The Columbian. Friday, Juno 21, 1872. ' PRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT ED I TO 11. Railroad Tltno Tabic. LACKAWANNA A RLOOMBBUnU It. It. Nottli. Bouth. jlnll 12:H2A.M. f:I(t 1. M. Acctinmodatloii IMSlV?.1, W? ?!' Expuwi IWOP.M. CATAWlfcSA It. n. FROM RtU'RRT STATION. Iloliiu Knrlll. uning BOUI11' ".-.'"..-. IT. 11 urn p. M. 11:11 A. M. LOCAL. Hbv. T. H. CuUiKN formerly Itcctor of this Parish 1ms returned to Tlonn wliero ho oMclaled heforo coniinir to IJlootnsburir. Tin: lluiwlek JndejKMlent announces its liilention to support llartranft. Wo never had uny doubt that It wai a Republican sheet. Lamps nro llablo to cxplodo when trimming is neglected. Tho wick being charred low down In tho tubo tho llamo obtains access to tho oil below. The biggest ecl of tho season was caught by Fred. Rargo, last Monday night, In Ilcadley's mill pond. It measured ii fcit C Inches In length, 11 Inches In circumstance, and weighed C pounds. bullivan Free Press, We aro glad to see that tho town of licntou Is improving Rapidly. Sovcral now houses aro going up, a planing mill is being erected, and Mr. Hiram IIC3S hns under roof a lino largo building de signed for a hotel. It is 40 by 75 feot in si73, ami thrco stories high. Wo rejoico at theso evidences of enterprise and prosperity. Tiinstatcmeut repeated in this week's Jlcpublican that Mr. Rtickalow in a public speech onco referred to and rid iculed Mr. Lincoln as a "rail-splitter," is simply a falsehood made out of wholo cloth. Tin: lack or moisture which prevail ed In tho early part of tho year has been made good by tho frequent showers of tho past two weeks, but so great was tho drought that, wo aro told, tho springs aro not all filled yet although some of tho rain falls hnvo beau very homy. It is said that sunstroke is duo to tho action of light upon the brain, exerted through tho eye, and not, as generally believed, to an elevation of tempera ture; and it is assorted that if the eye bo properly shaded from the ijnru of tho sun,any cxtraorunusual pmuiuiuii in tho way of protecting tlio noad or back may bo dispensed With. Isaiah asd John Srr.urir kiw, two young follows of this town were arrested on Wednesday charged with taking tho Iiorso and buggy of Mr. Martha D. Vanderslico from the stablo without permission of the owner. Strutliers was discharged, tlieru being nocvidoncoagainst him, but Beers was romunded for a hearing on Thursday. At thotlmoof tho hearing no ouo ap pearing against him ho w.h discharg ed. A young man named Michael O'Neal was arrested on Saturday night for firing a pistol in tho saloon under Urown's Hotel. Whilst Constable Woodward was taking him to tho Lock-up, ho became very disorderly threatening to blow out tho brains of the Coustablo and endeavoring to ob tain possession of tho pistol, llo was put In Jill until Monday when he had a hearing boforo Esquiro llrower who bound him over in the sum of !!0O to appear at Court. The 112-jth Annual Commencement of Princeton Collego takes place on Wed nesday next, Juno Hu'tli, on which day tho Commencement Orations will bo pronounced, tho Degrees conferred and tho Prizes and Fellowships announced. Tho Annual Gymnastic Exhibition by tho Students will tako placoou Tuesday and tho Annual Oration before tho Literary Societies will bo delivered by U. S. Senator Frelinghuscn. Main Street, in front of tho Court ilouso has reached such n condition as to call for some action on tho part of tho Town Council. It is at present in a worse state that any other street iu town and should bo at onco put in order. Tho greater part of tho heavy oro teaming is done on Main Stieetand it naturally iequirc3 moro attention than most others. Tho ruls near tho crossing in front of tho Court llou-oaroo deep as to endanger tho springs of light wagons. The wiso house-keener will hco to it that all tho beds ro aired 1m mediately after occupancy. Tholmpur Ity which emanates from tho hum.iu body from insensible perspiration I' inado of minute atoms, which if allow ed to remain long, aro absorbed by tho bed, and will then in u greater or leas extent vlliato tho air for a considerable time afterward. Lot tho occupant throw tho bed open upon rising, and as soon us It is convenient, open tho window and ventil.ito tho bleeniug room. Ono hour's early ventilation Is worth two hour's lato airing. Tho Centennial Celebration Iu this placu on tho Fourth of July will un doubtedly bo tho largostnlf.ilros'or hold In this part of tho state. Tlio fcollng towards making Itn grand affair Ingrow ing warmer overy day overy citizen Is becoming Interested In it. Plucky gen tlemen nro at tho head of It. Our Chlof Ilurgess can not bo outdono In tho part ho Is taking. Tho solectlou of tho his torian for tho occasion, T. II. Purdy, Esq. could not havo been bettor. Ills fund of knowledgo of tho history of this placo Is extensive and interesting. Sunbury Guard. KNiailTH OV PVTIIIAH, TIlO SOUlI- annual session of tlio Grand I.oilgo of tho Knights of Pythiiis of this Stato will ho held lu Wllkos-Unrro, nt Music Hull, commencing on tho '2'M prox,, continuing four days. It U expected that thero will bo present hctweon four and llvo hundred representatives and Past Chancellors. Arrangements for their accommodation havo been mado at thosoviirnl hotels. This Order Is now ono of tho Btrongcst in tho Stato, consid ering Us ago, It being only about eight years sinco us institution. l'ilUton Journal What n contrrat is presented bo Iwc jn tho low, slangy references to tho Democratic candidate- for Governor by a few Cameron ring organs of limited circulation and Influence, and notion of tho samo candldato by Itopubllcm nud Independent Journals of standing and character, rs given by us In our lrst number. 18 Dloomsburg to havo n Fourth of July celobratlon ? That's the question. Fiom all directions accounts reach us of proposed exercises on that day, but wo havo heard nothing from tho town. Wilkes Rarro Is to havo n flno military und civic display and has appropriated sovcral thousand dollars for tho occa sion. Has that town absorbed all tho patriotism of tills valley. Is It porsiblo that tho proud bird of freedom docs not scream In this neighborhood? Can It bo that tho lofty spirit -novcr mind What wo would ltkoto know Is, wheth er tho Fourth of July Is to occur In this town or not. Wet Clothes. Fow persons under stand fully tho reason why wot clothes exert such n chilling Inllucnco. It is simply this: Water, when it evaporates, carries off an enormous amount of heat in what Is called tho latent form. Ono pound of water In vapor contains as much heat as nlno or ten pounds of liquid water, and nil this heat must, of course, bo taken from tho body. If our clothes aro moistened with threo pounds of water, that Is, if, by wotting, they are rendered thrco pounds heavier, thro thrco pounds will, in drying, carry off ns much heat as would ralsothreo'gal Ions of Ico-cold water to tho boiling point. No wonder that damp clothes chill us. Iiv rofcrenco to our report of Court Proceedings, to bo found olsewhero, it it will bo seen that tho investigation into tho election of James Dennis ns a member of tho Town Council resulted In tho formal awarding to him of the position, Iho recount of tho ballots giv ing him two votes moro than tho de clared number of tho election boards. Tho election of Dennis was contested simply and wholly on tho grounds of an improper counting of ballots, It hav ing been generally reported that tickets contain. ng his namo had also tlioso of live others which should havo been, but were not, erased. The recount of tho ballots in open Court showed that con trary to populnr report the tickets woro properly cast and thercforo tho scat in Council to which Dennis was rightfully elect ;1 wasjudicially awarded him. The weather prophets arcabout. It Is now staled that old western settlers predict that tho present summer will witness a repetition in that quarter of tho great lloodsof 1S11. This prediction is basil mainly upon tho fact of tho great similarity of the weather during tho twelve or fourteen months which immediately preceded tho months of the Hoods of IS 1 1 and the weather of tho past fourteen months. They say that tho year ending with May, 1S11, was a year of extraordinary drought, just as has been the past twelve or four teen mouths ; that iu tho winter of lSl.'l 1 the snows which fell iu the moun tains of the West wcro extraordinarily heavy, and that tho tamo was the caso in tho past wintor j Unit tlioliouvy rains of 1S11 set in about the uYat of Juno, Just as they havo iu 1S7-. A serious affray occurred in Kingston, near tho R. R. depot, last week. A drunken row was stared in Wolcott's tavern between Ryron D. Polan a sus pended conductor on tho L. &. 15. R. R. and a countryman, when Jack Arguoan engineer interfered, it is said to stop tho fight. He speedily got into a fight with Polan and was getting tho better of Polan when the latter drew a knifo and slabbed him sovcral timc3, Iullict ing dangerous wounds. Ho may recov er but tho chances uro against him. Po lan was arrested at ones and a hearing was had beforo Fsquiro Darte, on a charge of assault and battery, in which lie was held and gave bail iu $7000 for his appearencoat Quarter Sessions. Subse quently, Arguo's condition becoming alarming, an effort was made to again arrest Polan, for tho purposo of exact Ing heavier bail, but ho could not bo found and has not yet been heard of. Tin: Annual Examination of tho Dloomsburg Stalo Normal School took placo on Thursday Juno 13th. Tho names of tlio graduates are as fol lows :. Jonnio Rowen, Christio Welli ver, A. U. Stophens and D. A. Ilurman, Tho Board of Examincts as officially announeed,conslsted of lion. J. P. Wick- ersham Stato Superintendent, Princi pals Brooks and Hewitt and Supcrln tondeni ' Rums and Bell. Tho Super intendents of neighboring counties were olllcial visitors. Tho examina tion af tho graduating class was vory thorough and the result was mo-it crcd llablo to the scholars and to tlio Faculty. Mr. Wlekersham expressed himself iu earnest languago as perfectly satisfied with tito class and as having been con vinced heforo the examination was half finished that thoy were thoroughly In formed on tho various branches of study and fully pioparcd to undergo tlio most vigorous questioning. This speaks well, both for tho ability and applica tion of the students and tho careful anil systematic teaching of tho Faculty. Such lOniilts hpeak volumes iu favor of tho school and outweigh a multltudo of complimentary notices. Wo nro exceed Ingly pleased to bo ablo to chronlclo so favorablonn Indication of tho school's prosperity. Fai'Tj! About Vruit, Fruits and berries at this season of tho year aro not only precious luxuries, but great pro moters of health. They act upon tho liver, promoting that secretion natural ly which mi'uy nro in tho habit of ob taining nrtlllclally by tho means of medicines, Thoy thus avert many a dlseaso resulting from n torpid con dition of tho liver. Another way In which they act bencilcially Is iu tlio meclianlcnl effect their llttlo seeds pro. tltico In passing through tho bowels- very much tho samo ns the watering of nn Irritated eyo-ball when any hard substnuco touches that dollcuto organ, and this water, by dissolving tho hard ened contents of constipated bowels, keeps them lu a healthier stato than any pill or purgative invented by tho apothecary. Thero can bo no doubt that iu tho summer and fall seesons peoplo who llvo mainly on frulfs and berries ami conrso bread can almost Insuro ex emption from sickness, whllo thoso who cat heartily of cooked meats and vegotn bica two or thrco times a day aro llablo to oil tho diseases tho llosli Is heir to, THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Diocesan Convention. Tlio First Annual Convention of tho Dioceso of Central Pennsylvania, assem bled at Wllllamsport, on Tuesday, Juno lllh, nt 5 P. M. Bishop llowo presided. By his addic i dollvcrcd on Wednesday ho roporh Confirmations In thisDloccso, COOj Consecrations, 2 churches i Ordltn lions, onodeacon and ono priest j preach ed 70 sermons ; and traveled 3913 miles. Committees wcro appointed In regard to tho vested fund titles to church property j life Insurance for tho clergy ; flro lnsuranco for churches j for securing n Diocesan hoys' school ; and other mat ters of Interest and Importance. Tho standing committee, which in tho absence, death, or Inability of tho Bish op, is tlio ccclrslastlcal authority of tho Dloccso Is composed as follows : Rov. A. A. Marple, D. Washburn, W. P. Orrlck, W. C. Lovcrctt.nnd Wil liam Parot, D. D. Lay members Judgo E. O. Parry, Hon. R. A. Lmibcrton, Hon. Asa Packer, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Mr. V. L. Maxwell. Although two ballots wcio had for deputies to tho general convention, but two gentlemen, Hon. Asa Packer and Mr. Prcildcnt Coppco wcro elected. Tho matter was then postponed. Tho committco appointed nt tho pri mary convention reported a constitu tion for tho dioceso, which, with somo slight amendments wns approved, pre paratory to lis submission to tho next c invention for final action and npprov nl. Ono or two canons wcro also adopt ed, but tho general body of them was laid over for action at tlio noxt conven tion. St. John's Church, Catawissa ; Christ Church, Lykens; St, James Church, Glbsonburg; and St. Peter's Frco Church, Tuukhanuock, all new par ishes wcro admitted into union with tho convention. A report on woman's work in tho church was mado and u resolution was adopted requesting tho Bishop to organ lzo sisterhoods and a female diaconato. 5.70,000 aro to bo raised for tho Episco pal fund. Tho convention adjourned on Thurs day evening, nficr having appointed tho next convention to bo at Reading, on tho second Tucsdav in Juno at 7 P. M. Tho Philadelphia Press says: Tho personnel of tho convention is somo what remarkable for dignity. Among tho prominent lay members aro tho Hon. Judges Fislicr.of York; Maynard, of Luzerne ; Kinunel of Franklin ; Parry, of Schuylkill; Hon. R. A. Lam bortou, of Dauphin; Messrs. Isaac Eckcrt, of Berks; John G. Freeze, of Columbia; Dr. John L. Atlco and J. M. W. Giest. of Lancaster: Josiah Funck, of Lebanon; V. L. Maxwell and A. Ricketts, of Luzerne ; Henry Coppce, LL. 1)., President of Lehigh University ; J. W. Guernsey, of Tioga. Court I'roeccilinjrs. Comt met on Monday, Juno 17lh, pursuant to adjournment. Sessions of tho court for miscellaneous and deferred business wcro also held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Present. Hon. Win. Elwell. President, Judgo and J. S. Monroe and Irani Dorr, Associates. Tlio injunction asked for by tho North and West Branch R. R. vs. Danville, Hazleton and Wilkes P.arro R. It. After argument by counsel court held case under ndvisoment. Joseph T. Rcedor and William Fisher wero appointed Overseers of tho Poor of Franklin township. Supplemental report of viewers on extension of Fourth street, Bloomsbtirg. Report confirmed. Petition for charter Incorporating tho Cemetery Company of Catawissa, was ordered to bo filed in tho Prnthonota- ry's ofjlco and to bo printed in one newspaper published in tho county. Tho resignation of W. B. Koons as a member of tho town council was pre sented and Jacob II. Maize was appoint ed In his stead. Report of viewers of road in Hemlock township near Lovi Wright's. Report confirmed. In tho matter of tlio election and re turn oC James Dennis as a member of tho Town Couucil of Bloomsburg. Ii having been ordered by tho Court that tho ballot boxes used In said election bo produced and opened in tho prcaenco of tho Court, it was further ordered that tho ballots deposlteu therein for Charles G. B.trkley and James Dennis bo count ed by R. II. RIngler nud E. R. Ikeler, tellers appointed for that purpose. Tho tollers reported that Charles G.Barkloy had received 171 votes and that James Dennis had received 200 votes. Where upon tho Court dismissed tho petition and complaint es being without causo ; petitioners to pay tho cu3N. In tho matter of Daniel Yetter, de ceased, tho court confirmed tho report of tho auditor ami directed that tho ac countants pay tlio costs of audit. Iu tho matter of tho cvjf'iio of Clot- worthy Fisher, deceased, tho court confirmed the report ot tho auditor and directed that tho uccount.iu's pay tho costs of audit. Iu the matter of the tutii of Cleniuel G. Ricketts, deceived, on oxejptions by E.G. Ricketts, tho court referred report back li auditor with instructions not to diminish the share of Mrs. Mary Rick. etti. Dm mutter of thu town man of Hloumburg being under consideration on exceptions, tlio court appointed J. J llrower J. P., to tako testimony on tho exceptions for either party on twenty four hours' notice, and appointed Sat urday afternoon, at '2 o'clock, for u final bearing of tlio subject, to which timo tho court adjourned. About Local Ni;ws. A great many peoplo think a nows paper should havo about i pago of local nows whether any thing happens or not, Deluded mortals ; local editors cannot mako peoplo break their necks, commit suicide, run away with their neighbors' wives, or do any of tho other exciting things which go to mako up tlio material out of which tho local reporter dcllghls to weavopara graphs to bo sorved up each morning with his raider's cod'oo and cakes, Furnishing domestic nows, when thero Is nono Is very much llko extracting blood from a turnip. Wlion tho polltl cal campaign Is fairly oponed thero will bo undoubtedly plonty to road which is of general Interest. It is no moro than fair, howovor, that tlioso persons, who grumble at tlio lack of local nows In their county papor, should stop and think whether thoy could not havo given tho editor an ltom or two worth printing and if so let them hold thcl pcaco, or growl at their own remiss ucss. Zehulon RoiintNB, employed In tho Columbia Iron Works in this town, had his hand badly injurcdon Thursday morning whilst nttondlng to ids dutlci. On Tuosday night last the Blooms burg Bra t Band tendered tho com pliment of a 6orcnado to Mr. Clinrlo Thomai, iu East llloomsburg. Mr. Thomas wrs marilcd recently and tho soronado wn, of course, congratulatory. On their return tho Band marched into Brown's Hotel and played somo moro lunri A3 ripcclally tho Ac. That distinguished military gontlo man, Geary's nld-do-camp COLONEL (how is that?) Whitmoycr is terribly sonsltivo concerning his now tltlo and alludes pie. sintly to tho llttlo threo lino ltom In wcok's Columihan as "scurrility." Wo havo no doubt now that "Col." Whitmoycr is Identical with tho "Molko" sometimes called "Cap." Mn. Holmes tho R. R. agent lias n length;' communication In tho llcpubll can tlus week which begins with "a f ilsehc id and ends with ono. Thocs which vo published concerning tho L. & B. R. R. wcro obtained from truthful nud Intelligent men and thercforo Mr. Holmes' donlal of thorn is not worth n moment's consideration. Our object was to show tho pcoplo of this and adjoining counties how this Co.managod their business and wo did so clearly, wo think. Mr. Holmc3 gets his bread and butter from tho road nud probably feels called on to defend Its action oven when, rs In tlio present Instance, his statements aro nt varlanco with tlio truth. Tho subject is closed henceforth in theso columns. IIoiutniLE and Fatal Accident. On Wednesday ovoning last about six o'clock, a terriblo accident befelayoung man i imod Robert Selllck employed nt tho Pcnna. rolling mill which re sulted in his Instantaneous death. His business wns to oil tho machinery. Ho was in tho act of oiling tho largo crown wheel which.drivrs tho 'squc ?zcr' wliero it Joins a pinion about 18 Inches in diame ter, when ids foot slipped and his arm bcibg caught by tho cogs, his body was carried through between tho two wheels grlndinglhls breast and arm into a pulpy mass. Underneath tho crown wheel some iron kcy3 protrtido ; theso caught tho unfortunate man about tho stomach as ho passed through tho wheel and toro his entrails out. Tho whole accident occurred so suddenly that tho victim had not timo to cry out. It was tho most horrlblo and sickening nccldont wo havo over had to chronlclo. Mr. Selllck was an Englishman by birth, aged about 21 years, a single man. He was a soldier, In the last war, had visited England since and had not been long employed nt tho Pcnna. works. Tlio Superinten dent of tho mill, Mr. Ridgway, spoke of him to us as having been a young man of flno moral character, honc3t, upright and industrious and much liked by his fellow workmen who much deplore his sudden taking olT.Panvillc Intelli gencer. At a meeting of tho Columbia and Montour County Medical Society, held at Cadman's llall on Tuesday afternoon, tho following members were present : Dis. J. B. McKclvy, A. L. Turner, J. It. Evans, AV. M.Itcbcr, IJIoomsburg ; Drs. J.D. Straubridgo, R. S. Slming ton, S. V. Thompson, S. M. Snyder, J. I). Mosteller, I. Pursall, Danvillo ; Dr. J. II. Vastino, Numcdla; W. A. Case, Eqiy; Dr. J. K. Robins, L. 15. Kline, Catawissa ; Dr. T. J. Swisher, JorseytWnj Dr. P. M. Sendcrling, Berwick; Dr. II. W. McReynolds, Ruck Horn. Tho following officers wcro elected for tho ensuing year: President, P. M. Sonderling; Vico Presidents, II. W. McRoynoids, I. Pursell; Secretary, W.M. Rebcr; Treas urer, T. J. Swisher. Dr. J. D. Mo3tcllcr of Danvillo was elected to membership. Discussions on Spotted Fever, Vac- cinnatiou, and various other subjects of interest to tho medical profi ssion wero then entered into by tho members of tho society. Rjforo adjournment it was resolved that a voto of thanks bo tendered Mr. Jas. II. Cad man for tho gratuitous uso of his Hall for tho purposo of holding tho pr. ent meeting. Society thou adjourned to meet in Danville, Pa., on 3d Tuesday in Sep tember 1872. CANDIDATES. All who aro announced iu this list are pledg toabidu bv tlio decision of thu Demoi'iullu Convention.) TOR PR0T1I0N0TARY JESSE COLEMAN, BLOOMSDURU. 11. FHANK ZAltlt, BLOOMSUUIIO, roil ri:gisti:r and rkcoudbr. WILLIAMSON II. JACOIJY, III.OOMSIIURO. l'OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER AUNEH WELSH, or oranqi: TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM LAWTON, or OHBCNWOOD TOWNSHIP. JOHN SNYDEH or ORANOK TOWNSHIP. MARRIAGES. DAWHON KUfJAU At Danvillo Juno lltb, by Uuv A. rt, jiuwmau .Mr. aiooru uawsuu locust. Alllo Edgar both of lispy. HAOKNBU(MI-SINTNKR-On tho 12th Inst by thu uov. wuuaii J. i;yer, r. jiiruin iiageu Imch.tii Miss Mary Uliitucr, both of Liberty township, Muutour county. LinilY-HOI.MNGSUBAn-Ou the 15th Inst by township, to Miss, Mary A. Ilolliugshead, of mi.niiii. Mr.. ni'niA. i.eiiiy. oi ltom lnircieL it ioiuour lownsiup. lllLLY-risTTKItMAN-On tho lGtli, by tho s.imo Mr. Amiiiidiis Miles, In ills Chiiilolte I'tlluniun.ijoiii oi Locust iiiwusuip. MARKET REPORTS. Illoomuhurg Mnrket. bushel Win nt 1 t'.'.oo ii.i Com " Oals. " uvo - ... hi M 11 WJ , 3 M 1 60 'it 13 Flnurtii'r nanei Cloversecd Pluxscid Butter Tuliow",'.'.'.'..'.'.'. Potatoes Dried Apples i. Hums Hides m d Hliouldirs.... Uud per pound Hay per ton 10 r, a SlT.CIAIi N0TKT.S. if vou want n trood doublo combined com plow, go to ti. Iluber & Son. Dan viiin. I'd. Farmers nronounco it tho best In tho market, for lightness of drauulit anu lor goou won;. ---iw I, W. Hartman soils nlco Fans keep you cool Octsto 1,75. Old KstnbllJicd Coal Yard, n. w .Ni:al ,fc Bno. Wholc.alo & Re tai; Dealers in nil sizes of tho best qualities of Red and Whllo Ash Coal, ft. IHO very lowest murium i.uva. juiiiiu- bumcrs supplied at liberal rates with bcf.t quality No. 0, coal. Forsmlth fires, In addition to a prlmoarllcloor lump, wo havo a first class quality of Bitumi nous coal, at $0.2.5 por ton on wharf. Largo slocks of o 1 sizes constantly on hand. Strict person?' Attention given to tho preparation of nil our coal. Grain, Lumbor nud Slnb3 taken in exchnngo for coal. Coal dellvcrcl to uny part of tho town. Orders left nt McKclvy Ncal & Go's, storo or at our ofllco, will rccolvo prompt attention. Office & Yauds at McKHLVY & NHAL'8 FUIINACE, EABT BLooMsnima. Yourp.ttronago respect fully solicited. Presidential Campaign Caps, Capos and Torches. Road Card of Cunning ham & Hill, In this issuo. The enterprising firm of Low & Rob ins liavo sold a uuggy that goes to Philadelphia. You can buy n nico Parasol of I. W. Hartman for 50cts;bett3r for 2,75 to 3,75. I. W. Hartman sells Calico by tho pound,nlso Lawn by tlio poundjnow lot this week. We call attention to tho ndvcrtlso mont in nnothcr column of S. J. Faux, Agent for tho American Rutton-holo Overscauilng Sowing Machine. Thoso desirous of obtaining n really useful, durablo and well finished Machino should by all means call on Mr. Faux boforo purchasing elsowhero. Aciroful reading of tho advertisement will givo full particulars rs t tho dr Irablo qual ities of this machine. i;nmms or youth. Every nervous Youiir Mnn In tho Union, will rocolve, frco, n ltoclpottint will trovo a blcsslnu lurousli life, by aUihciRlnc! In ion! ilcnto, JOHN ll.OODEN. Eos 5172 P.O. i2 Cedar Ht,,N. Y. ieb.U,ly, Tub Ear Koost ItrMKnr for weakness of tlio Honinch Is ti Join of Hum Hitters. They are t.uehaiged Willi Fusel Oil, a deadly element, w!ilcli Is rendered moro nctlvo by the pungent astringents Willi which It In combined. If your tlomacli Is weak, or your.llvc.-or bowelu disor dered, tono. strengthen and regulnto them with VlNFrlAU HlTTKItH, a pliro VkOP.TARTK 8T05I- ,tinc, ConRwriVK and ArmiEST, freo from rltohol, pud cap Uilo of Infusluc new vltMlty Iu io your cxhaimed and disordered Eyitera, A riTirur. Condition, It Is a snd tli.ns to rass thiongh llfoonly half alive. Yet tlicioaro ihoirauds whoso habitual condition. Is ojoof Innsuoraud debility. They complain of no hoc- lllo dlsenso: they dUfTer no positive pi-lu: but thcyhiivo no roiiMi loranyin m wivcn niiorus mn.itnl nr flpitfiuous pleasure. Ia nlno eases out of ten Ibis tlato of lassitude and loiuor prises from a morbid siomaen. iiupesuon uebiroys ihn pnerirv of both mlndnnd oodv. When ttio waste ot natiiro Is not Hiipp'lcd byaduoand regular assimilation of tho fuod.eve.y organ Is snrved, every (miction Interrupted. iNow, wuai. uues cuidmiou Heii&u husesL uuuur these circumstances or depression? Ibokvstem needs rousing aud etrcuKthcnln; not merely 1 jr an hour or two, to Mill; alterw.ud Into n moro pltlablo condition than ever (as It surely would do 'f an oidlnaiy aleohollj ttimuUut wero re so ted to) but radically and permanently. 11 Is tl'ls deiwblo oblccttobo accomplish el? Tlio a- 'ver to this quest Ion, founded on I i uvtiry -in expeileucc of a quarter of a ceu t . is'ly given. Inl'us,o new vigor lull tlio d MWo oigans by a course of Hosteller's mom pi i llltlo s. Doiiotwaslo tlmo by administer ing tempoiaiy remedies, but wako tho system up bv recuperating tho louutaln head of physi cal strength ami energy, tlio great organ upon which all tho other organs dercml for their na ture and support. I!y tho timo that a dozen doses of tho great vegotablo tonlo and lnvlgoraut havo been tskcu tho fecblo framo of tho dyspcptlo will begin to feel Its benign In lluente. Appetite will bo crea ted, and with appctlto tho capacity to digest what it craves, l'ersevcro until tho euro Is com-pteto-untll healthful blood, Ut to be tlio materi al of flesh and muscle, bono and nervo and brain Hows through tho channels of circulation, Instead of tho watery pabulum with which they have heretofore been Imperfectly nourished. June 7 lw CASTOiiiA. asubstltuto for Castor Oil a fami ly physic which Is pleasant to take and docs not disiress or gripe, but Is snro to operate when all other remedies have tailed. It Is a purely vego tiblo prparatlon, containing neither Minerals, Moi pblue nor Alcohol, tho result or llftcen years experimenting by Doctor Bamuel l'lteher. It Is perfectly harmless and far moro eil'ectls-o than 1-JIJm, NhiwiIIo Myrup.r Castor OIL Ily BOOtlllrlff tho system It produces natural sleep, and Is par ticularly adapted to crying or teething children. It kills Worms, euros Hlomacu Ache, Constipa tion Flatulency and Derangementoftho Liver No family can allord to bo without this article. It costs but CD cents ask your druggist to get It for you, pud ho will always keep It, iw Important Testimony! Tho following letters aro among tho many wo aroconstantly iccclvlug lioni persons whe have been cured by Sclicnclc's Pulmonic Syrup, Schcnck'fci Sea Weed Tonic, AND Sclicnclc's Mandrake Pills. Peimsgrove, Salem County, New Jersey, I-'EIllltTAnY 27, 1872. Dr. J. H.SCHUNCK.N. K. corner Hlxtb and Arch streets, Philadelphia, Respected Blr I tako pleasnro In adding my testimony to that of tbo many others who havo been cured by the eillcacy of Kehenck's Pulmonic Hyrup, Sea Weed Tonic, and Mandrako Pills, Consumption has been hereditary with my family, mostof Its members having died ot it at early age.s. My mother and threo biothers died at tho ugu of 31, ono biolher at 27, and my sister ,,i. 1:1 I was, when about 31 years, seized with liver complaint, which rapiuiydovciopeu into runno. nary Consumption, I was compelled to relln finish inv emulovmcnt (that ot a blacksmith.) I consulted skillful and eminent nhyslclaus. and tried many patent nostrums, but without success so that my friends were suro Hint tlieru was no nopo of my recovery, lor I was reduced fiom 111) pounds to 101, and wis not ablu to do anything wuuuui. tissisium-u. Jiy Wliab 1 HOW IDUtl UllUll UH IV 1 lUVlUUlllllll 111' Tnositlun. I was Induced to try your remedies ul placo myself under your treatmeut, and so mid and thorough was my recovery, that It seemed ns though somo superhuman power was nt work, and to-day I am as well as nt any time during my Hie. 1 weigh lit pouuds, nin at) years old. and ior somo time havo been regularly at tending to my business, uiuuing uirtu uvutoa i.nnil nhl ni-G. 1 am luailKiui iu yuu uuyuuu cspri-ssuiu ior having placed me lu a position wherein I um a UClieui lllKieilll 01 u inu umi ui my luiuiiy. Your Maudiake Pills aro tho only medleluo I ever use now, I think they are tho best In tho world. 1 can icier you lo uuuurcus oi my ncignuors ulm will verity all I have written, und any In- formation any of my fellow clllzens may ileslro Wlliuomuiy uuil giauiy given, upuu receipt ui slump, ny loiiis.uic. ,,,,. Key West, Vln., Volt, lit, 1S?SJ Dr.J. H.SL'IIENCK. N. R. cor. Sixth and Arch hiiccix. l'ltuaueini in. botllcbHeaWted Toule uud twelve buttles Pill- UL'iir r-ii 1 u'linu lui ill u. iii.! inn. .iiiiuiui . o. inmita Hvruti. Your medicines nro o such valuo that 1 can not bo without them In my household, and lu taci no laiuuy biioiuu uu wiinout iiiein, 1 have given them a lair test, and openly de claro them to bo even better lliun you claim. very rcspecuuuy yours, ao W. , A. WHITEHURST. Piiii.ADt.i.riliA, March 1, 1872. lb-. .1. II. KClIRNCIv. RehpeilidHir 1 taiio picasura in awaruiug iu you Ibis eti uueaiu oi iiiu wouuunu euro your Piilmonlu Hyrup uud He Weed Tuiilo pioductd. M- llirnat nun uronciual lunes were so iiiuuiy Inllaiiied that It wus almost Impossible for mo lo swauow my ioou. ....,., l air. on u visit to uly uncle, Mr. Charles John son. No. UU Federal street, who says your medl itilkMtl him Irnm almost death after all oth er menus had failed, and ho having, Ihcrefoie, lull coutldenco lu the virtue ol your remedies, sliougly lecommeudcd mo to try them. I did so. and In ono week lrom Iho lime I commenced taking them my throat underwent a very great Change ior tuu uuuer. so mill l cuuiu euv my scarcely find words to express my gratitude for lupniH wiiuouL any uuiicuiiv ur luuii. i mu the cany reuet your luvaiuuuiu incuieiuvs pro .iiicmliinoii iiie.iuul I deem It butanact of gratl tiulo to givo you the acknowledgement ol iny lippii-i-muuu. . , I,., ;, ' . ,r.ts No. 100 West Thirty-third street, New York. SUIIKNOK'S PULMONIC SYKUP, SKA WEED TON IO, and MANDRAKE PILLS. Theso aro tbo only medicines that will euro Pulmonary Consumption. Dr. Heueiick has been In coustant practice over tinny years commu nity nxnmlnlnif Iuul-s. and knows Ills medicines. If properly taken, will euro Consumption, Ills Mandraku Pills eleauso tho llveraud stomach his Hon Weed Tonlo dissolves tho lood, sUlim bit cm the coatlm; ol tbo stomach. and makes l1 10 10 digest, Ills Pulmonic Hyrup ripens tho matter, uud uatuiothrows It oil wltbouiio- ecitiou. l'rlco of tbo Pulinonlo Hyrup and Hea Weed Tonic, f;a per uoiuo, or tiw per nan uoxeu siaudruuo nils .a terns per uu, PREPARED ONLY AND l'OR HALE BY J. II. SOIIENOK & SON, N. I!. Comer H1XT1I and ARCH Streets, 1'lIII.APELriIIA, And by Druggists ami Dealers genorally, JOHNSTON, 1I0U.0W.YY & COWDKX, C02 Arch Street, Philadelphia, to Wholesale Agents, apr 12. !7My TltK HlSTOtlY OP A NATIONAL IlKMKDY. Hero Is tbo history of tho most celebrated tonlo of the ago In a nutshell. In Its) It was announc ed that n certain combination or vej-ctaino in gredlcnU!, with a pure diffusive stimulant, was working wonders in the core of cPronls dys'iep sla, nervous debility, liver complaint, periot lc I r.vnr. nn.l f-nn 11.11 Llnnn I wnflKa ni s -l lin omllncr ttsmnttlven to the sneel no wns ! antation lllTTKits.. Tho statement attracted too attention or invaiu'scvorvwnero. Hie new mm dy receive :1 a fair trial, and Iho re sults mnrn I ban ennflrmfd nil that had been said In Its pulse. Thenceforward It wan a grand sue- c s. j no business columns of mo press iprciu ilia rtnrlnus news far and wide. And the martyrs nml nrimnlmn ilprnv. ns lo luuigesiioa, uinousn s.pnyBicui prunuuiiuu, ii L.: by common consent, Kniierfit ruller irnm tho new vppctabla restorative, Tli y found ul nt llwy lovgM. From that lime to tho present tho Incrcaso In tho demand for l'lan ' .lion Hitters liMbecu one of tho most striking events In this age, jNNOUNOEMUNT! TUB llLOOMsntmU T.ITEUAKY INSTITUTE AND 8TATI3 NORMAL SOUOOL will open under tho cntlro control of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. They havo solectcd as Principal of tho Insti tution HKV. JOHN HEWITT, n ecutlcman whoso qualifications havo been fully tested and proved in oilier educational en terprises of n llko nature; and the- ask and have a rljht to demand for blm an' tho Insti tution, tho confidence and support of or : own citizens, and of tho friends of tho cntcrpnso and ol education everywhere. Iu point of comfort, convenience and beauty of building! and sur roundings, no school In the Btato surpasses this; and wo aro determined It shall 1 ot be second In the kind, qrahty and thoroughness of Its disci pline and i ilturo. Tbo Spring session of twclvo woeks will begin MONDAY, APRIL 8th, and close JUNE 23th. EXPENSES: Ttlttlnil mid nnardlmr. Inrliidlnor washlncr and beat, fur the session ol twelve weeks, ZW uu. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. I.i tbo model school, from fifty to eighty cents Bjr week, Music, Drawing, Tainting, Ac, extra. Ills are payable, and must be paid promptly, one-half at the beginning and tho other half at tho mlddlo of the session, J. O. FIIEFZB, L. 11. RUPEItT. Secretary. I'resldent. o RDINANCE NO. C. AN OlSDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1, KccrloN 1. lie it ordaincU and enacted by the 7'owti Gtiincll of the Tok-u of Jlloomsburfj. and it it hereby ordatned and enacted bj authority of llto crackers, or squlbsoIODy dlscrlptlon or kind upon any uay, wiiiuiu rue limits 01 ine iowu 01 llloomsburir sand any nersonor persons llrlngor causiug to bo tired, such crackers or squibs w.thlu tho limits of tl'o said Town, shall, upon conviction beloio tho I'resldent of the Town Couucil, lorfclt and pay a line not excoedlug Iivo dollars for each oflenco. And so much of tho sixth artlclo of tho flrst Section of Town Ordlnanco No. 1. entitled "An Ordi nance for the preservation of tho Peace, and lor oilier purposes," euacieu iuoi iiuuay oi Jiay, lb70. ns Is Inconsistent herewith, bo andtbosamo Is hereby repealed. Kkction 'i. Tills ordlnanco shall tako effect on and after ten days publication. rasscu aiay isiz. K. MENDUNIIAI.L. Attcst-C. O. BAIIKLKY. President. Secret iiry, nioomsburg, May 30. lS7i QRDINANCE NO. 7. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. fi. Siction I. lie it ordained and cnuetcd by the lbwn Council of the Town ol llloonuburn and it is herein ordained and enacted bu the authority of the same: That the market hours bo until nlno o'clock In the lorcuoon on each market day from tho llrstday of May to tho Urst day of ituveniucr, in cacn year, aau uuiu len o ciock in tho loienonn on each market da from the first day of November to the llrstday of May, Mil mat so mucnor ordinance ao. a, ontuied 'An ordinance for the establishment ol a Curb- Btono Market, "passed the eighth day of April 1872. as is Inconsistent herewith, beand tho samo is hereby repealed." passed May 1872. E. MENDENHALI., Attest C. O. 11AIIKLEY, l'rcsldeut. Secretary. May 30, 1S72. AQE1ITS VTiLtcl !:i Twelyo Years azs Wild. Mians & Plains. Tbo remarkable adventures of the lamous WHITE CHIEF and BIO WAltRIOIl among the Red Hklns. Thrllllnir accounts of Great Hunts. Hairbreadth Escapes and Terrible Contests with tho big gamo and hostile tribes, Spirited descrip tions ol tho hnblbi and superstitions of that ous. How they Woo and Wed. Kcaln. Doctor: Worship, Sc. New, Fresh and Popular, Price Low. It Is solllmr by the thousands with won derful rapidity. Agents nro making from tM to J100 per week. Cholcolicid yet vacant. Bend at onco for samnlo chanters. IllnstrntlnnH and nar- tlculais to A. if, HUBHAHU, Publisher, Jan27'71-tf. 400 Chestnut Bt Phlla. NE W DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having purchased tbo business of E. P. Lutz now oilers nt tho old Bland, a choice nttorlmeu of URUOS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILUTARTICLKS, V ANOY rJOAP.S, BRUSlIK-t, C, And a general assoitmentof the choicest goods usually lound iu llrstclass establishments, ruysicians rrescripuons anu ramuy uccipcs Caielully Compounded. On Hundays, open from S a. m., to 10 a. m., and from 2 p. in., to I p. in. OKUMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. fub9'72-lf pi: NNSYLVAN1A RAILROAD. HUMMER TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Dally) to and fiom Philadelphia nuu 1 inbuilt, uiiu ihii 1 ruins (B illy) to uud lrom Eire, (Sundays Excepted.) "N nud after Monday. Juno 3. J tlio Passenger Trains of tho Pennsylvania lioiirnml Coinnauv will denartfrom Harrlsburi: aud arrivo ai i-iiiiaueipuia nuu x-insuurg as 101- lows ; EASTWARD. Mn Phlhideln 1 a Exnrcss leaves Han Is hi ..iiv ri'xceiiL Mondavi at 2:50 a. m.. aud arrives ,11 u'. i l'liiliidelnlila ul liiiou. in. rcpt Mouilay) at 3:21 u. m and air 3:25 rasl l.iue leaves niirrisuurir uauy lex- rives in eai 7:50 I.uicaster Train, via Mount Joy. leaves Triitriutiiiiif datlv fexcent Sandav)at7:) a. 111.. and arrives ni wsi. i-uiiuuuipuia ui ijum iu n-v 1'iiclilu cxnress leaves Harrlsbure; dullv mlMll.UVlVlllllll lllLliriliUl LllllH. at 0:55 a. in., aud arrives at West Philadelphia at 1:20 p. m. 2:00 Elrnlra Expiess leaves llarrlsbuig daily (except rtununys ai :uo p. iu., uuu arrives m West rnuaueipiiia ui wciu p. 111, rlsbnrs dally (except Huuday) at 3:53 p,ni j arrives S:u- llarriuuurg iccuuiiuouuiinu leaves liar ut p, in. s:30 Mall Train leaves Harrlshurg dally (ox cept Huudny) at 8:30 p. m. uud arilvus at Phlla' M.ilnliln nt l-i:01 a. m. 10:45 Cincinnati Expross leaves Harrlshurg dally at 10:23 p, m.,uiui arrives at w est puuii' ucipuiaaiz:)u a. iu. WESTWARD. B nutliern Kxcrcss leaves Harrltburzdal. ly ul li:53 11. in., arrives at Altoouaat5:20, 111 mil arrives at Pittsburg at 9: JO a. 111. 8:00 Through rasscugcr iruiu leaves Harris burg dally (oxccpl Monday) at 3:00 a. m arrives at Altooim at 8:10a, 111, and ur rives at Pittsburg at I'fi n. m. j-n l'nciila Express leaves Harrlsburi? dallv at 4:03a, in., arrives at AltoouaatH;U5a,in.uud arrives at Pittsburg at 2:15 p. in. 4:15 Erie Mull west, lor Erie, leav burg dally at 1:15 a, ni arriving at Er cs narrls Krlo at T,i0 p. m. 7:10 Way Passenger Train leaves Harrlshurg dally (except Hunduy) at 7:30 a. in, arrives at Alluona at 1:30 p. ni, uuu at puisuurg at ttiv p, 111. hiil-Mall Train, leaves Harrlsburz dallv (ex cept Huuday) at 1:20 p. 111. arrives at Altoouaat 7:15 p. in., takes supper aud arrives at 1'lltkburg at 1:1a a. 111. . .. 4:50 Fast I.lnu leaves HurrUburg dally (ex cept Huuday) at 4:50 p. 111., arrives at Altooim at 8:03 p. m takes supper and uri Ives at PUUburg i'iu utiJ npie west, ior r.rie, leaves liar rlsburg dally (except nunusyj 111 w p, ni., u rlvlniFiit L'rlii lit 7!lU a. Ul. Mixed train leaves Harrlsbtirg at 5:00 p, m.j ar rivnsnt Altooua lit 2.00 IU Ul. 10:10 Cluclunatl Express leaves HarrUbnrg dally (except rialurday) at 10:JO p, in., arrives at Altooua ul 113 u, m.,aud arrives at Pittsburg at 8:30 a. ni. Uupt. Mid. d'w, p. r. Ii. B LANK DEEDS. We now have the finestassoitmentof BLANK DEEDH on hand and lor sale that wera ever k e pt In llloomsburg. Large site on best parch tneut paper, Common Deeds, Executor'a and Administrator's Deeds small tlio good And ucap common ueeua, an, PA. TO THE QO GROCER & TEA DEALER, Opposllo tho Stono Episcopal Church, cornororMaln and Ironsta., Bloomsburg W. II. BROWN Is now offering on terms which challongo competition, a now stock of FRESH GOODS, Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed, Tea.?, 'pices, Coffee?, Sugar, Syrupy W. ZL. BROWN keeps tho best Now to Il'ooinsburfr, and aro sold i oxtromoly low prices. Go and boo his Fish thoy aro lino and good ; 1, J, and full barrels aro all full we'ght. BROWN hps a full as3ortmonl of tho ''3Ht Quoonswaro which ho soils very ion . His Iron Stono Oi ta and Ghs3waro, aro of ovory varloty. Vegetables of every Description. Scaled Goods, tTomalop:1, Peaches and liimn iicaas, ureen urn, onornos, ttirawocrrios, 1'ino Appios, Dried Corn, Blackberrios, Green Gagas, Damson Plums, Qulncos, Pears, RaspberrK Jollies, Flavoring Extracts Catsups, Mustards, Sauces, ell Fish, Olives, .rdlncs, OIIvo Oil, tc, tc, &c. tSfllo koons nothlntr but first-class coods which are warranted to rrlvo satis faction to overy ono. tJtS5 Produce aud Grain taken April 10, 1872. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Poo District of Bloom, January 2d, 1871, to January ft'i, 1872. Jacob Etliuyler, Treasurer lu account with said Dlstiht. Dr. To amount lecclvcd of John A.runUon, lato Treasurer. 27 10 To amount received of Win. Krcamcr... To pension of Isaac Bowerswoitb 33 00 To total amount received on Illoom uu nl.cato S123 3S To total amount received on Ureenwood duplicate - "051 Ml To total amount received on Hcott dunll- . de 1010 07 To total amount received on Hngarloaf aupiicaie t.i uj $7181 27 Cr. Ry order redeemed 0372 88 jiy commission on samo...., 171 ai Uy balance In hands of Treasurer 37 07 I71l 27 Examined and ccrttflc t. J. H. IKb'Ll- R. (.Directors. Mil. KRAMER. I Ily request of Directors we havo examined tho nuovo nuu nnu 11 correct. J:iV:cJA,HIKER'Auduora. Directors of tho Poor in account with nioom, Hcott, Greenwood and Bugarloaf townships. To nmt. of duplicates for year 1871, viz. To Illoom township fCC(!2 37 To Hcott township 2t)UO 07 To Ureenwood township. 2)18 II To Shugarloar township 711 03 To amount received for grain, etc., sold... 102 fad To orders outstanding 91 SHOW 00 By com. on 8 5123 38 collected on Bloom implicate 1 0-0 SM 81 By com. on $331 (id collected on Ureen wood duplicate, i 0-0 21 25 Bj com. on (1010 1.7 collected on Scott du 1 lcato4 0-0. 11 SO By com. on 81-7 o; collected on uugarloaf uupucaio 4 u-u h 17 us ny exonerations, Illoom duplicate, 1871... 31 00 By " IJ'Ott duplicate 0 15 Ily " Greenwood duplicate 6 65 By ami. due on Bloom duplicate (uncol lected) :. 12015 By nmt. duo on Bcott dup'lcate (uncol lected.) 1512 23 By nmt. due on Greenwood duplicate, luucouecieu.j 17011 ui Bv nmt. due on Butrarloal dunllcato fun- collected,) 200 05 By the following nmts. paid by directors Funston aud Uchuyler lrom Jan. 1, to Am II 1 J.-.71 . .. SS IIS) J7 By A. jr. Iilcr &Huu storj ncct,........ us 71 Ily H. J. Clark storo acct txi 62 By H. L. Belironbach printing ij to ByJ. C; i .cczo'prof. services O) 00 Ily 1. HiDoeustiel tax 12 W By Isalau ilagcnbaeh storo acct 4115 By I. H. Kuhu beef acct 15 27 By Fox & Webb 15 75 By E. 1. Lutz, drug: , &c 11 48 By J. H Maize store acct 1 50 Jiy 1;. l.. marr siore accr 3-j zs Ily MeKelvey Ncal & Co. storo acct 00 41 By Runyon & Wardln storo acct 18 82 By Br, Iteber prof, services 11 CO By Dr. Ruttcr nrof. services 12 00 By Hharpless Harmau 23 91 By V. Stroup .toro acct. Zl 77 By John Wolf storo acct 18 70 By H. R, Thomas smithing 17 CO By Phlneas Welch 10 75 uyp.j. jicnuersnot drugs 3 4) ByO. B. Furman 1 05 By James Cadman Chairs 8 00 By H. Kuoir smithing 8 68 By Moyer Bros, drugs Ao. II 8 1 By sundry small items on looe receipts 2it) 51 By orders Issued 10 sundry persons lor wuicu mere appear no voucuer? 110 01 Total . S 11,813 09 llv Ihft rnllnwln. niimimta r .ul l.v ,11 reciors ani'er, nceior, a Kramer jrom A mil 1. 1871. to Jan. 8. 1872. By Philip DowiU.I, ttcward, 9 months wages , By Daul.i oonfer labor on farm By Mrs. Dewald for sowing 1S7 50 127 50 20 21 170 00 ny c. iireeu aiuiruu ji weeKS By John Arulie Hto ward 21 days By Louisa Baker matron By M. Ullbert collector Mt, Pleasant 17 15 10 20 towosuin ior iB7u By T. J, Welllver collector Mt. Pleasant 32 09 townsnip couniy ana poor tlx 1S71 40 8.1 ..j" ,,i,uiiiisiiu.u.uRiuKKiflii:iii ftioi By E. Mendenhall, lumber lor cistern 12 73 By Ktout for pump lor cistern 14 00 Bv Isaiah Haireubuch for snontlni? etc.... 41 82 87 By " " for steve, pipe, etc. 28 00 iiyn. i(. i nomas, ror sinitiinig ii 14 By H. L. Dlellonbach, printing 15 00 uy nuuuries ior uuuui couiracieu uy loriuer uireciors ql til UyMrs. C.H. Rlshton, Interest on bond to Julv 1. 171 31 43 By Miss B. Hloan, Interest on bond to July 1, ion IU1 By First National Bank, noto (given by iormer uireciors lojonu a, r uusiin,) with nrotest and Interest 211100 By John A Funston. six bonds aud int.. 3135 UO ny uoucri uoduius ior cow el uu Bv " " for harness 40 00 Bv Turnhach. Hess a Co.. for h v rake.... 3s 00 By Robt. Roan cotlln, etc., for D. I-arlttua 15 Oi uy ur, mciveivy, proi. services By Dr. Turner, prof, services By Director's servlcos Ily Wm. Kramer, Secretary's services By J. G. Freeze, Attorney services 15 00 8 50 150 GO 60 00 60 00 173 09 20 00 17 00 ny cam. i.oug, ami. secured uy juugnri , ByJanos Rmscl, matron ..., By Margaret Duls .,.. iiy miscellaneous expenses incnrreuuur- lug 0 months for support or paupers worn on farm.t.umlii'iueHbiis, mechan ics and merchants bids, etc 1311 M (11919 09 Examined and certified. J-;U-EKlAudltors. REAL lDTATE WITH RECENT IMPROVE MENTS. llv farm and building valued SIS 000 CO By repairs to bulldlug, etc 210 00 By household furnlturo 275 10 iiy larmiug urensus sja to By horsos, cattlo aud hogs 030(0 By hay, grain, cto 1 215 00 By 10 acres Wheal anil Rye 128 00 Iiv balauco on Illoom iwn.. uumicalo by ux, and com 1 299 49 jiy uaiauce uu bcou luwuauip uupucuiu uy ex, and com By bulanco on Greenwood township duplicate by ex. and com By balance on Hugarloaf township, du plicate by ex. and com By Judgment vs. C. Long 1 512 21 1 759 CI 209 05 110 00 til 1.7 33 DEBTS AND LIABILITIES. To balance due on farm 83,500 00 in so 2,531 01 10,131 02 To Interest on same n mouths To orders outstanding To balauco lu lavor of district 821,427 33 OUTSIDE RELIEF. ToHarahllcchtol To Elizabeth Ovcrdorf. , 823 31 , 0 35 , 15 CO . 8 80 To l'hulcna croveling To Mary C. Green 8 CO 49 Amount of taxable property for Poor purposes lu eaeli township of the Poor District of Bloom as per late assessment, Towllkllln of Bloom SCS0.U0 CO Township of Hcott ttls.iio 00 Township of Greenwood 230,835 00 Township ol Sugarloaf. 011,315 CO PRODUCTS OF FARM, 211 bush, wheat $1 50 , 17 bush ryu II 251 bush, oats 60 cts V28 bush, corn ears 40 cts Obush, clover seed 10 150 bush, potatoes 50 cts 2,000 buuulcs corn fodder 8 cts 8319 60 17 00 127 00 371 20 30 10 74 00 100 Ul 650 heads cabbagu 3 cts.. u tous nay t J".... 210 CO 10 CO 3 busli. onions 8 1.., 2 heifers 810 20 &50 lbs. butter 25 cts 137 325doz. eggs VO cts Di 2,100 lbs ixirk 7 cts -1" 117 20 shoals 83 60 70 Poultry , 33 Total.... ....... 8W,J i. puupers auminru iu poor iioukouuriug the vear endlniz Jan. 8. 1872. No. of nauners left durlnir year...... No of jpaupers died no. 01 puupcis uow rcuiaiiuug ui jioor uouso PUBLIC. TO Molasses, Meats, Cheese, Fish, &c. Britrii . Fat Mackerel that aro brought Pears Greon Poas, in exchange for Goods. "SAf THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT of Conyngham and Centralla Poor District lor the year ending April 8th, J872. William Gnodinan Treasurer for the year In acct, with rild District. Dr. To sral, reed, from two. dunllcato for. 1871 . Toamt. recti, from borough duplicate for 187I . Toamt. recd.from other sources for I87l To amt. of balance on hand from last year. ... .. tfl, IS) 15 875 09 310 20 309 40 Total . 87,930 90 Cr. By ami. of sundry orders redeemed durluR year...... - - 10,410 48 By nmt. of treasurer's commission 12S 20 1,412 33 By balance on hand at date........... i Der cl S7.B30 We the undfralgncd auditors of Con yngham Township and Centralla Borough for the year 1872, have ex amined and audited tho loregolng account and find It co.'rect as above stated. MARTIN FLANAGAN, ANDREW HONEY, JOHN P. IIANNON. PATRICK KILLEEN, THOMAS MURPHY, JAMES HAKFUY, Auditors, Account of the Directors of the Poor of said Dlst, for tho year ending April 8th, 1872. Tip. To amt. of poor and purchase poor-tax dunllcato nfl PnnvnfFhnm tvn 87, I t! 82 032 25 210 2) 50 CO CO 00 309 43 9,011 t2 $011 41 9 75 339 43 tO 19 4 92 40 05 1,550 CI 633 33 331 43 To arau of poor and purchase poor-tax duplicate of Centralla borough To amt, reed, for pasture of cattle and produce sold off farm . To amt. reed, for board of Mrs. White at poor bouse, on acct To amt, rood, from Mrs. Ann McKler- nan for debt on acct. To amt. of balance on hand from last year. ,... .. Total . Dr. By amt. of unseated land-tax returned by collector on two. duplicate By amt, or errors and exonerations al lowed collector on twp. duplicate By imt. of collector's commission 5 per et. on $6,789 63 collected By amt, or unsealed lot tax returned by collector on boro. duplicate ... By amt, of errors and exonerations al lowed on same .... By amt, of collector's commission . 5 per ct. on J921 14 collected.... By amt. of Installment paid on farm with Interest ... By nmt. paid asylums for board, dc'of lunaiio paupers By amt. paid for stock, repairing, lime for farm, 4o..........J....... By amt, paid for lnsuranco 67 50 223 99 130 51 813 48 217 32 1,320 78 832 00 181 40 123 20 1,412 SI jiy ami. paiu rorwork done on farm By nmt, paid for hardware and Bad- dlery By amt, paid lor support of poor house. j .ui iuniiii auenuauco and medlclno By amt. paid for out-door relief to pau- By amt. paid for salaries and expenses' v. .iuwhiu, uiuiron, uireciors, c. uy amt. paid mlscellaneoos expenses and bills...... . By amt. paid treasurer's commission on 80,410 16 paid out each 2 per ct. By amt. of balance in hands of treas urer. Total 89.011 62 Census of Poor House. No. of paupers In poor house at beginning of the year... 13 No. of paupers admitted during year 7 No. of paupers discharged and absconded S No. or paupers born nono No. of paupers died.... 1 No. of paupers sent to state lunatlcasylum. 1 No. ol paupers now in state lunatic asylum at expense of dlst 3 No. of paupers In poor house at date.. lo Statement of tho assets and indebtedness of the District April 8th, 1872. Assets. Farm and buildings worth 10,200 fin J arming utensils worth. 079 29 Household furniture worth 272 m Horses and cattle worth 7&5 U) Potatoes worth i5 oo Hay grain and straw worth 37 50 Pigs worth 50 01 Manure worth . jjo oo jucui, urm........ 57 10 uiVii7 w?rtll; .7 15 60 WhCftt Sill nn M nmnn.l .n.,1. ,IO . Clover seed worth ... ".V. 2 no "jiuwiirm )2oo Vlnegarworth m is uu Fish worth , 5 no Cabbageworth 1 25 uuiunce in treasury . 1,412 31 110,038 1 5 Indebtedness. Amt, yot due on farm with Intorest Il.ttll 10 Balance iu favor of district 8,437 53 810,0.18 63 Products of the farm for tho year 1871. ? tons of hay $10 12m m 16 bush, buckwheat tA ?S i t.1 WJ bush, wheat $1 4) ......'!!..""!!".'""" M 20 .. . ' BH" ia. ou cis n i.i 32 bush, rye 81 10 33 21 400 bush, potatoes 10 cU lot m 215 bush, oats at 55.cts lis 2'. 7 loads corn fodder at 810 ., 70 10 ,,UUUUB ,MJlKUb cis ui vt 47a ; heads caobago at Sets 1125 60 lbs soap made at 10 cts... 3 in iiuiir, eggs, nnu vegetables Ml n Live stock raised OS Hi Clover seed raised 11 t W"(HAM GOODMAN Directors of tho poor iTltltiI? Hof Conyngham and WILLIAM HNYDEII, J Centrulfa iioor dlst. Attxst. C. G, MURPHY Clerk. CONYKOUAM Twr., April 8. 1672. Juno 7-31 A. 11. filisous & CO., 513 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We hare opened for tho SPRING TRADE, the largest and best assorted Block of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair i.nd Floor OU Cloths, Window Shades aud Paper, Carpet Chalu. Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twlues.wlcks, Clocks, Looking Glosses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Baskets, uuoxels, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wooden & Willow Ware lu tho United States. Our lama Increase ill business enables 114 tn sell at low prices and turulsh the best riuullty of uuuu., bul Aurjsia ruiiTiiK 0ELEBBATEU AMERICAN WASIlElt. Trice $5.50 Over 13,000 sold In Six Months Terras : Carpets, CO days. AH other goods, 30 days, Net. apruav7-3m "TO BOOK AQENTH." MARK TWAIN'S NEW ROOK, " HOUGHING IT," Is ready for Canvassers. It Is a companion vol. lime to "iNNOCXNTa Auboad,"oI which 1C0.U0 copies have been told. Don't waste tlmeou books uo one wants, but take one people will stop yen lu the streets to subscribe for. 'There Is u lime lo laugh," aud all who read this book will sec clearly that time has come. Apply ut once for territory or circulars. Address. DUKK1ELD ABHMEAD. Publliher, 711 Bautom St., Philadelphia. 3 00 00 60 vo to 00 00 jW'OTIOE. All persons are forbidden to trespass on ay property belonging to me, whether occupied by me orleasedtoulhers, lor any purpose wbuteverk DO ft according to law. persons o irvspaftsmg win ue ueaiv wnu 8 ELIJAH YOCUM. U13-31- ElvscVUO June 7tti 1672,