THE .COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC11AT, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Clmrconl I'or Sick Cattle. Monrly nil animals bocomo sick from lmpronor outing. In nlno casoaoutof ton, tho dlgoatlon la wrong. Charcoal la tho most efficient and rnpM corroo tlvu. It will euro in a majority of caaci, if properly administered. An oxatn plo of lta ubo tho hlrod man camo lu with tho Intolligonco that ono of tho finest cows was vory Blclc, and n kind neighbor proposod tho usual drugs and poisons. Tho owner being ill, and una- bio to oxamlno tho cow, concluded thnt tho troublo camo from sotno over eat ing and ordered a teacup of pulverized charcoal glvon In wator. It was mixed, placed In n Junk bottlo, tho head hold upwards, and tho water with Its char coal poured downwards. In flvo min utes an Improvement was visible, and In a fow hours tho animal was In tho pa3turo quietly eating grass. Anothor lnstanco of equal succoss occurred with n young hoi for which became badly bloated by oatlng groen applci. Tho bloat was bo sovcro that tho sldos woro almost as hard as a barrel. Tho old remo dy, salw'.atus, was tried for tho purpose of correcting tho acidity. But tho at tempt to put It down always causod coughing, and it did llttlo good. Half a teruupful of frc3h powdered charcoal was next given. In six hours all tip pcaranco of bloat had gone, and tho heifer was well. Country Gentleman, PiiUNiNO Ari'LE-TiiEES. To tho in quiries of tho novlco on tho subject of making npplo-trccs healthy and pro fltablo by pruning, and applying ashes and llmo around tho foot of tho trunk, wo would Fay, that It trees aro planted on good soli with a good natural under drainage, (and noxt to this thorough nttlilclal draining) and tho ground woll cultlvatodovor tho wholo surfaco, prun ing will bocomo of secondary impor tance. Branches may sometimes bo como too thick and bushy, and need modorato and even thinning, but it is bottcr to keop tho head of tho troo iu good sliapo and condition, by prevent ing Us bearing a donso mass of brush than by cutting out largo limbs after wards. A careful oyo will dotcct a su pornumcrary shoot that is Just spring ing up In a wrong placo, and will ro movo it with a knlfo ; which Is better than to alio w it to becomo a hoavy limb. crowd its neighbors, and finally havo to como out. Tho great point, howovor, first and last, Is to keep tho trees in good, healthy condition by propor cul tlvatlon of tho soil. Pruning will not euro a mossy, diseased and stunted treo, Tho llfo must bo put into it, if possible, below, at tho roots. As to applying ashes and llmo, thoy will do llttlo good if heaped around tho foot of tho stom but maybe of essential benefit if spread broadcast over tho surfaco. Cake in Feeding Cattle. It is no fancy of sentimontal philanthropists, but a well attested fact, that stall fed cattlo will keop in good condition ono third less of food than is requlrod by cattlo that nro unhoused in cold weath er: Sheep, properly protected from tho cold and storms produco bottor and finer fleeces; cows yield moro milk, and all kind of animals tako on flesh moro read ily and rapidly, on much loss food than when exposed to tho oxtromcs of tho temporaturo to which this country is so subject. Thcro aro certain conditions, says tho Stock Journal, always required in grow ing, feeding or using stock for labor or pleasure, and unless you can mako up your mind to comply with theso condi tions, you had hotter not engago in tho buslnccs. It must have enough to cat of tho right kind offoodjustonough nnd nono to waste; must havo this at regular intervals, not lcs3 than throo times a day; must havo water as often; must bo kept clean ; must bo kept comforta ble, not too much exposod to heat in summer, nor cold and storms iu winter; must have access to salt, or bo salted not less than onco a week ; must not bo driven about by other moropowerful or illnaturcd animals ; and must bo looked after every day to see that it Is in good hcnlth. T'eedinq IIorses too Much Hay. Of all our domestic animals thoro aro nono that requlro moro systematic caro than tho horso. A horso should bo fed regularly, and In moderato quantities, and worked judiciously. A horso fed in this way may bo kept at a modorato cost, and will bo moio healthy and por form moro labor than if fed highly, or ps many wo know of aro in tho habit of feeding their horses. Thoy will suroly cat onough to injuro them If thoy can got It. When hay is kept constantly bo foro thorn, horses aro apt to spend their tlmo In throwing it around topsy-tur-vey in tho rack ; thoy soon becomo dis satisfied with their food, and loso thoir keen relish for it. Tho general practlco should bo to food regularly ;thrco times n day. Swine. No pig can grow rapidly on poor food. A well-bred pig will grow rapidly on good food a poor bred pig will not ; and this Is tho real essential difference botweon thorn. If you starvo both, tho well-bred pig Is no hotter than tho other. Lot young pigs havo all thoy will cat and digest. Seo that thoy havo acceas to fresh water. Thoy may not drink much, but it should always bo provided for thom, no matter how slop, py their food may bo. Provido ashos, salt, sulphur and charcoal. Seo that tho pens and troughs aro kopt clean. They havo a now'way of treating tho nroKen legs or horses, which ought to bo gonerally known. A valuable horso in Hartford, Conn,, had its leg broken a short tlmo since. Tho leg was carefully set by an experienced surgeon, and was covered thickly with plaster. When tho plaster "set," or hardened, It kept tho limb as immovable as if it had boon made of iron. Thus treated, a broken leg will knit togothor Ina brief tlmoand becomo as good as over. Wateh for Sheep. It is belioved by some that wator, as a drink, Is wholly or qulto unnecessary for ahoep. No ono could mado a groater mistake than to bo Hovo tho idea stated above If sheep nro allowed access to water, thoy will bo as regular In drinking as other stock. Goats nro pronounced profitable to runners, if for no other purpo30 than clearing tho land of noxious weeds, which thoy will dovour with avidity In nil stages of their growth. Young Folks. How A liOtlcr Went To Tajin. Llttlo Tiny Leigh camo in nnd on tin- too by tho oscrltoiro woro Aunt Huo sat writing. Asshodld so n vory small roso- bud of a mouth mado lteolf apparout abovo tho lino of tho desk ul nuntlo's right, and n piping llttlo voico, proceed ing from It, domnndod, "Vntyou doln, tumtlo?" "Writing lottors," rospondod auntlo. Who with a bunch of onvolopcs and a qulro of papor before hor, was vory deep in tno Dusinoss indeed. Than a fat dim plod finger tolo cautiously up and touch ed a finished pllo. "Ono, two, frco, four, anion!" count od Tiny, who always chcrlshod tho be lief that "nmon" stood for n full stop, ami mauo uso of It accordingly. "Tat for you wrlto letters, auntlo?" "O, to send to ray friends," replied auntlo, bonding ovor hor work, and speaking in n voico that Ecometl to lssuo from hor oyebrows. "vcro is you fends?" porsovorcd tho child. "Everywhere," said auntlo, who hap poncd to bo writing thnt word at tho moment. "Docs lottors go ov'y whore V" "Yes," responded auntlo, absently. "Would n lottor go to papa?" "Yes," said auntlo again, who by this tlmo was l'i tho vory heart of a brilliant descrIptiou,nnd didn't In tho loastknow what nho was talking about. "How doeslottorsgo ?" pursued Tiny But auntlo did not hear. "How does let ters go?" urged sho again, this tlmo touching auntlo's olbow by way of ox pcrlment, which so far as auntlo was con cerned, resulted in n bold,upward stroko at an ncuto nnglo with tho last "hair lino," and sho looked up really out of patience at lest. "O Tiny," said sho, "what a llttlo mis" but sho stopped suddonly. Thcro was such a look of appeal In tho soft, bluo oyes fixed anxiously upon hor, that sho could not find It In her heart to visit any Indignation on that small, golden head, so sho only kissed tho rosy mouth andsald, "Auutloisvcry busy just now. darling, and you must not disturb her, Another day sho will talk to you Just as much ns ovor you wish. Horo I" add. cd sho, seeing tho look of disappoint ment that stolo ovor tho sunny face ; "scol I will mako a letter of you and send you to mamma." So sho took apostago stamp out of her llttlo drawer, and, parting tho llossy curls, pasted it right in thocontroof Tlny's smooth whito forehead. "I don't know how lottors goes," said tho baby girl, chuckling delightedly. "Does thoy fly?" "Letters don't goes," said auntlo, laughing, "thoy go, through tho post, ofllco. Now run along nnd put yourself in n post-offico somowhero and mamma will bo suro to find you. "0 yos I I know, I saw'd it tho po Bofllls mo nnd mamma ono day. It's down tho corner and yound tho ab'nuel " So sho trotted off across tho broad library floor, out Into tho hall, and Aunt Sue, having heard tho doorclo30 bohlnd her, returned to hor writing. Out in tho hall Tiny stood still. A great thought camo to her. ' 'Ilwill go to papa," said sho to herself. Tapa was gono away. Jlo had boon gono, o, sucn a long, long time ! Sho could only Just remember faintly, llko a dream, somo soft, loving, brown oyes, and a gcntlo voico that called her "llttlo daughter.'1 Then the rooms were very dark ono tlmo, a strange, black box, covorcd with flowers, was earrlcd out at tho door, and papa had novcr como back any moro. Never once, though eho had run nil through tho house and garden crying out,"I want papal I want papal " many a day. But nowsho would go to him. They told her ho was gono to God, but was sho not a letter now, and had not auntlo said that letters could go ov'y whero? And if sho could only get into tho "po 6oflls," papa would bo suro to find her. Yes, alio would go to papa I Thoro stood tho bat-rack, with hor own small jock ey hanging upon it; bo with all her strongth sho pushed forward ono of tho great hall chairs, climbed up, and secur ed her hat, put it on hindsido foromost poor llttlo Tiny! and opening tho door wont out into tho busy street. Twenty minutes afterward Aunt Sue, having finished her letters, crossed tho hall and noticed tho displaced chair and missing Jockey, nnd wondored where tho child could bo. At thnt very moment tho clork nt tho post-ofllco heard a llttlo piping voico, and, look ing down, saw a strango sight, a tiny crcaturo, no moro than thrco years old, it seemed, with jockoy-hat awry, Its swesping plumo tangled with golden curls, a postage-stamp shining conspicu ous in tho centro of a polished forohoad, and wistful bluo oyes turned up to him, glistoning with a great hopo. "I want to go to papa," said tho voico. Tho clerk smiled. "Whoro Is your papa?1' asked ho. "Gono to God," said Tiny, solemnly. Tho smllo died out. Thoy had sont mnny odd parcols to strango directions through that ofllco, but novor ono to thatnddress, thought ho.; "I nm n lotter, nnd I want to go to papa," pleaded tho child, hor yoarnlng oyes still fastened on his fuco. "What Is your namo?" said tho clork. But at that moment n blustering liusl ncss man, bound on tho redress of somo griovanco, pressed forward and brushed her sldo; sho was drawn into tho cur rent of pooplo, passing in at ono door ana out at another, and ooforo sho could say another word found hersolf in tho st root again. Thero sho stood Irresoluto. Her heart ached with disappointment, tho passers by Jostled and bowlldorcd her, sho bo can to bo afraid, and her twos mind with tears. Suddonly thoro was a groat outcry. Tho frightened crowd fled Into uoorways. a pair or runaway horses camo dashing down tho street! Tho poopio on tno crossings rushed to tho BiuowaiK. ISO ono noticed an unpro tected llttlo ono standing thoro with oiancncdfaco.andoycs wild with terror no ono heard a feeblo, walling cry, A groat, burly boy with a baskot on hla arm, puaaing lorward in blind speed, found something In his pathway and borO it down. Then it wns nil nvnr. Tho mad horses were down tho stroot and lar away. Tho rollovcd pedestrians camo out from their places of refuge. Only ono did not "movo on." A llttlo, lifeless flguro, with wide open bluo eyes, long, soft, goldon curls swooping tho curbstone, and dimpled hands thrown out, lay whero it had fallen. Tho Jockoy-hat had rolled from her bend, its whito feather was draggled In tho dust, but tho postage-stamp still clung to tho shining forehead, Tho crowd looking on noted it with curious Py3,.,.lina aono lt8 work well. Ah mel tho llttlo "letter" had gono safely to papa, nnd to aod. Our Young Folks or July. Miscollauoous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E. M. KNORR'S SPUING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every vnrloly for Men, Women nml Children, OLD STOCK Selling nt Cost to close out to mnko room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM nVE-AOE CLOTHING. I IK HAH THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THK ii i: S T W O It It III 13 IV. Vot pood flUntul promptness In lllllnri orders iuuiu 1.1 uiu iuoeu iu go. Hla cootls aro selected Willi caro nnd Ills Cus tom Work will compiirn favorably with tho hest euoru, ui mo laauiounuio ciiiicuior. HE KEEPS A LAIICIE STOCK OF HOYS' AND CIII I.Dlll;K'S U1.0TIIINM AND GENTS' FiritXISIIINC: OOOIIS, At Astonishingly Low Prices. Illoomsbnrg, Bert. '."J, 1871-tl TOIIN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! 11EP.WICK, PENN A. The underslcued would resnectfullv tutnim tho Citizens or llerwick, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened n Confectionery nnd llakery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick. Pa., whero ho Is nrcnared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FKENCH CANDIES, F011EI0N AND DOMEST10 FltUITS OHANGES, LEMONS, HA1SINS AC, do., &C, AC. 1)Y WUOLEJALK AND 11 ETA I L. Anions tho assortment will bo round Croam Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts. Fins. Annies. Cocoa Nuts. Jellies or lllilcr. ent kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of all kinds. Corn Starch, Egg Ills- cult. Bona crncitcrs. ovsler Crackers. Cheese. Boap, Writing I'apor, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And nroduco of nil kinds. Fresh llrn.Kl nn Cakes ovcrv dav. Ice Cream in Season. Vnnr patronage Is solicited. JU11.H u. jAi:unx, Berwick, Jan 1'71-tv QONNELL & BATTIN, Wholesale and ltctall Doalors In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAU.S, Eims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, and PIPE BOXES, HORSE SHOES, nml HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER nnd SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agonts for Fairbank's Scales ! PLUMBING. STEAM and OAS FITTING, 3- Orders by mall solicited, and promptly tilled. 118 Pcnn Avenue, npr. 4,187atl. A. II. FEMOISOUS & CO, riULADKLrillA. Wo hare opened for tho HriUNa 'THAUK, tho uinAi, Z.t rillLADELVIIIA UAni'ETS, Vara, UatUnc.WadUinL', TwineflAvickB, 1 Cioelis, Looliing Glasses, Faney UjiwHrtH, UraoiiiM, Jlaukel llupketfi, JJruahen, OlothtB Wrincem, Woodeu A Willow Waio la tlio United Hla tea. Our larLTtl IncreoiO In Iniklnpfcu nnnliloo nn in fceli at low irlcti uud iuruUU tho Ivxt riuallly of HOLE AOUNTB TOU THE CELKBHATIID AMI3RICAN AVASIIlilt rnco iim Over 13,000 sold in Six Months Terms ; Carpets, CO days. All other uoods, 30 days. Not. aprliao.m Miocollnnoonn, M1 ILliElt'S STOltE. H. lt. Ml ".Kit ft HON, havo removed tlielrBloro to tho room formerly occupied by Mendculmll, on .Main strcot.lllooms. burg, nearly opposllo tho Church whero Ihey nro determined to scllonns moderate terms ns can ho procured olso whero, Thlcr sloe It comprises LADIES' DUUBU U0UDS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Goods nnd Urn oerles, consisting of tho followtUEiullclco Carpets, Oil Cloths, nths, Unnilmoron, Shawls, FlatiMoln, Hlllts, Whllo Ooodn Llnor.t, llixip Skirls, Muslins, Hollowwnto , Coihirwnro (Inoenswaro, Hnrdwnrj llnolii nnd Shoes, llalmmlCipn Hoop Wots, Umbrollas Looklng.UlnH.soJ, Tobacco, Coll'eo, Uiigiw, Teu.i, llleo, Allspice, (linger, Cinnamon, HulmpR A IN IJ .NOTIONS (U-lMiltALLY, In stun i, iwtnlty Stcpt In country which they Invito tho attention of Ilia pulillo generally. Tlio liljjliwit rrlcowlll bo raid ror country produco In exchango for coou. H. II. MILi.EIt.tHON. . ... . . Illooniiiburiil'n. oct 3i';i-:r JpV HTOOK OK OI.OTIUNO. fresh arrival of Si'IUNCI CJOODS DAVID I.OWENllEItU Invites nttontlon to his stock of CHEAP AND KABlIIONAliLM CLOTHINd nthlsHtoro on Main Street, In tho new lilnelc, lllnmnsbmjj, I'm., whoro no lm Just received from Now York nnd Philadelphia n full assortment or .MEN AND HOYS' CLOTIUNO, Including tho most fashlonnbln, durable nnd linmtsomo DttliSS U00DS, consisting of 110X, SACK, UOCU, O U.M, AND OIL-U LO I'll COATS AND PANTS. of ntl sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also rcplen lahcd his ulioady largo Hock of CLOTH AND CAS3IMERES , STltlPED, I-'IGUltED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIUTS, CIt AVAT8, STOCKS, COLLAltS'. j ui. v Ait j. BUSl'llNDHllH, AND FANCY AltTICLEH no nas cousianuy on uanu a largo anil well-so ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nnd most of It Is or homo manufacture, GOLD WATCHES AND JEVv'SLP.Y, nf every description, Quo nnd cheap. Ills caso ol fowelry is not surpassed Iu thlslplaco. Call and oxamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWEL11Y, AO, octia'71 DAVID LOWENnEItG. R. R R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF i-i'isr.-i the wohst pains In from Ono to Twonty1 Mlnutos. JiOT ONE HOUR nflcr uuiltnc tt.ll nilvr-rtHcmcr.t need any ona Mirt'Wi with pais. i:.rmY'3 iiuahy itt:ut;p 13 a ccr.c ror. i:VEI!Y PAIS. It wo. Ilia first aud l. Tlio Only Inln Itcmetly tut liwintly ptoi Uio m0!t cxcntchtlnc pa'tf. nllnyi In II 111.111.1II01.. nnd cure. Concretions, shelter of tho Lungs', htomach. Howe!', or ether glands or organ, by ono a; ilk.. '' IN riJOM ONE TO TWENTY JII.NUTE. NomMtcr Itowvtnlet.trrixcroclalinzthc .nln the liHEL' M.V110, Pud ridden, Infirm, ..'rltplcd,3(.noua, ru'Ur.!lic, t r i oat rated v 1th dueaso in ty sulUr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wti.T. Arrnnii instant cau. ISrtAUMAlliiN OF HIE KIUNEYK. INFLAMMATION OF HIE BLADDEI!. INfljAMMATlON OF THE IIOWELS. I'O.MirsTlON OF TrtE I.UNGS, hor.E Titr.ovr, nil fii'ult imEArniMi. PALPITATION OP TUli llEART. nvsrcnics. enow. BU'iirujniAj. IvrIt.rv ncAtiAciin. TooriJArnn. ' NlimtALCIA. RI1CUMATISM. COLD CHIUA JOTTK C'UILLd. I HO RppilCIIICII 1 I I HP licnuy Kl'llt'I 10 iiiu i atn-r Twenty ilrors la li.ilf 1 tnml-lcr ff water will In a fW mnmcrH euro CltASITS, M'AMS. SUUI! sruMArlt, UK Ail IM 11 lli M( iv nivrtiiAjjiir... mftHiviiurt, Jl Irl.A I l.ll I I I WM1 , II 1.11.' i1 AUtl t H H n!l INTUICNAIj l'AIN. ...... irnvvici eiiouiki uiwavs carry a rcmie ci ii;inn Umilv Uclii'f with litem. A few ilrorm In wut. r rot Mil- aicKiii's vr jtuiin irnn uimi: 1 1 wuu t. itio wui Laii 1'tcuiU liraialy or Uiittra naaetliuuhiit. rrcvmt and AGVi:, rr.VF.n. AND Adl'K cured for f.fiv ccnta. Tlicre is net a remedial neat in tliis v.oii tint will euro lVvcr mitl Acne, ana an mmv niancix, iiitimi. pcarici. ivpimuu illow-atiil ilUr IVvuiinlltil b JiXUWWVA l'lLL) BO ililCl( M ItAlAVS lih'im IlLLIlil'. l iny CCLUi IcrVoUIc. boUbvl'tue't HEALTH! BEAUTY! I STIiOVO AND ITItK HK'It HLOOD-lNt'lIEASE OP 11 liIl A.M, I" I' II I 1,1 AU Ml A.U rjl..L nt'l'L t'OMl'LUX.ON SD'l'ISEU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MUE THE VI 1ST A--T0NI-I1IIN0 PUItESf Kil Otlll K, M) li.M'll) Altl) TUB OIlAMIh", THE l'llMY l'NIIEIIIIOIX. PMIEII Till! INFLITNCI! 4 K Til ' VIIH Tltt'LY WUMIflit'l'L MEU1C1NE, lvory Day an Increases in Flesh ami Weight Is Soon and Folt. Ti!E GREAT 3-OOD PURIFIER. Every ilni f ' f.UN.lAt;il XA ' U'-.sulA'K'. t fonimuulcalu "h i. i ' I'. . I, i i. I ut , ti ! r lluI(laainUuk"at f tl. t . i ... r l.., i r It r ' i -i tlio wohtm or Urn I - i i ! 'i I ScrofuU. yj'li.Hj, C.iusiiini ti n, t, ,i , , , , t, , In tho, Mmtli, Tumorj, KuL- li ti.- in a tl iithc r iMrMuf t.u kVfttMii. hi rn It.i. Mruniniii ,4 lrom tho E tr, a U tiw wurrt femstf Wiln illitonne, Uniji r.r)I.!i4, Ai -. I C.'-tncLT tit tli1 V.. Si 1 1 1. U'urni In tho I'lcih. TiiR.nm. , 11 .1 all woakci.ini tint lalnful dls- Ll.llirr- VI. it . itit I. Ilcrm, and an nt-tcs rrthc l.f r' v1;1', tiro v . t'niriM ; r.irpo cf t)iU wouJor ti i.'i.-i ' -n vt i iivtiajv uso vm rrovo to niiy i-erin iimii( u nr ilili-r it tin. so fjrma cf dldcaac Its i.Uht jruwer tn t' if tliciu. If tlio fitlciit. tltlly tec ti.l'i r liic.l ty the wastes nnl tk'i.tjiiiposlllnn th'it ii coi.tlnu.iUy j nvrtSBliip, suct-d'di In nm-atliitf these wnstc, t.nd tt. Mr tlu mhic wilh ik-w nntcr lil undo from liealtliy Mood uuJ tliU tl.u AbAAt;lL MAN will .ful doid BOCtiu1, Nit i d" I tl.O Sn4Pr,ILf MS UrSJIVEST excel VI l,ii(.wn uii i II .1 tut 'ita In tl.o en o of i'lirmt'o, Scroi'iilni, i oifiliitti' ', .mil tllu Oleiaiia ; but it li tlu ouly poali t ! i ire for Kidney A Ilhtddcr Compluiiit Vritary. :i d W"jnli t!Ut:inc Gravil, lJIUttc, Drof-y Mn) i,it3 of Wuttr. luooiii rn iko 1 1 1'tluc, lirliihrs nCt Allmm'n iu, 'uul in 'l t,iu' w 1 1 iw th ra nro irlckdnst i' j itt, vt tin- iter lithltk. i loud , I'dxv I with pubttanc 'a 1il.t tl.u v.IiUp t,f an t-irr, or tlir.aU ItUc while Filk, cr thcrd Ha iiioiuld,ti'irk, liiltma n'i caruntv, all I Oilto iono-diut iltims-'H. uud mIkii (litio U ft jtiiUnj, lurnlri(j Penaitlut wli ii i i-itu watir, juin iu tju baiallir tic Uack auJ i . -in Hh I, n 1'iui, ..uo, WORMS. Tho nr ly Lno-vi auro RoiiKdy i r II ill i,tMl tll JitjiC, tff. Ttiiiioi1 oV lii YcaiV Groullt C'tirt'd hy Jtadwny's Kcsnlvont. Iiiiiitr, M., July IS, 1SC9. f itn-m i t I . tut Oinrlnu luinur Iu Ilia nrultl ri I,, ! All ih,. ) i..m ..J -airi iTMiiohlfir Il.H 1 trlul n iy it, j it lli A i iiiiitrnibd,'' t H'll,lii)tlitl(f4 me. I iuw It' il.Ii l I Mt ill I trv il. LLilLa.lurtlittlt Intl. 1 In I iV i.n.l f..r iw u, j.v. 1 Uk il lAti CMU . i nf l:.u) . I 't, anj iwti boitltii c( ) r i .1 tli a U t. t i ii;i i n i ,r to I urnn nt hit, , i tri t, . J I ij-i " n l Lav for titht ri. r i in il I ft r t-1 Uwtli, our Ilia irrolo. .t ' - ijL .kjwbi ol il m iiu can tuMiihllif IHN.NA1I I'.lvNAlT. , RADWAY'S i:. 1 ul I m..l ( 1 DR. PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, fclly tantdca, tlotaittty co toil with awoct urnm, purft ricnUttf, 1'iirlfy, clciiiiP, aal fcirii.'tlu'n, jluiway n I'l' i, tr ll.c euro of nil illminUra cf llin Mom h. I.Ivor, Howe Ktdia-ip, llladdcr, Ismuu HI- Ilwiai he, 1'onaLir-i lion, rohtlvcnCKi, IndU'eitloti, 1j r ip-I.i, lllltouncf. II tout ttvir, jnn mini iiioii cr ti.o tvu, l'ilc,ni d nil i ranpcmtnu ti nm inu it l) v a iKi.itho cure. 1'tiKly W ci i minrTi:,ori!oUti r t ndri'. Zif Ohacrva lii-ftlln .11 Cuitr of tho iJlge-dh o Oitidi . rotntlrMhn, 1 mar 1 Tilt., ti AciJity t.t Hit h. Ni.n.tit, II tux br Wflul.t lu Si i,4 ti. t u Inilillh. lit-f iU b.,n , tl, fetti,, 1'iiUinH Ilrrjtliltiif, lull c!i k lIL Vi uhtcd tO Clfv I uiuj lo i ..a. .i . iltmj fr- iu Dm- f H I'k .IJ-. I.. II , inn , I. , I .f I.' .1, t IruMIr,,.!. uiiirirri ' iijtl lc II,uJ, llunui II. trl, VU I i r rinlT WrU tho hyl t, ti, nun. viun in a I mi j r, 1'lllll.iM if V li ! Hull )n In 11 II Mi k ui! 1. r i Mil l lliiiU. t IK-i , tillO It) A f i .. ItADWAY'S IMMswi.i fimthaajM I'iL,, tnta 1'tr 1 x. wh.ij rv iiittHiiiixrtf JtKAI I'AI til M ' to KAHWAY tV HI, TV IllfoMl Jl ' - ' tlj II' I ' H- i.d t tift Liter 'ur 7 '4idui Luuv, Jvw- , . ,t y iu. I'llJJilllEMUAI. VAJIl'AtbN, CAl'd, UAVlWA TOltt'IIi:?. Html for Ii.i.iwi.nrii Cm cuutu nnd l'mcK List. CUNNINGHAM A HIM, SIANUFACnJUEIlS, No. 201 Clmrcli Street l'lIII,ADi:i.l'IfIA. Juuul'l, U7.'.inoa, JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now have nn hnnd n larco ncnlly printed nkkorllmiit or JIIHTICK'H nnd CONH'l'Alll.rx 1U.ANKH, tawlilcU wo luvllo llio intuition of ucuo utuccrti. II EMOVALM J. W. NIL13S', MtlHIO W A it K () O Jll H t hnvo been removed lo thn NHW imiOK lUJILDINd Ot'I'OSU'KtlWliPlBOOl'AI, omiKt'll.MAtN t Whero np will l;Wp a Senornl ftwnirlmRtit ot 'L'HE LATKS1' HllHK'L' AlUHIO, PIANOS, OnGANfl, VIOL.1N0, niMnll ICINIHS Of llL'KU'Ati INHl'lttl.MljNlfi. Also MltHUMlOOKH Mr ntl INHI'IUI.MUNI'W. 1'IANO AND OIUIAN HTOOI.M HTYI.I'"1 ANlll'ltlt'IW. TUB SHOEMAKER PIANO is tlio cheapest First Class Piano in llic liuirkol. Ilnvliifj heciirpil tlio Aeoucy nl tlio 0i:o. WOODS' ltKNOWNIill OIIOANH, for Columlila County, togi'tlicr Willi tlio eiit,t:i:it.vTi:u Ti'.Mi'i.t: anoei.ic, rnmUtics nilv.nta;;'"! to iniirliaicri not clscwhfre. STATIOXAHV OF ALT, KINDS. A full nssoiliuciit of SQUAWK AND OVAL l-'UAMEKS, nil Myloinmliiilcoscmiilfriitlj- onliniUI. STiucr. i:iiitAViN(is, ciiitoMo roi.oniu) 1'IU.NTS, HTUllEOdfOl'lOS AND VIEWS. ttTCnll aud uxnmluo. nichS'TJ-Cm. Tlio Unco of Tlmo Koopors. M. 8. ALLEBACH WATCJU5S ami JEWELPvY DANVILLK P.t. SILVnil AND 1'fjATKI) WAltll, FltnXCII CLOCKS, HW1SH AND AMIIIIICAN' STKXI WATCIIia. Tin: ui;nowni:d r.i.ciiN watciils. a LAitar: AfanoivrnuNX or fint. Ji;Wi:i.ltV, DIAMONDS &e. r.ciirunus prorapily attended to. BOOK AKEMTS Now nt work, or looklus for somo now book, will mis? ltlftliey do not nt ouco wrllo lorclr. culnrs of tho bout scIIIiik boo; imbllshed, Kxlra ordlnnry Inducements maied. rrolllKmorotlinn doublo money. Outllt fiee. Addiess, 1', M, lti:i:u, 1111 l.1!..!. Hi u X'rt..l. ...:.... AtiENTS WAM'l3I-rot llio Lives of Grant ! Grcoloy ! WILSON ! EttOTVN! And tlio leiiuluis men of ull parties. OVElt 10 BTUEt. roilTKAIXH. Just luo uooit wnuied by tho iuasse.1 everywhere. Akcius meet with wonderful kuccoss, Bend lor circular nna seeuio terrltnrv lit ouce. Addles. ZIUULLlt Me. cuimy, 5is Aicu Hi. .fuiiaaeipiua, i-a. Iw WARREN RANGE W First Premium An.Iast.'71. A.In:t.'7i, Eoublo Ulevated Oven, "Warmlue Closet, llrou Inn Door. Kmder (liiiinl. Dump ub it Hliaklm: tlinlo, Direct Dralt. KULLEIt, WAHIIEN & Co,. in- KENNEDV'fl HEMLOCK OINTMENT AND 1'l.AMlXU. Tho proprietor, has succeeded In utilizing tlio medical properties 'contained lu llio oil, pitch, aud Ilostu of tho IlemlocltTiee, nnd obtained a vnluablo piepaiatlou to bo applied ns a Salveor Plaster, for Rheumatism. I'roun. 1'alu or Sorenebs of tho Hack, Chest or Momacli, l'lles, yalt llhcnm, ricurvy, Hores, Ulccrs.llunlons.Moi o Corns, Wost llltes, chilblains, Horo ltronkl. nn.l Minnies, ltlncwolnls. Chaflug, & Hltlu ol nn In. llammatorv nature. CHAIILLS N. CIHTTENTON, Auent, 7 WUtU Avenue, New York. w, Aitn li. r I AMl'AIIlN (KKlll.S. Addiess. OOOlWl'LLD'tJE.Ml'lUHl'UllLialllNUHOL'SK 107 Liberty titreet.Ncw Vork-, or, Cincinnati, o. Iw HAH CUIti:i 'lTV.Tr A DEAFNESS DOES CI'llE I , A AN1 WILL CUUK J-l AiXJL CATAHltll, Forircuro l, (or TotBamploMccnls,) by mall, nr. K. b HYATl'. lil'JUnindHlU'el. now York n'iu-lw Mifjcellanooiio, 1872. 1872, NEW SPHTNCI 00ODS. -!0. M. P. LXJTZ llai Jutt rctnrncil from Now YoiU with n fall Hue or HLAOK AND COI.OR13D SILKS, LYONS' SILK I'Ol'fiTiN'S, SILK l'ONGNES, j.l.ilii uli'lin mitt clienc, Bltlpontiit plain (JHASJiJ OLOTUB, sli 1 po l'lnln nml olinno. blneU anil colored. FAA'OY lhA11)h OOliOltKJ) OA Mil III OH, I'J?U0ALU8, WHITE GOODS, HUI8B1!, J'Alir.ATAN, vitri'oilrA riMN, iiiaiiin- i.AWN, NAINSOOKH, 1'KIUIX, UAMIIUUX, l.ONd (lUtTII, I.1NKNS, JH)IY1.H. lu'Mi OUUTAIis'M. NOTIONS, TIUJIJIINOS, JTOSIKHY AND GLOVKS, imilcvrnjililiii; prenointly kept in n nrs'.-clitw J)HY GOODS STOUI3. nnowEii'S iu.ook, t.ast oi' comtT iioiisi:a.MAi.s-, snti.UT B5 FELtSIS, 0 o o o o Or Sngnr.Contcil) Conccntrntcil, Itoot nnd Herbal Juice, AiuI-IIIIIihii Crannies. Tim " LITTLE fil.INT". CATIIAKTIC, or 7it 1 1 il lit lu Pnrvo PllJblC. . Tho r.ovelty r f model n Medical. CUcmiral and Thnr maccmaal sru-ote. No u,o of any lonr taking tho laro. n'pnUlo r.n 1 naiiscnu pills, compoged of rh'-ap. rruUi'. ia.1 ' .:i: inju'tlicius. Mhea wo can by n.arcful appl.oi'i .n . 1 lumical Fclcnce, cxtiact ail UK ra'tun.i- ai.d i i'ui r.i 1 tin.l mi.ri-rtU from tlio nv -t a!u-ii.le ' i ui..I 1 . v I ci.i.ceuu.itu iheu n.toa mui'iv i . .nti ..scarcely lnrsev than n ntiiHlnrd oed, ihtu tail l-.i ua'i'ly '.valloM'J by Uiopu of tho mutt MMit.tive eumiaeln ami fasildlotii ta.ics L'Jchlittlo l'nratlvo Pclleticprefcst', m a mart concentrated if. m. m r.i.ich cnl..irrl.- power ai li embodied lusnvol the largo pi1: icmudfnreab lu the ilrus fhopj. from their noiideiml caihaitlc power, In prnpoitlon to their t lie. people ttho havo not tried them aro apt to fiippo?o that they are lurth or dra'tlc In effect, (mt each Is not at all tho case, tho dlflcrcnt active medicinal print iidcs ol which theyaro composed beln'; feo hannouiA'd mid modiilcd, ono by thoutlicrs. a, toproduion most seiireltini; and tliorotiKli, yd entl) uud Kindly opera, tint; cniliui'llc. $500 ItCAvanl w hen by ofiVred bv tlio ropV.o ur of theso IV .' ! -. i. i,n. e .i. . t who, up ui ui nlyfi,, will flud iu ih .a y c .di-aiel et othei loimi ol mercury or any oili. i mineral pelfcn. , llcliiR entirely vesctnblo, no caro I, uqulrid ailo tit.-'g them. Tiny up.raia nlthout AMm Mneo to tl.u cotiflitntlnn, diet, or oe cnpatlon. 1 oi .lanndler. llentlnrlie. tun kllpatlmi, liiipuro lilood, 1'nlii In tlio Mi ii ii Id i' i, Tlirliliicxiol' tlieCIie, f. Dlz ziuc, Sour l:rut IMlluils ol the Mum. mil, llml (nto in nioiitli, II11IOI14 uilnelo, 1'iilu In rcclon ol' Kldnoj. Iiilcritul Fever, motile, I l'celliiu nliont Mo. one h, llii'h oi liloo.l tois. nd.lllt'li ( iilorid I l ine, l iisorlablllty mm filoiiiny roielioil Ins-, take Ur. l'lereo'a I'leil'ililt I'niKlKlve I'ellet", In , ..,'.u ,i tionof tlio ri"a. u..l p. i of my Purjanvo re.'., n over eo errat .i A.u'a ,' .i .:,,, I u.-h tony that their lu llou upon llio itnimul oi ono. in) i iinlei- il, m t a gland or .I.kiio Okenplna: tiu le anatUo tuiprei". A doe-not imp iu i'..'.; i.k . fc.iar-co.ain,' ui d Ik tnclo.ed ingia-4 Ik.hI.'-i (. .'iici .e their u- i. - pured fornuy lei:.-:li of time, in any Co. ni.-. so tu-'yaro nhvav. lu.h and r, liable, whuU i.i not i:.o v. !th tl,. p.'U I. 'ii.d lu the dill -l i-, .m" .i c'lvap w...d oi pi-te-lin.ird hose.. Kih .ille,l thnt i. r 1. 1 .i,.a.t-, ihci. a l.avnllve, Altcrallvo or IMtriratli'O I, Ind.cate'l. tlu.e liitlo l'-.leu m.II i. t the l.0,1 p.rfect tatisUetlun toall wIioupl' " 'in 't'liey nro mlil by all cntorprlsluir DriiSo'lMs at 'ii opium a bottle. Do not a'low any drneeUt to Induce you to uka nnv;-.ln',' i .. ..l hi' ..iy fc.lj U j'ist a, food u, niy Pellet bc.'tu. :.. n-a.-e. a lau'.r prollt on thatMluJl ho recomiiH"ul- li yunr druir(,'l-l c mnot ,unly them, emlu-c .5 ..i.t and rL.tlie th.m by uuita laall j;. v. i-iiiuci:, Jr. v., Propv, DWT.U.O, N. Y, nlaTJ ly. QAIUIIAOE MANUFAOTOKY, BlOOXSLlUJ, I'll, SI. C. HLOAN A BBOTHEK Ilava on li.uul nud for sale nt Ilia most roasouu. uic ir.ic .i .l'leuuia biocxiu fAitniAOEs, Buaaiiw, ami ovety .tcrlptluii otVason8 ivrb PLAII'I A"D FANt V wnrrnulfil (o lo mailoof tl.o but., ml mmt Jur nblo materials, nml by llio moi vxiicrlcneeil worltmcn. All worli will out fro .i iho estab lishment will bo fouiul to beofllic ugliest elnks nuil suro to alvo peileet natliuullou. TUty liavo uibu iiue n&kuduicui oj H L JJ I U II S Of All the uowefit ami mnRl fimlilninililii Mtvlnil well nuil carolnllv ltinito niul nf iba bt&L mnter. lals. Aiiliupcotlou of tuolr worS In ntn. .1 nH it I believed tb.U noue kiiiwior enu bo fouiul in tbo country. Ian l'7l TTAL1AN IwllHclIliiJ NEKS & QUEENS. Juuo nn I July n limited number ot youua ITALIAN SWARMS OF BEES, In tho American hlvo at Tli tier Mvnrm. I will tinnsfernutl Itnllantzo blucU coloulefj utnicns onablo price. 1'itrollallau tiuccun for sale, I alto mnlto to mdor tlio tloublo 10-tootlied Scotch Hnnowfi, l'rico.fetccl ttctU.sntor iron teeth til. l or furtiier iurormntion addiohs. ,nn r , Ji.u.imowN. MnylOSm Wsht fct., CoUtmWn co Jn. l'A' r i ..f I' -111 ".lt Irt Med cinf. tu i n fi 'in ''i i " fcunn. fic. fu in i 1 A i. 'i t cul ui; i nt. t if Otcit Put utM -Mid i l.ittj j.iMim I'm Ui)t?, a Per fret R" '.vin.r vn Iu " .f itm bvnui't cirrsm,; rifl" Ml i is ui'-.i nntut, an t rostonne Jie hnn ' a liMhl.y (.end ti.ui, (.nrlciiina n, Udcflmm and invlpiranut? ItOtU m ml Atid body. 'Jlicy .ire ta y "I aduiimstr Uuin, (ircimni in tlioir ncttmi, certain iti then ut'iW , salt, aiivl rt-'nlila in all fornu of dirntf. Sa iVi'itou rail UtUtj Ihfir Ult(vri arrrrd lift todtrcrtinti', ntut rernsln lonn tinwelt, rtotukJ their boncii are tiM - t-yc 11 y ni ncnl y -on ' rulhvrmeain, l id tl.- vital fit-cms v ailctl beyond the xmt pf rcmlr. llygncpflla or lutllwrfUmi. Ilcadadie, ram hi il. hoii'i'Lr, C mplii, 'I inc-'f tho Chest, Dusi iic1", Sntir KrtictaiU)tiof llic St infltli, U.vl 'lwta in tlia Mfiuit, li.l n Attl, I'liptwtien tf t'ia Heart, In f! tmtiiation cf 1 tinR, V tin in tho ter.imiB cf tltft Wd-M-t atiil t liitti'Ircd other painful ymptom, ate the olf-ft-rini tf l)jW) ii l.t tltftie trtrplainM it has no eqtnl, and one Lottie will prove .1 better guarat.tcc cf tu mctitt than a IcnRthy ndvertifcmcnt. Kor l'Viiinlo l.oinplnliijNt in vow$ (r (Od, pi,tr ried tr ninth, it tV ',mn .vom.-.nlM'iJ, .r tl.s turn Htifo.tliejo lomc Hitters dtf-vlrty to iletidcAnnmllutOCC that matked tmi.n-.vtm nt n soon ncrciptiblo lot' lt.llmnnin.tnry n ml Clittntl Hlieu i.uttUm and (tout, Uyfpepaii ot Indigcition, llilioui, Ucmi'tert in 1 Intermittct't Ve vc. Discaw of the UlpcJ. I ivct, kidnc) i tnd bladder, these Jtitttti have been ratxt ftucccMtit! S icli Uici'ci ato emned lv Vitiated IHonJ, uIulIi i generally produced by dtranrfcttut t ol ilu Dj- They me n OvniXo PtivRnllvp a well n a I'niilCf 1 03.v4iin,: a1 r tho peculiar merit rf ncthts aj a pnwotful anent m ri'iovnif; Cot't-'tsthni nr InllaminatiDii t,f thi I"rr .tnJ Vneenl Otgan md ct Ildicma Dtuascs Vi.i c:klti lriRcnnPHi rti noil-, iciter, r-ui- , S -t. I'itii - I'll ink -, It-(. r- 1 1 1' I He V ic 1- c. 1'ns , v .( i i'lfi -t ft .. Sun, .1 uu 'i . 1 U i ot u . tuvf ii . r nrti .e, aro J i i iu 1 . t f .Ik ' :u'i ..i . jh Inn . 1 i ' i li t lit du, .J t mo hv the na nf these Uitlon One bottle in Jttic'i Cacawill c nitKL tlu mo:', iticrtdalous cf iht-ir curative ciTc , tuan. tlio VMInli'il ltluOtl whenever you fin imp tiii bitr3tin tlir .uHti the rktii m 1'itnpK , Lru itonti, r Nusj c'oanw it when yen find it tl blru 'jda- ' luKmsfi it the v:lr : clcinso tt when It '3 fiiul, technss will tell vmt when. Keep the UwhI pure, anil the lualth uf the aj-iem will follow. CJi ate Oil ttinmuiiiN priiclilit Vt;rc.VR KtT ti:r iho ii. ift wonJaful luMgorni.t tlut t.r lust, lined the nkinc -yttcm. 1'tUi Tnpp, mul ntliM- W unittil ttUng in U.i eyst m nl mnny ihoimmK tire offeciinlly dustrojtj and :cmoL ! Sty l dijtinUinhcd phytiongft : 1 hero tsst, iccl in individual tipo'i the face of tlio cvth whoso body is exempt from thd prtsonco ut worm, lt Is not tiitonthf he-ihhyclcmt-nU r f tho body that wormi exist, hut tip n the dtsca-.ed humor t a-.d s'-my dqifiti that breed 't j Iivuik inonsteri cf disease Nj system t.f Medi ic, i vctm.f i; ti. : o ailicl jutiitif( v,.!i free t!.3 ayitc fi .'i worm" hli.i tlu'c Hitlcri. Il cluuilnil Dlsin-. l'cr.-otia triRtRed in I, 'i ai '. Minen! , ruth at rliim' crs, 'Iuc ::ttcr, Oold-licaicrj. and Mmcri. as they aJv.mco in life, ull ha suhf,''t to piralyis ot Uio IiowlK 13 cuaid atni.t Hi ike ? Jist oi it Ai.kKit s mhiwak uniuii'icnu c .1, ip 1 PtL'Vt-ntive. Idii;. Itciultfnit) mul InlrviuItlLnt rnt 'i ch are t i prevalent m the valleva f our rivet, throosltout lh Unted St.Ue-', c-.pcciil(y . i... Mif p.i-.cii pi, Ohio, Miuouth Illinois, Te,n- oi l II. Poi erea tli, . nf'ttcf, i ttmucrn t, ArKitisa, k;i. (.nmv. if, itrarf, hiotitandc, Pc.kil, Alabama, M, ji.e, S.rtiuiiih,Koauul.c, latncsi, r... 1 m..i y otlierr, v ih hur a ; tubuin w. through j tt m;r entire rmmtry durlns Summer nnd Aulm i, 1 icnnrkably o dutmt Eca&ons of unusual heat 1 iitf, arc in v.maUy accompanied 1-y cxten live crinc menu -f the stutnuh and tucr, nnd ntlur ' , t , . n. I'hero aro alv,i.i more or Uas ob- t!r. . mtitf.ftllC U.I. L W Vl i.3 .11 1 Hilt."1 U Mitt o! ilm itntch, a 1 1 re t t r . r f "ho h(ive' , beim; cl . ilium llu -!) b.l Vn " 1 nn with iiint.l iccumiiiatKiti in tiicn treat- 1 iitatl" . - rtn i p-..,t'fi' :nit ui r-J upon f., ... r 1 . li . ill Vl I LS1I V. '1 llCll! 11 riu L i'im.'u .Hn 15 ,J J. W.aKUR'd h II. tpk. a. "uv wd' -i ect't'y r.mova tlu Ihr ! eid nnttc wit'i hnh tlia h 'ti3 arfl hud.d, itllu tn-j ii'rtu ti. ' vui., llic '.ctrttti.'ns ot l ifi lix i 1 ,ncr illy resiunrv c'hy untu us of tlw U' i ' 1 1111.1 Scut tin. oi Klng -t Krlh H'lu :,wclhnc;3( UjM.ts, Miptlii, irttilwn N.tli. Ooikr, !,t.rofuhiuJ Intl.uun 'ions, luduum Iml i.iim .iiiii, Merc urn; At- fectitii,, i.d Siu., Lii-iU'i. t. tin. oKiii, ejuij i.yts, etc , r . : i the ', in ttt oittti ti ituLional DiscaMf, Wai ki Vim lii mt. liowi. their Cinl i. i -vi r i .T'.ner. lly ,uiifyms . - 'it. c 1 1 1 1 bv le-oivniR away ii! u i ' tuh tt ,'ai iicposits) xvi.l. !k.V:1i :.d a i'-niiaaenl cum the .IdOd, the '"t-i the .i - u, I J Itli.' ft'ltt II p l ti l The iirotnTtlen "i lit Waikr VBr;,": Hi rrtl.t ro n.iit'iit. lJi-H horciic and "i .'.itive, Nmntui.s. n-tU diuretic, Sedative, CotmUr Irritant, s i 1 niti. it2i.itivi. and Anli-lliU3US. Tin Aprileut and nidd Laxative ptopcrtics of Iu Wai ..F'.'b Vinu.xr UlTTEfti aro tha butt t-fc-. ..t m .i" i v f ' iriiniinii and in ah an ant firvtrs. t..;iT C.naiu.. luMlun;, and toothing pmpcrties protect the Innii ' t t'c ti.Ci Jl.c.i n.mvo mopenica nnay I nn .u ! taut i ' nonoi.j fistLi.i, stuiiut.ii, .ma Loaei, citner nn I'v-i. n, 1. toitf, cramp, etc. Their ilt iI. . t t i.'iHit. t.- l .it .ul thrtiuahout the sv-ttein. . t D . . w i ;Lt: ui nn thd Kidney', coructins ' 1 i ' x i' j . J I iii.n-'. Their Aiili-llihoiu .i t: i'.j ...', M t'ltf svoct.t u tf bi'e, ; t! i. hi, thn : h tlu h.iiuy ducti, rnd aie ,i i t.l uiiuunl .i.Liii, i r the cum of Uiiifu l r iMiA.i.. t '!: i tlio IvfJy atfnin.t illscitoo bv pun . ' l,'.''!', i I'l.iK? Xu ep.dcin t i i,i . u t! . I .lined. The livvi, the k'i, j i i , t' i '.. li , and the nervfi am i,l . t 1 . ' i . iiiuinnt Vhv X rilacv i H .i-Vs ViNrr,K fiT s, ( .. 1 - ,! . Neivirti-. Dioctdeip, ,.'.,. ' ; ,ji, .n:d all ma'adci '.,.n , - i' . . i. . , 'ti..nmiiry orc.tns, . j . t i . - .i.,.l uy i:i.iuiit'iis l UU 1 . i iitr t' - !)lrer(ni it n Eat .'"Kl Chop, diitir t-1 hyi '.ui j U' .. . t . i. ul.Ia ..lOliT.UC asii i i iit' to iel . i . i ,,. !i ..1 u.nL..uslull. in' ', -u'i 1'ttiJit.ili, mutton ..I, -li 1 VCfSJt.lbba, .'!ld tt!e Oft : c'i okJ ci puuiy vigeubls ,. n ni. it . i j. itf i'Do:m mj & ro.i i .,t, San rr3:.ti-i.i, Cal., .1 L'h.ilt nSl.X 'iV rK ,J ,,1'ii.S SiJ ill ALLKS. u:j-7- ;'m Tm: iMiitr.iuiA r- ri i at COIU'OSE UiiS'.iiM.l-; nro putiliflu ,1 on .'cr y '. ''.', tlifrc i'.ro 1 1 .''.' .i i-"i : '.i ', .'onsequi'iitly nivsiciixs r;:i(i!n!i; sr It 19 n certain ouv 1'ir H. rjf.i'i, Syphilis in nil iu fornw, l!lieii"i i lisin, Slvin Uii-i'asi -j, I. t C. ,:i nlamt and all C nl" . .0 Illooil. 1) ens zizzvz ot ?.::.'.r.ii:i will .lo more j;ooJ tlnn ti n bottle, , of tho Syrup, ul' ijurilla. ' THE UNDEnl3ND PHYSICIANS lino u&cil Ue-adjlm in tlieir praetir I I'.ir t.'io nisi tlirco veir-i ar..l frul ; emlurtu it 9 n reliable Alteratita anil IJiowi runner. Dlt. T c. rt'OIt.of Dalilmi-it-. rut ! " -"KIN', Ml. K. At I'AIllt, ' Mt J' (i. TANNFLLY, ' Ml, I s Sl'AltltS, oi Xuli.lmille, K. nit. J. L McC.VRTIIA. Columtil.l, S. I on. a. n. nobli'.s, r.agwemii, n. c. (USEn AND EHDOESED BY i n. rrti.Nciid.soNs, min.itu . M FMITII. Ji, krn .Mi h. I. I- 'VllI.i:i.i:il, I.iui, vi.K. I) l!.t . I.ici.i,01iio. l 11.1. Vi;N K CO ,Ci n.r.T lilc, V.i. L. C 'T. l'ADDt:.N, .MiulK'CS. I bu,o,'Ii.l'. f)urpaeev'i)lnnt.illow ofanyev. tinli.l icLlilLs i:i iil.iUi.n tu tl,., Jil.tuccl U.n.nbll,. lutlioMr.lloil iPiofLaioiiM'i'giuruiitrea I'luU 1- tra'tfupcricrto any they lave clcr tl'.t-U U lllkr iri-ailllL'IU III !U5Ca5PU Illnfil . nn.l to tho jitlutrj vc say tiy Ho'.aJ.ili,, on.' )j Mill bo lettered tu Judith. RcilalHis ,hl Ij .ill Di iirvti prite 1,50 per buttle. AiU!rei S3. ols::s:;ts is co. .VilMi.b.iiriy Ctitmittt, Tuly :i.71 ly. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN JPliTOF. J. XX. RI A I 2 B 1 2, L'oruer Mulu anil Ctntio Sin.. ULOOilsliUniJ. A new ttoelr of 1'roli UooiUJiist opeiif,! nt JIAl.UH. Tens, CoH'ccs, Susars, HVKWl'd ana J10LAS9KH. C1IEESK, jm.VTH, HALT. Klslf, ete. VEaKTABLDJ, lIEll.MtiTlCAI.LY Sealul tlooiU, JELLIES nml 1'H.EHKUVIX, P1CKI.KH, 1'OUEIUN nml DO.MU.Vni; MtlUTd, An Elogant Asortmont OF QUBBNSWAHB ConMnnlly on linml. Al.n WOOD, WILLOW nmt OL.fcJWAltEol eviry variety. All my eooilanroof tlio flrbt quality nuj nt ex. Iremely low prices, ilecb'lMf J. If, J1AIZK, B l.ANK DEEDS. Wo now havo Uio flnei.tns&oil,nniii nniMTJir DlllID.S nn linml nna lor i.alu Hint wcro over liopl lu lllooiiikburK, Uirco fclzo nn butt paieli. inent paper, Common Dimis, r.xeentoi' nml Ailnillilklrnlor'H liiiilii-smiill hUo yooil uuU iicnp comiuou Denln, Ac, ROSABALIS D Hall Roadfj, pEXNB YL VANIA KAII.Uoa I, SUMJ.1KU TlM12T.Vlll.ti llKiil Tnun- (Itaiiy) To mm from l'lilinii,in, j . . .! ""in i.iro. i-aiulnys Kxcoptca.) ON nuil nfler Monday, jiln the llwueniter Trnlin nf l liij 'oiiniliS " itauranlUOiniiuiiv will ,1. niiri J.S1!l.,Mv.. mUwilvo r,l I'lillitilelphln nml l'lttslmr",, J"3 EABTWAItD. jot I'liiiHiiuiniiiii Kjtpro leave i llnrri. i opt Momlnyint nuTnrtlvci nf 1iIUiIi1J)UIb17.Hi. in. ""uu'l"1"ll, MIH--MU rrnlii Isiive- llni rlsbiirB ilnh- B:M-l'neino cxpiinn loavon llarrl.ibun , Mm' '"" "" ''H Bt Wc,t VUI lntl1 'l' ' VV'i t J-tlllH.lelltta Hi 0:1 ,V r.V U l "1,lu'n I" !-Uuilnn.n! Kprvs lenrefi tt.i-M.i... i Wiuvk 7iali.v exeVi Bum y) nHi i in' n, 1 nt I'liluiaolpUlu nt i. W S in" ' 1 ' 11 ' ""' ViSO-JincasW Trnln, vln Jtnimt Jov.Imv llnrrnbiirn Uiilly (oxrept Hniiibiy)nt 7?, a ,, nml uiiivia m West I'nl nilolplila nl iV Wii t ,-' WBSTWAItD. HO-Uilo t-pr i we-t, for Lrle, jc.ivn rlslHir't Ually (oxeept Wnmliiy) at l;Vl ij; Ill ,r l.l'IIKK. U 11' UL I 111 II. 111. l:ii-lOrfu Wall went, lor Kile, leave bni'4 daily n. m.. ni'iivlnirni r.n. . ui. " Ij. J-Clne.l;mati Ks,ires9 luavcb i!.,iM ally frseent SBlunlny) nl 10:W p. m..nrrK- , Altjio in nt 1:13 ii. m ul nrrivcunt t'itisb 4.'rclne llxprc i Ian A") IfnuiHlmi tHAtn. in., ntrlvcK at AllooiiAiit'i i'Jn, i v Rr,1i?tl2t 1 '"'"'If nt illi p. in. lliial-Untitliuii l7xiirelonvcsltuirl I. ly nt 1:j ,. i.i., ,u nt Altoniin , i uudnrilvi, t ru.m.a.K at 0:10 a. m, t:W-F"jil Lino lunvi'H llurrl,biirc eeyt SnnJi.y, ul 1. 30 p. m., ntrlvomii Ai . y:U' t. 111., Im.-t'H BiiM'ui nml nulvei .it , . nr ;: i a. in. I,:j--Mil,l '.in ,i,J, ivr, JlmuMin,!!, tut Ijllliuay) lit I.Jip. in. .'nivn n- : i li. in.. Ingres mmit.M nml .. i,.ft .. . tit 1 Li il, i.i. " " IB-Way rn -imc-r Train leave , U ., ilnily (except Huminy) nt 7:30 n, ni, i Altni'un iu U'j p. ni. nml nt l'ltlsburK ut 3 'v'ilii'out,l. l'nssuiiKor Trnln lenv. . buris ilnily (cxecpl .Monilay) nl s.ij() n. fitAUoimnnlSilun, m, nminrrlvoint l'i ' ..j-, i', in, BASiur.i. a. nr.Ai u Hupt. Mill. Ulv. 1'. 1. JgriOHTEtiT UOUTE KASTWAtt,.. Danville, Hazleton & YHlkosljarro R. Ii WINTER ARIlANaiiSUWrs, I'.ASTWAUll. WHSTWAUD, I.I1AVK. . M. l.K VVK. Sunbitry . . 7.oa ... .-M . i.m V. Jl, I 12.111 , 323 3 inow unit Knston, I'lilln Jlulliloli'ni IJ'.l'lVl'lU Citnivi sri lliiElcttm Ilellilolicm. 1 Ifnzlcton, Cntnwlssn. l'lilluildiphln . hj' Kaxli ton, : itj: . 1 1 li uiinviun. Now tone, iji a.f,J 1 aunlnirv. Tb us rnno'i trnl'i r.i ictfiHHu , tjii- 1A K.'l.iM,. in, trnln coln.i Weil, n i v. , 'mjpoi tl'.J'i Jiiieh I liiven !.;, p.i,i.,ini, too Northern Contra I 1.50 p. m.. movt n; sin c,ir-i,B llnuls niri; 7 W p. m nml 11:11,4,," , 10.1 p. in., nml also wlui tho bunbiiry nu l I Iklown lUlli'iii,1. I i nfo.'t.iblu au.l li.. .iljumii ikiiieli. c . ni'w rout '. J. n:ip-:; ivAbi:,.'jiiperiinauii. n' KTOJiTlUSXtW 0 EN All i, i.T , WAY. oa and nrior luno'ilil, 1S7.', Tinin-. loaToHoNCv iv nsnouo'vn : N"OIt't'UVAIlD. 1'J.JO r.a. iMH r to Wtlllamnport, Klmlin t F'ii1' i:0r,',c' u""'-ilo. Hmpeiisloii I b il 12.1 J v. ji. I!uil.iu, ruin, 'I.i.j :i. m, Wllliuunport Llmlrn Krlo ,Ve. U.Oir.H,, Dally, (except SiimUys) ror Wi. eporl una Erlo. '"..V'.r"," ,,ai'K'. (osc-pl SnitdnyH) foi i Ilulrtiln mul Nlagiirn f .itls, via. Crl.i r fiom filLilrn. TUAl.Na SOJ I HWAKD. I..lj A. M. Dully for llH!tliuoio,'Wnsbiin;t'i l'lilUulelphtn, li'tllA. II. Dally . ! i-nml-ij,) ii ; i V usbiuijlnu nn.l t'nU.'.JnlpUlii. i5plSA0.tau,lduy,)I,,t "'!'" 1M1 Oen(iraU'us..i ii , A AbFi:LIi 11. i j,b, (icn'l. Stip't. EA DIN(! IIAILHOAD. V rfU.M.MKIl AKIIANUHJIIIN . '.Mo.iJUY, ' , 7-' Viiiiut Lino from llio .Nm lb . ...I ,i, t'Sl fOl'l'hll.Ulcltllll.l.New Y.ii'I: . ii, .. p... ville, T.imn.iita,, hliaiii.uilii 7. AI cutinvn, liaston, l.'phi,ua,, LSue Coliuubla,j;e., Tinlni leave ITarrlhbiirs for Mow VoiS - i lows ! At i,li, a, in., nuJ J,.) p. in. uei'tlnat with similar trains on I ula ltallronil, una nrrlvlna at 2,. ,v .. n lo,7, n. iu 3,31, ami 9.1 j n. m. i lletlirillUi:! Le.lVO N..1V nr)r u U.jiJ noonimjfi.ljp.iii, l'bil:uk!p 1. 1 ; a. m, ami ;i.:;o p. in, Leave Harrlhbiirs lor lle.ulmg, r. uvi. maiin, .Mlnersvllle,, hii.uuoli u lentown nml l'hllaM. at ..lon.m., uul j. 1,W P.m., stopping nt Lebanon ami pi m.-.i,.,. stallousj tbu 1.03 p.m. train 1'iniut. r , I'otUvlllu nml Columbia only, t SciniyllslU ll.iven nut Arinnu ami Mi'.nu.n aan.i Kaaro ,.l. l . .ni. L'aM l'ennsylv.mla Ual.i .'i I U a iniur Alleniown l.a'.ton nuti.N, u i, n , , m.lO, n. in., nml l.oi p. in, Il unu u Ne.v Yoilt .it U.iiiJ a. m 1.'. W u.iou ..i i :ui iiiiiuiiwu m i.-'ja. in. i...iu u ii 1 'i.lj p. in. Way r.isseuger Train ie.i.i Cm,. .. ,,.un.iii., eonmi'un wiin similar train in i l'i. r.illioail rctiirulmr lioiu lti'inlmj.nn. Mopping at nil statUj,. i.L'iivu I'oiiHviiio ni 'j.uu n.m.. nn. . n llui'uilon ill io.oj ani., Hliamokln nt j.lOi. u Mull- :1I111V CltV lit 7.31 11. ill. au.l 1.111 11. ill. T.iittn.... .fdi.tti. t,b,,v, .i.i,,. t.uii ii.i.iinon S,.i) n. in., nnd p. iu. lor rnilmlelphu, .S. iv vouc, lieauiu, iiurrisour,.vc. Leave l'ottsvlllo vln wetiuylltlll ami hiH'p'i" li.iuua llallroiul nts,15 n.m. lor HnrrlsburL. iiu.1 11,13 a. m., lor 1'lnoOiovo nnd Tremout, l'.e.ulliii Aecommoilatlon Train leaves I'oit - llio uti.jU n. m.. p.issoj Ilcaitiim at 7.i ,i. m.. ir- rlvlus at l'lillaili'lplua nt UM n. in. llctu, . n. :enes l'uiiniieipuia ui u,ia p. m pasninj! Im.h1 lusat 7,I'Jp,ia.,arrlvlUi;m l'ottsvtllo ntn.j' u l'oitstown Aceomiuoaniion Trniu.leave'i lo.ivi. i'lul.i.i, .. iN'lmli nml U recti) at t.iJ p.m. uoinmoi.i iiauroau inuuH icavo licuiioj . 7,'.'0 n.m., anil V.U p.m. for Kpuratn, Llliz, I urn .. ler, Coluiaula., tie.; ivturnliiK havo LiiiK'n-. . ' C.'JiJa. ui. ami J,"i p. in., ami c.iimi .i .' m. nul 3,ljp, m. i-,'i'iviouieii join lit. m i . iiim i . o i .ruucuoii nt 7.13 l,i'u n, in., y.tu vv3 i o. in. i luu: U-ao a?bi!UU,villo mo.. u, tv.u n noun .'i -1.13 p.m., eonueeiiny wivli miui. , o" Mending l'oli'biool;ilale Ilaln'ca.l trains kavorn'' at 'P.iu.'.m, l.'.n ii,Si& k., l'ii'iK.iut al turn, a.iw iuul 11, a. in., J.Lo p.m n,etiu4 wltr K.mlij,' lulus ..u llv. .a. II l'k'ki'ilni! alley Il.iilroad ti.ilus hnu i nl.wiilo nl M a. .ii., J.H) and Uiji, in.; Ini,', leave Uyeis at .nm., lii ami I,, p Koiiueuiluu wllU tialnsou Hendlns llailr CUeater valley ttnllroad Trains leave H pin I al s, !0 a. in. and i'.lo nnd p. in, retiuii Uuvo lMwiiliiBlon it u.53 n. iu liui) nui o 3.U p. ui., i Willi Minikir iiuiuf ItendillK l!.l.i.....d. On buiulMi s, leave New Yurli at 5,13 p,lii,,l'n, pUliinl t.lJ n.m. nnd .,,1311.111,, (llio t,ouu. in. ti.m. ruunlns only lollendiusiJleavt rolls, Jinirlsbiiii: ul H.13 a. m. nnd L'.uo p. m. uwi Uuvo Allentoirn ut I.'Jj uud U.13 p, m., nn.l h.ivn llendluy ul 7,13 n.m, nml ntasp, in, lor JIu, buitj, nt 4.31(1. in. lor New YoiU.nttolu. iu AUluiowii nml nt' n, in,' umt 1,13 ii. n 1'lillnUelplila. 1 Coiniuiilntion, JliUage, Benson, Sclio, .i Kxeiirslou Tlekeis to nnd lrom all poln iluet.l ratos.'gauo cuoclied tlir.msb; loo pounds a . I o.n-li pns.'ens -r j. k. wooitin As.t, Slipt. ,V Kus, 11... He.,.llu.', I'll., liny U. 1M.1. TACK AW ANNA AND IlLUi.v -U HUlllI ItAILUOAl) On ami siUrN'ov -.7, Is.M, I'aasencer .i , il run p 'o.iov's : dolus Nona, Arrlvo Arrlvo it, m. p. ni. .. il.iJ l.n ... 8.18 11.5a lio 1.1 1VO p.m. i 1.13 rW.iuui'i . ... l'lttslou Klnntou I SI, .... , , ,, , , , . . WllaiioC'is b,"J 11 PlVlUOtltb ll.M 1-J.iil ii.uo 11,31 11.11 .'. 10 :i.cs J.St 3.57 ulileli.hluuy..,. 7.OT Berwick 7M lllooui S.05 uauvuio 10.S0 I..7 Connection mado nt Kni-nutnii bv llio lo.lli n ni. trnltiforareotlleml, llliH;lmiiitoii, Allans ami till points' Noitb, East and West. D.T, HOUND, Hap' I. PATENT ARION PIANO. Tho only nerccl Iiiklrument In llio World, II Is uiirftunltd In lllehuess, l'ower, llrllllaney uud DuinWllly. Bpoclal terms lo Teaeherii. .Mailud favors lo Cleiuyiiieu. Bend for Illustiuled Arum 1'niuphlel, . ... O. W. FOSTKIt, Oenoral Ageul. mnr 10'71-tl.l jlAUiu Chunk, r. JL