RATES OP ADVERTISING. (IJiMIV Vj'M V M IH-V AMI) $0mhifi puw.vnt ri ir.HllHI)KVJ V FMDAY MOHNINO , ,Tiiurinr,rriAN mlt.Tinn NitAnTiin jt ivr lioi'SCi liLoousiiuiui, VAi, nv CHARLES 0, BROCKWAY, ' C01IOB AND nioriUETOKi ysrms-Two Cellars a Vir pyaMo In advance, .TOIJ FEINTING r i hiosotlpUons executed with ncntncso nnd dh.patcluit reasonable rates. Columbia Oountv Offioial Directory. ff. I -WllMAM J'LWKLL. . jiileJlulyu-lIlAM HJ.tt.lt, lKAAU t). MOM" h Mtny, .-nrnol.ru II. ntprn. r, tT,(n--WlLLIAMSOHH.JACOnY. In t All r rtj JAMEn;UtlYSOf, Jit. f irnfr AAJION HM1T1I. f n. ior IKAAU DllWlTT. 1 mrrr WILLIAM l.AMo:. i I ,lc' UYlltW IlODni.V, liiUAH J. n TV" U, WILLIAM nilAI l-i.n. U. . ' ,lll'fl.l,i IM If itir-TMt It'll. . -II. J. CAMl'i.M.I, IJA2.II I.' 1,1.1.. I lit. C'lHNl.lt . . r -I'ltAIliru (1, MtJllPIIV. ilv.iim.' ii io'j IHAAi'Ml'lliiilin.JoilNMo, x'n'j i. j'c in(t'iiirn(-cjiAias! cmmivkley u. .1 1 ,r Htstrtet IHrrclors. H. II. MtM.cn William KitAiicii. llloomshurg, nud Johkkoh I. n hi. Grieuwocl, UiAr.Lr.8 CoJwr.it, Uec'y. BloomEburg Official Directory. ! r l,.r.v IV.,if,. ", Ifttt" A I'lTVUTO- l'r. Mml, II. II. OIIOTZ, Cnnulfr. 1 ,nl Xnllonal finA.-CIIAH. It. PAXToN.Prcs't i J. I. I I .TIN, LllSllli r, Mimbtct mnO it'tiinlSnina Mitel mi'l Jnit I f i .frfioi J... II, Littlk, Pros'!., C. W. Milled, Hre';, Illuimibura ItutttUng anil Kartno Wnul A'tnciif I, H -W l. l'HAI'ol K, 1'les't,, J, II, lllllllljON, HcC. iiiiin Jlfiifiml toning lund Aiioclatton J.J, niiiwi.n I'nshlcul, C. U.lUui.j.i.y, Uic'y. Ohurcii Directory. t'Kt TAIErlAJf IHL'UU. mi ffr-HtV.atm'rtMlIohrll. .' W.'ifft Mi icci Hi' ' A. M. 7M 1", M. !t,i(i(i.S.Ar)l-A.M. , . .lo lair- V, ulmn.lnv.T ;r. M. Suits fieoi no vcv,a nuli.l; btrnnK.i wel- Bloosnsburj; Directory. iTwiIll 11AIJH Jnit tccolvtd imd forsnlonl tho COI.L31I1IAN oulc. . OLO'l'IIINO, &(, nAVIl) UIWI'NIIKIUJ. MriclmutTrtllor.Mnln jj jalioo AiiU'. tciiulliiubc. WJI. MOHItl'l, Morrlin nt Tailor, over ltoscn LlncltH coulictIoiiv.iy,oi'iOHlte Cailmuiislur mini wnrcruoins, DUUQH, OliJ'ijriOALB, Ac. n 1". I.UTZ, Hn, ,,in nud Apothecary, Main si. :low the r i m lco. I'TiOOKH, V.' TC1IKS, AC ,i n. HA AK, aciucrln Clochs, WalchoH and (i.jcvi'l i. M in si., 'ii,' below the American I nl is i ! 11' 'lAitl), W'ch and ClorJc maker Luiearsonthoii on .wniu aim lion MB. I) r M'Ht'AltT, Wni ru and Clock Mnltcr.Mar It, lietHlrcot, 1 Inw Miiu. UOOTS AND SllOES. ii M.KKOItR, Dealer in Hoots mid Hhoei, lalrst Ii, and hest ptylos, corner Main and Maikct siretlp, in thctyhl VoM OUIco. iirNlli KliKlM, llanmacinror aim ooaior in II llonls and mines, Uiuceilcs, blr Mutn hliccl, K.iki IlloomHbiii'i:. PIIOFESSIONAIj. Dlt. 11. C. HOWKlt, Burgeon Drnllsl, Mainst, nliovo tho Comt House. nlt. W'M. M. ltEHKIt, Hurgeon and I'liyslelnn, Ulllco ovir tho I'liht National Ilniilc. i (I. ll.VIlKLIIY, Attorney-al-L.iw. Oillco.Sd U, Hour In Exch;mgoJIock,ucartliu".xvU!iugu llmcl." i II, McKIU.VY.M. DHurBenn and Thyslclan J . uorthsldo Main i.t below Market. T ('. ItUTTKIt, M. 1). HurMOU and I'hyslciau i). Maiket street, ahovo Main. I 11. IIOIIISON, Attornry-at.I.aw, OUIco Hart i) . inou's building, Main street. Oil. 11, F. ICINNUY, Hlltgeon JlonllBt. Teolh mir.ictcdwlthoiitiialn: Main si., nearly oji i). He Episcopal Chuieh, T li. KVANf , M. 1)., Burgeon nml l'hyslclan, i) Minth sldo Jluln street, below Market. lt. A. Jj. THHNKH, I'hyslciau and BurKOon, of ) lice over Klelm's JUng Kloie, rcsldiuco one ,liH,r below llev. 1). J. Waller. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. Ii l'KTKUMAN, Millinery and Fancy Goods, j, nioillu Knlscopal Church, Main si, Mls I.17.ZIK llARKl.UV, Milliner, llamscy building Main street. MISH M. DEUKKMtPON, Millinery mid Fancy OooiH.Miilnst., below Maiket, nl'.s, .II'Ua"aT SAUK l'.AHKldOV, Ladles' Jl i lo.iltsnnd Diess r.iltcrm, southeast (omer in mid West sti. pin JU sr.H JIAHJIAN Millinery and Fancy 1 uiuhIi, Jluln hi, below American House, UOTJChS AND SALOONS. lH'i.KH IIOITI,, by T. Dent. T.iylor, e.ibl end 1 i Mum slivct. MKliCIIANTS AND QltOCEKB. ,' t MAltlt, Dry Ooodi and Nollon, south V" u est comer Main and lion Bis, I" X .6 WK1UI, Coiilecllonery and linker)' V 1,'liulcsalo and iclall, Kxeliaugo lllock. i .llllWI'lt, llatsaiuirnps, Hoots aiidHhoes, I. Main St., ubovo Couit lluuso. 1 11. JIAIZII, Mammoth Ororrry, lino tiro l. icilen, Fruits, Nuts, 1'iovlslon, Ac,, Main 'iUVnlioHlieclK. 'K W.VY, NKAIi CO., dealers in Dry tlnodn, ,11 ilMcerles, Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish, lion, Nulls, c.a. II. cor. Main and Market sts. v jl. MlLLKlt Jt RON, dealers In Dry Hoods, (iniLt.ics, (inerusvrure, Flour, Halt, Bhors, ou.ius, etc.jialnsl. MISC'ELLANKOUS. ,' M. IIItlKTMAV, Hnddle, Trunk A Harness t. maker, bhlvo's V.Uick Main Bluet. nV. KOIlllINS.llqucirdenlersrcoiiddoorlioiti ' uoi lhwcst comer Hnlu nud J i on sis. , TliOHNTON, Wnl. I'ni'f r.Wluilow Shades li. ml llxluics, ltupert njmk, .llnln st. i I'OIUCIjIj, l'urnltum ltnoms, three sloiy ""tk Mn" w,rcc'' 4k' of Market st. nllOSHNSTOCK.l'hotosrrviior, over ltobhluii ' hycr's lorc, Main st. I Kli UN, ilcalerln Meat, TfJlow, etc., CheiU' 1 hi rl ln' nlloy, i ear of Amerlcm House, s.iMlii:r. JAronv, Marula nni llrown Klone 'l.orlis, Fast l!loomsburg,llerwlck road. V:!' liAIIU, dealor in furniture, li-unks, cedcf ...... ..u.u,uuu. lUUVlllANUUUII, ErlubiiVM'JA.. for Muiuon's Copper (' r?.sirj:it',ah! Maker, and Whito and Fancy i-. 1 aimer, bcottown. VUTM Ttfimra n...i i.in vot-u wu.n, Willi (irwilll ouic c-''Pllon,fiir salo at tho CoLvsiiiiAN Catawioaa. !.Ho.VAiV.uiufrlmulTftllor,Sccom lilt. J, If. lionnius. SurRoon and I'hyslciau II hecond Bt below Main; fjtUUIKT ii KLINK.drr Roods, groceries, and I KISTI.KU, "Catlavlssa House," North 1 LOrilbr Kin n nn.l Urni.l u,r.cc li jy11,111. HUlnril Haloon Oylers, aud U. I'rtam In season MaluBt. Ico n:.vfUIr Ti ueaier in ocnia MercuauUlse . - -g --"'mil muicnt uu Vi.f lr?rrloU)r(souili.tastconicrMnlunua 'M, H. A1HJOTT, Attorney at law, Main Kt. Light Street. tt;.nv,f, o-.WUcolwlBbU,Uret door v umum tiuunu. Cii!?tA,.?WN Manufuctnrcr nnd Utator in 11- 2iiTO,&.,a H,ovc'' ttU" Tm WBrt' 1,1 I)hiT,nif,I:?,T' "'''fiU'il ilralw In all kinds oi I'urcliak'd" louf.1"'. c. All kinds ofOralii Eapy. VtSliMvi.-'-NO, 33. Bnck Horn. M ftO.W. If. WIOFMAUr.U, tlealern In dry goods, groceltilen and general mcrchaiulso Oraugovillo Directory. Dll. UKHUtNM llHOTnEll.Carpontcrsnud ; llnllders, Main st,, below Tine. BRICK HOTEti nml refreshment Kalooii, by ltohr M'Heury cor.of Main and l'lno st, It. O. A. M r.O A 110 KL,r hy Klelnn and Surgeon Main st,, next door to (Jood'u Hotel, AVID ItEUUINO. Flour anil OrUt Mill, and Dealer In grain, Mill .Street. fA ME3 11, HARMAN, Cabinet Maker and Un. O dertakcr. Main tit., below l'lno. CICHtJYI.ETl A (U.lron fonnrters.Machlnlsts U nud Mauufnctuicrs of plows, Mill HI. JAMUErjailAItriiKSS.MnkrrofthoHayhnrBt O Uralnorudle. MalnHt. WlkMAM DEI.ONd Khocmnkerami mnnnliiC" tuicr ot Lrlcic. Mill Bt west of 1'ino Ipliiladolphin Diroctory. "YyAINWRKiilT A CO., yiiuiji;hai,i. uiwtisits, N. E. Corner Second and Arrh Htrcels, 1'iur.AuKLi'iiIA, Denlcis In 1KAH, DYltUra, COl'TEli, SUGAR, MOI.ABSEH HUE, snens, in cAnii soda, tc, ao. 40rder will reef Ive, prompt nil out Ion. may 10,C7-tf. J.JARVEV: li. WALKER, WITH ME Ml, HCnilOPP & CO. iMroitTnr-w ANnjonTinrsor CHINA, UI.AS3 AND (.iUEENSWAliK, No, 10? NORTH SECOND ST., I'HlIiADEI.l'HIA, IM-Orlclual aborted i achnires of Oucenswaro constantly on hand, lub'iJ'72-tf. Bufiinon Cards. E, II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Court-Houso Alley, below tho Colum hian Ohlee, HloomsbuiK l'n. c. H. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ULOOMSDUItO, l'A. - OrnrE Court House Allcv. In the Co. LUMiiiAN building. Jan4,'67. fi W. MILLER, AXlUllliiil. At liAW, tl.HH. All.. ,..,nn. r,nv,.r. niANOlllco. llouulles, r.nck-l'ay and Fcnslomi rollected. llloomsbnig Pa. sop.a)'67 J OHN M. CLARK, AnUHMjY AT l,AW. OFFICII ahovo llovi-cr's Hlore. Main Rtveet. Dloomsbuig, l'n. JOKERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Onleo Inlli Htrcet lulow llifl I'onrt Hnnso. IUoonisburg l'cmi'a. B FRANK ZARR ATTOltNr.Y AT LAW. m.OOMSIlUHO, l'A. Olllco Willi J, (1. Ficcze.llrowei's lllock, Cm bo consulted In Germarj or English. mch'J0'"2-l jEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. IMA1A11 HAUJ.M1UL II, Main Street one door above V. .toiidenhall's Htoro. A largo assortment or Moves, Heaters and Ranges constantly on hand, and lor sale nt the uwesi l'tues. Tinning iunll Its hrrncheaearcfully attended to. and satisfaction guaranteed. nn work ot an Kinds wnoiesaio una reiau. A Inl U lenuesled, Janl'7l gLOOMSRURO A II II Ii r. M K It s. kaix vrnnr.T, uni.ow mahkht, lll.OOMbUURO, l'A. lonuineuts. Tombs. Henilstone-i. A-e. Wolk ucnllv executed, (liders hv mail will icecivo speelnl alteulloii, N. II. Work delivered lieuol ciiniKe. T. L. GUNTON, l'ropiklor. octi3Ti-ir, ii, uox a7. E AROAINS BARGAINS. Qtinc sAi.rs Ann small ritornu HAVE YOUR MONEY. (In In IlKKItY YflHT. East lllooiiisburg, l'u., lor all kinds of tlin hest homo aud city mado ' u u 1 t li li rj . l'rlcei rensonnblo and the hoi ' work dono. Jan l'7-tf "ULCAN WORKS, DANVILLE 1' A. WILLIAM H. L.VW, Manufni tmer of Wrought Iron lhlilges, Hollers, Gasholders, Fireproof liulldlngs, Wmnglit lion uouiiug, iiuonng names, L'lnoi nig mm jioors, Farm Gates and fenclni!. nlsn Wroimtil Iron utn- Ing.Hlacks and all kinds of Hiutlh Work, Ac, Repairs piomplly attended to, N.ll. Diawings and Estimates surplled. ortmi-ly. JERNIIAJID STOlINEll Would mroim his frlcmU and the public that ho has taken pos&esalou ol THE OXjID ST-JSTID,, n tho Esehango nioek, so long cccupled by him uid will carry im tho busiiH-si of a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings to tho business an oxperlenco ol manv years aud assmcs tho eouimniiily that ho will luruisu ino nesioi iircau,eaikes,roii5,uiscuu,ise, Iresh eveiy day. Ho proposes also to keep on hand a lmgo and well ussoilcd stock of FINE CONFECTIONERY, of all grades. French candles aud those of do mestlo manufacture, always to bo had.wholesalo and retnll at lowest latcs. Adjolnlug tho llaktry and Coufecllouery Is n well established RESTAURANT, whero mav bo found Alo nnd Loser, and Re- lieshments, Oysters In season and tho various lit tie dilleaeles which suit tho public taste. There Is nUo a FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, overlhe confectionery store, whero ladles nnd geutlcmen can obtain tho best of leo Cuuin in season. A fair slinro of tlin i,nliliti einooin is l-criuested and nopaluswlll bo spared In eusiiro snMsine- nun, iipiii m-u JEW DRUG STORE. CHRIS, A. KLEIM Having purchased tho business of E, P, l.mz now onus ul lliu old hlniid, n choice enbtalmcii of DRUGS, CIIEMIIIAUI, PATENT MEDICINES, xuri.Kr AUTifi.ist, I'ANUVKOAI'H, HRUHHES,Ac.e, Andngeueinl assortnu nl of tho choicest goods iiou.iiij luiiiiu in iiiitii'iiibs I'siaiiiisnuieiiis, Physicians' P.iserlitlons uud Family Reelpi Cnrelnily Comniiiiuded. On Hiiuduys, open Iroin 8 n, m to 10 a, in., and fiomlip, m to l p, 111, GERMAN AND ENGLISH Bl'OKEN. Jell !)'7J tf MiKccllanoourj. 13 N T IflTB Y. 11. C. HOWHR. D15NTIBT. Rosncrtrnlly offers his piolessloiinl sorvleos to the ladliis and noutlemen of lUoomnbiirii and vl olnily. Ho Ispropaied tonttend to nil tlio vari ous opernllona ill llio lino nr his profession, and Is provided with the lulest Improved FonunLAiM "mrrif which will ho lnrcrted on I'old rlntlng illvf rnnd j nhber hso to look PR well risflional urnltCLlb. Ti'clh oxlvaetid by r.ll the newnuj inostniiprovcil methods, nud nil operations on ho teolli cnrelnily and properly attended to. Rosldeuco ami omco a low doors ahovo the Court limine, snmo side, llloomsburt'i Jan,l'71 1)' "JMIE GREAT MAG1CA L ii a i it r o n v u n i Will force n beautiful set or Whtsltern or Mus lacho.ln Horn two to tlneo iiioiithB,onnny per son over twelve years old, JtlHonoof tho best preparations to mako tho whlikcrs prow that ever v, nil known. Oiiobnllle r.r It Issulllclent lo produco n very strong beard. II does not 111 any wny slain or liijnrn tho skin. Try UI It is no humbug, l'lliii HO rents pi.r bottle, Bent by mall post paid, In liny nildress. on receipt ol li UP. Address WILLIAM C. WAGNER, Arrudtsvllle, miK.i 71 ly. Ail.mis t otialy, Prima TNR Wyoniinr. R A KG 15 G EN O Y. 1211.000 I.INIO.OHO 40O.nftl iwyxfl ISd.IKO l,4lXl,KW l.UXl.tH) uto.oio 57l),OlO nn. lull im Kl. North Ameiten City Internal lonnl N.Y , Nlugnvii N. Y MerehnnlH HnrliiBlleld Farmers' Danvlllo.N.Y Albany City 6H0,(1 400.000 Danville, Horso Thelt Mutual. Atlantic, N. Y . l.rim.iMI Oermnuln, N. Y BWI.IM) FREAH IlllOWN, Aucut, iaMSI'71 I?, llt.oovsnonn l'n H .1 INKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE HIMl'LEST, CHEAPEST AND Ill-AT IN UE1 HAB HUT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILD CAN RUN IT I Designed specially for the use of families, nnd adles who dcslio toknlt for thii market. Will do eveiy stitch of Iho knitting in a stocking, widening and mil rowing ob lcudlly ashy hand. Aio splendid for worsteds nml laney work, TAKING FIVE DIFFERENT K1ND.4 OF .STITCHI Aio wry uisy to manngc, and not liable to cot out ot order, livery Family should have one. Wo want nn Ainut In every town lo introduco unit sell the in, to Mhoni wo oiler tho inot liberal inducements. Hind iorourCiicularaudKamplo Htocklnrr. Address. 1IINKLEY 1CNITTINO MACHINE CO., nov. 10,'71-ly. l!ath,Io. C. II O W E R, us opened a flrst-claas HOOT, BHOE, HAT CAP. AND FUR BfOR K. at tho old stand ou MuluBtrcct,llloomsburg,afow doors ubovo tho Court House, Ills stock In com posed of thovery latestand hebtstylts over oiler ed lo tho citizens ot Columbia County. Ho can accommodate tho puhllownlithofollowinggooda it tho lowest lales. Men's heavy double bolcd atoca boots, men's doublo nml single tup colcd kip boots, men's heavy stogH shoes of all kinds, men's lino hoots nnd shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots aud.Hliocs of all kinds, men's glovo kid Hnlmoral shocs.men's, women's, hoys's nnd misses' lasting gaiters, women's tlovo kid Pollsh.vcry llne.womcn'smorocco liulm,,.-.- sand calf shoes, women's very lluo kid buttoned gait ers, In short boots ol all descriptions both peg (;ed nud sowed. Ho would also call attontlou to his fine assort" inout of ATM, OA1W, FURS AND NOTIONU. which comprises all tho now nud populai vari eties at prlceswhlehcauuotfailtositllall, These goods aio ollcrud at tho lowest cash rates and will ho guaranteed to givo snllsracllou, A call is solicited beloro purchasing olsowiioie as it Is bollovoil thnt betlflr hnrunlun mo To bo oitn.l than nt nuy other place la tho county. Jan 1'71 THE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC- JL TURING COMPANY. StANUFACIUnEkS OF AGRICULT URAL IMPLEMENTS of tho most Approved Patterns. Mill Uvaritig, Jolilil iig, anil CiistliiLfs ol all dcseilptlous. DEALERS IN Gonorul Meiclianillf, Lumlwr, An., Ac, ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo v.'ouM nnnouni'O In the pnbllo In general 1 tint wo have taken the well known Agricultur al Woiks of this place ami bhallmako It ournini lo mnuulacturo l-irst Class Agrlculiiirnl Iniple. meuts equal to any other makers in tho Stule, such as Tlircsliliig nincliincH. Roll i IiMVer and Tread Power, Plows ol' every I) s:rlpMoii, among which will bo tho celebrated JNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil tobotho best plow extant lor the farmer, AlscUho C'h:i!iiiion, .Sterns' ratcut nml The nioiilrost', ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cull 1 valors, Iron Uftlles, and Casllngs ol veiy dcscilpllon. Wo shnll uso nonobut tho best mntcrliilsnml employ nouu but cnnipeteut and expcilenceil moclianlcsand our pileeswlll couipaio lavornlily Willi any olhcr maiiuf.iclur ers. Couutiy Produce, Lumber, Ola lion, taken In cxchiinso. Wo also ha en Btoro In connection with our AKrlcultiiial Woiks, whero may bo found n full assuilmcnt of MERCHANDISE which will bo sold ul small profits. Glvo us a callbeforo puicliuslug elsewhere nnd wo guar nuteo satlsliictinn, march '72-ly. Hotels. rjpilE ESPY HOTEL. 1C3PV, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. run iiudersli'ncd would inform the. travelling public that ho has taken tho ubovo named estab lishment nud thoroughly retltted tho same for thiperiect:rniivciilencoof lilsgucsls. Ills larder win nu sineiit'U wiui mu uesi mu lutiruui uuiuiih. The choicest liquors, wlues nud clgarsulways 1c be found in his bar. WILLIAM I'EniT, Espv. I'a, J" J. lllUllil J VJX r rllTi s lix. H--VX-" J wmlil niiiioniienlnthn eltlzcusol lllooms- mi.' nnd li l n It v. Hint ho lm lust iceclveda lull aim eompieio ussorimeui ui WALL PAPER, WINDOW fcllADKH, iixtt i'.m, tonus, TASiru-, and ul) other goods In Is lino of business, All llio newest, aim uiosi upproveu puuerns oi uiQ day are always to bo found luhlststabllshmeut, mur.ii, ov-ii .uiuiii ni ouiow juuiKei, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PKIOE J. H. MAIZE'S, Corner Main nnd Centre Sis., HLOOMSUURG. Anew stock of Fiesli Goods Just opened ot MAIKE'H. Ti ns. Coll'ccH. SucaiH. HYRUI'H nud MOLABSm. UHEEBE, MEATS, SALT, FIHII. elo. VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Sealesl tflllHIN, JELLIES and PltEKEHVEH, P1CKL1X. FORlilON nud DOMLSWC FRUITS, An Elogant Assovtmont OF QUBENSWARB f'oiiHtnutlv rm bund. Also WOOD, WILLOW nml O LARS WARE o overy vurieiy, All my goods me of Iho 111 st (jutillty iiud nl en liemeiy low I'lltin. ....,, deea'7111 J 11, MAIZE. BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, Poetical. A L'rcizj- Kiimmcr IdjI. Somebody wi lies about "A Woman's Veil' in tho lloslou 0.t(fr; -nud here nro half a dozen of his verses : II was full many a seaBon since, When I was summering tit Capo May, They had a foolish fashion then Mayhap they have tho unmo lo-day--Thnl ovory lady In the dance, If pleased with any, should not fall I'nto tho pattucr she preferred To glvo her veil. And there was one 1 mind mo of, Whoso name-well, nover mind her name i Uclcn or Allco, Wanchc, or Maude, To yon who rend will bo tho same. Hut that old fa'ihlou of tho veils Haply lecalls tho past, and stirs Memotlis that cluster round tho night She gave mo hers, She flushed, poor child, In giving It, And I, lo, foil my brow grow warm, As liuuhingtyi with lingers dolt, Sho knot let it about my arm And thounh tho color on her chccl; Was IlkH thoHght In morning skies, I thought I saw a ko'.liil' dawn Within her eyes, The daheo was over and we sliolled Out from tbnliall-rooin'sglllterln'ipri s-, To meet tlii brcczo that many armed Clasped each ono lu cool carom ; Aud faunterlng ou wo reached tho sea Tlio far wall?, music's cadeneo sweet, Mixed with the sound ol waves that died About oui leet. Wo talked ol what I now forget, Hut carelessly, or seeming so, Next day I was to leave, but then In town wo'd meet again, you know, Ah,woll-n-dayl tho gods dispose, And ruluod hopes nro worso than vain i Sho laughed good-by I never saw Her faco airatu. Life's sad pitrzle, audom hoaits Grow faint In searching for tho clue ; She went beforoattwcnty-flve. And I live on at fifty-two And wait llio cud ; for well I know That I shall meet her without fall,' On komo Spring mornlng-aud till then 1 keep tho veil. Miscellaneous. AKAISIAN STOKIKS HOWXTHKXIIiE, It is wonilcrful how much plcnsuro Oriontuls manngo to fret out of n trum pery tnlc. As you float tlown tho sa cred river, for example, leaving Nubia and tho cataracts, and tho reaches of Syeno far behind, nnd pass Islets dozing in tho lull of waters, green corn fields, palmy slopes, shadowy dells, and mounds with ruined temples which on a sunny afternoon look like it lnndscapo of Claude, you arc forovcr hearing tho hum of llio story-teller to his p;roup on tlio fore. As tho sun went down, tho sailors would invariably snugglo to gether in tho dusk, Abdallah having no longer n scatt crcd or casual group of list eners, and under tho dewy glimmer of a lantern at tho mast, look nnd movo liko spectres as thoy listen to somo ter rible climax In tlio tratlltlounl story. Liko opium, it seemed to sootho tho nerves and tako off tho deadlier of in dolence. Our dragomen onco translated for us some of these talcs. Thoy were not without point, and wcro thoroughly characteristic of Eastern life. Fancy tho story-teller, hemmed in by bare- chested, open-mouthed, turbanod INton- ers, as intoning and sco sawing, ho nar rates n3 follows: Onco upon a timo thcro lived on tho edgo of tho deaort a Sheik named Ben Achnia. Now this man was a philos opher, who, gathering wisdom from overy passing adversity, as a leech culls simples, had como to possess quite a loard of it. Ho was still in tho prldo of manhood. His renown, however, had waxr.d so great that oven old men from iho neighboring tribes, dlhtant far from us tho sunset oasis camo to sub mit their quarrels to him and abldo by hlii Judgment. Ouo day a caravan from Meshid oueampod near his dwelling. Two Arabs, watering their camols at tho well, discoursed about tho wisdom of tho Kadi or Meshid. "Ho can ropoat tho Koran," said ono, "from thoFattha to tho end without dropping a point." Ho cuts through deceit as with a knife," answered tho other. Ben Achnia, smoking his afternoon chlbouquo under the shadow of ti palm, on hearing this nroso. "Tell mu, O brother," said ho, "who Is this man thou art so eager to praIo'."' "What then, thou dolt V" replied the camel driver. "Hast thou not heard of Haleol, Kadi of Meshid ? Allah !- Even tho Father of tho Faithful him self la a green tree boforohlm." "Dull!" rmitlcrcd the Sheik to him self, a.s ho walked homo musing, "and yot I am called Ben Achmu tho Wiso." Next morning Bon Achnia saddled his horso, and disguising himsolf a3 a merchant, started for Meshid lo soo tho sago himself. As ho Joumoyod, an old man mot him on tho way who said : "-My lord, I, liko thyself ttm traveling to tho next town, but I am weary. Pray permit mo to rldo." Ben Achma mado a sign of absent, and tho pilgrim climbed up behind. Whon thoy had como to tho galea ol Meshid, tho Sholk desired his companion to got dowu. "Nuv." said he, "It Is for theo to alight." 'And whereforoV" asked Ben Ach ma. "To leavo the hoiaowltli mo," re plied the pilgrim. "Bu ." ei ul the Shoik, "tlio norso Umlno." 'I know," answered the old vaga bond, "that woaro now lu tho city of the Just Kudl, and that when ho shall have set eyes on us two thou with thy lusty limbs and bravo looks, aud mo with my Irombllng knees and focblo frame ho will dccldo In slmplo equity that tho horso belongs to him who has tho most need of him." "If ho dccldo contrary to that which Is truo and right," returned tho Sholk, "ho Is not tho Just Kadi thou sayost Novortholess, I will profit by tho evil doing and Judgo his equity. Let us plead beforo him." Tho old managrcod and both started for tho court. They had to wait while two cases took the precedence. Tho first of theso boro upon it quarrel beforo it butcher and nn oil merchant. Both men woro In court standing beforo thoKndl thoono grlmy'wlth oil, tho other bespattored with blood, Tho butcher said, "1 went to buy oil at this kiuwo'rt shop, mid, in order (o pay him, I pulled out a hand fill of money whereof to tako it coin. Tho sight of tho goltl moved his lust, and lio BOlzcd my hand, pretending 1 had robbed him. I kept It closed, how over, notwithstanding that In tho pres ence of an oillcor holald his claim. And hero H Is now." Tho oil merchant do posed : "This rascal camo to buy oil, and, when 1 filled his bottlo, 'Gaztcr,' 3ald ho to mo, 'can you change mo a gold ploco?' I not suspecting him, drew open my drawer, from which ho clutched nhnndfiil nnd would have lied. Tho monoy is mine. I ask but jus tice." "Leavo tho money here," said tho Kadi, "and como back to-morrow. Tlio second caso was it disagreement between n laborer and a Bchool-mnslor touching a woman, Tho latter nlllrmcd that tho great hulking rustic had run r.way with his wife. Tho former de clared that tho woman had been mar ried lo him many n year. Tho Kadi said, "loavo tho woman hero, and como back to-morrow." And now it canio lo the turn of Bon Achma and Uuj ostuto oid pilgrim. "My Lord Kadi," said the Sheik, "I was on my way to your city when tills miscreant came up and craved permis sion to rido. In a moment of weakness I assented, and now ho claims tho horso upon the foregoing conclusion that you will assign hfm to tho ono that needs him moat." Tho Kadi said, "Leavo tho horso and como back lo-morrow." So the gold was put In tho coffer, tho woman in tho harem, and tho horso In Iho Kadi's stables. Early ou tho mor row tho litigants appeared. First tho oil merchant and tho bulchor. "You nfilrm," said tho Kadi to tho former, "that tho butcher stolo tho mo noy from your till, and yet tho coins, when placed in n cup of water, show no sign of oil. You n over handled tho mo noy with your greasy fingers. Iadjudgo tlio monoy to tho butcher, and thirty stripes to you.'1 Tho disputed wifo now camo forward. "Seeing," said tho Kadi, "that two men lay claim to tho samo woman, aud that neither can justify their claim, I directed her to nrrango my desk. Sho has cleaned and filled my ink-horn, nud adjusted my spongo, sorted my peii3, arranged my papers, and placed my chair. Sho evidently belongs to tho school master. Tho laborer will receivo thirty stripes." Now camo tho turn of Bon Achma and tho pilgrim. "Mako theso men fol low mo to tho stable," said tho Kadi. They wcro taken in separately, Bon Achma first. "Pick out tho horso you claim," said his worship, "I havo him hero," said tho Sholk, walking up to a stall. "Good! go out and let the Dsifrrim como "in." Do you recognize your horso, my Iriunti r" "My nortu 1 VTes, I should know him among a hundred!" said tho villain. "There ho Is." Tho magistrate returned, took his place on tho divan, aud forthwith ad- udged the horso to Bon Achma, whllo the old man was condemned to suffer fifty lashes, "May it ploaso your lord ship," said tho Sheik, making a pro found obeisanco after tho session, "upon what did you baso your judgment of tlio ownership of tho horso?" Tho mnglstralo replied, "when you laid your hand upon tho horso tho animal neished in recognition to his friend, but when tho pilgrim laid his hand upon him, he shrank from tho touch of a strangers." During tho three weeks we woro iloat- infr from Thob-M to Caho, every day bro'!"!if ,oine now ibjoct of intorct every niijht s-oinu droning story, to which our swaith companions listened with unabated attention. Ono nlgnt, whon tho rim of the red sun had Just disappeared bohlud tho western hills. Abdallah began a story that seemed to inchain unusual attention. I givo it a3 nearly ns possible, In our dragomah's words, "My friend's,' ' says tho slory-tellor, I am about to rclafo a truo history. In tho reign of Caliph llavouu al Has- chid, of happy memory, lived in tho city of Bagdad a celebrated barber of tho namo of All Saknl. Ho was so fa mous for a steady hand and doxterlty that ho could shavo a head and trim a beard blind-folded without drawing blood. There was not n man of any fushion in Bagdad who did not employ him ; and such a run of business had ho that ho bccAino proud nnd Insolent, and would scarcoly over touch a head whoso owner was not at least a Boy or an Agha. Wood for fuol was always se.ueo and dear at Bagdad, nud, a3 this barber's shop consumed a great deal, tho wood-cullers brought their loads to him in proforonco, almost suro of meet ing a ready salo. It happoncd ono day that a poor wood cuttcr.nowin his busl nos, and Ignorant of tho character of Ali Saknl, wont lo tho shop and offered him a load of wood ho had Just brought into town ou his ass. All Immediately offered a prlco, making uso of thC30 words, "for all tho wood that was upon the ass." Tho wood cutter agreed, unloaded his bcait, and asked for his monoy. "You havo not given mo all tho wood yot," said tho harbor. "I must havo tho pack-saddlo (which Is chlcllly mado of wood) Into tho bargain, that was our agreement." "How!" said tho other Ingreataniazo mcut, "who over hoard of such a bar gain ? It 13 Impossible" In short, after much altercation, tho over-bearing harbor solzod tho pack saddlo, wood and all, and sent away tho peasant In great distress. Ho im mediately ran to tho Kail I, stating his grlof j but, bolng ono ot tins harbor's customers, tho Kodl rofuscd to hoar tho caso. Tho wood cutter thou applied to a higher Judgo i ho also patronized All Sakal, and mado light of tho complolnt Tho poor man then applied to tho Mufti himself, w'ho.hnvlng pondored tho quos lion, said It whs too difficult a caso for him to decide, no provision bolng mado for It In tho Koran. Tho wood-cuttor was not dlshcartoncd, but forthwith got a -cilbo to wrltoa petition to tho Callpl which ho duly pre-xmled on Friday, the d.iv when Ills Highness went to tho 1872. 00L. mosque- In iitato. Hiiroun nl llaschld's punctuality in reading petitions Is well known, and it was not long boforo tho wood-cutter was called into his presence When ho approached tho Caliph ho kneeled and kissed the ground nnd then placed his arms straight beforo him, his hand covered with tho slcovo of his tunic, and his feet close together, await ed the decision. "Filcnd," said the Caliph, "tho bar bcr has words on his sldo, you havo equity on yours. Tho law must bo de fined by words, and agreements must bo mado by words; tho former must have Us course or It is nothing; nnd agreements bo kept, or thoro would bo no faith botwoon man and man ; but i" Then calling tho wood-cuttor close to hlm,lho Caliph whispered something In his car, aud sent him away quito sat isfied. Hero tho story-teller mado n pause In his narrative, and holding up a tin cup, said : "Now, friends, ir you will glvo me something I will toll you what thoCaliphsald to tho wood-cuttor." 'Iho piastres camo in rather plentifully. Well, thou, continued ho, tho Caliph whispered lo tho wood-cutler what to do In order to got satisfaction from tho barber. And what that was 1 will now relate. Tho wood-cultcr having mado his obeisance, returned lo his ass, which was tied without, took It by tho halter, anil proceeded to his home. A fow days after ho applied to tho barber, as if nothing had happened botweon them, requesting that ho and a companion of his from tho country might bo shaved. Tho prlco at which both operations wero lo bo performed was settled. Whon tho wood-cuttor'a crown had been properly shorn, All Sakal asked him whero his companion was. "Ho is just standing without hero," said tho other, "but ho shall como In," Accordingly ho went out, and re turned, leading his ass after him by tho halter. "This is my companion," said ho, "and you must shavo him." "Shavo him 1" exclaimed tho barber, in tho greatest surpriso : "It is enough that I havo condescended to demean myself by touching you and do you in sult mo by asking mo to shavo your boost ? Away with you, or I will thrash you both." And forthwith ho drovo thorn out of tho shop. The wood-cuttor immediately wont lo tho Caliph. '"Tiswcll," said tho Commander of tho Faithful. '"Bring All Sakal with his brushes and razors instantly here," ho exclaimed to his Vizier, and in tho coursoof ten minutes tho barber stood boforo him. "Why do you rofuso to shavo this man's companion ?" asked tho Caliph, "was not that your agreement? All kls'Od llio ground and answered, " 'Tis truo, O Caliph, that such was our igrccment, nut wno over matio a com panion of an ass beforo? Or who over thought of heating an ass ag a true bo Hover ? You may say right j" roplicd tho Caliph, "but who over thought of a pack-saddlo being included In a load of ood? No, no, it is a bargain, and you must keep It. To tho ass Immedi ately !" The barber was then obliged to pro- paro a great quantity of soap, lather tho beast and shave him from head to foot. Tho poor wood-cutter was then dismiss ed, and all Bagdad celebrated tho jus- tico of tho Commander of tho Faithful. A rr.TENn of Dean Swift's ono day sent him a turbot as a pro?out by a sor- ant-lad, who had frequently been on similar errands, but hadnovor received anything from tho Dean for his troublo. Having gained admission , ho opened tho study door, and putting down tho fish on tho floor, cried out, ruddy, Master has sent you t turbot !" "Young man," said the Doan, rising from his easy chair, "is that tho way you deliver a mossago V Let mo teach you better manners. Sit down In tho chair, wo will change places, aud I will show you how to behave in future." Tho boy sal down, and the Doan go ing out, camo up to tho door, and mak ing a low bow, said : "Sir, master pro souls his kind compliments, hopes you aro well, and requests your accoptauco of a small present." "Does ho?" roplicd the boy. "Roturn him my host thanks, and there's half a crown for yoursolf.'' Tho Dean thus caught In his own trap, laughod heartily, und gavo tho boy a crown for ready wit. Thoro Is a good deal of dry humor in tho Amorican press. Tho Sfollowlng extract from tlio Louisvlllo Courier is a gom in Its way : "Tho Now York Sun, which is seldom satisfied with thlng3, objects to tho proportions of arnttlo snako recently scon in Carter county, In this State, and described as reaching from ouo sldo of tho road to tho other, whllo Us body was as big as an ordinary churn. Tho Sun says that was a 'very badly proportioned snake,' aud that it should havo been a good deal longer or clso a good deal thinner.' wo should liko to know who Is running th06nakes of tills Stalo, herself or tho editor of tho Now York Sun. Whon things como to such a pass that Now York arrogates to hersolf tho right to dlclato to Kentucky tho slzo and shape of her scrponls, It is high timo for tho trumpet to sound to arms and for tho sword to leap from Its scabbard." A Knowino Fiienc'hmen, At break fast ono morning, in that qulot and comfortablo old Inn, tho Whlto Swan In Now England, a foroignor mado quick dispatch with tho eggs. Thrust' lug his spoon Into tho middle, ho drow out tho yolk, dovourcd It and passed on to tho next. Whon ho got to his sov onth ogg, an old farmer, who had al ready boon prejudiced against Mon slour by his moustaches, could brook tho cxlravaganco no longer, nnd speak intr up, tald : "Whv. sir, do you leavo all tho whlto ? How Is Mrs. l.ockwood to nf ford to provldobieakfastat that rato? "Vy," replied tho outbldo barbarian "In a yolk Is do chicken j do vllo do A'dders I Am I to mako ono bolster of my holly?" Tho farmer was dumb-founded. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 26, Tlio llrooldrn llililge. A Now Yolk paper, spoaklng of tho East lllvcr Brldgo, says that tho prea suro of air in the caisson now building Is thirty pounds to tho equaro Inch, or twlco tho ordinary atmospheric pres sure. Onco in tho lock and tho ontranco closed, it besomes necessary to havo an equal amount of pressure boforo tho door Into tho caisson can bo opened. To this ond air Is forced into tho lock until tho right prcs3tiro is reached. Between twenty and thirty men aro at work in tho chambers. Tho lowest point reached in the excavations is within nlno foot of tho rock. Tho aver ago depth of tho sand, however, la about flftoon foot. Already bouldors of trap rock aro found imbedded In tho quick sand ; theso aro broken up and hoisted out by means of an apparatus similar to it drcdglng-machlno, working in a hugo shaft filled with water. Tho men work In relays or "watches," each "watch" uimaiiiltig in (ho caisson for threo hours. Working In that compressed utmo3 pher lias its disadvantages, and the men complain of cramps sometimes, which, judging from Iholr description, mu3t bo very painful, as ouo of tho men likened It to"lcarin' tho fleehfrom yer leg." Tho low, dim-lighted chambers, filled with mist, tho shining pools of watci, and tho men tolling in tho nam ing gas-light amid tho rushing, rumbling nolso of tho sand syphons, comblno to mako nn Interesting scono not easily forgotten. "Try nud whistlo," suggested tho conductor of tho party, and try they did, but without succesa. Pucker their lips, and blow n3 hard as they could, no sound approaching a whistlo can bo produced. Tho voice, too, had a straugo, unnatural sound, aa though uttered In n high koy, all duo to tho compressed atmosphere. Tho interior of tho sides of tho cais son slopes outward, not unllko tho Hps of an enormous bell. In fact, tho work lug of tho structure Is upon nearly tho samo principlo as that of a diving-bell, tho prcs3uro of tho air kcoplng out thd water. When tho bed rock is reached, and tho caisson fairly settled upon It, tho interior will bo filled with concrete and masonry. Twenty courses of stono havo been laid upon tho caisson, and tho work Is being pushed forward as rapidly as pos sible At pro3ont tho work is somowhat retarded for lack of stono, which can not bo supplied fast onough. Tho Company has expended $1!,200,000. This includes tho amount paid for right of way. They havo on hand material amounting to nearly $300,000. Four hundred thousand dollars has been ex pended for lumber, and $120,000 for ma chlencry. It Is worthy of remark that tho Company having tho stono contract offered $20,000 to bo released from their contract. This offer tho Company de clined, bclloving that thoy could not mako such advantageous terms clso whore. Doubts havo been expros3cd as to tho stability of so huge a structure.. In re gard to this point, tho superintendent states that tho opinions of tho most dis- tlugnished eugineors havo been sought upon tho flubjcct,aud thoy fully indorao tho plans. It has boon thought by somo that it would bo necessary to build a pier In tho middle of tho river. This would bo impossible, from tho fact that Congress would never permit 11, and oven if it were built vessels would bo constantly carried against It by tho force ol the current and injured.and the Company continually involved in suits for damages. A wind traveling at the ralo of sixty miles an hour, which is an extreme case, would not away tho brldgo, even at its great clovatiou. It is expected that steam cars will run across tho bridge at tho rato of twenty mllc3 an hour, Tho entiro cost of tho struc ture, when completed, Is estimated at $12,000,000. This i thought to bo an oittaido figure. Ostrich l'nrms. The raising of tho ostrich In a tamo stale, for lis feathors, is now carried on oxlenslvoly in Africa. Tho birds aro kept in inclosures, nnd fed on luccrno, with which tho Inclosuro is planted. Every eight months thoy nro plucked, somo extracting tho quill at onco, and others cutting tho quill allttlonbovolts Insertion, aud then removing tho roots a couplo of months latter. Tho latter method is said lo givo better results with less Injury to tho bird. Tho yield Is obout fifty dollars per annum foreach bird. In breeding It is found to bo best to allow ono femalo to each malo, though lu tho wild stato five females aro often attached to a slnglo malo. Thcro aro usually two broods in a year, and tho malo aud femalo sit on tho oggs by turns, tho malo generally taking tho largest sharo of this duty. Tho femalo takes chief chargo of tho brood after it is hatched. Tho young aro reared ou chop' pod lucerno, nnd as thoy got oldor a lit tlo grain Is given to them ; thoy also ro qulro abundanco of water, aud a liberal supply of pulverized quartz and small bonc3. When grown, no food suits them bettor thau chopped lucerno or trofoll, with nu occasional supply of cabbago, fruit, nnd grain. ScrlOner's for June In tho Paris Court of Correctional Police, recently, a lady, by no means younrr. advanced comiottlshly to tho Witness-stand to glvo her testimony. "What Is your namo?" "VirginloLoiHtato." "What Is your aso?" "Twenty-five" (Exclamations of In credulity from tho audience) Tho lady's cvldonco being taken, sho regolncd her placo, still coquottishly bridling; and the next witness was In troduced. This ono was n full.grown young mau. "Your name?' said tho Judgo. "Isadoro Loustato." "Your ago?" "Twonty-Bovon yours.!' "Aro you a rolatlvo of tho last wit nesd ?" "I am hor son." "Ah, well," murmured tho mtujiS' trnte, "your mother must havo married very young." oua inch, (Itt61t8 hum or im ermtvaient in Nonpareil typo) nuo or two Insertions, tl.W thrco SPACE. IM, IM. lr. t)no Inch - Two Inchon.....,. . Thrco inches...... Four Inches ., .,li.m 11,00 i.oo te.no iio.oo .... 3,W 9.01) 7,00 ,V 18,01) ... 6 (0 7,00 9,00 18,00 IK 00 7,00 9,00 11,00 17,00 av .... 10,00 12 OO H,00 00,00 SO,") . Vt.m )n,o so.oo o,oo m,m .. J).W 38,00 0,0U 10,01) 100,00 (lunrter column. imir column... OUO COlUIiiU... , . if!ftMitni.'tf m Administrator's Notice. 83.(0 Auditor'! or Assiguco's Notice, 12,50V Local notices, twenty cent's n lino. IMTtli tn f1,A "niialtiAa ntfrtefnrr" column. S2.00 per your for tho flrt Iwo lines, nnil (1,00 for oacu additional lino. Humorous.. Partridges In Connecticut nro tamo enough to cat from tho hand-when prop erly cooked. Davonport, la,, has a girl who spells backwardj. Wo nover thought back wards was a hard word to spoil, boforo. Tho Cleveland Herald mentions an organ grlndor of that city as "an old veteran sulcldo Inducer." A man In Washington has Joined eighteen secret soclotioi, in hopes of having tho biggest kind of a funeral. It is Just a3 Impdssiblo to get along without advertising as it is for a cross eyed man to borrow a gun. A small girl defined dust as "mud with thojuico squeezed out." A Leavenworth (Kansas) paper spoaks of Kansas city as a "right old fungus whoso territory Is carpe-twl with throe.ply mortgages." An Omaha paper snys there Is no uso in making "such a fuss about tho shoot ing of a constable, as thore aro forty candidates for tho ofllco," An Illinois lady Iatoly blow down tho chlmnoy of a kerosono lamp, and tho lamp blow back again, and Mrs. Mon nhan Is no more A Chicago woman has married a man in Jail. Sho brags sho Is "tho only girl In town who knows whoro her fellor stays of nights." Baso ball Is of much greator antiquity than supposed. It was- played in tho Ark whon tho dovo was "put out ou a fly." -iV. Y. 'Jimcs. Tho balanco of trade is disturbed in Wilmington. N. C.,by tho fact that wa termelons nro only throo conls apioco, whllo cholera mlxturo Is half a dollar a bottlo. At tho funeral of a woman recently, a sympathetic nnd admiring neighbor voluntcorod tho information that "for pationt resignation tho corpso could danco all around any woman iiv inpf." A Stowart county, Georgia, hen has got herself into no end of troublo by sotting on fourtoon eggs and hatchod out twenty-four chickens with sovoral eggs to spare A man in Gcorglajutnpcd from an ex press frain, going at full speed, to recover his hat. Tho corner's jury which sat upon the remains returned a ver dict of temporary iusanlty. A Western papor speaks of flno gar dens surrounded by mountains all grown without Irrigation! It would havo been a plcasuro to soo thoso moun tains growing. A Connecticut papor says: "An un happy nnd disgraceful family feud In Dnnbury was brought to a tragic ond Saturday,by tho head of ono family pre senting a son of tho other with an accor dion. A Connecticut amatour farmer swings tho scytho with ono hand and bears aloft his trusty umbrella with tlio other. Tho doctors aro said to Islt upon tho fonco aud watch him with unselfish interest. The Ohio Stale Journal addresses tho following caution to its readers: "To whom it may concorn : Look not upon tho watcrmolon when it is red, nor upon tho stowed cherry when it giveth its color in tho cup ; at tho last it biteth liko a soft-shell crab, and stlngoth liko tho cholera morbus." A man onco went to a lawyer's office and desired lo know what ho should do, a man having told him to go to hell. Ho suavely said : "I wouldn't advlso you to go : tho law don't compel you." Mr. John W. NowIIn, editor of tho Mlllvillo IlErunLioAN. whllo endeav oring lo extinguish a liro In that placo tno otuor uay, was rounou ny somo in human vrofch of nlno dollars -tha savings o a llftitlmo. Xewark Cou Mr. A llttlo girl, daughter of A clergymen , was left ono day to "tend door." and obeying a summons of tho bell, aha found a gontlomau on tho stops who wishod to soo her fathor. "Father Isn'l in," said sho, "but if it's anything about your soul, I can attoud to you. j know the whoio plan of salvation." At Westport, Mas.?., ns thomenagerlu was going through the streets, a fierce canine mado an assault on the olephaut. An "oyo witness" says that the dog In nbout ouo minute was "spread over sovoral yards of ground to about tho thickness of sheet iron." A member of tho school board, recent ly, in a town In Scotland, dropped into a village school, and after hearing tho urchins sing, passed this compllmont, begot of his opera oxporlonco : "Boys, whon I heard your beautiful song to night, I had to work hard to kcop my mot sun. jnow, wnat no you minK was tho matter with them?" Tho answer camo with great promptness, "Chll- blalnth!" Tho San Francisco folks, to snlto tho Chinamou, onactcd a law that "no pup- son shall carry a nasKot, or basket. upon any sidewalk suspendod from or attached to poles, across or upon tUu shouldors." For violating this lucld decrco, ono Ah Wong was haulod br loron Justice "uur," saiu tno lawyer, 'my client hasn't boon carrying a side walk suspended from or attached to polos." Uoro wa.3 a posor. Tlio learn ed Judge shook his head and said bo would think about It. An Irishman uamod Paddy Doolau, roady-wittod wag, who always had a word ror ovcrynouy, lot it nn wmouov or way It might. Paddy wont Into i grocory storo ono day to nuy egg. "How are eggs to-day?" hoaskodor tho clork, who was ono of thoso over smart follows, by tho way. "Eggs nro eggs to-day, pauuy," repnou mu ciurs, looking quite;trlumphantly upon two or tnroo young lauy cusiumora wnu Hap pened to no in tno Btoro. -Ttuin, x-ih glad to hear ycoz say so," ropllod Pad- Us ly, "lor mu nisi ones i gut uuiu nnu hickens," cli I'lin Vnvu'leh Jlulletln BavS that tWO gontlemcn nwoko on Wednesday night with tho conviction that thoy had boon polsonod. Subsequent cveuts strength cned their belief, aud only onorgotlo measures saved them, tiio most wi nloxlng mystery, howovor. is. how tho poison could havo boon auminuioreu, ' i.j.-.i il.A..lsr.,1 Anrnn until. as tnoy buuuu wnu mu iu wvu . . .1 t 1 . . . 4 lnlit tf ion Ing during tno ovomng ui psui ; soft crabs, somo pickled clams, threo lobsters, a uuio leo-crumu, . ..iv. molou. nud somo ruoro pickled clama. Thoy think tho vinegar m wnicn uiu clams woro iiriisurvin iuu' kopt In a copper kottlo and bo become poisoned A Waltrford correepondont of tw Erie Observer., rclatca iho following, having occurred at that Pl?, other Uay when the boy w- Wf lttlo change lor mo puj-j---- t - roelev. thppasu4 ing in ncor, anu imi . ........ i n .. rM Vj Iioiiiiiiniiun vi tho hat to an.'0- ?8 ntUman whoso awiae wcro tho eloverest saJ ot boya he lmS scon In a longtime mornHaoy trkd to oxf.hiin. tin ioro ho hnnkcxl them, and finally j6lkcdotf and got os drunk as ho could for ono bo douf.