T bloomsburgVpa, Friday, July 5, 1S72. On Tliclr Muscle. Tho nttorapt of llio Cameron BIiir to oquolch tho lmloponilont Republican press who refuao to woar tho clnn col lar, lias put tltoso Journals on their mettle, and thoy aro dealing heavy blows, which their assailantR vainly endeavor to parry. Whllo unalterably for Grant, thoy aro utrlvlmr to savo him from defeat, by separating his cause from that or Ilartronft and Allon. Tho Scranton Pepubltcan counters on tho Miners Journal In this stylo : JVo do not caro a feather's wolRht what any paper that wears tho rlne collar says ubont tho Icepublican. What we do mri ot is t hat I he good namo of the Republican party Is continually beliiK dl-praced by siu-h papers ns tho Miner's journut. it thero Is n penmp In the pariy who notruys tho conn ioiic-( ro poaeu in rum mo Journalcr(H". "Dun my anythlni; nliout )i 1" If n il.w.f I OfHco mlH tin- people, tho Journal wills mrs -umni" wr.en p illtlenl rcotin urois nro p.x lo-ed. mid t heir mnilsh nient demntideil, (he Journal p oatls (or " "'"i " in in cover up tncir rac tl jui-h. lTiii-n n political rinj,' or un HcrupuiouH oince sccKers nml parly irrcn.r, ini'K II IMIllVfllllOn HUH OUtrHiri two-thirds il tr.o honest viiIum nf tii. l;rly in tho State, the J.unial bnwi- ui n kiipo 01 Uio oycoplnnt and ilm ""it, mm meeKiy exclaims : "it better sol" It is no wonder Hint swindlers like upo, u. i-nn", and corrupt mid it 1 1 fsitllflll Oilltiliilrf. Illtn ,r,H:i.v ,.,, n mr JbIi when jniriiils elidmliiir'to b pound I, "I'l'uimcaii rsith, like our I'.itu viiii- ciiinemp irury, lly to their Uerenei wIifii tho morn lium-nt and Ititlpiii'iitlpn new-pnpers or tho party expose them It is Mich as the Miner's Journal tint brintts dl "pniro on our honored oranl zitlon it Is they that irHko It polbW for linns to rule, ami destroy tho cond dencuortho iiiomIh in ilm mrn. v. heartily desplso n rliijr iiolilklitii, foil' .uu,tm' iiiruaiii'iii rinif orpau Jim tho Miner's Journal ten-fold morn in. lenseiy. Hit 'm Again. Hartranft and Allen wero beaten when Hucknlow and Hawley wore nominated and their fortunes havi waned steadily ovr since. No amount of money, stump cloquenco or political engineering can savo them from merit cd defeat. In tho oldest and most staid Republican counties tho revolt against tho "Treasury Ring" is the greatest Tho Press speaks of tho Republican nominees, as "Our Tammany at liar rlsburg," and believes that tho Repub lican party should nld in Its overthrow, bo that tho Democrats may not claim all tho credit. In a late number it presents a scath log "lninctment" with numerous counts against Hartranft, Mackey & Co. which tho Ring organs havo not oven attempted to answer. Wo have only space this weeK for the third count. Evasions of Corporation Taxes. Third. Ono other way In particular. there Is every reason to believe, Is by corrupt bargain with weaithv eornnri tlms. Itlseasv for a dishonest tinrinrlnl ofJBcfr to permit such eorpnrtititnis tn escape wun inn payment or only a pnr linn 01 uieir ihxps in return lor von sldTatlnn. unit h ripnrtiif a nub com mlttPooi me uoubh .iii(lic;nrv,t!.,i...i I cin li I I Vl ,,'ad- fimiio oy lis i-lmlrinni Mr. C. Ji. Briiekwsy, April 3, 1ST2 raises trm suspicion ut tenor. Hist ml is fn quently done. This n-port spimk- ol several rsuro u eorporstioi's which havo not neeu requireil to re'dlcr iIipIi return promptly mid conoc lj. and which have Iiti'ti alhnved toci t off u 111 the. payment of jjmiMv Ips.s hiiiiu tuxes than tho law strictly i nfirci.il exert o tliem. Fiwth. In Mm imro of ihoN'irtlen. Ceolral IliilrostJ, of wlii -h .Mr 1) ,i Onmernn Is nreblerit, t hi re Is th wr 8troiiK8t r a-mi for siipeclii g frHiniti lent cotinivMiiCf" on tlio inn of h Tie survi fflc al. he Amli'iirO m r 1 of cmirrO, i- Mi" olllcer niMi o rspnis ble vviih the nun piyinnt uf fn tx es, j in1 n i hi hi i ivo ruterren niMih on n Ii"bi : the NnnrmRN' rr.xmAh Aii.'ion Will' H I'WNS OK TtS ns tCM') (INK II "NO Et)A 1) NINrtrY.Nr.V (I'J'I) M'LKM lir i niuif 't u i.t i niAi, a.Ml ' HEAVY i HAL T'N.V.AOR IIA. Plll INK! THEruPAs kv.om ruvNA -K AVi.rmuss icivKier , iium.'Ni. i ilk i'at MjtYriAs an avekaop: tmsnf. ykt i'avm HI'ATK I MaUYI.ND ANNUALLY I90.IWU iuu nun; iit.viiMi Miuuiur iv 'Al'. At the muni rto in piopnrtion paid to Jlsryland, Pennsylvania should ro cive from this road an xtiuusl tax of $197,000, or a little morn than fourteen times tho amount actually received from it I Comment Is unnecessary. AVo need only mid that, during the whole of thet-e Mx .vears John F. Hart ranft has been Auditor General. Major Errctt Explains. Wo nro in receipt of a circular from Mr. Ru-sell Errett, chairman of the State Central Committee, In which ho emphatically denies having declared whllo in Washington that "Hartranft cannot bo elected In Octobor In tho face ofdetermined opposition of tho Republl can press and tho voters of tho State," as charged by tho Philadelphia Press. Of coune, this Is now a question of voracity as between Col. Forney and Major Erott. Tho clrcularalso abound in a good deal of advico and numerous suggestions as to tho duly of Republl can Journals In tho present campaign all of which will receive duo consider atlon. Whllo wo cheerfully give Major Errott tho benefit of a denial of having uttered tho languago attributed to him by Tho Press, wo full to seo that such a mere personal matter is of any general public Interest. Even If tho Major had used tho language nbovo quoted, ho would only havo expressed what Is the ueneral sentiment of tho Republicans In many parts of the Slate, and almost universal in tho northeastern counties. Wo are Rlsd to seo by tho circular that MJor Errett Is hopeful of tho result In Octobor. It Is really refreshing to find oven one man whosa "kith" is ho great bo undertakes to comfort Mm "mourn ers." General Ilnrtruii't Is Mr. Errett's patlont, ai)d doctors always glvo the "rolatlves" hopn until tho last. Scranton MepuUican, A (ilHIll rdlllllllltluil. Hon. R. h. Wright, former Bunntor from Phllstlelphi.i bus In on uoniltiHted for tho I,eKM.ituru by the Democrats of tho 17th District. Good men every Whero earnestly deUro hli aucc8. Ho is honest iitiil uble. Aruu id him weak er meintieru ciultl rully, utid his wis dom an I experience would kIvo lone to ihu body with whom hu would tit. His nomliiull n Id u rtdeeuiliiK' point In riilimlclphla politic, mid wo irtibt ha W 11 bu elected. Hon. Samoei J. Handall has boon appointed Chairman oi the Duuiutrat.o Stato Central Committee. are ''MaCKRV lie iurK band for the amount lo,t by tho fa I urn of tho PhlladolnbU liw which check was novel CAshf,d, but do. llThnrn't " vm.,U of ,ho Treasury htn l7h!.t Vol remains, with Innumnra oath ' Bltu,,nr WW nlt counted at This is 0110 of thrt mnl onrlnnn charges that hasovortwon raado against nu omciai iti our state, government. It is a wen Known fact that stnto Treas urcr Mackoy lost almost a hundred tltousanti dollars of tho funds of tho Commonwealth, through tho failure of Yorko tlio Philadelphia broker and stock: gamblor, A correspondent of tho Phllado'phh Press, writlnir from Hnrrlsburg makes tho nbovo chareo. Is it true or ratsov It has never yot ap poured how Mr. Mackoy raado up tho loss sustained in tho Yerkes falluro, but wo do not bollovo that ho paid It over out f his own resources. If it is true as charged nbovo, that ho has simply placed his check In tho troasury, and counts it as so mueh cash, it Is an out- rago upon the peoplo of this Common wealth such as .few men would havo the Impudence and effrontery to perpetrate, If tho chargo h f ilso why does not Mr M.tckey. report It? Ho has two nows pipers at Harrlsburg that wear the treasury ring collar, and wo havo boon otpoctlngto si o a denial uf tho all-ira (ton forsoiuu days. Scranton Republl cm. Hon David Davis, tho Candidate of the Iiibnr Reformers for tho Presl 'loncy has declined iho nomination and upports Greeley. Tho following Is hU otter of declination : ntVIMIVOTOV. JOE 21. IR75 '.Win E. if. ftwmb -liin, l'rt)Utnnt ic'U'iliu Lonrfmi"ii. noMna .unii.' "JIY DeaiiSih: Tho national Con tfpntinn of Lihnr Reformer-', on the 22 I oi i-enrusry iu-i, uonoriu mo with 'loiuinatioii as their catidlilato for tin Presidency. Hiving rtujard d thai movement us tho inlllatiori of a pilloy nd purpose to unite the various pollii cat elements in a c impact opposillon, I consented to the u-o of my name before i nu uini'iotiaii convention, wnero n tli!tlni:ulshed citizen of New York wa Mntulnateil. Under theeeircunistnnro ' deem It. ironer to retire uhsnltiteiv from the Presidential contest, and thue icavti the friends who wero genernu- onougn to oner mo tnoir voluntary sup port free to obey their convictions o duty unfettered bvanvsuunosedotiliin 'Ion. Svmiisthlzinir GflrneHtl v vulih 1 1 jusc iinu proper measures ny which the cuiiiiiiion oi lauer may no nlovateu ami impiuveu, i am. witn great respect, "Your follow citizen, .DAVID DAVIS." A lively sort of a Mark Taploy, who edits the Norrlstown Ilrrald, l not in tho least discouraged, but whis ties his courago up In this fashion: "Tho democratic nowspapors have pretty much given up tho Idea of or ganizing anything liko a formidable opposition to tho election of General Hirtranft and the other popular candi dates associated with him on tho repub lican ticket I" The Washington Daily Chronicle, the official administration organ, owned and edited by Senator Harlan, gives noilco In an editorial that any persons employed in tho departments who are found either publicly or privately ad vocUIng Greeley for President will be summarily dealt with. Did ITenry Wilson say In tho fall of 18.7! "Thut tha Hmo h.,.i . ...i me muMmi oi tho btato mllllla should no lontor be dfsirrsced by helng seen on tho hack or a Catholic Irishman or an Intuitu Dutchman?" Has uen. Grsnt lippolnlcd forty. two roatlves to i.fflcis? Yih. sav the records. And Jmlue Hosr of M.ii aehti'OttR (xc.IhIius In I ust iflnit im 'f this wholesale repoiim "win. 4'oultl'nt V" V ntn not imrliculiirK ,"'0'i at trins-lnir ciiiitnlruini. but it 1 fe to my thht no man I- fit for tie ire-ltciKy who wmi d ,n it. NEWS Four Democratic S utu Convention!- ero held on Wednesday of lust week viz,: New Jers-y, Illinois. .Miads-liinl. ml GeoriH. In III) fl'Ht-nrtiued the Greeley men floally ctrrled thediy. Imvliip; a set of resolutions minuted similar lo thou of R iciiHsterHiid R ml inir. In Illinois the D.'tm.cruts fvoro,l Oreeloy, us did nis i Mississippi Hud Georgia. The Lilierals of Illinois also held a State Convention, itud.of course. endorsed the Cincinnati tlck-'t. plat form, and everything; pertaining to tho Liberal mcvuinent. Tliofllitu nn, .., ,lr, at Cleveland on Thursday Resolutions were auonted and dnlento ino ,.o,i to veto for Oreeloy and Brown. Tho Viwlna Stato Conservative O in . vontlon metat Richmond thosameday. Resolutions wero adopted declaring or mo enuorsement of Qrouioy anil Drown ut Baltimore. Tho convlcls in the Statu Prison at Autmrn, jv. Y,, revolted Juno 27th. Two hundred of them wero placed in closo confinement, but nlno hundred pntherflrl !n tho im,,l ,i i orders some b in'; ZTZ Thnrnvnltrooa flnoll., n.. .... , ...,..,.,, 1UV11KU y turou conipanles of military under General McDoUgall. About 1G0 Of tho rehol J h,.o 1, i i . , " rau JHUI.CU m cio;o conunemont on oreau and water. Kejectlon of America's Indirect Clalmi. 'Iho Board of Arbitration mot on r runty last nt Uonova. when lu finni ti I .l . . " " u.niiuu imionrecoru reiectlni? the claims of tho United Stales for indirect uamaRts.and likewise the dtmandof urcai liritain for a protracted adjourn, metit of tho tribunal, Tho uoxt sitting win iuku ptace JUiy io. Tho L-mdon limes says "tho decision oi tno Tribunal of Arbitration la eml nenuy satisfactory. All Encllshmen and Amerlcaus ought to ho grateful to I tlio iirbllrattiru, who have nrovtil thorn. omen 1110 true iieiiflactnrri of both Un. mnnu nun jimum-a. Till) miiti ujlw. icevuru iwiu-riL-ii iroin UiscrtUlt Ih uiinrius 1'fHtu'H Atlrtitu." 'li.... r .. i.i" jswiuvn umni jyei.i!avn tl,t Aini-rlcn rgrtca ti tu-li rion tstiitotl in hit u.4so uoniro inu Umtril of Arlilir.u 1,,,. mi mr us thu tlm Imlireot claim Uto uDncuriieu. Ynlk Tlm Hcrotnry of Wrir lmi lsip,i orticr fll-uiintlriuliifj; tint Fret tlnmira uiin-itu. uit auriji'iiii unnurtii will m u r.u u ii'i iimiiii'us rt'iatlvo to It. Tun working men of WlllldriMimrt omployt'il In tlm IuiiiIkt iiiIIIh Imvo truiK for rfduwtl liourB of whl'ih inoy ueiwanu ten Ihhim a iluv. hnvim. bean worUloir from twelvu to tlilrtPim houru. At a Meeting bold on Tutwlay Borao 2000 were prfHeiit. Tbo Btrlki-ra qulut and orderly. THE COLUMBIAN Governor Parker, of Now Jersoy, has written a letter declining tho nomlna tlon for Vlco President, glvon him by tho Natlonnl labor Reform Oonvon tlon. A man named Clymer, from Uerlcs county, was robbed of $700 last Situr day, on tho Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, near Urookflold, Mo. Ho wan nslcop at tho tltno. This horso "Jo Elliott." owned bv Robert Uonnor, of Now York, made tho fastest tlmo over trotted, at Mystic raric, uoston, on Saturday. Tho dls. tanco was ono mllo, tho tlmo 2.1GJ. "Jo. Elliott" is 8 years old. Undku tho now postal codc.opon dr. cuiars, composed entirely of printed mntter, may now bo transmitted through tho malls for ono cent poslnco Although theso card circulars must bo printed, thoy may bo addressed in writ ing and posted in tho usual way. Open written communications can, however, only bo sont on postal cards furnished ty tho United Stntes Government. The postofllco department will, in about ono month, bo prepared to furnish pos tal cirds at tho rato of ono cent each, Including postage. Tiik apologists for tho Infamous Trrr "U'.v ring beg tho question. It may bi as difficult lo connect Simon Cameron with Robert W. .Mackey ns It was for the outside world to detluo Hut e.v nt relation betwfen F.igln and tlio "Alt rul D ulver," hut what wo charge, mid what wo havo proved is that them has been a wholcialti speculation with the nmney of tlio sinking fund by the S ate Tnti -Hirer, and ili.it Alt il'nr Gen, John F. Harttntift has, from his olllclal po'ltlon, necessarily been cnuiiiziut of this stato of ti ft" i Irs, if net nttively a participant In It. No personal ntlHtk upon The. Press will dlspo-o of thei-e fids, or IhiHu that me to follow them. Cutcui.Aus aro about to bu Issued to all mo'iey or.lrr po-it olllcos intitlif ing tno regulations In relation to iho Issuiuu of monHy orders. Uy tho revised codt the fee for a money order of ten dollar.- or lest will bu live cents ; oi other sums tho charge will boas heretofore DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOlt GOVEItN'OK CHARLES R. BUOKALEW, op co LUMnt.v eou.vrr, FOlt AUDITOIl GENEUAL: WILLIAM HARTLEY, op HF.nroun conniv. FOR JUDOE OF SUl'KEME COUKT: JAMES THOMPSON, OP ERIK COONTV. FOlt C0VQUE-8MEN AT LABOR: RICHARD VAUX, OP PHILADELPHIA. JAMES II. HOPKINS, OP At.LEOUENY, HENDRICK R. WRIGHT, OP LUZEHNE COCKIY. For Member of the Conatllullonal Con. V.llllOII JS?t. J7; W0D w AKD- riiHaJclphla, JE11BMIAH . Ui.AlK. Yoik. WM. UIOLER. Cionrfl-U. W. J. UAKK. somerset. W. H. MMIiH, Allegh-nir. FllANIfUV 11 OO -E.V. Phllndclnhia. JOHN II. CAMPHBbt.. PhiliUcl,hli. H. A. ttfaiVNOI.Ui) Lancaster. JAMES KM.IS.Kohunlltll. H. it. r. DOOD, Vennngo. OEO. W. DALLV, I lladflphln. UOEHT A. LAMHERTO.S, Duunhln. A. A. PUKMAN. Qrewi,. ' WM. L. UOttUdrr, CUrloi. New Advertisements. A UDirOR'rt NOTICE Xl. IJIT it,' op niMi: . p iwLRIl nEr'n. I n nmi -r Rem e ! jteii u a ullt.ir 1 1 d iri-iut in 'i. ma in im na. i, is .r t!u, I'li-ttea thortHtBi,f ht.i-i Ko Uunl c hs.U ln in i ih parie. liilrie.l-u this ,,lt,-B Im ilm imuiil ni -iiiliiurK nil -mnril'V AUSUt 17 ll ht .'uio lc ,i. in wni-n nn 1 win k i ihm w i i ,J'lv , U I , , M III, Mllll I I I1IO H U ' ur ii- ,,u i.-ie,cr uvjjrruu irui c iiule In o , , . .,' " Li'lTEP, lnly.7iw iud!,or I0.000AGENFS "WANTED 'ii'AT 1 Hi n nrTn. 'Jim biinifiiuii unaiii. IriiHtM no itt a it titMi I it p t.'s f (r i hi ! JfiK iht IicIh Htil nMlc n fiie I f -t uv ry l.i I -1 ill A DAY T p mo.t il ril loruiri. .u.,d i.,r ,i, i ct i oir ula vldre-f. UU- l-IH.i, ii-'IMK Ml. Piihl sier, 7,1 ,lul Miri, l'Uii.AlK I'llIA. i t a: coxvnruriu.v or wcnwvlv v I'mnosinu' nn nrnmi.ii.it. it i.. ii i' ...Li ue it rtsti-'ca ui the ami irnur.f i. recent itltet of t'te Ou'iim-nnvtn th t I'ewtj vtnio i'l uetrut Ahsemhfu ut ih.i i lk e i nui.tium-H ti i to uonMit.iii.m i imsi'o " moil vri'Mll'l lit Itr 111 ft il to .tin lienn'e Ir.t uoa or rei cli.tii. nnr.iiiif. tit i.r.n..! i '. Ktrlkfl nut thH KtTf.ii t in ..r i. ...i.. ur- nitinutmiou. ttiiti iierL 111 linn I buruit n,. .''enf'TitaVa'c! zz;r,i".v,;. " ', ' "r,u ul "'"iceiiumm,, Wl I T.T A f hlttv.n Speakers of Hie House or ItHi.r-kentu'tlvcF JaMEh b. HUTAN, ,v;n.",'!i"llouu"loa",nl, 'Klthanureaauu r, enured ami co'tin,i r.rV,,,.!,,. ant to tlio reuiii Anii. r ,i,...:.r;..' e1""" y. ...ovvil.ll,,, Ul,!l, FltAfJIMS .Ififin.v o Secretary of the CouiiuouM!eslth Office HEcniTAiir oftus (Jommonwhauiji. . . . .HAttKianuita. June2tth.i,ii ' juiys n, iM ' " BOOK AGENTS SS7 ?h' 'VL i w 0 ?S'f 'ihebe.t elllDE boTu ouhllS r i.-,:lr: oraioaryiiiaucementiioderou. VrotltimoreTlini I Sll,,TunSN0Buwarr TngS. : ' Wtt-Itt . " ivun isu-for tho Lives of Wrailt, ! f-Jrnn nir t WTT.OMI RPfl VM I ' Ve V ; " r wondMfiil unities' .i.P" V," 'ur will. irnimrv Vi .mTS . i.r.L"' 'r.' u '""t culu,'M1,Alcl" - fmiaueii,iii;;i - r." 41c 4w WAJH RANGE Tint Premla a AraIast'!71 L"!1? Elevated Oven. Wanning Closet llrnii ...h wi'ur, renuer uuar,. Uumpniv r-hakii e iCENNKDY'rf HKJiiAiOk' ointment A V, , . Tli proprietor, lias' olio eode'il u illllUiiiK tlm niMllcil pr,iH.-rtle stnlalned tilth,, 1111 l,n,.i. ... Itnslll of thr lleliimck I lee ., nut luel a valu.mlo pruiirillni, In he appllid sshishiiv,,, t lii.t-t fir Itheuiiisllsin, Urnup, I'.nn u h-iiens of the lla.-u, rhest in M'liiueh, I'lles, rail Itheii 1, 'euiv.horrk, Ul -. it iiiIoiim.-. r, l ..rn., lr istit.tes, 1 hilhlal i, Sm, Urciisis uiid s,ij) .ies, lliiu.,!!,,. h4tl ,B.tr.Ul, lfctUtU.ut HII III u .niliiat ,rv iiiilnr. 1 II ..i.i.w v. . l..N, Aueui, 7 hixtu Avenuo. 4W. laUJLhV.u,?1V1i'1''t','l uu bHiwiii"oiiHi- lv7Libi-iiy Dtrret.Ntw urjor, Hucluiuti.ii, I lill'lj TIV" r A l,'u CUKtJ J-Ji- u a At Ni.s-j AND CAiMimu For cure SI 1? 'il iA-l H.""'1V "hi" ! by m ill, F, JliAff.aijUiaudntreei.rtew vhik liKirr AND DEMOCRAT. ALL HAIL! THE EXCSLJ Kleclsncx- iSc Cb'ss MONSTER CIRCUS, MUSEUM, ' AND MENAGEttft FIRST VISIT TO THE KEYSTONE STATE, or THE I,PnfT fisni,M)TWi rjurs Off) NI7.M XVI til- DSXHUTS JUS II nv H U'dlAY, .it't Yno FOR ONE J)AY ONLY ! AOprietfin I'lilt'Pinl nnnt '2 o'n'o k. Kvpiilnn eorr,irm-ni, ill Nu'clopk. ADMIs'-IOSWi'TS s (IIIMllti'VTKM YEARS of UiE.OR U.SliEtt,V5CENI8. A Free Outside Exhibition. Will I o given nt tlio KriHiiut ililly, nt 1 o'clock P, M., i.iiforo the eonluu of ttitMli-ors for Iho tno iifti-rnnon perf iriuuiic'. Miss 11, UOo SX will inaki, n Uruoil Asceunlon u onailnulo who, 2KI ft-t lo-ii;, fi-om tho uronncl to tlio top o Uio tviiirn t'ole of tlio ravlltou, wluU utid weHtlicr pprrait'lng. FIRST TOUlt OF THESE EXBI BITIONS On tho Ameilcnn Continent, nml nroRlvennn Utr TOUR MONTEIt TENTS, Mommotli Wuler-Proof ravlllon. capable of dealing WPIl Benin H) nrra IT ilil, liuilVd.llan onnnr- t'liilty of wl'ne ni tti Exhlhuton. I'lWJIS.Ii'l.'VU AUI, 1'Ull llL I'll, LIU Ol-'Al) MISSION. 43" Tho mot eomnleto Travfitlni? T-lzhltiltlnn 111 Ainerl-H. i liN tlK'intlo t-ktabllalnucul, or aulzeil for iS72, will rt-'qulro laiMhNANIi IliU HOUSES To tlHTmnp irtatlo ,. A MAaNIt-'I,:EN ! sniWKr iiinnk'.JaTnj Of Orkniul niilHiil-,r wi 1 b bIvoh on i lie innrn in oi uio nay oi me exiiiumun, al 10 o clock u i-eiseiy, ie,i nv in j-.gyin ia;l.rur .'"..'xul, Th f.n-l - I- ' 11 lit, Itie Mil f, I, r-n , ,, u -e II ll lv u- .n lio irf,ii nn ' -rv JI I. .1-1 All vl.lMP. I'll T tVKH.nii. '.'I'll' .! IMl,tt 1, I l-,.- il W i Tr -jv, . vrf iin r mi I in t,i . it ir,i u mil Ilm s,.,,i, ,i ,,, i ni. pui lur ii-iii, f (Ills, 1 1 14 1(1(1. t, (,tM I'll' I (I hi A'i 'lllh' iQ fMh f t h- lii) 111 J'l' I lU l if Vt 1111) I , PUNA. ll" wnrM 1 iiio 1 n on i:n i trie-m wli'ii MHrl n 1 g 4. M m ( ut. lit (Ulln to i Ltil lltl- u-iuiH 1 riv.i'. til iVJ 1 1" t I'A I IP Mm "Man i.f H h.'i ui, m jr ','1 J uv " lift ILM I'll IM-If ilMotWti I In 1 1 ii l,..l,UJ M'f.i.n v t wi. a 1 ii i rill ti' Hit in mi' 1 nn'l w uhLtIii' finiil. rs ." ' ijiiimiii 11 s x i' nn Itr. iux trMiouuio-n, umiUlic i.irniilt utf,r. UihihuIi lliH ar ous o ns nnl a s helm enllveueil b .tin UR.illLl 11 ininr 011,1 . .. ..... ..1 UHX .V UUII ' IMCl l-i WILLIAM ifRWRnv M'l.l.i: iiaiiiiii,-i i i.. I . .,. rti rlmiinln- r.in,, v,t ..t,n... IhoMmi. ' uueun 01 .. M'TiK nAltRIUOVDONA ,V rf"m' niouum. Dm most lirlll ant Tlahl Uo" Uauca1'('nroi;oer X Th; recliWs.i.,1 tinwui.lo.1 rioirifii m,t. In thun?,l;,u,V"J:''b,y 11,0 UMalpc'riKiSS lU" ittiqumttonably tlio be.t m-uernl nen sr a v ,TA'xVWALUJ.'.r''S.!'ltOTIIKHS. the nmn inv -:."r''"" ',,.,i,r"r UU.?crrUaarrd,.ls's,,a0a'eaU''' C,Bli" Ln Tile names nf i'ia nm.in,u, ., .... JUUJ U-Wl'JNi'ORT, SH. ., . CM1WN AND ClMIO VOCAUsT. ii.. """ '"ucn.ione, an nsy couvcr'atlin tn-inrlo I l.,cttier mil' .. ,, Kill Minna in n . ., I ,ia a A 1 r ,- -ri-s ,f A in r, i m ,... ........ li-liii'ii'sii i-HI iiinn, . wi, ii nr.'s .'nt m, , i . ...s i ,u with ,ii, , r i,ii,. r. ......... ' tiiusiu in hv ii o i ii a 'nu ,n a ii .L II s'wllll -e, In o I it I ,nr, ., Id or Ht .r lir , . r ..... I t ii th It I- lsl ,,, t ,1 , ;, , ,,',,1,.. y"" ', ' III" IIIIVdIj lrfl (I'M 111 li llll Im I... . Uiro-I. II Am, I ii "'..uiilB N il Menu iIm I, veci huh h . 10. L 'lri.,s !' ir.irinuiii'e. u-lil.ni i, MV,:,Ji".,':'l- ... nr prvlnu loimueucus ui TIU, IHU' 'Wi-Ht'-snKHX'UllluriVM ii.. i.. '"run t a r II uletni. T,ie uv ,Jiu mu. J I kes I, .rre. We- ,,,. U . Inly loth 1'i.unotitl. llnirsday.J Hy i ,7 Hiuksi, n iy f'r.iiw. .iuiv i ti It isjuish.irii M.turusv t .li, it,, , Ueiueinher lie ,..',, ni,,"' fttANkBIVUlVulMHl Agent. i i ,,. ...... i' or 1 1.1 m BLOOM S H URG, NiNOUNCiiMliNTI THE BLOOMSDOna IdTEItAHV INSTITUTE Attn STATE NORMAL SOIIOOL will opon under the cntlro coulrol of the ROARD OP TRUSTEES. Ttioy have Bolcctcd a Principal of tho Intl tutiou KKV. JOHN 1IKWITT, a eeuttemau wlimo nullifications havn t)on fully lostcJ anil pro veil in inner tvluciil innl en. tcrprlien or a lino nalumi and they atlt nml liavoa rlilitlo'loniauil for lilm ami the Ire-ll-tiitlini, the coiiBitenuB ami giipiiort of our own clttMns, anil of the frlomlsof the enterprise and nli'diioJltim everywhere. In point of comrort, eoiiveulenre nnd beauty of buildings and hp round limit, tin hcIiooI In Uio Htnm huroasnes tins; nil we are deturmliieil It shall not be second In the kind, quality and IhorouglinosS of lti dlscl pllno and culluro. Tlio Spring session of twelve woeks wilt begin MONDAY, APRIL 8tii, and close JOfNE 28th. EXPENSES! Tuition and Hoarding, luchidlnn washing and heat, for Ihu session oi twelve weeks, tilJ iki, ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Tulllon for dav pupils, one rio lar por week. Inl. trnln It r, t, ulul.t o .u,. In the nindoi i-clio,,l, trnin llfiy Ulilsare mil atjie. hii 1 ihii.li,m ,,ui , ,.r...n..n .v.. ,.,t,s,u, uii.wiiiK, i-.iiuiiun. rto., oxiru utie-lmlf HttiiM li-giuiilnnaud tue other liilfal Hie lulddleiif lliu session. J.U. FUUJ-Ki.:, L. 11. ItUI'RRT, H'-cretnry. i'iiwl.iui. Road da.mahe. i 'Ihu following Is a I stnf Itnt'l ilummnas reirlHt to av i et in H7 i Hint c ,iinmeil nisi One ool, roid nenr A. 1' Vunig. u il, fow. 'er, John KN-tine-, nnd .unmet Nt- h irt, view ;rs, ni view rout In iJr,-iiwi -il ii. ne.n- .V. I". V ling ". a-.il iiiinge in lo.loirst Ti, l.lM, ler HVes, 91 hi .la,-k nu ItubUlm, H' .01 To Kills Kv, s, 10 in I' i Win I .h.ison, 5,ii r- .Inliii Mr Mleliiicl, ,,, nent'i'i, ma I nnr I ,el IC-efer, avid lews, JessH Msriiuiiii i,ii a. C. -less, view-era, a-st-sa loiis"0 ms l.illou's: To lllruiu As i, j ni., I'n .In 1 Keeier, 1 ,tii n I s 1. 1, , neif sumiiuI Ulmliy, Hiiinu'il .1 Intsi.n, Wn . Kj era i,l Win. J. lkel r,vloer . is es d hum'! T , -n-'liHl llliiiliv, at J 71,i) Hub, iIkiii b-s will b cnflrme,! abs-dnie, hi n teiiilier linn, uiileos ..bj.cu i,N s nu ,1 l tiled Hgllust toeiii, W, ueuml g vlll 111- P llile an iipiMiriuiilly ml: o . wont i. being .1,1 ..-i,(l Ifall are aail iird I ! s ipi s.il , i, llnglil. Yiti H t IIHtT1 II. I. K III KM, Icoui. Win. s.n.vM'Klt ) UJMMISStONG IS' IIKML'r. hi miimlliHK fn, lfl!, 11 in. Km on llf.lt, ri,fl(K, UMINIS 1 ItA i'Ult S Nu flUK. oMcs Is hereby given Hist Inter, of Admlnls tri'lnii li.ivo I'een ur.tul.il iiv th-. Hegisir nt Wlllsnf Cii'll'iilii.ie u lv in Hit. nn ers gue.1 up loll tlio psIhIh nf U Hilton K Snuiler, tie nl Kh; In Mild cou lily, i n w ik-i-t-risi-il. All p-rsius l detllett til shhI est ,to Hre I tjui ten In llirk 1 ll uent and nil p rs nf. who u ,ve claims kiiiiiki shIi! I'state to in tk. u tlie.ii Icunwii to Him uuder signed re-l lent u Ihiieliy ef I'll ladli,liiH,or tn M, C. AlcCullum at tlm town of Upy afore said UIAItl IN A. S"UI)KR. I.OITIH II. IIUOD. Ju'ie II IS72 Iw A iniliiistr aors. ASEHTS wmm f; Twelve Yeais Thfl rcmnrknblo itlvontur-H of the lamoiih WUITKUIUKKnnd UHJ WA HltlOU hwiouk the Hod skln. Tiirllllut; uccounts or Orcut Hunt, Hiilrbrt'Hilth Kr.cnppHfttiU'lVrrlUlf Conte-ts with the big game and hostile trlties, HplrlUl descrip tions or the hubttn uud supHrslltlona or ilia) "trnnge people Their Upon. 1 egpuds, Trfldt UoiiH, How tuny Woo nud wed. fc'.cnlp, Oot'n Worship, Ac. New, Kro h uutl PopulHr. Trice Low. ItlR nelllug hy the thoumiDdM with won derful rapidity. Agentr ure making from tw to IKK) per week. Choice Held yet vacxnt. Beud at once for umiplo rhupterK, IllustrallouH and par ticulars to A. li. liUiiUAHD, iniulUher. 1aulf7'7l.tf. inn iMiptnM wt Philn. N Ev druu aroitis. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Ilavlne purchasod the business of K. p. Lulz n .w oilers at the old ktand, a cloIco ussoitmen of DRUQ3, CHEMICALS, PATENT AIEDICINES, TOILET A KTICLE, KANCY SOAPS, IlUUclIE-i,.tc Ac in, i eennral nsan-tai-nt nf Hie cl'Hcpsi itmsl. I'll, t .1111 i In tils' ,-l .x -.'ul, Mi , ,H,,IS I' "ins" 'r, -.-ilntliiiis nn, I Kiiiiiiiv It,. In . tii Ml ll 111 --. ,ii .,s nnniMins in.. - 1 1 ' ,i. in. i, . . ni . In l p in, nu in a.vii r.NCLr it ni' k n. CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. Of NEW YOU I. No. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. rSSUES nil tlio now form of Policies LAUd l)fl'h)itaiianvnP.il.ia ..any I,, tho United .aies., """" nu m,B' 1 II" Clllnn.ini, Will r,1l,a tr..., itSpollel.H. ....tioiljr luauil llll .n.i ii.u,i T8 crsce allowed on each payment. All ,,V,P"!!,y,,'ld ko011 u"r'"l. II"" tlmo. ' lolLS Policies aro Inconlcstahle lor the usual eliu'r" l88ll8,l by this company aro non-for. KVlfH Kf.f fV86? maJe fr trvoIllnK permits. Iw. n.TT. . . V. """'i ,M lU 1.UUU111 OrUUlSIII 110 ClllllliailV. 11,1(1 huva n v..l..n , . f , ..nl tiianagemeSt of the"company.lu" u uiu-itvai iee cuurifeu. jysrya j,AwuKNt:K. iva-i" . 1'. Konnus, Hoc'relary 4. fUANULkii, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of Norlh-EastRn? vmh "Columbian" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General jldtmr W1.S.IS7V.II. " cK1-;lVY, N hAii it CO., Ilf.Al.KUl IN DHY GOODS, AMU General Merchandise, BLOOMSliUItQ, l'A. ji n:-7...tf VM Infliaus Piains. COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. Statomont of Aggrogatoa of Valuation and Taxes for oacli District in Columbia County for 1872 Itoturned by tho Sovoral Assessoi-s Classiflotl in this Sclioclulo. 1 1 TMTNStllr.S. E Heaver Ilentnn Kcrwlek llrlsrrrvelc .., Illnom (Mtasilssa Contrails Cell ro Omyn-lmm, 101.7'.',: uvea, ISS.IsO PI7.I7S 3,l'Hl 1W Jtl 70, 211 l 111 I'l.OI-i 117tc l.M. 10,10' 2 00 li, I 7,0 3,16" nunl sou a ti.9 i'l aw SM.3-K, f,I.S7( 01,419 Hl.liDI 2II.IKM 11SU H.'M so 807 11 ni 1W )l .111 praiiKiiu .-Islilnirr-rcek . 1 Greenwood lieml'ick ii Jackson 1 licust l Madison Maine ; Ml till n , Mini our I Mt. IMeasaul... Oratitjo Pino , lloariuueri-UK., Hciilt. I hll.urki.ii UJ5 l.Oi'l HI7, ,t)I.V 2I1.7IS, 17VW' 11 V i 171,1121 l'll.KW list, if I 111.01' till. Ill i 7.1.IH0 ....... 2-SI II I.I.VI 8,:l ' 4.UJI 7,'li" I,x4 !T9I 1 0 1M I ..III ill 1,71,0 111 lu.a m S.vlli 121 S.1 t,MD I 2.M VJl TntaU.. , jl.tioi.s.i twi,ai 13,57j! 47 M! lil7,M, CofMissioxnus' Office, ) Bloomsburg, Pa. j Ailed: W.m. KmcKiiAUjr, Clork WMLLS'UvRIJUliliJ r.lliLUl'S Vm OIIII,i Ot V HO vlC-srr--. TIimh r.iii prt"rt'ii Ael l In (J'ttnt)iti-nluu with "tthi'i- rill.-im niim ll', hi k jv mitr Un ut t.i tn 'nr t-liiil Pll'tU Putt I LlJ.NO HI etif HU.VUMO'.K.S-iHtH a CIOU vriu.N nf U f tin -it irn iiiiiiiiHI iilv riiml nu I 4titMiuU ht 1 Ill-Mil illy MiMMit I I II 4 IMJI l.i)P Ml lU'lf I In m'h- ut (limit iinM.'ii h-m itf vi-iiiH Mt'imltim 1 1 1 M'lM V " 'ttilo?lvwl uv v riii It-p J U I lWi liiiir.tiio it (inl otilv V'"tl ,1it ti -tui I ill i. IVkttitM'tniU pnr iux. Mill N 1, K l.iiO.m, tn I'luim.. n, v. s.)!u.vion n lit if, s, mm4 ? t'lri'UUr 1 2 Prof, nmn mm work in iU'iIkii, til, nml, ,11 iimr Mulutl liiter'U'l'itlnii.; I, wh, It I, iii'i, I'.nvr et.i. s-t n-l or s,.e.!nuell unii .11 1 el uu'l-s ,vllli I run. Add , .N.VriuXlj I'Jitl.I IUV11 OO , 1'nll.i I'.i im. iw ,';! .. .. ..ll1....,.,,,'.'!"'1-"- anil s ,.cl it tor Infills i. ?"ir 1 n 1 '!'.' ,," "'! runlislie.1. 1 n'llislifsl. ICUlfiliailS KfiDllBllCaQIS iiiaiVmerica. wnitf to 111 presKut 11.1lliu.il i-x ItHiiifiit, hell 1 ,, the nettslY ninntli IIIih ulld lire. Is Hie 11101 reliable li ink hi 1 Ik, uiurhi't. .1, M, si'-illU.ltT.V CO., I'uiili.li rs. 7it Han Slilll -1,, I ,111 11 rEAtllBItH, Sl'UIlKVlM ii l others w..iitej as ,iur.n r.-s inr . u 1 V U b Til- richest r,el-st. 111, i,l fas. 1111 ,lln. Iiiktn,,., ttveauil I niuH-prii"o thin bo.ik Issue 1 fir veais. mno.vlo,li! d superior to MAIIIC fWAl'N. I spl'iill'tly II usiralHil, elemintly Imund, and vrij- cou ip. jik-mus repo-i ijrauu sin-cess. Him ntn natffs.sneeialterinsatid -'AHI-lvrs' I'link' i.-. 1 COMI'ANIiisj." fiea ad Iress.HUIIUAItU HKtW, ruimsiiers 72:1 K.msnin Hi., rhlis. trillw OUR DIGESTION: or LhWi-' ittaauu Kit-uit-ut win k. vim uj vwiy 1111111 huh v O it 1 11 Q in IUO COUMtrV Tlitee-Iourth of ull tho slrlcesH lnourm iU miy bo nvnluod bv a knnwtedo and prat'tlcn ,,u 'iiij niciiiiii -nurpi., 1110 raoHi emi Di'Ut nut lorllleH In tlm l.amt honrtilv meuil It for Um Kreat common. hpusc. racy huinur shrewd Eltmps 'H of mauklud nn.l ttti vlv n nnr pltliy mylo ol expression. A.UENTS WANT 1 rila-, tenn, &, address, GEO. MACLKAN 1 uuiisiitT. n inrnii irfcMT ni'n n is 11 ii,w-rliil I'nuic. pcl,iliy n,lanle, for use In -...v. Kiugu, 1 i.u iieiltl llleil 8VH 1 era nee is siii-iik li hm,I vltallly: It will ui viKnr 111 nn leeii'e. i-irHnvii, in 11, u.utr ..... niatlon t,, tho 'lejecled, activity to th slinji.t. T1 ",.". "V! ",e"..,y 'lM to "'O nervous, and heali'i tn iMm lull, 111 It Is art .nth Aiii.rlnin rlnit.whleli.ncordlna n Him ttiMtiipoi ,j,i I. .11,1.. .. .... ... r . ' a .1 .. , , -.', mn, M, 1 1.1, n "' ' "' l'is-Hiiin 111, hi ii,ui-,-rr 11 t un nrnpeill's- tin 11 111 M ,irlii lu,n,. . ., ...i ,.. ... , kiin-vii In It- native,) ii'Hrv u li,i'. . ur llll .-iiihIiv-h i,ihiIh , .mil h,s h-en Inio; ushiI .... ,.,,-,,,,.,, .npiirii ies 111 1 nn 111 , ......1. 1 ,11 i,i i-r hiiii sip-..,, in, nor "in k l.nvilv o ll,e 111 isl ll-uiniy, W,,,k "L""-, 1 lerino ni-urinary in- Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba Is reimi-i iiImu nit in, . il. nu : ,lu 1 tll I ni i.ilcu f l lo 1 1 1,, l, ,11 i 1 1 - in, I ll'l,... 1 h -il t'linii.ii in , ir ul in ns v inr ,1 ,- nn I' vlll Ir, h.. I, ,v. s unl . i in- nu in , i'lrllve,,i,i, . ,. uv II . . -i iii i -.iiii: ,i i te.i .r .,u ir- i pi ilur .,.7,', " ' "' r "s '' ' " ' '" "' whnl. s " v l UKI.I.i'i.ll 1-..I, H V-il'K. s.n, u.,i I ,, (,,, )',,! .j , 21 a i i:r- w ,vr l I-' Hl,l I li 1 l I'n .tuns In. ampules f ,,v,e. V,,n.lHr,, 1 ''!. A.e wn , II niiuial IiI.i.kv in , : ,,r "' 'ini-tf ih.us a nu ,v i I'SIM' Mli'lViliiml 'Itl.v K KlllllW" '!, ill . is I', Ii (2 ul es-. New y ri , (J , II. It. Mis II s-nel, v K. niav iti;(.ivr:iii:t iitv.vos ill,- llll I I'inlllalilH Imv.i tineii l.i,,w, (,, Ihi, MV.ilth et eoinlles In Kan, Allen Alnli- s ,li -'r.iii' n, l..i.,w ,, ,. I s. I vjM.rni hy ill s aio ,,f Kansas. Ini 7.r I" 'I'll Mi,l hy ih-H a i, rr.fi.urr. i he nn nls p iy 7 ,,er n in. im re.t.aul urenver . .. ,t ,.i . '","'-, ii ipn isuiviniieoi iil-iy. iKiil.irlv i prniuiKiy pi i. y ,r ,tilstl.i,aiT,l I II 'I lll.lllo 1. 11,1 lr.4 .111 1. . n , ,. . I'll 111 ...1,, XT . . -V hk ii 17 it ii i s rr MtV IINK UK ni,.iih ,NL:,'1"UX Al" WASHKIW. I'l. luili-lpY,,-.. ,u -Hon,! f Vr !.r,-uh.V. ou i(i;iv.tni) Kor nuv e.isaof lll.ii'l, Uleed iiii,', Ilehlui; or U'crr.ite.l i'lles Unit 111: IHsll's t'n.K ItKitKiiy lails lo cure. It Is , , It.il Mil ttt in a.sii' l.,t enrt, llinl'.l,,. I .. ,., 1. 1 .. .. else. Snlil liy ah flriinwsts. l'rlc, 81,111. When the iiluoit llualits with rockeMlke vlolcnco to tlio lioul.otuslui; hot llushos, ver. tlao and dimness of slijlil, It Is a certain sign that n mild, sslubrlous, cn ilut: and equalizing laiallvo Is r'qulrud, and Taiucant'h b'VKuviiH. cicnt HitLT7.hu Al'tKIENT should ha atouero soriod to. tsouu UV Al.ti I)ItU(H) IHTrt. 1 UKNT8 WANTKl). Aneuls make moro moil- i hv ul w iru mr lis inn nr. iinv, t,.., ulua llusliiesslluhtaud nermationt. Partieninru rr w.,.s., im, rinu itt, x'umiauers. l'ori land Maine. 1'IANU CO,, N, V. 1 . ll. No Auents, Cl'c'ijirs 'i- $290 freo f UU A M O L W Oi.' 'I'll u a fcjXEH v uoilil linns wlllell llnna r vUhIHu n.,wltlv and iicu'i'lve eleclrlcltv pr.mf tint life Is evolved wltunut uul'iii- etroct nf toiiueo llillil. encso f I -si i , II-1 phnsphnrlo diet mode 11 troil. lui-mu' peiviu iiisfaseH, siri. iiiriuiiu varicocele nud urresi of development : i-n Inctures to nls private s iruloal a as. hy GIHVAHU ll. IIIXO-J M. I)., H Flfln Avenue, N.V.j bl paij-s ill ceil Is. Liverv iineiinminepim otllr.Dlx iii Iso'ere.t vahie tuuie wlinlenu.ii.il r a:"llaruce G'ttley, pilKXf MI-JDIi.Au IIOtlK otusiful kti,,wle,l-e v ' n,, vuuresM nr. llllNAI'AaTK 1 1 icluiiatl. i. hln. ui II -"Ol.U'ilUA f'OUXTY j In Ihe orphan's Cnuri olOnlnmbU ennnty I , th uiultii or un. pi titmn for panninn u-iu -nn.,--., ... ,,,. rnt.ne ,,i iary iiarihau luU-OtUr,iUtie.U4.UBlllol,.hiiiilni, ,.,,,U ill. ,'nt cm i lie thy ulvuu l.i h I L oihellrs m il repnuuna' Vrs 1 mi l d ceased tnni in l "i' r ',. " fi' '-i pariiu in alnl VrtlU itlnli t in., ulieeied I will no llpn.1 thu i remises IksI .lee-asiil Hihih lullniie nwushlpiu .h.-e-iiiii IS oli'iilulutil , I h a j ii I'J ins In I,., .iiiniii.n id i,iiH.iii,i,imV the I Ull 'I iy ii j iy A I) W4I. Ilia purp oii( in tut f pariul in nr ,111m 1.111 .1 , ul toil i-siim neon ,ii,,u ti.H eoiiiinainls ,,f saiil will, in , u a il a her" sll parties luur.-.lel ma, uU.d ifihey ilnnn pr -p.r .v o.v HMirii Hh-tiir, LL'VHIA CO UN I Y III Ihe OlplMII- O II Of (.'III 111 I I 1 11111,1 in l enu'lei ul tin, pelltlo.l In pllttji,,,, Vllinilll ,11 ,1 lllrt real ,.1,l,.,,tl Allien l Mllsnl "inu, n ti'tiii i ,vii llll liil'liil"! ,'., I V lie, u-IH id, Milli-u is hmeliy Klvell III all the heirs 1111, lepresu -tiilve.i thu s.n.1 niieu-nl 1h.1i n pnr uiuu... nf a wiltnt purtltl 11 an 1 v-iluallnu In iiieiilreoiuil I will nu iisi , inu premises 1 f said .Kts-t'iibtf 1 a Unite In ll leiin lowushlp inuiily nl ikjlunii.la with a Jury hy metn besuuiiriiiied.iiii Hslurdiy 'lie 3 -ill day oljuly A. D. Mt fir th" purisise nf iiuilsl'ii purl I Ion aim valuslloo ,l aid leal estate a,i-,ir,li, to the 111111 iialuls ill and urn, when und who.eall parlte. Ililere.uu t.ni m.'u ... il ..r 1,1,4. pii.pei. JauoniK7J-li aauu.n umiiii Bnerlir, m m aui m n 1 n 1.000 10.711, 3U 6 lii7 18.12 Jl,2.7 4i av 29.111 6.080 i,ia; l.M I 15.IKV V5 H89V S.IH1 4.SIS 3,11" 80 1 5,00 Kl 2,111 11.1 10! l.llil 321 4 0, 171 17 a,77" 2",7il H.I'Ki 7.SIII luRIKI 822; 27,10 0 21 lit) 4ll! 11,190 10.21 Ul.'ii. 0I. 20,111 10,021 H.flll 24.S0 4 Is m 7,H8 t.iiAH 2,492 7,701 S,4S.I 2.771 Jl.tl.VV 6,WI 10 4ll 31 19 IS 1551s 2I,.17S( 7.11 .1 111 V7I '3,7-10, 28. IS2 13,11 ill 18.31' 15.MV V.-2I5 6,1.111 2,II5 S,H7U 2.0IK 1 1 17 1,7, HI 60 HfiW S,ll VUJ H.1 ' 6..0l' ISd 0. 77 7,1 8 13 OH i.i. It .1 8.0 ' 20, 21 28(12" 4 711 I.IIV, 0,15 ..'ii9 S.ys.tiol I9.,2 6!l 2,171 AVM. SHAFFER, CYltUS ltOBBlNS, II. J. KEEDEK, REMOVAL!! I. W. NILES', MUSIC W A It li It O () M M bavo been removed to tlio NEW BIUCK BUILDING! OrrOBITK the Ul'ItlCOPAIi CHUK01I..M AIN at Where ne will keep a general juisurluient of THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, and all KINDS Ol-' MUHICAIj INSTIlUMKNm Also MUH1U HOOKS for nil INSTKU JlKNl"H. PIANO AND OltOAN STOOLS ALL HTYLE8 ANDPItlCia. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is tiie cheapest 1'irst Class iJiano in the market. Having seemed Ihu Agency ol the IIKO. WOODS' ItUVinVN-'.l O'Kl v-t, torOuliiiiihi.i cuu.ity, tn.etner wan tlin i;ni.i:iirt vrno tkmi-li: isui.m. fi'iits'i's a lvtnt.i,T,is tn piireliis. n si w ele. STATIOXAUY OI-'.ALL KIXIN. A lull assoilmeut of SQUAHR AND OVAL KRAMi:E all styles and pi ices coiis'ku t!y on h idd. HTKfl, K(1H WfNrtM CIIIKIMO-I ,( i Of.OI'.EI) ,.i,,aiciiLuu;i'r,s Arsii vmwri. 9-Call aud examine. mcliS'"2 Bin. rvM . Tlio Roeu of Tlmo Keopers. r,l B. ALLEBACH WATCHES and JEWELRY DANVILLE I'.t. JII.VEU AND I'LATKD WAIli:, FHKNCIl U..JCKH, m Ir-H A.VII AMKUIOAN KTK.M WAIflllX, Tin: iti:vtiwNi:n kloiv watchi. A IiAltliK Asl-IILTMI NT V FINK Ji:wi:i.KV, Dl UluNliS At: 't lt' i'iilll "K prnmpily attended tn. QISSOl-iUriONUl'' CO I'AiU'NriU- Ills en nsriiid'-slilii heretnf in oil, tin r ,, i.r Uio Unii nuiil nfHuyle-, IWrtiuvi t 01. UUs. nlre l hv III-, deal 1 nf llanj mi 11 f. H m ler. lln isiiusofthe litatlrm urn lu the li ,u Ism limml """" ",, po ,,is aiiiwilll Ill-Ill- .eives to lie l-iiteuted to me llrninr,, ,..u,.i ul ike Immediate p lymeui. 1 uu uus uess win ne ,uiut luns I ut the ol 1 place u Jer lUe uatue of U, Huyitur A 1) , 11, H.SyilJll. & CO.. Esj-V May lltu l!l!2.tf ' ' " If ' H ill I f S J a sr mu :: ::: ::: g m 21 17VI BfAM UIII.7SS H 8 II Hill'lC." lln'ro'l M."l, NU '1.5 1, ti"1, g'UKi 7',0 1'S v I 11,11 Mil, l.l 13 5 1216 ' '"f Pi', "i11 1 siT, 4Vi tlZ 6 i.'i, ii511 W e-'" ti IiiVii Commissiouew. AGENTS ! QUICK ISW'WSSw LUWIh' "isi hi.,1 Kr-aiesi sink "" ' "U h.u OUR DIGESTION, , , ,ni t V I'll.l.Y 'H.HNII'-s sH.i.u.;' .'. ,', 1 ' K l d N.lesl,l III Die II 1 I 11 ,1, .. . ."K"' u sMIesllleh nL lect. i ll Is III l.n-r.cv. in .si lnpi.liTwnS; n tieHllli, I It I., fur I he I'Hee, tliHS,,,.;; 'III ma- v ,11 ,. t.r .... u. ii. .. 5?.,.,!' nte tr ' "(Ir.iillOB l I 1.13 N. I' ' Ih Isli. , .pin n u , ii - -an-.,! n sinvi, I'n, i, t jt,.hl ' a " AHI-.-.-IH WA.vTfcilM lor our ue l, , aviB.rnda i, ,rVs. ' , '.OWlft.'piSf.-.-.V. 'U lrll llif- .. .i. iir.mi tn,- iniie.i 'i .., , . M ,n st mini nc-uraii. ami f.wln 'tlnu . e", rt,' linn the ull n.ess,,,,,! welhh nf l ,,, loss West II. lllll,,l, He),,,-. .,),, Injun, n,;, J; Wnlves, Ae l-r-,l I v. I.I, v ilu.it.li , ,, ;'' MMlll In Will lh tl-uj,t .11 , liuiimr, r'Viln Hulk Tnln' I,e,t, atid Wnl.,, il .11. Iiistin o l v lit he l.nni-nselv anil sell hey I pieiv, ent. Kiir samiitJ , Ei . Illustration-, le nV. ae , Hihli-ess w"n"9 l". ,,.,, , "Unll UUl ' lllfis", Punllshers, uprllgB 7 .if 7-t Mans m ki pi,iu PXHUUTOtt'8 NUl'ltJIi. " LJ KSTATK OK rKTi:,i ntllllAlir, DEU'D lietlHr. testalllMiilai-v ou llll esUle of IVtrr Oeuhsrt. Mo ,,f loiver tiiaruship. o , I c.uuty ileeeaseii, havi heeu raiit.r Imi L,. tnr nf i-oiumhl icniiiity. 1 1 Allen MaaV. EiJcu. t-r luwiio.u hi, per ous indeuiod ni w! ,i esilii,, are r.-nllcsleil tn rnakn p .ymu,. ",, mosM.., iuu claims ur ileiiiauds iiiiuiistsald estate, will lualio them known to tint Executor wiilumt ALL KM MANN', Kxecuutr Juui2l7Mw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. KlTATB OK MARIA KAUPP, Dl C D. Letlers 01 iidmluistrail.,11 ou tho esute Maria Kauir lato of llenlon twn.. iiinmi.u enuuty, ileeeasod, have hcen cranted by tin IU'i;lstcrol said county to I.K.Krlekbsum aifmlti Isiiator. All pcrsiuis havluB claims ogalnit Un estate nf tho ileuedout are reiiuestud to prescQt them for settlement, aiultlinse Indebted to the esliitu to make puyment tolbo undersigned, ad ministrator, without delay. I. J. KII'CKIIAUM Juno 28-72-Cw. Administrator. I?XECUTOB'S NOTICE. J I8TATK Of AB11AM VOUNO, DEC'h. Letters lesiatneiitary on the estate of Abratn Youiiir latent llnton township. t:nluiuhlacoua ty. deo'd, hnvo been Brnuiwl hy tbo Heips'tsrof said county to .lacou H. Kviius. All perMou liavliu claims against, the estate are requml'il In presout them 10 the Ktecutnr lu t'oitimtiU county, llinso loilebied to Ihe 1 stale either ou nine, juugmeui, murusKe or uooicaceouui am make payment 10 Iho Kxecu'iir without ileU). JAfOU S. KVA.VS June '.'8. 18720. txeculur. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, EarATE! or M.WtV It. KVA.NS DEC'li Letters 01 11 liuln.Ntratiotion tiieest.i.eui 3ifury II. l:vm.. I-,- ki.-K(..w .l n....tp.il. lumhia enuuty, ileeuasH.l, tiuve been icrtuiieiluy the Itealster ul sat I 0 unity to J icoi S bvatis ol i,ieeiiwn,Hl, Alt persons huviiiK claims dgatust the eslatunf the iteuritetlt aro runueileit Ui pta. sent them lor settlemeut an 1 itiosu lu touted to thueslale to milieu paymeui 10 the uinur. signed, ailiuluUtrator, without delay. JACOU KV'a.Vi. Junu7';2 Iw Adiuiuutra or. A DM JNI.STRATOR'S NOTICE. XA. alt1 K Or JOHN C. D t Y, llr.c'U, i.ei-ers nf id'iin.uii .ten, ,i, 11, h e.ta'e ut Jon 1 lin y, it,, Il.-ut.1t1 li,w ish p, ,i. luinlili o ,111 , ,1 iul,llsv, heeu K-H,i eil tiv ,1,, ll Hlsicr ,,1 - ,ul .,,uii jtn I K KruK-ium Ih til 111 lap. All persiius hvina el,ii 11- i,k i III i-rtl ll ,ll i,,u it e.ileil' are reipijl 0 l . . re st III h 111 t.ii setllituln it, a. t,l Hi 44 in-lu'e l he u-l ill- m k i.v'.i.ii til I ,e uuJe, Aig.l, a ll iii!iiiMiii!..i , wl .mill ilel.v K K I Kill I'M .1 1 i.i...rii r III i .' : 1, v A vnri-'E is AI Kb I.I, 'mihi l II 111 I'SKAY ll'l I is .f , I ,ti , 1 .h l.ne ii I Heir, low ,.l,. M 11 ' 1 Ii ist, 1 e 11 sr i,,n t. l.Jiht ( Mm 10 li t: uitii 11 III.' t.-k.U Ht 111 I f sill I Ciillllt, t I II, Ull ,s I u, C-iluuiOla ,n 111L, . ,.i I. ul.tr U'..h'iiii.t)ii jtC Mill", ll'l V n.'uiittus Ktilimi I 'If 1 t'ft itdtll It (11 1(11 M l( unit I .HIM wiUmui UuU. tu tllil'il 111 Jtl.lkf )I4V trill M.VS itun.uit AUuiinuhalur, THE Q XJ 2 2S Itf THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND COMPLETE SEAVIN0 MACHIXK. -ii- Tho llrst unit nnlv lltt'ITnv.llrir.i.. ivti HKWIN.l JIAOIIINI-! combined that liasmml" its nuvciii in tins or any other country. S-Tha f.il.nwhn; toas-jns. nro clvon why this Is Iho best. ' Family Machine to Purchase. 1. Because It will rlnl 1. Because It will wnrs t beautiful oyelet hole. G. llecause It rau do over hand seaming, hr which sheets, pillow .isses and the like lire owed ovor uud over. 0. llecause the best 'uechaulcs uronounce 11 every tiling 111 itnny tnn-i chine cun do, sewlnir from the flnst to the coarsest mulerlil, hem mini!, felllnii, cnntliiK. braiding, tiluiilnggath erintaud sowing ini.ai the sime llmurulUliis quIlllnB, etc.. belter man liny other Jua cliluo. l ie best tlnlshei and made ou tho uesl prlucl pie of nuv macblua 'i. Uf cause It can work a hea tirul buttou-lioiu making as line a pearl inauufictured. It has uu springs to breaa; uothiug tu L'Ot out 01 us uy iuo uauu. uruer. 3. llecause It will cm-l 7. llsotuso It Is two .iiachlnes ln ono, A HUTTOU HOLE WoHK- urniu-r over tno euge, making n neat uu.-h-autlful border ou uut garmeut. INO uud HKWI.NCJ MA, CHINK combined, s-No other Marhlnecan accomplish, the kind of ew'iigautwl lu N is. i d. . aud 5. ra t.s using a taiully lewlmi inachluo want a W 1101,13 ilACUINU. one with all the luiuroe, IllHIltS 1 1 Is In last 11 1.IKKTIStT, nn I llla-ef.ire one Is whii id that will do Ihe must wors, uud ilu It lhehs 1 an 1 ihls ma -nine am d 1 nev ral ki 1,1s nf sewing unl .lull s ou ANV 11 1 Ili-IH il A'.'III.Vb', lis Ides d dug eveiy klud l'at all others ca , do Tho American or Plum Muchino. Sewing l,VILnllt. tl.4 hlltlisii.li .U sin s-l iliojall Ihnt Ih ilnitt iki t niiibi ml ouoiceu!. uaitoi.li.j.o S. J. FAUX, Agent, DLOO.U.SHUU i, Va. AUKS (A WaNTaU IN ivVEKV 10WH. CD.Ml'A.N'V -i WAUUUO.I.U.'i. 1313 Ch)3taat Strait, Phlladjlphh. 13x.i.iiln.i Hi-m u fne pumuusiurf an, oilier Bowing Muchluu, , i7,..iiu , J U.STICE'ri HLANKH. We una liuiemi lierni u large neatly printed fisnriiiiihl 1 1 jfh'llcrrt Hid UJJstsI Alll.l.S lll.ANKh, tu which we Invlie the aiteuiluu uf uese oUloers, 0 2,28-it 9,705 28-.il 8 1,128,80 ij'e " 2 181 0' ..II 77IM5 UlililO 8 09 -0 )9IOl 3, l -in Tn ats'l ftti ,uu St li!i' i'imi, 0 7 4 4 37,811 181,511 V.MJ1 ilm' 6,1 2,131 .isllll Slll,S 4 I 3 1111,118 1), '37. " 0 Wl 600 171 2 00U.09 21 ' 82 1,21V 88lJ 117,07'... J 4tll, i S.J b7, 2.WII IS,SI6j SII.ISu l,nt(W J 'oil II '475 13 8liJ ail'ftlll Will "1,7, , W. 2,11' 59,11; 217,81 2I 48 l.OJSl 10,8 2II8 I 1,132 79 1K107 37, 1 181 0 78iJ SI7.109, MI,iJ Mil 4. Mil lain. VV'.!! 711 2,kJ 1I,-H 2i,8i8 II,.,!,, 87 Vl lll'tJ 2 89l M.1M 18131s 2j 3 a .1 Ol Hi' 1" V 5,116 lis 3 10 ... ... I M8 i 519 1 I 800 4.80U HI607 ... 822,2s 3 'i",' 10 49 2,9li 99.SW ... ... I 34 M lV 67 2,'2.J ar.1l 3M,'J1J 0... 4 liHtOO nSV,)! 8 10 R.iU 11,1 'owi.' V.',..1 &U79.070 13!4!l'6; 122.717.41 f 1 ml sal