The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 05, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Friday, July 5, 1S72.
Hnilroad Tlmo TabU.
North. Booth.
Mull D.1A M. 4t-71 M,
Arcimmoilatlou -.. 4.WA.M. ll-MP.M.
Kipu t fcM 1. M, 9-.SJ A. M,
(Join North. Doing (tori th.
4:1 T. M. llllf A. M.
Kt. Buy. Bishop JIoWKadtulnlBU-r.
odthorlto of confirmation to twonty
nlno persons in Cnrlst Church, Dan
ville, on Sunday last.
It is said that nn onion bound upon
tho pulse, on tho wrist, will slop the
most Inveterate toothncho Innfow in In-
Editing a paper U very much llko
carrying an umhrullu on n wlnily day ;
everybody thinks ho could ntannue
better than the ono who has hold of
0. B, MELUCK hart hf-en app' In tl U
S. In nlninnf J. 1J R'bl
win riMgnril. This Is mi Hip"lntt'iiiit
that will glvn W" ril niilsfiictnn.
Tub PlltJton Ounef (In l.'p-vil.'n .J
my-: "Wu Intvnyul tn (1ml tin llrat It"
publican who think ft will be
Ov Monday nf tn-t wivK.o'i iii'tlni
nf Mr. Mi'tZ.'ttr, (J. H. Ilriultivm' wus
aliitlltH to prst'tlco in llmai'Vi-rul U. S
Willlmii R-'inlnynf Omi;.vIPc wus
leT-i-ntly HHiiti'iit'cd by tin. United Stall'-"
Court Mi Wllllmnxport to s.'ven yenis In
the 1't'iillfiiilHry and $1000 fine, push
lni; counterfeit money.
Co'timbl'i Democrat it tho title of -
ilcmooMtlc eitmpiljrn piper Jut start
ed at Bloonwburtf. Sunbury Guard.
Not much It Isn't. Just, tako another
look at that piper, Mr. Guard and you
will neo your nilstakn.
I.EAN11KU, Cahman of Bunion, tho
owner of tho horso "Frank Brown"
was kicked by tho anlintil whilst In
Mlllville on Wednesday of last week
and so badly Irjured as tocausohis
death hi a few hours.
A TKIALls Kolnn on In Northuinber
hind couuly, in which a school director
ti-nllQcd that ho received twelve dollars
from a candidate for County Superlu
tendont of Schools, to bo divided
among tho other directors, in pnyment
of their votes.
The Republican of this town alludes
to Forney's Press as a 'guerrilla sheet. '
This is good, nnd Bounds very much as
h remark would have done from David
nf old to Goliath of Oath to the effect
that tho latter was 'a miserablo little
Thehk was a gonernl exodus of our
townspeople on thn Fourth In Wlltcn-.
llarre, Sunbury, Dnvllln and other
jilaces where there were public eelehra
tl'ins. Tho Friendship Firo Cumpn
nyvvilh tho band went to Danville.
Picnic wero numerous and well at
tend d.
We IfB'n that hIiic 111" recent rain",
tti ut u tilth have thus fur In the -u'limn
Iu-mi .crin In Kli-hlni: CrrK, Imvu In,
entiif qui ot'hiily. Thlswl I Ih .lH.Mrit
rnw tor tlm-i' hajipy mnriiiU wlm hav
nnililmr muri' lini"r'n'it tidi'liis h"t
Wt'SlllIT lll'lll e J liMlll' l-o'lv S.
Wkmui 'nui'li urnM-il h-'
i f nun I tr Hiii on I in. I.,
uliit'i v-.- Ii fun ml M . .1. 1
In Tiili'i; 11111I , und-T tin- -r
I le- fii iiiy.
t- It li It
a-'. T
Injunction Case.
On tho M Inst. Judeo Elwoll fllod
an onlnlon. nccoiiinanlod hy a decree
for an Injunction in fivur of tho North
and Wost Brunch R'llroad Company,
niralnst tho Dinvlllo. llazloton nnd
Wllkosb-trro Railroad Company, to ro
strain tho latter company from con
structing a railroad ou tho lino survey.
cd by tho formor company ou tho south
bank of tho Susquohonna river from
Catawlssj, eastward In tho County of
Columbia. Security to bo given by the
plaintiff In tho sum of$10,000 to pay all
damages In ease tho Injunction should
not bo sustained ou final bearing
lllCN.IAMIN HlKllKU, 0110 uf tho Oldest
cltleens of Catawlssa was drowned in
tho river near that town ou Tuesday
morning last. Ho was soeu to go to tho
river nnd it was not until his protrac
ted nbsenco gave rlso to fear for his
safety, that a soarch was lustltudud.
His body was recovered In tho afternoon.
Danikf. F. Skyiieht, well known to
cltlzuns of this county, was convicted
of infraction nf tho revenuo laws at the
session of tho U. 8. Dlntrlet Court in
Wi.llamspnrt, and was sentenced to
four yenrs In tho penitentiary and to a
tll.'i of $'),000. lie hns also to pay a fine
o $4,400 In another suit which will
iiMko, with tho costs h total r.f no.irly
t'.'.OOO. Thcreaioyetoth-rlndlc-iiipnta
iiusldhl Sinlx rt on which he will lo
libit when his prwent term of Inipris
i.inui'iit t'Xir.M,
fi.MAl.l, I'ox. The scrtM! inrfgirdto
IIih prMVHli't Crt of hiiiiiILiiiiy m. Mliont
u'ld. d. Voire liHVeliee'i nonew cases
iitd limit of tin o d 0'ies Hro ("iiivsl'-s.
"'it. no'i It is h thro will lie no
more n.'Wisises 1' "p fru'ii th" cum
try need mil Iim iifntiil to entiio to Ash
laml now. Ttieio is no in"ri! ilaiitri-r o
(Michlnir the siimll-Hix hcrotlmn If they
renmliifl at lnme. Tho hnlth anil
mnltary eoudltlonrirthe town ivj-iipvit
In boitfreondltloii. 1 shtund Advocate.
Ir is ineiitlonid as h eorlons friclliv
n'll wootNuieri that thft beech and syca-
niofe irees aro never struck with lluht.
nltiL', thoiiirii f un'l In close proximity
toodk. hiclsorvnnd tree.s nf nthirun
cles that liiivn been nenmed or torn in
pn ce oy tno suotio tluhl.
Wo havo tho assurauco of an Intolll.
gent gentleman of this town, that thiro
is not a word of truth in thnabovostato
merit. Ho has kuown numerous In
stances when beech trees havo been
struck, other trees escaping untouched.
A pkw months ago tho Town Coun
ell pasicd an ordlnanco for tho paving
of Third St. A fowcltlr.ons havo com
piled with tho order, but tho largo ma
Jorlty havo paid no niton t Ion to Its ru
autromcnts. As n const nuenco, ono of
our finest Btroots proscntsa rough, patch
cd up nppearanco. Either repeal tho
ordlnanco or onforco it, Pooplo got a
contempt for lawmakers who do not
sco that their docroos aro oxecutou
We know that tho weather had been
warm of Into but wo did notknowjust
how warm until Sunday, when wo ob
tained tho ldoa from a very young son
of one of our most prominent cltleens
Ho had been to church and on his ro-
turn tho ribbon which served as tho
hand of his hat was missed. When ask-
cd what had become of it, tho young
gentlemnn responded "oh I It was so hot
I took it off." After hearing this wo
An Impostor. Our Masonic friends
aro cautioned against an imnostor who
gives his name as Shoplen Knowles. shape of a quotation from tho Spring
Canned Fnum. Tho impression
prevails among tlnnti who usu freely
fruits which aro put up lu tin cans, that
they are injured thoroby, tind this Im
oresslon Is in many casos correct. Wo
liavo long contended that nil preserved
fruits and vegetables should bo stored
in glass, and that no metal of any kind
should bo brought In contact with them.
All fruits contain more or leaivcgotable
acids, and others that nro highly corro
sive aro often formed by fermontntton,
and tho motalllo vessels are considerably
actod upon. Tin cans nro held tegethor
by solder, nn nlloy into which lead en
leni largely. Tills metal is easily cor-
rodod by vegetable acids, and poisonous
hsIIh aro formed. Undoubtedly many
persons aro greatly Iijured hy eating
tomatoes, peaches, etc , whlcfi havo been
placed in tin etna, nnd wo advlKuall
our friends who contemplate putting up
fruits tho present suiniri' r to ue only
ul -psjars for the purpose. -Hoitnn Jour
twlaf Chemtttry.
In ultemptln?tnlliht f oln lliefir
riMC ivl'ir or Mr M. Mj.w-ri's hou.
his morning ahou 8 o'clook. Mm IK'ht
l"g ofrt in itch near the top.if the mdlur
s nli, ti-ml ii r i txp'nloii off ml alt f
the nature of H'e-d imp, which dimiI.
ruinous wo-k with tho breakfist d
lining rvinis, ninl shattered nu iy !
t to windows of tho ho is", al-o break lie
smnr ru'iiitnr.'.
The lo-s will proh ihlv rui'ti a thou
Hind dollars nml put. .Mr. M. toH.rlnu-
Inc invenlenei! sii fir as tho use of putt
if tho Iioihh Is u'lncerneil. Alfnd M.
Kayro. (Mr. M's nephew,) Mr. Alber'
Cinkllu and Mrs. O.ige vvere scrloiifly
and p ii n fully burned about tho f.icuniid
arms, hut wo aro happy to state thai
none of tho wounds aro uon.sld.'rcil
dang.-rous.and thny aro now huvlinj the
best of caro under tho dtrec.lun of Dr.
I'attorson who was lu tho housu when
tho accident occurrod.
Tho homo is being rnmlre 1 and lu a
few days will bo habitable, again. Sul
ivan Democrat.
The Holly System. Wo return to
this subject, not because wo havo sus
picion that our Couucll bavu any Inten
tion of erecting water works, but to
give additional proof that tho "Holly
Bystem" depends for its adoption upon
bribory rather than merit. Wo havo al
ready Btated tho offer to a certain Dau
vlllo editor of $100, for tho influenco of
his paper, and that ho at ouce became
tho ad vocato of this plan. Wo havo also
stated tho offer of $100 to tho Renuh
lican of this placo,and its columns show
how warmly It has advocated it.
Wo now glvo additional proof In the
rmihi". us H' 9 IM ii s'imiI 121)2 xs fir
Hifily Tlicc .iivenlene of tlilsarlv n
iv)iiim of iiimii m itl'T I-atio.iri' t
nil iii.d the hii-lM"-.s men will n-ilnulit
ul'y I e gu ally plfa-eil thereHt
HeprnfesFos to belong to Pacific lodge,
Now York city. Honover belonged lo
that loduo. Ho also claims to havo vis
ual ntnrti', Titusvilin, Waterfordard
Union. Hn nover has visited a lodge
in either place. Ho snirts a Mason
ic pin and makes largo professions.
Tho craft holh hero and abroad are
ciutloned to I nn th'irgnurd nvainat
tills fillnw. Willintntpo't liullttin.
A Fi'IOIITFUr, frptdnnt nepiirro'l at
hi papiT mill of K. H OiiIm. In O'ta-
lJ'i.on Tiihs..i y f rnin .i. wbleh
-oiiliul in lh.lHth nf Piilrlel- Man In
a nisi hiii" e"d.T einii'oi-i'.l i h. mill.
Msriin w -h n..'aii'il in hl- ilntles m'Ihw
lv S'iiiim itii"'m h iv us iniSi
y a if', riml: I'. whiic s vni'tv
r-'l'll' ,!..' i , , I r, 1 1 1 r. w v,1l '.Is
' l'.,l. I. t)H H (I I 'Hil'l, mc.ii Ik
oriii. el'-t,. e ns.. .1 1'hln kI'
mm Iliik fp.'n ill.' Hi ii .f hi- r !."
fr .in tin. uhHf ll. whs ti, m irtln.1 n 1
h . M'iihiweil ii,n"nr llvl'ig Li M.-ts-
field Republican, ono of tho best und
moit influential of eastern papers.
WITir TIIK HOT iv fVni
uviug doiio our f'uly to tho
Til K (i"stagi on elrrii H'J. rewnpipurs otiier trtn-lwit prl'iied inntler
Mlilcli unil. r the old law was two cents
f.r every four ounces or less, N now to
Im nne cut for every two ounmv or less.
Su.uH dr. ilars which formerly cost two
cents to mall, ran be sent for one cent
-an Important roductiou to business
men who uso tho mails largely to ad
verllae their business.
At the recent session of the TJ. S Cir
cuit Court in Williamsport, In tho csso
of thu administrators of Martin Rill
meyer, deceased, vs. Tho Ouardlan
Ufa Iusuranco Company, of Now York,
h Jury was sworn und a portion of the
evidence heard, when tho plaintiffs Buf
feted a non-suit.
The loinperaturoof tho past fowdays
bun been remarkable, the thermometer
un Tuesday In this town standing at
93 decrees in tho nhadu. Tho beat in
thu cities has beon Intuntu and numcr
uiu deaths from sunstroke uro report
wl. In Now York city It Is said that so
continuous a hot term has not beeu
known for ten years. Thu moteorolo
itlcal vagaries of the past lno months
Imvu been such as to drlvo weather
lrophets to despair.
W'Karo not wanting In sympathy for
those, who havo been deprived by death
uf friends or relatives, and havo always
allowed tho uso of our columns for no
lici'u of death and for the obituary poe
Iry which follows. Tho increased value
of our spaco, howover, will, In tho fu
luro compel us to charge for Insertions
tf poetry, ot tho rates paid for local
mutter, the notice of death being pub
llnlied free. A moment's rellfCtlou will
ttiuvlncu our readers of thu Justlcu ot
iliU course.
Too Much Shade. A writer in
Uturlh und Jlime, who is vouched for
ly ilia tditnr ot that puper as a ills
tliiKUlihed phyriclau, M.iys that IhlH
living lu shaded hnu-ui, ou phailid
alriH-lH, Is ono of tho principal causes ul
tliul liisitl uus dts-asH oiiHUiuptiuii
unit uilu-r high uiediiiii uuthorltiu
haw nu'lti thu d liliti rlateiiiuiil huforn.
Hut h.U is not nil. In a damp, wi I
b niimsr, llku thu prusu it, ilm tr uts nl
to i much shade aro painfully apparent
in the. Inducement uf otucr ilitej-'r,
pculiur to the boasou, uud if thosu af
fee led do not actually havo any disease,
they uro never entirely well, unit can
only gut along by taklug Vncullous und
Kuutu chanyo ul ulr.
Ir tin if he one thing tniin 8ri' tha
i nlnr to pio'lui'.' tin- helg'H of di
c mi i (or t during 'hi-' t xcihs vely wont
wea'li. r, Unit urtic'o Is a tti'Tinometi .
It can be relied on lo reuih r any one
corMimlly consulting li hs thoroughly
uticonifortable as it Is possible to be.
For Instance, you feel heated and fancy
tho mercury inuatidinw 85 at least ; to
satisfy yourself, you tako a look and
tind It Indicates 92 What is tho re
mit? Why, you instantly b'-comu
much mnro warm than you wero beforo
and lo dojitstico to tlio occasion your
feolioga carry you to ut least 100" of
scorching misery. Thermometers nro
very good instruments to have In the
homo if thoy aro kept In tho collar or
thu ice cttest. Theyn.-o humbugs when
you can ieo them.
The Third Annual Commencement
exorcises of tho Normal School of this
town, wero held on Thursday, Juno
27th and were fully equal, if not supe
rior to tboBO of previous occasions, show
ing marked ability In tboao scholars
who participated in them and affording
tho best evldonco of tho systematic and
successful Instruction of tho Faculty, It
wus to ho expected that a school whoso
graduating class this year, to uso tho
words of tho Stato Superintendent,
"passed tho best examination of any in
tho State" should glvo satisfactory
proofs of possessing scholars of ability
and energy, and tho result did notdls-
nppolnt tho expectation. After, tho
various essays were read, orations de
livered, and presentation of diplomas
A Word
l'ANY. 11U'
public setting forth Impartially tin-
merits of tho Holly system of watuesup
ply, which has beeu officially rccim
mended for adoption hire, hsving
stated, as wehelleve, without pn Jodie,
tho r-asons for, and tho reasons Mirainxi
lis in 1 1 o luctinii. we havo a Utile mil'
ut to at it o with tho Hilly uian'auuir
lug c-tupmiy. Whim preparing till
tiimeiit of th'i ea-e, piom d cmi, w
wrote to in.-Holls' eoiiipiuy mr hiloi
million tip'in crtttlii poinis, ep"Cinllt
s to Ml" rU'intiii; HXnenjii-s of iln-n
pnmtiili mschliiHry. hsUIol' for tl Mir-'-
hiM 1 iv a.ipruxluMt"ly lli on o o o
n il-. . I O'nil c inioi.iiHil p r a 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , H.
oi.l-r ih"l a niiee cirilir - in ut.-
Ul. .' hi of piioipn ii hy ill- ! ii.
Ighi 1 1! r ai'in d. V'(s r i niveil in n-iils ,
no the n f irni ill. n, Ml .
c. l r II il. II ! , w iih ii e .
i C in .1 -..i nl I.h vlad
i ei.'ii cle fif ..I y i-til .miu m.iy lend' '
ii-." o r nptcHull hi-g li-iiM to d
i-.iii- the lirl". and womler Imw urn
I in- i-i I'.ii-i- i-te c uiinn nilu! inn- .-i-i
! r. ti li.i I ne li-ii- cniiipsny arn mnii,
d by -lini ar iinliicenn iits U (pj. s
tli.nn'bl lln-lr hya'i-iu Is in niiui.v r--sin
cis tt no 'd i IP-. O qu sliminhiy ll (
im-ii hy CIiicIi hey al'.'iupi lo "pii-h
I' ii' t- lind. li (1 c imiiill lee-, ii ' 1 1 ..Ho I. -who
inve.-.iiaM lis nit nls nib.. tit i,-. wo'i
know, to he'lii with, that they stain! on
rlipi ery pIkcih.
Tho Hodv company ar.) herei-v !
forineil that the aforoAald cheek fir $oll
is rii I ct to thuirorder until the 1 si ibts
of July. If not uilled for buloio thai
itim. it will ho given to our excellent
local charity, tho Homo for the Friend
ens. And any other companies or in
.lividuals who may wish to bribe The
Republican can tiosureof iikoexpusuie
una llku bestowal
Illoomftbiirg Town Map.
In thu matter of the) Quarter Sessions
Map of tho Town or or Uoiumum
Ulnomsburg. J County.
Now, Juno 221, 1872, at nn adjourned
term of tho Court of Q'tarter Sessions,
It nppinrlng that I ho order of the Court
made on too out nay oi jiine. ion, inni
uollcobo ttlvoti hy publication In two
tiou'Himpcrs published In thu town of
Illoom-lnirL'. that tho Man of said town
mado by Samuel Neyhard, exhibiting
thu boundaries or hum town nnu or us
streets and nlleys, had heon placed In
thoofllco of tho clerk of tlu Quarter
Sessions of tho I'eaco, nnd would bo
presented at tho next term or tno court
for ouproval. was compiled with, hy
niilillibiilnn of such nntlcn In "TllK
Columman" nnd in"77oiJpt:cu"
two newspapers puousneu in sniu
town, for four weeks prior to tho then
next succoedlng term of tho court nnd
It further nnnearlnir.thutfclt tho clt zona
ot said town orthoownoraof real ostato
therein, havo had full opportunity,
after duo public notice, to uiako com
nlaliit or nbl-ctlou to bhIiI Map, und
such of llieiu i'S chose to fllo exceptions
thereto havo lieen fully heard, and the
nvldonco adduced by ihem has biun
carefully lakou down in writing and
reported to tho court, by M. r. Jick-
sou, ii-q , wlio was appoliileil n uom
miBsloner ror that imrposu, witn utree
lions to reiort ulsohlsopinloii inregHrd
to any matter complained of In refer
enco to said map, which duty Hpptar
ny Ills repi.rl to nave ition peiiirmeu
with duo regnrd lo tho rights of the
nubtli" unil owners of nr mertv. audit
nlno api.erliiL' tlmt all persons alh gleg
CHU-eof coiiiiImIiiI aiiMlcst the rep .rt m
said Ciiiiunl-sion have been fully heard
'...fnrt' tin- ipt and the court h'liiir
heard Hid o i- d -ted all Ibn complain s
tml olJ-i'UO s nm'lom;iilU-.l Slid report
ii'il Im. in i Xrtiiiiii. il and conlil"ri' I
tin-nr'tiinl exu nllons ti add M 1
and H e ev I leni-. inldiiced ng in-t h .u
i. f vnr nf the enri eiti-.s.s llieleol
O'dff iiihI dir. el ms follow- t
y-'.rj, That the Map In- altered, at!
iilllng lo th" r.-oorl of the I'mumi-H
loei r, -o ist-i lea vi Hie u Hole 01 Hie
-nMler 'mi yard n"il the lot i f Mr-,
2m ma Ned mi the wnili -hi" uf atvi il
Heel iiniliing the le. C "f tliuT.m
neiy iinl ul the lot to lo'im nneni
sil'l s leel . xeept ml tho U g'tt H'ru'l
rui-il w licrn I he h lie Is ernnkeil nroiinil
Ine oppo-ile Hie 1' irks llo'el: ut that
point the line of the street i to he with
tie eoiieral u! of other parts of the
t-evond. That the Map ho altered in
mi'o r.itiiice Willi the lupnri oi ine mini
m sslo ie ,ln Michmauner as that S( c mil
street hlniii not lie n preenled as uss
lug thniuiih the Fitkh Hotel prop'ity.
Third, I hi alley reire.-enteil on the
Map its local' d on thu land of Allen
Snyder, from Hi-t Street loStruwherry
allev, ts to ho stricken from tho Map.
Fourth, Tim lines of Je!Ier.-nn alley
nro to lie ullernl so that it ahull bo locat
ed as follows : Ucgliitiing at thu centre
of First street unit runliig tiienct) south
twenty ti ve di grees llliy iiiiuutt.s uisl
to Third hireet.
fifth, That Lackawaimn Avenuu bo
repre-eiited upon tho Map as terminat
ing at East btreet; that part of said
Avenue laid down upnu the Map as ex
tending east of Eist street to tho Hoyt
tarm is to bo strlcKcn out. Thoaile.vs
mentioned in tho exceptions of J. J.
Rnhhius, to wit : thai represented cart
of East streo- as running northward
from the railroad to Pearl street, und
also that laid down as running eastwald
troni tho last, named alley to tho Iloyt
farm, are to bo stricken from tho Map.
Tho btreetauu aneys herein uireciou io
bo stricken from tho Map were nevi r
laid out by authority of law und theiu
U no satisfactory evidence that they
wero dedicated by tho owner and ac
cepted hv tho public: as highways.
Sixth, 'Tho alley extending from Est
street, to Strawberry alley, between
Seventh street and a street, along the
Lackawanna and Jiloomsburg railroad,
which alley is on Ihu land uf John
4ftrl Id Im." liu
Seventh, Tho exceptions to tho Map
by D J Waller end Henry Wolf sus
tained bv thu Suimlemental report of
tne Coiiiini-ciuiier are sustained by the
I'utirt, nn I it is directed that, tho ftlap
be a len il in accorilnnco wun s-nii ro
r All ttlm.ln a...,.,iin.-nil In IliU lint, At0 nlOlIK1
eiltlitbldn by tile Uclloii of thu tcmoomtlo
l.uiyeuiiun j
1 rtLOOMSIlUltU.
roll ItEOIBTEll AND uEcounnit.
ov ortANai: township.
UloomaliurK MarUct.
Whi-at per Imnhel US'
Cnrn " 7.S
'lulu. " l
Flnnr hpr liarrpl - 11
Cliveri-t.iJ , - & CO
KlHXHI-il H I "
Hitler - 21
Kiril- - H
Inhnw 10
I'ntiiln I"
line.' M,nli In
If 1I11IM Ift
siiii-b ana 11
ijHra per M,.iri.l , ... , M lu
HIT 'UVUl-tiu Jino i', 18 i. Ho y Wlili-
iii;iu 8,io ns7 in lUiasmi i tieve.. iin f.
HAHTIIA O I Jnnn l.lll 1ST' Jilco'l Mill 1111:111.
IKM II l'll S .1 II O I UlH llll I 1 MjH,
Ii INI! T I l.iv. Inn--1 t , 'IT , Inn Kllno
nfn.mis nr hk.U7i J t'r , -in 1 " ilnv,
DKItn-On TurB,u eVtli.lK' . I'm- li I), rr.
ilium nun .r 1) . il iri-n ut-ri .ii u .nr nutc.
Sl'IXiAI. XO'M('l'.
LOST In nr mar Rtomn-hilrg on
I'ue die I'veutiiif, h eliiikil limyi lap
cloth, with n d binder. T in llndi r tn
receive a nil able rt-W.l til by leaving
t at this nfflce.
Time and enllu'hlem il experience huv.
hewn that certain -uhslm.ce.s fiirnu i ly
li-i d and ri lied on In niedlcil ir.icilce,
mo unui-ci'ssary and j yet
Miniii of llii;!-e r-ub-tniices have toinul
their way into inedleal compounds D.t.
RiTTbita, however, contain nothing in
uri'ius, iiclnir co'npiiaeii exciu-iveiy
v gelahle substances from California.
Fu- all disorders of tho liver, kidneys,
bladder, skin, arid digestive, organs, and
fur purifying thu blood, they urn the
most wonderlul remedy known. n2G hv.
Wo call the attention of our council,
and especially of our citizens to tht
quant Ion, because wo uro now convinced
that tho wholo thing is a swindle, and
can only 8ucccced by bribery.
Hoa Law. "Nisi Prius." throuirl
tho Columbian furnished a digest of the
law relating to swlno running at large
in Columbia. Co. I'd., tho cist or which
seems to bo, that swlno havo no rights
In tho highways of said county unless
thoy have rings in their noses and
voices ou inuir uecus. as uutcriueu nv
the Act of Assembly. Thank you "Nisi
Priua." for tho seasonable, reasonable
and careful bit of hoggish Information.
Will "Nlel Frlus" inform tho public
In tho county paper if hogs running at
largo without rings and yokes aro sub
jected to tho general laws regulaiiug
strays? A "llttlo learning Is a dan
gerous thing" you know, so give us
tho wholo text.
It would seem from "Nisi Frius" di
gest that hogs yoked may havo rights
in tho highways of tho county und If
hoes, so also havo horses, mules, cattle
and sheep. If this bn a ruling of the
Court as I bollovo "NH Friua" means
made. Rev. John Hewitt, tho Prlncl
pal, uddrcesed ibo graduating class, certain courts for tho trial of causes in
His speech was a model which might Sffifi!
profitably bo adopted by public spoak- J,orurttsIum ublo to learn from the
ers atfuch limes; it wus pertlnont and Acts of tho Assembly, roads are laid
it-rre, full of eh ououtihounhtsund man- out, openeu unu ucciareu Highways lot
ly. high tout d Christian words of cheer public iravi I aud not lor pri kute
fir thoso who were Just girding on
Hit r armor for Ihu batilo of life. It
wasbref, no, but long enough to em
body in Its sentences more, of wlsd m
anil uf win th than is alwaya attained
in itildri-i-M-8 of iluuhln Its length. The
expre-HluiiH uf plt'Hsuiu with which Mr.
I U wilt was gri itid, aro i erlmpM ihi
UllHl C.lllVil Clllg pr Slfs of lib MICCl'Ss
Cul Fn-i z . followed In a hpei ch which
was hI y, to hay thu least, giving a
geneiitt uccoiiut of thu .Scho d aud m
iiianagoiiieut from ihu beginning to the
priM-nt lime. Ho thought tho t-cliool
in b -Iter condition than ever before.
Prof. Ferroo was nnwnti d with a fli el vuru tiio nuolluluterests by l'IvIml' the
ico pitcher uud goblut bv the nchol- ,ttW wna M "i'l"'0" U'u 'o suhj cl?
uses. a. nasungiuio rule, or drive
nls hornii along tho way declared pub
lie by tho Court of "Nisi Prius" but
under what law does hu as-uiuo thai
ho has any right In lurn him loo-u lo
na ti ro In the public ion's? Thu ont.v
iitunit-nl hecan or doiB u-e, Is Una the
pn -'I have paid wtHinvi r u-niagi a
i. to tu I'lillvulu'l over u hose nlo
i inuror.d tm-i h. 'I rue, but tho . .
pr-uie Cnuil uf Pennsylvania I avo d
child, in 8 .V. 177, they ( ho viuwei
fl to report c, out f.i,
t.iking Ihoanll, I). n for the riitht ot pas
- ilu ovi r it, Would A. as-uiuo he hu
a right tu put up ami iiiuintatii a hog
ntau lu lo tne public way ( Li riuini ,
not. Then what right has bo to usu II
as a pasturur wiii"nibi l'liu-i" en
port to iivoid Hie iulerfi rence with tho
lots of the cniiplalii iiitsnn Filth S rurfl
-.el I'- r II in their exc litinns.
Kiuhth, L aiipeari" u to theconrton
He- Coinplaini u J. J 15-ow-r nod evi-
b nee inidilceil i hut C nrt II .ii n h',
I d-l 1 1 I n upon the M i S hi inn tin.
I -el will-. i in f ct Inn an eluln lo a
.10 -, ami mat il wn- omile tin all.-y l
li. ' un in S-i in r- of Coinu li .i eoiinl
- pi r ; ri .lint' I. -nr ie' fuui ill-'---1,-....,.
ii.. hi rr II ii-,. Int aiel W "I.
It .in. Min Who owie-d the . . Jo I
..I til.l.l..t tin I 1 I.lir I ft 111-III '
e l -id- ..i hi In', il i thet f n dl
i ed t .at III" Mip n- eh in.'i"l - n
. make .-al l ahc eiglll lift wide ill
e-.l nf I.- .. The Maps are lo hem ill itlied
- ... c -irty fhow tha' M irl.o m pet is
oi laid b ion i the pi pel t. nf M trl ha
Wi-'l-. ii. ei clnieil ami - cci ie.l a d
us Inf. r. dir. cled, tin' S 0 .nil str.-ui I-
ml hml through llm Forks Hotel pro
net t'
Tri.tti Tho see. it-1 ireneral uxcetuino
il Jiibii M Chi ii I" ilin ami nttn r-tiu-t
in in nice was given of the -urvey f r
il-eMapis not hiislai'ied. run act-ot
0 May, "871 . I'uiiph. Lw.i, 1I05, m il-r
Which the couit ai" n quir -d lo approvo
or di-approvu of the Map in ipiesiloii.
.oeH not ri quire mc1' tint ice. I he
rjmtdyf r p- B nsagir i vedwasiiot by
ippeal oreonlt-.stM befern tlui nurveyor,
but bv complaints to bo heard and do
cub d by t he court.
Eleventh, Tho tliiru general excep
tlon. to wit: That tho Town Council
havo no authority to lay out, widen or
extend streets except in tho manner
nrovlded hv law. is correct as a L-enoral
principle, but hasnoapplluJtioii in this
case. Tho Town Council have tuken no
amino imnn that l-Uh ect to tllO KtlOWl
edi.n ot thn court, except to procure tho
survey and making of tho Map. Tho
force iind effect which shall bo given to
thn tatter after annrovai ov tho court
aro declared by iho act of assembly,
unaffected by any ac'ion nf tho Council,
it was thnoblect ami dcblun of tho law,
lo ascertain tho location and boundaries
ot tho streets, etc.. in tho town, which
wnrn lilmhwnva beforo the nass IL'OOf the
act, and In perpetuate tho evldencoof
tno sauio oy menus 01 n mup taimuiij
umiinroi I anil il lr-ii oirccuru. iiiiurnii
iiMi-Hos interested had been fully heard
ami their cnumlalntsconsldered. In tho
iiiuriinrirn nf our duty wo havo iilmod
- . .. .... .. ..f.i.n
to carry out tno ciear iniuniiun m um
leeisiniuro, nnu to sinuu mim mo .uni
nil Htrents. lanes and alleys not laid
out by authority oi law, or wmcu um
public liau not -acquired a prcscripuvi-
rtgniin oy lung u-ui, i im.n nan v
hum iledlpiitiil Iiv tlio owuer of the
land and accepted by tho public us a
hluhwav. if in any instauco mesa
roles Imvn not boon ob.sorved It Is ho
cau-o tho facts havo not been brought
to our notice. Exceptions not nouceu
specially by tho court, but which were
...1.1 l.ln. tin. f.m..ildjlfinnr mill nnl
.mil nee., u .......i w,w.. , ,
allowed bv him. huvo been examined
and lully considered in our review ol
this rase, aim an sucu excepuous in t
iiuerro ml MS UllloUIKleil.
Twelfth, it is ur t her oruerea mat in
aid Maiiiiiuend d wild alien d as hereli
dlrectid ba filed of ro.ord and tlio
OM lMalilislicd Coiil Yard.
0. W .NKAb.t Hlto. Whule-iile & Ro
tail Dealers in all Hisses uf thu beat
lualllies of Red and White Abb Coal,
at Ihu very lowest market rates. Lime-
burnerB slipplieil at liberal rales with
best quality No, U.eoal. Formith fires,
in addition to a prlmearlicluuf lump,
wu havo a firt class quality of Bitumi
nous coal, at $G.25 per ton on wharf.
Jj-iruostocKs ol all siz-s constantly on
baud. Strict personal altentiogiven to
tho preparation of all our coal. Grain,
ljumuerniiu siiaiH inticu in excntiuue nu-
coal. Coal delivered to any part of the
town. Orders left at McKelvy ISeal &
Co's. store or at our otliee, will receive
prompt nttentinn. Ol'PtOH &. Yahds at
McKelvv &'s Fuhnace, Ea-t
ULOoMfliuna. Your patrotiugu respect
fully uoliciied.
Fl itsT m n i"w op t 1 1 1: S H ash s K eck
nir it CVi's Monster Circus, Museum nnd
.-r...go. tv. it win ut. M-en uy un iiii
vertlrci.ient in nnother column that the
great Kleckner & Co's circus and me
nagerlu Is coming They ill
in Hlunii'shurg, on Saturday, July lii h.
Th!-. world icni'Wneil c mihiiiuiiun has
traveled Ihruiigh all the principal citie
iu liur ipe anil America, and wherever
i hey havo been they were received with
unbounded enlhu-iiistii and larirc an
(lienee". In count ciinii vii'h the circus
and inenHueriu will be pie-enteil ti
iniupeiilg inline Hell IlinAralw. Tbi
pait f lb' peif.irm ince alone wmilil le
wit Ii tt.n i.ilmi inn he. Tin v villi
a'si piiriut Hie nm-t iicciminli-beil
c ip- u' rub is, leap-r-, acr. bits ao't,
t)OI ,i-- ever lii-liire ex t'.ile.l to ill
w. rhl We mlvi e all our i-iui ir a-w-
II a- Imvu Iriei ils. tn h ml s-'lii
u iiihIh-(ul c .U'lilna't-.n. I'l.e p ice !
hd'ill slou iill nn r..iind in eiir ndv'i-i
- i u ri'ini'i c Ihi. afi. iie.ii.i pei
loi ui.ii ce C'illiiie i-i e- U' l"o i ("i-i. Iv
Ml ll III llll' Veiling at -I VI II llllll II tlM I '
o'ciiicU, n ll Hie iree inii-iil- e.xhil itloi
if ill" a-c-n-i'iu nu I he -i . g'e win' In
tliet'.pof f e f. Iltle pule In M'lb-tln
ilona ii ill lake place Hi. mi" uYluck, the
wind and weather pei mining.
MiiMMHuku mai.aiiiei.-iIio- hot o'nrry
itml iiiii ine h-rvmi noiif rno . "V," ..VTT.i
Imw . lmio. irihe Ivor bo lit pronl 'ill 1
lo Irrfguln'lIlM this Is Hib uitri i" 'f'i
lil loin Htioi m-jr lw nallon (itf '. A "'"
utainacli, Ina. wkpst In llie Miinin '' "'"nil,
nn l ma Inmn' vl iiillv lliroinih tlio pn ' "
cs.iilva pprmilmlluii in mnir'nStlisin wh.
t'ltilc. roinliliiliiR nlin tlm prnp-rtlB of n 'oaa;
KlveatlmiitiintHinl uonllii oxlmntn t,'n liii'iiy
mm nicemtry tnlicnll'i, nnd lumer noclrc i"' "lionM lis illuppnseil with liy UieMi-k'lr
ll li.l dptillltntml, Ofnll III irujiirnlliins llltrnilc a
1 11 11 H 111 , B I II, ,13... 1. .. . ""'
finmo, Ih-ro H nono tlm'. will c nnpino with
Hn-lnllpr'a ("nls irnIM Ktlimncll lllliei". 1U0V
imvii U'l n wi-IiiIiiii in Ilia uiiimi-B i,i rxp-riuui-i
nitil nntrmiml i-ul. -I lie t lutvn lil'lllt ricniaill tl'l
eil from tlio flmt nn ii itroit ini-ilictniil Hia-clllc n ft linvn rtip. I.nrl la H ilia llf lllll-rPKtH.l Oil"
noHlilon rmm liiuiiin-riiriv ii'inrtorR. ntnnil,.ni-r
a twenty yoars' ir nl, fit Um Iio ul nr ml prjpilo
oiry tnoi iriniM iilcnno a rnr iim nrt-vrimn'i u u
'uro nf all . nhn iryo , mill ilnHnrtlio m'lin till,
MiH I Iver. I in Imu-nlM. nli.l Innllirvi'M. Ill I IIO llll
lien'l nv ill. Irion iiuuloruiii tho ur-Ht llvurn nf
Ciilir.irnln llmtetlorii Hlnina'di nl't- r may lie
cIamro t im ma itainlfir t mio pirevi ry i-t)0uli h nf
niicrtmi .-lit ijr r(inimi!iH r-vr i nn po ipiowiin
hllinlilt llimo illilrlcm. nines tlio Illnsl. lliullcu
ronflilencuhi tlio prutmnitioti ft ciruM n -o I lint
ih iiicicuai-u ovory year ny mo risuifc ui iiiiijicrt.
Ah tilltnm. nn pjillr..!. nfllir. mnst. nernlclou
clnirnPler, nrn tprlinhii up llko funm mi evi-ry
ulilo, Ilia run lo 1h Imrelnr r,iiowirun,l Ht!nliiNt.tlia
ilnuii-i.iiii fr-.ti.l, A-lc toi HnictiPt's Il.tli-rH,
.m Hml tlio l'ib.l,pt(, Mro.orito'.iiiiil rrHii-nilipr
unil. i e ui'iuiuiH nruuio is i.uver iuij in nnia.
tail in noiitiH nuiy, n.i-iw
ONK'UAt.r thfi iwnnln t fitiin t t lUo Cfir-tor 01'
from Un t ibl tiutUHAtnm tl . ivxl r 'coil In
thu tiirnt. The u-lo la pro nr.)! iiv I r
IMclier Nit'ir-!.' vmi-ttblej no fo tty liarin'oKH,
n I o -it (lit 10 title nn in rn rir-ctiv itmti t 'fti'-tr
mi. 11 tine, not iiiphm or tfri v. nni iffjii mas
MOHVRt to. utiii o.ti-atn vus h ii it tuiiih.
iIIph litivn f illn 1. It a H llkn mrtulc f tr iSlo imch
Anlirf, Co stiiutl'in. KIiitMloni'v, Cro in n'til
worm, it co tilni netdinr Silnortl, iMor
iihitip tinr AIl'ii'uiL H i Ntiothinx mil tlnir od'.n't.
ir.tlucf-H p1ii. nn l imrllculiirl ultipt
tt t cryt ut tttnl -etthtiu n'tll irHit, Mo tuttclr
Uhh over met micli utviunlillud i u-lorHu tictit by
IhH I yI.u ih ThUo no ni'-rts Mttor I'Hih,
Niiro'iiiuHynip-t, nrinim rurutiv" urslclc-u
mlW. iho rmtorU a tint fii rnt nd
rtitJii un"o irieu oa win novur ue wun ui u,
II 'I ! W
no ns or youth.
vpvy Mrouis imtiir Mhii in tli Union, will
rf ei vi'. fr'. ti lit "inn hut will iirnvH ii hit di iiv
throiiuh lift, by ndtirut-'iiK hici tl Umkv,
JlJLI It lilt 1j ,
Mo.t V. O. U itlur , v. V,
Important Testimony !
The f ll.i rlnj; 'I'lt-i. i,ih Hlaa.-if tin- m iliv wh
i-..'.iiivnttill ri-ri-ll'ln.. Illllll nL-rioii. WllP llllVH
biun cured i.y
Sou Weed
IVuitsgrovr, Knit in I'niiut y, Xeiv Tri-fey,
Dr..). ll.H '-J'.M'K.N, 1 'iiuernlxtuuiid Auh
KlIVClx, I'hllMUt 1 l!l I I,
Ri ir. fiftl I inHf i.lins.ire In nJ'lltnfiiii
tL'Mlmn n lo Hint ti' th tmiiiv othfii who Imvu
.(ell IMlltMl ''V li ill 'HV of IelM'llC'l'K I'll I tllOUlC
i nut, "ut H'tvii I ihjIc, Hint Aliitiitrnke I'JIN,
LiMisumpiinii mis iift'u iifr"iiiiirv wun my
ratiiilv. iiiohI t'f ttn tupinhMiiK ii ivltiK tlle-l ot ll ut
fiirlv hk-h M m itlin' mill tl'it'H tuoilierfiilloii
it ilitgtot m.uiiii at 17, auM my hUlti
ut l.l.
I wni. when Hi-nut A onr. fflzotl with liver
comjihtOit. which niittil il.-velnpc-il In o I'uitnu.
vti oiisUiiiillnii. 1 wiii tuni't-Ili l to lu'lh
(juWIj m fiiiIo hi I'll! that of m tunc mi-IUi )
IcoumiI'mI hUlltlul u tl emliiHUt pin Mcuui.
tiiiil trit-d miuv pi'tnt iioMrutus, hut wlthnu
i-nci esH, so mm in n iihih w- n H.iin timi Uieit
wtit ho litum f ii tv r. nivt'iA . lur I whk ttxiucnii
Irom IIO iHHTiid to liJl, mid wm hot ublo tuiln
Hiiiblu! without tisHiKtiinci. 1 how lii' K uiion us u rrovidt ntiiil In
icrporilMol). 1 va tudlU'td tit liy t)llt iclile'lli-H
mill pitu e hii s-li tiMtlcr uur trentmen. tind
rttoltl iiiid Ihtirt'iiuli wan luv iftov-iv. Hint ii
Keemed uh thouab soniu hUierluihiun iw'r was
at work, mid to-tluv I am ns well uh nl um um-
1 tl rt it tnv lllt. 1 ueluli I j2 iuhmhU ihu 'M . t .
old.tthii tor Rtmif tinif liu Ih'cm ie,Ul irly ut
tundmto my buslut-s, Uiddiug fairto llutoti
good tjli nijn,
i mio iiiiuiitiui io ion lu-jouo cxirt;'lnii to?
tiuvlo)! pUit-tfti imUu a pu-xii tun wiicrfiii 1 um u
bfiiLdtL liwiettd ot n hurduii to my . unity.
Ililll lUiuiiiiiiiir I in-, ill u lliw tnuj- mtj iiciiju r hutt. 1 t U tttU liny uiu 1 he Luat In Lnt'
1 tun icer you io hiinureos or mv nt' h ibnr.
who will veiby n 1 I Iikvu wi iulij, unti any in
i.iritiai icui liny tn my tt-uov uu z-tis muv d-.-lit'
will iiv f-iuiy aiid l.i llv i;lv n, tinuu lectlntul
Siiitnp. by iotir.-,utj.
JUti.N u. 11KW11T.
W. 131.
Oppu.'llo tho Ktono Kptacopat Cliurcli, cornor nf Main uud Ironnti , llloumsburg
V. II. UHOWN la now offerhiK on terms which clnlleiiRO cotuiietitluu, a now
stock of l.'JtKrtll QOOfiS,
Groceries and I'ro visions, Flour nnd Peed,
Teas, Spico.?, Coileoj, Sitaf, Syrups, 109333, Meat1?, Choose, Fish, &c.
W. II. BROWN ltoeps tlm bnst Now Ilrlclit. IM AfackeriM that aru lir Ught
to lliiiutiinhurir, iiiid iirui-old nt extremely 1 iw prlco. O i and aeo h B
FJ-ih t'.ey aro fliio and iood j I, ,aud full bario a are at! full weight.
UHOWN ln .1 full assortment of thn bo-it Quianswtre wtuuii Ih sella vtry
luvv. ill- Iron Stonu Otilna nnd Gl.ujwa:o, aro of ovary varluty.
Vegetnblcs of every Description.
Sealed Onod-i, Turnntopi, Pflifhna and IVar, Oreen Poa?,
Jj'iii i li -MiH, (Jruen U iru, (Jlierrlu. Str.iwhnrrl m, 1'i in Apple,
Urleil Onrn, lltae'-tlmriius Gre.ui Oie, Diimnn I'iu in, Q'iIdcji.
I'euri, Ht-tplii'rne, .lellle-i, Fliiv.iriiiif 13tr,tijH, Otl-iup, .Mu-iltril,
Httiues, Shell Fi.-lli, Ollvo, Str llues, Oiivo Oil, &a., &s., Ac.
tsy- He Ureps nnlhinir hut first class noods which aro warranted to l'Ivq ntl.
fiuiiuu to every ouo.
Tj Pro.luca and Grain taken in exchange for Goods. f
Aprh 111, 187.
I NVIIAI, SP VI'IO il liN'T (ll., 'Pill.
ti 'no hi t lt-t of hid ml. .latin irv I'll. 1S7I. to
I ii.inirv 8t . IT'.
In -uli s.-lniiier. Ti-fiiiiirpt- tn nwirnit wtlli
iikl lilalrul.
To nninntit rrceln 1 of Jn in A Kun-lon,
I in' i icui. trnr 27 I"
r.i iiiiin.uit iHi-,.v,,l of Win, K ru i 'lie i'...
P 1 1 .-ii-Kiti of i h n. s.iwhi MU'in Ih
rut .til ulll-.tll.t lo. 0., u Ul.,utu liu-
pl .Villi
Iii total amount u-c-lvi-il on Uuciiuool
I ii I , lu u-
fo iti-.-lv-U on i-icoLiiliipU-
I'n t iimom-t rtc-lviMi mi Sinrtirloif
Ul,illC40 -i
Oy onli i- ri ili-cmoil
IV 1 1.-1IIII tttinn on uiinin
Uy Ii.i1.iui.--j .n li.UKisur Tic.inii-er...
Si &
. Sr.3 3
Sll (i
ion tr.
' I)
S.iii 7
. 171 3
W I.
i71 1 27
E-vamlni'il niul certlilo t.
I. 11. Ml I.i. Kit,. 1
.1. II. 1KKU It, Directors',
w M.
Ily rpqnnt or Dliorlor o lia'o u- mine:! tin
unovo nuu iuiu n i-o-.tct.
i:V'"?i. Auditor,.
Dlro-lois of tlio Poor lu ntvi.unt with llloom,
To unit. f dup'icnte-i lor year lbl, vi?.
o rsc ii to .v iisii ' 1 1
I'o (Ir iMi who I iowii(ljti i
lO SllUgUllutll loW 'tddp
To titnouut if i mvi d I'm am, ct o , sold
lo oritur ouUUuuiug
.. (i U 0
.. isiis i'
.. 7 I ti
. 10 J (1
. 'Ji5l !i
Key Ti'cst, VUi , UTah. lii, IKVJ.
Dr. J. ll.bUlli:.NCK,N. I. cor. Sixtli uud Arch
k rcl , riiliiult phhi.
l)tar s r TitiLst turwii d. hit llr-t slcuuor. rIx
bottlf Srii Wt-cd Toulouud iv.'t-dvo b-julet t'nl-
miiutu MilU p.
lour int uu'iiit's are o micIi muih- th it 1 can
not ho w lii tu l Ihtt u Jit ipv limi-.rl..-l.i. m
i't It" initill BlliMlIU IIU WltlMHIL tllflll.
1 1m lI vlmi llit-ni ii UiritKi. uud uiH'Ulv de
dal u ihoin lo bt- uwn ht titr thun ion ciaim.
cry ic-sictiiuiiy ioni-, iVo
A. liiixauiwr.
K. M. T.
Os Monti Ay lat UtMjrm U. IJrtiwn
tho hotel pniprit tor nun w enrrylnp
of iho U B. umiU In uud from tlu h, ti
II H U HtMtloti lu UiIh tuwn tti ul t
UditiwU-ta K. It Station ut Huptrr, 'I
uh c duply Willi tlio t riiiM of liU ron
true! Willi Hut Uuvt rtitiU'iit .Mr. Hruvv
Iim rrfiii-y iiiiiulidMiltiii Miltliiiiudi
MI ( f llOIMbUlUl Wlll'ltU'lKg H, uinci
wnl uli-o hu u-i tl lur Ui' u Hivuuuicn o
niiiriUHt htrihuiHu. A hurstMurl Witiroi
will ulrio t u iimvldtd hy him for tht
t unjiiortitlion ot Iul'vuk'. Whon hi
Hrrrti",oiiu'!iH uro itunpiottMl ihuy will
conatuv grertuy u uiu ujuiiun unu coi
viiii niiiof iiitvi-UTH vihiitnif our town
Mr, Qirton will cotitiuuu Uia oiunlhua
run. ad Li'iiiA. .Muich 1.
Dr. .1. H.HCUICK,
Ht-fpu inl t I uikf pk'iisnti tn awurdlnu ii
n llil i't-rilll ut ttnt tht Uiiii itiiiil L-iiit oul
r'uhih'iilc .S iup nnd He t Wet tl Ifil.' ir-idih it
iy IlllOal iltui l Hilt WvH hii 111141113
i iidiuen initi ii with iiiiuthi tiiiiusniij,e inr n.e i
VV.tlitlW 1 1 1 iij'h).
i un. on .1 VI -ll lo ut) uiieir, Mr, t'lmr ( John
ill, .No. tM-' I" fit I .1 M Will MH V III 1 11 ft I
Inr rt-eO Idm lioiii ininiit iltMill I t i tUI nit
- O l lis lilin Itllnl MiO l"f llt.VII U, lilt fM'i'lt
II ontiiii-iit i- in Mn-vii i ue nl in ifiiit-tlii"-.
t'Httiy tft 'lliHJM It ll till- Ul tl) illrllt I Ml
, llll'l ll ) I' Vltt K I llll I I t III 1 t lilltlf IH ft I
.tk I tit 111 til 1 1 lO t tll f t Wflll ii P Kfr
if i Lt- lot ti t hftti r. H u I tmiid it t in:
iu til- vviiliou mii niitii-iiily iii ptiii, 1 '
. .ii 1 1 Illi'i ttiiMM'MX ii ) lit llll e h i
lie ut y (fit' I mo iii ii ii. iii f on ii ci nt n
iii t i o I" Ii in , ami l mint il hu a i ttrt l M11 1
..ut to Klf J in Un- t'fU hU It'ttuc i.f nl m 111'
1 I'll cialio .. Yo i.a i t'-in I ,
i A Ul.h Al .1 Vt
No, 4( ii ihi '1 h'i 'y-i t;ir I rtiift I, N. w oik
Ily com. ou 3K oollecled on Illoo.n
tlunl'fut 1U-' 01 0
Ily com. ou t.'iU til colItt-U'd ou oi'toa-
wootiitu intiif, i iMi i ;
lij tam. on tlUl') 7 coilt'cl d on tcott du-
ii ic in 4 u a n 5
U rim, on $i'J7 Utcolltctt'il on Su-jirloaf
dm.l'fitH i ii-u 17 a
Iiv L'XoueratloiH, llloom duplicate, la" I... y l
-y " nc ai iiiinHf.Uo ti
Uy " ir nwood diipllo tc 6S
hy ami. due on 11 oom diu llcato aincol-
Itcte.l) KlfO r
Hy unit, due on cutt duptcito (uue d-
1 ctfd.i 15t2 'J-
IW Mint, duu mi Orcenwujtl duplic.itc,
(unc iIIim led.) ITjO C
Il and. ou-ton Huk irlnaf dupll mo(uu.
coiUcted IMfl m
ny fillowliiK amu, paid hydlrec'nrn
- llll-luli nnd r-cl u Ii r Hum J in. i . t
Aiuil I. S7I VI(T1 4
H H II. Miller te "on Nl uuvt 1 is 7
Uy h.J Ll in s'nm una utft
IV II I-. i1 lli'iihjici i rliititiir :ti i
tly J, ti. -ioHpror. KBivltVt &' "
ny t. itipp u-itct i , yj ft
Ily Nnl ill ihnutiO tt'i hioioacct -ll i
y i. muni o i-nnct r,r -
ll mi A. hh , li 7
y I i.u'Z dm ti Af II h
y J. It M . ii fin it 4i
Hy t . tl Mitn- s or i ct ;i
m hi-iHi's .tiiuv o. n o ti ao -t ti'i -i
lty It iijoii A i t 1 1 n M i i o ui 1 1 is s
it) Ur. t inr.iof -fivlivn 11 i
l. I 't , lUIHff pi I, t V Xi'ff i j I
t S u pl-K a iinr i a i ih !i
y , Mi-nip n'or- tie 'i lit '.
Julio Woii Muro co , ... 1-. 1
f-. It. I O hllH Ititltllli 17 i
IH 1 hlnca- Welch pj 1
. I. .Ot Mini Uu - h t
t '. -. v urmitn I 9 tl lil.l i li 1 ft
ll v iintr Mi 1 hlo K .
Mm i U o- di ii -s .v il
y Mill r "Ol 1 IU lllr. O I lO IM ivc lpt4 2 'J ft
oiu tNi'Kttt'i i o Mi iiii i ntr I a
whi. h um v u.'iuur n $ vouehi ts
..r U'liirtwii .in mii I ivntrii In no,- ll iut
t r -l-o yi-ar .-n llun A,II HI, 187..
W, hi .in ol-niiii irfiiurer far tlisyiarln
dcoi. Willi miM Dlitrlol.
"o nin'. re I. trnm twn, ounllcito for
irt I . , ".
f ,i n in. ihiiiI, ir nu lioiouiii unpin mo
lor 1-7
To uiu', ii-,' I from ullio-soura- h f r th7l
i'.i mill, of liiilmicd tm hind trum last
Sr.450 15
7. OB
?I0 HI
3:9 ii
I7.H3J W)
10,410 IH
Oy nut, of mn.lry niuori lcileainod
inuliit; ymr M
ly unit, n1 iiotbUit-rH eomiulaiou
- vt ci ijs '.1,
Ily bu.auiMi ou luiuU ul dale 112 31
7 950 99
Vfi thn unil- rs'unfil nuilltors ot (.'on
yiiilliiuii Town-h'p hikI ronirutlii
lloiouull for .liH yur 117. Imvu ui.
niuiueu mill Htitl.tta Um lorrgoln:
mv Mini uiu ilua 11 correctui uluvo
T, 11. . I. ,J t vn .r
PATRICK KlVl.K'-'N. Auditors.
TIIOVtAH Mllltl'lIV,
Account of tho Illrpctors of thul',.iirot ua'.il
'Hit. lor Iho yeai eudl"" Airll 8th, .!7'.
To amt. of poor anil pu.cnaso poor-tax
UuitiU'tio of Couyngliaiu tii'ti
omul, of p lor and purctius-. poor-tax
llllplli tM of O mra.Li ior.iui;ll
To am', reed, p:u,turu of cMie unit
produce I oir larra
L.iumt. reed lor biard or Mr. Wlniu
at poor house, ou acct
'oiinit. reed, noui iri. Ann .itCler-
I1..I1 tor dchl. 011 acct
rouni'. of U.laucd 011 liaud f 11111 l.nt
Total .
S7.433 82
052 25
216 9)
60 CO
(0 00
801 10
60,011 lis
ly nmt of niseiitod laud tax returned
by co.l uuir ou Iwp.duplic-iiu
ly unit, of i-riom uud,ti-i al
lowed citlecior on two. dupliiiat
ly mill 01 cotleiir'H cotii'tUfthliiti .,1
Apcrcl, ou 80 79 lilpnllw-t-rl uns-utd 1 l it uixreturne I In
culli.ji.irou li .ro. duplli'iit.
,ly rt'iit. or f rrors and ex la.r.ltl.iu-i ul.
loweii ou s.iuiM
1 Mini, ot o illec fir-i e iiiiiiitnnio:j",'v
5 per ct. on fO.'l llcollecle.1
tyiiut. 01 In-liill ,,1-nt pal l on unu
m Itu Intern-1
tyii'i.l iuiu .i-.yn.ui3 f .r uortUl.Tc. c'f
iiiiniilo ti-upr. .,
!i nnit. pnd lor stock. r.-p.ui t'l'i'i',' liili'i'
I r fir, o. -ii "
lv Hint. p.iul fir 1111 -ran e
H'Miii .pii.iio w.rk ilmiu nu Unu"".'.,
y Hull ptl.l fur llarjw.iru 11.1,1 m,.
ol rv
y Mint, put 1 lor uipp 11 1 of p 1 -'r'n"ui7
yii.iut. p.n, .0. luuiilcil iilmnd in e
ip d iii-dtcl- e
i iiiui. inni for otindo irr. Iirrt"i"imu'-'
, I" r
I- a nl. inni I r -al.ii'io-. ..-i i etMiiui
f -lovMri, 111 iir 111 ilitecio-K, it.
y anil, 1 nit-cll.iUHo , ex,.'-ns3.
a. 1 1 ui N
ty an', pui hi', ciTMiutV.i'iiu'
II SO 1 1.1 PI . 1.1 out e.ieti - a L-r ct.
I 11 111 ...I liitiliCH III ll.ulU ol lie. ti
ll ei
r'us'TIS'i-'rvi, i.II'K. tVi-UIIANCh
(ompvv or Nr.w Yum; I'l- a -xirn
1 1 r 1 1 - . it 1 1 hi 1 1 in'i I'liniinu b t i nil vii 1,1 1
Willi tin- r.ipiil ritriilis tlmt Imvu I'ltt.-
ieri il It tiutii its i'.Miii..iiin inlS-
(jti In 187D It I ucil innii' inliL'i s 1 Ii ill
11 nv nun r 1 lin iuMirnmv cnini tmy nl tin
Statis, liiivl' if tint nuiy illMitiii-t-it in
ti In- liniticli ut it- biHii esi Um j-i-vi'iity
nun cniiiiai.lL'.s t rit iihh ct 1 1 iu IjuMiii'tH in
rsiiw 11rk auiiH, bdt uvuit tint cdiiipii
uy ut llti'in tlmt Is n-jfrttitiil us tin-
Inrifent iiiHiitiitinn nf ils cliurnuliT in
thu wnrlil. In 1871,11 jour 111 wlilcli
thu iilili-st Uli) Ciiliiauii'S inninlnliii-il
tlu ir tiiir-itiuiiH Willi (liilli'iilty, thu (.'un
liui'ittliil iiililiil thrt'u 111 1 1 1 1 01 s mill n
Imlf dollars to Its amount at nslc, unil
mnru limn Imll u inilliun tn its hiiiiuhI
iiicouio. This yi'ur it litis run a MIH
iiiuro brill mil t courso ; lur in mltlitiui
to its nniliiary rutu 111 incriiasu um J'.iii
liSro iM tun al has liiki'ii ri'iujfu uuiii'itui
its Koldfti win . Wu nuiy tlicrofnrp,
in for that thu Cotiliticntiitl will litku its
stand 113 fourth in thu rani; nl' t lit
t hirtv-Buveti Now York l.lfo ltisti rancu
Companies In htatlstfcal rotation .1 ill-.-
t net on that ins heon attu ned In six
years from tho tlmu wo pen tliHHrtlelti
HUl l lO! UOIll llll'l un iihs 11 an 11s iasi
cyelo of twolvo months yot to run nnd
berurotnis Hconipioiuu iieiuru tno lur-
mltnitlotiol tno current year it wniiiuii
milliuns to Uiu sum at risk anil thou-
natids to lis uiinuitl ItH'oini', wliieh lat
ter item will tiieri) is lit tlu doubt reueii
by that period tho enoriiiotis iimuiint
of four iiilllions,
Tho euro of tho company in thu o-
loctlon of its lives Is deinotut rated by
thn Muisaehusttts Hi'iiort of 1870. where
it anni-ars tlmt lti Unit year un ratio 01
deaths on now polleies was .07, whon
tlio nveraire or thu uity-stx uiu eoiupa
nip.4 trunsautiiiL' uusine-s in tnai ciiuie
wus .'20. IA111I tho ratio of now ilinths to
amount or risus was wnitst too to
lai averai:o or tho companies win -9.
showing u on tho part
ii t im un 111 luiita niiiru itiiiil iwu
tliliils Ktcuttr than that hy it.i eotenipo
Thu annals of llt'd Iusuranco furnish
110 such n.iritllol. Willi Hiit'ti niunlles
tutluiiHiif nnd eouiliip; tfrentui'rH, ii
is not utniKi'ty 1 tint tiiuuoHiint'iiini u.i
another decailn will iililhliiuu ihusu 'lite.
.Pier ciiit'iiii"rrtrle.s nf Iho rfntto wmcu
It is Ml Mll'l'l lll.V rtlUiri IICIIIIIL'.
In ii-i'tl'iiiu 1' ! in i.radi'li)d succeb
in tho 1 lllclt'iiry or ihu iinintiueiiii'iii wi
hail imi psrlieuinlii!' any Mniflii utll
ir. 'I'liu wiitiln t'siahll'liiiiuiit Is en
iiucid nl Im t'f.iiiuiiliui iiniti'ilni, ui"
1 t x.ielly adapted t-i tho nnsfnitu in ul
im WnrK unil 11 Il ls l.uiilt vril lii.'U 1
i hievl. k.
tjCl 1 L.N UK '.S 1' U I..M O.N I V S Y ItU 1',
Tl-ei-o ure Itie only lu.iri-ti i". inni will i-iu.
I'll nu naiy i.'iu-Miioi 110. . I i.t-clu u.-k 1. .-1
'ii i-iii.n hu I'li.-ilee omi llnrl.i 1 . .in-1 oni Inn
,1 y f.,uih I1.11 iiii.ev. iii.-l Ki. 1, wi. i.i- 1111 le
if 1 II. I . Ml I. 1 . . 1 I . III. I '..I hi, 111. t ml.. Ill
ll l I'll ' II Ll- I 11 Ih C.t!ltl!-I tl,l- ill .-, Hllil hllllll ll
In -l-i l .'. d Tunic .-Hit- ti'iiil, 1' 'lull
litihlll. t I IIU . 1 till' h'.'llilil'ti, llll 1 lUlLl-Hll
I l.e-1. II ih I'll 1111. 1. ll' Kj 1 lip 1 let li llie 111 1, lei
,llul lilllule ILruWh II oil Milt. mil liny 1 xelllou.
I'l Ii
Sll.tjll u
l'lli-u ol tie ruliuiiuli-Hiriin and Si 11 W.
li nl.-, -I, 'i pei t I'll-, 01 7 10 pei Imll doi.ii
ilaiiuuiKe I'liii .it i-eiiis p. r oox.
'Kl.l'AItl-.n ONLY AM) l-'Oll SA1.K BY
j. 11. bohi:nck & son,
N. V.. fouier SIXTH and Alll'H Hlreets,
And l.y DrugitUtH und IienleiH Kenerully,
ioiixsto.v, lKH.i.on.w & cowin:x,
2 AltClt BTltl:l-T, I'lllI.AIlKI.PllIA.
Wholciule Aytnts.
upf 12. lS72-ly
Qtt Dl NANCK NU. 0.
,V OII11IN INCIl TO AMEMI UKlll.NAM-i: r,ll, 1,
M.f'Tlos lj Ittt it orihilntit ami ennctttl tu the
Tuwn (BHiicif " llie Tunn of JllooimtiHru, unit it
hereby out'iiiiva cniu emicuu wi lu.inourif .
the an me .' l ll -l il mi-.ii iioi wi uiwiiii 111 11.0 u.jj
a,., .-ru.-lieiH. or Miuui--niu!iv .iihi-iu'iiiin or iiiuu
innii iiiiettav wt lliln 1 1 it llnilij. nt tn.. 'lov.-n ol
Hloomsljiiri! ; and any p-ronoi-1 en-nn.. tlilinioi-
c-.ll'-luit lo lie Ilied Mien nie elm IceiF or hriuui-
Wlllllll 1 1113 11111 11 K Ol IIIH h,l, I UWII. hllllll, H.t.
lll rl n.l litlltl-O IHU 1 Tl SI'll II I II UK. l .Mil
luii-li. lorleil and lay a uue not i-xcihuuiu
tlvu tioilarrt tur nilentv. And m luui-li
of llie Klxlli arli -le it llm llri-t t-ii-tloii ol
rown (iruin-ai'ii .-o. I, euiiiuu "Ail unu-
nunc-' lot' Itio preservaunii oi tno rcnee-nuu
fur oilier puriio'-ei'," etuic ed tliel.'ttliduv i.f May,
tb7n, an U IncoiiHt-neut lu-tewiili, lie andltieujiiii
l li. rtiiy ropoiled.
Kkctio.n '.'. TiiN ordln-nci. slmll tuke etP.-e' ou
and alter ten uhh tuiulliMltoti.
l'a-sea .-nay a, ii.-.
Attehl-U. O. llAItlClillY. l'ristdenl.
llluomhbiiii!, May 31, Mi.
-tun IIuiih.i ami ui-. .....Hi.-h wain lim n
ay lor iii,r "ii i ln r di i w.ien Uiu ..11 S'.inn
t,i.l KNV via Iniiodin-. il a ' iiiitii"!.
e. ll . d.-uut lllld I lUlltxil'i til lllllUKlii
,i ih liiu 111,11 i, u uv Im .1 .1 w.iiiileriu
.,,:,iii nt iMimiuiviiii, i ,1 itii.-r- l-Miutm-il
irf.i.iiid ra l.orlu m .idled, or a a cled ultn
,ny oiliei nl Him ni-iii in tf. in- . .nnl eiiuiiii.
,l:i, ! lilr in t a 1.1 .1 u t effQ tu u miedi
uiu, aid ii u mu , i iiiio.i-lii.. niien p,illuJ
In dri.Ujtit uxnti ut iowi .nuciiui; uiuu ouiivur.i
iMeuiiK', Mr.iu oi uiu. ... ... . i . i' to..
a w iiii Hindu-mi. .i fur i rum-". i UU. Innii.. rli-u
luuiuui. .ml joint', iiutlii.,iiiuui Bt.i.eurucltii
,bU lUOlllU l,u UllUCH pill'J ll'lll-l- I ii- uli uttiu leiind 4 uiu l liumfuit) uu nr em m
uiiiuii uiee.tiiy mittwiii,., m.,-.
An Ordinance lo amend Oidluaucio No, 5,
miction I.; il ordntntil fiid eniirieitltjj the
Tumi I'ulinril vt the ii.ii-a u Jttooimt.xirtj nmt it
I. heit'bi orttoini'il find ennetett vu the mtthn'ttu
of the S'tme : Tint llie uunliel Iu.uih I.e. until
il 1115 I1C1UCK 111 llie uirei..-iu m .i,-ii
luv fioiu i tin Il-Md iv ol .May to llm 11 nlduy "I
,o eiiioer. ill .-il o veur. 11 u nil' tl i.m ', -.. ui
in tlm Inreiin u nu e.icli nliirl; -t ,l.i, Irom Ihi
ilrKt day of Nove nlier to uiu IIiki d.iy nf Mav.
Allil lull HI iiiuu" oi oriii'i'iiu.-.. .'.. ,i'.i.. no
A 11 Did' 11 IUC3 tor till) Uil,lllUl)UI.nt Ol H 1 '11 i ll
.inn,, .M.irki-1. "til-1-.Hd lllH elmilll d'.Vlif Anl'll
IH7.', iis Ulni-onwte it lieieirllli.Uuaud Uiu ..unu
nerrU rep.uoi.-P.m-ied
May 21, .h7.'.
i:. mi:ni)eniiai.t..
Attest t'. (I, nvillCi.llY, PnulJout,
May ), 172.
I tlu litoulilK .'llli'ltll.-. ptlld In-ol
i-e ur-, un i r in o,i K.-ainui iroui
Anr.i I, '? , I J ,ii. H
ly mtllp lluual , Muii-aid, 0 nmnllis
iv 1- 1-7 a
nil' o . ' rl.Ui ,r o . r 1 1 in i21 -
ly Mi- IK. .aid lor unv n ye '2
ty K. I.u-.d iiairoii ill un l:i 17 i
t .niif Aii'iii r-iLtivurd 'i liny-, 17 i
V i - lilt . Hiker n.i.tiou ltl li
11. M. - llli r oll-eto,- Mi. I'te.i-a ,t
t, W.'hl I" I i- Hll'1 2 w
ll, I. .1 Wei lv i- .- ,1 n I., I ill. lei- .1 I
low ..ti i, ,i in - .iii-l i. i ir .x -71 .... Ill I'
ll .- A. . I'.dlelhi.'l, 111 ' Ul 11 ..'sill 11 S r-
t.v I.. i u -, uli i I liimiirtr lor cihleru i2 7
y -1 uu i i- t-i-inii I ir i-i ru 1 1 u
11.. Ni t.,n It k iu.,1 ti fur hpo-itltiKiitt-.... -II
,y " i a M-i e. on e. i-i,-. a:- 0
iiyu. It. 'I Ik.iiih-, fur mii ililnt; 21 I
y 11. I, li.wi.i.'iii.u'li. lirliitli'ir li 0.
ti, Mi.tidfe-i fill deu.H e.utr,Clud iy
lorlnel ..In. toiH SI 8
uy .Mim i'.f. liKtiton, ki ou bond
in.! .iy i, I 7. ao f
Uy M .s. l,..iti, lot-riNt ou lioiiuui .Inly
I. IS71 15221
Hy ll't .1 "iii.l i.i.iiti, iioieiuven ny
lo -ini-i dlrtct .ri to 'olio A. ruu-lo'i,)
witn iii'utt-h mid inieic.t '21110.
Iiv .loll" a rultsti'ti, hix li.tu-.-i uud iut.4 3 I-., 0
ily Hoiiiri 1 onuliis tor eoM- nl
IW " " for liurne.h 0 U
Ily, He-: .1 ro., f i. Ii.iv inUe,... !W h
Hy Kul)!. Iio, m lollln, t ie., lor I'. LaiKius l"i u
liy llr. Medio vi. P ' f nervt 'ii' li '
v in. i urner. i-rol. i- .1
lty 1 Irerliu'sK-rvti-e-i PO "
uy win. Kr inior. SeeiMiury s .ervicen f.'i n
l.y .1. O. 1 leci-.e. Atloi m-v h.'1-vU'.-i, uli (
liy I'alli. I. in-', aint. ie-ure.l by j'Ultfiu't . 17 1 ct
Ily .iuii-1 UUi --el, ui Iron 2in
uy .Mai-(jaii.iiiui. , it o
Ily iiiIm-i llaiuoimii. eun -.In.Mrruudui-
int; ti tiioinn-i lur Mipixi. t ol ti-nipers
-worKiiui irni. larnuii cui?HH.iii.ineiiiiu-
.lis und uiei'i'liami bills, ct UU Si
411910 10
i:iunlne l Mil ceitllll.
r, I'.intiNKtii.i
Ml I'AMtlV, 'jAimitori..
llv fii'in anil liulliltiitt villa d S10 IHO l'i,
llv H-piilB to Imll, Hint. on. Sin Ui
Ily hml Jfhuld litrnlturv 17i 10
uy lariuiug iiihusiim at i n
llr Inn he-, Miltl. and Imll-. 9-hJ lu
Hi huv. tr nn. etc 1211IU
11 11! ueie.1 Wheat uud Hr lis U)
liy iMliiiire un llloom uvn , uupucaiu ny
ex, lid. inn....... 1 '21 1 40
IW u.i'nuroon hicott towusiiliiUup liiJto
iiye-i unu i-oiu . i u.m .j
Ui- 1 nl hko on tli'eeiiwool towin-lilp
illlnlleilte bv ex aud com 1 7.7101
111 linlillleu un Mil-ii tuwnvhlo. du.
lilti-.ite bv o. and coin rot 0
Ily JuUt-iiunl vs. C, l.oiiK , HU Ul
MSI 41
9 75
S:n 43
20 10
4 02
40 05
1,150 61
151 33
131 4(1
07 M
23 80
130 51
Hd 48
217 82
1,323 78
832 00
181 40
12S 20
1,412 S3
... SS.Uli 1-2
i urns oi 1'uur lljii-io.
in. -r pnitp. ri In p jor liuue a' liouiuliii
of it.. mo- ji
i'o. . t i .uu p -i -i .id -ii tto l i ui-ln '. 7
-'o.or i.aii.-r. -.iielnr-i. I Hiid -onlu I S
v-. of puup. ri li irn noue
IO. ol l'.ll'l' t i
1 II' p .U .1 Ut HI hlltKlllll I lu- M 1 11 u in . i
-li. I pi'P r now lu s u u uiiat r. .myluiu
hi i'i( e.,-o i t ills h
-iii, ot p ui .mii po ir Ii ,u. u in i hit, i lo
St I'l'iueut iif the a-.-.."..! nut Ind-liLediiei-. ol
li,-utiiiiclprlltiili 1-72.
A-.-, el
'nrni mi'l l.ul illnu-i w mii
-iiiuiiui- ortli
t 'l-.liold llll i, urn no illi
lorse-uiud ei'ti-i worlli
o. at e. nor ti
1 11 ur.iln .iinl sua v uoi-n
i'ls wurili
d . mi i- i- .i tn
leu win Hi '
I'oiiltry wo'ili
. Inni - n t in, ui Kin .na uoitii
1 .vi r heed worlli...,
MUl Will 111
Nli worm ,
U.d.uieo In tie.isury
il.-l m en
U7 2H
V72 wi
7,i'i CO
21 1 il
2 7 In
ol 01
'2M 10
i.7 0
I) 50
l.s U
2 IW
1-2 01
11 IH
, iii
1 Si
I I "2 111
Illl.tCiS 1 5
int. yot ilnn nu farm with lutorihl tl.iid In
lulaucu lu l.ivor ul dlhlilel s,ii7 5!
Proluctiof tlm farm Itr tlieyear 1U,
J Ioiih ol lriy a 10
Is litihh. UucKW-'iea' 7
Ulliiihli iilicut si 1 1
2 ! i.Uhli. ooru -irH & S i ct
12 1'likii. riu a 1 In
2J Ini.ti, point. iea (a. In cU
21-i lillf,!i nil- lit O'i i is .'.
7 luids com f.idder at Sl,i
137 piminU pork at 7 i t- ,
17iliiadH ea liasto ul.'ietK
0 lbs soap made at 10 ri-
luttur, i tuts, nuil veiot.ibU-
Clover hoed raited..
tll.,Ut-i 111
;'i hi
li i
Hi l
1112 "J.
31 -2 '
1 .1 -2
7- III
u. w
I'l I.
1-1 .1
II io
121 127 IB
JlKU'f-1 AND J.IAllIt.lTir.-?.
i'o tinlancii duo on firm S5,roo 00
T.i Inteiost on s-.iu-hj iiuiullH .
I'llirui'l'h 1)1,1.1,111 UIU! ,
TO luilllll' e I . lav.'!- I f llltlrlCt.,,
.L'tsHlR ItBLIIll-'.
17 Sll
, 2,il Ol
. 10 111 0.
21,12, S3
) AT I. NT
. I 1 c- 1.1-1 1 r.l lllhlltltiiel.l III Hie WurlU, It
h utieijutitltit I" llieli tn-, I'l.ui 1, 111 1 lli-ui y win)
Unrnbllily t-peelnl u-nm io'l...i I "i. u kml
favor tiirierisyiiieti. Hind tor ti.ii-,'iil Arlun
O. W, rCHIKH lieu. 1. I Anflll.
mar 10'71-tf.) Ma inn Chunk, pa,
i .11
. !i
, l 'i 10
ToHmali l-ei-litnl
I'.I I ..lll.ll IIM- ' oil
To I'h-ili-na r i" . IIiik
lo Miuy I , Gin
i 00 41
Aiuount 1 f tavuli'n rronrrtv f r Poor
Iii tt-ili iiiwnm.ipof iliu l our nutnoi of uiuou.
. M-n.vii .1
. vo im n
. V lis I. ll
. It','1 1 1 1
.. .. fr'tite
17 11
.. . 17.
HAT'!'-:1 I' I KK, S-of ConyniiliHin
w u.uiA Ji Mrs v Willi, ) 1 entrull 1 p Mir dlsi.
ATTEhT. C O. Stmil'ilYOIelli.
Cunvsqham Twi'.. April S. Is72. June 7.S1
nl 1 ur luli'i'H .inilMit.
iciviikiiinui uioniti
lOM'tml Ip nf H. a t
I', wr'-liu of i,ii't un, oil,,
Tnwssiiip fcf Kue n lo-'f.i.
2-tltllUI-, Mill' 1 1
17 liu-n i-i l
1 1. 1 n "i1 11 .
OH'1' , " i
, u- li 1 i - i
'- "
im nu TTwoi'iwnM.
1 ' lu,. Iin.i 5
an I..I U I.e a
tlenti. "i.i r.M i..,.
Ii if i - l'i
' I h. but it Am
't it'll. " K 'l ...,
, ill 111 p ' I. V , tn
i' hill ,U 'i J
I' li 'lj . . .
I.ll VI Hut...
3 el. .
1 0
2 - ll
Is! 6
0. l.l
UT 1 1
71 -
.1. -'.. , w,
V .! 1 ''l.
1 11 1 h . 1 tin
No 1 1 1 ii) 1
S...,I., ,
No. .It 1 I'
-u-wuiiliwii,-, 1,
Ml UUhlM) llll lUK
1 1' in,,,,,, ynr....
Illl.llllll ll
louilinn.u I
A. II. MUXCISCIJS & (!().,
513 XKTAKCir.T 3TH.BIlsV,
We t t t-e sPltiNii THA III: i-u, I,, it 1.1. 1 s" u-lc of
run. in.. 1. mi . aiu'kis,
Told. Htair 111. d I'liim 1,1 iiuiIik W 1 ,1
hliaite. und l'ai-.r, i.rU riuilu. 1
Yum, HiittlnE.WuildInK Tnln .Wim
Clo k. Looking t.luhhe-i, l-'ain v '
Piihl-rtM, trooitih, ll.ii.iii u,
Hiirlnts, Itiiihlien, i-otlt;-i
Wrltmers, WiHidni ,1
Willow Wnie In
tlw ttiilte.l
Our la'KO Incrcnuo In bu-ln. .1 um .1, hj. .,,
hell at low ptlce. ami lurulhti in, nniii., , , ,,
lioods, '
bOLi: aCUNTS I'll.-; Till.-
I'l Ice S5.&1
Ovir lo.tOOfeiilil in tin am . i
Terms : Carpets, 00 ila.
All iill.t-r poinis, iitl day-., V
H ull ,'t. till
! AI.IV.
' 1 Ciu
.1- .
I .1.1
nuiNKSS cards,
13 vtoiriM. CAttiib
I11L1. IlEADS,
rnou ,.MMEa,
tta, -to,
Noatly nnd Choapl i . . d
uotu tlie luto.t r-i- not lyp .
ilLUMUI.- .. , t,