Ag riculliiral. HOW TO FKF.D CHICKENS AND WHAT to QlVE Thkm, - Corn, wheal Burrorl Iiir, mill ocnuloiiniiy coarso imnl.scalil 1 nml mlxcil with hoi water, nmko ii hulr fooiU ljipver ulvaUiom corn muul mlxoil wllll col & watcAilan't bollgVoin 11 In filet rIHiIiik tlmllsoiioMnircoof lliolr Hlckncsa nml diseases. All their food la bettor for thorn cooked hut c(iokliff,'j()( ,corn and wheat IniplleH trouble." Uo It Udod biit It lmys to do It mid does anything pay without trouble ? llowovcr, let mo say wheth it you iocu on raw corn or not novor fi i il on raw comtne&l. Now,whon I feod my plan U to walk all over tho yard about half an aero and scatter tho food atuinoft (two grains Hover fall In tho samo spot) and immediately you sco tho wliolo army scatter themselves as sklrintherx, and tho yard presents, for an hour and moro, somowhat the appear anco of an upturned ant hill. I novor rIvo thcitl as much as thoy can cat : they nlwaysloftve off hungry. By my system of scutcrlnc tho food old and young, weak and strong, small nnd large all got their cUanco and share, and all aro kept so busily and actively employed that tho very nrocess of food ing stirs them abbut, and keeps them from being too lazy to move about, Clean water (you sco I emphasize tho clean part) thoy must bavo freotoall. Drink' ing foul standing water kills moro ehlkena than nlno-tonths of us raise. Occasionally lh summer I drop a lump of limo into tho water aud lot thorn try tho llmo wator, and also mako them cayenno pills whenever I notico them drooping or their discharges showing symptoms of diarrhoea. Gapes como from drinking foulwator,llving In dirty quartans, and want of good food, prop erly given. Tiio best euro for this and all other diseases chlckon flesh is hoir to is prevention in this case, an ounco of prevention being worth a good many pounds of cure. Glvo them good wliolo sonio food, healthy, clean quarters, pay somo decent regard to their comfort and my word for it, they will mako you rejolco In tho profltablo gratltuclo they return you you will -bo but Ilttlo trou bled with cholera grapes, or any other pest, excopt tho miserable chicken thief, and tho bost euro for him is a spring gun, properly arranged to doso him when ho makes his marauding attempt. Jtural Itegisler. Keep tiio Cattlo Uroivliig. Tho most successful breeders of horses, cattlo, sheep, or swiuo, know from ex perience that although they may pos sess tho bost breeding animals, thoy will not bo successful in "producing superior stock if a continuous growth of tho young animals is not kept up. In order to begin in time at this indispensable preparation forsucccss, the brood marcs, cows, owes and sows aro most carefully and suitably fed while with young, and as soon as tho young animals mako their appearance, thoy aro taken tho greatest caro of, tho dams being suitably fed whilo suckling, and when the young ones aro weaned they are not supposed to want for food or drink a singlo hour. By this means a continuous or rapid growth id kept.up and the animals attain a largo size and heavy weight at an early ago. When brooding animals are not properly fod and comfortably shel tered In Wintor, tho bad effect of such treatment Is not confined to their own want of condition It is shared by their progeny, and can nover be remedied. When young stocj: aro not well fed and comfortably sheltered in Winter, their growth becomes stunted, and no subse quent amount of good treatment can re pair tho damage. Young animals may suffer for want of proper provender In Summer and Autumn,as woll as in Win ter, and when this happens it stops con tlnous growth and prevents ultimate uccess in tho object of the breeder. No Pjjofit in Milking too Long. It 13 generally thought best, so far as my knowledgo extends, to let dairy cows go dry three, or at least, two months. My'ownoxperionco would give threo months as about tho best averago length of tlmo cows should go dry be foro dropping their calves In spring: and thi3 I find best without regard to the general health of tho animal or the amount of milk to bo produced tho fol lowing season. Cows that aro milked too long, either got thin in flesh, and glvo but little milk, and that Ilttlo of poor quality, or elao require a large amount of nutritious food to keep up a good supply of milk and tho animal in good flesh. My rulo Is to feed liberally as long, .us I do milk, and whon a cow gives Ies3 than two quarts of good whole some milk, dry her off and lessen tho foid. A dry cow needs nbout two thirds tho amount of fodder required by a cow of tho samo slzo which gives milk, so that there Is uo present profit In milk ing too long, unless dairy products are very high, to eay nothing of the aamago by impairing tho future usefulness of ho cow. Country Gentleman. Tho Scientific Pres3 quotes tho testl meny of a gentleman in San Francisco with regard to iho valuoorfrosh eggs In affording nourishment to weak animals. Ho remarked that ho had kuown young colt which tonllap pcarancos was nearly dead, tho breath of life bolngbarely porcoptlble, to bo quite instantly roylved by giving it ono or two fresh eggs. Tho samo results, In several cases to which he was knowing, havo followed the administering of eggs to weak calves, and also to feeble and chilled lambs. A remedy bo slmplo, so easy at hand and so effectual In tho cases mentioned which often occur with calves and lambs should bo ro mcmbcred by our reader?. Houses Breaking Bnim,t3. a correspondent of tho Queemlander says ho cures, horses of tho habit of pulling nt tho halter in this way : "My plan to euro a horso of brldlo-breaklng is, to fasten or tio him up In a place, whoro ho cannot run back, with a strong leath er hoad collar not a halter and whon tho brldlo U put upon him, turn him around in the stalj and fasten Jilm for an hour ovory pay with relns.iastcneu to tho stall posts amUhon buckled on to his bit. This, plan will bo found a euro, and a yery gentle and not disa greeable operation for tho horse. Col. B. D. Harris speaks of an Ohio farm which, when tho present proprie tor took possession, a few years ago, contained an old-turf-bound orchard, the fruit always small and wormy. lib turned in a lot of hogs and has let then cultlvato it ever sinco. Tho result Is good crops of fair apples, all free from worms. THE rra-wr Young Folks. Story or Tho Hogi, lil ft tau-yatd, In a Ilttlo town of Eng. mil, thoro wcro two dogs. Ouo was n mall dog, of tho spaniel kind, wIiojo namo was Carlo. Tho oilier was n largo strong watch-dog, ami his namo was onto. Carlo was not n good-temporal dog, but was cross aud ugly, nnd ho scorned to havo taken a great dlsllko to onto. Ho, novor cared to play with him, nnd would snap and snarl when ho caiuo near him, aud always showed an ugly feeling toward him. Ponto didn't seem to caro much for It, but ho kept out of Carlo's way, In a dignified sort of manner, as If ho would say : "Well, MrvCarlo, If you can get along without me, I am euro 1 can do very well without you." Ono day Carlo was playing nbout In tho yard, and somchowor other ho slip ped into ono oi tho pits which was very nearly full oi wator. Of courso ho could swim well, as all other dogs can. But tho wat6r was not high enough for him to reach the top, and as tho sides of tho nit woro too stoop and smooth for him to catch hold of anything with his feet it was iniposslblo for him to get out by himself. So ho wont swimming round and round tho pit, whining and yolp ing all tho tlmo for somo one to como and help him. But It so happened that none of tho workmen wcro thcro to holphim, and Carlo would certainly havo been drowned had it not been for Ponto. Ho heard tho cry of distress from tho Ill-natured friend, and wontatoncoto sco what ho could do to holn him. As soon as he enmo to tho pit, nnd saw how things were, ho reached over and caught hold of Carlo by tho neck with his teeth, and drugged him out. Carlo shook himself, and then went frisking and Jumping about Ponto, as if to show hisgratitudo. Ho had no power to speak his feel lugs, but ho tried by his actions, as woll as, ho could, to say: llI am very much obliged to you for saying my life. I feel ashamed of my self for having been so cross and 111-na turcd to you ; but I nover mean to do so any more," nnd Carlo was as good as his word, if ho had boon ablo to say all this to Ponto. Ho nover soomcd forget his kindness to him, but would wag his tall and Jump about, and seem very glad when over ho mot Ponto. So that oven dogs know how to return good for ovil. Children who do not do this aro therefore, worso than dogs. The Kind Coniluctor. It is a pleasure to say somothing to tho credit of an Individual who belongs to that much abused class of our com munlty, horso car conductors, whom people llko to bollovo dishonest. On the morning of tho Fourth, a little girl riding to Boston tendered to a conduc tor for tare, a dingy-looking scrip, of tho denomination of twenty-flvo conts. Ho took It, looked at it, said "Counter feit 1" and returned it ts her. Evidently judging by her appearanoe that it was all sho had, ho added "if ever mind ; let It go till next time.' But tho girl was mortified by tho circumstance, and, her eyes brimming with tears, sho turned her faco away. A lady standing near remarked, "Her Fourth of July is spoiled." Tho conductor hoard her, and, hesi tating but a moment, said to tho girl, "Let's see that money again." Sho handed it to him, and then ho took irorn his pockot tho brightest, newest, twenty-flvo cent scrip ho could find, and gavo It to her in exchange When ho saw her countenance express ing the thanks sho could not utter, wo havo no doubt that ho felt amply re warded, and wo will wager quite an amount that his wearisome labors that day wero very much llghtonod by his Ilttlo act of kindness. A True Hero. A boy about nine years old was bath ing ono day, when, by somo mischance, h'o got into deep water and began to sink. Ills elder brother saw him, but lacking strength or skill, ho also sank to tho bottom of tho river. As tho two drowning brothers rose to tho sur face for tho last timo, they saw a third brother, tho youngest of tho family, running down tho bank for tho purposo of trying to save them. Then It was that the dying nino-year-old acted the part of tho hero. Struggling as bo was With death , ho gathered all his strength, and cried to the brother on tho shore, "Don't come. You'll drown." Noble Ilttlo fellow! Though dying ho forgot himself, and thought only of his father's grief. Ho was a genuine hero. Ills brother obeyed his dying command, and was spared to comfort his father when his two dead sons wcro taken from tho river clasped In each other's arms. Boys, you aro not called to bo heroes in this way, but you aro called to con sider tho feelings of your parents, and to study bow to avoid giving thorn pain. Tho best way to do this la to lovo them dearly. Lovo will not only keep you from hurting their fool lugs, but It will mako you sources of groat Joy to their hearts. Blessed aro thoso children whose words and deeds mako sweet music in their parents' souls. The "Silveh Role." You nil know the Golden Rule: "Do unto othora as you would wish thorn to do to you." Thero is a rulo which is almost a part of tho Golden Rulo, but which wo will put by Itself, and becauso of Its value, call It tho "Sliver Rulo." "Think and say all voucan of tho good dualities of others; forget and keep silent concern ing their bad qualities. You can not concoivo how much such a courso will heighten your own happiness, and ralso you In tho esteem of your mates. Did you over think any moro of a boy or girl becaso he or sho found fault with others? Novor call your schoolmates or playmates ugly, or cross, nolthcr to their faces nor behind their basks. If thoy aro ugly, or stingy, or cross, tl does not make them better to talk or think about It, whilo It makos you lovo to dwell upon faults of others, and cau ses your own soul to grow smaller, and you beoomo like tho foul bird that pre fers carrion for food. The following composition has boon turned out by an American scholar, aged IS: "A boy without a father is an borphan, without a motbor, a doublo horphan, but is ofienost without a grandfather and a grandmother, and then ho Is an horpuauWi" COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 'PA. Miscellaneous, BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNORR'S SPUING STYLES, THE LATEST AND 13 EST. Kvory variety for Jleu, Women nml Children, OLD STOCK Selling at Cost to closo out to mako room lor NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE, A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND OTTSTOUVE CLOTHING. UK UAH TUB FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EML'iOYB THE BEST W O It K 91 E N, For good fits aud proinptuoss la fllllDO orJcra uiei o la me piocou go. TIU pnntlji nr nelentful vltb film and htfl Cus tom Work will compare favorably with tho best euoria oi inu wsuiouauje cuy uuuier. HE KEET3 A LARUE BTOCK OK HOTS' AND ClIIfcDUBN'S CLOTHING AND GEXTS' FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly 1,0 w Priced. Bloomaburg, HopL si. 1871-lt JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND OONFECTIONERYI BERWICK. PENN A. The undersigned would respectfully lutorm the CitUons of llerwlck, and vicinity, that bo baa opened a Confectionery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWB' HALL, Berwick, Pa., whoro be Is prepared to furnish all kinds or PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS OHANQES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac., Ac,, Ac, Ac, UY -VHOLSUIJI AUD nsTAIU Among tho assortment will bo found Cream Nuts, Kngllsn Walnuto, Peanuts, AInMnds, Fil berts, Flea, Apples. Cocoa Nats, jollies of diaer- Boap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, PISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of all kinds Vreh Bread an Cakes every day. loo Cream In Season, Your patronage u solicited. JOHN G, JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PKIOE or. B. X AXll'l, Corner Main and Centre fits., BUXiUSBURG. A new stock ol Fresh Ooodsjust opened at MAIXK'B. Teas, Coffees, SBKars, SYRUPS and MOLASSESCHKEaE, MEATS. SALT, FISH, etc VEGETABLES, IIERMKTICALLY Sealod JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEDNSWARE Ctinstnntly on hand. Also WWD, WJLLOW and GLASSWARE of overy variety. All my goods aro ol tho Orst quality aud at ex tremely low prices, doctm-tr j, H, m.vize. QONNELL A BATTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Bims, Hubs and Spokes, Springe, AXLES, and PIPE BOXES, HORSE SHOES, and HORSE SHOE NAILS, OEMENT, PLASTER and SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agonta for Fairbanks Scales ! PLUMBING. STEAM and GAS FITTING, 3r Orders by mall aollolted, and promptly filled. 118 Ponu Avenue. BORAWTON, PA. JM,1WU, Moyors' Column. S 0 oc 0 CO HI MaylO-ly Miscollanoona. J-ILLER'S STORE. n. if, ,Ml!,l,llt A SON, lavo removed Iholr Hloro to Urn icwin fonnnlv occupied by Momloiiliall.ou Mnliistreet, Uloomi. iitrg, nonny om'oiiio tno Eiilicoiul L'liuicli tvliciothoy nrodctcrmlucittoisellon immoderate torms at van bo procured olto where, Tliler stock comprhea LADIES' DUEHS GOODS nt the oholcest styles aud latest fnslilonn, together Willi ularuo assortment or Dry uobds nnd Out. corlofl,coiuUtliiEut tho followluuailloles Cnrpols, Oil Clolh.i, nthu, Unsslmcruu, Hlmwlx, Fliiutielii, Silks, While Onodd Uncus, Hoop Skirls, Mutllus, llollowwaio Codnrwnro tinceimwaro, Hnnlwnr,, Hoots and Shoes, Hull and Cnpi Hoop Nets, llmbrnlljH, Looklne-Glassw, Tobacco, Ootrco, HI1K.US, Tins, Hlcc, Allsplrm, dinner, Cinnamon, Nuliiipt: AND NOTIONS HCNEItALLY, In short, everything usually kept In country tores, to which thoy Invito tho attention or the public Eouorally. Tho highest rrlco will be paid tor country produco lu oxchnngo for goods. 8. H. MILLEHA.80N.. nioorasbu'rel'n. oct 3171 tr N EW STOOK OF CLOTHING. Frcsli arrival of SPRING GOODS DAVID L0WEN11UUO Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his store on MalnStroet, In tho now block, nioomsbnrg, Pn., where no lias Just received from Now York.nnd Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashlouablo, durable, and uandsomo DHES3 GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, HOCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, nnd colors. Ho has also rep leu lshcd his already largo stock of CLOTH AND C.VS3IMEHES , BTIUPED, FIGUHED, AND PLAIN VESTS BIIIUTS, CISAVAT8, STOCKS, COLLAltS IIAMTltfPnmiTrM nrnwpa HU8PENDEKS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Uo nas constantly on hand a largo and well-be- octed assortraonl or CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'SLUY, ol every dcscrlDtlon. flue and ehenn. Hlscnsn nt fowolry Is not surpassed In thlslplnce. Call and examine hiB general assortment or CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELHY.AO. 0Ctl3'71 DAVID LOWENUliKU. BADWAY'S HEADY "RELIEF CUKIM THE MfOKhT PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR rfur regime tl.i- n-h t lament iicetl any cue MUKKi;it Willi TALV. I. ADWAY'S UUMlY UKUhh' IS A VVllU IVll i:VKltV I'AIN. It M tho Drat mul i Tiio Only Xaln Ilommly that fiixrrmtly rtA tliu moit ficruclatlriff r.i!ni. all.ivM In Iluiiinmtl"li ami tttri'l Coiiircntlon!, wliriltor or ttta l.miK,, liuwiK urUiicr ulamls or urtM, ly imu JH'i! tloii, l.V FROM 0X13 TO TWENTY M1XUTUS. No in ittir hnw ln!nit -r i vtriu'l.itln !hu i.;ilu lls UIIi,' MAl'Kt, Ik'il r1(M.'iit li.lirm, (r!iiiU'il,iNtivyti, ;.-ui-l, tr prusi rated with dlmaM in.iy niiuir, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WM.T, An ORI) INSTAXT KAL'. IN'FLAMMAlllIN UK TUB K1DNKYH. INPI.AMJIA1IU.N Oh' UIK 1H.AD1J1.I.. INFLAMMATION OK HIM IioWKI.m, I'llMIKS'llON OK TUP LI M.i fcORC TIUtQVT, lllmiMILT IIHKATIIIMI. I'ALl'l I'A'I ION (IK T11U lln.UlT. ItySTKIlICS, C'llOfl', DirillllKIIIA. CATAiillll, IXFLI-LXZA linAUAcm:, TouiiiAciii:. NKI'llAI.OIA, lllini'.MATlSM ooi.lJ cntLLS, Aniif: riiii.i.ti. Th npjJiclloti t-r ll,o Itc.itly Itt'llcl' Die l:irt. wluro tho jnln or illilitulty txlLts ultlairuul i-iso t 1 comfort. Twenty ilroo In lulf InniUer it wil.r IU hi a i.-w momcTiM euro CHAMPS, M'WMs, silUlt MIlMM'lt. llllAHTHIMlN, MI'K lli:HAI'IIK, IIIAHIIIII . DV.-rNrLiiv, comc, wind in tiii: nuwi:ii. iu nil I.M IlltNAI, I'AIN. 'IraVLlcr hl.otil.l uIumh t rry fu.ltl J it ltniun II. 'ady Kfllcf Willi lit, V ilro. In uil.r il I.Kllll MCklltK, or luilin. tr ill. ill Ull'i ! W.l(i.. 1' I K. tli.iu ItvUiti lli.iinly ir H.Ui i . .uiniiUt.t. I'uvni: ami A(;iiii. I'EVnrt ANI AI.Ui: r .r .1 r thl ivi.t.. TIiit,' Ij i,ut a aeoi.t In Dili wrl! tint lil cure tVwr Airtie, Ull.1 till otti.T Malatlmlis r.illcitiM. s,.irlit, 'IM'liol-l. Yellow, uud .tl. r I'rvrn 1 1M0.I lv llIH.U'.S IMLL") wnulik m KADWAVS i:i:. HUdKf. I'llly auu irVottlc, folil Ly l)rii,';:l-'t HEALTH i BEAUTY! i sritovo and rt'tii: nicir niodii-iNcr.r.Afi: in H.B-tll AMI WKKIIIT -fl.KMl SKIN' AM) BUM Tit LIL CUill'LUMU.N hU'L'HW '10 Al I.. BRa RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ir vf M.nn Tin; sumr amnmunh criu.-s; m OUICK, HO ltt'll AltK Tim I'llAMIKs 11111 llODY H.N'DKIUiOK-, I'MUIlt 'I UK IS'M,tri:('K tSv?1113 11;LI'V V'" h,I:i'l i' MCliK'INi:, Evory Day an Incroaao In Flash and Weight Is Soon and Folt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PUR1F3EH. Kwry Jr.p if l!iO SV."l' U'. I I.T.I N UKhOIA'KNT coiiuimiiIc.iU-!l tltnxuti tha i'l il, bv it, I iliu, mul (llrr tUiUiutnl JuKviHif tho nt ii til i ' 'i I In-. tr It rtvilf th wiftt" of tlu t. nltli t.iw .iti. Hint. riil. Kknifult. h).lil1H, ('im-'ii t.ll -i, (il tmhtl ir ILimw, Vki In tho 'Ihruit, Muiilli, Tli.i'i. N1 li thu lil.ui'U other luiNcf llw it mi, s. iv ., tr' l)Kiir;!H flUlll lift lUt AIhI tllJ Wt I tiHtfhl.ill ill -i'lUH H, Ul (Ml- IWIH. ti-WiT MMi, S -.i'l 1' .I'l. W .trill. M't IttRIUH, hr) nl tul ih, oii-. Ill w'i in. Wi.ninliilln Hcli, "J intur. Cmccri lil lti) Wotiih, t i'l I I'l'.i-i.lnj (Kilnful ills- UiVr,ri", MM SAi.ili, I. . Til, Hill ,1.1 VftkUlf tl.4 Hlorn (Mu.iiUli In' ii a V.JII i.rovu to !u i it lUai'.uc its imy 'iriii It fr n t'ntk'iit iiin.'ii t.i euro tlt-i,i U tho inilci.r tltlly tu'' r..lii mI lv tho u.i .ti ainl ll.'CIHIlItOaitli ! 11 Itlhllllll Jiy Vr. 4t itlll).', blKll'lHU In nrri&titiii ttu-du uakIis (tin) i ilnlli.- miuo .ii1i t,uw in itor liliinlurr.iii ln-illliy ll.'t-il- iU ttili Hi KAKSAl'AlttL LIANxnU unl Ujh wmi ; ,Ntt uily iloi; tho .siLtu'inii-Mii 11 8ii.i:r ctcl all Itiviwii roiiit'.llil uiniti In iu.' i.UJ f ri.rii.tlf, Kcn-ruloiiii, t'uUh(itlitio!iil,.il(dfc;iiu!U.a,ti; hut It 1 1 Uw ail liotltno curu lr EldiHiy I51;uldir ConiplulntM, Vrlnarj', a-i. Wmuli i'U i.-i, Gravel, DUUto, Tlr,hy St.ttcd , 4V4tii. t ( Umif, UiUlfa H' Mjt All.iunluniii, mi 1 hi ;i 1 1 .. luro I her u tiro I'rliKtliirt do imi,iih, t,r thu ..iir UUiivi, ilu lv, tnlxk'.l x.ltli Hubbtincca UW tlm uliitair bii v, (' r. tU (Uuwhito ulli, or Uk-m Liu lutifLM, il,ir! l.lli.m n;iji.iu.iit. 411.) Mhlte LuiiC'ilurt ii.'IMtsltH, in,. 1 ttlnu IhirnJ .1 liklllif, duniiiirf hi'li.Mlnil v-hcil l;a-liif Hut. r. unt ii.iW J'l tlj- binr.ll tr tiio DocSE timl ahiiii iho ljlim. J'ikv, MWOIJM8,-Tlw Luowii :mt -arj IlciucJj fir Vvtli.1-J,H, JjHt ttC. Tiiinca or ia YcmV OrowUi Cured hy Kiuluay'-i SComlvont. lUvtutr Mi -i , July 14,14(9. Jl, XliP t 1 lVi hvl flW4l I liter lu tU ttiUi uJ fc.iw.h, l IU Hit..r i I lhrt w i .l,.if.r It." I trlid Ctury thin i1! i wit r t mii i U i Lot n lhlti hilinj m. I uur ..ur : I. t,t, ,Jtl. .Ml ulXry It . LilliUuifiltb In It, U.ww I Ul tib. -I .r l It- i iri. It lia tiliUi ct lha I..hIdl.i, .1 1 ...w i-it 1 J;. fills au I inu UiiUtcf ymir liju.U H ilt nit I th 1 i M'l uf f mul r I L toa cr Mi, hhJ I (.( t tt.r, ii-uii-r, uii.l liiUr lwi b Ut twtli )ri. IK .t tn'ii'-r M-tt in 1 l-i Ifft tt.U if lhi tu 1, ortr Hi et In. 1 wtlU til (J jvu k-i &i Ui-idUf Mhort, Lit) n ruLl,h 11 If miL'".. II VNNAII V. VNA1T. PEHFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, p. if.'cily tut.-l. j, t'ti'ttu.tly itl v.ltliiwrit cum, rurpci rrx'Ji-.ii, purify, ui'iinntN an I htri-ncthi'ii, Jt.ulwu' I'ilx f'Tlhi etiittbi till tUirJitiC'f tho htuliruli. Liver, Kowelj, M'ln', lilt Mer, NurvtiUi Ut-twi'Vii, JU'uilftiliC, Oonatll'a lloii, ( 'inth I'Hi'Hit, IuJl4tUin, Jtlfl'il'sU, imiouues. 11. ! l'IU4 I'v-llT, Jlltl lltlllbitl'llt lit llitl tltJWllii. I'lli'H.nilil ull Ihj. raiiinvnti i.f thu ttitcmtl VlK'cn. Wurrii.ttil la cifcit atiotitiie cuii'. l'urity VtuitalU, tviitJlLliitf to meuury, miner il, nr ilclittTl'-ii ilru,j, Ztf oiirKrv ttm fulliiuluic fiiitloui4 rcmUlre from VI ciaaof tho DlfCBthu Oiudi Caii-tlj.Ml..n, litwvl Pll-, ruling if iU riiv.l In lU!Kil AUJIty if Him M nil. Ii, Naua, llnriUm, lItnilcf iuu.1, Vull' ku ir V4iiLt iu Hu KUiiiiml, hour r rut UUuui, Miikfuir or HulUr loirftl lLa l ili.r tli Ktuiuntu, hulmii.luir if lha Ihti, llurrlwi uj 1'I.SluU ItwUii'!ir, HuiU-rli. t Uia H(t, Tltukln ir tjgir.-atiiiit f.HWtttoni hIicii Ui Ijluj: 1'ioliirr, liiinitutt if liiutl, Iklt ir U hfl-M iH4Mlil, torrauJ I'ull Um lu tU lUI.UvUUucy ii rifildifn, lilloui.u. i( iU t-Lli, imt tin, 1' lit il SliU, lW, Uu.L., , tiuMut lluibv if JI...I, tutulnif fu tla A Uw il to- (fltAHWAY'ri VIl.I Swill fico tlioijflem Sfti!if 'v hili'a!iSMu,,U4 Vikl iS wbU ,wl"- lo ItAhWAY A; ft)., Ki, bj MMen Lano, Kew.Vntlt, wuttli 11 ..uiiiidit wlH tg kvni you. U1873- JoKELVY, NBAL & CO., 1)12 ALE 113 IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JanMT3-tr Micollanoous, 1872. 1872. NEW SWUNG GOODS. M. P. LUTZ llntjutl roliiinoil from New Vntlt wlllin full llnntil BIiACIC AND COI.OHHI) SIIjICS, liYONS'RIIAC I'Ol'MNS, ll:iln sltlicin(ii1liciip, nllll'ii ali.l 1'lnln (lltARS (JI.OTII, Rtilim jilalii mul cheno. WAH1I 1'Ol'IilNH, liliu l: mul coin red. ALVA CAS, I'AjXCi' Vl.MDS, U 0 li 0 It K 1) U A M I! !'. I 0 H , TEUOALES, WHITE GOODS, Human, 4 AltI,A'l'AiN, V1LTOH1A I.AWN, UIHUOP I.AWN, NAlNKOOKfl, 1'KiUKH, UAMUU1CH, LONO CLOTH, kINKNH, NAPKINS, DOIYLH. Ijach cuiiTAiiHH, SHAWEjiS, NOTIONS, T1UMMING8, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, nml cvcrytlilug Knerally kept lu a llrxUcliuis DRY GOODS STORK. RROWEIl'S BLOCK, r.AHTor.counT;uoiwi:,)MAiN ktuhet, HLOOMHUUKU.'PA' J ' " v )Jhll Cut Illustrates tho manner or Using Fountain Xasal Injector, or. ' rnnuniir r uuuunt.1 This Instrnmcnt Is ct pcclally dcslgnca for tho per fect application of ! OR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Ills tho only form of instrument yet Invented with which llulil mcdlclna can lio carried high vp and fierfidlij applied to all parts of tho affected nae ul ps enaci, niul tlto chamber or cavities communicating therewith, in which eorcsand ulcers ficqucullycilet, and from which tho catarrhal discharge pcucrally pro coeds. Tho want of eucccf a in troatinp; Catarrh here toloro his arisen largely from tho lmposeihllity of applying remedies to theso canities and chambers hy any of tho ordinary methods. This obstacle in tho way of cffcctlne: cures Is entirely overcome hy tho invention of tho Douche. In ui-in,' this Instrument, tlto Fluid Is carried hy lis own weight) no snuffing, lore Ing or pumping being required,) tip ono iiostiilinafull Keutlyllowlnxetrcani lo tho lilglicfct portion of tho Invrnl passages, passes into and thoroughly cleanses nil tho tiihesand chambers connected thctcwith, ami tlows out ol thoopposllonostrll. Its mo Is pleasant nml so bltniilo that 11 child can understand it, full unci cxpllflt (UroctiouM accompany each instrument. When used with this Instrument, llr. Huo's Cilanlt Iiomcdy cures recent attacks ol i"!olil In tiio Hcml bva few appilcatiom. .syniptoiim ol Catnrrli. rrcqucut head acho, dischargo falling into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watcrv. thick mucus, nuruteiit. ofl'enslvp. A.e. In others n dryness, dry, watery, weak or inlUmcd eye', stopping up or obstruction of nasal passages, riuhij in cars, clearness, luwklu? aud couching to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from utcets. olcu altered, 11 twan?, oll'cuelvo brcalli, impaired cr total doprlvatloii ol renso of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite, Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tlchlin? couxli. &c. Only a few of theso symptoms mcllhely to bo present lu any case ntono tlmo. Dr. Sm;oM C'ntnrrli Itomoily, when used with llr. IMoi-co'HNnBiil Jlouctio, and accom panied with tho constitutional trcatmmt which is recommended in tho pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of thu Itomcdr, is a pcilcct f pccl&c lor this loath. somo disease, and tho proprlstor oilers, In Good faith, $500 rownrtl for acaso ho cau not euro. Tho Itemedyls mild and pleasant to use, containing uo strong or caustic drugs or polEons. Tho Calnrili ltemedy is sold at CO cents, Doucuu at to cents, by nil UriiKKlHtM, or cither will bu mailed by pro prietor ou iccclpt l CO cents. rt. v. 1'iiiiton, m. ., Holo Pioprlelor HITKVLO, N. y. 1)1872 ly. QARRIAOE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsbnrc, Pn, M. O. HLOAN & BltOTHllK Hnvo mi nnd for fi.tlo nt tho most ronionn bio rattn n, splondUl btotlr of OAllUIAaEH, cuuaiui, and ovory deuerlptlon of W'ngouu botU PLAIN AND l'ANOV wnrrnutctl to Lo mado of tho bct.t and muxL tlur ablo niutci'lulH, nnd by tho mn.a oxpeilouccd worlcmcu. Allworlt Kent out lmni tlia cstiili- llsliraont will bo found tu liool tlu i ljihoit clii-sn auduurotoulvo perlectkatbiUctlu. . Thoy havo utiiu huuu ubburiuicut ui H h E I a U H or nil tho iiowohI and most l.ishlm iblo Btylcn well aud carolully aiadoauU ofthe wxt muter lals. Au lnanectlnn of thftlr vnrlr 14 i.Mkttl aa ltl believed that none superior cau to found In tho country, Ian 1'71 AQE1JT3 WutcKit Twelve Years w,s WA Indians & Plains, The renmrknblo ndvcntmra of tho Inmotis WlllTU01Ui:i''nd 1IIU WAIIltlOllOBioni! tho Hod Bkiu. Thrlllluuuccouutaof Uieut Hunts, Hairbreadth licnpennuit Terrible L'onicsts with the big came and hostile tribes, Kphllcd descrip tions of tho habits and fcupcmlUona or thai traneoTPeople, Their Bports, Leirends, Tradl Hons. Ifow they Woo nnd Wed, Benin, IJoctor: Worship, do. New, I'resh nnd l'onular, I'rlce Low. Ills, telling by the thousands wills won. derful rapidity, Agents nro making from 850 to 1 100 per week. Choice field yet vncant. Bend at once for.'tample chapters. Illustrations nnd par ticulars to A, II, IIUllHAltll, 1'ublUlior. Jau7l-tf, OOChci,lnutHI,1l,hia. rawI Vlu-finr lllltcr " 1'. mr ," 'Aiit'i.i. 1 , tl ti ,!cr m k !nt lit. nn MciUini! mii1i r..i 11 tli ti a 1 al nit y 111 Jilt, made 1 Mi rM ini.n. I d to 1 .it lilt t ltl,ClllCll U , tint le.i.1 ' mid tuitf, I. nt Are .1 true iac r'tii.uuUiti.'.bi I'iih- f inn 1, fit.0 frmil nil A'c"l hmii 1 hey nro tuo nit I'stt-ili. r aiu .1 I.ifit.r-iviiitt l'riiicmle. A IVr fs-ct Uciun.iioi .uij Imigoiator of tiio Sj stem, urrj Ing (.if nM isoritiimn mtttcr. nml rcMmimt tlie bl"fu to .1 lnj.i'il.y cunctitiiiii, cnr.ciinm it, tcfiv"itinig.iml invmoraiinj; boib t mi and bod v. Tlnv nro i-ti v nl admttiihtration. 1 r. mpt m tlielr acium, cctt vm in lli(.ir t.-utist Bale anu t. i.ii!o 111 .VI firm-, of dio.i-tft Jin IVron mil tnlco !icn tttften nrcorn tiiH to diiLiauTi, ami remain lena univcil, iroili;il iltur bone- are nut destroyed by mineral nlon or ot lit t means and ital nrgam w a sled beyond the tioint of repair. l)jntH'Vtn or Intlluotlltm. lleadacbc, ram in tlic blionldcrs t'oiigln, '1 ightnesa t,f the Cht, lf" 1x4, Sour r.nict.ittuinof tlm Stoinacti, Had 1'anto m tbe Moittti, Hilintw Atuclt Palpitation nf the Heart, h flammation of the hitns l'ain m tho rcnions or the Kid neys, and a hundred otlar painful BjmptnnH, are the olT' FpriiiRS nf D'pcpi.i. In these complaint It hi1 no, and otic buttle wilt pro"c a bctttr Ruarantce of its nnmti than a Inuthy ndicttieinent. l'oi I'ViiiiiIp C)iiiiluliilitt in intiim or old, mar' tied of niiiRte, at tho tUwn nf womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters liphy so decided ait inJluencu tint a nnrUtd improvement ii smm perceptible. Tor litllnmiiinlnry mid lliroiilo Ittirn imttUtii and Clout, Dy-pppM.i or Indigestion, Ihlicm, Kemitlent and Intermittent 1 overs I'isea eaof tho Hlixxl, Mcr, Kuhieyi and IlladiUr, these IIiUom Imcbeen mmt Eiuccfid. Such Di-ctsc arr cuiied by Vitiated I Hood, uIulIi is generally produced by duraiimcut of tho ti vc live Ornate. '1'Iiov hit it (Jfttllo INurMU c n ivcll n n Ton Iff po" e sinn al o the peculur merit of actinias a power fill agent bi reliexm Congestion or Inflammation lift he I,icr and Visceral Organs and in lUlinn3 Diseases. Vnv SUhi DUcnsrt Krtiptions Tetter, Slt Hlieum, lilotthvs Sjiotj, Pimples l'uMules Hoils Car iiitn.lcsUing-ttortns,Stald-I lead. Sore Kjes l'.rysipclAS Itch, Scuifs iJHcoloratinnn of tho Skin, Humors and ibie.mci of the of whatever name or nature, are hteiallv tin? up and carried out of the vstem In a fcliort time In tlu' ii 0 ol tNse !iitii. Due buttle in Mich cao wl (.' u.l c the in t ui(.rt.diiliiuj of their curaihj ciTe t . Cltniuc flic VKIiiIiiI ltlnml win tioer yu find it intpiiiitir bursting tlirniuh the sin in Pimple", l.i upturns or bort-st ckata it wlu.11 juti find it ob ttrucicd and -liM-'ish 111 thexetn: t K an so it when it U your tecbiiR'f will ull "ti when. J-p lUc blood puri', and the beilih o tin- -.tuii will f. .w. Ji'iiltful lliniisimrii in claim Vintgah Hit it its the most w-rndtiinl linioraut that ctr tiitamcd tiio sinking system. IM11, Tiiiie nml nthrr onus, btiuing in tho Bystcui of miny thotiiitHU, are effectually dcBtrojed nnd reiiioed. Say .a distinguifhcJ phyfioloRiitt There u Fcarctly au iiuhidual upon the face cf the earth wlune bodyU cicript from the presence of wot ma. It Is not upon the heiliby elements of ihi worms cit, but upon the lhei3cd humor and tinny deposits that breed these living momtcra cf disease. No (syBteni of Medicine, no vcrmifiics 110 nnthchniiitics will free tho ryMcm fiom wonna like tliesc Litters, Iflcthitnlriil DUenst". Persona engaged tn TainU and Minerals 6ucli a PUnnbers Tjp-$ctlei, tnld beater?, and Miner, as they advance (nlife, wllj bo fulijert to piraljnn rf the Howvl. 'J'o pnird again t lliii tslc a doso of Valkhrs Vinbcmi lliTtcns once or twice a week, as a Picventtvc. IIIII011. Ili'iiiltU'iitf nml Till rrtii III enf PcvcrHf which are to prevalent in the valleys of our great livers throughout the United State, especially those cf the Mississippi, Ohio Misouri. Illinois 'i'en neiec, Cuinbeiland, Arkansas Ucd, Colorado, Praros HioCirande, Peail, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many other, with their ast tnliutaric, ihrotyhout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remaikablysn during reasons of unusual heat and drne-. ara invariably nccumpaniLct by exten sive derauguueiiu cf the'flud liver, and other aUlummal vi'fera, Thero aro iaUa-i more or leB3 ob Ftructions of the liver, a weakness nnd irritable state of the fstonnch, and gieat torpir if the brA-cls being clogged up with mated accumulations. In thtir treat Hunt, a purgative, exerting n pouciful intluenco upon thuic xailou org m, ij ccntially necessary, 'iliere h no cathartic t. r tho put pose equal to P11. J. Wukek's ViHiiciMt ISitii s n they will epcedily icmove tho daik-colornl iacid mattLr with which tho bow eh nic Uaded, at thu same time'ihtins the Bccrttions cf the liver, and generally n.stoiimi the healthy funttions of the (lijetlive organs. Scrufiiln, r KlnsjN KH. White Swellings Ulcer, l'.iysipths Swelled Neck, Goiter, Sciofuloui InthniinatioiH, ItuMcut Inllamui itions Mcrcurial At fectiun, Old vl , J.iupttKii- ul tho Skin, Sore liycs, itc , ttL, In thee,i m nil other roiibiiititional Diseases, Wai ki ii'i UiiTihs hive thown their great curat., c powois 1.1 tlu tuo-t obsunato and iutiacMblo Dr. WnUioiSt Calli'Di nla Vinegar IlHt v act on :i'l ilu ji'i 1 Miuilir iimou-i. Hy purifying the lilooil th -y leni'ive the citi-o, and byieeolviug away tiio c'Kcts ol the 1 nil 1 11 ui.t 1 it hi (,ihe tubLHular deposits) tlie alloc ltd parti uccive lalth, and a pLnnaiuut euro is rii'ctcii. Tlu- iiviipcrtle tf Dn. Waiijk's Hit rnn are ApLiaut, Diaphoretic and (.'11 intuitive, Nututijiu, Laxative, Dniietic, Sedative, Cuunttr-lrutaiil, Siiitni itn-. Vltci.itivf. and Aiiti-lIiUans. 'l'itt' Apcilcnt and mild Laxative ptopLTtic cf U.t WviKi't's Hitti.k- arc the best sifo 11 ird in .Ul 1 is v. oi Liuption and in aliquant fevers tnor iiaiuiv, h i'ii , and -nii'liing piui.rtie3 protect llu lmni. 1 . 1.1 il.e l.uu u I lull SLthtivo propi.rlii.4 allay p.Tii 111 1 lie iii'iMitii h .lent, btoinuli, And bovvilt, rnlii 1 lium mil im 11 Mion, wuul, cu u. ci.unpi, etc. 1 hur ili 11 itt 1 Imi 1 1! 111 Iii n i twiut lliioiuhout tiio rMt.liK Ik 1 Dm i . y. 1 ilu . ,u t on tlu Kidneys Cmicctui aud il , tl n (': tl tl uiitu'. '1 lulr Auti Pnioiu pi 11 in 1 . 1 1' tlu h ti, in t'u scciilion of bile, and it -. d-i t In 01 li t'u (hats and .uo siijtUior 10 ill K iuiIiiI a u(, lot tho cuie of Jbliuui I'evei, I'.Lr.ind A,ue, ttt LSntll'y ('iu uttUist tlKitiKC bv pmi fiu .ill it 1h1.1t- vviili iMt. vie tltvn i.s. No cpKloimc can uUc l.o.d ot .1 stein thti-t I irL.irmud. '1 he livtr, tlu stoiiiicti, tho bo.v!., the l.tdiu'Vs nnd tlu licives aic rend'-red th ie jroo l,y lln- pj.U tnviorant. TJic lltllfiu' oi D vi ukh Viiiinxit Hit Ti'its, 111 Cluoii.L Jiy-pt.p 11, IVvus Nervous it.oidei, Loiiiijiiiiiiti, ujIilil it v it 1 1 -1.11.1, .Hid an mai.iiiu 1 alfecling the 'itnittch. Ii or rmibCdl 11 bt h i of thou. Hid. .I'ld III' jug for tlu Mtuo i.l. ' I)hieJlo:n. 1 at night fiom .1 lull i- 1 Kat good n juu hi. i 1 chop, vetnsnii, 1 1 ist I ti, door exuusi 1 hi-v ' bl''ridlL!it-. ill 1 1 1 1' 1 . n. , 1 m.' , piiiiumi.iry oraaus ih 1.1 ' ii uy nuiiuieu : .lk- I 1 1 niti - tn In d on, .nil w.tU'll ilull .1. I10 .u.iK, iiiiilU 1 t II L , tl' d til 0 out. til 1 1 j uuly v 1 l.ilj'o J.WM.KI K. Pi 1 DnipRi ' iiilCui A t- , Sin l'i 1 vi C il., and coniii ui 1 In 1 i,i .mil I'll 11 ,. 11 hi- , Ni v 01 n aoi.D i I1Y Al 1. I'l I v i'. MJ Dl. W.Uid. 11IS-7J Jin 'Tin: ingiuu'1i:,vt 1 that 'COMPOSi: lUlrr.l.M 111 arc puMishcd Oil CVi" )' ti 1 ic, t! .TC 'foro it is KOI ;i Fi'l fit iji Minn, jconscqiicntly ' (rnvsiciAxn r.a:-.;'.uu:: it iltis a certain runs Cl:- ii rodl byihili3inulliUIii...i, Khu .i.i.i- tism, Skin lli'taii", 1..'. r ('.-.- plaint and all di-c . -t i ! l'i lllood. owe eoxtl-3 of r.D3.:r.ii: ; will do moro j,ood tlu.i tn, 1 U'.lu of tho Syrupa ol' d.u- jjurilla. THE UNDEnUIQNZO PHYSICIANS liavotibcd Iloradalis in tlicir praclirs for tlia pail thrco xar3 and fucly endorro it lua rtlUblu Alteraliu and lilood 1'urifiur. 1)11, T, C. 1-fOII, of lljlinnuo, 1)11. T. J. IIOVKI.V, 1)11,11. W 0A1IH. 1)11.1' O. DANN'KI.I.V, " Wt. J. S, Sl'AHK S, of fill lichsvllli", D. jVr,. McCAUTIIA, ColumWi, nn. a. 11. Noni.r.s, lMaocomii, n. c. USED AHD LHDOESED BY j. u. eo.vs, minivtr; Miss. F. V. SMITH, Jickton, Mich. A, V WIUlKLUn. Lima, Ohio. II. HALL. I.luia.Ohlo. Cn.l.VUN Ss rO.,noriliiniTlllc, Va, SAJl'L, O. M(.1'.UW;., .Hurlrecs. UVtu, .Villi, Ourxpaco wlilnol nllmv ofany ox. tciulcil rcuiarl..i m 11'l.itiun to Ihd Urtucsol ltoailali 1. Tothn ModlrrJ I'jofrsslou wo guarantied Fluid llx traLttu)criorto any they hao ocr uic.1 In llio troaliiiiiit of dlscascj UIoihI , and In IhoulllH toil wo say try Hosailalls. and cu Mill l.n rrflt.n.l to health, llojalallsH toll hy all Drupslats. pilco 81,30 per hi.ttlo. AdJrc 1 m. CLEiiaiixs ii co. .lfacu'crfurdij ChtmUtt, B.ilTiaEL-, lip. July Sl-71 ly. ALTIAIORE PIANOS. Yo rCSnCCtfullV Onll Din ntt,,llr, nr l,ncn ilfslrliiK to nurcliaso our mako ol l'litnoa. Wo nro ballillcd that we cau glvo uatlsractlou In ovory case. OurworkmcukUIlllulnnd oxnorlcu cod rind aro undar tho personal Minorlntcudouco of llio laembora of our llrni, Wo uao only llio best kcasonod tirnlior, and tuo material In ijono. ral Is first clam. Our l'lauos without exception linyo the natont agrntlen nrriiucomout throuijli. out, which lu the oplulou ot llio most cum no tCIlt JUdces is nronoufliood viLlunhlo. llv tlilw I tit. Iiravciuont n l'lano Is made moro ilianblo ami iieps tho touo lonscr. We claim for our lustra ineuts that thev aio socond lu nrina. mul thuv comblno nil tho essential elements that const!, tula superior workmanship, Wo will ulvo u written uuarantos for llvo years, Mr, CuMitAii I'-ueiman, juombcr of our firm, will visit lllooraaburg four times nycnr to re pair and attend lo tuulm? of nil PlMttnw. It, tl,n iibscncool Mr, FBKiuAN.Mr. 1, JC.Millku will attend to our buslneasi lu lllooiiuburif and Is anthorlzcd to receive and solicit orders, iv t mi uiyv ma Yrai uvxi riorences. UAUULU & CO. Baltimore, M. 1), f. 1C. MlT.T.En. Denial In Illauna fli-i,fta n,1 Melodoons Hvooclavo and llvo mop Vienna ol 11.0 best mako, Bold nl lllu. Terms easy. Juno Zl Eiiiiiti MifJcollanocmri. OjiT-.I, CONTINENTAL. Lifo lusuranco Company, 01-' NUVV YOUN No. of Policies Issued 43,000, ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUKSall tiio now form or L'oln.. JLnud prcwntH iih Invorable ttrnis as nuy puny In tho United Htntcs. The comiuny will make temporary lnntni Us policial. Thirty days' crrteo allowed on rat-li pivm nnd lm polloy held uood durliii tlmt time. All ourpollclo niolnconlcstnblo lor Hie n cause. Policies Issued by this company aro 1101 Iclluro. Nooxtrn chaigrimndo for travclllii!? perm l'olley holders Kharti lu Iho nuiiunl prm tho fompany, and havo nvnlco In llio cli' nnd mau.iKt'ineulof Iho company, No policy or medical Too clmreuil. Justus i,AWiti'..v('i:, Pi i W. II. WVNKOUl', Vleel'i J, I'. 11001:111, Seerotnry, H, u., .Ir Actuary. Central Office of Nortli-Easteru Ml "CoLTraiuiAN" Buildino- BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. B1CKWAY, General Agcnl. Jan. S.lWJ-tf. ---'iMririn.wriinyriiniii,T j i-rr,ii tt i i Rail Hoacla. T AOKAWA1NNA AND HOU' -Li llllltd HAIMtOAl) Mil nndofU-rNov, 27, lll71,I'nsscn';arTrn't rTiiu at follows : Uolnu North. Uoi.i Arrlvo Arrlvo I,cnvo i, a.m. p.m. p.m. a w Hcrauton (Ml) 1,11 l.r, 1'lUslou S.IS 11.52 '.'.Il Kindlon I Rt. t, ... & W.Uarro; 1S.;ii J U'rn " riymoulh 8.15 12.211 2.10 Hhlckshliiuy..., 7,f;o 12.00 u.ti llerwlck 7.:JI ll.:w a,3i llloom S.Cj 11.11 57 ll.mvllle 10.C0 1.27 Connection mado ntScranton by tho 111 ,. n train lor (lifnt llenil, llluslmmloii, Album un nil points North, East aud West. D. T.UOUND.Hnp't. NORTHERN CENTRAL RA i WAV. On and nrtcr Nov. I2lh l',71, Tiaiii' leave f-'UNiiunv ns follows : NOUTHWAim ll.SDf.a. Dally to Willlnmsport, Klmira. i un dalgua, ltochcstcr, liull.ilo, -i -iieus.oii i'i and N. 1'alU. 12.1J f. M. Uuir.ilo, N, F.tllf , .ir. 0.50 p.m., Dally, (oxcept Huiulaysj for . sport and l!rio. l.S'i r. M Dallv. (etceptHnndaya) i- I. m, p Ilullalo nnd Nlaaarn Rill , vl i. Ih , n liom Klmlra, THAlNtl SOUTHWARD. 1.17 A.M. Daily for Ilaltlmort, W.i iuu l'hlladelphla. 10.0.1 A.M. Dally (oxoeplSund.i ) ' ,i Vashtnj;tnu and vail rl"' .in. 'r I: 1.10 p. m. Daily (oxcopt Mund.iy ) 1 .. .. I'hlladjjphl.i, ic. 1'' I; ' 1. Ucioial 1 , ALinuu 11. l.'rsi , Ueu'l. Hui.'l. gHORTEST ROUTE EAsi',v v. ' Danville, Mlmi&Wiltete 11. J: W1NT1CR A TMAXOnMhSl HAtvnvAriu. wrai'Wviti I.r.VVU. . A. sr. I i.kavi:. Runbury, U.2U uauviuo 7.IU ! CntawlMi 7.2s ' llazlotou y.os 1'. M. llothlcbcm, 1 inj 12.10 I'lilladelphln -ij- 2 15 llnzlotnu, ':h 12.M Now York, IjCi i-;I 3ii r.a-:t m. l'iill.i lletlil. i in Ilaztcton. CatawlsH.i. Dauvlllo. Sun bury. '(Thoultcrnnou train coiiiinotHiLL rinubii. tho 1. a K. l.'Ji p. m. train golnu; IVi , un Wllllamsporttj.J); l,ooltlluvoiw.5iii.iii.,unil w tho Norinaru Central 1.50 p. in., movin j Mum' reachlus HarrisburK 7J p. m nml 11 u mm IU. l'i p. in., nnd ulsu with tho Hilubuiy nnJ 1,. v islown Itallroad. CiunlortaUlo anil liandsonu Coaoln'ii n i . now route, J, 1IUUVKY ICASU.Siipurlnt-. i EADINU RAILROAD. SUMMEIt AKBANaRMlirt I . .Monday, May o, 1W2. Ureal Trunk I.lno from the Norlli ami .v Went lor l'hlladolphitt.Hewyiiik.ltoaniiM i' " vlllo, Tamaqua, Asln.iud, Hhamokiu l.c n Alloutun, lJastou, Uphrata, Llliz, I. .ui (,-i)luinlilu,.Vc, Trains leavo Harrlsburg for Now Voi .i lOWbl At ill, S.IU, It, III., UUJ 2,1,0 p. 1,1., ' 'i nootlng with similar trains ou rem ula Itallroad, and nrrlvlni; ut Ntw Yorlt lo,C7, u. m J.S.J, and 0,15 p. m. r si ' Sleeplu;; cars ueconipauy tho 2,li i wlthuut ohauo, llutunilirj: l.cavo New York nt a.ou 12,110 noon uud 5,lj p. m. l'hlUdelpn. i I . a. in, nnd J.:iu p. m, I.eiivo ll.irrUbuiK lor IUndina.l'uH-. marjun, Sllnorsvlllu, Ablilnnd, Kliainul; hi leutown uud l'hllu'ii.ut a.luu. m., nml i."' . . I, oa p.iil.,Ktoiiln;; i.t Lebanon anil piun 'i I stations: thol.OJp.m. train conniciluylui 1 Foltsvlllo and Coluiubl.i only. For 1. tSchuylklll Huvtn unit Auburn, via Mihi. mul Uubtmcuamia lialliod, leave Hum . . 3,10 p.m. Kasl l'ennsylvanin Hallroad trains leuv Ing lor AUoulown Huston uud Now Yolk ul 10.10, n. in., nnd l.W p. m, Iteturulu, New York at 0.00 it. iu 12.30 noon and 5. 1 1 uud Alleutowu ut 7.20 a. m, 12,25 uoon, 2,1 ami 0.15 p, m. Way l'ussensor Tinln icuvcs l'hlladelpn 7,'iJu.m., couuectlni: with similar train on 1'a, ralUoud returuluy lrom itciulliiful u,.'-' ii slopping at all Btutions, l.uuvo l'ottsvlllo ut 0,03 a. in., tuU , Ilerudou at 10.00 u. m., Shamoklu at S.lOaiui u a. m,, Ashland at 7,05 a.m. uud 12, 1 J noon anoy City at 7.51 a. m, aud 1,2) p. m. Tama.i" sVi a. ru aud 2,10 p, in. lor 1'hlladelpln , York, Ke.ulln;;, Ilaiilsburu'.ic. l.cavo 1'ottsvillu via H-uuylklll uud bu hauua ltullioad at 8,15 a.m. lor Harrb bui II. ljn. iu,,loi I'lnoUrovoanil Ticiuiinl, lleaillui; Aci'ommodatlon Train lenvtj lo vlllo alS.OO a. in., passou ltcaUluu at 7,20 a. m , rlvlny nl l'hlh..lelphla at 0.60 a, m. ltclui u leaves I'hlludulphln nt 5,15 p, m,, passlns In luu nt 7,10 p.m., uirivinB at l'ottsvlllo iitt'.-J , i'ottstown Accommodattou Tralu, leaves l'i" townuto.lju.m., itluinlua, leaves rhll.u. (Ninth und Oiceui at 1,80 p.m. Columbia Ituilroud Trains leavo ltcauii. ' 7,20 a.m., and 0,15 p.m. for Hphruta, I.ltln, Um tor, Columbia, itci'ietuiulng leavo l.aiicaiiti'i B.toa.iii and 3.251), a"d Columbia i.t in. uud 3.15 p, m, I'eiklomeu Hull Hoad Traluii luive I'oikluin Junction ut 7.15 0,10 a. m 3.00 & 5 15 p. iu. r-t lUK! leuvn Kehweuksvlilo ut 0.30, .1 i au n noon 4.15 p.m,,couueullui with simitai on Itcidtug Itallroad. ColcbiooUdulo ltullioad Iralus leuvcrolt-si 'v ntU.10a.iu,l.i.0U.2iiS 7.15 lcai l l'leusaulut u.00, H.lH)uudll.2ju, m 3.25 p.m. oon ncctlui; with sliullur tialus ou Headliii; ltalho. .1 riekcrluix Valley Itallroad trains leavo 1-lin ulxvillo ut 0.10 u, in,, 3,10 uud 6.50 p. in.; rill" Inu, leuvo Hyers nt 0.35 a. m., 12.4) und 4.20 i. in couuectlus with tiulns on llcudlug Itallroad, Chester Vullcy Itallroad Tiulns leuvo Hi.'' port at 8, sou, in. and 2.10 aud 5,ilp. m. leturum leavo Downlustou nt 0.5.5 a, in., 12.30 noon un 6.10 p. m., eounccllug with tlmllar train . ltcadlui: Hullioud. Ou Hunduys, leuvo New Yolk at 5, 15 p.m., I In plilaill 3,00 a.m. and 3,15 p.m., (tho inuulusonlyloHeadiiJKilleavel'ottsvllloS.Wa.ui HaTrlsbuii: at 2,45 a. m. and 2.00 p. in. aiif leavo Allcntown at 1.V3 aud 0.15 p. m und It n j llendlui; nl 7,15 a, i. aud I0.aip. in , lor Hai i bury, nt 4.3ln. m, for Now Yink,nt7.20u. r. ,. " Alleutown and ut 0,10 a, u,' aud 4,15 p. in l'blladelplilu. Commutnlloii, Mllcnso. Hcason, Pelion, Kxcurslou Tickets lo and from all polut.i.i" Uuceit rates liaggago checked throu-li; ICO pounds allow cnhia...nger. J, K, WOOTTHN, Atst, Hupt, & ling. Math'ry. Heudlng, l'a., May li. 147. B LANK DEEDS. we now nave mo iincsmM-oiuniniui n........ DKKl'H on Imnd uud lor salo thai were ty; k opt lu llloc msburg, iJireo flzo an beU mich m ent paper, foinmon Dieds, i:xecii(or's md Admltilnrntor'H lntdi.-nniill kl urcd nnd hi up cdi in on IHdls, Ac. - . Mil A VI