THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSEU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t Gfaiumlmm. BLOOMSBUna, PA. Friday, August 23, 1872. Military ennilltlntcs. Our oppononis In boiistlnff of tho rail llnry reputations of tholr candidates forfjet Hint in a nation Ilk ourastato. men aro moro necessary than soldiers, Our normal condition Is that of iioaco, ami our geographical position is such that thoro Is but llttlo danger from a rorolgn war which a statesman Prosl dont could not avoid, llopubllcana will ml rait that no general would have mndo a better Prosidont than Lincoln, or bet tor war Governor than Curtln, Morton, Soymour.nnd I'arkors.nll of whom wcro. civilian". A President or Governor should bo Intimate with all tho publlo questions or tho day, and with public tuon. ituowiutjgo taught in tho camp mid field Is not avallablo In governing by law largo masses of men. In ordor to keep alivo tho passions of tho war, our opponents have gonolnto tho military buslncss.but It Is notlcoablo that none but "Generals" flguro on tholr ticket. Enlisted men wero evidently ro gardeil as unworthy of support. Hartranft'a reputation doponds moro upon tho fact that ho acted as Mrs. Bur ratt'a hangman, than upon any ox plolta upon tho field of battle, Gen, Allen wo havo horctoforo shown was a Sunday soldier, and novor smell etl tho enemy's gun-powder. (Jon wmm nnvcr injured tno onomy nor .Iocs ho lions t of any special services to tho union. Uiit fur Gen, Albright, tho uowly matin (smdldato for congresainan-at- largo, nu extraordinary claim made, ills homo orgau.tho coal Ga zette Bays: "Hurrah for Albright, the sodiet4 who put down Jluckatcio's Fish xnn Creek llelcllion." Now who is this inodorn Nnpollon that would usurp tho nonors or Major Gens. Couch and Cad waiinder, and who lurkod In tho roar when bravo men wero fighting at tho irom, and whoso mission was to fright en womon nnd boys, nnd keep guards at tno various polls of this county In order to elect' his master I He bravely marcneu up me FIshlngcroek, but mot no opposition, nor did ho find arms ammunition, Confederacy, or tho trace ora military encampment orearthwork. His campaign was bloodless, and in fantry, cavalry, and artillery fared in finitely bettor than they would havo done facing Loo's ragged battalions. But lot us see further on what meat this modern Crosar diots. His claims aro advanced becauso ho was a modol sol dlor.DaroourBadlcalbrethrendony that "Albright entered tho service as major of tho 132d regiment,a nino months' organization, In 1862, and returned homo as colonel. Some time after his re turn ho issued a circular proposing to ralso a ono year's regiment In tho valley of tho Lehigh. Tho regiment was rais ed, and Albright took his mon to liar rlsburg. While hero ho mot a committee from Banks township, Carbon county, who wero in search of mon fo fill up tho quota or that township under tho draft. He offered himself to the committee as a substitute, was accepted, was muster ed in, and received the bounty of flvo hundred dollars. The records show that he was mustered in as a private In com pany A, 202d regiment, on tho 3d of September, 1861, in pursuanco of this arrangement with the committee, and was duly credited to Banks township, Carbon county. The next day, September 4, 1861, he was mustered out as a private, and was mustered in as colonel of the regiment, in pursuance of his circular and of his understanding with Governor Curtln. This record shows that while bent on achloving military renown and display ing his intensolovo of country, General Albright had a frugal mind. For ono day's service as a private in camp Cur tin in this city, ho charged his follow citizens of Carbon county Ave hundred dollars. It was in this way so much sublimated loyalty was manifested dur ing tho war. Albright was ready to enlist as a substitnto, at tho expenso of fivo hundred dollars for ono day to his neighbors, with thoopaulets of a colonel within his grasp. A moro sordid and mercenary transaction has not been re corded In tho incidonte of a war which rovcalcd so much thai was base and venal amid so much that was gallant, liurolc and unselfish in sacrifice and achluvomont. Thoro is in this act of Albright all tho meannoss and dis honesty of a professional bounty Jump er. Ho took tho bounty of flvo hun dred dollars from his taxrlddon neigh bors of Banks township, Carbon county, and was mustered in as a privato whon ho kuow that he would bo appointed colonel of tho regiment which ho had raised with tho understanding that he should command it. After pookoting tne money, he "leaped tho bounty" the very noxt day.". In opposition, to men of this stamp wo nave named true and tried mon, who aro In all respects competent to fill tho positions to which they have boon nominated. $399,000,000. Three hundred and ninety-nlno nail lions of dollars have beon stolon frcm tho people during Grant's admlnistra tion. Mr. Garfield (Republican) says tbo pension frauds amount to $8,000,000 annually, making in throe years 124.' 000,000. Tho reporif of tho civil servlco commission says that tbo revenuo lost by smuggling and frauds nraounti to one-fourth of the whole. Tho avorage annual rovenucs aro 1500,000,000 steal i ngs one-fourth, $125,000,000, annually, making in three years 37C,O0O,0O0, and swelling, the amount to 1899,000,000 in tiireo years. Should tho same system mid management continue for tho re maining year, it will swell tho stealings and the crjbblnga of tho four years of Grant's administration to tho small amount of flvo-hundrad and thirty-two millions of dollars (1382,000,000). General N. l. Jeffeuies, who was register of tho treasury under tho administration of Andrew Johnson.baa written an eight page pamphlet to provo that tho books of tho troasury dopartmont, whoroln the record of tho publlo dobt Is kept, have been changed so as to make it appear that a very largo reduction of public debt has takon place, whoroos Jcfforioa contonda that tho dobt has boon Increased. Ho pro fesses to glvo facta and figures from tho books of tho treasury department. The WniHl Yet. Thoro havo bo in n gn-ut many hnrd things said nnd written of Mr. Greeley during tho rainDnlgii, but Mr, Wen doll PIllllllH llC MllSH.ICllllSOttH ll.lM written n lettur to winm colored men of Boston which hiu-ii-wcm any thing yot produced. It Is voslllvdy sickening to contcmplato tho picture which ho holds up to us of tho condition of tho Union after Mr. Grcolcy's election. Murder, torture, Hrsnu, "all shames nnd crimes" would lustnntly become as common tliroiiL'ltout tho land as tho present ordinary invocations of man kind. Wo had always supposed Horace Greeley was rather a humane and benov olent kind of port-on, yet if wo aro to bullovoMr. PlilllliH he Is a reckless, bloodthirsty wrutch, who would bo tho tool of traitors and would cortalnly solid Iho country to tho "doinnltlon bow wows." Horace has usually boon accounted u frloiul of tho negro but Mr. Phillips says to tho colored mon "voto, ovory ono of you, for Grant, as you valuo proporty, llfo, wife, or child. If Grcoloy Is elected, arm, concentrato, conceal your proporty but organlzo for dofunso. You will need It soon nnd sadly." Now yo have novor thought of Won- dell Phillips savo as n crazy fanatic, although wo really supposed ho had Bomo common sonso, but wo Bubmlt that when n man writes such furious nonsonso as this, and so dangorous as well, ho not worthy the serious atten tion of any but fools. Mr Phillips mny bo verj anxious for tho election of Mr, Grant but thcro is no reason why ho should mako nu ultor ass of himself, by such outragoous twaddlo as this. His languago Is highly revolutionary and calculated to call forth tho worst pas sions of tho colored people, and his phllllplc doner vot and will moot with tho scorn and contempt of nil mon ox- copt perhaps a fow of Mr. Phillips' admirers in tho neighborhood of Bos ton, Massachuscts. Mr. Ilaiiilln. Hannibal Hamlin of Malnols n Bona tor of tho United States and, as may perhaps bo romcmborcd, was onco Vico President. Tho old gcntlomau is in a wretched state of disgust at tho Groeioy movement nnd in a speech at Bangor on the 14th of tho present month gavo full expression to hl3 feelings. Ho made uso of some really roniarkablo languago and said among other things that, "Up to lastFcburary tho Democratic party had opposed ovcry vital issuo which in volved tbo integrity of tho Govornmont for tho last ton years. Thoy'vo lied to us, thoy'vo met us on every battlo field, political and of arms, and now they say, "Poor, weak, humblo creatures we, on our knees, foegivo us." This Is really nows to us. Wo had an idea that tho Democratic party were so far from boing on tholr knees that thoy wero standing in a very defiant attitudo squaroly on their legs nnd offering tho strongest sort of resistance to Mr. Grant and such of his followers as Mr. Hanni bal Hamlin. Mr. Hamlin adopted Mr. Boutwell's eloquence to tho extent of declaring that "Ho would clasp hands with no ono over tho bloody chasm," and stated that tho Liberal-Democratic movement was "a scramble for posl tion1 a view which as a Republican and "knowing how it was himself" ho was excusable in taking. But Mr. Hamlin's Views as to tho result of the campaign are sanguine hear him; "It is within more than tho probability that tho can didate they are supporting for the Presi dency don't get a singlo doctoral voto." This Is disheartening to bo suro if one only had faith in- tho venerable Maiao man's predictions. As regards tho prominent men who have forsaken Qrantism he says. "We don't want your Charles Sumners nor your Carl Schurzcs, and we don't want Banks poor, misera ble follow,lothim go." Now this Is tak ing comfort with a vengance. Banks, "poor miscrablo fellow," must feel his liio to boa burden under such scathing words. If must bo a sourco of gratifica tion to tho Grantltea to consider, as ono after another of tho really ablo mon of tholr party lcavo them, that thoy at loast aro still auro of tho support of Tom Murphy, Zach Chandler, Jim Nyo.Boss Tweed and tho Hon. Hannibal Hamlin from Maine. Auditor General Hartranft Is tho author of tho following lotter : Auditor General's Office. Habrisbubq, March 9, 1870. DearYerkes: Buy as soon as nos- siblo ono hundred shares Oil Creek and Alleghany valley Railroad, and then have my account, or rather an abstract made from my account, so that I can see tho exact loss I havo sustained in Oil Crook. Lot mo have this as soon as you conveniently can. Tho Attorney General has ei von a decision ncrainst our sottlemont on Oil Creek; which takes the starch right out. I don't know what to think about buying Oil Crock as a future investment. If you think woll of It you may think that tho chances aro that it will go up, but as ovorything olso is droonincr but llttlo can booxnont. ed from Oil Crook, What do you think of Bold? xours, &c, Joiin F. Hartranft. And of this ono also i Auditor General's Office. Habbibburg, December 21, 1871. Dear Yebku: Calhoun teleirranhcd mo to-day for money, and I had to glvo a chock for $8,700, which ho will pro sent to you to-morrow (22). I cannot avoid this. I mot Mackey hero on Mon day. Ho went West in tho afternoon. and will' not roturn until Monday. I did not Ilko to ask him again, but I did uut mime uamoun wouiu want any monov so soon. I will sco vou on Hatnr. day, and want I will do. I will meot Mackoy here on Monday, nnd whatever Is necessary I will ask him to do. J. F. Hartranft. P. 8. Will lift Calhnnn'a i.hrvlr i,n Saturday, and glvo you certificate of deposit to that amount. J. F. II. Tho "Dear Yerkoa" who helned Hartranft swlndlo tho Slatolsnowln tho Poultentiary for his misdeeds, and Hartranft has signed a petition for his partner's pardon, If elected he of courso would let this crlmlual looso upon the community. How can honost men voto for such a candldato for tbo responsible ofllco of Governor,whoro his chances for speculation would bo much greater? Tho Sinking Fund containing millions of dollars would bo at tho mercy of hlmsolf and Allon,tho notorious sharp er who is on tho tickot with him. General Dix Is now on tho courso for tho nomination of the Grant party jor govurnur oi xxow urn. jc. Of courso ho is; ho know what ho would got for opposing Grcoloy. Wo aro glad to hear of it and bono ho will got tbo nomination, for wo do not know of a man whom Now Yorkers Would caro to lay out colder than "ehoot-hlm-on- tho-spot-Dlx." Soldiers' Convention nl Hnrrhliurg, Tho following circular is nddrosaod to Iho Pennsylvania soldiers who sorved In tho Into war; Ueau Sin t Tho approaching crisis of uur country demands again our sor vices, not In tho field, but in tho civil nrona. Sovon years ago, by our combined ef forts, rebellion was crushed. Now, our Itborttcs nro moro endangered from cor rupt olllclals, both Stato and national, than thoy woro In 1801, by nttomptcd secession. Tho victories wo so dearly won arobarroit of results so long nsstrlfo nnd discord nro fomontod nnd Indigni ties heaped upon n gallant, though con quered, foo by tho satraps of Perioral power. Tho advauco of Imperialism upon tho States, North ns woll as South, has reached tho city whoro our Indopon donco was dcclarod, In tho form of Fed eral marines controlling, nt tho polls, tho freo oxorclso of suffrngo by tho cltl zon. Tho maladministration of tho affairs of our own Btnto by its principal finan cial olllccr, appears to commend him to tho spoclal favor of tho Radical mana gers by tho uttorapt to olovato him to tho gubernatorial chair. Wo appeal to you, our former com rade, In that spirit of patrotlsm which you exhibited whon tho Union wns In peril. For tho unity of tho nation you risked your llfo. Now, that the loss of liberty Is Imminent now, that tho Constitution is disregarded now, that tho rights of tho States nro ruthlessly assailed wo ask you onco moro ta put forth your hand, and overwhelm tho enemies of your country. With this viow wo earnestly request that you meat us in tho Hall of tho Houso of Roprcsonlatlvcs.ttt Harrlsburg on Wednesday, tho 28th instant, nt 12 o'clock M., thoro to organlzo tho Dnmo cratlo nnd LIboral Republican Soldiers of thoSlate. Ploaso ncknowlcdgo recoipt of this and should you boabloto attend, report and register your namo and regiment on arrival at Harrlsburg, to Ooncral William McOandloss, nt tho Bolton Houso. Very respoctfully, Major-aoncralST.Cr.Aiu A. Mur.iror. LAND, Brigadlcr-Goncral RiciiAnn Coin, TEB, Brigadier-General William Mo Candless, Brlgadior-Gonoral Alfued B. Mo Calmont, Brlgadior-Goneral Isaac J. Wistah, Colonel John II. Good, Major D. W. O. James, Captain Charles B. Brockway, N. B. Address your nnswor to Gou oral Mulhollnnd, 431 Walnut stroht, Philadelphia. August 14, 1872. The Traitors and tlioTruc Men. Every Liberal Ronubllcan. nemrdlnr- iu uiu orcans oi tno uinco-uouiers I'ar. ty, is in somo way a person of bad character, whoso departure from tho organization is matter for congratula tion, nnd whoso support of Mr. Grcoloy Will bo of no service. What n lot of disreputable men, then, tho Republican party in tho post must havo had in its cmei piaces i xnus : SDCaker of tho Houso. of Untirfwonfa tlves, XXXVIIth Congress, Galusha a. urow of I'onnsyJvanin. Speaker of tho Houso of Roprcsenta .ivwvaai v iu vAiugruss, uuu viiuir- man Foreign Relations Committee since, Aiuuiuuiui x , xianKS oi lunssucnusous. Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, United Statta Senate, for many years, unaries Bumner or .Mas sachusetts. Chairman of tho Judiciary, United States Senate, for many years, Lyman Trumbull of Illinois. Chairman of Committee on Claims, Houso of Representatives, ox-Gov. Austin Blair of Michigan. Chairman of tho Post-Offico Commit too, Houso of Representatives, Gen John F. Farnsworth of Illinois. Chairman of tbo Committee on Manu factures, United States Senato, ex-Gov. William Spraguo of Rhodo Island. Member Foreign Relations Commit tee, United States Senate, and sinco 1860 one of tho most successful and val ued orators and editors of tho Ronubii. can party, Mal.-Gon. Carl Schurz. Chairman Public Lands Commit too, Houso of Representatives, XXXVUIth and XXXIXth Congrcssos, Goorgo W. Julian of Indiana, fathor of tho Homo stead bill, original and lifo-long Aboil- uumsi, son-in-law oi josnua it, um dlngs, and ono of tho fathors of tho Ro publican party. Chairman of tho Judiciary Commit- I toe, Houso of Representatives. XXXVIth and XXXVIIth Congress! es.oonniiicKmanoi x'ennsyivanla. Governor of Illinois, nnd formor Com mander of tho Fourteenth Army Corps, Gen. John M. Palmer. Chief-Justice of tho Supremo Court of tho United Statoa, former Governor of Ohio, Senator, and Secretary of tho Treasury, Salmon P. Chaso. Associate Justico of tho Supremo Court, ono of tho Foundors of tho Ro publican party of tho West, David Davis of Illinois. Finally, of tho flvo Freo Soil H mtors who holped organize tho RopnMican party, ono is for Grant, ono is taking no part in tho contest, and tho other tiireo aro for Greeley ; of tho Republican doc tors In tho State of Now York in 1608 over one-half nro already declared for Grcoloy ; of tho four surviving mem bers of Abraham Lincoln's Oatilnot, threo ardently support tho Liberal cause. Tho pooplo aro asked to bollovo all these mon traitors to Republicanism of which thoy havo been prophets, and to tho Republican party which thoy founded and led. Thoy aro asked to ac cept instead of those traitors, as tho only truo mon now, and the rightful Ro- Sublican leaders, Roscoo Conkling, imon Cameron, O. P. Morton, Zacha riah Chandler, nnd Matthew H. Carpon tor. Tribune. The Greeloy papers nro publishing tho following -, "I am a Democrat, aud when I am convinced that tho war is waged to prosecute tha designs of tho Abolition ists, I pledge my honor as a soldier that I will carry my sword on tho other sldo and cast ray lot with that people'' Grant. That wo bollovo Is truo. Lincoln stood on tho samo ground. Miner's Journal; Wo aro glad to soo tho Journal make this Important admission. But it must bo cold comfort to Republicans to voto for a candldato for President who do clarcd that ho would "carry his sword on tho other side" "if tho war was wag od to carry out tho designs of tho Aboli tionists." Tholr designs tvere carried out.butGrant roconBidorodhls treasona bio intention. -Tho Washington Chronicle, ofllclal rgan of Grantlsm, threatens clerks and other officials, in tho pay of tho gov ornmont, that thoy will bo summarily dealt with if thoy show any leaning to tho reform candldato lor tho Presidency. And still thoro aro Republicans wl0 bo llovo that thoPrcshlont is really In fa vor of civil sorvlco reform, and that governmontomployooanrofreomon.who will not bo Interfered with In their po litical opinions, Truth. Reports from North Carolina of frauds, ballot box stuffing, repeat ing nnd tnmpcrlng with tho election rolurns, ns lately conductod by arnnl, tho Cabinet, and olhor Fedornl ofllco holders, brings up with omplmsls what Carl Schurz said In his great spocch In Now York. Tho stntomont was- ns followst I may say, without oxcoplion, that novor In tho history of this country has tho hand of tho national administration boon thrust Into tho local politics of tho States with such audacity as now; novor has tho potronago of tho public sorvlco beon moro recklessly nnd unscrupulous ly usod to promolo tho intorcsts of a faction or to further tho personal aspira tions of tho Chlof Executive. Col, Fornoy says Cameron bribed him self into tho Senato in 1815, nnd bought his election in 18 1G ; forced on Lincoln ns Secretory of War In 1801, ho enriched a dozon contractors, fot which ho was removed by tho President nnd consur- ed by voto of tho Houso j and his elec tion to thosonnto In 1807 cost him $50 000. Ho Is Ignorant of ovcry thing but trickery and low intrigue, nnd nover read n volumo of Bancroft or Macauloy In his llfo. And this man Grant put in Mr.Suraner's phvuo on tho Comralttco of Foreign Rotation, and now runs tho Republican p.uty In Pennsylvania, And yet thcro iru people who wonder Hint honest men holt 1 The Lycoming County Democratic Convention mot In WiUIamsport on Tuo3dny and mndo the following nom inations: Congrrn', Honry Sherwood by acclamation , Senator, ltobort V Allen j Constltiiil.iniil Delegate, John J. Metzgcr, by acclamation j Afaombly, Honry W. Potrikln ; Register and Rc cordcr, John F. Stevenson : Congress' lonal Confer Js, MaJ. J. V. Woodward II. II. Cummin, Eiq. j Soualorial Cm fercrs, John A. Gamblo, Robert FIcm Ing, Honry white, Joshua Taggart Constitutional Doloalo Conferees, H, V. Balrd, C. A. Bowora, Francis Bcebor II. L. Diononbach ; Representative Conferees, Samuel Wilson, Wm. 13, Hepburn. Tho Convention concurred in the placo nnd tiiuo of mooting for Sena torlal district conforonco named by Columbia county. At tho meoting of Congress in Do comber, 1871, thoro woro thrco financial reports sent to that body, all on tho samo day. Ono was from Sccrolary Boutwell, ono from Treasurer Splnnor, and.ono from tho Register of tho Trcas ury Department. Secretary Boutwell says in his report that th o issuo of flvo per cents up to July 1, 1861, on account of tho refunding of tbo loan of 1801 amount to $59,069, 150 j Treasurer Spinner re ported that his books showed an issuo of $61,238,300, whilo tho Register of tho Treasury reports an issuo of $66,602,250. Now, which of these statements is cor red? Tho affairs of tho Treasury De partment undor Boutwoll nro so mixed that thoy nro unable to tell within about seven millions of tho amount of a ccr tain class of bonds that havo been issued Tho tactics of tho old Tweed Ring must bo fully in forco there. It is stated on what appears to bo rc liable authority that a fund of $5,000,000 Is to bo usod in tbis Stato in the interest of tho Administration. Of this gigantic sum $1,000,000 is to bo contributed by Simon Cameron. Tho situation has bo- como dosperato for tho Radicals and ovory means, honest nnd dishonest, is to bo used to carry tho State. William B. Mann at a meeting of tho Republi can Stato Contral Comralttco stated that Philadelphia would givo 15,000 Radical majority, and ho knows how it can bo dono. This of courso means tho repeti tion of tho ballot box stuffing nnd re peating practiced at tho McCIuro-Gray election , The Tribune says : Ono of tho puorllo nrgumonts brought against Mr. Grooloy Is that tho pooplo or tho south cannot possibly voto for him becauso thoy are so nngry with him for his so called "On to Richmond" courso in tho Iribune. Anothor Is that Northorn pcoplo cauuot voto for him becauso ho sympathised with tho rebels nil through tho war. At this rate Mr. Greeloy will not got any votes at all, which will boa pity. 'NEWS Lexington, tho greatest of American racehorses died in Kentucky last went, aged 22 yo us. His four-mllo lime, 7.19? has never beon enmlled. Tliuro aro Lexington many flno horses sired by who rank high on tho turf. Tho most destructive storms ovor known In tho Eastern States occurred last week. Tho nurabor of houses. barns, public buildings, and churches struck nnd cither injured or destroyed, ospecially In Massachusetts, Is some tlinlg woudorfut, nnd tho accounts of persons rondorod insonsiblo for hours. and in somo Instances permanently be wildered, aro unparalleled. A rhinoceros bolonglng to Warner it. Co's. menagcrlo broko looso from its keopers.In Rod Bird 111. anil killed two mon, broko tho arms and legs of sovoral others, and smashed tents, cages nnd property to tho oxtout of $3,000. Tho now Iron steamship Pennsylva nia, tho flrst of tho American Steam ship Lino, was successfully launched, on Thursday of last week, In Phlladol- phla. Tho Ohio, tho next of tho lino, will bo launched In about two months. Judgo Georgo O. Barnard of tho Su premo Court of Now York has been removed from ofllco for numerous of- fences and is disqualified from hereafter holding any ofllco of trust. Ho is tho third Judgo of tho samo Court who has boon removod this year, Cardozo re signing to savo expulsion, Tho Third National Bank of Baltl- more was robbod on Buuday night, tho burglars effecting au eutrauco by eut ting through tho wall of an adjoining building. Tho bank losos $57,000 In greenbacks and National bauk notes, railroad bonds to tho amount of $17,000, and $1,500 in Fivo-twontlcs. Tho lossos of individual depositors having boxes in tho vault nro not known, but may amount to sovoral hundred thousand dollars. Serious riots havo occurred In BolAist, Ireland. A pollco station aud several houses had boon demolished by tho rioters. Tho causo bf tho troublo is a religious one, Sovoral vossols having cases of yollow fovor on board, havo nppoarod In Now York harbor. Tho cltlzons of Long Is. land and Bfnten Island nro grently alarmed. Campaign Noi i, Judgo Jeremiah B. Black, of this State, hai wrltt:n a loiter in support of Grcoloy. Tho postmaster nt Wilton, Iowa, is "out" for Grant to tho extent of wjiiiu $3,000 In his ofllclal nccouutn. Hon. Holster Clymcr was nominated for Congrrns on Tuesday lF-t, from Berks County. Tho Trenton Uatctle, Roptibltcmi au thority, says " that tho Greeley mon In Now Jersey outnumber tho potato hugs, and polato bugs nro thick. Of tho slxty-ilvo republicans in Lako Mills, Wisconsin, sixty-ono nro Grcoloy men. Of tho eighty ono doniocruts, ovory ono Is for Grcoloy. Judgo Hancock, Chairman of tlm Grant Central Committee In Mississip pi, repudiate Grant, nnd Is out for Greeley. William J. Glllingham, president of tho "Republican Invincible." of Phila delphia, has resigned nnd declared for urcoioy. Thoro aro twunty-flvo Republican rx pors In Pennsylvania opposing tho olcc tion of tho Radical candidnto for Governor. Charles Robinson, tho first Freo Stato uovornoroi Kansas, isoutror Oreo ov. Tho Republican break lu that Stuta has uccoino n stampede. Tho venorablo Wyman Spooncr, of JMkiiorn, ror somo years Republican Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, is now on tho electoral ticket for Greeley. Montana hui dnnn nvmi lifl.tnr llinn at first stated, Mnginnts tho Democratic candidate having been elected delegate to Conirro3s bv 1(11 mnlnrltv. Tho statement of tho Times that juugo javid uavisis for Qrant Is tin. truo. Tho Washington Patriot has auim my to say no supports Mv. Oreo, icy. John L. Clarlc, of Decatur county lowa, hM Just resigned his position ui:ju uiu .Tiuiiciu biaio central commit t i, and declared himself for Horace urceioy. Flvo hundred republicans of Monroo county havo signed n call for a Grcoloy and Brown meoting nt Rochester, Now Six hundred republicans of Steuben county jnow onc, navo signed a call wr a urcoioy nnd urown county con vention for August 20. Mr. Urown, tho republican mayor of rortinnu, mo repudiates Grant and snpports urcoioy. Ho Is stated to bo tno woaiuuost man In Maine. M. D. Estco, Into Secretary of tho Republican Stato Commltteo of Califor nia, nddressod a largo Greeloy meeting iu omi rruuuisco on weunesuay oven ing. Tho postmaster at Woodland, Wis consin, with 179 republicans of tho town, havo declared for Greeley and xiruwu. colonel Jesse T. Warner, ono of tho urant electors in ibus, in Nebraska, has wimuu u juiwjr ueciaring ins intention oi voting lor ureoioy and Urown. Robert A. Loo, a colored member of mo urnnt iicpuDiicnn Commltteo of roansemonu county, Virginia, resigns his nosition in a nublisheil lntini- nmi ucciares ior urceioy and Brown. S. W. MOUlton. formerlv nrnnn1ilirnn member of con cress from Till ing bCCn Invited bv tho Orant nlnln commmeo to mako speeches.astonishod uiuiu uy writing n letter stating that ho diu'iiuhs urrut'iuy. A Warwick Radical latolv nffnrpii in draw in ins ono-horso wagon all tho ureoioy iienuoucaus m that village In about ten minutes forty-six appeared and asked to "rido," whon tho Grantlto DaCKOU out. Tho Albany Armis sava that It Is on! v necessarv for somo oba iu iJiuuiuiui uiuisuji it wnn can't go urooiey in order to obtain famoataslnglobouud. For then tho frantic Grant papers will take him up and make a hero of him. A democratic mass mnntino win Un hold in tho court houso, Washington, Pennsylvania, on Tuosdav mninc September 3. Addresses will bo dolivo red by Hon. Charles R. Buckalow.IIon. Montgomery Blair, Daniel Kalbfus, esq., and others. As ovory man who turns from Grant, to Greeley is denounced by tho renom inationlsts as a ronecado or a rascal, it would bo interesting to know exactly what sort of materials that nartv is composed of. Its members aro evident ly a precious sot of scamps in each other's estimation. Thcro is moro troublo ninoni? tlin Now Hampshire Grantitos. Tho Hon. Georgo G. F2g has roslcnod his nosit- Ion as editor of tho Concord Statesman tho Republican organ of tho Stato. nnd goes for Groeioy. Ho cannot afford to support Grant In view of tho exposures umuu ui ins uuiuiui in igcuiiuuci. Tho long talked of debate between tho colored pnrtlzins of Greeley nnd Grant respectively, Messrs. Saunders and Garnott, camo off in Now York last wcok. As might havo been ex pected tho speech of Saunders, which wa3 ny rar tno Hotter, was Interrupted nnd spoiled by tho Grantites. John R. Davis, of Schuylkill county, leading republican. who has lienn twico n candidate for important mini in offices on tho republican county ticket, has written a loiter refusing to net as a member of tho republican county stand ing committee. IIo is reported to bo for Grcoloy and Bucknlow. When Lincoln was olitcd Prealiirnt in 1801 Colonol A. K. M'Cluro wns chairman of tho Pennsylvania ronnhii. can stato central committee, and when General Grant.wns chosen In 1SG8 Hon. Galusha A. Grow acted lu n similar capacity. It is n significant fact that both of thoso gentlemen aro for Greoley aud Brown. At a Grant and Wilson mpnHnir tn Detroit, tho Sth instant, ono GreenK nrv Hodge, a colored orator, was suro Grant would servo four additional years to Ilia ni-numt In.iti (lnil llin,. t t .1 ... ,.uuv .viiii, 1. in. .uuu, uv liiu UUU of that time, thoy (Grantites) would gather all tho soldlors and all tho citi zens together mid declare him Emperor of fhla e.nnntrv Simon Ward, colored, writes in n,n Eufaula, Alabama, News, showing why ho and his brothorcn should voto for Greeloy nnd Brown. Ho says : "I havo studied this matter thoroughly, and havo come to tho conclusion that Hor ace Grcoloy has boon, and is now, tho uesc inenu to tno colored men Iu America, and that It is to him, moro tnan to nu othors, wo aro Indebted for our freedom, and I feol that should T not voto for him, I would bo worso than an Infidel." Thoro seems now ovorv reasnn in im. llovo that Tom Murphy, "Bill" Tweod, and "Jimmy"' O'Brien, a sympathetic mo ui iMuw ioric politicians, havo formed n corrupt combination to mm. port Grant, Tho barcain.asundorstcnd. seems to imply that if Grant bo elected. Mumliv will havo control of thn Vminr. al patronago In Now York, Tweed's offences will bo condoned anil thn in. dlctraonts ngalnst him withdrawn, and O'Brien will bo supported for Mayor of tho city by tho Republicans. Tweed ana irurion, in roturn lor tins, nro to nuip urani in mo city wnn ucmocrntlo VUIU3, Now Advortisomonta. roXEOUTOllS' NOTICE. U estatk or srcrnuN iialdy ueo'd. Letters tc-stameutnry on tho cstato of Htonhen llalJy lato of Catawlsna townkhlp, Columbia county UercascU, havo been granted by tho lies tutor o! Columbia county, to 1'ettr It. llalily. lloujliu Hughes, nnd William J. Murtlu Kxccu turnip whom all porsona Indebted lo haid cstato nro requested lo inuUo paymont, nud those hav- till! claims or itemamls ncalunsald 'Citato, will IIIILV delay, l'UTKlllt. II A Ml V, UOlKlliAH HUdllfcH, WILLIAM J, MAKTiN, HxirntorN, AwmiMw DMINISTRATOR'B NOTICE. K3TAT15 of vimtri Ktsixisn, mini. cm lit nilhiltilRlintlnn m, Ihn rNlnln til EtlMbolli Klsller into or Ml. l'lonsnnt twr., t'ul iimlilacoHiily.iloccniioil.linvobccnRrnnlcitliy II10 llpgi8tcr ol Mild coimtv to Joiepli Ulllieitor tho unmolw). All I'dAoiinlitwiuiioljUminKftliuttlio rslnloo. tnoilccedcutnro lrmiostoil to iircscnt lliom for noltlcmriit, amltliuan iiiilclitcJ to llio citAto to mako pnymcnt to I ho uuilortlgucil, nil mmislmlor, without itolnv. . JOSEPH OIMlEltT, Aug n.-72-Cw, Ailmlnlstmtor. fllO THE WOUKINU .OI.AF.B, mnlo or IcmMu. 1 to) n wolc (..inrnntccil. Ilcspccublo em ployment nt home, ilny or ovchIiiki no cApiml rcqulreil s mil Ins ructions nnil vnlimulo jiaclt ng of Rooilg to tnrt Willi Bent freo by mull, AuMrein with 0 crnt ritnrn ultimo. Jf. YOUNCI A CO., 10 Courlhmit Bt New Yoilt, AOBNTO tVANTrjn-rrlhrjfmef Bvant Greeloy WILSON, BROWN Sftft niMnfnUiiufki, Over 40 BtoolVurtraHii. worth twico iho co?t or tho boolt. Wnntnl over v. whore. Au'lslmvowoiHlcifiiUucii . Hemltor, mlilieM .IKUt.K'l Mni.UUDr, !IS ArcliHt , l'lillailclpuln, IM. A Rents vmteitfortlioArT)lirolU.l'HY or HORACE GREELEY 'Iho llenl nml only il'llnn willlcn ny mnisolts nnd for onr 1!;!I UAMl'AlUN MANWAh, u book of tho tlmei for nil pillion. Illmtrntstl. Ono ApentsoldSOInlhieodayo. Also, for Hrnrilev's Life of rreildcnt (Irani, nnd Hplemllil 1'ortia'lU or Candidates, 8- Kin mouth niado, II, II. Tit HAT, rnlillsher, KU3 Uroadway, N, Y. First Premlnia H id An.Tnst.lE71 Iloubln r.lovntnl Oven. Wnrmlnir Closel. limit. UK? Door, lender ' llnnrd, Tunminn AHhali'ug 2)0 Witter Htieel.N, Y. HW-1W HAH CIJIIK1) Dll') CiirilK WII.Ii CUK1J INZA UEA'Wa AND (.'ATAimit. t'or euro f I (or To t Rtmplo !" c '-l,) by mtll. Dr. K. 1". HYATr.SMOmii'lWu't. fU&Yoilc u; -liv OTICK TO THAOHUItS. ThO millliC PTfimttinllnn-a Vnr tl.n wu will be hold ns follows: 3 ASTA! clas,,on's hoSSmaiSt'u? nt Jn""30U's chml ror Minim at MUlllnvtlln Bent. Itth. For Montour nt nilnnrl. Hnnl l"l 1. I'or ItoarlnKcroolc nud Locust at .Morris' school For Hemloclc nt llnclthorn Sept. loth, lor Maillton nt Jorieytown Sent. I7tu. For Hcott nt l'snv Sent. IStli. For Orcenwoou at Centio school houso Hept, For Ornngo at Ornnsevlllo Hent 2M. i'or Mount Plcpiant nt .lonos' school houso iaviii. i'Hi. Fort" hlngcrcek nt Forlts school liouioHfpt, For Cenlr nt Hldlct'd sclr il houso Sent. Mill For llrlnrcrock nnd Ucnr:clc nt llerwku Hent, Mill. 1 For Jnrksoii.HiiBirloir nnd Henna nt lien ton CfCIM. .lll. Korl'lno nt Hereno Went. M,llli. Exnmlnnllons will commence) n. 10 o'cloclc A. mey luienu mni.lll'; nppnc.ltlon. Cei'tf Ilcntes will nnt l,n pnininil ihh uimn ,inv . . in in" iiiMrii'L ill Hoards of Directors nro respcctf.illy Inviled lo W. H.SNYDEU.Co, Hiipt. Catawlssa.l'a ,187J. holw3 II11Y VIEW ACADKMY. Perryvlllo Stnlion, O. I'n. It. it. (For Males & Femnlo 1'npils.) Long established, thorough, successful; location healthful nud accessible: community social, mornl aud religious i buildings largo nud costly; n fit 11 corps ol nblo teachers ; mouutnlu nlr, pure iiiitui,a,iiu uihuiiii;i uuu niiiuiug; enipuaiicniir n homo school. Wholo exnnni.e. fnr ltnfinl 'rnf- tlon, Room, Fuel nud Washing (for 40 weeks,) ii'jj (mm iii-v iiumircu twunrs, WJUIOV Session begins Sept. 3. Bond for Circulars. WILSON A i-.iiiiiiwu, i-ori iioyai, juuiain CO., IM. rilESIDHNTS OF COLLEdllS, MINISTERS, SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN, TESTIFY TO THE MANY ADVANTAGES 01' Tnscai'ora Academy, ACADEMIA, JUNIATA CO., PA, Semi for a Circular nnd Testimonials. D. 11. Stone, A.M., l'h. D. J. J. Patteiison.A. M, nugOwl n01tDENTOyN (N. J.) FEMALE COLLEGE l.lfnl Incfillnn. nt.rt rtf .lift ij" iJ.n.X v . iubiiLuiiuiis 111 1110 1111 . 1-iJt "v.'e., muiress iiev. JOHN II. llllAKELEY , Vli. D. nug'Jwl Stcubonvillc O., Female Seminary, .Tills wldely.kuown School affords thoiongh t,.""0""", ui u eoii, oi tiiuo moro than ..uu.oa u. mi juiiiiur jnijuii is lCOUCbied. A S'W V.0.1"'1.'!11 !" 1110 e.oso of Iho next year. Hem for inrtlcnlarslo Hov. rilAltLKM c. lillA- SlV'ft 'AAfrnS.' iittS"-'0r 1!eV-A "-"I'D. - i tlll'JIVI JjJDUEHILL MILITARY SCHOOL, Jiercuautvllle, N. J Four miles irom l'hlladeliihl.i. (iormeily located nt Frlncetown, N, J.) ltov. H. Kf. linwra.i, a m i; tM.,.,i Forty-fourth Annual Term begins Sept.' loth. oiiiw iui viieuiiir. rilUSCARORA FEMALE SEMINARY, ACADE- mm, juumtit VUM 1 . 1, MUTUAL Fire Insurance. Thn Mnl, ml l1n.. ........ ; .V.V . . m uiu mtiiuaiiy lusuicdthogrcntesttecuilty for tho least possi ble coat. Tho premium notes aro tho capital. u tills i uo divlilciuH nro paid to tho stocbiiold- arising after tho payment ol losses nnd ex TShVil0 lu, 1 110 COLUMBIA INSURANCH Y.x x, uuhuh mo iwiai i-y, years ol lis ex istenco ,lmvo nvcrnged but OH per centum upon , i . . ' s iiver lliail luo 1'aies pnid ill tho best solvent stock companies during IJi'.W?0 f,e,lod ,of tlmo- I" lusitrlug nt stock rates, the lusured must pronounce to hlmsolf that he pays every year cuongb-lst. Tororm nn accumniatcd fund for omorgeueles : 2d. To nay largo dividends to the capital invested iu iho Company; 3J. Runs tbo risk of a "Chicago $1?! c.iulu? nniV wlplne his Company out ut oxlstcuce. lu a Mutual company ho keeps his ii;,TiV;r, ; V. rr "eeucu, nnupaysiio hLTi'l V? capltalbits. Tho mutually insured, i.r,, ir-X .. . . "iiiuiiais, luuit niier 1110 business, its character aud its agents lu nil places, thus protecting each other. For Insur ances or Agencies, nildross .. ' , "lUJSA.ur, socrotnry, Columbia, Lancaster County, I'a. AdENT.4 Wanted for Chamborllu 's Grent Cam palgu Rook, The struggle ol 'TJ, ; a nuveiiy in l-oiuicai nndl'opnlar Ltlcrntme. a uiiAriuo History of tlio Republican nud jjemocraiio parties; a racy fckotcb ol tho so-called Liberal Republican Parly j au iusldo vlovv of tho Clnclnnnll Vri. ww.. , vmi.uu. AUU lUIUIll iiu.ui. ine nuesi Ilius CAMPAKIN GOODS FOR 1872. Agents wanted lor our Campaign goodi. Sell at highi. Pay lOO lcrc.eiit. iiiollt. Nowls tho J.Uofl'ii1'!'.'!1,0 tlme,s- T(m JJollarapei day S'iV 'uatle- l ull samples sont for 81. Address .. uuuai-11.111, qij x-ant now. SiOYT Yolk, CAMPAIGN J "V.. .Mil. ..VUllllllll deslguR. Get l'rlco List of T. 0. RICHARDS .V CO., -MTra, 17 Murray St., N. Y, BADGES ! THE CUEM1STB.Y Or DlVIWir T"nr,TMTii... never nrodticed n mlncr.n nm,. m,,.,, .'. bines In such perfections llie aualllies of null Wio"?.1015 nna calhartlo medicine, ns that of SrtUatTrintnnturntS nvuu in Alili 1J11UUUISTS, S1.000 For any ensoof ninul. Illeed. ",?' .t.cll.luF Ulcerated Fllis that.Dc Ring's 1-ile -wmi w w win.Kuiiajn io cure. It Is prepared expressly to euro tho Piles, nud uothlug else, sold by all Druggists. I'tco, f t.oj. " BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE i rin,i T.u nrllc'! m i"o market for r",'.?,"'. i.'.?!lc". Tho genuine has both liar. low'sauu v iiiuorgor's name on tin, l-iiioinn,! ia . . . j -,tJia' HUH urut?oifi- witlerijerell ...... ...... vwvm v ( uiuouiug. m fnr t Im film nf n 1 1 Til l)(i t ni r.UNII Diseases. in cases of tbroa CAUTION i Caioollo'i'nulets. U. KKLLUUU. IU tbo U, H. Send orKKLL(JUoVrSPIattst.N.Y. tbo U.S. Send for circular. ' 0Al,u, .i. MpNXlI. easily tiiadu with stencil nmi Key. and Sample, ret, Koy-inccic jiies, Sceuio Circular o. .n, oi-ENCEii, llrattleboro, uSl.'w AGENTS! Mono rnr ,1 ri,ini. ... cau'iAS'i:"!" EOlllug book out. ""aiei HTUiiHAiiT ca, I'ulilisheis, I'nii'a. AURUITI A 1); mm t!.i t . . ' . jjcsci lpuvo t : cu ats nnd I rlco Lists of our Flno Slcel Engravings of nil imiSllll,late,"' OHupalau lliosraphiccuirii l'hotocranlis. liadorns. I'lna Tina o.( ..,.v.7' IT HANDY.-Tlio llcllablo Family IV Modlclno, for tho prompt euro or Cholera, Iitanluea, cholera Inranlnm, llvtonlery, ('inmp, ijnmmcr Comnlalnt, rto JanUlln's t'ompnundlivrupnl Iilaciiburi Root ami Hhu. I'niu nu oiti nuu weii-irieu remcu, rnuiciy jegeliiblc, pleasant to tnko, nulc'i imdcortnln In clfecti can bodcpcnileit on In ilu'iuoititrnont (uses; may bo given to Iho .vritmiwt Infant ii woll nslo iho ngeil, It Is teatbly tukon bychll ilicn. Keep It In Iho houio nnd uin lu time, Hold by Urug'lsli, HANll'.I.L A llllo., a, JO Market Street, I'hllailolphla. Try II. l (I11N1-8 WANTED. Agonts mnltn moio mon ty ry nt woik lor us than nt anything else. 1 uslnei.i light nud pennancnt, rarllculais free, (J.Htivson A Co., Flno All 1'ubllsbcrs, Fort laud, Maine, nug9wl A (110 NTH WANI EII FOU Prof. MOTS GREAT WORK on Manhooil, Womnnhootl, and tholr Slnlnnl Mend lor flpoclmcn pa"ei nnd clrcuhiis, wllb irnix, Adclrors, NATIONAL 1'UUl.IaIIlNH o , l'hda, IM. nai-lw. M JOLLYFiriEND'S SECRET ti,J,i,,,.iiii1( Hii.-iiii.aL ivuim. mm iiiiuiuiiso lUcci'si, 13tli thonstiul In press, Arconla delight oil nnd colnhii money. AOEN IH WA.NTKD Sanson St., 1'hltn, nJMw HA UK CUANOR KOH AOUNTSl Agents, wo will pay you io ncr woeit In cash ii uu win eiiKHgu wiui us at once. Jivorythlng furnlsliwl, nnd uXionses nald, Aildiess F. A kliLS A CO., Charlotte, Midi, nugOwl only correct edition published, ltymlar prlcci t . . . U.V IIIV HU1.UIIII1CU Ul .MllllllC, bank for cci )mrly. Secure territory nl once, ILC, J01INSO .... ....... u. ...iiiicnn. iUN, l'ubllsbcr, 700 Arch SI. Tblla AUgOWl AGENTS LOOK HERE!ffii.,onon,l Hint JSVKKY mmllvwANT nml will mivn.t. HifitiT ? ft Ji Tun 1LLU8T1UVTKU FIIIEWIDE l4JUil JUiM OI 3 Jtroi'T, Au ' 'cjaiiloctnvo, CIS pf-es; over U itijiii l ll.'ui.trat Ions, li.t I ynpcv, jwjii ior btmlum, ont.y 1! 60. Tho cilEArttsT nnd most popular bouk In print. Iu a gical hit. Will kcII aVEiiT wiiEUE lllto hot caki'i. l'onteis, cliculnri, toi ma, nnd our Ag Is Pocket Cuiiipanlon, lnall'd fieo Itl DllAtll) I1KOS., rubllilieis.721 Banibom St. iiuia. nuguivi It Is not a pbvslo which may i;lvo lempornry relief lo thohtillerer iorthelli ,1 fow ilnsos. but which, Irom continued uso biingsl'llcs nnd kin dled diseases lo nld In weakening Iho Invalid, nor Is It n doctored Uo.unr, lilch, under Iho popu lar namo or "llltterh" is t.o extensively palmed oil' cm tliopuhllcns soverelBii lcmcdles, but It Isa most powcrluITonle nnd nltoratlvo, proiiouueed so by iho lending medical nutborltics of London nnd Fails, nnd hns been long used by tho regular physicians of other eouuliics Willi wnudcilul reuiodlal lcsults. Dr, Wells' Extract of Jurubeba retains all tho medicinal vlrlues peculiar to tho plant nnd musthotnkeunsnpcimanuuteuratlvo agent. Is tlteio want of ncllon in your Liver ASplcen? Unless lellovoil nt onco, Iho blood becomes tin pnro by dolelcrlous secietlotis, producing scrof ulous or skin diseases, lllotcbes, Felons, l'uMules. Canker, l'lmoles, Ac, , Inke Jurnocba to cleanse, ptully nnd tcstoro the vitiated blood to healthy ncllon. Hnvo you n Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless diges tion Is promptly nlded tho system Is ilebllltnte.l with loss ol vital iorcc, poverty of tho Illooil. Dropsical Tendency, Ueneral Weakness or Las situde. Tnko It to assist Digestion without reaction. It will Impart youlhlul vigor to tho weary suiTcier. Hnvo you vonkuess or tho Intestines? You aro iu danger ol Cbroulo Diarrhoea or tho dread ful Inflammation of tho Rowels. Tako It to allay Irritation nud ward off tenden cy to luilammation. Hnvo you .weakness of tho Utcrluo or Urinary Organs'; ion must piocnro lustaut lollcf or you nro liable to suirorlng worso than death. lake it lo RtieliL'tlien niirnuli, .ci. it. ..... n.-n. becomes a burden. finally it should no frequently taken lo keen the system in perfect hcalih or you nro other wiso lu great uaoeeroi liinlnvinf ti,uCn.n,i - contagious diseases. JOHN Q, KELLOua.lsriatt M New York. , fc'ple Agent lor llio United Slitn. l'rlco 11 por llottlo. Houd lor Circular. nug'Jivl QOUilT PHOOIjAJIATION. WllPIl HlU. I h I Inn Wlltln... l.M.nt, Judge nr tho Coiut of Oyer nnd 'JVniilucr nnd Oenernl Jail Delivery, Com t of Clnai tor Sessions ot tho l'eaco nnd Court of Common l'leas nnd Or. nhnn's Court In llin 2illli .iimiii 111...?.. " "t iiosodor tbo counties of Columbia, hullivn'u nmi wyomlug.nnd tlioiron.Imm iWi-n,i L. Monroo Assoclato Judges of Columbia county S?Jn1rS,Vrd " l,.r,eceI,, bearing ilaio tho 11th tbfusjmdVelht bun redVmi soveiy-twoIidio w. v. u. .....iiiiiii V.U111 1 in uycr nun ror- mluernnil UcucrnllHiartcr Sessions or lh Fenco Court of Coraidon Picas nnd Orphan's court, In n ;r r ;., ," V" -"",ul, ' uouunoia, on 1 10 Sirt 'i5. rn1,11iT.,,,1,us hS rJ llay 01 September Mrttlln I. I.a.-aI... ... Il. . .. ........ ,i,ij k.viii in mo viiirooci, 10 lUO Justices of tho l'eaco, and tho Constables of tbo said county of Columbia, that they bo then and . .. ."'i...-...""1. nun .uiu -i ii'iiiemurauces. to do those things which to their olllces npueitain to bo done And thoso that aro hound by rccogul.anco, to proscculo ngalnst tho mis. oners that nro or mny bo iu tho Jail ol Iho snm kanly of Columhl.i. in im iii. n,.,i thero lo proscculo them ns tball bo Just. jn. . . v.,... ,Lyi. ... i.u jiuiiciiiui 111 ineirniicuu auce.ugieeably totlielruotlces. Dated ntlllooms- . . 1 . . llllV ?. I lin 1'f.ltl ilot, nlTnl,. ,.. . I . r . . J "I.UIJ , 111 uiu VL'ai s- 1 ;f our Lord, ono thousand eight bun- ini, XV .V ":t,"l,"tVu""u in mo ninety i rtli year of llio iuilcpondeneo or tbo United StntCH of America. AAUON H.MITir. iitoomsburg, July Ctitli, is?.'. HberiVr. T 1ST OF GKAND JUHOUS FOIl J.J boptcmbcr term l;j. tus Jlaso'u ' (,'1V!"U-' -Vugus- iicrwicic-llnilsou Owen. 1 riar Creek-Enoch Itltl euh , Denver l'etcr llnccht. Ceutro Edward JIai iman. Ccutralla-l'.itrlck F. llmke. ( ntnwlssa-Samuol Fre.lci u (irecuwood Frank Jloat. Ilcmloclc-Ell Obl. Moutour-Saiuuol Qigcr. v; .r -....."in niiiii.!, ?lf(1iM0a",Wm' Fnlrmnii, l- mn illlllA .11). prnugo-DAVlil ireniii-, JaniiH i; i Jntu -4, i tuo-jumi unrulier. KOarlll' L'lVplf Inlin T IT, ,,.. cum. ' HOOtt Till. 7111 4 l'tff.i1ln T. 11 ranu, " ' lumT JUHOU.S nil IS7i Mis'rF:ri.'. FOR lllonm--i um L. CI1H 111. il., w 1 Chi'r 11 lll.lii-i. ' ""'' Heaver A, w. m 11111, llciwlck Lo 1 lCmtz. t 11 Thomnson. Uo I. All iienion i;uas iioiiion. llilaicreek Daniel llamba.Ii, (iui, p. l.miii CatawUsa-N. P. John. ' ""w"- Ceutro Ueo, L. Low, Ooo. II. Fre.n r i.iuiviiii jouaiu 111 rorino FIsliliiKcreck Joliu Wliiii. , lae'cNin Ck'-ivor. M. A. Ainuior. 11. Statilou, man, Divld Y'o.t. ureouwoou r.irvin i.voi, J Hemlock ItenLcn lloavt. Minilu-D.A. Uoss, UonJam'n Yoho. Madlsou Isaac Whipple, Montour Michael ltoucli OrauKo-JouatbanPousi.Wm Hclinji Mi.m Kveretr, Joseph Hoary. ' i-inc win. iverciiuer, uaii. u. (.i-tty. Iloailng Creek Divbl Unix Sugar-loaf Wm. A. Kilo. Scott Josenb .Miih. iltnati. t r. t , , .M. llulUhlser, SELVNll WVXli lltoom. Fraulc 1 Mclti-i,' . n. 11 . II. Mlnaah. ( i.-i,',,..v,i; In. ' less, I. W. McKclvy. ucaviT oimoa x .lonusou, llerwlck JoslaU 11. Dodvon. Deutou-Wllllam Wilson, lleuUoii Apnlom m, Cltnwlssi .Inooh r.. Kiw, ,,,., ,,' , .,. .' llamlllon Fisher. Ailnm l'..l,.,..,', ' 1 ',...,!. '.. :,.' Jacob Clewell. uentro John cam. Conyugham John J. Cuulillu. Franklin Chrlsllan Art lev. Flshlua Creek Hhniii Mellnm.- iu i A,.,. merman, ltlcbnrd llrlght, Oreeiiwood-Jobu.Staddon. Chandler Uvn. John K, Mnsgrove, Abiam Trlpleplcce, .lacksou Clluton Lewis. iiocusi-nimon neiwf,', Henry Hclwlg, Jliiiu-D, D. Feddcroll, David S. Urown, Wes ley John. Ml, I'J 'leasaut lid. Crawfiiul. Seott-lt. J, Millard, II, U. Cn-veilua WIDOWS' Al'PIvAISEJIKN'TS. Tbo followlug nppralsoments of loul nnd per fcoual pioperly iel apart to widows ol decedents hnvo been tiled lu tbo oillco of tho lteglsltrot Columbia couuty.uuder tho Ilulos of Cuurl, and ..... w i,,w.v...v vi'iiiiiiiiiiuuil, IO thoOmbnns' Couit to bo held In lit. umi.i, ,1,..; 1.. nndlfor tnld connly.on Wwlntsday, tho Ithdayol Hep.t, ll72. nt 2 oVlock p, u., of said day, im les oiccptions to tiicli conllimallous nro provl ous y tiled, of which all persons lulcu'stud iu bald (.stales will tako notlcot lons,iuVec0caVe'dl.1P T" mUmu' mt0 of to2wns;n?S'eeefasAeli!a,U Voun' lflt0 ' Col'to" 8. Widow 01 Jonathan Ivnlltie, lalo ol Con. yugham township, deccasod. i. Widow of John C, Doty, lalo or lleulon township, deceased, . 5. Widow of l'etcr Uoarhart, lalo of Ucaver township, deceased. u. WlClow of Philip W.SIeoloy, lalo of lloAyer township, deceased, 7, Widow of Corncllna Klltomlall, lalo ol Mil', llllt township, deceased H. Wlihwnf i:mmor namnlon. 1.-11.1 ir..... Ingcreek township, doccasoil. V. Widow of William F. Sotuler, lalo of Hcolt It), widow of Joseph Wcnu, lato of Madiboii township, decensod. II. Widow of Lenudcr Cnrninii Intn nf nn..,nn towushlp, deconscd. 12. widow 01 i-eicr Jvnrns, lalo or Ueuton township, deceased, ,W1LLIAM80N II. JAUOIIY, ItegUlcr's onice, lloglhlcr. iiioiuiouiirv, Aug, , IS, v, 1 1 .1 VV Pli1 Mf1Qwanlcd tortinlma llootet lll. IjAuJUY 1 ODr, Cornell's Lives oi UHKin.K nnu liuuWN,-tlio latest nnd best; also..ludL'o ltusqcll'i. T.trn ni ii.,,,.,, wiicnn i Enim'Kii'HNoTuiRa , J-Vilmrcby given to nlllegm, ' nllior persiins luti-resled lu nl0 rr' " fpmtlvo iloceiloulsttiid minor" 1 , ,'1 . ngndmlnntrntloii nnd gnai I,',,, , 1 con lllod lit tbo nrVlconf ll,n itV! r " ilnroutity, nnd will bo pn ,?,, !1ri"i'V,,,J,!l,",w",U00 -nl,, "'ruin... held lit lllnoinsliurg.oit WpiIiAi.i. "II. 8. Iho third nnd ilnal nccouni -C-rop-y nna Slcpheu liono, n. !.r n Jneoii Ooho, lnlo'of Minim 0V1 is , '.or.,, of!o0,nTe,lYc.Ya,Ho',Tr,!,r( 5. Tliolirstmidfln.iln. 'iiiiu t i " KMCulor or ltd., .an v. iicr in"-,a"l lrr townKlilpit'ecoasod. ' tr K Mmnn Whilmoycr, HxeriitOM nr "Jr, Htuni innyer lalo of pAic owiisl lp,' IrSLt Wi ,itJ. 7. Tlio Ilrst nud Una ncctii nl , SriJ.'1, I '1 ..11 11 RLntlllllllrtl . " MKnuV,1:ll;,s,l,u ojvuliil; ileceaseliri,iv'la'.t t, Tho tlrst nnd partial neenn,,', . Cnvence, Lxcculor of Hdwnrd (At'L,,f ''onto V. 'Ihonccouut of D.ivfct K lrn..i: I li-ntnrnri'..,,. i..ifi'.J!1-,J' iiaynia,, .. .. dcoKaved; m,a 01 -'eulr. n'S in. Tr.o flnal ncsnntu of rni,. , 1 ndnnnislrnlor of win. H,Wi V nia Ail, m. IHWIIBlltn ..limnin. ' ",ll,," Into Of , 11. Tho llnnl nxpnnnt of in,i.. .. ndmlnlslrntoi of Mlchatl iletioi' " Hell.., township, ilccenseii. " licuir, lnl.i ur mi n' l'l 1 I,.. Iln.l . . . . ""H mlmlnistrator il,- bout, iwn or i'i?InM,','iicU I'lich, lato of Ornng" lowiislilr? .i?1'0"1'' HkS ,.1.1. Tho (.ccond nnd iiuilr''','''l. Yclter. KxecutorofacorOT itoi . nf ' Ingcieek lownnhip, Uoeewj '' lil,u Jf ll."l. .,dVAlffla,ou?ofTo1 ii. ii., township, deceased. J "0l'er, lato of iniiii,' 10. TIlO nccnnnl Xf ' lor of Elizabeth MocJi St n,'?r-. Jmbilsn,. llloomsburg, deccasou. t0 ot 'll0 Town ' 17. Tbo nccouni ol Ell obi i. OhI.lalo of liAVH, rcckiownshlp.dccensfd. ' 1 of "' b. Il', Tho nccouni of Paul Fn- ,i .,1 Daulol Fry, 3ciir., lalo of l?e'i " ,m,lnl1' 'ir decoased. 1 ' ivi. , 111). Tho second and final nrcoiuiLrrT., ley, ndmlu Rtrator of IlllshS ,1 ,ctt Jul,'U1-1'' Ureenwood township, decea , 1 . 1'-i ,, ill. Tho nccouut of t rus H wi, of Michael Lemon, lnUi "f " Lhl S,0 ' shl '.(leccasod, ' .lui.n. , . Thoflvvl nw.l .,, . lioim.ouarilinnorihoporsr ii' ,VV '-'II-E. Pcrsel, of Madison tmvnsi, ,, "lt; '"'"of. Mary Iicutur 21. Tho nccouni of Ellas Tr Istrntor of John Trembly, l ,,3 . ship, ileccnseil, " 1 "1 UIWll. IU1III. uwu. ifffi-- jgv ,wi.. ,, eensud. ' u OI -Piltlu towiishi, . iVnZ'r??"!!' ".C.iuel Li .r of lllooms.,n.Tdi r,:.?e' ma"' T r9?- '-.V; """""'it or Itlciinrd Ki ' shlp.dcccnseil. ''u,ou' "lo u ucaver iBu. A,A'.li'Jt,.i,",",1'll "fcouu.t ot n, i, lownsliifCdeceiise,!. "r 'J'0 01 lls"i.. I'.egl,.e,-S omco7I','IAM!iON "" J UT!"' lllooinsbnrg, Aug.2, 137J. T,1.,.01, CAUSES FOil TltlTr ii i!wZ i ' " " '""'"'isMMK ; toil' XVlevn'Sld's?1,sc,'bcrsor !l1' .to oIhcv: v-mwztt v fj. miclsm, ,,. v ISiiSS! ,(i,ovcr.'s .'"'o: vs. Savage lb i-m Michael Orover's 'uso' v. HHV.i3o.fe it, 7. llioomall & Co. vs.MoNliich A ShnTni , " ' Clcmucl o. lllckctu'adm'r vHS . I.cwls j. Adams vs Flslilngcrcek School n,i, , &?St c,r,V'"'n"?,vs- l-'rwlerlclc Jlerccron ' ' Vculah ltocie 'aduirs' v" W. v. Kline ' il.'co! tlaM0U V" "'''"'eJpl'bi a iica.iuisK. rfnalillVorUam l'llllaik'Pl'l,i ami :;..u UCoCr B101' vs' 1'1"laile'l'bUAltcaliD!!r.,i!. J a'lLCo. Co,mcll' vs. PblUlelphn A Ileum, Francis J.'lCllno vs. Jacob Ilcrrlui. L. (I. lllcketts vs. John Sweeney ?t. al. llcorgo it. Hoss vs. Joseph Weiss el a David Uolidngcr vs, Jesio 11. ltlcii llogart A Krcamer vs. William Jiarb.r. Joseph W. Funsoy vs. John Mulli - in. Co!timl)l.ilnsurancoCo. v. Jo.opuM IVel; Al.V,'."'0'1 v"- 1-rancls Jolly. WH lam Mllncs vs, Jonas Doty. uSmnii,0!'? vol!U8 y- Thomas Tivncli. FhuIcUUrockwny:i,)?'iiy K,'.U0!" llrastus Koss vs. O.Ivcr A. Jncoiiv Oeorgo WlilUnoycr''w.VH?j fanicr.ur A. l'anloo & Co. vs. llugli w. iii-ir,'?,,,,! , Susan Gll'lia'iii vs. Martin M. Ihobst. . .iiii, , iiuiomsniirg Iron co .y?-.M''':JI.Ucyno1,,. T"1- 1 i r ."in. joiin i-ain, .ffts Lyons vs. Solomon Dlik. J. W. saukey vs. O. II. Jlellek Claik Merrell vs. A II Hiownri. etui!" lcw-saeyi.vs...., , , JV1'11?'1.1I--ub."'lvs. Jeremiahs t L. S. lClrkemla 1 vs. Michael ii. Thomas Hess vs. C. 1. Fowler el 1 Daniel Snyder vs. John Mowry. ' vVfflUWYKdS'- 5,',,,v,lk " ' 1Va"ro ""it 'Jo'" 1J''uv'IIu ' l"lnand Wain 1'ilKh1,ltl?;i:'ott,,,VUi') " lrt" - 'SttSSW18"'1'1! ' "' HavVlkisbtu?o It!lf. S " '"wk""" ",J iiiliOWU"" 'blniv v'. L. y. Dean A II. i ?"i" iSJfif n.s.''u",,,r-' D.ivld Honck's Mihns iitin in t. s , r "i'fB ..uiiiiia r-i'uooi. i.uY.mian(i?..u llsii' v- ilathlas Kline. w ii ii , . 's Alllailll.1 L.HI illlctf. )w,0, t'1:"!" I vs. John o. Jacuby, WUson Ager vs. c. II. lliockway. l'll.'ibetliSuiovoiKii,iiii'i.a , ....... C, 1). Fowler Ivndorseo of ll. u. iimt,,.. n!r. Melltk. Willi.!,!, l-iilmi .... Tf., ., ......... u....,.u i.i.n.iin Ulllllt'.. Jolm Auspnch vt wlfo vs. Emanuel nasi i.txib Stemhe bert Pimip llrcntzel .M A. An, uuku. Mary Miller vs. JuSm .Miller's ex'r . w!nn"i'11 y' ,lil'obs't vs. Danville H u ''1" ., ni-av.uiv ll. ll, VI,, V i .ii.ii.w iiuiii w.eiN, v.1111 lllllliiii! our OlUSninples sonl po,tago fivi.i im .He "'" retail quick lor I-WOI.COn, bl i n. m Square, N, Y, mi ,-.nnnAC,EN'rfJ Wauled lor air mn,l ,.u tlUUU live "MtKI'Li'Y .t llllOWN' '(IIIANT A WILSON" c.impal,u Cn.i . '' best onoi out. Semi for ('"'. Ii.inn u i ill Ln'so p.oiln. HAASIS vC l.Ul.itKI'HTi I' iiiiui, 51iipnii!l(b.irti:,l.ibli,n:.i,.t.', I7 u . . j NewYoik. it -, IIMSVIlO.TA.YY or SOCI. IIAIt.lIl.VO. 1 How cither sex may liisiinatoaud g simp luvo , ntl'ccllocs of nuypeiAtulh j eh staully. Tblsi.lmploiuculil.1 tnlnu u 'cm possess, lice, by mall, for 'Ji els. tojether . mm marilago rjuMe., llgypllan Oracle, Dreams, " , to Lndles, Ac, .V quoer.exclllug book, I'al.iHijbj.u Address T. WILLIAM it CO. Pubs, Phll.i " Also fir C.YMrAtUNaOODS. A'l'lr. 4. HOODHPf t'D'Sll-MPIllBPUHLlhlllfJUllllll. Newoilcars, Cluclnnatt, St.I.ouis.u " im. CARPENTER. 100 .Ml'IjUEKItY STHEKT, NUWAIthT, N. J. Is uo v treating siiccoasfully, C'oiisinnDtlun. Broncliltl'-. ami ii.i dlsaisea oi llio Throat nud Luuga, win Ills CO.MP iL'NI) MIIDIUATEl) INHALATluNf ..ONCE.NTIIATIID FOOD, AND COUOH HYJIUP, Dnrn g iho past leu years Dr. Carpenter has H ealed nud cured thousands of cues ol I In obovo named diseases, nud has now lu his po" session lerlillcalcs of cures nom every pail m the country, Iho lululatlon Is breathed illiulb luto tho lungs, soothing and healing over all lnllumcd snrlaco.i, culeilng luto tbo blool, i imparts vllnllty ns It pormeales to every part nl tho sy.tem. Tho beusntlou Is not uuple.isinl nnd tno Ilrst luhalntlon;olteu gives very dcclilul ii llef, paitlcularly when there Is much illilluili. of biealblug. Under the lullueuco of niyii'iiu dies, tho cough toon grows cutler, the ntiili' sweats cease, iho beetle llcuh vauUhes,nnd l" Improviug il''e..tlnn tho patlout rapidly gain s ttengtb, und licallli Is ngalu within bis giui p. 'llio loiirciilriilcl rood rapidly builds up t(" most debilitated patient, piescnttug to ll stomach lood all icady to be nssluillatcd ' mailo luto good, rich Inallliy blood, llio ( ousli hyruji Is to bo taken nt night tn alk ylate the cough und cnablo tho patleut to obtain sleop. Full uirccUoni accompany each box o "! la.ietlles.Mttfch consist o One Inlnlcri Ouo llolHoo llltcratlic Inhalant , . Ilulllo ol Saothlntr l'l'lirllUKO Inliulaiill llotllo or Anil llaiiiorrliasle liilinlanl I One llotllo Concentrated 1 ou.l ( Uno llolllo Q t'eugli Nirui'. Pilco of Ho, coulalnfog remedies lo last mi month, (io- two months, tisi three monlli , (- Sent to any nddress C, 0, 1), Pamphlctsc"!-lalnlu!- largo list of patlcnti cured cent luf Lotteis or inquiry must contain ono dollar lo lu- Miro answer, Aiuiress, ., ll. u.iii-i.iM ii-ai, in. u riewnnf, n. j- nr. CAUPKNTElt'd OATAltltll ItllllllllY Ml I glvo Immediate relief, nnd will eUoctn peuii uontciiiolnfrom ono to three month. Fit" of remedy lo last ono month, Ii; twumoiilo (St three mouths, (IU. rt.M'Dlt lu nil Us forms succestfiillv i Send for list oinatlonls cured, t i A, ii. VAiirr.isii'.i., J'. ..v.vtii.., 1 JUlj'J'IlJ'l' i, llio socoml recount ol u, ' AdmliilstmlorofCbarlrs it. lie ,n 'I ,cl C lowushlp,ilceea.sod, "" .Ui -i., f, J. TboncconutorSamiicM reiiu , 1 tur nf Marv l-rnnuv. liifAnr ...yy.A'l ,., ., .vl " ""' """Mil