.THE: COLUMBIAN AND. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hecny of tlio Tcclli In Horses. Tlio tcclh of horseg, llko fjoso qf, ltu innn beings, nro subject to 'decay.' In common pnrlance, tbey becomo rotten. wlilcUJs.Just tho anmo condition Hint tho lonUatjrifcTolidnTio'8jyc&k8 of 'ciirlB.i" fVtho stcctii'. ' 'Tho' horao'a front teeth sotnotlnios show BiRng of do cay,Jut Rencrnlly It Isthojaw tcctli.tha MiiolfeA'lirpnirectca. r J ' hWy bo k novel Ideiytojnjntffiirm rr', and, pcrhnps, still moro so to tho chorinlnK portlpn of.creatlon, represent,-, cd by their wives and daughters, bill It U a fact Hint tlioiltoreo noli ,uurrequorit' ly autrers from toothache This h ono of tho causes which so ofton mnko him guiAfenfyfilpjthp.fn. orthflr him r 1 I.l niihi ilt 1e S I t.r 11, r. ll'l'll, uum 111a uiuum v iiiiu vti.itit Aim owner or attendant generally sots this diiwn indicating soma natural dUrclNh for tho food at that particular time, wheroas tho fact vory often Is, Hint ho has hurt his tooth. Hiwlntr no hand to press to his mouth, tiio poor nnlinnl Is allowed to suffer without there belngso much as a suspicion wlnt tlio trpublo really la. A disordered condition of tho stomach has mucht i muchjtp do with tho promntiiro do. - of th'd tdqtlil Tho' loul gases vhlch cay It gives off, when thcro Is fermentation of tho food, oxort a vory dotrimcntal effect upon tho tooth. Similar conso quoncos follow tho rcprchonslblo prac tlco of giving- tho strong mineral pol sons, sacn 'lis copporas, bluo stone calomel, corrosive sublimate, arsenic and iriauy olliers. Thego haVo a tendency to destroy tho enamel, and corrodo and ruin tho( teeth i IScnnleil Wheat Straw Dangerous to Stock A l'i'airic Ibrmcr correspondent writes i It has boon discovered thnt when stock hn3 hnd.frcQ access to beard ed wheat straw, that tho beards have worked around tho lips aud, gums, caus ing swelling, ulceration and loosening of tho teeth. A neighbor toljs mo that ho discovered In the .foropartof tho Winter, his sheep wcro not dolng'well, and upon examination found their mouths so much jujurcd from thlscauso that ho has been unablo to bring them up to good condition sinco. Another neighbor lost a valuablo colt from tho .satno cause. A farrier was called,in this instance, ns soon as any difficulty was discovered, but too late". Ho said ho had tho appearance of being choked, but tho owner insisted that tho colt had noth ing but' straw, wafer and shelled corn, rind ho did not consider choking possi ble. Upon oponlng tho colt after doath it was found that boards had collected, forming qulto a masslvo ball, near tho cntranco to tho body, and beards had worlicd off into tho throat-plpo, causing 'inflammation, and ulceration to such an extent as tocauso death. "Upon compar ing notes, wo are satisfied that this has been a source of much damage to stock, heretofore unaccountable. Eeforonco Is mado-io several cases, whoro stock has died or been damaged, and which now 'sccms'pla.tily to havo bo6n caused by wheat boards. j WEnpsf, Jiow la tho tlinp" to fight tho weeds. livery weed take-up room that snouiu do occupied oy somotmng cisc. Every wood, draws susteuanco that bo longs to tho growing crops. Tako ad vantage of all dry, hot days, keep the horso among tho hoed crops, throughly stlrrlpg tho soil.to k'lll weeds'. With horso Implements, hoeing by hand may bo nearly dispensed with after a staud Is "established. Before this, hoeing must bo1 dono so a3 to' nip tho weeds in tho secd-jeaf, if possible. .Soon after corn begins to grow well, tho hand hoo must bo entirely, dispensed with, for weeds .'fcqtween the'rows will.bo' taken caro of with tho cultivators and horse hoes ; and most of thoso In tho rows will bo killed by tho earth thrown upon them. Tho few which escape should bo pulled by the hand when tho corn is about a foothlgh'. Keep tho potatoes clear of weeds ; it will mako a vast difference in tho crops. Thorough work, in Juno will tell all tho rest of the'stjaspn, and for years to como. Hoeing and weeding may afford con slant employment to mon and teams during most of tho month, when tho ground Is dry. Stirring wot soil is not only a detrlment.but a loss of time. Till deep beforo iho roots of tho plants oc cupy tho soil, but moro shallow after wards. Toward tho closo of tho hoeing season, tho cflect of running a subsoil plow deeply between tho rows of corn, or between alternato rows of root crops, is very beneficial. LooK'roXoOK.nonsEs' Fi:et. Fow men who handlo horses givo proper at tention to their feet and legs. Especially is this tho caso ou farm3. Much tlmo is Bpentofn morning rubbing, brushing and smoothing the hair on tho sides and hips, but it Is seldom tho fectaro exam ined and properly carod for. Tho feet of a horso need qulto as much attention as tho body. They need moro, In fact, for in ono respect they nro almost tho entire horse. All tho grooming that can bo dono won't avail anything, If tho horso Is forced to stand whero his foet will be come disordered, and then tho legs will get badly out of fix, and with bad feet and bad legs thcro is not much clso of tho horso fit for any thlng.ptablo prisons 'goneraHy'aro terribly s6vero on tho feet and legs of horses, and unless theso buildings can afford a dry room, whero a horso can walk around, Ho down, or roll over, they aro not half sq healthy and comfortablo to tho horso as tho pas turo, and Bhould bo avoided by all hostlers. Sum'ACEMANCitiNa. Dr. Voolckor pays that pri clay soils manure may bo spread 'on yio siirfaco pf plowod ground, and llo'even'slx months without losing auy appreciable quantity of fertilizing valuo. At' tho samo tlmo ho advocates tjio plowing In of long, coarso manuro for Its mechanical effect on heavy soils, but when no alternnllvo Is loft, ho says It Is better to spread manuro at onco on tho oll ratjior than Jeavq It In heaps. Our own oxpeilencoduringsoveral sea sons, has shown that manuro spread on tho 'snow, daring winter, when it could bo hauled economically on sleds, hns given us. better cf 6pd of corn, pirtWocs, hay, offt.tljad'whbhspread at any other tlmo. .. J Fow Implements that Jarmors uso ha, vo .boon, tested, aqd. .Improyfcd focgo manyyears, that they areaB near perfeot as any thing can lio matfoorWoodand Iron. Tho Blnncnafd'CIiurji Is ono or thiaklnd. 1 "Yd'ihng Folks, A ltlilo hi n Soap-hulililc. It waft ono of tho rainiest, dullest day In tho wholo year. You could 6nly seo out as far as tho two stono gate-poits in front of tho houso whero lleiinyjlvcd. Uoydfid, thii fog and mist wcro bo thick, mat uio truss loouoci iu;o gray ginnta with outstretched arms, nnd tho houses llko elephants, with chimneys fir tusks. Hem lotiliod iHit of thb window, and .thoughttiiis'uWtrftliulrcos and Jiouses; and then ho wuuderod hero and there. trying to tumtso himself. First, ho built blocli-houses j then ho wound up his tin steaip-.ontilia1, nnd .watched it run round and round thu room j ho pored through all his books, nnd painted tho pictures li( his. new geography with his now box of points. But ho got ho tired of all theso things that ho finally put them away, and leaned his arms on tho window-Bill to look out again. "It's so dreadful dull," ho said to himself. " wish It wasn't so rainy. I wish I had somebody to nmuso mo." Ilia mothor was writing letters In tho library, ids slstor was practicing her music lesson, and tho servants woro busy down stairs. Thcro was no ono to piny with him, or road to him. Sud denly, ft bright1 idea entered Benny's curly head. "I'll go and blow soap-bubbles," ho cricdjumplng up. lib wont Into his room, and, looking nil over his box of playthings, ho could find nothing but tho bowl of a pipe, without a partlclo of stem. "0 dear, that will never do," said Benny. "I remember now, I broko my nlno tho last tlmo I blow bubbles. I shall havo to give it up." Then ho picked up his playthings and put.thom back Into tho box, and wniulored off Into tho next room, which was tho ono whero his papa and mam ma slept. Lying on tho ouroau was something very pretty. It was a moor schaum pipe, which somobody had sent ns a present to his papa. It lay all nlcoly fitted Into a black morocco caso lined with' crimson satin. Benny took If, out of tho caso vory carefully and held it in his hand. It had a nico stern, tipped with beautiful yellow ambor, atid sucii a funny bowl, It wasn't a plain round bowl, llko n common clay pipe. O, no I Tho bowl of this wonderful pipo was mado lu tho ehapoof allttlo coach, with liny win dows and a door on each side. Two mites of horses looked as If tlioy wcro galloping up tho stom, and the tiniest of coachmen sat on tho box, with a rosotto In his hat about as big as tho head of a pin. Benny turned It over andiovcr in tho palm of his llttlo fat hand. Ho was dreadfully afraid his papa might not like It, and yot ho wanted so much to blow a very fow bubbles with that grand pipe. His father had novcr told him he must not touch it, and so ho thought ho might venture. Ho got somo soap and water ready In tho washbowl, after a good deal of splashing; then ho spread down a blan ket from off his own llttlo bed, over tho carpet, to roll tho bubbles on. And ho took all tho towels on tho towel-rack, and wiped up tho water ho had splashed on tho carpet. Then ho began to blowbubbles. What lovely hubbies they wcro I Uotiay tiov cr had so llttlo trouble In making thorn roll on tho blanket. They lasted a long time, too, and wcro so big. Full of colors, too, liko a rainbow; red, green, bluo, and orango, chased each other round and round tlio transparent globes, llko clouds in tho sky. "Now I'll blow ono as big as my head," said Benny. So ho put tho stem to ids mouth, and blow nnd blow, till his chocks ached. Tho bubblo got bigger and blggor, till it looked llko a great ballpon, and tho top of it touched tho ceiling. Ho took tho pipo away from his Hps in wonder. How astonished ho was whon ho saw that tho llttlo meerschaum coach had grown too, and hung at tho bottom of tho bubblo as tho car hangs to tho bot tom of a real balloon. Tho coach had grown as big as Tom Thumb's carriage, nnd looked as if it woro mado of gold. Whllo ho stood staring at it, ono of tho doors opened, and a tinkling llttlo voico said : "Get in, please, Bonny." Benny saw that it was a dear llttlo girl, wlth.rlnglot and a bluo drcs3, nnd in ho jumped. Then tho balloon-bub-bio floated out through tho wall, some how or other Benny couldn't seo how It was done and thoy began to go up. At first it wasdampand rainy, sailing through tho clouds, and Benny and tho Htllo girl qulto shivered. Her dress was of thin gauze, and Bonny had no hat or overcoat ; so it waa no wonder thoy wcro cold. Pretty soon thoy roso above tho clouds and got whero tho sun shone. Then thoy wont up vory fast. Thoy looked down out of tho windows of their llttlo coach, and saw tho round earth fur be low thom, looking as if It wcro wrapped in a gray mantle. When thoy were sailing fairly and prosperously in tho sunshine' abovo tho clouds, Benny asked his llttlo companion who she was. "Iam a fairy," shoanswered. "lam ono of tho fades of tho air, and I usual ly livo In a soap-bubble." "Oh," said Benny, "Then perhaps you can tell mo whero soap-bubbles go to whon thoy break." Tho fairy said sho didn't know any thing nbout thnt. "Woro you novcr In ono when It burst?'' asked Benny. "I think not," replied tlio fairy, look ing at him In a puzzled way, as if sho didn't quite understand what ho was talking about. "Very likely," said Bonny to himsolf, "sho has lived in a stronger kind of soap-bubbles than ralno, becauso sho would certainly get hurt when thoy burst Into pieces." So ho stopped thinking about it. Now tho great rod and green bubblo had carried thom up very high, as high as tho moon. Tho moon was not mado of green chceso after all. Thoy wero near enough to seo that. It had moun tains on it, and trees, and doep valleys. It lookod very cold and bleak thcro, and thoy nolthor of them wlshod to slop on that planot. A limit tlllq limn Min aim u.nnf .in..... and tho stars wero twinkling all around them. TJiov saw Siturn. with liij rnnr shining rings, and Jupltor, with his wur rounu moons, anil tney sailed qulto near tho Big Dipper. Onco thoy saw a comet whisk by, with a long fiory tall j and this frlghtoned Bonny so that ho wanted to go back to his homo. As soon as ho wished this, tho llttlo coach, with tho great balloon-bubblo swaying abovo it, began to sink softly back to earth again. Down it floated and floated until it touched tlio houso tops. Tho fog and mist had clcarod awav. and tho sofl mnnniir.iit down Into tho streets nnd alloys oftho in uio samo stranco wav thnw han got out, thoy HoAtod back into tbo room again.. Tito fairy girl kissed Bonny goou ntgnt, anu whtsitcd olfjnjthe bub- Benny was SO tired that hn Inv ilmvn OH tllO floor. And When his mntlinr camo up stairs sho found him stretohed on tho blanket hpJWd rmd Wv'pS. tUO carpet astasIoopiWllkliL poria's now meerschaum tlirhtiv trrasnn In his chubby llttlo hand. Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT 1 M. KNORR'S SPRING STYLUS, THE I,ATKST ANI1 BIST. Uvory vnrloly for Jlcn, Women niul Children. OLD STOCK Selling nl Cost to closo out to mnko room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CLOTHING. in-: has Tin-: FINEST CIOODS, hATEST STYLES AND KMl'I.OYS TIIU II 1J S T IV O U K 31 i: X. Kor pood flln nnd prninptues In lllllns nvder.i Uieio w Uio lilaco tojfo. UN goods nro eolectud wltli ravo nnd Ida Cus tom Work will compnro favorably Willi tlio best oUorUi of tho f.ishloiiablo city Dealer. HK ICEEM A LAUaE STOCK OF HOYS' AND ClilhimiiN'K CLOTHING AND GEvrs' runxisiuxo noons, At AstonlxhliiEly Tiovr l'rlces. llloomsburg, Sept. ?J, Jb71-ll JOHN 0. JACOB Y'S BAKEttY AND CONFECTIONERY! UEKWICIC, I'UNN A. Tho undersigned would respectfully Inform the Citizens of licrwick, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery and llakery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Fa., whore he Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of I'LAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FHENCII CANDIES, FOltEION AND DOJtlM'IO FF.UITS OKANGEH, LEMONS, UAISINS AC, AC, Ac, Ac. 11V W110L1SJAI.K ANU RETAIL. Anions tho assortment will bo found Crcnm Nuts, English Wnlnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of lllUer eut kinds, Mustard, Catsup, 1'lelcles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of nil kinds, Corn Htaich, Egg Ills cult, Boda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Bonp, Writing l'nper, Agreement l'jpeis, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of nil kinds. Froih Ilread nn Cakes every tiny. Ice Cream in Benson, Your patronage is solicited, JOHN O. JAC011Y. Berwick, Jan 171 tv CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PRICE or. rr.. iwr. a i n s, Corner Main and Centre His., llLOOMSBTJUCl. A now slock of Fresh Goods Just opened nt MAlZE'H. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, SYHUP3 nnd MOLASSES. CHEESE, MEATS. SALT, FISH, etc VEGETABLES, 1IEUMETICALLY Senlcd Goods. JELLIES nnd PKESEHVEH, PICKLES, FOltEION and DOMESTIC FllUITS. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEENSWARE flnnslniiMv nn limn!. Also WOOD, WILLOW nnd ClLASSWAUEof vvvty vuriuiy. All ray goods nro of the flrbl quality mid at ex tremely low prices. decS'71-tf J. II, MAIZE. QONNELL, & HATPIN, Wholesalo nnd Iletnll Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, aud PIPE BOXES, "HORSE SHOES, and HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER and SAND, ULASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for JMrbank's Scales ! p,lmihnq;. '.. ,": - i OAS FITTING, -Orders by wall lollcltod, ana promptly flllcd. ' - " '"'H . pr, ,1872:tf. Moycrs' Column. it'i -4 . l I ) t H H 9 w If) 3 VI 0 a! m o in o r- in CO Ul t 6 CO n U S3 g 0 P5 H o UJ C3 in Pi W a H n 3 ft H 3 u fl o b M a r 0 0 Q Pi LU r 1 w H o s 0 0 in EH H P 0 ft J? 0 ft ft Ul 3 fi 3, o u - CC LU x. 0 H EH Pi H o m W Pi n 15 l H 0 H 0 H St i 3 Q UJ l a. a. CO CO DC LU J LU Q - CC h z o i o Ml Si H O P 0 I ft i; Maylfcly Miaccllancous. ILLER'8 BTOReT H. If. MtMjBlt A HON, hnvo romovedtholrBtorototho room Inrinerly occupied hyMoudoulinll.onilnlnslrect.Illoniiifi. burg, nontly oppoilto tho Uplscopal Olinreu whero Ihoy nro dotcrmlned loscllon niinodcrnlo tenm ns can ho procurod clso where. Thler sloolt comprltoi Lxumy tmim uoojjm ol Iho chokeot tlyita nnd Intent fiuhloim, tocothet with n large nnortmcut of Dry Ooijdii una Mm aeries, conltlrts of the rollotf luinrttolm Ourpots, Oil Cloths, OtllB, CnMlniorM. Illmulfl, l'lunnnlt, RltkM, Whtt9(Jonld r lillln, , . ItonpHhlili., Minllin, liollowtrar t'ednrtwre lti(iifr,., ltnn-r., Ilooln nnd Bhoen, ItntHnn 1 Ctpi Hoop Nets, tJrnbrcll.i.1, I.noklng.(irnM(,,, Tob.icco, Uon'oo, Mnwnt, Teno, ltleo, Allpioc, Gluwr, Clniminon, AND HOTIONH UtniillAIA.v!"1'"' In short, oyorythlng nsnnlly kept In country Sto Wl"Cn '1,Cy lnv,, 11,0 mrf,UCr,11' Price will bo pn,j for country prodiico in csclmuco for Coodi. M. If. Mir.Tl'U b. r.,.. oct 3I'71-!f Hlooiusunnc t'n. JfiEW STOOK OK OLOTHTNO. Vinh nrrlvnl of SPUINC) GOODS David i.owii.nni:o Invites ntlontlon to his slock of CIIKAI' AND PASUIONAUMi UI.DTIII.NO. nt his nloro ou Mnlnstrcct, In tho new block, Bloomsburg, !' whero no lias Jim received from .Vow Yortnml l'hlladelphln n full ns&ortmcnl of MUM AND HOYS' CI.OTJUNo, lncliullns tho most fMhlsnnble, dumblo nnd hnndsomo cobtinB0r ,)BBoo'. UOX.HACK, HOCO,OUM,ANI)Oir,.(ll,OTIl COATSAND PANTS, of nlUorta.tdzesnudcoIors. Ho hat nKo repitn Wied his already lar;;o stock of CLOTH AND C.VS31MERC4, BTUIPED, riaUItL!!), AND I'fiAIN V1IK I'M BIIinTS, CIl-VVATd, STOUIIS, COM, A US HAND K K KC1I IV.VS. a LOVUH HUSI'IJNDKKS, AND FANCY AUTICMiM ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VftHTrwna which ho is nrenarod to m!iirninn,.il. i, kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd in'tlio uui iiinmicr. nis cioiuing is mado lo wear, nnu raost oi it is or homo lnuuururturc. GOLD WATCHia AND JIWiUlY, of every description, fine and cheap, His en.e ol lewelry is not surpassed in thls;place. Call and cxamluo hiSEoneral assortment of CLOTUIKO, WATCHES JHWELUY, AC. octI371 DAVID LOWUNHKKU. BADWAY'S HEADY "RELIEF cui!i:s Tim woitbT i'aixs In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR tSlix rcailiitc IM pilvoitl.pmcni npod any ono i-urrat wii u l-Ais. nADW.VY'3 I'.UADY lUXIUf 13 A CUHE roll KVKI.Y l'AIX. It wa3 tlio flr.t nnd U Tlio Only X'tUu Xtcmorty thit lniitniitly Etnps tlio most eTcnicIatlnff tLii.. nlUys In nniiiiniluni nml iun. Von p.i ioti wli.it.vrr iliu J.unv, htoina Ji, llowi lit vi ulitr uuada or organs, t-y one nn lka lion, " in rnoit nsn to twenty jtiNrTn,. miner lio'.vvliilti.t nr ixcriiLlnllnc tlio lii!nlliii IttP i;. MA'lIU, Ik'il-rl.lilcn, liiUrni, L'rlppli.ili.rouj, curj ( i iTustratcil MltU illaaiu may nulkr, RADWAY'S READY RELIET vrtt.h Arromi instant base, INTLAMMATIOV til' lilt! KIliNKVS. IM'hAMMATION OP '11113 ELADDh. JNTLAMMATIOM W 'MM: W)V.t:i'. I'ONllHSUON Ol'' Tim LVNUrf. Eonu Tin:oT, rirrifitir iiiiratiiinil 1'ALl'l 1'A'l KIN OF '1UU lIUVIlP. HYSTnniC'S, CT.OU'l', llll'll 1'IIKIMA. IICAUACIir, TOOrllAr'UfP'"'1""" - cold ,ii.t.,. AnriVViVi"- t. 'Iho niiplicatloii (fllto IEi'ikIv irollcr to ll,o lurlor run whero tU jaU cr UlUkull iiLU.lUJ01yiil(..wo ruU lomfoit. Twenty Oropq li J.ilf & tiinl.lrr f f w.itrr w 111 hi d f, w mnmpiita ciio CltAMlM, M'AsMS, NUK Sl'o('. iinAiu'nuitv, Vific ii:irii:t m Mtisiii a Traytk-r. fIiouM nli.ain nrry :i K.ltlo rf l!a'ln.n'.i Ilfnily ltplil-f vitli ll.i- . 1 . ,linrn In - ,1 lircMiil .Ic.i.i i..r,.ilr f,, .1 , , .,1, i,ri.kr. It nil . luau I untlill.-mily vt Ilittu . ...ii.Utiiut.lrit. t'HVI'lSl A iZ AGVE. rEVnr.ANDAliH: i n. I irr.,1yi.nn. Tli ii li 11.it a riiueilk.il luvl.t l.t thin irl.l lint ui:l curj l.vir t. 1 unil nil ulier JliUil.ni. l!liiu4, fi-iii, 1 Tvr, llIow. mill iitlur l evc r. (nl.ldl I. UAllU'A'.-t lII.l..S) so iinick m i:.um.'s i:r.u ixLicr. iny ca.;5 1'cruulc. kM tyllriLV-'1'. HEALTH llEAUTYl!' STrtovo and itiii: mrir i:r.noii inci:iahi: ov I i.iii ami wi:iui!T -1 i.rvi: m;in a.mj m m liifcii foiii'LKXioN :-i:i'ri;i:u 'iu all. SARSAPARILLIAtJ RESOLVENT IMS MAUK TIM! II oil- ' l'nIl!INl cfli. f() !!' J'iKv.?' ,!''yii aiik -i hi: i'ii.wuk.h ' in; r.iillY I'NUIIUiiO '-, I 11'. 1 'lllii I.NH.I'KM'll VKaT '11:l''-Y '"'-'-Kflli MliiiltiMJ. Evory Dny nn In.-. . -.si in '.'loch and Wolght In 3on ami Volt, THE C52EAT PUnirlEH. Eicry drop tf tin SAT. .Ai'Alill.LlA:; l:!:s-OI.Vi:-. t' cninmiiii eiil,-. tlir.iiijli t' I'.l.. t, . t, l-rlrc, mid ai.ir lluljjaul lukoa, I i . . u , ,, . , , t :,; r.,r It r. in tlio yartia n( t'u l.t, 1 i, v . I .1,1.1 I iiiMuiiil. hLrr-riili. bvilill '.-i 'i ,11 1, (.'unln'ir ui c -t', l"k 1 l.i tlio TI1ru.1t. Mimili, V. , . ;,!,, i tl 11 (ll.vi j, r.i I ttlur 11 ut 1 r tin) av ti 11, - r I' , 1. -11111111 H J I il, ir,.i from ll.o l:ir-.titi.l i!km,. t r .i-tn 1 f 1 1 l-i til. -iHiirf, Knii I I ui,.. Kiir K.111 , t 11.1 11 ,,. Una ;. .-.,'1 i!:,o,i ,, l.n 111. 1 14, Am.'. jlli '. - n.x.'.r . il'i Iho I'li.li, 'I itmi.r-; t...fa.ij i,.u Mi..,,.., 1 111. u.i;i,llU t.ll-1 1 .1111111) ill.. I. in.,. M .1.1 I'.v. ..1. r lifo i.rliikiiili', irj iwilili 1 of MjiIoiii CliiiiiNtti, tin 1.11V ioinill ihli.,( It I ,r 1 .1 1 ii.o .lll 1 ruio to . I'. . I 1.I1IJ L( LlsUlUO UJ lni'l.t iouir 111 itiro tl )Vl.l ,lfMlT ii inn' ill. 111. If tlu lull. nt. dally Uv.. In 1 -d liylliowvlriwij il.'tioitiiin. I ..1 llml i..H,.. .1, ... r.-.J, .. .: I.. .11 ... tl.. 4.1 I........ . .. 1 Id liiiliitiM-n I oillliy Id.. I.IA' Mill ..'1 1 1I.11. uui. ' ....1 1 il.i tlu M,., 1.11 .tt'll H'lll.ll.ll lltll 1 1, -l I LIlMllldli, ...I, lit.lf (.1..1, i'l .Id I'.l. I! I i llhAI'A till.. -I'Tii'i n i-.n-if inlo:l 1 ' ti.i J 1 r 1 .1 '.'i', Ki'r.,fii'ni!-, j 1 liut It 1 1 1.1 i uuty liu.Hn 0 r.i:!i:t',y s lih-.tlilcv Coutpluiiitx, J'liliary, avl W. '1 i'i , ., tit tv I, JihUto. , I)rr,.y H. .., ijo oi 1,1. . 1 , , , ,' I'rlno, llilr.l,i' IHuiue, Alljiliiilii.itlt, i.tl In I, i ',. luil.uo l.i 0 Uklitlilit do HlM,i.rtl.i m ikrUlliU'., ,1 tli-, inKo.l with mbhlatici j .kg lm v.l.lt.i.f iitt, 1 , u'ill!oldtuiitl!t,(rtliero Ita liii.iUd.dait:, ,ll..ui n- .. .1 me mid wldto LoilC'dilt ililKnlM, nii.l vlii-i. Hi. i. I, u ., .'Unit, l.nrnlt,.. mumiiii vlici l;ili Ml.i. it.. 1 1, ,l'i I'i 11.0 bjull if llio llioi and td-iiiif t lio Loin. 1'ike, VV&Rrl5. Tlio oi.l Uum, 11.1.1 511,-j Ilemodyf.r I. 01 hi J'iu, i i;ji', i,V. Ti!itJ:!i- oi' 12 Year-.' Crowsli Cm-vd by rZf.tlv.ay ji Kisolvcnt. Tin. i"-i I l.it'1 I. I in . 1 .1 11 , I 1 III. nl,l ud Will. All IUh llit.il 1 .1.1 1. lU, ri ,, in 1 i i,ii J ,(i,4 ,.i. ,., ... 1 1... " . .1 , .. li "j 11 , i .t 11 1.1 n. ruin 11, U iix L Itlvi tt Il4jr. t. t.4 ui.u I . . I K ..1 1 11 lUiU'lyl! Il.ti I 11 1. I. .. 1 ., nl fr.il ti.l.r. , I It Tb. wuftt In ..ri.. I., 1 I ti . 1 ivrlt. till, ti .u I . t ..u 1- J i. aii I l Uitlij4or mt n t ttr.n rl.U ulii or rat. in 1 1 l l r tw.he m at. 1 1 tii j Luw '., 0t.r tL tr,ln. ttlun. .tt tau put lUlt It If OR. RADWAY'S' m$m POROATIViE PILL8, jteik.i.lly I1.1.U,, iV . dly rt. .led 11 lilt E,iort fun. rnriie, i"llii Hi', I linn, ui.i .', a.il .uiii.'ili'.ii. .'iil..iV I'lli-, f.n tlio cur nf nil tll.uir.lt ri r ilio Mum 11 li J.hir, UoivcU Klilnur., Illuddir, Nmtitu ll-uiii lle.liluil.o, Ciinttlia lum, ('....ivtu.ii Jiidlire.l..iti, ln.,t.ia. llillourneM, II I. 1-ju. 1 1 iur, 1 nlliii'iii.til I.111 ol tlio lli.itiln, I'lli.., r.hd nil Do railfltmit.iitj i.f tliu lidiiti.il Uii.t, vituuiilod to tllcil a iifWttvo mire, I'limly i''il.illc, i.ul.ti.li.l!ig 110 mercury, niliii-ri'., or tluliit ui Inn drug., V 9 'frit 'ho f .llonhiK )!.,) 1 ,m. ru!lln( f.oni DIi. r lilnr. of lilt) llifc.llvu Orgtu .1 IWt Mtlntt, l.t.., 111, Julliir.. it tli. T'.li.l In 1). ir.ilt AcUily if llu M 11 li. Pi in,, ,. ll,...iL,i,, KUdui ,,( I ml, I nll 1.1M4 1 r UiiLt In II,. hi. i,..i. 1., s ur 1 1 11 1.11 .ni, MuLlnir or t lmiir In t Ih. I'll if II. M. in 1.I1, hit Iiij. It.f il. ,a.l, lluirUd nl.J Itiniitilt lr..tl,lt , I l.itl.ri. i,t lt.b . i, 1 ,,ir uH,.iinf i.wl.1., !.; t 1. - h , I'.l 1 li ....... ( M.I.U, 1mi ir if Uion. IV I. ..til, 1,, , . ,, i m.lKn.uime, .( IW. I, ill, it, J.11.I.I1. .1 I t . ...I l',, ',Jo u II,, BI.I.. I U.I, I int., i,li! 1 I . 1 I 1 1 r It I. Lim.li j lb. 1 1Mb. A f. ' 1! fniliin1! II I tf II WUi'AVM I'll I S 1. Ill ftro lUtyMtm Hill. II II V Mil I.HIMI. 1 ti', 11 dim, ) ir nux, In liAlUVAY v it, . N. n, ja,i, ,,,.,. jjow. v, , k'. lif.t'.ii.ll 1 t' .ru.il. iiIllUuLtyou, Ul5'72-ly jyj-C'KKLVY, NKAL & CO., DKAIiEIta IN BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, General Merchandise, BLOOMpnuita, pa; Jftll272-tf MiBcollanoourj. 1872. 1872. new snuNCi aoo.i),s. m. jl . jju xj lIiui.hHlrrlurnOil from NW Yot It Willi n full IlllfllU IKiACIC AND COI.OTIRD SHilvH, IiYON'S'HIM.vl'OI'rjiNS, SIMC I'ONUUUS, lildln ulrlpo nml olioiit?, A V fTlX f?,S', Kirtpe nml iiIbIh CUtASS Ci.OTJIP, sliliO1nlii niul nliiiip. Wash pol'Mns, litArli ami colnrctt. ALPACA 8, J'AjVOV PL AIM, UOJiUJlJID OA Ml, 11 1 OR, PEHOAbUS, WHITE GOODS, huibvi:, l .ltli. I AN, viirniuiA Mini, IIIHIIDl1 IiAWN, NAINSOOHH, J'ltilJ KM. f.0Nicr,0Tir, fAiinniCr., LlNHN.-i, NAl'KINH, iiiJIVI.H, I.Adli L'UHTAIis'H, XOTIONH, Till JIM XGS, UOSIKRY AND (JLOVJCS, nml ovoryliilnu' nonemlly kept In n llrsl-clnss DRY UOODS STOlli:. IJISOWJCP.'S JiLOOK, l: MT 01'' COUr.T;ilOUHn,M AIN htuki.t, UI.OOMHIlUIta.l'A- ' CUKE5C.5t.V)!:SC-TliP- Iti th wnn'1irrnl m mw lnwhldi tlicntTWiM nro ft') tve p-if-1 li i,'li,-r, Din ih ut.,i' liuvoi Iiu ha i.i-ulu u 1 i.i !irinnnut tintt fl' N i ttira'rt nnu i iwif. ' i i -11111 iu pimu riu whU h Ho hn lii'lHIul tli- vi'-iMiiMf Mil' ilom I t liealln:tli) fk'c, t.uu mnw hvti.w 1 i-iiibiiu t til nnu uiilleiip. Tin il(Uuro of tbi-t r.u t firm I In tliuriMit vvi iv or mi-t ob-tluitc d! -c.oi wlitr'i it !iu 1 "i l urn Hn coniitit i'. In ll.o euro of BSroni'hiiis, srvoro Cotrjli. an I tV) oi.l t," t ('onuiiir'Ioii, it 1j..- ntii'U:rl tlm m-l'i-il fi".iltv. niul unli.. m pln-tlcUiM'i-i -J t'i . it I u iti-L mcHu.l (II Lou ryurtlM'U't. WU'l-n 1 i' 1' ilto Kviri-l 1 it ptro 1 1 tli t tj't" 1 a nl purUic-N tho IjIo.I.I. My lU V'li.lll 1'i . MI-.'ll IjKii il IHUlK- hu' p.- t.ijfdu. it yttr-t i.H gtunior fi. 1 1 tlio won M.M'oruia iiit i :;ioft !i, a'lm- plu.or Curnpt Itni, Mjjnnil cIim ii-o. "h nl VtUt i-, :n I t'i t-T u'f d.ulu tti il. i I i,')ta li'ilt'i tvl :i tii il fun-tlMMioii c-l 1 i Ilul t:r'HtiKfliii, suit Ulu'inii, fcV cv S(roi Scaly (. i:ou:;Ii Mtln, in r!oit, all tlu u'l'ii.'iM it tli- ' i ( i,i-oil ltv V.nl 1 !i 1 .1, aro enjuret li; tim pjv, mill punljiji I f ViVl t- I 11 1 1 . 1 1 '1 I - ciltir of n'cl'1, 1.. M 1 luly.fi-o .i , tt It 1 1 1 i mi it'i, iuuinul U 1' o '. t!i biilKlU'd, 1. Ui1 nillnw '', lunw u fin!- nn l.n c nt ti.' miu -1 nl l i-if i'i C'l'IU till, illllltil Willi III t I s I'll V ltli;l)OilliiL"J. ir- llclU-. I) V K lJ,MlU'.i;p -tu ul i.ni'iu nmtftl, jnunroMiircr- IH!-J-i.' It I. ill Cl " Cf (ttVll !4IU- p I ill lit ml p 1 t nt'i'i'i f vmpioma aro ciio-li-msdt. A 1 i i' 1 1 t nit muli catus J)r. l'ljrco' O 1 1 l il Hjruvi')y l.as 1.0 kjuiiI, aUto.lVnpjn'' "cr", I .iln"llioliorhtri;HLrl!i va 2 a-il h'T. 1 K'.- tin ciiiooflinhiui.il Cqusdnatlou or t!u hou.-N it in u ne. r liiil iti rj.iuly. a 1 1 1 ( 1 j who l.uvc titott It for thm jiirpmo .um I 1 ll.i in prii'. Tlu pw.n 1 oT-ri !,0l inward for a mrrti- ClilJ I 1 v V M i 1 lit ,t Ml ll.i! rutu OI Ull UlU UlJ 1 tfTiimmeiiili'd. r il n -V lit tile. T'ri'iiirulliy -, 1 , . t I -l ! 1 mi li V V - nil.,, tt: 1 I nlt7JJy. QATUUAGK MAN'UFACTi !IY, Bloomsburg, l'a. M. C. UI.OAN x UKOTHt 1: Havo on Litoiilnnil frrimleat Oio 1 ntw bio I'atuu a bpltiulia btoi it ot UAIUUAUKB, UIjU nucl every descrlptloa or Wagon, i j PLAIN ANll lVMi' warrautoato bomaaooftltobciitn.i.i mo.t Uur- workmen. All work sent out fun 1 tho etnb- 4iniii(icuv tu uu iiiuim iu Dotn uit) i,t fiujii riasa nnd uu;o to (iivo perfect mUUiucUou. riipy havo nlan n rinn iiwnriiiioni nr nr. mnird of all tho nowftRl and most laahluvmMo style? jveilund carefully mado and ottho bcft mater In hi. , An Inspection cf their work U nnki d na HI IkPllnv.il (lilt lu-m n Liinnrlnv n.m l.r. i.. ti. conutry. i)m yn X TALI AN UEKH & QUEENS. will soil In .7 11 no nml .InK- t, li,it.i ITALIAN BWARMH ()V mv.a 'inn?r&'2S,'Wiu1'? ,' P, wnnu. I mil teem li. for furlliei rmorroiunS'nMVr",. MnylMin WbW itiV.ilJla eo'.,. 1 V 1 " 1 r- r-ri u n.w lUr .I,-, ' I "lime-," " ; tlia tippler on ti . 1'it v Iirinlt, nn Id t in 1 Ui ru 1- Llijiic r. 1 t - tliu 1 1 lo,t lilt. I n.n," fto, tint lent I 1 11111, Iml nro il Into ! , ntirl liflln Of (lll jicl cine, ni 1 ' ' ir fonin, fri-'Q from nil Ale Imuc Mimnlntitt. They nic llid ihcai nu.mi 1'iiriikr .ntd ,1 i.iij-f,hm, I'micipic, .1 J'or fort llcnovnlrir ftlid Iftviporntor of tli System, carrying off nil poUnnous nntit?r, Ami rcitoring ili lifwvl 10 ,1 limit hy condition, cnriclutii? It, relrcitilnp nrtd InviftoTAtlnj? both muni nml b'Mly, They nro evy of nitministrnHnn, prompt In tli.-ir nctrnti, ccitain fit their ftr.iihi, Mfcaiut rtllnble in nil formi of diirnsc. Pfo Pci-Hon cnu tnUo tUrnc WUitvn neconb Inft la (Itrcciinm, and remain tors unwell, provided their buncs .ire lint dtroyed by mineral poison orotlicrmcan8, nml tin! viul orq.in wa ted beymul tlio polnl of repair. DyHprpHlii oi lntlltrt'fltlom 1 1 cadaclio, Tain In tlic Mi.itildtM, Cniigli 'J iglitnc of tlio Cliesr, Iii iie, Sour r.nictatiomof tlm Stomach, Had Tat In tlio Mouiti, llilmin Au.it ks, ralpiutinn of the Heart, Iti ll.immatioii of Ilia t.mr, l'ain in tlio regions tf tlio Kid ners and a hundred oihtr (lainful symptoms arc the otf piliiK of Iytpepi.i. In theso complaints it lia tin equal, ami one hot tin will prove a Utter Rturanttc cf hi Merits than n lengthy ndxtriionictit, l?av Kctimlo 0111 pint it( 1, in oimcor old, mar tied or ninfite, at tlio dawn tf womanhood, ot Ilia turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an influence tint a marked improvement (i somi jwrccptildc. Io r liinuutiiintory nml Ctivonln Itlirrt mnlUm nnd (lout, Dyspcpnia or TndiRestioi, Hillnu, itcmiitcni and Intermittent l't er Ii .Lasea of the Wood, I.ivcr, Kidnevi nnd Waddcr, the-e I litters Invc been mot tucccsftfiib Such DisoaiM nro c.itncd by Viiialcd lllood, wh ctt is Rene rally produced by derangement of l!io Ui gettivo OrK-mt. Thoy ure n ficuM Pui'ffnllvc ns well t4 n To it It posw a'.M tlio pcculnr merit tf aciins as a powerful agent in telieving Congest iuti or liill.immitinn of the Liver and Visceral Organs and In WliousIHseaie''. Kot Hklit lUi'nsrM( Druption, Teller, Silt Uhcimi, lllotcheo, Spots Pimples Pustules 1 toils t-ar hunclcs lllng-worms Scald-I lead, Sore I'.yes. Krysipclas Itch, Scuifr, 1I crloiatioin rf the Skin, Humor ami Uiseasei of tho Sl.iii, of whatever namo or nature, ara literally dug up and carried out t f the Fstcm in a short time hvlhc u e of thc-e Ptier. t)no hutilo in such cae twill cuiiMiice the tuuii nitrwduluui of their curativj cffeci, I'lCTttMo (ho VHIrttril III nml whenever you find us inipuiitti i b.natiiu thiotih tho sl.in in l'niipk'S Krnpiinni, or Snrti; clcan-e it when jou find it oh Ptnicted and ilugnh in the enti ; cleauie it when tt l fut; your ftehnA will tell jou when. Keep lIic.LIotd purp, ana die oc.uin ni uic syjicni will hinow. Jrntcfnl tlMiiiHittnI-4 pricl.iim Vihhcti 1!it trrs the most wonderful hivoratit that cur sustained Iho sin lum; system. Pin, Tnpo nml olhcv AVormif lurtiint; in tho system c-f so many thousands nie citcctinlty destroyed and rcmotd. Sii a dUtinguislud phv-uoIo;i-.ti Thoro Is scarcely an Individual upon the face of the earth whoso Ixxly is exunpt from the presenco of w-ornn. It Is not tiprm the hcitthy claim 11U of the body that worms exhr, but upon the ducted 1 111 mora and slimy di posit j tliat breed the-e living monsters cf d:-cite. No y3tcm if Medicine, 110 ciiiiifiies, no aniln-lnuuitlt;-, will free tho pystr-'ii fnun worm-t lil.c tlit."-c Ihitcn. Plechniilral DUrasw, Pcmoiii cnpiscd in 1'ainU and Minerals such ai Piumbcrs 'l)t-acUcr, tiold hjaicru, and Mmei, as they advance in hie, will he subject to p.irnl)sh rf llio llimdi. 'lo puird ntjaintt (his tahe adooof 'ii;pns Vincgar liiTiiKbonco or t!ce a week, a 1 a Picvcnine. Ill I loin Remit tout, niul Iutrrnit ileal Vc-cim, which are ro prevalent in the v.ilkws of our preat i'imh throughout lha Un'Uil Statt-s cpecidly thnie of tha Mi .ii3ippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten ncsu'C, C'limbeihnd, Arkmsas Ued, Colorado, llrazos UioGnndo, l'eai I, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Uoauoke, James, an I many others "lt'1 their vast tiibutarles throuhut our cntirj country during the Summer aiul Autumn, and remark iMy so dtiriiiR scaroni of urusu.il heat and diyue t, aio imaiiably accompaiiiud hy cstcti sivo dcrangtmicnti cf the sininatb and hver, and oilur abdominal usccra. There arc nKav3 unio or less t h flriictions t f the hver, a wcaknctS niul irritable state of the stomach, nnd great torpor rf the buwcls beiu clogged up with UiatCil accumulations. In their treat ment, a purfjilive, teitins npottcif.il inlluuice upon theso art tun orpins is t emully ucccsMry, Therii 11 no c.uhaitic fm- the purpo j eqii il to Dk. J. Walklk i Vimk'.h PtTiii'S as they will speedily remote tho d.uk (.oloied ihcid matter with which the houcU ara loaded, at the sima time -ttm tflat ins; the ccrctioi"? ( f il.a ber, and m.taliy u 5 turnip the h-.iiihi Uuictui.s uf the di?cMi,c orm, Mu-ofiil.n or IClilK'fl HvU, AVhUc Swollmcs Ulru i, l.iy ipL i. Swtllid (i).tci, Sciofuluiii Inflammations Indolent Inilammations Mcrcuml Af fectioni, old Kores 1-ruptiont o tho Skin, Soie I'.yes, etc., elc. hi thec,aa in nil oiharconstitutioml Diseases Waiklh's Vist jtti llirTi.m h.ne bhownthi.tr pre it cmative po,vcr in the iauA ob.iLiuate mid iutrai.i.'itlc cnei. 13r. IVnlhor- Cnliruriiln Vhunr IllHrr-i act on all theu ci .et m a Mimlar manner, l!y puntyntg thu Iil( -i 1 tlu v n 111 '-etluci'! e, and l, icolwm away llie eilecii ol ihu ii.fl ir-tiu it.i, itltc I libit tular di posits) the atleci.d juiii ucu.w han'i, ,;nd a pwiiuaiieiit care is 1 ri I Tito vrnport: If? of Dr. Wai.kpiiN Vinkhai Hit j 1 u - n.o Apuiint, Dinplioicttc and Canuitniivc, Nutrition 1, Locative, Hutretic, Sedative, CuuuLr-h mam, Su loiiuc. Alter Uive, and Anli-liiU&u.i. Tlio Apeilcilt niul nukl I,nitivo properties tf ). Walmmi's Yimbga it Hittuih are tho bct ife gtnrd in aM cies of eruptions aud malignant fevers tiTjir li'j.innc, lit..tling, mivl nothing propirlics prutcct llu l.imifrd of the lutrjs. 'I heir Sedative properties allay tu it iii the ncroin nvMctti, ulriiiinub, fttul LovsuU, oilltur from in il.muu "itni, u lud, co.ii, rramps, etc. 1 lieir IVitinter-Itft nit 1ntj11c1.ee ctletuh throughout tho syst-;m. 'J h.ir Diitu 1 c pt pitiei net on tho Kidneys', correcting and Uj-'u! 1; : , ih (I ,w if tnitie. Their AntMhhou piojKiiu-. .nut ao t'u b j it the btcictum of bile, and in d ehiu-. thiou ,'i th b my ihnts and .no ftttpuior lo all ruim.'i.il .1 ,-nn, U 1 tlu cu.e ul Li.tuiij lVtr, Pttvr and A , etc. bSifllf.y Iho hnily nalifst dUcnte hvptirl fvii :a!l tw tlu..K.::h ini;g tu liiru -is. Wo Lpiduinu tan t M-e h..' I ot a .t.. 1 1' t-. 1 .... niK-1. Tlu htvr, ilu stonnch, tlu I) r.vj tliu 1 idne' a.id iho ncivLj au l. nd red di' 1 j lunf bv l1 ii. it i'r-ijoi.uit. Tlio Kill ucy of l viKKii Vi.-.ujtn Pit- Tttts 111 Lliut.i 1 P , 1. 1. 1 .ttiM, NurvnUi Di-. Con si 1 . 1 l(. r, and all nnl.id'L'9 a! fo elin tliv si. 11 cr mti e.il .1 . 1 of thousand-, .11 1 ing for tlu 1 u Dlt cotittii at 11 i;i lit lii'iu ,l 1 VM i; " I im.i 1 i ill. p, U it ! i duir v 1 iiur h. - , t i 1 J. WM.k' 1 Urn ai.il n . 1 1 1 v iUl U bi 1 ! ptilinon.li v oi;.iih, 1 1-1 1 .d by hundreds 1 1 ' t 11 ui- on t-m.ig lo bed ti . I ttilii'.l.V lull. . Iki 1. ik, mutton . ,.t t . 1 an.l t ike u,it 1 i.i.'y j.t ible : . , 1 1 r-1 1 il., ..;... 1 .-t. , Nfcw w.ic. I -1 M M.l.llrf. nis.7 Ml xjii; i.oui:lmi-.iVT thai' tCOMPOSi: nOiSADtUH nro IJUltlislicil 011 cvci vp u lingo, tlirrc Ibro it t3 )io ,1 i id i curjlioii, consequently rursiciA.vs rRr.atT.mu it Ilia n rml.iln mm T... ft.rrtr..U Syrihilisin nil it i forma, Itlieuma- iiuiu, iwilili ylrahc.t iiver v. oin plaint anil all iliuiu of tho lllood. OHE EOTTIS 0? r.33A'JALI3 will ilo moro .ooil than ten bottler of tho Syrups of h'arsaparilla. THE UNDESIGNED PHYSICIANS liavo usedltouadalisin tlioirpractiea for tlio past tlirco ycara anil freely enilorso it 3ft reliablo Altcratha and lllooJ I'urifier. lilt. T. 0. rt'OII, r Mlimoio. nn. t.j. jiovki.v; " nit. is. w cAiui, n nu.r. O, UANNKLI.V. " UHJ. S. SPAUKS, of .VlchohiTlllf, Drt.gjL. McUAltTHA, CulumUi, 011. A. ri. NOBLES, i;jScccmli, N. c. USED AND ENDORSED BY f. Tl. tiTU'vnr envo i'.iiti..3 Mjss. ' , ' 'a. k viii:Ki.i:it.i.ir, oi.io. II. HALL, Lima, Ohio. l'It.l.Vi:N Ai tl).,(lririlormllIe, Va. iSAJl'L. (J. Mcl'AIJrjj:., Jluifrccs. ft 111" tniPD It HI ntlA.n . P leaded rcnuiUi ia relation to tha p f 1 vusai,ail, iowipaiciiica . . . . u bUJ...,.i, v ,k uhju JfV, tracuuperlortu any they bao ever used In tbo treatment o diseased llosadalU, and jou Mill to lofitcrcj Ilni.tl.iHn .. 1... ..11 ry. .... H. CLSMSHT3 & C3. MmufaaurinQ ChlmUli, IiAlTiuooc, Mo. .Tilly 51.71 ly. JALT1JM0IIE PIANOS. Wo rMneplfnllv rnli n.n nt.A.. n'fs'ii.'".? !." r!rcl'aM o,,r """ of 1'i.uios, wo ' fcHtlslltil Unit wo ion clvo MilUluctluii in et-a nml nro imUcr tbo iicihounlniiieilnteiulonco ol tlio membera of our llrm. Wo uso only tlio best sonsontiil tlmljor, nml tho matcilul In ijeno. nil is 1 hit clusv. Our l'lauos wlilioul oxcciitlou liuyo tlio patent nsrallea urraintemuut llirougli. out, jvlilcli In tlio opinion of tlio most comnc. lent Juiljres Is nrououucod vnlunlile, liy tills, lm. proveinont n l'Jana Is inado moru Uuinblo nml Keeps tlio to io louucr, Wo claim lor our Instru ments Unit they nro kecond to none, nml they combine all tbo ci,sentlal cleincnls that consif. tulo uupcrlor worltinnnslilp. Wo will ctvo n wi Itten unnraulro tor llvo years, Mr. Ciniiaii l'liuiMAN, incmbcr of our firm, will visit liloomsburB lour times n yenr lo re pair nml nltomi to timing of nil rinnos. In tbo ubnencoot Mr, Fbkiman, Mr. I, ICiln-i-Kii will mteuit to our busluau, la iiinQuisburi: una li authorised to receive nnd bollclt orders. Wo can give tho very belt reforenoes. a a ni Hajari. , . llalllinoie.M. 1). I. 1.. JliLLKii, Jicaler in I'iauos, Orguns nnd Melodeons llvo octavo nnd llvo Hop oit'ans nl Iho best mnko, Bold nllliu. Teriim cuky, Juuo a 3L F Minccllanoous. CONTlNKNTAii. Ijifo Inaurnnco Comp aiy, OP N11W YOl ! No. of Policies feiwil 43,(1, ASSETS $5,500,000 ISSUES all tho new fonn of V , j.nint pronenl-sns Invoinblo terms ps u piny In tbo Unlleil Hlutos. Iho company will uialto temporary Ir Its policies. 'J hi) ty days' Krneonllowod on rnch p nnd ho policy belli cood durlnn that t All our policies tiro incontestable for ' cniiics. L lelfurft0'09 'ucJ tl1'' cnip.iny rr r , Nil rxlra clmrgos mado for Irnvt llln n l'ollcy holders Rharo In tlio nniiual n Iho company, nnd Intro nvulco In tlio nml management of tbo company. No policy or medical too cliiirKocI, .lUsl'LTS fiAWHI .Nl . , J. 1. Hoaillis, Kecrotary, . U. t'liANni-Kii, Jr., Acluary. Central Office of littstera feura, "Columbian" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BBOCKWAY General ,'cnl. Jan. s.lKi'.u, Rail Ro.ids. T ACKAWAiSNA AND JI,n,, JJ lltlltll UAIMlOVIl On iiiulDlu-rNov. 'J7, 1 .71, 1" 1', ,on,"ut 1 rim as follows : Unini; t;.ii . it Arrlvu A nl v. it. 111. p. III. ... I). I'i I.I I ... s.li II. ,J Hermit mi.. l'lltKlOU... KlnifRtnu I nt. & W.li.irroju'is l."l' IL'.'', I. V1.1 n. . II. ll l'lymoutb n.n Hblcltsblnny..., 7,) llerwtclc 7..1.1 llloom s.iim lltlllVlllr. Cnniiecllnn iii'i'iito ntsernm In. 0 on tiv triillilorllro.il Jleml, itlimin. titifin , A iiupoinij urtn, i;ust nml V U, 'i' l.t 1 v ATOttTIlEHN CEM'l?l l-S , WAY. On and after Nov. la 11 1 71, i'. leave HuNiiunv asfollows ; NOUTIIWAI,, . 12.30 1'.M. Halls- tn Willi imi)m 1, 1 1 ilnlir.ua, Koclioslcr, Uull.il.' nod N. Kails. 12.1) 1'. jr. liuiralo, N, Fulls, ,1 . 0.50 !. sr., Dnllv, (except, Km, i sport and Urte. ,'"5.., fa"''. (exccptHuui' Ibillalo and Niagara i--.ui v, lrom llliulra. TltAINt) KOllTl.W.. (' l.i; A.M. Dally for liaittir. v.' i'niiai.icipiil.1. 10.0-iA.M.D.ltly (oxeeiil Ru 11,. Washington aad I'nlta I ' f.l'l l'. sr. Dally (except Sua 1 1 . l'liil.ulolpbl.i, Ac. I'. ur. . Alfi:i: 11. l'w .Urti'J.t,.' 'i. s IIOltTEST KOUTI'l soar U il WIXTJill AliniXilKML KAfcTWAUD. Wi Sunbury '. '(i.'j.i' l'.invillo 7.(,j .. r , e aiaivissa 7,'js llazlelon u.us r. m. licin'cnom, j jj.iii 1 l'blladeipbla aii I-t:uliiloii, V-i 1-. ti Now V01U. ! 3.M II.l7.li I I'.ll.lll ll.'l 1,11 -Sun ll.ll Tlio lll'ti'rnmti ir.iln nti..,. I 'in I1, i i:. Wi p. 111, train truing , Wild imsportO.I'); Loclc I lavun 7 ,p. iwu .yuiiu-iii uenirai 1. iij n. iu.. iu, 1'oar.bln llnrrlsbursr 7.0J p. 111.. u.i.i W.li p. in., nnd also Willi tlii) lin ibui . Liltiwn Kallroad. Cirulorlablo mid baud-s mu i'j.i, )t new ro.ite. J. UIlltVEY K.VSIJ, Kitptt . 1 KADINO UAIIjUOAD. HUjIMEi! AKltA.NUciMl - Monday, ji.'j- i., 1 :.', Uirai Trunk I.lnefnmi tbo N it , . Wist buThlhidclphla.NL-w Ym-li, 1:, vllle, Taniariua, Asbi-md, Mm , I . Allentiivn, l:aaton, Kpbiat.i, L. ., Coluiiibla, iVc., 'lruiiisleavo Jliriisbiii', 1 ir K v. , lows: At tn, s,lo, 11, iu , 1 .', ,, neiitlna Willi similar 11 1 p . 1 nia Kallroad, mid nnlwu ,,t .s . ln.i-7, n. 111., U,5;l, nml :, 1 i. 11. . Sb-iplinj cars iiceon'i'i. nv 1 . ,, . Wllbutlt cban;;n. Ileturiiliitr; l.eavo N, . .i 11 J"..ly noun jtiitl 5,Up. u, I'.,'. i..L iu in, nn.4. y. ;o p, m. Lciuu Jl-irilhOu; t.u l.'t , luiiiiiui, Mhu I'hWIn., A' lil. 11 1 , . lcniowii nnd I'hlhv'il. i t .s.Jun.iii ,i.i I t,' j p.111., Klopiiiiu: ut L.-imutui n,,,, ,. .laiiuii'! tbeJ.ejp.m, ii.it, uu. , 1 , , rtittsvllio iintl Li'ltunlilu oiiiy. 1 , 1 rtcbuylUill llnvi'il nml Allium. . lllld WlUMltK'h.yil.ii, lUllll'oad,K..Vi I. .. J, lil p.m. i;nircnusylviinlaneili': 1 ir.,!-,, 1 lutjlor Alloutown i:a..tnn niul .New i, . IWO, n. 111., nnd 4.M p. m. It, nun New Yi.l'U ut U.IXIa, ill., l.'..,u iiiion iul, , , and AlKiitowu nt 7.'- a. 1.1. 1. jj i.Qul an 1 U. li p, in, ' Way ra"on;;ir T.ani ici. ,i .'i.ii 1 7, 'o 11.111., counii'tluti Willi i lm il.ir ii., ,1 , 1'a. railroad reluiului; Hum 11l.u1 .1 . stopplui: nt nil Btiillout,. l.buvo I'.iltavlllu ut l',u.i n.111,, 1 t 1 Itcrnibiii nt lu.no 11. ni Miami. lilu ,i a, 111,, A.'.lil.uid ut 7,Ui 11.111, mid L',i , 1. iiiioy en; at 7.'1 n. 111, an. I l;i t p. m. , ri.'! a, in., and 2,l'j p. 111, iur l'lul . 1 YmK, Ili'.i.i.u, li.iii'i,iiiii,r,,vc, I '.,' I' 1 .vlllo via bi-liioiulli 111 1 luii .111 Hai 1 ., nil at 8,1 j 11.111, lm u... 11,1 1.. 111., It t l'uiooiovo nnd Tu 111., , lUulluirAi .tiuinoibitlnii 'i'l.iiu 1, Villc at i.jti .1, '., passei, lle.i.titi . .ti 7 , , rlvlii'a ut 1'bii ,'iilphbv nt 11. 0 11. in. 1.,, t lenvn I'lilliub , bin nt u,15 p, 1,1. p , 1U1U! 7,10 p.m., 1 llvlllfiit I'liUhvii.e . l'of'.town Ai.iiuinniiiiiiliiiri'1,,111 . town id (1,15 n.111. , ' luiniiiK, leiue. 1 . . (Miilb and Uicein ,t 1,'ij p.m. t'olii'iibln ICaiiii.iU luuuH lea.' I. 7,'.ln.ii.,und U.l j p.m. iur l.piirt.iii, 1 r , ler, L'oluiiiblii. Ai'.j lvtuinlns bin, l.n, tUDll. Ill and J,!t5 p, in,, mid L'oliliiu 1,1 m. nnd ,1,1 jp, in, I'll Ult, mull lull lln.ul Ti.i'iis 1. . 1 , Junetluu at 7. l.i u,iu u. 111., :..i , , , 1 , . ., . turn b .ivi' hi bwiul:i, Hie nt 0. ' , .. IIUUU A 4.S I I. .111.. CLlllLlf. ! Hi ' l 1 1 ,, 01 Uiaillni' llmiioad, CoifbiuiJkibilo lliilitoad ti..m-i Icif. nt li.lOn.in.l.vo u.2i& 7.11 p.iu.iiiiiiuiu , .. I'leusaul nt u.u.i, s,uo and 11. 11, 111., J.. 1 1..1 . lieellui; wltn hliulbir tuilns on ltcadln.; ti i'lcltcrlns Vnlley Jtnllroad trulus lia. 1 ulxvlllo nl tl.W 11. Ill,, 11,10 nml 6.30 p. in.: . luu. lenvo livers ut O.M 11. 111.. 11?. 11 nml 1 . coniieellUK with trains 011 lieadlii" Haib, Uicster Valley llullinad Tialns 1. avu 1 ' poit nt i,3tJn. 111, nud I'.w utid o.:.'! p, in. it u kavu Duwulnuloii nt l),w 11. in ' 1.. , 0.1 J p. 111., coniieclI.iK wall similar him liinuinu itallioail. On Huudavs. lenvo Vfiw v,,rir m r. , , pbla ut s,00 a.m. nud J.lOn.iu,, (the s,(w 11, ui. 1 ,, i"nvuuiwii;jiunveroiisviiiuo,t' a llarrisburi; ut II. 11 11. m. mid iui p. n. ',vo AlkiiUnvnul l.-jj nud U.15p. 111,'autl 1 Ut'UillUK ut 7,15 11. m, nud luairi. in, or IU- burir. nt J.HIn. in. fn,. -'b,u v... 1 n ...i. ... ,. Alli'Utown and ut IUO n. iu,' ai!d 1.13 p.' u. " l'bllndclplila. . Coimnutntlou, Mllmge. ficascji, Bcliuo, Excursion Tlckitts to nnd from nil t.,.t,ith duecd rules. ' liaircauo checked tbroucb- 1L1Q i.nmi.ix n,u . each passenger. J.J.. WOOTIT-JS, ,, ,, .Asst. Hurt, iVUug. Macb'iji Itendlng, l'u,, May 0, Mis. JLANK DKEDS. .,i7?.now lmvo tbollucktmsoilincntof i:i.a: DKKl H fill l.ninl n .1, 1 lp itiln ll.nl ...ifi ft k CM 111 UloeiuLliiirr.. Ijirnn slzo mi l.rht until ment. lnier, Cniuuion Deeds, l.xceutors i" Aiimiiiisirnlor'H 1 inis-unuli slse 1:1 1. 1 ' II l lip II III Jill 11 J 'l 111s, AC,