Till! I'l.OT AU.VIN'ST H.VIYU'.V. OHA1TKU I. HOW TItK 1'I.OT OIUOINATEH. Ntmr noon, tlio filh ofScplomlipr, 18M, n man lnborlnR umlcr Krcat nxcltonunit wnu wulktiig hurriedly up Hromlvvny. Now York. Ills features woro fluiliod nud convulsed, his jjlnncea wild nnil rootless, Ida wiiolo mloii ludlcntlvo of koon nnRtilsli. Turning (o (ho right Into Illcockcr filrcot, lie soon reached n plnlu thrco story nnd basement brick liouso, to which hognvo himself ndtnlttnnco. "Aro you thoro, Ittith?" ho called from the linll. A stoi) was heard ovorhcad, followed liy tho rtHtllnir of a tlrcss, and a young lady descended tho front stairs. Do Apltosovcrnl points or marked contrast, there was a family llkoucss about tho couplo tliat proclaimed them to bo broth er and sister. "Why, what's tho matter, Luko?" cried tho latter, starting at sight of tho dlstutbfd countonanco that mot her view. "Aro you 111?" "I'vojust received b.ul nows," replied tho brother, leading tho waylutotho parlor "nows which has given mo a terrlhlo shock." "Shocked? You! What has happen ed V" "In n word, Clara Ay mar Is mar ried!" "Married I" echoed tho sister, recoil ing. "Clara Aymar married! Is it possi ble?" "Yos married ! tho girl I'vobecn lay ing sleco to for years nast tho onlv girt I over cared a pin for. Imnglno tho shock una event gives mo. I'm nearly crn7y." "Then you really loved her?" "Loved her! 1 111113 1 ha vo worshipped her, or elso this thing would not liavo so completely upset 1110." "Oh, as to that, tho I033 of a thing al ways gives us an exaggerated notion of Its value," said tho sister philosophical ly, ih .ulio sank languidly Into an easy chair, and smoothed out a fold In her Hhowy morning robo. "You aro simply HliMcUed, us you say. But by to-morrow ymtwill laugh at tho wholo matter." "l)mn,;ituth 1" implored tho brother, sinking heavily into tho ncarost chair, ''tflaia Aymar Is moro to 1110 than my lid! My love for her is a delirium 1 It's no such passing fancy as you suppose, hut an everlasting passion a rage a Hood of molten lava J And l'vo counted nllnlong uiion marrying her. Tnio, sho ban njected mo twice, but I thought she'd chango her mind" "ho was In no way committed to you?" "No, of course not. Sho ho3 novcr given 1110 any encouragement. Jlutl inn none tho less surprised. I supposed that everything was favorablo enough to my wishes. 1 know that sho was still young to marry an orphan without money nnd without friends presuma bly without suitors j and I ilattercd my self thatshe couldn't always romaln in scnsiblo to my attentions.1' "You reasoned wisely enough, of course, jUuo ; dui reason nover uocuies theso matters," dcclarod tho sistor, with a sort of contemptuous compas sion. "A whim a chanco meeting a smllo or a word a moment's weakness any trille theso aro tho things by which marriages are brought about. Hut who is tho bridegroom ?" "Ah ! that's a point that will touch joii a little. I think. Can't yougucs3 who ho is?" "I haven't tho least idea." "Well, then, ho's "Will. Ilawley.', Tho sister sprang abruptly to her feet, clasping both iiands to her heart. Tho changing colors orhor brother, his agi tation, his anguish, all passed to her own features. "Will. Ilawley ?" sho gasped. "Oh, you don't mean H, Luko !" "But I do though. It's God's truth. Clara Aymar and Will. Ilawley aro husband and wife." A iicavy fall succeeded. Tho sister had fainted. Sho lay upon tho lloor as ouo dead. "Did sho think that much of Ilaw ley?" muttered tho brother, astonished. "1 didn't suppose" Ho hastened to bring a pitcher of wa ter and batho tho whlto features, and then set himself to chafing tho clenched hands. Capt. Luko Tedder wa3 twonty-soven years of ago, with an originally light comploxion, which had reddenod with gonerous living and bronzed with ex posure to wind and sun. His form was of tho average slzo and height, and his features of tho mo3t ordinary typo. Ho was siugularlysolflsh and unscrupulous, but of gentlemanly manners, being welt educated and used to good society. Ills ability as a navigator was fair for a man onus ago and experience, but lie owed hU position as commander of a lino Australian clipper, moro to respect for liisJatofatherandtosympathlziug favor than to ids own merits. Miss Kuth Tedder was two years younger than her brother, and conso rpmntly twenty-fivo years of ago, al though sho owned to only twonty. Sho wai tall, thin, and a llttlo inclined in her outlines, us In her tompor, to an gularity. Sho was not particularly bright, but sho was bold and uuscrupu loiH,and possessed a fierce energy which was capable of compensating in nny Oinerguney for lack of goniin. Tim father of tho coijplo had boon n prominent ship-owner and merchant. But in ids latter days thosonior I'cddor had bcou unfortunate, and had finally horn broken up complotoly a result hastened, it was whispered, by tho wild ways and financial irreirularitos of his smi. Tho old man's falluro had soon boon Tullowed by his death, and already for such Isfamol lio was generally forgotten, "How odd It is!" ejaculated Capt. I'ndder, as ho rubbed his sister's cold hands. ",SUa madly in Iovo with Will. J lawUjyiml I crazy after Clara Aymar 1 And now Will, and Clara aro married, and Ituth and I aro left out In tho cold." Under tho vigorous treatment ho had adopted, Mist redder soon rccovored her senses. "Aro you suro thcy'ro married?" sho rlomauded. "Perfectly. I learned tho fact half an hour alnco from Hawloy's commander Captain ureggs, you know. Captain dresgawas at the wedding. It took placo last Friday ovening tho very ovonlng aflor Hawloy's return from his last voyago to Bio. It was a quiet airalr. Only a few friouds wero Invited. But let mo ass you a question. Did Ilawloy over propo&o to you V" "No. But I expected that ho would soon do so. Ho has been hero often enough" "Yes, ho cauio sovcral times to ask 1110 for a berth In my clipper. I promls ed to think of him at tho first opening, and I really meant to help him, for I hfm " a Scncral way that you liked "I thought he'd realizo thatyou could bo of service to him," explained Miss 1'edder. "I thought he'd rcmombor that mother loft mo thU houso and n. fow thousand dollars to do as 1 pleased with. I was conscious, too, that I pos soared a fair sharo of porsonal attrac tions. And ns I supposed him to bo en tirely hoart-freo, I took It for granted that I should get him. His attentions seemed marked enough" "Ho treated you politely, of course," Interrupted Tedder, "and ho couldn't have well dono Jess, after asking mo to befrlond him. But ho nover mado any formal declaration ?" "No, ho didn't. As raato of a Rio a hip, ho was 1 nway eoven-olghtlis of tho limo, nnd I didn't expect a regular courtship. But I took It for granted'1 redder mado an impatient gesture. "Wo'vo deceived ourselves," ho mut tered. "Wo'vo been carried away by cur feelings. The girl's rejection of mo was really Intended to bo final, nnd Hawloy's visits hero wero meroly visits of business, nnd friendship, But why Carn elioultl prefor Hawioy to mo I can't Imnglno," ndded redder, drawing liliiisolf..up haughtily. "Ilawley has neither nnnio. nor-money, nor posl-Uonl" THE "Nor can I sou why Ilawloy nhottld prefer Clara Aymar to mcV said Miss I'odtler, iisbIio glanced at her rciloctlon In 0110 of tho .long mirrors near her, "Sho'an hired attondant, or something or that kind the creature." "I'd tin Idea that you thought so nittrh of II iwlcy ."observed tho brother, us he strovu to calm ills painful emo tions. Mis redder moaned. Her eyes lilt ed with tears. "1 thought all tho world of him," sho murmured. A long sllenco foil botweon the cou ple. "Well, well, they're husband and wife," at length multored I'eddcr hoarsely. "And this, I supposo, Is all thoro li to bo said." Miss I'edder com pressed hur Hps until they bled, staring at her brother witlin fixedness amounting to ferocity. "No I no!" nho breathed fiercely. "Tno matter shall not end hero. That marilHgo-thatabomlnabloinarrlago " She clutchod at hor heart again, us If sutrocatlng. I'eddcr oponcd his eyes widely. "Why. what can wo do?" he quo rled. "You wouldn't havo mo murder Ilawley, 1 supposo? Uhal wouldn't mako him your husband. And, on tho other hand, It wouldn't do ic auy good if you woro to kill Clara Aymar." "But thoro Is a way, Luko, of undo ing that marriage" redder started toward ids sister, as If electrified. "Do you mean It?" he demanded. "I mean it, and 1 swear It! I'll novcr consent to that girl's having Hawioy I I'll dig a gulf between them us broad as tho ocean! I'll undo that marriago, or diet" "Softly! WhoroisKato?" IIo roJerred to their single servant. "Sho's out for tho day," answered Miss rodder, arising and planting her self lu a chair. "Tlicro was llttlo to do, you know, a3 1 did not oxpect you homo until dinner." "Then noono will hear us." IIo drew a chair nearer to Hint of his sister nnd sat down bosldo her. "What's your idea?" ho asked, inn whisper. "My idea is to .separate them ; to turn their lovo to hate ; to dig a pit boncath their feet that will remain open for ovor I" "But how?" "Will. Ilawloy Is poor, Isn't ho?" 'Certainly ; thoro Ja no mistako about that. Ills mother was a helpless Invnlld for tho last ton years of her life, and Will. Insisted on her using forhcrcom fort every penny ho earned. It hasn't boon six months slnco howasrcllovedof that burden. Ho's poor, therefore, as you say poor as Job's turkey 1" "Then lio'll havo to leavo his darling Clara." sneered Mls3 redder vonomous- lv. "Ho'll havo to absent himself from I ids deary in order to earn their mutual bread and butter. In short, lio'll havo to go to sea again ?" "Well, yes; I supposo ho will," as sented I'eddcr. "Ho can got better wages at sea than clsowhere. He'll sail again soon, no doubt." "I thought as much. And tho sea is full of terribio dangers I When do you sail again for Australia?" "In about two wcoks possibly In ten days, as tho ship's filling up rapidly." "Ilawley is thoroughly competent to bo your first mato?" Tedder looked wonderlngly at his sister a moment, and then answered : "Of course. I know of no better man for tho post." "IIo must bo your first mate, then. You havo influence enough with your owncr?,I hopo.to turn out thopresont in incumbent? ' "Why, tho post is already vacant. Mr. Jardiug you havo seen him Mr. Jar ding has just been called homo sudden ly to Ohio,on account of his father's ill ness" "Good ! That's fortunate You must recommend Ilawloy for tho vacant placo to your owners, and get them to engage him. Tho thing can bo dono ?" "Without thnloaat ilnnht.. Tr. urns un derstood, you know, as I Just now re marked, that I was to help Hawioy at tho first opportunity. We'll according ly suppose that ho sails with mo as first mato tho noxt voyago. What then?" "You must leavo him not dead, but a prisoner on some desert island bo tween hero and Australia 1" Tedder looked his astonishment. "If it can bo dono," ho said, after n pause, "what next ?" "You must corao back and report that ho is dead, furnishing full details and good proofs. Thoso details and proofs will not bo dlilicult to manufacture Than you must bo all kindness and sympathy to tho young widow, as sho will supposo herself to be, and in less then a year thereafter sho will bo your wife." "Oh, if tills thing wero possible!" sighed Tedder, beginning to look reliev ed. "Possible ' It's as slmplo as kissing. And tho moment you aro married to Clara, I will tako a trip to Australia for my health, and naturally enough, stum bio upon tho very island whero you havo left Ilawloy j effect his rcscuo; tell him his wifo is dead ; condolo and sym pathize with him like an angel; and concludo tho wholo comedy by becom inc his wifo nnd sottlln in Australia. You'll thus havo your Clai a, on this sldo or tno ocean, and 1 shall bo happy with Hawioy on tho othor." Sho was smiling now, with every sign of anticipated triumph. As to Tedder, ho twisted nervously in his chair, scarcely vonturing to breathe "There's just ono difficulty." ho mut- lered "that of getting Ilawloy on tho ucsen isianu witnout 111s suspecting anything. "It can bo dono," and tho lips of Miss Tedder camo together like thojaws of a vico. "xncro's no uiuictuty about lliul ing asultabio island ?', "Not tho least. 1 saw tho Island in my mind's oyo the moment you uttered tho word, and n glorious ono It is for our purpose" "It will bo easy for you to get Haw loy upon It," suggested Miss Tedder thoughtrully. "If it's near your route, you can call thoro for water. If it's out of your way, you can bo blown thoro by adverso winds, or be drifted thero by unknown currents, or fetch up thoro by a mistako in your reckoning or a inuit in your enronomoter. Anil onco there, you can havo Ilawloy seized by some trusty agent, whilo ho is aslioro upon business, or you can send him sshoro under somo nrotouco. such ns looking for a deserter from tho ship or iur a siiipwrecKcu sanor, anu men sail away without him" "Say no moro," iuteruped Peddor, Willi wild exultation. "I seo how to manago tho affair from Its beginning iu 113 eiiu. "And you now seo thut wo can undo mat nateiui marrago?" "Torfectly perfectly. Tho afliilr Will reuulro a llttlo time anil nntinnrn. of course, and n llttlo expenditure of juuuuy, uui wo uro suro to iriumpn. Capital! glorious! 'What a load you havo taken from my soul, Ituth ! What a genius you aro." Ho leaned to his feet and beean nac- Imr to and fro rapidly, with tho most extravagant sluns and exclamations of joy. "First to get Ilawley on his Island." resumed Miss Teddor musingly. "Next for you to marry tho pretonded widow. TJion for rao to ro3cuo tho prisoner nnd marry mm. anu unauy ior you anu night to bo happy ,you in your way nnd I in mino you with Clara in Now York nnu wun vin. in Australia. You coiri' pro bend tho wholo project clearly ?" "From tho first stop to tho last, Thoro's ouly Just ono possibility of fall uro" '.And that ono?" "A refusal on Hawloy's part to accept tho post offered him a refusal based upon his marriago." "Miss Tedder turnod palo nt tho thought. 'But lio won't rofuso." sho soon do elared, recovering hor equanimity. "Ho has long boon wanting Just fueh n 41U imn juuk uuuii minimi; juat ruuil 11 I place Married or slnglo, ho can't ncg- leet his bread nml butter.1' COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLQOMSffTJIlG, CpLTJTTCOpyYrPa: "Won mini, mini. 1 think wo can count upon nun. Tito post ho camo hero to asu mo ior Is now vacant, nnd I win neooruingiy navo 11 oueroii to nun, lust as If nothlntr had hnnnoncd." "Exactly. You needn't speak of his marriage, or scein to know anything about it. You can simply offer him tho post in question, in nccordancowlth tho old understanding. And ho will accept 11. 110 cairt possiuiy navo any suspic ion of anything wrong. Outwardly ami apparently wo uro an on goon terms with ono another, nud will ro maln so. Lot tho wages offered him bo uuerai. rossiuiy no may object to leaving Ills young brldo so soon, but tho next voyago aftor tills 0110" Tedder Interrupted tho remark by n gc3tttro of impatience. IIo was nil oacorness now all determination. "That noxt voyago after this ono will not answer," no ucciarou. "iiawioy shall accompany mo on my very noxt trip. To mako all suro on this point, I will havo hi in ongaged this very day. In fact, I will seo to this now." IIo seized ids hat nnd gloves, nddrcss od a few words to his sister, and quietly took his doparturo down town. Tho last glances tho couplo exchanged nt tho door woro full of jubilant wlckod ncs3. Tho noxt thrco or four hours passed slowly to Miss Tedder. Sho was bo ginning to fear that tho wholo project had miscarried nl Its very commence ment, and was fretting horsolf Into n fovcr,vhon Tedder suddenly mado ills appearance. Ono glanco nt his vivid Hushes, nt his dancing eyes, nt his nlry manner, was sufficient. "Wo triumph then?" sho cried, throwing herself into liis nrms for llio first tlmo in years. "Complotoly! I saw my owners on tin subject, ami thoy sent for Hawioy. Ho at first offered somo objections, as was natural, but tho high wages, tho great step upward, tho kindly interest wo all manifested, soon brought him to n grateful ncceplnncol" "Splendid!" murmured Miss Tedder, with n ripplins laugh. "1 know tho thing was feasible And so In two wcoks moro our fond bridegroom will bo plowing tho sea again" "In two weeks moro, ituth? Wo shall bo off in six or eight days. Tho carco is lumbllncr nboard tho Flulnn Cntdcrs, to say nothing of a fair list (if passengers, tho Honeymoon or our lovlngdovoswillbo abridged tosix short days more, you may bo certain." CHAI'TEIt II. A 0 HEAT STKr TAKEN. In tho midst of tho Antarctic ocean, a littlo oirtlio roulo from Now York to Australia, thoro lies a largo island named Kerguelon's Land, or as Capt. Cook callod It the Islanil nf Tlvsnln. tlon. It was discovered just a hundred years ago, (In 1772,) by tho French naval officer whoso namo is boars. It was un inhabited then, nnd is to day as desert ed as over. The smallest school-boy among our readers can find it upon tho map of tho world, about midway betwecu the south end of Africa nnd Austrnilia. woll up toward tho South Pole. It is a hundred milos in length by fifty in breadth, and is consequently thrco or four times as largo as Ithodo Island. Its coasts nro so wild nnd dangerous that its discoverer, during tho two ex peditions that ho mado to it, did not onco brine his Shiiw to finnhnr In nnu nf its bays and harbors. its snapo is very Irregular, but some thing liko thatof an liour.pIaR. it bolncr nearly cut in two by n couplo of largo bays ; but theso two divisions aro un equal in size, tho northern peninsula being much larger than tho southern. Its coast lino is wlhllv hrnk-nn nnd jagged, its innumerable gulfs being long mm narrow, anu us promontories aro correspondingly sharp and slender, reacning out into the ocean llko fing ers. Tim l.n.lir riF Ilia :.,,!.,, 1 m semblcs that of somo hugo monster of tho antediluvian world, oven as Its capes nnd headlands resorablo such a moustor's unsightly Hmb3 and claws. A more terrific solitudo than this Islo of Desolation docs not exist upon our wilxkuu piuuet. Neither tho snows of Himalaya nor tho sands of Sahara can outvio its ter rors. No inhabitants is there, not oven a savage no house, no tree, no shrub, no luiicu nor roau, no uoiu nor garden, no horse, no dog not oven a snake or a wolf. Lone, blasted and barren, it looks liko tho skeleton of a land that has perished. It may indeed bo that Desolation is tho relic the surviving fragment of a comment mat went uown hero count less ages ago, with hosts of inhabitants, in somo vast convulsion of nature It lias certainly undorgono dreadful visitations ; been rent by earthquakes, pulverized by frost, lashed and wasted by fierco tempests. Its mountajns aro only of modorato heights, but aro capped eternally with snow. Its vegotatlon is limited to a few dwarfish plants, including somo mosses, a species or lichon, a coarso grass, n plant r&scmbling a small eabbago, nnd a sort of cress. Its winds nro raw nnd piercing, its summer cold nnd frosty, its winters thoso of tho Toiar Circles. Tho intorior of tho island is occupied by immonso boggy swamps, whero tho ground sinks at overy step. Tho rains In Desolation aro almost inees3ant,In their season, and tho island is accordingly veined with numerous torrents of fresh water, somo of which havo worn out of tho solid rock tro mondotts cavities and gullic. Tho only othor soason than that of . rains is ono of almost constant snow. Tho fogs of that ghastly regi u aro woll worthy of tho rains, being of a cioud-liko density, and hovering almost continually over tho wholo face of tho island. Tho sun of Desolation is usually hid den by a canopy of lead-colored clouds, and appears, on tho raro occasions when It Is vlsiblo, scarcely brighter than tho moon in other latitudes. As to tho moon itself, and tho stars, tho clouds and fogs rarely permit thorn to botray their existence. No fish worthy of note, not even fishes of proy, abound in tho adjacent waters, by reason, perhaps, of their con taining poisonous minerals, or deadly exhalations from tho volcanic fires bo ncath them. Yet tho LTim dark sna lni'lnslnrToc.n. latlon lias dono something to ropair tho l'cngums, uucks, gulls, cormorants unu oiner manno oirus nro plentiful In somo of its hnrbors. Seals nlso abound. Strango and terribio land ! NotasInL'Io human helm, s'n ri- na Is known, lias over lived thoro, savo as is now to bo recorded In theso pages. Near tho middle of n dull, dismal af ternoon, somo cloven wcnirs tntni- lliim tho dato of tho preceding events, tho good ship Flying Ctllders drow near to mo isianu ot Desolation, shaping her coursp toward Its northernmost bay, called by Captain Cook Christmas liar- uur, , Ir V'-Vy113 Mowing from tho n.9.rt'' ani! Unship was carrying overy BiV , hor cmlva3S. Including stud- Her crow both wair.1 about tho deck, and her passongors a otum , nuiuuui-iiuii gatnerca in groups, mostly forward, ami wn . ing with great intorcst upon tho wild, rugged shores beforo thorn, so far as tho iuk uuspeuucu upon tnoso shores per mittcd thorn to becomo vlalbln. Tho ship had coino hero for wator, nearly all her water casks having been stovo or started during n squall ten daya provlously, nnd overy soul nboard of hor having beon slnco that dato upon miuri allowance. T , , , 4 , , nmuu wiijH. LH ,c''Jcj looking unusually happy, Willi AViil. Ilawloy bosldo him, upon tno quarter-deck stood Capt, "I menn to get our wntor nbiard bo foro dark, Captain Tedder, nnd to nvold losing n night hero," Bald thi young executive, totally unconscious Jof tho plot to leavo him nlono on tho ifcsolnto island, nnd of tho oxtrnordlnaryhdvon turos which wero beforo him. Tho Btrnngo events that happened thoro, will bo found ouly In tho No Ydrk Lcdgor, which Is now ready a id for salo nt nil tho book-stores nud nows dopota. Ask for tho number dated July 13, nnd In It you will got tho continua tion or tho story from tho placo wbcro it loaves off hero. Miscollauoons. jyjILLEU'S STOKE. B, H, MILtjCU A DON, hnvn rnmnufiil Dinl utn-n tn t ..... . - ...... uiviu .vj .iig luuju luiiui'ljf occupied by Meiidculmll.on Matustrcet.niooms burg, noarly oppoille tho Ilptscopal Climoli whero thoy nrodetormlnoittoscllouniiuoilcrnto terms as cna bo procured elso whoto. Thler stock comprise LAUIliH' UHt;s8 U00D3 ot tho choicest Atvlimniwt IntAfll r(iti.int. with 11 largo assortment of Pry Hoods and (Iro- iutiut,,i'uusisuui;oi lueiouowiuga nicies Cnrpots, Oil Cloths, oths, Onssltnores, HIlftWtH, ' KlnmielN, Silks, Whlto Uoodn 1 .1 lloi in, HonpHlclrlK, Mnsllun, Ifollowwme fed arwni c Qucelmwnre, HardWAro Hoots nud Shoes, Huts nnd T3npV"" ""' " I loop 11 fir., tiinlirnll.tn, t,nokliM!-l.i in, Till I'M Co:!, ,1, Hiiitirs, 'reus, Klce, Allspice, (Jlngor, C'lniinniou, NuIihoks AND MOTIONS UKNKKAIjIjY. Ill Short, nvarvllltllf lltninlltr lrrm, In nn....,.n torus, in which thoy Invito tho attention ofth,) I'uiiiiu uiMiuntuy, j no ingupsi pneo will lio pnld for country produce In exchnngn for goods, M. II. JHHii.KiiA HON. net 3171 tf llloomHliiitK l'n. JKW STOCK OF CLOTH INO. l'resh nrrlvnt of sntiNo goods DAVID LOWIlNllKlia Invites attention to his slock of CIIEAl' AND FABIIIONAIIM: OI.OTIIINH. at his storo on MaluStroct, In tho now block, llloomsburg, l'a., whoro no has JnM rccotved from Now York nud 1'hlladclphln a full osiortmcnl of MIIN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, including tho most fashionable, durable, nnd haudsomo DKESSaoODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ItOCO, GUM, AND Olli-UJ.OTU COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has nls.0 rep len lsueu his already largo stock of CLOTH AND CAS3IMEKES, ST1UPED, FIOUItED, AND PLAIN VESTS BIIIOTS, CKAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAKS HANDKERCHIEFS, QLOVES, CUSl-lJ UtMH, AMD i ANU i AUTICL1CS Ho nas constantly on hand a largo nnd well-ke- ectod assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho is prepared to mako to order Into any Kinu or doming, on very &hort notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of home manufacture. HOLD WATCHES AND JEWTSL1! Y, ot every description, fine nnd cheap. Ills case ot lowelry Is nouurpassod In thlslplaco. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELItY.dC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENBEItU. IiaUWAi v READY RELIEF ruui Tin: woithT pains In from Ono to Twonty' Minutes. OV ONE HOUR i ru u w..lv!turmpiitnrcilaiiyono -i I i with tain. l:DW.3 l.l.AliV IU.I.1K1' 13 A CUUE FOI! UVUIIV I'AIM. Il h .is l ho fln.t aud U Tins Only J'lilll ltomoily l'i tt ui-l util- Moil tlu nnt cicruchtlnc pain,, nlliyi In lLmin..iliiit, tin.! mrt'4 l'u!iirc.lloiis,iiliclutrof tlio I.mm, M.'imuli. Iluiu)., ur ullur gutuU or urcau, ty olc U'lHut' U'JTl, IX KttOM I1N15 TO TWENTY MINUTE4, ol.mtur l.mv ili.k'iit i.r i iruiUtlni; Ihc I.alli llm ltllKU MA'IIC, lli-tl rl.i.k'it, Intlrin, t'rlnikd, nou. Neuralgic, ir l'n.ln.Uil nllli i!ltL-.i- may HulUr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wll.l, AFPOU!) INSTANT HASH. 1NT1.A5IMAIIDN IIP 'Mil: KIIINKV.S. im i,.M.iAiui.N dp the in,.mi:i!. lM'I.AMll.VlWN OP TIIIO linWKI.4. COMII'VUON OP TIIK Ll'Xl.S. Mir.i: Tiu.ovT, Mi'pirri.T iiiuutiiimi. I'ALWTAIIllN OP THE H1UIIT. HY.iTi:i:irs, i-isdci-, uuiiiiikkia. t'ATAKUH, lSrU'ENZA. ni'.uiAcin:, Tncini.uMii:. NKI UAl.niA, ltllEUJUTISSI. cm.n rmu.s win: cuu.i.i. 'I l.u n II.' a lun ..r tli- lli-iuly Ili'lliTIi llio part or i'iiUiluiu tliv .it , , r illltiwully ixlaln uULaUuiil c:m4 ai.il ttitiifoit. Tttti.ty ilropn li l.ilf i tuiul.lt r cf water will In a few ii run. Ci:MI'l, M'AHMS, SOUl. STOMACH. ilKAiii'iiiiuv, kick iii:.miai!iii:, iii tiii:iu: Wr.'!,l;:!iYt ,V'-Nl) '-"k i'"ivi:i, au.i .ill I.N I l.lt.NAI. I AIN.-. 'Irti.kT. hlo.nl. I nh-.,iji tarry a Iwllla tf ltinliini-i lluiJv li'lli-r iiillr llifi.i. A I i i'iuj.s in w..t. i i it t ui .1 .in"., or .:.l i-tiniii ,liati.'i:, f w .Ur. ItiibfUr t in I .. .Ii 11 ai.li ... Il.ilu. ...i-llii.iiU.l. I'iiVDi! .IM) AI'IJ. IT.Vnit ANU A .I'l. f . .1 ior (im i-i nH. Tlifro I, r.nt a K'liinli.il a.it ii lln iM.il.l lint ullt iiiro IVier ami ' Anc, ami lill Ml.. i ' ii-I.iih llih.iu, -i irj. I, Til to'i.l. lillow. nml i.llmi I n. ,i 1 l.r IIAIHt A H I' l.l.si Mnulrli M IIAIlW n'S l.l ,M l.i:i.n;r. j-iity Lj.ti pirliottU'. hol.l lyl)ru.'"tii ' HEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! stiiomi ami li'iii; men m.onn-iNri!i:AM: or lM tiinSiWMVJV' 1!I!Al! DR. R: A D WAY'S' SARSA PARILLIAN RESOLVENT "A-t M,uR Tin: tiitsr Asrovi-iiiNii niiw, so ',1' N HM'II' Ahl TIM CIIANin:-, fin; ''.'V... ! Nni:itiioi:s. pnnu tiik ini i ni; ' THAT '"ll"'V WlJ-M"-';l I i MliLtU IKl:; Evory Day an Inoroaao In Flosh antl Wolght Is Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Eviry ilron .f U,a 8A)U.M'.M!II.I.1AN HKSOI.VH.NT foiiiii.ui. ,-iln llir.-ilirl, llio lllu.ul, biiul Prln.', ami ollur IlilliUamt Inlccnr tliu ttfiii llio iUtrd lif.', for It renin tlta mUa ft Ilia U.ily Mill, hvw nml tniiml l.l.tiri.il. Scn.rul l . K) .lillN, l'oninn,ll..ii, (llimliilir illjoaw, I'lciH In llio 1 ruit. Muiuii, '1 iiinmi, Niilv', In tlm (llaiid, ami filler t'lrl-. f Hie m muii, Nire Lid, MriHiiond iJbllt.lririi friim Hie 1. ir. n , t II, m.r.t r. mut ..!., aLvaM-i, krut 1'itir oi,i Kcil.l lUa.l. Itiu IViaiu. halt lilu-uui, l.rt-lp'1 ii, Ai ne. Ill art S, ,u, yi mi In llio rii.li.Timu.rs: t imeii In tlie Winn:., an,l all i.iMkci,intl ana luti.ful ill,; cli mi. Ml.l Siei it, I.0-1 t'f S,erm, uuil all il.i.teiCftl,Q llle l.nnell..e. re ultlilu llu runltvo rmgo of till, Moniler of M i,lern r'Miui-liv, ai, I .t lew ill),' lumnlll l.ruvd to itn I'imoii n-ltt' U f.,r illlui tf llu.c forlal if ilUiaae Its jh,i. nl .owvr t mre. Il.em. If Hie leitl.iit. tlilly t-icoinli rnluci',l liy llio ivalcianl it wniii,.Hli..ii tint u idi.tliwilly t ronrfMlnp, micccciU In iirr. 4!I,ik lln-io w.i.le-1, nml retiln tlui .iu.u null now in itrr i m el, fi on ii ,ltl,y l,,io,l.,ii,l l,U tlio HAKSArAIIIL- 1.1 Mill III I ll.ll I -..Mu ( Nut i.i, li ii,.,-, llio riiu.u'aiLitt lliiiLrcNr cieet all I ii.mii r. iij-.II it .m.oit l.i tin hi i if ('lu,, nlr, rlcrUulom, mHitutiui il. iiiani.iiii'i,Lj umtut ltlithoiiilyiuuliitu Siltlui y it lIliKldir f.'oinpliiliils frill iry. anil Wnaili liUeaKH, flrnrel, UliklM, llrnrsy M;i..ai:. oi ttat.r. lnr..i,liii-iieoi,f I'rluo, llrlf lil'i UUurf. ll.uniniur..i, ami lu u'l i.imi 11I11 ro ll.eio nro l.ikWu.t ilS i..).lt. ur tliu ival. r 1, tl.UV, cl,,iijj-, inlu.l tli luUtalico i .utlio y lille if an iiif.or llircaJi llko kilo .Ilk. or lliera iI'IhwUi, met nkiu Hiiro U u l.rlikl'ii;, iiurnltirf hi-nsatlua ii .lion I'-i'-liiJ iu.lt r, a.il ,.ilu In tl,o buiali of tkS ILiU ami ... .,.,., .....h. cu aniioar.liirr, ami Wlilti) uuiiouu lloiijlili l.liti,, 1'ino, ..WORMS, Tlio mly I iai t, aixl euro Uciutdj' tut II wrmi- til, iaj, ; ttc. Tumor tY 115 VoaiV rou(h Cured Uy XUutiy Ucsolvoni, t. . I l.t ) I i i hi 'Jii n r Iti tli otkili-4 nud 1 ' ' " " ' .1 il . n ii L-li.l'f il." Irl.J ti.rjrtbli t'-iUitii - ti-iw'i t il in-lUfiiit L.lvtl in. I uw ir), -Urt, i, il, ,li M'Mlltry ill L ,t t !! ii f-.nU In It. I. I hU uifvr.-l r r l,lt ,. wu I tu..lt tU IwilW tf iW I tl-tt L4 una Uin if ll4it.i'i rill, ami to ti-llUnf youi U..lvi: I,w4 lUr i ii I Vuof In. o .r U U m-n tr Ml, lUt ' t 1 r . I ll Mti'j(ni)Uwelf,ei(r tli thin. I rl . 1l(lt U Jon Iv, tUv Uuol.lt r liirrl. Voti C.in iml.ll.li It If i IUNNAII T. KNAir. OK. RADWAY'S' PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, l't f.e'.ly I. it, i, clivllilly t' ill I 11 It I. Bsril rum, 1 nrflrc, riiful lie, t.uilfy. l'i in-.-, 1,11 1 t r, t.tl ii . !4Uiu'i I'lltHi for llio tur-of all ilLonkricr llio btoiuuli. l..ur, lliwilg, Klilii. i ,, Hli.!,ler. Iitnoin )i . l.iailio, 1'uii.tliia llmi, rn.tlvi-ne-4, linll 'i-.tiou, lli.H-j."Ii, llliounioh.. fill lnu 1 i.iur, lull limn illou ,, tl'e UoliI. I'll.,, ami all 110 r.iiirinei,l, of II. : Ji.ioi.,1 -,e,j. (" uu.ieil to KText atwllho cure. IMuly, VniiUU.-,.iouli.li.l. j i.o inouury, liiliuri!ii,i,rikiiUr..,iiii,iii., ' t cr Olifirv. ll,o r.,llt,i, lnt. r.i toiri mullli front III orJen or llio tlltfvtlli u OraiM t CinillpulM, liiail ril. It.llr., i rf llr lle.,1 In lag ll.l" Aililily at ll. SkuiiMh, N.utt . I 'no it urn, litiymt nf Kno.l,.i'iill ) ur tvLt la tU. tui ,t 1 . K'ur r.iti ii..ii,, rinliliir cr t luu.r A Cf ,loM.i i RAIV'HVu.lj ill rroo IksiiVon tefii'v i'.i ijmii'rirC1 "lu " !' . J'S!!..7 W"5 ANIFTIII1M,". Bwiil (.to Ulltrtlanip 1 IIAIIWAV A I II., No. UalM lMH, JJiw-V llrrMamp ipw nl8'Tl!-ly 1'Uli.i.lt Ui.-ll.luir. llulMiu. .1 il- tie ,rl, cC.Lli.ir or bla.tte .n..llon, l.,a la I ili.ir I'...iute. H..i .r Sm, HI. cr lia buhr, lb.Hljrl.1, r-irt gliulll'fcH In tU 11,1.1, i,brkiiy el l'.r.uiiu.u, 11ll.iul f 11 . ia iim! I im, I'al. lu lilt hi.'- 11..II, J.iu.1 , i.oj ,i.u4.a I lu,U, if IImi, Uraiag lu tliu Moyois' Column, - I.. J- . I, . . ' . Il, II I I tH l l tWi'V , . 1 It I ') 1-lut Jill ittlll ") 'tlillUii 9'' i ;L i -J lot ' .'I. , ,t , i,v ; i t il' . I l.ll , ' 1 ' 'II' I , I .: mrtC . ,'11 ll. ' '! , , i 1. iii ' i idiin ' H'tt . . i 'J'O I t t il i oi . r ,i.i) (.,. ' ; -J (i.i. ! ,.i I ' ,. .1 I i . I. ' i . ml i' .,' ! , l . , III. -I' i K i i.. i1 : : I . a,....-,,- ii. rii i . . i. i' 'i i , . it i 1 i ,( 1 1 1 1 1 , ' i ' l ' . i i .1 I pi UJ y Eh VI 0) w o in PI W fi (!) W H b W H P4 tt o S3 S iff tr CO LlJ r- i (9 GO 0 p. P5 0 M M 3) Pi H PI 5 H fi 0 & 3 in W y o S J 3 B ft H A 5 W g 0 Pi rt H It H s -4 'Jrl a 0 A U Pi 0 0 0 H Pi H fi 0 m w fi Pi m H H P (3 6 h- - ce ul Pi (73 ng U RS Q D CO CO cc Ul I 1U Q - CC H 5 m W"l ir O si o O H in H P) 0 a o tf tt , llr-Ki , ! ( , . ! ' I 1 ll .111, '.li III I , I ' , -. ' I 1 ' I 1 1 j 11 I J . ! I ' . i!! i . in Im . ., - I , hi r . . . .. i 1.1 i 1 i , I ' ,,l . I 1 1 , ' l. i . . .. !i j. ti in .(..If t ,i I i ii i i i I i t. ' !ij',.. i'ji " iijn t'l ' ill -I i.i ti III. Y.'l i . - . . t , i ,t ' i iii n t i i i' i ' . .it, ; j .ii I il I ' Jl ' i i. I . ,. 1 : (! , ll I. ,. l , Ijj I I . 1 1 . ' . 1 l 1. I' I , ' " .1 1 ' I , . Ill . . 'lli 1 ' , ' . 1- ,. I , . I.' I UN Kill l , I , , , nt i ii id ui liliv ui i i -i.i it .ii II . wimtt -n i i,l i i il lnlfiit ft ! 'JU '' . tn-i "i. : i ian 9 mi ut it .'u lii'o , ,.ti. I in .!!. 1iHVM it, ni Mi(3cc?.lnncoun, t uujtii--tr villi . J 'if 'Ml. ". - 1872. 1872. . )! tl NEW SLTJNCI CIOQJ)S. 1 t , .1 ' I'm- In iD "n ' -!0!- M. PLXJTZ : ,i' ' L It Ml. ii ' i .1 ml i, n - i . - , 4 It' fl . I i ' , lias ltl.1.1 t'ollll-IICrl fmiil Vmir X'nilriilllin Mil lino 111 ' .'.iirjA-oic . and, cohomsi) hilkb.I , . i i . ' 1 liYONS'.SlliKl'O.'riTNS, :' ! , , , . I .VI- "'; ., .'sii'-K i'oiNui'uq, . , j . . i 1 1 1 " ' . l'l.tlinlr,l'f mill rlicnr, , .. , i ,, r ,. , . . i. ' . 1 1 i , ' .V Ul TIN (lS, ' " ' ' v . ti ni -ii.i --i i .i,i v ii ' " ' '"!, '' 11 ' ' ' Oli'AfJS Ur.OTIIH, "' ,1. ... .,') 1 f.lili!i.tliinii(lclicnc, 't I'l" ' " WASH l'OPlifKfl, 1 r ii i ' , , ,,. ,'. n, I . .11 l l.ltK niiilcolni'tHt. ' i ' Mil'AOAN, PA NOV 'LMDS, (JO liO II !! I) (J A JI 1! II J U, IS , I'HUOAbKS, WHITE GOOBiS, ' miiMfii:, J AltliA T.1I1, Vlll()ltIA LAWN, umiioi' ii.wv.v, NAINHOOKH, IMl llll-u n l mi SIC! 1 .1J. If , 1.1 , 1 1 1, . lilNI'l.NH. NAI'KINM, DOlVl.M, ' ' 'illWIU.S l.ACl'I I'llliTAIiSM, i NOTIONS, TIUMMINGN, 1 ' .. . , . i . , .. i HOSIERY ANI) OllOVKS, ( i ' . nml owryHiIiiK generally, kqpt imn lint-class DHY ClOODS.STOUli.-i. Air i !. i , ,1.:, n : 1 . ; ! rl ' t " I i ti '.tlj nnowttrt'H ulocic,' ' I .1 j J t -l. , ,1 !(" . ,i . ' .iii 1 i in itiH wo HART O I.' CO I! Ill' 1 10 ITH B, M A1 N ' ft'? 1 1 K t:V, . l , : ' to -q ii- , . j BLOOMSIlUIia, I'A Cut illustrates lha mnnnnrnr Ifefdr 'Fountain ' Nasal Injector,! on DOUCHE. Tills Instrument la especially dcslsnctl for tho per fect application of , DR. SACC'S CATARRH REMCDV. Ills tlio only form of Instrument yet Invented nlth Mlilcli llnltl racillcina can lio earned Malt vp and pciutli applied to all pans of tlio affected nasal piii;ci, nml tlio chnmbcra or cavities communicating tlicretvlllt, In whlcli eoresnnd ulcera fieqiicnllycsist, and fronnvliicUtlio catarrhal tliscliarco ptncrallyrro coeds. TUo wantof bucccjsIu ticatlngCatatili here toforo hu arisen larscly frofii tlio lmpoesiliillty of applying remedies tu tlicso critics nnd chambers liy any or tho ordinary methods. This obstarlo in tho way of cno'ctlnr; cures is entirely nvercomo liy tho invention of tho Donelio. lu usln this liitniment, tlio Fluid Is carried by its outt w eight) no snuKino, lore ,lng or puTtping being required.) tip uno iiosiul lu alull ft-utly tlowiuij etrcain to tho lilstlictt poillcu of tho nasal p-Hsnics. passes Into nnd llimoiislily (lor.iilcs ill tho titboi and chambers connected theicnltli, aul flo.vs o-.tt n I tlio opposilo nostril. Itsiuols piquant nrd so cliuplo Dmt n child can titulcrsland It, full anil t'-vpllnlt iliiv.illotis accompany each liittrtiupni. When used Willi this llistluimi.t.Di'. Suo'n Calartlt liemcdy cures recent attacks ol ..Colli In tlio Ilontl by ft few applications. symptoms of t'aiai ili. l'rci;utiit head ache, tliscliarco l'.illinr Into throat, coiiictlnics iro f.iso, watery, thlclt mucus, purulent, ofl'tiislvo, &e. In others n dryness, dry, watery, weal; or inllamcd eye-', t-tonpln' up or obstruction of nasal pusa2e?, rlnslnz in cars, doarucsj, lianklSR and coiifldns to char throat, ulcerations, ccaba Iront ulcers, tolco alterel, nasal twanri, ofl'onsiio breath, Impatred or total deprivation ol senso of smell ard tanto, dlzzl it is, mental depression, loss of appetite, lndlgca. Una, enlarged tonsils, ticMln; coush, Ac. Only a f;w or tlicso symptoms nro likely to bo prefect lu unvcaso at ono time. lit-. Sarto's l.'iiinvili Itcmcily, Mhen used with III-. I'lorco'uNnsinl lloncliv, and accom panied with tho constitutional Irtalmtnt ulilch Is reeommonded In tho pamphlet that wraps each hot tto of tlui Homcdy, Is a peirect Fpecillo lor this loath Bomo disease, and llio ptoprletor ofl'crs, In Rood faith, sill) rpn'iml for ncaso lio can i-ot cure. The Itemedyls mild and pleasant to use, containing nn Ktronu' or caustic dru;s or poisons. Tlio Catanh Iti-mcdy Is sold utOi) cents, Uoucliu at Ul cents, liy all lii-iiiiEiutx, or illlicr will bo mailed bypro. prlctor un receipt uf oi) cents. n. v. I'lijiion. ni.n., S'llu l'upilt'tiil. QA"RRIAGE BrANUPAOTOTU', , Blooniabmu, ra , , . M, C, SI.OAN A ilttOXnl It,, Huvo ou hand oiid r.ir n.iia hi ii u . . lln vl.ia . .. U , in'. .V,T.T.; ' " ' ''" -1 ' 1 OAiiijuaca, upd; 0.11HHHUW, i:,'li,i -. nnd ovrrdwrlptlWriifWaijnril., ''L 'J ' ' ' ' pr.Aiv .Ktin'in-yif' ' Alfli, A- alilo luntorlnlH, nud by the uieJl't?.tiiyKccd usiimont will bo round to Im of tlio I.1 host elaS midsurotoglvo perfect mtliMortuli. 'alley llavo clho n Hue nnoituiout ol , of nil tho neiTcist ntut r.iOt,ljiiloiiiiiq Hylei welj mid c-velully mijuo au f tlo l,yt, ,igitcr. AuiiiBpfcllpn.oC1hc.Jr wotit iH ailed na It I bcllovod that vont tupvflur can bp found Intiie country. , anTl JTAlsIAN KKKS ,i)JRS, , 'liwlllelllUiItllianiid Jn)V n Inrillrnt lllllnli, I- .Yuiiimiiu, .11. 1VU1U. fttillX OHl iruuS .J1LO. UktaU- .fl(JOUIl(I , u ol ''I , . ITALIAN WARMS OF BEES. In lit Ainerlntri lilv at $18 per ivmrni. I will lffit"irs? ?irt "l'n''lPi,l'lncU'.colouliii nt a,ua; iiiinblo prlee, l'mqllallou Uncojia lorwlc. , . ''I nliij innlto 'to mrjfr Tlio tlouUo 10-lootri'eci Hottalillurruwa. l'rlce, sttid teetu,t!3 qplroa . VI ."iiiivi juturuiaiiiiti nuiitcsH. m n w lb V('lll l 'I (1 rfmrfJffliri'iniV! Aicoiioi.f suiunm irrcynrj n c Oic ii.li "i 1 I'm i niul a Ji(. "V- l'1- i,' Vf fiH' llcmrttur -ftrtA liiviffftntr.rTlli6 S.lcm( eWJii g off all poif'HpM,ittfttterl anil, remtwf; llj.l)eol ,1'f hcSl(hrc6mJmot,.fciiirlclinicit,i f c li'iv.tMl imih'nnlii g niiy mint! an 1 Ihty nre tut tt'ftttinmitttftic i, promt in tlitir fiction, ctrt.i n iti tli.tr r.-uli t .Vd reliable lu nil r.Mtiii of tllkciw. ' ' pin ltrmti cmi inUn (licn llllicivt ftcconl Uft Ut cllrccliun. fiU remain ma tmwtt, tirvrtiUtl tlicit tn'nc art iw (U truyitly miuir u yrn t r olU r 14 Jaii fttid the vllal ormi varted liovoml llio oltil rf fcpiir. J)yRit'i)Fila or Iiidltfrllmit llc.vlulie, V&m in tlio Slmii! Ui Coughs, '1 ikIhuc i c f the I licit, 1)jiI' in Sour Kntcutinmuf llio fitnniuli, ll.nl 'l'nbto in tin oVtli. Itiltou Ait.KlfS, l'alpiuiinu cr thi llclrl, Jti fl.imm.ntlrtn Of tlio I,ur , Tain in tlio reckons tf ilic KuU ny,(Ui(lalHm'liciltlherp,imful lymptom, aruilicUi' springs nf !Dy-pciisi,i( lu ilicsd Cumpl.initi it itif ti cflitnl, and ens "bttte will ftovc a lictWi fHiataiitet tf It tnunts tli m ji leiiuilitfindreriltQtiicutj Knt l'V'iniilo I niuiilutiiti, in utiL- or r,' ni.;r tkil cr fcjimU, .it tlui ilauii cf W'jamnlici&ii, &r tlic Iwa t T irfc, thc'Q Ionic Tlilttrs (1ipl,iy "oilecMi.il an iulluci.cj tint a miTkal iifiproVimcnt is&i)'i rvercfrisiillc, Vov lilllummutory mill Chiimlo Illicit mnlliTtt tmd Omtf, Dyspctwla or lmUHetiort, Ulliotu, UcmiUQtit ajuI Intermittent l'- err, Paani t-f tho Ulot-J, T.ivir, KMrfflv fintllll.uItUf, tlicso liiitorihnvelecn inuat etttcossful. iiach Disi iscs nr cansoi.1 Uy Vitl.itcl Utanrf, wh'tli is gcncMlly pruJuctJ by dtraiiKciUwiil of lha Ui , RtitiveOiRnns. Tlipy nio a CJciiMtt T'lirRiitlvc wrtl n a Tonus V(nieiin n!-t tile piiti'Inf metit rf aciinp a a , n iitiwerful iigout in r. ho vi iifi t,eni,i tmn f t lulltmniitiou ' otitic l.w'cr inU Vi ccr.il (iiii3, ,nnl in liilinm Dise.nes, Vov Mtlu Dliicnscv, i;iupijon, Totter, Suit Klibiim, l.Kitclio, Spni, l'lmplur, I'lpmlt , I!ni'-, Car-Imnc't'-, KiiiH-worim, .Sfnlrt-llentl.Sorc l.jc, 1 rj.ipd i. Itrli, Stint l)rctiliiatm!ii of tlm Slim, Jtumtu aul D'rneiseS if tlu'Skin. cf tt!nt.cf tiainc ft mtv.re, uc literally tin,; up aiul carritd out tf ilie ejbiem in ailitrt time bv the u o of tlice H.ttcr. (Inc brittle in suth cams will com itice tlio aicrtdulou i of tlitir turativo CflOLU, find it imji'iiuios bnntmtj tlirtniLli t!u l.m in J'lmiu', Kmptinm, t,r Botcti1 tietnrj it vbcti you find it ob sinictcil nml sliiggbti in thevenr.: cloanic it wlitu it Ik f iiii I jour fecbni will U1! joi when. Keep tlio blood jiUKmul the btwltJi of tlio (jsteni will fo'low. fJratcfiit 11inniiutil4 t rotlaiin Vistgar Bit rim ilia mut wtiulerftit ImiajrAtit tint cur sustained Ihc sinliinn sy-itni. ... IMn 'I'njic, nnu ntlicr Worm, litibinR In ilin ey.it cm df bi iiwny thau'-aiKU, nre elfectunlly destroyed nnd rcmrived. Sivt a di&liiiRuilKd plivMoloi-istj 'I'hcro u Fcarccly m iudivldu.it upou the face tf the cutli whose Lody ii exempt fiom the presence of worms. It is not upou tlm henhhy element nftbi botlythtit norms exist, but up -n the tbsoucd liiuuor .md blutiy depoiita th.it jirccd tht-e living inon-lert rf cb'C.Te. No system nf ricdicb1?, no vcimifuKon, no nnthelatmUtcr. will frca tlio j tt( ui from worms like these liuum. Mecliuiitcnl DNrtHcs. l'trons engagtil in PhibH and HitnernN, tucti ns rimribCM, 7Vjk Setter, CuM-bc.itcri and Mincir, ns they tv Uauco in life, will ba mij''tt to inralyti of the llouJ . To uu.iid nfjatnt lhisIilte .nl'uof VM.i;fttt''i VlKKGAIt IJittit. f I1C3 rr tuire a cc,as n I'k vcutivij. IMIImis, ltc niKttnti mid tutcvinlUcitt 1'YvciS) which am kM'prcValeht in the vallej i f f our cu.it r:i-rj thiouRtiot't Uio Uniud States, cpcchlly tlind cf the fifi -.rippl, Ohio, Ml sntirl. Illinois, Tun iiufc, Cuin'iorlnuO, ArltarriF, lied, Coloinrio, Haift Uiotiiande, Pe ul, Al.tbama, Mcbile, S.t innah.l'oanolic, Jamofl, and many oll.cri, with thur vvt trilnitariei, tlirmi Jiout nur tnt.ro country during the Slimmer and Autuinu, ond reiliarlt ih'y M durin scaiom ol ununal licit and ihne s, arj in.uaUy ntojiiipnuitd by exten sive d ra'')! idi cT the stomach ai.d Intr, nnd uthtr abt(jiuiuaMfecra, 'llicro aia ahwSi mtu or lcsa tb trnrlinns of the liver, a wud.nc i and iniiahte fated the .tniinch, and prciftfn,f r rf tha hnwol buin ; cIo--mI ii whltiuud acoamiiiatig i. hi their titat ' mfcm.M riti-MK?, 'A-r'i.in a fw rtnl inl'iitiit i up-n 1U5 o viih'J iw'i,ii,cfcciiiir41yiieccaari', 'Ihere ia l'hta'nnrrif'f r tlio p.tr o e ntiul tJ Dn J. W l uru's Itirn 'is " tleyuill niia.dily rcniu tho (hi!-Ltiltr.d hctl maita u.th whu.'i tho l-i,.l3 nro loa 11, at the nine tf no Mini dnim" th pcereimni nf t!ia luur, .md uti ill (i.-kviii : th- hildiy tuuttivui t.f tl..i distiw rn scioiul;' u IiluV V.viU Wh la S-.U imr, UlfeH Vr fpi'i, 1 N O i,r, bu.'HUil ilainiiii)tn", Ji. UUht- liiP.rimiitioit, Mercurud Af r.cti(i'i , f!d S u , I iiijitu us ol the ISUip, Knrs l'.yes, .etc., etc. hi ihmi.ai I.i Ml oilKTcmititMtlcrtal TJiscasc, Wai ki h -i liu iuuff Im. J)fci.0 n iUit Kteat cuMt'v r,".rii'M,.u u?-.l.i.1(a' a-ul httrac'ablj VVt? 'r.Vrriili VliUnr B!Hir art 'iiiaji i'i,TrjtWit6 ruitfljr niutier. Uy fiiTitvn tlu .A i ' t'i -. , 1 1 ! ' . i (,'lwi aray iii. v j i. 1 ,t. ii nl- t ' icfhr f'tpos-.tf tilt' i id u: I .a . ii 1 ...in, Itid 1 t -.1,. il.U.t tui J IM t-l d ' 'I'JlU l'lJCltIt I ((( JilUiVAtKTt'i VlMTSt 1111' 1 Iki l 1, li li - 1 Lj . i i Ui( Mu'itt ipwt, l.tllLK ',il)i'ii-tt'nHeliti-,C6inicr Iifit.Mt,' ' "Wi'li UtVA'ffifttfb', . v.'v rf IV'v.V''n:1;!-"j'i"l vt.llu',tii ire tlio ln.t ifcl rnfi' i-'tt- f, 'ujitinr i .'nl in i'1-.uvit fjcis u7t r l1 nifi,, llwiCi 9i -nitjii.tnllrLiil rouct thj '1 1 l SlUuu ptiiiKrl'ti .till in ilt.'l, nml bwell, rWI .tlillt'l III "Ml st-lrti, C'rt I'lnn'l' l kf'tl1- f ft r'"3 tTni'i "liTrnn ilfoDplTio sy'l'u.'i" I.,' Li.,1 iLAKiJr,.v . cnuuini ' linr Anii-ni.:, . .liu' i.i. Iicl ilia twiu-tlon of 1 Ir, 1, ,, ll lllll. I. .ll.fl 1, .1 ll llrtsr li 11! i .' .il i -iMf f I . i cfta . r lit .iri .1 VrfirVI- ' li'vl.,-'i,'!-'t''tltHcr"e I. f "rf- , ..,. i. .. .,j t,i)j(t i , ah nil(ii c i" '' ,1'mi f'ciimi.1. Ihc lui, ll. ,,VlwlU lus.lii.ldj)'! ul tin HtKi MS r 1 . , 1 1 1-1, .i , it. Vl-. .i' Hit- 1' ..I.: .l"'s"lv'l'lJl if-' . ' i ' t, h i! 1 1 i i' uK, ,1, iii vi iiwry ii'at,' ... ..1 I. . ,luiU h.I j,.rrii'l iif-r ..r. at';- a.lN it ilf,r 1 .J 1 in Irs il . I.. .,f iit-t'.'rJ.Hl.'i. 1- 41 t, I l ,1 , I I l'-ft i ! i. . 1 : lU V.lMi '- ' 1. I il , I i l ir.i',. fi -,i I . "ii 1 Yv ; , , - t-i : .'I i' '. 1 I. , l.ti - Ola i v,i:ls-nisl..il. I . I I 1,., I.Hllli 11 VL-oiiii.'. anil trl.u mil- .u y s.. a.ij s I .'KVS.I.IK'.CO., i.i l'i ... ll I .. i... ui , .Ntiv Vorit, I .1' HI. L.UlsS. til '-7- 11m Tin: fxc'iiiniM::: that COMrOSi: HOS D l.lc nro 'I'li'ilislird on eVe1' p i :", there- ibro it m nntu Faint i c.r.it.on, , con.stat':!).! ,, k il'IITfiK'I.VK'S PUir.ri'.tUr; JT litis aicertniri emi'.'.r ! rolhln, jiiyijiilis iu r.llitui.r.uf1,iiitv.:i...i-ili-'i.t, Skill n;s,n -i, ! v, r t'n ,t lilti'lt' tihil all ui .- " rf t'.'j iUO'wfl, . , i- 01-13 2JIII,3 C'? Iii i'AUi -will ilu more jou.l t!.u t .1 1 ,;C I ui' llio Krujn ol' tiar.-iji .nil t. THE UNOCnV.lGllCO PHYSICIANS Ii tvo tucil r.rs.ai!.)l;s in tLtirjiriftic a fur tho I'-i'sl tlir'oo yearn 1t1.1l ftfel y oiiilurfti it trt relialib Altcr.itlt) ail l!.ip.l ('urilicr. ril.-'' ' 7 fit II. of JJuUim.ro. Iiii-'.- -''l-f.., ' ruu 11. v.j v. 1:11. 'i n't r IX'T '.SVl l.LY. 'I' IWt, .1. ti HJ'AIlKrf, ul NUhnhsMlV, I.. .. l-.y. .. . 1. 1. .lucinTUA, i.v.iumiiii. .'A.Si'-fflTlT.lS. t-.l-, men) aid raiDonsED by ' CSSH V- H- Tlfc.VCl I S S 0.S, lill River; fj t. tv. stiTif, j'.r- !, jri, ' il U ( i' vj.i., i.n.i'.o'ii.i. 11 Wl Inni ntiw.ft ilv H. 11, 1' CIlAVlilM iS; lV.,(r,nlmtll!i, Vn. iV.MX. ti. f.Ji.i'ADl;ii., J.uifrccs, n libio.'fi. :. Ourspftco l.ltiflt slim? nf anyev, tC lilCil UUMlitl l.l Jii.tluU tU till, flrtHesof ltOMrljh. ToIIip Mi'illral riTjfrhiouweniai.uiti,i'ii 1'lulJ lis tra IMHn'tlort'i any tiny liao ewr list-.t lit ttid trcalQlcnt At illscascil llloi.l; alf.ltiilli .illlii in.I mt say tiy Kowliils, m. I yii . 111 1.0 renuroj ly l.Q.illh. llof.i tails Is aul.1 I v all r)riK-!'l.;U. 1'tko 81-5t per ln.ttlo. ,ijK s DIl, CLBUEli:a I; CO. Hlrivfaiturivff CUmUi, Ualtiuoi.i:, lib. .Inlv '31-71 lv. v,TwTii,rfi?i.: iirs vn-j r - ....... i.i.i,uQ, VVr4'VTCcinilly'cnlI tlio nt'0Mii,,,'i ,.1' i-nln i.'PS"."1.? S puifli.uo our niitlca 01 l'lnuri. '0 nip t.itKutiI that wo tan ulvo wvtli,j.tettoii lit bvrvy rase. OiiMrorlrmeuslillllYilnnV MiSrlc t ce I nml nro unaor tUa peuoualMtpBrlnu ta"u"o pr tho ruemlxTH or our Arm. AYo iifce only llio l)Ost heasoni'd tluiber, nnd Urn juntotlsl In Keiq. iVL1J,rstcl."s'1 0ur 1,lauo wltUont oxecntlou l!5i IS? I1"1"1.', n-'ro,ui nrtaiieeniont tllrongtt. ?a.h ' '" !" ,h0 op,lnlon or tlio niru,). coroT'O. tout Jiiducn 1 nnmoinieed Mtltinbio.' lU-thls liit-nrovcitu-nl a l'lanq i ntiulo mora tliuabio aud feeeiis tho toio longer. Vo claim for otir l.iMm. menu that thoy nto keeond to 110110, nud thiv comuluo nil tlio tHstntlul clement Unit couslf ttilo MtPTtlor worttmnnslilp. Yo t.IU fitve n written Kttnrnnteo lor Uvo jvars, b 1 -... 111.1,1.1.1, iiiuiuur r 01 fllll'ilrlit VTUX vtilt. Wlopil.Uuri.lpbriiKi',S tu ii Mtif rtiiitntfeitil lotuuiuof nil l'lauos" Juilto ,aLsoUL'Oi)tjMiV,HlKULlN,UIr. J, K.ilttAxu will nifond lo our biislurjsJi (u JIJoouuiIiuih iuid miipitlMflrort'OtlvoiAdBnfleltonldrV r .WO CSIU U'lVO tllliVcrv Lu.Llnr.iinnr.ru' , u u 11 1 ' - u - rf.YKril.B'lt cb. I'!' l:lerlt'inuoofgnfl', mu .Mclodconn llvo octavo nnd ilvo (.top oiHutirtol H o lie I innko, fcold nt eiia 'I'ernm ciiky. 11110 'il . ' ,-t'i . i n i'...n .f v('liril.l l .'.I 'l " I r il ir'Tt i-ol.li,' A Rail Honda. '4"illl)l, V. ', HUMJInUtU'lllIl! I'X'tll i. (i4itudayn Kxeotitnii.i O1 UAHTWATin v r T,, 1 i """t-wwn. in, "t .. Uullihlrt ftt Jl r,.niatUiu'.n"d ttlUVwu i, iV.i i . , , '"ttaniouji,, in. " "fat2Ti "t" ilclflila nt iiTl a, i, " nui1 RrrlVe nt Wi,tl'. U.'j," llnirliil... ..'.. . uarrlilntfsr fluuV dv, M?nul J".v,l, i it1'. .i ' ' i4'iiminjj,j fl ,il?,7i:,.SJ:ri-'iil Vc,t. for 1'rir. , ... rlyl-iii.rie laTiirjii. " M -n.'tV t:2n. m, 4l mivm ni I'm J.SO-I.-nit r ir,'V"1: ,ui".a: "' . la'iA-T"1' ''"'""ci'cer Tram leaven n , Uj, " "' """ "i i'lll.ljlli ; at ,?;.w7'-1;Iii'0kIi l'n'ierl!!"i' Train lr gnoitTrai' rvOUTE eastwak Danville, Hazlei&fiteteiLli V,!,i3AI1"-. .. wiarw-vp.i ?l" i:iz i ja iNew i .-, -"It-., 4. II. I.I. IU i;,tst in. I'hll.t llcllili lltuk ion ' ,,2J IICIIUOIJO.I, 1'UllnduliiliI.i ;J U10 Haulctoii. . ' . i3 .t'-lt.wlHs-i, j: I n.iiiviiio. " :i .n i 1 Muni,,,. .. isuw Yoit, Tlmnrinv,,,,, i.. - ... " ': ,,,,, i, T I. . .. ii.iin ijijimcniy at otlli'ii . ii V lllt?if i U-V,11,1' lr"l Ro' Wow ", ,, II.,. v .r',Llv. JWLUI'llVI'IU.II 1.111 HIM 1 "tltVitn I'l'l'li'il Wli, in., lnov n . -oi n II 11ilk'""i W'1 nmlllii now lllrouli: i ' '" ' ' ' Lomicrtiililo nnd li.iuili. uno (,'o.ieii lietv ionti. J, limtVUY j;a;,h, supu'iii u jygiVJL.'JIlSUiN .'IJiNTHAL 1 , . On and after Jniio'Al.'i!.?.', Tr w leavoaujiiiW(ytinio)lov : NOIlTHWAItu. l'.'.il r.ri.iiiltytinvilll.'imiiirirt, i ,,. , (Itlxtui, llotlie.iter, lladalii, 'I in n , ,,, i nml In, l alls. is. pi v. ir.iiintr.iin, n. v.iiii, .if. (i.Uin. m.Willlaiii.,iiort IJlunni i:rlo,t ,-!0,..M" I,a,Iv. tfe.f'll.lil'i- 0 fn I I., t ' i ( ( 7 .7 7; ' I lllUlllll jllll.l, ' JJ.'J; A.I,l).Ul-(,-cort lluu Ity3)rin li.i ira Wasliliigtoii .ltd i'.ili.ij o.'i) l'. Ually (oscfiit Hit 'i I-. 1'hllndi'ltifu.i, ac, , .. , .. -i In I. CMir"!-!.! ! Vt-nisn li.J'ii.ii.ij.niM.iiiii.'t. JiAJNQ ( 'RAIL. UOA D. 'KUMMKIl'AllUAir'J'.iln.N . i .. I , -To: iiAYj :tay ,, . ,., V . t i.rl'liii.id.l1j'i,.t1 v,-fiaJj i V1 1'o, liini.t'iua, A.spiaiii', f ,.u ,l a i AUutltiwu, Jir.tloii, HpUraln, l.itlr, T m Columbia, cc., ' 'i'mtit'tlotvo ir.iiKbtlrr fnr S i a .. hM'tln Vitb f.. mil. ir ir,.: iii'fc1'"il''u,ul'.t)ia iiwivlnu at N w W,C7, n. m., J,r5, ami u.lj ji. ia. i, r iicinrutni;: L.eavo Xe-.y Yni'i n n Ujupuu iimlO.ijii.m. Pliltailclii.'ii.i at a. m, and 3.3t) p. in. l.iAo llnrilsburr-jor lliiniMirt, I'm i niurma, Mluersvlllu, A,l.l'uiil, sliauim. liulown and l'liila'il. m , ion. in., nml I, tijpju,,Mopinaiar,ei,aii ,n huiI in' in ' ilatlou-.; Hie l.uj p.m. tr.iiu i- h , I'ttlat ilia ami Lolumlnu opt.. l.,r P" icluij lUill JlaVcU mid Alum, .i, v ,uil EiuwiiKiiauuu Kiilln.il, ,k- , J,IJ ii.ii.. J-.it 1'eiuiiylv.iiilnlt.illi'o'i I '"a'rv. I Im; i.ir Allonlowii Kninn and Mnv i Ki.iO, n. ui,, nud l.oi i it. unu i,re.v Yi.ilt r.t (MU a. in., l'.'..M nonti i no ami Alluituwu nl r.ilj.i. in. i.iih.U , Mi.i u.lj p.m. Yi'it' I'unsuuiier Train loaves I'lul r.'.iiu.m., eiiiimiitliiB Willi i ' .ii,) ' i l'n, mll.oadietuiuliii; liuin JtciJlia, bloiiplue ut all uIiiiImuI, Lt.ivo I'ollsvillo nt B.09 a.m., a Jlemdou ntlu.in.ia. tn., Hliamolcln nt j-mt " n. in., Aslilaud nt 7,i,.i a.m. nnd 1J, la um iiuuy Clly at 7.11 it, m, nnd l.lil p. in. In n. in., nud L'.lu p. in. ior Plnlu ai,iij YoiU, lle-tdlnfi, Han li,biii'i:,i!Lc, .Lutvtj 1'titUvillu via Hoiiiii U:t!l n'ni hmmii llallrondut S.15 it.m. lor 1'iu i . II, u ii, m., lor l'lno (Jiovo uiul Trtiii' nl, , IltaLlliia AccommoWtlou Train ,-a VPIo at 5.1.0 ll. m,, inis-,t.s Itc'lilli jali.i ilvJuu tit, J'lillatlelnliU nt Wo a. in, Id J avci l'lillndolplil.t til, u,15 p. in,, p u Injt nt 7,10 p.m., Hirlvlm-nt pout Vila r i ioLUioMU Au'omtitgtiitUini 'iitu wit v lnrnnt(i,15n.-ni.,rtttiViiij!j, n ,i I'L lN'1'lllt Ittlll Cill I'll) at 1,11) l,lll. I'oiumui.i P.'iilmiid Ji in. 7,-0 a.m., and ii.I'i p.m. for 1'iiin ''.J.t i.. tv, OuluicbU, .to.; letuiului; U-nvo l.ni' m CO a. m. and p. in., and t mil m ' in, mi I i.'.li it. nl', I'ui 1-hunt n U 11 Ho.til 'i i . ir, ii i Innt'.i'Hi M7!lii o.ion. m :l,wi 5 lip. .Itili: t..,( fci.iiVi'piil.6iii" utt.;u, u.fi a." 'HtVm A 1.1 j i'.irtcii'tui.i.i.uu Willi ''.u .. onoif((:idIu,!l:JJio:iit. L'wl. bloukili li- itmlinad ttulit It"it ntlMlit.m,l.20ii,ii'j 7.1-1 imn. rtttirnlnc. li 1:.. an; ..i '.'...', !..'jj:.a ll.. .ti. iii.,,'-j, ,ui, neetlnsr ttltn similar trains on Hcadim, '' J'lcltci msr V.tlli y Itallrontl tralus li.i e iilwillr.it il.io ii. m ,i.lo and ri..VI p, o. In, li'aii liyeinntii..i,'jiMn., It'.l'i mui cuiuiui;liii,t wllli trains ou Itoadlui: lia n On-itrr Vi'lliy l'nllK.ad Trnlni I pot i at f.bon. ni, nud .',ii mid O.i'l p. in, il I.'avu Jiuvnl.i ,iou nl (i.Ci n. in,, pi,. , fi.U n, m e.iinipelli, ; wltb bimllar i H'.iiJini. Jtaili.ii.d. On Hnudnyi, ItnvoSTi w Vorl: at 5, It p tt. plimut h.titi n.iu.mul j, . ji.iii,, (tUo t-.'-jn.iii lunuliiKonly Uilt,'aill..(ii)le.it'l'ollsvilli Jlanlsburc ut i.ti n. in. nnd i(l p, n Unvii AlUntoivnni ixi nnd u.n p. iii.,.m ltnulliif! nt 7,11 ii.m.iind KUKp, in, lor ii i buif, itl l.:lla. ui. lor iNnw YoiU,ul7..'uii. Alliulowii nnd (itu.10 n. in.' nud i.Pi' " l'01mlclilil.i, , C'oniiiiui tuiii, Jlili.e. lii-nhon, s i l.xciiiKinn itiiiu-i itiniid from nil poin . 'li?!!nj:i, cfi Irt'd tm- )itv,li; 100 point. i t IL1! i l-l II J. 1 1YO' I UM. Hupl. !;, . Ik .'1.11(1,14., Utjy 0, j(.'. i,CHl;oinSlROCERIEf ' DOWN TN PtICE 7., st. ,jr a i a a ' a. - MlDlStl vtlilrilttlKl CVllllX IIIK,, nil I . "W-'i ,A V'M l"dU ot iKiri-li UoytHiJuAtppeui " ' .MA'1 v iTilim, (floffnoH, Suffai'N, Vi:til.TAi:i.i:H,' ji:it.MliTJl,'AI.LY t Uoods. jklli'im ami I'Rt-'sfutvi'is, nrici.rs FOllUlUNnatllJOMiaiUOl'ltL An Elegnni AspiovtnK ' i ' OF QUEBNfJWARB rnn'istn'ntly on lirunl. AlJ. YCOJ), yj.1.0V find Ul-A n A . cciy v.uii.ly, All my goods nio ol tlio (Ir.'.t quality and ' tronielylowpi'ltol. ...... , dtci'71-tl J. II, Ml' LOST. - Nenr Eeutou Juno tltilli. I 'S f I noid Hpectnelcii nud cn'o Ih'IoiicIiik ;i IU. ' JlUlcnry Hie, lldtf wUl hq liUcmlly r- by rfiurnliiKllitmlb tho owner. .,,,.. , Junoll,U7k-Sl. J.i J. jriU BTiANK 'AKEiTST ' .il .i,. .....i .1,. t. i Yb linw.liavo tUo; ucstnisoilni' lUffl I A;1" DMnitH ,X liViiii'Kirt fnr mm iimi wtre ev ikf'l'l.lil yipouubuij!. , I-araotlMon Lnjt I . motpiTlr, lYirHiilon Jicrl4rrxeetitor' Ihq IMwnwrTmliwnf " it???.. lUlllluilll VOUlJinilP WJ l ilonn r, r- 1 I imdmrivo. mUl,!MSJKjii tr. ( , AlinillllHlltllOr'H JILVtm ftllllllt L10 tivin, Ill ap (ininton J ice (Im, Ac,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers