RATES OF ADVERTISING . AND H PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING irtTnnoi.uMntAi( huileino nkarthk COURT HOUSE, nioousnuiia, TA., 1IY CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, editor Attn rnorniBTon, Icrai-Tffo Dollars a 7oi? payaWo In cinnto, JOB MINTING nr ilhlcscrlrtlonn oxccnttd with neatness and dispatch nt reasonable rates, Columbia County Oflloial Dircotory. r,fxnf.riiilM.VVii.i.rlv T.-t.wrf.t, A-aleJuOuetUUM Dr.nk, IsAAO B. MoN- n'Yolhonotar,&c.V.vvoi.rn II. llmni.rcn. KtvMtr Unorder WH.MAMWN H.JAConr. yjitfrM IHorf JAMESjllRlsoK, JR. Sheriff AARON SMITH. . i-n'fior 1HAAO DJCWITT. Trcnxrer Wilmasi Lamon, rtiiimi(oi)et irviius JtuiilitNs Hiram J. IlrEREH. WlM.IAJt SHAFl-KIt. Jiii'M- 11. J. CAJirjlKLT,. Danikl Li;e. CiMRUB) Conner J rsi CbmnUisioiurs Jhaaii MfjUiUDE, John MM ANAix. ( GUmj QlfJ'CriWCmUIll I. JJAi;J.U1 Ul 1IA1UW.I.X RtofM 1'nnr District Directors. B. II. MiLT.Kn WILLIAM IWtAMKJt, IMOOmttllUVRf mill JOIlJlSOil IMLriii Urccuu uoO, citAituai connku, Bcc'y. Bloomsburg Official Dirootory, lUctmsburn Havkiua fv. John A. Funstoh President, 11. 11. Urotk, Cashier. fiivt national Jlank-iiuAM. H. TAXTOS.rrcs't , J. T. Tustin, Cashier. CVlumbialiunt!iMutuctt&avlnal)inlnnitToanAK . ' - aj.. . . .. I ... i a - . 1 HtoiMihuro XMUlina and latino ftml Atmeia (, ii Vm. l'JtACOnt, Frcs't., J, II. UOIIIHON.UCC. lilonmttbm ii Mutual ,Sr' lmd Awociatton J.J. MlOWLH President, V. O. BARKLKY, HOC'y. Church Directory. l'RKMlYTEnlAN tHCKCtl. VfiiMrr-Itcv. Btusrt Mitchell. fuUiulh forWces-lWs A. M.i Vi V. M. elbbuth ArmoI-0 A. M. , r ucr ilectmti Wednesday, 'M I, M. scats free; no pows jenled; Ktrnnaets wel AiMrifrm J.' II t.fi-rt" I'rfu'l I' W. Sltr.T.ifu come. Bloorcsjburg Directory. r )AriH HACfl Jur-t rccoUcd nud forsnlcnt'tlia CLOTHING, &C. AVII) L0WENBE1SU, Merchant Tallor.Maln Jkt.,nbovo American House, V7M. MOIIUIH, Slercliant Tailor, over lloscii (( kiocksconrtctloLery.opiipalloCaUmausiur nltnto worciijonw. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, "&C. p. I.UX7., liruslstantlArothccary.lMalUBt. j, bolow tbo l'osi OUlco, 0LO0K0, WATCHES, AO. it i:.SAVAt't., aeatjrln Cloclta, Watches and U' Jewelry, Malum., jiv.l bolow Iho American llauie. (0UI3 HUIINHAUI), Wntclianil Clock makor ji!CarBouthea8ti ur)Hir Maluund Iron bis. I) CATIICAUT. Watch nnd Clock Slaker.Mar li, ket street, below Main, BOOTS AND SHOES. p Jl.KNOUll, Dealer In lioott anil Shoes, latest Ti. rnil best htvJes. corner Jlaln and Market strctts, In Iho old l'ost Ofllce. HKNItV KW.IJI, Jtnnnractnrcr nnd dealer In l!iol9 nud Hlioes, (Jiocerles, etc, Main street, Luil llloombliui'i;. PKOFESSIONAL. Oil. II. C. HOWKK, snrscon Dentist, MMnsU above Iho Court Uouhe. flU. WM. JM. 1.UI1K.K, enrfipon nnii niysician, i LOfllco over tho First Nat tonal Hank. Go. UAi.Ki.ur, Aiioruoy-ai-i.w. uuico.a! . lloor in liichaiin" IMocic, near tho "Kxchauiio Hotel." r B. JIcKELVV.M. D.,Burt;cou and l'hysician I . northeldo Muln St., below Market. ' r C. ItUTTEIt, M. U. Hurguon and Phyidolnn I, Market btreut, above Main. I 11. KOBIBOH. Atlorne.v-al-Law. OfllcoHurt- WK. 11, P. KINNEY, Bnrgenn Dontlsl. Teoth llostinctedwlthoiitratu: Haln i,t neaily oi oEito Episcopal cnurcu. T It. FvAKH, 31, li., wnrgoon ami inyaician, DP.. A. ,. TUHNElt, PhynlclannudSiiiKeon.or tlte oer Klelra'fi Dnu; Htorc, resldcuco one iloc Lclowllov. D. J. Waller. MILLINERY fc FANCY GOOD3. n 1'r.Tl.llJIAN, Millinery and Fancy Oooda, L.oi poslto Episcopal Umrch.lMala bt, ,S LIZZIE HA11KI.EY, Milliner, llamsoy tl bulldlntr Alfilu Bti't-et. nlci a. TlKttltK'KSON. Mllllnerv and Fanev ij Uooils.Mulnst., below Maiket, IIS. JULIA A? & HADE ISAltKLEY, Lldlos 11 ' loalis nnd Dress l'attcruet. houtheast corner M mmul wctitst. rri i, iiishkh ltAitMAN Mill nervnuu raucy 1 (KiuIh, Main nt.. below AnurlcanlIous.0, HOTELS AND SALOONS. I'OIIIW HOTEL, by T. Bent. Taylor, east end :IW HOTEL, Maliibtreet, 1. VI ... MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. C ilAltlt, Dry Goods nnd Notions, south- vwt comer Main nud Irousts. POX ct WE11U, Conlectlonery and Bakery, wuuicsaio auu retail, r.xcuauBu xxicii. C.lIOWL'It, HatRand Caps, Boots audShoefl, Main St., abovo Court House, II. JIAIZE, Mammoth Oroccry, rlno Uro- u. t 'rjt-B. fruiiH. ivuia. I'll rovlslon, Jtc, Main ill'mtro Streets. I'KELVY, NEAT. A CO., dealcrnln Dry Onods, etC.rJ. K. cor. Mntn null AlnrkeLLtR. ii uriK'iTies. v lour, fl eeo.rtaii. r jHii.irou.nuiiH. II. MII.T.l'.n Kmt. ilenlem In Tlrv (Inoils. Notions, tl p..AIln ..t. SIISCELLANEOUS. n M.CIIltlSTMAN, Haddlo, Trunk .1 Harness- , maker, Shlvc't, Block Main Street. 1). W, IIOBHINS.llquordcalorsecondiloorfrom t.v.iuwcsicorn(r Aiam anil iron bis. P J TIIOltN'XUN, Wall Taper, Window Shadeu U J fixtures, ltupeit block. Main si. f" W.COBKLL, Furulluro Iloomi, three story VI' Wilt, Main Htreet, west of Market bt. HROSEKRTOCK.I'liotosra ' iLyer's btore, Malnst, srapher, over Uobblna I S. KUHN. denier In Meat, Tallow, ete., Chcin i' merlin's alloy, rear of Aincrlcau House, CAMDL'L JACOB Y.Marbln nnd Brown Stone -.'ttoitis, East Uloomsburis.Borwlck road. WM, ItABB, dealer In furniture, tronlis, cedef Mllow ware, near tho Forks Hotel. P B.BIDLEMAN, Agent for Munson's Copper U'Tobular LlifhtninB llod, P F0STF.lt, Olue .Maker, and While and Fancy V. Tanner, Hcoltown. VOTE BOOKS, and blank NOTFH, with or with. Office11 eiemPlloa'lor tlllB at tuo Columuian Catawisaa. Bf. BALMIAN, IMorchant Tailor, Bocond St. KoWjIui.' BulldlniT. )'J, K. BOBBINS, Surgeon and ruyslclan ""vuuiini. iiBinw ilium. rjILBEIlT & KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and - .cucrm mercuauuiso, mam nireet B. KISTLEU. ''Cattawissa House," North . muiu ana ueconu mreeis, KEILElt, Blllard Saloon, Oysters, and Ico -'tam In bcason Malu St, M HI Iinnnna . . . . .. '..mvuunr.ueaierinueneraiJiercuanuiso M Laadfr l'rnVAVlntn. Brtli , li..nnt nv.ta HI n 1 n nml itccondBtreet. -v..uM 1 yM- "i ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Main Bt. Light Street. JLSM Uo-i Wheelwrights, first door 'jj "ove School House. JSt.A.'i3.1! Manufacturer nnd dealer In ' u nuoes. R, JuVSTi Staler In Btoves and Tin ware in w.nucuutl. I tSS Efi.T- Mlller.nnd denier In all kinds ol PurcUiei llouril'tt"i c- All klniU ofUralu Eapy. 'f'hrJi(iAuJHBt,lu,1""1 i'lanlng Mill "on Box Una locturlnit, V'' . 1K . : i ' VOLUME VI, ---NO, 32. Buck Horn. ill ft O.W. II. SHOEMAlCETt. dMlnrq In drr rrnrilllt. rrrnrpi(irlra nnil Minnrnl innrAlmn.liA OraugQvillo Diroctory. D n. HEnitlNO & EnOTHEIt,Carpontcrsnnd ; Ilulldern, Main nt bolow I'lno. BKICIC ItOTEIj nnd refreshment Saloon, by llohr M'JIcnry cor.ofMnln nnd l'lneot. ,11. O. A. MEUAiUIEL.l'hystelnn nnd Burgeon Main at,, next door to Uood'a Hotel, AVID HEimiNO, FIournndarlstMlll.nnd Dealer In grain, Mill Street, JAMES 11. HAltMAN. Cabinet Maker and Un dertaker. Main St., below 1'lne. OCHUYLEH ft CO., Iron fonnrtors.MachlnUU O and Manufncluiers of plows, Mill St. CJAMUEI.SUAUI'M'SS.MnkcrofthoIIayhurst O urnlu Cradle. Main St. ILLIAMDKLONd Hiioemnlcernua manufae- turer oi uncii, will Hi., west ot rino Philadelphia Directory. aInwrTght &"co., " wholesale aitociiiia, Hi K. Corner Second nnd Arch Bti efts, rmi.Ai)i:r.viiIA, Dealers In TEAO, SYltUPH, COFFEE, HUUAIt, MOIjASSli1? nicz, Bi'icr.s, nt carb botia, .tc, AO. l-Ordcrs will rcoelvo prompt attention, may 10,t!7-tr. J.JARVEY 11. WALKER, writ MEA.R, SOIIROrP & CO., utroRTEiis ANDJonnp.Raor CHINA, OLAS'J AND UUEENSWAItE, No. 108 NOItTII SECONDST., I'lIILADELI'HIA. 3"OrlL'lnal assorted pneknges of Qneonswaro consltintlv oil hand. lobil'72-tf. BuBinciJfJ Gardn. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, omen, Cnurt-IIotiHo Alloy, below Iho C01.UM BIAN Ollleo, Bloomsburg l'a. c. 13 . BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HLOOJIBRORO, PA, S-OrFicn Court Honso Alloy, In tho Co. lumuian building. (Janl,'67. c. W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Court IIouso 'Alley, below tho Colum uian Ofllco. Bounties, Hack-ray ftncl Pensions collected. liloombburg Pa, Bep.'J)'(i7 J OHN M. CLARK, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. OFFICE nbovo ltowcr'H Store, Mnln street, Uloonisburg, l'a, JJOBERT V. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ollleo Main Street below tho Conrt Honso. Bloomsburg Feun'a. B FRANK ZARR ATTOHNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBUllG, PA. OIHco with J. O. Frccze.Brower's Block. Can bo eoubulted lu Ocrman or EnRllsh. mchai)72-tf EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. 1MA1A11 JlAUKWllUt-iU, Main Utroct one door abovo E. Mondonhall's Ktore. A larco assortment of Sloven. Healers aim Uingcs constantly ou hand, aud for bale at tbo I'liuilnL- lunll Its branches carefully attonded to. end satisfaction guaranteed. no wore ni nu Kinus wuoiesnie onu reiau. a Inl is requested, Jan P71 B LOOMSBURG 31 A It It I. K W OUIIS, MAIN RTRKF.T, RET.OW MARK 1ST, I1LOOMSBUIIO, PA. Monuments. Tombs. IlentlstonoR. Ac. Work ncntlv I'xepiitnl. Orilprs bv mail will receive special attention. N, 1:, Work delivered tree ol clinrKe. T. L. UUNTON, Proprietor. ocll3'71-lf. i; O.JioxiOT. JARGAINS BARGAINS. QUICK SAI.HS AN11 SXAU PROrlTS. HAVE YOUIl MONEY. Goto 1IENHY YOST. East Bloomsburg, Pa., for all kinds of thobest homo and city made Prices reasonable nnd the bevt work done. Jan 1'71-tf -yULCAN WORKS, UASViJjlilS i'A. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Bridges, Boilers, Clabholders, Firepioof Buildings, Wiouuht. iron Hoollug, Hooting Frnraes, Flooring nud Doors, Farm Gates aud fencing, also Wrought Iron pip. lng, Stacks and nil kinds of Smith Woik, Ac, lli pnlrs promptly attended to. in . ii. I'rawiugs auu Jailmates suppuou, OPt27'71-ly. JERNIIARD STOIINEU woum iniorm ins irioniH nnu mo puuiiciuni ho has taken posbesblou ot THE OL3D STJISTX?, In the Exchanca Block, so lorn; occunlcd bv him and will carry on tho business of n FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings to the buklncssnn experience ot runny yinrsnnd assures the eoiuuuinlty thnthowlll lurulsU the bebtof bread, cakes, rolls.blseult, Ae, iresu overy nay. jio jiroposes also lo Keep on hand a largo nnd well ussortod stock of FINE CONFECTIONERY, or nil grades. French candles nnd those of do. mestlo mnnufacture.nlways tobohad, wholesale nud retail at lowest lates. Adlolnlui' tho Bakerv and Conlectlonery Is n well estabUshed RESTAURANT, where may bo round Alo and Lager, nud Ho. freshments, Oybtcrs In season and tho various little ilellcackswhlch suit tho nubllolublr. Tlicro Is also a FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, over the conlectlonery store, uliorn Indies nnd nentlemcu can obtain tho bisl of Ice Cream In season. A fair share of tho nubile custom la renuPKteil and no 1'Rlnn will bobpnredlo eusuie sutlsfnc lion, nprll 10,'72-tl EV DRUG STORE, CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having purchased tbo business of E. 1'. LMz now olterN lit 1 1n, itlil stiiiiil. n ihilr,i iikim Immi DKUOS, CHEMIUAI.S, PATENT MEDICINES, TOII.1CT AUTIt'I.lH, FANCY BOAl'H, HllUSIIEy, Ac,, AO, And n general nssnrtmont of tho choicest goods usually totihtt lu tlrstclassestablisbiuonts. Physicians' Preset Iptlous nud Family Heclpes Carefully Compounded, On Sundays, opin fromSn, m., to 10 a, in., nud . W, .l',4UIUl,IU UEHMAN AND ENGLISH Sl'OKEN. feh U'72-lf wmt Miocollanoona, D BHTISTBY, H. O. HOWETt, DENTIST, Ucspeelfully oirers his prorenslonal services to the ladle nud gonllemeii of Bloomsburg nnd vl cinity, lie is prepnrcii to niionit to an too van. ouBOnerntlnuv In tbo line of his nrofpsslon. nnd la provided with tho latest Improved 1'orcki.ain i rkth wnicji win uo inseriea on goiu piniing silver nnd rubber bnsa to look cs veil nsfho nat nrnl teeth, Teeth oitr.iclcd by nil the now nni rnostnpiiroved methods, mid nil operntlous on the teolh cnrefnlly nnd properly nttended to, lteolilenco nnd oinco a low doors nhnve the Court Hmrse, umno Dido. Uloomsbnrg, Jan.1'71 ly JIHE GREAT MAOIOAL UAIR FORCERT Will forco n benutlful set of Whiskers or Mus tache, in from two to threo months, on nny per son over twclvo years old. It la ono or the best preparations to inako tho whickers grow that ovorwns known. One bottle of Ills sulllclcntlo produce n very strong beard, Jt does not In nny wny Btnlu or Injuro tho Bkln. Try ltl It la no humbug, I'rlre S3 cents per bottle. Bent by mail post paid, to nny nddress, on receipt ot jrlco. AddrcBa WILLIAM C, WAONEH, Aiendtsvllle, nug.l 7My. Adams County, Tenna TNS RANCE AGENCY. Wyoming , jjsn.ooo fittm i.oou.oixi Fulton N, Y 400,000 North America 380,nuo City 4.V),ono Iniernstlnnal N.Y ... l,400,ooo NlngarnN.Y i.OOO.W Merelnnts 330,000 Hnrlugllclil 670,(XX) Farmers' DanvIllc.N.Y.. B!X),(I0 Albany City .. 400.C0O D.mvlllo, llorso Tholt ... Mutttnl. Atlnnlle, N. Y .-, l.fjooixU Ocrmnnln, N, X .. 600,000 FKEAB UHOWN, A(ient, mni21'71-ly. llt-oonsBURa l'a, H 11 INKLEY KNITTING MACIIINE THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN USE! HAS BUT ONE NEEDLEI A CHILD CAN HUN IT I Designed especially for tho use of families, und ndlckwhodeslrotokuitfor the market. Will do over' stitch of tho knitting in a slocking, wldenlngnnd narrowlngns readily nsby hnnd. Are Fplrndld for worsteds nnd fancy work, TAKING FIVE DIFFERENT KINDS OF STITCH I Aro very easy to manngo, nnd not llnblo to get out of order. Every Family should havo one. Wo want nn Agent In every town to lntrodnco nnil soil tlicm.tiiwhomvooircr tho roost llboral Induccmcnti). Send lor our circular and Samplo Btocklmr. Address. II1NKLBY KNITTING MACHINE CO., nov. 10,'71-ly. Hath, Mo. 0. HOWE R, as opened n first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUH STOK E. at tho old stand on Main Street, Blnomsbnrg.afow doors abovo tho Court House. HIh stock Is com poscdof the very latestaml bcststylcs ever oiler od to the cltlrena ot Columbia County. Ho can accnmmodnle tho publlcwllhthofollowlnggoods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled sloga boots, men's double nud single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy slogu shoes of nil kinds, men's lino boots und shoes or all rrrndes, boy's double soled boots nnd.shoes ofnllltlnds, men's glovo kid Balmoral shoes.meu's, women XboyR's und misses' lasting galtors, women's glovo kid Pollsli.very liuo,wonien'smorocco llulruoralNnnd calf shoos, women's very line kidbuttomd gait ers. In short boota ol nil descriptions both peg He would also oallattentlon to his fino assort ment of ATS, CAPS, FUHS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tho now and populm vnrl- oLicsiiL priccswnicucnunoiiaiiiosuiiaii. 'incso goods nro ollered nt tho lowest cash rates nnd will bo guarauUcd to Ktvo satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere ns It is holloved that better bargains azo to bo lennd than ut nny other pluco in tho county, Jan 1'71 THE ORANGEVILLE M'ANUFAC TUI1ING COMPANY. MANUrACXDItEia Off AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of tho most Approved Patterns. Mill Gearing, Jobbing, and Castings of all descriptions. DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, Sc.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wowouldnnnouncotothe publlo In general that wo buvo tuktm tho well known Agricultur al Works ot this place and shall make It our aim to mnnurnclmo Urst Class Agricultural Imple ments muni touuv other mukera lu tho Stato. such as TltrtSliIiifr niacIiincH, Both Lover and Tread Power. I'Iown or every Description, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all to bo tho best plow extant lor iholanucr. Also tho Champion, StcriiH' Patent ami The Montrose. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Iron KettlCH, ami Castings of overy description. Wo shall uso none but the host materials and employ nouobut competent and experienced mechanics and our prices will compute nivorauiy wituauyoiucr maauiaciur ers. Country Prnduco, Lumber, Old Iron, taken In cxchuUKO. We also Imvoa storo In connection Willi our Agricultural wonts, wnero may ne lound n full assortment of MEUCHANDISE which will bo sold at small prollts. Give us a call betoru purchasing elsewhere aud wo guar antee satisfaction, imircn.-7.-u '. Hotels. rpilE ESPY HOTEL. COIiUMDIA COUNTY, PA. Tho nnderslcnod would Inform tho travelling fiublluthat he has taken tho abovo nnmtd estab. Ishmcut nnd thoroughly retltted tho S'une for tho pcrloctJcouvenleiH'u of hlsgnests. Hlslnrder will be stocked with the beat the market ntlords. Tho choicest liquors, wines nud cigars always to uo juuutl in ills uar. w 11.1.1 am 1-r.nix. I.SPV. l'a, J' J. -J JlUlUNXUiN lit would nunouneetothecltlzcnsofBlooms. unr nud vlclnltv. Hint ho ha Inst received a lull nnd compicto usbortmeut of WALL PAPElt, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, COUD3, TAE3ELS, und nil other goods In Is lino of business, All tuu uowest uuu uiosi upproveu patterns oi the day are always to bo round lu his establishment. iuar,o, 'ou-ii juuiu Di. ueiow iuarKOl, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PRICE J, XX. MAIZE'S, Corner Main and Centre SU., BLOOMSBURG. Anew Mock of Frc6h Goods Just opened nt MA1ZEU Teas, Collccs, Sugars, HYHUPS aud MOLASSES. CHEESE, MEATS, Ulllt l.ILiir aI a VKUETAI1LKB, JIKltMKTlCALLY Sealed unnus. FOUlIlGN and DOMESTIC FIIU1T8. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEENSWARE Cnnstantlv on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW und OLASSWAKEot every variety, All my goods nro of tho flrtt quality and nt ex tiemely low pi lean, docvfl-tl J, II, MAIZE, BLOOMSBUllG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, Poetical. Tho Conscience nud Fiititro Jiulgciticnt. I sat nlono with my conscience, Inn placo whoro tlmo had coasod, Aud wo tnlkod of my former living In a laad whera tho years Increased. And I fait I should havo t ) answer Tho tUollou It put to me, And to fuco Uio nnswer nnd miostlon Throughout nn eternity, Tho ghosts of forgotton nctlona Came floating beforo my sight, And thing Hint I thought wero dead thing Wcro allvo with n torriblo might. And the vision of nil my past Ufa Was an awful thing to faco, Alona with my consclenco silting In that solemnly silent place. And I thought of n far-away wnrnlng. Or n sorrow that wns to bo raluo, In n land that then was tbo future, Hut now la tho present time, Aud I thought ot my former thinking Or tho Judgment-day to be, But silting nlono with my consclonco Seemed Judgment enough tor mo. And I wondered If thero was n futuro To this land beyond tho grnvo ; But no one gavo mo an answer, And uo ono camu to save. Then I felt that tho ruturo was present, And tho prcsont would novor go by, For It was but tho thought of ray post Ilfo Grown Into otcrnlty. Then I woko from my tlmoly drcntnlng, And tho vision passed nwny. And I know the far-away wnrulng Wns n wnrulng or yesterday, Aud I pray that I may not torgot It, In this land boloro tho grave, That I may not cry In tho ruturo, And no ono como tosavo. - And sol havo learnt a lesson, Which I ought to havo known bororo, And which, though I lcatnt 11 dreninlug, I hopo lo torgot uo inoro. So I sit nlono with my consclenco In tho placo whoro tho yenrs Incrcaso, And I try to remember tho futuro Initho laud where tlmo will censo : And I know or tho ruturo Judgment, How drcadrul soo'r it bo, TKAT TO SIT AI.ONB WITH MY CONSCIENCR Will re jcdoment rnouou for hi I Imdon Spectator. Miscellaneous. A BOY'S DEIXXCE. Tho scene was in Sacramento street, in front of a well-known hotel. It was twenty-two years ago, and San Fran cisco was in hor Infancy. Quito a crowd had gathered on tho street, aud tho centro of attraction was a lug fellow, who stood with a newspa per in his hand raving and cursing. "What's tho matter, Wolf?" asked a nowcomcr, who was ovldontly familiar with tho Irato man. "Matter?" returned Wolf, for that was Ids name, "matter onough, an' rough enough it'll bo for somo folks. Them young whoip3 that prints this paper hits gono an' published somothin' 'bout me. O, I'll tlx 'eml Thoy'd bettor go an' kill themselves after ton minutes; it'll bo an easier death for cm," Wolf was a noted desperado, who, it was said, had killed rnoro than twonty men, and but fow know him who did not fear him. Ho was at that tlmo ehiof of a gang of loafere and gamblers that wcro nearly aways to be found lounging in tho vicinity alluded to, and disturb ing tho peaco of tho whole noighbor. hood daily with riotous conduct. If thero was any law in those days it was seldom executed against such charac ters, anil in tho full consciousness that thoy wcro feared thoy did pretty much as thoy pleased. Tho nowspaper which had given dead ly offonco to Wolfo was a littlo weekly journal, and its ollleo was in tho second story of a building on tho samo street with tho hotel I havo mentioned, and only a few rods distant. It was publish ed by two young raon or, I mlgh.t say, boys, for thoy wero only eighteen and twenty years old, respectively named Darrell and Kayncs. Tho paper and its youthful proprietors wero already well known in tho city of San Francisco. The article that had excited tho wrath of tho rufllan Wolf wa3 a bold denun ciation of himself and his crowd for their lawless conduct, and it particu larly mentioned him by name, charac terizing him as a "blustering bully." It was tho work of young Darrell, a foar lcss boy hailing from Ohio. Boforo leav ing his homo ho had acquired a fair education, so that ho could at least edit a nowspaper In thoso early days; and ho possessed, besides, that courago and daring, which may bo natural in tho first placo, which aro moro thoroughly developed by oxposuro to dangers and hardships. Young Kayncs wan qulto a different kind of person lu point of courago, being of an unusually timorous nature. To return to tho scono on Sacramonto strcot. Working hlmsolf up into his very worst mood and his best was bad enough Heaven knows Wolf toro tho paper to atoms and started for tho pub lication ofllco. Ho was followed by a curious rabblo, most of whom woro elated with tho prospect of a murder, though thoro vero somo present who would havo iomonstrated with thoovil hearted man, had thoy dared. "Jest you watch," Bald Wolf, a3 ho reached tho door, "if yo want to bco tho'r bloody carcasses tumblo out o' tho winder! It won't bolong. Idon'tspond much tlmo on slch foUors." It was tho intention of tho cruel-hearted man actually to cut tho throats of tho two boyish journalists and throw their bod' ies out of tho window, for tho gratlflca' tlon of the crowdatid tho further oxaita tlon of his already fearful uamo. So, tho mob on tho street awaited tho lssuo with feverish expectation, as Wolf, flourishing his knifo and rovolvor, on tored tho rudo fratno building nnd rush ed up stairs. All unconscious of their danger, tho two young editors woro busily pursu lng their usual work In thoir primltlvo ofllco. If thoy had heard tho nolso with out thoy had paid no attention to it, supposing it was merely a strut row such as thoy wcro accustomed to hear lng ovcry day. Darrell was sitting at a rudotablo writing, and Kayncs was nt tho countor nrranging somo papors for tho mall, Thoy heard tho clatter of heavy boots on tho stairs, but supposed it was somo I rough minor coming up to mibscrlbo for tho papor, or, perhaps, to boo a lawyer who occuplod a couplo of rooms on tho samo floor ; for tho building was n two story ono, nnd tho second floor was oc cupied exclusively by them nnd nn at torney thoir rooms bolng soparatod from his by n narrow hall-way that was reached by tho flight of stairs nlludcd to. "Ah'lal I'vo got ye, my young imps I" exclaimed thodesporado, burst ing in.- Knynos recognized him nnd turned pnlo. Bolng at tho counter, which faced tho door nnd oxtondod ncross tho room, ho was naturally tho first mark for Wolf's vengcanco. "Yoyoungdovllsl" holds sed, scowl Jng llko n madman, ''Yo'll nover wrlto nor print nothln' moro 'bout rriol" Here ho flourished his knifo and revol ver about his head. "I'vo gotaauro thing on both of yo 1" Saying this ho looked nbout him, with n caroful scru nlty, tosoo that thoro was no means of cscapo for tho qulot youth at tho tablo, who of courso, would not daro to Jump over tho counter and try to pas3 him, but would cower down In a corner and tako his turn nt being killed ; then ho reached across tho countor and seized Knynos by tho hair, which was, unfor tunately, very long. Colling tho terrified young man's locks nround tho great coarso lingers of tho loft hand, Wolf laid ills rovolvcr upon tho countor without tho sllghtost apprehension that his youthful adver sary would Bnatch it up and uso it on him as he might havo dono had ho pos sessed, tho uorvo; then flourished his big gleaming kulfo, deliberately, with puro dovillshness prolonging Kayncs' terror and pain. "Now say ycr prayers, d n ycr," ho ltissed, "you'vo got a couplo o' sec onds or so loft Jest whllo I'm clippin' ycr cars off. ''I'll tako 'cm first, cloan and smooth ; then I'll cut ycr throat an' throw yer out o' tho winder. D'yo hear that?" Such was Wolf's rollanco upon tho terror his namo ovorywhoro Inspired that ho never drcamod of resistance Ho simply intended to butcher tho two young men, and such a thing as an obstacle to his will was not to bo thought of. Had Darrell possessed no moro nervo than Kayne3 thero can bo no doubt thoy would both havo been murdored then and thoro, in exact ac cordance with Wolf's programme. "Time!" ho said, grinding his teeth in an castacy of rago, and drawing Kaynos' white faco closer to his own repulsivo countenance. "Thoy'ro a waitin' to seo your carcass drap down into tho street." Hero ho flourished his knife and selected his mark. "Tho light oar first. Wiuch how cloau and smooth I'll, tako it off. I won't oven touch n hair.'' Kaynes bawled for mercy. "00 don't 1" tho poor follow shrieked, trom blingwith terror. "Oh don't, Mr. Wolf, I didn't wrlto that, upon my soul!" aud ho whined llko a school boy. "Nono o' yer lylnl" said Wolf. ferociously, "Yo both wroto It.'d n yo; and yo'll both pay forlt." Horoho executed decided circles with his flash ing knifo, having apparently prolonged tho torturo as much ns ho desired. "Hero goes ; look out when I count three 1" Tho knife was ready to descend. "Ono-two Ho stopped and stnrtcd. Ho had not obsorved tho movomcnts of Darrell during tho last few seconds, and just as no wa3 upon tho point of clipping off Kaynes' car in tho polished manner ho had descanted upon, ho found tho muz zlo of a rifle thrust almost into his face. It was a loadod rlflo which, luckily, a friend of Darrell's had left In his keep ing that very morning, whllo ho went out to mako somo purchases. It had stood in a corner of tho room near his tablo, anil Darrell has seized It, cocked it and lovclod it with such dexterity that ho had Wolf covered beforo ho had obsorved his moments; and ho stood motionless as a statuo his cool oye glancing over tho sights, ami a steady linger on tho triggor. "You great bully," ho said, "drop that knifo instantly. Mind, I como from a country whero thoy shoot squir rels only.through tho oyo. I can hit any hair of your head that you will mention at n hundred yards. Drop that knifo 1" Tho rufllan was fairly paralyzed. Ho released his grip on poor Kaynes', who sank fainting upon tho floor, and his murdorous knife fell on tho counter. So unexpected was this bold attltudo of Darrell that Wolf was moro startled than ho would havo heon If a dozen of tho roughest mon in California had as sailed lilin. Thoru stood tho boyish editor motion loss as tho wall, and muzzlo of tho rlflo did not movo tho breadth of hnlr. Dar rell hold tho desperado's life in his hands. "You cowardly bully!" ho repeated conlcniptously. "Don't you daro to movo ; I can send n bullet through your oyo-ball without touching tho whlto. Don't movo an eighth of an Inch or I'll do it, and throw your filthy carcass out of tho window." Wolf glanced at his rovolvor, lying upon tho counter within two feet of his eyes, but ho did not venturo to reach for It. "Daro to touch that rovolver, or so much as look at it again," said Darrell, "nud I'll mako n red picture upon tho wall thero behind you. You blustorlng, bragging kuavo! you nroacownrdat heart a despleablo cur ! You camoup hero to niurdor two boys, becauso you thought it would bo an easy task, and now you aro palo and trombllng with fear, I would kill you In your tracks, but thf 1 1 don't want your dirty blood on my hands, Go now. Turn Instantly. Loavo your knifo nnd revolver whero thoy nro. I'll keep them, Go down to your friends on tho street and tell them that a boy whipped you disarmed you, nnd kicked you down stairs." Do as I tell you. If you hcsltato you will nover seo tho suu sot." Wolf, trembling from head to foot, glanced ouco moro nt his revolver, but dltl nut tin 10 riilso his hand. His faco was palo aud hla lips woro dry. "Do you henr ino?domand Darrell, 1872. COL. sternly. "Yes, yes, don't shoot," said Wolf, turning nbout, as commnnded. Ho wns thoroughly cowod. "Do not turu your ugly faco this way again," said Darrell, "or you will pay for it with your life. Movo 1" Tamer than a whipped cur, tho ruffian walked toward tho door, and Darrell, springing over tho countor, wa3 at his hcols in an instant. "Don't look back, or I'll kill you." Mcokly oboying tho Imporativo orders of tho youth, Wolf moved slowly out of tho room into tho corridor. "Bo caroful j don't don't lot tho gun go off," Wolf stammered as ho reached tho head of tho stairs. At this momont tho clamors of tho Impatient crowd bolow aroso with tor riblo distinctness, nnd ono shrill volco was heard to say. "Hurry up, AVolf, why don't you throw them follcrs out?" Exasperated beyond measure, ho was on tho point of turning back, at tho risk of Ills ilfo ; for after all his braggadocio how could ho faco thoso bolow, disarm ed and chased out of tho building by ono of tho puny boys he had intended so terribly to chastlso? But Darrell was after him, and with ono vigorous kicksont him bounding down tho wood en stairs, with n thundering clatter, and rolling over tho doorslll, thodofoat cd bully actually tumbled out upon tho street boforo ho could really recover his equilibrium. "Hollo! how's this? What's up?" asked n dozon voices nt onco, as tho dreaded man reappeared In this undlg nifit'd shnpo, without having sont any corpses down from tho window. "Why, I simply kicked him down stairs that's tho matter," responded tho boyish volco of Darrell nt tho top; "nnd if ho comes up hero again I won't lot him off so easy. Do not bo afraid of him ; I tookallhi3 weapons from him." Wolf struggled to his feet, rubbing his head, nnd presenting such a ludic rous appearance that ho was greeted with loud, jeers and bursts of laughter. So complotoly had ho tumblod from his lofty eminenco in tho eyes of thoso who either admired or feared a bold mur derer, that thoy who nn hour ago would havo dreaded to offend him by a word or look, now regarded him only with contempt laughed at nnd derided him. Novor beforo had the rough crowd seen n man with nn established reputa tion llko Mr. Wolf thus suddenly fall to such a depth of degradation. All his namo, fame, prcstlgo, melted away like a mist, and ho was no longer feared no lougcr respected by tho low thioves and cut-throats around him only do- splsed. Yc3, despised by the meanest ot creatures, whom ho had oftentimes bullied as though they had boon hounds. Tho dread which had surrounded his namo seemed to vanish llko n mist. "Licked by a boy I" "Kicked down stairs." "Got his barkers took from him!" wero tho murmurs of tho crowd. At length a volco boldly taunted him with "Whero'syourknlfo?" and anoth er proposod "Threo cheers for tho boy that licked Ihim." Looking very little aud pusillanimous, ho slunk away toward Montgomery Street. Such was Wolf's mortification, when ho camo fully to realizo what a pltiablo figure ho had cut, that ho left San Fran cisco nnd wns seen in her strcots no moro. Tho fatality which had apparent ly thus far shioldcd and assisted him in his murderous deeds suddenly deserted him. Ho was destined novor to commit another murder, but was himself shot dead in Sacramento within but threo weeks after tho ovents narrated. I no not know what beeamo of Kaynes, or whethor ho is still allvo ; but I know that Darrell, tho bravo boy whoso cool ness and courago saved them both, is to day n gentleman of position, residing In a flourishing city of Novada. Clerical Anecdotes. In tho south of Now Jersey, somo years ago.thoro travoled oversoraoof tho hardest counties, n good, faithful hard working brothor, named James Mooro, as ho was familiarly called. Ho was dovoted to tho Itinerancy. Atruoloyal Methodist, plain, pointed, and sharp In all his preaching nnd exhortations. After ho had beon laboring a year in ono of hi3 now Holds, ho gavo his peo plo who dearly loved lilm, his farewell sermon. At its eio30 ho said: 'My dear brothren, this Is my last address to you. I'm going from you nnd you may novor hear tho volco of James Mooro ngaln.' 'Anion !' camo loudly from tho soat boforo him. Ho looked nt tho man with a littlo surprlso but thinking It was n mistako wont on. 'My days on earth will soon bo num bered, I am an old man, nnd you mny not only nover hear tho volco of James Mooro, but novor seo his faco again.' 'Amen!' was shouted from tho samo seat, moro vigorously than boforo. Thero was no mistaking tho design now. Tho preacher looked nt tho man ho know him to bo n hard grind' lng man stingy and merciless to tho poor. Ho continued his address 'May tho Lord bless all tho30 of you who havo dono your duty, who havo honored Him with your eubstanco, thoso who linvft linnn lrlnil til ihn nnar. nnrl ' w - I- -, Pausing nnd looking tho intruder straight in tho oyo, and pointing to him with his ftngor. 'May his curse rost on thoso who havo cheated tho Lord and ground tho poor under their hoelB. Saynmon to that, brothor l' Tho shot told. Ho was not inter rupted ngaln. In a Pennsylvania town thero was nn excellent but eccentric clergyman named Ross. Ho was about taking a collection for somo especial object, and had pleaded warmly in its bohalf. 'My brethren,' ho said, I want you all to glvo liberally to night nono of your pennies or five-cent pieces, but lot every DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 25, ono glvo a quartor, nnd to set you a good oxamplo, I will glvo tho first my. solf,' dropping n twenty-llvo cent ploco in tho basket. After tho collection was taken, ho lifted up tho basket, looked them over carefully, and thon remarked : 'I seo that my quarter Is tho only ono here ; so I shall tako it back again,' which ho did, and put it in his pocket with cvl dont disgust nt their meanness. a. quaint tscotcn minister was givon somowhat to exaggerating in tho pul pit. His clerk reminded him of it and Its ill-offects upon tho congregation. Uo replied that ho was not awaro of it, and wished tho clerk tho noxt timo ho did it to glvo n cough by way of a hint. Soon afterward ho wns describing Samson's tying tho foxca' tails togother. Ho said, 'Tho foxes in thoso days wero much larger than ours and thoy bad tails twenty fut long.' 'Ahem!' camo from tho clerk's desk. 'That is,' continued tho preacher, 'according to thoir measurement, but by ours thoy wore fifteen fut long.' 'Ahem!' louder than before. 'But as you may think this extrav agant, wo'll Just say thoy wero ten fut?' 'Ahom! ahem!' still moro vigor ous. Tho parson icanod ovor tho pulpit and slinking his fingor at tho clerk said : 'You may cough thero all tho nlcht long, mon, I'll nao tak off a fut moro. Would yo ha, tho foxes wid nao teols nt n' ?' Christian Weekly. Row Joo Lost ills lict. An old fellow named Joo Poolo, very eccentric and an Incorrigible stutterer, was a constant loungor at tho tavern lnWateifleld, Me. Ono day n travolor from a distant part of tho Stato, arrived at tho tavern and was met by an old acquaintance, a resident of tho town. After somo con versation on different toplcs,tho traveler was addressed as follows : By tho way, Brown, look out for old Joo Poolo to-night. You will know him quick enough by his stuttering. He will bomro to como around, and offer to bet that you'vo hot got a whole shirt to your back. If you tako him up, yon will surely loso by a trick he's got. Ho Invariably offers to lay this wager and always wins.' 'Very well,' said tho travolor, "I will not let him got ahead of mo. Much obliged for tho caution.' Tho evening arrived, nnd a large crowd was collected in tho bar room. Our friends were thero, nnd old Joo Poolo was present and in his element. 'I toll youwh-what. You aro nicely dressed, butl'll bet you ten dollars, you haven't got a wholo sh-shirt to your back.' 'I'll tako tho bet,' said tho stranger. 'Put tho money in tho landlord's hands.' This being dono, tho travoler pulled off his coat and was about following suit with his vest, when old, Joo cried out 'Ho-ho-hold on ! You'vo lost! Ha- half your shirt is fr-front, and tho other half Is on your ba-back !' anoro was a roar oi laugmor, dui ino new-comer did not mind it, but pulled off his vest too, and quietly turning hla back to Joo displayed to his astonished gazo a shirt neatly folded and placod underneath his suspenders. ur course tno laugn was turnoa upon Poolo, who acknowledged that ho had lost tho wager. Ho nover offered that hot again. The most faithful Iovor who has a namo nnd belng.outsldoof trashy novels, lives in Danbury. Tho parents of the young lady aro opposed to tho compan ionship, but it don't mako him proud. Sometimes tho old gentleman reaches him with his boot beforo ho can cot over tho fonco, but tho young- man doesn't lay up ill feelings on account of that ; ho only smiles on the despoller of his pants when ho meets him, and calls it "heaping coals of firo on his head." Saturday evening ho thought ho would got up a surprise for tho old chap. Ho put a paving stono in each of his coat tall pockets, and started for tho fonco as usual. Tho old gontlcman let out for him with increased enthusiasm, and caught him caught him good. Then ho laid down on tho grass and said t "I dlo by tho hand of an assassin." Bnt tho young man passed on without a word, and smiled tho most heavenly smllo of forgiveness ovor seen on that street. Stop the Intehest. Daniel Web- Bter onco dined with an old Boston mer chant, and when thoy camo to tho wino, dusty old bottlo was carefully de canted by Peter and passed to tho host Taking tho bottlo ho poured out Mr. Webster's gloss and handed it to him. Thon pouring another for himself he hold it up to tho light, and said. "How do you llko It, Mr. Webster?" "I think it is a lino spec! mon of old Port." "Now you can't guess what that cost mo," said tho host. "Surely not," said Mr. Webster, "I only know that it is oxcclleut." "Well, now, I can tell you, tor I mado a caroful cstlraato tho other day. When I add tho interest to tho first price, I find that it cost mo tho sum of Just ono dollar and twenty-flvo cents por glass!" "Good gracious t you don't say so," said Mr. Webster; and drain ing his glass, ho hastily prcsonted It again with tho remark, " Fill up as quick ns you can, for I want to stop that mlsorablo interest," How he Got Our. Max Adler, In speaking of solitary confinement, ro cently Bald: "When wo lived out In Missouri, many years ago, thero was a law prohibiting tho system of solitary confinomont In tho Stato and county prisons. So, in our town, a man named Tucker was convicted of a crimo and eont to Jail. TJie Jail was empty beforo Tuck or came, nnd after ho had beon in It forty-eight hours hla lawyer moved for his ulschargo upon tbo ground Unit, as Tucker was alone, his imprisonment wo3 in violation of tho law. Tho Judge thought about it all night, and stirred around among his law books, and tho next day Tucker was set nt liberty Thoy changed that statute tho very noxt year, Ono Inch (twelve- tint or IM cnplvatfnt J Houpatulttypeiouu or lwolniieitlonj(,lAO nine lutcitloni, JAW SPACE. Ono lDCh...m.Mi .tita J9JM UM Jo.nj Two incnes. Three inehM V.ir IttithAft.. B.SU O.UII V.W bf VX) , 18V0 25,00 lb'.iiq lstflt hVSS ao.oo t ik) r rwi 11 ml 17 (V) quarter oolnmn. "TiTo iw m .w mil column ;ao.w wToo 5653 ooJ liwloo una column . .. . iir,r' Mntlca. ll.CO KXCCUtors or au,"'","V,"" Auditor's or Aeslnee' Notice, 120. . . Local notices, twenty ent n Hue, ... ... . . ... - n.w 1 1 Mlnmtl. tV per year for tbo first lwo linos, nnd ll.'W tor encli additional line. 1 Humorous. What coos most ngalnst a farmer's grain 1 His reaping machino. A Pittsduiio porson suggosts paper beefsteaks to taKo tho placo of tho lea thor nrtlclo nowcommount restaurants In that city. The man who picked lipndoublo-tall-cd wasp has lost his lntcro3t in entom ology; ho studies choralstry and sur gery. The land of a Weslorn farm is do scribed as being so wet that tho owner hoes his corn with a dipper and digs his potatoes with a hook nnd lino. The Btl Albau's (Vt.) Zlettcngcr thinks "sky bluo is a pretty color for ceilings, but not so tasty for country milk at eight cents a quart." A young) man In Dayton is sad ovor tho thought that ho has a soven inch lizard in his stomach. Somo folks aro very particular. A coitONEit's jury in California re cently "sat on" a man who was asleep, whllo tbo official corp30 was lying un molested In an adjoining bed. A man was arrostod forgoing lo sleep nnd snoring too loud on tho streets of Wheeling, West Virginia, tho other day. Ho was fined for waking the policeman. Wisconsin nowspapers nro making an unusual to do nbout nn Infant born without brains. Wo always supposed that such was almost tho rulo in Wis consin. A pair of distressed parents in Troy aro anxious to euro thoir four-yoar-old-son of an irresistible tendency to com mit arson. Tho New York World wick edly suggests arsenic. Sausaoe machines in Council Bluffrf, Iowa, don'tmince thoir meatfinoenough to Suit tho public taste. A baby's hnnd Was recently found in a sausarro there. and the fltidor naturally complained of tno nones. A Vermont agricultural editor gives the following directions for cultivating roots: "First blast a hole In tho ground, then plant tho loot, then build a firo over it to Keep n warm." this is what ho knows about farming. An old sailor finding a corked bottlo floating on tho sea, opened It, with tho following soliloquy: "Rum. I hono: gin, I think; tracts, by jingo!" and men ne turow mom oacx into tno water. A . Innnmnl mn n n r f mmr . ...nnlll. and pretensions, said, in responso to a compliment to some mutton on hor tame, "un, yes ; my nusDanu always buys the best. Ho isn't stingy, and, besides, he's a great eplcac." In Whitoly county, Indiana, thoro Is a now-fangled corn dropped It drops two rows nnd hunts ground squirrels nt the samo timo. All tho operator has to do is to lean up against a tree and sweat until tho horn blows. The Cleveland Herdhl records tho burial of a policeman in that city, and says his remains wero " followed to thoir last roastiug place by a portion of the polico force." Tho proof reader when lost heard from was en route for California. A prisoner arralgnod beforo a Bo corder In Now Orleans was told : " I really don't know whethor I had bet ter lino you SI or $10 ; what's your idea about it?" Prisoner " Your Honor, all I havo to plead 13 that you will, not set down aught in malice," A few days ago a colored man In Halifax county, North Carolina, was exhibiting to a party of admiring frionds tho docilo qualities of his favor ite mule by pulling his tail and other wiso caressing him. Tho coffin was made of poplar plank so says the Roanoko News. A remarkable dog, in Auburn, Now York, whenover It loses its mis tress in tho strcots, makes for tho street railway, gets aboard tho cars, and keeps strict watch until tho latter reaches tho streot on which the canine's mistress lives. Tho dog then jumps off, and jogs up tho strcot to its homo. As four or live, darkies wero passing an agricultural implement store down soutn.onoor mem pointing to a culti vator, saiu: "A. man can jissit on uat tuing an' rue wnno no is piougning," "Golly," said tho other, "do rascals was too sham to think of dat 'foro do nirr. gers was freo." The Fort Wayne Sentinel makes tho following clieerful announcement: "A coffin wareroom has been established on Wayno street, in the rear of tho Sentinel building. Any ono feeling liko attack ing tno editor win savo his relatives trouble by coming around that way and selecting his box." A thrifty cltlzon effected Insurance on tho lifo of hl3 wife to tho amount of $10,000 tho other day, took homo a box of tho littlo red Maryland plums, and enjoyed a wholo evening watching his who eat tnom. xtis enterprise una us roward. Deducting $298 for funeral ex penses, ho is now $0,702 richer than ho was a week ago. A newly elected Saulro in a certain town, having occasion tho other day lo perform tho marrlago ceremony for the first tlmo, got tho affair considerably mixed, aud wound up by saying: "Suf. fer littlo children to como unto them." at which tho brldo remarked, "Thauk you. John, lot's go; that's all wu want." The Indians In California aro learn ing tho emotional insanity plea in ex tenuation of their lrrogularitles. A man In Trinity Contro, Ualirornla, was recently shot at by a presumedly friend, ly Indian, aud upon demanding tho cause, tho imuan oounueu on wun tno rifle, crying out, " Mo heap crazy ! Mo too much crazy ! Mo too much crazy I" The Danbury A'ewa says: "A Balm fort avenuo man was observed going up homo this morning with a gun that will carry at least an ounce ball. As ho llvos next door to a vounrr man who Is learning to play Rory O'Moro on n pair of cymbals, wo havo thought it best to print an extra numuer oi cujuua oi uur nnxt Issue. Orders left at tho nows stands or this ofllco will be attended to." An old toper was brought beforo tho Omaha polico court a fow days sinco to answer to tho chargo of drunkenness, and pleaded tho constitutional provision that ho ought not to ho tried twlco for tho samo offence, asking tho Judgo ir thoro wasn't something of thatBort in tho law. Tho Judgo said thero was. "Thon," said tho inebrlato, t'lf you'll send down to Lincoln and bring Gover nor Butler up hero, I can prove by him that I haven't been sober, in fifteen years. It's tho same old drunk, Judge; It's tho Bamo old drunk." A Cool. Belatipn. How louchlujr was tho grief displayed in B at a funeral a littlo out of town 1 Tbo un dertaker, who was directing matters in a very professional and proper way, noticed a man giving orders, and, as ho thought, rather eucroachlug upon tho duties and privileges of his ofllce. "And who aro you, my friend, that aro so busy about hero?" "Oh J you don't know mo?" "No, 1 don't." .... .. "Well, I'm the corpso s brother," Jlarptr's Magazine.