I UK O0I1UMBIA.N. 1,-tday, du-jtutil .187;, " FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT IiDITOR. Railroad Tlmo Tablo null . lit rinMHIlttllfl It. It. IA" Nortli. Houtli. . P-.12A. M. 47 PPM. iilt-------"',",' niV -ItlHA.M. 11:051" Mi ArfI mtiiodfttlon . coor M KM A.M. i,i - itvwiebah.h.i'uom HUi'iniT station, iiiii A. m. LOOAL- a vim.v mnsldorablo portion of tho Kaalorn Pennsylvania is so IrMIll "i . . . ioor unu li win ituu uu v . lli'itisHl) licach leaves nro said to bO :: ' r t nn excellent nppucuuun wu.., whom lock-Jaw was npprchonded It was cured, n3 If by magic. Tin: Infant class of St. Paul's Epis copal Church, had a Festival Friday ami Saturday evenings of last wook. Vho nut profits iirnounletl to about G0. F. H. Wlngorl, for many years wishler of tin First National Hunk of Ashland, l'u died on Monduy night. Ills funeral took pluctuU l'ottsvlllu Thursday. It Is eonsidorod a curious fact that whllo suuslroko Um occurrca almost every whero clso this summer, no caso lias yet boon reported from n bao ball field. a correspondent of tho Ilarrhburg ntlriol states that Aloin U. Talo son nf Col. TjOvI L. Tuto was arrested four limes during tlio roeont riot3 in Wil- lLmisnort. "twleo for hallooing 'ten houis. Tan first examination of touehors under tlio now suporntendont took placo nt tho Old Academy on Saturday last. Tlieru wcro mauy townspeople present liml tho cxaiiiiuallous woro creditable to the teachers. In Athens, Pa., there is a dog ordi- li.wieo which requires for tlio fjafety of tliu life of tho animal that It bo securely lied. Ono man lives up to tho law, by strapping bis cur to cifht hundred feet of rope. I,amp chimneys aro apt to breaic u fitted tightly into tho socket. This allows no room for expansion when they are boated. A looso fit, when cold, sliould always bo preferred ; nfter tho lamp is lit tho chiinnoy will bo found to expand sufilcicntly to till the socket. KiiiLi:i. David It. Ci.havku, formerly of Bloomsburg, was killed on last Friday near Corry, by tho ears on tlio P. &. K. K. It. Ho wa about 39 years old. His remains wn o interred at llenovo, wiioro ho had a wife and thrco ehildicn residing. Wil'tauuport Sim. A number of young gentl .ion of this town wont on Saturday last id Ujr.vick to play bxso ball with tho Club of that phee. Tho usual success which attends liloom players deserted the m, though it N fair to say that somo 'if tho party wcro perfectly now to the b II field, nud thai tho Itorwick Club h 1 1 sjiuo ablo anil experienced players. A mceling of tlio Columbia County Aj;tIculturalSocloty wa3 held on Satur day last at tho oillco of C. O. Uarkley Esq. Tho Premium List was agreed upon, very similar to that of last year, diplomas being substituted ror pro iiilitins in the e.iso of certain patent ri'-lit inachiucs. Tin: idea In prevalent that tho law ol la-t winter preventing lite sale of liquor m election days, applied to delegato dictions. This is not correct. It only applies lo general, special and township dictions. "t'miUK," vulgarly so called, is un doubtedly a good thing to havo in a roa sonablo amount and pays its proprietor handsomely, Wo mot an individual oa tho sireot a few mornings siuco who hail ono to market without nny mon ey, nudo his purchases on tick, and then borrowed a pall to carry them home, which wo thought was good for oiiu so young as he. A good, convenient, nnd very effec tual remedy ror tho stings or wasps, bees, etc., simply to hold a hollow key, over Iho placo stung, press It hard into tho ilesh for a minute or so, nnd when t then off, Iho poison will bo on Iho stir- ucooftho flesh und do no harm. A thimblo witli n light top will do, but nut quito us well. Tun Court House grounds havo been put In order, grass inovpd, weeds re moved, pavements cleaned and really loot very neatly, A ilttlo caro exercis ed by persons passing in and out in tlio waller of closing tho gates will keep nut wandering cows and thus onsuro tlio i.'ooil condition of tlio grounds. Work Is still progressing on tlio now Hotel but tlioadvauco is not so readily si'cn by tho casual observer ns when tlio walls wero lower. Tlio completion of mis building is earnestly desired by tlui-o lovois of our town, who wish to mi tho unsightly ruins which so long wcro an oyesoro, replaced by aslrtiettiro which will provoalikoauornamont und a convenience. It Is Btiid that thcro is no trco, nallvo lo tills climate. Letter adapted forshado or ornament than tho sugar maplo. Its term Is thnt of n rounded cono of bcautl- ful proportions, and lis foliago Is full and dense, In viow of tlio fact that so many shado tree3 aro destroyed by tlio ravages of Insects, it would bo woll in planting shado trees, to select tho sugar waplo which Is hardy aud remarkably Ci0.ui und freo from lusects. A wi:i:ic from Salurdav thn dnlPirato flections occur, nnd ns wo doslro each Voter to act intelllcontlv. wo ronrnduea tlio rulos uovornlntr our elections. Un- dor tho new rulo, voters may glvo their ballots directly for Uio candidates, aud "icy will recolvo representation In tho tliuCmvontloii In proportion to thoir ktroiigiii, Cumubitlvo votiutr implies "'ilylothoelccllonofdeleL'atesandnot "i Instructions. Tho best and simplest I'lati is to agieo upon tho deleeates. and llion voto dlrcetly for thocandldates. "laid: Uckols, lists of voters and ro. ns will bo furnished each district. THE AmiLAMii rcoi-lo arc IttMiH! rtwl: In il Uiw WdrKS wini'ii is wiou in iu iinni i In Hint ))nrntR.--Siciia)UlnahJlr,ritl(i, I low Idiir will II lin linf.irn IIIooiih Imrir Mill lo nfjilHltiil ly n tilmllur schcmoV This Ih not n conunilruin nml our youtiHor renders nro warned not to nl tempi nnswora to It. ONTuosday July 20rd ngJ,ne9Borrd was drlvlnc n throo liorno team from Lone 1'ond over tho mountain, tho load er broko I0030 imd stnrled tho othor two horses, throwing Mr. Soward vio lently to tho cround, bruising him so voroly. Tho liorscH In thoir fnuitio piuiiKing went over n stoop name niicun or twenty foot, carrying too wngon with them. Thoy woro badly cut nud scratched mul tho wagon damaged. Tutnn Stheet Is In a delightful stato of confusion both i3 regards tho road- .,, mi, t Hm ulrlmtrnll.-a. TCnrtr llin n!d it,,, ai,nnf la nlniwvl nn no If v - Jn pro,,,imton for winter crop3nnil wo , Qf 0lQ ventur030lno rosldoat who proposes to how something or other lurnlns wobollovo In frontof his houso In tho hopo of getting a crop uororo tno Commissioner of Highways gels mat- tors In order. A TMMl'JWT IX A TKA I'Ol'. TtlO OlllC ofiiiMtinaslvrat Ormigevlllo Is not worth niuch.but. tlioriuiKtlim huh aut tho Whnl'J town by tho enrs. The mas of tho lie publicans desired to havo It In ono place, but our nnclont friend Baniuol Aehen bach having tho oar of Congressman Moreur enrrlod his man. Tlio voto in Orange this fall will demonstrate whothcr Achonlmeh runs tho parly there or not. The warning that Is repeated cvory summer by papers throughout tuo country in rofcrenco to bathing, Is now In order. Persons should not plungo Into tho wator whllo in a perspiration or heat. Thcro is nothing more danger ous than this during tho healed season. Uaro nud judgment will provent bad results. Tho body should bo allowed to cool to n certain oxtout before bathing, and tho slay in tho water should not bo prolonged beyond u roasonablo time. Tho Carlislo Volunteer says: "Wo have been informed by individuals who rraliln in tho countrv that thov havo iiovur seen such Inrtro snakes, nnd so many of them, as tlioso which abound in llicir respecuvc lioignuornoous tno nrnsnnt vonr." Wo would liko to know. In view of tho .... .. . I uvu u,, u .., "con an muruusuu uuiisimipuuu ui whiskey in that neigniioiiiond or late, or whether tlio "snaix" aro bona Hdo reptiles. Oni eroaturos Hvo in somu of our neighboring towns, as witness tho fol lowing which wo presume is authen tic; A WHHamsnort paper of recent dato has tho following : "Last Sunday oven- Iiu.'. in a church on Market Street, thoro sat Just in front or tlio pulpit n young lady and gentleman who mado them selves ridiculous and annoyed tho con gregation by niiectionato demonstra tions which would navo ooon moro ap propriate in a hall-lighted privato par lor." Tlio crop of oal3 In Columbia county will exceed that ofany year for the past ten and corn bids fair to do ns well. Farmers speak with delighted fervor of both crops. Wheat has turned out bad ly nud in many places is baroly wortli thaeultlng. Tlio fruit yield will bo very largo, tho poach and applo tross being fairly loaded with lino looking fruit freo from knots nnd worms. Taking all things into consideration tho year 1872 cannot bo found fault with by tho ma- jorlty of our farmers. Fon several, weeks past owing to necessary repairing to tho holler ot our engine, wo have been compelled to ruu oil" our largo edition by hand, a long and tlresomo piece of work nt nny time, but especially so during this hot weather. Tho failuro of our subscribers .it times to get their papers on tho prop er day must bo attributed to this fact. Wo aro very happy Indeed to stato that tho boiler is at length lu order nnd wo trust thai thoro may bo no moro irreg ularities iu putting tlio Coi.UMiiiAN Into tho hands of subscribers. Tho Boston Times says: "Wo ad mit that Grcoloy has committed tho Impropriety ono of tho greatest of his lifo of wearing a white hat, and nro not even prepared to deny his guilt as to Uio white coat, but then ho paid for thorn. Wo think no ono will chargo him witli having obtained thorn by fraud or received them as gifts in intl mato connection witli tho distribution of tho peoplo's offices." It seems to us that our town has this year been visited by fewer hand organ grinders and patent medicine men than usual and that thero Is u vast Increase porceptiblo in the number of files. This Is odd. Can it bo that Provldence,wliicli "tempers tlio wind lo tho shorn lamb," refrains from visiting us with more than wo can bear and abates ono kind of nuisance in presence of another. It is not for us, lu such case, to find fault, but wo would remark that if ti cliolco bo allowed us, wo sliould profer tho per- J ipatotlc musician and tho purveyor of worthless nostrums to tho moro irritat ing nnd over present Insectivorous nn noyanco. Tlio only comfort wo got out of tlio present stato of affairs is a firm lutllnf til Mm utnfnmnnf tlmf ti Mini im can oxistwhoro there la n nuiltltudo or IJVI1VI MMiUlltUitV Vlllll 1 4VJ VllWV;lt files. Tliero aro enough in Bloomsburg lo kill a city-full of cholera. Ashland is Uio only district Iu this section of tho country Unit compiles with tho law that requires eacli school district lo publish annually a report of its financial condition. Tlio largo sum of money yearly eolloetod from our lix payors, nud oxpendod fur school purposes, makos it au Item clnlmlng thouttontlon of ovory taxpayer as well as of ovory parent, to soo that theso mouoys aro required forschool purposes that thoy aro Judiciously oxponded, nnd that tho character of our schools cor- respona in somo degroo to tho amount yenr'y oxP"le for their support, nro onjccis oi interest to overy ono. wo 1,0I' to seu a" 11,0 districts In tho eoun lY complying with tho law. Tlio Stato Superintendent of Common Schools saa "mi 1,10 section oi mo iaw which requires tho publication Is us obligatory "Ion tho Board of Directors as is Uio section requiring tlicm to keep opou schools, and a neglect to perform this tluly :ordlng to law will subject Dl rectors to romoval by Uio cotirls, Ihu 8111,10 113 "eg'eci or any other duty ro 'lulrod by law. COLOMBIAN AND Th Wmmiwjorl tXmtttml In a lon aruviu cniiiii'ii - ihii ihiuhiuv i mini (lcn-rfl" oniinmriilivi cm lain iiordoiiH oniiHplr.tiom h i Midi, mill llitri pnyrt htl ri 'lHTtitollinl iiVi iciiili'illloi ll'H'liloy, 1 51. "wlch la postmaster." Tho conduct of tho nioomabunr.l'ost niaHtcr may need somo furllior oxnlann. tlon. ABort of lialMledRCtl Mclliotllat K iTo'ouicrK nronchcr. It niiKlit no supposed no wns era who make up their minds to enter tho servlco of tho dark prince, ho ap preciates that to servo hla vulgar master Iio must bo nil that Is reprehensible and especially Indecent. Ills malignity towards Mr. JJuckalew wns put in ue tlon by tho fact that either that gentle man or f-onio of his friends somo ye.irs ago convicted him of participation In n riot u cowardly and atrocious riot. In revenge, lio would blto us tho viper biles If lie bad tho ability too fo for that, lto slimes ns tho Uzsuud Mlir c nnd ocaltcra Ills filth f;o recklessly that tho reopeclablofarmers of Fishing creek valley, Columbia county, eomo In for u full elinro of tho vituperation heaped upon air. Ducknlow. Ilenco wo have u vast quantity of falsehoods about n myth called tho "Fishing Creek Con fodoracy." No Such tldng was over proven to havo existed, nnd it novor had existence. True, somo worthless patriots liko tho postmaalorcuitor him self, too cowardly to shoulder muskets themselves.undertook to establish thoro lovo of country by charging that their wa.i such n confederacy, and finally In duced Secretary Stanton to order n military foreo there, upon tho faNo allegation that tho citizens wcro drill Ing In military stylo with n viow to resisting tho draft, throwing up fortifi cations, and maklnc other nronaratlons for lobollion. When tho government troops nrrlvcd they found, after strict scrutiny, thnt nil these representations woro false, and their commander, Oen. Cailwallader,oxprejsed his utter disgust mr wioper;ons wno maiio mo charges, lo keep up appcarauecs and screen tjionnelvpB, tho rnalignnnt.) procured tho arrest of a lariro number nf ns rn. siu'ctabloand honest farmers ns theStnto contains many of them aged and fco bio men and thrust them into military prisons, from which eomo of tlicm woro relieved by dcatli and tho rest by vol untary discharge Tho scoundrels who put mom thero Jiang thoir beads In shamo to this day when charged with tho crime. Yet, Iho rcckloss libeller referred to now repeats tho gross and Inramous slander against his honest fellow citizens in tho hopo of Injuring Mr. Buckalow by sullying his fair innio. In furthoranco of this nurno.se. snv lugs aro attributed to him that no ro- snectablo man In Bloonisbtirc will testify ho over uttered, and theso nro clothed in lnncunco (ho vorv coarseness of which betrays thoir falsity for if uiuru is a mnn in tno siaio wno, anovo all other lirominont men. Is free from M10 vlco "'."-J'S .P.) and nbuslvo Minnl'lim it H Mr. llnnk-nlnw. p.ut wo havolicatowed moronltontlon upon tho roveronil-postmasler of iJioonisimvg than ho is worlliy of. Our anolotry is that publisher!! of other blackguard sheets republish his libels. At nomo an ho can say will havo no elleel upon any voter, for there both candidate nnd postmaster aro well known. Mr. UueUiUew's volo in Co lumbia county will show how botii aro appreciated oy their neighbors. Meeting of Tiir. School Doahd. Tlio following nppointmcuts of teachor3 for tho ensulngycar have been mado by the School Directors of Bloom. Prin cipal of New Academy, M. W. Nuss ; Assistant, Agnes Buckingham. Prin cipal of No. 2, Miss Armstrong ; Assis tant, Miss Yarnall. Principal of No. 8, L. D. Kaso; Assistant, Floronco Wirt. Principal of No. -1, Thercso Vanatta; Assistant, Mary Williams. Principal of No. 1 ,Ohl Acailemy,Josoph Garrison. Teacher of No. L',irattIo Kdgar. Teacher of No. U, 'Jennio Urccco. Teacher at Port Noblo, Efllo Vance. Teacher at Irondalo, MIs3 Van Horn. Teacher at Welsh Hill, W. L. Eycrly. Tlio salaries of tlio teachers range from $33 to $75 per month, Tlio con tract for coal wa3 awarded to 0. W. Neal & Bro. A committee was appointed to inquire a3 to tho propriety of select ing tlio location for a now Academy in West Bloomsburg. We bellovo Bloomsburg to bo in a cleanly conditiou ns regards its streets nud alleys, but It will do no harm for our Town Fathers to assure themselves that such is tho caso. Wo aro informed Unit tho small pox lias mado its appear auco In Sunbury and in view of this fact tho utmost vigilaneo should obtain hero that tho, frightful dlseaso shall not find a foothold from tho accumulation of waslo and offensive matter about town. Thcro can bo no certainty of ex emption from disease so long as garbage and oiral aro allowed lo foster nnd rot giving oil' noxious exhalations and poisoning tlio air. Let tlio streots bo carofully looked to, that If dlsoaso over take us In tho months now approach' ing, nnd which nro tho most unhealthy of tho year, wo may at loast hnvo tlio satisfaction of knowing lhat wo havo donn what lay In our power to avert It nnd protect ourselves. Dirt is doath's strongest alloy. Is tho list of county towns In this Stato, 00 in all Bloomsburg stands 2jUi in number, having n population of 0.311. It exceeds In population tho following 11 towns; aottysburg, Kit tanning, Beaver, Bedford, Hollldays burg, Towanda, Doylostown, Butler, Ebcnshurg,I3inporIouin,BolIufonto,CIar- ion, Cloirlluld, Media, UUlgway.Uutou. town, Tionosla, McCoiinollsburg, Waynesburg, Huntingdon, Indiana, Brookviilo, Millllnlowu, Smothpovt Morcor, Lowistown Stroudsburg, Sun I i xt... -m.n..ftni.i XT..ir.-.H.i n.i rf.' trn rT." 1 ' a Z r UUialfUll, i.liuiuui4i u , uui.iuiaui. v porto, Montroso, Wollsboro,Lowisburg, Warron, Honesdalo, aroensburg and Tunkliannock. And yot wo vonturo Uio assertion that thero Is soirccly n I 111 til II tow 1 um wl a " ,0 uu" " " f 1000 whoso merchants do not ovidonco inorolifoandacllvltyiu advertising than tlioso of Bloomsburg. A merchant afraid of printer's Ink (loos not amount to much now-o.days. All over tho country, newspaper: which nro anxious to pros'us'o tho lives of thoir ndvortisors anil suhselb'.'rs, nro offering suggestions ns to what shall bo caton and drank and wherewithal peo plo shall bo clothodat this trying season of Uio year. Ono of them says no mnn can at any tlmo oxpoct to onjoy good health unloss ho pays somo uttontlon to the iioco)3lllcs of his system, nnd takes caro not to nbuso his stomach by lmmod crato eating and drinking. In tho first placo tho "refreshment" from alcoholic drinks is all imagination, and howovor agrecnblo a Julep or cocktail tuny bo eonsidorod by tlioso mistaken peopio who will Indulge, Its ofi'act Is exactly opposite to what is desired, Katlug (o oxcess Is just ns bad, To oat to replotlon or drink to excess in oxtromoholwoath or Is equivalent In many cases to sulclda Iu any caso it Induces discomfort If not illness, hoi It bo remembered that loin pernnco In eating and drinking Is tho only condition under which health may Iio oxpoctod during hot wo ithor. DEMOCRAT, BXOOMSBURa, COLUMBIA COTV., IJA., Itulcs of Nomination. I,? adopted by the Convention, J)co. '2d, Ih70. I. Tho annual Counly Convention shall ho held nl tho Court lloiiso In llloomsliurg, on tho fceond Tnday of Auirust.nl ono o'clock p. mmidllio DclcErnto Klectlons Bhnll ho held on tho Saturday beforo nt tho places of holding mo general elections in tuo ooverni elec tion districts, between tho hours of thrco nnd saven o'clock In tho after noon. . . II. Tho lonresoulal on of districts in Counly Convention shall bo In propor tion to tho Democratic volo of each ns cast at tho most recent election for Gov ernor, but tho wholo number of delo- gam Pirm not xeeea seventy nor on Fo. h than flfly-fuuv, and no district shall bo allowed iosh than two nor moro man four dolegntes. III. Until Iho next election fur Gov ernor tluli gal'. shall hi' nl lowed to dis tricts u ion a. ratio of sixty voir vb P a delegate, allow.inc'' being madi" for tbo iargiMi. tractions oi u r.uiu. IV. The Blu-iding ConimitlCo shall whonONT tireecsiry mak unnppoillon ment of deli 'ntcs to tho several dis tricts tinder t .eso rukv and uubllsh It, togothcr with tho rules ns itMiqudod, in tho JJomoor.itio newspapers ortnocoun ty, nt lcti'-.l two weeks, beforo eacli nn n u al convention. V. votoifl nt Dolcgflto oleotions mny candidates than tho wiiolo number to bo elected, In tho mnnnor provided in tho fourth hcelloiiof tholllooinsburgnct oMth of March, 1370. Art ii'tw. n.ni,. .i.o(inn,i ut.ot I im by ballot and shall bo heldand'conduct- ed by u Judge and clerk, lo bo neloclcd by iho Dcmocrnts In iiltoiidntico, und tho said officers shall hoop a list of vo ters and tally of votes counted, lo bo sont by thorn to the t'ouvcmion with their certificate of the result of tlio olec' tlon. VII. All ca-,03 of disputed seats in Convention Bhnll bo d!Miood of openly by volo after hearing the respcetivo rtlofl .in ril u II, iimmi VIII. All delegates must reside in lt,n iliutrlnlH llinw vfinrnaonf . Inc. nf an absent delegate ho may Ucputo an- nii.nv in,., full ir.inci litu nlirntmrM in attcndancomayflubstltutoforhlm.' In other cases tho Convention may fill up Iho representation from tho citizens of tho district in nttendanco. IX. Tho votiiiL' in Conventions shall l,n nnmi nml nnv Ken liipinlicra innu rcqulro tho yens and uny3 on atiy ques- tp, II ncndlllg. v i,i,nti rnnviuitiiiiiM niiiv luifnllixi when neeesHary, by the Slanding Com- mlttee. the proceedings of which shall conform to tlieso rules. XI. All county nominations and all nnnolntmcnts of conferees nud of dele- en tea t Stato Conventions, shall bo made In County Conventions, XII. Tito Standing Committee shall consist of ono member irom each elec tion district, who shall bo elected by tho people at tho delegulo elections, who shall clioo.io their own Chairman ; and any llvo of them shall do a quo rum, when called IngDlherby tho Chair man. XIII. No member of tho'IiCglslaturo shu l bo chosen bv this county as a uoi egato to n Stato Convention during his term oi ollice. XIV. In Convention n majority of nil the votes given snail eo necessary to a nomination, and no person named sluilt bo poromplorily struck frourtho list of candidates until after tho fourtli voto, whim tho lowest nuuio shall bo struck off and so on nt each successive voto until n nomination shall bo efTec ted. rxv. Doletrates instructed by tliovo ters who select tlioui shall obey thoir nstruelions in Convention, and votes iveu ny.tiieni m violation oi uieir m ructions shall bo disallowed by tho Convention. All instruction shall bo eiiiiited bv thu election officers AVI. Uoiiwnuons snail no caned to order by tho Chairman of iho Standing Committee, or in his abeueo by somo other member thereof, who shall onler ain and put to volo motions for the election of a President and two .Secre taries for purprsos of temporary organ-? i.it on. XVII. No person siiaii bo cligiblo to nominal on dv a uonvcniion wno has opposed the Democratic ticket at tho next preceding election : out tins nuo shall apply only lo ca&cs of opposition o ticKcts nercaitor formed. XVIII. It shall bo n good couso of chatieneo atraiusc nny person oncrinc to volo nl nny delegate olection that ho has voted ncainBt .Democratic caniu dates nt Federal or Stato elections with in two vcars. or has opposed tho Domo cratic ticket at tho last preceding olec lion, or nas uikou or ngrceu to tniso money or other vnluablo thiug, or any pecuniary advnntngo, ns a consideration ror ins voto at such deiecato election. or nas corrupted or atiemptcu to cor runt any voter of the district with rof- renco to me samo j nui mis ruto snan liply only to causes of ohallouiro oris- mtr huhsenucut to us adoption. -vi -v. ii ii mi. in in- iiiiuit! iu .ijnn-ar to tho satisfaction of a majority of a Convention that any C tndidalo beforo it for nomination to any office shall x- - r ii . i i i , . . . , . i . havo ofiored or paid any mono.v or vat uablo tiling, or mado any pomiso of money or vaiuauio thing to ioko cticct n future, as an inducement to any dele- gato to yoto for inui j or to any other person with mo viow or inducing or SOCUrlllK tllO VOtea Of delegates; or if 1110 8flinO snail DO UOllO ly niiyotlier IiOrfOnWitllthoknowleilKOatltl Opproba- tioil of SUCll catllllililto. tllO lllimo of SUCll l-ailllillato shall bo iramciliatoly BtrttolC irom 1110 1131 01 CitlltlltiaiCS : or II SUCH rucL no fiRcnrtnincil tutor ma nnniiimtlnn tn nnv nfllnn nml linfnrn tlin llnnl nil. OUrnillCllt, thu llOIlllnation Shall 1)0 struck from tlio tlokut nml tho vacancv simiiliPil livn nnw nnmtnntlnn nn.l tT, either caso such person shall bo ineliRl blo to any noininatlon by a Convention or to olection as ti delegate, for u period oi two years. XX. If any dclcgato small receive any money or otner vtuuaiuo ining, or ac cept tlio promlso of money or othor val- uahio mine or nny pecuniary ativan ttiL'O lo iio naid. delivered or seemed in future, cither to IiiniHclf or lo tiny oilier nerfcon lor unu. irom any eantiiiiato or other portion for such candidate, as an inducement for his vote, or under any other nrotoxt : unon nroor or tno laet lo tlio satisfaction of u majority of tlio Convention, bucIi doiegato shall bo loruiwiui oxpciicu ana siiaii not do rc ceivod as a dolotrato to any future Con veiuion ior a penoti oi two years, unu uuriiiL' that timo anaii tuso no nieimi bio for any Pftrty nomination, uasca arising iiiulor this and tlio next proco- iiiiiL' ruio sunn navo preceiioiico over all other buslucsi in .Convention until dctormlnoil, XXI. Nono of tlieso rules shall be altered or lcclndeil ut a regular nmiual Convention, nnles'" by a voto of two thirds ot nil the iieiegaica present, Additional Hide adonted nt Oonven (ton oj X"s7i XXII. Cnudiilntcrt fur nomination may bo voted fur directly, nl tho dole galoolecllmi iyjd bhnll receive dolej;.ito or iiHinei vuii s in t-oi.vonnou in pro portion to tlielr popular voto in tlio suvcrtu tusiricis, upon inosamo pnnci p'o on .which delegates are oleetablo under the ot h rule. Tun lkrwick Jiukpendent has n lengthy commuuiention in Its last Ismo iu regard to tho Soybort caso, evidently written by Frank Stowart, Esq. It glvc3 somo now points in tlio caso not generally known uuu mattes somo damaging asiertiom agulnst District Attorney Swopo, Asso.-wor Knorr ofthls placo, and JI, C. McColluin of Espy. Wodonotreprodiit'Otlicm,l)ecausowodo notknow how truo thoy may bo, If truo, tlioso parlies should bo removed ; if un- truo tlio facts sliould bo shown, It Ha light among our Republican brethren In which wo have no lot, but it fully Illustrates tlio rotten rovenuo system perpetuated by Oen. Grant. (I' unciiiiilcii'ul ) (' il!liA, fjlKcrilO (V. .Inlv '"I. ihT2. Ul)tT(iltCol.UMiilAN. Tho peoploof (his vlcbillv havo wl Incused, thus far, n remarkable KOiison. Hlerii Uenili lias wielded lilsmiuhlyfietiplre nnd hUIoUoii down hero a kind and indtilijuul pa- ront, and thcro u prido or tho lioushoid, maklnit iiearts sad nnd homes dosolalo. lmnglnallon has connected us with tho remotest part of tho country, by nn Iron rond trnveb-d by Iron steeds, which out-strln tho birds In velocity, Hut, alas! tho shrill whlsllo nnd thorumblo of gigantic wheels, that woro henrd from Iho lowering -,?t;htH of Fancy's hill, Iiumi left the e 'iocs sleeping, ntid wo l'twt that tint fieat project will bo but as n Fairy dmam. oi, miniting u tobon plausibiosclieiiio,undonowiiieii, If completed, will not only bo beneficial In Hid countrv throutth which it will pass, but that it will m iko a direct lino to thii west ! wo think that financiers cannot fail to rceognlzo In It a safe nud profitable investment. Tho industrious farmers havo mined their hro.ul acres, nnd barns filled with tho golden sheaves Is tho reward for their industry, ami uio prospect ior no nbnnilAneo of rich irolden fruit Is. In deed, oncouraglng. Whllo tho laborer relolces In hi.) nlitindauce. ho also re joices to knowthut ho Is n cltlz.cn of ono oi ino most powenui nauons ui inu earib. nnd whllo ho is dovislug nnd meditating upon plaus pertaining to ds Individual welfare, each deems It his duty to dovo o somo of his tlmo to thoBtudy of national affairs, for ho Is conscious of tho fact that tho lirosnorlty of a nation or people depends upon tho nrdduct oL Ms industry, und ho realizes tPhal -tho prosperity of7,', nation assures IIS SUCCl'M!. iLS IJ1U I1I11U 4U1 HUlUUlllJK thn chief marnstrato or tno nation and StatO lS drawing nigh, politics IS being thoroughly discu-srd, and tno corrtip- lloll that has existed during tllO last rour years, has inciied tno minus oi an honest and patrlolie voters to work ZCalolislVlll tllO rofotmation and rcstor- nttm of nnv itvniit vi'iiiilillo Alniti llin I ntipll or Otll gie il lCJ tlOllC. Along UIO vales nnd mountains thoio comes n deep nortCUloilS murmuring, and JO I It IS tho volco of tho people crying, save, oil I save us from another torm or tyraunl- cal government I AVhllo thero 13 somo sacriflco to bo mado, tho Democracy of Luzerne will rally down from tho hills nnd vales nnd redeem herself by n full thrco thousand majority for urcp lev. and t lO WalllllC that 13 llCard in tho llepuhlican ranks, azures iis'tliat inioy recognizo in Jiiiriruuii. u pniiuiiuu which renders him unwotthyof oven their support, and as the career of liuck- mow is unsiaitieu, uniuriiisiieu, unu frCO from nil political delusions or cor- . ... ' ...in ..ir,. .i.i ,.n.t. I minimis. L lUV Will lliuuiiuab tliun lull- i .... , . " . . .. , . mu uiiiuiv;iii iu.n a ....... .. doll tllO tllO robO Of illlegrltV by placing him In (Im niiliornnlni-lol ffnilr Mverv llllll 111 1110 UUUernmori.ll timir. J'Vi-i-y iiemoernt I wo auitiroyou to iuuic in mu i InlereSt Of VOUr PCOPIO. O. ill. IV. lllllllHl 111 juui iiLUim- ..v. x. iPift? lin, nifftisi liavt'OTPAii fw 'II1E bOI.DII-.HS 110Jli.Sli.AJ) Ij.VW . llr.i ..11. rr.,. ., Vunaltttiirlnn nnnnr I hn I " " "l' " . ' " " "'"' ) i--, - lOlIOWlUg lnicrisuiig lium iu tiuiiuuij i . .. . .,i.. i. ... l.n I0110W1UU lIllUIllllliK liuiil iu HU11III.1J who mado their entiles under f ho old law, viz : Tlio Commissioner of tho General Land Oflleo has decided thnt soldlors' wlin mitnred homesteads nrior to tho nneoofin nf llin recont net of f!on"rpss paSSMO 01 tno recuu tiLi oi ()ii?rLS3, familiarly knOWna.S tllO boldiors'llomo- stead law, nro entitled toliavo tho tlmo thoy served In tho army deducted from tho tlmo heretofore required to perfect title to homesteads tuo samo a3 those who made entries after tho passage of said net, and, thorefore, that soldiers who made homenc entries under tno old law may loeeK-o their patents by unkind nrooi oi me sanio nun snowinir ,i complianco witn tno law unit regula tions without wait'ng unlil thooxplra- tlon of five years from the due of en- try DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. I'OU UUVKllNOIt OIIAHL.ES h. buckalew, Or COI.fMllIA COUNTV, I-'OIl AUIiITOIl ClK.S'nKAL: WILLIAil IIAHTLEY, oi- ncoroitn cousTi". roU JUIX3K 01-' SUI'JIEMK COUItT: JAMFS THOMPSON, or kkii: cotJNTv. FOU CON'OnUSSJIIIN AT LAUGH: RICHARD VAUX, 01- I-lIILADRLFItlA. JAMES II. HOPKINS, 01' ALLEGHENY. IIENDRICK B. WRIGHT, Ol" LTJZURNK COUNTY. I'oi .ilci.ihrra of the Constitutional Con- Tcniion, (1K0. W. WOODWAItn, I'hllailclphla, .ll-UtUMIAlI S. nti.VOK, Yolk. WJI. llIULKIt, Clcarilelil. W. J. HAr.lt, Somerset. W. II. 8.MIT1I, Allegheny. I'ltANK I.IN II. (lOWES, l'lillailelpllhl. JOHN II. CAMl'UlIi.L, l'htliulelphl.i. B.A. IllIVNOLUS, Ijancaster. J AMI-IS KI.LIH, Hchuyllclll. H. C. T. 1)01)0, Venango. OKO. M. UAI.LAH, I'tnladelplila. llOIIUUT A. LA.MllKltTON, D.Ulphlll. A. A. l'UllMAN. On en. wji, l. conm-rrr, eiirion. Ueinocralic County Comcnttou. Tho Uomocratlo voters of tho soveral illslilcts ofColumbla county wlllmcctut tho usual places of lioUIIng the geucial electlous on Saturday iho U.nlU day of August lK2,botwccn tho hours ot thrco and Goven o'clock ill tho nftoruoou nud clod ilclcgatos by ballot to lcprcsent tho dl.ilrlcta in n county couveuuou io no neiu ai mu mini houso in iiioomsijuig on xuosuay mu mu- tconth day of August, 1S72, at ono o'clock p. m. to placo lu nomination n canuiun-.o ioi a1Ciiiuei r Assembly, u candldato for croihonoiary nun Clerk of tho several couils, a candldato ror ite; lster and llceorder, n canilldato for County Com missioner, a candldato for County Auditor, also to appoint conliiecs to meet similar conioices from tho several counties of tho dlll'eient ills- tilcta. tu choose candidates for 1'roiMcnt Judi Congress, tho Constitutional Cunvonllon aud tho Slato Heiiate. Also, at tho same t.inu nnd places and lu the siino maimer, tlio Democratic electors of each dlstilct will eliitoiiD person toserv'oaii member of the County Htnudlug Commute, lly order of tho County Committor. C. (I. llAUKl.MY, Cliniimau, CANDIDATES. I All lultn mn niiltn.ni-e.l I.I tills HsL nlO lllOlltX- oilloahldo by tho declalou cl tho Diinocratlo cnmcutiou.j roil MliritUSENTATIVK CHARLES U. BROCK WAY, ill.OO.MSIIlIUU. l'OH PllOUIONOTAllY JESSE COLEMAK, iiLoo.Manuna. B. FRANK ZARU, iiiiOOMHnuitd, run itKGisTi:n and hkcokduii. WILLIAMSON .11. JACOBY, HLOOMHIHJUU. l-'Oll COUNTY COMMtBSIONBll ABNER WELSH, 01' OUANUi: T0WNS1II1. WILLIAM; LAW-TON, 01-' (1HEFNW001) TOWNailll'. JOHN SNYDER OF 0UANC1K TOWNBIIIl'. MARKET REPORTS. lllonimbui g Mrk(. Whiiil inr buubi-1 llye ' Corn " - - - - oats. " Flour pel bsiu-i Cloveieod... t'liixseeil Ilutti.r &fi Tallow Polatouu 1)1 led Ajlis Hams u M. Il.ti) . 11 U) 0 00 1 fo Hides nnd Hlml. Idvlk Kurd per pound II jy iar un . ,"rr.r.'.!!;'." si S VlCtlOh 01 tllO necessity OI a roioruiaiiuu tcr's .Slonmch inilci ! 1 . cpccialiy ailaiiteil lo bv cnsllno-tlipli-votes for 1dm. nnd WO I t,is purpose lie pentral opl-iatlon Is not con "L ilnca'iortsli.-.-leon.nn. .11 tho M. or ,1s allccleil. .Mpyer Uro.tr Umv UKy ' 'IW for . .nk I " ("I yj Ml Old INtnlilUlioil Cml Vnnl. (J. W .NKAt.AiHlio. Wholespli. A Hi- tail Oelilers In nil sizes of tho biwl fltmllHos of lted nnd WhlMAsh Ounl, nt the very lowest market rales, hlmo burneni supplied nt liberal rates witli best quality ISO. u.eoai. j'orsnutii iires, In addition (on prime article or lump, wo liavo'(ilistcluF.i(iitaUty oi Bitumi nous coal , ft $tl.2.j "nor loiyoii'whan. 1 iiargonoc.i.sDi an wkiw hiu.ui.ihih hand. HI Hi t personal lUeiUioiu'lveii to Iho preparation ill' all .inrcal. drain, liiimoor ami iaus lai.eu i oxciuuigu ior coal, umi ucnvei' n m any pari oi inu town. Orders left nl AicKclvy iseni & Co's. slbro orjntliurunlcoy will lofcolve prompt attention. Oi'l'il i-. it TaIiiwia M('1Ci:i,vv ,"c jNKAI.': Fi knai v, Kk- c llMJOMSLt liO. Your piitriiiinge ri pid hilly solicited. , -4 " i:itnons or voi'tii. r.Mry nirM)UK Ynuiis Man !n Uio t'ulnu, will reerlvii, flip, n Kocipu iluit vill'iivi'n uruhIiiu tuiouisii mo, iy iium '.lug, In I'onaduuco, iu.n ii. ouiii;n, CciliirKt.,N. v. Mi. I), ly, llnx 61WV.0. tltniAvt Klt.lllte with HoTMIil tho Ijclll'lttH .ln,'Kf,l,ln renin llin wfirlil-rminwuctl AIXICA JIUHTANO l.INIVI'.KT. TllP 1I10NI irrcnunnuin. t,otlinonycslnbllslicu tholttot thnt this wimlrmis liulm exprls tlio nnmo Borithlt)!! ami licalliiR In lluenco when nrptlfit to tho hutnnn cuticle, Hint It lor In ciBCH of spivln. loumlPrs, rlrRbotif , ntl rvU.dorntclioi. wimt call nml other nllnicnli iiftliohoMo which renulro ontwnnl Ircatmrnt. U in in fAPi.ihA most ftiTcctunl of allcxtnrnali'Kint- afca f.ir riicmnntmm. gout. HtitrocM or the uect, r"Y'1Vi?,,S-cA7ro 1 Uro"f ' 0",a VV-T;? i. .,,,,,. nn ,D,,i ,,iii,,n nv.r ,.nir,i n,n rnnM i.oimlnrlty wlilcli Cnstnrlo Imi Anne. Oni) jS'otirof. it i vcKeiailiorfcpamtionV rcr: riclly lmrmlcM, plparnnt to tnuoj iIocn notill- ircinir yripu, im ;vuyVi.i AJJ ,'," wi',o ha' ovt umi i.-imoik mr KtomacHAclii1Contlpntlon,(lronp1I.lulnloncy, Wmnis, I'IIop, or ucriiUKcu wver, wri never , usomiuipnthiirDll.milrrrilNor Knrootlo Hvriinft. ills. Morphino nor Alcohol, liy its nootliln:!. 'i nn cnsioiia cinuumi neuuer iuuici qulctlni! cllcct It proaucei natural mnop, ami w puriicmariy uuiiinuu n. uiyiuii mm lut-nuiii; ciillilt-mi. II ookIs IjiiL SI cents, nml ono hottlo will save many ilollam in aootorn' bins. 1131117 A V'EIItl.OtlHBlJAHON. UIoiIouh umi ilcllithtful nu iltn KnitiijiiT wMitlmr lit. ItA Ironical heal li a i,overo trial to tho vital powers. Uvcii tlio Btronsent aro fcoiiictlmcs prostralt'ilhy Its Directs. Tho common iihrnno Hppileil to this coiullUon of tho hoily Is "sencinl dehlllty." How, iic-neial ilelilllty nrncs irom. anil niciiiucs a yaiiciypi ailineiUQ. J IIU UVL-l ii iiiiuu iu ll'l! UUllLei,, IUU bowels nro cither conclpaleil or loo much re laxeil, tho Rtomach htilh.tll pcifuriiSithi! work of illRcstlon, Dieapintlto is poor, nm) the spirits tfim-iiccl. Thlqlqwl.nl lr-iilti-it prm.-liil .lehlll- ts H H a uencral ilthaHamsemciit of all tho nhvHlcal function, mul requires -iq a icmoily a v ...n, .....mi,,., il ,1, ir..un,- lUltULUID UUI. " .Ls-llu t.lwiil l.tl. ' V .11 it lesioics n-. loiio, 11 iuohtoinacnisiorpui.il n-KenorntoH It. If the m-ivi-s are tieimiloiis an I weulr, It Iiroies ana relnforcefi them. It the miuil,wl((cli uier HyinpathiAswiilt Ih hoily. Is Kit,oinyanii a (oiuu.nt, a leecvn theiiiiiicuii: ll wxni miui i im-ivimie miiu.i u ui ui , :,,iUl,m w.tn 111 J lauiol hiulln. Western llenilspliore In ililiu Uio u'i...j i.i u.isi-a.i . stomnrli ill.ler.ias n loin. , c.n.i live, -m.l ami llllloll1! nu ilh-mi). lu nut known lino it cui.eil .""'"" ".". " tl : Tlmiui,i,u, Ul0 -froiilcs It Is fo, sM.-ffl mo poonio ann mo pioic-qsion, iiiusiana.iia -ie clllc. Whllo 11 is ,i nldlk-Uio I. i nil m- -.uii., . na nil climates, It Is esi'eel.illy suiiea to l.i' oim- piaiaiu acueraien ny ino wuainer, t-eini; inoj ar est anil best vif.i'tablc Mtumleni tn ino uoilt lJowaro oi thu lillicis mn lo ot tici la nnu iiau- KCious materials, which nusci.ipulout pintles uio ciulcavorluc lo lotst upon tho people. Their namo Is legion, anil tlio public has no auaiauteo that thoy aro not poisonous. Ailherc tu tho trleU mdy'uustetter's IlitturH, sul.l only m rIusi, nuil nevur m ltcra or barrels'. nsiwl Ti-jmoTlnTlf TY;i X f UllLL I tllIUUIy . Tho lollowluir letters ar anio-n 11.. nioconslantly iccvlvlus li nii pui -nn hecu cm til hy Selieiiuk'tJ I'uliiioiiio Synip, Ttinif, ' Pill . Hi-lioiick' Pit Wood Sfhenck's . AMU Mandrake Peiuml ovr, Hiili-m Cu'.inty, T.'t r. .3t.i4i. F).llllllAl:i -.7. iS7i". Dr. J. JI.HCIJKNCIC.N. i;.corntrHliunn,I Alcli hireeis. l'liiiaueiiniui, Respected. Hlr I tako nleasnro in adiilti-'mv Icstltnouy to that of tho many others w bo havo been cured by Ihnclileueyol Hcheiick'rt I'uliuoulc Oyrup, rSc.i Weed Toule, and Mandrako I'UN. uonhuinpiiou nas oeeu nerciiiiary wun niy f-itnllv. inostof its members Imvlnn died ol U nt tally iikcs. Jly mother and tluco Inotl orb died nt iho arjoor Ji, ono biotber ut27, and my sisttr nt 1.1. I im, when about HI years, seized with liver complaint, which rapidly duvcli,pcd Into ruliuo- liary loilbuuipuon, l was eoiuiieueu ui reuu ijulsb my employment (that of a blacksmith.) I contained skilllul nnd eminent physicians. and tried many patent l.o'.liuiiu, bul without Bitccess, so that my friends wi ro suro that lliero was no uopo oi my recovery, ior i wu.i lcuuccu from 111) pounds lo 101, ami was not ablo to do unytlilnn without assistance, lly what I now lookupon as a Providential ii tcrposltlou, i was induced to liy your remedies, and i.laco myself under your treatment, and f o rapid and thorough was my recovery, that .t seemed as though somo superhuman power was nt work, ad to-day I am in well as at any tuno during my Uio. I welsh 152 rounds, nm 3'i years old, aud lor some tlmo havo been rrgnlnily at tondhuMo my business, bidding fair to llvo to a good old ago. l nni innuuiui lo you ueyonu expression lor having placed me In a position wherein I ain a beni'lll instead of a burden to my lamfly. ioor .Mandrako l'llmarotuo only niodlcltio I over uso now. I thlul: Ihey nro tuo best lu Uio world. can refer you to hunlrcils of niv imh'.ibois who will oriiy all I bavo wrllten. anil nnv lu- hn inntlou any of my Icllow clllwus may deslio will bo freely anduladiy iilvi n. uisiu rceclnlol biiiuii', uy ioiir,uiu. juiii u. nun in, Key "vVoht, rill., I'd). S, iSia. Dr.J. 1I.BUIIENCK, N. II. tor. Klxlh nnd Arch sireeis, l'liuaiieipiiia. bottles Sea Weed T'oulc uiid Iwelvo bottles i'ul- moiiicHyrup. Your medicines aro n such valuo that 1 can not bo without them In my l.misi hold, and lu laci no i.iiiiuy situuiu ue wiiutmi iiieiu. l navo given iiieiu n nuriesi, ana opeuiy ue claio tin in lo bo oven ht itir than you claim. eiy icsiieciiuuy youi, o:c. V7. A. WlUTMIUlWr. l'iin..il)hi.l ii i . Maich 1. 1S'2. Dr.J. ll.HClir.NCK. lfcsncitiiil B r- lu io nleavnn in nward nu lo you tbli eel I meat o ot tho moiI.iciiui cum your l'ulniimle.Syni. and Hua We. d Xonlo produce it. Mv thrnal und bionc hlnl lulus weie so bin uv lullamed lhat It was allium impossibio lor mo to swallow my loud 1 an. on a visit to my tu.ilo, Ml. Chiului John sou, No. 'Jli Fedelal si :e. 1, wj.o s., s om meiU elms rnUcd him liom n .nu-t ili.iih uiier all oth er means bad lulled, ami ho Having, theieroio. stromsly reeommonikd me to try them. I did lull coiiuueuiu in iiiuviuui. oi your remeuiu, Him in imo ween liom me umo i i-.iiiiiin.ncea t.iLlm; thiin my Ihi oat uudeiiunt a-.iiyureul chuieu I.u' the bitter, mo tb it I eon Id onl my ineiil.i ;ltliont any dlllli-ulty in p: In, I can sraiijuly hnd woribi tu eprsK.i my i;r.iiitU'lo ior the onrly icllwf youi lUMiluahle nu- In lues pro dm od upon me, au'l I deem It bulr.u act ol uitl- lliuuio nivo you uio in isuowieiigeiiii-ni in my nppuil.iima, omh lespuHtully, I1.1J11J-,1J .11. AllH.i No. n-0 Wist 1 ulrlj -third street, New Yoilt. iSCHEKCK'S I'UMIQNIU SYRUl', SEA WEED TONIC, untl-31 A N DR AK 1'5 Plld.S Those aro Ihe only inidlclnes that will euro Pulmonary Consul. union. Dr. hcheuelt li.is been in fitnLiiii i.viLf 1 1.... uver IhirU- vears coutinu- ally ixajiilnlun lunge, and Jiiti.wsliH inedldnc, If pmpirly tnln.li, wl.'l euro Cousuinptliui, Ills iiiauiiiaai) i in:i I'liiiiiAu ii l-i uu, niiiiuu. , ills Hell U CC.l il.1,10 UlSSOlM'S ll.ll Il.lHl. Slllull" lates the ei'i'tiiiK ol tho stomach, aud liialci-H it digest. Ills I'uiinuniu i nn, npiiis im-mai.c und i.atuu- lliroMs it oil without any cm itli.u, 1'ileu of tl.n l'ulinonie Hvrui. ami M'a Wtcd Tonic. II .tH ncr intl c. or !7 un pei ball dozen. .MnuilmUe Pills 23 cents per bos. PltlU'AltKJ) ONLY AND mi! riAMJ 1!Y Ji'fT. HtJllENCK'.t SON, 4 Jl N. K, l i.-.ner HIXTIInnd AUC1I Blu-eU, riiir.ADi.i.i-iii.i, And by Diusiilsls imd DcalciB geucrally. JOIIXSTOX, UOlXOiVAV k COWDLX, C02 AliClI STItKLT, I'HIIjADKI.PIIIA Wholesale Agents, npr-1 b7My A UOITOR'S NOTICE. rV vspatk ni' i.YniA wAxii'imt.i'ii Tlin iiiiilei'KlBtilMl. nonnlnteil bv ihu nil'liaU' Court of Unlumbln Counly, Audllor to ill.tilbuto nulling tho eicdttomand rtiesentltleit tolho same, inn naianeo inino imiiii. w mo u-. ,.,,, a iniinr. will iironeivl tolhe ill.cliaruoot his dllliei at his nlllc?, m lilnoiusbmir.im Kaiuiilay UmSltli iluyot Auxnst.A. 1)., 137;, ut lull ci'i lock u Ihu irj lorenoou, wiieii nnu uio uu i,ii.u imuun nliilmu nil &ill,l .sllltti RIO reillllllHt til l-leselil 7.' thorn or bo foruvrr iK-b.'uied liom otunms lu fur n part ofsaui mini. July u. !&.-" i - UU, UiT.I.EU, Auditor, Hi 1 IVTOTIOE. 10 Ai Tho undersigned hereby notify nil those 11) 10 liideuti il in iiieui on uiiiv, uoua or nooa ncnomii I., i-.iii mi.: seitlo the s.imo on or boioio tie H.hi day of October nut. All nculevlln IhUi iiotlco J may iu Smokiii.vy co. SllKi:i.VY,NliAliaCO. Ii It' M)i A NT A HOOD mOh YOBH, .nui .ii m. "T WI.IJ, I .l . much1 into' ;i'i Wl Li. , (i ' i. i 1 1 .... i riiAft iJiniu.H.iMMUAMin. j. 1 1 i-iji .Ki.i., i i. i'., rnm .i ii, I ir.nliaiilnirttl,'ii ' ' I i 4 t ' , LEBANON- VALLEY -GOLLeGE; I KOU 1KITI1 sl'XHS., Hi paii-te t lUUlmil. KAIi term I'lUl'iH VU( 11)11'. i'.,i i;..iui.tfie, ..iini'i-n mr i n i'ii'-ii', IHMMi'Sll, A. M , AtnvlUo, l'n. I.. II COTTAGE SEMINARY FOB Y'Ol'KG LADIES, ntlstomi, ItIon(iiiicr ti),,l'a, Tin i wd'it.i -l.iiiu'i aniin il -i -.slmiof tin'. In I. tut l- nfli"ii Heptdnlier l.'lii. Tor t'lM-itlaw. (liljiis i l5,v. JOHN Mouitl , l'rlm nml, 1'AM. liLY P,OAI?niN(iS0T!O0L, i lia rntijiii jiikn ami uo vh, ' At rmtsliiuii. ."Iiiiilui.l.ir lv On,. I'.i i.n I'liiiiij Hen. linn H I:. Twenty-Hni-miit an mini heslo)i iipeiiH Hepu 11th. Hltuiitlon healthy u.nl iK'iillfiil. t'Lu-lfW, I.n':Ilr.h Mill Mathrniatu o iWiitirsimifaliiUy lliorougli anilpraettcnl, For nrciil.iri, riuitntniDK mil V utliulais, iiu-ln i (1EO, I). .MEliiU.A, il., rnnclpal, idl.I.KOIATrl ANIJ COMiHKllflAIj 1. .v. Unttii. Conn. 1'reoKrr. UMTlTL'TIi, Krw, t.ny In Coll.KC, IluslnesH, Kclentlllo ftrlionl, r. Mm' iy nun naval Acaneuiiia. i-au reAium Killi yiaf, li..l!lUM Hl'l.l. I.T. For CHtlliOKUl'. 1U1- ur' ti ueq. WW, ii. nurjrir.ij, itiiiciihiii AUI-.NM WANl'KD KOKLU'E ANllfUtte (it ContnliW hlogrnplilcs of. Drew, Vandcrblll, liouM, 'lwceil, Ac., with a' financial hlitoryor the country for tin) lam three yeam, ami what CHANT kuewahinit MlliACK PllIDY." Ovur SHDp'iK"i. l'rlcotl. Adilrem Now YoiK HOOK t.'O,, 113 Nassau rilicet.Nowf York. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. Accnli walito.l tot- our Campaign t;ooiK Sell nt hlVln. I'ny 101) per eelil. puilll. Now ts llin time. Hernial uiiru for Descrlplivo ( ItculaiH anil I'rli-o Tjlalirof our l'lno Htccl Knzi'iiving-l nf n'l tho I .indMutui, C.unpalKn Uliistaphiu", I'liarH, rholographs, IfaileH, l'lni, Maji-, una tvery I'iImk Milteil to tho tlniox. Ten Dollars pm ilny cully nuuio. Full samples i,enl for 1. AiUrcw WooRi: & Ooon-ji'iii-i), M I'nrlc How, Noit York. HEMTll WANTK1). AKents malt moro nion. A oy at work lor ui than nl nuylhlnic else, l!U!ilni'4llluht ami permanont. Parilcnlftm fr. (l.BriNiiN & tu, Flno Art, L'uhllahera, l'ort lana, Mil no, . VIAKO CO., N. Y. I'M OK, $290 n o , gen in. uircuuir.i rrr-n. JiAULOWS INDIGO BLUE Is Iho cheapest umi hcbtnitlclolulho niurkct for lllut In t'lotliea. Tho Benillno has hotli llar Iow'h anil WlltilorKor's namo on thn label, anil Ih put uii nt WIItl.i.rRer'H Drugstore, No. 511 North Hceoiiil Ht,, l'hilailelphla. 1). 8. WIIVi'nKltOKIt, I'roprlctcr. For 6Ulo hy Druggists and Oroci rs IKJtci ,nli lolcnt I'uiSHtivis. Thoy ruin the timf of the u. i -e .n w- nlci n lltl. rtlgc-S-tlou. T,.iini t: t' 1 Fiic.ivitu .Oil f iorri(H ait. lilRNr Ih u.ul -y t 1 1 ..I i I 1. nuiean-s of ielloMiir.il 1 1 uemof!. iicnis ot l.io ctomnoli, Uvor unu im; iiu .1 i.iiiovoriol .iuctton.1 wlthouti p-.hi nri't .i"itt vIrov to thomwiim which it purillcii una nu.ii-'i f.OIiO liY Ifl'V-aWTB I1SVMJ for aliv r.isoof ni.ml, HIcM iOK, Itching or Ulcercleil Piles that lie Hino'ii riLE llKMCDYlatU lo euro. It Is prepiu eil atpicsMy lo euro Iho L'jIoa, ami nothing else. Sola by nU DraegMs. l'rlc, Sl.tiO. nli-lw WELLS' QARIiOLIO 1MBLETS TiiCiaTfibiGts p.'eseattiio Acid la CombJnutlou '.ViUi tcui t'liimput rt'muums, iu puitiuin iuiui itirtho Cars ol nil TUUOATntHl LUNU Diseases. iio lmmDUHiU-iy ituovta ana jn.nt'.uenw v.vo cousti ully liclU'i mDt M Uio proptictriruf reliol inciue-iijl taro ti tiifli' u.tis ot yean stamUuy. ni lI'lMnv u,,u twuuceiveaur worniiftKh Uirinllc Tablets. I'flii 23eents par Hox". JOHN P. KV.lilM'jU, lil-IAllHl., N, V. HoioAgeni lor liwU. S. Bond, fin- Circular. nSJwf tlO(xiA MONTH easily I.IU.I.I ,t-ltl, Wlfiicll QAJ')J ar.n He: riieoi; Tiles. Heemo Circular nli'l hiliiip' S. M.Ki Nti.n, Ili.iltleuoi.i, uil)-lw l FIIBK. TO JJOOK. AGENTS. Wo will send a jiumlsomo I'lospecltis ol our U w lllnslrati d ramllv lllblo conlal'ilui: ncarl.r . 0) lIueKcrlpiurollll'.slralloa'l tunny liooliAgoiit Ireo ol cli-irgo. Addresi Natiosat. IM nMHiiiNO Co., Piilla.. I'll, U2U1W MY J OLLY Fit END'S SECRET Dio Iiir.,-is' new A- Eroatest worel-tail Immcuso success. ISth ttunuiiid In press. Aguts ili l lirtit 1 and colnlna money. AllRN IH WANTKI) verywhero. HBO. JIACLIIAN, rabllsbor, 73 J Sanson t., i-iiua. u-j-iw RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS ! Agents, wo win piy'you sw per wcoi in cash Ityoa will engigo with ns at once. Ilvcrythlug furnished, and expcmsei paid. Addi'CbS V. A. V.LUi & CO,, Churlotte, Jllch. rrunsisN'oiiLMiiua' q.-ckxto ntu L Iy senillncOilago.holijhtcol- uo; eyes A li.ilr jou will receive by return in-ill, n corroct plcinr.. or vour future husband or wile, wun uaino aii-i i.iuc ni .narriage. juuri-s iv, l'OX, I'. ) lua ver, K. 21, Fultoavllto, N. Y". U'-"J-1H VGENTSo1 WANTKI' for tho AutolilnKMplty Hiiihtra.uil cdilton. noir rciilv. Oct this Uio onlv i iiuuauii ijtiiiw'.x. new I;tiiit. Al&. tao Lif mul TIiuus nf lr. S. UltANT.Iiy lion, .T. T. llc.aJIcy; auaourlS7i: tJAriiAlOS MANUAL for nil inrticw, Just out. Hnlondf-il Ktcnl I'urlriilLsi of i(lcv.nlso of (3 runt. c'nn .. ..-,,,.,11. ..n,l L11l,tr tbn nhnvn It AGENTS ! AGENTS Fa GEN'rS ! f-tjutl fontosciiptivo circular uud special terms for tha proatost cnnapali;u uook publlshcU. McCIellaii's Hepalilicanism in America. Owing to tho present political excltomrut, will sell lor tho next six mouths like wild lire. Is tile mosi. reliable bonlc In tho market. J. M. BTODIIAIIT & CO., Publishers, 7JJ Han. sum St., l'hll'a. uVt)-lw A UOYAI, OHANCK I An Army of iAvo Aseuts wanted to sell n now beaullllilly lllnslratedsuti'.crlptlon fdltlon of ono of tlio richest genu lu literature, of uwlii-U'luV famo nnd inrjrtjij cxecllaic: Iobinson Crusoe. Asplendld octnvo, over HI ) p.ies , crt'ioii tlnud pnjiPr chinmi luithivj, only SfJ..ji, A marvel oi iheapnois! A mlno of wtalth! It Is Iho most rare, popular, handsomo cheap book extant, A will oulsoil all others. Tor terms, address llUMSAItl) 11110:1., Publishers, 7il Hansom Ht., hll-ulolphla, n?J-lr - -vox mnmsssm It H not n nhvslc which may clvo tomnornrv l ol nil to UioBUUeror for thu ttist fow doses, but which, fioni oontluned uso brines Plli-a nndkla- ilrnl dlsoasc8 to aid in weakening tho lnv.ilid, uoi IS ll II noeuirt'ii iniimr, which, iiiiiu r iuu poiui- lar linmu nl "Hitters" is su eitouslvely palmi 1 oil on tho public au snvorclcn romciUos, but It Is a inoKt poworl'iUTonlo aud nltorati ,-c, pronoun oti so by the leu lli-s medical ivutl'orltloi of Im.lr-n llllll i'lli in, nnu iiiin iii'rii in. ik unvii ny inu ruuiuur (.lineups o. i-'hci euitulij.', vil!. wond-.iii I men'.', ic-uu1!. Dr. Wells' Kstnot of Jurubcba i. tains -ill Uu. iiieill.-innl v'.rli.m piviillar to li e plan, ami mn ,1 L'o Uvnanti pv tuiautulcuiul.v . fyi'ilt. is iiii'io w-uu ill ueunn iu your l-ner ejiapieeii. lTliIC-. leln..el a', o.ie.i. Uui bill) 1 bocomns Im- puru by ileUinriotK si eii tii.nn, pruduolue -mioi-ulousor hkliidts, mmv, i'.l.,ti''ais, FUons, I'us'.u'.i , Cankei, Pimi-b s, Ac., .. lilito .iiimi.iiis ui en iiimi, iuriiy aiHtii-suiiu IIia Mllated blaoil to ho illhy actin i. lit voyi.li u I'm i put- siMiiaui; i ui-sint'C- tlmi Is promptly nldisl tin-Hrsiin i ileiillltali-d wun lorn in U!M lores, poverty in nm moon, l)r,.pslia.l J'uiid, i'( , tiL-nii-il V'i.iU..uss or Las- Hi, niti Taltn II tons- isl lilanMlnn wllboul inactloii.lt sdtuiui.ut ii.ul.uiU vhjor lo iho we.iry suircier; Havo you w iiuiss in the lule,llua? You nro ill d.i'ijai 1 1 cnrtuni- nuirinocaiK- ino un-ail lul Inll'ii.u. ifitl.n) nt tlio How. Is. T.iko It tu iilinyiiriiaiioii and waul oil' teiideu i'v tn lull iniaUnn. Have sou wi-atincKsnf tlm Utei Incur I'llnary Organs? You innsl pmcuru Insintil tollri or vuu aim llsblo lo suffcilui: Miir.o thaiiiliiith. TsUu It InslrciiKtlicu oigantu wckUuhh or llfg becomes a burden. l'lnally It should bn lixiiueutly takni t j keen thn s stem luprrfcot hiifllh or you uio othor wisi.iiiK"Ht uanRerof umlarlai, mliisuiallo or conlajluiis dUP.isik. JOUN 11. KKU KOO, IS Platl M New Yoili. Solo Agent tor tho United Htales. Prtcoll per llottle. riend for ctrouUr. naiwl A blMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE r raTATic Of MAU1A npci'n. l.ittiiH ol ailnilulsuatlon nu the imtnto oC M.ui.i Iviuil late of lluutou Iwp., Columbia cuninty, docensed, l.uvo been (,'nintod by Ibo it. 2lter nl said i-ounty to I.I J.K'rli kbaui Istmtor. All piiisDus liaMni! ol.iluis iigntust tin- naui linlu tuiiitf u ino iii'uoueni ute iisui-sio.i in pri-. i.si1 tu miiUui.aylneiit lulUu uaiUruiuueJ, ud lntuUtraiur, wauoui Uvlay, ' l. J, KIIICKIIAUM Juno i-74 w. ' .iilmluMraUu. ilian. it' r seiiii iiii-ui, limLiiiuw llllllilAsl in l 1.111 CO PAHTNElt- Is-' witv t In tliulIiiaUidl lluuj.nillll I ,.l Ih.. I..I.. nr, ,ir.. T.. IIm. Ii, ! Iimdrr. 1 lib tin iu-u li Vtl 1i1i hi ll.jnilsiHDllllfil Unyiier t.) .tvhtrtH'Vtl iiMwiM luibwlq-iiltbi-iu. selve i to tin ltiJeiii.il t'i I. ii- ilrni nro I jatslwl Ii mil in 'ITm liiimneiMi will fioesiniiniiwlnllhe 6 1 mKr'ii linilpr.thn.ir.tfnuiiril. WiyilnnWiOWtt 'itlx Ii r , -. . - . P HNYIIlSll, A CO,. ill ...llllll 'j'N THI' I. V, H. V 13 DI8TUI CL' CO URT OVT till OH TIIK WJHIHUN DWTiittrr OP I'XNN-m.VASJA it IlAMlllUI'lOY. , -. .. ..... Tlio HBtlcrnlgncHl hereby vivas no-.iccoi nm np. polntmont an.AUiio of i).- C Hwnlc of the lloiouuli nt Jlialetoa, I.n.srno Comity, Itnnh. wllhln trll.l iln.lrlet iiliil Ikis boon .lullllllio.1 nli.inttrupt on liHnwiiuutlllou by the litrl"t Dnurt ofnaM nlslrlrrr ifj u y. 4iii.ut-.il, ,mii!uec, , ' nfbbinibufC rXEO'uTOit'H 'NtifJOR JLi raTATBOKlmsjAMIKtUICll niKiinti, r.f.irn. I.nvlng clnliiis ni;Alnst ttiocliifo tlio rfciueill to pri-sont them luMn KXoeulor iu Cnliinihla counlir. Thou-lint-'.c.l lo thd cutnte. clthiT nn nolo JuilKinont, nuiitnxii or lyytlt aj')itut .wjll maltu payinoul to Inn Kxeeiitor wllhnut ileluy, '.ll,ioi iv, rfciiyxiii -j.i.-J--, - July 12, 1ST! -ow. - , . Jisucuior AUIHTOR'H NOTICE. ' , . . : -MTATJS OK WILLIAM BNYDtll, DBll'li. 'ino uinlomlBiicil, AtnllUrt-, appointwl ny thli Orplintia' Uourt of Citlunibln count j- on excp- ions la ino couurinaiiou oi inn inunnccnuni or .Vllllaiii Nnal And OhilrlRH IV'.HmMervoiiv-i.Mrt ot tho sUilo ot WillliiinHnyiitr., latoofliliHiui lowukhlp, ileceaf.ii.1, will meet tho partlesMn. teretott lit hifcnillcC; In tlio tovu ofllloomsburn on Butni-iny ,tlio third day-of AuirnHtnt ion. in. when nivl wjitne airvuihoUHlutercslmlara n queued lo make their rlaim-r or Bo ilcb.irrcd irom comim; m upon niu esiaio. .' ), V. 11, UllOCKWAS", July 12, IW2-IW AUdlWr'. T7XECUTOR3 N0TICI3. ' XU KSTATB Or ri.TF.ll iri-.ARHABT, DEU'll. lttorn teetnraenlnry on tlio culntA of Peter Uoarhart, 'Uio of Heiver township, Oilunili'ii county itceca?cil, liuvo bec-u h'raulni bythi) 1U-. lBtorol'Columblacfiimty, to Allen Mann, llxecu. t ir toivlioin all niirnous indebted to nanl uilnin nre roquosteil to m k.., j nu -il, anil ttiosu hiv Inj cl. ilma or Hcrn'iDUi i-K lnnUaltt estate, will tnako tbcm lin.-i, i to bin 1 vrcutor willioul lelay. A ,1-lJ.V 1IANN, Juni2 IX I iv UxociUor. A UDiTOB'V; 'noiice. " XJ. rSTATfTOf Itl ' tl!t T IttMS. lllM't). Iho tiililerslg int xpniut4l by the Uiphan's (Viurt oriColiiuibln e. u.iU, dltrltiiiln timoiii; tho erwlltora unit parlieu entitled tn IIh.hiI.iic-, tho balance In the bind ui li.uilel Huss, nilinln Is trator 'dtbonlin'j iol I'.lnue. it. Hess, latiw.r aid cijiintv. dciviicd. will proceed to Ihu itls- chiwoothfs diilles, nt thcHhi.rlirn Ollliii In Km i;ouri linue, in inooijuurc, on tsaiuruay, uio 17th. day of Auxnit,- A. I). VSii, at tcu o'eli.cl; lu tho forenoon, when nnd where, all persons hav ing cla'nix Hgalnst tho Raid luitilo nro heiehy i, fUlrl to present Hid K.une, orbo loinvor ile brrodfi'oin coinln lu lor n share, nt said Hind, . Willi. July ID 1872. lu-, Audllor. J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, J rsTATKOl-ABIlAM VOUN oumi. Diiu'ii. . i.olleri tcslannuUirv on tho I'ululo of Abinm Younu Into of llenton township, Columbia i imn ty. ilcc'd.bavo been granted by Ibo lleslsler of Mid county lo Jacoo H. Kvnuii. All pcrMiim uavlu claims. Fgalniit 'tlio cstalnarorcfiiifstMi to pn-sont them to tho Kxecutor lu Ct,liiinbl:i county) 'those Indebted to lllo estate elllicrnn note, jnil'nicut, niorlsao , or. booU account will rn (tbo payment to the iixecntor without delay. JAC01J I). KVANH Junfc'J8. 1ST.' C,v.' EXccutrtr. A HMINIBTRATOR'S NOTICE. XX rSTATK or JOHM C. DOTY", uno'i). Letters ot Administration on the esmto at John C. Duly, into or llenton township, Co lnruhln rounty, Ucceaseil, havo been crnnied by thoUorjb.tcr of naiil coimlyU) I, K. lU'lckbanui llenton twi). All persons Iiavlnsclalms niilnitt Iho e- Ualuof Ibo Uerododl mo ie'iicilllli pro font thumior settlement, mid Iho-vi Indebted tn :tht.(istiiteto:nakn payuionnio llio niulcrMiiiil utimiuif ira-uir. wiutoui. iieriy. . . I ' ' I. Kl KKtCKfnATJ.M Juna,ti-7II-Gw. Viunuibitralor, XTEVr DRUU HTORK, . . I ' ." jJI - 'I i ,! ciiRiaJ a.'.'kleim 'T ' ' ' i ; f 'i ' ' i; ' Ilavlnc pnrcbated tlio Lmitiic.is ol K. l'..l.mz unir oliVrs at the old stand, n choice ussortir.cn of 1 i ' ). : ' v. - "!;..: 6, CIIMMIC'AM, I'ATUNT MUDlW.NKH, 'I'OII.I'.l' IKTlCf.U-J, I-'ANOY p6aIS, UUUHUE-Sjic,, Ac Aud a general assortment of tho choicest Goods usuiiiiy louiiu iu nisi. class esiaoiisumeuis, Physicians' Prescriptions and Family llcclpcn Carclully Compoundud.i . d On Hundays, open from S n, m to 10 a. in., aud from2r. m., to 1 p. in, '" GU11MAN AND KNOLI.SII Sl'OKKN. k febO'TMf; CONTINRNTAL. Lifo luonranco Oompany. t)F NF.W YOl'.K. Ho. of Policies Ii 43,00(1. ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES nil thu now firm of 1,'oHcl-vi innd presents ns tavornljl Krnis us any coin. p-iny lu Iho United Mlativi, The eoinp.iny will malto lenir.orary loans nu Its policies. Tiilrty d.ivs' nracu allowed oil e.uli juym nn.l tho policy held good during that time. All our policies iirditcoulcsUhlo lor Iho usual ciusts. ' 1 Policies Issued by tliln conipauy am uiu - iclltu. is n exim cnargos mauo ior jrtVYOinug porinn-, I li.illcv bntill-s shii.-u l.i llin imiiniil itlnllt- . ' tlio company, ami hnvo it volco in the dec lon-i ami inauagciueuini uio coiujiauy. no poucy or nieuicai iei coarsen. JUHTUU I,AW11KMI!U l'res'i. W. 11. WYNKOUl'. Vlii ITi-'l J. 1', IlonF.KS.Hecrotary, S. C. C'iianomiii, lr., Aclnsry. Central Office of Nortli-Easlern Peun'a. "COLUJnilAN' Buihling- BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BICKWAY, General dgwt- Jim. 5,l7Mf, 1 M cKELVy, NEA.L & CO., DilAI.ElU IN BUY GOO.Dl;, Nl General Mcrclunidisp, IW I-.' HLOOMRHUnO, 1A. ' ! j inJ..7-tl rUSTIOlVti RLASHP, e now 1ibh n n IHIIM nmlli ntRaoi.tri'ioN of o iL'-"tm. , . . Tn i . -tJ I ' il... mm iifn ..f i-Ayif., flat! :l.mlM HUM I u4i.rliuiul of .lUbTll. 1II.ANKH, to wlifiili ui tliia.0 oUlcers. v., tm INH1 AIL.1 tl V'! c I Wl lll,tl.ni i f 4 t