The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 16, 1872, Image 2

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Friday, August 10, 1S72.
Our Cniullilalcs.
Wo rofor our remlcw lo tlio uiHclnl
DrncecilliiRfl for tlio 1oIiII(m1 rtoliiRrt o1
tho Convention, Thero woro but two
enwa In which n ballot liecntno nccofl
nary. In ono of thoso thcro lmil boon no
Instructions to tho DoleKfitos ; nml in
tho other, nmong tlio tlirco Oninlidntitf
no otio lmil n clear majority'. Anpriront
ly tlio very boat fooling provnlloil, find
tho iiullcilionaof tho popular will wcro
mi pliilu, Hint no room waa left for (lis.
For l'nulilont Juilgo thcro wns no op
position to tho Hon. WUIlnm Elwoll
who Inn prmhlod in tho district for
yetira with illstingHlshcu' ability, im
partiality and courtesy.
For Dolognto to tho Constitutional
Convention thcro was ontlro unanimity
in favor of Col. JohnO. Froczo, who is
too woll known to tho pooplo of this
county to requlro any rccommondntlon
at our hands.
For Sonator, Charles Q. Barkloy was
selected on tho third ballot. Holsn
incnibor of tho liar, has been Cuairinnn
of tho County Connntltco, Superintend
ent of Common Schools and Principal of
tho Normal School, and to bo chosen
over two hul-Ii distinguished competitors
is a high compliment to his merits.
For Member, Charles B. Brockwny
has boon returned without opporltlon,
and wo can promise for him that ho
will bo as faithful, as vigilant anil as at
tentive In tho future as in tho past.
For Trothonotary, B. F. Zarr bad no
competitor in the convontion. Ho is so
well known ns tho efficient nnd obliging
clerk of Gen. Ent, that all men havo
ussuranco that ho will bo a careful and
attentive head of the department. Tho
south sido of tho river has had no rep
resentative in that ofllco for years and
Mr.Zirr's nomination was a recognition
of that fact and of tho claims of tho
largo German population In that part
of tho county.
For Register and Itecordor, W. H.
Jacoby was ro-nominatod, having glvon
such complete satisfaction during his
past term that no ono appoarod to con
test tho race with him.
For County Commissioner, William
Lawton, of Groonwood was soloctod.
Thoso who know him spoak of him
with high praise, and his voto ovor tho
ablo and well known gentlemen who
woro candidates says moro for him than
columns of praise.
For Auditor, U. J. Campbell of Main
was chosen. Ho is an energetic and
capable merchant, familiar with ac
counts and well fitted to dfschargo tho
duties of tho offlco with knowledge nnd
discretion. Ho has 11 loci tho ofllco bo
foro, and with credit.
For a tlckot composed of such men
wo havo no hesitation In asking tho
support of all good citizens of thocounty
and wo hopo that tho voto In October
mayprovo conclusively that thopcoplo
havo In it all faith and confidence
Edward Herrick Jr. Chairman of
tho Bradford County Domocratio Com
mittee has written to tho Now York
Tribune that at different Fosofflcos in
that County subscribers to the Tribune
found in their boxes copies of tho Now
York Times, a violent Grant papor,
and were told when thoy asked for their
own paper, that the Times was tho bet
tor sheet of tho two and that, being fur
nished gratis it was much hotter for
them. Theso, outrageous proceedings
explain tho intent and meaning of tho
circular Issued by the Post Mastor at
Towandaand publishod by us, calling
on postmastors for a list of subscribers to
tho Tribune. Tho aim of tho Grantltosls
to suppress all papers and documents
opposing tho ro-olcctlon of Grant. Mr.
Morcur seems to bo very anxious to
save himself in his own county and
this stylo of swindle ho perhaps thinks
will do so. A party which stoops so
low to conquer deserves and will meet
with defeat.
$78,000 Missino. A little Irregulari
ty in tho accounts of pious and patriotic
General Howard has been discovered
In closing up tho affairs of tho Freed
men's Bureau. In othor words tho ap
propriation of seventy-eight thousand
dollars made by Congress, exclusively
for hospital purposes, appears to be
missing, it is claimed that it was put
In with the genoral fund and used for
othor purposes, but by what authority
this courso was pursued, if the claim bo
true, is not explained. Tho hospital
department Is twenty-eight thousand
dollars in debt for tho supplies furnish
ed, and no funds to pay tho demand.
Of courso a raid will bo' mado on tho
treasury to meet It.
Auditor Gonoral John F. Hartranft,
ono of tho Ring organs Informs us. Is
"an intelligent mombor of tho bar of
Montgomery county." If ho is a law
yor ho should bo acquainted with Pur
don's Digest, and if ho Is Intelligent ho
ought to bo able to comprchond tho
provisions on pages 228-1), P. L. 70 and
73, Imposing fines and penalties on any
officer of tho Commonwealth, or of any
city, county, borough, or township
thoroof, who loans, with or without in
terest therefor, any monoy or valuable
socurlty which may bo In his keeping
by virtuo of his ofllco. How can ho
squaro his conduct aa tv public ofllcial
wun una me law or tho Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania? Press.
Miss Nemje Grant, tho President's
daughter whilst In England wroto a
lottor to tho Quoen and received a lot
tor In roDlv. Until .r 4i,. i.. u
via.ln J .7 - w uwu UUVU UUUU
SfnJSS? M.d ?1 Purpose or
' "uipuigu uocumonta to Drove
nS11- OrcourseluSJ
tokon for thopurnosoi.o.iil
tho pro audU oQu-,Vnad
not alao been turned over to tho L.
papers, noono would over havo heard or
u..u.jwiuHf itat wiaueahia royal
Tlio ('anirron Win:.
Tlin ('itmcrnUK (1 mo tho term tit
cover u hlg ring) art) now moro anxlnm
limn over inpy worn m ninn inn Ainu
lor-woncnirrt ninrii nun iito wiun tithi
my. wlillo tlin po:wcs!ilon ofn (lovi'innr
ror mo ne.xi iiirco yearn mm iiupenmvti
Importance. Lot mo glvo you tho sltua-
iioni p rni. 't no uuiiiuroiis nmv uwn
nnd control tho Statu Treasurer. Thoy
nrn hts tirlnrtlniil hnndsiilutl. and roan
tho lnrgiMii j..trtlon of the nggrogato of
gains nerurrd liy imiiKing Willi tun minis
M uio coininonwi'tiiin. uireciiy ami in
directly, Hiuinii Cameron, his hoii
Domini, and his brolhor William, nro
the principal shareholders In a bank at Lowlsburu.Northumbcr-
land, Hurrlsburg, Mlddletown, West
Chester, Lancaster, Tjobanon, nnd Head
Inc. Tho banks at llnrrlHbun: and Mid
dletownaro controlled bv' tho Camcrons
iionnm liuing a paid oiuccr in ciicn,
whllo tho othors do his work. Theso
banks havodenoslts of Statu funds aircro
gating at least ?ouu,ouu. ah enccus iur
small amounts of money paid by tho
Stnto Treasurer nro drawn on tho Cam
eron bank hero. You can too by tnese
racts why tlio Uamerons oro so anxious
In lmvn ITnrtriuift elected Govoriior.
Tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth Is
n mninbor. In nnnlunction with thoStalo
Trcasuror, nnd Auditor-General, of tho
Sinking fund Commissioners. That
offlco, In caso Hartranft is elected, will
. .a n .-..!. ...III.
no uictatcu uy uaraeron, unu niuu, wmi
nn Audltor-Uonoral In their interest,
and n Treasurer whoso election thoy can
purchnso, tho resources In tho sinking
fund romaln within tholr crasn and uso.
For this reason tho lastLeglslaturo was
manipulated to provent Geary from nil
tiotnl tier nn AtiilUor-CJonora! who mfiriil
havo been Inimical to Cameron's in
terests, and thorororo, to cover up along
secreted sorles of stupendous frauds,
Hartriinft's tlmoof ofllco was oxtonded.
Senator Bllllngrclt, nt tho tlmo this was
done, ploadcd in vain to let n llttlo ray
of light penotrato Into tho Treasury,
which was not none, xnin woum imvu
been fatal, for tho reason Second. Tho
Camcrons oro Stato Treasurer Mnckoy'a
principal bondsmen. By a Philadelphia
broker's falluro Mr. Mackoy lost a frac
tion loss than ono hundred thousand
dollars. Ho Is a poor man. But his loss
had to bo mado up. How was this to bo
done? Not by tho Camerons. Henco
Mackoy opens a check on a Pittsburg
bank for tlin amount lost bv tho failure
of tho Philadelphia broker, which chock
was novcr casncu, dm ucnosueu in mu
vaults of tho Troasurv. whoro It yet ro-
.mains, with innumerable other similar
papers, an countou as casn, wiion inuy
aro really not worth n farthing moro
than their weight on tho ragman's
scales. The vault of tho Stato Treasury
is tho most polluted locality In tho
Stato government, nnd In Its dark and
imponotrablo recesses thoro nro moro
frauds hidden than thoso which damned
tho Tammany Ring of Now York, all
of which tho Camerons are resolutely
determined shall not bo exposed. If
they can get Mackoy's accounts sealed
at tho expiration of his present term,
and his vault accounts turned ovor as
cash to his successor, whoevor that may
bo, It will oaso tho Camerons not less
than ono hundred thousand dolIars,and
for aught I now know, It may savo
them from paying doublo that sum. Is
It strango, thon, that tho Camorons
fight for tho control of tho Auditor
General's offlco and tho Stato Treasury ?
With half a million of outstanding capi
tal in favor of tho Stato in their control,
and with a quarter of a million of re
sponsibility In tho vault of thoTrcasury,
It Is not surprising that thoy strugglo to
kocp tho Audltortunder their thumb, to
earry tho Stato Treasury In their pock
et, and to elect a Governor whom thoy
can load by tho ear. Press
Ofllcial Looseness,
Genoral Hartranft having boon asked
by tho Evans investigation comralttco
to glvo a statement of tho condition of
accounts uotween Pennsylvania anu
Goorgo O. Evans, testified as follows:
"Tlio claims on Ulo at Washington,
which Mr. Evans has undortakon to
seltlo, amount to $3,172,218.19: thoro
were three installments filed in 1SG2
and 18C3, amounting to $2,000,000 and n
fraction: thoso claims were proparod
and pnt in a book which is on file in my
office by Mr. M'MIchaoI." Tho book
propared by Mr. M'MIchaoI must havo
been filed in tho auditor general's ofllco
as early as tho spring of 16G3 and wo
may thoroforo reasonably assume that
It was in tho offlco when General Hart
ranft entered upon his first term in
May, 18C0. Here, thon, was tho evi
dence, In his own possession, of a largo
unsettled account between tho stato
and tho national government. Tho fif
teenth section of tho act of 1811 very
plainly prescribes tho duty of tho audi
tor genoral In such a case. It is in theso
words; "Tho auditor general shall
annually report to tho legislature a list
of tho accounts which remain unsettled,
and tho reason thcrofor."
Why did the auditor genoral fail to
comnly with tho requirements of this
law? He does not plead lgnoranco of
tno conumon ot tno claims meet uy
M'MIchaoI? On tho contrary ho testi
fies that ho was informed of tholr con
dition. In 1870 General Hartranft himself
cravo Evans over a million of dollars
worth of claims. Ot tho condition of
theso claims he was fully cognizant.
but ho mado no report to tho legisla
ture of 1871, as tho law required. Are
we to look for tho reason for this neg
lect of duty in tho fact that tho
auditing officer accepted a loan of
$7,000 from tho agent about the tlmo
that such report should have beon made?
The two circumstances cannot bo sep
arated. In the spring of 1871 the law
required from John F. Hartranft a re
port to tho Legislature of tho condition
of tho claims which ho had placed in
tho hands of Evans ono year before,
and about tho time that this report
should havo been mado ho accepted
from the agont, who was bencfitod by
the failure to report, a loan of $7,000,
which ho did not repay until that
agent's nefarious transactions wcro
dragged to tho light. It is fair to assume
that tho loan was in tho nature of a con
sideration. For $7,000 Auditor General
Hartranft stipulated disobedience to
tho law. For $7,000 General Hartranft
conspired with George O. Evans to de
fraud tho stato treasury.
And now this same John F. Hart
ranft is a candldato for tho offlco of
governor. Honost republicans aro asked
to voto ror him, and about tho ears of
thoso who havo tho hardihood to rofuso,
tho corrupt ring that nominatod him
snap tho party lash and cry treason 1
But It is apparent that thoso who havo
"highly rosolved" to destroy tho ring
do not foar It nor tho party lash. Charles
R. Buckalow, whoso Integrity Is un
quo3tloned,whoso capacity is undoubted
and whoso fitness In ovcry rcspoct Is
conceded, oven by his onomles, to bo far
superior to that of his opponent, will
rccolvo tho votes of mauy thousands
of honest republicans who regard good
nnd economical government of much
grcator importanco than fealty to a
party whoso controlling power Is a cor
rupt ring. Patriot.
John D. Bush, a prominent Demo
crat, and Goorgo II. Hamilton, nwcll-
known Republican of Dubuquo, havo
doposltod $5,000 as n bot on tho
Presidential oloction as follows: $100
on ovory State In tlio Union oxcopt
Florida. Bush also beta $1,000 that
Orant will not carry three States In tho
electoral collego 5 $100 that Grant don't
carry ton States.
Caldwell, tho Republican candldato
for Governor in Nortli Carolina, was
oloctcd Lieut, Govornor or that Stato in
18G8 by a majority of 18,0 11, and becatno
uovornor by tho Impeachment of Hoi
don. At tho recent oloction his majority
ia ealil to bo about 1000 a loss or
over 17,000 1
lllnlito AtisnercO.
a vtoountm
ItHl'I.Y 1'ltOM
HUM N Kit.
Senator Sumner t bus replies to Speak-
or lllalno :
Washington, Aug. 5, 1872.
Dkau Hut! 1 havo scon tho letter
addressed to mo by you through tho
public prints, anil 1 notico cspocmny
that, whllo nnlniodvertlng upon my
Htipport of Horace Greeley, you say not.
ono worn ill Vindication 01 mm. rum-
pound of pretensions known as urnni
l.sni, In contradistinction to Republi
canism, which you would Install nnow
in tno uovernmmii. iuu ukij
concerned nbout tho company 1 keep.
To quiet this solicitude, I beg to say
that, In Joining tho Republicans who
brnuirlit forward an orlirlnal Abolition
ist, 1 find mysolf, with so many others,
dovotcd to tho cau?o I have served al
ways, that I hod not missed you until
vou hastened to report nbsenco : nor
had 1 taken account of tho "Southern
RnrwHinutitta." whn. ns vou nvcr. aro
now cooperating with mo In support of
th soi' L' nol Abolitionist, except to re.
loleo that, if 11111011!' nw former nswci-
ntes, somo into yourseu, ncsiiuiu, mwr
places aro supplied in an unexpected
Yon ontlrelv mlsntinrohond mo when
you introduco nn incident of tho past
ami Dunn on 11 an argument wny x
should not stinnort Horace Geoloy.
What has Preston Brooks to do with
tho Presidential election ? Novor whllo
a Fiilroror did nnylody nio speaic
01 111m in uiiKiiHiucss, nun now, imur
1 in irmsnnrmorn tiinn nan it'onerntion.
I Will not unite with you In dragging
mm from tno gravo wnoro 110 sleeps, to
nirirrecoto tho passions of a political
conlllct, nnd arrest tho longing for con.
cord. And hero is tlio ossontlal dltrer.
ouco botweon vou and mo nt this June
turc. x soizo tno opportunity 10 moito
tho equal rights of all sccuro through
pcaco and reconciliation. But tills lu
ll n I tn boon vou would nostnone. Sovcn
years havo passed sluco wo laid asido
our arms: nut unuoppny uuring an
this period thcro has been n hostllo
spirit toward each other, whllo tho
rights of colored follow-cltlzon3 havo
been in perpetual question. Sovcn
years mark a natural period of human
llfo. Should not tho spirit bo changed
with tho bodv ? Can wo not. after sovon
voars. commenco a now llfo. especially
wiion tnoso onco our 1003 repeal tno
saying, "Thy pooplo shall bo my peo
ple and thy God my God ?" I declaro
mv nrefcrenco for nn original Abolition
1st as President, nnd you seek to croato
a diversion uy crying ouc mat uomo
crats will support him. To which I re
ply, so much tho bettor. Their support
is tho assuranco that tho causo ho has so
constantly guardod, whether of equal
ritrlits or reconciliation, is ncccntod by
Domocrats, aud this is tho pleugo of a
truo union beyond anything in our
history. It is a victory or lueas, witu
out which all other victorias must fall.
To intonslfy your allegation, you Insist
that I am ranged with Jefferson Davis
and Ronort Toomi)3 ; nut paruon mo,
nobodv knows how tho former will
vote, whllo Robort Toomb3 Is boisterous
against Horaco Greeley, and with him
aro Stephens, Wlso and Mosby. This
Is all very poor, aud I mention it only
to oxniuit 1110 cnaractcr 01 your at'
In tho samo spirit you seek to avoid
tho real issuo by holding up tlio possi
bility of what you call a Democratic
Administration, and you havo tho
courage to assort, as within my knowl
edgo, that by tho election of Greeley
Congress is handed over to tho control
of tho party who havo positively denied
tho rights of tho black mon. You say
that I know this. Mr. Speaker, I know
no sucn tuing, and you should no sum
ciontlv tiutiniii not to usuit it. 1 am
entirely satisfied that acanvas3 liko tho
present, where the principles declared
at Cincinnati aro openly accepted on
ono sido and not contested on tho other,
must result in n larger number of Con
gress roprcsontatives sincerely dovotcd
to tho rights of tho colored citizen than
evor beforo. Tho Democrats will bo
pledged as novcr boforo, to tho ruling
princlplo that all men aro equal boforo
tho law, and also to tho three Constitu
tional Amendments with tho clause in
each empowering Congress to enforco
the same by appropriate legislation.
But, besides Democrats, thoro will bo
tlio Liboral Republicans pledged like
wlso, and also your peculiar associates,
who, I trust, will not botraV tho cause
Senators and Representatives calling
thomsolves Republicans hnvo been lat
terly in large majority In both Houses ;
but tho final mcasuro of Civil Rights
to which you refer, though urged by
mo almost daily, has failed to becomo
law, loss, I fear, from Democratic op
position than from Republican hike
warmncss and tho want of support in
tho President.
The great issuo which tho pooplo aro
called to docido in November is on tho
President, and nobody knows better
than yourself that tho Houso of Repre
sentatives chosen at tho samo tlmo will
naturally harmonize with him. So It
has been in our history. Now. harmo-
ny with Horaco Greeloy involves what
I most desire. With such a President,
Congress will bo changed. For tho first
time sinco tho war tho equal rights of
all will havo a declared representative
at the head of tho Government, whoso
presenco there will bo of higher signifi
cance than that of any victor of war,
belnc not only a testimony, but a con.
stant motive power in thisgrri-' cause.
opposition, whether open hosn tty or
moro subtlo treachery, will vieln 10 the
steady Influenco of such a representa
tive, 'iuereiore, in loouing to tno res
ident, I look also to Congress, which
will tako its character in a largo mcas
uro from bim. In choosing Horace
Greeley, wo do tho best wo can for tho
whole Government, not only in tho
Executive, but in tho Legislative
branch, while wo declino to support
nopousm, repayment 01 personal guts
by official patronage, soizuro of tho war
powers and indlcnity to tho Black nn.
public, and tho various incapacity ex
hibited by tho President and tlio rings
by which ho govorns, nono or which
can you defend. You know woll that
tho rings aro already condomncd by tlio
American people.
For myself. I sav ulainlv. nnd with.
out hesitation, that I prefer Horaco
HrnnlnV With nnv rVllirri-naEi nnaall.ln n.t
tho Cincinnati platform, to Prosidont
urani witn nis pretensions nnd his
rlnirs. a voto for whom luvnlvns tim
support of all his pretensions, with pro-
longcu power in nu tno riugs, Thoro
must bo another iniiuonco nnd another
example Tho Administration In nil
Its parts la Imnrossod bv tho Prosidont.
Lot his soul bo enlarged with tho senti
ment 01 justico, quickened by industry,
and not only tho two Housos of Con
gross, but thowholo country will feci
the lrreslstlblo authority ovorsprcadlng,
pervading, porracutlng ovory whore.
xiiutuiuru, 111 proportion aa you are
earnest lor tno rights or ttio colored
cltizons and placo them abovo all parti
san triumph, you will bo glad to sup-
port tho canuiuato whoso heart has
always throbbod for humanity, Tho
country needs euch a motlvo power In
tho Wnlto Houso, It needs a conorous
fountain thoro, in ono word, it noeds
somebody different from tho present
incumDoni, anu nououy Knows this
hotter than Snoakor Blalno. Tho nor.
sonal imputation you mako upon 1110, 1
ronol with tho indignation or an honest
man. I waa a faithful supporter of tho
Prosidont until somowliat tardily
awakened bv his painful conduct on thn
Island of Santo Domingo, Involving
soizuro 01 ino wr iuwor in violation
I of tho Constitution, and Indignity to
I tho Black Republic In violation of In
ternational law ; aud when I ration
stinted tho Intolorablofiutrages,
L was set upon ny tnpso aenng 111 111s
behalf. Such is tho origin of my oppo
sition. 1 could not linvo dono less
without fal I nro in thn ditivwnicii is
with inn llioritloorilfoi nor can I doubt
that when parllau Hotitlmelits nro Iuu
activo you will regret tho wrong you
havo dono mo. Moanwhllo I appeal
confidently to tho candid Judgment of
tnoso Who, nmiusi an prosoni unior
niicox of opinion. 1111 1 to in tho trroat ob
jects, fur abovo parly or President, to
which my nio is uovoicn. 1 am, nir,
your obedient servant.
uiiAiiui' numiM'.u.
I'o tho llonorablo Speaker lllalno.
Mcrcur's boio for Soldiers.
An Exhibition (f Petty Ty runny.
Let everybody read tho following.
and then decldo whothcr Ulysses Mor
cur is a proper man for Juilgo of tho
Supremo Court, llocatnon soldier, who
nan nonornuiy served in tno army lor
four years, saw proper to voto as his
consclonco dictated, Mr. Morcur pur
sued him with devilish malignity, and
uiu nis uesi to roi nun 01 employment,
succeeding no far ns ofllcial power was
concerned 1
Capti Trout commomlod tho first com-
Eany that entered tho scrvlco from
iradford county, fought bravely at
Spottsylvonin, Coal 1 Tarbor, Petersburg,
and In nbout twentyothcrongagomonts,
and finally received an houornblo dis
charge after four ycar of hard service.
lot tuis uravo out ntiiiiDio soiuier was
afterward driven from nil Government
employment by Me. Morcur bocnuso bo
would not violate his conscience nnd
his duty, ns a freeman, and voto for tho
samo Mr. Morcur for Congress! But
roitl uapi. Trout's affidavit, to-wlt:
Jjyconww uounly, .1.1:
Personally iiimuji-cil beforo 1110 tlio
subscriber, a Justin' of tin- Peace In and
lor said county. A. J. Trout, who. liolnr?
duly sworn according to law, did deposo
and say, "Hint In tho year 18GG, I had
clinrgo of tho printing In the Freed-
men's Bureau nt Washington, D. C
at a salary of S1.S00 per annum. I had
served prior to that tlmo In tho Union
army, from which I hod been honorably
discharged after four years service :
mat Ulysses Mercur. who is thn nnm.
ineo of tho Republican party for Judgo
of tlio Supromo Court, was ut that tlmo
a member of Congress, and n candldato
ior ru-uii-ciion mat 110 camo to mo nun
solicited mo to voto for him. I inform.
ed him that I 'could not, for ho did not
represent my pontics.' 110 replied 'You
hod bettor.' A fow davs after this nnn.
vorsntlon sovornl of his most lutlranto
political mends camo to mo and In
formed mo that I had better voto for
mm, or -my head would como off.
After tho said election said Mercur
wont to ueuerai Howard, who had
chorgo of tho Bureau whoro I was cm-
ployed, and Insisted upon my being
discharged, saying to tho General that
I was a 'copporhead of tlio rankest
typo.' Thereupon tho Qonornl camo to
me and informed me of what Mr. Mor
cur had said, adding that although ho
Kuowtnat 1 unci an nonoranio dischargo
from tho army, and had sorved tho
country faithfully, yot folt obliged to
dischargo mo, as ho needed Mr. Mer
cur's iniiuonco moro than ho needed my
labor. After being thus discharged I
procured a situation nt tho Government
printing omco, nut through tho influ
enco of tills samo Morcur I was dls
charged from thcro, nnd was thus com
pelled to icavo tno city."
Sworn and subscribed boforo mo this
oth day or August, 1872.
Daniel Refas3, J. P.
Tlio government bos bought Iho old
yollow trunks full of Robol documents,
and paid $75,000 for tho lot. Thoy havo
boon in tho markot for a long time, but
Mr. Soward was too astuto to bo caught
Invrwfiur In sni'li n'ordifo-ii Blutf. Tiic
Administration caught at tho bait,
hoping to (lnd something thai could bo
used ns a campaign document against
tho Liberals. So it would seem that
tho government of tho United States is
merely a National Committeo for tlio
reelection of President Grant. Golden
Fuedeuick Grant, tho sou of tho
President, who graduated tho third from
tho foot of his ;class, was granted six
months' icavo of absonco and sont to
Europo on nn United States ship witli
tho General of tho army for an escort.
This youth who was educated at tho
exponso of tho Nation can go offjunk-
oting for months, nt public ;cost, whilst
tho brighter members of tins clas3 have
to join their regimonts and cam tholr
salaries. Thero's favoritism for you.
A Grant man in Utica having had an
opportunity to seo Grant on his recent
visit to that city, writes to the Utica
Observer as follows: "Is thcro any
penalty for signing n call for a Grant
mooting, and, after you havo scon Mr.
Murphy's President and joined in tho
genoral disgust, supporting Greeloy?"
To which tho editor replies : "There is
no penalty under tho laws of this State.
In North Carolina they would convict
a man of Kit KIux outrage and send
him to tho Albany ponitontiary."
TnE Now York Hun publishes a long
articlo charging President Grant with
suppressing an expo3uro of tho payment
of fraudulent claims to tho amount of
$10,000,000. It chnrges thnt Grant,
whllo Secrotary of war ad Interim, hin
dered an investigation and prevented
tho publishing of evidence showing tho
paymont of tho fraudulent claims by
Paymaster-General Brlco ; that though
Brico was removed by Prosidont John-
son, Grant reinstated lilm immediately
after his Inauguration. Theso facts aro
supported by documentary ovidonco,
including tlio suppressed report on tho
subject, propared nt Iho tlmo by a Spe
cial Committeo of tlio Houso of Repre
sentatives. "It is worso than foolishness to at
tempt to convict Greoloy of complicity
with Jacob Thompson in his Infamous
Bchemes to burn Northern cities. Greo
loy Is not that kind of n man," says
tho Cincinnati Qaseltc, n Grant paper.
ronnsylvAnln lias 05,201 colored In
habitants, but with good managemout
tho Grant managers hopo to got nt least
120,(588 colored votes out of them.
While Mr. Boutwoll was a momber
of Congress ho wanted lo impeach John
son becauso two members of his Cabinet
nttendeda political convontion. Now
nearly all of Grant's Cabinet travel
around tho country making political
speeches, and Boutwoll docs nol object
but goos himself,
Campaign Notes.
Five hundred nnd eighty-six Ger
mans havo formed thomsolves into a
Greeloy club ot Springllold, Illinois.
And nowQen, William Bchouicr, of
Massacnusoiis, uas lorsaKcn 1110 party
or "Addition, Division, nnd Sllonco.''
Congressman Dawes, whllo on his
way to tho Adlrondacks, Informed ono
of his friends In Now York city that ho
Biiouiu no nothing ror urnni 111 this
Sonator Sumner denies that he has
written, or In willing n letter In reply
to William Lloyd Garrison, ns ho has
not oven read tho letter of Garrison.
OAitA, KanmAh, which contains but
ten democrats, has been tlmroti;;iuy
suivained, nnd niiows Mixty-oi'tin ma
only ror urocioy.
Anofbrr Grant commlttuomau bolts.
13. 11. Smith, of Lo Sotter, a mombor of
tho Minnesota republican sinto commit
loo, luftdcolaiod for Greeloy,
A number ofournxchangMiiro print-
lm mi limn In li'L'iird lo flvo ox-mayors
of tho republican Clllos of Pittsburg :01
AllCCIieny llClllg lor urcuioy, : mm uiuy
might truthfully uiM that tho present
mnvorofPittsburglaalso for Greeley.
Pittsburg Post.
"Grant's carpet-baggers," said Mr,
tt.'rlc In bis Frankfotd speech, "have
robbed South Carolina of twenty-nlno
millions, and Governor Scott, out of his
stealings, has built hlmsc'f, ut his hotuo
in iunrictio, uiuo, a noun- unit cisi.
ly thousand."
Not nil iho women ate nblo to dis
cover tho beauties of Grnnllsm. Mrs.
Margaret W. uampiieu nas written a
good letter to tho Woman's Journal,
pointing out tho folly of Identifying tho
woman movement with tho Republican
party, and Miss Kato Stanton proposes
to tako tho stump for Mr. arceloy.
"1 havo been a member of Congrcs3
t:i vnnrs. and truth compels mo to say
that during that period tho most waste
ful and extravagant uso ci tno puiuic
money, and tho least accountability of
thoso who havo uisimrscn, novo uecn
during tho present Administration."
Ucn. I'ltrnsteorin, Jiepuuacan vonyress
man from Illinois.
Ono llttlo example will show how
thoroughly tho candidacy of Mr. Giro
lev has divided tho Republican pailv.
Tho Republican voto of Dixon, Leo
countv. Illinois. wo3 in- in lsiuaun
ftifi in 1S71. Ninctv-clght ol theso Re
publicans, or nearly twenty-nvo pol
ecat, of tlio whole number, have attach
ed tholr names lo a published cnll for a
Liberal Republican organization.
A Washington lady has bot a $5,000
dwclllnghouso against $1,000 in cash
that Greeley will bo elected,
lion. Galusha A. Grow, formerly Ro
publican Congressman from this Stato,
has written n lottor in favor of Greeloy.
It is dated Houston, Texas, tho Oth of
E. A. Rollins, who recently resigned
as Chairman of tho Now Hampshire
Grant State Central Committee, nnd
0110 of tho prominent Republican can
didates for United states senator ocioro
tho last Legislature, has now declared
ror urccioy.
Thn Grant National Committee is
dally receiving privato appeals for
innnnv. tho nnnllcAiiU asserting that
thoy must havo it immediately or all
win uo lost.
Tho St. Louis Republican suggests tho
rovival 01 tno Amorican party, nnn oi
fora ns a ticket. "For President. Snot.
ted Tail, of tho Rocky Mountains: for
Vice-President, Henry Wilson, of
Thn following Generals in tho Union
army during our Into civil war support
ureoioy nnn itrown: riooiccr, jinucucit
Mnfllnrnand. Kilnatrlck. Pleasonton. F
P. Blair, Ward, Wiioy, Burns, White
ly, unci! , Moore, xiazen, uasKun
Banks. Slocura. Mason. Coulter. Bur
bridge, Schurz, Stcadman, Morgan
Heath. McClcllan. Banning, Tuttlo
Slack, nnd Klrby Smith.
Tho Now York Dan Hook drops IMnn
ton Duncan and hoist the Grcoltoy and
Brown flag.
A letter lo tho Boston Post, speakin;
of Senator Spraguo, of Khodo Island
says : "Ho will publish a lottor iu u fow
nays (leiiumg ins position, tim.? tin ow
ing tlio weight of his immense influenco
in Itlioilo Island for Greeloy and Brown
nnd, beyond a doubt, securing thai
stato to tho liberals."
Dr. Lowell Mason, tho well known
musical composer, died in Orango on
Sunday. Ho was cighfy-ono years of
Montana territory last year gavi
Claggott, republican candldato for dele
gato to congress, a majority of -113.
This territory has just elected Magiu
nis, liberal, over Claggctt by a majority
of 300. This in a total voto of 10,000 is
great gain.
Tlio Orand Jury havo found nn in
dictmcut against Mr. Louis J. Jennings
of tho Now York Times, in tlio libel
suit of General Kilpatrick. Tho decis
ion was arrived at by an unanimous
A shocking caso of a chlld-iuurder is
reported from Naples, III. A man
named Halo disappeared from that
placo a fow days ngo under suspicious
circumstances, and yesterday a grav
was discovered near his house, contain
iug tho body of his littlo nephew, whom
ho Is suspected of having whipped
Sonator Sumner lias written a letter
to Mr. Androw D. White, expressing
muh surpnso nt tholattcr's contradict
ion of his statement, and reiterating his
charges, in which ho accuses President
Grant of grossly insulting Fred Doug,
lass, who hail been at tho pains of ne
companylng tho Santo Domingo expedi
Tho number of German immigrants
arriving at New York last month was
11,330, an increaso of 2,016 compared
with tho number for July, 1871. Tho
total number of Germans arriving sinco
January 1st is 7S.3SG, an Incrcnso of 30
721 over tho corresponding period
last year.
Advices from Peru stato that a rovo
lutlon was begun by Gutierrez, who
assassinated Prcsldeut Bulta and pro
claimed himself Dictator. Tho people
seized Gutierrez, put him todeath,hung
his body to a lamp po3t, nnd burned
Iho corpse Scnor Pardo lias boon
inaugurated President, nnd tlio insur.
rccllon is ovor.
Now Advertisements.
J J SHTATE nl' JOI1K IT-HTEll. Hr. Tirc'n.
Letters testamentary oi thoestato of John
Fester Hr.lato of Center lowufchln.Columhlaenun.
ty.deo'd.liavo been granted by tlio Ucfjlsterof
uiu uuuuiy ui juiiu i'esiur, jr., ox jninrcrceic
tup., and Lovll'cstcrofcciilrotwp. All poisons
iuvutj vmiiua u.uiini. ino I'siuiu urn reiiuesiGil
to picsent them lo tlio UieeutoN lu Columbia
county. Thoso Indebted to tho CBtato cither on
note, hltli'ment. mortcni-a nr hnnlc neennnt win
miiliupayiuout to llio Exocuto.s without delay.
ull-Ow. Executors,
A1 fYv,.PNX..AlAm':jlYs I'orryvlllo Stntlou.
il l'a. It, It, (For Mnics & Feinalo PupUs,) Loni
established, thorough, tuccessfiu ; location
healthful anil nccebslbloj coramnully (.oclal.
moral and religious : bulldlugs larto nnd costly j
a full corps olnblo teachers i mountain nlr. pure
water, mio bathing, lino tkatlugi emphatically
n homotchool. Wiolocxpoubo, for Uoard, Tui
tion, Itooui, Fnol nnd Washing (for it) weeks,)
,'! fwoiimflml tlollurs. Wlulor session
n i He pt. 3. Send for Circulars. WJLSON.
PATTEltioN, 1'ort Itoyal, J uiilata Co., P.V,
Tuscarora Academy,
. - Bond torn Circular and Testimonials,
V. D. BTONB, A. M Ph. D. J. J, l'.VTf Ensoy,A, M.
M .?11loro.ll.l,u iuMrnctlon. HenltUful and bonu
Ufa location. Ono of iho most carolully cou.
B.uSicllJlud. bC6t fcu'talntsl iiistllutlons in tho
iin?Ai'vi0i'vcVR,";lc" "ilOrcss llgv.JOilN II.
UUALl.LLl , I'll, 1, aiUfJtVl
Hioitknvillo O., Female Setninmy,
Thlq which -known HcIukiI nirorili lliorptmli
(liildtltmcihi'MXtlnn, nlncmt lit lllllo luoio liinn
A n wi-eltl nna-fuurtli oir fur rlvikyinvn, Tho
HTIIi RCMlnii () Monks) npoiiN Hoiif. lllli. Iho
nililliHS of rill fiirincr vrU Is rifillcMral, A
tllltl rouillntl in- nm i-iimi ni 1110 hhai uwii
.ml fur inrllonlnrB In 1UV. CIIAHI.IMU.IIUA
1. II. P. Mi. I'.. MUlt.,or Ili'V. A, M, ItlJIli,
hi !)., rilnoliuli miipw'i
.Ullllllt. M11.1TA11V Willi Ol )I ..
MiTcb.imvllh , N. 7..
Four milt fiom l'liltii'lelphlii.
(formerly locnKil nt l'Hinetowti, N, J.)
llnv H. N. lluwrtl.l,. A. M.. l'rfneliml.
'orty-foiirlh Aiinunl Term luigliin hvpl. 10th
mm, .iiiuuun i. o,, j-n,
JFiro Iiisuriuii'P.
Tho Mnlunl l'lnu miiunnlprai to c mtminlty
limtreil tho Krcntevt m-oiirlty '0.' tho U-iint posnl
lilo enst. Tho premium nnloi nro Iho rnpllnli
On this noillvhtomls nro nnlil lo tlio nlocklinM
cri, hut it In dimply nskewipil to jmy ilDllcloticlon
nrlsiiiR nflcr Iho payment ol Iom.11 niul ex
peiisoi, which In thoCUI.UM.IUA INHt'UANCT.
(.o.-.trA.NY.iiiirinuino 101m ir yo.111 01 use
lHloneo,htivonveniseii hiUC . per" friituiii upon
run premium mm", 'joiuk iowi-i limn iihiiil'i
iinhl In tno bent xolvrulBtwlc coinpinl 'H 1U11I11K
no mono porioj 01 nine. 111 liiiuriiiK ni mo. ii
ntes. Iho limtreil inuit pionmtnco Id hlmnilf
1 lint, hn imvH nrerv venl- I'lmllull lhl. TO form
nn nccummntpil funil for crarriteuclcs; !!!. To
liny inrgo tuvini'iuiH 10 ino enpiim iuvcmvu m
:ho Comnnnv: 'M. ltuii.i the rlilcof n "CUIciirh
llio" rntnlny nml wipliiR his Company out of
existence. In n Multtnl 1 ompnny ho kcrr''"
own re orvo lu hand until iiocileil, nnd pay no
dividend to capitalist. Tho mutually insured,
liclnij themselves tho capitalists, loolt nftcrtho
hnvlness. Us chnmitcr nml Its nzents In nil
'UcoR, inns protecuii!? each oilier, l or inmr
ncon or Ayenclos, address
j. r r ju;i.urr, Deciding.
Columbia, Lancaster County, l'a.
Aciksts W'ANTEn for Chamherlln'M Urcnt Cam
paign noon, i hk
Strtti'srio ol' '72:
A Novelty In Political niiill'opular I.ltcrnlure,
UiiAl'mu History of tho llcMilillcau nnd
inmncrntle unrt Inn- il IMr V i keli li or the RO.eall-
d I.lhernl lit nuMlcau rally: nu libido view of
he t' 11c nnntl I'onvonl oii. The minor uoucn
or Rldrt Rhovvji of thn e milkd-m. Thn llnosl llllis-
trnleil llonlc .111I1II..11C.1. A. i;oolcwnlil.'Ol)Vei.ry
American clileon. To Keen 10 territory nlniieo,
send l for outfit. UNION ruiu.iHiii w iu,
ClileKEo, 111., l'hlla., I'ii., or Hprlugllchl, Mass.
1 1 TJTTi nniT nnnnti T?nn iiv;
iiuiriiiim uuuud run
cents wauled lor our campaign uoods, Hill nt
ialit. I'av lOtl nci icnl. luollt. Nowlstho
line. Hond nt nnco for llLsclnttvo Circular, and
rlco Lists ofour l-'lno Kteel lini:ravlin;s of nil
too l anu males, vam puiu jiioiiitniieii. iuan.s,
uijiuuriiiiiis, nuuei-, imn. riiius, iiiivi dh'ii-
!,! .f.lfnil loll.n llu.u Tfl, fl,1t,,fa l,ftr ,IV
easily luado. Full samples sent lor 81. Address
Jloonn & UoOiMi'Krn. Mi l'arlt now, Now York
Thirty now and beniillful
designs. (let Prlco List of
T. 0. HIUIIAllDS A' CO.,
it'f'rs, 17 Murray bt., N. Y.
TiiECiiFMisrr.v or Diving Dnovmnscr. has
never produced n mineral water which com
blues lu such perfections tho riualltles of null
bilious tonic nnd eathartla medicine, ns that of
thoNcltzcrNpa: and taku.vjjt'-
SELTZEii Aperient Is tho nrtlilclal caulvnloul
oi luai greai naiuiiii remeuv.
Si 000
for anv case of llhiid. Diced
Ine, llcliluz or Ulcerated
i'i es inai un iiino's nr.
Kemedv falls to cine. It Is
propared expre-slv to euro tho riles, nuduothlu
else, ftoiu uy nil uriiKKisoi, x-t ico, ci.w. ,
Is the cheapest and best nrtlclo lu tho market for
Ulueliig Clothes, Tho comiliio has both liar-
low's and Willhergcr's name on tho label, ami is
nut up ntWIItliercer'H Dmis Store, No. z North
HeeondHt.,l"hlladelplila. 1). . WtLTllHUULlt,
I'roprioior ror saiu u xiriiisis ami uiocers,
rrEKl' IT HANDY. Tho ltotlnblo Family
IV .MCtuciuc, ior inupiompi euro oi I'uoiern
inarrno'a, v;uoicrn jui.iuiuiu. uyscmery
Cramits. Hummer C'omnloint. .to.. Jardella'i
ComnoundBvrun ol Illnckberrv Hoot nnd lthu
barb nn old and well-tried lemedy, cnllrely
vecetnblo. nleasaut to take, nulck nnd certain
111 eHoct; can bo depended ou iu tho most urgent
cases i may bo given lo tlio youngest infant as
wen as 10 tno nseti, n is roauuy inucn iiycnii
dren. Keep It In tho house, nud uso In time,
Hold by Druggists. JIANbULL A 11110., 2iM0
JiariCliruot,i -iiuaueipuin, xiy il.
1 aKNTd WANTED. Agents mako moro mon
A m- nt work lor ns than at nnvLlilui- else
ftuMiiCBMllhlliml I'crinniunit. l'iirliciiliiiN Iroo,
tl.HTINSON & CO., FlllO
Alt Publishers, l'oi
inuu, Elaine,
Folt couona, colds .V iTOAl;iiiNi;s.
ThcsoTablcis present Iho Acid In ComblniUlou
Willi other eillelent remedies, In n popular lorm
loriuu i lira oi nu in iiuv riinii i inse.'lscs
jtoAiiai!Niis,s nua ululiiation or tno tnroa
nro lmmedlatclv relloveil and statouionts un
constnutlv beltnr sent to tho proprietor of idle
lu cases of throat dUltcullles of years standing.
Ill ll'ili I'ou'iuouecciveuny wonnios'
(jAV 1 lUlN Imitations, (let only Wells'
Cai hollo Tablets. l'ilco2JcenU ncr llos. JOl
O. KKLI.OOO, IS Watt St., N, Y. Bolo Asent for
ino u, . uenu ior cncuinr. uiiwj
i"ri-rvA JIONTII easllv mado with filencll
Pwt)vnnd Key-Check Dies. Seeuro Circular
nnd Maniple, Jfce,
a. M. Si'KNCEit. llrattlebor
Send lor elrculirs nnd snocl,
terms for ".McClellnu's Itcpubll
canUm in America. "The l.istcst
sclllnpjbnok out,
J, M. STODDAItT & CO.. Publishers. Pnirn.
on Manhood, Womanhood, and tholr Mulu;
Inter-relations; Love, Its Laws, Power, etc.
Bend lor specimen liases nnd circulars, wit
co , rmia, ra. iui-iw
Dio Lewis' now & greatest work Isnn lmmeino
success. 13th thousand lu press, Aceuts dell'-ht-
ed and colulnc money. AOKN18 WANTUD
everywhere. (IUO, MACLEAN, Publishor 73J
Sanson at,, Phlla, n'JMw
igenls, wo will pay you 510 per weos lu cash
If yon will en;
gU Willi US AT ONCE.
furnished, and expenses paid,
DLLS & C0 Charlotte, Mich.
auuicbs r .
OHEELKY and DUOWN, tho latest r
wanted for two lire Hoot.;
Lives i
nml lies!
also, Judzo llusscll's "Llfo oi Henry Wllson."-
only conect edition published. I'vpulttr mica!
anrewa aacntt win sco ino nuvnuinsu or havtnut
look for each parly, secure territory at oucc,
and coin money. Address.
II, C, JOHNSON, Publisher, 70'J Arch Bt. Phlla,
that KVEltYfamilv want anil will lillYnt rtoiit?
sticft 1i The NEW 1LLUBTKATED FIltEalDE
nun lOM or
JUSTOt-T. All defiant octavo. liases over 1
superb illustrations, tinted paper, superior VinJina,
UJSJ.Y i; OU, IIIO t'HIlAl'EST nnn uiosi. )opuia
bouk lu print. Is n oreat HIT. Will sell every llko hot i'Akes. Posters, elrciilars,
terms, nud our An is Pocket Companion, mall
H'UllAllD l!i;oarublMicrs,7Jl Hainsom Si
It Is not a phytic which may glvo temporary
relief to Iho saileier forthoilrst lew doses, but
which, fiom continued uso brlugsPilcs nudklii.
died diseases (o aid luwenkoalng tho Invalid,
nor Is 11 n doctort d lhinor, which, under I ho point
lar nnmo of "illttcis" Is so extensively palmed
oil' on tlio public as sovcrclan lemedles, but Itisn
most powoilul Tonic nud nlloratlve, pioiiouueod
so by iho lendlui: medical aiithoiltles of I union
nnd Pin is, nud lias been liiuji used by thoiegular
physicians ol other couiitiles wllu wonderiul
lemodlnl results,
Dr, Wolls' Extraot of Juruboba
retains nil Iho medicinal virtues peculiar lo tho
plant and must bo taken nsapi'im.iucut curutlvo
Is thero want of action In your Liver & Spleen?
Unless relieved nt once, tho blond becoimis lm
puro by deleterious seciutious, ino luclug scrof
ulous ur sklu diseases, lllotelus, i'elnns, Puslulos,
Canker, Pimples, Ac, .v.
'lako Jurubeba to cleanse, purify nml restore
the vitiated blood to healthy action.
Have you a DyspeplioBloinachJ Unless diges
tion Is promptly aided tho system Is ileblliint ed
with lots ol vital forco, poverty or tho Wood,
Dropsical Tendency, Ocueral Weakness or Las
slttido. Tnko It to assist Dlgestlou without reaction, It
WlUimpart youthful vigor lo. tho weary suirerer.
Havo you weakness or tho Intestines? You
nro lu daugcrot Chronic Dlurihcuiot' tliodic.ul
iul Dillainiiiatlou of tho Dowels.
Take It to allay Irritation and ward oil' tenden
cy to lullaminiitlon.
Havo you weakness of llio Ulerluo or Urinary
Organs? You must piocuro lustnul roller or
you oio liable to sufroiliiK worso Iliau death.
Take It to strengthen organic wenkucjs or llfo
becomes a burden.
Finally It should bo frequently taken to keen
the system luperleet health or you nro other
wlso in great uangorof malarial, lalasmntlo or
contagious diseases,
JOHN ll. if ELLOUO, 18 Plall Ht Now York.
.. BoloAgcutlortho UultcilBtntes.
Prlco tl ror ilotllo. Houd lor Circular, auguwl
e u 111 hen pnhlle otniulnnllnn ol leitclKim
the keminls of I'miynuhiini nml t'eiitinlhi
llslrlrts, In (he new cliiml limine nor Colilrn-
ii, on II11. mill liny 01 aiirum, iw c minicnciun
in 11 i-kvlt, , M.
Hy ni iter M Iho llouil of lllc I ir.
IWIIUI'K M 11 Hill M 1 ll' 1 .
HeCj, 1 .iiij imimm nisi.
PATItlrK KII.I.I'.liN,
mi I'tiilrnlln lll.
n31 81
iOll HALH. Tho Siibwrlbpr offers
1 for sale his fnitn in Mllllln townnhln eou-
Seven acres nml tlilitocii perehes of Wlilcll-IUQJ
iirrwtil .mil. on wn nil in prurtcil I .
A 1'WU rilUlll l' IIA.MK lIOlIMlrl -
Hit new outniiiKUnuH m aoml oomlltlon. TTiei.o
nro two orciuii'iH 011 1110 tiremisoii nndniiover
millnKMipply of water. Tho property ndjolim
min-i uunn, iiiuKeiiiiiiti dtinuiii I'ouo nnd
hurs. Koi paillciiliirnnildieBHor npply to
nuij '.mi iiiiiunville,
WHKlirAM. thellon. Wllllnm I'.lwell. ITeRldcnt.
JtiiWeoftho Court of Oyer nnd Teimlini- and
tlenernl .lull Delivery, Court of itunitor Hes.lons
1110 j em e nun 1 nun 01 i iiiiiiniio riciH nun ur
mil's Coin I 111 thn Will Judicial District, torn-
m",e,lnf tin' count lemit Coliiuihln, Kulllviin nnd
.VynnilUK, niul Iho Hon. Hum Derruud IsnacH.
lonroo Assochuo .Indues of Columbia eounlv
invo Issued Ihelr proeenl. heaiiiiu ilnto tholllli
iiay of Miiy, lu thu nt our lrd, 0110
uotisauit, c luui miuurou nun soveiiiy.iwo.nini 10
.luiilli'ei.'ii uir iiiiiiiiiiiiiti.11111 nn or I11HI IIT-
ilner nnd ticnciiiloiiiiricrBesslousoflli- Peaco
out t ol common pleas niul orphan's Court
loonmhnrit. In 1110 county of Columbia, on Iho
rst iloud.iv. btlni! tho !M day ol Herdeiulier
next, toeonllnuu two veiks.
HotKoMliorohv Biven. to tho Coroner, lo tho
ostites ortho lvaco.mid tho Coiislablcs of tho
lid comity ol Columbia, that thev be then nnd
thero In tlielrpioper petsoii nt 10 o'eloolc In tho
loroiinou ol said id day nl Mcplembcr Willi tholr
rccoid4,liiiiulsltlnin nnd other rumeinbrnnces, lo
ilothosotlilugH whli n to tholr oillcos nppo.'taln
to bo dono, Aud thoso that nro bound by
recnjum.iiiuo, to n.oiecu o nenlnst tho urn-
oners that nro or mnv bo lu tho Jail of tho
saw iA,M:uy ol Columbia, to ho thou nnd
luero 10 niosecuie iiicui ns snau no lust. .iu.
rorsni'oHi.iuslod lo bo punctual In their nltcud
nnce.nid'ci ably tothelrliotlct s. Dated ut Ulooms-
' , v iiuik, iuu i.tu i in (iioiiij. , in uiu year
,. b, oi our jiorii, ono iiiousiiuu t ii;ui nun-
WJ died and he vent v-t wo and
flflli L'ir ol Ino lndeptiulonco ut the United
MniCM Ol AlllL'llCll. JlHU Ij.Ml lll,
llluonismug, July '.'OiiilsTJ. Bhci'ltl
JI.J Bopteniber term IS7J,
ii loom. "U io, w, uaies, ueo. cuvaiioo, Aiiitns.
tus Mason,
Jferwicic iiiiusoii Owen.
Hilar Cnnk Enoch llllt enlioiise,
Denver Peter Kneel t.
Centre Edward Ilnilmnu.
t'uutinlln Patrick F. llmke.
Cntnwlssa annuel Fredeilcl:.
(Irccnwood rrnnlc Hunt.
Hemlock Ell Oh,
Moutanr- Biimiiel Ulger,
Madison Wm. Falrinnn, Francis llmiyiin.
Mt. Plei sant Wm. Miller, Tiiomas Jones,
liranso David Ilerilng, JaiucsEvos,
l'lnu John (iordn r.
ltoailmr Cieok John D. llouclt. Frank Yo-
aeott Tiiomas urovclluit. Jr.. J. II. Ainmer-
I j nn is,.'.
lilnnm Jacob L. tllilon. Ueo. W. Hluincr.
i nisi iv r.r.i. 3i. mon 'i-
Derwlck Lovl KurU, J. II. lloyt, Alex.
I'.enver 1. v . ..inuu.
I It'll I OU 1-1 l IS II.ILI-l'll.
Ilrlarcriek D.miel lt.uuli.icli, n.'i. 1'. Lo.irn.
Ca.nwlsta N. P. John.
r..nii'c- .Ion. L. Low. (leo. II. t'
rranU"ii Jonalhau Forlncr,.laclisim Clo ivcr.
l.'lshlucc.'ce": John Whllo. M, A. Ainmer-
man, lUvld lost.
l.reeuwnou i arvin ies, j. ii. oiaauou,
Hemlock llcuhen llnjgart.
Mllllln D. A, Hess, llcnjamiu Yoho,
Madison Isnno Whipple.
Mmiton. Allaliael Houcli.
ornncre Jonathan Poust. Win. Sohuvler. Monies
livcreu, -inscpn iicnry.
i'llio lYm, jveri'iiuei, itiri,. i, viuity.
lloarlni; Creek Di vld Urltf.
HiiRnr-loaf Wm. A. Kile.
Bcoti Jose.di Milbsolinau, J. L. Crawford, J
M. HuUzhlscr.
lllnnin Frank P. Mcllllde. D. II. Vmintln. It.
11. Mlnnsii. iieo.Kitcucu.iJ. l..irr.josepn anarp
less, I. W. McKclvy.
J leaver aimon i-. .lomisnn,
llerudrk Joslall 11. Dodson.
Ilentnn William Wilson, llcuhflii Apnloman
Catawisss Jacob L. Klianiion, M. l(. Ilmihcs,
1 1 am Hi on F slier. Adam lei cm . Jacob If ro r h
jacoo ijiewcu.
ceuire .lonuiaiu.
Conyugham John J. Ciiuhliu.
Frankllii-Christiati Artlny.
Flshlns Creek Hiram Melieniv. J n. M Am
merman, lllchanl llrlghl,
(irccnwood John Btaildnn, Chan Her Fv,-
John K. Musgiovc, Abiiun Triplepieee.-
.lacksim Clinton lowh.
Locust Hlmnu HclwlK, Homy Helivln, Ftdderoil', D.ivid S. Drown, Wes
lev John,
M , Pleasant IM. Crawfmd.
Scott-lt, J. Mlllaid, 11. O. Cievellni;.
II KU lSTJill'S UTtUlub.-jNOTICE If)
Xv hereby given to all legatees, creditors nud
other persons luierosieu iu iuu estates or tho re
spcctlvo decedents and minors, that tho (ol low
ing iiumiuisiiiiiiuii iiihi Kiiuiiiiuii iici-iiuiiis ii.iv.
been llled til llio OltlCOOl llio Dcirlster of Colnlii
bin county, nud will bo pieseuled lor eonilrnia
Hon mid nllownnco In tho Oiphaus'Couil. to In
held In lllnmnsbiii'g.ou Weiluesdiiy, tho lllidav
ol September, b7J, nt - o'clock p. m, oi said
1. Tho second ne.-ount ol Samuel Crens
Admlnislr.itororciiaiies ll. lle-s, l-ito at Mini
township, deceased.
2. Tlio account of Samuel Creasy, Admlnistia.
lor of Maiy Cie.isy, lalo of Mllllln township, do.
3. Tho third nnd account ol Samuel
creasy ami stepuen mmo, numiui.strators o
Jacob Goho, latoof Mlllllti tnwnshlp, deceased
1. Tho account of Samuel Creasv. (liiarl.iu
of Lcnora Yettcr, lato Lenorn Drown, minor
eiiiiu oi .uaiiiiuw inuivu,iaio Ol .Mlllliu IOWU
ship, deceascil,
0. Tho first and llnnl account oi Samuel Orca
sy, uxecmor oi iinuuau .ancr, into ol Scot
township, deceased.
ll. Tho ll.slnudllual account oi Joseph and
Billion w.iiimoyer, i;xecuiors ol John Whit
moycr, lato of Fluo townishlp, deceased.
7. Tho first and llnnl account of Oeorcro Cave
neo, administrator of Susan J. C.ivcuce, lalo of
.uouui. rjcusaui lowusmp, uecoaseu.
Tho llrst nml iifirtlal nccnniil nr finnmn
Cavence. Executor of Edward Cavnnr.,. intnnf
.lu.iut a .i.s.iul iuu uaii,, nci I'.ircil,
istrator ol Peter Pelfer. lato of Centm tnusuiiiii
e. ino accouui oi uaviu i;. unvmniv n. n.iti
decensod. 1
I 111. Tho final ncnunt of Dcnjunln Adams,
administrator of Wm, Smith, fiio oi Locust
iui.usiiiit ituceuseti,
11. Tho llnnl account of flrlii..! ll lT.tlr
administrator of Michael Heller, l.ito ol Mllllln
lowusmp, ucccaseu.
I'-'. Tho final nccount of Wm Ilasenhuch,
uiiiiiiuisiraior aa uoms lion ol .Michael Uageu.
uuen, i.iio oi uraugo lowusmp, iiece.isud.
13. Tlio second nnd lloal ncentiiu ,u r.nwl
Yot tor, Executor of (leorgo ilowi-r, i.ito m it
lUeieiiK luwusiup, iieceaseu.
11 Thft lln.,1 nmnnnl r,f All...... I I, IT..,,
admiutstralor of Joiia J, Hctltr, lau of Mulliii
lownsnn, iiecenseu.
1j. Jho Ilnal account ol Jacob Yone. iiuanin
ol Ueorgo M. llrown, minor child of. D.inlol
Drown, lain ot Milll.u townslihi, deieased, ns
llled bv E. D. Drown nnd . I. VV. Y.ih.v 1-.-r.iif,iw
oi .incoo ioiio, iieeeaseii.
tor of Elizabeth Moycr, l itj 0i uo Town of
ju. ino accouui oi ueorgo aioyer. adminisirn.
liiouinsimrg, iiueeascu,
17. Tho account ni Eli Old, uil.nuiislr.Uoi' nt
cuinaiino uui, mio oi iU'iuiot i iwushln, do
i. TllO flri.1 and final ne-nnnt nl .Tii'm if.i
Anall. Executor of Jsaile Fowler. lal.i ol
cieei. 1,'iviisuip, iieceiist'ii,
hi. Tlio account of Paul Fry, ndmliiMintor
oi uauioi i ry, eur 1.1.0 oi Deavor township,
a1. 'Jho second and final aicount of JolmSla-
ley. administrator of Ellsha Albertson. I.u.i ol
tliccuwood township, deceaseil.
21. Tho account ol Cyrus 11. While, Executor
oi .uieiiiei union, laio oi risiutiscrcek town,
shin, deceased,
I".'. Tlmll.Kt 1111,1 fln.l nortli,,, nfMUIinnl l.lll
helm, (luardlan of tlio person iiudeslatoofMary
E. l'ciscl. of Madison townshln.
2J. Tlio account of J, If. Sharploss, Execulor
ol Elizabeth If. Yettcr, lato of Calawlss.1 towu-
21. Tlio account of Ellas C. Trembly, Adinln
Istrator of Joliu Tieinbly, lata ol Scott town
shin, deceased.
Sj, Tho account of Henry L, Frens, William
11. Freas, and James P, Fleas, administrators
oi .(nurew rrcas, mio oi i;euiro lowuslilti, de.
2(1. .Tho account of Joseph Pohe. administra
tor or Leah Poho, lalo ol Centio township, do-
27. TllO nceotint Of Samuel Knorr. mlmliilu,
Irutorot Anthony Whllninn, lato of tho Town
u i.tiMiiiisiiuig, tiecuilM'tl,
2S. Thoiiccoiiiitof lllchnrd Kile, Evecutor of
m un iviie,. ui niiu.iiiuai luwusiup, no
censed, '). Tlio account ot Peter Eclciole, a liuinlstra.
lor of Solomon Eikiote, lato tl Deliver town,
shin, deceased.
30. Flist and dual account ol Susan Keller,
Eieciililx tieotgo Keller lalo of Flshlngiioek
luiviianip, iiceeiu,.l,
lleglster's Ollleo, Iteglslor,
lllooiiisburg, Aug, 2, IST'J.
Tho followluu nimralsements of real nnd per
sonal propel ly sol apart to widows ol decedents
iiavu ueeu ineu in iuu omco ot iuu Jiegisiero
Columbia countv. under Iho Utiles of Com I. nm
will bo presented lornbsoluto couiliinatlon, to
tho Orphaus' Court to bo hold In lllooiiisburg, lu
auditor said eoumy.on Wednesday, Iholthdiiy ot
nt'lM, ioi, lib u k,v,L-.w ju in Miiiiiuty, un
less exceptions to such continuations mo previ
ously llled, of which nil poisous lutoieslod In
said estates will tako notice t
1, Widow of Philip T, llaitmau.latoof Scoll
township, deceased.
2, Widow oi Abram Youuj, lato oi llouton
township, deceased,
3, Widow of Jonathan Knlttlc, Into oi con
yugham lowushlp, deceased,
i. Widow of John C, Duly, lato ol llouton
township, decensod.
5. Widow ol Peter (Jcarhart, lalo of Denver
township, doccased.
li. Widow of X'hllln W. SleUcy, lato ot Heaver
township, doccasod.
7. Widow of Cornelius!, lalo ul Mlf.
Illn township, doconsed . , ,
h. Widow of Emmor Ilumptoii, lato of
lugciook townshl)', doccasod.
V. Widow ot William F, Sunder, lalo of Scott
township, deceasod, , ,. ,.
10, widow of Joseph Weiss, lato of Madison
towiishlivlcceused. , ,. ....
11, Widow of Lenudcr Carmni.lato of llmiton
township, doccased.
12, Widow ol Potor ICarm, lato of iloutou
towns...,., deceased.
lteRlstor'a Ofllco, iUsjUtcr,
llluomsburg, Anil, ", 13?-.
'l l't v
William IfliiBoniiJiV"' r." " '1"""!
A. ti .v. T, Knit.
l. nl. s, ll,,,. ,
rillMl Vs. Sim,-,.) Hfl,
Michael llrnVcr's 'iisn' vn. Mivi
, T'.V 1 .. . .i .J. ' F '" llr
vn : ci t . iiVV.,..7J:,I M"J'"'".
rioanmSVvi'F'r'o V. '
i-ii lull It.jeeo aOnirii' vs. v, .'. i.n!, '
Mu'S3o' MB,1"U v" I'hiloueipiiuii lt,
I'ntrk'k Moptn hum vs.
1 l.lelplil t
ill A it. ,
a i.h .,ii i
UIU ll. ll. I.'.i,
filler Dixon vi. I'lillad.
Mrs Man
i i imcllj vs, I
ll, ll. co.
Wilis J. Kline vn, .laeoii imm,
i..;l;. ii'ix.i, ,i,,imp ,, ,;,,
. . ". V" ' ' " ' "1"' 'ifl'l
s el. nl,
llotui A Urenmers. William li'irlier.
Joseph W. Fnnsey vs Join, Miinip" f.r'
I ohtmbla liisuiamoCo. v.s, Joseini m i
A.Il.Htowartvs, Fiiincls 11, Jolly.
:ir v , ,u ,r ii i-
v, ii lni l an nefl v.. . .mug iin,..'
udrow Cievnllim vs, Tlioimw Trench.
i.''nMI5lI"l,1,lcs'1 itoin iiiu c
f inuk L, lliocliway vs. D. F. Heybei ,
llr. 'audlllmni vs. Mnrllu At. n,ii
James Uryuiit vs, lllooinstiunr li-on i'.,
Mordccal Mlllnril vs. 1 1 uih w. Moileyi ,,
Tiiomas Willi nils i, lolmtViln 1 '
hzriiH. Lyons vs, Solomon Dlrlc.
J, W. Haukcy vs. u, it, .Ku,.,:.
rfl'V0!1,,- ' ""lownrt.
it m- ii..iii:; ..' . ur,
.', "...' 1B' "'ma m Wllll.nns
i"eT vs- ciovoihii.
ilonlaiulll Wnunnr v tn.r,..i. ,."
'1 lintnu lf,.uB .-o i ,;..V."
Wiiuiim iicKcivy vs. D.ln- llln iio- , ..
Wllltsbarro It. It. Co. JJ'U1'"10 Dazn ion u ,
Jonathan llouclt. vs. Danii!.i n.i.
Wliuesiiarru n. . tu ........... .
mVorit'co.' I'-mvl'1 Hnib loiiuu.i VV UI,
Fredrick Ilbshr .vs. Di'.nvillu Hnv.
Wllicvsoai to ll, 11, Co.
llnrvoy Diunl ou v.ho Vs, Dauvlllc
mm wiii.csiiario ll. II, Co.
iiontiul Nnuscssor vs. Danvlllo I In, Co.
Jeorgo Heolt and Wlfo vn. D.iuvlll,
nud llktsbiirro 11. 11. Co,
It, H. llower'a 'adinri.' vs, L, 1'. De
ohll YeilgCl'rt'lldlnis' vs. ll.avl.l llniml
M, E. Walker 'uso' mi, lllooiiisburg LI
Hiiiuiu oi sinio isonnai sehool,
Lavlnii (lotildcr'usn' vs. Malliliis Kill.
Jotin Lawionco's ox'rs vs. Amanda 1, i
W. i. Uernrd vs. John (I. Jacoby,
Wilson Agcr vs. C, It. Drockwny.
Ellzabot Hinoyeisiulm'rs s. Mlelia. ,
C. D. Fowler liudoratour 11, ll, h,
Wlllliun Coleman vs. llowani c i -.. .
John Auspach .t wlfo h. Emnuuti 11
oiuuiiii;iui.i i i iiiup iireuisiol ,V A ,
Mary Miller vs. John Miller's ox'i
leromlnU S. llrobst vs, Dauvlllo i,
Wllkcsbarrolt. It. Co.
Atuailo from .xi. Ih. Ciui and xm
OJ UtHimples ..enKpuil uio free) ir
roiallcpilrkiorilii. It. L, ,oi.''ur .
Square, .S, 1 .
1(1 KS Cl'ltrl
For euro SI, (or To-tHamplo
Dr. E. F. 1 1
CI His. I l,v ...
Ullll, .
WUiuud Sticct. Newn,
ii. i.
.TWWl.U.ENTH Wmit,.
lor our in
tnnni iivo .-diniELKy: ,: nnov
iinpalgu Ch.
best olios out. Send fur Circular. Hum
Largo prollt,s, 11 VAtjKlei LUllltlccn
iiiiipiiuu i.iuuii.siauiisniueiit,ii)7Liij
Now Yorlc,
I How either s
SiCX mnv tiiv..nnli. ..
lovo t affections ol nuy person they chuosi-, IU.
stnnlly. Tills slmplo menial nciiiilrouicui al , n
possess, free, by mall, for 25 ets. together mi',
iiiarnago guuio, ivgypuau uraoio, llroalus, Ilim,
to Ladles, .Ve, A iiueer.oxclllng book. liiU.t'JUsolJ,
Address T. I.U. I'llOrf, l-llll.l,
uEsuAKCHxiesisi ns L'l isaMna
Fir:t rrcaium "Ara.fc:!. "1.
Doublo Elevated Oven, Warming cioc Proil
Ins Door, Fender Ounrd, Duuimm; ,t simiuii
(irato, Direct Drall. KULLl.ll, WAltlltN itu"
21(1 Water street, N. Y. u
Also lor CAM PAWN uuulis. Adiln .1.
Now orleonH, Cincinnati, St. Loin u. i-
ioo jiulheuiiy stueut,
NEWAltlf, N, J.
Ii now treating snccosslullv.
Consumption. BronctiilK
and nil diseases of tho Throat amlLuu., v. ,
DurlliiJ Iho past leu years Dr. Cai neuter lu
treated nud euted thousa.ids ol cases ol ui,
above named diseases, nnd has now hi Ins .i,s
session certliiei. 's of euros from every pat i 01
ll'u country. 'I lie Inluilalleii Is Ino.ithed dli,. iu
Into tho lungs, Mioililim nud healing mvi ,u
lullamed suuaees, enterlug Into iho MooJ i'
Imparts vitality as It permeates to every pan
thu system. Tho sensation Is nol uuplcism
and the 1.1st lnhalatli,u;olleuglves very I
rel'of, paiiicul. li ly when thero Is much iliilh'.il'
ol breathing. Under tho lutlueucu of my .cine
dies, Iho cough soon grows easier, iho mtjl
sweats eoae, tho hectic llcuh vanishes, and " i'-i
Improving digestion tho patient rapidly .iiu
strength, and health lsngnlii wllliln los 'u
llio t'onri'iilralcl I'oo.l iiiplilly builiis un '
most debilitated patient, present mj te ,
stomach tood nil loadyto bo usslini.u' I i
mado into good, rich healthy blood,
'lite ('omit sirup is to bo taken at mgni to t'
viato tho congli nnd cnnblo tho p.dlent i ..
slcop. lUl directions accompany i.ucn '
I, miid'i , irhlch conshl 0
One lidialers due dottle 0 Hlloriilhc lulu'. oil ; in
l'otl I11 ul Sootlilnc ri'lirifui' i Oin
Ilotllo ol'Anll l(.i!iorrliiie-lc I11l1.1l.1ul '.
line Dollle Coneentraleil I'uu.l ;
Ouo llolllu o Coufli
Prlco ol Ilo eonlalniug remedies 10 Is' o
11101-ih, fit); two months, 8 IS ; thieo nioui'i-, .
Sent to nuy nddress C, o. D, Pamphlets rim
tabling largo list ol patients cuied sent 11.,
Letters ol luiiul.y must contain ouo dollai lo in
biironnswer. Address,
A. II. CAlll'ENTElt, M.D., Newc'k, N 1
Dr. C vlll'K.VTEll'tf CATAllltll ItE.MKIA
glvo liuiucdlalo lellof, aud will ellect a peim i
uout euro In Horn 0110 lo three mor Un. I'i.
of remedy to last ouo mouth, $3; two 11I0111 i
S: threo mouths, 510.
I'IM'Kll In nil Us forms!) '. 4. J
Send lur list ol pntlouts eurod, to
A. H. CAItl'ENl'Ell, Jl, D JIl-uj ' 1
Dy W. E. WE11I1, llio uolcd Pliiieernud Hum
orlsl. Ainostnccuratoiind iasJliialliigdcsiT.ii'
tlon of tho wlldressnnd wcal.'h ol thu liotuni
less West. Its untold rlciiea, llg Injuns, l!i.,i do
Wolves, Ac. Crowded with vsluahlo lnforauii. .1
s.iarkllug Willi tho keencJt wit and lacli-'
humor, rivaling Mark Twa.n's best, nml -phi
dtdl lllnslrati'd. Will In Immensely popu u
nnd sell beyond precedes!. For samplo p..
Illustrations, terms, .;e., iililrcss,
llUDllAltV HltOM.,l'nhllshi'rs,
nprii:.j'7Mf 72J Hausom Sl l'lin...
JL chinos in 1S71, ns reporled "'V ,"' "Jl,,.
1.S7J, tothoownorsot tho Scwl-'S M.ichim 1
enls, show Hint tho
181, 2G0 Machines
Tho Singor Manufactiu'ing Co.,
31 U1II0H SQUA-tBi uaw VOUSj
PHILADELPHIA OFFOE !;j1.;l'm"l;, Bl'
J. A Dohon, Aur. iu Jiicouis.ijmtfjJr
1.000 AGENTS WANTED t fur our now luo.i ,