The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 23, 1872, Image 3

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Hie Columbian,
I'ulay, August 23,
North. Houth.
(1:82 A. HI. 4:57 rut, -tMUA.M. 11:1131' M,
prcM KM) P.M. l):33A.Mi
mm Hoii i. Holng South-
11, liillA.M
t .nriAT,
St.vr.iiAr. communication Imvo been
tlttt rni,n tit
(lliwilLU unci mm w-iv, -i.iii.-jr win lu
colvo duo attention.
A LITTLE KOll Of JoromlttU IIC33 Of
East lilt. DiunburR, foil from n. trco In
llrtulorsltoU's grovo on Saturday last
null bral'o hw leg.
'I'm: public schools of tho town of
Woonnburft, will opon on Monday tho
Hit of Hoptembor for a torm of six
"Montour County has Instructed her
(Ion fereei for Thomas Chalfunt for Stato
Hcnnlor unci II. K. Rhodes for Assorn
A DiuiiMANT meteor was seen on
Tuesday nlitht Inst in tho hcavons. It
won vlslblo but n moment as It passod
items- hu sky with great rapidity.
Wiiknuvi'iui mortgago deed of trust
or any Incumbrance) is mado upon in
sured property, notlco should bo glvon
to tho Company ; othorwlso tho insur
ance Is void.
At tho Conforcnco held in Wllholm's
lintel In Danvlllo, on Wednesday last,
Col. John fl, Frcczo and John J. Motz
ger wet chosen delegates to tho Con
stitutional Convention.
Tim D. II.. it W. R. It. Co., havo
appealed from tho decision of Judgo
Hlwc'll, granllng an injunction to tho
N. & V. Hunch It. It., to tho Supremo
Court, commencing at Sunbury in Sep
tember. Tin: nowly creeled Church of tho Association, at Afton, Col
umbia Counly, Fa., will bo dedicated
to tho worship of Clod, on Sunday, Sept.
1st, 1872, services commencing at 10
o'clock, A. 31. All nro respectfully in
vited to attend.
Tho Democratic organs complain that
President Grant occasionally loaves
Washington for relaxation Wwnn Oil
No tlioy don't. They conitilai.i that
ho only "occasionally" visits Washing
ton to attend to public busluc u.
Tho Illoonisburg tho or
gan or Senator lluckalcw, refused to
hoist tho names of Grcoloy and Brown.
"What aro you going to do .iiiout it'.'"
Huzlcton Sentinel.
Tho above item contains I -a- i
and distinct falsehoods. W aro you
going to do about it?
Minutjj holes ofton occur in lead
supply pipes, giving pnssagt to fl no Jets
of water. They may bo goi, orally clos
ed up without sending for a plumber,
by placing tho squaro end of a nail on
tlioholoand striking it two or llireo
light blows with a hammer.
Watkk Wouks. around. been
broken for tho Danvlllo Water Works,
and tho work goes on with energy. Mr.
KreBs Informs us that ho expects to
havo tho water spouting over town be
fore Christmas. For prompt!, oss tho
work Is In tho right hands. Indepenr
Tar. Fifteenth Annual Session of tho
Stale Camp of tho Patriotic Order of
Sons of America mot at Wilkes Barro
on Tuesday of last weok. Over 300
delegates wero proscnt. Tliero aro
nearly 00,000 members of tho organisa
tion In this Statu it is said.
Wr. aro informed that II. B. Swope,
U. S. District Atlomoy, will shortly
mako a Grant and Cameron speech in
this place. Wo prcsuino invitations to
bo present will bo sout to Dr. Walton,
Col. Slowart, and other Rovenuo re
formers. Thj editor of tho 1-ittston Cornel has
been orrcsted Just for dropping a quart
or so of Hour paste on nn itinerant organ
grlmlor. When wo contrast tho lofty
mission of the newspaper with tho In
tolerable nuUuucu of organ grinding,
wo aro impelled to ask "whether wo
are breathing tho puro air of freedom
or being strangled with tho fetid br ith
of a hellish despotism V"
It Is str.ingo so many persons,
thoughtful ami lutclllgont inon amongst
them, should disregard ordinary cour.
tesy and do vlolcnco to ono of tho ordi
nances of tho town by stopping thoir
teams on crossings. Thoro Isscarcoly
a day in which ono orjinoro occurronco
of tills kind cannot bo soon on our
Blrools. Don't do It gontlomon j it is
neither polltcn or lawful.
Some ono having assorted that tho
now Academy in Honvlck would not
accommodate-" any moro scholars than
tho old one, a zealous friond or tho now
building writes a iottor to tho Inde
pendent nrovlmr bv flcuros that tho us.
Bortion Is ttutrnoaud that tho now house
has nearly doublo tho capacity of tho
Old, Tho bolter heating nrrangemonts,
creator couvonlonco and architectural
Superiority aro nlso sot forth In glowing
In tho proceedings of tho County
Convention in tho Colu.uhian last
weok nn orror occurred lu stating
tho result of tho voto tor Com
mlssloner, tho namo of Abuer Welsh
being glvon as having tho majority of
mo votes cast. Tho figures then-solves
snow tho majority to havo boon given
io wiuiam jjawton whoso namo
should bo In tho placo of Mr. Welsh's.
The campaign lu this County was
winy opened on Tuesday night la3t by
tho organization of a Buckalow Club nt
Light Streot. Ocorgo W. Jacoby was
muxan i-rcsment and Isaiah Whlto Sec
Kilnry. Tho olectlon of liormaiipnt nfll
cers was doforrcd until this (Friday)
"ignt, wr. cooloy addressed tho moot
ig and tllOSO lirojnnr. nnrnltn,! tl.'nm
selvo- as mombora of tho first campaign
elublu tho eounty.for tho fight of Octo
ber nnd November no.vl.
On Thurcdny morning of lost weok six
disguised runians wont to tho house of
Nowlon Brown at Marcy's Station on
tho L. A B. It. It. n short distance abovo
Plttslon and after beating Mr. Brown
in n torrlblo maunor bound him and
his wlfo and robbed tho house Tho
robbers obtained '$1,000 in bonds and
escaped unmolested,
Mn. Nathan Cheasy of Catawissa
township was sovoroly injured last
week by n liorso which lio was harness-
ing. Whilst passing bohlnd tho animal
to reach tho harness ho wai kicked lu
tlio ahonldor, slmttorlng tho bono and
cutting aud bruising tho flosh, This
accident will probably provent Mr.
Cronsy from nttondlng to business for
somo weoks,
Titm Now Hall block, lu Osweco.
N. Y.. was dostroyod by tiro Wed
nesday morning. Tho 103S la not
Wo find tho above In tho Mltontan
under tho head of "Wit and Humor''
but pationt aud careful reading has
failed to muko clear to us whoro tho fun
of tho thing llos. I'orhaps thoro was a
Orceloy newspaper published In tho
The Danvlllo Intellgencer in spoak
lug of tho now Insano Asylum says tho
ranlu buildings and wings aro. noarly
completed, and tho rear building, to bo
used as a boiler houso, laundry, cook
house, bakery, Ac, is approaching com
pletion. Tho water and gas works aro
being pushod forward with tho greatest
posslblo speed and it Is thought that
tho Institution will bo ready for tho
rccoptlon of patlonts in about thrco
In tho Columbian of lost week wo
gavo tho times at which certain kinds
of gamo could bo killed, among thorn
pheasants and rabbits. Tho informa
tion was obtained from tho Oamo Law
of 1SC0, but subsequent examination
has shown that tho County of Columbia
was oxemptod from tho provisions of
this Law. Thocorrcct statement thoro
foro is ns follows : rhoasants may bo
killed from August 1st to Fobruary 1st
and rabbits from October 1st to Fobru
ary 1st.
I'iiovidunce permitting, a Rushmcot
lug will begin on tho ovcnlng of tho
21th of Aug. There will bo proaching
on tho ground, on Sunday, tho 25th of
Aug., at 10 o'clock, A. M., by Rov. G.
W. Itlgon, after that only in tho oven
lugs. Itov. Isaiah Batzell from Mount
vlllo Pa. and others nro oxpecled to bo
present during tho meeting. Tho meet
ing will bo hold In Poter Loisonrlng's
grovo near Crossroad School House,
Northumberland Co., Pa.
Sixteen quarts of pure milk aro re
quired to mako ono pound of butter,
and ten quarts to mako ono pound of
chocso. When butter is forty cents ti
pound and cliceso cloven cents, ono
pound of butter equals in valuo sixteen
quarts of milk and returns two and one-
half cents per quart to tho dairyman.
But ono pouudof chcesofrom ten quarts
ol milk only gives him ono nud one
eleventh cents per quart for pure milk.
IMtODUcu youii Pnooi'. Becklcy,
with his usual lack of voracity, repents
the staloslanderthat tho "Fishlngcrcek
Confederacy" had ono or two pieces of
artillery, and that 1,000 men drilled on
tho Eautz farm. Every man, woman
and child In this County knows this
statement to bo falso ; but it, and sim
ilar ones aro manufactured for tho pur-
poso of being spread abroad. Wo chal
lenge him to get a sltiglo decent Repub
lican to mako an affidavit ns to tho
truth of this charge. In this County
many of tho ablest Republicans will
voto for Bucknlow as tho best auswer
to tho slander.
Mn. Ed. Bt.oom, from tho vicinity of
Kuob Mountain, visited our town on
Tuesday last, with an equipage, if wo
may bo allowed to uso tho torm, which
was unlquo if not elegant. Tho whoels
of his vohlclo wore very small and on
framework erected on them was a
chair under which wero wooden springs.
Tho animal who furnished tho motlvo
power for this homo-mado conveyance
was a bull, In remarkably good condi
tion and of apparently gontlo disposi
tion. Mr. Bloom, upon request, mado u
short speech in front of tho Court Houso.
Wo did not hoar It but It produced
much nmusemont In tho crowd of listen
ers. Wo understood that both Mr.
Bloom and tho bull, wero for Oreo-
loy. Bully for tlfom !
The Republican dolegato election In
Bloomsburg on Saturday brought to
light a formidable resistance to tho
domination of tho small clique which
has heretofore controlled tho party in
this County. In ono ward tho honors
only failed to elect thoir delegates by
four votos. There Is no doubt of tho
oxistouco of a sorlous aud growing ells-
nllcctlou lu tho ranks of tho Radicals
and Messrs. Knorr, Whltmoyer, Beck-
loy and tho rest of tho ofllco holders
must look to their laurels or thoy will
find themselves ore long in tho minori
ty. Theso gontlomon havo rulod tho
members of thoir party with a rod of
Iron and at last havo rousud tho Indig
nation of tho moro thoughtful and
onruost to a dogreo that may lead to
tho ovcntunl overthrow of tho Admin
istration ring,
On Monday morning about 2 o'clock
us John Webster, Georgo Davis, Alfred
Burgh, Tlioma3 Richards, James Dar
rah and Jarao3 Brady, wero returning
from their work at tho Continental Col
lleroy, ownodby Messrs. Gorrell & Au
denrold, whilst walking through tho
deep cutting on tho Lohlgh Vnlloy
Railroad, a llttlo cast ot tho Colliery
formorly owned by J. M. Frcck,
thoy wore fired at by a party
who must havo boon lying lu wait for
thorn lu tho brushwood. All oxcopt
Wcbstor rau back to tho Colllory and
stayod thoro until morning. Ho ran lu
tho direction of Ccntralia and was found
on tho sldo of tho Railroad In tho
morning unnblo to go homo, and lu a
critical condition from a number of
wounds from shots in tho abdomen and
ono in tho breast. Mr. Davis was shot
through tho lung and Is dangerously
Injured. Of tho others uouo aro sorlous
ly hurt, A ball glanced oil' tho buckld
on Darrah's bolt and Richards found
shoo tacks lodged in his foot, Tho par
ty must havo had guns and pistols load
cd with balls, largo shot.nnd shoo tacks
and from tho location of tho wounds It
is thought thoy aimed at tho lighted
lamps on tho workmen's heads, being
on tho bank ubovothom. Thoos3all
outs nrn unknown and still at largo,
Tlio Onico Holders' Convention.
Tho annual gathorlng of this body of
patriots mot nt tho Court Ilousoon last
Monday to ratify tho cut nnd dried pro
grnmtno laid out by Bcckloy, Knorr &
Co. Not half tho county was represent
ed nnd out of 2000 voters not 200 attond
cd tho delegato elections. Tho delegates
wore mainly solf constituted. Among
thorn wo noticed U. S. Assessor S
Knorr, who was goncrnl manager, as
sistcd by tho Itov. l'ostmastor Beckloy.
A. Mr. Brown, boh of a postmaster,
presided. Abram Itlco, tho Beaver
postmaster, was promlnont nnd was
ably seconded by Assistant Assessor
McCoIlum. Nollhcr Stownrt nor Wal
ton sal noar him. L. T. Thompson, for
mor ltovcnuo Oaugcr, Klchard Stllos,
former Assistant Assessor, John Hart-
man, porpotual cnndldalo for anything,
O.a. Jackson, cx-candldato for Legisla
ture, Dr. Vnndorsllco, same, Elishn
Hnyman, U. S. Census taker, wero
among tho dologatos. Nor must wo
omit our friond Abbott, also at ono tlmo
caudidato for Legislature, but who was
so ruthlessly struck by Knorr, Whlt-
moycr, McCoIlum cl at.
Ellsha Haymnn nnd Ilobt. Howell
woro selected as Judicial couferoos,wlth
out instructions. Tho congressional
conferees woro Instructed tosupportDr,
Strawbrldgo, of Danvlllo.
II. 0. Crovollng was nominated for
Assembly, boating John Hart rami, who
does not seem to bo n favorllo of tho
ring. L. T. Thompson nnd K. O. Ent
woro mado Senatorial conferees. Tho
convention nlso Instructod In favor of
Michael Whitraoyor as dolegato to tho
Constitutional convention. It. II. Ring
lor was nominated for Prothonotary,
MatlloMonroo for Reglstor and Record
er, nnd John Staloy for Commissioner.
John Eggcrt, whowas promised a
Lcglslativo nomination was let up on
Tho resolutions approvu of liar-
tranft's stealing and Allen's blackmail
ing, and they aro declared "lit repre
sentatives of the Republican party,"
which Is undoubtedly true.
And then tho thing ended. Several
pcoplo in town would havo called In
bad thoy known a convention was bo-
log hold, but wo assure them thoy
would havo seen nothing now ; tho
samo delegates nnd sanie managers as
heretofore run tho machine
In pursuanco of a Resolution of tho
Democratic County Convontion tho
members of tho Standing Comraitleo
met In thi3 town on Saturday August
On motion, David Lowonborg was
duly elected Chairman nnd W. C. Mc
Kinnoy Secretary of the Committee for
tho ensuing year.
John G. Quick moved that there bo
as many members of tlio Vigllanco
Committee appointed from each town
ship which was agreed to. Thcro was
then appointed tho following
Vigilance Committee,
llcaver Geo. Dreisbach. Chin. Mtcliuni. ti
llcnlou J, j, jiclloury, 11. J. Case. Jin. L'ou-
licrwicic isaiuu liower, u. n. Jnclcsou.
llloom. East SI. MUlaril. Jna. II. i'n s-.mi
luooiu, wcsi.M. wyciiy, .mines Merner.
llrlniTroek Uhas. ltcaJ. (ii-tt. Mill..,-, fin., m
Cntnwlssn M. II. V. IClluc-, Win. HuyiU-r.
Contro Win. Miller. E1. llui-tnum. Km.ii
CouytiKtiniii, North
CouyiiKiiam Soutli
l-'lslllUBCroelC I.,. M. C'l-ilVL-lIn-'. (Jvriu Uniting
HlltiH Mcllenry, Chas. Anil.
I-ranlclln Mo-ics Mcllrnry, wii-tlilm-tnu l'-ui'.
UreeuwooJ Fr.aulc 1,mt. (1. W. Hit. .I.u-irsm,
Hemlock T. J. Vnmlcrnllco, 1). II. WngiiiT.
Win. Wlutcrsteou.
jaciison uenry wngucr, ii.inlcl voiiun.
LocukC Elitis L'rcasv. lt.mlel Ntlnn. .Imt. Mnv.
uvr, uwtuuiiy.
J. M. Utrton.
cliard Domott, Dr. T, J, SMicr,
Mniao Jorommn Lougcuuergcr, Jim. Num.
Montour N. Mouser, P. A, Evnns.
Mt. l'loasutWra. Mlllor, Jno. Mordati, Sr.
Ornnga II. 11. Klluo, U, II. Ent.
l'iue Lu A. Ucrmnu. Wm. ICurnhnoi-. Aiml
Crnlg. .
KoariDgcrcoK jno. floury,
Hcott-J. 8. liacbmau, It. J. Millard
fiugarloaf-Alonzo Albortsoa, Clluton Cole,
Arrangements woro mado for tho or
ganization of Campaign Club3 and In
futhoranco of tho plans tho Chairman
appointed Tuesday evening Aug. 20th
for a mooting at Light Stroot and Wed
nesday ovening Aug. 21st for a meeting
In Buckhorn,
Tho Committoo thou ndjournod to
moot on.Tucsday September 3d, at ono
o'clock, in Bloomsburg.
Tho members of tho Vigllanco Com-
mltteo nro desired to meet as soou ns
posslblo to decldo upon tho tlmo and
placo to hold mooting-) in thoir respec
tive townships and to notify tho Chair
man of tho Counly Committoo of thoir
decisions, in ordor that spcakors may
bo in attendance.
The Democratic Convontion of Sulli
van county mot on Tuesday August 13th
In Laporto and organized by tho olec
tlon of tho following officers ; President,
Hon. Richard Bedford; VicoPrcsidonts,
William Colloy and Fred. Taylor, Sec-
rotary, Micnnei iuoyiert.
Tlio namo of Amos Llttlo was pre
sented by a substitution of Patrick Jor
dan. Martin Jordan also presented a
substitution from Patrick Jordan nnd
on tho quostlon being submitted to tho
convention which' should boadmlttcd
as a delegate, Mr. Jackson called upon
htsrriotuis to voto lor Amos ijittioanti
Mr. Dcogau called upon his to voto for
Martin joruan. tho ayes anti uoesworo
called nnd resulted as follows ; 19 votes
for Amos Llttlo nnd 0 for Martin Jor
dan, where upon Mr, Llttlo took his
seat. At this stago of tho proceedings
Mr. Deegan called upon his friends to
leave tho convention with him which
thoy did.
tho ioiiowing resolution was men oi
ferod by M. Meylert.
Jiesoivea, Tiiatueo. u. jacKsou is our
cholco for Senator for this Senatorial
District, to bo elected at tho ensuing
election. Wo hereby nomlnato Idin as a
canilluuto ror that omco with power to
appoint tho Senatorial conforco3 equal
in n tun our to uioso nppomiou uy nuy
other county in this Senatorial district;
which was unanimously adopted,
C. O. Finch and Lvinan B. Sneaker
was appointed Judiciary Conferees nud
instructou tosupportnon. wm. l-uwoti
lor l'rcsiuont j uugo or tins juuiciaiuis
trlct. Tho followlntr resolution was thou of
fered by Geo. D. Jackson.
Jcesotmi, That Michael Moylcrt anil
Richard Bedford are horcbv appointed
Congressional conforoos to meet similar
eonierccs on mo part or tho other conn
ties In this Congressional District to
nomlnato a caudidato for Congress, And
wnno wo navo a nroioronco lor tlio noun
natlou of Hon. It. R. Llttlo of Wyom
ing county, wolcavolt to tho discretion
or mo conferees; which resolution was
unanimously auoptou.
uopresentativo conroreo woro np
pointed nnd instructed to support
i.yinan u. opcaKcr.
All do not know that lemons sprlnk
led with loaf-sugar almost complotoly
allay fovcrish thirst. Thoy nro Invnlua
bio in tho sick room. Invalids affoctod
with fovorlshnos3 can safoly consumo
two or thrco lomons a dayj A iomon or
two thus tnkou nt"tca-tImo" Is recom
mondod as an entire Bubstltuto for tho
ordinary supper of summer, and will
ofton Induco a corafortabloslcon tbrnucb
tho night, and glvo n good nppollto for
Hints to tho MIc.
In no great popular movement havo
tho pcoplo displayed moro lntolllgonco,
discipline nud solf-dopondonco, than In
tho present campaign. Still, It Is ovl-
dent from nuinorous communications
that many porsona stand ldlo, walling
to know how thoy can do moro than cast
their individual votes. For such wo
offer somo suggestions toward offectlvo
work !
I. Endeavor lolncreasothoclrculalion
of tho nowspapors published in your ro
snoctlvo locality. Thcro is no hotter
campaign document than tho local nows
paper. Bo It largo or small, If It Is heart
ily dovoted to tho popular causu It
will necessarily contain lnclloinonts to
earnest, rcsoluto action In tho appeals
nud nrgumcnts It prcsonts In successive
numbers, llowover npathotlcor hostile
a voter may bo, ho will not, If ho is
onon to honest conviction, resist tho
lnilucnco of tho facts published, botwocn
this and November, in any ono paper
dovoted to National Reform. Who
ovor, therefore, adds n elnglo namo to
tho subscription list of such u paper.
has laid tho basis of nn over-widening
circlo of oiTcctlvo nld to tho populai
II. Circulate campaign documents,
Sovoral of thoso havo already been
published and havo borno good fruit
whorovcrthoy havo been distributed. It
Is probablo that "Senator Sumner's
Speech," ono of tho mo3t offectlvo pub
lications of tho campaign, has been read
by C,000,000 of our pcoplo, and ns its
impeachment has never boon nnswored,
it continues to lead overy ono intent on
voting wisely and patriotically into tho
Liberal ranks. Tho samo Is trtto In n
measure of tho "proceedings of tlio Nn
tional Convention," containing Senator
Schurz's masterly address, nnd of "Mr.
Greeley's Record" which shows tho
statc3inanliko policy ho advocated at tho
closo of tho civil war, and tho defiant
nttltudo ho hold when tho principles of
Justice and tho securities afforded by
tho constitution wero imperiled.
III. Orgauizo Clubs. Bo your number
ten or ten hundred, your power for good
will bo redoubled when you rcsolvo
yourselves Into an organized body.
Your club will form tho nucleus of an
organization which in a movement llko
tho present must daily expand, nnd bo
an cflVctivo barrier against tho intrigues
nnd terrorism of otllco-holdors. Each
club should appoint appropriate com
mittees; mako a llst-of all tho voters in
its district ; canvass each ono thorough
ly aud hold public meetings at conve
nient times. It should encourage fra
ternity among those who havo differed
in tho past, not alono by candid profes
sions, but by stimulating cordial, hearty
Intercourse; in a word, it should bo in
cessant in all branchos of political ac
tion, relying mainly upon its own
strength, until victory will crown its ef
forts in November.
"This is ncouutry worth lighting for,"
and if tho pcoploonly oxoreisotho vigl
lauco and display tlio organization
which tho occa-ilon demands, thoy can
not bo overborne, wero corruption twiev
us strong ami audacious.
U. K. Pakcei. Post. According In
(lie now IT. S. Po-tlnl law, which wont
Into operation on July l-cl, packages "f
dry goods, hardware, drugs lexcopt
liquid drugs) and other nifiehiiodis" not
exceeding twelvo ounces in woiglil, can
bo mailed to any part of tho United
States at a chargo of two cents for each
two ounces or fraction of two ounce!.
Under this law, tho post-ofllco authori-
tios will forward n twelvo-ounco pack-
go to San Francisco for twelve conls,
whereas tho express companies demand
at least twenty-flvo cents for tho trans
portation of a packago, howover small,
for any distance. As a familiar illustra
tion of tho benefits of this now parcel
post, a pair of dress boots, If neither
boot welgh over twolvo ounces, may
bo wrapped up in two soparato packages,
and bo sent to San Francisco for twen
ty-four cents, whereas tho express com
panies would chargo for transportation
to tho samo point as much as the gooiU
aro worth. Tho now system has not as
yet been taken advantage of by tuo
public to such an extent ns to mako It
emuncratlvo to tho Government, but
it is boliovod that when tho parcel post
becomes moro gonorally known It will
provo profltablo to tho Government as
woll as beneficial to individuals.
Stains. If you havo been picking
or handling any acid fruit and havo
stained your hands, wash them In clear
water, wipo thorn lightly nnd whilo
thuy aro yet moist strlko a match nud
shut your hands around It so as to catch
tho smoke, and tho stain will disappear.
If you havo stained your muslin or
gingham dress, or whlto pants, with
berries, boforo wotting tho cloth with
anything olso, pour boiling water
through tho stains and thoy will dis
appear. Before frultjuieo dries It can
ofton bo removed by cold wntor,ii3ing a
spongo or towel, if necessary. Rubbing
tho nnger with tho msiiio ot the par
ings of apples, will remove most of tho
stain caused by paring. Ink also, if it
bo washed out or sopped up from tho
carpet with cold water Immediately
when it is spilled, can ho almost entire
ly removed.
Look Out ron the Soamp. Chief
of Pollco Knapp Is In receipt of n lottcr
from a gentleman nt Roaring Branch,
Pa., warning tho public ngalust n swln
dler calling himself J. Q. Saxon, pro
tending to bo n Mason.Odd Fellow, and
Knight of Pythias. Ho is travollng on
tho "mako" and obtaining sums of
money by representing himsolf ns a
po3toQlco dotectlvo. Ho borrows tho
monoy nnd promises lo return It with
In twenty-four hoursA When tho tlmo
Is up ho Isn't there. Ho is of modiuin
height, sautly hair, heavy moustncho
and has lost.hls right arm, but wears n
falso ono with n glovo on tho hnnd
dark coat aud pants, whlto duck vest
Leghorn lint. Ho also carried a Hnon
duster. Whon ho left thoro ho obtained
about l,r00 of two parties. Look out
for him. ElmUa Gazette.
DurtiNO a thunder storm at Sunbury
on Tuesday of last week, tho City Hotel
was struck by lightning nnd tho pro
prlctor, Mr. Drumhollor, was knockod
down by tho shock, but, fortunately.
oscapod without sorlous injury. A son
of Mr. Charles Qarrlugor was knocked
off from n wagon and stunnotl, and ono
of tho two horses which ho was driving
was Instantly klllod nnd tho othor somo
what slngod. Tho samo dlschargo of
electricity struck a fonco noar by shlv
Cling It,
or new Yonir.
ok Mmaoimi.
mix roits,
Edo Ait Cowan, of WeUmoi eland,
UEoitun W.HisisNnn.of I'rai'llii.
(tnttiK?) MAitvitt.of Erie.
John 8. Mirr.Kii, or Iliintltv-ilon,
H. (liios-i I'nv, ol riitladelph a,
1. Thomas J. Ilamcr.
13. P. I,owenljcrg.
s, Htoph, 1). AtuUnon.
3. Jtlm Mollht,
I. Uoorgo U, llerrell.
B. 'Not agroiMt upon I
(I, lnnlali 11. Iloupt.
7, annuel 1), Dyer,
8. Jcsio (I. Hawley,
0. II, n.Hwarr.
1(1. II. Kcllly.
11, John Kimklc.
1 F. Y. UutiHlcr.
it .i, iuoivnigm.
11, Honry Welsh,
in, lleniy .1, Htahlc.
17. It. W. Christ to.
H. William P. Logan.
ID, llawlnji 1 1 row M.
W. I-'. M. Itobliwoii.
21, J. It. Molten.
21. T, II, Htcveiison.
11. .lolm II. Hard.
HI. Ucorgo W. Miller.
or UEDronD coUntv
t'Olt JUDGE Ol BUritEME COfltr:
op r.niE couscrv.
oc riIII.ADEI.rntA,
or Miznr.Nn cocsty,
Kor Member of the OmiAt II iitlmtnl Con
ventlou, GEO. W. WOODWAni), Philadelphia,
WM. IlIOIiHK, Clcarllcld.
W. J. 11AEU. Somerset.
W. II. .SMITH, Allecieny,
l'KANKLIN II. UOVEN. rhiludelDliln.
JOHN II. CAMPIIELL, Philadelphia.
H. A. REYNOLDS, Lancaster.
JAMES ELLIS, Kchuylltlll.
H. V, T. 1)01)1). VouaiiRO.
C1EO. M. DALLAM , Philadelphia.
A. A. PUKMAN. Grceu.
WM, L. COltllLTT, Clarion.
iHiihJci-t to tho decision ol tho District Confer tec)
(Subject to tho decision of tho District Conlaees)
(Subject to the decision of tho District Coiifeiecs
l-'Olt llEGISTEIl fl IlECOllPEll,
lie.wer Mii.cs Hchllcher.
ltenton I. I'. ICrlckhauiu.
)ler7l( It Levi Died bender.
I'.Iooni, l-Ust Disc D.ivld Lowonbcrit.
Jlloom.Wost Dlst. William .Melvlinii y.
Calawissa Geo. Scott.
uemrc 11. 1). kiioh.
Centralla C. CI. Murphy.
(' iiiyngh-xin N'oi-lh
i -nii jicimut eiomo uciiaci liriun in.
riflilnui-.eek );. J. Mcllenry.
rn.llklEll Wllll.ltil Slnlr.n-.
Givi-nwivid Wciloy JVIoirN,
Lieksiin Hlhw W. Mcllenry
u-iuHicit m in r.uopi!!iu;ur.
I. .cost
Madl--oii Jolin Allen.
Mam W. T. .Shu'iiMi.
M IU!n liumuel Snyder.
Montour John (I. Oniric.
Ml. Plcinmil -O iii-iiH W. .I if-ot.v.
Orange 1). K. HI0.111.
l'lir -I'. W. hones.
lloarln-'cieek J. li. llllue'ir.
hcolt u. P. Hut.
Busnrloar J, H. I'rIU.
HE-IS ltUONE-llv ltev. II. Wll.iou, Ani;!d,
I)7", Mr. Ira 1). lless of Join, lo .miss
puigeula lliiono or uenton, coiumnin county.
llEAVEll-LAZAUUH-Ou tlio 17th lust., by
tho Ilov. William . I. Eyer. Mr. Jeiomiah uea Miss Lydla JanoLnzaruH.both of Coop
er township, Moniour county, i'a.
KITCIIEN-SIMONH-On tho 10th lust., by I. K.
Krickbaum, Esq., Mr, Airrcd Kitchen ol su
Barloar, to Miss intliarlne Simons of Denton,
Columbia Co.
DECKENDOni'-UOIIlll!.CIl-On tho atli,
lust., by mo llev, .1. i;yer, Mr. wiuiam ii.
Ileckendorf, to Mtss Mary Janellolubacb, both
ol Catawhsa, 1M.
DAVIS-llIUD In Catawissa, on tho lllh ins' ,
by tuo llev, s. Curtis, Mr. n. it, d.ivis, cusiuer
ol tho Catawissa l)e-ioslt ll.uil:, lo Miss Jcnnio
UltLi.ol Jlnuslicid.l.icniaud coumy.unio.
STOKEIl-In 1'lsulUKcrock township, Aug. IS.
insi., i.ena Alice, u.iui-uior oi win. ai, ami
Salllo C. Stoker, Aged '- months and 7 days.
NEYIIAUD-Iu Ccntro township, on tho Sth of
illi., tflis. iUiiry x-icyiiuiu, ik Jt-uis
mouiu auu u uays,
DAILEY At Hhlckshlnuy, July 3,ili, 1872, Hairy Datley, ngeu a years 1 moiuu umi nuio
T-irA- In Kn-r.irlnaf. .Tnlv ?slh. Charles Ednar
iiio sou oi Aiiurow J uau mrissu jn. urn.
uged ono year ono mourn and lour days.
HENItlE MUJard Elmer Ilenrlo died Aug. lltli
ii7, aged ni-io luoutns ana iiueen uays.
UNANGST Georgo McCIcllan Unangst died
Aug. 15U1, la,., nged eight years and seven
FELLOWS In Ilunllualon. Luzeruu Co., Mrs.
uauy reiiows, a-ioa seveuiy-uiuo years uvo
monius anu eigni uays.
She lived n life of faith. Sho died irustlim lu
Christ. Sho had lived with her husband moro
than Mxiy-tnreo yemn, anil rat eu a largo jami
lr. They havo not had a funeral in thoir house
hold lor moro than forty years.
UtnoiiiMlmrg "Inrkrt.
Wheal i'oi bushel
Hyo "
. er,
10 ID
Corn "
Oats. "
I'lour p.-r imrrul
uiovcrsecu .
. i SO
1 511
Drlt J Ai pies
linm-a :
, 1U
. 11)
. r, to
Sides and Kliouldcr-i
I.-ird er pound
lli.y pur mn
Sl'L'CIAI. xoi!(i:s.
Calico for tlio Uiousiuiils of Columbia
county by tho pound nt I. w. Hurt-
man's, I'rico ou cents.
Tho onlv storo In tho county whero
you can KctDoLalncsby tho pound I
w. naymairs. itico 70 coins.
To Xciilrallzo OIVciisIvcucss.
In ninny forma wo uso dlsIufcctliiK
nirenls. Imiiuro breath, caused by bad
icoui. lonncco, spirns, or cauirrn, id
neutralized by Kozodont. 'tis a
healthful bcnutlllcr. and a irrcat luxury
as a aontriiico. xno repuiuivo ureatu
is bv Its uso rendered as fragrant aa a
rose, and coldueS'3 by friend-) or lovcis
will uo no longor noticeu.
BpaiiliUnK'a Ohio monds ovorythlnp
Obi lMabllslieil Coal V1111I.
O. W .NuAiillno. WhoIcsalo&Ko
tall Dealers In all sizes of tho best
qualities of lied and Whlto A&h Coal,
at tho very lowest market rates. Llmo-
burncrs supplied at liberal rates with
best mialltv Ho. (l.coal. ForBmlthllres.
In addition to 11 prlmo nrtlclo of lump.
WO iKivo st nrsi i:msi ijuiiuiy 01 minim
nous coal, at Jli.i'i nor ton on wharf.
Larco Blocks of all si.M constantly on
hand. Strict personal attontlon given to
tho lireiiarallon of all our coal, drain.
Lumber and Blabs tukcu In exebnngo for
coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho
town. Orders left at Molvelvv Neal &
Go's, storo or ut our olllco, will rccolvo
prompt attention, uri-'ioi: a yakimat
iii.oo'isnuHo. 011r patronago respect
miiy soiiciipu,
Tho only ngoul In this town for tin)
Farmer's Mutual Flro Insurnnco Co. of
Danvlllo, in Freas Brown. ' i 21
Moycr Bros, havo fifty elder barrcH
ior snie.
imiions oi vot til
Evety ncrvmta Youncr Han In llio Union, wil
recolvo, Irco, n llt-clpo that wliltirovoahloMiltu
iiirousu ine, ny niuuessinir, in connuener,
JOllN 11. OODEN,
Uo.t 6173 P. 0. 4" Cedar HL.N. Y.
IlI.ltWfilfo'H nitlollTEN TtlRY lAmt T1IEI11
Fi.ifiiiT, -llio ciucr nf bicssiiiRB Is Eood health
without which nothln-r is worth tho hnvlnz
11 Id always appreciated at Us trno valuo after fl
is lost, inn, I no oiicn.not uoiore, Livo pvoprriy
nnd eorreet nllmoui i herorotliov heromo ftpAlcl.
lor dlnensex of thollver,kldney,8kln, stomach,
nnuaii r:sin irom iiupiiro or icenio nioou, mi,
WAT.Ktli'sCAi.lronz-iIA Vitt.oAn UtTTCi'S nro
n miro nnd speedy icincily, It I ins never yol
lallr-d Innnlliglo Instance, nillwi
. n - -
TAti.- AT Tint Tdtr.i r. Kterv ladi-'i maid
knows that tho bewitching br nigs who pave their
triumphant way with comiitcieil hoarls, legard
n splendid head of hair as tho most ellecllvo or
nil wtmanly fnxolnntlons. They hoUovo, and
they am right, that they can lam as maiiy
beaux with tho luxuriant, lln.ileia nnd flossy
oraiiii as liiey rnu -icm Hb sigui' Willi llioir
beam ni? rvai. llenro in llioir 'loner, lallf"
nmona themselves nud with their ntteudantn.
tho merits of prenarallons for tho hair moi'iecly
canvnssoii, nun 1110 laiosi losuii. oi iius uiscus
slon seems In ho tho nlmost universal ndontlnu
of Lyon"s ICArir.uiioN n an nrtlclo betler
ndniucu to promoioihORiowlh alidbenuiynrtho
present beloio llio world. Thov Bav that with
uuici uiory oi v union mail miv inner ni
out Irrltntln,". tho skill of tho head It eradicates
uandruii, ami inai it penetrates below ino sur-
nice ioiuo roois ni mo nair, nmiowingiuemwiiu
now life nud vigor n-'lwl
PrntlAi-s nn real medlcluo over ualued Ilia
rapid popularity which Cnstorla hns done. Ono
lorson reinics ineiroxrcrieucooi lis goou cuccis
Icclly harmless, pleasant lo fake; docs not dis
n niinuipr. ir. im il vf-rnTnmn nrnnBTiiiinii. nrr.
tress or gripe, nut, regulates tho sj-siem.nnd is
kuro to opornto whoa all other remedies failed.
Anv nerson who has over u-cd Castorla for
.Miomucli Ache, Constipation, Croup, Flatulency,
orras, x'lies, or iieiaugeu i.iver, win never
again nso nauseallnK Oil, Illttcr Pills or Narcotic
Hymns. Tho Cfstorla contains neither Miner
als, Morphine) nor Alcohol. Uy its soothing,
ciulotlup cll'ect It produces natural sleep, nud;ls
partlculnily nd..ptod to crying nnd Icothlng
children, II costs but S" cents, rnd ono bottle
will s.ivo many dollais lu doctors' bills.
mi iw
A I'Ei-.lLOL-sauAsosr. CUorlous nud dcllshtrul
as tho Hummer weather Is, lta tropical heat Is n
sovero trial to tho vital powers. Even tho
strongest nro sometimes -iroslratcdbyltscirects.
Tho common phrnso npnlled to this condition or
tho body Is "nencrnl uebllllv." Now. cencral
debility urlses 1 om. and Includes n variety of
ailments. Thu liver Is moro or less ntrcctcd, tho
bowels nvo elthor consllpated or too much r -taxed,
tho stomach but half performs tho woik
of digestion, tho nppellto Is poor, nnd the spirits
depressed. This Is what Is called gencial debili
ty, lb 1:1 11 guucuu ui-surniiigeiuum ui an tuu
physical function", and rcfjulros ns n remedy a
medlcluo that will regulato them all. Hostel
ler's (Stomach Hitlers Is especially adapted to
this purpose. Its general operation Is not con
lined Ion single orcan. If tho User is affected.
It restores its touo. H tho stomach 1st lipid, It
regenerates it. If tho nerves nro tremulous and
wealr, It braces and reinforces tho.i. If tho
mind, which over svinnathlzes u llh Hie body. Is
Bloomy ami despondent, It rollovcs thedllllcnlly,
nud soon brings thowholo mechanism of tho
body Into hannoi.v with tho laws ol heilth. ,
Thoio Is no civilized nation In tho Western
Hcinlsnhero in which tho utility of Hosteller's
btomach Ullters ns a tonic, coriccHve, nnd null-
bilious medicine, is noi nuown ana np irccmiea,
Throughout tlio Tropics It is conslderci both by
1110 pcopio auu 1110 luoifssiou, i:io sianuaiu spe
cifle. While it Is n medlcluo for u'l s. nsons and
nil climates, It Is espoclally sn ict to tlio com
plaints geucrnlcd by tho w-.-u,n.i, bi..n-, 1I10 pn.
est nud best vegetable b!..,ml-nl in the Wuild.
llewnro of tliu lllltc .made m iicud and d.m-
gerou-i matcrial-i. u 1-led tin- parties
are euucavoiiug 13 10 i upon 1,1c ptopu. vuiir
namo Is lrglou, and tho public has no guarnntco
that they aic not poisonous. Adlieio to iho tried
remedy, llosti ttci 'a Llltuis. -old only In ulass.
and never In hes or barrels. 11'ilwl
Important Testimony !
Tlio follow. uk lotU-rsnro amonc llioinHtivu'o
lUocouiUmlly iccolvini; nom itrjons wlic havo
been cured by
Sclronc'lc'rf Pulmonic Syrup,
Schenck'rf Sea Weed Tonic,
Sclicnck's nndrakc Pi I In,
Ptunsyrovr, Siilt-ni County, New .Tu n-y.
KF.HItn UV C7. 172.
)r. .1. 1
l.fiCHKN('lf,N. ;.conicrHixlinntl Arch
Klvctts. IMiIl.ulolnhlii.
IlL-Mnccti'iL Hlr L tnko Pleasuro In iiddiiiii iu
tostlniony lo that or tho many othra who havo
been ruii'dhy tlioclllnaeyof HfhoiK'lt'- l'lilmoiilc
My mp, v(cil loiiU, aiitl rJamh.itfw 1-in.,
unc u riijii-it' 1 1 1 mi ui'iu iti'iuuiuir.v u jt 11 my
tunlly, mostol lis iiKinHAiti Jiavinj: died ot It in
uilv airtb. My mother and t 'lit e hi u Hums ai&l
nt tho aye cd 31, ono hotbu it, ':7, uni tn IsLcr
j ; u", wiiCMi iiuoui .iijoiiiK, ht-VM'ti .in liver
oinnlititit. which raiUJlv dew loncd in o J'uliiio-
imiy Consumption, X comju-lhd (o lultu-
tUWU lily Ullipin.VIUUUl UJ U UIIIUKNIIIlin.)
I consulted uUlllml ami L-mtuchL nlivblclaiifi.
Aiitl tiled many patent nostrums, hut without
success, so i hat my luends wire mire Ihrt thtru
wiis no iiopo 01 iny recovery, ior vns x jurt-ti
from lio pounds to 101, aud wii.i not :UIh todo
nnythlM,-5 without assistance.
jjy wnai i now looitupou iut u i-rovuieniiai in
terposition. 1 wivi Indtiued to tiv our rtmcdies.
ami placo nnsolf under your Uejitiaont, find ho
rapid nnd tliorouh wft-i my iccovery, that it
seemed as ihough somo supci human power was
at work, t.nd to-day I am a-s well a: at any tnuo
during my llle, I weigh lS'J pounds, am M years
old. and lor somo time havo been regularly at
tending to my buMncts, bidding lair to livo to a
good old iiKi.
l am inaumui io you ueyonu oxpiession ior
havliin placed mo lu a position whcicin I am a
LcnUtt Instead of a burdou to my lamtly,
Your Mandmko rillaarotho only mcdiolno I
over uso now. I thirdi thoya.'t tho bc-it m tbo
I cm icfer you to huudrtds of my uelglibora
who will verily all I havo written, and any in
touuatlon any of my follow clllzens may rieMre
willbofrculy and ladly tjiveu, upon receipt oi
s amp, by Youii,ctc
JOU.l L, J1Ij I I I .
SLcy tYcsl, lla Tub. 1, 1S7.
Ui. J. U. yciIlINCK, N. i:. cor. Sixth and Areu
sireeis, ruuaucipnia.
Dear Mir l'lease forwarU. nor llrd steamer. tls
bottles Sea Wtd Tonic and tvclv bottlcui'ul-
our meuiciues aio o Mien vaiuo inat j can
not bo Utliout tliom In inv household, aud In
lact no Kimuy snoum bo without them.
Ihavot'lVbU thum n liifrtest. ami onenlv de
ularo them to bo oven bettor than you claim.
cry repecwuiiy youin, ivo.
l-mi(Al)KLl'Jti., Match I, lbT2.
nr. j. iJ.nom;:;eK,
ltespcctcd bir 1 taico pleasure m awardlntf lo
ott this cci thicato of tuo womlerml euro your
11 v thioat and bronchial tubta wero so hlchlv
'tuiuomcsvnin auu&o.i wceu xomc Dinaucpii.
lnilamed that It was almost iir possible for um to
bwaiiow my iouu.
t atr. on a visit lo inv uncle. Mr. Charles John-
sou, snu rrui'i.u sureti, vim siys your mcui
clues raised him lrom nlmost death nfier ali oth
er means nau iaticu,aud he having, theroiove,
full eontldcnco lu tho virtue ot your remedies.
Htrously recommended mo to try them, Idld
so. and in ono week liom tho lime I commoured
tailing tliom my liiioat un-Jcrwcut a very Great
cuauiju ior lue uciicr. so inai i couiu raimy
inualH without anv dltllcultv or nalu. I can
hcarcclyllnd woids to express my urntitudo lor
mo lany rcjioi your iiniuuauiu jucuicuit" pw
duced unou me. and I deem It hut au act of eiatl
'udo to Klvo you iho acknowledgement oi my
No. loo Wel Jlilrly-(Ulrd(,tiuet,Nw Yoik
suur.xcicy i'lxjiu.vic sa ui'I'
Thcso arc tho onlv medicines that will eitto
Pulmonaiy Consumption, Dr. Bcheuck has been
lu coubtnut nrnctlco over thirty years continu
ally cxuinlillni! luuni, nnd knows his medicines.
it piopetiy iniccn, win cuio uousnmpiion, jus
Alandinko Pills c-lcanao tho llvcrnnd stomach;
ills rioa (tu lonio ui&boives ino ioou, stimu
lates tho coatlnt; of tho stomach, aud makes It
inmost. Ills l'ulmonlo Svrun rloeiw the matter.
nud nature ihiuws Itulf wliUoutauy excitlon,
Price of llio Pnlmoltia Kvrun nud Ke:i Weed
IIUIH', Cli-l PCI llUbllC, Ui a vu pci nun UU&I.-1I
Mandiako Pills 23 cenls per bus.
N. i:. Corner HIXTUand AltCII Utiecls,
And by Diuttglsls and Dcalctsccuornlly,
G02 AlU'll Sthkkt, L-JtiLAniiLi'iiiAl
Wholesale Agents,
upr-1.' ls7J-ly
orynu wlllrauAcboleo
of territory, (there Hi n
rush lur .ti nil lui)
I.KW W last and eroatcat work,
It Is by tidda Iho most taking and snlcnblo boo.c
lu thu iMd. 1 Ills on a vllallv Inimirlnut siui-
ject. ill 1 by AmcilrA'a most popular wilier
IIU lll'llllU. li It in, HH 111U pi UC, lilt) IHIf l HUH
iiauiiuiiii'hi iiuuu over suiu n i.tiuciiiii,ii,
Acouts, tbo pcoplo nicer uer frsuh a 1k ok.aiid
wiiluiBO yim to brlui! It to tlicm, Wrlto h-r
terms, jic, Iroo.
(lI-'pKilK JlACI.l-.AN, Pulijlhlii r,
aprli:0,'7J-lf. J i t-'unsoinSiU'ct, Philadelphia.
toTooo Lrir'
Tho most atliwtlve nnd salablo thlna out, It
is Indispcnsablo to men of all part lei, fm nthhlng
just llio lacls und llEuros needed, for overy lu
tellleeut voter. Auenisnio belling lrom,
15 TO U0 A DAY.
Tbo most liberal tcuui. Bond for dcMrlpllve
aliculars, Addioss,
DUn'II't.D ASUMUAD, l'libllsher,
711 Mnsoni Htrcct,
Moyor0' Column.
V,',J2I5.UJ!!l.0,yAV0 Ptiflilng Ihi llitis
,,7 . .JT, viivm) m, unmoiuriftiio (11
tln-imolvos liuormer llinfj, ntihcir old luml-
nti'l nt llio Corner of ilnln anil MnrketHliai-ui,
TlirlrfitOCl' lalnrof-rr.nil irtnrrt vnvln.l limn m'h
'.'.9 fPl,.u'.1 .'" al,v otbor ralalJlislnnciit miorior
Plilladoliililtt or Wow York, All of wlilch Is oiler-.
tr . . K" ur ",,1Iul auniuiiies ni ngurcs iw low
,. uunuivcr, 1111m snuio roouh ctm bo piirelinaaa
tlsowlicro. Call nud nain'.no ror yourseir. 'nio
wliolos 0 ilcpnrtuaciU under tho Immodlnto mi-
j't . nun nun control vi mo linn, comnriHCS
l'AINTS, OILS, OLASJ, I'UTl'Y, .tC, 40.
They keep conslnntly' -in hnnd from nvo to six
UUTerent brunds or Wult ? Lead, nmona htcli 13
John T. Lowls & Bros.. Buck Load.
whlto Oak, Biamond, Arctic, &c,
Varnishes, Coach, i'urulture,
Damar, 8hollacand Japan
la C liars Vntl i:!ll Mn.t llnihora hnlt.i1,VDA.l f.
oil, Hlouuni, Ilriiwn,lletftllIonnd Vnndyke.ltcd
rallltons, Ulues, Yellows and Uret-no,
onions which are tho celebrated Versailles and
Buainioclt, very linudionio nnd permanent, nud
especially ndnplod lo llio palntlns or lillnds,
itc. Llnsocd oil. Turpentine, c. All n7.m
window Bins, larse hIxck of snporlor quality for
pictures, a fipeclullly. Cnitoroll by tliocallou
or dozon, Lnndomun, 1'areKorle, lluteuiau'H
drops, r.olueii Tlnotnre, Ualtarn Uu Jlaltlia, Uod-
ireyu uoruini, j.'t.seiice.i Lemon, fonnormlnt.
Wlutcrcreen i.nd Cinnamon. Ail lhn nnnninr
patent lucdlclun of tho dav. ninonu- u-1ii, h nrn
Ayrcs, Jnynes, Vini'Kiir Bltturs.Hoatot
ter's, Drako'H, ami Ifoollaud's Qor-
mini uuiprs. i'iiis, WriKht's
J.iyno'H, tJclicnck's.nnd nil
itln r.- known to the Community.
A Uro and vnilc.l osjirlmonr. t KnlgUls world
Lemon, Vanilla, Hose, rtaspbeiry, Strawberry,
l'lno Apple, Celery, Hnnana, i(.-.,aru olllr-'i
ed below manufacturcri prices, In . .
tmut.ijr iiioicuilll. C-IUCL'.-,, c
Cinnamon, Clovm,
Pepper. Mkco,
-UlisUnl, .
Rt '
prices. ALKO,
ICollnnd Klourhul-
pliur, i:piom Halls.
Halt l'etrt, Cnlabm Lic
orice, (IninCiimphor.lidrax,
Ass il.i'tMa, Cattlo nn l llorc
l'liwders.llluu Vitriol, Kxtnv-t. Ima
wood, Cablllc nnd Liundry Soaps,
Lamp chlmiieys, and L-iiup i;xmU Koner-
In Mci
i.i.iiil" i..-uiiit -invci -auu, micinou
KoM-nilalCi-iii' lit Ijy DioliarielorbuHlil.
'lUo celeiiinlc-d Mlllvl.ln i-iiill Jar, ni-knowl-(deed
In ho liy lur Iho h- .1 ui thu Jlarl:nt, all
"la-w, or Htperlor matorl..l and woiknianship,
Cuiu.umers n.ivlniii.i ei- u,id those, will have no
t'oimtrj Physicians will iliidoui-htock full and
complete. romprlMn,': all t!.o old .tnples of the
Muterl-i ilodlcn.ns web r.-, nil ll.d lnttut d aeiv
iiiesol modlcal soleuce, Qnlulno, ilotphlnnnd
tiolnm alwaysln abimdHiico. llauco Urn, and
V hilt's ohail.ia-ciilIc.Tl nrfli,ir.-tllnt,. t.'lnlil
folld extract! Kilxlrs and Plllsoftlio l'liariua-
coru-a susar-eoaiiii. ruwurs and Wciluhlni.m'M
tbciiiicali, and Prof. Et inlbb's iin-diciuef.,a In 1
l-'aimer-. nnd nlhei-.i will llnilourfcinM.- ,,t i'iim
(Iround Western Hone, Oil bf Vlirlol, snlplmto
01 Soda and Nitrate ni Ho-'n, .. better qilallty
and at lower pried than c inbufniitid tluewhort-.
well to ni, mil slnclc unci Hniuiru our prices be
luro pun-lifiHlrurNen-hi-rc.
Our rotill una IVtetititlo'i J parfinci.t Ik under
3Ilt. It. t'ATJICAItT,
wbohns badvears of experience in tho hut.1np.ta.
AM) nnd competent asoihtunti always luattcu
d.inco. Tills departmont couMils of tho com-
pouiuiiuB oi rnyMcians- lircscilptlons und fuml
ly icclpes tho piUllng up ofllye Htulls, etc.
tho rolalliniiorraleni JIclIclin.o and Druglnl s
hundrlCK, Mtch as Perlnmery, eoniprislnt; all o.'
llio mosl choice from our most omtnout Ameri
can mamii'-ictiireis and tho specialties ot nil tbo
Foveiffiii French, Unglish, German. and
Italian I'erfumors.
'I'oiiet .--oapa in laiH-i auoi;-.
I) ilb imroitcd ond
Fino Illtlr, Tenth, Fleoh, Clot hen, Shav
ItiK vt NiU lirusht . f riHiCK.Shoul-
tier liracea & Suiipmler.-i, Nurs
ing Unttlea, Focket lloolis,
11111 Uouks, .tc, Ac.
ClKarMif rnuManl choicest brands from Get.,
u, , t it,, t .ii'u,
l'lpi snnd clmarsmokcisnud, many thlnss lm-
pciv-iuie to euuiueiaio uere. Tliu handsomosl
In thin part of tho Btito. called tbo "Iccbc-rL-."
from which Iscoustantlydiiiwii, tlinsocoDl mid
ruiicMiuiK uuvciars su popuiui- v,-iui llio Amer
ican puiiiic, aisii, mo iiu-iuc.iieu waters cu vi -nv
c uatiwi nun,
iuwn mc,VmVfr;r'u'l, o'lc.!10 1,1
tisi'ociln lor Croup. Ilitrns nnd fi-nldsaml mi
Ol Hie nin-,1 vnliulilo nuxlllallus Inlinmiio i4
voltei-nlles. honrness. rto.. ever kiuiu-n. Tim
larely incicsiilUKalesnllfKt Its lopularlly rk
11 IIUIIM-IIKUI I 1 1 II 111 .
Mnvel Tin Couall Uioivi n vniiikhtn
l'oi-eouiths oi lfinu Hundliij and iuiVpirnt cim
sumpliiiu. rUvoriuue.lrac-u,ljkjwncoJainnlcii
Ulnu'er, i-te. To lt ot whlc1iro auk tbualteii-
UUU Ol HID KUUttyftl puuiie, , , . (i
Tho wng'dn' will still conUiii'o to.imy
IP bttueii viaii'j it) iiietr country custom-
ore. - . .
May III, ly,
J)IH90LUTldNOF CO 1-ARTNKH-Tlmra-pnttncralilpliarcjotor
e.ilntlns tiinlcr
polvod by llip donlh ofllenj-imln r. Bonder. Tlio
books ollho lata Ami flio In tlio hand of innlnl
P'iiSV" y1',0"1. n." Persons knowlnu them
solvcn lo bo indebted u, tho arm are requested to
mnko linmcdlato iwymcnt.
TbO bllSlnCSS Will ll-cniill,i.,l .(Iknnl.l
under the namu of j. Hnvi, r. a tv.
nio tub tax 1'AYicna of tub
J. Town of Illoomiibiiri,'.
nuijiyu 13 ncretiy Rival), luitl iha undcr-
-nOd Tl-ftniPl- 111 .h. Tni-nr.l It n.Mnnl.i.M
w.11 bo proiwred to imIii lwn Uia lor llio
prcjent roar, nn nut ,im i. , n .'...
-., "."huh. uiu llltv OI AWFlnl, lK7!t
snld Town?0' U"' aiiAot "' Buck,dew in the
i,.S-i'2it,,"np".l' tuo oil'lrnUon oi IhUly
if?V-V,?'','.u-'tl1 df,V(" Augimf, nil Ml (ii-
o?ciocVKlM'' "m " ' '--v'M-'""-m Llo
lllOolllBtillip, AllglUt I, IK72. ji,v-
Lifo Insurauco Company.
No. of Policies Issued 43,000.
ASSETS $5,500,000.
ISSUES all tho now form of Policies
nud presents ns favorable turns as any com
pnny In the Unllod Hlalas.
TIlO COinnallv will mnlrn lf.mnn,,,lrt.n. nn
Its policies. '
Thirty days' crace nllowod on each payment,
and tho policy held good dnrlns that tlmo.
All our policies are Incontestable for tbo usual
Policies issued by this, company nro non-for-f
el lure.
Is o i extra charges made for travelling permltr,
I'nllnv lifildM iliipn I.. n .. ... . .......
Iho eomnauv. nnd liavfl rt vftMft in tun,.in.
and mnniutcineiH of tho company.
..uiiuinj tit wuuiuii iuu cimrKCU.
.TIISTUrt IiAWIlKNCB, I'rts't.
W. 11. WV.Vk-nni' vi.... iwi
T. P. HOOCKS. Heerptarv-
S. O. Cjiandlf.ii, Jr., Actuary.
Central: Office of Norttleru Penu'a.
"CoLtrMBiAN" Building
General A&cnt.
NI"W Yorilv. HlltK. AVll i.tvpmwir.
Tin: i.Miuwr KiTiu: wn.ii.u;
ockaiiic. ckltic. lir.i'iinur. .t'1m-i,'
Sailing H orn New Yen lc on SATUHDAYM. lrom
Liverpool on TUU1WDAYS, and Cnilt Harbor
tho day lollnwine.
JcVsey'cIl'y w,'lte 8lKr 11 ""k- '"-'Vonla Ferry,
I'absqiiger arcOmmo Ij,-mn!, .r n- c:i,'csl
tiurivnllcd, combtnina,
niui.ll, ni-ut.u, ANDCOMKOHT.
baloons, state-rooms, s.-noklim-room and bath
looms in nildsliHi scclion, wliio leiist raoti'm fi
fnlt. KurEeons and steuar lesscs accompany
tlic so fctcamers. 1 ,
IIatks Saloon, JS-'Kold. luernse. STJcnrren
fT,.M n?U'.IiU'"jmo ,u'.;owWdondoT"-,
'.rmn,iio0iM,P0';u!,v.caa "ow-ibtalu stoora
l'nssf-ngrrs booked to or nout ll nnrU of
Drafts lrom 1 upwards,
.KSZ i,l!R.,?ocl.Son 01 J-'l"8 nud odierlufnrmntlon,
apply nt tue Company's Otllcc s, No. WBroadway.
cw i.ori.
J. II. RPAllKR. AtTit.
oi so M', ri; acock,
llloomkbure, Vi.
Eaw Bone Snperior Pliospliate
bl. 'jdard JiUbly i'u proved aud warrajte.1.
Price, $15,00 per 2,000 lbs., Cash.
ff-.t-w Woiks now lu operntlou.ts
Ajf-New Material used In manufacturing. He
Tl.e fire uhlch destroyed curuvrkavn the ill, cf
April, emmd only a femjto, en u delau.
.Wo wnrrnnt tbo standard ol our rtaw Hone
Phosplmt") lo be of n higher (trade than before,
"ni couslsnmcnts will be mode under any cli
ciimstauces. it Is not ccilnln werau contlnimtoscllnt our
pi--.eut reduced pilco oh-Iuu to (lie udiance in
liaw Mtttertal,
-S-Wp thank our custonifrs nnd frlenrs
ceucrnlly tor the r mminn, .i !- .,.! - ,:
created orders.
Wo can also luriilsh our
At ?-10,00 iter MOO lbs., cash.
Oldeis for fall trad,, nrpirniiii.iini.A.A
In ns eaily us possible.
llAUtill vk PON.
No. 'OSonth Dclnwaro Ave., Philadelphia.
.uty ill-am
rne unuer-,iRneu appointed Auililor In ills
tilbutolho ltiuiH in tho hands of the Adiuinn
iralors of tho estate of Havllla Pcalerdecvn d
will meet l ip. parties IntcreMed athlsolllcu n
the i town .of IJlooiusbnigonKatmiHy Au.-jnst Ills
1S72. at 111 o clock n. m.. when nn.i wi,,, nil ... ,.
bous lntoiestcd nro rc.iirmn.! in v,r. ..-,.,. , i....
the Auditor or bo forovcr debarred flora cotnln,,
In tin' u .1.1 tnii.t
K.tMI'fl l.-wnli.
ntllwl. "' Auditor,
I IETATE OF PirtHtt SptHUiUB rr.c'n.
Polci-ljlrlcker late ot CatawlTtn-.r-sllTp t "
tballeRlster of h'd cmaty t , JlVftm J. IVdir
(.AtawUsatwp. Aliporsojjf bavinBCUiimkesa,n!.t
tboostatoof iho deasdaat u.t rcn"iti.d to rrc
sent them tor BslUomont, and theio Indebted to
,i"i,VV,'''B,?,lx-y.'1.'-''.1'' lo ,1Jo uuuerbiaui-u
ndmlnisti-nto-, without dcliv.
i . ,, . IIIKAM J. KIii:Dl:it,
1"'W0. AQiut-iUtruli r.
X. KbrATl-Ol .iril.-,,! s 1 t'T. hit., r . -
Notice Is horohy Riven that luiteri or Admin ,s
tratlou have i-cuu Ki.iut. d by llio 1U;;K,i i
Wills of ColumbHcdmstv tirt'iMiudoi-ittjiK-d n
on tho estate oi c . .u Ulo uf Mil....
townshln in snM couniy, now diviaHcd, M
person! indobted lo uiui iUto aro tccmupl
mako payment -iiid nil ft w..o h.i, ,
nitdnstiKild estate to . n .-
Ullik'. liquid, l(;Vli.l'i.-
-Aom.ii'-1 "
NioiioeH ixiwUAlill'. l.aivl'u lo. i . , i
AJ ibT.wnoit jpun vrjmit.wr. nt..
I-'estcrHr.lnta of Center lowiiflblp.Coluuibla .
ui tri. .i micniarv on ii:cti:-.o ,
ly. itc. "d. havo been e-.inted lv the I
sain couniy to joint i-esier, jrni in ..
two.. Mill I-ovl l't It 1 oi l't 11L10 two. All ,
fcavUni- cjnlim mcaui't the estate arc n - n-
lumiiwii. iui in i-i uiu ixLcuioru in ti. m -comftr.
Tboso Indebted to tbo mluio oil n.-.
' '"'"'t o tW 'lo Uhoil .b-l ,
1 1 ' L't'i i.'rai'iMi''' 1
i.kvi iL8Ti:ii:
duciinribentto tuu c.i ;: u.iiocic in tut Norm ,v
Wost Brnnoh 1;llro(ui, aio IieriAiy nollllnd Ih-.i
If tbeyifad lo imy tho auu meul of ten iurr ut
on said steel: due tiu' July, nn or rcfoie Hit- "UI
day ol Anuniit Ultf, thtjr .will bc uul-Jict tot-1-liual
penally of ujapev ctnt p. r monui in kai l
ntsessiucm, '
iiy ora. r cd tuo Hoard ui Directors.
n111s7t-liD, wM.NEAI., TreiUurer.
Wta 'Colleie for Yon Laflies,
t UAHUKUail-JIIO, l'A.
Willi nmrio ui juiiu ami iur.aut iiiiitdp,
lilted tip as lo be hnmellkonnd attractive, mi I
well cijulpi-id lor tuorouitu educational work,
wI11oih-u the l'jrst T, mi of thonett A- adcmu
yoarljepteinborlih, lUTi, Vit UlfcuHis.upply li
KJV. C. . LAN 13. 1. 1 M-Miri
" The undersigned heieby not-ly all thos.
indebted to them cm note, bond or liool: : wrouni,
to call nndecttlo the or beam Hie tltsi
day oi uetoucr next, .hi .teviua ii., -otlcc
liiny uxptei lo l-ay i-iwi.
W.M.MciKi:i:VY &).