The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 21, 1872, Image 1

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itDiTon and pnorr.iETon,
Terms-Two Dollars a Voir payablo In adwn:o,
job rniiTTina
.tlldcseripllons executed Willi ncalncbH ami
dispatch nt reasonable rates.
(Jolumbia Oountv Official Directory
.. . . . .. ... ..... . i I't.itrr.f.T,.
UsMMte Jidtfcj-lKAJi Dunn, lsAAu a" MuK
Jwiniio'flrM.Ae.lltTpntrit It. lliKm.r.n.
j;V:. w"r.t K,'r.AlKJ,.l.,JA001,v,
i.wwi't ((onifii-JAMES.llnisoN, J it.
cAnar AAitos HMiTir,
!silllV0--lAA0 llllWITT.
,,, . ... . .tl'ufUMI.AM riv.
fi'iTiMoncri- CY11PH ltollMX.H, ItlliAM J.
HI Ml It. Vt 1I.I.IAM n.ii i u.i.i
.,.,,.. I..nm' ",, Will. I AM If 11lrKllAl'?r.
Illi'.-l'. J. CAMl'llM.!., DAMKI. Ll.K.
C i-1'HAiit.r.s fl. Munniv.
u, it ,i ii...JiMi.i-j-lfA.c.McUKiDr:,JoliNMO
A V HI..
C.iui u f 'l n.,i(ui((oii-tjiAiii.r:s U.EAr.ur.m
m m Vmr Df.'rtcf Dlrertors, B. 11. MtM.r.n
WlM iam KitAiini, llloomsburg, and Jounsoii
11. H.' 11, CjllcllWCOO, L.IIA11LL81.0KHJJ:, RlC 'J.
Eloonislmrg Official Directory.
V.lctn'Uiri) tanking C. John A. 1 uj;sto:t
l'rc Went, II. II. Uitoir, Cnliler.
, Ant otm( 7nnfc-CliA8. it. rAXTox.l'rcs't ,
.1, iv J rfiTiN, tnsiuer.
oe(nfi'.n-i:. II. Littli:, I'litft., C. W. Mli.I.Kn,
u.' .i.fu rff lliilltltnrt nnd SwIm. T'lind lMin-
IlOn SI. 1 Ji.ll Ut li, until, uiin i,uii,oiii,,ik,
l;k ultimo Mutual Saving Innii Awoclation
J, J, J koavj.ii ncftiueni, u. u. u.w.ivi.1,1 , raw j
Okurch Directory.
lT.ntllTTEr.IAN CltVIlCH,
Mmntrr new l-tnnrt Mitchell.
.SnMnith MrnteiKH A, Sl.i VA 1 JI.
Kabbalh Mttol-Q A. M,
l'raicr itcrtlng Wednesday. 7$ r. Jr.
Hcnld lice; no pews rented i Mraugcra wcl.
Blooinsbtirg Directory.
i)A1'l l'.l'AOH Just iccclvcd nnd fort;alonttho
Clll.LMllIAN Olllce.
DAVID LOWKNlli:no, JIoreUautTallor.Maln
M.,nbovo American House.
WM. MOIlltlH, Mercliaut Tnllor, over Kosen
etnehs confectionery, opposite Cndniniis iur.
lilluio vurcroumH.
ii 1'. Iil'TH, l)ri?r;lsl and Apothccaiy. Jlaln (,t,
11. W
iluw tho 1'oM Ofllcc.
n I HAVAC3K, denier In Clocltn, WalcliC3 and
Jewuliy, Mnliiht,, Jnht below tho American
I OI'IS 1ir.KNirAl!D,Wntcli nnd Clock maker
II ne.ii'Hontlieast cornor Wnlnnud lion bis.
n I AT1ICAIIT, Wntcli and Clock Jlaker.Mar
U. I: i' I sllcct, Ijflliw .Mrtlll.
,i Jl. KNOlilt, Dealer In Hoots nnd Hlioen, latest
l. mid best slylcs, comer llnln and Market
sue, is, In 1 1 io nld l'ost OlUce,
UI NUY KWUM, Jliinuficturer and dealer In
line. is and Mimes, (iroceiies, cle., Jlaln stuct,
I I Jilooinsburii,
I.'!, II. ('. IUIWT.I!. Burceon Dcutlsi. vi.. In st
I) above Ibu Couit House,
I, it. WM. M. KUIlUIl, Surgeon and l'hjfleiiin.
jlll. e over llio l'list Katlimnl 11. nit.
ft (1. llMtKl.r.Y, Attorney-nt-La
j. II. n'ln i:i.ciaugt)inoclt,neai'li.,
, O'.'lce.IM
1 n. McKKl.VY.M. l).,HurKPim mul l'lijflclau
J . mullisldo Main bl,, below Mai !i. t.
I C. i:i)TTi;it, M. I). Surgeon and l'iiyslclau
tt .u.uKt l siieci,iu)ovo .-mini,
r 1!. KOIIWOV, Attorney-at-r..
J , luan'u building, Main htlect.
Ji, P. ICIjVNIIV, Surgeon 1). utlst. Tcetb
iiiu ti'd v'llliout pflln: Main id,,, niuilv op
..i IsciipICbaieli.
t I I VAUH, JI. I)., Buigcoii'iii il I'hyslclnu,
.J. . ill side MiuiiMicet, below .Miitket,
Uit. . U TUltKint.l'liyHli'laniii'dyuiirimi.or
l'ie over Kli'lm'H DiuK Klou, rebldineo one
ilnoi i,i low llcv. I). J. Waller.
11 UMAr;, Millinery end Viniry UoihIr,
i , isilu l'ldftcopal C'tiuiell, Mi'lllht,
T.IZZir. l!AItia,i:Y, Milliner, Itnuibey
mi;; Main btreet.
.V. Hi:itl!ICIfSON, Mllllntry nndKancy
,,nK, Muln i,t., bolow Market,
, and Drisg l'atlern.i, soutli.asl iirner
,1 We',
'i is HAltMAN Millinery and I'aney
-.. i.uu n btlov.' Alijene.m House,
IKjTI'.I,, l.y T. lient. Taylor, end
n iictt.
MAHll, Dry Uoodi and Notions, souili
, cuiuerMnlunndliouHlK.
a V, 1 U:, t'r.nlcclloncry and IlrUtrj ,
u-salt) and ictall, Ksciiango itloek.
. Hi V i lt, Ilntsrnd Ciipp.IiootJnudMioeB,
n bt above Comt Huuhe,
t,. MA1ZH, Mammoth Oioreiy, 1'no din.
his, Hulls, .'ii!b, I'lovlslou, .'.e Main
t .iitrehtucls.
I I.VY, K'.AI, A C O., dailcrsln Dry Oood.s,
. ' ei lis, Hour, 1'eed, Salt, l'lbli, lion, Nails,
. I'., cur. Main ami Market its.
. " llXI'It & )N, dcnlerv In Dry Ooods,
. i ics, i, iu f i v.,i'i', Flour, halt, Khoes,
iiitli-'l II is. lii ildle, Trunk ,t l.'an.tsb-
, HiImV l. i , I. Main Mud.
.. t I uiiim 'ail.
,ler.i"i firddfu.riinm
i, r il Jian sti-.
'oilMOS, Yi 11 l'.ip. r,W'li,.!owHlu,d(i.
Uk, , lviun.1 . 1,.... Main ut.
copii.l., Knniliure Unnmn, tbrio story
ii I:, MalnMiel,it,t cirMarHttM.
' KNH'I'OCIC, Photographer, over Iti.bblmi
l.yi r's Hloic, Main bt.
1 IT I IN, denier In Mrat, Tallow, He., Chun-
mi's alley, i car or American llouuo.
till, JAt'OBY, Mnrble nnd llrovn Ktnno
rlin, Kat llloomi.hnig.llenvlek load,
W ' ''Aim, dealer In funillnre, linuke, ceder
. illowwaio, near tho Folks Hotel.
if '. llllii.nMAN, Ajrent fur Munson's Ci.iiper
tc 'iubiiliirl.lghtuli.g Hod.
1 1 1 OSTi:it,lluo Maker, and Whllo nnd I'uiiiy
, iiuiuer.Kcotlown,
V TI' i:OOI;b, and blank NOTI'.H.wlllinrwllh.
. out CAnuptlon.lor bale ut tho Coi.uaniAN
I' l' liAI.I.MAN, MtichnnlTallor.Keeond HI.
. Uobljiiib' llulldinif.
lii' J. K, ItiililllNS, liiiigonii and Physician
i) 'Cund HI ,. bulow Main,
I M.lir.ltT A Kid Nil, dry uooils, Broccrles, nnd
U ;Lueiulmei'Cl.audUe, Haln HtHtt
f . KIUTLKlt, "t ntlawlssa llmiKc," Ninth
' . i irutr Main nnd Hecond Klrtels,
KKlMUt, Illllard Baloou, OyMeis, and Iio
l. I ream In seaboii Main In.
MM. IlltOllST.dcaleriuaeneralMortlinudlbO
. luy floods, Uroccrlis ,Vc.
Oi '.I'KII ANNA or Ilrlck Hotel, H. K'obten.
i li.m ler l'ioprlelor,soulli.onicoiiicrMalunml
' iiudKUett.
1 M. II, AlliiOTT, Attorney utiaw, Main Ht,
Light Street.
II i'. OMAN ii Co,, V.'heclwrlalits, flrtt door
i aiovoBchool House,
J,'.!N, A. OMAN, Manufacturer f.ud dealer In
u I'Ootb nud tihota
K. dlA'fi deal" In Btoves and Tin waro In
Ml Us branches.
' i i!" 1-iV illll'r, and denlir In all kinds ot
lmrAl.,"' Hour, nil, Ae. All liiuds olUralu
i' w,
uniU0.1.'' rHVK'1.u)UllU,"' I'lunlWC "111
dlloxMaii failuilui;,
i .pii
VOLUME VI. ---NO, 25.
Back Horn,
MA H.W. II. HIIOIIMAKIilt, ilenlem In dry
goods, Eiocclerlcs nnd gcnoinl inercliamlsa
Orangovillo Directory.
IN JI. HKltniNO A llltOTHKU.Cnrpentcrsnnd
J, llulldern, Main bl,, bolow l'luc.
1)1IICIC HOTUfi nnd rclrclimetit Hnloon, by
) HobrM'Ucnry cor.or Main nnd l'lnosl.
Dn. O. A.Mi:aAltai:i,,VhyslclnnnndSiirgeon
.Main nt next door to Uood's Hotel,
IAV11) HKIlitlNO, HonrnudarlstMIII.nnd
.Ucnlorlu ginlii,Mlllsjtrcct.
TAMKH 11. 11 AHM AN, Cabinet MakoT and Un
il del Inker. .Main ht,, below l'luc.
SCIIUYIii:it & CO,, Iron founrtcrs.Mnclilulsts
nnd Mniiufacluitis of plows, Mill HU
ljAMUi:i. Fill AHt't.USft, Maker ortlieltnyhirrst
O Urnlu Cradle. MntiiHU-
WII.LIAM DCLONCl Bhoemr.kerntnl innnufnc
Hirer of Illicit, Mill Bt., west of l'mo
Philadelphia Directory.
N. II. Corner Second and Arch Btreets,
Dealers In
tk.vs, BYiiura, coi-ti;i:, suoah, MoLA&aiis
HICK, ai'ILTS, 111 t'AKll SODA, AC, AO.
5-0rdcrn I'lll receive prompt ntlentlon, .
WITH, s on it or v & co.,
iHfor.Trns Ann joi;m:r.soi
3"0rlElual assnited packages of (liiremwarc1
coubtantly on linnd. nb2.l'7-tl.
Business Carda.
Ofllen (Vmrl-llnuvo Alley, below Ibo Coi.CM
iiian Olllce, llliiouisbtirg l'a.
u-Oirrirn Coutl House Alley, In llio Co
i.umiiian building. Unnl.W.
Oillen (iurl llonKo Alley, below tho Cot.itm
iiian (Hike, llouiilks, llnck-l'ay and reunions
collected. HloomslinrK l,n.Bep.'.iJ'(,7
OKI'KT, alinvo
r.liKiinsbuig, l'.i.'rt Bloro, Main Mieet,
J)01JKHT V. CIiAltlC,
Ollleo Main Btieel below tho Court House-.
Illooinsbuig 1 Villi'.!.
Olllce Mllh .1. U. Fiieye.lltnwei's i'lock.
Cm bo cmiMilUil In (lumav or I!ngllttli.
Main litrret one door abovo I1. MendLnlialPB
A largo assortment or Hioves, Heaters anil
Itaugps constantly on hand, and for salo ut Ibo
lowest lales,
Tinning luall lt:i lirauchrscarofuilynUcndedto,
tuil hatlslactiou gUHinuteed.
nil ivoik in an mmm whoiesaio.ini roiau. a
lal li requested.
fll A Ii St B. x: W li 11 Ji s.
M.wrr mtukt, nnrnw jiahki.t,
UI.OOMbllUUO, 1"A.
Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Ac. Work
miilly imiuiiiI. Oulern by mall will lrcelvo
si eclal atkr.lli li. N, II. W'oik delivered lieool
cliarge. T, L, OUNTON, Proprietor.
oct!X71.1f. V. O. ilox LV7.
CiVici: Aim naAT.i, rnorirs.
do to
Fast Plnomsbnrg l'a., lor r.ll kinds of t) c best
home and city niado
r u it ii i t ii n i: .
l'i lei s r. asuuablo mid Hie to ' ,vk il.-mo.
Jnn 1'71-lf
Mnnulacluier of Wi ought lion II. Kl ;iis', liolkis,
(iaholders, Flu-pioot liuildlugH, Wioughl. lion
Itonlliur, Itoolliig 1 mines, I'lnm in mid Doors,
Farm Oales and h ueing, also Wiorght Iron pip
ing. Blacks and nil kinds of Muilih Weak, Ac.
Uepairs promptly attended to.
N. II, lirawings and FstiniatLb supplli d.
NUW All 1) slILL-I'OW'Hltl'.l) Bll'.A.MSlIiP.y,
nci-'ANic, clltic. iti:i'mn.ic.
O.Oui) tons burdoatt,it Ii. p. each.
Sailing Irom New Yoik oiiKATliIll)A"iM, liom
Liverpool on THUllSDAYB, and Coik Hailmr
tho day lollowlng,
From tho Wlilto Star Lock, I'.ivonla Ferry,
Jerbey City.
I'asbenger nceominodatlons (for all
nuiivalled, eoinblnlnrt
Baloons, btate-rooms, bmnkiug.rooiu nnd balli
looms In mldbhlii section, wheio lr.ui.1 motion Is
felt, Hurgeoui and ttowaide.-,beb aecomi.any
theso Mcamers.
ltATrs Haloon, $8fi gold, Ktecrnge, ClOeurren.
ey. '1 boso wishing to bend lor li lends from tho
old Country an now obtain sicer.igo prepaid
eeillfleates, 83:i cmriney.
l'nssengers booked Io or fiom all pnrls of
America, l'nrls, Hamburgh, Norway, Minden,
India, Austinlla, China, l ie.
Lieuiblnii tickets granted ut low. i t lute-.
Iirafls Horn XI upwards,
For inspi clion oi plaus nnilotlinrlnfiuiiiatlnn,
i pply lo Nn, 111 llioadwny. New Yuri:,
.1. II. HI-AltKH. Aglllt,
Or lo W. l'LACOCK,
JanlStf llloonisbuig, Pa.
Would Inform Ids ft lends and I lit- nubile thai
ho has taken possession ol
In llio Fxehnut'O Illnek. so loin; oecunled bv him
nud will cany on llio busbies, of n
V I Tl S T- C L ASS Ii A K K It Y ,
Ho brings to the business an experience ol many
yenrsnuil iissiius tho isiminunlty Hint ho will
luriilfch tbo bibtol liread, cakes, rolls, lilseult, Ac,
liesli eveiy ilny, llopioposes also to keep on
hand n laigound well iisboiled stock ol
ofnllgrndes, Ft encli candles and lliosoof do.
nieMIe iniiuiiraetuie.ulwayMlobohail, wbolesolo
and itlall at lowcbt lales, Adjoining tbo llakcry
nnd Confectionery Is n well Cbtubllshed
vrhoio mnv lio found Alo nml T.nom omi Un.
Iiesttitu'iits, (tystcib lu bcasoji nml tho various
llttloitclk'uek-H which bUlLUiu public UvtcTJiuio
over llio eonlectlonrry sloio, wliero ladles nud
Iicutleiaeit call obtain too best ol leu Cream In
A fair bliaio of tho liubllo custom Is leouestni
nnd uopulus will bospmodto ensure sallblac
I1UII, lipiil iU, li'H
UTfKlt HKa'dS,
0 AO.
Neatly nnd Cheaply Printotl
ITom thelileiti lylcsolTypont tho
H. I!. ItOWl;it. DI'.NTIRT.
UeRpectfiilly offers his prniesslonnl services to
llio lauios nnu gentlemen oi jiioomsourcinuti vi
clnlty, llo Is prepared to attend to nil llio van.
nus operations In tho lino of hH profession, and
Is provided Willi lliolatest Improved 1'oncitLAin
Ti'.KTH wlilcli will bo Inserted on gold plating
silver nnd rubber lmso to look ns well nstho lint
urnltectli. 'J'eeth oxtiacted by nil tho nownni
niostnpnrovcd methods, nnd all opcrnllons on
tbo teelli carcntllyniid properly nlleluled to,
Hcsldeiico nnd olllco n low doors nlmvo tho
Court House, sumo side.
llloomsburg, Jau.I'll ly
ti a in v o n o v it I
Will forco n beautiful set of Whiskers or Mus
tacho, In irom two to threo months, on any tier
son over twelve ycarsold, It Is olio or Ihu best
piepnratlons to mako tho whiskers grow that
over was known. Ouobottloofltlssuillclcnltn
produce n very strong beard. It does not In any
wny Main or Injuro tbo skin. Try It I It Is no
liumbui:. l'rleo m cents per bottle. Bent by
inell post paid, to any mldrcss, nn receipt oi
pine. Addict WILLIAM C.WAONLlt,
. Atcndtsvllle,
nn,-1 71-ly. Adntna County, rcuiia
Wyomltii; t!l 1.000
Atnn i.woMH
Fult'.u N. Y lO.OOII
Noitli Aincrl.-i 3i),ii0
City 450,000
Internntlenal N.Y l.liiO.MD
NlR'tarti N, Y l,(i0U.V0
Merehauti 33o,0CO
BiirlnKllcl.l fiiO.O'O
Farmers' Danville,!'. Y tm,m
Albany Clly 4W.OO0
Danville, llorso Tbcll Mulunl.
Atlnntle. N. Y l,(O0,0i
Uti'inaula, N. G0ii,W0
F111LV8 liltOSVN, tpct .',
mntSl'71 ly, HLooMiinono l'a,
Tin: MMPLi sT, ciiKArrsT and i:i st i.n
DisIkihu csftclally for lho use of families, nnd
adlis who ilisito toknlt for tho market. Will
tin cMiystlteli of tho knitting In a stocking,
widening nnd uauowlugns undlly ns by hand,
Ale splendid for worsteds and f.inej" work,
S'J'I'ltlll Aiu ery cniy to manage, and not
liable to tot out of order. lAcry 1 amllyhhould
linv.' one.
We want nn Agent In ivery town to Intrndncn
and sell them,iowh(iiiiweoi)ertlioniostllbeiiil
luduceiiKUts'. Send for our Clicular and Sample
Stocking. Address.
nov. 111,'71-ly. lialli, Me.
C. HOW 13 It,
has opened n Uist-clii-SB
HOOT, ailOH, HAT CAI', Mi i b'U li'Olt 13.
at tho old stand on i.falnmic. t, liloomsburg.arew
doors nbovo llio Court House, Ills sloe 1; H com
posed of tho very latest nnd bibtslyles over oiler
ed to tho citizens ol Columbia County, Ho can
accommodate tbo public Willi thofollowlng goods
at the lowest rules. Men's heavy double soled
btogu boots, men's double nnd siiiglo tap soled
kip boots, men's heavy toita shoes olnll kinds,
men's lino boots andbhocs of all grades, boy's
doublcsolcd boots and,sUccs of all kinds, men's
glove kid llalmoral shoes, men's, women's, boys's
nun iuism-i. iiisiiLiuyuiierH, women . s ginvo kiu
l'ollfill verv fine.wolnen'Kiiinrnpri It'iliumiilsniifl
call shoes, women's vciy lino kldhutluucd galt-
ei. in buori, ijools oi an tieLC'iipiions ootn l ej
god and sowed.
He would nlso call ntlentlon to ids .luc i art
mint ol
ATM, CAl'H.FrjRS AN 11 KlnulX!!.
which comprises all tlio now nnd po) varl
etiesat prices which eanr.otfallloMilt all. Tl eso
goods aio oll'crcd at tho lowest cash rales and
will ho guaranteed toglvo sal Israel Ion. A call
Is solicited belore purcbasln; elsewheie 1.3 It is
bclloved that better bargains aro to l.e found
mu at Ab oi'-o- pno iu iliii eotu.4y.
jau 171
jiANUKAcrtiuma ov
ol llio most Apinovcil I'atlcniii.
nml et'nisHE5?t
of nil dcecrlpllous,
i)i:.LT:r.3 in
Gonciiil Mi'ichamllsc, Luinboi1, &c,&c.
V.'o would annoimeo to tho nubile In
that wo bnvo taken tho well known Agilcuitur
nl Wenks ol this placo and shall luako tteniralin
In mauulactuio First Class Agrlcullural Iniplc
ineuls Liiual loanv other makers In tho Slide.
THjt'CHllIlSS JllrtcIsiJICS,
Until Lcvtr anil Trend Tower.
I5!-.vh oS"cvcs'y SJt'Kti.'Jtitlosi,
nmobg which h 111 iiuthccolebi'ntcd
aeknowlcdgcil by nil lo ha tho bebt ploiv extant
nil uiu 1.11IUU1. tibLi inu
C!inii!;ih)jj, Stcriih' H'r.lcnl :mi!
TIlC iilOJlil'OSG.
iroij Ki'tllcH,
:u;el 4'astlit;;-.'
i i vi iv lU'sciiptlnn. Win ball nso uonobut tho
ist mul eilals and eninlov noun but eomnclcut
ami e'xperlene. d luiehaiiles und our pi lees will
impale l.ivoiauiy ivuu any oilier mauuiaciur
(.'ountrv l'lodueo. Lumber. Old lion, taken In
exchange. Wn nlso hiiM-n itoto In (ounectlon
with our Agrlciilluuil Works, whom may bo
(omul n lull asMiitment ol MHItClIANDISU
wbleli will bobuld at bmnll prollls. Olvo us a
call befoi o pin e basing i Isew hern nud wo guar
antee batlslactlon.
lu'iren.t! 7'J-ly,
piiblle that lilias taken llio abovo named cslnb-
isuini'uiuuti inoioiigiiiy leuiieu uio saiuu iur
till. ,L"1 l.'Ut ('Oil VIIICIl. II ol llinuiiun.n, ...o im.ul.
...II, l.rt . .....I. 1 I.I. II,. I n, I , I.n ..I1..M1U
The choicest Urpiois, wines nud cigaiuulways to
UV I.'UIIU 111 nil l'l. ..
WILHAlU I'liim,
Lspv, l'a.
Vjt would nnnoiiiiculQtliocillzeusnril'.iiomn.
inif and vlelnllv. Hint ho hit lust leeelveda full
nud complete ussoi tinciit ul
rixi nm.H, ( oubn, i askim.",
rnd nil other goods In his lino ol hublni-,. All
me nci.-cbi nun iiiosi. nppruveu jiaiiei ut ui nn.
nay ai o itiwaya io uo i.iuiiu in ins I'siaiuisiiuicui,
rn.i i-.l.'t.J-1 1 Main Bt, ba.ow Market.
Its Rulers and Institutions.
Nothing llko It. Btrlkcs ovorvbodv ns lust tho
book lluy need. It Is nil KneyclopuUia ol Ibo
(liiverumcnt. Hlualo nnucs in It. mu ol tliem-
belves worth tho pilcool tbobook. Over IM) puru
will 01111 i jt.e.t i.u.- ... iui uniiviisbei-s
Indies and gentlenion fanners, teachers and
htiidents, Uncutjait luoklinrUtu lillicw ilmn.
i day can bo cleaieei In fair terrllory. Wrllo at,
...... ,.lun..t.. lfn. Mnl I...1 Wl'IU
in. r niiif tittiiie. Lfiore ma eoej nnjieeiri ti.
IIIICU HU .,11.111... ...... iui.tiiui
WOULD I'UIILISHINU CO., Cor. 7111 nnd Mar
UelHtieets.l'hlladelphla. foct. O.'
'J ho first tmd only belf.fccdlug Anthritclln Uoat
move ever in veuiui mat win i cncciiy
(.'iinsumu all tbo eabeH.
Wnrranlcd tho IllMT HUAlINU BTOV11 In
tuo country.
Send for l'rleo List and Circular to
Htovo Mimufaclmers, l'lltsburgli, l'.i.
(Jood Mglit,
lleynnd tlioproisof loss nnd gUn,
1 low sweet nlovo to creep
And fold about my weary brain
Tho loins loaves of sleep,
And all llio throbs of dally pain
In oplato fancies stcop.
No lotus leaf no Indian wlno -Llko
evening's mystic calms,
Descending tinder dusk divine,
And dropping tender balms
Into this lowly heart of mlno
That nskclli Uod for alius.
Ol blcstodBleepI aniiolnllng mo
With chrism of holy night,
Ami blinding mo Hint I may sen
Ileyoud nil earthly sight,
And binding mo that I may ho
ltclcnscd from vlowless flight.
Upborne from dust ofdally things,
And freed from curbi of clay
To mount upon ctlicrlal wings
Through boundless worlds to stiny
And drink at Lire's eternal springs,
Ileyoud tho founts of day,
Oti I loving Blcepl that brlngclli dreams
To woo, with waving hand",
And call us back by pleasant streams
And over silvery strands
Wliero memory llko moonlight gtenmi
Acro?s tho shining sand?.
O! tldo of Sloop! that soltly Hows
Through pleasure's garden blooms,
And ebbs In sorrowful repose,
Kencntb our Sorrow's glooms,
Wliero Memory, llko moonlight, shows
Tho names on all our tombs.
O I gentlo Bleep I O I solemn Death I
Twain angels darkly bright,
That kiss our eyes, nud seal our broalli,
And softly veil tho lljht-
I know not which It bo that saltli
Tho tendorest "Oood Night."
XKUIT IX AX Al'lMC.VX Tltlli:.
Niglit is ii f.ivorito tlmo with almost
all wiltl nninmls for fccdiiif; or moving
about. Especially i3 this tho cao with
thoso African creatures which during
tho day pass their timo in forests or
caves. Elciiliants, particularly, select
the night for feeding, and will then quit
their denso cover, and wander on plains
where they would fear lo show them
selves during daylight. On more than
ono occasion wo pushed HP.voral hours of
the night concealed ai.iong tho brandi
es of a Ireo, In order lo iiavo tint oppor-
unity of watching tho habits of homo
of thoso animals whoso nature it was to
io hidden during tho day.
On tho flrit occasion that wo over
tried this experiment, wo had taken for
our companion a friend, who was neith
er gifted with pationco nor with that
enthusiasm which is necessary. Wo
remained in this treo somo two hours,
our companion, by his frequent move
ments and thu noiso ho made, render
ing it unlikely that w slmnld s-or. iWy
milmal whoso Lcarlng was acute 'x'iie
iright moonlight, howovcr, tliat rend
ers everything by night almost as visl-
blo as by day, tempted ns to venturo on
tliei- ccasions to undertake night ad
cuturiy. And on moro than ono night
wo were awarded by witnessing events
that do not fall within tho o.v:pcrienco
f eveiy pertou.
Ono night in particular wo recall as a
very interesting one. It was an aftor
not.ii lido near tho bush down by tho
involi river, where wo had seen tho spoor of several elephants, that
ii derided upon pacing a lew hours in
a hufo tnv that stood apart from tho
nialii bush and from tho branches of
which a very good view could lie ch
ained of tho ground. For a compan
ion wo selected our usual hunting Caf-
fro, who was always ready for sport,
ml arming him with ono of our guns,
vo then fitartod at ubotit ton o'clock at
night, roachul the treo after half an
lour1: walk, and soon wore Bottled
midst Its branches.
A walk by night in a, country wheio
tlioro aro such animals as liunu, leop
ards, hyenas, sha'.es, elephants, buffa
lo and other formldublo creatures, re
quires considerable caution, for it would
bo excessively awkward to run against
ono of thoso animals, or to turn a cor
ner of a bush, and suddenly find your
self faco to faco with ono of them.
Thero are, too, somo creatures which
mako a practico of following men at
night tho hytcna in particular, as wo
experienced on more than ono occa
sion. Having taken our stations, in tho treo
we waited patiently for a viow of somo
animal. Iiifipitoof its being commonly
considered a "comfortable placo," wo
bellovo that thero Is no seat moro un
comfortable for a length of tlmo than a
seat in a tree. First, it is very hard ;
secondly, it Is impossible to chanjio your
position much ; thirdly, thero Is always
a risk of falling, particularly if you got
sleepy and dozo.and It Is almost impos
sible to llo down, or oven recline, lint
when it oilers a sccuro retreat from wild
animals, It has its advantages.
For fully half an hour wo saw noth
ing, although tho rustling of tho bush
indicated that various animals wero on
tho move. Tho noUcs ono hears at
night In a wild country aro very slngu
Iur, and when heard during tho still
ness of an African night, few sounds
aro moro striking than tho weird howl
or inoiin of tho "strand wolf," or hy
ona. The try of tho jackal Is par.
tlculaily wild, and can Jio hoard from a
very great distance; whilst llio peculiar
notoof various night-birds Is heard as
thoy flit around tho trees in which thoy
discover an Intruder on their domain.
After listening to tho various sounds
that occasionally wero hoard, wo sud
denly discovered several animals almost
under the treo in which wo wero con
cealed. Wo dared not move, for to
move was to mako a noise, and to mako
a noise would alarm the animals, what
ever thoy wero, 1 1 was, thoroforo, nec
essary to get a good view of them with
out moving a proceeding of somo dim
cultyj but wo accomplished it, nnd
fouiid tho creatures were bush-pig
a largo pig that lives entirely In tho
bush and Is about as watchful and cun
ning hs any animal that inhabits Afri
ca, its powcis of lioarlng and scent bo
ing very acute.. It knows quilo well
when any dangor ihiJcatons it; and is
not without powers of defouco, for it
possesses tusks, that will rip up a dog
or a man as though n razor was used.
It was scarcely worth whllo to alarm
any larger animals that might bo near,
by firing nt thoso pigs, so wo wero con
tent to watch thorn as thoy turned up
tho ground, and fed on tho roots they
Suddenly, without any apparent
cause two or thrco of thoso pigs gavo a
sharp grunt, and ran oirinto the bush.
Wo thought they had by their power of
scent discovered our proximity lo them j
but wo shortly lound their alarm was
duo to a much moro dangorous enemy
than man an enemy whoso cunning
was greater than oven that of tho oldest
boar among tho party, and whoso
strength was such, that a full-grown
pig was, compared to him, Ilttlo moro
than n Vat to cat. Tho animal that
caused tho alarm was a leopard.
Whilst wo wero pondering what had
caused tho sudden doparltiroof tho pigs,
wo heard a rustling of leaves and
branches, a sudden rush, a sound as of
struggling, a sharp squeak or two, and
all was quiet again. Wo strained our
eyes to distinguish thu forms of tho vic
tim and Its slayer, as tho two lay half
concealed among tho thick underwood,
At length wo mado out the form of tho
leopard, lying on the body of tho pig.
Tho ferocious animal had adopted Its
usual modo of seizing its prey by tho
back of the neck, and liad succeeded in
breaking tho neel: of tho pig in n very
few seconds.
Hero wa3 a creature well worthy of
our lead, so wo quietly changed our
position to bring our gun to bear on the
leopard. Although apparently fully
occupied with its prey, tho leopard was
still on tho nlcrt, for slight as was the
noiso wo mado in moving, ho rose quick
ly, glanced upwards, and with a grace
ful bound was out of sight before wo
could pull a trigger or oven lake aim.
The pig wo know was dead, so wo de
cided that wo would have a ham or it
boforo long. The leopard had scarcely
Ieftliis prey half an hour, beforo stealthy
steps wero heard approaching tho dead
pig, and soon two hyenas wero busily
employed on feasting on it. The noises
wo made in tho tree alarmed them, but
they wero not to bo balked of their
feast, for seizing a huge pieco of pig,
they scampered oil" to a distance with it.
After finishing this pleco thoy would
sneak up lo the carcass, lay hold of a
fresh piece, and rii3h olfwlth that. Tho
hyenas, between them, nearly finished
tho pig, tho remains wero satisfactorily
accounted for by somo jackals, and
what appturod in tho dim light to bo
ichneumons. The latter fought and
squabbled over tho bones and scraps
like so many hungry dogs, and by day
light wo found scarcely a sign of tho
wild pit;, all that remained of it being
somo blood on the dry grass wliero It
had fallen.
It ia mirprising the amount of animal
life that moves about by night In a, wild
c'liintry. No ono would lor a moment
suspect that in his immcdiato neighbor
hood thero werea multittidoof creatures
which ho never saw, unless ho watched
for them by night. Wohavo seen crea
tures that aro very uncommon roaming
about by night in the most reckless
manner. A few years ago, wo wore
staying at a friend's hoiiio in the coun
try, and having fjocn strango signs on
his lawn, wo watched ono night when
tho moon gave a light in order lo see
what night wauderers visited us. lie
foro long wo observed two little dark
objects moving on tho lawn, and on
coming quickly up lo thorn, wo sur
prised two hedgj hogs, creatures wo
had not seen by day any vIiero near tho
lawn. Upon following up tho trail, wo
found thoy actually lived in somo cover
on the borders of tho lawn nnd within
fifty yards uf tho hoiiio.
At tho tlmo wo saw tho wild pig kill
ed by tho leopard, thero was scarcely
half an hour during which several crea
tures did not pass our post, but tho
greatest excitement occurred just ns tho
day was breaking.
Several times during tho night wo
had heard the Hharp crack of a broken
branch in tho distant forest, and now
and then a shrill sharp cry, both of
which told us that elephants wero not
fur off. To attempt to obtain a shot at
lliein by night would havo been too
dangerous, and unlikely lo result In
success, as the underwood in tho bush
was si) denso, that oven on a bright
sunny day, objects wero scarcely distin
guishable in tbo gloom. Thero was a
probability, however, of these giants of
tho fm'e.-it coming out into tlio open, and
if so, wo might obtain a cho.t at them
from our trees.
II was not till Just before, .sunrise that
the herd of elephants camo noar tho treo
lu which wo wero concealed, and then
they .scorned to scent danger, for Instead
of earning boldly forward they stopped,
and blowing through their trunks, ap
peared to bo carefully scouting tho air.
Whether thoy really smelt danger it is
imposilblo to say, but thoy would not
upproach nearer to tho edgo of the bush,
and wo could not obtain a viow of any
of thorn.
After passing a night In a Uco without
firing a shot, it was Imposslhlo to resist
tho temptation oiTorcd by the proximity
ol thoso elephants, so that as soon as
thero was sulUcIont daylight for us to
see our way, wo entered tho donso forest,
and endeavored to get a shot at ono of
them. Wo soon found that our prcsenco
was quite woll known to theso crafty
animals, for thoy trumpeted and grum
bled as wo approached, and boforo wo
oxpectcd it, a cow olephant, with a calf
charged through tho bush towards us,
Wo had to retreat with all speed j nt one
tlmo tho vicious animal being scarcely
ton rods from us. A sudden dodgo up
a small emtio path, howovor, gavo us a
fresh start, and wo widened tho dlstanco
between us.
So denso wait tho underwood In this
bush, and so savago wero tho clophauts
that after a night passed In a tree, wo
felt dlsiucllncd to beard them in tlioir
own domain. Wo thoroforo returned to
our tent, after which a bath, and break
fast, followed byau hour or two's sleep
dispelled all tho bad effects of n night in
an African treo. A. ir. imiyson.
X G'linin-iioti llnsc-ltnll Club.
Tho Cleveland Leader gels utfthc fol
lowing on the "Forest Cityline" of
that vlllagoi
Tho pitcher for the summer of 1872
has been practising for several weeks
outsldo of tho city limits, nnd though
not feeling well can throw a regulation
ball with such swiftness that it canuot
bo seen unless covered with phosphor
us; and often tho friction occasioned
by lis passing through tho nir causes a
heat so great as to burn tho ball to ashes
cs beforo It reaches tho catcher, who on
ly finds n mas3 of cinder In his hands.
Tho assistant or rcscr vo pitcher he.3 been
practising but ft fow weeks, but ho can
throw a ball through olghtcou lnchc3 of
oak plank now; nnd If ho keeps on, tho
man on ucck will bo compollcd lo encaso
his stomach in a monitor turret and
other nrmor, or suffer tho consequences.
Tho catcher lias been for thrco weeks
past engaged in breaking up pig-iron
at tho Nowburg rolling mills, nnd to
still further toughen his hands, ho al
lows tho big twenty ton trip hammer lo
drop on them two houra each day ; and
thoy aro now about the sizo of n wind
mill, nnd if a ball gets by him it will bo
by traversing tho atmosphcro of an ad-
Joining county. Tho reader can gamble
on this.
Tho first baseman is trying the diet
system lo steady his nerves and can lot
a Government mulo kick him all day in
tho abdomen without winking. Ho will
never movo his foot from a sand bag un
less on tho lino of his duty, and n run
ner for the first baso may light on him
llko a nlghthawk on a Junebug without
making him swervo a hair.
Tho second baseman nas dovoloped
himself moro especially for miscollanc- j
oils and actlvo service. Ho can stand
on his head, catch a ball with his feet,
rovcrso his position, antt'knock n grass
hopper olifrom a million stalk at a dis
tance of eighty rods, nine times out of
ton. There will bo no use lu a runner
trying to dodgo him, for he has globe
sights on his nose, and can plump a man
in tho hull or rigging justns hochooscs.
Tho short stop is probably tho best
man for his position that can bo found
litis side of tho Suez canal. Ho is short
himsolf, and lias lived on pie-crust all
winter, can turn thirteen somersaults
without spitting on his hands, and catch
a ball with equal facility in either hand
or his tooth.
Tho third basoinan has boon making
sour krout and riding a velocipedo all
winter, to develop the muscles of , his
lower limbs, which are immense, nnd
gavo him tho appcaranco of being
troubled witii elephantiasis. Hut don't
fool yourself; ho can run down a giraffo
in threo minutes, and can bat balls so
fur (lint his opponent.? never llilnl: of
chasing lliein tho same day thoy aro hit,
but proceed with a new ball.
The threo fielders havo been frisking
about in tho country all winter, and
drinking angloworm oil to givo supple
ness to their limbs. Thoy goon all fours
faster than many professionals can run,
and aro so limber that circus men dio off
like sheep after seeing them perform
In fact, wo may well bo pioud of our
club for the present year, and if there is
any organization In thi3 country that
thinkri it can compete vvitli them, let
them draw on us atsix months' sight
through the United States Treasury De
partment (or sooner if thoy get a sight
of us), stating how many dollars' worth
of confidence thoy feel in their favorilo
Wo do not forget our club manager,
who is all that a father could bo to tho
boys, and who does much moro than his
name would indicate to make tho season
and Its matches successful. Tbo scorer
for tho present year Jis.3 been selected as
tho champion whlttlerof the State. Ho
laa purchased a bran ncwJackkiiIfe!,two
thousand shingles, and will keep bis
notches on tho doublo entry plan, i. c,
ouo entry for tho other side, &ul two
cuts for his own.
Anonymous hollers.
Tho editor of s, populai uiiigazlnoouee'
remarked to a journal! "I honestly 1
bollovothat overy other young person in
tho United States writes poems or short
stories," "And 1, "replied thojournalist
"honestly bellovo that llio rest of our
energetic population .including thoagod,
dovolo their spare hours which seem
numerous lo writing ,asouymoa3 let
ters." An outsider would bo astcniiiiedai the
piles of signattnolcss communications
that aro every week thrust unraid iuto
the waste paper baskot, which faruus so
prominent an adjunct to every
hardened editor. Tho pcoplo who wsato
(heir tlmo In penning useless prosocud
verso "proso ami worse," poor Tom
Hood usual to call It have, we may pro-
sumo, somo definlto hopo ofaccomplIsU-
ing an object. Possibly it is fame, aufi
certainly It is pecuniary reward, for the
notes which accompany theso manu
script usually convey tho information,
moro or losscaudldly, that if tho articles
aro Inserted, a check mallixl to thlsor
that address will bocheorfully received.
Somo of tho writers tako to ink for tholr
own or tholr friends' nmusonicnt; othors
because it seems nn easy way to mako
monoy , nnd others becauso they Icel that
thoy havo a call to authorship. Then
thero aro hosts of pcoplo who Kcribblo as
the plow-hoy whistles, for want of
thought. Taking all those classes togctlp
er, it is no wonder that every mall
brings to tho ofiico of a prominent mnga
7.!no n mass of matter sufficient ;to mnkoi
tho. harassod editor fancy tltat nt least
half tho rnon, women mid chid Iron In
tho United Statos hnvo turned nuthors
Hut what can possess about tho samo
number of pcoplo to wrlto anon ymoii3
letters to tho conductors of nowepn pcrs?
Tho malicious cpistlo designed lo Btau
tho ronutation of this or that man s tho
nameless nolo pointing out nn luvcrtotl
letter In last week's edition's thoindlg
naut document from n visionary "old
subscriber;" tho maudlin letter of com
plaint; the "useful information" lottor
containing n surreptitious puff of somo
tradesman' wares thoy all go Iuto tho
mortuary wnsto paper basket, unsung
unwept, unhouorcd and unknown.
This is their fate In every wcll-reguln-led
nowspapor olllco. An unsigned lot
ler Btanda Uttlo chanco of oven a hasty
reading. Its barefaced lack of authenti
city damns It. This fact must bo patent
to most writers of anonymous scrccd3.
How often llio conviction must bo forc
ed homo to them that thoy havo thrown
nway Ihclr time, paper nnd postngo
stnmps. To writo a letter nnd not sign
your name to it,arguos cither bad brood
ing or cowardice. It Is essentially n
mean act, nnd tho meanness of it is not
so glaring ns tho stupidity.
In a Den of Tigers.
On tho morning of tho second day of
our slay in Providence, writes an ama
teur who Is with n circus for tho fun of
tho thing, I lit n cigar after brenkfast
nnd strolled down to tho circus. On
entering tho mcnagcrlo tent, I discov
ered tho proprietor of tho show seated
on n bench nnd watching the tigor
trainer cleaning tho tigers' cago. Thero
were llvo tigers in the cage, nil royal,'
and tho most tnagnlflcont brutes I over
saw. "How thoso follows would mako
rnlncc-meat of you or mo, did wo ven
turo into their cago," I remarked.
"Yes, if wo went in alone," ho replied;
"but that man has thorn under such
perfect control that I would walk in
thero this minuto without n moment's
hesitation. Would you llko to go in? j
thoro'a no danger." I turned the mat
ter over in my mind for a minuto or
two, nnd then npproached tho cago and
asked tho tamer what ho thought about
tho matter. Ho replied to my inquiry1
by driving all the tigers into one cornor
with his whip, nnd oponing tho door of
tho cago. Tho next momont I stood
faco to faco with theso florco, splendidly
ferocious animals, with only tho tamer
between us. For a fow seconds thoy
glared fiercely at mo as through about
to spring, nnd I clutched moro fierce
ly the latch of tho barred cage. Then
one raised himself on his hind legs
to his full leugth, resting his enormous
paws upon the upper cross-bar of tho
cago. Ho snarled fearfully at me, and
his velvety tail swept backward and for
ward in the mostominous manner. Tho
Jaws of death wero wido opon beforo mo,
and itseemeda3 if.Ieouldlook half-way
down his throat. Hut tho keeper kept
his eye steadfastly upon him, and tho up
raised whipcowed him Into submission.
Thoothers pacid uneasily up nnd down
the end of tho cage,ovidently longing to
mako a meal of mc,and uttering contin
ually that horrible snarl peculiar to ti
gers; showing tholr gaping throats and
tremendous fangs every time thoy did so.
I opened tho door of tho cago and sprang
out as tho keeper's whip descended on
the shoulders of ono who was crouching
for a spring, not being desirous of giving
hhu a ghost of a chanco. Thokcopcr him
self shortly.aflorward left tho cage, and
the animals at onco gavo vent to the ox
citcment under which thoy wero labor
ing. Thoy bounded backward and for
ward in tho cage, fought amoug thorn
selves, and told mo as plainly as muto
action could do how great was their dis
appointment that thoy wero not then
engaged in picking my bones. Thoy did
not quiet down for half nn hour nfter
ward ; but being safely outsldo tho cago,
I could all'ord to laugh at their angry
A Funny Mistake,
Itdovolved upon an certain reporter.
of a country paper, to writo for the
samo edition, an account of the presenta
tion of a gold headed cano to Rev. Dr.
Jones, tho clergyman of the placo, and a
description of a patent hog-killlngand
siusago making-machine., which had
just gono Into oporatlon. Whon tho fore
man oi! tho composing room received
the two locals, ho cut them into small
pieces, as usual, for distribution among
tho typo sattoic. A mistake must havo
been mado in numbering tho "copy,"
for when the paper went to press, tho
two reports wero mixed Cn ouch a
frightful manner, that tho following, or
something like it, was tho result;
"Soveral of Kev. Dr. Jones's friends
called upon him yesterday, and after n
brief conversation tho unsuspicious hog
cvas soizcu uy trio mini legs anil buo
clongn beam until ho rcachod the hot
water tank. His friends explained tho
olvjoct of their visit una presented him
with a very handsomo gold headed
butcher, who grabbed him, by tho tail,
swung him around, slit his tin oti from
ear to car, and In less than a mlnulfi the
carcass was in tho water. Thereupon he)
cacao forward and said that thero wero
times when tho feelings overpowered
ouo, and for that reason ho would not
attempt to do more tt;i thank thoso
around him for tho manner vn jvhich a
hugo animal was cut into fraginontews
simply astonishing. Tho doctor con
cluded his remarks, whon tho machlno
seized him aud inlcs3 tlmo than it takes
to writo it, tho hog was cut Into pieces
and worked up into delicious sausage.
Tho occasion will long bo remembered
by tho doctor's friends as ono of tho
most delightful of their lives. Tho best
pieces can bo procured at fifteen cents a
pound, nnd wo aro sure that those who
havo sat so long under his ministry
will rejolco that ho has been treated so
nia. Certainly in no part of tho conti
nent is pleasurctraveliugso oxquisilo
and unalloyed a pleasuroas in California.
Not only aro tho sights grand, wondor
ful.nud surprising in tho highest do
grec, but tho cllmato is exhllaratiug
and favornblo to nn netlvo lifo; tho
weather Is so certain that you need not
loso a day, nnd may lay out your wlrolo
tour In tho Stato without referenco to
rnlnv tlavs. unless it is In thoralnv sea
sou ; tho roads arosurprlsingly good, tho
country Inns aro clean, tho beds good,
tho rood abundant and almost always
well cooked, nud thochargo moderate;
nnd tho Journoy by rail from Now
York to San Krancleco, which costs no
moro than tho steamer faro to Loudon.
mid is shorter than' a vovarro across Uio
Atlantic, is in Itself delightful as well
as Instrutjtl vo. Prpbably twonty Ameri
cans go to Europe for onu who goes to
Qillfornlft's vot uo Amorican who has
r not seen i tho nlains. tho ltockv Moun-
xuius, uiu urctu emu j.uuo, ittiii tuu wum
dors of California, can, honestly Bay that
ho has Been his own country) or that ho
oven lias an Intouigontiuea onus groat
nos. citAHLiaiNOUDiiOFF,iiwiary)cr-
juaoaunejor mwj,
Ono Inch, (twelve lines or Its Mtilvnlont In
Nonpareil type) ono or two Insertions, 1 1.00 tlirce
Insertion, ii.00
HrAUi;. 1M. 2sf. Sac. 6M. 1Y.
OtlO tlictl..... ...I2M tip) 11.00 ,00 110,00
Two Incnos .......... 8,60 6.00 7,00 B.OU 15,00
'i'lirco Inches 8,oo 7,00 0,o) lJ.oo M on
Fonrlnclic ..., 7,m o.oo ll.oo 17,oj 2,ou
innrtercolumn.....10,oo 12,otl 14,00 20,00 80,00
il.i.niHmn ism mini onno noon mi III
Ono oolumn.''....'.....8o,w W.oo o',oo so,oo loo.ou
KTceulor's or Administrator's Notice, 13,00
Auditor' or Asslgneo'f Notloo, tifia.
Local notices, twenty cents a lino.
Mania lii llm " tlnul ness Dlrnetorv" rolumn.
12,00 per year for tho first lwo lines, nnd (1,00 for
cacIi additional line, i
A Wisconsin mlnlstor nwoko his
slumbering chnrgo by vehemently say
ing, "Deacon T wako up; tho best of
tho sermon is to como."
A Detroit man on being foiled in his
fifth attempt to commit suicide, wept,
becauso "ovorybody nnd ovcrythlng
was working against him."
A Baltlmoro minister is dqposod Just
for playing whlskoy poker and auction
pitch for tho drinks in a lagor-bccr
Aroportcr who attended a banquet,
concludes his description with a candid
Btatcmcnt that "it is not distinctly ro
membored by any body present who
mado tho last speech.1'
A person speaking of a man not ro
markablofor his suavity, said ho did
not llko his manners.
"His manners l"gald alady. "Ididu't
know ho had any."
A lady entered a drugstore and asked
for a bottlo of "Jane's Exnerionco."
Thoclerk informed her that Jano hadn't
bottled her oxporlonco yet, but they
could furnish "Jayno'a Expectorant."
"Fred," said n father to his son, "I
hoar that you and your wifoquarrcl and
wrangle every day. "Whoever told
you that father, was totally mistaken ;
mv wire and I haven't spoken to ono
another for n month."
Thero is a placo In Maine wliero thoy
havo had no rain for four wooks
nnd no whisky for six. Tho conso
quenco is that Just now they nro tho
dirtiest nnd dryest pcoplo nbovo
"Soo there!" exclaimed n roturned
Irish soldier to a gaping crowd, nsho
exhibited with some prido n lint with n
bullot hole in it. "Look at that hole,
will you? You seo that if it had been
n ore-crowned hat, I should havo been
killed outright."
Tho drug clerk who administered
arsenic for magnesia and killed his
man, says ho don't seo why pcoplo
mako so much talk about it, ns he's
mado an apology and done wnat no
could to mako it right with tho family.
A Dotrolt man who had no ear for
music, confessed as much when ho
frankly owned that "If I wero tho
proprietor of a hand-organ, set express
ly to play 'Old Hundred,' I couldn't
get over seventy-jlvc out of it."
Thoy havo n rather singular railroad
in East Tennessee. A nowspaper at
Joncsboro speaks of that placo as its
"termini." it is not onoume in a tnous
and that you find a railroad with both
end3 sticking into tho samo town.
A N. Y. editor thinks from tho man
ner In which shirts aro mado in that
city there ought to bo nn inspection of
sowing. He says ho went to tho ex
penso of n new shirt tho other day and
found himself when ho awoko in tho
morning crawling out between two qf
the shortest stitches.
A Skilful Ponman. J. H. Johnson,
a dashing writing master' of Vinton,
Io.,lsso well schooled In chirography
that ho can writo H. M. Howo's namo
just as well as ho can his own. Ho tried
it on a bond, and iho'clty authorities of
Vinton, who did not annrcciato truo
genius, put him in tho lock-up.
A Boston bride, whoso groom remon
strated with her at tho wedding for in
dulging in ramer lnuiscriminato be
stowal of her last maiden kisses on a
number of her malo frionds, remarked
with natural naivcto that tho gentle
men in question had boon In tho habit
of kissing her all her life and she didn't
seo why thoy should stop now.
A reverend gentleman in Minnesota
has horrified his congregation boyond
expression by tho prophecy that tho
end of tho world cannot possibly bo de
layed beyond next autumn. Ho ha?,
howovcr, undertaken tho cultivation of
an unusually largo crop of wheat, be
lieving, probably, in small prophets
nud quick returns.
It is reported that a ghost at Mo
Keesport has rushed around o'nights
with a stilotto, revengefully howling:
"Lovely croaturo, thou must die!" Ono
day last week nn Irishman of that placo
disguised himself as a femalo and met
his ghostship; but tho ghost didn't
stiletto worth a cent the Irishman put
ahead on him."
Two eminent clorgymen of Brooklyn
the ono an Episcopalian and tho other
a Unitarian mot In crossing tho Wall
Street forry. Joking boing in order,
tho ciiurcnman saru, "iiromer
if I wero not nn Episcopalian, I would
boa Unitarian." "Why so?" was tho
question. "Becnuso I always had my
JJJ1IH1 IUiluu up lu uu i-iiuur SUUllHlllUg ui
nouung," was mo answer.
Mr. Graoloy writes to a confectioner
in Boston tliat in making calves foot
jolly tho Durham breed should always
03 soiecieo. ao a uvu can, pnuo
tho hind feet in n ,cora jplll; and thi n
commenco toturu and tho jolly w ill
flow out In its crudo state. XftUect this
In a pan, and throw away tho cell'.
A rahly importunato individual is.
Iowa City, who was weary or breath,
attempted lately to put a stop it by
cutting his throat and opening tho
arteries of his wrists. Two or thno
doctors hold of him, howover. stitched
hlna up, and forced him to llvo, and
thon added insult to injury by presen
ting a heavy bill. Tho courts 1ms o
forced him to pay it too, with com-,
nhnut thrco hundred dollars in all.
which, ho says, is mere man nisiuncrai
would havo cost.
Parisian Bon Mot. "They say," ob
served a man to his friend ono night
nt. tlin Cafe Fov. "that, Auoiuno is
has mado ten millions while ho
out of Franco. It can't bo truo."
"Quito truo," ropneu ins irionti.
'But HOW. " was wiuu luiKixi.
"By selling skins."
"Skins! impossible."
"Not at all, thero wero negroes Inside
of them."
Walking along Suporlor street with
friend (Artcmaa Ward) wo passed a
dilapidated specimen of iiumnnlty, who
had "Vagabond" wrltton all over htm.
"Now," said Artomas, with a look of
mingled disgust nnd pity, ns ho pointed
to tno miseraoio louow, "you wouimri
think that wrotchod bciug was at this
moment, mo wealthiest man in Cleve
land?" "No!" Eald tho mend, lookiug at thu
man with somo interest.
"Well, ho Isn't," returned Artemas
with a comical pucker of tho mouth,
while his oyes laughed consumcdly.
A conductor of a freight train on tho
Now York Central road was at first llat
tercd, than amarod and then Indignant
at tho fact that whllo passing through
Syracuso overybody utado signals to
Him. nviU, pointed to ins tram, llo llnul
ly in his wrath responded by Buudry
digital gyrations, which ceased when
ho discovered that one of tho grain cars
was leaking nt. tho rate, pf a bushel a
TIo following pathetic uoto wits pick
ed upon thp s,treot in Mcadville: "Dear
Jano 1 hopo you ain't mad becauso I
lUdn't'liuTatycu whoa you latt't ntmo
last ovonlngnt tho post olllce. I ain't
prowd, dear Jano, but I havo got a bile
undor my arm and! can'.fc luff an I used
toasheaveuls myjudgo Yours, truly,