I atfflitmlritttt AND . '.unvKiti ruiltAY mouninii ini.in ituri.iitNn nkaiithh h t . .uss! liutoMsiitmrj, rA,,iiY T.!.!ZS B. DROCKWAY, n i on Ann rr.opniTon. T "'.hti a cr rayabls In advanefl. .TOU PRINTING !.".-.ns executed Willi ncntnrsfi nbd 'r.airlml reasonabiornies. rr- County Official Dircotory. J- w-WIM.tAM JiLWBtl-. X...ii.i-1UAM Dunn, IhAAO B. Mon , . . a, C e.-ltunoLrit 1 1. lt''7,n';F:" )t,V.,rt(ri'-WlI,l,IAJH!0Jt II.JAC011Y. -i . vjAtinsillmso!, Jn. IAVmH HM1T1I. -In o Dnwirr. i " - Wii.MAMTiAMOK. ' m ; f uvnua Itoi;wis, lilliAll I, i.. vim ui HitArriiii. i ' Uih Wu.t.tAU KlllCKnAt'M, I. 1, UAS1111EIJ., JiAMIM. Ll.K. . I wrr It on i.rs (i. Mrnviiv, hi .,rs-IdAAC'McUmnR,JoHNltcij '' , s, (ifiiii(niiIf)i(-CiiAr.r.ra 0. Uakklky ,i I' r fW-Ulrcctors, H. 1I.MiM.kh . ,i. Kwami.u, Jlloomsburg, and Johnson i , ' ' ( 1 1 oOll, C1IA1U.1M (.ONNKIl, KtC'y. ( ( 1 Is i Bloomf i'arg Official Dircotory, (ii ') Innhtnq (V. JoilK A. TENSION ill. r, .i. li, Oiiotz, Cnnlilcr. i. I. '.T i Hr U ii' i i( , MulualSnrtnntVnttrnjirMmAl V.. II. f-.HII.it, 1'rcH't., t.'. W. JIIJ.I.KII, i nier. 'l it, 1 ros li, J. ii. ifcuiiioiin. iiwv.-, i ,.. i,Ia.i f fl II . mrT W. Mri'v. C liuroh Directory. r. nvTKiiiAH niur.cn. , u Pttnirt Jlltoliell. , ,,,,MliiJJA.M. 7r.M. .-0 A.M. -Vr'cilnofiilny, T' r. M. I'iuvh icntril ; MrnnKcra wil- jon;';bnrg Directory. rccclvfil rout fur nalo nt llio 'JlliCU, f I.DTIlINa, AC. . 1 .UllltCI, MorclinntTullor.Mitln s. .(tlcanllouhu, .. -, Morclmnt Tnilov, over ltosen ,luiicry,oricfcltoCiwliiittiisiiir , (UIEMIOAJiS, Au. , bIM Ami Aliotbccnry. Jlnlu lit. .tuillco. 8, WATOUKS, AO. a i. ilealer lu (.'locks, WiiIcIich inn! .1 st Jnat bclov.lho Amoilciin it i AIll), Wntchnnil Clock mnkcr i .i i minor Jlnlaam! lion Ms. Miv Alt'l', Wnlch una Clock Snltar.Mar ti 'ntt, below lliilu, BOOTH AND SHOES. , .ivN' lili, lioalcr In 1'oolnoiiil BUor, lntpst r . i,v -i nlyles, corner Jluln nuil Mmki.t n .I. i lie ui I'ost Oillcc. Ui N V Ii 1 i im, Mnnnmctittor nml ilcalcr In l, ,ii il u --S, Urocoili'H, cti.,Mnln i.trcot, r l l'oimii unru. PIIOFESSIONAL. lll. II. I'. HOWr.H, Burgeon llcutbi. MmIii h.i I) ubovo Iho Comt IIousu. Dlt. TO. 31. ltUlir.ll, BurRCon mul Vhyslclan. Ollleo over tbo 1'lis.t Kntloual llanlt. n H. IiAllKIiKY, Allornpy-nt-I.aw. O'tlep.lM U. I' xi'lii i:xcl:uui;olllock, ucnrli,.i"i:xclinuzo I it. IIcKKIiVV.M. l).,Bnrepnn nml l'liyslclnn J . ii.n Hi sido Main st below Mnikit. I ('. HUTTKIt, M. 1). Hurseoii mi l l'liyalcliiu .) . nikct cli'iet, ubovo Main. , 11. KOniON, Alloiney-nt.I. . . Ollleo llnrl I. iiu'ii'h iriiiMin:, Jluln hlvcct. nit 1, t KINNMY, Hiirpenn lientlst. Teeth kir.cleilvlllioiitiln: Mnlu kt., iieiirly op ii .ile l'h eopul Cliuicli, l It. KVANS, M. !.. Burceon nml I'livklclnn, ,J ,iiii(b kUUi JlrtinMreut, below Moiket, Dl! A. li.TltHNl'.lt, IMiysleliilKillilSlllKCHiiO' iico over Klelm'N Hum Stun, iitWinee oun ,n r netow Itev. 1'. .1. Wallt r. MIlilJNERY A FANCY GOODS. ii I'l.TFllMAN, Millinery niul Kimey (Jowlf, IJ. opiosllo KpKi'iipiil Chuicli, Main ht, J.V.7AK UAKKLKY, Milliner, llnnmcy ill nirkl rlilins Main hired, i m. nmiuicKBON M. DKUUICKBON, Mlllluiiy and Taney II lino imls, Malul., below Markit. HLIA A. A HAHH 1IUKI.. V, l.a.lk' u nml lbi-SH l'lLlleui... y(iiiibiui.r rninei i n.l Wril 'P i M hsKH HAHMAN Mllllnci v nml l'uiiey (i hi!., Miilnbl., bLlowAmcrlc.ni Iloune, .rOTEl.S AN J) SALOONS. Pi iJiHlIOTIIL, i.j X. llent. Taylor, eafct end C ci Mulnhii.e, JlJatCIIANTH AND OKOCKIIS. , ( . MAltlt, Dry (looili and Kullons, (.c.ntli j w. t eoiner Main and Iron ulu. (.it iX A Vi'Kllll, Conreetlonory and Hnkcry, w wlcsulo and retail, Kseliango liloelr. t . HOWKI1, lliitRnnilCaps.liOOtsandt'liocs, , Main st nLoo Court Houko, T r MAIZE, Iilaniinoth diocery, tlno Oro J crUs, Fnilts, Kula, rrovUion, tc., Main ill. nUo streets. ,1 i I- LVY, NF.AI. A CO., dealers lu Dry (Jooiln, t lvile,li-'dUr1l''eeil,Hiilt,FlHli,lrou1Nall8, te.,N. E. cor. Main and Market kl. v II. .M1LLI.U A SON. denlers in DryUorols, O. iiioctrlCB, (lueei.Kwaic, Vlcnr, Halt, Buocs, N'oik u, ute,,MulUhl, MIHC'IU.I.ANEOUS. i M. C11HIBTMAN, l-ndille. Trunk .1 HuriiCES j, niiUcr, Hliiiu'H iil.it n .MalnWlrect, l tt . HiillllINH,liiii i ili iilersecoiidiloorfiom li miiiiiii'ei.1. ittiiiei' iiiuui anil iriiu hii. I. TJlOltNTON, Wall Piiper, Window Bliadtji u ii a in leu, J .11 1 -l l uiot a, Jiaiii bi f W.COHKLL, I'liriiltmo Itooinn, llirtu toiy v iei, iiiiu nucei, wen oi .laiKeihi, II ' I'N'STOCK.l'liotOKrnplier, over llobblun .1 v i i ei u mine, jiiuu hi, I . ivi'HN, dottier lu Meat, Tallow, ate., Clicnv I m..liu,alloy,ienrorAmorican llonae. jl'.UKI. JACOllY, Marblo and Drown mono n iiuii, r:asi inooiuiimui;,iicrwicj( roan. IV 1 llAIHI, dealerlu fnrultnre.lranlcii, cedet w mow ware, near mo n orits uoiei. P I, UIU.FMAN. ARentfor Muntou'k Copper ij illUllllll i.llllllllUK i.Ull. I i' .11 it.ltato Maker, tiud While auilKiiney v . ' uinier.Hcoiiowii, MoniiiuoKH.auil niaiik on:H,wnn orwun- (mi oseiupllon,lor alo at tho coi.umuia.n .i.itu. Oatawisaa, I) 1MA M.MAN. Me 1). Uohbliia' llillldlut' liAM.MAJ.Mei'eliantTiillor.HccoiidBl. ) 11. J. K. ItOlllllNB, Hureoon and Physician nccoiui ni uuiow muiui (HLHK11T A KI.1N11, drytioods, Krocerlts.Bud T Eciiorui mcrclandLso, iluln Btreet 1 il. ICIUTLIUI, "Cattawlssa House," Noilh u , Corner Mnlu nud BccondBtreets. I KEILKH, Illllard Baloon, Oysters, nud Ico U, Citam lu tenon Main bt. MM. IHlonST, dealer lu Ocuoral Mcrchandlio , Dry tloods, uroccrlea Ac. SCHQUKHANNA or llrlck Hotel, H. Koslcn. bunder l'lopriclor.soulli-cabt corutrMalu and locond Btrcet, . AnnO'l'l', Attorney at law, Main Bt, Light Stroot. UF. OMAN t Co., Wheclwrlctita, llrst door . aliovo Bchool House. 1D1IN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots nud Hhoes H. KN'l', denlor lu Bloves uud 'Illl wine III all lis bulimias. 1)1 Tl.Kl NT, Miller, a lul IKaler lu all kinds ol i (.iiuii, i-lour, i tut, Ac, All kinds ofUialu puriiuseil Espy. W. KDUA1C, HiiHiiieli.uitm I'lsi.liiu I and liox Man fiuiniiuir, Mil VOLUME VI, ---NO, 34. Buck Horn. ftlUV. II. HIIOUMAKKH, itimlorn In dry kdoiIr, ErocnioilcN niul general morchandno Oraujovillo Divootoiy, Dll. HKlllUNd A HHOTlir.n.Carrontcrnnud ; lltilldcrs, Main ht., below l'luc, 1ltICK HOTHIi and retrcRbmrnt Halooiirb' ) Hour M'Henrycor.of Main nndl'lnoet. It. O.A,MK(lAUKL,Vliyplc!nnnndHnrgoon Main BtnoxtiloortoUood'H Hotel. AVID lIUllltlNH. lflonrnnddrlBtMlll.nnd Dealer In Kmln,MlllBtrct.t. fAMKH 11. HAHMAN, Cabinet Makor nud Uu- .uira . JiAii.ilYn.uiiDmoi Mail ilortnltcr. Mnlu Mt below I'Ino. SCHUYLEU & CO., Iron fonnrtcr.Machlulata and Mim timeline of plown, Mill Ht. cTAMUKIiHHAUri.lCBH.MakeroftlioHnyUnriit k) drain Cradle, Main Ht. ILLTAM DHLONO Mhotinalceriitit innnnfao- turer or Jlrlclt, Aim Hl.,wcsiOl H'lllo Philndolpliia Directory. "ANWIUGliarA c6T wiioi.r.fui.i: aitocuua, N. E. CnuicrHecond and Aleh Btreots, 1'Hlt.AHKI.l'IllA, Dralors In TKAH, BYHUrB, COITO, BUUAll, MOLABBM ntCR, Bl'lfl-f, lit UAmi HOI) A, AO., AC. -0rderu will receive prompt attention, may KyrMf. JTJAKVJCY U. WAIjKEB, WITH jriiAH, HOHKOl'I' A CO, iMi'onran'i and jonnunsoi CHINA. ULASB AND iUUi:KSWAlti:, No. iliS MOUTH HI'.CONIiHT., rillLADKLrillA. trOriKlul nHhorleil Micknces of (luconnwato coiiiiiuiiv on 1I1111U. icba';i-tf. Burjinooa Cards. If. I-iITTJYE, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, OHleo Court-IIonr.o Alley, below the CoLUM nrAN Ollleo, lllooinHbnrg l'a. Q J. BUOOICWAY, .VllUUi.t.l .VI li.W, iu.ooMsr.unn, pa. -Offu'e Court Houto Alley. In tbo Co- LU3IUIAH building. Uau4,'67. c. W. MILTiER, ATTOllKMY AT LAW, UlllLU .Ulll b liiiiinu w.ivt UU1UIY IIIU wu.t- nrAN Ollleo, llonnlleo, Back-ray and Tensions tollectod, llloomsbuii; l'a. sep.aj'07 TOIIN 51. CIiAKK. ATI'OItNKY AT LAW. OFFICII nbovo Hower's Btoie. Main Mrcel. llloomsbui'i;, l'a. OBERT V. OliAltK, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Oflleo Main Blrcct below tbo Conrl llouso. Hlooinsbnru l'enn'a. FJIAN3C ZAIUt A'lTOHNLY AT LAW, I1LOOMB11UHO, l'A. Ollleo Willi .1. (I. l''iee.e,lliowern lllock. Can bo eoiiMilkd in Ueiniap or ICnsllhli. nieliVU'72-lf N JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. IUAIAU 11AUKN11UC1I, Main Street ono door nbovo K. Muiidenii. ill's Mine. A larso nshorimcni or himvos, HMiern ana lauses eonslanllv on tiantl.uud for nato at tbo lowest laten. rimitiivr In nil its biancliesearetitllv attended lo. mid satisfaction uuiiiiititeed, 't in woiic oi nil Kinds s ntiitaio ;iun reinu. a tal li lequebtid. Jan l'7l jjl-OOJiSBUKG .ii x n n 1. 1: w o it k s. . MAIN FiTHFl.T, 11FIOW MAllKl'.T, HI.UOMSHUHO, l'A. Moiiuineiits, Tomb", lltndstoneb, .le. Work neidly lAiintul. (iiders by lonil will ieeolo special iitlinllon. X. It. Work itellvoied Ireool cliaieo. T. L. U0NTON, 1'ioprietor. ectia'-i-tr. r. o. uox wn. IAROAINS-BAKGAINS. quick salts ash HMAi.i. rnori'm. BAYFJ YOUlt MONKY, U.t to I1KNHY YOST, Knit lllonnisburi,', l'a., lor all kinds oi thobeM boiuo and cily made ' II It N 1 T U it K . rrleH le.isonablo and tbo bo'-' 'vork dono, Jan l'7-tf y"UL0AN WORKS, D A N V I Ii Tj E P A. WILLIAM II. LAW. Mnnulacluior of Wionclit Iron DridKCS, Hollers, (iasboldcrs, l'lreproof HuililliiKS, Wrouiiht Iron Hoolluir, lloolliiK Frames, l'lomiutf and Doors, l'aini Oales and fenelns.nlso Wrointbtlron pip. lnft.Ktacks nml all kinds of Bmlth Work, Ac, ltcnalrs promptly attended to, N. 11. IliawiUBS and Kitlmalcs hiipplled. oct27'71-ly. ERNIIARD STOIINER Would lufoim his frlenda and lliomilillctlut bo has taken pObbCtMou oi TDE-IE OIjTD ST-JSTO, in tbo KxcJianfiO Bioek, ho Ioiik occupied by Mm and will cany on tho business ofu FIRST-OIjASS BAKE.RY, Ho brings to tbo business an cxperienco ol many years and assures tho community that ho will luinlsli the I CKluf bread, cakes, lOlls.bUcult, Ae, fieslicveiy day. Ho proposes nlso to keep on hand a iamo and well assoitcd block ot FINE CONFECTIONERY, of all Grade". French candles and those of do. meslto manufacture, always to bo bad, wholesale and retail nt lowest rates. Adjolnlns tho liakery and Confectionery Is a woll established whcioinny bo found Ala and Laser, and Ito ii esbiiitnts, Oysters in season and tho various little delicacies which tult tho public taste. Thcro is nlso n FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, overtlto eonlectlonery store, whero ladles and Centlemcii can obtain tho best of Ico Cieimi in ttason, A fair ilinio of tbo public enstom Is rcritiebted and iioi nlus will buhpaiedlu (.usuio hallslac. tlon. iiprlllli,'7MI N KV DRUO STORE. CHRIS. A. KLiEIM Having i.iiKlir.H-d llio l.uslnriK of l', 1'. LuU now n lie ih i.l he on I limn. (1 nun numnm n of DU1KJM, CIICMIl.'Alil, 1'ATKNT MKHICINF.'!, KilI.l.TAHTlCi.l'H, I'ANOYfiOAI'il, IIIllIRlir.S,ApAe, And ft teuciol ntfoitnunt of Iho cholccM goods liniiilly louiid lu llibtelusstblabllhlimeuts, I'liislcluiib' I'leserliilloustind Fuiully ltcolpcg I'lUilully Cnliipuundid. On t-uudii) k, open from 8 a, m., lo 10 n. in., nnd uniiia p. ui., in i p. in, (II'IIMAN AND FNdl.lBII Hl'OKHN. IcbllTitl l ft 91 Miocollauooxuj, T K M TIB T R Y . H. O. HOWKK, DUNT1HT, ltonnecttully oilers his professional services to tho ladles and csnllemeii of llloomsbnrn nnd vl clnlty. Ho Isprcparcd tontlcnd to all t no vnrl- oiiHoporaiionu in inonnooi ins proicBRiou, Rnti innrnviiini wiin tlm latest ininrovcd 1'oncr.r.AiH TKirni which will bo Insorted on told plating sliver and rubber bnso u look ns well astbo nat i;rnl teeth. Teolb extracted by nil tbo nowanif most npprnveil mctnods, nnu an opernuons tin tho loelli cirofullynnd properly ntlended to, Kesldenco and ollleo a tew doors nhovo the Court llotrsc.snino pldo. llloomsburg, Jan.1'71 ly TNBtlltAN 0E A O E N 0 Y . Wyoming Jmooo AZlua .7. - J, ( ni.ot id orient -.. Goo.noo lloynl ot Liverpool IO.ooo.ko ifanvlllo .Mutual r,m HpOllKneld . 67O.0OU Uormanla, N. Y...-. fioo.oru international N.Y t,M,7HJ Karmcrs' Dnuvlllo m.Wt Lancaster City 'jooiin Homo ., 2,000,lO'J l'KKAa JJUOWN, Agent, mi3l'7l ly, HiioMBnuno l'a. Ii 1NKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THK HIMI'LIIHT, CHKATKBT AND BEST IN UBHI HAB HUT ONK NL'KDLKI A CHILI) CAN HUN IT I IK signed f specially lor llionso of families, and itillis who dtiiie toknll ior tbo maiktt. Will do eveij Mitch of tho knitting In n fctocklug, widening and iiaiiowlugns readily as by hand. Aio hiilrndld lor worntds nnd lnney work, TA KINO F1VK DIKI IUILNT KINDS OF BT1TC11 1 Aio very (ny to inniioge, and not llablo to telout of older. li try Family should have one. Wo want an Agent In iiAeiy town tnlutinduco nml sell lliein, tn whom vculli r the montllbeial liuluceinentH. Send foroiirtliuilin and Hiiinplo Stiickluir. Atlditss. 1I1NKLHY KN1TT1NH MAl'lliNl: CO.. now lli,'7My. Until, Mo. C. HOWER, hiu eijieueHl a tlrBt-elass HOOT, BHOIJ, HAT CA1', AND FUH BTOHK at tbo old stand on Main Bli cot, Hloomsbnrg.afow doors nliuro tho Comt House His slock lseom. poaodof tho very lntestnnd bcststylcs over otter ed to tbo citizens of Columbia Count v. Hn run accommodate tho publlowltlitbofollowlnggoods at tbo lowest rates. Men's henvy donblu soled stosnbootn, lueu's double and singlo tap soled it In t.rt.if a mntiiB lit nxnr .Innn ti.r.n. nr. .11 t 1...1.. men's lino boots and sUoch of all cindtis. 'imv'i! donblu bolcd boots and.shnes of all kinds, men's glovo kid llalnioinl sbocs.meu's, womcu's.boys's i"1""-0.." "ttUBKitilUIB, tVllJUOLl s giovs Jtltl l'ollsU.vcry iliio.woiiiou'smoioccoHalroornlsnnd calf shoes, womon's very tlno kid buttoned gait ers, lu shoi t boots ot all descriptions both peg ge l and sewed. Ho would also call attention to his Hue assort ment 01 ATM, CAPS, FUHH AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho nuw mid populai nrl etiesat piiceswhicli eiiuiii tf.tlltositltall. Thtbo goodi aro otlered at tho Ir. .i-cst cash rates RUd w ijiii(tituit-t.'tt l"Klu s.il ISIIU'I lull. call Is sollcllod before purchasing clsewbuiu an It is bollovod that better bargains aio to bo loiiud than at any othor place In thpri.nnty. Jan 1'71 rpiIH ORANGEVI IjJjE MANUKAC- JL TUHINll COMPANY. MANUFAtninibin ok AG RICULT URAL IM PLE JIHNTB of llio most Approvnl PiitliiniH. Mill (Jcni ilirr, JolllllllR, niul C'tmliiiKN or all dcscilptloiis. DKALKilB IN Gciii'Ml jMorclidiitllfO, Luinbcr, Ac, Ac ORANG EVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnonnco to tbo public In geneial that wo havo taken tbu well known Aeilculttn al Woiks ol this place and tdinlliiiako it our aim lo lunmilneturo First Class Agilcultmnl imple ments erpial toauy other makeis lu tbo .State, sucltas TIucsliliiB ItlacliinvN, Hoth Lover and Tread l'ower. P!oivh of every Dcsci liillon, among which willbollioeclebintcd KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all to bo tho best plowcxtnut lor the 1. inner. Also tbo li:uiiiIoii, SleniH' 1'atciit nml TI10 Montrose. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cullviitni-K, Iron Kettles, niul CafetlngM of ovcry doscilptlon. Wo sball uso nonobut tho best materials and employ lioiioluit competeut and oxperlenccd mechanics nnd our piico? will coniimio favorably with any othor umaufactui ers. Country rroduce. Luinbcr. Old Iron, taken lu exchange Wonlsohnvon storo In connection Willi our Agricultural Woiks, where may lie found a lull assortment nt MICltCHANDIBK which will bo sold at small profits. Utvo us a call befoio mirchasluc clsewberu and wo tmnr- nutee butlslactlon, inareiii'a7i.-ii'. Hotels. rpilE ESPY 1IOTEL. lifll'Y, COLUMIHA COUNTY, l'A. Tbo uuderslirned would Inform tbo travellluc iinbllo that iio lias taken tho above named estab- isbnientnutl tnorouiiiily rellttod Iho same lor tbo porffCl.'couvonlouconf hlsguosts. Ills larder will bo stocked with tho best tbo market allot da, Tho cuolcebllltuors, wines nud clgarsalwnys to uu louuu 111 111s our, WILLI AN I fc.Pt iT. Ehpv, I'll J' J. J.tXUllll'i.llN Jk would announce In llio i ltl7CU4orHlooms- r rnnn I. . rn.n. mrnnnd vicinity, that lie bn Just leeelveda full and complete assortinoul ol WALL I'APKH, WINDOW B1IAD1X, PIXTUI1U3, COIIDfl, TABSKI.S, nnd all other coods III is lino of business. AH tbo newest and most unproved patterns of tho etuy aio always to nu iohuu in lUHcsiituusiiniouu Kiur.S.'ti'J-tt Malu HI, IidIow Murket. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES n own in piticns J. H. MAIZE'S, Corner Main and Ceulro His., 1ILUOMB11U1U), A new Hock of Fiesh Uoodsjust onened nt SIAlZK'H. Tchn, Colleen, SuKaiK, 'H and MOLAHHCH. CHKUSH, MKATH, HVltUl HALT, FiHir, etc. VKaUTAlll.l.B, HKHMUTICALLY Scaled JHLLIKH niul PiM.:HKIlVIl, I'1CKLI, i, not is. 1'OHKIUN and DOMFJjTIU Flllll'lH An Elognnt ABsovtmonL OF QUEENS WARE Cmihtantlv on hand. Also WOOD. WILLOW and (ilJVUjWAHK.ol overy vurie-iy. All my goods in oof the Or si quality nud at ex tremely low prices. elecb'71-tf, J. 11, MAIZ1S. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, oinaiuoiitnl Troca and Plants. Clioico Gordon and Field Soods, &o, A splendid itock of llio choicest varieties. Bind for Doscrlptlvo Cntnlcguo and Pi Iced list. All Trees well packed so as local ty sad ly to any purl of tho United Htates. HDW'D. J. XV A NH A CO., A'irci7icil mitf Aifiliwien, nuuUftU YOHK.l'A, BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, Poetical. Carry tlio News lo Hlrnni. l'recdom'H battlo's now begun, Carry tho hows' to Hiram I Half llio woik's already done, Carry Iho now to Hiram ' livery mother's hoit son, l'rm I'lyinonth Hock to Oregon, lins buckled thoUrcoley minor on, tarry tho nowsto Hiram I We bear miptlon'a dying gronn.i, Carry tho news to Hlrnm I We hear tho carpet-bagger's moans Cai ry llio nows to Hiram I Wo benr America's loud voice, Haying, "Hoiaco is my children's choice, I want no (Irant nor gift" Kejolco I Hut Carry tho news to Hlinml Old Farmer Horace 1ms nn nxo, Cany tho nws to llirnml Ho lops tho limbs with mighty whacks, Carry tho news to Hlrnm 1 Ob, Hiram Bam Ulysses Urcut, Oneo you could, but now you can't, Then let your undo nud your aunt Carry thouows to Hlrnm (llll-taklng candidates dou't pay, Carry tho nows to Hiram t l or honest men tlicy must mtUto way, Carry tho news to Hlrnm I Had Usoloso (limit beou wlso In time, Hnd ho not winked nt fiauel and eilmc, Hp need not hear Ihlslruthftil rhyme, Cniry llio news to Hiram ! Miscellaneous. TIMM'S STRATEGY. A STOHY OF CALIl'OUNrA LIFE. Mnpcs was clilYrtlrous by nattiro ; ho believed hi "fcokliifr lliobtibblo roputa (Ion, cvon at tlio cannon's mouth." Ills 1'iitliiisiinmi wan urotisctl by thoreuitalof storle.s ol deeds of dcancrato daring j wlilli- lie had nothltio; but contempt for oven success won by crooked and Indi rect means. Timing, on tho contrary, believed there was policy in war, and that tho entl justified tho mcans,particu larly If tho end was attained. Compan ions from infancy, their lives had been spent in competition for scholastic and such other honors ns the locality nlVord cd, without oven a momentary broak in thelr;ftlendship. But now,iii oarly men hood, thoy strimrjled for a prlco of incal culable value, wilhnti ardor that threat ened a complete rupture of friendly re lations. The heart nml hand of Eliza Reed, tho neighborhood hollc, were to bo won ; and to tluxiiHino others mitrht aspire, In tho iuco of such lonnidablo competition us that of Mapes and Timnis. They nlouo each by virtue of his own personality and position had t right to lay sk'co to tho heart of that variable, irritable, imperious beauty, una for months tho strifoiiotween thorn had Konoon. Each ono had called Into play all his personal and social ro-sour- ecsj fur tho local society 1 iti.il takou such an JnlcroH (hut U way divided Into two factions, known iw tho Manos- ites mid tho Timmsites. And yet Miss Eliza CDiild not )o bronght lo oxprois a preference. Ifsho rodo with one to day, sho was careful to walk abroad with the rival to-morrow. CoMiictiy is delicious ton woman :nnd Eli.i would not have boon fonilniiio had hho been in iioslo to havo miulo an election. Novcrtheloss. sho did not In- lend to miss her opportunity. Sho know well tho war could not always lasl.nnd fettled that when ono of tho nsplranls for her favor wlthdicw from the contest, tho lovo of tho other, wanting the stimulus of competition, would grow cold j hence, sho had mado up her mind, that, upon tho first favorablo opportuni ty, sho would signify to Mapes that his suit, so often pressed, was at last accept ed. Tlio opportunity, it seemed, was not to ho long wanting ; for invitations wore given out for an applo-bco in tho neighborhood, and Ellaa found moans to convey an Intimation to Mapes that sho expected to meet him thcro, and counted on his escort homo at tho con clusion of tho frolic. Tho appointed evening looked for with such nervous anticipation by Mapes, came at hurt. Iio felt that it was tho most important of his life, and or rayed himself as only n rustic dandy can. His .way Jay across a meadow. through which ran or rather loitered a deep, but narrow stream, spanned by a single log. II was so dark when ho reached this primitlvo bridgo tlutt ho was compelled to foci his way slowly across. As ho progressed it eommonccd to swing lightly something vary un usually until ho reached tho conlre, when, to his utter confusion, it gavo way, and ho was launched into tho wa ter. He scrambled out, then suddenly tho night becamo luminous with that lurid light to which pcoiilo refer when thoy say, In speaking of sonio prof.mo wretch, "Iio sworo until nil was blue." Whatever illuminating qualities this hula light possossod, It had no drying ones,and Mnpcs was forcctl lo bid adieu for tho night to all hopos of plighting his troth to tlio loved Eliza. In thorural districts down East.ln ear ly times, tho good pcoplo had such hab its of industry and rigid economy Hint thoy soldom gavo, or nttondod partlos, unless such as wero cloaked undor tho names of raisings, quillings, husklngs, or opplo-bces; thus, tho npplo-bco, fraught with momonlous consequoncos lo Mapes and Tlimns, was but a social party in dlsguiso a fow apples boing pared, quaitored, cored, and strung in tho early ovenlng for nppearanco Bake, As usual, Eliza Reed wastho hollo of tho occasion. Good looks, ontlro solf possesslon, and a keen, satirical wit al ways assured hor that position j and this nlghtshoshouo with unusual brilliancy, unlll,ns llio hours woroaway.nnd Mopes cnino not, sho began to loso herself lu pondorlng why and at length shonskeil Tluims : "Is your fiicnil Mapes ailing'.'" "I guess not," replied Timnis j "saw him to-day. IIo wasn't complaining." "ITo denies hhuBclf much pleasuro," said Eliza,'1!!! not coming horota-nlcht, for this Is Iho place whoro wo always havo n good Uiuo. Auut Judy knows how to glvonn npplo-bco." "You lot Mopes nlono," nnsworctl Tlmmr , "ho knows what ho Is about "What do you moan ?" a9kod Eliza. "Oh, I mean," ropllotl Timnis, "that Mopes Is tho priiicoof goodfollows.aud gets invitations whoro tho rest of us don't." "Whoro Is Mapes to-nlghl 1" nskctl Eliza, now fully aroused. "I' don't know for suro," answered Timnis. "IIo told mo to-day thcro woro special reasons for big coming horo, but that ho had an Invitation lo tho rich and aristocratic Squlro Iluuloon's who Is celebrating his daughter's birthday, and that ho didn't know which way ho would go nnilTlmuis turned away to talk to tho noxt prottlost girl In Iho room. Pottod young women nro soldom logi cal or patlont. Whon tho party broko up, Eliza accopted Tlmms' escort to her homo, and boforo thoy arrived thcro, sho had consented to become, with tho loaet possible dolay, Mrs. Timma. The noxt morning tho ongagomont was an nounced, and preparations for tho wed ding commenced. Tlmms was oxultant 1'iippy Tlmms 1 For a fow days Tlmms was not seen ; In public porhnps for want ofcourago to wear his blushing honors oponlyj perhaps for want of eourngo to meet other contingencies who knows? But a man cannot mako arrangomonts for his own wedding from a flxod stand point, and ho was compelled to vonturo out. In n quiet nud sequestered by-way ho mot Mopes. Tho meeting lo him was a surprise, ho smiled feobly, and ox tended his hand. But Mapes, intent on business, slrodo squarely up to Tlmms nnd planted n vigorous blow on ono of his oyoj, which caused that gentleman to mcasuro his longth lu tho dint. Timnis sprang lo Ills foot, nnd showed fight ; but another blow on llio other oyc sent mm again to grass, whoro ho continued to lie. "Get tip," said Mopes. "You'll knock mo down again, V said Timma. " Yes," returned Mapes, "I will." "Then I won't get up," said Timnis. " You'ro an infernal scouudrel," said Mapes. 'I can't help your saying so," nns- worcd Timms. "You sawed Iho log," said Mapo-. "What log?" said Tlmms. "You sawod tho log,"rcpentod Mopes, advancing a step. "Yes stop," said Timnis, "I sawed tho log. Well yci needn't think," .said Mapos,"lliat after your marriage you'rp going to toll that story, and mako me n laughingscoek." "I'll never speak of It," whined Timms. "Porhaps you won't," said Mapes, but I'm going to swear you before I ;ct through. Thoro'o another thing; you won tho woman by your trickery, and 1 know it is in you to obuio her ; so I'm going to swear you to treat her kindly." "I'll swoir," said Tlmms. "Hold up your hand," HiWd Mapc-i Timms hold up his hand. "Now.repent after me: I,8iltn Timms, lolomnly swear that I will novcr bring tn tho knowledgo of any human bolng that I sawed the log whereby Daniel Mn pes fell into tho creok nnd lost n wife; and, further, that I will, sho con flouting, matry Eliza Reed, and always treat her kindly, ho help mo God." Timms repeated tho oath, verbatim. "Now, get up and go home," said Mnpos, "I don't think you'll bo mar ried till your eyes got out of mourning, and by that tlmo I'll bo far enough away. But don't think I'll loso sight of you : and if you don't Keep your oatii, you'll see me." Timms uroie from tlio ground, shook oil' tho dust, and walked away ; but when ho had secured a snfo distance, ho shouted bock exultingly : "Mapes, sho is an angel." In twenty years Daniel Mapes had learned many things, and among them this : Llfo is vory much as wo mako it. In othor words, Iho world is llko n mir ror, and looks at us wait tlio laco wo presont. It returns scowl for scowl and srailo for smllo. It echoes our sobs and our laughter. To tho cold, It U as Icy as tho northern seas : to tho loving It Is as balmy ns tho isles of tho tropics. IIo had learned a still harder lesson ; which was to forget tlio griefs, tho sorrows, tho slights, tho wrongs, and tho hates of the past. Tlio effect of this lesson wa3 to mako it appear that tho lines.to him, had fallen In pleasant places. Ills round form nnd firm muscle bespoko n good digestion, whllo a cheerful counto nanco told of inontnl peace A fair wo man named him husband, nud children called him father. A beautiful home In tho Santa Clara Volloy was Iholrs j besides which, Mapes had many broad acres of land, as woll as many heads of SWITR running nearly wild in tho conn tics of Montoroy and San Luis Obispo. Onco in each year llio cattlo that grazo on California's thousand hills nro gath orcd in bands at convoiilcnt places, to bo claimed and branded by their own ors such assemblages bolng called rodeo?. Mapos had boon down across tho Salinas Plains, lu nllcntlanco upon a rodoo; and, being on his rotum, Jogg. Ing along on his muslaug, ho saw, far in tho distance but Hearing him, an equally Iono travolor. Slowly tho dis lanco botwoon them decrcasod: nnu as thoy approachod, Mapos with Callfor nia prudonco slipped hlsrovolvor upon tho belt which sustalnod It, from his back, round to his loft sldo, bringing tho hilt undor tho shndow of his brldlo arm, and within easy roach of his right hand. A noaror look assured Mopes that ho had no occasion for weapons tho coming man was of mhltllo ago, but his look was worn, woary, dejected and hopolass In local phraso, his maniior was that of a porson who has "lost his grip," and thoso who havo mot that torrlbio mlsfortuno nro novor highway robbers, "grip" being tlio vory qualify wanted In that hazardous pursuit. Tho travolora mot, with n long lnqulr lug gaze, whon from their lips Blmultn noously burst tho words, "Mnpos" "Tlmms." After a momunt of muto surprlso, Mnpos, spurring his muslaug drow nenrcr Timnis. "So wo moot, at last. I havo boon wanting to sou you, this ninny n yoar. Tho movement ooomcd ominous to Timms, nud ho crlod out s "Dou't, don't shoot I I havo no weapons 1 Besides, havo kopt my oath ot lo.st as woll ns could. 1 never told the reason why you MM 1872. OOL. didn't attend tho npplo boo, nor ovon broathed n syllablo about tho sawed log upon my solemn oath 1" "I wasn't thinking of tliu ducking," said Mapes. "Don't como any nenrcr," returned Tlmms. "I havo always tried to nso that woman well ; but sho wouldn't bo usod woll. I havo dono my best to tront hor kindly j but sho wouldn't bo Ircatod kindly I" "It Is no uso to go over tho grounds f o mo, Tlmms." "But," ropllcd Tlinms, "you hnvo no idea what that woman Is j you wouldn't blamo mo if you only know. Sho's brow-beat mo tilllntn't half a man." "So I se'o," said Mapes. "No, you don't boo," ropllcd Tlmms. "You don't boo half. Look at this scar" taking off his hat, and showing a long scam on his scalp j "that was dono with tho skillet." "You hnvo Buffered," said Mapoa. "Suffered I" roturncd Timms. "You ought to havo sworn hor, too. If you only know how I hnvo thoughl of you, and of my onth to you ; and how I havo borne blowB and boon qulot-how I havo been called a bruto and a fool, and kept silent how I havo endured taunts and sncors, hunger and discomfort, without a word of reproach you would forgive mo; you wouldn't harbor thoughts of rovongo." "Thoughts of rovengo I" answered Mapes "Lot us dismount and havo a settlement, for I sco my chanco has como nt last." "Mnpcs, would you tako tho life of an unarmed man?" "Tlmms, you'ro crazy! let mo ox plnln. I havo no wrongs to avenge. It isn't for vengcanco that I havo wonted to sco you. I havo hoard about you of ten know all your llfo nnd experiences; and I havo only wanted to meet you,to offer you a homo and frlcndshp, em ployment nnd opportunities for pros perity, hero in California. I owoyouuo dobt but ono of gratitude, for tho in estimnblo service you did mo by that llttlo Job of carpenter work ; and that I mean to pay. Como with mo." IIo took Timms' horso by tho brldlo, turned him about without remonstrance', nnd thoy travelled on in silenco. After awhile, Timms raised his eyes timidly from tho ground, and said : "Mupos, sho'd tho dovil V Overland Montl.li. An IMItor'.n Trotters. Robert lionnci-'s Stables His Latest Purchases -- Gossip About Famous Jloudstcrs. Thcro Is n widespread passion In America for tho ownership of trotting horses, nnd in this respect Mr. Bonner, tlio editor of tho Now York J.cdycr, is unusually fortunate. The perfection of his stablos is n matter of national com ment, for, with beauty of arch i lecture, thoy eomblno every requisito fo tho health and comfort of the horses. Tho cntilatlon and drainage aro excellent. Every stall has a false door though hlch all refino passes to a scrub lloor of eonipnt, whence It Is carried Into tho sowors. Tho lloor on which tho horso stand-' is porfectly lovol, thusnvoidlng Hint straining of tho tendons of tlio legs conscqent upon standing on an inclined surface. Tho sides of tho boxes nro of smooth wooden panols, which prosent no hold for the horso to solzo with hi3 teeth, and thus prevents his acquiring tho habit of biting and "cribbing." Tho arlilious are carried high onough to prevent the horses from annoying each other ; tho doors aro of ornnmontnl Iron work, and around tho building outsldo n tan-bark walk for exercising tho horses in bad wenthor. Evory applianco that could possibly roduco labor and improve tho condition of tho horses has been adopted. Tho first horso tho visitor inquires for is Doxtcr, undoubtedly tho highest typo of tho American trotter. IIo is a brown horte, with whllo legs, stands fifteen and n half hands high, nnd is thirteen ears old. His head and neck nro finely formed, his eyes brilliant, his shoulders well placed, his legs and fect firm, and his back nnd loins powerful. For a horso of his s!zc,hl3 thighs aro immonso. It Is almost unnecessary to alludo to his brooding. IIo can bo traced to Im ported Messenger on tho slro's sido.and to imported Dlomcd (tho winter of the first English Derby) on tho dam's sldo. IIo was first trained by Hiram Wood' rufi'.and it is not a littio singular that in Mr. Bonner' stablo, standing in adjoin- ng atolls, nro tho two horses (Dexter and Peerless) behind which Hiram Woodruff mado tho best tlmo ho over mado In his life, driving tho formor lu harness and tlio latter to wagon In 2:231. But Woodruff died before Doxtcr's speed was fully dovcloped, though ho hnd n piemonillon that oven tho 2:18 1-5 which ho had scon him mako uudor tho saddle on tho Fashion courso would in tlmo bo surpassed. IIo was right in this expectation; 10,000 pcoplo saw Dox- (or trot u heat against Ethau Allen and his running mato lu 2:10, although by regulation, tho horso was not allowed to claim that record. It is not asserted, howovor, that ho Is entitled to llio record of 2:10 ns a winning record, but Hint It Is Justly Ills duo as tho tlmo roc ord of n public; performance. udd Doblo has stated that ho drovo him in 2:11 lu prWeito, whlU in a pub He raco ho drovo him In 2:17, nnd a half mlloin liOO. Good judgos bcllovo that by far his greatest nclilovoinont was tlio day when Mr. Bounor drovo him on tho Prospect Park courso, wag on and drivor weighing Q19 pounds, In 2j21i n pcrformnuco"which,consldorlng tho weight carried and tho stalo of tho track, was equal to 2:1 1, It is now lour yoaraslncoMr. Bonner gavohlschenk for 133,000 for Doxtcrnnd withdrew tho horeo from tho turf, nnd thoro Is llttlo doubt Hint Baxter's spoetl Is greolor now than It was when ho trotted In 2:17) In Buffalo in tho hands of Btidd Doblo. Whon Mr. Bonner purchased him It wai Bald that no wotiui no vaiuoioss, ns no couiu not bo drlvon with safely ou tho road. But kindness and good management pro duced tholr legitimate rosulls, and Mr. Bonner drives him regularly on the road and through tho Central park. Hi I r" -i r 4 '. il ' 'li ." Inn ! 'r. II . !! .iiM DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 27 In the noxt stall stands tho gray maro Peerless, u daughter of Amorican Star and n Messenger marc. Llko Doxter, sho was bred in that nursery for fast horsos, Orango county, and llko him also wns educated by Hiram Woodruff, who drovo hor pubjic n nillo to wagon In 2:231 a performance which only Doxlor has surpassod. Poorlcss has prov od n falluro as a brood more, but is a favorlto roadster with Mr. Bonnor, who oflon drives hor dotiblo with tho volcran Lanlorn, tho two making a flno nnd fast team. Lantern comes noxt, nnd it is only tho curve of tho back that shows his ngo,for his oyo is as bright and his legs as clean as oil tho day ho trotted his famous doublo toam match against Ethan Allen nnd mato fourteen years ago. Although twenty-four years old,ho Is utlll fast.nnd makos an elegant companion for Peer less, fow being ablo to pass thorn on (ho road. In tho noxt stall stands tho California mnro Princess, tho onco fa mous opponont of Flora Tcmplo. Sho was purchased as a brood mnro, to bo mated with Edward Evcrolt, tho siroof Joo Elliott, Judgo Fullorton and Startlo, and sho has long been qulto lamo, but It Is anticipated tbnt sho will soon re cover. From hor union with Ilnmblo Ionian sprang Happy Medium. Tho stout black colt in tho adjoining box Is Mombrlno Bortlo, Mr. Bonnor's latest purchase Brod by Dr. Horr, of Loxlngton, Kentucky. This colt aston ished everybody by trotting a mllo,last fall, when two years old, over tho Cin cinnati course, in 2:11, nnd repeating It in half an liour afterward In 2.43. IIo has pinco trotted In 2.3C ; but not bolng thoroughly acclimated Mr. Bonner docs not propose hurrying hlui. Ho is a handsome colt, wonderfully doveioped for a thrco year old, and will assuredly mako a fast trotter in tlmo. Tho bay horso In tho next box ranks highor in Mr. Bonnor's estooni. This is tho four year old coltStnitlo,by Edward Everott, which was purchased from Ocorgo Alloy last fall for $20,000, Immediately after winning tho threo year old stakes, dis tancing his opponent, Lothalr, in tlio fast tlmo of 2:3GJ. Startlo has massive, muscular quartors, indicating tho pos session of immonso power. Perhaps no colt over mado such rapid progress in trotting speed as this horse, for whon Carl Burr purchased him, In Juno last year, ho could not beat 3:30, and in tho following September ho won his first raco In 2:30. Last month Mr. Bonnor drovo him n mllo on the Fleetwood park courso, on n slow track, in 2:28, and had tho day and courso boon favor ablo, ho could havo reduced tho tlmo considerably. As Startlo Is only four years old, ho hits plonty of tlmo for maturing and improving, and oxppr- lencod judges bellovo that, when Dox tcr's tlmo of 2:10 Is surpassed, Startle Is tho horso destined to do it. Tho bay gelding Joo Elliott noxt shown, trotted a boat over the Scacau- cus courso, New Jorsoy, In 1809, in 2:51, his namo then being Boyant Colt. Mr. Bonner paid 510,000 for him, and plac ed him with Carl Burr for training. A few weeks ago ho mado a mllo on tho Fleetwood courso in 2:15. Bruno oc cupies tho noxt box, nnd novor was in morn superb condition than now. SInco Mr, Bonner bought him of Mr. Phyfo ho has greatly I in proved his speed. As a four-year-old hom.idc tho bint record In a public race, trottintr mllo in 2:30 in n gnlo of wind. With hisslstor, Brunette, ho made also tho fastest doutilc tcitiii tlmo, having trotted a mllo in2:'Ju. Last on tho list stands Poca hontas, tho beautiful daughter of the famous pacing more of tho samo namo and Ethan Allen. A maro of more per fect symmetry and beauty was never foaled ; hor action whon in motion is tho perfection of trotting, combining case, eleganco, power and speed in an extraordinary degree. Sho ha3 trottod only ono raco in publlc,namcly, against Biackstouo Bcllo at Boston, which sho won easily. It Is said an ntnount ovon larger than that paid for Doxter was paid for her. That Mr. Bonnor In pur chasing hor was not mistaken, nppoars from tho fact that sho has sinco trotted a mllo undor saddle, ridden by John Murphy, In 2:18j. Sho Is an oxcellont team maro, and thcro uocd not bo much surprlso if noxt season she and Bruno mako tho bost tlmo over made by a doublo team. From the New York IVi- bimc. Venerable Victims of Old Ityc, Tho Rov. M. Talbot a clergyman of somo reputation In tho western part of Ponnsylvnnlo, wns a good hater ot cant Born and reared n farmer, he took to tho church as a matter of cholco, and without doubt his sincerity wa3 the electrical effect by which ho produced so many converts from "tho ways that nro dark." Mr. Talbot was without doubt always an original wit, and, when tho purpose served him, a cynic. On returning to his former homo nt ono tlmo, his nclglfc bora, having hoard of his famo as sower of tho gospnl," assembled to moot him, and ono sanctimonious fol low, who carried a winning air about him on all occaslons,was ono of tho first to coma fawning about Mr. Talbot "By tho way," said tho olorcynian "what has beconio of old Smlthora?" "Dood," said Uriah Hoop, will! groan. "DoadV" "Yea-whiskoy killed him." "How old was hoV" "Seventy-four." "Unfortunate muni Ami old' Bin ter ?" "Dead," another groan. "Poor old Slater I Wlmt did ho dlo of?" "Whiskey." "How old was ho?" "Elghty-ono." "Doluded wrotchl And Daddy Wood?" "Ho, too, has gono tho way of til llwh. Ho drank himself to death whon ho Bliould havo boon thinking of tho rtuuro worm, no was cigniy-iivo, aim ovon with tho gr.wo "I Eiiv. brother." said Mr. T with it unlet laugh lu his eye, ri,can you toll mo whoro I can get a hogshead of that samo liquor?" RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ono Inch, (twolvo Huts or 114 equivalent In 'oiuaiulllf noloiio ui twnlmei tlcinn.ll.'io three lusui tlous, t 'j .WACIS t i f i Jr. Olluincll 13 W IJ.UU I,W 10,00 J10.0O 7,nu 0,(U I5.W) ,() 12.W 18 00 llCU 17,0'J !,01 14,0(1 ), .'JO so,ot ao.ou. tM.oo TWO Inches 3, 5,0) Throo Inchon 0,01) 7,(11) Four lncho..... . .. 7,(iu ,00 (luntlcr columu. I'l.uO 13,03 llulf column .m ls,(M Olio column........ ...W,(M SW,UU " Exccntot' or Acluitnlstrator'i Notice 11,00 Auditor's or Atiisneo's Notice, ,w. LOOM noticed, twenty ecii4fi lino. fAnta In tfiA "ftnfilnftea ntrrtifv" nnlntntl. 2,'oo per year for the first Iwo linen; hint 11,00 for cacti additional line, i Humorous. A western editor, In writing tlio obituary of a respectable cltiaon, nnys that "ho has gono to that undiscovered burn." A Vermont man sat down on a keg of powder to tako a "noon smoke." His friends round ono button. Tho Missouri Democrat names a Chi cago paper ns "sparkling With the brilliancy of a lon-yonr-old patent office report." A Massachusetts man killed 40'blnck snakes, n few days bIiico, burled them in n convenient place, nnd then sent his hired man to dig nshworms nt tho samo spot. A chap in St. Louis, soya : " 'Titlnt no uso to cot vaccinated. I tried, and Juat nftcr tho darned thing took a mnd uog Dit mo." Slnco Dr. McOosh took chargo Of Princeton Oollego It has received gifts amounting to $700,000. A poor, but honest editor wishes Dr. McUosh would tako charge of him Just for a yoar or two. A trushlmr noot asks In tho first lino of a rccont effusion. "How many woary pilgrims Ho?" Wo give It up, hut experience- has fought us thoro aro n good many. An Illitiols naner sneaks of threo men who havo gono crazy laloly "ono of them for love, one for religion, nnd ono on gonoral principles." An Indiana town has tho following dog ordlnanco : "Dogj thatnronot col lared and labolod, no mattor how re spectably connected, will tuvro tholr narratives amputated ono Inch south of tneir ears." A ladv at Brideeport. Conn., romoin- cd too long In a train to klsa a friend, and trying to got off afterlt had started, was thrown vlolontly on hor faco. "If evorlklss nnybody agnlnl" said she, .tnt.rrnfM.lt.. nr. aim . . . i . Unm, nrnman vut'i;iuii, eta o.iu nunu ..tiji nutut..., at least," sho thoughtfully added. A witty son of Bt. Patrick was In chargo of a ferry boat. A lady poason cer. belnrr frightened by tho waves, asked him : "Aro people over lost by this boat?" IIo gavo hor tho encour aging reply: "Not ofton, ma'am; wo gcnorally find them afterwards by drag ging tho river." A Hartford (Conn.) paper wants poo- plo to bellovo that a married couplo was recently to bo Been In that town with fifteen children, of whom tho oldest wns only slxtcon years eld. This won't do. Wo know too much of Now Eng land's vital statistics to havo a boarding-school palmed off on us under falso pretoncos. A Svracttso drutririst roconllvrocolved tho following prescription, with a re quest lo put it up : Fir kramps Tine kamfire, won ounce; tl net lodonum, iiitio ; unci not urops. n 10 w uroiis : Hnct kyan noiiar. 5 cents worth : klou form a llttlo, but not much, as it is dan gerous mcuicino. D03e, nan toospuno full when tho krnmps com on. A boy lu Uockport who had just como Into Dossesslon of his first shot cun amused hlmsolf by banging away at his iamor, wno was greasing a Harness on tho wood-pile. Tho old troutlenian lot hltn practice a fow minutes and then tanned tho youngster with ono of tho tugs until ho concluded to tro out of tho schutzonfest business. Smno paronts can nover lot n boy havo any fun. The man with his lune tester who accompanies a circus and makes an iioncst penny ny testing ine winu or tho multitude, came to grluf at Torro Haute, Ind., tho other day. A healthy fnrmor's boy, with a chest on him llko an emigrant's valise, drew in a mouth ful of tho atmosphero, wrapped a quar ter section of his lips orur tho nozzio nud breathed. An explosion followed, and tho "professor" was heard to say, as ho gathered up tho fragments of tinkling brass and springs, "ho had been eating onions ; that's what mado his breath so strong." A Nr.wai'Ai'Kii Purr. A sarcastic Ohio editor notices that "lost evonlug the bfnutlful daughter of Mr. Lovopulf, tho accomplished and gontlomanly wagon maker of this vicinity, was uni ted in wodlock to Goo. Rocrant, tliu talented artist, whoso charming land scapes aro upon tho dashboard of every buggy over turned out of his fathor iu law's shop, and who nt striping car riage wheels has no peer living sinco Rubens died." A Cleveland woman not long ago odestlv ren nested her husband to co to tho dressmaker and toll her that she (the who) had changod hor mind and would havo tho watered silk mado up Instead of tho poplin, and "that if sho thinks it would look better with tou bias flouncoa without putting and box plated below tho equator, which should gatucrcu in nomsincncu guuguous and down the soams, with gussot stitch bctweon, sho can mako it up in that way, Instoad of lluting tho hoitiu otto insertion and piecing out with nol I ppiiquo as l Buggcsicu yesterday." lo didn't go. I A narlsh constablo and othor olllei-r vlsltod Mr. Nash, In England, to coll, ot arroars or local taxes, armcu wun a distress warrant. Nash rccolvod Ul truests with trreat affability, and uegg d thoy would mnko themselves at hoii.c. To this thov urbauoly responded, ny beginning to tako an mvontory or iw furulturo. Mr. Nash stopped out tor a momont,and then roturnod with n hlv of bees, which ho placed upon tho tahL nml tmLl. '"Pnlennii Invontorv of thoiu." immoiiiatoiv alter roiuntr nimsuu up I . . . 1 . MIlnlH mln.lAlir ti.ivlallia ' I ' I . 1 1 in iiiu uiuaiiu w.uuv.i vw...... hrtna tirnmntlv ntf.lckod tho lUVllilur.-i In full forco, and tho couoctor anu ins itiiv , tioiiovmsr uiscroiion to uw tnu iwui'i part of valor, lied in confusion. A Parisian millionaire onco wrote In ihn pnlobrntod comlo author. Scribe "Honored Sir I wish vory much 1 1 niiv niv immo with voura in tho crea tion of a dramatic work. Will you lx so kind as to wrlto a coraody of- which f alinll rnmr030 ono oriwo 11UCH.SO mot I may bo montloucd in tho title? I will bear tho ontlro pcouulary oxnonso, ho that I may dlvldo tho glory." Scribe, Who W03. vain ovou vo concent, rupuuu ; t,Hirr rnirrot that I cannot comply m-IIIi vmir mndost rfldUOSt. It Is not ill accordance wun my mens oi rougiun or propriety that n norao anu an h bsbhuu i Lo voked togothor." Townicntiiomii- nonniro - . i .... (iuickiv roaponuuu ; nit t .1 . 1 -.1 . . III! .. I havo rccclvod your importinent let tor. How daro you call mo a horso!" An oldcrly gontlemnn wot recently "conildcnccd" ou a train runplng into Keokuk, by sharpers, who Induced him to buy a draft (worthless) on Buffalo for $107 10, ho paying them two U I (Hi bills, and thoy paying him !2,C.0as chnngo. Tho comluctor on tna tram 1001C 1110 llim, oppcmuiiuy iu ijiiiu.iy suggest to the lnuocont old gentlomau thnt ho was afraid tho draft was a fraud. ' YVellf" was tho bland rosponso of tho Imperturbablo groony, "If it lanuyblg gcr fraud thau my two S100 notes wore, thon I am nQUWahoad-whieh I th ntf I nm, I nm not In the habit of dealing In counterfeit currency, but I always keep a llttlo of that sort of stun about mo for tho boilelll of that sort of customers."