llo'i, II 111 n in -1 In . I . . . IiiK, ie.ivo llyersiilil.Vj'u. in.',' l.'.'li mm i ' nil'- UUI! iiu hums on Hi i.' I , lx , 11 v1 ro:-'.i.iik,l-iloll:ili:, Lull. i . .iVi H il i'i .1, in, l.CO 0.2i 7.11 1 . i , . "in -M . l' ut 0.IJ0, fc.iu and 11 -. i ii -.i., ' i oiiureilu-( Itp lialns on !! .i ln j I'lienti r Valley linilnud 1 i-uns ui-- linn .it .",tia. m,uud2.W :i...i .. ! li.ui.'iiin.'liiv-ii ni i, i J.ll p, in., I'CniHlUlilj; 1,1111 11 i.. s u' 1,(1 111 liU.I, Ou uud,i,-. -. e.iva New . i . e i phla ut j. m. nud il,l!i. ni t'bu 1 lull. Itimilli.' .iiilv In llioill,,., il. .... ,D) n.m.- lluriUbiirent S,0Oii.iii. und il-iiu ,iikiiiui ti at i.j-i Him -j... j p. in itcndlUK at 7.lj n. m, mul HOn. in, mi lull", nl T tiln ,- ii.i v.v v,-i i. if- o Alleiilowu unit at 0,10 a, in., and .' J i-ui.aiieipuin. t tiltil ,,lnf .il inn AUl.,.. ... . hicurnlou Tlekclii to and' iroui an' i . i i -ducia lutes, llas-uago cheeked thrniiirh; l-'-u i. m each )ui-,eueer, .1. i-:. 1 . Asst. Hunt. A I ,1 ,i illu; I'i . Au;,'. 1. M7J. I AtJKA iVANNA A M) I; '. ' .1 J r.UKU ill tll.lMlAll Iln iiuUli... iv, 7.11)71. i'u . "o i lull .afci lon- : iliilugNinlli. i, wtlv A ril vu In. in- .. ui, li. in, ii. in. ' m '. . ..s ii. v . II Hi! I'll l.'i l'iymontli. . . i'.'.a: HUtcksiiliiuy... 7.) J'J.Oii i.i - llorwlul: TM ll.'W ' -1 llloom s,u5 11.11 .''7 Dainlllu 1U.S0 I..7 v.tiiinuei mil inuiiu iivr'ui.lilluli ,ij in,' lialiitiiriirinit lleuil, IUiikIi'iiuIou, - 11 nllpoinu Nbi'ili, East una West. TP.'NT AIIION PIANO. Tlio only jmyVf Instninunt In tlio Win 1-1. ' Is iimviiiiiftul In lllclinoss, i'.iwer, llilllliiiuy in -liin.ii.ilii,'. stiieelul Innnu In 'I'lii.-jii u. .Mall-1' lavors lu lilei'vyiiicii. Hend for Illusliuled i l'umplilct, ,.,,.,,. , , ,,,, . , iv, runiiiii, iiuiieiiu - lunr 10'71-tf.J MAUCIl I'HUKK 1 f UHTIOIVK HLANKH, i we now litiM-mi Imiul n luii;e neiiiiy io'.". iissnrlineiit nl .HiHTICE-H and I'llNWl Al'l-I liliANKM, loMlili'M wo InvlUi lho a'.t. ntlin Uu .i mill r i mil rttrlvcss in vHt lu'n.lelrlilt 7, "