"met THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJIMSy COLUMBIA COUNTY, J?At Agricultural. Curing liny. With Iholr cnrcfully propnrod roots ntitl herbs, many of our mothers, or Rrnmlmothora could ns well nllevlnto tho Ills of huinanlly ns can ninny of collodo-broil M. D's.,' but noto with what enro thoso roots nml horbs wore gathered and jircparod. That thoy might retain nil tliolr virtues, thoy wcro Invariably cured tn the shade, Now wo, ns fnrmors, may learn from this n lesson of wisdom nnd prnctlcnl" utility, ns applied to tho hay field. Cure in tho shade, vorsus mnko hny while tho sun shines, Now tho iiuca. tlon nrlsesi which of thoso two antago nistic principles, or maxims shall wo follow ; certainly, nflor duo rellcctlon, nil will txdmlt that hny cured In tho slintlo Is superior to that cured In tho sun, wherens tho former method ro quire moro labor than tho latter. In answer to tho abovo Interrogations both the prleo of hay and tho prlco of labor must bo taken Into consideration ; thereforo In general, wo roply If labor Is plenty and bay commanding lnnro prices, euro In tho shado, but If labor Is high and hay at a low figures, euro In tho sun. Thcro aro also othor matters to be taken Into account ! Thus a largo crop of clover Bhould Invariably bo cut, and, partially wilted, gathered up In nnycocKs or sultablo slzo and allowed to sweat n day or two ; then opened tho same, ana after an hour's oxpo3tiro to llio ,im It will bo In most oxcollont con dltlon to storo away for Winter's use. Thornforo euro clover In tho shade, or coi !. not simply becauso tho awcatlmr proa Is so highly bonoflclal to this particular grass, but becauso, If tho crop be nrgp, It will requlro, to suniclcntly euro u, at least ono or two days ex posnro of tho sun, nnd, ns a matter of ncccsilty, exposing It to tho night dow, and possibly to an unexpected rain storm. Now. as a hot sun Is par ticuiany injurious to clover, and moist ure, as dow or rain, far moro so. thero f io clovor, at least, should bo treated In tho manner abovo described, orcured In tho shndo. Avoid tho vory common nml Injurious practlco of over-curing tho hay. If tho gross Is matured when cut, and does not get wot, it will bo sulllnlently dried or cured in from two to four hours in fnvorablo weather, early cut and lodged grassoa being of courso, exceptions. Journal of the lirm. A Tott Sheep on tlio 1'anii. Tho rolativo profit is much greater from n small ilock than n largo ono. Tho grain farmor, no mattor how fow his acres, can mako monoy by keoping n fow shcop. Thero is always room for them somowhoro, and thoy consumo and turn Into monoy food that othor wiso would wa9to. But ho must bo careful not to overstock. To lllustrato, supposo tho farmer cultivates only eighty acres, raising grain chiefly. Ho keop3 a fow cows and tho necessary teams. One-fifth of his farm is in pas turo, ono-fifth meadow; ono plantod, with Spring grain, and ono wheat. Ho thinks ho has as much stock as ho can profitably keep, but If ho puts ono sheep onovory 5 acres, ho will find their products clear gain. In tho Spring, early, thoy can run on tho sod which is to bo planted, and ono sheop to each aero will not hurt tho land, yet thoy will live woll. After that thoy can go into tho pasture, and will glean after cows to advantage A run on tho stub bles after harvest will not bo folt whoro each shoop ha3 2 acres, and in tho Fall thero Is plenty of feed. Through tho Winter they can bo kopt well on what tho othor stock would not consumo, with tho addition of n littlo grain. Probably tho most profltablo aro somo of Uio coarser woolod, mutton breeds. Thoir lambs soil to tho butchors, for high prices, and whon fat tho shoop fetch s much as n yearling steer. Six teen mutton sheep, woll managed, would produco n yearly Ineoino of ono hundred dollars, whoro, if nono woro kept, nothing would bo realized. Tho greatest drawback i3 liability to loss by degs; and it 13 a disgraco to any State to protect its curs so woll that thoy ox- pel, to n certain cxtont, tho only nnlmal which can cheapen tho meat nnd cloth lug of tho people. American Rural Home. Too Early Bisinq. Tholato Judge Story always enjoyed a good Joko, oven at tho oxponso of his best friend. Ho was fond of carrying his studies lato Into tho night, whllo his friends John Qulncy Adams and Joslah Quincy wero famous for early rising. Ono hot summer's day, tho latter two gontlemen mado n call upon tho J udgo,ns ho was engaged in delivering a lecturo to tho law students of Harvard Univer sity. IIo gavo them a cordial wclcomo, introduced them to his class, gavo them a scat on either sldo of him, and pro eecdod with his lecturo, slightly elated at haying two such distinguished audi tors. After a. littlo timo ho noticed a smilo on tho faco of somo of his students. Tho wholo class soon sharod In it, and It grew almost to on audlblo laugh. Very much disturbed, ho turned lo his visi tors to soo if thoy noticed It, whon ho found that, ovorcomo by tho rldo and tlio heat, thoy woro fa9t asleep and nod ding. Tho temptation was too great to bo rc3isted. uYounggentlemen,"8aId tho Judgo, In his blandest tones, "you seo Dororo you tlio sad result of too early rising." Tlio laearty laugh that fol lowed nwoko tho sleepers. Was ues for Fruit Trees. Twlco a year, nt least, every fruit treo In tho orchard should bo washed with somo liquid, strong enough to destroy tho eggs and pupio of Insects, and tho roots and spores of mosses nnd fungi. In using caustic lyo for tho destruction of bark lico, sovoral persons hnvo killed their troos, as somotlmes tho bark turns black and peels off nfter tho application of this wash, and tho death of tho treo follows. Llmo whitewash Is recom mondod by somo persons, but It Is dis approved of by tho most experienced fruit growers; soapsuds aro harmless, but nro too mild for tho purposo for which tho application Is required. Tho most sultablo wash Is n solution of sal sodn In tho proportion of ono pound of soda to n gallon of water. Italn wutor Is tho bast for this purpose. This wash will not Injuro tho bark, hut will kill tho eggs or pupao of insects, nnd will clear nway mosses, otc. It will rcmovo d adlwrU, nnd produco n healthy sur. Young Folks. .V Hoy's Itcvouge. John llangor walked along on his way homo from Bchool ouo plcnsnnt winter afternoon feeling rather out of sorts. Tho reason of thouncomfortablo feelings In his mind was this: That morning tho boys hnd proposed build ing n snow fort on tho hill near the school'housc. For somo doys tho Wcathor had been very "moderate," as people In tho country express It, nnd thosnowhnd becomo of lust tho right consistency to roll Into balls, nnd thus facilitate tho building of n snow fort In copltnl style. John had fallen In with tho plan very cagorly. llo loved sport of that kind as well as nny boy In tho school. When ho played ho throw all his energies Into tho sport, and was con sequently a sort of lender lu all tho amusements Incident to school llfo. And I am glad to say that ho studied lu very much tho satno way as ho played; ho mado no half-work about It, but got his lossons thoroughly nnd woll. Probably his relish for play gavo him a keonor nppotlto for his studies I havo often noticed that thoso boys who play best, study best. Not thoso boys who play most, howovcr, for somo boys think of nothing but piny. Tho plan was proposed In tho morn lug that thoy might havo tlmo to build tho fort In tho hour given them at noon to cat tliolr lunch during tlio forenoon recess, nnd devote tho entiro hour to work on tho fort, and complcto it, If possible, boforo tlio afternoon school hours began, that It might bo ready for uso next day. Nearly all tho largo boys had n hnrd lcjson in arithmetic that afternoon. Tho teacher had told lliem thnt thrco of tho hardest problems must bo worked out on their slates and brought for inspection at recitation time. If not correctly done, tlmo must bo taken from tho hour's nooning to study on them. Tho boys thought of tho snow fort to bo built, and applied thomselvcs diligently to their lessons. John took his slato and worked nway busily. Beforo recitation camo ho had couquored all difficulties, and had tho knotty probloms written down for tho teacher's Inspection. Kecltitlon came. IIo took his slato and started for tho clas3 which was forming on tho floor. IIo had got nearly to his placo when ho saw that tho examples ho had written down so carclully wcro gone rubbed out en tirely. Ho stored at tho blank slato with n look of complcto bowllderment. Ho had taken unusual pilns with them1 When ho looked last thoy wcro certainly thcro. Now they wero gono. But who had rubbed them out ? Somo ono must havo done so. IIo could not remember that any ono had been to his seat, and yet somo person had found nnd taken the opportunity to blot tho result of his morning's labor. "I had tho examples on my slate, sir," ho said to thoteachor. "Thoy aro gono. Somo ono has rubbed them out." "Who has rubbed them out?" asked tho teacher, in his sharp, stern way. "I don't know, sir," answered John. "Aro yousuro you had them worked out correctly?" asked tho teacher. "Yes, sir," answered John, flushing up at tho doubt implied by tho teach er's tono and question. "Very well : as you aro unablo to pro- duco them, aud can nccu'-n no ono of having rubbed them out, you may stay inat noon and work on thorn." John was too proud to say a word in protest, unjust as ho felt it to bo. So ho took his seat In silence, resolved to find out, if it woro possible, tho author of his misfortune, for such ho considorod It to bo, slnco it obliged him to stay away from tho fort-bulldlng that was to tako placo at noon. Stay away ho did. It was timo for school to begin beforo tho problems wero solved and written out. IIo could not study much when ho thought of tho sport tho boys wcro having on tho hill. IIo could hear thoir merry laughter, and Imaginohow they wero enjoying themselves. IIo thought, with a bitter feeling in his heart, that, but for somo ono of them ho might havo enjoyed tho sport too. IIo walked homo from school that night as I havo said, feeling ycry un comfortable. Ho had missed a bit of raro sport for ono thing ; for another, ho had found out that somo ono owed him ngrudgo; and another thing was ami John folt this most kconly perhaps of tho thrco that tho teacher seemed to think ho had shirked his lesson, and considered his story as au excuso to got rid of a littlo labor. Tho next day, as a small boy was passing IiIb scat, John dropped his pen ell. The boy picked it up nnd handed it to him. As ho did so, ho whispered, " Joo Evans rubbed out your problems yesterday ; I saw him do it." "Don't tell any ouo 1" John whisper cd back, and tho boy passed on. A week passed. A dozen times John fouud opportunities to pay off his score with Joe, but his better noturo told him it would bo moro noblo and manly to overlook tho matter entirely. Ono holiday John obtainod pormls sionto go to a pond about n mllo from homo to skate. When ho reached tho pond, ho saw that Joo Evans was thero beforo him. Ho sat down on tho bank, and commenced to strap on his skates Just as ho was fastening tho bucklo, ho heard a cry and tho sound of cracking ico, and looking up ho saw that Joo had broken through a thin spot nnd was struggling In tho water. Quickly ns possible ho sprang to tho rescue, and by means of a long pole, which was lying on tho ico noar tho scono of tho accident, ho succeeded in getting Joo safely out, though greatly frightened "Oh, John!" cried Joo, shivering with terror aud cold, "if you hadn't havo helped mo out, I should hnvo drowned." "I guess you would,"answorcd John, quietly, "And I served you in tho way I did I" cried Joo ; "I rubbed out your probloms tho day wo built tho fort!" "I know It," nnsworcd John; "I found It out tho next day." "And you novor told of it!" Joo folt very Insignificant In comparison with John Hanger. This was a new way of rovongo. "Don't fay anything about It," said John, "but hurry homo nnd got boiuo dry clothes on," John was satisfied with his rovongo. It was n great deal bettor than paying bock In tho somo kind of coin, Wisconsin is oxcltlng Itself about ft littlo (,'Irl whoso head Is said to wolgh sovcnty-elght pounds. How thoy man aged to weigh tho head without tho IXKly h not Btnlod. Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNORR'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND M2ST. Every v.irlely for Men, Women niul Clillilicn, OLD STOCK Selling nl ()o-l lo elmo mil lo Siml'o room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND BEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM IMCA-TDE CLOTHING. nn has mn FINEBT GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS Till" n v. s t iv o it ii m i: x. For pood ills nml promptness In ruling orders thcio Is tlio placo to go. torn work will compare Uvorably with tho best euoris oi uio iiisiuouiiuio ciiy ueuicr. HE KEEPS A LiAHGE STOCK OF HOYS' AND CIUlillKEN'S ChOTIUXG AND gents' rrmxism.Vfi hoods, At Astonlshlugly Low l'rlccx. Bloomsburg, Sept. i"J. 1871-tt JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERYI HER WICK, PENN A. Tho undorslEncd would resnectfnlly Inform tho citizens or Berwick, nud vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery ami Bakery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Horwlck, Ph., whero ho Is prepared to furnish alt kinds of MiAIN AND FANCY CANDIES. FilENCH CANDIES, FOKEIGN AND DOMESTIC FEUITS OltANGES, LEMONS, UA1SINS AC, ilC, AC, AC. 1!V WIIOT.KSALK AND 11ETAII Amniii: tho assortment will bo found Cream XTii,u t..w.llut. A17nlli1.,u llnnmilu A ....... ,'lt. berts. Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, jclllcuor rilUer cnt kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of all Kinds, Corn Starch, Kgg Ills cult, Hoda Crackurs, Oysler Crackers, Cheese, Bimi, w llliiig i uikt, iigrcumcin X apers, J1.U velopcs, FISH AND OYSTERS, And vtrodnco of all kinds. Fresh Uread nn Cukes every day. If o Cream lu Season, Your itrouage is solicited. JOHN G. JACOHY, llerwlck, Jan HI tv QONNELL t BATTIN, Wholesalo and Hctall Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAS, Rims, Huts and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, ami PIPE BOXES, HORSE SHOES, and HORSE SHOE NAILS CEMENT, PLASTER and SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE- Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for Fairbank's Scales ! PLUMJBINa. STEAM and GAS, FITTING 5-Orders by mail solicited, and promptly tilled. 110 Perm Avenue, SORANTON, apr. 4,1872:tr. A. II. IMOISOUS & CO 513 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wo hnTOopenod for thoBPllINU TltADE. tho PHILADELPHIA CAUPETS, Ta!l f,:. ,?.,a'J, ,,ni?!Li:i00L i! .0". window Yarn, lulling, Wadding, TwInM.Wicks. ' Clocks, Looking Ulasses, Fancy llaskfts, Jlrooms, liaskeU, Duckets, finishes, CloUics Wriucers, Wooden A Willow Ware lu tho United States. our largo lurronso In business enables us In sen at low prieos una lurnUh thu bust miullty of UUUIUi B0LK AOKNTS I'OUTIIK (JKLUmtATKD AMERICAN WASHHH I'rlco 5.50 O vor 13,000 sold in Six Mouths Terms : Carpeta, CO days. All otlior gooda, J10 days. Net. nprllSC.'W-Jm Miraccllaiiooun, TyriLLElVS UTOllE. r. , .III. till a unu ra. ji. .Hii.UL.tk c nun, havo lcmoveiUlioIrB'orotolIio room formc-ily occupied by Mtmuouliall, on Haiti street, lllooma burg, nearly onnoilto tho Episcopal Church" wlicro tuoy nro uotorruiucaio sen on ns moiicrnto i lormi ni can bo procnrodclso where. Tliler alocir. comprlse.4 I.AMK3' MIUUH UOODS ot tho choicest styles runt lattel fashions, lose! her Willi n largo nssortracnt or Dry Oaods nuil Urn. corlcs, consisting ot thcrollnwlnifartlclc Carpets, Oil Clotho, olhs, Urtpslmores, Hlinwln, .Klalinuln, Hllltn, Whllo tlomlii I.liif-iin, Hoop BltlitH, M un 1 1 (n. Hollow nrnru Uodiirwnro (luoonswaro, ll-tulwar llonlfl nml Bliom, HiitHMul Capl Hoop Nets, limb rrlliw, r.oolilna-tllaiMini, TllWni, IViIDm, 'tillMrii, Itlct, Allspice, HIiiKcr, Cinnamon, ahii noTio.w ui;ni:u.viuy, In shorf, everything iiminlly kept In country loroji.to which limy Invllu tho intention otitic pnullo (jenorally. Tim IiIkIimU price, iv 111 bo paid for country produco lu oxrlungo for kooiIh, !'. II. Mn.lSSKAKiON. , , moomsimrclVi. oct 3171 If JTEW HTOOK OF CJLOTH INO. fresh arrival of Sl'IUNd OOODS DAVID L0WENUE1W1 Invllcs attention lo his slock of C1IEA1" AND FASlIIONAUI.i: CI.OTHINCI. nihil storo on MalnHlrcol, In tho new block, Illoonisburg, l'n wlicro uo h!M Just received from New York nml l'hlladclphln n full assortment of MEN. AND HOYS' Cf.OTIUNO, Including tho mo3t fashionable, ilurablo, nnd haudsomo DliEsa U00D3, consisting of U0X, HACK, 110C0, UUJI, AND OIL-OLOTII COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. IIo has also rep leu Ishul hu already largo slocu of CLOTH AND CAS3IJIEUE-3, STHIPED, ViaUKED, AND PLAIN VESTS SIIIKTS, CKAVATS, STOCKS, C0LLAUH HANDKERCHIEF. GLOVES. BUSPENDEU3, AND FANCY ARTICLE.'! llo nas constantly on hand a largo nnd woll-so- i ected aisortmenl of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho I best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. COLD WATCHES AND JEWSLllY, ol every description, fluo and cheap. Ills ensoul fowclrylsnotsurpasscdinthlsiplaco. Call nnd oxamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELKY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENBEUG. 1 3 BADWAY'S READY RELiEP CURE- THE WOIlsT PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Mlnutos. NOT OtIE HOUR after rrailliia tliw nlvrrtlipmcut tiepil any onfi Miri r.it wirn r.us. AHUMVa ItU.VIiV KKLIKI-' la A t'ClIB l'Oll l:VEHX I'AIN. IIwm tho first aLil I J nniio finlv I'alu Ttcmoilv that Irntaotly plops tlio mo.t cTCniclatlnj J nltiy. all ;v In llitniiintltnp, and curi'8 UoiucMl'iin, ivlitlLir ot tJic Li-t u, Womadi, hbwclB, or otUr j;lanili cr ortaim, ty oua a . . IX rr.OM ONT. TO TWENTY MINUTE. T,'o miner Imw vlok-i I or txcniclaliiiK p.iln tli' 1111 i JIA'l'IU, hcil rlililen, Iii.,ru, fillil.UJ.Kimiu.'. lurJ . i r iirotitrated wit U illsciso ia.iy .ur.br, n RADWAY'S READY RELIEF " v:u.i, Arronn instant hasu. INPLAMMATION 01? TUB KlliNEVS. 1NI LAMMA110N (IF TllU EI.ADDEI:. IN TL AM XI A't'lON Ol' 'I'lIK llOWELS. coMirsrioN ob' Ttir. lvm,s. fjor.c TiiuoAT, mfFimiLT imn.vniiMi. I .Aljl , I A 111'., VIC XIII, Jli..V,... nvsTrnriifl i-nniri'. liiril niKltlA. CATAllltil, INFLVCNZA. iicAPACiic, TOoriiAH,,;. niv BncUJAIls:i UiHAi Villus, Jauu iiti.Lc. I-nrU wUcro tUu iniu or illOJculiy csloti wiilaaonU tso .uul Twctily tiropfi in iiiri nimncr n ivntrr(WMj inn n w f.ll IVTI'.k'm'aV. l'Al.4. ' itt'ftilv llrlltT wnii tlictu. A r'y ilrori tu w nr .a bau rrv'uth Ur.uitty or lUttor tu n ttlmul.it.t. rr.vr.n and aiU'k ciiu.i i. r.nvi uts. ivro liwt ft ri'incilul nseiit in iiihwo-ii Hut will runs iu ftt-n Aeiie, nml nil other MaUrh itt. Iiillnti. Sc.irl.t. 'l!iolil, Villo v. mi.l nthc-r I'Vwur.Ui.l I. It VHW VYS l'JLLM bit qwlelc rti ItAOWAVS KMAUV ttLLIUI'. l'Uly C.iita 1-cr iMii. caa i-v if. ur m HEALTH BTROXO AND VVMV. Vti.'! IH-OOn-INVIlIUM; Ot 1(.1II AM' Hf.l'.ill- I IJ .Ml Mvi; A.t 111 VLt niJUi'.MU t I 1.1,1) IU ALIj. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT rt. 'pin tuwi' t r.rrtVKiii vn iti ra , e,t 11 If 111 IV M' II ATI I' .MUi llll'. I'll.) S'I l.M I II It iinuy itNDiiiHioK" i'nij:i; tiiij ini'htpai'i: oi' nils i liui.i . u.Mu.iii' i it nuii i.m;, 'J II AT Evory Day rn tno.-croo in irlcsii and Wolght Is tfcon and Tolt. THE GREAT ULOJD P U R ! F ! E H . rominuiiicdtt tiiH.ujti it i i, .'. i i i. '..ii.i it tluUliaiiil Jukes oi tin; - i i 1 i ! , i . I r j llio wabterf nf lliu'liuily i I ' n t kcrrifiil i tivt lillU. f "nt iilll.l.li .ii. t. . In' ti I . ill tlio Tliro.it, M mill. Tumor, KuiLa l'i ti o i ii.ult m 1 i tlirr nirl if tint hi hU-'ii. Sum l!vi'L Mriiiiiuiii 1 t irotn mo it r n ia nc ki-v 11.11111 01 kiii uimxih. tlora, 1'cvcr S .s b: il.I llc.il. li'.ng Worm, Silt Klioum, l'rlpclna, A-:n', I'-l uk i."ti", Wuritmln tltg l'!csli, Tumor, Cruiceri Ii llio ' nl. m.d all wenkeninx on-1 )lr.fut 1U ctarpt s, NUltt H ,v -im, 1 r hiwnii, tuul u'.l wjwtcacfthfi 1S$ itrini W, &i) vtk.iU the vuratlvj rAiifio vt tl.li woaiicr cf MwJi.ru 01u...!i:i 1 .1 r v !.iV uo 'will tte lo in.y porwu iiln,- It fur ittlur i( tli. ru'.msvf.i'Ucokj 11a wifeut power to 0110 tli.m. Jf tlu ritlgut, iuily bvttiu.i m l.'tlvcl lylliiwantciiftril ilt,L'oni;4JUloii tiiut U tontlim iliy t-r ruiwliir. motcls In t.rruMius tii(o hsi-iim, nun ici itim iiio Kimoivnii mv iuiicr Unrkltf fmin luallliy Mu .l-.iU tliH llu SAr.bAl'AIElL I.I AN fimi due euiiv. ;;ot oiil i.f't llio iUimi'.viinxu: Ura)r,vjy.r esl nil i.nait iL'im 1H.1l utfiiitri In lliu cv.' 1 (f ( Li'iii'i1. Serof i!nin. CoitMltutiu. luii SLiu (IL. vac, tm it ii ihe yiily jioiltivj Kidney .V IZSsiticlor CoinnlalnK, I'llntirv. flinl Wuiiili iIIm . i. fliiil. I)iilnlr4. T)rfin-,v BtoHiano cf Watir. Iiintiilliiciiro f Urine, liiUlit' lteuiP. Alliumliuir.i. timl lu nil 1 .islb idtii. lluru nro Lrlcktluet lo j rtaXi, or tlio w.iUr id il.ii k, ly, iiiUlJ with iubr.tatKJ 111 c tllg u lilto t r nn i irvi r 1 Lri.Ui like wlilW milt, or Uvro Ua Mbrl !'t, dark, Ml) .im aM-caiituciuinl lilto lur.ctlutt (Uolti, niul win 'i tJ.- t n a 1 ill Line, I'Umliirf ticroatlun when i.iinjf wUr, u.tl 1 un iu Uiu bmall tf tlic liacU ruJ tUimil II V l.i 'fit iTILi', & 1. w. WORMS. Ths ci.h l.i.owu 1u.1l surfl Remedy f r Tumor of V2 Yoar' Growth CurtMl by ItatlwayN Ivcsolvont, Tin Knwi if 1 I no b 1 fn.tr I m 'l mi, r In tin owtWl unl Lurj. AU H ii.rr iji4 " IWnmv 11 . UlplW it." I UUJ twry llniift Hut vr 1-- r. u I tl , t'it n tltln JiiIrJ hip. ! m1 j(,ur Ktfiolvniil, rhI ihi nr'H I wnutltry 11,1 ilialwofulh la It, W.Uld I hi I tflflVfr-il fyt Ii tit Kitl.. 1 tick 1 Lbltlul Cf ttl lUfc.lvwiil.ini I vtia mivi Hil.vj'i 1'ilh, u twa UtUUltfyour lu-vi iwii 1 K'tn tuiru i u 14 n.'ii ft luumi to 11' iun r itti( fiiJ I fi.cl Ullitr, iiinrli r, 11 1 1 t r l' ia 1 1 1 j fr (wU )tari, 1 lie vtmX lu iiur . 'it' 1 1 ui I'u wiu, imc ine crom. 1 write lli 11 U j 'U I 1 jUtUl. vt mUm. n nn pnlllri il If DR. RADWAY'S' PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pefi'ttly tastrlffsj, cU'cautly coatofl wltlitwett prim, pnrpct rceuUto, thurify, m anot, un ttanetlan. l.'nUuy l'w tor tie cure ot nil illrdaiff tlio Mumirli, Llnr. Bowels. KMuejii, HLvlilcr, Nervfiu lHofteii, Hofc'tsche, C'onhltrtv nun, oiimiiPi, iiiiiiki sim'ii, ( n -ini-ia, liuioifiii-'f", i'" lan FVv.T. li.tl.uum itl.-.,f t'11 I'.uwtln. I'll.-i. niul nil l)t ranppmcnU of Itm lnUrnal ViH-Cro, WuraitUil to lll'tct aiiueltivc c IK-, 1'urily Yuiit 1, ti'.Ui..! iiKiti.ry, iiilinr ill, ot tU k t crinm driiK. zif oiiw tin r. 11 tii, ia ,.1 .'a.:tii i Ti d: huv-iiui 11111 uigii'ii uriiua ; ('oiiit)ftUn, lu war I Tlln, I'i.IIi J ll T1...1 1 1 ll e lUtuU 1.M1 or W.I -Ll lu Hi ht.ii.. .h. tL.nr l-rii.l.il ,.. ihli.r,r Hultr tnr at tlit I'll cf tUtt t-tumaib, KmiuiIiiIuk t-f I Ik IUuI, JIurfUd M t Mlll.ull Ilrcnlltliiir, I lutlrrlnir at (l llrt, fliolliij or airkvallur Kijftlinn ttbia Id a Minn I'" turf, Hlunwi ft Ulwi, ltu or ul. 1 1 lore IUbMjM, (inn nl unil I'mii tn Hip 1 m-l, Lllui.r nl irfiifU..ii, VilluHiic.i vt Kin t-Lu, u.4 ui, 'un iu tj M.if. iiu i, iiiiib , hit iinMiu 1 imitr i nml, imruiiiK in t 1 1 iu- A fey il,MirH mVAV'BriU8 will ritctUoyiitrm iruiii .111 itiu 111 .ii v . -i ni hi 1 i-ifLVti. i iin'i isviuu iir ww. kuT.li I1Y DltlM.l.lSlS 11KI 1'AI hi: AM','1 li' K" KcihI out ItllprM.an'i' 10 liAl'WAl A ' " l7 Piai'if 11 IMHV, JiVW-iiTi ll.rtirtuittluit wuilli t! ' vi. un n hi ii tx'di you. 1.1872-ly I'lllSllIIIINTIAl. C'.lMl'AKIN, CAl'SfJAVKSA TUKC1IK9. KClIll for ILIVSTJIATKII cm- ciiLAit niul 1'iiirE List, Cl'NNINQllAM ft 1111,0, MANUl"ACrUllEr.,S, No. 201 Cliurch Ktrcet. l'lfll.ADKM'iifA. June il, lH'J-lmon, TVrOTIOE. Tho Block lioldora of llio i.i North A Wot llrancli l!ll ltoad Co., are iHieuy jioiiu in uiiu nn jntuiuiiiciu tu tcu per cent on each i.liarohubi,crllicil Is rcotilrcil to bo paid In thuTiciiuiiur, tin or lioloro tlio first ilny uf July noxt, Uycrilcrririhollrainldf Dlriclorn, . HaiV & 'J'iliSAliUIIEI!. inrcn oist lOK.-ow, Moyora' Column. ,1' VI- ,'Ki. ,J U'KIX.. I tl V i.i ); ( V.I''W 1'1I 't ,11 I a. '. rujv Aili m I-1, . ft ; tlUlilj! W!T .iJu-iiiA ' i.J i HKfj t li . I' oJ"l Ik nli. Hi.; k IrtKUOA "ii! M b .11,1 i ii' i'.'ihi I '' i i'J . i . il oU :'i-i ; rluf nifl yd l..ty.B.iwito -urll Jj.mi i t rrir i Iw rtl'ito) t trf.l. Mrfu -tv vl' i U: 111'). . I lr.ilJ ftVK'l Y9nt i,'i rr 1 'UfWH art r f vi ' ' , 3tV .'.Ml v !' '' ,! . "i )) 1 ' ,'Miniwi in' ' f (ivi 1 . "'I '.lit nl e 1 I " . - fc ii q i I I . , . .., i i "i I 'I n .i "I. . t ! llj t ' ! H V.' ' I'M i. vii itifv. id'' 'nu J. ' i i' -a trxi! fiii ii-iii ' ,i:l ' Ifnf )il! I V. i'.i i ) r , V') :)' ' el J "V I i OfJi Hi Tli V i' fill " . ; t uvy'?ii vwi ' -Mill i Mil- Ah 41 .'i ii.' 1 . r " Eh'!: IV ' .i f w w. .. ID W 0 & H p H W H a: ti o H S r" 3 A 0 r2 n, H o m r ft ft -Pi S. J w y 0 4 F R r- (3 I- 0 H O ' ft k 4- ft W . H UJ EH H 0 w Pi n w Si 1 H 0 H W Y W Pi 1 0 w Rl ft) Q UJ I cu CO CO 0 UI 1 UJ Q - ? 5? t (8 o o (tl 9 'tf P I iKSH i. ... f.AV . 1 .ii fjlll Kill) 11 iC it d-jl.i - .1 i .(.at' i.i 'i ' .,'( nu vli ' ' i 1 . ii(ni- , .li .! rt(Ui.. . J . , !',',! i .i mi." i . . i.i i tit it lit 1 1 ,,.i n. I ii .. 1 1 ill ,i 1 1 , i ' 1IJ.J .1.,.. .4 II ..ii' in i-ti i.j , i ; In t up). ii; i .. dtl. li' 'l! ui i , I , ( llf ": ,ltl ji" '" i mm iH'itll m.i u if ,u;l 'idl t i nil i;vri"i i . it- i;l(li"l!, . . . 1-iJ Ji in, i. i ...I. ,t - .1 J,.-.lf'i ti. li . i tIU.'iHiil nHu' iJl , ';luti n,(iU nl) il i(- ii'iil.in- lint . ,Mhli ll.t .1 uiu - 'li i,l ,llil ll ii. i t)l I'i: t. ttu A'J 'a.l'I ti . I. .ii llu. ; ii- ' JI. ..II , ll-.ai.tli, J 'Kit .1 I .llf IO I . !l at t tli ' 1 ;. I I' ai'SJ. ' m . hi ,i. nmfuJt . ..I I.. tn .. I 5 ( "Ml!- . "l ,1 1 (,...: . irn - .'ft -- A' w a W r.i - H MiylO-ly Miacollanooua, Wt-fc-i .-rtta -tarn-- tfjifc .--rt-.-mtetr .-ttt' X87&" . .-1872. il ll I U. i - ' .tr. .1.1 ) ( rt'r ' Uf.A ,hm!, , n ii,i f . ' N15W'- -SPlilNCl '."GOODS. ,' . -'.ui .1 1 1 a ill 4 ; i .i:li 1 'ii'. Ml i'i .1 ' 1 1 :0'- '.' "' . ; A,,ll, ITi'ullinl tsMllrmv! In, in N.n.' Vl.ilr Wll I. (1 lull l"1'0.01 j . t Il0,l, CI . .,, uuauk 'A'mt-a)jjfiuniNiJuuxjj i ,V I :! ) Ifi'.v I ! iJ . ""I ' .... 1 ;' ' ' ( 'j jwoviw oil; Alit (!Vi! oi l I , a ..11 i, I'flll v.l wiTonnwf n) '. '.v iw-m - UlAJ '.V.i -SffSlljI. !?) ' .ft . I -rti nri..tt :) 1111 V. 11 ,ni J .1 .! .1 A-',: ii.; ui . . i'i II ' 1,1 Ii I.f' lli lli i . Vl, WA.6ii i.i . if 1 ..i'i.i! ru 1 'it ns. 1 1 1 rnlorctf. 11 ; ,n . inn , 'in 1 .!' ' ' IHd T .11-ihi! 1 lit i ; (;,o jr; o H K if 0 a m;1Wi"; ''. 1 j.o. 1 . PJSUOALHR, , , , ... , wuite ;:ci'ooifi ; VIOTlllA'r.A'W. 1 ' JIlHIKU'ilMVW. f. mm i.o.vu cr.0Tli INH, . .111143, . i I " fiAt'B UlTlM'Alis'fi, I . '.' . 1, .Ii.i': NOTKJHSj'TIUJIJriXGS, " ' j 11 .. - ' ur: HOSIERY 'AND' a LOVES, una uvciyllilntt gononUIy kcpl In a llreUvluss I . . -.. ,m QOOD3 stoke.' " ! : .1 , :i ii, . .1 r. 11 i.'i UUOWKIi'S ULOCIC, . r 1 -s Vr' 1 HAST OV UOUBT JIOTJgE.JUAt . STRllET, i;i.ooMmiuii(.i,i'A- l' U3v- int.; i. .UiustfiCrt 'Aiiii, I . ' " X. , iim lit .iVI in' ;.ra - T US! 4Ktfft t "4 K! . Mi '- TH3aSrilWiQ3plL,.v,?:R'&.EL'-: ! In ih" v.-ni i .icmv ; w'aol' i' .i,; ara ft') n.- tVi i i- . t . b iljVDM S ll.H 1 ill l A " 1' , lll'T' I t"?I L tiiroV not boyu i- curaii i incn rile, i liinli fllM lift HUtll .1 t .U I tJ Vi'liLl.lbju ktli,t,OT t ii'l hcalUis tlu It, t!inn -"..Tr v' n ltrirt rui.i.rrrl lit ono mili .uj Tli- eUt'.mcu or i.il- fr. t U foitj'l iu th9 u'n at Mtiv' ; j! m-t oluuato tlii -otf w'iIjUU U 1 Ij 't t iuul lo lm ijiur, T:. tK euro ol" tlrntii'Mtlo, srvrro Ctnitfh-'i an I dijy t-tiLj of Coiimi mptliMU U m .tUoa.li'-.l tin ii. ..i il nw i... .:ivl i in i a 1 ji'iy-fllfl'm-i .vono-nf :f ft - it-. intdir.1 d:-t.OTC-ty tf i b ft'jjJ Vhilo it, c l'.i'-J tl.o atfvu-eiU'ouilie, it ir n ' m- t!i -jtU'H u:. i vui'llic lliu blond UU- u .vil . o.-li Moi (1 nUy in p.iVL'tll it (Uiv- .i'i flu iiiiir fiom tlio Wait S tro in Iti Ma c luit.t a I f lf left lim plC Or I3urtu(l(ll. 'I v ,.:.! . -L'.MiiK-l il a'l I fi1!! t (t, -ii-o rrtflu Att'il. an 1 il7vvii hcVitH ant t au iTiiitiUtttoii ciifiit Inual Hrj litiJaiu salt i:(i(Muii,'nvor .Soros, St'aly llons'li SKln, i --l.iirr, All tuo UTt'ii'tin a..- M liv 'utl 'ilinl, aro coniuvji ! iU i'v rtiUpjuuin a 1 1 in Mint itlnm.1 t'-.iw c tUr (if elcin. oc v'tlv-r.li brown tpoti nu la- c or bj.ly, fi'oyiia' iljut.i.itJ or uilui", l.uM.t in mi.ii't, li t 'i ul 'i nt ov cliil! nl'priiatt-tt wi i lof U'lVt', Vm ! mil -jIo injr Imel urilu-v, ir loj.ilir i:niti- .tiJ wiai i-uiw. iifi'-fitter-liU lmu Torplil fIr or JI1J !ou- t 1,. mt .it.. Anew M- tfg.KftJM r'-llll. 'iWaiufoaly put. fi oj ' i Iouuiihv hi f' uoacej. . l l. i r Worco' fhtl iM i l i.'i .iii'ii u-.i ii- V"y f Hi V.i orjMll. n"ilH mart! oiu'd a-i l U'jalu Vf tin Miut ivCJltiliiUl itll!4tltr.lli!lll uf IU.' ; ilinvi i i" u i i i.i - vm imvc ncA il'ftt fit lU I'-'Ll-Jil'.'. II I'I fltlt 1 lllll'tll.., (l,vt I.. ' I I.. If, liKl!- Tlp pwj.ijur, i. 4.1. 'i.iw' tf Afl fur n miili cltw'lliv. v'Ml ' . il I' 1 .r' tU . " of nH tfic nw.iirir 'ii . if .TllitintiUl. I S ill tn- ,lli.- I ,'- VI tl" M't'u AKl'tl ,11 "ll, it v 1" r .cllLfiv. . ,iu 1 : 'Jii i : u i ..i il )ti i "i ,.' l-i.li ' tlUun.ilirit'illX' i. ,n cM. O.ISX.O.VN itSaOTHUU.i.i o; ouuriin aun icirsr . t lie uvt.li .mu i. 1, n .... .. . ...!.., I.. I ...... . . r m'wtttiri',vi"Triu'n- i -i . ,i iCAKBIAOE-J. JH.aTf'... ana i overyiii;c-JitlouoVt'i ''fi , I'J'.ll.l UlU.l.'ll. . wn'r'r.liitoil'to bo nudo ol Ihe Ixst .- I nioul .tpr. nul inalerlnN, nml by llu mum .Mieilnfnl wiii'lcinon. All woi It Koni, out ii-,. :ii Mia ottau- lUliiucut will lio loll ml lo boui llu- .i:..iiet.t rlnss atitl Mire to glvo reriect namfnctlon, '''rey U.iv liitu a nun utturiuivut o.fc 'i S I,-iq Jilt oall tlio nowet ami mo(.t mm-lmi iol tj-lei wall ami oarofullyinaile ami if Hie i.e. nmuv lulu. lit' I -Aliliiitort1rm nt thAlr wovk lit-A.k, tl HR It 1 Mlui-oiltli.tt initio rjpoflrtr cull bo.Vnnul mtlro conuiry. ' inn ii i.in.uiRc, i.. utfan JT4V1JAH VAKm .tfqUEKNS. I Will tidll lu Jttno'nliJ .Jul' n lliuiioil nuraliui' nf youuu ITALIAN BWAHMS OF DEES, lu tlioAmcrloni lilvo at JUpor swarin. I will liaiii.fci-aml lliillanlMi lilacta colon lea atKiutw malilo price. 1'itvo Italian i;ueorn rot- Mlt, I tUn lunko to onlor tlio iloulilo -IJ-liKithoil fiooltli Hnii.ivs, Vniiif, sl.,.1 tctli, fl"n or iron Ui'iDIIL l'" imlli. i Imoromiiou ml. i.v., 11.11. ItltliU N, M.1 . il ll" , IV'llllH n , ' I'.I, ini ,. r. Pi' n i' .' I'-i I MllJn i'.r , lli' 1 ' ItHtn . 1 Ak I 11 ti tut Ui' ;!' 11 ' I' , Hit 1 III ' '5lV V. tli mil tr iMijiomtftrfi ilir Bt hcttr!' 1 ii.aut, m Oil. llu tl ik 'ii u In tin it, 1 iK'iimiH Itntf6it.t ,1 ji I tnx'y. I'liey atv 1 y of 411 niiihirJt . ' tc'i?lliiifll iwMtf tliei wo. bom i 0 iKldl jtMll WW'Hf r ' i 'i.lLVlti,i fngAn nytriw th 1'ititr m Ptpnu, "! n.,mn,.-..iii trti (i$'v, P.ii ii iWri.'Uii t f Um ltki. 'tquan IhImu hftxtlt wtU pro" 1 lIMi? i;i4twue vJ urits (liin n It' -i .ifln.rfi tiiun' 4 Wnv VoutnlH lpfifplti)tp in jwmiw AUuf .jipilxr hUiv,U,.1at tbo thwv (if noinajihnt.l. yi ! . U . . for JnrtftiimtAtthV nml x'livonlVUW inUtUiH attdOout, 1 JM '0 or l,ndJf:c;uij, XUiioms Kt.mil tent and Inttrin' 1 l F .er ,Iic iops or tlio !"ff Liver, fc.it! tit jr ami liJaddor, time Jtiitara hft.ibfltii hum ktwcei iii. 'lc1l Di iii u c nutd by Vitiated UlnorL tt'tith il pcn.t!ly iruiltii.c(l b dunupcniwut of llu ill n Tonic iio:k- .iu ai' tlif-pjiilifcjr rtf ' r ' n :i ( a putu , u 1 c n'n t 1 i'i tn i mi 1 VlKMi uOfii.itiind ii Alitor DiMsm. Km- NVlli !liii 1 , ! .:'.. i-,,'i.in f' fif.,? Ml,. Ml. tel'c . ?l 1 tTmie, i'i"ie , ... buiide , i'l-ia-iMiinv., hcil.. llt.vl.30lt ..,h.l liji. si,. ' l)',' ',r.iT f t' 1 fi' v. 5lu l)4i. i. .1 . 1 iS I... Win. .1 1. tt,r fcnu.n M I1M lil.t.ii ','.,i .ii'.tn4 una! .ul it I'J -vltilli 1'1,-it lime bvrli. . 01 thcie llilut. (in, Uult in rj.i MM"v(' ufnrmffuflifu'i iu. sf 'ii,.! Aill..! uliinntv Ills Villiwil Woo.1 v.lini.vcr u f,l llBllmnlrllA l-j.-.lhl fTii M ,11 'hi 'ill m rnill.l,-, ' lit' 1 il.in., ."tiM .(WIS-,. it'hn yoii nod it.olv truui 1 '.1 Ulugsi-li ui iji. w.111: lim n. 11 i.u.11 11 r,ii!l your focllol; . v'l. h'l'JMi hu. Krcp to. hinlfl Iie. .nil tlic lio.lihof tint siiiciii i I ifT w. , ai.idfnl llutltt'VfJM tiWim ifi" Il'r- TKHi ;li p o in !'! rl : lu jci.a. .'.ll i.ci 'i. ..'., 1 Uio ti. '1 1. ' ij I-1 ' i.i, ,. 'I'niip. nml ot'ir Worm.. lrki"ff 1 I. Ktrceiy an !ndtvidiltii(ivii i!u :.ko t(tlK Mrifi ' body ixrmi.t froi.i llio preenrt "f ir-irma, 11 i- iu liiw.ltlu I oimiycKtii.Tin u inc i"xivuui wormu c- ' bat ur ui tho !i.iior iml tltiny d4i-ai lUi . brccil iln - living monslcii tl c'.ik.o. No yii.m cf Mlfcnr, " ) Ttrmiflii!i. n nmlicrniibiilc', will froi llio pv.tt ,i from wnrmtlilto illfjC llulm. . lttotHui.l(iiil IMHeni. Toitrin enf-i?!' n Taiiitt nml Mi' cr.-iK rudl M riun Urns, Xipi.-&clli, liril'-baitei", nn I Mnio nl) MKiiTi'l,.iicft iti lift, m.IIIio iu'ilci.t ti "r.l!v H il l!i lrj I.. 'I.i iv.ncl ft.' 1 list tin. nko a .1 io of Wm.miu'i. Via w& HirTput oota or mica .1 W -''. , 11 ll'rrtnliv Htllotm. Hrinlttrnt, nn.t tiilrnillf,nt Ici''f, w'licb ro .0 icvalent lu 'llo iHcyfl tl cur Ki ,1 riirn llu. .n 'lO'il lli Liut jjlatc, cycci'llljl ' Oinwi if llio M " il pi, "Inn, Mi-.oiiri,ill'inoi, i'fn-IKS-C I'llinl.tfil.ii'fl. Ad u.f--, l!tl', t'tJeriuVi, Urr?f.J, Riofrri ! 1'lI' Aln'nn l , ilj, fi4aill.ali,i(twl.., jitnw i 1 in ii-V iMh-T, uiUi (licb .v.vt trT'.l.ltic lluru i in nir ii i io lor.nlty d irlilK tb' Suiiinur . i 1 a,ii,i.i . 1 t .iiuul.ib'vno ilurlitE l.c.1 oils ul umr.n.i. In it tnil u in," ,, ire tiiviuUVliicoriiufiiiicil liy -,i. i dvJ'IT t..rr I'Srlt (f'lS tlAllI icll flld llr. .Wfl iv''iT r..ir;r ecrlt rl 'tn ttoirtli.il pnri lll, .imi -'ipr alili,niiBilUMCrl llj u .i'.i ,1 v Ic or !ji s r ' Ftntctloti of ti.e hv.r. i wltl.i o i .ui 1 ini'.i'w: tie ' t Uio '', ri.lcll. a l Croat torjrr of tilt l.owl , lithi? c'..v." 1 nil v.11 i'i.i 1 -icciiii.ilhi.i.i... lu lb1 r ucil iliont i iilitrtitiro, fAwrttni; n i.A,if,il mtlucni t.liori1 tb , iiiuii uiuiut. i I). i ujl.y iirt 'iliin. tmclttl'lrlk ("t lliu purii, tiitial to 111!. J. WALKtlfi i VitrK v.. UllTtllit, ni Uuy will nKfJ.'y ti. .V tl (l.lllc-cnli.i. 1 i v.,1 nnUci i ill ui. tn ttie La... i mo 1 j.l, nt tlid i.amo i-iio niiimiltulnn llf iciroiloaE ..i' tlw lii,-r, . !' uti.Jly t i i.i . tut i...Ub; i.tt i.u. of i!.: 'dfs'o.tKI i.ri?in StrnS'iJ.l. Ol Klne'J ".-U,, ji.U t 6 Vlcfi, 1 ii c! . S"-" 'I K'Oli, Culler Bcrof'ilom Irflv.im .Unna. In,' .loin Ii Uinui-ntoill, Morcilntl Al- fcctioi , it I S. i ' . Urujiti ! of Mio "t.i'i, Soji, fie". ttc, otc, 111 til, ' iu lu 111 icr L(in9ui'uior.ti bjih-is.., , Wam.'iIii's im i. ,h, I'.inl i.i li... ainvitli-.l yrM cura I- hi 'Ii i' nitnait. aipj ,iur6i.iQW i"ll! C n- -.In VlfuJifV IfltlclH it i.ini'l.i ti. i n. '.y iiu. .r.iutt let hi thtf ' : . thu t tllfl 4i1l( isV --'t ! I lii .iii;..rtii.ij.t Clh tuo.Ktbr UoiiasiUl i -i'i,. ' i .i., J..I.I tur,! 2&i.itit,i twr-N'"rVisV( Sui!,i ,'vialiv.,aiO A.. M.iUutw , 1).. LtrTfRj itj Uii U t . U-. . ,Ni 1 iL i-r-i -i ? U r..-' vi fcKfS, 'lic'r In'iun ; IuKUm. .imp--, lilnj lirf'fcii.c fojott if.v j , .i - tr , ? !.: r ' j i i u I'n.ru a t kIi, and o!i, eitbur , ,r - . i i -. Luc p", (,,c. i' i C r- ii . t A ii. i U i iLiMi.'-iuliI e'-y-i vht. 1 .. J J. t. . . ivnUl. j.S U.tli-CUIJ, f . - I 4 SCClitUwll , . I, ,1 Ivl . 11,1 i " 'I. ti. cmeWf 1 'Siifct il'-'ts'' lr)r.i' ! r'ifl ""' i '''.tlL'"' . ;tt ,n .1 IIk fcurt1, i iai. .H'i 'Um; TYf- ' 1 -ti' 1n!'.''V-'ff'V,"i ' H i 1 il i"-ii -'.. "i"i"l I'lf'i'lJ 4'liii'"i ' .i ift!t ilt. licir!.- ).,ii m1 ,t . j i.Miiy-4i ilui.; 4 tn.. arc! :'all4 i Mt , l.;i t. .' ' ' ',"'"J! ' M.,.),5.i..t0.1 ' I '.- r .ft'''. ' 1 ' 'I ii i . Kr,, ctf VfvH. t.--n."f. .- , ... --r . t. lleflur , ' r i tl i I. 4'T t'fv Kinuit.i''. M-t.l '.,i.y. I ' ( T.1 '.' f ,1! tl'V, liin j . . li : i ' Wln'.-l.rtO..V. it ird i n t.t .1'li (.1 ..-;.. i- .1.-. roMro?n i. k- pilliVIglinl " -'i ; rr it H viifn i' . ,. .n.ur'n.vHt! i iPHYSKIiXS Mi. ,;iit?fi.;- i'.i, .lirnty!' iliiJU IT. ' 'I ig tl uifUiu (i.f i t'.u -itrof'u'i, ,.;. i in .ai . , nil.-. ill, .i J.'.it .f. , .. ,-r ,U' jUltJl. r '; ; ., ill llo U.)I JIlOil U 'JI t 'fl llilll'l .Th-: u:.af.n!.s:iJ ...vsicuvss lova tituvl Kuj '..i.a' i.i iJiti: j.r.ict.01. Mr '. :j ;i'isi t ., , . . , n, V t it n a r '.! ai.U 1I!jo' L' -.i. , l.' 'II r.:.,j ir.r..- rtif nm.ft.tv n i :.it. I . . p?.. i . . t. i. K 1 1 ' i. ( .t... j. no?. ia.3iuii, .(J, 't :t rnrNC f r:.:..iT, A' .11. ' , filT'L ' '. f , J!'. ' it m w'i jr:: n. i ii in'. , h' v-; s i ."ffrf .i-"ir..v. ll .T i-uitii.:., ..it.ii 'fi.tr tp'dc1! I' r.t I .illnw of nr. J1 c: avlUt.1 .iii,iu l.'i.ti.u tu tUl. : I'Mdo.li. It Vl.j31lai)tO i VIM ',- i'.i teiiLiu 1 1 1 a iv D.t'v li.-iu ever una I 1.1 tb" tiutmiit of ilisoawj l llli.i.il ; tuij t i...'wliutcil wo .iv ii y 'Honl.ill'. la 1. t.iltll. -i I jitf will li K I01C 1 Jtc-Sl ' i'.U li ,.11 l.y all n-lKwUM, l., G l..u j 1 A I''., j K5. C3'CTr3 vf;'c:. ' '' jVfUHIVliiftllflif I .1, I ii.ariMoiti:, Xu. Jl J Jl-71 ly. "n ALT1M0KB WANOS. ft't" 1. lU'.lMliy l ..I ,. nci" .pi tu HinctKM) onr nitika nl I'l.in.n. rttu klUtlkM 1UM W qiui alva tillltliM'tirul la ttjiy ci'ii. Our workmen sTEllliul ami cxperleii. i.ai u un, unaceuo iwon.iUtttumuhdi!iiiia I'L ' uttr iliui. Wb iito ouly tlie luv tl o patent nsrililM nfrrlujemciit tlndBSi. oiiij.ynii i in tlio ti.iijum ui t!i ni.il f.nupu- ; r.Vi. ' '.""'. 4MhJi','ii'1 wimout. ejtogiil; l.'HJKU, i JJK IlKiUOllUOyJ .n 1W illl4 llll, ii.uTL.uciu ;i i-iaiio ji jni WIX lliti Lima l,miur. W ore illilaliln nti.l Wopialoitiivonr initrti. I f 1'IC" ,V 'I t , I ..V ,, . vvt llll II, '!. . -t ) Oti .V 1 fc-u rJ. ' BIT all . 1. iillli' tl Villi i ROBiiiJtfiijIS. F. "Tnu.iNur.i:! i;r - riiA-ft an M. I . I T . li uuiititliftt tliaytwo secoinl lo nmo, auil they noniLliKi nil the ctiontlal oituinu iWat Snir.' Ititii superior worhiuanbUiLi. Wu wia tivn vrrltlar. irnAriinfM rnr Ht tm. 1 Mr. OssijAU t'lunMAN, itu-Liii.r .f ntwArw. wUlviit Tlleomiotirg four t'mn n y,i'i T,7 Ty. Wilr rmU.l! tbl to lunlui nl aU I'lmi on. lu Uib 4ufii ill Jir, ltp-lA. nr. I, ll, MutKU Wl. Mr, l, li, MUtKU Will u.ii.11 iu w.v'ua.i'uvw. in iiioommniv ami aiitu,ukit tu lacaive aaa toikjit urda.-d. we ran aiwiue very bet referenec-s. 'ery bet TPiWiX"-tri). l Fl-Uins, Ol'). nn laid j . . Rail BoacUi. J(rMSYLVANIA 'jlAILltin, I '"''V' ".""ii ironi i;irc, clVrliiyit HuBBpttti.) S, Hlid id after Monday, j,,' , 'l!l'tKltlptlh.lJll I'liwijii. (na Funs uatl Horn i mi rvrriv uiiw iJlillmH,li.lil.i Ar,o; .,. ,,, '" l"J "" ' tf:V.rI'mi,. Mt', n-r i, i mptm ' na M-vrM M Wmt I 'ii u, svtT ,jn,,.V,"ii""""1-'!l.,J' " ffi,.wT,i1ElikJ?-',,u4 ''vi,uvi u. 4 0 .1, AtMriir.J .'Nfl ,M- K,lt',jOVc. .iiviiik VMrwrtlT.lffVi. fn Ill 1.1 1 j , ' 'lv I:n Mull in.i u..i'.i. , . ljijl ally m -,15 a. id., lyrlvliiK nl Km. , Atflii.Sr.WH',ll,rt,ar).nl ,ll!'w " " AIIflDUl Rt3U5 u. JE..niirl nvil ..,.,1 i,, itrr, ill I llf i un Iniv. .. iri,i.i i..,. . . i ' lnltc HTTTTprrntia hill' . i i :l. T' ,i l.ni'i-iii.'i I 11" . m.'lSJ I Jt J,.UJ', ,5, UIJI . Ll i, .' j i ir.. He fctSirl-i-Wtin j n.i iv. i , (Wily "-! i n'iii-)Rt ni n. ip. AUwj.i 1:1' ,. i... nnJnt l'utj, . V ;?i.JTTl.V99' ' 1 i,'"'viiar,Ti.iir, lcwoi Imr;: d,.'lj'f".,i I , 'i'.l Iny) nl ii I ! j, MUlW' twVitll',iii.MX:irlveni'.T,i li'it',.11. flAMUf'T, .. tf ' " ' ' I Hl.pt. MiiU lnv. i OIIOtoXMST ROUTE EAMTtV ! .i ui. ' Bap?ii8)Haz!s()ii8!Witeii3iiiu' WXXfEti -.MBA XXLWL .V ' 1...AV... .A. tl. , t.i euuvnn- i S3 IMhvu i., ': """ i'oJ r. j... 1 Ullll u il ,'lfrVl , 'l-IH U!!''1'l!S''l'-'l. UIU ..ltUSlrLb... rnu uoipitf 1 1 -ijt i ' otituwixi JJiMlci j,!, f',l..',i 'j-,1Ulllt. RsWTcirli Ji" U.J) lii'.nl,'..i, ..I"" titliiaoon Hum fimncrlHut m I 'in P.. li 1J;.), in, urnl'i pilri Wtni.; Hillir.its'.urti. m, l.ric,illiivoii ,M p.i . tlio M,.iDern iHinHal .M p. ci.. i.n.vi filljurt Jliutiliu V.iJJ ji, iu niul l).l pi in., (inll rtl-o ftti ino flt.t 'i.tt . iitNi.ii l'..'.llm nl. tji'lilliirniijn nml 1. .ili.,liK' r,. lit ro Iti. Ir- i Jii,rl'l iA.-Uj OllJ.LI 1. Oa rt'tii nftat Jilliiriii. uri . Jc .i'tr:.:... .i.iiiicv, ,: ' . NOKTIiVAf.il. lMOjkht.j '; toWllllAitiaport, L.n i. ilalS)'iWVBnfUIii.Bi .,vu i., iiuaq. 1j;jj(, UtMV, v. V.hTMohiS. F.iltn, ,c. .I.Q.J ii, m.M tUUtufi.oj'l j.uuirn r.i- w. , v jj. r.. .irom Kim Ira, hiAii? '(jir; iv,.... .iW'i'iVV'' ll.iJS X. M..iii.uii)iit.airailu) . imnwu unui-muvuctpill j.aig,Jf. IJnllr (exc i-. Bn'.dr-j'!.) 11.111V1I1U11., AC. " Gir.oriil I'".'-' Ai-.cn-a lt.tft4u;ui,sui'i. Tr-jrr- JI'EAMi'.WuK.'Ul-.ilO.; .). 57, 1 -l fll4lAimN.iri,!l'-: ' ' ; iiiWiir " - '.f-ivtl Tnuii4Lh!'.ti-r.rtii,i'-N.iri , vUIb. TpmrfotiTi., .iriliiiiiitf, 'Hf,.;- -. . Wl ttfrtoju, JHt-.u, -ii iiiiit.l, l.lii,, ColUtuill.l, JSC., Ttaia-llt..Vv li .-i -i ,i;j (,,. ., v i iow-i: ut -:.-r, - . -i. in.. , . , ft,!i'.yi vi U h. ijt'tr ti.,i:u ( i fill Hlitrt'l, nuWilfirtlMntj nt io,w, ;t. u'i. J,iJ, ,wil VWo p. ui, i. Rflmalui: Loavd Vi ,i-': n u :-:uuuii!iiiiid 3,-nl"m, l'lillmiuii ii 1 1. il'w.. ii'.. r;.,i ':: "i! fjea'o Huli'llDitrtriln' !!(" .U4ittdt Jitncravilip, Asnl.'i lenlowaK.id l'liil.i'J. I L o.pi l1t)jp,io.,sti,p',,iii;nt I.i-l rn -ilatlciihj tlicil,t)5 u.ra, ti'i.lu c ., . -PottiivliloSKcl t'l'iln)!.! C . Wliuyl'iill .iu.v-itt.ilr i .Itj. run. '. Ill' 1 .Tll-l.tt' 11 IU.' .1 ' ! 'II n ni '.'I ) rs. ll uiu.; ! . i. . ,'i-'l I .; r tor AUuuiV.kii Fiti.ua r . I r, a - -ii.. i.. .a i.u,i ii. in. itbW Vi .l v.,')!.. n. 1... 1 , ,u . . l.l. i . 1 ill , . 1 M. in, .' 'I.' j ii, a. ,i i.y laM.CV Tr.uu io.iv. h j i , , i I'.iu,, t'liuii, A n- j , ,i i ., IM, -.uUr.ir.ilVeuirnliift'irom It. .',! T.e5vo roll-ATI IT at ".CO n.m.. li.iiiltlna ill lo.uo a. m., siiuiii.i'.ii'i 1, .1 , , .a., At'.i'. 'UJ at 7,05 .-.in. u .,t i aiioy City. u V.jln, at. :'.tul l.'.'i ,.. 1.1. . 1 ,uj ti. iu uuu .rf,. 11. 111. 101 1 ni... i , ov.t, licudliis, Jiiiii'iilnu'i.ic. 1-ua.vii 1'i.lKvillO Via Moluivlltlll .11 1 I. i tut l:ui'.iyu'l'ii:i.l5 11.1a. inr li.u.i. ,. II, lotu',-,.liirnueijrbvonti'. '1'n uuu ', 11 f.LOiJluuliiar.Uou ;,tr, li. . . V...J .it.l..J .1. IU., lUi,- ', ttllluu ... ., rlvln nl KiiLulaidliia t ii:Ii 11. in i'"ti IfiM,. 1 JPa-lnilo'vulit ut u,J5 p. ju 1J.I-,, -r ro.i ipwa, Jtu.Jnia. wio '..ri i . -in,, o 1 It IK . . I 1 . . (Kiulll .mil Grjcu) at '.llf i.,ih. Culumuisi, Kalko..! 4..JJ1.1, n.. , . 7,'iitt.m., mi iK.lVp.ir.forErlii ,' " 1 iA7',i.uifti .1 ii,,.,.; u -itrnina 1, ,'.01 1 , . 8.S1I n, ni ti-iU .V.j i'. 1 , nu,l 1', . -.n.1 m. I'Uil 3. . j p, 1.1. i- . ' iu-1 1. .-.u ,ti'i .'.- . v t V 7.1" I".'.. 1.,. 1. ' ' ,1 ': . i,S ort4iwel Jivl t at ti .i'f -i"i v' ',fia!&;'il'oii." 1 ..' orni2iii . KuJ.inji t.'ai.i I -yj. . -.i'i..,' 'iiifWu.MWr.WYm.i'.i. ', '. AZvttj t n 'wttJli.w i, ni,,.i..j. IT tf". ' l.'ill Mll.ll!!.- ILUIM 1,11 . , , . moB'i uuy lit urcna 111.. .is 1... ait-uuiii. u.ij 11. 1.1., .i.i'j unit 1.1 1 1. in inul .iv,! Uyc-MiitMri a.m., 12. 1 0 nl vtjinertl.i ( vii 1 UuiTI.i . j lir( "t t j j.i. I 4 fl.l ltu.lllllll At UI II -. .' 1" : , . . ik. .. 1 mill ,,. . i. 11 i.-fvo j. .1.1111.4 i..J JI, 1.1., 1 .'1" " r..:i,r.::. li.ull. i.d, uu .-siiiHiiiys, ituve -n v. Yu-.k nt .".1 . ii.i... pLil.nit Wl ii.ii.auil(J,luii,iii.,(lliritl(On rj 11 . iiuinii.gouu-ioin.-iiiiiiiril)li..ivulotuvilli "iti lluirir.bimi nt H h. in. unit '.'.110 p. m m leave AUtuiovnt ut 'i.tuid u.13 n. m ttu 1 ,. .. lltfftdluB ut T.la 0. tu, nml lo.S3ii, 111, I'm' 11 u 1 burg, nt ij3in. liuinr New YorU.ntT.Wn. i ., 1 Alleiitoieii nni' id ti.io a, ra.' ami l.liii. njHadeliiWH. - C'ifl)iiu,iHl, illlBUlro,, Benton, helium iHMiiidoiinicltou t(?itBil fiom all voiuK, dtii'pd rufwa.,. ' lu ' ,-ai'li JJIMMIK r? 1 1 1. 11. 1 . , 1 . . 11 -,J. J. woor. 1 . , ' AK-l.tilit. A:l.ii M. 1 ft.- , liv,-, I'n . M.n (1, 117-'. CHOICE FAMILY (IROCEFJ. , Jrvi Duili'aud I .ul : .1 --' I' . Ayl ifijuil yjO.Ujtal Ulif-JJ; 'fi''Wi''' olHrniilnvVnt ',', ..V lOM'jHVAltil). i -' nti. it .."ill. ,B5rl "t Alioon h r.i " i l55Houf'-rii 7: rr.'v.lo!iM H'.i Iin,,.;:' 1 "rlNcH.HAlii m. t Hi ri-1'. p, i.i I'jUiiliui'f al Oil', .i. : i. I rju I,..,.. ,, ,ri,i. i..,. Vl.tjl -j ,, V," -I'M. tilKJ-WL, A,, 1. - vl I', I'HH, i-!c VCOiSTAliJ.!..-,, lll.l;illiI'iOAi.i.i ' . . jiW,i'!-"i i,W'tfVf!')ieH, pff'k-i.):''. ..ojitia JHtiij'i'ivvir'(i ''' An ' Filoffrtni... . At --ovlwi'i'i .'. IvKltf , QtTHBNSWAKB I - erMitU.li Hvoaluui. l. AH 0,UI All lnt riobrM aloof lite flr,t otulliyaiul at v. tl-.-nielyi.r urW. , . ucc;i.T j, it, ji ii 'TTilvM.iriliWi-.mo M6 01fi. i ?2 ,t '; I....H v--v. t if 1 1 Id reoUii'UMjlUd on!- lK'oni(ii lo .Mi it fii'iny 140 uniivr wut no iioeijuy ivi..i.,i ttjO liirtilit&tltiMtto liiiolvner, ,, , , Juut.W,jVI , , J, J. M'Up-V.1' iAKic'Bam-''r""'"7 w now Eiive tiio n ioirraacrtiuentof lit 1 1'fcJ'l'S 1111 Iwud tuul ar tule Otto wiru i 1 H i. inl 111 Lfi',. sla oulii.l 11 l.l.'-.l' ,1 .11 111. 'ii , KKMMLOl 'h hi 4 ,1 , - ' 1 ' ' ' Mid ' I !