LiLL ! 1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUUC, COLUMJ3IA COUNTY, 1A. The Columbian Friday, July 12, 1872. FRANK COOLBY, ASSISTANT EDITOR. ! Railroad Timo Table lackawanna a iiloomsiioro n. n. I North. South ! tf! 0:W A. M. 4:57 1. M, I AiK.nmioanuoii 1:- vxrtii PaTAWIBSA n. H, most RUPURT STATION, (ir.tnaNnrtli. OolngBoulh, 11:11 A. M, 1 Democratic County Convention. Ilio llomocrntlo voters of tho Bovoral districts Columbia county will meet ni mo usual places nf holding tlie general olootlonn ou Saturday tho nntli ilny of August 1872, between Uio hours of three ami seven ociock in mo afternoon ana rlccl delegates by ballot to represent the districts In a County Coiivonllon to bo held at tlio Court Ilmixo In Hloomsburff on Tuosuny Ilia tnir tocnth day of August, 1872, at ono o'clock p.m. ftto place 11 lioiiuuHiioii u ciiuuiuaw lor aicinoer of Assembly, n cnnuiuaioiorrroiiiouoinry anu Clerk of tlio several courts, a candidate for Reg l.tpr and Kccordcr, n candldnto for County Com mlisloiier, n oandldnlo for County Auditor, also In mipolnt conferees to mcot similar conferees from I ho sovcral counties of tlio different dls trlcts, to cliooso candidates for President Judge,, the Constitutional Convention and tho Mnto Honnte, Also, at tlio same tlrao and places AUd in tho anio manner, Iho Democratlo electors of each (1IMI1CI. IV ill uivub uuu f'Uiouii m nui wi muittuu of llm County Standing Commute, fly order of tlmCounly Commllteo. C. a. HARKLKY. Chairman. LOCAL. Dui-liitf tho hot dnys of Inst week tho lUsillis i Now York from sun-stroko fivcniKCtl nearly 300 per tiny. Wiinslc nttontlon to tho call for tho Democratic ouvontion ami tlolugnto tlectlon printed elsowhoro. Tin: oxtendott report of tho prococd liiL'soflho Democratic National Con vent on nits curinuou our local nows 11.!. ,,'md- llin s-... tvp 1'olicoman Strylcor lost anotlicr villii.utio cuiinry uiru oy a cat a nignc 111 llvl' ih" vili''jy'W' v jt.i.,.uif ll. You rim no risk by pourlnrroll out of nc.ui intoyourstovo If you havo no 11 ro In it. Another safo way is to havo no oil iu tho can. (,'oor.. Tho follow who sent m a bill for $1,00, demanding prompt payment, mid nt tlio snmo time ho had been owing in $21 for two years. Montour has sovoral candidates for Legislature, and our plucky neighbor promises to havo a lively tlmp this Full At nil ovonLs wo trust showill nominate a man who will succeed. The D. L & W. It. It. Co. aro still liiiyingupcoal operate rsinthoWyomlng and Lnckawanna valloys. In a short time that hugo monopoly will havo cu lire control of tho products. Tin: Governor has not yet signed tho conspiracy bill, demanded by tho work ingmen. If It was a rail-road charter, or a South Improvement Company, ho would ho moro prompt. Ir U rumored hero that tlio small pox has broken out in Mifllinvillo, and that three deaths havo occurred in ono fami ly. Vaccination Is tho only romedy, and should bo promptly attended to. HAiiviisvriNo: una hay-making havo bfguu In our County, and tho whole country population is Tho crops aie turning out butter than was anticl luloil in tho Spring. A Lawyer, speaking of tlio U. S. UMrlct and Circuit Courts rocontly in solon In Wllilamsport says "tho ono w.h a Court of justlco, and tho other a Court of conviction." At the recent commencement of La f.iytllo College, Kaston, tho degrco of Iliclielor of Arl3 was conferred on J. E. Sclioonover, Principal of Orangovillo Seminary, tills County. Tkmperaturk of Juno 1S72, nt llloomsburg, Pa., rosult of threo daily Nervations. Maximum OO3 on tho -Hat 11:15 p. m. Minimum M on the. '1,1, at 7 a. in. Avcrago 71 J. II. Z. Vi: aro receiving a largo number of campaign Hubscrlbsrs, As tho ponding contest will probably bo tho most ox filing In our history on account of tho siiiicuhr combinations that aro being mule, every voter should keep himself thoroughly posted. Send in orders at oiifo for tho ball has opened. Oko. Wilklh, tlio famous editor of tlio "Spirit of tho Times" has bet $V2, WO on Grcoloy'a success, with Tom Murpliy, Orant's bottlo-holdor. Ho, Murphy, is tho fellow who gavo Grant a cottago at Long Branch, and In re turn received tho nppolntmont of col lator of Now York. The Democratic party has becomo a "lively corpso" again, notwithstanding tho numerous Inquests held upon it by the Radical party. In fact It won't "lay killed, but arises from each dofeat stronger and moro vigorous than over. This year with tho old of our Liberal allies it will sweep tho nation, and put anuiolus to tho last vo3tago of Radical "tlsrulo. Noithor monoy nor fraud will avail our opponotits this fall ; it Is tho 1'copk's campaign. In llto storm of Wodnosday afternoon tot a man nnmod C. Frarao with tho '"'la of horses ho was driving, woro Mmckby lightning and Instantly killed. I'wmo was at worl: with a roapor noar Mr, Ammcrman's on tho Danvlllo road, Iwl unhitched tho hor303 from tho fwpcr to avoid tlio storm and was on lil-i way to tlio barn wlion tho Hash ca'iio. y (.nt. Incident of tho colobratlon of tho '"outth at Wllk03-Iiarro was tho com I'Otltlvo drill for a hand3omo flag bo Iwoou tlio Jackson Guards of Borwick. ihl a llazloton compauy, nono others '"lug to outor tho flold. Tho tost was uunir, bocauso tho Hazlotonlans had a I'kk'id squad of nlnotoon mon, whoroas 'o Jackson Quards drilled with full uks, numborlng about 80 mon. It is iuiiK0 that tho Judges should havo I'tfiuitted any quad less than tho "unimum required for a company to 'Sago In tlio contest. Our Berwick nleud3 should havo refused to compoto "uer bucii disadvantages, or havo ro ""ecu their numbers by picking out "vir poorest men. ; Jlcrcur. Wo bellovo Hint no politician of modern tlraoa has dono moro biralncei on rt smaller capital than Ulysses Mcr- cur. If ho has tho ability claimed for him by his friends, ho has had an am plo field to display It; and yet ho Is Bcarcoly known outaldo of his District, and only by namo to four-flftha of tho votors In It. Ho has tho low cunning and craft of a politician, but not a par tlclo of tho ability or dignity requlslto to flu tho high ofllco to which ho as plros. Ho Is cold, unscrupulous, cal culating. As Buch ho is known at homo, and barely escaped defeat to Congress by an almost unknown young man. His monoy, bribery, threats and promises, coupled with treachery nnd division In our own ranks alono saved him, although reinforced by 700 en franchised negroes. In Congress his career has been a failure, and his friends can point to no slnglo act for which ho deserves special credit or montlon. Itepresentinc a Tar iff District, ho voted to rcducotho tar iff on pig Iron j ho volod to contlnuo tho od!ou3 incomo tax, ho has voted for every mcasuro looking to tho subjuga tion of tho South, and to keep that un happy people undor military rulo. Ho aspires to bo a mombor of our highest Judicial tribunal, yet voted for tho bay. onet enforcement law alawtliatplaces arbitrary power In tho hands of a mill tary ruler, and makes tho corporal's squad moro powerful than our highest Courts. Ho Is a violent partisan, wns nominated as such over tho heads of abler and bettor mon, and by the same. Jang thai nominated Jiartranft and Al len. His friends supported the Treasury Ring, and thoy, In accordanco with tho bargain, in turn nomlnntod him. Wo do not bellovo tho pcoplo will diigraco themselves by putting him in tho placo now so honorably and ably filled by Chiof Justlco Thompson our can didate. Itepiilillcnu County Committee. Towanda, Juno 12, 1872. To a usiiunsicr. At- Dear Sir : As a moans of lirnmnitiwJ II rn... -I. . iiiusuiuura ui mu iwiiui'iiuuii carta tuninq at tho approaching election, it Is deemed Important to havo a list of subscribers to tho Now York Iribune in this county. Will you havo tlio kindness, as early as posslblo, to sond to my address at Towanda, a list of subscribers to tlio Tnoune ai your olllco. Your immediato attention tn this rn. quest is very desirable. very Truly, J. IIor.nnMii. Chairman Republican Committeo of urauioru county. Thoabovo neat little document iusl issued would seem to indlcato a dtalro on tho part of tho Qrant worshippers ascertain tho numbor of Tribunes sent to tho various post-offlces, with a posslblo viow to tlioir suppression. Crcdltablo business this, and a fairsam plo of tho dirty work wo may oxpect from tho Administration party this Fall. Wo would suggest to tho editor of tho Republican of this town, that when ho sends In his ronort to tho Chairman of tho Republican Commit teo of Bradford County," as of coursoho will, ho should stato that tho copy of tho Tribune rccolved at this ofllco is an exchango" and wo should bo much displeased to havo it stopped, especially as it now contnlna so much really valu- ablo Information about Mr, Grant and his horso jockoy frionds, which wo wish to uso during tho campaign. The Fourth of July passed quiotly in Uloomsburg. There wero no public ox- crcisos and many of our citizens spent tno uay in neighboring towns where colebratlons wcro in order. Thoro wcro no infractions of tho pcaco and tho ro centiy passed Town Ordinance prohibit ing tho firing of crackers, sqnibs, Ac, was rigidly observed. Those younsr- store whoso patriotic fervor was not wholly to bo repressed, crossed tho bridgo bolow town and exnlodod flro crackers unmolested in ncmlocl: town ship. No disorderly conduct or drunk enness occurred to mar tho quiet of tho day. There wcro numerous picnics in tho vicinity of town which wcro well attonded. In Millllnvlllotho Ordor of American Mechanics observed tho Anniversary by appropriate ceremonies as did tho Order of Knights of Pythias In Cambria. Tho day was CXCOOdine-lv wnrm nmi tho sliado of tho trees was moro than nusually grateful, lionco tlio various parties for fishing and camping out in tho woods wcro freely patronized. Eiutok "Colujiiiian" Ploaso In sert tho following in your next issue: Mr. A. S. Robbins, who a few weeks ago was Injured by a circular saw, and was obliged to havo his finger amputa ted last wcok, undor tho Judicious skill of Dr. Kvans Is rapidly recovering. ours Truly, P. 11. Siiuir.. We find In a Now York paper tho following astounding bit of Informa tion : Picnics In Pennsvlvnnta wind lln with what Is called tho Dolly Vardon march tho young ladies standing In a row and tho young mon passing along tho lino and kissing each good-night. uoioro wo "Hurl back tho Insinua tion" wo should llko to feol assured as to tho facts in tlio caso. If It bo truo, thon wo havo missed it in not attending plcnlca this season and aro willing to promiso Bteady attendanco hereafter. Can somo of our young lady roadors gtvo us any Information on this point? tho iacts nocu not bo published nnd only our prosonco at futuro festivities will show that wo havo profited by tho Intelligence. If tho statement is faiso wo propo30 to rlso to a high stato of In dignation and donounco it In Congto3 slonal language. With regret wo part with about 100 subscribers this week. It la not at their request, but becauso wo canuot publish a nowspapor from year to year without pay. Tho men who complain about monoy being dull generally havo enough for a cigar or a glaas of beor. Tho CoiiUSiwAN coats weekly less than either. Tho sum duo from each mau Is small, It Is truo, but multiply thoao small items uy li.ouo, and tho aggregate 18 respectable Wo trust our frionds will pay promptly at once, and thoso who cannot at least should notify ua. A NEiairnoit Informs ua that tho boat provontlvo against cucumber bugs is a toioraoiy Btrong decoction of aeafooti da and water sprinkled upon tho vines. Our Informant states that not abugwlll como noar tho vinos so troated. and ho further boliovea if tho samo kinder do coctlon was used on potato vines, it woum uooiiociuai agalnat tlio doprcda Hons of tho potato bug. A macinifioknt Fair was hold In Hazlcton. July 1th, Cth and Glh Among other Incidents was tho voting for a beautiful sword, which cost $76, Tho contestants wcro Col. Swank and MnJ. C. Q. Jackson. This nomination was unfair to tho MnJ, as Col. Swank was at homo, and among his friends yet such was tho Malor'ri popularity that ho gained tho prizo by a voto of four to ono. The School Hoard had a lengthy sea slon on Saturday evening, and trans acted con9lderablo Important business, M. O. Woodward was appointed Col lector of School taxes for tho ensuing year at two per cont, a saving of threo per cent ou tho commission formerly paid. It was decided to open tho Schools tho first Monday In Soptcmber for a tcrmof six months. Anoxamlna of leachors for tho District will bo hold at tho old Academy Saturday, July 27th, commencing at 10 A. M. The Town Council on Saturday lost decided to proceod with tho pavement of tho side walks on Third Btroot as originally ordered, giving tho property holders thirty days In which to comploto tho work. A majority of tho proporty holders on Main slroot havo also pctl tloncd for thopavemontof thosldowalks on that street, and this necessary Im provement will doubtless bo promptly made, m fact tho condition of tho sido walks on Main strcot havo been a stand ing disgrnco to our town. With cotiplo of thousand dollars lying Idlo In tho Treasury, thero Is no reason why nwpRsary Improvements should not bo niado at onco. Something ahout Drinkinq in Wakm Weather. Drinking Is habit. Somo pcoplo drink Httlo, not becauso their constitutions requlro loss than others ; it is their habit. Thoso pcoplo nover pcraplro so much as thoso who drink moro. Tho moro that is drunk, tlio moro water passes away, or tho system would suffer. As It is tho strain affects It. Tlio skin.tho kidneys, Dowels, lungs, aro all drawn upon Tho result la, as may bo expected, ox- miusiion. i'or mis reason tlio man who drinks much water, particularly during tho summer and Iu tho hottest weather, is less ablo to endttro fatigue, Tlio water Is of no benefit to him that is, tlio excess. It must pass away, nnd this requires an effort of tlio system, wnicn is tno sweating procos. it is a bad habit to drink so much water; a raiso thirst Is created. Wo should drink only what Is necdedj Tho habit oi (triniting moro will soon bo over come, and tho person will feci much stronger and moro capable of bearing mtiguo. In winter, Httlo fluid Is nood- ed beyond what our food furnishes ; In summer, somo more, but not much. Protection to Animals. Tho So- doty for tho Provontion of Cruelty to Animals ha3 issued a circular designed to protect horses and mulea during tho summer. It Is recommended that a wet spongo bo used on tho head ; that drink ing water bo furnished as often as practicable when not over-heated, and at tho samo timo to cool tho mouth and faco and legs, to drivo slowly, and loos en tho chock-rein, or "better dispenso with it altogether." A town physician of tho most lofty attainments proscribes tho following as a restorer of vitality during tho present "hcatod term." Tho objection has been mado that It too greatly partakes of tho uaturo of a mint Julep but of courso such fault llndlng Is absurd. R. Bps. vln. 'Oi-ard Saccharino whitoum musliiim A q.s. II. B. sprigs, q.r. Aqua congoallous Mintum someum f Shakum Llkcllum Strawum clongatus -Suckuni throwcra I I.kiIIT AND SirAnows of New Ynmr . Or, tho .Slglit-s and Hensatlons of tlio Ureatcily. A work duscrlptlvo of Now York City In all lis various phases, its Splendors and Wretched ness! Its High and Low Llto: Its Marhlo Pala ces nnd Darli Dens; Its Attractions nnd Dangers iwi i.iubi uuu riuuu.. Am A.uuuiii mull anil Politicians: lis Advontnres: its Mvbtcrles nmi Crime, lly James U. Mo Caue, Jr. Tho National Publishlnc Co.. of Phil- adelphia, havo Just issued ono of tho most rcmnrkablo and attractlvo books of tho day, bearing tho abovo title. It ia comprised In ono lareo octavo volumo of 850 pages, and Illustrated with near ly aw uno engravings or noted places, life and scones In New York. To Mr. McCabo Is duo tho credit of having produced tho most comoloto and graphic account of tho great city, ami its busy and variod lifo that it has been our loriuno to meet with, ilia book 13 brim full of solid and usoful information, and abounds in descrip tions of the varloua public buildintr3 of Now York, its palacca, prisons, ho tels, entireties, stores, hospitals, otc. Tho work sots forth in glowing colors tho noblo work lor suffering humanity, which Is going on every day In tho great city, and roveala with a bold hand tho torriDio crimes, tho dark mysteries, and tho hidden slus of metropolitan lifo. Wo aro introduced Into tho homo of tho Fifth Avenuo millionaire and carried with equal Intcroatto tho squalid cellar of tlio Fivo Points beggar. Wo aro brought faco to faco with tho good ana tno oati, tno nign aim tno low, with leading merchants, bankors, edi tors, and actors, with bummers. with working women, ballot girls, ad venturesses' and n host of others, and wo Bcom to bo listening to their stories from their own lips, so thoroughly does tho author onchain our Interest. Our warmest enthusiasm and our deepest contompt aro alternately aroused by tho thrilling recitals of their deeds of virtue and vico. Tho history and frauds of tlio famous Tammany Ring aro ro- tnrml irltli ni-An f ffiwo mill nnmlnt nn,l l. ...... . V L b .W.VU " lllllt this portion alono la worth tlio prlco of tno Dooir, In short tho book is Now York In miniature. Tho author ha3 penetrated, undor tho protection of tho police, Into tho darkest and moat dangerous haunts or crlmo iu tho city, and has thus been enabled to obtain accurato information on tho topics whoreof ho trcata. Visi tors to Now York, cannot hopo to seo or know aa much of tho oity as they may learn by a perusal of thla book. To ull who contoraplato visitlncr tho great Metropolis, wo cnrdlally rocom mend It both for its Information and lor its powerful warnings against tho uangora oi tno city, thoso who can not seo Now York for themselves will bo m a groat inoasuro repaid for that privation by roadlng this work. It Is publishod In both English and Ger man ; sold by subscription only, and tlio publishers want agents iu every county. ltci'clit? fur June. Jacob Deiikott I 1 00 S, J. McIIenry JohuHinltU I l'eter Kulght 10 C3 Columbia County 75 001 J oo 1100 urn) 2 00 1st Kallouai nan It Kllliih Yocum K. L, Klkeudull J. II. Malio Aaruu smith lleber & Robinson 1 M, Hales P. 111! buyer K, K. (lordlier J. M, Arlcr Lewis Hchuylcr Noali Monsor Wm. J, Allen Abuor Welsh Wm. Lnwton ooul 4Ut i,ii. u. jingni Dr. A. H. Nyo I. P. llllkert lUi si 60 John Hnydor 3d 6CJ DO 4(1 SOU) 4 21 0 00 2 00 lad nr. J. li. vuhuuo ht. John O. Doty lllauks K. Orvls it j iiUl Uas. Tuhbs X(XI Duulel Yocum llohu HI yers jucoo uopo I). Pollock 200 a oo a oo, i 00 200 Wupt, Public Schools 3 &0 Christian Wolf liliti J. O. Fox 1 1 ) A, ll. Jameson i oo Joitu 11, Holler -IW i:u iioumns Wm. Hchuvler l'Jtx l m H. R. Ulpphi Aaron Miller A Pai'eh ron the mashes. Tho fPill8burch.Pa..)REATjE8TATEREaiS teh comes to ua this wook enlarged to a beautiful slxtcon Space, sixty-four column, Illustrated weekly, with tho namo ahangod to tho American land and Law ADViaon. Tho original features introduced into tho old papor by Its publishers caused it to bo sought nacruy personam nuparisoi tno unitcu States, and thus oncourntrod bv tho nub ile tho publishers determined to glvo to tho nooplo n papor ovory way worthy of tho namo they hnvo choson for tiiolr now weokly. Tho American Land and Law Advisor Is n "ivceka Journal of Ileal Estate. Finance. Jiullil ing, and Popularization of J,aw." Tho Isauo beforo us la absolutely a necessity to overy ianuctt proprietor or reai es tato owner In tho country, aa woll na to ovory cltlzon in tho United States that wishes to keen posted on that In dealructlblo element of valuo Real Estate. Tho law donartmont of this oxcollont weokly Is edited by tho ablest law counsellors in tno country, nnu ana war, free of charge, nil quoatlona of law submitted to tho papor with a clcarnoaa onu accuracy mat maKca tucm uuuer stood bv men of tho moat ordinary in tolllccnco. This fenturo alono should cause It to bo taken by every farmer and land owner In tho country. Tho illustrations on tho first lmco of orlcln al designs for cottacca and suburban residences, cotton up oxnresslv for this Journal laalsoafeaturo worth tlmoa moro tn an tuo subscription price. Tho wcok ly correspondence from tho Gonerol Land Ofllco at Washington. D. C. civ Ing tho latest laws governing tho Pub- no jjanus, uomcsteau una rreompuon, aa woll as thoso from all parta of tho country, ia aiso a vaiuaoio leaturo ; to say noimng oi ua nows anu general in formation louud In no other Journal in tho United States. To crown all, tho enterprising publishers offer, by way of inducing an examination anu subscrip tion, a beautiful $5.00 Chromo, of cither or tho following subjects: "the Lost Bade." or "The unwelcome Visr tor" all for tho exceedingly low prlco ot z.uu a year, omuracing a beautiiui parlor picture and over 800 pages of useful reading matter, and illustrations. Wo would say to our rcadors, send stamp for a samplo copy. Address Croitt &Puillii'3. Publishers Ameri can LiAND AND JjAW AhVISOR, I'lttS uurgu, j'a. CANDIDATES. fAll who aro announced in this list nro rtlcdt! t il Inuhldo by tho decision of tho Democratic loiivcuuon.j FOR ItEl'RKSENTATIVE CHARLES B. BROOKWAY. ni.ooji.smmu. KOH I'llOTIIONOTARY JESSE COLEMAN, llLOOMBnURU. 11. FRANK ZARR, BLOOMSBUlta, FOR HEGISTER AND RECORDER. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, BLOOMSIlUlta. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ABNER WELSH, OF ORANGE TOWNS1II1'. WILLIAM LAWTON, OF GREENWOOD TOWNSIIH. JOHN SNYDER OF ORANGE TOWNSHIP. MARKET REPORTS. Uloomiliurg Market. Wheat per hushel Kvo ' ,. U.S0 .... w 7) M ... 11 U) .. h 3 CO .... 1 W) Corn " Oats. ' Floor per barrel Clover&eed . r Inxseod. H Hotter litre. Tllliow IS 10 it) 10 15 0 10 23 00 1'olutoes ... Dried Apples Hams Hides and HhoulO ers H H uird per pound Hay per ton MARRIAGES. DILS YOCtlM-On tho Cth insL by Rev. E. ruiuner jur. .nas uuh or migiirxoai to msh Margaret Yocum of Jackson, Columbia Co. KLINE KNORR On July 4th by Rev. It. Wll- hoii, nuv. inoinaH 11. iiuuaor Kingston to miss Mary E Knorr of Mill Hollow, Luzomo county COHPER CORWELL-On Saturday, July Cth 15, at, lue rexiucnceoi iu onuesiainer. ur, Krunk. Coupor to Miss Mary Corrcll both of llloombburg. SPECIAL NOTICES. A fink assortment of Fruits. Con fectionery. Clears. Ac. can bo found at M. M. Russell's, Main street below Markot. Mountain Resort. A Stago will run between Hhicksblnny and JiOiig Pond House, on North Mountain, ovory Saturday and Tuesday, commencing tsaturuay, juiyi utn, leaving Liong l-onti at 7 a. m. and arriving at Shlckshlnny in time for tho train going North, leav ing Shlckshlnny for Long Pond at 1 v. M. Tho Stago faro to or from Long Pond will bo $2. Tho Hotel charges nt Long Pond, during tho season, will bo $1.50 per day or $0 per wook. Old Kstaljllslieil Coal Yard. C. W .Neal & Bro. Wholosalo & Ho- tall Dealers Iu all sizes of tho best qualities of Red and Whito Ash Coal, at tno very lowest maritot rates. Liimc burners supplied at liberal rates with beat quality No. C.coal. For smith Arcs, In addition to a primoarticloof lump, wo havo a flrst class quality of Bitumi nous coal, at $0.25 por ton on wharf. .Lariro stocks of an sizes constantly on hand. Strict personal attention given to tho preparation of all our coal. Grain, Lumber and Slabs taken in exchango for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town. Orders left at McKelvy Neal & Co's. storo or at our olllco, will recolvo prompt attention. Office & Yards at McKelvy & Neal'h Furnace, East HLOOManuito. xourpatronago respect fully solicited. Kleckner & Co's Grand Circus and Menagerie. This grand com. blnation of novelties will exhibit hero on Saturday, July 13th afternoon and evening, in tno forenoon thoro will oo a brilliant procession, which if wo aro to bellovo our exchanges, will surpass anything in that lino that has over been seen In this locality. Tho Cleveland Jleruld says of this company : "Tho proprietors havo secured novel- tied and attractions to bo found in no other traveling company In this coun try, and perhaps tho crcatcst curiosity. aro tho threo baby lions, born In this country ,and will undoubtedly bo reared uiiuLTiuo protection oi tno Ainorican Eago. Tho troupo of natlvo Bedouin Arabs i3 another leadlnir foaturo of this snow. Tiieir icats or strength anil agil ity aro something rcmnrkablo, and aro peculiar anu uiuerent irom anyiiung over seen In this lino beforo. Thoro ia, besides a largo collection of raro ani mals, a clicus in which can bo found performers who stand at tho head of tno proicssion in tncir uiuerent special ties, embracing no less than twenty-flvo actors, among them four ladles with tho qucon of tho arena M'llo Fon tain blcau. Tho general management of tins circu3 is tuimiraoio in all respects, tho seating capacity and arrangement bolng as near perfect as it can bo. Tho managers tako particular pains that tlio ushers shall do tholr duty iiiBcclng that tho ladles and children tluill bo satis factorily seated, and nothing that can bo nulled to tholr comfort shall bo wanted, Tho box olllco is open two hours boforo tho commencement of tho porrormanco, EKROIIS OV YOUTH, Every nervous Young Man Iu tlio Union, will receive, freo, n lleclpo lhnt will prove nblcislug miu.ii ...v. miuiiBniiiK, ill IXllUliieilCC. JOHN ll.OUDEN, Ilox 51 Ti l0. U ci dar HufjrV. Y KU, ti, ly, Timo ond enlightened oxperienco liavo shown that certain substances formerly used and rolled on In medical practice, aro unnecessary and dangerous; yet somo of theso subslnncos havo found tholr way Into medical compounda. Dn, Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, howovor, contain nothing In jurious, being composed exclusively of vcgolablo substances from California. For all dlsordors of tho livor, kidneys, bladder, skin, and digestive organs, anil for purifying tho blood, thoy aro tho mo3t wonderful romedy known. n20- lw. ONMiAt.i' tlio people cannot tnlto r utter OK from Its tcrrlhlo naunonllug tnite, nmi recoil ill tho throat. Tho Castorla prepare 1 by Dr. l'ltoher is purely vfRctablo.ierfrctly harmless, pleasant to (alio, and moro eheotlvo than Castor Oil, It dnrn not illstross or urine, littl roauiaios tlio hvk tern, nnd opernles when all other roincdlos have isiieu. lb ii.u uiuKiu lui minimi 11 jmilv, Constipation, Flatulency, Croup and Worms, It contains neiuicr .Minerals, .Morpnum norAico 1ml. tf Knnthlnir.nllletlnu ofleet. moiliicns natur, nl slcep,nnd oartlcularly a lnpti It to crying nnd tcothlueclilluroii. No nrtlclo has over met such iinnuallilcil endorsement oy inn l'nvs c ans, Tako no moro lllttcr l'llls, Naicotlo Hymps, liripinir 1'urRaiivLn ur nicKvuini; uiin. nuiiins torla costs but&iccnts, and when onco (Hod .you wlllnovor bo without It. na? lw llorrr.KS Fui.i. ot Hbautv. Ladles, If yon would hnvo beauty by tho bottlo-rull, nil you have to do Is to purchaso Hauan'm MAmnoma halm 'iliat peerless ueauuiier oi luoeompiex Inn not nnlv heightens natural charms but reti. dors even the plainest couiitennncn exceedingly nl tractive. It recalls to Iho pallid check t'10 msy liugu oi liuuiiu, luiimvcn iiiiuiiies, uiuicucx, rnuffhnnSR. sallowliess nnd other blemishes, tint Imparts to tho skin a most delicate fairness and soilness. It smoothes tho furrows caused by timo or care, nud gives faco neck aud arms tho tniiiiip anu cuiuiui; itiipuariincu in voiiiiiini icauty, All this is accomplished by tho moil naturnl means, viz: by gently nud naturally Humiliating tno ciiciuauou in too capninry 01001 I vessels, liesldos bclna Iho most, elloctual nld to ocauty known to moueru science, MtnstiMMF.u Maladies, Tho hot solnr rays .i.i.u mu inn wnin kiuuiuu' many oisucns log If Iho liver bo ntnll prodlapolcil to Irregularities, this Is tho neason In whceii billons attacks may bo anticipated. A wtalts stomach, too, weakest In tho miinmcr inonhs, ,ii.t n.v iii iNimy tiiiuujjii lilt) pol l's lly PI cesslvo perspiration Is so steal, that nwholosomo tonic, combining also thu properties or ndin'it slvo stimulant and ccutlo c.lillar.ini, Is In many enscsucecsary tohenlth, and under noelrcum stands should bo dispensed with by tho Rlcklv nnd debilitated. Ofall tlio preparations Intended thus to refresh, sustain, and fortify iho human irainc. inero is uooo tuai win compnro wltn Hostetter's Celebrated Htnniaeb ltlllins. 'I'hni havo bon weighed In tho balanco of oxperlcufn uuu uutiuimii Aviiuiiu; navo ueen iccuiiimpnu ed from tho first ns n prent medicinal spuelile not ns a beverage, and In Knltn nfliilnrei.1 m! nn. position from Innumerably quarter, stand, aller h, twenty years' trial, at tlio head ol nil proprie tory medicines Intended for tho provcutlou and luiu ui uii uruiiiiiry uuinpiainis ill IHO Nioniacil, tho liver, tho bowels, nud tne nerves. Iiilhu un healthy districts bordering tho irent rivers of uniuornin, Jiosiettcr s momaeu .litters may bo classed as the standard ono for ovory species of i iiiuruiiiit-iit or reniiiieiiL lever. 1 no peopio WHO inhabit thoso districts, place tho most Implicit uuuuuttuuuiu iini prcparniion a enninienco tuai. Is Increased every year by tho result of Its opera tion. As bitters, so called, of tho most pernicious Character, are Rnrlntflni. lln Hlrn ftmirl m iivcrv side, tho i nlillc is hereby lorownrned ntraliist Iho iiiaiu.Miitip iniuus, .8ic ior nosuilier s iimcr' seo that the lube I . el i . nre rnri prt. nmi rnMinmlti iiiiu i no Kcnuiun nriicio is never sold in hulk, ijui in uoiues ouiy. n.i-ltv ONE-llAr-F tho peoqlo cannot tako Castor (ill from Its lenlblo nauseating tnste, and recoil Iu the throat. Tho Castorla prepared by Dr. l'ltelier lsmirplv VpirelablH. ocrfi .1 1 - linrmlovu lileitMint In take, and mnro ellntlvu tliim Cnstnr Oil. It does not distress or Krlpe. but regulates iiiu n)it:iii, uuu ui'uruii's wueu nil oiner reme dies havo failed. It acts llko magic for Stomach Ache, Constipation, Flatuloucy, Croup and Worms. It contains neither Minerals, Mor phine nor Alcohol. Its soolhlnj, quieting eiroct, produces natural sleep, and paitleularly ud.ipts It to crying ami: teething children. No nrtlelo hns ever met buch unqualified endorsement by mu i-usii'i;iu. xuiiu nn iiiuio inner i'iiih. Narcotic Svrnns. arluluff Portatlves nrslplrpn Ing Oils. Tho Castorla costs but 50 cents, and when onco tried you will never ba without II. m, lw Important Testimony! Tho following letters aro among tho lnanv (iroconstnutly receiving Horn persons whe havo Sclicnck's Pulmoiiie Syrup, Sclicnck's Sea Weed Tonic, AND Sclienclc's Mandrake Pills. Peiinsgrove, Halem Comity, New Jersey, I-'EiniiTAnv frr. ir?'.' Ur. J. H.SCIIENCK.N. E.corucrHlxtbnnd Arch ntroin, . ijiinuoipuia. Ilesnectcd Hlr I tako nlcasurn In mMlm. nn- tcstlmonv to that of tlio manv othprs win, hi. been cured by thoelllcacyof Kehenck's Pulmnnln Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic, nud Mandrake l'llls. uoiiMimpuon mis ueen uereimary wltn my f.imllv. mostof its members havlnirilleii of n i early ages. Sir mother and threo Iirothcrsilied at tho ago of 31, ono bi other at 27, aud my sister at 13. iwas. when about at vcars. seized w 1 1 1. iivai. complaint, which rapidly developed Into Pulmo nary Consumption, I was compelled to relin quish my employment (that of a blacsRinllh.) I consullid skilllul ami eminent physicians, nnd tried many patent nostrums, but without success, ko that my friends wtro suio I hat them was no hopo of my reeowrj , lor I was reduced fiom 11U pounds to Ml, and was not. ablo to do anything without nsslstuuce. Uy what I now look upon as a Provident In 1 In terposition, 1 wns induced to try your remudu s. nnd place myselt nuder your lieatmen'. nnd so rnnld and thorough was mv reenverv. thm it. sceund as though some supeihuman power as nt woik, and to-day I am as well us nl. any time (lurinBiny life. 1 weigh 13.! pounds, am auj ears old, and lor some time have been rcguhuly at tending to ray business, bidding lair to live to a good old age. i am innuuiui in you ucyouu ex. region tor having placed me In n position wherein I am a benetll Instead nt a burden to mv nituily. Your Mandiaku l'llls nro tlio unlv inedii lnn i over itfco now. 1 think they nro tlio best In tuo world. lean tefer vou to hundreds nr mv mi"ii!imu who will verily all 1 havo written, nmi n'nv in. formation nny or my iellow clll.ens mav ilesiro will bo freely and gladly given, upon rccelpl ol fctninp, by Yours, etc. JU1LM C, HF.WITT. Key TVcst, Via., Vch. I!), JSV-i. I)r.J.H.SCHn.CIC,N. E. cor. Sixth ami Audi streets, Philadelphia. Dear Kir l'leaso iorward, per Hist steamer, sit bottles Sea Weed Tonic anil twelve bottles I'ul- iiiuiiiu nyrup. Your medicines nro o such value Hint 1 .-nn. not bo without them lit my household, mid In t.ii, , iv. .jr niiuum uu wiblltllll. llll'Ill, iuayu given mem n lairicsi, and openly ile laro thorn to bo even better than you ilalm. Vory lcspcctlully yours, 4 c. W. A. WlllTEIIUltSr. PlITT.AIH?r.l'lirA. Afnrnh I U.-'.' Dr. J. H.BCHENCK, Respected sir I tako pleasuto in awarding to vnll this pprllllpuln nl 1 1... H-niln,il ..,... . ...... Pulmonic Syrup aud Soa Weed Tonlo produced. iu.v iiuiNii uuu uiuuriiiai nines were so iiiguiy liiiumcd that It was almost impossible lor ino to swallow my lood. 1 an-, on n visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John sou, No. till Federal btreet, wUo K.iys your medi cines raised lilm front almost death tiller all oili er means bad lulled, anil ho having, Iheiefoie, tun luiiiiucmTi in luuviiuto oi youi leiueiiii's. strongly lecomtneudcd mo to trvtiipm. i il i,l so. nud In ono week Irom tho timo I commenced inning ineni my tnioai umlciwent n very chnngo lor tho butter, bo that 1 could cat my minis without any Ulillculty or pain. 1 can scarcely Bud words to cxpie&s my gratltudo lor tlio early relief your invaluable medicines pro ducediipnu mo, ami I deem 11 lint nu act of grati tude to give you tho acknowledgement ot my api'itcliillou. Yours rcsnccttully. uauiii;i. .M, .iacuiis. No. 100 West Thlrty-thlril htteet, Now York. SCIIENCK'S PULMONIC SVKUP, SEA WEED TONIC, nnd MANDRAKE PILLS. Tlieso mv tho onlv medicines that will euro Pulmonary Consumption. Dr. Schenck has been In constant practice over thirty yeais conllnu. ally cxnuilulug luugs. and knows bts medicines, il properjy iitiieu, win cuio uousumpiiou, lus MnndiakB l'llls cleanso tlio liver aud stouiaclii his Se.i Weed Tonic dissolves Iho lood, sltmu latestuo coating of tho stomach, nud makes it digest, Ills Pulmonic Kyrup ripens thomnttcr, and nature throws It oil' without nny exeitlou, I'llco of the Pulmonio Syrup nnd Sea Wecil Tonic, Jl.M per bottle, or $7 00 per hull duzen. Maudrakul'illsVS eeuls per box. PREPARED ONLY AND FOR WALE 11Y J. II. SCHENCK & SON, N. IS, Corner SIXTH and ARCH Studs, I'lIII.ADCI.l'IlIA, And by Druggists nnd Dealers geneially. joiixsrox, jioIiLowav A.- cowin:.v, G02 Alien Street, Philadelimiia. Wholesale Agents, npr 12. IMMy 47 AHION PIANO. 'Ilio only fureel Iimlruninnt In tho World, Jt lswifoimfled In Itlrhnehs, Power, llrllllnney nnd lliliuLllliy, Kpeelnl liitnis loTeaehern. M allied lavorH to Clergymen, Mend for llluklntled Ailou A UlUpillUl, 0. W. FOSTER, Uenernl Anenl. innr lU'7l-tl. 'MAiicn t'liumc, PA pATENT 1 CT(iniv REMOVAL!! W. N1I7ICS, MUSIC W A It E It O () M S havo bpon removed i Il lllf! NEW 1JIWOK UUrLDrNt'l OI'PO)I'ruihelfI-,cOI'AL CHURCH, MAI NHl Where no will koop n wnerftl Rworlmartt of TIIH LATli'VI' HniDltl' MUSIC, PlANas.OUUANtl, VIOLINS, nnd nil KINDS Ol' MUHICAL iNSTlltMMNTM, AlsnMUslC IIiHtK'ifur AIMS' --I'llbMliMW. PIANO AND tlllllAN rrrOfdw AM. iWVf.m AND PUIOEt. TJI13 SI10ICirAlvEIl ITANO is Uio clioiipcsl First Class Pimm in 1.1 in ni'iirkdl. Ilavliisspeiiii'il Mm ASfnej-ol fh" (IK!). WOIIKS' RIlttOWHHP OltllANK, fiU'Ciiliiiiihl 1 1 'i. ilnly, liisothnr Willi tho ci:i.i-:i!iiATi:ii niMi'f.i: aniiemc, furnishes advantages lo purelitsers nn elKCwIicii'. STATIONAHV OK Ahli KINDS. A full nssoilmcnt of SQUARE AND OVAL FIIAMHE-3, nil f-ty'os and prices causlgutly o.i ' STECL r.nitAVINOI, CIIROMOS A COLORED I'ltllsTM, STKllEOSCUPES AND VIKWM. 3y Call and examine iu,- is'7--ilm. Tho Ilrtco of Timo Keep ore. B. ALL F. BACH 111. l. 111! TN WATCMIHS ami JEWELRY danvii.m: rn. VIIALIt AND 1'l.A'll.K WAtll". 1 UI SCll CLOI KH, WJHl AM) ami:i:i'n IVi'KM WATCI1US. Tin: itu.s'ow:n:i) i'.i.oin w.vtchk. A I.AIKinASSOllTill'.NTOF PINR Jl'.WEI.RY, DIAJIONDS A.'. tf Repalilug promptly attended to. "book assists Now nt woiU.or looking for bomo now hook, will miss It It thev do nolat once write lor cir culars of ilio liest selling hool: piilillshcd. i:tra ordinary inducementsoileied. t'roilts moro than doulilo money. Outllt free. Addresa, I'. M, P.Ki.n, i'j r.igttiu Mi,, .ow lorn. uo-iw AOKXTS WANTKII-tur the Grant ! Greeley WIliSOX! imo.VN! And tho leading men oi all partieH. 1 1 HTlilll. rOUTltAIT-i. Jllbt tho hooll w.lllled l,y tlio mnssts eve. y win. i e. Agents ntfet witu wouiUrlul hiuv'os . 'eiiil lor i trcular and mcih o terrilory at once. Adduss, ii Mi- CURDY, W Arch Bi ietpiiin, l'n. wuBwif imj.'m Tirst Prcahn A2t.In:t.'7i, Doulilo r.lovated oven, Vi'.n muig ( in i', lug Door, l'eudcr Uuard, Huuiini - i 1 (Hate, Dliect DritH. I L'Ll.Ult, VAIUtl..V SJtl Water Ktrect, M. Y. Jlrnl .lUti ; lw iniN.S'HUY'rl IILMLOCIC OINTMIINT AN'II -;Js l'LASTl.i:. The piopiletur, Ins Miceoueil In arflutHWwUtli ing Uio lilcdli'lt piSipilil, --xwni ,.i i m . .1 Mtl.ulJ I. r.uli. i.n I "it-si-"' It'sin nf tho llcmlnrti Tree, nn, t jJjV-j i,n' iiit.l a s.ilu.iiilo i.up.'irntinu Jjlfijsi I'll,' II I HUH lllll'UM'l I 111 I Uhcunt'il ism. i .li n. Pain I'm-.! or AI 1 1 r I .'tt Ml- I ' OOODSPH I il-Ml'Il.i I H7 Liberty i rc.-t,N I i il NU U V r. U, (.. hah ci'itrn lllll-S ( l Ull INZA DLAFN1 sS A Nil CATAltltll. WILL CtllU oCcuro (I. (m Tout Sample i cents, J liy mail, Dr.'li F. li l.w i, iu unwju niifjv,. ,i,i . ".v II-1W ir .iuc--riz.fjv y u Vri sits wmmmx mm WARREN OANGE IB rH oaaaemtitacmsn fl 1.1 uncom XLtUil!- Hdl'etlosS Ol IHO IS IU wtinii.iea, 1'ii.ii-, H.ut llhiuni, RlH! 'uivj.aorcs. L'loii'i.l! niious.s io Ssiih'Sr' Corns, Frost Isltoa, ChtlhlalU". Boio T-fiisiF tin. ist i and iJippli s, Rn. . - Hi's, Ktitt l in'!'. , &'l;ln ill'' ' ui 'iiii- i mef,iv i. dmiri 'lv nnturo. iltAi.l.i i N. Cltl'1'l't.Nl'UN. A 11' 7 HlKth Avenue Ni IV Yolk, ALL MIL! THE EXCILSM! Kicckner & Go's MUSEUM, AND MENAGERIE- FIllST VIRITTO THE KI5YHTONK STATE. OF Tim LAlt(llT aONSOLIDATED (MllClW, mui:i;m and mf.naherih ever OltOANI7.HI. uLooJisnuna, ON HAH'Itn.YY, JULY fit li, tv.: FOIL ONE DAY ONLY ! AH- moon cnlorlnlrnient i n'elock. livening perlornu.nce at H o'eloek, IDMIhMION jOU'fs.: rim.DitUNTEN YEARS OI'AOE.OIl V .DKII,!-1,.N'1U A l-'rw Out ul Will 1 i! irv, n at lln- iuu Exiiiiiitiuii. uuu'' I . 'y, 'I I o'clock, P, M., Lulore the o wntng i tho doors for tho tno afternoon performance. Miss II, CUDO- NA will ma're u Oram! Ascension u r,n a slnglo u lie. .' ,0 loet 'ong, irom tho gronn,! to th 1 top ol Iho Ccntio Polo of the P.i.i''m, wind mil woathor permitting. FIRST TOUR OF THESE EXHI BITIONS On tlu 'Amcikau Continent, unit are given un der POUR .MONSTER TEN'W, Mammoth Wnter-I'roof Pavilion, capable of seating r,oo srscTAXor.s, Willi scabs so arranged as I" glvo all nn oppor tuiilty of witnoisni' tho I'vlilintlou. PRE4ENT1NU ALL TOR ONE PRICE OP AD MlhtolO.S. eat- Tho mo:,t enniplete Tra-.. 1 1"; Exhibition In America. This gigantic cstubl. dimcnt, or ganized for y2. will ltiiiiiro 120 MEN AND 100 HORSES T'or Ms 'I'r'iuMiortatl'in. A MAONU'll E:' oYl.l'.ET i-UncESjjlON Ot Oriental uleml n Will Oe gfveu nu tlio morn ing or tho il ly in t..i i I'lntlini, it 10 o'clock p-eeiM'Iy, led fiytur Hgyiiiian On- m Aloxan drl , coulnln'i.g I'Ki il'. ' flo.'.IA'i siv'AN'S M'.Yl.U 1'OUN'r iAM i. to ISA Isift'SnS I uyinn.isiic Uepartmuuts i 1 1 1 i mini T.if km fit mill "iily M . , : A1U,:T. 1'UMA v ; , AU. r. nt v ijymimsl ini'l iVihna Walker, Tranozo i! nnn nmi Art jpMtii, l.c'.l It s hrr incoin r:tll t'ju,i Hut ypininni;. 'I n" poriormanco tliih. :ta nitHt hi. mi liul IiliIv in Amtirlra. inut bo Ktcu t ho npmcviutril. Inn4ua;n lulls l 1'iiiiMy tuiytnin? n jiut klua ol hur mcrll. Tho v.'nrUl-Kinii l urumicio Kiiuuhtricuno, 'VUoio iiniii una imuxtui fiau oi niuitatloit uro im voslhlo to rivfl. Tho "Man of Sloel with tho iron Jaw." lift) n nitriiiiiin rasic. n itM witn iinuiii. irsitioq a tiinn holding Uin jj pouml wcfifhls, with his teeth lUQllC. Tho Kcninlf r-aui'icjn and wointuiful ntUIIei'Jst. mi will !ir Nl ii oaiinoii.n Siy I'liiuulcr. tiluin In r f luiu!i' j , Klul dUtiiaiLio it ui loi'u tho audi . -noH and a'tshcius; i-nlivi'iu'd by :iuo ol'ci till. I'll li.'- oi VI EU A M K KNN EDY, 1 1" piov is 1 1 " 0 C lilou'i: il L'.OWU aud .st 01 ivit 1 1 ' a aiiii .. M'li.i: OAi'.itiri.Li: mai rti:. Vo 1.1 1 L.llll. cli.tiiiuii 1, in Luehaiiiuss an I linen 01 .M, mi M'LLi: CAItltlL I'AJONA. The 1'emr o illomlln, the most Tight nope iianecr or Ascensionisi oeioro 1110 puoiii'. mil, iiiiuibi i.uiai,i, Th'i rei'klens and uneqnaled Snmermnlt Itldev, nud utiiiuihtlou.ibly tlio best general nei-iorim r In tills country. THK WALllALLA lll'.OTlILUS. MAN'.JOUN aud KDWAltD. Iho lhiinoroiB nt the Gymnasium, 'lhelr ilrt oppearauco in this country, nnd lato ol UciiU'a Clique I.a Umperlcu al liailln Prussia. T ill ualnenol Iho leluulnder nf thn ar:itu nr.i omltlcd for waul ui space. JOHN DAVKNl'ORT, su. CI.OWN AMI COllIO VOCALlisr, The modarn Toli-'li'-tiiue. nn asv eonvorntlnn- allsi, and the nios: inkiestlug a'nl pleualng nuiiieiisi in 111!' ii t; , l'n' WILLI .M A. DAVIS, the Lion Ktn 'i'I.'ih il LiLtuier, an 1 Hui i mieudiiit ol all , . Ai -our In the Dens md Cng. . 1,, i "ips i 'i Auxillm i's. Ri'h', s, Voligeuis, l i .unlO , Ilio. -Is Mill Im pit illtVdlniik Hi' i:wt.i tin- Al'islle Foleeiol litis Circus, i i' ' i u'.ii-ii'l i : ihu Ciu-us. Museiiiii in', mhi g, i mora amusement, ho :(. i - and lor the same amoiml i.' intend n Circus only, You In to -I Mcllliu. i id uud the bfcLaud utu.iL 1 ll II I i 1 C'iri iv in Ameilr i. N . H, Minn.ierle i.i'Mics one hour pieviuim In i i" ( . , lis p. i lormiiuie, Nihii-1, i 'iiiuieuceg ut I) and b ii'.-l.ii k IP. M. Till ', UU'COLObSUS OF KX11IMTIONH, wit.r, hviitmr at I UEleton, Tuowluy, J uly vili. Wlikis lturre, Woilnemlav, July loth. I'lymouth, Thunhlay, July lltli. Hhlekshluuy, Friday, July Uth. lllnomslwri. liAturdiiy, July 13th. U-i Ronivmher Hie d v and dah . i'RANK ItlVFRH, tliueml Agilil. itu' '.n.''Mis ' III' " ) M"l 1 NNOUNOaMENTt thk iiLooMinttiin LiTi;n.nT ijftrrtfOTK AKn STATE NOltMAL HOlIOOli Will opon.ttnilar tho enur cinf6i of tho B0A1U) OF TllUBTtiES, . Thoy Imvo neltod iw Principal of the Itinll. tut ion ' MV. JOHN 11HMTT, f KO'illomjn whoso riuallfloalloni have heen flli,..,.Je,,"I1i.V,r'v'0,f "tllpr odiieatlonal en i.'i'X1? ?'. " 0 U't'"''l "id thoy nslc nnd i.?h. . ?J'Lt.,;Ji,.mftud '.'jr lllm nnd tho Iiinll i .'i'J iWi1,".' enoo'"i' "nnnort of our own cl tlroliB, and of tho Mollis of tho en IcrprKo and ol cduoatlon overywhero. In point of comfort, cimvonlenco and Winy of Imildlnpi and cur loundlngn, no School In ihe Hialo nuriiawes thin' onu wo tiro ildterinlnoil It lill not Im ocond It! tho kind, qua I lly una I i.jroughuof ltsdlscl pllno nnd culture. TlioflprlmjuwMlori of U-olV woelM will begin SIONDAY.'APKIL 8th, and clow JUNE ilfJnx. EXPENSES: Tuition and IIoBiiIlne, Including washing and heat, for the session ol Xwolva wockg, tO'l W. ACADEMIC DEI'A HTM EXT. Tuition for tiny pupils, ono dollar per week. In tho model school, Irom liny lo eighty ccnU Vr.2vclcV l",,,,c' "ra.wliw. Paliitliigr.tcM eilra. ivU?kn.',1 W' ".nud imistho pilii promptly, ?iV".hilifiiatlL'?.bl-,!llmlua"u tho other halfut tho inldillo of tho hcbsIou. j. a. rnuEZE, ' r.. u. rupekt. Secretary. President. 'I i O AD DAMAGES. JLv 'f hp followlup Is n list of Road damage us reportod tp May Term urn, nnd counrmed ulsl. Greenwood, road nclir A. 1'. Young, O. H. Fow ler, Joliti Kelchner, nnd Bnmttol Neyhart, view er.!, to vlow road in (Ireeuwood twp, near A. P. J oung's, assoks damage ns, follows i To Chandlor Kves, oinn To Jnelwou Robhlti!), ... ,in i,vrs, To Wm, Johnson, 'I'., ir.l.t. II.IM.I... lO.eo M.OI i.vubuu, juiiu near .ioei lieerer, ' nviil Lewis, Jesae ilarlnia.i an I II. v. Hess, vioweiu, iihses.1 diimigo im rollmi s - ' To llirnm Ash, it To Jo-l Ketler, c uio! MaiPson. nmil nn ir Homnel lClinhy, Sniiiticl Johnson, Win. I'.yirund Win.. I. lkcler.vlewom. nsncsi il'mago: ToSiunuel Itliuhy, nl 750) Iliesn damngeH will lie confirmed absolute, nt Septomlicr 'I Inn, uiilcw oliji elp nii Khould ho illidiigalnst them. WelntCud giving tho pnhlle an opiHirtuulty lo Icnow nhat In being doiionnd irallarotntlillcd It Is suppDucil to be all right. CYRUS KOIIBINH) II. J. RKKDUR, Icom. , Wm. HIlAFmt J CoMMtsstONnRh' Ol-I'ICK. Iloomshurg r.t. Aim, Mm, Kim rniAuii, olsiik. DMINIHTIIATOU'S NOTICIC. Nollc9 Is hrreliy jlveu tint lettcM of Admluls-ln,-!!"".,,'y b"" wanted by tlio Register of Wills oruiInmMn co.iuty 10 tho umlernigiii d up nn tho estato of William F. Sunder. Into ot Ksi'y 'i' ."."I'l county, now decensul. All persons in doliteil In nn1il estM . nro lequlieil tomnlre 1 ny nleul nud ull p 1 ...11., who havo claims sg'iliist sum! .t.-to li "in known f o the uuder- .'.Igned li'shieut 111 inertly nr Philadelphia, or to M. C. fffi,. n flu. I...ti ,,r I'...!, nr.. Mill, " 'i MlLlil A. SOUD1 R, LOUIS ll.'ilCOD. A'JmlnlstnUors. Juno II i"7J-lw TT:l'.:i fji RiJlHlsi'-iW. Bra Twd7e Years 7 Willi IiiiliQiu ?f 11 nu luiuuti, Ivpllliiren nf athorituiis. romarknbl ad ventures of tho famous WHITE CiilKFanuiUU WARRIOR among tho ll 'dUklns. Tniilili).;iiecoituwof Great lluntn. !! .'Uireadth Scapes anil Terrible Con lefts with Iho l)lgi;amonndho,tllc tilhcH. Spliltod descrlp- llOUH Ot tho linllds '.till l.llnrHf.lllnnu r.f flint. straugo people, 'linn HpnitK, Legends, Trndl llons. Ifow they Woo and Wed. Scalp, Doctor; Worship, ic. Now, Freeh nud Popular, Prlco LOW. It IS KeHIm? Iiv tho IlinnMnnila will, wnn- ilcrlul rapidity. Agents nro making from (30 to uuu per ween, unoico 11cm yet, vacant. Benu nl ouco for samplo chiptcrs,llluRtratlons and par ticulars to A. If. 1IU13UARD, PubllBhcr, Jam7'71-tf. 4(KlChentnntHt Phlla. VJEW DHUO STOKE. CUIUS. A. KIjEIJI Having pmthnhod tho husiness of II. P. Ltilz nowollern at tho old staud, 11 choice nuoitincu of ' DRUU3, CIIKMICAI. I'ATl'.NT MIIIHOINlH TOILllTARTICLlil, FANCY flOAP, JUtUoIins, vvc &c. ud n RCIicrat nssoitnieiitof tho choir est goods usually liiund Iu ilrstcl.iks cMahllshmcnts,, Phylelnn 1' Pri'scrlpllonsand Family IlecIp.'N ' in''y C'llilponndi'd. "ii sundaj s, opi 11 fioni S a. 111,, to 10 a. lit., mid 11 mil,' p, m to 1 p. iu, UI KM AN AND LNULWll Bl'OICLN. fell !)7i-lf CONTINENT AK j. Life In Btti? no e Ooiupany. i:w Yn;t No. of Policies tail 43$': ASSETS $5(5D0,00C TSSUKSnll tlio now form of Po .Land pruHentH as fnvoruMs icriav ns niu' i puny lu tho United WUite. Thooompuuy ill make temporary loat. m its pollclen. iiiirty uavs' grace iiuowea on eaen uiymt i, nnd tio policy liuld good during that timo. All our luilfcles are incontestable for the nm.-al cnusas. l'ollcle Issued by this company are non-f.r-feliure. No extra charges mute for travelling pcnoU . Policyholders slinro In tho annual profits ' Iho company, nud haven volco in tho oleo ioin and management of thn company. No polity m' medical loo charged, .it'STlIS LAWRENOK, Pre5't," W. II. WYNKOOP. Vloel reVt, J. P. I'.ou t hs, isooi ol.iry, S, C. t !'. ivni.i:n, Jr., Actuary. Central OiTicc of M-Meni Penn'a. "Columutan" BuiUlin, BLOOMSBUHG-, PA, CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General dgent. Jan. 5,IS72-tr. M cKELVY.NEAli&CO. IiHALKUB IN BUY GOOBS5, tntocEPvins, AKD General Mc-rQluindisG, BI.OOMKilUlio", pa. JftliZUWI