THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t (ijoiumlrinu liLOOMSBURO, PA. Friday, Juno 21, 1S72. Tlio llcnubllcnn lVirljr nuil (ho Laboring Jtcii. At tho Into Ronubllcan Convention tho claim of tho worklnc men for recognition wai completely ignored, and, Instead, such notod corruptlonlals, -nnd ndvocatw of monopoly ni Hurt rnnft nntl Allcu placed on tho tlckot. Tho Democratic Convention, on tho contrary, nominated Thompson for Judge, aud ilopklna for Congressmen at large, who wcro also on tho labor ro form ticket, and besides nominated JJuckakto for Governor their second cliolco in tho Wllllamsport Convention and who headed their list of delegates to tho Constitutional Convention. 15 o sldr9, thoy nomlnataJ Hartley for Auditor General, who was Identified with tho light against tho hugo monop oly known ns tho South Improvement Company ; and Col. II. B. Wright for Congressmen at largo, who has long been known as an ardent supporto: of tho Labor ftofortn movement, and who has written an able, work on tho subject. As additional proof that tho Ropuull can party has no sympathy with tho laboring men, wo montlon tho fact that all tho Infamous bills which have passed tho Legislature In ten years woro passed by that party, they having a majority , and tho Governor. During tho coal strikes t ho railroads had it all their own way, and tho quo xcarranlos Issued by Geary's order havo quietly slumbered in the Courts until this day. But a moro decisive proof Is Geary treatment of tho "Conspiracy Bill, which '.was drawn by tho member from this County to relievo working' men from tho unjust, operations of an almost obsolete law, which was adopted when England was a nation of slaves, but a long tlmo ago repealed even thero. It passed both branches of tho Legislature by tho unanimous aid of Democratic votes, but is now held by Geary, who, at tho dictation of corpora tion managers refuses to sign it. Tho laboring men support their friends when they support our ticket. The Array Appropriation Act of 18C4. On the 22d April 1G 1, the army appro priation act for tho year commencing 1st July 18G4 and ending 30th Juno 18G5, passe 1 tho Scnato, Mr. Buckalow voting for it on a call of tho yeas aud nays. Tho bill was approved by tho Prcsidont and became a law on tho 15th Juno of tho samo year, and furnished tho abund ant means by which tho war was prose cutcd to its conclusion in April 18G3. By that act an enormous amount of monoy was appropriated for tho prose cution of hostilities and tho general purposes of tho army, tho aggregate of tho appropriations being no less than $029,323,397 Go, or about Jive hundred and thirty millions of dollars. That mo ney sent Sherman triumphantly on his march to the sea, replenished tho ranks of Grant before Petersburg and gavo vigor and success to all tho subordinate operations of the war. It appears from tho Globe that Mr. Buckalew served ss a member of tho committee of confer ence upon the bill, and signed tho re port by which tho differences botweon tho two Houses of Congress wcro ad Justed and tho success of tho moasuro secured. Our Candidate for Auditor-General. No more fitting candidate for tho im portant office of Auditor-General could havo been chosen by tho Beading Con vention, than William Hartloy, of Bedford county. Throughout his lifo ho has been distinguished for honor and integrity. Ho is Justly regarded by all who know him as a man eminently fit to bo entrusted with tho guardianship of tho Treasury of tho Commonwealth. A business man of first-rate capacity, ho has secured moro than a compotenco, and is thu3 placed beyond tho roach of pecuniary temptation ; an educated gentleman, with tho keenest sonso of honor and marked independence of character, ho will dlschargo all the du ties of Auditor-Gonoral with an oyo single to the Interests of tho Stato and tho people. Ho is extensively known, not only in tho sqction whero ho was raised, but throughout tho region in which some one boosted that Harrison Allen would poll many votes. Mr. Hartley has been largely engaged for several years past in tho production and refinement of oil. Ho is no speculator, but a man of enlarged business vlows, and tho sagacity which ho has brought to bear, has enabled him to take a lead ing position in tho legitimate develop ment of ono of tho great industries of Pennsylvania. When a band of robbers armed with corporate power, undortook to plunder all tho producers and ro- flners of oil, Mr. Hartley distinguish ed himself as ono of tho bravest and most sagacious defenders of tho rights of thoso who woro thus attacked. Our candidate for Auditor-General Is not only a good man, a truo man and a pure man j but ho has tho additional advan tages of being a good speaker and ono of tho handsomest men in tho Com- monwealth. Between him and his op ponent thero is tho most marked and significant contrast. Tho pooplo will see this and will appreciate It so fully that William Hartley will bo chosen Auditor-Gonoral by an imraeuso ma jority. Lancaster Intelligencer. President Grant and tho wholo of his Cabinet w'ent yestorday In person to tho Capitol to urgo tho passago of tho Infamous bill for making tho Presldont a dictator over tho Presidential elec tion. If tho American peoplo chooso to put up with tho spoctaclo of an imperial army cramming votes down tholr throats at tho polls wo suppose they may as well accept tho spoctaclo or an imperial Presldont bullying and lobby. Ing their representatives Into shaping tho laws of tho land to tho convcnlonco ofhla lust of power. Is tho London Timet uttoring sarcasam or prophecy whon it prates about tho President's sonand daughter as "royal personages?" World. Brothor-In-Iaw Casey is not to bo removed from tho New Orleans Cus-tom-houso after all I This relenting of President Grant's Roman virtue Is, of courso, only In consequonco of tho "ur gent solicitation," of tho delegates from Louisiana to tho Philadelphia Conven tion. If It hadn't boon for that, nobody lrnro wlil mlr,lit Jinvn VQ" , , I knows what might havo happenoU to Oftsoyi Itrplibltrmt 1'iU'tloii. 'I'liu Democracy I, ivo closid up their ranks, uml t'i-(l:ty Hiuto Is not n D.'ino crallc p:ipcr In the Statu that h.H not hoisted tho nanus i f tlm Heading mini' nccs. Thu Rmllt U on tho contrary aro liopcir siy tii idui, ami 'no ugiu each day growa tn . o IiiUiibo and bitter. Cameron Is intHteri'iglilsclaiiP, becatiso his coiltlnuuiico as U. S. Senator Is at stake, but In Fori oy ntid McClure ho has able opponents, who aro determined upon tho defeat of Mi rotten King which ms so long disgrace 1 tho Slate. Tho following editorial from tho Press In dicates "business." OUlt UKA80NB. Somo trootl. woll-iiiennlui: friend, who' holds Personal Hulo In Pennsylvania u deon detestation, but who apparently thinks It is his duty to support and voto tho "regular ticket" under all circum stances, writes to us Inquiring If tho opposition or The l'res to uio Htato uckoi is uaseti aiono upon us personal resentmonts, and very properly adds that lr tins no uio casu wo aro deserving of no sympathy from tho people. Our answer Is, No, it is not. Senator Camo- ron is only a minor leauiro in mo ugiu. Ho introduced iimscir nuo it o.v Sinn- dorlmr tho editor of The Press. In season ntiil nut; hv rnlsrenrcscntlni' his courso and misinterpreting his niotlvi. If ho cocs out of it with a shadow of ins present political powor, it win uo uo- cause mo worm coiuea to n suuui-ii unu- lng boforo next October, or t lint tlio mil lonulum dawns beforo that (Into. Tho ODtiosUlon of this lournal to Goti HartranfVs candidacy is based upon tho following reasons: First. Ills personal unlltncss for tho onico. Second. Tho manner of his nomination. Third. Tho fact that thero aro ten millions of dollars In tho sinking fund created for tho redemption of tho State debt, but generally used for individual speculative purposes, auu mat mo uov emor appoints a Secretary of tho Com monwealth, who, with tho Auditor Gen eral ami btato xreasuror, nas mo man ascmeut of this monov. Fourth. Beciuso human affairs and fates aro uncertain, and thero may bo another Chicago lire. Fifth. Becauso thero wcro better mon named for tho position, who wcro ruth lessly overslaughed. Sixth. Becau3o.'.'tho men who sot up General Ilartranft know full well tho necessity of nominating this year a can dldato with the coufiiloneo of tho entire people, and that their favorite was not such a man, and yet nominated him becauso thoy thought by associating his namo with Grant's their persona cuds with tho causo of Bopubllcanlsm tncy might elect nun nud perpotuato their rule. Seventh. Becauso thero Is not the slightest chanco of electing General Hartranft by fair means, and wo aro resolvod that It shall not bo dono by foul ones. Eighth. Becauso to associate Grant and Wilson with Hurtranlt and Allen Is to bring curtain defoit upon tho former, and tlierefori- ve believe tho latter should bo retired Thero aro many other reasons equally effective In this causo. Among thcin aro tin; class of men in this city upon whom Ilartranft relics to ole it him, tho espousal of his causo by Simon Camo ron, the scandal concerning his admin istration of tho Auditor General's office, the gcncial corruption that pervade 3 Pennsylvania politics, and tho nee "sity for applying immediate remedy. Wo may cnlargo upon theso rcpsons, and shall certainly proceed to show how Hartranft can never bo elected, and how Grant and Wilson will carry tho Stato in November in any event. Wo shall continue to treat General Hartranft with tho utmost kindness, believing that ho, as much as any man in tho State, regrets his present position, and that but for bad advico from bad men he would withdraw. Hartranft or liuckalciTl A little over soven years ago, tho writer first publicly suggested Genoral John F. Ilartranft for tho ofllco of Auditor General, (instead of Surveyor General for which ho had provlously been named by ono of tho Republican papers of Norristown) and during tho samo year ho was nominated and elected, and in 1808, after serving ono term in said ofllco ho was again nomi nated andclcctcd, and if personal re gard for tho man wero to infiuenco our voto ior Governor, next Ostober, ho would In all probability recelvo it. Ills war record is unquestionably a good ono, and it affords 113 pleasure to say that, as a man, ho possesses somo very good traits of character. But, unfor tunately, ho is prominently identified with ono of tho most odious political rings that over afflicted tho pooplo. Into It ho was led, as wo believe, by worso men than himself and his election, therefore, in our opinion, is entirely out of the questisn. On tho other hand, tho Democratic party of Pennsylvania novor mado a moro pralso-worthy nomination than that of Charles R. Buckalow for Gov ernor. Tho least that wo can say of him is that ho is an independent and high-toned statesman, and will faith fully act tho part of Chief Magistrate for tho good of tho peoplo of Pennsyl vania without regard to party. Ono of tho most important duties of tho next Govornor will bo tho appointment of a Secretary of tho Cammonwealth who, by virtuo of his ofllco will bo ono of the Commissioners of tho Sinking Fund, and that tho right man will bo selected for that most important and rcsponslblo position by GovernorBucka lew, no ono who knows tho man will doubt for a moment. Wo tako for granted that Mr. Bucka lew as well as tho nomlneo of thoHcad ing Convention for Auditor General, will In duo tlmo recelvo tho unanimous endorsement of tho Liberal Republi cans, and If so tho ofllco holders' Treas ury Ring ticket will bo votod out of sight by an overwhelming majority In October noxt. Jlauch's JJanner Hep.) The Collins Case. Tho defalcation of Dr. Collins, lato pension agent of this District, amounts to $10,000, according to tho statement of tho Third Auditor, who has at last completed tho oxaralu. atlon of his accounts. It has boon as certalncd that a portion of tho deficit was caused by tho Doctor's habit of making pecuniary advances to certain needy pensioners, "for a consideration," by which practlco tho vouchors thus obtained for payments would not bo avallablo until tho pension monoy ad vanced should nctually fall due. This llttlo gamo was blocked by tho sudden solzuro of tho books. Tho vouchers for advanco payment will coutlnuo to bo worthless hereafter, should thoy bo presented, for tho reason that Colonel Cox, tho new agent, has boon Instructed to pay all pensioners whoso pensions may seom to bo duo, without reforonco to tho impression that somo of them havo already been paid sovoral quarters ahead. Meanwhllo Dr. Collins Is in Now York, "In search of employment," as wo are Informed, with 11 deficit stand ing against him, duo tho Government, of forty-six thousand dollars, and no action has boon taken to causo his ar rest. Is the reason for this lonlencv shown towards him tho fact that ho is BUOWn lUWUrUS U1IU U1U JUCl mat 110 IS considered, in high quarters, to bo ox- j coodlngly "MW'-WaiMnston Jtitrlot, A Jcffrers without a Commission. "In all nges," snys Macaulay, "tho vilest specimens of human naturo havo been found among demagogues." In our ago ono of tho moit ropulslvo ex emplifications of this remark is found In tho person of that ranting and mon daclous domagogiio, John A. Bingham, of Ohio. Under n gentlemanly exterior ho carries tho heart ot n ruffian, and his pretonslons of llb-rallsm aro but n cover to a brutal Intolerance. Novor dealing In nrgunient, but always In abuso, noth ing hut tho opportunity Is wanting to discover In him thoso ooarso instincts which education has done nothing to modify. This opportunity Wars offered In tho llouso of Representatives tho other day. when Mr. Brooks, of Now York, vontured to suggest that tho sup iilcmentary enforcement bill was uu constitutional. This was an opinion which ovcry man had a right to enter lain, and which, In n country whero speech is supposed to bo free, ovcry man, moreover, had tho right to ex press. But It did not happen to coin cldo with Bingham's opinion, nor did It suit his partl.aushlp, and ho accord ingly proccedod to denounco Its utter nnco as "treasonable" nnd "damning." Tho calumny Is, of course, not worth re futing, but It comes with an 111 graco from tho man whoso treason to liberty Is recorded on that pago of American history wherein ho figures as a partlcl pator in tho murder of a woman, who had hardly suffered tho cruel death to which ho helped to drlvo her, beforo she was bollovcd to bo innocent. If wo wcro called upon to draw a comparison, wo should liken Bingham to tho lnfiv mous Jeffreys. Llko Jeffreys, his hand3 aro stained with tho blood of a helpless woman, and ho is always ready, as tho Judgo of tho Bloody Acsizes said of himself, to "give n lick with tho rougl side of his tongue." It was In this pro pcnslty ho indulged when ho gavo lick" to his opponents "with tho rougl sldo of his tongue," in tho Houso of Representatives the other day, aud if Grant could organlzo n circuit audglvo Bingham n commission, this modern Jeffreys would quickly discover tno other propensities of his prototypo and ro-inaugurato tho horrors over which ho gloated. Trenton Uriie American, Geo. Franicis Train asks : "How can any ono for a moment calculate on Gen. Grant's ro-elcctiou? See tho chango of an hour; Isabella pitched out of Spain j tho Popo out of Italy ; Napoleon out of Franco ; Tycoon makes way for the Mikado In Japan ; Tweed drops like a lump of mud out of Tammany Fisk shot llko a dog; nnd now Gould yesterday tho King of a thousand miles of rail, sittiug on an empty beer barrel in tho back yard of an opera house contemplating tho ruins of ancient Rome. How can corruption, fraud lying, hypocrisy, nepotism, poker and whiskey, hope to forco, with a fivo twenty in ono hand and a bayonet in tho other, tho ontlro Dent family down tho starving throat of tho American pco plo? It seems it W113 not a mcro figure of speech when tho critics of tho Adminis tration said that tho military occupants of tho Exccutlvo Mansion regarded tho Government ns their private estate. A witness from tho War Dormrtmont yes terday testified that all tho brigade, division, corps, and army headquarters reports wero missing, supposed to havo been carted off to London by Gen. Badcau, tho proso laureate of tho President. Tho friendly relations among tho President's military family aro certainly very pleasing to contem plate; but this wholesalo plunder of tho pigeon-holes is carrying tho joke rather too far. Perhaps Mr. Badcau could bo given tho General Order busi ness hero, and Mr. Leet could tako his placo in London. Wo really ought in somo way to get' thoso documents back Into the country. Tribune, NEWS A frightful disaster occurred nt Mar seilles on Sunday. Whilo tho Spanish steamship Guadayea was lying in tho port, crowded with passengors, her boil ers exploded, and flfty-fivo persons woro blown to atoms. Tho steamer immedi ately took firo and tho flames commu nicating to tho dock a largo quantity of cotton was consumed. A fast freight train on tho Pennsyl vania Central Railroad that loft Jersey City aboutO o'clock Saturday night was wrecked at Railway, in consequence of tho misplacomont of a switch. Eloven out of thirty cars Jumped tho track and wero piled up within a spaco of fifty feet. Two mon wero killed, and $25,000 worth of freight destroyed. The track was impas3ablo forsoveral hours. Tho water of White Lako, F r.Hvan county, N. Y., has receded sovi -1 feet within threo days, aud Is still binking rapidly. Tho Lako, which Is n well known summer resort, is on tho top of a mountain, and it Is supposed that its waters havo found a subterranean out lot. At tho meeting of tho Indiana Dem ocratic Convention, last weeic, Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks was unanimous ly nominated for Governor, and Wash ington Dopow for Lieutenant Governor. Colonel John S. Williams and lion. M. O. Kerr wcro nominated for Congress men at large. Resolutions woro adopted accepting tho principles of tho Cincin nati Convention taken lu connection with tho propositions In Horaco Gree ley's letters of acceptance, and declar ing that tho Domocratlc National Con vention "should accept tho nominees of tho Liberal Republican Convention, In. stead of mnklng other nominations for tho Presidency and Vico Presidency of tho .United States." Tho delogatn to tho Baltlmoro Convention wcro Instruct ed to voto as a unit on all questions In accordance with tlio opinion of tho ma jority of tho delegation. Tho abovo res- olutlons wero adopted without debato and by a majority voto, "a vory ro- spectablo number voting In tho nega tive." Farmers near Richmond Vn. havo already begun to cut their wheat and tho crop is said to bo of very good quality and falrln quantity. Tho season sooms to bo unusually ndvancod, now Georgia wheat having boon In market for a couplo of wooks. The great Musical Jublloo began at Boston on Monday. Tho strcots of tho city wero almost Inpassablo. At least 60,000 peoplo woro insldo of tho build ing and as many moro outsido. Tho programmo was faithfully carrlod out. 'Old Hundrod" was given with such effect as to molt tho audienco to tears, Tho South Carolina Democratic Convention when in session ap- olnted a full delegation to tho Balti more Convention. Resolutions woro unanimously adopted neccptlng tho Cincinnati plat form, declaring agatnst any separate nominations nt Baltimore, nnd Instructing tho delegates to opposo such nominations. Tho delegation to Baltlmoro Includes lton. William lkcn, Hon. W. D. Porter, and ox- Senator Chestnut. Another bollcrhns exploded ; twenty- fivo persons killed, and no ono,of courso, to blatno. This ono of Death's most of fectlvo ouxlllarlcs bolongcd to n raft's boat on tho Mississippi, mid tho nccl--dout look placo near McGrogor, Iowa. About twenty persons, Including bov- cral llttlo chlldron, woro bitten by a mad dog In tho slrcoh of Louisville, Ky.,011 Saturday night. A most extraordinarily bold murder WPS committed Thursday of lrst wcok in Now York. A Frenchman, who had had much troublo with his wife, who persisted in living with another man, apparently lost oil control of himself, and, clearing her from tho houso, caught her by tho shoulder, placed n pistol closo to her head and killed her Instant' ly. Of courso tho man was Immediate ly arrested, and cxpr.- sod himself per feclly satisfied with his work. Tho Grand Commaudcry of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania elected tho following ofllcori at tho meeting nt Reading 011 wudncsday ol last week: R. E. Grand C.iinmattdor, Peter C Shldlo; V. E. Di-puty Grand Com mander, Grant WVidnrtn : E. Grand Generalissimo, .1 mi Iiiienborry; E, Grand Captain, G.t..i 1 ."iarli King ston ; E. Grand Senior Vurclon, A. J. ICauffiuan ; E. Grand Junior Warden, William II. Eglo; E. Grand Treasurer, M. Richards Mucklo; E. Qrand Re corder, Charlc3 E. Mercer. Tho next placo of meeting has been fixed at Mead vllle, on tho third Tuesday of June, 1873. A circular signc 1 by Senator Schuiz, ex-Secrolary Cox, Messrs. Bryant, Ot- tendorfer, Wells, nnd Brlnkerhoff has been sent to about two huudrcd gcntlC' men who originally favored thoCIncin 111UI movement. Tho design of the cir cular is to have n conferenco called of tho different branches of tho opposition to President Grant and his admlnhtra tion, to tako such notion as tho "situa' tion of things may require," says the document. The remains of an extinct species of winged reptiles wero recently found in Western Kansas. Tho cxpanso of botl wings in ono of tho specimcns,measurcd 20 feet and in another 22 feet. Thoy aro tho largest specimens of this strange raco of giant hat yet discovered by geologists. The Republican caucus of tho New Hampshiro Legislature havo nomina led Bainbridgo Wadleigh for U. S Senator. Mr. Wadleigh is forty-ono years of ago, a member of tlio present Legislature, and a lawyer by profess. ion. Here is a gratifying piece of informa tion which could not bo obtained at any prico except from a Paris papei "Miss Grant is ono of tho most highly educated woman in Europe. SI10 speaks with facility English, German, Frendi mid Itnlian. Hlio lius contributed umlur tlio veil of anonymous signatures to several American magazines; and on her return to her own country sho is to marry tho son of ono of tlio richest man ufacturcr3 of Now York, who is : member of tho American Parliament." The Grand Conclave S. P. K., of Pen n sylvanla, concluded its session at Potts vllle, on Thursday of last week. It was found that tho following officers had been unanimously oleccted : Grand Commander General, John Kay Cle ment; Vice Grand Commander, Will iam J. Macaullan; Grand Treasurer, John Sago ; Secretary, Jacob Somerset; Grand Recorder, w. II. Oram. Hon. C. R. Buckalew. Tho nomi nation of tliis gentleman as tho stand ard bearer of tho Democracy, for Gov ernor, seems to meet tho hearty ondorso mont of the press of that party, both in and out of tho State. Personally, Mr. Buckalow is a gcod man in nil respects; His honesty and ability aro unquestion ed and his election Is sure, if tho contest Is between him and Hartranft. A wooden roostor on top of n barn will show which way tho wind blows: nud so also do political stock gamblois show how tho political tido is running. Theso latter knowing on in, are now of forlng to hot on 00,000 majority for Buckalew. With them it is n meroinat tor of speculation. Danv ilia Independ ent. Stato Temperance Comeution. Tho temporanco men met at Altoona, on Friday last, to chooso candidates for Governor, Auditor Oeneral, &c. Hon. James Black, Temporanco nominco for Prcidcnt, was mado permnnont chair man of tho Convention and mado nn orthodox total nbstlnonco ipecch. Ono or two of tho gentlemon present wcro opposed to tho Convention though hold ing temporanco principles. Tho follow ing nro tho names of nominees : For Governor Hon. Simeon B. Chnso, of Susquehanna. For Judgo of tho Supremo Court Hon. Josoph Henderson of Washing ton. For Auditor General Mr. Barr Spangler, of Lancaster. For Congressmen at largo Colonel Geo'rgo F. McFurland, A. J. Clark, and B. Rush Bradford. THE 1'LATl'OnJt. Hero Is an abstract of tho platform adopted : First. Approves tho action of tho con vention of August 0, 1871. Second. Alllrms tho proceedings of 1110 national rronimtion party nt uoi umbus, Ohio, February 12, 1872, Third, Declares tho traffic In liquor as a boverugo Injurious to tho best in toro3ts of society, and demands Us sup pression by law. Fourth. Ite3olvea against tho groat danger arising from competition of tho ruling parties lu competing for tho liquor voto. Fifth. Pledges tho ndontion of nolltl. cal measures, but not nt tho sacrlllco of moral moans. Sixth. Invites all citizens to Join lu tho effort to rescuo tho Stato from tho dominion of Intemperance. Tho remalulng resolutions recognize tho duty of protecting American indus try, Justico to woman us 11 voter, aud tho cqunllty of labor with capital nnd pledgee I continued rellanco in tho blessings of Almighty God. Speeches wcro mado by a number of tho dole-nates, nud tho convention ad journed with threo cheers for tho tlckot. The Pittsburg Fosl stales that tho Hon. Carl Schurz will speak for Mr. Buckalow throughout Pennsylvania In tho present campaign. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. ron (.ovi'.hnor CHARLES R. BUOKALI5W, op t'oCNTr, toil AUDlTOIt (ir.NEItAI.I WILLIAM HARTLEY, OK llKDI-onn t'OUNTV. fOll .TUIKIi: Ol'HUPIlKMB COttllTl JAMES THOMPSON, op coitntv, roil CONGRESSMEN AT LAKHE! UICHARD VAUX, op rmr.ADELritiA, JAMES II. HOPKINS, op Attr.oitp.NY, HHNDRIOK B. WRIGHT, op LrzEtim: c-ofsrv, 'nt- Mcmlicrs of tlie I'nii.tKtillniinl Con iiilloii, (ll-.O. W. WOODWARD, Plill.iitcl.liln, .iniK.MIAII S. lll.Al'lv, Ymlc. WM. HUH, Hit, I'lcuillikl. W. .1, 1IAI-.U. .Somerset. W. 11. H.MIllf, Allrlinv. rilANKMN II. (lOWEV. I'hlln.lHnlil.i. John 11. i:A.iii'iu:i,b. ph. in. iri,.hin. H. A. 1IEYNOI.DH, Lniicnsli-r. JAMES IXI.IH.Hiliuyllilll. H. I!. T. DODD. Venntm.i, (IEO. M, DALLAM. iMnlntrlnliln. ROIIEUT A. LAMIIEUTON, Dauphin, A. A, l'lKMAN, (Irt-oii. Wit. L. CORIIEl'l', Clarion. Now Advertisements. rilESIDKNTtAI, CAStrAlON. CAPS, CAriiJ & TORCHES. Hcnd lor Ii.i.usrnATEii Cir.- cuLAr. nmt Pmcr. List, CUNNINGHAM & HILL, MANBPAtrruitmis, No. 201 Church Strcot. 1'IllLA DELPHI A. Juno 21, 1872-lmos. THE QUEEH fel. BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEA!! AND COMPLETi; SEWING MAt'HIXK. -0- Tno first nn-1 only HUTTON-HOLIJ AND HKWINU MAU1IINK coniMmil lliat ha? mado It? nilvcnl In this or nny other country. 3-Tho following reasons nro slvon why IhU is 1110 ncsi. Family Machine to Purchase. J. llooauso It will do' I I. llcransolt will work ovgrytlilnsllntnnytna- abcmuirul eyelet hole. chlno can no, mowing 1 'otn ino jintfsb ui int conrfccs. mntorlal, hem inliiK, felling, eorillnit.i brnldmg. binding Rath-, erinftnnd Mowing nn.nt tho Mimo tlmaiunilRg.1 minting, etc., better 5. Ilec.iuso It can do bver-hanil seaming, by whle)i sheets, nl low leases and tho llko nro sewed over and over. than any other ma chine. 0. llecauso tho be-1 meclianlcsnronoimca It tlio best llnlshed and made on tho best princi 2. Eecauso It onn woik a beautiful button-hole. ple 01 nny macnino inauur.ietureJ. It has uo uprlngs to break; nothlug to get out of order. ma ting ns nnon pean ns oy ino uauu. 3. Tlccauso It will om- , llecauso It Is two machines lu one, A UuTTou-iroLC Wor.K-rN-n nnd Sr.wiKU lirnlder over tho cd making n neat nud beautliul border 011 ntiv clllNKComblncl. ta.mcni. e-Noolhcr Jlachlnorannccomollsh Ihoklud of sewlugttated In Nos. '1.3. 1. nnd a. I'nrtlcs using n fiimlly sewing machlno want a WHOLE MAUHINU.ono with all tho Improve mcuts. ltlstolnstal.irr.TlMU.nnd thereroro ono Is wanted that will do tho most work, nnd do It tho best : and this machine can do Horernl kinds of sowlugnotdono on ANY OTllIUt.lIACUlNi:, henitioH iiulni- evory kind that all othera can do TJ10 American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Without the button-holopaits), docs nil that Is dono on tho Combination except bullou-holo nud ovcr-scamlug. & J. FAUX, Agent, BTOOMSBURG-, Pa. AGENTS WANTED IN HVURY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAllEROOMS, 1318 Chestnut Strset, Phih-lolphia. Kxamlno them bcfjro purchaslug nny other Sewing Machine. ulllS7J-(im. T EI'OKT OF TilK CONDITION OF XV tho l'Uist National Hank nf Illoomsburg nt liloomsburg In thoKtnto nl rcnusylvauln, lit cloo of business Juno loth, lb'2: IlESOUIlCl. Loans nnd discounts Overd raits U. S, llonds to secure circulation Due lrom Redeeming nud lleservo Agents Duo lrom other National ll.inkM Duo lrom other Bauksnudllaukeis... tlD9, 7 (,0 8,767 SO 5),C ) 00 2(1,221 11 0,117 01 13,325 JO 173 fi 110 U I 01 11,01(1 00 Current Kxneuses.. Cash Items (lncludlug btnmps.) l-'ractloual currency (lncludlug Nick els) Legal Tender Notes SI.'.',31S II LIAIIILtTII. Cjpltnl Slock paid lu S5),C00ii Km plus Fluid 75,000 ( I Discount.. 070 ( 1 Kxchango Interest National Hank circulation outstand U13 Individual Deposits Duo to National Hanks Dae to other Hanks and l.'liOl 101 07 11,315 60 l.W.lllil I 1 ll.AI If) 130 ID S 512,311 11 Statk or Pknk'a. Co.inty of Columbia. i RS, 1, J. 1. Tuslln, Cashier or tho 1'lrst Nnllonnl Dank of liloomsburg do solemnly nlllrm that tho abovo statement Is truo to llio best of my kuowlcdjonud belter. J. 1', TUSTIN, Cashier. Subscribe! nnd nfllrmed to bcfoio mo this 11th day or June 18, ' WM. TKACOCK, Notary rubllc. C'oireC -Attest: WM. NMAL, I I. W. .Mi-KhLVY.i-Dlrcctovs. C. It, l'AXTON, J "I30AD BAJIACIKS. XX Tho following Is a list or Iload dam-i-jous lepoitod to May Term 1872, nnd coullrmed ulsl, Uiecnwond, irad uear A. r. Young, (1. II, Fow ler, John Kelchncr, nnd Kuinuel Neyhnrl, view ers, 10 view load In (Irccnwnod twp. near A. 1'. Youn't'M, nssess damage ns, follows : To Chnudler Kvos, 8 ( ),o,l To Joeksnn Hobblus, :' 1 (,l To lll'ls Kves, iit(jii To Wm. Johnson, 5,i 1 To John MeMlclKiel, ,' ),tj lie, 1I1, 11, road near Joel Krc.'er,' avid Lewis Jcso Ilartmnn nnd 11. (.'. lless, viewers, nsscss daim,T,o as lollows: To llliam Ash, g llci To Joel Kceler, lu.oo MnJ'son, load nenr Samuel Klinby, Samuel Johnson, Wm. Eycr and Win. J. Ikeler.vluvv'ern, r -c-s tl 'mnijo : Tnfnniuel Itlmby, at s 75,0) Tluso dumi";oi will bo confirm labsolule, nt Seplumber Thin, unless objccl.ojs slumld bo llledngalnst them. We Intend giving tho publlo nu opportunity to know what fi being dononnd if all niu satlilied it is sunnnsed In buull light, 11. j. iti:i:i)i:u, k'om. Wm. HllAFl'Jiil I' Ot nci:. ittunmsburg l4n, Alctl, Mm. KitiCKiuua, clkiik. COhUMIUA COUNTY s. s. In llio Orphan's Conit of Columbia county lu tho matter ol tho petition for partition nud Yiiluntlon of tho icj! estalu of Mury lint man, latearorango towushlp Columbia couuty decens id. Notico Is heieby given in nil tho tlio heirs nud repicsontatlve.s ot said deceased that lu pursuance ora wiltorpaultlonnnd vnluatiimto ino diucled 1 will go upon tho premises ofsald deceased situate lu Orange township In thocouu. ty of Columbia with njuiy by 1110 to be summon ed on Saturday tho nth day olJuly A, 1). 1872 for tho purposonf maklug paitillou or valuation ol said leal estato according tho commands nl said writ, when nud wheionll parties Interested may utteud It they Ihluk proper. AAHON SMITH Sheriff, COLUMBIA COUNTY s. s. lu tho Orphans Court of Columbia county. In Ilia mutter or tho petition for partition nud valuation of tho realeslatoof Malcolm Jlnson lato of llloom townshp Columbia comity deceas ed, Notico Is hereby given to nil the heirs und leprcsonlatlvoof thu suld decinsed that In nur suniico of n wilt of poitltlou nud vniuiillon to 1110 directed I will go upon tho premises of said deceased sltuato lu llloom township county ol Columbia witli n Jury by molo bosummoned.on Saturday tho27lh day of July A. D. Mi for tho purpose of making partition und vuluntioii of sa d leal estate according to the commands of said writ, when nud where nil pni lies Interested may ntloud If they think proper. Juno Ul7.'-lt AAIIU b.MlTII Hhcrlll. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. We now have on hand a largo neatly printed nisortmeut i,r JIISTIL'K'H 1,1, iv,vi', m ,. j 11LANKH, to which wo Invito tho ntteution of licte otUccra, THE Btiitomont of Agrogale3 of Vnluation ami Taxes for oacli District in Columbia Comity for 1379 Pntiivnpil W ihn Asfx.ssnra Olnqaifinil in tlila Hnlindnln ' Towwsiiirs. Denver 101,715 11 V( 1H8.4S0 s 17, m aso,n!) niri 2VVKK. I.U,t,7l 119,1! W Hl.tlOll, HV17IP S,IC0 1.I5I5 10,IK irs! IK, 70 211 VS1 111 .',0 10.0.M 11,770 0,080 1.1,181 1 !c nt mi lletw elt Ilrlarrretk ! 2.0 )'l 12 0.1 1 1 .fit 1 (1.1,011 I lldOlll 7,(l'Mll S.IiO, 1H X (-tlawlisa.. ...... e'cnlrnlla Centra Conyn-Tliain... IV) ""iiijj 507 87 136 I") I, mi !.K K'J, .TO 21111 11111 2U." 8,1111 7,sn 10,201 20.22) 1 rnnitiin FlHhliigercek., (Iieenwno'l ,tl!0 II cm loci; 1 1,1)11 .incuson 47,')I1 m 1,1V) ,!T)J 4,1 7,3V 1,700, l,:W.I 1.700 l'u'iio 5,011 ID.4S1 Lneuit iwnu son 173.SIH, nywt 17I.H331 11,8 IV 7.011 15,81V 0,211 1I.1711 Mnlne 1 MlllllM Viol .Montour l'll,tl. IBS Mt. I'leasnnt... (irnngo ll'ii.ri lli.OS.1 IS 1!3 j me , Iloarlucereelc. I1I.IM) 12j 121 73,'JSU I ZJV"J 1 i.S7 Kcott. 221), 00 Kugnrloat Total llji,ojniifi,wjiii3,ji J71flJM7.WlllMTS)llM0,flSl CoiuiissioKnits' Ornci:, 1 Elooinsburg, Pa. j Altai: AVji. Kiuciiuauji, Clerk. WELLS' OARUOIilfi TAlMiKTS FOlt COUOllS, t-OLDS X 11 )Alt-si;.M,-(S. ThesoTiiblels prescntlho Ac In Coiublnntloii with other elllcleul lemedios, in n popular lorm fnrtlinriirnnfnllTIlKOA'nnii Ll'Ntl Disease". HOAIWIlNllS-UindULCKlt.VriONof Iholhionl nro lmmedlalely relieved nnd kI ilemculji nio constantly being Kent, to llio piopi 1, 'or of lellef lncii'-esor tliroHtdllllcnllles of yc ns slandlng, (U ITflHAV Dou'lbedccclv ,lby woilhloss OA U I lUlN lmllatlous. Oct, only Wills' Ciiiiiiillc.'lnhlels. l'ilco23ieuts per Hoi. JOHN O. KHLLOUO, H Plait St., N, Y. Solo Ascoil. for tho U.S. Send for Circular. nllwl Adl'.NTH WANTKD 1'Olt Prof. MLER'S GREAT WORK Ou Manhood, Womanhood, mi l their Mutual Intcr-ielntlousi Love, Its Laws, Tower, etc. Send lor specimen pages nnd circulars, wllh terms. Aililrcm, NATIONAL 1'Ulll.IsiIINa CO , riilln, i'.i H2I-1W. AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! Mini lor descriptive circulur nud sjiecm! terms fnr tlm trrcatcst mmpatcii uool: until. shed. McClellan's Repnlcanii in America. Owing to Uio present political ex ilement, will sell lor tlio next six months liko wild I lie. Is tho inns', rell.iblo book lu I lie mark, I. .1. M.STODDaIIT & CO.. l'ubllsiiers. 7il Han som SI. , rhll'n. 1121-lw TUAl Units, .STUDENTS nnd olhris wauled ns Aut,n i.-j ior Tlio richest, raciest, most fascinating. Inslruc tlvnnnd lnn-!li-nrovokln2 hook Issued for vears. acknowledged Mipeilor to MAltlC TWAIN. Is splendidly lllnsirated, elctnnlly bound, nnd verv chean. Acenls report crand success. Sam- plo pages speclaltCiniHiuid "A(lI!N'r.V roclCKT COMPANION," frcn Adilrcss.IIl llIlAllD UllOS. Puhli-,licr.s72l S.iusom St., Phlla. n'JIIw OUR DIGESTION; or MY.IOIiLY FRIEND'S SECRET iiu JjKW la luM ami iiit'aiit wotK. Tills lnvnUuililo commou'soiiso ISook fchould bo lend hv everv nifui nnd womnn lu tlio counti v. Tliicc-lourtlis of nil tlio blckness lu our midst may bo nvoldrd by a l:nowledge aud practice oiour "jouj riicims outrui," jiiu iiiusi. cnii ucut nutUoiltlcs lu tho laud, heartily iceoui. shrewd Khnipses of mnuUlud and Its vivd nm pithy stylo ol cx.iev&lnn. AllIINTfi WANTKU to maUo money last. Write lor lllutrntcd cir cular, terms, &e nddress, (liO. MACLKAX, l'ublUher, TJlSansom Street, l'hira. n2llw Is n powto'lul Tonic, ppoc-lnlly ndnnlpd lor nso In spring, when tho languid nnd ilehllltiii 1 sys tem needs strength und vitality; It will Kivo vigoi iu ino iceoie, sueng-ii i-j mo wcin.nni mullontn tho dejected, nclivlly tolMoslug-i'li lest to llio weary, quiet to tlio neivou , end ueaiiu mine lnuun. II is n South Americnn, which, ncrnu'im lo I ho medical nnd scienl illn n:-i inilicnU r,r l .n don nnd Pni Is, possesses tho most powcilul tonic, propeitles lenowu lo JlntcriaMedlca.nud Is well known In its native cinnlrv ns Imvlm' trn,lr. fill curnllvo minlllles, nnd has been long u-ed ns u speciuc in nu easts oi iinpuruies or iin- lllnod, Derangements of tho Liver end i-.piern, Tumors Aviupsy, j'uvei iy 01 ino j.inou, ll.'Ollllv, WC.1IC' ness of llio, L'lei no or Unu.'.ry Or gaus. Dr. Wells' Extract of Juruboba Is strengthen ug nnd noi I lung; nuo nu. alclous iood taken Into llio omn-li, It n.siiul latcsnnd dliruses IKoll lino J Ihociicnl.itiou Elvlug vlgornndhi-allh. Jt regulates llio bowe! , fj 1 'it in u"i .-e ., ncls dhectly on llio si i leiivo oi , mid, by il . now- iiiui iuuiu imiii 1UM-, .ii eii'c-i-, piuuuce1 healthy nnd vij no is nc o.i i I io wliolo sys tern. JOHNO. KULI.OUa. lSI'l.'M -l.. Nrw Solo A-jeut lur ' 'io Uuiied .-l.iles. I'rlco SI por Ilotilo. Sendlortirtulni-. u2lwl aoi;ntswanti:d roitLin; andtimi s of Coulalns bio'inphles of Drew, Vniiderbill, w..,.., v. .x., iti, ,i ouiiiiuini nisiory oi Miecounirj loi (ho hist threo yeais. nnd what (.itAMr Unewnbont 'UL.u-jc 1'ItID.VY." Over 600 pages. Pi ko.', Address Now York KOO If ( II.. I n Wfll'Hl Ml, nnt Vn... r Ki:(;isri:iti:i icivvits Snfo nnd l'rqlllablo Invoslment llonds. Samo of . , " couiuies in jvnnsns Allen. Anderson, l'r.inkiin.joiinson nud Douglas Coua tles. Itcglsleied by tlie Stato of Kansas. Inter e st and paid by tho Stato Tieasurer. llio llonds pay 7 per ceut. Interest, nnd nro over tiireo ycni.s old, llio coupons hnvlug been always icgularly nnd promptly paid, l'or statlstlcsnnd !!!lur.'.',lii !J0,I!'m1'1.1''"' MAJI k A. OAYLOHD tf; CO., Ill Wall S1..N. Y. City. SO noun KH5i.;: nuv oni: or SIONIVS FOUNTAIN WAfilir.US. liioPo11! 'V'f?' ;A STONL & POltD, 0 I Arch Sl Phlladelplila. P.i. Send ior Circular. l-oi-r ivi .sooflllii- ' r.leed In;, lielimg or L'luraled Piles Dn Utxu's Pir.R w mmm w ..r.ALi.w i , ,11. 10 l lllu, 11. IS ), u p. il,,, I expiev,iv m line llicl'ik i, nliduollling else. Hold by all Drng-ilsls, Pru n, SIM. AVIitH Iliu llloail ltii.lit4 with lockel liko ioleneo lo tho huid,ciuslug hot (lushes, ver tigo nud dimness or sijlit, it is n ci rlaln sign lluitft mild, s-ilnljiloiH, cfioluig and equalizing laxaitvo is u-iiuircl, and'rt Ki.'ki:iivfs cfnt Sfi.tzi.i; Ai'i.iimsr should btintonore sorlod to. SOLD I!Y ALL DlllKiaiMTS. VUi:;!l'S WA.- TKD. Agents mnliH mm o mon ey nt wiii.t im in Mini at niiylhiuii else. Uuslnes-ili nn, I p -riu mont. P.irili uiius Ireo. ). stinS'i.w .V; Lo., l-'uio A l l'-iiilitlu i, port land, Maine. UO PIANO IU, N. Y. PllltTir OOlin . O. No Ciiculus ireo. tpJJU OHUANIULA-WOK T11H8HXKS Conditions which Impair vllulity nnsitlre nnd negaiivo electrlclly prool' Hut lue Is colvcd wllhout union ell'ect oi tobaci o-inllu-ence ol Halt and phosphoric diet mniUru tieut ment ol pelvic- diseases.htrlcluronnd varicocele, nud nrreit of development : ten h-clures to nls pnvnlo sniglcalclas, hy i:DVAllD II, DIXON, M. l) I! I-'u, Il Avenue, N, Y, ; 01 p igcs. 25 cents, "1 A cry lino rioiutlio pen ol Dr.Dixuu Is or Bloat vnlno to the wholo Human race," forme Unitey. riltllAT MIIDli Ai, HOOK oruielnlki'owledgo VI In nil. Sent lue mr IwonamiM, Add'esslir. Uo.NAi'Xiiri: AC nrinuuii, Onio. usi-ir ARION PIANO. Thooulyjirrfff Instrninpiii In tlio World. It Is mh-oiiiiHmI lu Kim is, Powir, lliilllaueynud DninWilily. Hprm.l , to Teachers. Mililted lavors to tiei jyineu. r n-l lor Iihisiniied Arlou Puinplilel, 11. W. FOSTKlt, (lenerul Ancnl, mar 10'71-tf.) Maucii Chunk, Pa. T OST, Jj Near Uenloii Juuo tliotth, IS72 n pair ot I nl, n,..l m.m 1 ...I......I .. .. . ..... . M'lienry tho tluder will bu lrberully loHiirded by returnliiB tlitm to tho owner. Jtinoll, XS72-31 J, J, M'lIUNHY. MM 4m i Of! 4 iii,m7 I III LLllLl. 2 W 12,5701 150,025 (, M-0 8,111 171,725 SI 1,785 8,HKI 200,7UH 0 8.11 00 2,208 0,791 SM.KII 8 ITij 2,18' 01,581 77l,Mi1 15 Vlllo' 51 1 5211 70,815' f)l,(Vil' 3 0 20, II 7.1C 37,0111 101,500 i Oil 2,151 10,115, 810,051 4 I 3 2 71 38,1)00 600.171, . 32 1,21.. 5,810 H7,07l! ... 3 ,J 21' 1,021, 12,010 221,578 07 2,200 10,315 '111,150 ... 1 II 175 15,8)0 215,501 I.,.,., I; 0 Ell, 2,610 60,117'. .. ' 40 1,025 10.8S0, 2.SI0ISI V.J.J 37, 1,1811 (1,780 WIJ'l ,! ' 4,111 13) 1.-0! ,..!,..L 70 2,010, 11,01,0 218.S18 i:.l I 2-1 81)1 10,155' IVI.lVlh I 11. 31 1, 10 615, 5,115, 12S,:l., ...!.. . I 1 3D 1,7011' 12,110' 172,117' I:...! 1 11 3(i 1,000 10,61)7, 10 101, 2,010! 119,514 ... ...! II 67 2,275 31,S0V :00')I5 li... 4' 8 400, 6,235 7lr510 ... ... J...I 4,M n to7 10,710 300 50 210 21 1 ,120' 4..VII 1.511 J.0JJ, 'i'.Hiol 3,!1 100, 81,417 1 21.070 4 1 CVl 8,110 .1,770 1'! 3,1 III, r.iin 20,211 10.S0') S7,W (1.210 Ml 42 103 I'll' 110 1112 5,002' 8 llll 2,011 11,21!) 7,:S 4,001 2,401 7,701 6, IS.! 2,771 O.IJO1 2,001! n,70 2,078 :i.ll7 2,tll 8,l0 1,115 11,100 yi,6'B 1.1,511 10.02T 10 8,0111 21.W,! 1 , 1 llll 111 21,378 18.7S0 14' is.iss; 1 1,050. 10,515 11,118 0,177 0,12.1 20,020, IMS'), 1X1 50 207 S.NIJ fl,S(, 7,1'S 13,201 1,711. 180 ml 1S0I 228 f,7irllW.llll REMOVAL!! I. W. NILlS', M U S I O W A 11 K It () O JI S Imvo lict-ii rcinovcd to llio NEW KltlOIC IIUILDINCI Ol'PO.SITnthoia'JSCOPALOlIUUCII.MAINHt Where nc will keep a general nssortninut or 'VUV, LA'I'USl1 SITEUT MUsSIO, l'JANOS, OHQANS, VIOLINS, end nil KIH1 OI' MUSICAL INSTP.UMi:N'IS. Also MUSIC HOOKS fornlt INST11UM HNTS. PIANO AND OUOAN KTOOLM ALL HTYLIM and pitrci:a. THE SIIOEiMAKER, PIANO is the cheapest FirglClnftg Piano in the muvkot. Having scoured tho Asency ol tho u:o. woods' nr.NowNF.i) organs, lor Columbia Counly, tusolliur with tho CKLCIIP.ATUD ti:mpli: anoi:lic. fiirnlshes nilvanlnnes lo purchascH not fouud eisewncrc. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS. A full assortment or SQUARE AND OVAL I'ltAJlEES, nil styles nnd prices conslgutly ou liadd. STi:i:L IKlllAVINOS, CIIUOMOS ,t- i OMiItUI) 1-lilTS, aTllltliOSUOI'liS an i vi i;v, H. 3-C.ill nnd examine. iin-lis'7J (, n. Tlio Unco ofTlruo Keepers. IVI. S. ALL E BACH DllALLl: is AVATCIIES nnd JEWELftY D ANVILLE Pa. HII,Vi:n AND PLATUD WAlllI, Fltl'.NCU clocks, swiss and amkuican hti:m watciii:s. Till: llUNOWNUD lU.OIN WATCHES. a lauqi3 assohtmunt of i-'inp. jj:wi:liiy, diamonds ac. ItcpaliinB piomptly nlteudtdto. fOTIOE.-Tlio Stock lioldcrn of tlio 1 Norlh ,i Wcwt Ilrnuch ltnll (.',)., nro hf-reby uotllled that nu Installuieut or ten per cent on each share suliscrlbcd Is rciinlrod to bo pall to the Treasurer, on or beloro tho llrst day of July next, lly oidurot tho Hoard ol Directors. AltoH WM. NKAL, SECTV ATllliASiUKnit, March 3Ut lk7..-5w. II 621,73, fi10 Mn,10, 1,128,80 61,10 "1.11 111', s I'lll 19.1,01 120,70 ,4 if-1 11 ',37 21,1. 4,72 87 i.(UiV, I . (Cl,2,l l,31l,(is 2,(0ll.(ifl, 170,011 HII.60 1,012,0" 801,18 217,81! 1,150,70, (30,02 61 1,0(1 875,81 1 167,31 f.KI.II ISV0.RK S22.2S, ,W,0,1 1,201,1,0, aw aa (, 41 111.114 1," f'V-i 115,117 1 ff',1 , II, ll'Cs 50,11 61,111, CI, II, 31,70 lm,ii 'in t 1 .123,021).! JWl.SB'l 6670,070, IT 10 0711 J22,717,19 I $1 j 1 m WM. SHAFFER, ) CY11US EOBB1NS, Commit ,!,,, II. J. IvEEDEK, J 01 A mndo fi-o.n oOcls. Call nud ex retnll iiulclc for J 10. 11. L. WOLCUu illtlll ,3-111.111-, it. 1. AbciiIk svniilcd for tlio AT'Tnnini HORACE RRFFI Pl or Itecolli ctions oi n Unsy 1,11,., inT, "'ij liiionnu limes oiiogrenin Philoni , Iteforincr, cannot fall to Intcrc.i " .iii,-ri, .in. noun sou ior - Ullllla p. TKUAT. Pnb, 103 B'wny, N. Y. ' How either Krxm.iv In, ,u,m I lovo & nllectlous or nuv nor on n,n. stanlly. This slinpleineiital' onlremr possess, tree, by mall, ior 2 1 1, tei mnrrlngo -uido, i:zyptlnu Oi le.Dre io i.-iuie , ,vc, j 'iueer,exciiiii ;i,ni,it. ,, dlCS T. WILLIAM A t O. I'm. p First Prcmiua A-vT- Hem PonhlC lllPV.lled OVC'I.Wnlmln.l lug llnor, Fcnd, i- Uuard, Dumiini.. Orale, Direct Drnn. FULLUIt, WAKit, ' -Ji.vv..,,, x. l KENNEDY'S linMLOCK OIMM n, , Uio proprietor, has, ,. JSt&- tance or i;inluenl Pli , irtiuSw- Chemists Riieceedcd ,u 1 IllUllll lllill l,ll' 111'. ? tlio oil, pitch, mm li, " jit-iumiu. i ii-e, unu ub) liable preparation ( i, nSalvonr Pla lorfoi nn Croup, I'.llnnr .uii-iip oi Chest or stomr h,pii, s Scurvy, Sores, I'licrs.iiui Coins, Frost Miles, I'llni llrcnstsnnd Nippios, ii Cll.lllnr. i,n,l , I..,!. ., ft:,m, ,,tr ,. ...... unuir..iiu.i, j u -, 7 fc'Xio i, York, AGENTS WAN I'liDJ.. r ly inteiestln Ilnnk ol Travel aud O, ALLTiiniuuNTiiir.sor mo Il is inn oi l il nil ma i ion lespei hu LOUS WONIJ) US nnd IlllAl Ill s 1 II I lo know eounlil-s, nn,i i Til 111 l.MNtl UKSCItll-'l IONS of 'He i , ol nil tlio noted liaveleis nnl thoso lemoto l.-gious. ILH ti', soMi: 2 i riNi: iinhuav erlptlon, terms, & nddu- u- If nny II. V. JOIl'SO.', 1'- a ,i, Plilladelphli. AGENTS! QUICK LI:W1S' last nnd greatest woil;. OUR DIGESTION, or, MY JOLLY FlllKNDssi., It Is by odds llio most taking ami i In the Held, 1 It is on n vil.rMv imno n ject. 2 It Is nv America's m, 'i i, ouhcaltii, :) it Is, ior tlio p handsomest book ever sum l-i Agents, tlie , coplo nro c as i n,i ' k wllluiguy, to bring ii (o , ,n, l terms, tree. OUOKOi: MACI I w p nprll 20,'7J-lf. 7JJSausomv . i'U 1,M AOKNTS WANTllDt , lly W. K Wnilll, the nolcd Pun, orlst. A mostnccuralonnd i-i ,u lion of llio wildncKS nnd w a hi , less West. lis untold i Iclies, 1! I , Wohes, Ac. Ciowded wllh .mi ,-,m spaikliug with llio keenest w humor, rlvnllug Mink Tu.un s e dldl) illustrated. Will bo mini u nnd sell beyond precedent, l-'ii Illustrations, terms, .ic., nddr-sN. llUllDAltl) Illln-,. 1', nprll2G'72-tf 7-t.iu m A DaIINISTRATOR'.S MJilit i l KSfATKOr WILSON Al.l.l S' I) Lette luladinlstiatlonon Kn Allen, Into of Mudlon town u n counly, deceased, huvo been si on u Isler ol said counly to John . liloomsburg. All persons li. i o thecstntoot llio deceit, n ii,e - , sent I hem ior set tlemcnt, ml tho esinloto mnko p.iyineni o ndminislrator, without d, ., . Jul, s V May21'72-0w. I7XEOUTORS' NO'JJCL. li estate or riiiLii' bi-i ,noi--Letteis testnmcniniy on 'o,. Seeshollz, Into ol Catuwis . oivn , county, deceased, liavo be. gi in glslcr or said county, lo u,.v il, und lennc II. cesllollz. , n i claims ngalust tho cslato nro mpi . sunt tliein to tho Ilxecutois iu I oliuu Thoso Indebted lo tho eslate, n ,t, Judgment, moitgago or book ai-suiui 1 nymcnt to tho ll.xecutois wPhoui HllNItY 110M I Ni H ISAAC II, HH.ill'O Mny2l,1872-(iw. UDITOR'S NOT1 C'E. 'ino undersigned, ninlnor ,-ipp Court ol Common Pleas ot (oniiiiii, -distribute tho mud lu I'ouit,' urn , of James V. Wilson, nilslu Horn ' n ical csli'lo ol'lhosald Jmiies V. l l by llio Siiei.ll" or t'olunibi.i I in ot ii Pc, i', ,0,1 V.xnonoi w o in, Interested nt lilsollli-o lu Hie 'ju, burg, ou Kalnidiiy, llio Son d... nt lu A.M., when nnd wheio i, (, ed are requested to iniiko Hi, ir , buried Horn coming In "turn i JOHN vi,' may 27, 1S7-', Mil. A rurroirs notkl. '1 110 Unilei'talL-nod. finni.m ..ln tribulothejundsln Iheliandsoill llJteeuiorol' John 7, igle, hue n deceased, to nud ninong , 'm , lti-pie-entallves of said, -Ii, w.will meet 'ho iiailics in uu ol William II, Abbotilnt'iiiiirt inn day or Juuo A, D. U7.', u a loriuooii. All posons having lunds me riTUiml lo present tu.-n, piopeily s ippoiled.orbeluiev.i , coininitin oj said lulid JOHN i May 2-1, 1S73-1W A D.M 1NISTRA COU'-S M)'l b f- JaII, laol uilministiiitmtioii Miet. fsr 1 1 n or ma nv n. t - , - P. l-n- s i.ito oi i'ialilng ii h liiinoia(ouiily,deeeaseil, li.ive " Ha lleglsler oi'snld counly to I c " ' liii.-nwood. Ml jieisons li... Iliu eslnluol i io decHleutiiiu , sent thein loi settleineui unu lo thecslnto to make paun, u slanid.ndininis-uitur, w'tlioiu d J.Uui' ,Iun,-7'7J Iw " " I iKSfll IT'PIr 1 V rtl.s I'll .'111 vl I-HIP. 'Ihuco-pailncrship heic' ,i u tlio Hrm ii.t-iia orsuydei, ilni n, solved by t.,o dcjlh of Ilenj. in o ' books oriho late Him are in ' lie , 1 Snyder lo whom nil peisnn I. selvis lo bo ludebled lo llio linn make iiuincdl.ito paymu-ui The business wl,l bocouuiuied under thu iiauiool'l). Suydii ,v 'l, -n,k, Usi-v May 17th lM.'-tr A DJIINISTRATOR'S MlTI'f il. I-Sl ATE Ol' EI.IiCAUK'l II MCUI-- l.elleis or ndinliilstinlioii ou ' lllUabcih Muriay laloof Derry t tour county, Fa., deceased, liaso ' by tho Iteglster or said couiiiy llutler Wnshlngtonvillo, Cjluiubi:i All pcisous liaving claims or dinin ' tho decedent nro rciiuestetl to -kuowii,nnd thoso ludebled to wllhout delny, THOMAS 1!' Aihu"" may uut, li72,w0 WARREN Mm hi m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTH - Notice is hereby given that letter" J trillion havo been granted by toe " WIIUorL,oluml)lnraiiiily,tnllionni',i Ion tho eslnto or William F. smider, u In said counly. now deceased. All 1 , clobledlosnldestatouro required lo ment nud nil persons who havo own , snld eslnlo to mnku them known toi Hgueil i evident 111 tho city ol Fid) lo M, O. McColluni nt tho louuori JuuolM57J-iw AJ'aI- t