THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBimG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A. Tub" Columbian, FriiUith August. IG 1S'2' M.i FItANK C00L3Y, AUHISITANT LDITOlt. Railroad Timo ttnblc. I KAWANNA A HI.OO.M)IUnU il. tt. IA Noilll. Hoiltll. HBA.JI, 1:67 MM. 'I-1 ......Inllnll 'A.lM. ii.lMl- VTAW lbBA It. K. V ItOM ltUI'liUT BTA1 ION. i.,nrlh U0IU3 South- ( '.M. 11:11 A. M. LOCAL. I'm', old Station ntl'ltlHton Junction of llio Xi, A. 11. It. U. lms btcn torn down mid Hi" now Imlldliif,' near by is hero lifter to bo used. r. nt.,1 vul.litfa tutu. Im limit. riiUllilir,l.rc mm iiipju.ti .w - cd from AurusI 1st to January 1st nnd iihcanatil3 from August 1st to Dec. "Oth. i'iko niny bo caught from Juno 1st to Kob. Ul nnd trout from April 1st to Aiitfint irtb. It U positively nssorlo(l,by somo ouo who pioti'inl to know, Hint llio first fiost of tbo Hoason will occur on tbo 3d of Koptuuibcr. Thoao who bavo fulth In tlio prediction nml vegetables to logo will picaso tauo uouou. Tjtuiiii win nn old Kcntlumnn from lir:iver township In town on tho day of tho Convention, who had attained tho afjo ol sovcnty-ilvo years and who had never beforo been In liloonisburfr. Ilia st;iy-at-honiQ-ativencs.i was certainly very slrontrly developed. Tiiuui: was a laro nttendanco ut tho Democrat le County Convention onTues day and tho streets wore well lllletl by the delegated and Uiclr frlonils. A full report of tho Convention proceedings will bo found in another column. Constaum: AVoouward, on tho day of tho Convention, ".jcoopcd up" a couploof Individuals who had becomo greatly discouraged by tho combined of fuclMof iiolilicj and wlilsUy 'specially Hie latter. They woio lined by Presi dent Mcndeulmll. Wilkes Barro people arc in a high 'lute of disgust at tho present rate of taxation Iu that town nnd havo held ait Indignation meeting at which speeches wcro mado by prominent eitl zeii:?. Tho tax is flfty-ono mills on an ruWJiucnt of twenty-live per cent of the valuo of property. Tun religious services having refer ence to tho laying of tho corner .-"tono of tho Presbyterian Church, on Itiven Creek, will tako place noxt Sabbath, the 18th of August, at three o'clock P. 31. All nro invited to attend. N. Speak, Pastor. l'ATiucic Ilr-sTKit who wis triod and acquitted for tho murder of A. W. Ilea in this county has been sentenced to an imprisonment of two years and seven mouths for leading a riot in Shamokin last 3Iay and breaking opi n a Roman Catholic Cemetery. (ir.owir. Kaiiick, u boy U n or cloven years old was drowned on Tuesday last in tho canal near Port Noble. Ho camo Irom Lowistown and was employed on hti father's canal boat. An hupiest was hold beforo J. J. Urower Esq. and a verdict of "accidental drowning" was rendered. Onij of tho exciting incidents of our Convention was tho closo contest for Senatorial Conferees. None of tho Ciu dklnlcs wcro publicly announced and wo'iliilnollienr tho name ofM. K. Jack sun mentioned until tho morning of tho Convention. Tho vote ho received is a compliment and he should so consider it. Somk ouo unknown to in lias laid on our tablo somo of the biggest kind of oats we havo even seen. Wo do not know how many grains tho heads eon- lam mii, mo neaus oi iwo sunns aro m-atkcii Incfteslong. If tho gentleman to whom wo aro indebted for them can tell iid many grains they contain wo shall bo pleased; wo havo not patleiico enough to count them. Tin: shower of meteor on Friday and Saturday nights Inst won niritr,nllleont. Most of them were nnuill nnd of u light yellow color. Tho greatest number ob served In nn hour wns ono hundred nnd six. Two hundred and forly-ono were counted In four hours. It IuhuIiI to havo been tho lineal display in ninny years. WII.I.IAM WAMjACJ! Will iiru ,li;d ull Sunday urtcrnoon by Coual.iblo Wood ward, charged with threatening to tako tlio life of Jtrs. Susan FMipr, It ap pears that Mn. rhher and two young lady friends wero ..Ittlng in tho room with tho dead body of Mrs. Flslici's child, when Wallace (misled upon bo lug admitted and upon refusal, abused tho ladles In outrageous terma. 1 to was hold to ball in tho3tiniof!200 to appear it Court. . Tun hot weather which wo lmd fond ly hoped had left us for this yonr, has returned with, renewed vigor and llio thermometer la again lluctuatlng near tho ninotks. Tho air la oven moro sul try ond ilopros&tug than in tho hot days of Juno and July. Wo notico nu merous cases of sunstroke chronicled in tho city papers and nn incroaso of tho complaints peculiar to summer. Tjik members of tho Lutheran Church dcslro to roturn thanks lo tho citizens of this place for tho vory liberal pnlronago received at their l'ostival.nnd especially lo the "Hand" for tho music on Saturday Evening. The reccipfs amounted to Jlii'J-TJio Knight of Pyth ias cano was awarded to Thomas Webb, ids box containing i'12.10 and and that of Thomas M, Oeddii s?ll.Gl!. Tun Kali Term of tho Slnto Not mid School of this pluco opons on tho Sotliof this month. Tho Trustees havo lcduccd tho prlco of tuition in tho Mortol School from sixty nnd eighty to forty nnd sixty cents per week. The Board of Instruc tion for this year is equal to any that has been engaged in this school and tho success of last term deserves to bo fol lowed up with tbo full palronagoofthis community. lu tho Columwan of last week we spoke of tlio statement of an oxchango to tho effect thai on a farm iu Jlitssa chu&olts n second crop of ryo had grown aud matured after tho first crop had been cut. Mr. "William Ilulmes has shown us n second growth of ryo taken from hi3 farm in Benton township. Tho flrot crop w?i cut about tho 10th of July and stalks of this second yield havo attained tho height of thirty inches nnd bear small heads very well lllled. This Is certainly nn unusual thing. Mcmorrnttc I'oimlr Convention. I'lm Dcmocrnlh' Convention of Col tiiubln County met nl thu Court House In Itloomsbitrg, on Tuesday, August ISIIi, 172, at ono o'clock P. M., pursu ant, lo thn call of llio Standing Commit tee and In accordance wllli tho rules governing said body. Tho Convention was called to older by C. 01. Uarkloy, I&kj., Chairman of Standing Committee, who explained briefly tho rules govornlng tho Convon ttou. Upon motion of Uces J.MllhudDr. J. K . Itobblns was unanimously elected temporary chairman. Upon motions of John H.IOasoy and E, M. Towksborry, 0. H. Jackson and U. J. Campbell woro unanimously chosoii temporary secretaries. Tho IU of townships wns then called and tho nniucs and credentials of tho delegates wcro presented an follows, viz; LIST OV DEIjEUATBU. Beaver Isaac ICllngcrman, Nathan Bredbcndcr, Peter Shellhammor. Benton Joremlah Hilled, Jonas Itantz, V. U Colo. BcrwlckC. 11. Jackson, A. D. Sec ley. Bloom, East Dist. Ell Jones, John 11. Casoy, Mordccnl Millard. Bloom, West Disl. James Stonier, W. B. Koous. llriarcrock Charlc9 Ilced, Henry Doak, A. B. Cioop. Catawissa 1C. M. Sowksbury, Dr. J, K. Bobbins. Centre Jeremiah llagonbuch, Ben jamin Stlner, Stephen Polio, Ccntralla 'I'honiasClcraglity.Michaol O'llalr. Conynghaiii North Neal l.enlhan, Andrew Honey. Conynghnm South Thomas Kllker, Peter Luby -Philip Appleman, B, N. Hosier, Moses Me- O. Campbell, Joel Or.EtLEY .vnij BnowN Cr.uns At tkntio.v. A beautiful oil eliromo of Hon. lloraco Urooloy, tho finest and only oil chromo or this distinguished statesman published, Tlioy aro just tho thing for transparencies ns you get a much better likonefs, and at less cost than painting. Will frame 112x15 inches, and mako an olegant picturo for tlio parlor. Sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of 70 cents ; tlirco for SI 50; six for GO ; twelve for $ 1 00. Send orders soon to UP.BEN & BKO., 10J Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. UN Sunday inoriiing at about one o'clock policeman Noble arrested a young man in East Bloomsburg for disorderly conduct and wps taking him to the Lock-up, when ho wes assaulted by a young man named Luther Rupert who endeavored to rcscuo tho prisoner In this ho was not successful, as Mr. No bio took his prisoner to safe quarters and locked him up, Rupert was arrested on Monday by constable Woodward on n warrant issued by J. J. Brower Esq, and bound over in the sum of $100 to appear at Court. Sostu Investigating philosopher, not having beforo his eyes the comfort or happiness of his fellow creaturow, has announced tho dreadful fact, tho result of long mid patient study, that thero aro two distinct specici of mosquitoes, ouo of which bleeps by day nnd preys on mankind nt night, tho other feeding only in tho day time. It may afford our readers somo relief to know that Now Jersey at presents lias tho mouop oly of theso daylight marauders, but thoro Is no telling when they may en t2r this Stato in search of victims. I!v rofcreuco to tlio proceedings of our County Convention It will bo seen tliat our Congressional Conferees aro unpledged and untnstructed. Tho Con vention doubtless Intetulod to loavo them freo to chooso tlio host and strong est man who might bo presented iu tho Diitiict. With u proper eandldato wo cm w in, and uureontVrccs aro in a podi Hon to act Independently. Tim horse of Dr. H. C. I lower, nt laelicd to a Sowing Mnehino Wagon, took fright on Wednesday morning lust, at tho stablo and ran furiously down Center Street towards Main, up siting tho wagon, breaking tho glass allies thereof and pretty thoroughly blinking up a niachluo which wa.s insido. The horse was stopped at Brown's Hotel nnd was found to bo uninjured except a cut on ouo of its lilud legs. Tho 12th of August Just passed' was tho day on which It was predicted that an Immense Comet was to como in collision with tlio earth and thereby knock our small planet into littlo bits or into tlio sun to bo burned up. Of course, as wo still live, tho comet did not put in an appearanco, greatly to the relief of thousands of pooplo who put faith In tho prediction and confidently oxpected to bo knocked into spaco in tho twinkling of an eye. Prof. Plan tnmour, tho astronomer to whom the story is imputed, wo hear indignantly denies hnving said any such thing and wo don't wonder at It, but if wo woro Plantamonr wo would keop roiuprl ably quiet for n timo and nloof from our friends nnd neighbors. Asiimnu lias n Buekalow Club num I'Cring 000 membors. Wo ought to havo largo n ono iu this county, and --manor ones In any number. Who will tako steps tu form such nlonco? All tho votes of Columbia county should bo polled nt tho election lu October and lacro Is no belter way to ensuro this ro Milt than tho formation of such clubs In every township. Tun Inhabitants of Clmll lenn., nro nil ready lo mako allldavlt Unit a basket of fresh-laid eggd was hatched into a basketful of chickens on tho way to market last week by tho UUilldl IIIUHUII. This may bo truu, but If so olllior tho sun Is uncommonly hot In that region orclso thosoeggd woro only "fresh laid as icgards tho placing of them In tho inisket. It strikes us as eggs-treinely doubtful. Komij of our subscribers in this town havo complained to us that they do not rccelvo their conies of IhoCoLusniiAv. Tho carrier positively nvors that tho papers nro loft regularly nt tho houses of tho subscribers and wo nro led to tho ''ollof that thoy nro slolcn by certain persons whoso deslro for rending mat tt'r Is stroimor than their wish In kern: nil of the Commandments. Wo would I'P grently obliged to any ono who could uciect ono of theso petty thlovcs nnd ro port the facts to us. Ho will probably 'i inni molhoil of inking n paper ox. Flslilngercclv F. Edgar, W. Henry. Frnnklln-P. Zarr. Urccn wood John Leggott, Daniel Welllvcr, Joseph Stnddon. Hemlock Amos Hartmnu, T. J. Vandorsllco, Abram Stauffor. Jackson Frank Hess, Oco. W. Far vcr. Locusi Samuel Fcltorman, Chris tian Small, Leonard Adams, Henry Fink. Madidon Samuel Domott, John Al len, Wm. Maslellor. Main Jacob Fisher, U. J. Camp bell. MiMin Lowis Eckroto, Stephen Wolf, John II. Holler. 3Iontour Evan Welllvcr, James Quick. Mt. l'leasanl John 0. Mordnn. Jo- sephlkclcr. Orange Dr. O. A. Mcgargoll. II. It. Kline. Pino Benjamin Wlnterstcon, Joseph Shoemaker. Roarlngcreek Cloo. Craig, Jr., Jacob Longenborgor. Scott Itecs J. Milliud, Peter Ent. Sugarloar Aaron Fritz, C. L. Moore. On motion of Peter Ent tho tempora ry President and Secretaries wero mado thu permanent officers of tho Conven tion. Mordecai Millard offered tho follow ing Resolution which was unanimously adopted : llcsolml. That Morrison 12. Jackson Esqulro nnd Robert CJarlf Eifllllro bo and they aro hereby constituted con ferees to meet similar Conferees from tho oilier Counties of this Judicial Dis trict to nominate n eandldato for rresl dent Judgo thereof. And thoy nro hero. oy instructed to support tno lion. wii Ham Elwell for that ofllce. And wo recommend tho Coufercnco to meet at tho Court IIouso In xunk hannock, on Tuesday, September tho 17U1. at tnrco o'ciock J.'. M or nt sucn time and placo as the Conferees agrco upon, At tho suggestion of C. O. Barkley, Chairman of tho Standing Committee, tho following Resolution was unani mously adopted : Jlctiolvcd, That tho members of the Standing Committco elected, nro horeby caned to meet lor tno purposo oi organiz nig anu transacting business, nt tno Court IIouso, Iu Bloomsbunr. on Satur. day next, tho 17lh Inst., nt 10 o'clock, . JH. Tho following is a list ol tho MEMIVEH.S 01' THE STANDING COMMIT TE13! Heaver Moses Scullclior. lloutou I. K. KrlcUbnum. Ilcrwlclc I.ovl ltrcilbcmlor. llloom, East Dlst. Unvlil IiOWftnliciR. Hloora, West Dlst.-WUIiam McKlimoy. llilnrcicok J. C. Kmltli. IJiitawlsHn-CJoo. Scott. Centr H. 1). Knovr. Ccntralla O. Q.Murpliy. Coiiyngliam Norm Conyushara Houth Michael Ilraniinn, Kislilnucrcek E. J. Mcllcury. Franklin William Btokor. lireonwooil Wesley Morris. Hemlock Koth Shoemaker. Jackson Silas W. Alciloniy, Locust Madison John Allen. Main W. T.Hhumnn. MlltUn Hamuel Hnydor. Montour John O. (ulrlc. Mt. Pleasant -(Uorno W. Jacoliy, OraiiRo If. K, Hloau. l'lue 1 W. Hones. ltoarlncreek .1, U. Kllimcr. Scott u, l". Ent. Bugarloaf-J, II, Erllz. Tiikise was another magnificent did play of Northern Lights on Thursday night of last wcok. Tho heavens woro filled witli tho quivering, throbbing pulsations ofmystlcllghtaudtbo flashes llko silver arrows darted hither und thither. At times a deep rose tint ovor spread the sky then gave place ton put green wnicii wih soon rephwoU by silvery sheen sparkling nnd iljsliln with dlamoiid-liko seln tillatioiid. Oc casionally a nictcvi' would shoot across the sky or drop suddenly from ltd placo on tiigli leaving n stream ol llglu mane us pain, xiio wnoio scene win luiliseribnbly lovely und such as Jt rnroly tho good fortune of dwellers thid latitude to witness. Cvt'Awissa, I'A., AllL'USt 10th. 1871. At n regular staled meetlinr of Con eordia Lodge, No. 00, 1. O. O. F held this ovenlng tho following preamble nnd resolutions wero unnnimously adopted : Wiieueas, To Him who glvcth and tnuotnnway it lias seemed proper lo call from our midst, our lato Bro. P. O. Poter Strieker, therebv Rnunrlno Mm cords which bound us together In bonds of Friendship, Lovo and Truth, there fore bo it Jicsolved, That while, submitting to tho will of tho Dlvlnoltulor, wo doom It Just nnd right to oxpress this respect duo to our donnrtcd brothor Jlcaoticd, That s a mark of respect mm I'aicuiu wu tituiiu uur dinner I mourning ior tno spaco oi tuirty days Jiewved, That a copy of theso rosolu lions uo airmailed tno iiimuy of tho do censed Brother with whom WO svm pathlso and that thoy bo published In uiu coiiiuy pujiurs. H. J. Kl'.KDKIt, ) q. Ei.i.ih, t CoinmUtco U. J. Campbell offered tho following Resolution which was iiniitibnously ndoptcd : Jicsolvcd. That Poter Ent and SI. W, McRoynolds bo nnd nro hereby ainvoint cd Congressional Conforeod to meet similar Conferees from the other Coun ties comnoslni: tills Concrcddionnl Did trlcl for tho nurnoso of uominntlnc: candidate for Congress, at such timo and placo as may bo agreed upon by tho Conferees of tho suveral counties composing tlio district. Nominations for Senator boing noxt in order, Amos llnrlinan offered tl following resolution: lleaolvcd. That John (1. Quick, Joso uoiiman, .ioiiii i.eggoti mm iiugn ii Mcltridu aro hereby amiolnlcd Sonato rial Conferees, to meet similar Conferees from other Counties In this Senntoria District, for tlio purpnio of nomiiintin a eandldato for Stato Senate, at Wll llnmxporl. on Thursday, tlio !)lh dn of August, hist., nt 7 P. 31., and that thoy nro hereby In-itruelcd to niippnr unaries u. uariciey ior mat position II. R. Kline offered thu follow amendment. Jicsolvcd, That William Lamon isainii nowor, Roiir McIIenry and Uimrics v. Minor bound aro horeby np pointed Senatorial Conferees to meo similar Conferees of this District for tho purposo of nominating u candidate for ouuo noimior witii instructions to sup port M. E. Jackson of Columbia County K. M, Tewksbury ollorod tho follow lug nmcudment to tho nmoiidmcut, Jlesolved, That U. J. Campbell, M. V. B. Kllno. Noah Mousor and W. H. Jacoby bo and nro horeby appointed Senatorial Conferees to moot similar Conferees from other Counties In this Senatorial District for tho purposo of nominating a eandldato for Stato Sonato with Instructions to support Oeorgo Scott for that position. Nominations being closed tho Chair man suggested that tho votes bo given directly to tho candidates nnd tho ono having tho majority would carry tho Conferees named In his resolution. A ballot was thou hud with tho fol- BAitiiLuv. lvllngeiman,IJr. .Iboiulor, Blii'lllinmmer(Mlllatd M., (.'iidcy, Jones, (Keillor, Koons, Hngcnbuch, Polio, Hosier, Leggott, Welllvcr, Mluddon, Hurl man, stauffcr, Hess, Domott, Al len, Jlasleller, Welllvcr E Ikolor, Wlnlorsleen, Shoemaker, Fritz, Mooro. Jaciibon. Stiles, Rjiitz,Colo,Jackson, Sceloy, Reed, Doalr, Croop, Sliiur, Ueraghly, O'Huir, Lcnlhau, Roncy, Kllker, Luby, Appleman, Edgar, Mc IIenry, Vnndcrallco, Fnrver, Eckroto, Wolf, Heller, Quick, Megargcll, Kllno, Millard R. J. Scott. Tewksbury, Robblns, Camp bell P. 0,, Zarr, Fettcrmnn, Small, Adams, Fluk, Fisher, Campbell, U. J. Mordnn, Craig, Longcnbcrg, Ent. Total, Barkley 2(1 " Jnckbon ii7 " Bcott 11 nochoico. For lack of spaco wo do not gtvo tho second bo Hot thero being no choice. Bofoto proceeding to tho third ballot Peter Ent withdrew tho name of Oeorgo Scott. Tin nn iiAM-or. Bauki.kv. Kllugorman, Bredbcn dcr, Shellhammor, Millard 31,, Casey, Jones, Sterner, Koons, llagonbuch, Polio, Hosier, Campbell P. CI., Zarr, Leggott, Welllvcr D.,'Staddon, Hart man, Stauffor, I less, Fettorman, Small, Adams, Fink, Domott, Allen, Mnstel lor, Welllvcr E Quick, Ikelcr, Wln terstcon, Shoemaker, Craig, Longen borgor, Fritz, Mooro. Jackson. Stiles, Rant?:, Colo, Jack son, Socloy, Reed, Doik, Croop, Towks bury, Robbin;-, Slinor, Ueraghly, O' llalr, Lenihnn, Ronoy, Kllker, Luby, Appluman, Edgar, McIIenry, Vondcr slice, Farvor, Flahor, Campbell U. J., Eckroto, Wolf, Holler, Mordan, 31c gargoll, Kline, Jllllard R. J,, Ent. Total, Uarkloy .lo. " .Jackson U2. C. O. Barkley having received the majority of tho votes cast was declared the choice of tlio Convention ns Senator with tho Conferees named in tlio reso lution nominating him. On motion of U. J. Campbell the fol lowing Rosolutlon was unanimously ndoptcd : Unsolved. Tlint John J. 3tellcnrv. John A. Funston, Joseph B. Knittlo md William II. Shoemaker bo and they aro hereby constituted Confero; s to meet oinillar Conferees from tho other Countlcslof tho Senatorial District to nomiuaio two canumain to no sun- ortcd: by the Democratic nartv for District Delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and they nro hereby 'u structcd to support John 0. Frcczo for ono of tho said Delegates. And wo recommend the Conferouco to meet lu Danville, on Wednesday. Augiiat -1st, lust., at ono o'clock, P. M , at wiiucim'd "uanviuo noiei." Tho Chairman then announced that nominations for Asembly wcro in or- dor, whereupon Col. A. D. Sooloy moved that C. B, Brockway bo nominated by acclamation which was unanimously .igrecd to. 11. Frauk Zarr was nominated for rothonotary by E. 31. Tewksbury and on motion the nomination vii made unanimous. ilordccat Millard nominated W. H. ncoby for Register aud Recorder which Col. A. D. .Sceloy seconded and suggested that it bo made by acclam.1. Hon, which was done. Nominations lor Commissioner bein iu order John Leggott nominated Wll Hani Lawlou, and II. R. Kline named iVhiior Wolnh. A ballot boiiir onion! o.iiilted as follows, viz : Lawton. Klingcrman, Bredbcndcr, Shellhaminer.Stiles, Rantz.Cole, Jones, Sterner, Koons, Towksbury, llagen- bueb, Clcraghty, O'Hair, Lonihan, Ho ney, Luby, Appleman, Edgar, Hosier, Campbell P. G., Zarr, Leggott, Welll vcr, Staddon, IIcss, Farvor, Fottcrman , Small, Adams, Fink, Demott, Allen, Hetlor, Wollivor D., Mordan, Wintor stecn, Shoomaker, Craig, Longenborgor, 3Illlard, Ent, Fritz, Mooro. Welsh. Jackson, Sceloy, Millard 31., Casoy, Reed, Doak, Croop, Robbing, Stiner, Polio, Kilkor, McIIenry, Hart man, Vauderslico, Stauffor, 3Inslollor, Fisher, Campbell U. J., Eckroto, Wolf, (J nick, Ikeler, 31egnrgoll, Kline. Total. Lawtm, i:i Welsh, 21 Aimer Welsh -having received a mn- orily of tlio votes cast m dc .'hired duly nominated. Nominations for Andltoi being in order Hugh 3Icllrido and U. J. Camp- boll wero nominated. Upon a state ment boing mado that tho north side of tho river had already two Auditors tho name of Hugh 3IcBrldo wai with, drawn by Amos Hartman nnd' on mo Hon U. J. Campbell was unanimously nominated. 10. 31 Towksbury moved that a Com, mlttco of thrco bo appointed on Roso lulious. Tho motion carried nnd tlio Chairman named tho Committco but upon the suggestion of Peter Ent, that tho hour was Into nnd ninny delegates wero anxious to roturn home, tho Con vention unanimously agree 1 to adjourn sine die. Tun Lock H.ifi !,,jri,!i((ii nys "On Sunday Ir ,t Jwc l 1m lomu, of Su gar Htm, nr-aimed hn wife lu u'linm brutal manner, for allowing her daugh ter to go to church. Ho beat her over tlio he ld and shoulders with a chair, so that sho itresonts n rcilly pitiably appearance.'' Wo should fancy that it mmsionnry or two might bo simrod from duly on tho contor Africa- lo look if:.r tho moral wunlsof Cilnl'jii oouuty, if this sort of thing prevail') thee In tiny great ox lent. roll l'ItIlUKNT, HORAOH GrHEELEY, 01.' NEW YOHIf. B. KOlt V10K l'llESIUKNT, G-HAT5S BROWN, or Mifn;ouni. ELUCTOIW, SENATOU1A1, UiHiAii Cowan, of Wostmoielatul, Unoit'in W. i'uiNNiiii, of Kr.iiiklln. nKi'iiriKNTAT.vit, Hei.dkm MAnvtv.orErio. John H. Mii.lku, of IIim..h"l,m. H. Uiioss l'ny, ol MHTntCT. 1. Thomas J. Harder, 1. ntrpli. I). Anderson. 1. John Moimt, I, (leomo It. Ilcrrcll. 1. (Not nsrocil upon.l 'I. jnalali II. lloupt. 7. Hainnel 1). Dyer. .1, JfHtn O, llawley, !. It. H.Hkinn-. !o. II. llollly. II. .lohn Kunklc. . Y. uuiiHlcr. 11. I). Lowonhorx. II. J. McKnljIit, 11. Hum Wulnli. M. llemy ,r. Hlahle. 17. U. W. Chrlsllo. H. William 1'". Lonan. iu. Itasfielni nru'.vu, Vi. V. M. Uohlnson, it. .1. It. Molton. Ei. T. It. StuvpiiHnn. vt. John II. Hani. 21. Oeorj!o W. Miller. STATETICKET. FOll aOVEl'.NOK CHARLES R. BUCKALEW, nv (.OI.UMI1IA COlf.'JTV, KOIl AUDITOIl tlENEHAL. WII.LIA3I HARTLEY, OP llKDIoni) COL'NTV. roil judoi: of hu rn emu coi nr JA3IES TII03IPS0N, or county. von coNunnssMi: at laiuii:. RICHARD VAUX, o.' riiiLAnnLriiiA. J A 31 ICS llTTlOPKINS, or ALLcaucNV. nKNDRIClCB. WRiailT, 01' LUZKKNl; eOUNTV. Foi )lciulirr or the C'onaUttittaiiul Con. vcnllnii, Oi:t). W. WOODWAni), riillailulph'n, .ILIIK.MIAII H. IlIiAflf, YorU. WM. llKILMIt, ClcarilelJ, W. .1. li.YI'H, Homorni-t, W. II. SMITH, Alleghniy. KltANKMN II. CIOWKN, l'hllaileliilu.i. JOU.V 1. CA.MI'llin.b, l'hlladelnhln. H. A. ItKVNOr.U.d, L-meaRlcr. ,iami:s i:llih, Hcuuyiteiii. H. O. T, IM)I)1). Vouam.o. ()i:o. M. DALLAH. I'lulailelliliLl. UUUEUT A. LAMIItnU'O-M, iMUphln A. A. l'L'Il.MAN. Uroon. WM. L. UOIlUEn', Uaiiou. ruv. M.ltou I'lllM l.i' n 1' -i.i'Ii ' I. -, !i- : I Tiuini Ann I1 main. nl "lo in ru i; Km nut' Ni'V. T i n-i (i 1 1 1 1 1 -i nlfltee rl!li u 1'inli tl i --llliWsl til h llgllltllO Alh tl.'llil lulu, llll- li, lolled ami ainti), tlTviy lolnn of tui.tiuk ilililllly.oi' of ll,,Uil('ireaalii ( InU'jinir willed is olio or (ho net nn imiiiciils of (1',.pei.-.l i and hilioimnuHs, (nn tentliy lo li e miHtry ol iiiiinl allfl wlih h Lhov .nvotvo. Tho motive tmw- r ol tl i) y toin li tmilMlly i-aialy-c 1 i 11)0 mlud tv natinitii i.y unxieiy una; nnu llio nillurer In m Inr malilo rainyliii( hmiicir clicu.ull. illy In niiyliinl oi laiMiiii h- jr. irhc wi ri tniilor tiici tM-'iiiiinhnia liillin in i' ol ,, l.i..v. 'I'lii i leu 'hie aiu'il l anil i! innliL ,n li...-il lioi, Itnw ovi .', In- (ndui',1 lor rorly-uiKlit liolii'H ly any human i.eimt. 1'MtirAxioN Hittihh h mi Mm -lulo nuttoltte for nil tho tnrincnlH which a dM-iMitt- oil fit imitoh, a ulnorJoreU liver, and Rluiltcred nerrci mir-erluduef. Important Testimony! The nillowina RllLrN aro nmoiiu lha many wo aioconttiiutly iecolvlng lluiu pernonn who have ooeu cuita uy Schcnck'tt Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck'a f?ca Weed Tonic,. ASI) Sclicnck's iruntliako rillH. l'inilvgro , Snltln County, .'.'tiv .Icitcy, 1'BimOAllV K7, 1ST2. Dr. J. ll.BOJIBNUK.N. K. corner Slsthnud Arch NtrcetK, I'hlladelplila. ItcspocUd Bir I tako pRasuro lu adding my testimony lo that or tho many other who Tiave l oen cnricl ly tho olllcacy of richonck'H 1'iilmonlc Bymp, Hoa Weed Tonic, and. Mandril Uo l'lll. Coiiaimiplloii hat Uui hioditary with my f unlly, inoitof Its mombers having dlotl ol It nt (fu ly ni i. My mbuKr and thiLO Tjmlhoib died nt llio huu of II, on,) niothci at .7, aud my sistor at 1). I wan, when about II yenm, with liver comiitnUit, which rapidly dovolopod Into l'ulmn nary CoiiMimpliuu, i wiui compelled to rollu pn. h my einpl'i i.iont (that ol a hlaoksmlth.) IconsulUd Hkllhul aud eminent pliyftlolaun, an I tried l.iany p.acnt iiontiums, hut, without hiiccchh, nn t.iat lny n lentil wota sure that thero wa no hop ) .i lny reeoM-iy, lor 1 wan reduood from tin pounds to ID), ami waa not uulo lo do Uliyilliui; whiioui aisiiiiuiieu. IJ liv what I now Iooimron a.i a l'lvklcntial In- toriiosttlou, I wan Indued to try our remedleii, md plai o myiiilf ui der your tronimrut, and ao rapid and thorough waa my locoverr, that It k cmc-I as though homo i.. man rnw.rwas nt wori:, md to-day I am uh . o 1 1 as al.-ny timo durliiK my life. I weigh 152 pounds, am ml yen is old, and l'or k'iiiiq time- havo been regularly at tcQillnu lo my huiluei,9, bldull',; fair to live to a UOOll oin aK", position v;hcrrln I am a I urn thankful to you beyond expression tor iiiivnm i'iuuuu inv in i liumiioii v. ucrm hencllt liuAoad of a huufeu to my lamlly Mnndniko l'llln nr ) tha mil v m. ,11, Inn I ever uo uuir. I tliluk thoy are tho bout in the world. I can re 'i r you to hundreds of tny nclti!jorn who will veiny all I havo written, and any In Mrinatiiin any of mv f How cllnseuH may dciiio will ho Irrc.'y and iiladly clveu, upon receipt ol stamp, hy Yourii, etc. JOIIX C. I1KWI1T. Jiey ires!, Till., Vch. It), IftTi. Dr. J. ILKCIIIINCL', N. :. cor. Sixth andAreh Htrcetn. 1'hlladelnhia. Dear Sir I'toaso lorward, nor tlrt,t ateaincr. nix bottloaHea Weed Tonic end twelvo botlici l'lil- mouic iiyrup. Yonr medicines art, o wicli valim that t can- not bo without liicni In my houu'lmld, ami In raci no lainny ni'ouiii no without iiiem. IhavoKlven tlicm a iairtest, and openly d" claro them to be even belter than you claim. Very ifpLCIIully yum s, &r. Y. A, W1HTEIIU1WT. COUNTYTICKET. FOlt rniJ-SIUENT-IUDGn, WILLIA3I1-2LWBLL .Subject to thodoilslonortho District Courercc).) FOlt BKHAT015, CHARLES O. BARKLEY ,ubjcet to t'to decision of tlio DliitrlctConleieci-) l'Olt UOSBTITUTIOIIAL COitVUN'TION, JOHN 0. FREE.E (Subject to the decision of tlio District Coiilciec.i l'Olt AS.-UMULY, CHARLES B. BROCKWAY. foil l'r.OTHONOl'AltY, 15. FRANK ZARR, roil iu:Gisi'i:r. & UKcmtDUii. WILIilAJISON II. JACOBY, I'OU COUNl'Y fOMMlSrilOMElt, W ILLIA3I LAWTON , l'OH AUDITOIl, U.J. CA-JU'JIKLL. wwhWjwiw.'wwift'jW(iwa.w. I'HILAUiuiiiA. March 1. 1172. nr. soiii:nci:. llcfipocted Hlr I ta'to pler'.uro In awarding lo j-ou thlaceitllleatuof thu wonileilul cuio your iiiiuoiiieuvriii. anu nea ecu louie nioiiueeu. Mv throat aud bionchial tuben wero t-o hinhlv lnllamed Ihat II was almost Impossible for mo lo Kwtuunv my inou. T air. on n visit to mv uncle. Mr. Ubarlcs Jolnv son, No. Uli rcdcial nrrut, v' n j i your tucdl- cmca i.iUlU him irom almost duitu uiier nil oth er inc. ns. luul liiled,aud lio havn., tlieiCiorc tun vui..iui;.ii.u in uiu VJililu ut uiu iumiuit strom;ly iccommiudcd mo In try then), I did ho. and in ouo week from tho lime I commenced tukiut; them my throat underwent a very Kieat cuano ior mo ocuci , io inai l coma cai my lue-u-j wiinout any uiiiicuiiy or pain, l can scarcely und words lo cxpicss myKiatiludolor mo oaiiy leiioi your invaiu.ioio iikluciucs pio dueeil u noli mo. and 1 deem it hut an act of'urati, tudo to ittvo you tho acknowledgement ut my apprcciaiiou. luurs lesneciiuiiy, No. iwi Wisniilily-lliiidMreet,Ni.w orlc. Moyeifj' Oohunn. IS (ULLHl) MY Mt that they Are mill ptiahinn the Drns il with all tno ouorny so cliarncUirmtlc of 1m In farmer tluii'i, ol lliolr old linv ind In BROWER'S BLOCK, rnl at the Coruoi of Main an! Moiket Mtit-vli. To tho loot Lhai imsinodi moms nes.1 atani Their stock Is larger nr i oro vailed lhaticftn ho found lu anv otlur ostubllHlimnnt shorlof I'hll.iiliIihlaor Now Yoik. Allofwhlch Is oiler cd In lario or amnll fiiantltl',n nt iltit t im low If notl iwor, Umn iiiunoKoo' icon lw purchased olBcwhore. (Jail aud for yoitrscir. Tho wiini. ueitcnartmunl utului tlio lnimi Ulaio en pe. yi-iiuu una coutrol ul tho firm, comprlsen Y I'AINTS, OILS, 0LA8M, 1'U'ITY, .10'., AC. Thov keen eonstantlv ,n band irom five lotx dlireront brands oi WnnoLoad, aiilimu which It Jolin T. Lewis & Bron., Buek Lcml, Willie Oalr, Diamond, Aietie, &c, V'arnisliea, Coneli, Furniture, D.tmnr, Khellneuntl Jajmn Dryer. In coi.ila vnu will limt limbers bath drv and In nil, Sli'inma, mowiis,M..tallleand Vimdj he.Ited I Vemtliin, UodLi-. uI, Ameilc-mnndCliInese Vcr- m'iiiou?, iiiucH, leuowi, aud ureoii", amoiiR which alo the celebrated Versailles nnd Hhamuick, very handsomo and ponuanont, nnd especially adapted to "10 painting or hPndn, ive. j.inheoii un, ji urpeminy, ao. .vu hi?oh window gln',8, Iar-o sie-, of superior 'inallty for picluroH, u speciality. Castor oil by tho Rnl lou or dozen, Laudanum, ratoizoric, ltatumaii'd drops, golden Tincture, Balaam Do Mnlllm, Ood frey'a Cordial, KiAoneea Lemon, 1'eppermlnl, Wlutermeou und ctnunnion. Alt tbo popular patent medicines of tho day, umon which wo enumerate. Ayrrs, Jnynei, Vii crjur Bitter.-i,llo3lot-tcr'd, Drnlcc's, n. 1 llooiliind's Oer limn Bltlcrs. PiiJ.s, Wrlprnt'a Jttyne's, Schunulc'd, und all other-) known to llio Commutilty. A iarRO and varied a.j .orlncMl of Knishm world ronoivnod cooictri'j cvinTia., Vanlll.i, lUiio, Ilisnhorry, Strawberry l'.no Apple, cMery, j;au...m, .tc.,aronllVr td below manurictu.eru prleca, tu country m ehaut. Spier?, Ulimaiuop, i;iovls, l'eppe.. Miico, Mil ard, niSSOLUTIONOF CO PA UT2TJ5R- i. Hinr. Tlio eo-partnrrshlp hi tho til in iiiiino nl Snjnrt mii1v.n1 hv thniluiLLh of rlnnialfilti P. nntl 1 1 nr. ' bonks ill tlio late nun a.a In th IiukU at Daniel iplicreioforB. Minting anilir w,;lfitUiiaif 4 '"i" t of rVdjamin r.nondsn 1 ' Hnyder to wluiin nil iMisnua knowInK thtll- iielves to ho iuileiitori Ui llio firm me ieiMMtl to n.nlrn ln,lnA.llalu iMvnuilit. 'riio tiiMtnoM vri.i bocnntjntwd attlii old plneo nudor Uio namo of D. Biiydw tjc,. iapv May i7tn m, CO,. i n Tin? DIBi'nIcrCQunT,on tjih u. it. mm Tim l-WWVf,Yll., To"4rlaTilofoUy fflm noll h p o.ntmnt ns AMlvnoe or D. ttJTwUR,Pf tho wi.hln mid Oisi tot, who im betu MiadMri ? b nkrapt on b sown petition by ttWlMtrlot tonrtof mid disti l' t. . . i . W. MILLKR, AulfnM. inly I2UI Bkxmulmni l't t?XfeOUTOU'rt N()TI0E. Alt SSTATK OP JISNJAMlK BttllUR, DBC'l). axLats ofBenH- win" i.ooiumbln connVi Lottern tMUtmontary on mill Jiteber, iator uauiwu- i.uoiumora eonnur, JocoMetl, have ben ffaok by Urn Rgltot of mid couuty.MJ no K. 8Iiii ) AUiwnmons i . . . 1 .. .. ,., Ihnul.U n r II . . ii llMlful IISVII1I U1HIIIUI . v tl.ny vu ' , , ? ''"I. T ti) preaent them vi I ho Vr. mr in Colombia eouDty. Thoo lu-lebert lo tho tet, ellMr nn unto judgment, nmrtgaa or .hooifo00?"' JJlll mako rBytuou"? to SWf' July Ii, U7J-(nv. Bwcnwr, A UDITOR'S NOTICE. .M. i iTATis rr r.Yi'i l wtNictrPRr't) Tno n-i'bi sir'" I-appointed by mo Orphan's Court ol l Anw u t munir. Auditor Jo dlstrUiUW r Anna 'uo i.ii-,'..6.sand ,irt oaenutlod to tno ( line, the baiau, J .n tho uaw' . of tb ftdinlnis. tiato..i.U i '.. Dd'-ot'io il' IiarireorUts duties atulholl'.. ' nl bIix.mabJii,r.ltotnrUftyth'iUh ('ayof Aua rt, 1. I)., 187, at ten o'olock In llio fi).eno..i, when and where nil perous havlns tin -ci on sild e..tu(o nro r'aulroil to prowiit tliLia or ho lore-, .'r dcimrrod from coming In for a hart ol aid ! .nl. '"'i E. 11. TKELKIl, Auditor. ritOTIIE TAX I'AYEUS OF THE X TViwnofUi'oofuslm.K. . ., . Ntyrn.i: uu.eur uu the under- st 3d lie' . of t i) i viof Btoonnhurg, bo pivpnrr I lo re-oUo Town taxes for the nrcNcnt ear, n and dinl'in thirty days from aud afler Mnnd-r t.u I 'lay of Aufftut, M2, at ,:-.or;l ' ;of iio.i. (,.,u., i U, Ouebalaw In the Sa. 'vi ' d M t 5 e:pl-ntlo-. of thirty , nr aid lit i davor AilBust. shall be 1 lii jt jllcoior oi uixns wun.iive pereeu tn..i pon dty upon tho amount addad thereto, Otnoo hours r.uii J to 12 A. JI and from 1 lo dot -jlti'.M. V. II. koons, Town Trcamirer. Dioomsburit, August 1, Pffi. nllwl SCllENCK'.'l I'ULJIONIC fcYRUl', SEA WEED TONIC, aiul MANDRAKE PILLS The:..! aro the nn.y nicd'clius rhat ii'ib euro Pulmonary CouMimpliou. Dr. tichencli has been in constant piaelito over thirty years continu ally c.Miiiilulm; lun.ts, and knows hu mciilchies, il pioperiy tnkeu, will euro Consumption, Ills MaudraUo t'llU cleauso tho liver and htomach; lUs riea Weed Tonle UissolveH the- lood, stimu lates U.e rout Ii , i; of tho stomach, and makes It tnpcsi. ills i'Uimouic Myrup ripens mo iiiuiiei, .....I .i.,l,i.o Uiw. lt.' nlllivutnuj- VXVTtlOU. -It bottom liPIces. AI SO, lloil and ITour Sul phur, Jipsom Salts, Salt '1'etre, Calahra Lic orice, OnmCnmpho.,llurax, Assatujtlda, (Y.ttlo and Horse Powderii,IlIuo Vitriol, Kxtraet Log wood. -Casttlo and Laundry HoapH, Lninp Chimiieys, and Lamp totals gcucr all. Lump 0-i.fb. 1'ilv. i sand, Caleinod I'hiiler, lloiemUICfciututby tho barrel or bushel Tlio only acont in this town lor lite Fttriner'a Mutunl Flro lusuranco Co. ol' Dnnvillo, is FreuaBrov.'n. Price of tho Pulmonic Sviun and Sea Weed Tonic, (,S3 per brittle, or 37 M) pel luif Mamlralce Pills 15 cents per box, PHEPAP.HD ONLY AND FOlt HALK iiy .). II. SCIIENCK & SON, v. Mover for pile. Bro-3. havo lllfy elder barrels A lino iHiorlmont of l''ruiH, Confec tionery. Cienrs &c. nt M. M. RuneilM. Main hlreet below Market. Old IMalillslicil Coal Yanl. r. W.Nkal&Buo. Wholesale & Re tail Dealers iu all bizca of tho best quallticrf of Red und White Ash Coal, nt thu vorv lowest mnrkot rates?. Lime- buriiera Kiipiilied at liberal rates with oost tiuaiity ino. u.coai. t'ornniiiinres, in addition to ti nrimo r.rlk'loof lump, wo havo a 11 rat elass quality of Bitumi nous coal, at t (.- ner ton on wnari. Lnrrrn stoeka of nil .sizes constantly on haiul. ytrict iiereonnl attention given to tlio preparation of all our coal. Grain, Lumber and Slab, taken In exchant'o for coal. Coal dollvcrcd to any part of tlio town. Ordci'rf left at McKelvy Neal A Co's, storo or at our oDleo, will rccelvo prompt attention. Orricu & Yauds at JMCKELVY' ii JNLAL'iJ 1' 'UUNACTI, J'jAST BLOOMsnuito. patronago respect fully solicited. HKKOIIS OP YOUTH. P.vciy nervous Yonns Mnu In Ilia Union, will lecelve, In e, a litclpolhat wlllprovoablesslni! throueh l ie, ly auurcssina, in commence, JOHN ll.OUDKN. J'.ot 517- P. O. ii Cedar Ht., N. Y lcb. U, ly. U. Comer HIXTUau.l AltCU liucK-, l'UII.ADELl'UIA, Andly Dittgglsts and Dealers generally. J01IK.ST0N, IlOLhOIVAY & COVi'IlUX, tiu2 Artcu Street, I'iiiladelxuiia, AgeuU. apr 1.'. Is7'J-ly nima 1 (iTTTflV I oryouwnimljscholco Li; WIfe' U'.t and greatest woil:. OUR nr. MY JOLLY FUIEND'S SHOItKl'. It is bv odds tho mo-t takini! and saleable boo): in tiio Held. 1 It is on a vitally Impoifnt sub ject, a It is by AiiurlcnM must poiu!ur writer iu neaiin. ,i i i., uu llio piice. luu laMeiiLaim h 'Ud-iUJL' t book ivei nnd by sub'iciiptlon. A 'entn. llio nconlc me ef ' . bivsiuii a boolc.a"d will uran you to biinj il to thtin. W uto lur terms, vc, freo. CILOiKU; MACL'IAN. rubi!..hcr. spill Lfi,'7.'-tf. 73J Suusom bluet, PhiladclphU. Mq.fcMMiWl.ilWI T. Ill.fwi I 1 1 P innnnAGi!is"TS WANTED I U.I II II I 1,11' II1U' Ul'C.ll PQLfflCAL CAIPAM CHAET. Tho most .Utiactlvo and f-ibibii' tbln ; out. It md. pousvmo in iiii-ii oi an parties, iiiiuisiuu i tbo l.i H and Humes needed, lor every In. tv Uncut voter. Am ntsnioselllnc iiom, l. LU A DAY . Tho mot liberal terms. Hind for descilptlve cii'cuiais. Aiuiicss, Ut 11 u:ld AMUiiiAP, ruuiisiur, 711 Hansom Mtrcit, PlIlLAlirLl'IIIA. Tho tclohrntod MillMUo I'rult Jar, acknowl Oilgpdlobobv fin llin Ixn-t in tln TVlmlrelja. n ula&. ol auiierior niatcil.u and workmanshln Consumers having oneo used theso, will havo no t'Oimirv I'lirsicuus will nnd ourstoelc mil ami ciinplto, compr. dug uU t -o old staples of the iu.'Lria- wcuica, r.i wen as an mo inner discov eries or medical dclenco, (.'iilnlne. Morphia and Onlum alw.'ysln nbnnd iuco. Hanco lftoH, aud M itlto' nrena rations. Klntil nml Holld ua ieU Kuxlm and 1'iilsol tho Pharma- copua sii:;nr-conieu. ymvexn nun wtili;btinnn'H Chemicals, ami Piul. SS'iulbu'd modlUuc-i, u lull stoct, UDITOR'S NOTICE A1 'loo uuuirsiftncu unpoiniiu uvr.vTEoir s.vviLLA i".i.r.n nnc n. an tribulotho I'umUiu tho hands of tlio AdmluK- Audltor to ills C. B. JACKSOK, ) (j, V, J. CAMI'llF.LL, hC In MnMOitiAM. At a regulnr moot int; of llio Union Sunday Hcliool, at OransovUle, held July i!(!th, 1672, the following preamblo anil resolutions ',vero adoptetl : WiiunuAs, It hnth pleased an Al mighty I'rovitloncoto roniovofrom our mitlat tho soul of Miss. Anna Mary Luu oaeh, tliercfuro bo it Jicsolvcd, That whilo wo humbly mib niit to llio decrees of Him who controls llio destinies of tho world, in taking fioin anionp; us our Hlstcr, that lu her (loath wo havo lost a faithful nnd cou nistont member and Christian advot'.Uo of tho Suntl.iy .School can e, whoso loss ,yo deploro nml mourn. Jicsolvcd, That by liclnjr thus lomind od of tho sliortnc3 of life and certainty oi death, that wo apply ourselvti moio iiloseiv to tho ereat work of tlio Sunday .School eauso that wo may bo nlways neatly to say that wo nave ttono our whole duty to ourselves and others: that should wo bo called away like our ulster wo can, with extended nanus, ceeelvo the command to denart. Resolved, That ns n special mark of I't'Hpt ct to our departed Rinter, wo urapo in mourniiiK uio ituics,i,iiriis aim ivinuu lor tlio spaco oi twonty days. Jicsolved, That wo tender our sym iiuthies to tlio bereaved family In hand mik to them a copy of theso resolutions mid that tho sumo bo scut to tho county papers ior liuuiicaiions. J. B. llAllMAN, ) J. II. For, t Committee O, J, Mi:aAH(iEij,. ) Wk havo already alluded to tho very lir;a crop of berries this year on tho mountains and would mention as fur. tlicr proof that n young son of Mr. Wll Ham llulmos recently picked ovor thico pints of whortloborrlos without ehanir lug his position on tho top of a rock Whoro ho had been stationed, and oven then tho bushes woro not picked clean. Berries must ho thick whero this can PrnitAl'.s no real medlcliio over pained tno nl.l nnnnlnvllv wlllell I'llf.llirla llllS llOUC. OllO iiison rilntcs their c.tpcrlencoof IIsrooJ cll'cets n nniilhi,.. II In a vi.,jrrtalilii nrenarntlon. r.v- in.-ilv lint-mlosu. nlensant In lnltn! dues not ills- tress or gripe, but rcuulatcs tho system, and Is SUIU lO npt'Ull" li.-ii un nine, ii-m.-tiii:-. ..mi i, Any pircnn who has ever used C'astorla to, Kinmni'li Ache. L'on.linatlon. L'roun. l'lalulcuey U'nrni. Pilc. nr dei'.ilieeil I.tver. will Uiivel" nsaln mo nnmcnllng Oil, Hitler Pills or Nnrcolle riyiups. j no asioiia cnnnuiis unuier .hiuu nl, .Trii-nlihiii nnr Alcnhnt. llv Its sootllltll quletlui; eltuci it prnuuees uaiurai s.ecp, umi i particularly auapiu i m erym : aim luuiiun,; children. It costs but eonts, and ouo bo'.Uo will save many uouai in u.n-outs mils trators of tliouotato of havlb v Penler deceased will meet tbo naitles lnteu-sted at his ollleo iu tlio town of lllonmsbni'jj'iiii-atuiday August Ulst, ls72, nl 10 n'clo' k a. in-, win u aud theru ull pcr snns Interestod are uuues:eil to m'sonttlicm to tno AUUllor or ne I'lie.i i oeu.uivu .uiu euuiiuu in lor satd luu l. nJlwI, Auditor. i'i i.ii.oi'stli:v-.iN.-.(iIorl,His aud delihtlul rn. i im Hutnuii-r weather t... Ita tronlcal heat is a Koveie tilal to thu vital nnwcin. Kven tbo .it-mnnist aio somotliiiLS nrobtr.ilud bvltseilLCtS: Tno coalmen pnrasu npiuieu in iuih euiiuuiun oi ii, n i.n.l v I -i "ironeial debll Iv." Now. aeneral diblllty niises Irom, mnl include a variety of nllmiml-s. tiio liver is moro or loss aiiecicti, mo bowels !U.i i uiier cnn-npaitu or too inuci ii i,.,i ii, e si.imai'h but bull' rciloiim the wo.U nl dlui si Ion, the appetite U poor, and tho splii's di t le-Md. This 1. 1-. culled Helical debili ty. It i i Hernial dlsuiiauut-mcnt ot all thu 1 Insie.d i'lm, tl ms, and rciiulies in a icmudy a i... .1 in wilt r.Miulalu them ail. llnstt - lei s Moiusch liiltets is especially adapted in tin- puipnse, lis general operaiinn is inn emi- lined to a slu iio organ, ii mo iiver is anec.i ii i !Llnri.a itn lone. 11 tlio SLOinaell is'lild. u'lit'iierates It. If tho nerves nio ireimi'ous ai 1 wuilt. n in in. and ii'innircc-i men. ir im ..,1ml M-nii'ii .vinn .1 lilz.-s wilb uio body irtiininv de.iiiondcnt. it lelluvus tiiedilllciitlv aud soiin biiniss Iho wholo mt eh.mism ol the body Into h.uiuony with ll.o laws ol health, 'rhiMi, , nn rivlllr.eil nation in thoWeLicrn llciuUpbcii. in which tho ulilityof Hoi.eltci'K htoiiuih li.ttcrs asa toule, cor. cot tve, and anti i.i n mii. iiiedit nnl kuouu mid aimreclated. ThrouKlinul tlio Tropics it isconsldcrui, bolh by tho penuln and tho pinh sslnn, tho staudi'"d si -i-clilc. Willie II is a iiitilicluo loi all seasons r d all ellmaUs, It Is e-peclally suited to tho eni.i. .il!il.,iu Ki'iiiTilril bv llio we-i.ber. 'ii-lm? llio n" . ist und best vegetable stli ulcnt 11 thu wolld. iinu'inu nl lho llltti-is mado nr acildamtie geious materials, which partn-i ate emieinouni; iu ioisi upuu rue people, tne i- nniiin 1 leelon. and tlio nubile has no t-uuiaul 1 IniL Ibev aiu lint nolstinors. Adbeio In tiio tiled remedy, Hostellers llllb f.sold only .u ,'last, nnu neer in uces or uarrcis, ujiwi A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICIO. XL tsrATU Ol' l'KTIlU SlUlCKllU PKO'II. Litters of Administration on lliu eututo ol Pclei Htueuer Into ol catawissa tnwushln. Lul- uiubi l oounlv. deceased, luivo boon urauted bv l ie lit i-ier in s nil coiituv m iiinuu j. iveeuei- t'alai, .'i. atwp. All i u.suiisb .iusclalmsn!;.i;nst llin et'iti ni mo nu'eiieiiL Era l'Liiuesicit in pro scut tin m lur t Itiii'tllt. and tin .,o ludibtcd I' tiio e. t'-le to ina'.o payment to llio uudersliiuid UU 111 1 11 till il.tir, i, i mil i-i i.'i . iiiitAii j. ni:i;uiiu, ii31'Vi. Administrator. CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Oarapany. OF NLW Y'ORR. Ko. of Policies Issued 43,000. $5,500,000. TSSUES all tho new form of Policies JLand prosonts as favorablo terms ns any com pany lu tho United males. Tho company will ma'ro temporary loans on lis policies. Thirty days' craro allowod on oaoh payment, and tho polloy n .Id i-nod during that time. All our polfciej aru ucoatt Uablo for tlio usual cnnsoi. PoIicK j issued by tub! ci.mpauy aro nou-for-fclture. No extra charge made for travelling permits. Policy holders shard lu tho annual prollteor Iho company, and have a volco lu tho olootlous and management of tho company. No policy or mod cal fen charged. .rusxtia r.AWUi!,Nt'IJ. I'rrs't. r. iu wvnkooi", Vlcei'ros't, .). 1. Hooerh, HccKjtary, 8. o. Uu.sdlw, Jr., Aotuary. Ccutval Olos of loilh-Easieru Peun'a. "Columbian" Buiidin Of l'anncrs nnd others will il-dnurstott: ot Puro Olronnd Y.'csiorn Hone. Oil ui Vllrlnl. Holnhalo of Soda aud Nitrate ol'SiH-', of better mitllty and at luwer priaos tluiucnu.iolound olsowhcie. COACH AJS1) WACUN M.UO'.UM would do well to si - our stik rid luimtro- our prices ho- torp pur jb.i si ui; t '.so w i.e. thu 1 1 'la II nnd Piceuptinh department Is undci tbo gujierlsluu oi Bill. A. . CATEiCAUT, hohas hadyeas of i'.peripnrfctn imslness. au'o auu (imnibt.m atwii,LauiN ur.vaya in alien lance. This department consists of tho entn poundi'ii: nl 1'liyslul ms' pro wrl pilous ami laml ly icclpes, Iho pulllui; up ot Dye Htuirs, etc., Iho rrlnllln!! of Patent Modletnes nnd Drnc'ikt'K sundries, sueli its Poi. uineiy, euiiiprisini; nil of llio limn uuineu noiii mil iiioti. I'uiiueill AIUlll- eau mauui'iclurciKuud Iho specialties ot all tho Foreiijn, French, Kntrllsh, Oerniau aud l'eriumt'i'j. Toilet Koa p.-, in 1. 1;, Lomeslie. . Ueiy, lolh Import-'dnnd Fine Hair, Tooth, Flesh, Clollips.Blmv .HltOUI- iiiL' it Nail Briithe i. 'rrus3C8,Sli der Brueos & Supporters, Nur Jug Botiltv, i'ockot Bods.,, A DJllNlBTRA'i'OR'.S NOT1U1J. f , r.vxE op i iinisriAs I.UTZ, mi., one n. Notice is hereby clvcu that loiters of Adminis tration havo been ranted by tho l'.eglslurol WUUol Columbia county to tho nnt'crslsued up on tlio est do ol Christ lairLnl.Sv,, lato ofHIlllu lOWCSllip Ul sain eouiuy, u'nv ueci'iisen, .i. persons Iiul-'bttd to r lid i.litu aro iiutrel to m.Ote payiueat and all pi rsons wlio liavo claiins aginuM -.aitl tn'Utt- in III l1. i' llieill lillol u io ll.O UUiU'lblIll"!. " .j, . . wiilimvilitivr. Neco) t ii U wiej-, I .'it Tno Co. 5''1WJ . FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, Ornuineutat Trees awl Tlauts, Ghoico Gardon and FitM Soods, &c, S p, udid stn-'t ot the i!ii,!r-nii v.tktlm &nd tin U -i i'ii un. ".'ii'nlo 'H-- nnl Pi Im d list. pajf oi tho United Male". aillftii otich KDW H..1.IIVANMACO., .YUUCI'illlC'l'tll .Si'CIill.Oit, VOUK-, PA. t'i,:iio 1. 1 i'.irc' iijjciD,, wii Bill Iloolsn t a i ."-si brnu.l, Win Of t,'.ll ELOOMSBUH, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jon. 6,IS72-tf. Ic-KELVY, KUAL & CO., BKALEl IN D BY GOODS, G ROGER! 3D S , AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURO, PA. jauara-tr . JRIDQE LEXTIXCM rroi'osais win no locvcn ou isaiuruay, tho 17th dn' of Aunu.t noi, bet ween tho lumrsof It) nnd o'clock ol' i .id day, ou tbo ground, tor tho buIldUm or cii'lli'i oi a brldjio lu locus' Inwiiship. belwei u tbetMuniics ot Columbia nud oiiuumueri i, .1 on ii i.iung i-rceic. at a p'.aen whoro tho pub. I ' I Iii.ii-ln Hear Clap ero-ies said creek W. lu-r. . 'J olio a bi.uo bridge !i lect long, to..t.,l. At n. meats to bo Ufu'i nbovownttr in. lii. tpot .. alolisrm bo sii n on ground on dr y of I-tfi". rurlher infniiiis tlon cm bo had . y uti'is 10 tl ' office, Com'", olllrr I' ol,' ' i..'., Ali-t. ? 1871'. I Yl.l A : ol 111NH," I1..1. IU l'.:il. K'om'rs WM, KI1 M.VISH, J Attc WW.. UILl.LAOjl.O CIU. PIlKiaiiil elitar smokers and many .thiBs im-pos-iblu to uuiimeruU' hole. Tno handsomest SOB A FOTfJKTMN Ir in 1 1 it. U LnCtJiiiUimly tlr'vu, lUotw foyl uuU rc.u st I- imi pr,,.,ijti' ith tho Amor If nil ".Uiln, Im. nmlUiAtttl u'Htcrot Vlhv, r .i.m- 'i nml ".a, NKW V'lIlK, CU11I., .1S1I LI VKIUSIOI.. Nl.W AND riIIiI.-POWEP.Kl) TKAMIIII'B. nn: i,AitaiT inthi: woui.u. OfKANIC. UCLTIU. IIKPU11UO, ATLANTIC, lllllll,', lliJ IK. HaHlng frum New Vol lc on SA1 1W l).l S. from lvamool on TUUUfaOA i and Coik llarwir the day folinwlnu. , , ., 1'roiu tho White Hlai !-, P.ivonla IVrry, Joy. City. , l aSHOllgV. ll-Clllll'ltwtMl wua .v. um,h nurlvallid, C'lmblnir.ij ..,.,.,.. HAIfBl'V. m-Kl'-i'i am lAJJirimi. Halnnn. state-ioouiH. siuokin t-nxHU nml liatli looms in niidsli.,i i ,ct.on,v,he)c least motion I fidt. Burgoous nnd M.t-rnratfeii aecompai thse steamers. ..... oy t 1., "ilim. l.iMf,. )l -ii-....ow inuiuiii.i . . nUlil'iVU. illU.,- ivMiiu-B iv --. .. n rom tho Old Coim.iy cm i.ow obtain ) -.- proriaidwitiut'. .rianoy. n)erle, Taiii, llnmburith, NoTW, We.' n li.tii.t, Austi.-i-'i-, 1 Inua. etc. rr.uisfrom fiuowjuus, toi Inspeclli .ml plai: i enaottwrluiHUiRt .-n, riii ly at the ti ..iaDj- tumowi,no.tii'nuwi'j N sniiw. ilieiu tn iho I'.iiillnl.Slm lt lu Iho North iV West llrauch ltailioau, aio hereby notllled that MARKET REPORTS. If Ihcy fall lo pay Iho assessment of ten per cent on sr'd stock duo Hist July, on or beforo tho .list ituy 01 auuusi inn, luoy win uo sunjeci ui iuu legal penally of ouo per cent per mouth lu said .isscssi.ieui. l!y order of llio Iloaid ot Directors. nil 1ST, Mm. WM.NK.IX4 Tieaimcr. Illoonisliui k fttnrktl. Wheat per biiBhel Jl.sO iiyo " ...h Unru " Ilntu. lflnumftr barrel........ 10 Oloversoed 0 CO KlaYseud 1 fiG llulter 3U TanowlV.V.V.V.lV.V.V.V."V,V,'r.!!l iu PutaloeH 11) Dried Applo - to Hams i IS Im Collcie for. Yonncr Laclies, L llAaiui1 niiii- i'. .i With amnio Urou.ids and cletaut llulh Inns, bo ii lilted up as lohohomeliltoniii atttaetiye, aiul won C'liilppcd lor tboroimh i durational work, will oneii Uip I'lrst Te.m , n ' lliu , noxt A'?' i vearDeiiiouiue. ...j, bi-.i . -v"-"..:-i"i r ilov. O. K. Uhk. iidi m.-im xTOTini. iM Tho undersigned heieby notify nil thoso ludeiiteii in iiiem mi inn.', uuiiii ii. iniuiv uiwjiiiii. to call ami sculu tlio samo ou ur befnru Iho llrsl i.uni ( ir ii, hi, r next. All ueuloetlUK IbUliiillto j,ay opcd f) ly 'VS,,xVV,vv Our Un mi! l)i paiiiiii iil, i nmprlscs nil thn ollleiuiu pri ptiiatiiiii . oi uio u. is ruin macoiHeu.'ilncluii'i, Hyuips, elc, OIL OF GLADNESS uspeiliic fm Cjhup, lhiins end Ju and ono ot llu mostvnlunhlo iiuxibarloi In the euro nl yelter-plle, hnartem ss, t ic, in el known. Tlia irmely liii ri-diif? Baits nllest Its jiopulailty ns u limuclioiii remeiiy. .Moyci sTm l.Vinuii Diops u vnluahlo remedy fur ninth'! uf Iiiiik slundlni: nud Incipient con sumption, l'lavorlui! ostnicla.Vlwenco Jnmnlca UliiKur. elc. 'loan nt which wo us it ineaiuu lion of the (seneral public, Tlio wa0" will still oontliiito lo pay IU M .ten visitB to inoir country eugroin ors. r Vort, J. H. r'P VBKH-Afccni OiW W. fti-U-CCK. i;ioorobn, i - BACGH'S Oi'1 LIME, . , Standard hli'My Impmvcd nnd w,iir9Btoi. Prleo, 15,u0 ivr 2,WJ lua., Csh. ?-Ntw Worlu. jiow lu opemllon." d-New Maler.iU uca In mauiifactorlnu.-i. J 77i flu vTi.'ih iicJrcytii our uorA en the r Aprll'iamil only a (wjii ilriciy. Wo wan ant. mo biuuuiin ""i Imspliato to bo of n higher Kradot iftiilit t ne. MOYiSlt BKOS. Kn couslsi tnouts wUl ho mndo under uy i-lf CT "is uotVottalu w? can contlnuo ui inl our present roUuctd I'ltco cwfiv W Oif w i j(w Jlq(trtl. . , onii fricnt's -Wo tUank tur rBklWuJuta und hi generally fur Oiflr rnllr-,'u "u uw '"' orad orde--; ramuu our GrROUNl? RAW BOKS. WAIUIANTEDPUHK. At W5.00 lr a.OOO ll., CHoll. Ordtn for lull Ud aro johikuU to bec If"""'"" l" ".,' innili.n: tftWHiHiiti iciuv r Hides ii ml Hhou idem t) Ijud per pound . 10 Hay per ton ti.ti,.i,tii.iiti.iii.M...w.MM..i...,iiM. ii IM I'VHIIVO, t). l, ilAIIDEIt. J J lowing result ; hu done, 'Mturxvy.Nicv'i.A co. May 10, ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers