The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 28, 1872, Image 1

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j .... .. .
.. J.-
tsiiiKoot.OMniAN nvtt.mxa nkartiik
count housb, nLooitonuno, rA n
kuitoh AKD rr.orntuTon,
Voras-TTO Dollars a Year payaUo In adv&neo,
nMlldofiorlptlons owcnlcd with nealnosH nnil
dispatch nt reasonahlo rale.
Columbia Oountv Offlolol Dirootory.
;)Krir( A;onifJ-JAME9llUtVB(.!,Jl.
&;Vri- 'nonh.NM, II n..v J
III. I.I 11 . ILMAK HIMn. , , u tnAlfM-
.l.i.i II- .1. I'AMI'likl.l,. DA.MKI. IA'.K
A clVa'S ;ci li.fcitdtnl-1.1, Antra U. lUnrtt
... .. ... ......... u It Attt.r
Wti iam KiiAMKii. II notnLnrp, anil JoiiNsoii
11, I I i.ll. UieCUlYUUU, LJljUHirnw.-.'
Blooinsburg Offloial Dirootory.
11, im burg fianktwr Cb.-JollS A. l'UKSTOS
I rt -lilt lit, II. II. Gnoiz. CnRhlo..
; uA-nttcjiin yjinfc-unAB. it. i'axtos, rres't ,
. wia'un-li. II. Little, lWt C. W. MlttEii,
Mon-Wa. rjiAc-ooK, Dros't., J. if. IlnmsoN. Hoc
JllnmilMw Mutual Hartnv limit Anociittton
J.J. DllOWLU FlCSldCUt, C. O.HA11KI.EY, Soc'y.
Church Directory.
JWiiiirrr-itcv.Btiiort Mitchell.
HihUMK (mieo-wy.A. M. VA V. M.
finbbtlth A.M.
prayer Mce Una Wednesday, 7'4 r. M.
Scuts tree; no pews rented; klrnnKcni wol
Bloomsburo; Directory.
I )Al'i:H 1IAOH Just received nud for salo nt tlio
J. I.OI.1
LUM111AN OillCC,
iAVll), MerclinntTnllor.Mntn
J binoovo American nouhc,
TJt. MOKKIH, Morclmnt Tnllnr. over ltoien.
(locus comecuoucry.upi'UHUut.uuiiuwi'i iui'
iilluro wnrorooms.
t.i r. LUTZ, IJriiRRlntnnd Apolliccury. Jlnln Rt,
!h. hOloV! tllO I'OSt OillCO.
n 1.. HAVAOK, denier 111 OlocltR, Wftlclics mid
U Jewelry, Main St., Just belnw tlio Amuiciiu
Hmr o,
I OII1H HHItNlIAHl), Wnlchnml flock maker
J near Honllieastcornor Mnlniuul lion t,ts.
I) CATlICAltT, Watch and Clock JIokcr.Mar.
, kot klrcet, helow Main,
11 M. ICNOUIt, Dealer In HooIm and Blioes latest
I'j. and bent styles, corner ilnlu and Market
Mrceth, In tlio old l'oit OIUcp.
UKNHY KI.KIM, Manuraclnrir and dealer In
llontsaud Hlioes, Uroceries, etc, Main utrcet,
Kan JllooiniilmrL'.
It. It. O. IIOWKlt, Burgeon Dentist,, Main St,
aliovo tliu Court llouso.
D. VM. St. ItEllEIl, Hiirccon nnd I'liyslclnn.
oillco over thol'list National Hank.
n it. DAltKLEY, oalco.Sd
U. ll'uirlii ExcliaiieoUlock,iitartlin"Excliani;o
11. MclCEliVV.M. D.,Humc on and l'liyRlclan
, northhlilo Main it., helow Maikut,
t 1). ItllTTIIIt, M. D. KurKCou and 1'liyHlclan
fj . Mailcet miect.abovo Jlnln,
I liTTtniilHON, Atlonioy-at.I.ini . Olllon Unit
tj. iam fa LiitliltnR, MalnMreU.
1 .It II, KINNEY, Hutrcmi llentlst. Teeth
J jiinc'1. d fillumt iinm: Main t., lu.irly p
Msltr llplhcopal Chinch,
1 It I'.VANS, M. D., HnrKcon and l'liyfalclan,
,1 smith HldoM.uiibtrcct.liclnw Market.
Dlt.A. L. TltltNElt.l'hj sleliiniinilHiiiKoon.iir
licu ovtr Klclm'H Dine Btou-, resldtuco one
iliiiir liclow I!ev. D. J. Waller,
I'l'.TI'.ItMAN, Mllllueiy nnd fancy Oooili,
, oppnilto Uplbcnpal Chnicli, Main kt,
P;t M77.IK DAltKLEY, Milliner, Itanisey
onlldlng Main hired,
tiis-i M. DKItmcKSON, Millinery and Eancy
ill UiuclK.-MulUbt., below Market.
11 ItH, JULIA A. A HADE DAltKLEY, ldli.s'
Jl Cloaks and Drcs4 l'ntteriu, southeast curuo
M niimd Weststi,
flllli: MISHKH HADMAN Mllllneryand Fancy
J (iends. Main &tlielowAmerlcaulIout,e,
I il Main street,
, by T, Dent, Taylor, taRl Mid
ft O, MARK, Dry Goods nnd Notions, foulh
U west corner Main and DouBts.
POX A WEDll, Confectionery nnd Daktry,
I' vholeuilo nud ictall, ExcliauKo Dlock,
C. IIOWl'Ht. Hats nnd fans.lU.nlHniiilKlmrR.
. Main si., above Coin t llouho,
1 II. MAIZE, Mammoth Orocery, lino (Iro
.1. ci rlei, I'riiilfl, Kuls, l'luvislon, Ac., Malu
anil ruilroBlrccls.
M'KELVY, NEAT. A CO., dealers In Dry Goods,
Groceries, Flour, Fccd.Hnlt, Fish, lion, Nails,
Uc.N. E. cor. Main uud Market sts.
0 H. MILLED & EON, dealers In Dry Goods,
o. (lincirliB, (lueeiikivaie, Flour, hall, Hlioes,
Notions, ttc.Muinkt.
n M. ("IIUISTMAN-, Huddle, Trunk A llnmcss.
U. niiiUer, Hlilvo'H Lloel: MalnBtrcct.
DW. I'.OlIDINS.llriunrili nlei eeonddooriii)m
noithwcht coiner Main and Iron sts.
,' J THOItNTON, Wall l'aper.Wludow Shades
1j. nud llxturcs, Kupert block. Main st.
' W.COItELL, Furultuio Dooms, threo stoiy
U' lulclc, Malu fatrect, ivett of Market st.
UllOSENFiTOCK.DhotOBrar.htr, over llobblnn
' &Eyer'H Bloie, Malu fat.
I B. KUIIN, dealcriu Meat, Tallow, etc., Cliem"
r berlln's alloy, icar of American House.
OA II UEL JACOBY, Marble and Drown Btouo
inS'orks, East DIoomsburg.Derwlck road.
VM. UABlt, dealer In furniture, trunks, code!
" willow ware, near the Forks Hotel.
L II. 11IDLEMAN, Auent for Mnnson's Conner
Tj. Tubular LlaUtnlncltod.
ft FOBTEIt.aiuo Maker, and Wlilto andFaucy
J, Tanner, Bcottowu.
MOTE 1100KB, and blank NOTEH, with or with
Olllce"1 ult"''tl011'fur fcl110 nt tue Columbian
) F. DA LLMAN. Merchant Tailor, Bccond Bt.
Vl'J-K. IlOliniNH, Hnruouii nud l'hyHlclau
II Hecond Bt below Main.
GILIIEKT KLINE, dry goods, srocerles, and
Koiieralmercuaudli.0, Malu Htreet
T J'. ICI8TLEH, ''CnttnwiRsa"ouRe,, NorlTi
. Corner Main and Bccond Htreeln.
I KEILElt, Dlllnrd Haloon, Oyfatoriif nud Ico
11. Creain In season Malu Bt,
M M mtonST, dealer In aonoralMerchaudlfco
OUSQHEHANNA or llrlck Hotel. H. Kosten
K i"m??'. 1'foprk tor.sonth-east coruer Main and
hecoua Btrect.
SI. H, A11UOTT, Attorney nt law, Main Bt,
Light Stroot.
w,uvii u., uwiwiijiuiH, Ural uoui
Utiuva KMirwtl irmifca '
A' ?!AN Mnunructurer and dealer In
" hoots and Bhoea.
?li1f.NT dealer 1" Btoves and Tin
all Its branches.
llETlilt KNT, Miller, uud denier In all kinds ot
VOLUME VI. --NO. 20.
Brick Hem.
M.fc tl.Vf. H. HHOEMAKEtt, dealers In rtiy
yood.i, uroiolerlen nnd Konernl nicrchandso
Orangovillo Directory,
D. HEIlIUNtl A nlMTHt!rt.firrenleriiand
. Dnlldcrs, Main st below Vine,
ItltK'IC HOTEii find relrtfliment Baloon, by
) HohrM'Hcury cor.of Main nnd I'lnnst.
DK. O, A.AlKGAltOEL.I'hyplcIrmaiidHiirscon
Main Nt,,iK'Uloor to Good's Hold,
DAVID I'nUUtf.'G, rio-.rmd Grist Mill, nu.I
Dealer In urnln, Mill Street.
tTaKTeh II. ir HM N7fnili-tI,f7ker nnd Un
u dorlakor. Main Ht bctow Fine,
Sf HUYLF.Il & CO., Iron ronnficr'.Mnchlulsla
ami MnuuraetuierH ofplows, Mill Bt,
S AMUEL 811 AHI'LEHH. Maker of thollnyhursl
Gtnlu cradle. Main Bt.
WILLIAM DELONG Hhoemakornrid mnnufac
tuicr or Drlck, Mill Bt ivesl of 1'mo
Philadelphia Directory.
aYnwkioijt & CO.,
N. E, Coruor Heeond nnd Arch Btreotii,
Dcnlera In
niuit, srioi-n, lit, ap.
S-Ordcrs will receive prompt ntteutton.
may 10,07-tf.
lMi'oiiTKns amo jonnnr.sot'
B-OrlKliinl nssorted packages of tinenisvcare
constantly on hand. ieblil'7Mf.
BTiniuaoa Carda.
Oillco (oniI-Hnnso Allow hnlnur Ihn IVil.tTM
bian Oillco, Dloombbuic l'a.
iii.ooMsnnno, rA.
i-OM'icr. Court Houso Allev. In tlio fu.
I.UM1UAN building. Jaui,'C7.
VJI1HU iiWIItl IHM1MI iVIlUJ . iifHMY till)
1HAN Oillco. ltoimtios, lirtck-Tay nud renslonn
rollcctcil. llloomslmrc r.i, BPp.'J0'G7
hihaa Haiii tr.,..nA tnn i.aI. m. i. . ... .
OFFICII nbnvo Itmvor'H Hlnrp. Mnln Klrort.
Ulooinstiiu't:, I'.i,
Oiflco Main Htreet bidnw Ihn C.mrt limine.
llloonikbiiri; l'enn'n.
Olll. c villi J. G. l'icer.o.IIrowerM Dlock.
Can bo ooiit.lilUd lu Gcimau or EiirIKIi.
Main HlrctiL one dnnr uluivn E. AtLlulenhairs
A lari'O assoi-Liiieiit nf HI,, vim. HeMeiq and
ItaiiKescoiiKlautly on hand, and lor hulo nl I ho
lowest lates,
Tlnulinr In all Its branchi sciiefullvatloudi dto.
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Tin work or all kinds wholesale and lelall, A
"Inl Is requefated,
Jan 171
m it n i, i: w u it u s.
Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, ,te. Work
neallv ccutcd. Orders bv mall will lecclvo
special attention. N, D. Work dellvcied Ircoot
cliniiie. T. L. GUNTON, Droprletor.
ociia 7i-ir. r. u. jiox vji.
Hl'.NltY Y04T.
Knst llloonifaburi;, l'a., lor nil kinds of tlio best
homo and city mudu
!' II It W I T H It V. .
l'rlces leaKOiiablo and tho bew 'vork done.
Ian l'7-tf
J) A JN VIliLK 1' A.
Mnniif.Ktuier of WrniiKlit lion Hilda s', Dollcis,
Gashotdeis, l'heprool' iliilliltiiRs. Wiouht lion
ltootlm;, ltoolluu Frames, Flooring and Doors,
Farm Gates and fencing, also WroUKhtlron pip
ing, Stacks and all kinds ol Smith Work, Ac,
ltennlrs promptly attended to.
n n avjtviv i uiin. Hiin invi'-Hiin'ii,
v-vtt r vnn ir trwtrr axmi r tir T'tJTirtrr
e.lil'U tons burdea a,t) It. n. each.
Balllii' lioni New York on BATtlHDA YH. from
Liverpool ou THUDSDAYS, and Cork Harbor
tho day lollowlng.
From tho Wlilto Hlnr Df,rk. I'livmitfi I.Vrrv.
Jersoy City.
rassoiiBur nccoinmouniious (lor all classes)
unrivalled, combining
rmiuuug, Mine-rooms, anil oath
looms In midship section, wheru least motion Is
folt. Sunroons and stewnrdessed iLrrnninnnv
theso steamers.
riATi.s Baioon, tsuRoid, Hteorago, jcoenrron.
ey. Thoso wIshluB to Bend for Irieuds from tho
Old Country can now obtain kteprnfn, I
certificates, JM curreucy.
xufaneiiutMit uuuiieu itj or irom nu parts or
Amcilca, I'nrls, Hamburgh, Norway, Bwcdeu.
India, Australia, China, etc.
Excursion tickets granted nt lowist rates,
1 Hulls lioni jet upwiiids,
For liiMKCtlon ol rlnns and other Information.
apply to No. l'J llroadway, New York.
, J.ii.Hi,AiiKH.A;eiit1
Or to W. l'EACOCIC,
Janl2tf Dlooinhburir, l'a.
onid inrorm his frleniU nnil tho publlo that
lio has taken possession of
lu tho Exchaugo Illoclr. so Ions nccnnled bv him
nud will cany on tho business ofn
Ho brings to tho biislnessaucxpcrlcneo ol manv
years nud assures tho community that ho will
lurnlsli tho bestofbread, cakes, rolls.blscult, Ac,
iresh every day. Hopioposes also to keep on
liand n laigo nud well ussorted stock of
of nil grades. French candles nnd thoso r,r do.
inesuo n anu aciuro.nlwaystobohad.whulesalo
and Ktall nt lowest intes. AiUolnlng tho llalttry
nud Coulectloncry Is a well established
where may bo fouud AIo nnd Lager, and Ho
treshuieuts, Oysters lu sensou and thu various
lit tlo delicacies which suit tho publlo tustc. Thcro
Is also u
over tho coulectloncry store, wlitro Indies nnd
gentlemen cau obtain tliu best ol IcoCieamlu
A fair kharo of tlio public custom Is ic'iuestcd
nud no pains will bobhiuedtu eiisuio katlslae.
t'Q"' npill0,'7Mt
V'.'iTEIt UKliVH,
40 m.
Neatly nml Olioaiily PrlnloJ
From the latest Hlylos of Tyro at tho
Jtcnpeetfiilly oilers his proresslonal servlcos lo
tlio liidles nudgcntlomoiKif HlnnmcbiiK'nnd vl.
e nit jr. lio la prepared to attend tonlltho vail.
O'isoperni Ions In tlio lino of Ills proi'ewlon,ninl
Is provided Willi tho latest Improved l'oncnr.AlN
Ti rrnt which will bo li-scrted r.ii g"M iilatlnu
rllver nml rubber h.ine to look as well nsthe nat
nrnltectii, lccllt extrnctod by nil tho now nmj
moit approved molliodc, nnd nil operations on
tho teeth carefully and pioneily alloutlod to,
ltc?ldenco and oillco n lew doors n'lovo the
Court House,), uno ride.
HloonisbnrK, Jnu.1'71 11'
ii x t u r o u c K it i
Will forco n benullful Kit of Whlskeis or Mits
tacho, In fiom two to threu monllts,on any icr
sou over lis elvo years old, J 1.1m one or tho best
prepainllons to inako tho wldskeiN grow that
ever was known. Ono bottle or It Hkmilclent lo
pioduco a very Mron;: board, J t does not in any
way stain or lnjurn tlio kkln. Try HI It is no
linmbuc. l'rlco !'o cents rcr boltlo. Bent bv
mall post paid, to nny address, on receipt ol
price. Addic-s WILLIAM C. VAGNElt,
niiR.i 7i-iy. Adams County, Dcnun
Pillion N. Y
North America
Intninallonnl N.Y
l iirmns' IHnMllo.N.Y.,
I pU,1J
Albany t: Iv
Diiinllle, Ilorso Thclt Mutual.
Atlantic. N. Y.,
Uermniifn, N, Y ;
F11EAB llllllW N, Afitn',
nuisni ly, ltiio snri:ri
Dit-lrsncvl fpftclally for tho v.fe of lanillles,(.i.i!
adlrs who deilro to knit for tho market. Will
do cvtiy fatltch of tlio knlttlrg in n MoclclUit,
widening nnd nnrrowlugns readily nsbyhnnd,
Am kptrudld for norMfds nml fnncv woik,
HTI'ICHI Are very easy In inanriuc, anil not
liable to fol out el older. Every Family should
li. e one.
Wo want en Agent In every town to introduce
and fell lhcm,tov.liomwcoi:ertI.omrtliliernl
Inducement!--. Send lor our Circular and Sample
Hlockliiir. Address.
now lo,'7l- y. Hath, Me.
C. II O W E R,
has opoued n l'rst-class
HOOT, SHOE, HAT OAF, AND i'lllt at'OuE.
nt tlio old stand on MalnStreot.Iiloomsbuicnfew
doors nbovo tho Court House. 1IH slock Iscnm
pnsedorthovery latcstand bcstktyles ever otter
ed to the citizens ol Columbia County. Ho can
accommodato tho pubilcwillithorollowlnggoods
at tho lowest rotes. Men's heavv double soled
stoga boots, men's double nnd klngle tap Roled
kip boots, men's heavy btoga shoes of all kinds,
men's Uno boots and khoes of nil grades, boy's
double soled boots nnd, hlioes ol all kinds, men's
glovo kid Dalmoral's, womun's.boys's
nnil misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid
l'ollsh.very llno.womcn's morocco Ilaliuoralsnud
calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait
ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg
ged and sowed.
Ho would also call at tendon to his tine assort
ment of
which compilses nil the now nnd pnpulai vail
otlesnt pilceswhicUcaunotfalllokultnll. These
goods nro ollored nt the lowest cosh rates nnd
will bo f'tinriuitnod to Rlvo katlfirnrt Ion. A cull
Is sollclicd beroro purcUnslug elsowhoro as It Is
behoved Hint bolter bargains aro to be found
tununt nuy other ydaiolu tlio county.
Jan 1'71
of tlio most Approved PalluniH.
mill ;o:uliiK,
ami ('listings'
or all dcscilptlons.
Geiicnil Moicliaiullso, Lumber, &v.,&i:
Wo would nnnnnnco to tlio public In general
that wo havo taken tho well known Agricultur
al Works of this placo ulidBlinll lmiko It our aim
to manufacturo First Class Agricultural 1 in pic
lnontB equal to nuy other makers in tlio Slate,
TliicslihiK MncIiincNj
lioth Lever and Tread l'ower.
I'low.s ol" everj- I)cs'ci'iilioii,
among which will bo tho celebrated
nekiinwledged by nil to bo tho best plow extant
loriholarioer. Also tlio
Cliniiiploii, Slci'im' I'ufciit ttiul
The Dloiid'tiso,
Iron IfcKUs',
and Casting
ol cm ly dchciiptlou. Wo shall usa nonobut tho
befat ui.iteilaUaml employ none but competent
and expel leneed meehiiiucs and our prices will
coinjinio Uvoinbly with any oilier uuinuUctur
Country 1'ioduee, Lumber, Old Iron, taken In
exchange. We also haven storo In connection
with our Amlculturnl Works, where may bo
fouud it full assortment ol MEHCH.VNDISE
which will bo sold nt small proilts. Give us a
enll beloro purchasing elsewhere and wo guar
antee snttstnctfuu,
Tho undorsltmed would luform tholrnvelllnc:
publlo that ho has taken tho nbovo named estab
lishment nnd thoroughly related tho samo lor
tlio perfect.convcniouco of his guests, Hlslardor
will bo stocked with tho best tho market allords.
'tuociioicestliquois, wines uud cigarsmways to
be fouud lu his bar.
WILLIAM 1'r.ri'lT,
Espv, l'a,
Silt would nuuouncolotlio cltl.eusof Blooms.
bin u and vlclnllv. tluiL ho ha lust licclvedalull
nud complcto assortment of
i ixiuiiia, conns, tami:i.u,
nud all oilier goods lu his llnu or business, All
tho newest and most nppiuved patterns ol I ho
.lay in o always to bolouud luhlscstablMmiout,
iiinr.u, ey.u umiu ai. oeiow iuaruol.
Its Rulors and Institutions.
Nothing llko It, Strikes everybody as Just tlio
book they need, Ills nu Eueyclopiedliv of tho
Government, Single pages lu It, tiro of them
selves woilli tho pilcoot tho book, OirrOHj jhijcj
uMlonly fijji), A lllelt Harvest for Canvaskers
ladles uud gentlemen farmers, teachers and
students, OucnffciU took 75 ordcrt bliiiiu ih,it,
ni(i etrucUir ulonc, before the book appcarcit, 4 J(l
u duy can bo denied In fair territory, Wiltoot
unco for Circular nnd humiliation, NEW
WOULD l'llllLlBIUNG CO., Cor. 7lh iind Mar
ket Streets, I'hlladelphla. foel. 0,'7My.J
Tho Hint nnd only solf.feouiuB Anthrncllo Coal
Stovo over luvoulcd that will l'eifcctly
Consuma all tbn nnunu.
Warranted tho HEax HEAWNU BTOVK
tho eountrv.
Hetul for l'rlco List and Circular to
Htovo MllUUiactlUCIs, l'lltsbuip,ll, l'a,
llio MnitlcnN I.ovc.
iiv I' Monrunv t.r.r.ANn.
Tlio (leclost hoiso III nil tho laud,
Honwlll you caniiolil lo
lint that Ills shadow on tho sand
Will follow by your sldo.
And lfyour hoait with lovo bo sore
For ono who tools your unlit,
Yon e m not lovo Hint rauldeu nton
Than she will lovo nxaln.
l'o icd a rosebud novor blov?
When nponod by tlio wind,
Hill that tho moro in brlghtnf Imo
Hy i.ecklng yon msy find.
And all that wooing lips o'er swore
OfgiuatT truth lu vain;
You can not lovo niunldon moie
Thau sho will lovoiigaln,
Tho fairest ilh upon tho lino
Ho matchless may not bo,'
Hut that some other fish as lino
Is swimming In tho sea.
And lovo ns mau no'er loved hcfnio.
This truth will still bo plain s
You can not lovo n maiden mom
Than sho will love iigiln.
Tho horso will livo vh Mo grass Is fu e,
Tho I fun will wet wllhdew,
Tlio fish whllo JWliiimlnglu tho am,
And lovo while lovo Is truo.
Whllo light Is In tho sun nbovo,
Au J lloweisuroon tho plilti.
Ho long ns you nro truo to lov,
She'll lovo you back rgaln.
A 3in,I,.I)EVII..
I throw myself down lu tho cool, deep
tliitctl of a scipicalcrcd aorjro.
Ov"rlitiil llio branches of a KiKaiilie
oil: tree, veiled by daticitis leaved,
rustled mid murmured soothingly ; and
down (lie precipitous slopo lu front
leaped ind foamed atumultuom brook,
whoso voleo mingled harmoniously
with tho whispering of tho oak. I could
tlmost beliove, as I closed my cyca,
hat some one was talking in low, melo
dious tone3.
Tho brook, aitur Lurrying tiirough a
docp, narrow cleft in tho rldgcoftlio
opposing slope, with full force
down upon a hugo wcleir-whcel. Tho
wheel was ovidentlyan uiiliquo; ninny
years had jmoscd siuoo It had worked
tho buy mill, of which a disjointed
heap of foundation stoneinlono remain
ed. H;was tangled over with creeping
vinc3 and brambles, and adorned with
moist ferns and green moss ; tho rank
grass bent over tho tail-raco as if peer
ing after somo concealed mystery. Na
turo seemed to havo mado this instru
ment of man's necessities into a uniipio
plaything for herself. Or perhaps, 1
mused, this is tho whcol of Fortune,
who, wearying of It, has left it hero in
the caro of Nature, amidst tlio sedgo
and spray of tho water fall, and hasgono
on her way without it. So wo aro.
to luivo no up3 and downs in life here
after all ono smooth, level plain, un
checked by darkness and uuchocred by
light. All, no! como back, fair goddess;
for thy fickleness is tho lifo blood of
our truth ! Como back oncomoro to this
shady, sunny gorge, and wrest thy
wheel from tho clinging grasp of vines
anil brambles, tho arms with which
reluctant Naluro strives to hold it back I
bring It out onco again upon tho dusty
road, and turn itasyou go.lcstthoslug
gish hearts of men should coa30 to beat,
and they forget to draw tho very breath
of life, and their souls, torpid nnd un
inspired, grovel upon tlio earth, nor
over sttivo to climb ubovo themselves!
How much of joy and grief, of lifo nnd
death, havo clustered round tho turning
of that whcol, oven na tho ferns aud
vines cluster around It now! Methlnks
oven yet I feel the Inlluenco upon me.
"Perhaps thcro may bo moro truth
than poetry In your remarks," observ
ed my companion, though I was not
conscious of having spoken aloud. "Tlio
tragedies of our dally lives," ho con
tinued, in a tono which, whllo singu
larly Boftand musical, told of ono who
had seen, sinned, and suffered until
hopo was burled in ashes, "often appear
in somo way to instil their spirit, as it
were, into things wo call inanimate.
You hayo shuddered at tho thumb
screws and iron Virgin of medieval
times, or been horror stricken at tlio
sight of tho guillotine and gallows;
but was It not tho actual, palpablo sub
stance of tho tilings thcmsolves, rather
llianany recollection orscencs iu which
they havo homo a part, that really of
feetcd you ? You havo felt tho working
of a weird and ghastly powcr,"referablo
only to tho seemingly inanimato object,
but springing from tho ossoncoof hatred ,
revenge, and despair, that over
filled tho air about it, and which, sink
ing into it3 solid substance, gradually
becamo concentrated Into a dovillsh In
telligence, endowed with capability to
infect you with Its own fearful nature,
and, If you removed not yourself from
Its sway, ultimately to accomplish your
destruction moral, If not also physi
cal." "II ul aro wo conscious of this Inlluenco
unless wo aro awaro beforchaud that,
andwherffloro, it oxist3? Ia3kcd.
"Your own rollcctlous in regard to
yonder old mill-wheel should throw
light upon that question," responded
tlio voleo of my companion. "Look nt
It n whllo again, and mark if It does
not answer you."
Thus urged, I llxcd my oyo.s steadily
upon tho wheel and let Iheni rest thcro.
Gradually, as I gazed, an lndcllnablo
sensation of dread scomotl to bo steal
lugovcr mo. No longer moroly a half
decayed picturesque ruin, it grow iu.
stlnct with a grisly terror, all tho moro
Impressive from tho contrast afforded
by tho cheerful Hecks of sunlight and
tho green nnd glancing Ieavc3. Now
tho plash of tho clear wator sounded
llko tho btcalthy drip of blood, aud
slrango shadows seemed lo ill t and fauo
boforo my oyes. Tho warm Juno brco.o
camo laden with a chill, unhallowed
ossenco that stirred tho roots of my hair
with a creeping horror. I pressed my
hands over my oyes and Bhuddorod.
"Ah I" oxclalmed tho voleo again,
with n laugh half sad, half scornful,
"do you, thou, feel It nlready?"
"What Is It 1" I asked, speaking with
difficulty, and with asonso;of opprosslon
ot my heart. "Can you toll mo of It?
"No ono no well," ropllcd my com
panlon; "and It was In order that you
might listen (o tho talo that you wore
drawn hither, albeit uncoinclously to
So I lay at length upon tho green
sward, and my oyes wcro closed, yot
could 1 plainly see, Bitting at my side,
n gloomy, gray faced ilguro, with do op
wrinkles scored upon hl.s hollow fheek
and round his stern mouth and sunken
eyes and thoughtful forehead. Speak
Ing In n tono that wavered between
satlto and palho3, ho began :
"Fifty yoar.s or moro ago this mill,
lltllo as lltoro is now left of 11, was a
very prosperous concern, Tho miller, a
widower, was an upright and Indus
triouit man, Willi a good reputation for
fin aoallngand flno flour, i To was look'
ul up to, moreover, among his neigh
bors, as ono possessing nu exceptional
amount of learning and leilnomcnt. In
demeanor lio was somewhat grave and
ttn ilurii, and ho might havo been bo
twr on forty nnd fifty yoar.s of ago. Ills
mn, a lino handsome young follow, aa
fistod him in tho mill; ho had built
h!ms"lf a littlo eottagoon the further
slope of the hill yonder, wlicnco ho camo
r very morning to his work, crosilng tho
brook by a slnglo plank bridge, thrown
nnws tlio deep rocky gully opposl to,
through which tho water ru.slics lo 1(3
fall. It was a slender niHilr enough, and
they often spoko of building a littlo
stone arch over tho chasm ; but it was
uover tlono. It would rscem a matter of
slight import ; aud yet, had that been
accomplished, yonder wheel, that hangs
thcro now so motionless, might havo
been revolving as incrlly nnd busily as
over. l-or tho worst devil is onuortu-
"And how does that concern tho mat-
tor?" I would havo asked; butastrnngn
powerlesaness had overcome mo ; as In a
dream, I could not speak, nor even lift
my head lo question my companion
with my eyes. Tho voico continued :
'Ono day thero was an addition to
tho miller's household a fair young
girl, beautiful and fiesh, simple and
sweet, liko spring weatlier mado langi-
nie. v nonce sno camo no one could sav
tho general opinion was that sho had
been the daughter of an old friend now
dead ; but tho miller, whenever lio was
questioned, smiled and answered that
sho had risen ono morning from tlio
deep, clear pool abovo tho fall, and
though she scorned no moro than nn
unusually charming young woman, was
in reality a watorwileh, aud w ould ono
day return to her natural abode, and
leavo him moro dosolato than before.
In prool of tills assortion ho was wont
to prodttco a sort of chain or necklace,
prettily constructed of small shells,
which ho declared sho had mado for
aim provious lo her appcaranco abovo
water, and which was a talisman des
tined to bring him to great happiness or
misery, according lo tho uss ho should
mliko of it. Whether this wcro truth or
llction, there, at any rate, was tlio sweet
young girl, making tho mill a store
liouso of chcor aud sunshine, as well a.s
of meal and grain. Tho miller becarao
qtiilo illuminated and rejuvenated, and
his prosperity was great, cither by vir
tue of tiio charmed necklace, or, which
amounted lo tlio samo thing, becauso
all tho neighborhood was captivated by
thelittlo wator witch. And sho testified
all a daughter's affection for him, nnd,
for a season all went well."
In speaking of this young girl tho
tones of my companion's voico had
floivcd along in harmonious cadences,
a3 though llio tuneful freshness of her
personality had so inspired his nntiquo
imagination as to throw a faded ray of
sunlight into his shadowy heart. Rut
now ho spoko with changed accent, as
if an ancient bitterness were seeking ut
terance "A neighboring farmer, coming ouo
day to tho mill with a load of grain,
said, laying his hand with ponderous
friendship on tho minor's shouldor :
' "So thcro's to bo a wedding at your
housocro long oh, old friend ? Well I
glvo you Joy with all my heart ; for a
liner lad and a swootcr Ias3 than your
sou and yonder lltllo water-wllch, a.s
yon call her, wcro novor mado man aud
"Hut tho miller started, and frowned,
and turned away. How was It dial tlio
sunshlno seemed to mock him, nnd tho
pleasant plash of llio water falling upon
tho wheel Jarred his nervc3 and Irritated
him? At tills moment a burst of cheery
laughter camo echoing down from above
tlio fall, mingled witii tho full tone3 of
a manly voice. At that ho turned and
entered his room, throw himself down
In a chair, his head on tlio table, and
writhed witii overmastering despair
and bitterness. Then ho put his hand
into lii3 bosom and drew forth tho nock
laco of shells.
'"This to mo, and her heart to him,'
ho muttered, with sot tooth. "Fool 1
not to sen and stop it boforo it was too
Ialo! Slio's lost forovor; and novor
know, and cared not, If I loved her. His
boyish, unthinking, ignorant fancy sho
values moro than tho strength nud
deptli of such lovo as mluo. But lovo or
not,' ho cried, starting up, 'ho shall not
havo her! Curso him I'd rather soo
him dead, and her, than man and wife'
"When ho had said that ho slopped
aud listened. Was not that tho sound
of mocklug, Jcorlng laughter? Rutin
another moment ho drew n breath, and
laughed somowhat nervously. It was
only tho mill-wheel creaking n lltllo on
its axle. A littlo oil would sot that all
"Meanwhile tho girl and tho young
man sal (ogolhcr on the margin of tho
pool, and discussing whother each
olhor'.s eyes or tho water wcro tho clear
er. ' "Futlior says you used to live In
this pool,' said ho smiling at hor. 'Do
you ovor lutonil to go back thlthor ?'
1 '"Not until I sco you floating down
tlio fall thoro to fetch mo,' ropllcd sho.
And thou thoy both Ittughod, but shiv
ered at tho samo moment, thoy know
not why.
' UI shall snail: to father to morrow,
said ho, and put his arm around her.
waist. 'Why, by this time noxtycar
woshnll bo old married pcoplol' Sho
hid her blush on hbi shoulder; his army
sncmod to bo her only refugo from him
Just thou it harsh discordant sound
struck upon tholr (ors, causing them to
start uneasily.
' "What was It? asked tho girl with a
slight tremor in her voico. 'Was that a
laugh or a groan?'
'"Nothing but a rmty axlo,' ho ro
plied, kissing hor assuredly. Rutns ho
strode homowaid actoss llio fluid Ills
faeo wn.s serious, and ho did not whlsllo
as usual.
"As for tho girl, sho chimbcrod down
llio steop path, met tho miller at tho
door, kissed him as was her wont, and
so to hod. Rul sho res led uneasily, nnd
thero was n burning pain In her right
chock. II was whero his lip hud touch
ed her, but sho novor thought of that.
'And tho mlllor slept not nt all, but
paced up and down his room; nnd nt
last opened tho door and wont out Into
tho night. Thoro stood tho whcol, black
and sllont, liko n sullen enemy waiting
for him. For n long time ho stood gaz
ing at it, hound by n strango fascination.
It seemed as ir llio ovll In his heart
wero attracted by somo kindred spirit
in tlio wheel, dragging down his wliolo
naluro wllh n power at onco Irresisti
ble and doloslablc. Finally hotoro him
self away, ami regained Ids room ; but
tho wrinkles hail deepened on I1I3 faeo,
and I1I3 eyes wcro hollow and blood
shot. Ho wn.s something nuito different
already from tho miller of that morn
ing before
Tho next day,tho miller and his son
sat ou (ho bench in tho sun, closo to
whero tlio great wheel rovolved, nnd
tho white' foam rushed down the tail-
raco. JJut tho sun did not reach their
hearts. A heavy cloud ovorshadowod
"'Never!' said tho old man, with an
oaih. 'I'd rather sco your body broken
on that wheel, and yonder whllo foam
tinged with your blood, than know
you wcro her husband 1' As ho spoko
tho wheel broko forth onco moro into n
discordant scream, as of devilish merri
ment. It had grown rusty again. Tho
young man rose, with n frown on his
brow and lips set.
"So be It!' he said. 'But sho is mine
in this world nnd the next. And what
sho has given you will, by your misuso
of it,bocomo tho very means of your
destruction !' So saying ho turned and
climbed tho steep path, and disappear
ed acro33 tho plank bridge. The old man
gazed after him In silence. 'What sho
ha3 given you I' ho repealed. 'Ddcs lio
mean tho tallsmanlc necklace, or tho
filial love, of which, perhaps, it is but
tho symbol ?' Then ho laughed scorn
fully. 'Italklikcafool.'sald ho. 'bclicv
ing tho fantastic talcs whoroby'I baiilo
tho idlo curiosity !'
''Tho young girl, who, standing
trembling within, had heard the words
that had passed, fled to her room, lock
ed tho door and Hung herself weeping
on tho bed. Yet her tears wore not so
bitter as tho dry eyes of tho old man.
"Thereafter tlio miller's household
was as gloomy as ilheroloforo had been
cheerful. Tlio son camo no moro to tho
mill, and tho girl moved about sllont
nnd palo-faced. Rutonoday tho miller,
who watched hor closely, saw on un
wonted Hush on her cheeks, and sho
seemed pro-occupied and abstracted.
The samo afternoon, as ho was standing
by tho wheel, ho looked upward toward
tlio fall, and saw her standing on tho
plank brldgo and waving her handker
chief as if to ono at n distnnco. And
from her handkerchief, as sho waved it,
lio saw fall a small fold of whllo paper.
It dropped into tho stream, hurried
down to tlio wheel, which caught It and
whirled it round as if in triumph, and
cast it in llio foam at his fcot. Ho pick
ed it up nud unfolded It. Itwasauoto
from his son lo tho girl, bidding hor
wait for him that night by tho mill
wheel, and that ho would tako her whero
thoy would bo married and happy. As
ho read, an ovll smllo broko out upon
ids face. When ho had finished it ho
wont slowly into tho liouso, and sat
down at his tablo and rested his head
on his hands nnd thought. At last nu
Idea scorned tostrlko him. Ho got up
and began lo movenboul t ho houso,look
ing behind tho doors, iu out and of tho
liouso corners, nud on high sholvos; ho
was searching for something ovldcntly.
After awhllo ho fouud what he sought
nothing but n rusty old handsaw. Ho
took it into ills chamber, nnd sharpen
ed and oiled it.
"Nouo of tlio threo slept that night.
Tho mill was not stopped offa3 usual at
sundown ; tho mlllor remarking ho had
au extra job ou hand, announced ids
Intention of keoplng it ruunlug till
morning. Shortly after dark ho went
out quietly by himself, empty-handed,
to nil appearances; but ho carried somo
thing buttoned up underneath his coat.
Tho girl took tho opportunity to collect
together whatovor belongod to her and
pack it into a small bundlo; then sho
sat down by tho window and waited.
Once, through tlio din of tho mill-wheel,
sho thought sho heard n grating sound,
faint but sharp, coming npparontly from
tho direction of tho plank brldgo ovor
tho fall j but It soou cca30d and was for
gotten. Not long after tho miller return
ed, palo aud haggard, and crept siloutly
Into his room. A great tremor had
taken possession of him ; ho shuddorod
porpctually from head to foot, nud his
very teeth chaltored. Ho tried to llo
down and rest, but could not j ho paced
tho room uneasily, occasionally pans
lug to Uslou Intently. Onco ho had his
hand upon tho door, ns If about to rush
forth and but oro ho could throw it
open n fearful sound os of scroamlng
laughter echoed through tlio liouso;
Pooh! It was only that rusty whcol
again, sounding tho louder becauso of
tho stillness or tho night.
"A long tlmo passed. Tho girl open
cd llio door of her room gently, and
slopped lightly out of tho houso. Sho
looked up toward tho brldgo nnd list
oncd j but what with tho darkness of
tho night and tho din of tho whcol sho
eouid hear nud soo but littlo. So sho sat
down upon tho bench nud waltod. It
was tlmo for him to como.
"And ho was coming ! Ho had loft his
cottage and crossotl tho meadow, nnd
was now hurrying nlong tho narrow
path on tho rldgo. Already ho could
hoar tho rush of tho fall, and saw tho
gleam of tho pool nbovo. In another
moment thoy would bo together ; his
foot was on tho plank brldgo.
"At that moment tho girl started up
from tlio bench, nnd her heart censed to
beat ; sho stood rigid, hor oyes pcorlug
through tho night. Tho miller, lu his
room, wns sitting with a nccklaco of
shells lu his hands ; ho was ou (ho point
of raising It to his litis. Ho dropped It
and fell lo tho floor, and tried to stop
Ills oans In vain.
"For a lorrlblo cry broko upon tho
darkness, making Ilnolf hoard above tho
din of tlio wheel nnd llio dash of tho
wator fall. Ero tho cry was lialf uttorod,
howovor,It stopped tmddonly,and novor
again was takon up ; but nomolhiiig,
surely, was coming down tho fall-n
qucor, Hlinpolos.s object, rolling ovor nnd
over, catching now nnd Ihon against n
rock or snag, slipping nway ngaln, and
hurrying onward and downward In mad
hasto n dark, heavy object, with loos
oncd limbs and white, gleaming face;
only that In tho tern pio was a Jagged,
bleeding hole, whero it had struck n
rock. Down it camo, faslor nnd faster;
tho girl saw it coming, nnd stood bolow
waiting for it. Now, with n rush, It
camo upon tho wheel, and tho wheel
caught it, nnd whirled It round, and
ground It down, and broko it, scream
ing nil tho whllo with devilish glee.
"Tho old man hadcroptout, and saw
the broken body boneath tho wheel,
and tho foam In tho tail-race red with
blood. Then, for tho first tlmo it seem
ed ns though tlio wheel spoko to him,
roltcrnting over and over again, with
(ho malico of a fiend, 'You havo your
wish I you havo your wish I you have
your wish !' Yes, his wish.
"Tho girl, meanwhile, stood motion
less and;sllent. Shodld notscream; thcro
were no tears iu her oyes ; but nt length
sho laughed softly to herself.
' "I told him I'd go back when ho
camo for mo ovor tho fall,' said she.
'Now ho has come, and I must keep my
promise.' Then, without looking at tho
old man, who stood stricken with a
double horror, sho glided swiftly nway,
and up tho steep pathway, aud so dis
appeared forovcr ; no ono saw her again.
Something, indeed, that had belonged
to her, was found afterward lying at tho
bottom of thocloar pool, with uplurnod
face ; but tho bright young girl never
returned to claim it.
"Littlo elso was ever found. What
othor mysteries tho brook knew, it bab
bled only to tho river, which in turn,
confided thorn to tho ocean, nnd that
was tho end. Only, tho next morning,
a Illtlo boy playing on the river-bank
bolow, found n flno largo pieco of plank
lying In tho drift, ono end of which had
been freshly sawed almo3t off, and then
broken. It was a prize ! Ho dragged It
to the neighboring frog pond, and fitted
it up as a raft, on which lio ferried him
self across. How should ho know that
a human boing had crossed nil tlio wny
over fromtimoto cternilyon thntpinuk
only tho night boforo? So tho old man
was quite nlono except for tho mill
wheel. "Everybody pitied him such a lorrl
blo misfortune I nnd his mind scorned
all'cclcd. Ho seldom spoko lo any ono,
aud wltlidrow himsolf gouorally from
sight. But it was wiiisperod that ho had
been soon sitting on tlio bench near tho
raill-wlioei, which ho nlwnys kopt
going, talking to it in n wild random
way, uud moaning and cursing. Ever
and anon tho wheel would scorn to
answer him with a quivering scream,
but whether of rago, terror, or laughter,
none could tell. That, of course, was bo-
caii30 tho axlo was rusty, and creaked.
And though tho old man spent a gront
deal of his tlmo in oihug aud cleaning
tho machinery, somehow ho novcr
seemed nblo to get at that particular
part whercfrom tho screaming came.
Indeed, to judgo from tho way ho went
to work, he wa3 not vory sanguine of
his success; but ho eoemcd resolved
novcr to glvo it up. No wonder; for a
moro unearthly sound could not well
bo imagined. Tho farmers going homo
at night across tlio dark fields, If thoy
chanced to hoar a confused sound as of
screaming, groaning, aud laughter,
would hurry onward as fast as thoy
could, and tell n wldo oyed clrclo at
homo how tho mad wheel nud tlio mad
man wero cursing each other.
"At last an oveulng camo it was
Just a year from tho time tho tragedy
happcucd-aud the old man sat, as usual,
ou tho bench outside the liouso, staring
at tho wheel and muttering. Ho was
much altered ; hU cheeks wcro plowed
with deep furrows, his eyes dim nnd
sunken, yet with n crazy wlldness in
thorn; his body bent and shrunkon.
But changed or not tho wheel had not
forgotten him; at intervals it broko
forth into peals of derisive laughter.
"Tho mau put his hand in his bosom
and pulled out a nccklaco of shells. Ho
drow It gently and caressingly through
his hands. Several times ho mado a9 if
to ralso it to his Hps, but always paused
and shuddered.
' "Sho's lost forovcr,' ho muttered.
'But I loved her.'
' "Ha I ha I' yelled tho wheel. 'Lost 1
lost! lost !'
"Tho man roso from tho bench and I
bent his steps toward tho ridgo. Ho bo
gan to toil painfully up tho steep path
toward tho spot whero tho plank brldgo
has been, Tho whcol bolow was com
paratively quiet now. In tho darkness
It had tho appoaranco of au uncouth,
gigantic flguro, cutting rantastlc capers,
and flourishing tho foam about with
hugo hands. It seemed to bo Impatient
ly waiting for somo long expected
promise- to bo fulfilled. Its delight know
no bounds.
"Tho old man had now reached tlio
summit of tho rldgo. llo was standing
on tho brink of tlio doop rocky gully
through which rushed tlio brook: In his
Irombllng hand ho still hold llio nock
laco. His oyos rested on tlio dcop cloar
pool above.
"'Can she can God forglvo mo?'
aald he. 'I slnnod griovously, but I
loved hor.'
"Again ho strove to ralso tho charmed
nccklaco to his lips. But Us misslou
was not yet accomplished. It Bllppod
through his palsied llngors, nnd foil
. ,Ouu Inch, (twolvo lines or Us equivalent In
Nonpareil type) one or two Insertions, three
Insertions, tiw
lit. 2.M. 3, Of, IV.
duo Inch t2M txm
Two Inches 8.W 5 OU
tlflO t,(XI I0,00
Threo Inches 6,(10 7.IX)
Four Inches 7,'X) 0,U)
Onnrlnrmliitnii 10.011 12.IU
11,00 17,07
2),oo ai.uo
Ouo column,,... .30,00 SO,00 40.0Q oo.OJ 11X1,00
iinii column ia.uu ip,ov
uxecnior'fl or ivuminisirBior m nuiico, ti,w
Audltor'i or Asalcueo's Motloe, 12,50.
Local nollccfl, twenty cents a lino.
uirua in mo - iiuiiincflft Diroeiorjr" roiiimn,
$2,00 per er for tlio nratlwo lines, and 1 1,(10 for
each additional lino.
with a slight splash Into tho brook.
With n cry ho sprang after it; tho rust
ling wator seized him with its myriad
soft hands, and hurried hi in downward,
blinded, choking, but still groping and
grasping dosporatoly for tlio necklace.
Moro than onco n projectlug rock or
bough offered him a chanco of preserva
tion; but ho rejected all ; what was llfu
without his nccklaco ?
"Downward to tho whcol I llo could
hoar tho roar and tho rush nnd tho
hoarso scream or fiendish laughter;
another moment and all would bo ovor;
ho mado ono last grasp, and folt tho
nccklaco In hU hand onco moro !
"Uut In tho samo instant tlio great
black wheel stretched out Its hands and
caught him sucked him In with a wild
yoll of triumph wound him round nnd
ground hi in down, crushed and dead
and shapeless ; tho foam bubbled with
his blood. Then thoro was tigroid
and tho whool stood still. It had dono
ItH work.
"Somo days afterward a man, prompt-
cd by curiosity, crept to tho odgo or tlio
rldgo and looked down at Uio'Tnlll. Ho
was surprised to sco It stopped, nnd no
signs or tho crazy old miller. At last ho
ventured down cautiously, and saw n
formless mass lying boneath tho wheel.
One hand, protruding forth, grasped a
curious necklaco of small shells"
Tho voico of my companion dlod
nway llko tlio whlsperiug of wind
among tho treos. For a long tlmo I lay
motlonlo33 aud sllont, pondering ovor
tho talo. At last I said :
"Ho was Justly sorvod. Crime such as
his can find no absolution."
Thoro was a doop sigh, but whother It
was caused by tho moaning of tho breezj
through tho branches of tho oak, or
exhaled from a human breast, I could
not tell. Then a voico if It was a voico,
and not tho broken fall of wator and
rttstlo of leaves seemed to say :
"Do you condemn mo? Yet I loved
A moment passed oro tho full mean
ing of thoso words camo to mo. I open
ed my oyes aud started up, nnd looked
around on ovory sldo. I was ulono ; no
human form was near mo. Tho tall
grass in which I lay boro tho Impress of
no second flguro. My oyo3 vrero heavy,
nnd my sense confused. Had I been
Thcro stood tho mill-wheel, silent
nnd dark in tho twilight, and around It
foamed and plashed tho waters of tho
brook. Above, tho dark rldgo loomed
against tho sky, and for a momont X
caught my breath, thinking I saw a
dusky flguro standing on the brink of
tho gully. But It was a thick-branched
yew-treo growing thoro. And neither
boforo nor since havo I over mot my
mystorious companion.
Railroad men nro Innlclno- win, na.
tonishmont nt a trunk marked "IX
worth, Knnsas.
Tlio Iowa farmer who strnnnoii Ida
shot gun to his plough to bo ready for
game will not bo about again for somo
A cortain corn culllvalor bancs nn
ono of his stockings in tlio field. When
thero Is plenty of air stirring tho crows
generally perish outsido tho fence
A blind mau nt Fort Wavno. Ind..
was rccontly married lo n blind woman
in tho prcsonce of threo othor blind
persons. Tho fiucstlon is. wore thorn
nny witnesses;?
For roal business ingenuity commend
us to California. Tho proprietor of a
San Joso ploasuro garden draws crowds
by offering a prlzo to tho person with
inu longest nobc.
A Warminq to Smokers. It has
been definitely ascertained by scientific
men that poison enough is takcu into
tho system by an habitual smoker to
causo death In 107 years.
"Howmuch did ho leave?" lunulroii
a gentleman of a wag on learning tho
death of a wealthy citizen. "Every
thing," responded tho wag "ho didn't
tai:o a uonar witu mm."
Thoy aro planting cork trees in South
ern California. Unless tho buds aro
killed by frost iu tho spring, tho treos
Will nvernco about ton bushels of corks
A woman lu Kansas City mado a flro
In tho stove, put her bread In tho oven,
and then mado n half-hour visit to a
neighbor. When sho roturnod tho
bread was burned. Later So was
tho house
A Bostoniau has been lined $50 fur
not "communicating a caso of small
pox to the proper authorities." ir wo
wero tho proper authorities, wo should
prefer his keeping it to himself.
A gontloman of Springfield inquired
of another whother n certain doctor had
any practlco. "Oh, yes," was tho re
ply. "I assisted in laying out ouo or
his patients, the othor day."
It i3 so pleasant to know that Agasslz
has fouud n few spocles of gastoropodt,
fourteen kinds of shinoderus, including
nn euryalo, fifty specimons of ophluraus,
and to crowu tho whole, a largo helias
ABo3ton man recovcrod llvo cents
for damages for tho loss of his wife iu u
railway accldont. Ho sued under tho
law which enables a husband to recovor
damages in proportion to tho usefulness
and capacity of tho wlfo.
A man in Wostflold, Mass., thought
to purity his woll by gonerously throw
ing in n half bushol of lime. As thcro
was but threo feet of water In tho
woll, ho has had whitowash cheap and
Tho Spencer Grays, a negro military
company In New York, havo ofl'orcd to
inako Tounlo Clallln their captain, And
yet, thoy toll us that tho negro has moro
respect for himsolf now than ho had bo
foro tho war! Courier-Journal
An Irishman went to Bangor nnd
bought n horso for two dollorsnnd n hair.
Whon ho had dragged lilm homo, a
nolghborsald : "Arrnhnow, Pat J why
didn't you glvo another Jialf dollar ami
got a good ono ?"
A Now Enclaud advortlsor wants "a
woman who fears tho Lord and weighs
200 pounds," andthoedltorofthoeheet
In which the ndvcrtlsomont appears ro.
marks that "tho exporlonco of most
men is that a woman who weighs 200
pounds rarely fean? tho Lord or any.
body olso."
A Scotch law lord was 60atod ono day
on tho hlllsldo of Boiially with a Scotch
shepherd, and obsorvlng tho sheon re
posing Iu what ho thought tho coldest
situation, ho obsorvod to him : "John,
If I woro a suoop I would llo on tho
other sldo of tho hill.1' Tho shepherd
answerod: "Ay, my lord, but If yo
had been n sheep yo wad havo hnd mnlr