W..WM.T.. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLXJ1V1BIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. rAiorlments lit rcetlliiR Svrliio. A fiirmor in Iown furnlsho mi nc coiuil of crirouil UmUi mrulo by him last full Willi twontyhoRs, iiboutono your old. Wo ciuoto his conclusions, which may holp In tho sottllng of somo hitherto undocldod tointa: Tlioy wore tod twonty-olght dtiya on dry shelled corn, niul consumed eighty thrco bushels ; mado a not gain of 837 pounds, which la equivalent to olghtcen pounds per bushel, which Bold my corn thus fed at fifty conts nnd four mills per bushel. Thoy were fed fourtcon days on corn meal ground flno and fed dry, and con sumed forty-soven bushels ; mado a net gain of 0j pounds, which Is equivalent to 11.70 pounds to ono bushel of corn, which brought my corn to fifty-olght cents nnd eight mills por bushel. They woro fed fourteen days on meal, mixed up with cold water, and con Burned 06 1-2 bushels ; mado an net gain 781 pounds, which is equivalent to 13. 17 pounds per bushel. In this trial I ro all zed for my corn C5 conts and 8 mills per bushel. Thoy wcro fed fourteen days upon cooked meal, and consumed 4G L2 bush els; their not gain was G86 pounds, which is equivalent to 14.00 pounds per bushel ; this sold my corn for 71 conts nnd 8 mills por bushel. Taking tho two extremes, I find that I got 21 conts and 4 mills moropcr bushel for my corn by grinding and cooking than whou fed wholo and raw. After deducting 1-7 for grinding, leaves 21 conts per bushel. Had I crouud and cooked tho food for my 20 hogs I find I would havomado CG3 pounds moro pork than I did, which would havo given mo 33 moro. I find it will rcqulro 31C.51 bushels oi raw corn to mako 3,580 pounds of pork, nnd only 232 buaholo when cooked a dlffercnco of 112.6 bushols in favor of cooked feed. Fertilizing Cobn. Iloro Is it hint to com-crowors. of somo valuo: "An Intelligent nnd rcliablo farinor, Who lias been for many years making ox perlmonts with corn, lias discovered an Itnportanco and valuo in replanting corn which is qulto novel and worthy of publication. AVohavoalways thought replanted corn was of llttlo conse quent ; ho plants whothor It Is needed or not orrathor ho plants two or threo weeks after crops aro planted, about ovory flftoonth row each way. Ilosays if tho weather bceomca dry durlngtho fill Ingtitno.thosilknnd tassel both becomo dry nnd dead. In this condition, if il should becomo seasonable, tho silk ro vivos nnd ronows, but tho tassel docs notrecover. Thus.forthowantofpollon, tho new silk is unablo to fill tho ofllco for which it was designated. Tho pol len from tho replantod-corn is then ready to supply tho silk, and tho filling is completed. Ho says nearly all tho abortivo oars, so common to tho corn crop, aro caused by want of pollen, and that ho has known cars to donblo their sizd in tho doublo lining." Oheasino Wheels. Tho wheels of all wagons, carts, carriages, mowers, etc., should bo oiled, but great damago is oflen dono by oiling too plentifully. Lard should nover bo used on a wheel, for it will ponetrato tho hub, and work its way around tho tenons of tho spokes, and spoil tho wheel. Tallow i3 tho best lubricator for woodaxlotrees, and castor oil for Iron. Just greaso enough should bo applied to tho spindle of n wagon to givo It a light coating ; this Is better than more, for tho surplus put on will work out on tho ends, and bo forced by tho shoulder-bands and nut washers into tho hub around tho outsido of tho boxes. To oil an axlo-troo, first wipo the spindle clean with a cloth wet with spirits of turpentino, and then apply a few drops of castor oil near tho shoulder and end. Ono tea-spoonful is sufficient for tho wholo. An Excellent Varnish foti Har ness. Procure half a pound or a pound of gum-3hellao, according'.to the quanti ty desired ; break tho scales flno, and put them in a Jug or bottlo j add good alcohol sufficient to covor tho gum; cork tightly, and placo whero it will bo kopt warm. In about two days, if shaken frequently, tho gum will bo dis solved and ready for uso. If tho liquid appears as thick as thin molasses, add moro alcohol. To ono quart of varnish add ono ounco or lampblack and an ounco of gum camphor. Such varnish will not render loathor hard ; but will lcoop tho harness from becoming soaked wltli water, nnd tho surfaco clean and no.it for a long tlmo. A coat of it will effectually provent tho oil in tho leather from soiling ono's hands. Nothing is bettor to rondor n farmer's boots water proof than nn occasional coat of this leather varnish. Home Journal. Save Youn Own Clover Seed. Wo havo just been Informed says tho iraiiKlln ralriol that onoof tho largest and most ontcrprising farmers of this country, last year, saved enough clovor seed for Ills own sowing, sold enough to pay for nil tho dry goods usod In ills family, nnd rocolvod $25 in cash In ad dltlon. This is tho way in which ho did It. Ho put a wiro bottom in a trouglt in which ho fed his stock tho wiro being two or thrco inches ahovo tho closo bottom of tho trough, Tho stock is pulling tho clovor hay from tho racks would scatter tho seeds almost puro through tho wiro into tho recepta do bolow. How easy nnd Blraplo a way to savo hundreds of dollars, now annually sent out of tho country. This can bo dono also by making closo floors in your barn lofts. Tills will bo somewhat moro ox- pcnslvo, but It will pay for itsolf in ono season. 1'oultry. Provldo plenty of nest eggs for tho lions, nnd sco that two do not lay In ono nest or in tho samo nost with a sotting hon. Sco that overy thing is Kept clean In the poultry-house, and that It la vontllatod. Whitewash fre quently. Movo tho coops frequently, bo as to kcop tho ground or grass clean. This is particularly nocossary with tur- koys. Avoid tho common mistako of having tho coopa too Bmall. and sco that thoy aro well vontllatod. Tho great Bccroi or raising ducks Is to food them all thoy will cat, half a doron times a day, or moro. Chickens under two weeks old should bo fed as ofton as ovory two hours, and fed no moro than thoy will cat up clean at each tlmo. Youncj Folks. Tim Itiij- OrgimM, Mozirt's first oxporloiico of n large organ was In tho monastery of a lllllo town on tho bnnks of tho Danube, llo was then only six years old, and In company with his fiilhor bad loft his homo in Salzburg, nnd started upon n long course of travol, All day long they had been sailing down that ma jestic river, past crumbling ruins, frown- ingcastles, cloisters hidden nway among tho crags, towering cliffs, quiet villages nestled In sunny valleys, nnd hero nnd thero n deep gorge tltat opened back from tho gliding river, its hollow distance blue with fathomless shadow, and Its .loneliness nnd stillness stirring tho boy's heart llko some dim and vast cathedral. Tho company of monks with whom they had been traveling that day woro at Buppor in thorofectory of tho cloister, when father Mozart took Wolfgang into tho chnpol to sco tho organ. And now as tho boy gazed with some thing of nwo upon tho great instru ment, looming up iu tho shadows of tho groat empty church, uls face lit up with scrono satisfaction and ovory mo Hon nnd atlltudo of tho llttlo flguro ex pressed a wondering roverencc. What tones must oven now bo slumboring in tltoso mighty pipes? Touoi, which, if onco awakenod, could glvo utloranco to all that voicoless boauty which tho day'a Bccncs had showed him llfo and death; present nnd past; tho peacoful river and tho deserted ruin ; tho sun Bhluounfalllngnndthounfalllngshadow nt its sido. "rather," said tho boy, "explain to mo thoso pedals nt tho organ's foot, and let mo play?" Well ploascd, tho fathor conipliod. Thou Wolfgang pushed asldo tho stool, nud when fathor Mozart had tilled tho gront bellows, tho clfln organist stood upon tho pedals, and trod them as though ho had nover needed to havo their management oxplainod. How tho deep tones woko tho aomber stillness of tho old church 1 Tho organ scomod somo groat uncouth croaturo, roaring for very Joy nt tho caresses of tho marvolous child. Tho monks, eating" tholr suppor in tho rofectory, hoard tho tones and dropped knlfo and fork In astonish mcnt. Tho organist of tho brother hood was among them ; but never had ho played with such poworand freedom. Thoy llsloncd ; somo grow pale ; others crossed themselves ; till tho prior roso up, summoned all Ills courago, nnd hastened into tho chnpol. Tho others followed, but when thoy looked up into tho organ-loft, lo! thorowns no form of any organist to bo Boon, though tho deep tones still massed thomsolvcs in now hnrmonics, and mado tho stono nrchos thrill with tholr power. "It Is tho dovll hlmsolf" criod tho last ono of tho monks, drawing closor to ono of hi3 companions, nnd giving n sacred look over his shouldors into tho darkness of tho aisle. "It is a mlraclo I" said another. But when tho oldest of tholr number mount ed tho stairs to tho organ front, ho stood as if petrified with amazomcnt. There stood tho liny flffiire, trend ing from pedal to pedal, and at tho samo tlmo clutching tho keys above with his llttlo hands, gathering hand- fuls of thoso wonderful cliords as If thoy wcro violets, and Hinging them out into tho solemn gloom behind him. Ho heard nothing, saw nothing, besides ; his eyes beamed llko stars, and his wholo face lighted with impassioned joy. Louder and fullor roso tho har monies, streaming forth in swelling bil lows, till at last thoy scorned to reach a sunny shoro, on which they hroKo ; and thon a whispering ripplo of faintest molody lingered n moment in tho nlr, llko tho last murmur of a wind harp, and all was still. Sea HIclico. Tho children woro always glad to sco undo Herbert como. no had a brain as full of curious facts as an old curiosi ty shop , and ho was always ready to bring them forth to instruct, or plcaso tho children. "So you wish you could find a gold mino on tho farm, do you, Waiter?" ho said ono day, to his llttlo nephow, "Well, thero was gold on a placo whero I onco lived at tho South, but I never thought it worth whilo to look after it much." "Why, uncle, did you neglect such n golden opportunity?" said Ituth, should call that real wastoful." "Thero was gold thore, Ruth, without doubt ; but you sco it costs threo dollars to get two dollars worth of it. So it would not bo n very good business to work It. Asagoncralthlng,a man would got rich faster raising potatoes, than digging for gold, oven in pretty fair diggings. Now, if only somo plan could bo dovlscd to drain off tho ocean until its bottom had boon thoroughly scarchod, wo should llnd treasurers enough thoro to satisfy us. Wo might gather Jowols and coins of gold and sliver until wo woro tired of tho busi ness." "I should not get tlrod very soon," saiu waiter. "May bo not, but It Is very easy to get n surfolt of oven Bomolhlng wo valuo vory highly. You thought tho half dozon shells you had, woro tho jnost Dcautlful things you possessed. You novor got tlrod of looking thorn over. But when papa took you to tho scjtsido, nud you gathered n wholo bed full, you lost au your interest In them." "Do you suppose tho ocoan is really vory ncn, undo? You know it is r proverb, 'as rich as tho sea.' " "No doubt It hides millions upon mil lions of troasuro. Great ships ioadod with it havo ofton founderod at son, and all on board gono clown to tho depths below. Somo olghty years ago a Span' ton vessoi loaded with coin, was wreck' od off a rooky coast. Aftor violent storms it has long been common to pick up silver dollars nnd half dollars nlong that section of coaat. Tho covo lias received tho namo of "Tho Dollar Covo." Persons havo picked up somo times, eight dollars in n morning; somo scoured very bright by tho tossing of tho waves among tho sands, others havo eanu bo crusted over them, it Is Iinpos stblo to got It off. It Is supposed that tho storms break up tho old boxes whicli hold tho coin, nnd tho dashing wavoa wash them up. Companies havo pecn formed to search for tho old ship, out nothing ns yet lias boon accomplish' cd. Aftor all, hard, steady work, with propor economy, Is tho surest pathway to wealth, and brings tho greatest Imp plnoss with it." Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT 3.M.KNORRS SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Evory variety for Hon, Women audl'lilldrou, OLD STOCK Selllnc nt Cost to close out to mako room for W GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J, EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE 11AB THE FINEST 0.00 D3, LATJSST STYLES AN I) KMPLOYS TUN it n s t w o u u m r. nr. Kor cood Ills nnd moiiinlnos.4 In fllllnE orders Ihoio Is llio pluco to go. HlHmvMlqnrn Roloctod wltli euro nnd his Cus tom Work will rompani favorably Willi tlio best etl'oits or tlio fashlouablo city Donlor. UK KKEPS A LAUQE BTOCK Of HOYS' AMI CUUiimiJN'S CLOTHING AND GENTS' riTItNISHlNG GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Prices. Uloommjurj.', k,.t. a, J7i-l! JOHN G. JACOBY'B BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! nERWICK, VENN A. Tim nndarslimed would rosnoctfullv tnlorm tlio citizens of llerwlclc. and vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, To., where ho Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, &0,t Ac, AO. J1Y WII0LX3AI.K AND RETAIL, Anisnz the assortment will he found Cream Nuts, Kuifllsh Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, I'll berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of differ ent kinds, Mustard. Catsup. Pickles, Chocolato, Canned Fruit or all kinds, Corn Starch, Egg His cult, Boda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And nrodnce of all kinds. FreHh llroad nn Cakes every day. Ice Cream In Season, Your paironage is Boiicneu, JOHNG.JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171-tv CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PRICE j. n. xa a i z n s, Corner Main and Centre Sts., 11LOOMSIIUHU. A now stock of Fresh Goods Jnt.t opened nt MAIZE'S. Tens. Coffees, Snsarn, BYRUPS and MOLASSES. CHEESE, MEATS. i a i m T.'tutr VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Soalod (JOOUH. JELLIES nnd l'UEHKKVKS, PICKLES, F0KE1UN and UOMESTIO FRUITS, An Elogant Assortment OF QUEENSWARE Constantly on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW nud ULARHWAUHof every vanoiy. AU my Roods nro of tho first quality uihI at ex- irmiimy iuw prices. dcc871.tr J. II, MUZH. QONNELL & 11ATT1N, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Rime, Hubs and Gpskcs, Springs, AXLES, nnd PIPE BOXES, HOUSE SHOES, and HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER nnd SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OTTQ mTYrTT.i-TrnrTi: Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for 3?airbank's Scales ! I PLUMBING. STEAM and GAS FITTING .-Orders by mall solicited, aud promptly nilod. 118 Perm Avenue, SOBANTON, PA. apr. Limit Moycrs' Column. J Eh H P Q w 0 m W in H Pi m o CO 111 o cc a. - H O w Zffl A CO ft E 0 S as H CO ffl lxl .2 3 0 0) MaylO-ly MiocollnnoonH. M ILLEU'H BTOltE. H. It. MIMiBIt A HON, havo romovPillhelrUtorototho room formerly occuplodljyMondcnhnli.on MnlliBlrcel.lllooms buru, lienrly opposite tlio Episcopal Church whero they nro determined tosellmt nsmodcralo terms as can bo procurcit olso whore. Thlur stock comprlsci LADIEH' DItEHa U00D9 of tho cholcost styles nnd latest fashions, touethor Wlthnlnrgo assortment of Dry (loodn nud tiro rcrlc, consisting of tuofollowlugartlclo Carpets, Oil t.'lothn, uths, Oiisslmoi os, Hlinwli, Flannels, Hllks, WhltoOoods Uncus, HoopHklits, Mnsllus, llollowwnro I'cdnrnare Uuoenswnro, Jlnrdwar.. Roots aud Uhoes, ilnl nud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklog-Olasjo', Tobacco, Coffee, Bujtnrs, Teas, Itico, Allspice, (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND N0TI0NH GENERALLY. In short, ovorythlng usually kept In country tores, to Which thev Invllnlhn mt.nii.. imbllo generally. Tno highest price will bo .paid for country produce In exchongo for goods. B. U. MILl.SK A BON. octS171-tf Uloomsburgl'a. J-EV STOCK OF CLOTHING. IVcsh nrrlvnl of SPItlNC; GOODS DAVID LOWF.NHE110 luvltos altontlou to his slock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTIUM1. nthls storoon MaluHlroot, In tlio now block, Bloomsburg, Pn whero no has Just received from Now York nud 1'hllndolphin n full assortment of MEN AND 110Y8' CLOT1IINO. lUClltdltl!! thO niDUt fnnlitonnliln .l,,-i.i., ..... haudsomo ' ' DRE93 000D3, consisting of BOX, HACK, ROCO, OUM, AND Oir.-fJI.OTH COATHAND l'ANTM. of nil soils, sizes nud colors. Ho has nlwi replen lshed Uls ulroudy largo slock of CLOTH AND O.Y33IMHRIW , BTRIPED, FiaUKED. AND PLAIN VEUIU BIIIRTS, CRAVATS, BTOCirH. COLI.AIW II A N 1)K EU01 1 1 EFH. a LOVES, BUBrEiaiJura, AND FANCY AUTIULEM llo nas consUmtly on haud n lmim nml cctod nssortmont of CLOTHS AND VH4T1 NOH. which ho 13 prepared to mnko to order Into nny kind of cloUilng, on vory Bliort notlco, nuil In tho best monitor. All his clolhlue Is nnd most of It Is of homo mnuuractnrc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWViMlY, of ovory description, nuo and cheap. Ills caso ol fewolry Is not surpassed luthltlplaco. Call nnd ornralno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC oclW'71 DAVID LOWENllEKO. ft. K. ; .-.iiy 'fij-LiiF if tin-i l'AiNs 'i wjnty Minutes. c Hour.' .o t .r - ... in n U''-1 uuy Clio t . i I. li II I'.MN. ..'.! i i'i n .i.ii.k io a cui'.r. roii I.' 1.1:1' l.li:;. Il .th" l.r.t anj Id "lid Only Liilu llcmeily y'"i l!'.' in t tcntcl itliiL' ti'ni', alliv 1 ml in h I'ml'il wIntl.iT lit tliu 1.U1I.E , i . .iiw. irutl.vi i. ami Lr t'rai., l uim a i I N 1 ItOM T.) Y I.TY JIlNfTf i' mi i .lii'i; lln I'.iin II It! ll ,w 1 41 A 1 rr'.l I'kit. .ll ir,n ti wiiii it. iu ii. t nuiur, RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF WII.I. Al'TOIll) INSTANT KAbt. JXl'LAMMAI lir UK mi: Kllixr.vs. IM'I,A,I.M IIIN III' T1IU lll.ADl.'i... I.MXAMMATIU.N' Ol' TUB now t:i.i. roMirsiiDN (ik Tin: LfXi.s ROl'.r. TIIIIOAT, Mi Tli'l'I.T IIUEATIIIMI. I'M-ITIA-llliN OL'' Tim llUAUT. iiYTEiuca, i'iioi.t, iiu'1itiii:i:i.. (.'ATAKUil, INFLVUNKA.. iiCADACiin, TooriiAcin:. MifllAI.niA, RllCUMlTIfiM. cni.u niii.i.3. .nru C-1ULI.&. Tliu npillritlu'i nf t lui Itcmlv RelliTto tliotartcr irU wliuru tlic I alii br ilIiLuult)' t XU. . ill on'oril i.k.j auj comfort. Twenty dropl In liilf ft linnlilrr ft witpr w 111 In ft fi-w rni.mciin nir.i CllAMI'd, M'AsM.s, MIUI! KlotlAI'll, llIIAllTllttltV, SICK IIKXIIM'IIK, III MUIIIKA, DVMCNrKuv. roi.ii' vixj in nib uom:i.s.. .nJ Ml INTKUNAI. TAINS. Trawkr. flmnlit nlwav. rarry a Mild cf lEnt(A'4 ltratly lErllcf u-lll tl.t'lu. A kw i!ir. In wi.tir villi irvrtii Mckni'M cr t'-iln frui'i ilmiiir.' ( f water, it IJ liv tir UiiU IVuuiU ll.'mly cr lMtiriii. u tlliiuU:it. l'lJVi:tl AMI AfiUE. 1XVER A.NK AU INI rnr..-.l fur nny unti. riicrc ij r.t ft riiuudul veciit In tttl. worlil Hut nlll cure ivr aiA Aruc, and ftll otlicr Ialaiim.t llllloiiii. Sc.irlit. Tviilmlit, Yillow, nml Mlier h.r. (ulik'il l.v ItAinv'AVS TILLS) 10 nijlclt u 11A1IWAV.S UKAUV ItLLILl'. fifty ccuu (trUitUo. bold ty Urucsl-K. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! !' mrono and rm:E I'.irn iilooii-inciikahi: cjv KLKHI ANII WKIdllT-l'IXAIl BltlN ANll EUAf Tlr'UL COMl'LLXION bKCUliKU '10 ALL, OR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAUK TIIF. MOST ASTMNIlIINli CUIlESi S( ijuii'k. so KAj-in Am-; tiu: riiANuKs tin: 1MUV lINUKIHHHTS, IINIIKU tiii: inkmium'i: Vfi vTllla '1UUXV wonukiu'uij ;ii:mc'iNb, Evory Day nn Incroaso In Flosh and Weight ts Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Evory tlr&p (f II i a BAltS M'AUII.T.IAN UUSOI.VCN 1 roitimuulcAtt-'a thruiiuli tlio lili, Ki-at, I'riiu', mul Ulut fluUiwifl Juicf f tlm nynUui Llio liiror l.f, for It ralr tlio viibtL' f.f tlto ItHly wllli iww iwA toii'nl inMirU), KcrruH, Hi-lilih, (,oiiniiTU.tl.tii, (ilttkluiir ilUinao, UIccih In tho TliTo.it, Muutli, Tu'uom, Nuilci In tlio (Hamli nial otlur iartof tlio tynU'in, Ntc Mmmuiia JlM.lmri;u from tliu Ktri. niul tlic url rirmiir M.lu tllsi-usm. Kiup Um, Fevir trvi, Il.it, Urn W..itn. halt lilicuin, Kd'"!Ih Acticltlu-k Sjh.u, vi'uriiislaihd riili,Tiimor ('ntiicri In tliu WoiuLi, n u' t a niul )-altiful ills clurtU'., Mjlit Stviut. I.i.m i.f S ) rm, niul nil witMiH of the Itfo irliiLl;l!, t.ro UUUi il im .tho rine of lliU woutUr ('f MuiKru I'lii'inlbtiv, nn. I t I v tlijs' im will trod to jivbcison uliii; It fr t:r . t tln.no tonus cf dUu Its I'ntpiit power t' euro tliom. If tho tiii 1 jut, ililly ticoititilii,; rif'l wM Vy i ho wastcn nml dceomiio'l1)!! tlmt Ij loMlnunlly iiiri&iiiirt eucttid lit itrrthtlni; tliosa wilted, niul ri'iMtrn II.. Mtno Willi now mat r I il in iUo fioni lif.Ulhy tlu'.a-uua tliis Mm t-AKSAi'AUU i.I N will nul iltkcj nicnro, Hvl only (ItiL'J tlio HAIU.l l.lt.!.IA Itimr.VENT CXP(l alt Uwwn ri'iiicillit lui-nts In iliti tmo of ('inutile, fci-rufulum, ('o!i9tlltliiiil, ittttlMIti t'l ixfe.'! but II Ullu ui.ly publtlMj euro fi.r KUliuy ic Kltulclci i.'oiiipluliit-J, IMmry, nml V.'muli t'l- u, (Imvil, DliUto. Dropsy H"I'p.tfe (r Wtilir. Iiioiiilli.tnie vt Vrm UrlfhVt HUaCt AUmiiiliiiitl.i, uiul In ti 1 1 hi .lierti tlxro nto Irk k tl u at do toMi, ur lliu vwklcr li thUl, don tv, inlittl with nultdtancci Iikull.e wl.ite cr ui i-nut ll.r. iU ULu white iilk. cr thero lm lnoiU.I, (Iruk, I'llUni iij.j-L.iriuiCi', niul wlilui IfLiiiciliiit dt'VOrtUa, iiikI wlicn tlmo U u nkLliiR', liumln, m-lis.Ulon wlicu iiaalritf Wftttr, UkJialiumhu bmall of tU ltuk ami ulinitf tho I.lnv l'rlcc, ii.oo, WORMS.-Tha ct.ly inovu nr.4 sure TtcmoJvfor Hut mWtu, Jhj.ft tie, Tumor of la Venn1 Growth Curotl by Itnduay's ltcolvent. . I'mniLV, Uiu., July 9, 1S. Pit. n.n-nr I itti h OrifUu 'J'uiiit.r In tht ovarUi anj biriii. All ii,4 ))Mtur laM " thrr htlji fr H," UltJ every Mat Hut ii r 'u I. J . Iml n..ili j htirf4 mi. I iw )our '.. tli ulit I w lltr (t, til lnJnoUtU in ft, IxHOtiu I Iml tutl.rixl f-r inilx wur. 1 t.A lU Ultbi tt t) Ktmlvpiil. ku4 mm Ui if IUI' l'illi,au t bottlti tif yur K'lv Klitfi nu4 tlrfd ii i.ul a tu bf uini,r U U in r Mi, I I fnil hutur, t uurli-r, uu-l lapiir ihtii I 1ii fur twtlvi tut. tun furU uuur wliiti uruiikil itrn Uwcli.vvLr th truln. 1 wr(K tUU ti jun fvrtli-s l.UiLI K Hi. Yuil cli l.kiLlUk 11 If II VN.NA1I I'AnaH', DR. RADWAY'S' PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pefiftly lafclrK'ii, tlgniitly coildt wltliiwPtt gum. twrrct riKuUte, purify, cU-uiim, bit I fctruiftlicn. Jt.nUay1 l'lila fr thi turfl of l iliionkMof tho btontach. Liver, Bowels, HtaiKiri, llUkUer, Kervou Ulea, lltiulachr, Coiiatlna tluii, roitheiu-, Iiidlcc.lli.n. )j ttpipaU, lUloumeii. BU ou Hver, Ii.flauimitlon t tUa ilomlii, I'lles, nuj all I0 ranxcinvi.U of tho Xi.tirnil Vltrn. WurninttHl to (.flViA a positlvu cure. 1'urtly VvclUMc, iolUIqUis ho mercury. Uilm-ral. (irtleltUrlmit driiio, tf j:L'rve tha fallowing lymitortii rciulltng from ordvNcf iUo pleiktlte Oruiui CAmtljwihD, Iatr.l IlLi, Ullnrw it lU nv In tU U1 ArlJay i.f tt, fekxiikh, lll, lUkriLurn. Mvuitiif ttM, iull imi ir vlLt lu Hi SlvunrL, fcour UuiUtloui, hliiLluv vr t lultir tutf r.t lh 1'it of tb hutiiiuli, fewiiimiliiKur tl UttJ, FlurritJ n4 lmtlcult UratMu, lluiirrliiir ! tin IUI, C'liokluir r feulTlJJtf WuU Ufirit iWlil.lil. I'.ljV.n.l I lull ! Ik. II.... I f I'iimj Imtiuit, i.lluwii.u i.f hklu kn.l hu, I'kln lu i Iruti'Hi, lLi, Liu. U.if., iU, v4 uJ4kii llu.Ui if lUttt jlurbluf la U m K fevr don- crnA!WAYft TILLS will free tUiritcm bi'tl'li II V X ItV'iifMK fj"iwrt r"' '5 venU j'tr Loi, . KKAI "rAIAi5A.N!'TUUK.M SemUbt UtterMimp ti 11AMWAY A t l.. Nft, fii Mblitvn Unf, Ktw-Vnrk. liif'iruutlmi tac.itli tlmuuiiiU will l4clil you. nl872-ly jyjoKELVY, NEAL & CO., DEALKK3 IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMflnuna, pa. Jan26'72-U Misoollnnooiin. 1872. 1872. NEW SPRINCl GOODS. !0:- M. P. LUTZ llHiJuitiotliiiiPil limn Nmv VoiltMlthn flt llnuul ULACK AND cmoilHD SILKS, JiYONH'iMUvl'OPi.lNS, SILK PONUUIJS, lalMMr!piiiiiuli'liono, HUIT11S! f7.V, xtilpa nuil l'lniii 0HAS3 OLO'J'JIS, Btrlpotilnlu ami cliuno. WASH I'OPLIKS, litnelt nml coloittl. ALl'AOAN, l-'AA'CT 1J,A1M, C 0 J. 0 11 J I) 0 A M llll 10 8, PKUOALKS, WHITE GOODS, huishi:, TAlir.ATAN, vrwouiA I.AWW. IIIHIIIH' I.AWN, NA1NS(I(I5H, 1'ltlUl'X. OArlllKll'H. IXIN(l(T,OTlr, l.INHNlt, NAl'K'INM, 1IDIVI.H, TOU'lltiS, I.AI.'r, ClIltTAIiSH, SHAWLS, NOTIONS, TKIMMlNaH, IIOSIEUY AND 0 LOVES, nml PVOijtliiiiH Bcnoinlly Itopt in n llrst-class DHY GOODS STORE. UIIOW I3K'8 DLOUK, i:aht or oouivr hou.si.vmain inui:i;T, IlLOOMHIlUIta, I'A- Or Sugnr.Coatcd Coiicontratcd, Iloot and Herbal Juice, Antl-IIlllona Granules. THE "LITTLE OIANT CATHAUXIC, or?Iultum In rarvo rio'Bic. " w,i Tho novelty of modem Medical, Chemical and Thar, maccutlcal bclcuco. No u&o of any longer taktaf tho largo, rcpulalvo anil uaagcous pllU, composed of cheap, crude, anil bulky Ingredients, when w e can by a careful application of chemical Gdcnce. extract All the cathartic and other medicinal properties from tlio most valuablo roots and herb), and concentrate thtiu Into a minute Granule, Hcnrcoly Inrgor than 11 lutiitnrtl need, that can bo readily swallowed by thoao of tho most eenultlvo etomachs and faBtidlous tastes. Each llttlo I'urRUtlvo I'ollotreprcecntii, In a most concentrated furm,as much cathartic power as is embodied In any of thy largo pills found for f alo lu tho drag shops, rrom their wonderful cathartic power. In proportion to their size, pcoplo who havo not tried them aro ant to pupposo that they aro hareh or drastic in effect, but such Is not at all tho case, tho dltleicntactlvo medicinal principles of which they aro composed bcin so haimonUcd and modllled, ono by tho others, as to produce a mod konrclilnsrand llioroiiBli, yet gently and Kindly opera Unp; cutuiirtlc. ( $500 Howard is hereby offered by tho proprlc? tor of theso relicts, to any chemist who, upon au. alj8ls, will find In them any Calomel or otlur forms or mercury or nny other mineral poleou, . JUolnir entirely vegetable, r.o particular caro Is required while) using them. They oncrato without dltluthanco to tho constitution, diet, or oc cupation. For Jaundice. Ileiitlarlic. Con kllpatloti, Inipuro lllouil, l'alii In tho SliouldorM'riKlituciOl tlioCliem, Illz zIiiciik. Sour I.riictatloiis of thu stum, uch, IIiul taklo In nioulli, Illlldiia ntlaclcH, l'aln In rcelou ol KliliiejH, Internal rover, llloatcd fcelliiL' iiliiuit Nto.nacli, ltuh or Itlood Ii Head, IIIkIi Colored Urine. IJllKiiclaliillly nud flloouiy rorebodlnirN, tako llr. I'loreo'H l'leasaut l'urirutlvo I'ellelit. In explana tion of tho reincdlul power of my l'unrativo lVlhts over so peat n variety of diseases, I with to cay that their ae ll n n upon (ho animal econo my In unlverxul, not n Claud or tUwuo eataplllK their hiiuatlvo Imiirein.. Ago does not Impair thcni: their unjar-coatlni,' and beiiiL' enclosed In b'lass buttles iiicservo their virtues unim paired fur auy length ul time, in auy ciluiatc, so that they aro always fresh nnd lellahle, which la not tlio caso with the pills fuuud in llio diug ttoies, putuii In cheap w ood or pas te-hoiird boxes. Jtecollect thit fur all diseases whero a Laxative. Alterative or ruranttvo is Indicated, theso Utile Pellets will five the most perfect satisfaction to all who Ubo them, Thoy nro Bold by nil outorprialuu; DriiBirUtH nt US coins a bottle.. Do not allow any druggist to Induco you to tako anything clso that ho may ray Is Just as good as my l'ellcts becauso ho makes a larger pioflt on that w hlch ho recommends. If your druggist cannot supply them. cncloEO '.is cents and rccilYO them by return uailiroui . , jt. v. riiutcii, jr. r jvoji' v, , BUFFALO, N.Y, nl872Ty. QARIUAGE MANUFACTORY, llloomsbnre, pa. M. C. BLOAN A nnm'tTr-ii Havo on Imnd and for sftlont tho most rensoua. cauhiaoeh, noaaiES, and evory doscrlptiou of Wngons both. Pr.ATW AVh I'lMnv - ....... -. . ' ' . 11.1 VJ i warrautod to bo inado of tlio Lost ami mokt dur- S,b'S..matlll"ll.1' nm! by ih0 """-l oxiierlcnced worlcmou. All work nout out from llio estab- .1.1 uisui nil uo luiinu 111 UOOI llio UlL'IIOSl ClllkS and sure to give perfect sntUfuctlon, Tlioy have O inn n linn (niunrhtinul ' H -i A U O "f all tho nowest and most iaahlonalilo styles ti 1. w t n it li lals uesfc uiuwr An lnapeotlon of their work Is asked aa believed that none superior can bo found In country. jan ni JTALIAN BEES & QUEENS. Jt will sell In Juno and July a limited number ofyouuu ITALIAN SWARMS OF BEES, in tho American litre nt lis per swarm. I will transfer auiUinllnnlxo black colonics nt areas, onablo price. 1'uroltallan (lucens for sale. I olio mako to order tho double lU-toolbed ficotch Harrows. Price, steel teeth, J15: or Iron loetU til. lr further luiormntlon addrcis, Mnyio-sm Light st coiumbKa'tt. TUSTIOE'S BLANKS. We now liayo mi linnil a larKOiientlviirlnleil JUHTIOU'H aud COfiHTAHLKS JJ'ANKH.towlilcli wo luvlto tho alteullon of dp m Wwr . SIM Vlni rti ltiHcr. -titi -u 1 niicv1)rhi'.p..itlj nf l'oorUiim,VI l.iy,Pi' Siim .idlufu c I-i j .tdctoretl, npicc.1. a-nl k. ten il In io tlie lnio, c tiled "Tonic." "Appetif tn," 'U .11 tC ( tli it lead the tipi'lcren u ilruiltcnnc-i auJ m.ii.lvit arc 1 tnta Medicinf , hi.idc from tlm nailvo fonts nnd ttoibs of Cnli fiirnin, freo from all Alcoholic Stimulants '1 hey nte tlid Greit lllood ruriflcr and 1 I-ifo-Rivlng I'rinctp'c.n Vfr foci Runm'ator nnd Itnion'nr f tlic S ' tm. rurjnx off all 1 'i "imin lint il. , at d nst . j, i 1 ' "I t . .1 lu'ilil.v r 1 1 (inn, 11 . (.; m ,t. '. ' ua 1 -or 1 L01I1 i id t.d i ii Hit dt tUinv t 111 tilt if anion, 1 1 . t ,.r 1 . rclld li' tn i'i ( ir-n of diu i c, It IVlHOIl t'UII tllldt MH"4 HIM . UCOPtl lug to I rw'Hms .nid remain Ioik; tn well, rosidud tlinr bonc are n.ii 1 nr yedliy mineral I'oinon or ctlicrmcar', and the itit iir. ina waited Iwymul tho witA nf repair. H ftMi-Hta ur Iiiitttrrfilloiii llcadachci JMn hi thv hhoultltt'-, Couifh, '1 i.1 Inj of the Ua-st, l).m nea, Hour Kruct itions of the Stomach, Dad Tatic in the Month, Itihcu Attacks, Partition ti tha Heart. In ihm. nation rf the Iaw, l'ain in the tenons cf tlio Kid niy 11 id A hundred other painrul symptomi, aro tho off fpti'Va cf Ilj .pci ih. In theso complaints It has cp r, and or.c bottle will prove a belter fiuirantco of in m mi Ihv a IcnRthy advettUcmcnt. Kor Kcinnlo CoiiittutnU, in or ol 1, nnr rad ci sm-U.at the dawn t.f womanlinod. cr the turn t f life, thc-j ronic Hitlen display dcadod n.i influctici that a marked improvement U loon percept dilc, Km- liillniiimnlnry mtd t;hintilo Ttlirit titrtlUnt and Ci out, Dyrpepaia cr IiuliRciitiou, llihoui, Kt mitten t and Inform Merit 1'uvcr, Dr.isn of iho I.icr, Kidui vi aud Ittaddtr, theio Itilters hive been mot iutci'if it. Such Umckcs .iro ciustd by Vitiated lllood, tthu.h u peiicrally n ducci by tLratiRumcnt cf U10 Ui geMivc Organs. Tliov urc a Cicntlc PttrRAtlve nfl well ni a Ttmlc, posicssitiK aho tha peculiar merit rf acting a3 a powerful atfutu in tclicun? Congestion or Inflammation cftliv Uvtr and Vi-cral Orau,and lu Ihlious Diseases. lur .sum 1)1 Acme 1, Erupt Inns Tetter, StH t'JiLum, Ulitcl.cs Spot.1, l'impic. I'mtutcs Uoi's Car bin t .1,11 nwornis S(.iId-Ilcad,Sure Kje.I rywpe!a. ltd, Scut 1 , Diboliira.iun of tho SVm, Humors and lis iK5 ' th- !-M.i, if w'litecr n.imo ci mtm?, ato l.tc Tly ti , up ti 1 ( iiiip ! it ' l the EjstCi in a short t.ut- 1 v t1 t f tV e ;.i ur. One bottle in tt.ch ci'cs vi U c'nu.(.c th! u.o t .'.ctwilulifi K.i tUtf cutat.j ttfect" Clculisi' thu Vltluti'd ItloOtl thcnt cr uu fit) 1 mipur-tu bur-tm, I'ltuuiih the ikm in 11111 V f I'.x lotions 3r S-rea! ticntie it whtin jwi find it ob Rtructcd and ihip;i:ii.!i in tha vum , dtansait when It u foul, jour f thnps will tell you uUn. Ktrp tha Llovd pure, and t!u tiea'th of the system uilt follows Orutt l'ttl OiotmwuU proclaim Vikloau Hit TnkS tha mot wondctf-l InvigoiiLt that osr lustamed the SmTtint; system. Pi 11 1 Tnpci and othct Wormrf, lviiViti;;in tho tystcm of sli imny thousands, are efaetuilly dcitmyed and renin. . i, Sty3 a thstinfiuiilicd phy;iolOKit ; Tln.ro ll scirccly . nd.idaal upun the face cf the earth whwa Ixxly exempt frot.i the presence of wotr.u. It is ntt upon tltv htiUhyclcmtrda cf tlic body that uorms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit) that breed thca living monsters cf disease. t No ystcm of Medic: t.t?, no mmtfuces. no anthclmiuitiC5j will ficc thii system fro.n wornu hka tlicsc UiltC". Met haiilrnl Dlsonftofi. Persona engaged In I'.unts ard Minerals such as numbers lijie-setters, (Jold beaten, nnd Miners, A3 they advance hi life, mil be ubjtict lo paralysis of the llowch. To cuaid fljainst this talie .1 doso of Walkqk's Vinegar Hittcrs enca cr twee a week, S3 a Preventive. 1 Illllntwi llfiiilltcHtf niitl Tiilriinltfcitt Pcvcrsi which ura so preva'ent in the valleys f our rreat tuers tiiroutihotit the United States, especially thof cf th. Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, '1'cn ncssce, Cumberland, Aikmsis Ucd, Colorado, llraios Rio Oi tad-, 1'catl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Uoanokc, James and many other, with their vast tributaries, tliroucluiut our entire country during the Summer aud Autumn, uid KmaiLiMy so ilurinq seasons of unusual heat Uid dryness, aru invariably accompanied Ly exten sive draiicmciitJ of tlio stomach and lhcr, aud otlicr abdom'nabiiccra. 'I hero arc always more or kss ob &triiLtioii3 ot the liver, a wc.iltncc3 and irritable state of the tumach, and prt.it torpor cf tha bowels bein closed up with vitiated accumulatir.na. Jn their treat incut, a purgative, exeunt a powerful Intlucnco upon these atlou9 orpani, is csscntiilly ticcessar,. There Is no cash irtic for tiie purp : tipul to J. Wmker's Vinb -ar Uitti'RS ' 'L'y Wl rpctdily rcmovo tha daik'tiTcd iicid matter .ith uh.clt the bowels are loaded, at thu am time stmiuhiinp; the secretions of the liver, and generally lulont.g tha hcallliy functioui of the digest Uo orpins Srrofittns ni KhiijM Fl 11, White KwellmRS Ulcers, l.rysipli., .v.lld Nctk, Go.ur, Scrofulous Iixlimmrion)t ltiduKnt lntlimmatiou, Alercuriat Af fectlons Old S d r, l.ruptnuH ul the Skin, Sore KyeS etc, etc In tin 1' i .1. ill il tr CKii-titntioiut Diseases, Wai Ki h"- Vi:n. UniKit have hlioun their firc.it cui.itno I'juvi .11 tl, hum uboi.uati. and luttacatla lt'. Wi.-Kct CaIlfiHnI:i Vlticffnr HKtci- act 1 . .dl ih. m' titji .n 1 uiul ir iniimcr. Ily putifying ihe !lli"d yii-iii'.t' 11' i.a-.t Ijyrcsflvms away the c!it t t ni' 111: 'tl tubercular (lepoiiti) the aifkCit. 1 1 i.ia K'..i hv.i.th, .iiul a ptiinaiicut euro ll f'LctcJ. Tho propeitleii of Dr. Wai khr's Vistomj HiTTKK-; arc Apciimt, Dntiliomtic and Carmmatne, Nutnt'jiti, I.ixitivc, Diuretic, Sctlxtivc, Couutti-Iuitaut, b ldnriiic. Alterative, and Anti-lhltous, Tin Apei-lcni and mild l.aatie properties cf D. Wai kkkV Vrjmii I'ittrr-s are the best ife- fl" h;mi,. 1 .ill 1 1 ni erupt 101 h ,tml iiuliKnuil levtis, tuir , hi ilinT, ;n 1 pofitlnn? piojicrtics piotcct tha .f the 1 in . 'I heir Sedative jiropotiici allay I ,j u 1 . . 1 1 1 'ii'naeh, and bowels, either ' . 1 . t . c imps etc 'lhe:r 1 . -i'' ' . thimuhout tlic '.-ttjni. II 'i" ,.. 1 K hit ys, cmnctiMt, 11 ' ll v f .I.. I bur Anli Htluttn w it' t'i. b.i . 1 'In' 'Ci.'.iou ut bile. C 1.. 1 1 ni t 1 ' illit"llw nut il. d. Mi;.afior tt tin. -ii h '1 1 .1 xi V di iK .11 d it; t'l lu 1 '1 11 i . tiu 1.1.1 . 1 : li -ii- l'eLi, F r tnd A ' KurHl'v Iliu Wn'lv itLiulu.l (ll'.tnco bvn'il- f'in4 ill it tl iid 1 .ill Vi'ii i, 1'lt irid Nil t -idt.iii.c can 1 1' 0 lu 1 1 ft 1 11 -.tun ll in I iic.uniL 1. '1 he livir, thu stomich, th- IiiaJ--, ih-- l.i I'll v-, and tlic mnei arc lei tl. red 1.-. ix-piuuf bv this r.- it itivioriiit , Thu Milk'ut'y i-f D.. Wumk's Vijiuk Hit Ti'RS, m Chron l l-cp i 1, Fever-, Nervous DisonUr, Cimiiipuuii, d-'litib ny of vnl Atr, and all maladicd alfect'ui thw biiim.'i. hri. Umils pitlmmtirv orjain, or imuculir it i b . 1' ii exp.rienct.d by hundreds of thuUMiidi, ,i;id li .11 . u ., i,t lU-iUi-uuis inure art; ak im for tlu ..tm M-i Uli tt'tltuM- I I.l 1.1 ilit liitur. 011 K""Ufi t bed at nilu irum 1 bill u iu. m I uni. hall wme-nlaiafiill. Kat go'wl 1UH1113I11114 ttxiti, suih .is bet fs teak, mutton chop, Vijiii ii. Musi btt.1, and M.et.iblo, ami take out door cxcki Thev ate .i).i)pusvd cf purely ego table inured..1 .uni ''ii.i.n iid Miint. J. WAI.kl U, P...,.r U.II..ncI)0MIJ(SiCO.t Diugguti iiul (icn A';ti, San Francibcu, Cab, and tonii.1 ol Wusimtyii ji.d Cliailttin Sts, New Voik. SOI D UY A:.L DUliUUlSTS AND D FALL US. . nl-72 3nl ROSADALIS O TlIB INGKEDinNTTHAT COMPOSK 110SA0AL1S rnro published on every puchajjo, llicro fore it ii no. i sci ret preparation,' consequently SrursiciA.vs rKEscKiiu: it It 13 a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all IU tonus, Hhcuiii.i tism, kin DisfJitc.i, Liver Cum plaint.and all iliscasis of tlio lllood A ONE B0TTL3 OP E0SA3AUS will do moro ;ood than ten botllej of tlio Syrups of Sarsjparill.t. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS Dliavc used Rosadalis In their practlct for tho past thrco years and freely endorso it 8 a rcliablo Altcratlio and lllood Purifier. dr. v. q. r-tinn, of Biltimoto. Dlt.'i.. ?VK1W. 'i .w 1)11. It. W CAltll. " Dll 1". O. DANNKLl.Y, " JB Dll. J. S. f 1'AltKS, 01 .Nicholurlllc, g D. jVl.. .McCAIITIIA, Columlila, X,'jL Dll, A. ii. .NOBLES, r.dgccomb, N. C, USED AND ENDOHSED BY Ll. D. V nn.NCIl Si SONS, Tall nircr,1 F. W. S.M1TH, Jackson, Mich. v A. K Wlll'.ELEll, Lima, Ohio. 11. HALL, lilma, Ohio. WtJ.Vl;.N & CO., (lonlonsvlUo. Va. SAJI'L. o. SIcl'ADUt.N, Jlurlrcos. t oro, Turn. I Our spaco will rot allow of any ex. tmilcd remarks In relation tu this ilrtucjot ltosadall,. Totho MrJlcJ Profession wo guarantee n 1'Iuia Kx tractsupcrlur to any they havo over useil lu tho treatment of diseased lltothlj and to thoalllktod wo say try SHosadalls, and on will bu restored to health, nosadalij li sgld l.y all Druggists, prlco SI. 3U per bottle. AiUicsj Sit. CLEME1IT3 li CO, f tlanufvlurtng ChtmUli, 1 IUtTIHOUK, Mb , .Iulv5U7ll7. JgALTlMORB TIANOS. Wo respectfully call the attention of thoso ucslrlux to purchase our mako of l'lauoi. Wo are sullntled that wo can clvo KalUfuctlon lu every caso, Our workmen skillful and experien ced nudarouuUcr tho porsoualHiiporliitoudonco of tho members of our firm, Wu uso only tue Lest sensoueil timber, anil tlio material lu gene ral la tlrst class. Our l'lanos without exception havo tlio patent ngrall'ea arrangement through out, which lu tho opiulou of tlio most compe tent Judges Is pronounced valuablo, lly tills Im provement n l'liino la mado moro durable aud keeps the touo louser. Wo claim for our Instru ments that thoy aro second to none, and thoy combine all tho essential elements that consti tute superior workmanship. Wo will klvo a written guarantee for llvo years, Mr. Uwniiad I'iieiman, member of our Arm, will visit liloomsburg four tlmcanycar to re rait aud attend to tuning of all l'lanos, In tho absouceol Mr. Fuximan, Mr. I, K.Millkk will uttoud to our business In liloomsburg und Is uutUorlzed to receive and solicit orders, Wo cau give tho very best references. hai:iii.i; aco. llultlmoro, H. 1), I. K, JIili.eii, Dealer in riauos, Organa and Mcloiloous llvo octave nnd llvo slop organs nl tho licit make, Bold at 1 110, Terms ( any, Juno 'ii Rail Honda. nil (Sumlay,iip"tc'-,y. llallronil Uompafiy t I K.K'lJWi, MMitUlvo at I'lMtAdelphK'nffii;," KASTWAUD. 2:.W-l'hllndohlil( Kxiiresi i. ,, , il illy (except Si oiiduviat s-Wn " ' ili.v'cM,l'hlIa,lelplila,ft",on,J, 'u. . 3.23-Fast I.lno liiave lfnirla Mi. . i iMimioini,!,;:.. f.in :. ""u. '''lull' 1(11111, life . 1U1I ll, III, 11 S.ju-Jlnll Train leaves lfnriisiimi..ui. tent Himdiy) at H:5Un. in. a iimiv. "hlly , ttmtliln nt 1-2:11 n, m. 1 ' ' autl w" o-. at i ' . ."jri'nc'l'o wsihom loavsn Hnrn. i WhI "rrlvcs nt Wm i?,iiJlKj, ,. j WW-Klnilrn rrproM Lmvoi ( xe.l I Mn-jiUljn . , . v.imi i'i inilili ill t .i ,-. " IllllltLl I VI,,'..' 1 Ill I ii ... l''la 4V1ITI ' l.'ll i, , I ,r, .' "..r"' "u 1 inc-, iH,!nVi',!ll-'.-0,,1,,10l''l'' 1'lHll III I :W-Lfiucaster Trnln vi' m .... I arrli bin's dally (exni n'lln, u.l rrivm n West irnn.ui. i ill, . i WFSTWAltP. ivnifot J.i 1i .it 7' !0n, in. i' 1.1 n. in,, j, 'mi fVV- e.ior Kile, p . :"ftnH-ii.m.,nirlvlUKMLuoai( . a. 1 n ..i Uai Al iAmih at , i u l"k i ,K ',:,V,i.1.1." S.'IW 4 -Piwlftd .. ?"! n7Tnv "nt MtZ.V'i ""ira HI I'lllHUUU! nl 2.U5 li. ni. wlli e 1. uNnlithi mi '": ' m., tA!e, 84!cVa,u'd1nrr,!?niVi Alttioun nt l ui i, in. n, ni .1. in.. !" "r. in. ' """'iiu.uui'aiH, ,, ttAiuiomiattiiiun.m.n riV,Sr.r-?l?'.. .'' i li3jli.ni. ..vviiii, i-iujonr- i SAMOKr. A. llLAt'K Hupt.Jlld. lilv. li li. LliSMffl AND J)Lo- 5SiMi'?v MLra-wriBorTral 4 Hotiii! North. Arrlvo Arrlvo I.euvo Lr.va 2.11 '.'.ll 2 411 .fa .'I.. I 3.W SVf!11.""" l'.iu l.n ir.iuiiuil Mi 11.5a Kin '.ii ton oi W.Ilnrro S.:n ia.ni Pill, unit, ! siiielisliluny s.i.i ,'W V..':i 8.05 li2 I'iWI ll.'IU li.li UUI 1Y. 1.. Itii.ii lllooin .u.mviiio. in..) i.: all roluUi Ninth, Iiiiitnii.rwe'it. ' IJ.T.lioUND.Sup" jORTIIEKK CENTRAL IML Ou and nitor Nov. 12th'l8n. Trains lonvoKUNnuiiv nsfollows i NOUTinVAltD. 12.Mi'.M.l)HlytnWllllamsnnrt. Hum,,, , . .. lllllfrlin llnnf, Iio'itor, llull.ilo, Biispoivilou lii i i;r, UI1U . 1U1IS. 12.W v, :i. liiuraio. M. p.iii .. 0,M?PouVDud1,&.SIccpt for wu 11.1111 Ul'i;ini!!l!',i('SWl! flun.layM for nimlrs, lr5mBlful??tap,m vln. Urlo rail .,i T11A1NH MOUTirWAHU. I.W i;. M. Iiailv (o.M'ept Huii'lity., i JP i. ,. ,, 1 liUil'telphi i, ,ic. I ). H. YOi ' Omvni' l-u j-iiK(.r A- , A I.i'ui:ii It. b i si;, U-'t'J. finp't. gUOIl'l'EST IIOUTI3 KASTWAHl. Danville, HazlGton&WilWaiTelU! IC.VyVi'A' ,1 UllAXUUMhNT. TW.VUI). I.KAVK. rtiti.iiu,') 1 l.lv'.ll.! t iWl- U.lZllU'li WIWl'WAMi. A. .M, Ml IVK. i-M. 2"M IK.' Vniii 7.ui Sd ll.iisloii, 7--" P'' 1 1 '"lln 1 el il. lioiii ) ij.io t.ulet .r l'hllml..lphl s.15 O.itawKvi, lliulutoii, Ma; Dnnvlllo. fiw Wirk, jj's j.ou Hjnbiiry. ,;'rll,?n.ft,",,'"n'i tr.tln connoeNat H.iniiui w.'im'? K I'- "' tml, K''is Wo'.tj .ml WUIUmjiMirlMi; Luck Hiivon V5 iMii..m i tlio Nurtliorn Ui-iatrul I..) p. in., linviiii; eaohlns Jlairlsburg 7,il p. in,, nml let. it. 10.li i. in., uiul uisn with tho Huuliury an 1 iHtinvu lt.iro.ul. Ciiiurortiililu ami h,mdsimo Uuiclnm u, new routi". J. UIJllVKY K.VSU, Huperliitenu IV III I Willi imn iiiiiiin 1,011' U.H JEADINU RAILROAJ). SUMMKH Alt lt.VKOEMI.NT. Monday, May o, 1S72. Ore.it Trunk Line fiom tlio North uiul Korll. VVust furl'lillHdolplila.New Ynrlr, Itnulliig imiu vllle, 'liiinaiiiiii, Anlimnil, Hhiuunklu i.i nml Al entnwii, liastou, Kpliiutn. Mt, l,.mc . cr, Columbia, Ac, Tralusleavu Hiurlsbiiig rorKcwYnrk l.i to. lows: At '.'.li, 8,10, a. m and 2,0(1 p. in., inn- r .v'.. M4fc; -I'l'i'ii ..uiijs mi i-i'niiii nn nla ltallroad, nud arriving ut Now Ymlr ut 10,07, a. ni., a,OJ, and u,15 i. m, itspectlv. ly, Uclurulng: Leavo New York at 11,00 a.m. mi 12.3Uuoou uud5,lip.m, riilladolplil.i at,7,.i', k. ii. in, nnd SS.30 p. m. Leavo Hnrrlsuurg lor Heading, I'ottsvllic, 'lu maquu, Mlnersviiro, Ablihind, Hliamokln Al lentuwn and l'lilla'd. at 8,10 a, in., nud 2.ini uiul I, 03 p.m., stopping ut Lebanon and pilneliml way stations; thu I, Oj p.m. trnlu conueetlngior I'hll'i Vottsvlllo and Columbia only. For 1'iitt.sv'lllii Schuylkill Haven nud Auburn, via KchujUni! and riiisiiuchaunn ltallroad, leave lliiriKburi; it 3,10 p.m. Kast Pennsylvania Ilnllrnad trnlni leave Ida ! lug for Alleutowu Kaslon uud New Yorkul 10.10, n. n and 1.03 p. lu. Itutiiriilin,', lemo New York at O.OOii, m 1130 noun amll.li p. m, und Allentnwu at 7 .'.'Oil, in, 12.23 noon, 2.1 1, i..i niul 0.15 p. in. Way l'ubscuger Tinln leaves l'lillailelpliii 7,.0a.iii,, conmrtlii;; Willi similar train on "l I'u. rnlliiMd Kitui'iilug it oiii lteiuliiiuiuu,.'", btnpping nt till btntloas, Leavo rollsvllle ut 0,00 u.iii., and 2,.:'J i .m llciiuloll nt 10.00 a. in., tiuamnklu at S.IUiiini l,i a. in,, Ashland ut 7, 03 a.m. und 12,11 noun M.i- iiuny City ut 7.51 a, m, and 1.21 p. m. Taiuaiu a, in,, nud 2,10 p. in. lor riilliidelphi.i. " York, Heading, lianlsbuig.ic. Leavo I'ottsvlllo via Keiiuylklll and Sn .ijiu liiiuua Hallioiiil at S.lo n.m, lor Uniiliiljuri; II, 15 ii. in., lor l'luuMiovuuud Treiniiut, Heading Accoiuiuodutiiiu Tialu leave.. 1... vlllo ntri.SU ii. in,, passes Heading nt 7,23 a, in., riving nt Philadelphia at 0,60 a. m. itetiuuiu.. leaves l'lillndelplila at 5,15 p. m., passing Hi .iJ lug nt 7,10 p.m., aiTlvtngnt I'ottsvlllo ut v,2u p.u rottstowu Accommodation Trnlu,lenc J'ultS' town at 8,13 n.m,, returning, leaves 1'lill.uleipli " (Ninth uud Ureeu) ul l,:sl p.m. Columbia ltallroad 'trains leavo Headinc nt 7,20 a.m., and U.15 p.m. lor lCplmun, I.ltlz, Lumi tcr, Columbia, Ac.; leturnlug leave Lnncaili i 8.20 n. in. and 3.25 p. m aud Columbia at Mm m. and 3.15 p, in. l'eikloiueu Hall Hoad Trains leave 1'erkiniiifii Junction ut 7.15 O.uiu. in, , 3.00 A o. 1 5 p. in. uluiH' lu(i: leavo Scliwcnlisvlllo ntl).W. S.oo u.iii., HI noon A I.Ij p.m., connecting with similar tni i'. on Hcudlug Itallinail, Colcbroohilalo ltallroad trains leave rutu.iov,u ntu.n)n.iii,l.;oj.2iA 7,15 p.m. returning leave Mt l'leasaut ut and 11.25 a. 111., ;i.2jp.in, cmi uecllng Willi similar trains on Itoudlug lUllro.ul l'lckerlug Vulley ltallroad trains leavu I'I" nixvlllo at 0.10 a.m., 11.10 and S.Wp. 111.1 iiliua lug, leavo llyeisat 0.15 a.m., 12.15 and l.'Jop.iu, connecting with trains on Heading Hallrnad, Chester Vulley Ha H road Trains leavo llmlgi poi tat 8,30a. m. and 2.10 and 5.33 p. 111. ictuiniui;. leavo Dowulngton at 0.55 a. m., 12.30 noun nuil 5.10 n, in., connecting with similar tiulus en Heading ltallroad, On Sundays, leave Now York at 5, 15 p.m., I'lnl' plilaat 8,00 a.m. and 3,15 p.iii.,(llio 8,nu n.in.liuia ruiinlngoiilyioltoadlug;)lcuvci'ottsvllleii,uia.ifl., llarrlsbuii: ut 2.15 a. 111, nud 2.U1 p. in. suJ leavo Alleuloivu ut 1.21 and 0.15 p. in., and leavo Heading ut 7.15 11. in, iinit lo.35p. m, lor limns burg, nl 4.31a, in. for Now Yoik, at 7.20a. iu lor Alleutowu aud utlUO a. 111,' aud 1.15 p. ni lo' Philadelphia. Comminution, Mileage, Season. School !' Kxcursloit Tickets to and from all points, ft i" iliieed rales, llaggngo cheeked throtitbj 100 pounds allouU each tiiuseugor, J. K. WOO'lT UN, Asst. Hnpt, & Ihig. Mnch'ry. Heading, l'a May V, 1872. pATENT ARION PIANO. Tho only Is unenuall mlyrrf( instrument In tho World. I unlUU lu Hleliness, Power, llrllllaney Illy. Special tonus to Teachers. Mail" ' S,..-ll..; lilnl , favots lo Clergymen. Scud for Illustrated Arluu ' C. W, FOSTER, General Agent, mar 10'71-tf.) Mauch Cjiphk, 1 '