THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGh COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, liLOOMSBuTlG PA. FridaijTjunTzS, 1S73. Horace (Ircclcj-. Until Indiana whcolcd Into tlio sup-! port of tho Cincinnati movement, wo doomed tho nomination of Itornea Grroloy at tlio coming Ualtluioro Con vontlou Impossible Slncq tUpn, lrtp arior Btato liaa taken tho pamo action, and now wo havo no doubt that Gree ley mid Brown will bo nominated by tho Democrats at Unlttraoro on tho first ballot, and by over n two-Uiirdg voto. Wo tiro convinced, howover, that wo can win with Greoloy, and, if bo la nominated, will glvo him our heartiest support. Hls.olcctlon would substitute n fair and honest Kovornuiont in lieu of tho present corrupt and Imbccllo ad mlnlitmtlou. It would rcstoro civil law nnd proaporlty to tho Southern States now hold under military bond aco would lusuro stability at homo, and pcaca with foreign nations. Nor would It provo destructive to our orcanlzatlon. Thero Is nothing In tho Cincinnati platform to which Just oxecntions can bo taken by us. It deals with current questions of public Inter est, and buries out of sight dead issues irrevocably Bottlod, and which our par ty would not resurrect. If by tho aid of our nearly thrco millions of voters poueo Is brought to tho country, intcg- rlty to tho administration of public af fairs, fuller nrotoction to nroporty, and larger liberty secured to tho cltlnana, wo will have accomplished a result which will not only popularize, our or ganizitlon, but will attract to It inde pendent and honest men everywhere, By tho aid of this Liberal movemen wo can also carry States In which wo aro now In tho minority, and thus so euro our candidates for Governor, Con gressmen and tho Legislatures, nnd they hi turn will give us Democratic U. S. Scnntors. Tho Republican pirly recruited Its strength from tho Whigs and tho War Democrats, and wcro not afraid to give position to such men as Butler, Forney, Logan, and Dix. Wo should boas wlso as they, and when an opportunity llko tiiis presents lLsolf, and ij success can be achieved in no other way, It would bo folly to cast It asldo. By a coalition with tho Liberals wo havo redeemed Virginia, Georgia, Tenncs3eo, and Mis souri, and In no instance was tho party eacrlflced In thoso States. Lot rs now repeat these tactic3 on a larger scale. t A bolt from tho Baltimore nomina tion would bo worso than folly', it would be suicide and direct aid to Camr ron and Grant. It would loso us ovoiy Northern State, nnd porpotuato tho power of Radicalism. Our organiza tion would, bo ront In .twain and mil' tary rulo, corruption and violation of fundamental law would bo moro rifo than ever. Wo will rally to tho Stato ticket, and rescue Pennsylvania, wo will rally around Geeeloyand Brown, If nominated, and rescuo tho Union. If honest Republicans aro justified in aiding us in destroying tho Camoron Ring rulo in this Stato, we aro justified in aiding Llboral Republicans In do-. stroying tho Grant despotism. .Grant's Heform. If Mr. President Grant has marked characteristic, 'beyond a for horse3 and low company, it any ta9to is an utter contempt for public opinion, oven. when that opinion Is but another noma, for deconcy and honesty. His latest exploit in this lino is just performed, and, although tho peoplo aro very woll used to his defiance of everything hon oroblo and decent, wo will publish it for future use. At tho recent session of Congress a rascal named W. T. Clark who had beon defeated for Congress In ono oi tho districts of Toxa3 by Mr. Glddlngs, appcarod in Washington armed with a lying cortlficato from tho scaljawag Governor of Tcxps and actu ally took Glddlngs' scat. Tho proceed ing was so outrageous that oven tho IIouso could not qulto stomach It and towards tho onu of tho session Clark, on an unanimous report of tho Commit tee on elections, was ejected. Think of it kicked out with Ignominy from such a body of men as composed the last Houso of Representatives. Did W. T. Clark sink beneath tho weight of his disgraco? Not to any great oxtont ho didn't. Ho know a trick worth two of that; ho wont to that earnest advocate of reform, Ulysses Grant and Grant ac tually turned out tho postmaster of the largest town in Toxas and put Clark in his place. Rewarding him, in other words, for doing what ought to havo resulted In a term In tho State's prison It Is perfectly unnecessary to enlarge upon such atopic. Tho appointment of Clnrk was an Insult to ovory honest man In tlio United States, and Mr, Graut's action whother tho result qf denso Ignorance of what conutltutus decency or In defiance of public fooling was positively brutal, as havo been scorea of I1I3 previous actions nnd a.s will bo others until ho Is thrown head- Jpnu from hla plaeo of power. "Reading out of tho Tarty" Is a dan gerou8 oxporlraont, It makes tho men "read out" pugnacious. By tho timo our opponents havo "read out" tho QYilune, Mess, Sun, Inquirer, and f host of other papors: nnd hayo oxcom munlcated Greoloy, Fenton, Foster, Schurz, Trumbull, Sumner. Fornoy, McOluro, and tholr frlonda, thoy will havo "road out" all tho brains of tholr party, and havo Instead Rutler, Grant, Cameron, Evans, and a corps of rottou and corrupt office holders. Tlio Beaver Jiadical appears extrcmo !y willing to earn tho famo of a common liur by reiterating tho stato printer's falsehood that Mr. Ilartloy, the Somo erotic candidate for auditor gonoral was "tsvlco arrested by'Goneral Couch for giving aid and comfort to tho enemy," Tho Jiadical knows this Is an arrant lalsehood, as does tho (Slate Journal, Its mendacious Inventor. Tlio Independent Pros. Nothing law proved more fulllo limn tlio attempt to break down an lmlcpeu- lent uiul Ineotuiptlblo newspaper, ramiiiany.trlod to smother the World when It utturlsed lU corrupt ink", fum lies pleached n ciitsado ngnltnst tho Tribune when Iloraco Greeley lulled leir Davis j and oven Iho lititubilcait of this plaeo caluut sticm'th In tho Attempt of somo of lUo.irly supporters to ruin lt..-., .iti.u now Hi" I'ltiictMiiliins have taken the heavy, .contract off crippling, tho, iNiiladeli.hla l',vs. bill iho n uU'wllt nsFinlsh llieiii. Tho pooplti' will endorse a movement tho nbje'ct of which Is to down u ttlng which has disgraced our Stato, and iHtompted to forco com mon thtoves anil scoundrels Into positi ons of trut nnd honor. And tlm J'ress finds it'idf endorsed by such able, outspoken papers as the Scranton 2li publican, Wnyno Vilhui, and tho Ian- caster lixjircss, fwjufcr and Enter- prise. Wo would commend the following oxtrnct to tho Post Master of this plaeo who edits tho HepuMican. Our only dangor, nnd tho only ele ment that bodus Grant and Wilson ovll in November, is about flfleon hundred corrupt nclltlclans. all told. Thcso aro threatening tho Independent nndhoti'st Republicans, who havo lr olved to de feat a part or the Stato ticket, with tho defeat of Grant if they do not bow to tneir uicmitun ana aajuirsco lit mo oV -lion of the rren they havo chosen to rule over tins grand out common wealth and control its finances. Tho thrcatsof thesa men would bo Im potent and moaulnglrs but for tlio fact that tho onliro machinery of our nolltlcs Is In their hands, and tho knowledge wo havo that thoy will hesltalo at noth ing to accomplish their basoeuds. Thoy aro acquainted with tho Twcod-llko methods of defoatimr nonular will by ballot-box stuflliig and ren'atlnr, and thoy have a long purso and a lloxlblo conscience. Thoy openly bopst upon tho streets that thoy will count in their man If tho majority against him bo not too gre-it. If, tw wo expect, In the ovent that thoy do not yield to tho do maud of tho peoplo and remodel their ticket, the seal of condemnation is sot upon them by an overwhelming major ity, thoy say thoy will retaliate upon (1.,, I.wlnnn.wlnnf T? 1 ,1 1 , , r, ...Im Vin.t.i novor faltered in their devotion to tho party and who aro truo to Grant, but who will no Iouirur submit to tho rulo or crimo nun incompetency, uy voting for Greeley and counting him in November. This in their programme, and u uicoly-laid, clover scheme it is, and wormy ot tno men. But will It win? Will tho peoplo of Pennsylvania, upon whoio rights nnd Independence thcso men havo been yoarly encroaching until they think that tho Republican voters of tho Stato nro but slave to do their bidding nnd ratify (holr will, allow thcso unscrupu lous and conupt tricksters to succeed ? Wo think not. Vo know thoy rccog nlzo tho disgncu and danger of contin uing tho rulo of tho men who nro at tempting to rear n Tammany Hall In Philadelphia. Thoy aro faithful, both to their country and their party, and they reallzo that tho men who nro en gaged in tills plot nro a' danger to tho ono and a disgraco to tho other. Ono word to thoso individuals who havo already "read Tho l'icss out of tho party.'' You havo too long sheltered yourselves bohind tho causo of Republi canism ; your only conception of its ideas is olilco. of its success tho cratiQ- catlon of your abnormal appetite for piuuuer, anu it is aoout time tnat you retired from your assumed leadership. Tlio Republican party can work out its mission without your as3i3tnuce. Your great prototype Tammany is dissolved llko tho basoless fabric of a vision, with soveral wrecks behind, somo of whom aro fugitives in a foreign land, nnd othera candidates for a prison coll. Its rate should ho your warning. Mr. Buekalew addressed a mooting at Bolton's notel.'Harrisburg, on Monday night last, in tho midst of a heavy fall of rain. A largo crowd had heard of his arrival in Harrisburg and assem bled ,' despito tho storm to hear him speak. In tho courso of his remarks, which wero brief ho mado use of tho following significant languago : Gentlemen, I accepted tho position of candidate Deioro tno peopio lor tno oiiico of governor of this state bocauso I was convinced that men holding my opin ions, my views upon public affairs, wero necessary in tho stato government I mean'men who go into public life without 'any Intention to mako profit for themsolvas. Great applauso. But, gentlemen, I repeat, I shall not detain you long in thW storm. Peoplo often expect to hear at a political meeting of this kind a good deal of strong lan guage, denunciation and abuse, but I havo to say to you to-night that thero is not an nudienco in this common wealth that will listen to mo oxncctlnc to do led with tnat Kind or material tnat will not bo disappointed, I shall go among tho peoplo speaking out, and I nopo spcaKing witn somo ouect, to men of all political opinions, for tho purposo oi-crusning 1110 corrupt ring tnat now rules tno stato. 1 leci that this result will bo reached, bocauso tho peoplo havo taken this business in their own hands. and thoy will executo it. Tho political influonco that has seized upon this proud commonwealth of ours, is an influonco which is both corrupt and insolent, and must bo put down. It has Tro3tItuted nubile oiiico. It has forzotten duty and looks only to gain. And bo yond our own stato this polsouous in- uuenco nas extended its corrupting hand. By what hand Is tho patronage of tho United States govornment dls- irinuicd in i'ennsyivania uy tho samo influence which, has settled your account in tho auditor ccncral's denart- ment. By tho samo influonco which filched a scat In tho United States scnato in 1857. By tho samo iiiiliienco which attempted to buy a second election in lbw, out was thwarted through tho choice, by a majority or ono voto, of tho inuiviuuai wno now auuresses you. it is tho samo corruupt power which, by a shameful combination In tho legisla ture, Is chargod to havo secured a u. 8. senator and n stato treasurer in 18(19. nnrl IfJ InnlrlnW rnvnrn.rl In nltrtttAti of another Uuitcd States senator In 1673 oy tno same agencies. I could not ro- luso 1110 uso 01 mv tmino 111 this crreat work of reform when solicited by peo ple of all parties; aud what 1 lmvo to Bay to you Is that your causo Is Just, nnd that tho liconle. on tho second Tutsdav of October next, will ronder a decision moro salutary In nolltlcal ntralisthan over was rendered beforo by tho peoplo of Ponnsvlvnnln. Fun Aiu;ad. Tho JPresa denounccH ihollarrlsburg Telegraph m "nsynonym all over tho Commonwealth for every thing that is vllo and venal in our poll tlci, the organ of tho original Ross Tweed and tho property of tho person who rurnlsnos tho Pennsylvania l.cgis laturo with stationery." This last clause U "tho most unklndcst out or all." "Tho original Boss Tweed" good ! Tho Pornoy and Cameron fond promises to hecomo Interesting, ir tho Republicans elect a majority orour stato Legislature in October, tho Senatorial contesnext Winter will bo n vory Hvo ly, u not lovuiy unair. unquestiona bly, thero's fun ahead. rhu, Day, Mr. Sumner demonstrated that Qrant was not fit for ro-uomlnatlon : it ro mains to tho peoplo to declare that ho Is not fit for re-olectlon. And thoy will do XL-Theodore Tilton. Tlio Tr'T. The Stninp Tnc? Tlmt llaic lltcn Abolish ed by Congress. l-'or tho liDticflt of our readors wo glvo hero n list or tho stamp faxen that nro to boabollihed by tho nowHxnttd tariff bill which goai Into effect on tho 1st of October next? Contracts for Insurance against acci dental Injuries. AlUdavlts. All ngrcoinenls or contracts, or re newals of tho same. Apprnl'emonts nr value or damage, k for any other purpose. AsNk'imicnls of n lease, mortgage policy of Insti.v.tiw or anything one. UI113 of exchange, forolgn, tuiaml, let tois of credit, or any thing ol that kind now taxed by stamps. jinis oi lading ana rrcaipn in me United States, or for any where elo. Bills orsalo ornny kind. Bonds of Indemnification of tiny kind. Bond or administrator or Guardian. 01 anything Hint has tho rnimo of bond In it, nnd now taxed oy stamp. Brokers' notes. Cortlllcatcj of measurement of any thing. Certificates of stock, profits, damago, deposit or any other kind of cortlficato now taxed by stamp. Charter, or Its renewal, or n charter party of any kind. All contracts or nurccmont i. Conveyance, nny p.ut of the work of convoying. Kntry for consumption, warehousing, or withdrawal. n.(iirnrs' rntimis. Indorsement of any negollablo or not negotlno o instrument. I. l...l tt1.l.. MlHUrilUUU I'UUl'll'J, I'UllllUOin, little-la, renewals, etc.. (life, marine, inland and flro.i Lease All through the lefiso list is abolished. Legal documents. Writ or other pro cess, confession or Judgment, cognovit appeals, warraut j, ct 2., letters of admin ifitratlon, testamentary, etc. Manifests at custom houso, or any whero else, for any purpose. Morttraco. of anv Kind. Pnssago ticket, to anypltic in the world, Pawners' checks. Power orattornoy lor any purpose, Probate of will, of uu.v kind. Promissory nolo for anything. Protest of any kind. Oult claim dr .1. Rccclnt. Now sronerally exempt, and ir Included In present law in any en1, win 00 nercauer cxcmpi. Slinriirs roturn, Trust deed. Wnrohouso receipt. Warrant of att.irno.v. Weigher's roturn of any character. Legislative Xmiilii.itions. The importauco of tending truo and tried men to tho Legislature cannot bo questioned a moment. Thorc is so much fraud and corruption there, so many swindling methods of forcing legislation, that integrity, and constant vigilanco alono can defeat it. Many excollent men havo already been re nominated, and somo few "pinchers" and "roosters." Indirectly wo learn that tho peoplo of Lalilgli County aro endeavoring to induco Hon. Adam Woolovor, their Iato Representative to boacandidato for ronominatlon. Wo trust that ho will notdcclino, and that bis constituents will recaguizo his great merit and roturn him with an increased majority. Ho always hold a front rank among tho debaters of tho Houso aud no 0110 had a better reputation for honesty and squaro dealing, ir re elcctod, Lehigh would havo a faithful and capablo Representative, and tho Democratic; purly a fjooil spen kor nnd an excellent parliamentarian. Dcmociv.tlc Conventions. ThoNebwska Democratic Convention met on Thursday of last week endorsed tho Cincinnati platform, and instructed its delegates to voto as a unit for Greo loy and Brown. Tho Kentucky Democratic Conven tion, which met samo day, instructed its delegates to tho Baltimore Conven tion "to unlto with all tho elements of opposition to Grant's election." Elec tors wero nominated favoring "arooloy and Brown." Tho Democratic Convention of Ar kansas adjourned Friday last after en dorsing tho Cincinnati platform, and instructing i(s delegates to Baltlmorolo voto for Greoloy and Brown. Tho Alabama Democratic Conven tion has adjourned, after adopting a resolution declaring that under existing circumstances tho National Democratic Convention ought not to mako nomina tions in opposition to thoso made at Cincinnati. Tho California Democratic Conven tion mot ondorsed tho Cincinnati plat form, and rccommendod its dolegatos to Baltimoro to tako such action as may securo tho co-operation of all parties op posed to General Grant. Tho Democratic Stato Convention of Minnesota, unanimously adopted reso lutions accepting tho Cincinnati plat form and candidates, and Instructing its delegates to tho Baltimoro Convention to voto for Greoloy and Brown. Tho Democratic State Conveir m of Maryland met at Baltimoro and choso delegates (0 the National Democratic Convention. Among tho delegates aro Hon. Montgomery Blair and ex Gov. Thomas. A resolution was offered In structing tho delegates to voto for tho endorsement of Greeley nnd Brown and tho Cincinnati platform. Tho resolution was received "with great applause, both from tho members nnd tho gnllerios," but ponding action upon it, a motion to adjourn sine die, was carried. NEWS During a tiro in a drug f.loto in Now York city, on Saturday morning, cplo &ious occurred, aud i!0 men weio in- jurid, Hoveral fatnlly. A coIUhIou occurred on tho Pittsbun;, Washington nnd Raltlmoro Railroad, near Connell3vlllo, Pa., on Saturday, by which two railroad employees woro in stantly killed, and ono was fatally in Jutcd. Sovcnteon passonjrers wero in jured, of whom several aro expected to die. A tcrrlttlo disaster occurred on tho Grand Tnmk Railroad, near Delloville Canada, on Priday night. Tlio loco motlvo of nn oxpreBS train going east was thrown from tlio track, and two cars, filled with passoucsers, wero piled up Into tho onglue. On Monday oven lug the list of dead numbered 30, and of 05 Injured not noro than flvoor six woro expected to live. Tho caso of Dr. Ilouard has tit liikt been officially settled between tlio gov crumcnts or Spain nnd tho United States. Tho government waives tho right of claiming Dr. Houard as un American cltlzon, placing tho ground of Us action upon friendly Intercession for Dr. Houard, to whom tho Spanish govorninciit agrees to grant tin amncs ty. A demand for funds has already bron nmdo by thoSUlo Contra! Comtulttco on tho National Radical Comnnttco to nsslst tho ring tlckot in Pennsylvania in carrying tho election In Oclobor. It Is put on tho pica that tv dofeat in Octo ber meant a dofoat for Grant In Novem ber. But Grant, it is staled, Is opposed to contributing for thn Oclobor olcclion on tho ground that there Is a split In tho parly, and that all tho ulnows of war should bo rcicrved for tho Novem ber contost whon ho Is vain enough to think ho cau unite the parly and win thodiy. - v The Pluiroiiu of llic l,ii".nlclpl',n Convention. Pennsylvania was the stato and Phil- ndolphia the city on which Grant could host lely as the seono of the packed con vention. It whs under Pennsylvania management, Forney, M-Michael and Camoron being tho loaders, and tho man that Pennsylvania chose to represent It on tho national commute wis tho mrs- ter of 11 real platform. It Is found In a letter of which this n literal copy ; "TEr..SUKY DnPAimtENT, PENN SYLVANIA, Hauiusduiki, March, 1M'7. My Dear Titian : Allow me to Intro- duco you to my particular Mend, Mr. George O. ltr hm a claim or somo magnitude tl'il h? wihliciy u to help him in. Put him through ns ym would me. ITe n nlerstnniH addition, division, aud xilti'tcc. "Yours, "W. it. Ki:Miir,i;. "To Titian. I. C ill y, r q., Washln ton, D. C." That is it: Aihlltio-!, division nnd silence. Grant u eh-r ': ''- i1, the b"'.lcd andopaulettcd spliynx. He knows what to add to his own fortune, how to di vido among ills own f willy aud how to keep silence. Murphy nnd L'.it, tho speculators in French arms, Robeson and tlio heads of tho navy bureaus, the postuinstor general when dealing with mall contracts, the senatorial cabal with distributing lands to railroads or boun ties to at lamshlpv, understand and prac tice on tlio golden rule of addition, di vision and silence. That was tho real platform of tho office-holders' convention, not the plati tudes of Curtis, nor Wendell Phillips' douiagoguism nor tho trickster phrases or tho commute Tho Keystouo stato aud 1M sandslono candidate aro sclllcd down on tho solid foundation of addi tion, division and silence! Albany Ar- rus. DEMOCRATIC STATE TIMET, FOi: OOVEUNUll CHARLES R. BUCKALKW, or coi.vmdia countt, ron Afinron uknukai.: WILLIAM HARTLEY, Ot- I1EDF0U1) COUNTY, ron JUDdK or sui'iiksii: couiit: JAMES THOMPSON, 01' ERin COUNTY. i-'on coNunr.ssjiuN at lakcm:: RICHARD VAUX, or riiitADELrjiTA. JAMES II. HOPKIXrf, OF Ati.nunENY, IIENDRICK B. WRIGHT, OF LUZERNE COUNTY. For Members or the Cou Trillion, ki:i. wnonu-Aim, p.n,i,l.,li-i.i,i, .M-niKMlAU s. iilack, Yorl:, WM. IIIGU-Ilt, Ueai-lldd, W. ,1. 1IAEII. Homoruct, W. 11. SMIIlt, AlICKliontr. 1-'HANK'I,IN II. MO WEN. l'llllailotplll 1. JOHN II. IIAMI'UKLL, l'llllulclilll:l. K.A. KF.YXOIiDS), Lauculcr. J A.MUS III.LIH, Hc-lluylUUl. S. (). T. DOUU. Vonnnao. (1KO. M. DALLAM, lailiuWllitn. HOllIIllT A. I.AMllUllTO i, I), llellill. A. A. I'UKMAN. Orccu. WM L. C0K11E1T, Clarlou. New Advcrfciacinonta. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. rorAi-K of i-ETrn orakijakt, eix'd. I.etteri lebUimont.irv on lliu estato ol Pt-I Gcarlmrt, lato of Jloavcr towuslilp, Columbia couaiy ucceaseu, nave ocen grnuiu'i uyuio itt-' tiir to whom all pcrfcous ltnlebteil to salil clato aro requcsieu 10 jmico paymo.u, ana iuoio jiav uc claims or ilomaudri n-ralnhLanld p-italp. will mtliu them known to tlio Executor without delay, ALLEN JIANN, Juae21'72-fwr Kxeciitor A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r KSTATE OF MARIA UAUI'F. DKC'D. Letters ot nUmliilsirallou ou tlio ostato of Maria icaulr lato of Demon two., Columbia county, deceased, lmvo boon cruuteil uv tho llc-c stero a il count v to I IC.Kr --'tuaum admin istrator. All poisons having claims asaluU tlio cstato of tlio decedent aro reo.uei.ted to present mem lor bctllement, and those indented to tnu estate, to mako payment to tho underlsued, ad ministrator, without delay. 1, J, lvllLUlllt.U.L Jnno 2S72-GW. Administrator. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. U ESTATE OT ABItM Y0UNO, nEC'll. Luticis icstamontarv on ino csiaio 01 Aiiraiu Younu latoof ilcutou .owushlo, Columbia coun ty, dee'd, havo been urauted oy tho lloslsterof said county to Jacoo K. Lvaus. All pursou-i Having claims nalnt mo citato aiorciiuesii to present them to the U&ecutor In Columbia county. Uhono ludc-btLil to tho estate either on nolo, judgment, mo'-lsa-jo in- boolc account will maito payiiieui 10 mo i.xeee.iui' wiiut-m uei.ii . Juno 2S, lb72 Bw. ' rxeeutuf. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XI. EST. TH OK JOHN C. DOTY, DEC 1). LetteiM of Administration on tho estate of John C. Doty, latoof llenlou township, C lunibla county, d -easeJ, liavo boon by theltculster oi sa u county to I, IC. Krk-iihauiu lleulon twp. All. pel so-a having claims against the cs.ato of Ihii dccdi-iiL nio lL-ouc-stbd lo mo- sent them lor s'clllcnH-nl, and those Indebted to tno osiaiu loinaKo puyment lo tho unuursiguui ni'-nlulslrator, without d.-l iy. Juuo2S-7S-0w. ' ' Administrator. book: ageimts Now at work, or looking for homo now book, will nil? It If they do not nt ouco wrilo for cir culars oftho best selling boolc published. i;xtrn ordinary luducements ollered. 1'roills moro than double money, (hunt Iroe. Address, r.M. nnui), uj ji.iguui&t., sow lorn, u.t;-iw AOKNTS WANTKB-for tho MvCS of Grant ! Greoloy WILSON 1 MOWN! And tho Uii-lliiK men of all parties, (JV1I11 10 HTIIIII. I'OIITIIAIM. Just tlio book wnntod by the masses overywlure. Aueuti. meet with wonderlul success. Hrnd lor Circular nnd sti uro territory nt ouco. Aditioss. .ii;ui,i;u ;-n-CUUUY.&lSAicuHt., Philadelphia, I'd. Ivr nNUMia - An.Insl.'Tl. First Premium Doublo Elovnlod Oveli. Wnrmlnc Closet. Droll- InR Door, Fender Uunrd, Dumplnu A Hhuklni; Uialo. Dlroct Dial KUf.LKIt. WAltlttIN ,V Ci ?HI Water Btrect.N Y. lw KUNNKDY'S HEMLOCK OINTMU-N'T ANI 1'IVSTlIi:. Tho proprietor, has kuocoodotl In uiinziui; 1110 uicmoai proptrtios coutaincn ininouii, i-ucn, nun llosm of tho Hemlock Tree, nnd obtained n valuable preparation to bo applied ns a Bnlvoor Plaster, for llhcumntlsin. Cioun. l'aln or Soreness of tho Hack, Chest or Htomnch, Piles, halt llliruin, flcntvy, Mores, Ulcers, llunlons.Horo Oorua, Frost lutes, Chilblains, Horn llrcastsnud Nipples, Rlnuworins, Chatlnc, & Hkln diseases ol nil In. Uaiomatorv uatuie. (?HAltf,H.-4 V. CHITriSNTON, Agent, 7 Hxth Avenue, New lUIli, ,w Also for I.AMPA1UN (IOOD.S. Address. (inODM'HIIIl'HlIMPlHI-U'llIUiIHlIlNdlKllJH 1U 1 iberty Blreot.Now Vo.-ki or, Cincinnati. O, lw UAH CUKIII) DD1.H (Till-. 1NZA Dfc'AKNHH.S ANIl OATAiuiir, WlLCi CL'UU Kor euro tl. (or Tost finmplo HI cents, by mall, Ur. U. V. HYATf.llOOraiidHlreet.JSew Yorlc ti.iw IUIVUT fJ- ANNOUNCEMENT! Tin-: nuioJisntmu utkhauy institutb AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL if 111 or under tlio oullro ooulrol ot tlio BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Ilicy lmvo noloelo-1 nt l'rlnclpnl of Hid Inrtl- KHV. JOHN HKWITT, - ccullemnu Whono miftiincauons navo neon ol v tMtod nnd proved In oilier eiiuoai nlhrr pdllciltlonal oil 1.. , nf 11 UV,. llAttirPl ILlltl tllCV i, ion lor him nudtliolustl lislt ntut tullou.thoconlldcucoaiid support of our own , iiie nnri nftim ffiftiul-i of i ho oiitcrnrlfto nnd ol ouucauoii ovwywneru, mi i i t-vjiniui,, t oiivoniciico and licnuly of bulldlngi nnd Mir ioundlng, no school in tho BUito tmrpasses this; find wo tiro dctermlueil it shall not bo docond In tun Kind, quality mm uiorouaunssi ui in umvi plluo and culture. TlioSprlnsscMlou ol uvu'.vu wjskn will bogln MONDAY, APRIL 8nr, U-l 1 lOK' JU.NE 2Jrit. e x p : N" si;hi 1-..IIIA.. ttxl,!!,!,, Inltl.llOr, tt-Aqlllllir llllll l-eat, for Iho session ol twelve woelts, fUU vO. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Tntilnii fro- iinv nuiillv. ono dollar Per woclt, In tlio model school, irom flfiy to elgitty coins 'Or WOOIC, .11US1C, IIIOWIIIR, rami III, tve, UAll.l. -111. n.n nnvnhlf,. mill ltlllKl bo liald lirolllPt V. nno-lmlf at fuo beglutilng nnd tho other half at .no middle oi tuo session, , o, i'keesse. i. n. niirnnr, St-trotnry. rrosldonl EOAD DAMAUES. Tho following H n Hit ot Hoad dmnauo ns icpottod 10 Mnv 'lenr. 1..JJ, aiulconllrmed nl-il. Ilinr-im-n l ln vl lical A. 1'. YoUllC. (I. II. l-'OW- lor, John Kelchnoi, nnd Hamuol Neyhart, View ers, tn view n .d in Uiconwood twp. near A. r. Young s, assess uamp-Te as, nniuwi To Chnndlei- lives, To .laclcson ltobblii", f ' 1,00 i"i',U0 lti.w SV I To Hills lives, I'n will, .loiinsou. To John McMlchacl, lleuton.road lieni in. .Icsso llartmaii nnd II. i damago as lollows : 'lo lllrnm Ash, To .loci Krea-r, Madh-on, road in .n .-' .lolnison, Win, Uyi i .1:1 I isicss tMiuauo! To Hnniuel lllmby, at These damniros will b. K -piyv, nvui l.cwis, itesi, vlowor-t, nssest i 1. 1,1x1 10,00 , i icimliy, Samuel ,111. I. llti ler.vloweiv, S 7WJ i"d nbsolutp, nt Fepleraber Tirm, unless oi.foeilinis should bo Hied against Ihcm. We lull ml Rlvlni! tlio imlillo au oppoiiunilv to know wnat is oiiiiH notionuii 11 nil are suvi-iiLU 11 m 11 ".iim ii in kuiui 11 CVKl'M IiOr.lil.VBl 11. J, ni.iinint, K"tn. Win. 1II.'Tl-;lt J ' CoM-vtmsiosnns' 01 1 in . Illoomslmr la. Attest, Jim, Kmr-KRVvv, ci.r.r.ic, Y'ISTATOR'S NOTICE. Motice is heiobv clvcn that lot to.-i of Adminis tration have been granted by tlio liesisterof ilisoi Loiumuiacouiiiy 10 1110 unuersiKUCN up lon tlio odnto nr Willlnin 1', Koudor, into of llspy In said louuty, now deceased. All persons In- ucuicu 10 sain esiio aro lenuircu 10 niniie pay ment nnd nil persons who liavo claims ngalnsl said estate 10 maito tiieni known to mo nuue siijne'l icsldeut In tlio city of Philadelphia, o. to M. C. McCo'lum at tha town of llipy ffoic said. ciiAituis a. Hounnr., I.OUIH II. HOOD. Juuo II lsTMvr Administrators Tho rpinrikftblo ndvenlures of Tic famous W1UTI1 CUlKl-'nud UIU WAItniOlt nMoni; the lted Skins. Thrllllns nccnnnts ol (Irent Hunts, irnii-l.rfi-ulf h v.t canes nnd Tt-rrlblo Contests with tho big qamo nnd hnstllo tribes. Bplrlted descrlp- llons of tno iiniuis nnu superstitious 01 mm Elranso people, -rnmr (sporis, Leitcuus, irnuo tlni.a. Hnwlln.vM'nn nnd "VVed. Hcaln. Doctor Worship, Ac. Now, l'rosh nnd ropular. l'rlco T.nw Tt. I Rplliliir bv tlio tlmlisnnds Willi won- derlul rnpldlly. Agents nro makltiR from S-V) to f 100 per week. Cliolco Held yet vncant. Sendnt onco for Bainplo chapters, illustrations and par ticulars 10 A. 11. liur.HAHi), i'niiii-iicr, )ana71-tf. 4'jf'i tut. 1'litl.i. NE UW DRUG- ST01JE CHRIS. A. KLEIM llltVlllL' puiclrtod tlio htHincss of I-I. 1". l.nlz now oileis nt llu old stand, a chnlco nsuiilmon oi DUUtl, (:mi;jiioa,h, l'ATIINT AlliDICIKIiy, TOII.l-Il'AUTIOId-N, l-'AHOi'SOAl'rf, Illtlldllll-!, Ac,, AC Ami n R0nrr.1l nssortmont of tho choicest goods usually louinl In lit st c la-ss cslnlillshments, Physicians' Piescilpllons and l-'amlly r.cclpes Careliilly (lompoituded. On Knncl y, open Irom S a. 111., to 1 ) n. jn.,niut iioniz p. in,, 10 -i p. 111, OUIt.MAN AND I-INOLIBU SPOKEN. feliU'TMf CONTINENT, 1 IT Life lusurauco Company. OF NIIW YOItlC. 1. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUKSnll tho now form of I'ulleics Xnud presents ns fnvorabio tern's ns .my com pany lu tho United Htales. Tho company will malio temporary loans on its policies. Thirty days' Eraco allowed on oai-li payment, nnd tho policy hold nood during that time. rtu our poucios nroincoutestanio lor tno usual causes. policies issued by this compmy aro noc-for-Ic-llure, No extra characs mndo for travclllns lurmltr. Policyholders shnro In tho annual nmlltsuf tue company, and havo nvolco lu tho elections nnd maiiasenient of tlio company. 11U III 1UIH1ICU1 luu i iiuruu, JIIMTUS I.AWUHNCK. Pics't. W. II. W VNirilllP. Vii.ii PinVI. J. P. Hod una, Hocri-ttti-y, K c. c'u vuj.1 i:, Jr., Actuary. Central Olce of M-Mera Pei'a. "rinT.TTliniTAAr" "Rnillino BLO OMSBUHG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jan, 6,lS72-tf. "TO IlOOi: AdKNTH." arAIUv TWAIN'S NKW HOOK. " EOUGHING IT," Is ready lor (.'nuvasseiK. It Isn coninniilon vol. UlllO tO"lNNOkNIK AllKOAD," ill Willi II 10D.UJ0 IIUYO Ul ( II SOlll, JJOIl'l WllblUlllUCdU IJOOKS nu one wnuls, lint tuku ono i loiilo will Mop you 111 Ihohlrcfclstosubscrlbo lor, "I'lii lu isalluu. to lauuh," nnd nil who lead this book will sco cKniiy ihnt limn lias come. Apply at once lor lui.iwi ui-eueuiuis. Addrrss. UUFl lIil.I) AriHWlIAl). PublUber. 711 Kuutoin Ht Philadelphia, TUSTIOE'H BLANKS. WO now linveon luind n nssorlment nf .iim-ri(-v.M am t 'tKwr nn-u IIIjANKH, to which wo Invl.o tho nttenllon if Twelve Years vM Inflians Plains. ' v J. s tarn A 1. Statomont of Aggr&ga-tes of Val Roturnod by Hie Tntr.vinipji leaver iciitnn '.crwiclt irinrcreclc doom aiAWissa.,., 'ontrnlla 'eniro 'ouynvhnui. TniiKiin ISlllllL',', J... . torn lode JncKson Ixicusl ..ladlSL.ii Ilnlnc .081 ii nnu 173, 101 Montonr. Jit. l'HHjaut.. Ornngo Pino.". 100,121 lit nii-i oo,iu T&880. J.unrinBoreoK, Hcott , Hugarloai )U,1Wl 69,m .i4.m:,).sm aiia C031 MISSIOXJJKS' Oi-TIC'i:, Elooiusbuiii, Pn. Allcsl : AVji. Kr.iciciiAUM, Cleric, WELLS' OARBOLip TABLETS 1-11H 1,'OOOllU, C'OMI.-i A lTOAltMUNKH, TlinstTiililrtM m t,Mf-Tit tlio Arid In f 'nmliltint Inn With other elllclent rniucdles, In n popular lorm Mrtlmrnrn (if nil THIlDATnnd MlNit Diseases. llOAItSUNlIsanud UU l-dlATIUN oi Iho tinoat rro lmmcillntely rollced and sta'iments nro constantly lieltu sent to tun i.ropi I iim oi rellol ncaeoi inroaiiiiiucuiiie- in yean siantuiiR. OAUTION. (Sllll.illcX.llllols. ID -icdeCi'iv lbwuit,iis4 im. -t on i tic only Wells' . Pile iVicn:i:-i i or i,.t. loll Jf KIILLOUU. l.sPl.itlSt.. N. . Hole Vueut for tho U, H, bend lor fjnculnr. n-2lwl (IIIM-.'t WANT Ell I fill Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On Mnnhooil. Wom.iniio,jl, nnd Ihoir Mutual tnler-ifi ,t oiisi r.tvi, t-1.. , rcn.-or, i to. yend for snt ruu.-n pi'osao-1 ein idnrs, with terms. Aduto-s, NAl'iONAl. Pt.'!!l,l-JUIN(1 CO.Phllu, l'.i H2I-1W. AGENTS AGENTS! AGENTS! -eiitl lor iluscrlpIUe oreitiiir ml 'prlil ttT'n for tiio jrrcnlrst rampalsii ocok i u.tica." 'M 1 1 ATI tlrtllrtfllll Mill til 1 IMfltllrtft ti ntJuiiuiiiiciiiiMH ill iimtiiiuti. Owing to tho presi nt polltlv-al tscUoi.ient, will sell lor tho licit siv months II 'to wild lire, is tno iooh- u-r.aiiU- ooon til tlio 1 1 ri;. t. J. M.SIODUAP.T A CO.. PublUlrTl. 7,' i fan. som HI.. Phil u. H21-4W Tr..U 'III' , svUl-ENTrt nnd olhe' AUKXTS loi tod ns The richest, racle-l, mini i-'..-in u mi, nistiue tlve and laush-nrov o'tins boo'.c Issueil lor years, acknowledged s iper.n t-i MAI. IC TWAIN, is Kpli ndidiy ll.u fr.uod, clCKnit'ly buiuul, nml very chcip. AKonU report (jrand si i ss. Hr.m plo paijcs.spetl.iltcrmsnnd ''AQI1N I - POl'KKr (.OMPANION." lrco.Address.UL'Ul.;i Ul) linos. Publishers 721 Sonsoni Ht., Phlln, n'Jllw OUR DIGE3TIOIT; or MY.TOIiLYFRTEInD'SSEORET ijluTjl'.Vi'rt'Tast'Tilld'irloatLhl woi'k! '"" This lnvniuablo coniinon-senso lloolc thonld be load bv evcrv man and woman In the coi.nti Three-lourths of nil tho sickness In our midst innybo nvnlded by a Itnowlndjo and practice ot our "jony i- riciui s oecrot," too most emi nent authorities in tho land, heartily lccom mend It for its Rreat common-sonse.racy liunior, shrewd glimpses of inauklnd nnd Its vivid nnd pithy stylo ot expression. AUlINTti 'ANT1I1) to ronlto money last, writo for illustrated clr enlar. terms. Ac. address. QUO. MACI.IIAN, l'ltlil'slier, "AlKa: som Street, Pull'a. nstlw Is n powerful Tonic, specially adapted for flso In SP1I112. whou tho languid and dcbtnui.-.l sys tem needs streuctU nud vitality; It will glvo vigor 10 mo leeuie, birengiu in mn v t ik, mil matlouto tho dejeett J, activity totho slu-jSh rest to the wenry, (juict to the uei'vons, an. health lo tho Inllrm. It IsaHoulli Aniciieaiirlant.whkh.accoi-dlus id the uiedieai nnu scieniiue 011.011 don nud Paris, pesosses too moslpuwcrlul t.uuc propel tics itnown to MnterlaMcdlci.aud Is well known In It3 native country ns havln- wnndoi-. lul curatlvo riualltlc3, nud has been long used ns a speclilc in all cases of Impurities of the lllood, Deianseinonts ot tho Liver nnd Spleen, Tumors inopsy, i-ovei ty 01 me moon, iicoiiuy, v e.11: ness ol tho Intestines, L'terluo or I'rlanryOr gaus. Dr, Wolk' Extract of Jumbeba Is btrcnuthcnlnir nnd unurKh(n!?r lll:e 1111 triclous food laltcii Int.) tho stomach, It nssiml lalosniid (Utilises llsc-lf tlnou.jh the circul ition, Hiving 1111 uuu iieii.i 11. It u-KUlates Hie buivuls, rjii.els ,h.-11, r, a-Jis uircciiy 00 urn soi-i et vo m u; -, aiu', by Its now, erful Tonic and l-estoi-in;; till .-Is, pmduc.!' healthy aud v.K i un iv lioii 1 1 the wholo sjs tern. JOHN (J, KUI.I.OCU, !"P!a!l 'st New Yorli, .Sulo A-ientiui too Cu Piieo 31 per ilottlo, bond for Uicnl ir. nJIwl AOILSTd WANTED I-'OU LU-'II AM) ii Jlll.i OF (.'onlalns bioiji-apliies of Drew, V.indtrbilt tio-.tid. Tweed. u will, a llnn'iel il hltorv i tho country for tho last tinea yean nnd what tliSA.Nr liuew about '111 VCK f'ltlDVY.'' Over six) pa-cs. 1'i-icu?:. Address No,v Yo.a BOOK w. in jiassan atreei, roiv 011t. ici.vsis ici:oisTi:iti:i itu.ns Safe andProntable Invesimcut llonds. homo of 1110 wt-aiiniest. couuilos 111 liniKin-Allen Audeison, I-"raukllii..Iolinonnud Douglas Conn ties, ItcHlstiTcd by tlioWtnte of Knns.i-,. Inter. est nnd principal paid by the Hint 0 Treasurer. Tho DoaiH pay 7 per cent, lul sret, aud aie over tlireo yean old, lliociuponsliavliiisbecii ulv-avs ttsuMiu uuu jiiinupiiy paui, 1 01 siaiisiicsauu luiormallou, iiddicss ri.VJI'L A. (.IAVI.OUD .V. hi., in wan. it. Y.iity, X ( .11 4J Ii U 11 Vii IS J X ii X nuv oxn ..t STON'irs Kirsruv u'as.iikiis Itctad price, il.V). HTONK ,M FOItl), oil Arch SI., 1 .niL-ii .1,1,1, 1.1, nenii 101 i;ii( nun. F01 any casoof 111,11.1, llk-ed nu-, Itching or Uh PlU-s that Di: Bin-..' Itnirrn I ills to ( in,-. i.rep.irud enn, 1 1 i-i'ie too Pii,-. -i 1 I u Un'lSS. Pllce, ' else. Houl 'iy ai AVIlt-lt tilt- ttlooil Kuthci. Willi Ii ' -1 Uo Violence to tho head, eausiiiB liot Ui-u.i, r- tlgo and dimness of sight, It H ncntamsicn thatamlld, salubi loos, cooling au 1 ili.ln laxativo is leijiitteii, iiuu iAiiiuNi' -s h-htovf-s-cent rii-i.rztu ArKitir.NT should b-i nii.iie .--. soiled to. bULU 111" Al.l. JIUUUUIhTM, AUI-INl tl WAN USD. AKOIltsluaUOIillllo liloll i v nt worlt lor us than nt anviliiuu otse. liusluesHlntbt nod peroiaueiit, P.irttculai.s Irn-. u. biiNsos iV uo., Fino Au Publislieis, 1', in land, annuo. Uo 1'iano co n. v. I'Kiii:, oonii . )3. Aacnl-,. lirculus Ireo. Oi.HI Oik i AK ic h K v ot1 'ml: a x eh L'unditi ms wl-.i'h Imi.n'r vllnlliv , lsltlvo nnd uoit'i' vo clectilelty pmof thai itte Is evoivi- lwiiiiont uiii-ni eiie.-t ol tobacco tniin ein-ool ll-.ii nnd i hoKphorlc diet modorn tieal- ment oi pelvic in .cast's, si ro luroiind ui irui'iiie, nud nrrost ol dovclnpinunt , ten lei-lurestn h prlv do Mir ;loal elass, l y HHWAIID II. DIXON, M. 1 ., 4J 1- ill il Avoliui', N.V.l (.1 p'iuls, celltu, i ry line tiom tho po.i ol Dr.Dl-ciin Is ol Kicat value bitln ivIkiIi-human r,ire." Jlamu Untliy, nltllAT .MKDltAl IIOOK ol uselul Icnowiedv jr twoMiinin.. Address D U to nil. Sentlico lur twotlanip, Address D, llONAl'AllIK .vu uclunatl, Ohio. u!)-ir COLUM1UA COUNTY" s. s. In the Oi's Conn of Columbia county In tho matter ot iho p. tllion lor parllllon and vnlunllon of tho teal estate ol Mury Jlnrmaii, lateotOraiiiie township Columbia c unity deceas ed, Notice Is hereby clveu to ull tuo the heirs nnd lenreseiilnllves ot snltl dee, .tsi-tl Hint In puuuatico ofa writ of partition mid valuation In nio uitt-cieii i win ko upon uie inemises oi saiu deceased slluato In orange towuslilp In tho conn, ly of Columbia with njury by me lo bu summon cdouSatiiulavtlioUthdavolJulv A. D. IhTJlov the purposoot makluo: paitltiou or valuation of bum rem osiaio iiccoruuii; ino ciiiuiiiiiiius ui mihi writ, when and where nil pnrlics lutercsiod may attend If they thlnli proper, HON BMITIl Hhorlir, COhUMIlIA COUNTY s. s. In Iho orphans t'ouit or Columbia county, In tho mutter id Iho iiLtllluiilor puitltlon ami valuation ol' the leal estate or Malcolm .Masun lute ot llloom tnwushp Columbia count)- deceas ed, Notice Is iieiuby gnen to nil thn Iiulrs nnd repiosoutiitlvo of tho Mid ilicnist.l that lu pur suance of n writ of pntlltlou nnd valuation p ino directed I will Co unon tho nrcmlses of snltl deceased hltuato lu llloom township county of miuiiiuiii wiin i. jury uy nioiu uu huiumuueii.on flnlimlav tlio t!7lll daviif.lntv A. 11. 1S7' for llm purposo or inaUiuu paitltiou mid vuiuutlou of tald leal estate nccortllux lo tho coinmnuds or sain writ, wnen nnu wmronii pariin inieiosled inny nltaud ir llioy llilnlt nron r, Juuo 1I1S7J-H AiUlON SMITH Bhcilll'. J I I f ; J si 1 1 1 i el iifiR I ! 5 ' I i " i ? i i 1 ti s? r- i ; u " nr r 9 r i j iJJ j jii j.1 j 1 j i L JLtUL !l !' i zs ma ; m mi ii m ki m a wi-ssm 8 -ki smjl 1 IT,I78I H.'W.i ., ' 21) lMsf.1 2W; 1.5'llh 1 -i8.07d U) !l U,7I)V r i,H .3 l,UI,s-i 02.01. IIVi) I' ' 0.HU99, 112,1 1 7,000 !WI. 1MB3, 8l 1.1 1 51 1 I.H1U 41311 Si it,l 9Vi' 71,801 111 U 1" H, "'1,10 I 10111, Sl.ll) iioosii U.SUJ, aiM 1 c.oii1 ni a, i i.i d,wi 21,211 i 1,1, to.sis aii.mnl 1 1,11,1111 u'uo 01,1 itt,8s (iin1 800. (, :i,77i' it1 .so juj' im o mi awwi l-n.o'i , . ' .' (im.ji. 41,11 mjc, i., 1 VSMi tij 900 f 2Ui 3ii, r,ftJl 2;,1:1: 41 9,1311 ll,llt SW.ODI 1. 1 b, l.lil.iM IU.37 01 VI1, I 1 dol.Ml S, 310. -U Sill 02I-) a 70 8-4,'li) Jw.lTI ".Hl.l)l EI.12I 32,l)i 1 i 99,319 era 1 if, i: i 7,-i" 101 jn,! it,m n- 1,21.1 Ml-) 117,071 .. j ... . i.-. 1 ih,7i no. I-I,HSI, I -I Tit 111,1111.1 111 0,W VJJVMi dl Wll'ii IJ.'i.'...' . -'I,'"i ",)i ,:','ii- I'lil JO'j'KHl1 ,VM HI' ,12 1 410 7,H'W ' W.llh H, 9,900 1 n.W4 1,0I2.(S I 111,04 IM.VI 1H1170 .. 1 'I ami 1I,V 512 I.UOil II 1761 t'l.SW ai:.,Mll.. . I U,IM 51,S7, 515" I I I7,0r, 321 '. I'1' 8,ll 101 2,4M ,' K,0J1I I) 201 1 1 2,:J! i-i,ll? . !,7,t,l 2),IS U.VI , ' 2fl,7is t 12' 10,44,411 7,701 1 2 '3 ! 40 1,'UJ KM40, ?II,DW I 1 . l.M'1,7" 100,U7 12I.H .V, 173 100 SDi'l ' 201 11,31 1. 811 6,14; ' 87- 1 W 1,18b 0,7M tttfiVii . D,ii2, S3,n 7.1,1)0 lU.vnl i -1.1 JJ ,. ill) 1,'JI'l' 111, I .11 u, 111,14' ... . , utl,li 11.11 11.1)1, I 120 r ri 'I 2201 15,'J.. 27! 0,110 117 5-! Hit 70) S,vt H.080 211,1)18 1 '.. sri.41, 11 1,2 j OlOT m l-ioo a5o nil .2birn 200s w hojo 21 snl m.aii 2 .1 :i .i.i .1V.n1 no.' 7S,S8, 102W0, 1311 7IH4 I IJJ I 2,H, 2),l28l 18 111! .2.0IJ 'U.1I1 I IHW I 0011, 12,")' mMME5MMBIt ution and Taxes Ibr eaoli District Sovoral Assewoi Uiaasmea in t24,:j,l 9101,2 Q'l 180) ' m I 11,67.". 207 11,070' 1 '0,111 10 Mi, 1,118 JfVU'j !! SH.II I 53,01 jl.l'i I'Tiirt. . 1,. UAH ion1 n-fB 1.11, 111! 1 W 19110 ?t II J I I .ISl.u m'lrt1 r.t .,. N.WI 1 1SU I H.II I Al HB.irJH Ui, 3' U.'Pl 1 l.l'l J . l.'UI.H'l I 1 11. I. no; 1,711 Ma; 1,113; 1 i),iis; si -wy; . .'"'31'1 : i J'iii 3w- 6v,j 'W,!?'! 4TD !-,SaiT8te3,esi I W8'JHIBJ,IWil 6-J.,'l24,:j.UWl,2).5ll ; i,07l -H In 07 tJJ.TIT.V) ' 1,1 ,10 ; 13,0' Si,, AVM. SHAFFER, CY11US ilOBUINB, ir. j. heeded 1 E MOVALI ! I. W, NIL12S', M (J s 1 0 w a 11 e 11 o 0 at s htiw beon ranoVOil In Iho NEW MUCK. nUHiDIXCl OlTOBri'IJIholJl'lHOOPAI.I'lIUliail.MAINISt v,'heio levrlirUoetiiitsenoriH itsnoitmcnl of Tllli LAT12OT BH 10 KT MUS1(.1: J'lANOSJ, OUOAI.'-S ViOlilX !, and (.11 KI?JI) I til-' MrslCAl. INWntTMK.Vl . At-,0 JIUSIO 1100K3 for nil INafTftUStllN fP. 1UVHO AND OHCIAN Brp.OUJ Aid, HTYI.I- I ArTU PIUOEd. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is (ho ohoapasl First Class Piano in the niiivlrct. llavlus soourod tlio Agency 0 iho Olio, WOOU3' UMNOWNE1) OltUANH, lorColnmbln County, toiOtlior with (he UULKIIIIATKU a'KJll'l.B AKUEl.Il , furnishes tidviuitwioti Ut pitrolmHori 1101 l inn l ei, ,-i.i-iv. . STATIONAIIY OF AIJi KIKD3. A full aMorlinent or SfJtJAUE AND OVAL 111 A Ml-;i:3, iillsiylonmliivlocscnnsliiit j ouiuJ 1., iioitAViNfis, riiitonr.i-, 1T.1NTS, riTIIKCO.-'t'Ol'IiS AN . ej-fnll nnd os.imloe. 'Xlto Iliico oi' Time Kcoptrs. M. B. ALLEBACH WATCHES nnd .JEWJ3LRY DANVJLLU IV. HIIA'lIlt AND PI.ATUl) WAIllI, 1 U1INCU CLOCKS, HWISH AND AMIIltlCAN HTE.M WATCHIIS. Till'. UlINOWNHl) 11I.01N WATCIim A I.AHOU AKBOHTMKNT OP PINII JIIWIII.HY, DIAMONDS de. ltepnlilm.' promptly ntlcnded lo, Nno fieieby l OTIOK Tho Klocl: lioltlcr.s of tlio rin ,t wast lira icn lean ltoad Co.. me liiitllloil that nu installment nf ten imr -.--..v-s. mr- to. tx Ks.-n , i vii .aiu'i.ii.wYnf.iu'ai' nap cent on ench hharosubscriboil Is requlrod lo bo pnl-1 lo tho Treasurer, on or boloro (ho Hist day of July nest, lly otderol the Hoard of PI lectins, Alton WM.NKAL, Hnc-rv it TinsAsum:it, Jlnicli "1st im.-liv. in Columbia County for 1872, a t tills sciieflnie. -'jiniuKjionoi' AUENTS! QUICK!! oryouwllliiils.sclinlic ufterrllory, (there Is 11 rush for 111 mi Dili I1W1S' Inst nud Kientest wont. OUR DIGESTION, or. MY .10I.I.Y FIltnXD'BHHCllKl'. Jt Is by odds tin luot tuhttis nnd saleable ban in M10 held. 1 II, Hon n vitally imnortani. ,1 . Joel. Sit Is by America's most popular w otineniiu. j 11 is, 101 1110 price, 1110 larnesi a a hnndsomesl bonis ever fold by subscrlpl AKouts, 1110 peopio n"ocaer lorsucu n 11001: and will ui,-i-you to brio" it to thoni. Writ -1 ci ms, .i-i- irer, (lllOltur. t . M.KAN, rnlilklinr npill 2' f. 7si yansom mi vet, Phlladeln' lly W, K W1I1111, tho noted Pioneer nud Huir u-ls . Auio4ncfUV. nml Inn ot tho wildoess i- wealth or tho boiiu l e.sWed, lIstHitotili he, Ills Injuns,, iVul'- (--, Ac. I'm" d' i- "i valuable Information parUllns wilb 11. o 1-. 'est wit nud raclr i .ntmor, i Iv ii v-ii I wain's best, nnd i-lcn lull; itinstrn'.i ' ' 1 " lmmiusoiy popu aid -(-ll beyun-' i :-nt. For sample pa ;r llusiruttons, I. ii.-s, .t- .address, V ' nil 111) 'iltOH., Publisher npilIS'i'TMl ' 3 Hansom Bt Mill A1 DM TNLSTli ATOil'S NOTIOK. rsrATKor vvIi- io.n nr.o'D. Loiters ot i.dmHt -nt Ion on thucslntooi ,r Allen, lalo o! M ullson township, Oihmi , nuuly, deciii-.e.l nave m-eii urauicd by Hio I. slrr orsnld coui.'.y lo John A, I-'uiistoii, Itoomsbnri. All perrons bavins claims i lie i t-i:. "1 tho di-i-i-di nt aro uo.uc-u .-eiitlliem lorsettleme-ii. ".nil thosolnd. iho csiaiu to mnlco payment lo tho uudei.,i iduinilsiraioi, witiiout ui-iny. JOHN A. l'UNSTi.M Mm "i';:-tiw. Admluist TpXKOUTOltS' NOTIOK. J.J TTSIATr. OI IMIILI1' "I BSHOLTZ, DIU n. Letters testniiieninry on tho estate nr M Heeshol., lalo (it t'aluwlssa township Cohunni siiinty, deeenseu, nave uteu graute-t uy tin- Isler nf said comily. to Henry IIoIIIul-mii .-t i .mil Isaac II. KcLiholt.. All persons h.iv -lalnisnitainst tho oMato nro reinicslcil ti p. ,ent tliem lo Uio llxecutois lnColumlilacoiiiny I'lniso Indebted lo tlio estate, either on uni, 'iiilnmenl, mortsa.'io or boolc account will n i. n.iyiueut to tho F.YCculorK without delay. HUNltY IIOLIANOHIIl v . ISAAC II. HilUHOI.TZ Maylll, ISJJ-fcw. llxccuiui UDITOR'S NOTICE. -ino undersigned, audilor nnuolnti u Couit of Coiniiioii 1'Il is ol Columbia ci m distribute llu' fund In Cuuit,to Iho lien , , of Jaims V, Wilson, nrlslnx from Iho sale u-ai isiato oi un-sain James v. Wilson, a ov the Sherill i.l ( iliuubla County bj ot ii Venditioni Viioiut will meet tit Inteieited nt his olU.'3 In Iho town ot I. bur,;, on .Saturday, the EUli day of Jin. ai lu A.M., when aud wheio nlli.ei-sous i-.l are lemi.stcd lo ni-ilto their claim- oarrcd li-o-u eomln-t In upon said lift ' JOHN M, CI.AH ., i nny;", 157', wo. A DStlNISTRATOK'S NOTIti' jrl. lar.VTi: ov maiiv k. am uki Li Iters of ion on tho estate ' II. llva is lato of Fishlu;; creelc towim, lunibi i county, dL-coaed, liavo been i.i.i' I ho Uc-Uter ol said county to Jacob S, 1I .. tli-Ljuwood. All p.-isnns having claims n llu ctato .,f tl.o di'tcdent aro it tin it ti.. sent thorn i-u' sell!. -mi ut nud loose lu theestalo i ) ni-iUe p ivmeut to lu, whhout delay. JAcOltrt. 1 i Juil7 7--1W Adm u HISSOliUTIOXOF CO I'AUl.Sl. SJ KHIP. Tlio eo-narttierslui) heretoforo ci-i. - tho Urmuamu ol Snyder, llarlmau ft to, solved by thodealh ol'P.eiiJainhi 1'. Sou l hooks orilio late Hun aro lu tlio hands ol biiydei- to whom all persons knowmj selves to lio Indebted to tho linn are veiu mako immedlalo p-iyiiunl. Iho business will bociiutlmud al lite under the name of 1). Huyih-.. ,v. Co. 1). SNYl'LT. .. Ilsrv May 17th l7.-tt A DMINrSTJlATOIt'S NOTiC t. rsrATiioi- Ei.izAiiciituur.iiVi l,ot!ers of admlnr.iratlon on tho Klli.ibeth .Muriny lato of Dairy towusdo tour county, l'a deeensid, liavo iii-cu by tho Iteglsler of said connly lo 1 liutkn- W.ishlintiouvillo, Columbia cou Alt pei sous having claims ordcmnniH tho decedent are requested to make laiown, nud lhoa Indebted to mako i without del i-. THOMAS III' II AdmluU may .;ut, 17', u rrt xx 7s"3 M U1 THE AiVIEHib BUTTON-HOLE AMI I'OMPLKTI! SKWIN'U MACHlM , -o- Ti . in I uiu I only IiU'ITON-llnl I sl-'WlNiJ JIACHINK tli.i Ii Its aiKtiii In this in-nny ntliei-couiiii v X Tim i.dlowlni! reasons nroiiv.-u is ih.-bivi Family Machino to Purchase. '. llecnusi it will do 1. r.ecau ,i u i i . v ' eve. i thlnijtl. tnny mn- abeautlful ej chine can il", sowlni; 1 1 inn tho llui I lo Hit , g l!ec.iu-.o it " coaistst inatcrlil, hem-l ovol..i1.luJ hull( , mini:, lulllntt, cm. Una. ivjilcli t-hieii,;. blnilliu! itnth- casc.s nlui thu erliis and sew-In.- on. ill Ngwt.a ovt., ,! tho same time it lllluit.n iiulllili-', ill', ' Itel lliiiu nny ollui ma- llccans. i Plilm. i mechanics prim, n tho best llni.'i ,niadu on I he besi pi ., r. . , P'o of nny o V ric,cf""n" V'T" uauiilactureil. a be.Hilllul bnllou-hole, ,,u Ml. hi to iiiakliiKiin lino a pcurii nothing to cui i.s by tin- hand. j ol-jer. I 7. Itccatise .1 -.1. llouiUsi- it will em-l inachinos ill on. bioldei- oer tho edito. uirrrou.uoi.i) V, . nialtln-i u nent nud, IN(, Iimt hkwiv . bcautliul border on iiuy chine combine J. garment. ii Nootlicr Machlnocannccompllsli Un i of slat cd In Nos. tt. a. . nud 5. Pnilics uslim h inmlly sewing machine n WHOI.UMAClIINH.oiio with all llioliupii" "n'w lo last n Lll'IITIMB, nud therefore) (in. wauled lhat will do tho most worlt, uiul do tho best: nud th Is maclilnncau do soveral kin.' nlhowluitnotilono on ANY OTHKUMAUIll.Nl besides dolna cveiy kind that alt others can 0" Tho Aincricau ov Plain U'W'ill.- jrucliino. (Wllhout iho huttoii-liolopaits).iloisiin is dono on thoCoiubluatlOU oxeopl biilton. u nnd uvei'-seainlug, S. X FAUX, Agent, 13L.001MSBUHG-, Fa. AtiKNTS WAXTK1) IN KVKUY T0W.N. COMPANY'S WAHEUOOMb, 131G Chestnut Stroet, Philadelphia. r.xamlno them beloro purchasliiR any otn Hewliis Machine, uJUMlf-wi 1,000 AOEN'IS WANTED! for our now Ii n,lr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers