The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1872, Image 3

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Tiro Columbian.
Friday, Juno 1J 187,
Railroad Timo Tablo.
Notth. Houtb
Jlnll 12:02 A.M. 8:501.;
Accommodation 4:10 A.M. 10:151.
km p.m. vxia.i
il.tltia North. UnlnKBoniu
1:08 1'. Mi 11:11 A. M
Wir,KK3-nAitnK tnlka of celebrating
Uio Fourth of July on nn oxtcnslvo
A. 1). Hi'oloy of llurwlck lias received
hU commission ivi Llculcmuil Colonel
of the 17th Regiment, N. 0. of Pu.
Itr.v. A. W. Si:ntz will preach in tho
l.iillieran Church In this plnco next
g:lihath morning and evening.
Tin: latest thliifr In Spring hats for
lnuio-3 Ih to lmvo tho rim so bent and
crumpled iw to bo Htrongly auggostlvo
ol'alate chninpngno suppor.
IjAht year tho l'liliihill from tho Ilrsl
of .Imnuiry to tho first of May was about
MXteen Inches ; during tho correspond
ing iierlod of tlili year it was les-i than
nine Inches.
A oitizkn of Hellugrovo says 'that
within n few months "tboy burned
down half of tho town, traded thoothor
half on a flro englno and gave two hnn
dred dollars to boot."
Bomb ono without annrcclntlon of
music, has suggested tho expediency of
rt'iiuirlng organ grinders to pay n II
ceiue for discoursing their melodies.
W'o commend tlio suggeHlion to oui
Town Council.
Tin: pressuro upon our columns last
wool;, consequent upon tho great length
of tho proceedings of tho Convention
ami of now advertisements, provontlng
our giving as much local matter as
En. Coi,u.miiian. Ia tho Col. Whit-
mover spoken of in last week's Jlepub
Ham any kin to our stolid friend
"Muif:e" Whllmoyer sometimes called
Yours, Ac.
To Destuoy Ants. Tako of Hour
of brimstone, half a pound, ami potash
four ounces. Set In an earthen p i!i over
the fire till dissolved and united ; then
pulvcrizo and make, with wuti'r, a
strung solution and Rprinklc where the
anls frequent.
At tho recent sales of seated and un
seated lands only about one third of
tlioso advertised wero brought to tho
hammer, thu greater part hiivlng been
reduamud. The Commissioiii'fs bought
a nuinhpr of tracts.
Ilwtr. laxolitl comfort for liecr drink
ers and wo commend it to f heir atten
tion. Morton, of Margate, Kngland, is
making solid beorby a patented proecss.
Ale, porter, or brown stout may be
irmilo in o solid form,nnd dissolved,
like yeast o.iko, when wanted for use.
A cow belonging to John S. Sterner
m.h run over by a train on tho L. A B.
K. It. last Saturday and one of her legs
broken. Tho leg was bound in splints
and the cow carried homo on a cart,
nilh a reasonable exportation of recov-
A young man named Albert Very of
tfiul'iwn (shot himself through tho hand
in Thursday of last week, whilst euro
tcsMy handling a revolver. Tho ball
Iinssed through the lleshy pari of tho
liautl, but fortunately without shatter
ing tho bono.
Wk aro Indebted to Sheriff Smith for
.i cluster of rlpo chorrles, tho first of
domestic growth that wo Imvo seen. If
HiU is any indication of tho cherry crop
tliis year, thero will bo an abundant
supply, us wo lmvo nover seen more
tlierrie? growing In as compact a form
and as thoroughly ripe.
It should not nt this teason bo l'or
iiotten that tho fino for shooting robins
or other insectivorous birds is $." for
.icli and every offence, and that bav
ins any such birds In ono's possession ii
stiilldent evidence to convict.
Now is tho peculiar so.tsou of tho year
when unrlpo vegetables will ilnd their
way into tho market in an nbundanco
woro than sulllcienl to ercato an epi
demic of small complaints. Too much
to cannot bu exercised by Iiousokcop--'
la providing for their dally table.
W itiutcEvuu Iron iIpos aro omploy
d fjr convoying any heated medium,
"Mi as air, steam, or hot
water, tlioy should not bo allowed to
im-s through woodwork unless protec
ted by nn earthen crock. The Iron rust
way bo deoxidized, and upon rc-oxldiz-"Bit
often becomes red hot. Many
Hits havo occurred from this causo.
Thanks. Atameetingof thoFriend
lui Flro Company, liold on Thursday
"veiling, Juno Otli, upon motion of
rank M. dirton, It was Jlesolved, That
Hi" members of tho Firo Company ten
dm' tiielr thanks to tho ladles who bo
Kindly assisted at our Festival, and also
to tho citizens who furnished monoy,
c. towards it.
t We havo received tho first numbor of
The Greeley Manner a uowspapor pub.
Hihod in Iaucastor In tho lntorost, as
luiuwolmpllos, of dreoloy and lirown.
advocates liuckulow for Glovcrtior.
II. ltauch formerly of tho Mtther
Atmlium is tho odltor nnd will uudoubt-
mako It a spicy and woll wrltton
The Uloomsburg Columbian "goes
;;" tho L. & 11. U K. in rough Ian
Kuago Tho milk in that cccoinut Is
icun lcy K0t left Montour Amer-
( Thero Is somothlng wrong in that
cocoauut" or yours, wo fear, Doctor.
A"o gontlomau namod was not loft. Wo
m'glit Inform you that Journalists oc
cm onally wrlto for tho public good
'id not for personal plquo or profit
''tit thou you would not understand any
such motlvo, would you? Ho we'll say
morn about It.
Tim American Merchants' Union
Express Company havo introduced tho
plan of prepayments of charges on cer
tain classes of goods by moans of stamps.
Tho stamps rango In price from ilvo to
forty.flvo conta each, and packages
wolghlng oa much as ilftcon pounds can
bo sent prepaid by this means.
We havo received tho first numbor
of Frank Cowan's Fapcr, published in
Qreonsburg. Its odltor is a son of lion.
Edgnr Cowan and has inherited his
father's ability nnd social traits. Tho
paper favors dreoloy and will doubtless
do yeoman's service in his ndvocacy.
Wo know Mr. Oownn and feci assured
that ho has tho rcquislto brains nnd on
orgy to mako his venturo n success.
Tin: present Indications nro vory fa
vorablo for an extraordinary crop of
fruit tho present season. Tho peach,
cherry, pear and npplo trees havo mado
n most remarkable show of blossoms,
nnd tho three first named havo set well,
while tho npplo trees havo been fairly
loadod down with blossoms. If no un
foretold circumstances occur wo shall bo
blessed with nbundanco of fruit next
Wi: learn that Dr. 1". John, editor of
tho Korth Carolinian nnd well known
in this county, recently published an
article which did not meet tho ontlro
approval of ono of his readers. Tho dls
appointed gentleman therefore Inter
viewed tho Dr. and tho discussion must
havo been very tiresome as immediate
ly after tho interview tho Dr. retired to
his "Illtlo bed" nnd staid thero a couplo
of weeks or so thinking Hover. Moral j
Northern habits nro not always roadily
adopted in tho South.
Tim l'eniiaylvnuiaSlato Labor Union
held Its annual meeting at Wilkcsbarro
on Tuesday, Juno 1th. A resolution was
adopted endorsing tho action of tho
Wllliamsport Convontion: Tho follow
ing officers wero elected for the ensuing
year: 1'rosldent, James C. Sylvis; Vlco
Presidents, John Kegnn and W. D.
Woolslaycr; itecordlng Secretary, Thos.
K. (Irevy ; Corresponding Secretary, 0.
Ben. Johnson; Treasurerlion. Hichard
IlKitKhulsl Wo thought somo pro
fuse genius would burst forth into song
over our nominations and wo wero
right. Listen to this Warbler, whose
nnmo Is unknown to us;
Now Ilartranft's hopes aio drooping,
Tho lllug can't put him through ;
' From hillside, lijath mul valley,
Conies tho cry For 11i;ckai.f.wI
Fllug forth our glorious banner,
Shout to tho welkin blue,
Uprnlso our honoroj sUmilnnl,
We'll win with IJuckalew.
- . -
Tin-: following slightly incoherent ac
count of a "frogging" party has been
handed us and wo publish it as re
ceived :
John Girton,
"Jakoy" Mellick,
Dent Taylor.
J. W. Heist,
li. ii. atnppy,
L. li. Rupert,
II. II.Droat.
Chns. Snyder,
U'UO" JlOlllCK,
Frank Scott,
Tho two Mclllcks, 02
L. II. Shippy,
L. 15. Rupert,
II. II. Rroat,
Frank Scott,
Hcnt Taylor, -Chas.
Snyder, J 9
0. 1
We surrender a largo portion of our
space this week to extracts from Demo
cratic and Republican papers rolativo
to llio noniinntlon of Mr. Uuckalow for
Governor. His nomination excites un
usual enthusiasm all over thoState.and
carrios doubt to tho breasts of our op-
ononis. Let us in Columbia County
not disgrace ourselves by petty divi
sions, and personal quarrels slneo this
ilgh honor has been conferred upon us,
but by activo, arduous work aid in
making Chaiu.e.s R. tho
next Governor of I'enn'a.
Tin: slang renlv of tho reverend
editor of tho Jlepubllcan to our article
in regard to tho adoption of tho Holly
system of water works by our Town
Council evades tho ouestiou. nnr !. them
any denial of the "sojt impeachment."
Mr. Phillips, tt member of tho Dan vlllo
Council, who favored tho system, told
usthatflOO, had been offered n certain
editor of that place to favor tho plan,
ana the matter btrcamo so notorious
that tho comnanv had to disavow the
act of their ngont. Wo do not know that
tho Jlepuoiican has received its $100, but
it is earning it by weokly advocacy of
this particular plan. Tho fact that wo
noer havo been approached, is due,
probably, to tho vory fact stated by
tho liemihlican. Hint "liavlncr lipnn in
tho Legislature," wo camo homo with
clean nanus.
JAMES GllEEM. a iroutloman of thn
African persuasion, formerly resident
in tins town, and rathor well known as
possessed ot convivial habits and tren-
cral "eussednoss,'' camo to utter antj
unexpected grlof In Wilkes Rarro' not
long Blnco. Having accepted an in
formal contract to drink up all tho poor
whisky in that town ho boe.unn nbllvi.
ous of oarthly caroj and wandorod Into
tho arms of a rocrultlng ofilcen Whon
Mr. Qreou camo to "hls30f" tho noxt
day ho discovered to ills disgust and
amazement that ho had "listed," and
was doomed for a porlod of yoar.sto wear
tho livery of Undo Sam. St. Lmls Is
his present abldintr nlaco. and It Is not
Improbable that ho may acquiro such u
dlstasto for fighting and for rum us to
render him a good cltlzon horo.iftor.
Finn. Another flro broko out on
Thursday morning between ono and
two o'clock, In Mr. Jacob Reed's buil
dings, botween tho Post Ofllco and tho
canal. Tho old buildings wero totally
consumed. Tho ono was a log building
nnd ono of tho oldost In Danville. Tho
Continental Flro Company was the
first on tho ground, and did good work.
Tho stcamor soon appeared and main
tained Its roputntlon. The Post OHlco
on tho ono hand, nnd tho storo of Reed
A Co., on the other, wero saved by tho
engines. Urooks' tailor shop was do
stroyed, but( most of his goods wero
saved. Simon Wioner's tobacco and
segar Btoro, was also consumed, as woll
as Mrs, Diver's residence and fancv
nnir wori store, wo loam that tho
parties wore insured 10 somo oxtont.
Wo rocrot to snv Hint Mr rtni..
tuiiuuiui, imviiJU luuuu iium 01
rnnn nffanl.nil in Mm alinmnn n t.,
to run with "tho niaehlno" down JV
oircui, urn, mil mm was run over,
Wlllrll llll linil lintl. Inn. 1. !... '
was taken homo over tho river, and
is roportetl ho has slneo died. Thomas
ininlfrint: wftq ntrArmn i... .i.A n.,.Ai
- - - - ...... v i.iu Uy luu nluuuu
oroxcitemcnt aud foil on tho pavement,
lit auiui-uutuiiauiuus COllUItlOll. J
was takon homo and Is rccovcrlu'tr
Tllll li. Si II. it. 11.
Mr. W. O. Holmes, freight nnd llnket
ngont nt Uloomsburg for tho abovo cor
porntlon, takes oxceptlon to tho charges
preferred against tho management of
tho road, in tho Coiajmman, nnu
furnishes the Republican with what ho
facotiously calls a "raw facta." Ho ad
mlts that tho accommodations glvon
tho pooplo on tho occasion of Barnum's
show in Danvlllo was not first-class, but
explains that Barntim had engaged nil
tho decent cars, and that "tho Company
gavo tho pcoplo tho best that could bo
procurtd nt tho timo." "Tho host'
tho Company had for passengers, pay
Ing full faro, was a lot of dirt cars with
rough hemlock boards for seats. In tho
samo breath with tills admission Mr.
Holmes says that thero is "no road In
tho slate which affords better nccom
modallons for passenger travel or for
freight business." Docs Mr. Holmes
moan seriously to say that there is a rail
road In tho Stato doing a business of
over four dollars a year which could bo
bankrupted of passenger cars by the nd
von I of a circus nnd compelled to trans
port ladies and gentlemen on dirt cars'
Hecauso if ho does ho will excuso tho
sensible portion of this community, not
deriving their incomo from tho L. A 1J.
R. R., from believing him. Mr. Holmes
further asserts that this Co. uses tho
same rates for freight as tho other roads
In tho Slate. Lotussco: FromShlck
shinny to Uloomsburg, 25 miles, tho
freight on coal nmounts to 1 cents per
ton per mllo as nppears by tho books of
the Iron Company at this place. Tho
Reading R. R. chnrgo from 2 to 2 conts
per mile, as we are informed by a ship
per over Hint road. The L. A II. R. R.
ehiirgoSl 10 per ton for rail-road Iron from
Danvlllo to Uloomsburg a dislauco of
about ten miles being in the neighbor
hood of elovou conts ncr mile. A iron
tlomon in town recently hnd a lot of
salt In n car at Rupert which ho wished
the Co. to bring to Rloomsburg; tlioy
asked him $S for so doing, and he was
obliged to Iilro teams to haul it, for
which ho paid $3! Tho distance Is a
triflo over a mllo nnd three-quarters.
galn ; a lot of mnrblo wa.s shinned
liero from Philadelphia, tho charges on
which to Northumberland wero $ for
101 miles, but from Northumberland
here, 21 miles, tho charges wero $S 1
Again ; n lot of glass ware was sent
from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, thonco
returned to Northumberland , a total
distance of Jilt! miles, over tho Pennsyl
vania R. R., nnd tho charges wero $7 70
but from Northumberland to Blooms
burg, 2t miles, tho price charged was
$1 OS GO per cont of tho amount for ",1G
miles. Had the samo rates prevailed
to Pittsburg tho charges would havo
amounted to something over $10011
Thero aro yot other cases in our posses
sion which wo might enumerate, but
it Is needless. Tho instances nro suffi
cient to corroborate fully the chargo
mado in tho Coi.umiuan that "the
freights aro simply outrogous." And
yot at theso oxecssivo rates, tho cars
are often furnished grudgingly or not
nt all and tho Iron Company havo ab
solutely lost sales of iron from want of
cars in which to ship. Mr. Drinker of
tho Uloomsburg Iron Co. testified in
his examination before the Committee
on tho Judiciary General of tho Senate
in relation to the Anthraclto Coal diffi
culties, (Report of Commltteo p. 20S)
that "Wo send our pig iron to Rupert
in summer by canal and in winter haul
it in wagons; wo find it cheaper than
sending it over tho Lackawanna and
Uloomsburg railroad company ; tho rail
road company charges 40 cento per ton
from Uloomsburg to Rupert; tho dis
lauco is about two miles" by tho Ca's.
schcduol it is 1.77 miles. Thoro'schenp-
11CH3 1
A very good idea of tlio manner In
which tho Co. do business may bo do-
rived from tho testimony of David T.
Round, tho former Supt. of tho road,
boforo this samo Senato Committee. Wo
submit it ; tho point under discussion
was tho switching and changes at Dan
vlllo over a prlvato road.
"By Mr. Hall. Q. Docs your charter
allow you to do that?"
A. I don't know nnvthliiL' uhoiil,
Q. " ou nro charcfincr without know.
Ing anything about tho law V"
A. "I presume wo havo a right to do
(Report of tho Committco p. 70.)
The Co. being relieved by special law
from tho rates prescribed by tho net of
1810, for distances under fivo miles
presumo that tlioy havo a right" to
chargo anything they pleaso and so ar-
rango thoir rates that tlioy exceed tho
limits of charges and assumo somowhal
tho shapo of potty larceny.
Tho Co. alleged that tho limitation
of four and sixteen. hundredths cents
per ton per mllo Is confined to freight
carried in cars of othors, thus loavlng
thorn at liberty to chnrgo what they
chooso when carrying In their own cars.
Hut your Committee nro of opinion that
this chargo cannot bo justified under
tho terms of the law. (Report of Com
mltteo p. 10.)
Mr. Holmes may bo hone-t in his
convictions that thero is "no road in the
Stato which affords better accommoda
tions for passenger travel or for freight
business" than tho L. A 11. but ho
spoaks from hl3 own experience which
Is obviously very limited. Whcnovor
iio desire to furnish tho Cor.UMiiiAN
Willi facts it would bo well for him to
assure himself that they aro such be
fore putting them in print, but our
advico to htm, meant In tho moat kindly
way, Is to attend strictly to his official
duties nnd not btirdou himself with the
dofeiiio of such a greody, solflsh, and
unaccommodating monopoly a? the
Lackawanna A Uloomsburg R. R. Com
I t II -J Ink
cornerstone of tho Methodist Protestant
ynurcn, noar uoorgo Dodson's School
IlotlSO 111 Uontnii tnu-nalili. f',,l,.,..i,i
county Pa. on tho 22d of J uuo at ;i o'clock
in um uiiuriiuoii, ov. josepu Watrous,
President of thoCentral Pa. fjonf.. u.nv.
Mr. Russnl. of Knrnnfnii P,i T?n., ti...
y,,ito,T04,al,lo-vl a' Ilov Wilson of
Town Hill Pa. nml Ttnv. MM, a n,i
- - - - ' w ... j
son of Now Columbus, Pa. are to be
lirixjum nnu imu 10 mo interest of tho
occasion. Tho public aro cordially In
vited, come ono 1 como all 1
a. ta. itiaNiUMslor.
Hr.Dl'IiXIXG Iv Inil l'i'fvlilnni..i nn.
witting the Welch Church situated
near Numedia. Columbia Countv.
which has boon latolv onlnrcrnil nml m
fitted Will bo rcoiienod nn thn ':M nf
Juno as n United Urothron Church.
Itlshon J. Weaver from Haiti mnrn
Md., Is expected to olllclato. Wo cot
dlally Invito all who can to bo with us
and cheer tho brnthrrm In II
work. Our twooimrtorlvmpnii
bo hold nt thn sanin nlnp nn u .inni,.,
tho 2&I, at 2 P. M. (loo. W. M. Kieoti!
r. xu., win bo present.
Pastor in chnrgo.
Some editor who lias ovldcntly mado
tho Btibjcct a study, propounds tho fol
lowing, which wo fancy can bo auswor
od in tho!ifflrmatlvo!--"Is it not a little
amusing to sco an ofllcor trying to "rca
son" with a roistering, roaring, drunk
on blackguard with so much poor
wlilskoy on board that ho doesn't know
whothor ho is on foot or horsobnek?"
Cleansing Hair UnueirEa. To
cloaiiBO a hair brush, tako a basin of
cold suds, add a spoonful of spirits of
ammonia, put in tho brush, and draw n
coarso comb through tho bristles as
many times ns necessary ; a cloth loo
way bo U3cd to help the cleansing,
Finally rlnso in clear water.
Faum Facts. It Is stated in tho ag
rlculturo returns, by tho census of 1870,
received nt Washington, that tho cash
valtto of tho farms of Pennsylvania Is
$1,013,481,082. Our Stato produces 19,
G72.007 bushels of wheat ; 31,702,020 of
corn ; 30,178,085 of oats. Tho numbor of
horses In Pennsylvania Is -160,339. and
tho valtto of nil tho llvo stoek in tho
Stnto Is 115,017,075.
A mooting or tho members of tho Uar
of Columbia County was held In tho
Court llouso on Monday Inst to tnko
suitable action with regard to tho death
of Goo. A. Frlck Esq. of Danvlllo, who
died suddenly on Sunday in tho 83th
year of his ago. Mr. Frlck was admit
ted to practice ou tho 2d of April, 1821,
and was tho oldest mombcr of tho bar
of this county nt tho timo of ills death
On motion of Col. Freeze, Mr. Utick
alow was elected Chairman, nnd, on
motion of Mr. Thompson, Capt. Urock
way was chosen Secretary.
Col. Frees; then staled tho object of
tho meeting and gavo a brief sketch of
Mr. Prick's life. Ho offered the follow
Ing prcamblo and resolutions which
wero adopted :
Wiieukas, Tho members of tho Uar
of Columbia county havo been apprised
of the sudden death of Georgo A. Frlck,
Esq,, at tho time of his tho old
est member of tho Uar of this County ;
and of which said County ho was also
the first Prothonotnry, having been ap
pointed to that ofllco by Gov. Simon
Snyder, on the organization ot tho
County in 1813, and continued until his
admission to tho Uar in 1821, In tho ex-erci.-e
of its duties, therefore,
Jlesu'ecd, That wo havo hoard with
unfeigned sorrow of tho dentil of Georgo
A. Filck, K-fi., who durlncr nianv years
of a busy professional llfo proved him
self to bo an able lawyer, n thorough
gentleman, an noncst nnd nn upright
Jtesolccd, That wo tender to his
mourninir family aud relatives our sili
cons condolences in their afflictions.
Jlesolved, That wo will attend tho
funeral in a body, and wear tho usual
badgo of mourning for thirty days.
Jlesolved. That a conv of theso tiro.
cooilings and Resolutions bo sent to
uoi. a. j. i'Ticir, Danville, Pcnn'a.
Siiine Rumilii at Large.
Tho following net to prevent swino
from running at largo in tho townships
of Ronton and Fishlngcrcek and in
tho tewn of Light Street was approved
by tho Govomor on tho 23J of March
Bkc. 1. Be it enacted. &c That so
much of the provisions of the act en
titled "An Act to prevent horses, cat
tle, mules, sheep and swino from run
ning at largo in Forks township in tho
county of Sullivan," approved March
eighth, ono thousand eight hundred and
sovouty, ns relates to swine, bo and tho
b.iiiio aro liorobv oxtondod in tlio town-
ships of Denton and Fishingcreek nnd
to too town oi ijignt atrect in the coun
ty of Columbia.
Sec. 2. For tho purposes of this net
tlio limits ot tho town of Light Street
aforesaid shall bo as follows, namely ;
beginning at tho north woit cornor of
Scott township in tho said county of
Columbia and thonco ono hundred
and sixty rods to a road, thonco south
east threo hundred rods to a brldgo at
Keller's run. thenco westwnrdlv down
Haiti run to its mouth, two hundred and
lorty rous, tnonco norm two hundred
and eighty rods to tho plnco of begin
ning, touching the lino of Mount Pleas
ant township.
Tlio following is tlio act referred to
(P. L. 1S70 p. 001.)
Sec. 1. Ila it enacted. Ac. That from
and after tho passage of this act all
norses, muios, cattle, sheep and swino
belonging to farmers, or other porsons,
found running at largo beyond tho
premises of tho owner or upon tho pub
lic roads or highways in tho township
of Forks, Sullivan county, shall bo con
sidered in tlio character of strays, and
may ba taken up as such by any person,
anil shall aud may bo disposed of under
existing laws of this commonwealth
relating to strays, If such person shall
sco proper to prosecuto tho same.
It will then bo seen that swino run
ning in tho townships abovo named
are subject to tho genoral laws regulat
ing Cstrays.
Receipts for May.
Benton Sav
Wm llippou-
steel 2 00
Est Simon Uot
nor 2 CI)
ing Fund $130 00
Michael Hock
John Scholl
2 00
2 00
l9aiah Rower
,S Gienda I 00
Lsau Girton
Est. W. E. Al
2 00
I 00
R R Liltlo 2 00
Est Satnl
Ulank 2 00
Blanks ",-
Est of PSHol-
Margaret Crca
soy 3 00, Est or Wm
Howell 0 ,10
2 00, Win Drlesbach2 00
2 00, Anrou Person 2 00
Goo II Evort
Benj Lovan.
Joseph Uilleg
Fred'k Dorr
2 00
a oo
2 00
Georgo Fedder 2 00
J M Girton 2 00
Uriah Weill
ver 2 00
Solomon Buss 2 00
J J Campbell 2 00
Hlanks CO
Jacob Long
E G RIckotLs
Stephen Dcltt
T F Edgar
Hiram Shall.
Daniel Stino
M O Keller
A D Kolfer
David Walsh
2 00
1 00'
2 oo'
1 50
1 00
2 00
1 20,
2 00,
2 00,
1 00,
Michael Tracv 2 00
Jas Mellon rv C 00
T U Taylor 3 00
u w Musgrovo I -10
uaitis uirton 8 00
J S Urobst 10 00
Mt Morlah
Council 31 CO
Adam Ult 2 00
Thos Butler fi 20
T J Wolllvor 2 nn
Oeorgo Applo 1
man 2 00,
Stophou Mi
chael 2 SO,
Wm Longou-
bergor 2 00!
Abr Trlvel-
pleco 2 00
Wm Lawton 2 oo!
!J II Croasy 0 81
Asa xorics z on
Joseph Yorks 2 00
1.0 wis TltllO -i oo
Wm Morreflold 2 00
Jesso Colomnn 3 00
Est Wilson Al
len 3 00
Amos U Hart-
Isaac Andreas 2 00, man 2 00
Abram Knouso2 00, Catawlssa R
H W Crovollug 2 00 Co 7fl 00
U P Mclienry 2 ou r h Sccsholtss 11 00
Chas Hlllog 2 00,
John Keller 10 00
Ellas Dlls 2 00'
T II Rtmyan 1 00'
Saird L Rhone 2 00
BarnumsShow7 CO
StiHau Keller 2 00
E T Lockurd 2 00
J W Sankoy 10 15
Blanks 2j
Daniel Ram
2.j Jacob Terwll
I liger 2 00
2 00 Thos A Fun
1 00, ston 2 00
John Keller
1 uu Jacob Dleflen
NFIockenstelu l 00' bach
3 50
1 80 JhcoI) McCol
Joaso Ziuer
Andrew Hess
Peter Furvor
Stophou Polio
Ed Hartinait
Wm Giger
OP Christian
J Longonboi'.
W A Kilo
M M Kllno
J U Nuss
Hnml Oman
1 00,1 lum 2 00
2 OU! Ja T Fox 1 50
2 00 Wm Krcsslor 2 00
2 00 W II Jucoby n 00
2 00 John Hummel 4 00
2 50, Blanks 2.1
2 00 Jos Garrison 20
,A A Kllno 1 00
2 OOjiictinlock's Creek
& Muncv
3 00
2 00 1
1 0;
It It 1 50
Patrick Rurko 2 00
D Palmer 2 00
John Bwishcr 2 00
All who nro nnnonnceil In this Hit are pledK
tl to ftbltia by tho decision of tho Dcraocrntfo
ron nnaiSTKii and ui:coni)i:n.
H1IPK. l.'ItRiralil.-On tho Kill, lnlhy llov.
II. Wilson. Mr. Chnrlts W. Huir, to Miss I.ydo
l-lt7gcrald, hotli of Town Hill.
TIIOMAB-ltAI,iSTON.-On tho 13th Intl., nt tho
revMcncnnf tho hrklo'd molher.liy llov. I). J.
Widlcr, Mr, Chnrlcs Tliomm nnd Mhs I.lzzlo
A. HnUlou.nll of thin place.
I.ONar.It In I-'ltlitngorcclc twp.ol consumption
Mrs, Esther J. anger, iiKcd3J yunrs nnd 20 days,
lTAT.r.It In rhhlDRCrccIt twp.of consumption,
Dnnlcl l'oaler, used 30 yearn, 2 months, nnd U
DOTY In Ucnton twi. .loliii O. Doty, nged 68
yeara, i month!i nnd 3 days,
llKHS-On Juno 2.1 IS,.Trtinylll!nnclio dauclilcv
of Joshua. 11. and Adda, llcsf, ugcil lyear.a
mouths and fl dnys.
Oh cess, fund parents, ccasn to weep,
l'or Jtiinlo sits nt Jemis feet,
Willi l nims of victory In her linnd
Bhoshigs IhopraUoj of thu Lnnih.
If Jcnnio could speals Irom her lnnio cm hljjh
HUo would Miy let uverv tear liu diy,
I nm happier fnr In my Heavenly homo
Than on tho weary earth to roam,
You'll mHs mo very much I Ituou-,
And oltlhu bitter tear will How,
ltuL Irom suchhorrow oh retrain
Your loss Is my eternal ualii,"
Hut tell to nil tho story
Of volll- .letinln nnw in irlnri. .
That hi tho Heavenly land i ulnjr,
h li ft.
.uiimn s in my jieuvuniy
Karewell dear parents, fur a while,
May you eujny the is wloui'a smilo
And when ruiiu carlh your spirits soar
We'll meet again to pal t no more,
Reail Dr. Nye's Notices.
Another liiriro lot ofshoes lust nci iv-
cilnt E, M. Knorr's.
E. M. Knorr sells tho best Calf BooL
In town for $0.75.
(Ul. n lmlr nf Tlr TVvfi'a flnlil Rurn.
taelei; they aro tlio best out. Look at
iiiem ui isrowirs twci.
'Plwi lnw.ol o.-..(.....l ! ..l. 1
..U UllUO. LIOOUL 111 Ifll t, Ul L'lIIJICll
silks, silk io!Ins, importctl and Amci-
icun nmcK suns in jJicouisutir'' is nt
M. P. Lut.'s.
Every body says that E. M. Knorr
has tho best nnd thu cheapest in town.
The best Ladies' Gaiters can be had at
E. M. Knorr's.
Tas1 Tkas. Great Reduction in
price at Mal.o'.s Mammoth Groccry,Cor.
Main and Center Street.
The Slmrer Sowiiur Machines in dully
uso prove to bo what tho uccnts lonro-
sent them, thy best over known. Their
sales in this county Inst month was
twice us many as all others.
un tlio leaso plan ten dollars easu ;
balutieo in monthly installments.
If you want a irood doublo combined
com plow, (jo to S. lluber & Bon, Dan
vlllo, Pu. Farmers pronounce it tho
beat in tho market, for lightness of
draught and for good work. 2-lw
ClL' uknswake. tho larcost stock in
this section of tho State, of all descrip
tions at Maize's Mammoth Grocery, for
salo at thu low rates at which he has
been hellinir nlthoutrh the nrices havo
advanced twenty llvo per cent. In tho
Eastern Cities. n20-2t
Tho rines-t assortment of Poroicru nml
Domestic Fruits, always. Jo bo found,
In Maize's Mammoth Groeor v.
Strawberries, Pineapples, Uananas,
uranges, liemons, Figs, Dates, Raisins,
Nuts of all kinds &c now on hand.
Fresh vegetables of all kinds. n23-2t.
Tnlorr-st. nil Ihn Tnnlftn Tf. 11 lmiwlo
7 3-10 per cent payable in gold, will bo'
paid by tho Rloorasburg Banking Co,
un nnu uiiiT.juiy m.
Otii) For.iis! Reap 111 Dr. Alox.
S. Nyo irom Scianton, the celebratetl
Optician, has taken rtionm nt Brown's
Hotel fur ono week, whero overybody
troubled with defective sight should
call and procuron pair of his Australian
Crystal Spectacles and Eyo Glasses.
They aro easy to wear, will never tiro
tho eyes and last many years without
chauginir. Dr. Nvo understniullntr tho
optical business thoroughly will war
rant, lontxno most (iiuicuit eaio With
easo, and refers amongst othors whom
ho has iltted, in this valley, to tho fol
lowing gentlemen : Mr. M. W. Jack
son, Berwick, Mr. Wm. Lamon.Mr.
isouiou, Hcranton, nr. itoblns, Uata
wi?sa, Mr. Miller, Berwick.
All troods warranted ns renresented.
Glasses refitted In old frame.", at ria-on-ablo
For particulars see hand hills.
In 1832. WulUr Hunt dlnvivoiod llio
shuttlo for forming tho lock stitch in
sowing machine-!. Hineolhattimo many
improvements nave ueen mutio uut none
equal to thoso applied to tho Singer,
that of direct action on tho needle bar
and upright shaft from thohorrlzoutol.
This principal has been fully tested moro
man iweniy years, nnu ino peonio navo
found it always reliable. Two thousand
a week moro of (hem aro sold than any
uuiei suuiiio miii'iiiue,
)M IMahllslicil Coal Yard.
C. W .NuAi.&Bito. Wholesalo A Re
tail Duilcrs in nil sizes of the best
qualities of Red and While Ash Coal,
at tho very lowest market rates. Lime
burners Mipplied nt liberal rates with
best quality No. O.coal. Forsmith fires,
lu addition to a primo article of lump,
wo havo a first class quality of Bitumi
nous coal, at $0.25 per ton on wharf.
Largo stocks of all sizes co istantly on
hand. Strict personal attention given to
tho preparation of all our coal. Grain,
Lumber and Slabs taken In exchnngofor
coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho
town. Orders left at McKolvy Neal &
Co's. storo or at our ofllco, will receive
prompt attention. Opi-'ick & Yaups at
mcKklvy & Niuii'd Fuiinaci:, East
Br.oosisuuna. Your pntronago respect
fully solicited. '
Tmt ll.iit ltooi ItEMKnv for wuulcueks oi tho
htomncli l n doio of ltiim Ultiers. They mo
kurthaiBed with Piuel Oil, a deadly clement,
which Is rendered moro active by tfio pungent
nutrlimeuu with which It Is combined, If your
ktomaeli In wealt, or your.llver or bowels dUor
dered, tone, htroiiBtheu and legulnto them with
VjNKaAit Ilu-rmiH, a puro Vkiiktaui.u tsron
Aciiii'.LoitHKurivi: Ami Ai'mtmNT, tree Irom
nleohol, mid eupahlo of Infusluij new vltnllly In
to your oxlmiuiud nnd dlixudercd byi,tem,
CAHloitiA.-n subilltiito for Canor Oil u lnnil-
V,blt'S,W. ! C" '? l''SnMul '" tUaml doeN "t
dNlrrss or gilpe, hut Is kuio to opcralo when all
other remedies havo failed, it li ii purely vego!
tablo l rparutlon. containing neither JtluoruN.
MorphliiH nor Alcohol, tho leiult of Iirtuan years
enperlmcnilug by Doctor Haimiel 1'ltchcr. It u
r.?,r,ftci!y l'a"'ls aud lar moro eilectlvo tliVu
I Ills, Nareotlo Byrups or L'ustor oil. Uy sootliliiil
tho system It produces natural sleep, und is ri r
ici' il,''.!lUn',,cl1 lH "P r le e t h t li gel 1 1 Id re ii
Hon 'MSf"',uro'! n1"""10" AchOiCousllim.
t lon Hatuleiicy mid Deriiugenientohho Uver
itlnuL" i,',?i ffu u'.10"1 '," 1,u 'ot this nrtlilo.
Ilcosui hut Wcciits-alc your drugclLtocet it
lor yon, and Iio will nlwnys lieep It, BnV
BlxTr.EW YRAnsor HnrrE. In inn the now
falllOllH MlrHTAMO IjlMlMRHT WQ1 fltlit lllfldn
known to the pnbllo by nn extcinlVa system of
HuveriisuiK, i rom inni iiino 10 mo present, tuo
ueinanu lor u nasi neon sien-iiiy incrcasin(f,nnin
it nns inKnniuo ica'ioi an cioiocnuons, louonf,
uiiumouw, anu o!ocroxieruaircmf'uic,iDror
rail market. In tun innst. eftlrhrn ul i .irlnw ami
trottlnil stables. Ill thn establishments nf xtnan
and city car companies, nud In tho stables of
nrivaio geniicmon,!!. is mo only recognized euro
mr mien uiscnscs oi ma uorso ns rcquiro out
ward trotmcnt. Nor It Is less valuations a local
nppiicatton tor somo oiiuomosi uisircssingcom.
pluints to which mull Is subject, Ilheuraaltsm
stillness of tho loluts. ncurnlsla. sorn throat
tumors, wens, earncho, toothacho, yield to Its
imin-siioiiiiiug, eounicr-irriinui. prniicriies, and
burns, scalds and cuts nro hcnlctl wlth'lucrcdlblo
rapiuity under lis opcroiion.
- . i
mxtuATK UKKATunta-Ttiis is tlio phraio nn
plled bylllslllaPltness.tho Moorof Vonlcctotho
lair ladles or Italy. Ilwas tholoveiy complexion
or Desdcinona, sueli a radlnul contrast to his
own, that won his heart i nnd soolli toRay, every
man of dlrccrnmetit consldcis alalr sliln, llko a
Mveci voice, --nu cxceiiciiL iiuug in womnn,"
Now this Is a charm which can Iio oMiifml
Thero Ian ucalthrulandndorlfcrmisloltctRrtlGlc.
known overvwhero As IfAUAtt' MAnisor.rA
Hai.m, which lltorally trainllgiiros a cloudy or
miiiow siciii, suiiiisiiig ino uiscoiorcti lace,
iikkniiujin ni. "iavii. itini i, mil.) iliiuj illlKV.
and Imnartlnif In tho surfnen a smo illinnss nml
n glo's llko that of polished marble. Instead of
cioggiug ino pores, ngo i no sticuy enamels, or
contracting them, nud thus obstructing peisptra
Hon, llko tho astringent cosmotlcs.ii cleanses
mo sain irom nu iiinurmcs nnu wonucriuny
iiniiroves as xexiure. i ins pccuiiariiy is particu
larly appreciated by our rural belles, who llud
that tho coarseness and which conn.
try nlr Is apt to ongendcr, are speedily removed
iioui iiieir iices, nanus auu nrm, uy tins uc
llghlful piepcratlou.
A 1'tTirrr. Conhition. It is a a-l thing to
pass through llfo only half alive. Ytt thero nro
thousands whoso habitual condition Is ono of
languornmt debility. They complain or no snc
clllo disease! they sutler no posltlvo paint hut
ineynavo nn rensn iornnyining wnicnniiorus
mental or sensuous pleasure. In tilno eases out
or ton this stato of lassltudo nnd to por
from a morbid stomach. Indigestion itpstt-nvM
the energy of both mind nnd body. When tho
wasto of uaturo Is not by a duo and
regular assimilation of tho lood, every organ Is
sfirveu, every lunciiou iiiierrupieu.
Now, what does common scuso suggest under
ttibun iilrnntnufntlniiu nf ilftnrnc.lin 1 'I h. nt-u......
needs ronvlng nnd strcnKthcnliig; not merely
tor nn hour or two, to sink ullerwardlnton more
pitiable conditio,! than over (ns It surely would
do If an ordinary alcohon, stimulant wero re
sotted to) hut radically nnd permanently.
How Is this dt ilrablu object to bo accomplish
ed? Tho nuso'cr to this , .estlo i, founded on
tlio unvnrylng experience of nituarter of n cen
tury, Is easily give i. Jufuso new vigor Into the
digestive organs by n eouisoof llostett'r'H Htom
ncli Miters. Do not waste timo by administer
ing temporary remedies, but wako tho system
up bv rccupcinllng tLo fountain head of physi
cal strength nud energy, tho great organ upon
which nil tho other organs depend for their nil
tin o und support.
Ity tho timo that a do?on doses of tho great
vouctablu lonloaud InvlLonmt have been taken
the leeblo lramoof tho dyspeptic will begin to
feel Its benign Influence. Appotlto will bu crea
ted, mid with nppetllo tlio capacity to digest
whit it craves, l'crscvcro until the euro Is com
nlelo until healthful blood, til to bo tlio m.iteri.
al of llcsh and muscle, bono and nervo and
brain How through tho channels of cliculollou,
InMenrt ortilo watery pabulum with which they
havo hcrtloforo bocli Imperfectly nourished.
June" lw
Qituons OF YOnTBI.
lively nervous Young Man In the Union, will
receive, In o, n Iteclpothat wlllpiovonblcssiug
through life, ty addressing, hi confidence,
JOiiN 11. OUDUN.
Iiox SIS! 1". O. iZ Cedar Ht N. Y.,
Important Testimony!
Tho following letters aro among tho many wo
nro constantly icce!vln,j iiom persons who have
bocu cuied by
Scheiick'rf Pulmonic Syrup,
Schcnck's Sea AVcctl Tonic,
Schcnck's Mandrake Pills.
Ptimsgrove, Salem County, New Jersey.
l'KimuAiiY si, is;:.
Dr. J. 11. SCHKNCir, N. V. corner blxth nud Arch
streets, rhlladolphla,
Itespccttd Blr I take pleasure In adding my
testimony to that of tho many others whohave
been cured by tho elllcacy or Hchenck's Pulmonic
Syrup, fe.i weed Tonic, and Mandrako nils.
Consumption has been hereditary Willi my
family, mostof Its membcis having died nt II at
early ugts. Jly mother and threo biothcri died
nt tlio age of 31, ono brother at a, and my sister
at 1).
I was, when about 31 years, seized with liver
complaint, which rapidly developed into Pulmo
nary Consumption, I was compelled to lellu
qulsh my employment (that of a blacl-smlth )
1 consulted Ekllllul nnd eminent physicians,
and tried many patent nostinms, but without
success, so that my Irlends who ratio that iheio
was no hopu or my recovery, tor 1 was ujuced
from 1 10 pounds to 101, nnd wns not tblc to do
anything without assistance.
l)y what I now look upon una Frovtdi ntl.l lu.
teiposltion, I wai induced to'try yoni r medics,
nnd plnco myself under your trentment, nud so
lapld nud thorough was my rceoveiy, that It
seemed ns though somo supeihuman power was
nt work, und to-dny I am ns woll ns at any time
during my life. I weigh 15:1 pounds, am 3J years
old. and lor Vomo timo have been rcnlnily at
tending to my business, bidding l.m to live ton
good old nge.
I nra thankful to you beyond expression lor
having placed mo lu a position wherein I am a
benellt Instead of iv buiden to my lainlly.
Your -MamlraKo l'lllsnro tho only uiedlclno I
cveiusouow. I think thoyuro llio best lu tho
lean refer you to hundieds of my neighbors
who will verily all 1 huvo written, and unyiu
lormatlon any of my fellow cllteous may desire
wlllbolieoly and gladly given, upon receipt oi
stniaii, by Yours, etc.
Key West, Via., Feb. J!, SS'Sa.
Dr. J. 1I.S01IKNCK, N. II. cor. .Sixth aud Arch
slietts, Philadelphia,
Dear .Slr-1'leasei lorwurd, per Ilr.t steamer, six
bottles Keiv Weed Toulc aud twelve bottles l'ul
laouiciSyrup. Your medicines nio 6 such valuo that 1 can
not bu without them In my household, aud lu
I net no family should bo without them.
I havo given them a fair test, and opouly do
cl.uo thorn to bo even better than you claim,
ciy respectlully yours, ,Va
W. A. WIIITnilimST.
nr. .i. ii. Honi:!-AvtI-vulA' "UrKh ,s "
ltespeclcd Hlr I tako pleasuro in awarding to
you this certilleatool tho woiulcriul euro your
l'ulmonlo Hyrup nud Sea Weed Tonio produced.
My throat und brouchlnl tubes were so highly
liillained Hint It was almo.t Imputable lor mo lo
swallow my lood.
1 an-, on n visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John
sou, No. 1112 Federal klreet, who bays your racdi
eiiiLS lalsed hiln Irom almost duatli atternll oth
er means had tidied, und ho having, therefore,
lull coutidciico lu Ihoviuuo ot your lemedies,
strongly recommended ma to try them. I did
so. aud In ono week from tlio time I commenced
taking Iheui my thioat uiiUciwcin. a very great
ohiingo for thu better, so that 1 could cu my
meals without nuy dllllcully or pain. I can
scarcely Ilnd words to express iny grutlludo lor
thu early relief your Invaluable medicines pro
duced upon me, and I deem It but nu act otgnui
tudo to glvo you tho acknowledgement oi my
api rtclatlou, Youis respectlully,
.,; , , "AUlllJU M. JACOIW.
No. K0 West Tlility-thlid Uieet.Ncw York.
TIilso iti-u the only medicines that will euro
Tulmonaiy Consumption. Dr. bchfcuck has been
In constant practice over thirty years coutluu
ally examining lungs, und kuous his medicines.
II piopnly taken, will euro Consumption, Ills
Jlaudralto I'llls cliausu tho llverand stomach;
his Hut Weed Toulo dissolves tho lood, stimu
lates tho coating ot tho stomach, and makes It
digest. Ills Pulmonic Syiupilpcns tho matter,
and uutuiu Ihruws It oil without any exertion.
l'lk-u I tho Plllmontn Kvnin nti.l Rrn Vf.
Tome, !,! per bottle, or 7 10 per helf dosu,
llaudiake I'illsio cents per box.
I'liU'Altl.l) ONLY AND roll SALU 11Y
N. L. l oiiiir SIXTH and A11C1I Utrccts,
Aud by Druggists nud Dealers generally.
Johnston, uor.i.ow.vY ii covm:y,
C02 Aitcu Stuuet, PiiiiiAiiin.i'Hi.v.
M'iolcsale Agents.
apr- IS. 187-My
will open under tho cut lie control of the
They havo seloclcd ns I'rluolpal of tho lustl
a i-enilomnu whoso quallfleallons liavo been
iully tested aud provod lu oilier educatloual cu
teitulses of it llko uuturos and Ihey ask and
havo a ilihl lodciuaud lor him nud the lustl
tutlou, the eouudoueo nud support of our own
cltlzons, nud of tho friends ot the cuternnso nnd
oi education everywhere. In point of comfort.
.-nnv.miixw.u n.i.l licnulu nr t...i,., . :'
rouudlngs, nu hehool In tho Htato surpasses this:
and we uio determined It vuull not be seoond lu
tho kind, iiuallty und thoroughness of its disci
pline und culture.
Tlio Spring bossIou of twolve weeks will begin
nnd claso
JUNE iiivu.
li X P E N S E S :
Tuition nnd Ihuidlng, Including washing nud
uuai, lur uiv husniuu in vwcivu weeas, juj vu.
Tuition for dav imnlls. nnn .Inline n..
In tho iiiudol seliuul, Irimi lllty to eighty ciuts
iw week. Music, Drawing, l'Alutlug, 4c extra,
Hills uru payable, and imut bo paid iiiomptly,
imo-half t lh beginning aud thoothor Uslfut
iuu uuuuiu ui me session,
j, a, FUUKZK, u it. nui'iutr.
Hecrelary. i'losldent.
Oppoallo tlio St6no Eplscooal Church, corner of Main nnd Iron Big,, Rloomsbu
sloci: on"u?aYlNOo.ODS oirorinB 0,1 lor,,lsV'cli cliullengo corapQllllon, n now
Groceries mid Provisions, Flour mul Feed,
v'.- 1
Teas, Spicc. ColTcca, Sugav, Syntp. Molitai, Meats, ChecsoFish, Ac.
k0G,H "."Now RrlKht. Fat Mackerel that aro brought
to Hlnninqlitlrir. nml nra on .( nt n u.,Hr.l.. i , r. ..... o
is, i T, 7, , dvv . w. auiiitii y iuy nriuos. uo nnu SCO 1113
1' Ish-thoy nro fine nnd good ; , J, nml full barrels aro all full weight. '
UROWN has in full assortment of tho best Quconswaro which ho soil.? very
low. His Iron Slono China and Ulnsswnro, nro of every variety.
- i-i.
Vegetables of every Description. .
Scaled Goods, Tomatoes, Pcachca and
" "f Ajuuup, uiuuu yjuru, vJiiurnus, atrawoorries, 1'ino Apples,
Dried Corn, Illackborrlos. Qreou Qagos, Daimnn Plums, Qulncos,
Pears, Raspberries, Jel(Io3, Flavoring ExtracU, Catsups, Mustards.
Sauces, Shell Fish, Olives, Sardiuos, Ollvo Oil, Ac, &i, &c.
T.i I fft Iff.fttlU nnll,!.i( I, lit ItjKnUaj
- --! uuv ....-vijo.i
r.iutiuu lo ovciy ono.
TJeS3' Pro Jucc mul Grain liikou
April 10, 1872.
l'oor District or Dlom, Jnmiary Id,
January 81a, lsTJ, U.l..tlAH -I--.. I..
1S7I, til
. . ... ..." '-"'I .U."lllt.- 111 llt'CIU I
said District,
t with
Tunmount lecclvej of .John A Kinnton.
To amount rece'lved VTr Wm'.'7cr'camcr!l!
Iff 16
a oo
am as
531 co
1010 07
12! 00
mi ycuuuu ui ikhuc otiwcrswiiiin
11 "...until. lULt;iVI.-ll Ull JJlOOlU IJU
To totnl nmouut rerjiVedon'
To total amoti'uVr' -eel ""To'd jjcott drpii-
To total amount recr t-j ou Huunrloaf
Tlbl V7
. f 072 M
. 171 II
37 U7
Ily order redeemed
By commission on uiiw
Ily balance In hands of Tio.ran cr..
$71-1 27
Examined and certified.
i.ii.Mir.LF.n, i
.i. ii. iiYt,iii-,i(, uircctors.
wm. k-iia m-
lly request of Directors wo ha
examined tho
nuovo auu nnu n correct.
F.l IIHJfKKH, , ,,,
J.JJ.CASKY, Audlloij.
Dlroctors of tho l'oor in account with llloom,
Bcott, Oreenwood anirHngarloaf townships.
To nmt. of dupllcatcj for yoar lm, viz.
To llloom township..;.. 5fiGfl2 37
To SCOtt tOWnslllD ,ul 07
To Oreenwood townshln. ius 11
To Bhujrarloaf township .. 71 03
To amount received for tjraln, etc., sold... 102 CJ
uiuitn uitisi.uiuiu , 1:301 01
Cl in in
Ily com. on 831S3 33 collect d on llloom
duplicate 1 0-0 sol
Uy com. ou 8331 C3 collected on Green
wood duplicate, 10-0 21
IlJ coin.ou 10Wl7collectid oaC.j,t du
ulleatft I 11.11 .11
Ily com. ou Jlfl 0,1 collected ou autai'loaf
Ily exonerations, llloom duplicate, 1171... 31
Uy " Scott duplicate 0
Jly " llroenwotKl dupllcute S
uy huh. uuc on iiiooiu uupucuiu (uncol-
ict;ii:u H H H
llyuint. duoou Scjtt dup'icato (uncol-
iDiiiiu.MH. , iOla
l!y niut. duo ou Ulueuwood dupllcute.
(uncollected.) 1759
V.V unit. Hilt, n Hnnnrlnif .t....ll.nn
collected.) 2;n
Ily the followlnjrnmts. paid bydirectoiN
j--uui.tpii anil achuyltr from Jan. 1. to
- April 1, 1S7I t lr,i
IlyH.IJ.Mlllor6Boustoro licet 1..'...' in
liy II. J. Clirk storo ncet ti,i
By II. li. DelileiiUach printing 3.1
Ily J. O. Freezolpfof. services 5.1
Ily I. Illppcnstiel tax 12
Ily Isaiah iluceuhich stoioaect '. tl
Uy I.M. Kulin Lecf acct c,-,
Ily Kor&Wobb t
Ily K. 1. fait, drujs, c '" " " n
Uy J. 11 Mal.o stoioaect ' 15
Ily C. 0. JIarr store acct ' 34
ily SIcKelveyNoal & Co.storo ncct..".li! 60
Ily llnuvon & Warditi storo r-ct i
Ily Dr. Ksber prof, services 11
liy Dr. Ilultcr prof, servlcu i j
liy Sharpiess A llarmau 21
Uy 1). Btronp storo acct 2.)
Uy .John Wolr storo acct is
Uy H. It. Thomas smlthlni; .. . 17
I'.y l'lilncas Welch iu
liy N. .1. Hondorshot drugs '. ' 3
llyl). H. l-'urmm i
liy James (Jadmau Chairs 8
llyH. Knorr smithing s
liy Jloycr liroi. druss tic. ij
liy sundry small itoms on lisiso rcctlpts 2-11
Uy orders Issued lo sundry persons lor
which there app.-ar 110 voucher 410
lota' t mi (,g
Ily thu t 1 lnwum amounts paid by di. '
reciui.- Miller, Ikelor, A Kramer Irom
Aplll 1, 1S7I, to Jan. s, 1S7'.,
Ily I'hlllp Uewall, fitowaid, 0 months
wats is7 r,a
ily rani. 1 oonlerlabor onl.irm r.7 3D
Uy ills. Dewnid for sewlntr 21
ily li. Ureed Matron 31 weeks 170 00
liyJoli'i Audle Steward 21 days....... 17 15
Ily Louisa ll.iker matron m 2U
liy M. Gilbert collect-jr Jit, rioiiant
towu'-hlp for l70 a m
liy T.J.Welllver coll ;torMt. pleasant
towuship conuty and poor tax il . 10 h3
Hy A- Y-1 f'-tcrsou, raaKluir cistern $ IS 87
liy K. Mcndcahall, lumber tor cistern 12 7J
ily htout lor pump tor cistern H tw
iiy u iiugeuuucii mr i-iMiuliiiK etc.... 41 82
,y c " . lor stevo, pipe, etc. 2S 00
Ily S. R. Thomas, for smithing.....;.... It U
Uy II. Li. Dlclleuhach, prlutlUK 15 00
liy buudrlei for debts coutraeled by
lormcrdlroclors 8181
UyMrs.O.ri. Itlshtou, Interest on bond
to July 1,1171 S) 15
Uy Miss a. Sloan, luterest ou bond to July
Uy 1'irstSat.iA. a 1 ,.;., uoto(nlveu by
loimer directors loJohn A, l nnstou.)
with protest nndlntoiest 2111 (X)
liy John A I'unston. six bouds und Int.. 3.3.3 00
Uy llobert Hobblus for cow 51 00
!!v ". . '.' for harness io 00
Uy Turnbach, Hess .4 Co., for hay rake.... 38 10
Uy Koht. Iloau colllu, etc., for D. Lurklus 15 0)
Ily Dr. J'cKelvy, prof. servlcs 15 01
By Dr. Turuer, piof. services 8 50
Ily Director's services 151 10
liy Wm. Kramer, Secretary's services 6'J W
By .1. o. Vrcoie, Attorney servicf s co 00
Ily I'ath Dong, am'-, tecured by Judgm't . 173 tW
llyJaues ltussel.tuatiou .. 21 W
By Margaret Dills 17 03
By miscellaneous exrouscslnci -rreddur-lng
li mouths for suppoit of paupcis
work on farni.f.irml n utcusilj,me;hau-
ics nud mcichants bills, etc.... 13U 33
eilUi'J CD
Examined tm.l ceiUUfd.
J.u CASKV, J-AUdi.ors.
By faini uml building valued 810 000 M
By lepalrs to building, eto 210 0)
Uy household furniture 173 CO
By farming utensils 375 00
Ily hoisuj, ecu hi aud hogs mm cu
By hay, eral.i, etc 1 215 00
By 10 acres Wheat and ltye la 00
Uy balance on Bloom twp., duplicate by
ex, and com,... .... 1 -.'jj 49
By bulauco ou Scott township duplieato
by ex. aud com 1 512 2
By balance 011 Greenwood township
'duplicate, by ex. nu. I com 1 75a 01
Uy balance on Sugailoat towiulilp, du-
iillwto by ex. nud com 201 D5
Ily Judgment vs. O. Loug ico CO
m l.v -si
To balance duo ou farm
To Interest oil samo months
To orders outstanding
To balance In Uvor or district
.'I,1'7 3J
TO Klliahetli Ovordorl ,
To l'haleua rrovellug
To Mary U, Oreon.
(13 31
, U 35
, 15 (11
, 8 80
8 60 19
Amount bf taxablo properly for l'oor purposes
in each louuslilpiif tho l'oor District ul Bloom
ns per late assessment,
Township of llloom,..M... . fOkO.WO 00
Township of Scott ais.110 00
Township of Gieeuwood .; inu.8i5 00
Township of bugatloj.M 00,315 Cd
211 bush, wheat 81 50 S3 II 50
17 hush rye 8l...M . 17 00
251 bush, oats U) cts 127 00
win bush, corn cum 40 cts .,..M-. 371 20
0 bush, clovor seed 80 , 311 mj
15J bush, potatoesliO cts 75 co
i,WX) bu utiles corn lodder 8 cts... 100 to
11 tous hay 8'A ;;, 2jo to
li50 heads cubbngo 3 els m co
3 bush, oulons t 300
2 nciiers tiu ..... ... 20 to
&) lbs. blitttr VSels m 50
uziuoz. eire:s l cm 111 ru.
i.lW It1 IJUltt I CIS.
ii khoaU t-1 60 ..
2.100 lbs purk 7 cts I".! 117 to
70 00
-I". 113 CO
No. paup'oTrnd'iuViTe"d"iir pOTri
(tie vearemllnir Jhii.m. 1K7J "
I1.M1 iJ
No. of paupers left during year , a
No of paupers dted., a
No, ol paupers now rcmaluliig lu poor house 17
5,500 00
J17 50
2, VI I 111
1U.I11 02
Poars, Orcon Peas,
inr..tu ..!. Tl. , . . . .
j,imj nuiuii uio vvurruiiiuu to KIVO sails-
in exchange for GoolU -zZSt
L of Conyngham nnu Central Indoor District
lor IK; year eliding April ktb. Is?.'.
.. ......... u-.......u itcttsmur mr 1110 year la
acct. with said District,
To nml. recJ. from twp. dup'icato for.
1871 .......,,.. , , to ii 15
lonnit. recd.froin boro'lsU dupll uto '
.......... ,,i1Uui uuiursources lor 1871 JIU 20
To nmt. of balance o- hand from last
- Mta
Total - - , 87,J50W
Uy nmt. of sundry oiders redeemed
By met. or treasurer's cumin, ?-loi (3 '
? per ct ,71 12s a,
By balanco on baud nt dato.... 1,112 3.1
We tho uudf rslcued auditors nt r. '
ynghnm Townsh'p nnd Ccntralla
Boroimh for tho year 1S72, huo ex
amined nud arditcd th .aregoln"
;oouut and Hud It correct as abovo
Accouut of the Directors of the Poor of said
...u jim vuuint; iiril OIU, 10.4.
To nmt. of poor nndpurc!iaso poor-t-x
ToauiUpf poor und purchase poor-tax
uut,ttu4to ui veaimna norouli 052 25
10 amt. reed, for pasiuro of cattle aud
To emt. rociL for board of MH."wiiVto
ttt, ihjui uuuse, ou licet 50 to
Toamt. reed, from Mrs. Ana McKier-
lonmt.of halanco'on hand fiom last
- - . 800 Id
Total 59,011 82 ,
By amt. of unseated laud-tax returned
by collector on twp.dupllcato Sou II
By nmt. of errors and exonerations nl-
lowed collector ou twp. dupUcate 0 75
By amt. of collector's commission
" -'. u iuiivuiuu tau is
liy nmt. of uusca;ed lot tax returned by
collector ou horo. duplicate. ... so 19
Ily amt. of errors nud exonerations ul-
" WW 4 t
j itiicbiut a commission Ail
rtlS per ct; 011 ini It collected..."".. id 03
Sfllh IntnrnV; P U 0" lllt'',
l!y nmt. paid asy'iums fo7'tud,'jt&, of
By nmt. paid for slocke,palr"rjgVnrr3' -
Ily amt. paid for lnsnranco ".'.". ' u 1
By amt. paid forworlt dono on farm".!:" 223 un
By nmt. paid for hardware und sad"
i! imi' iVrvAr:'.-:''""":''--.--' -.- io si
By amt. paid lor medical tittendauco
and medicine o17 r..
By nmt. paid for out-door relief toTnu'."
pors i-j7s
By amt. paid for sal .rles aud expeusos
.v.iu.u, luuiruu, uireciors. arc. 8,2 00
Uy ftlt-,P- d mlscellaueous expenses
nnrl Ml 1 la
By amt. jMiiiTrejwurer'TO
n . ,. ' . , . ' 'm lacn & - per ct. 123 20
By nmt. of balanco lu hands of treaa-
- - 1,112
Tol:l1 - SOiTTi
Census of Poor House.
No. of paupers In poor house al beginning
Nn. nl fniM."i'!',"A7."!i".V,.'.V.''l!-
... ...... ,..H ..uti.tbu i.utiuu veai .........
No. of paniiers dlselinrsed and nhsemt.i,i
ii " - 1 "I umu H...H
N.I i,rnn,i,,.M,ll.l
.Vll firrtni,a.. -
No. of paupers sent"to"stato'TunaUo"asy7a
No. ot paupers now lu stato lunr iio asylum
.- h-"d "l tllOt ,
No. of pauners lu noo.- lumtn nt .into
the iVlTrlc't1 ArlVShr '
harm anJ ImlUUngs wortli
OJKi ro
071 20
272 OS
705 CO
23 DO
217 .31
m 01
2JO 10,
57 HI
15 CO
118 II)
2 00
12 01
111 till
5 Oil
I 21
1.112 31
,,u'"ri, uu'umis worm
Hoiit-ehoM furnlturo worth w
uuu c.Tiuo worm
rotiioea worth
Hnv imtri . ""V
Tias worth
Mouuro WitrlU
Mfvit. Wiit-ili
roultry woitu!""iV..!''..'.'.!
cir.ViTl'sKr'a-J''' "
; worm
Ush worth
('abbagoworth '.
Ilalaueo lu treasury.....'. "...
810,033 (5
. 11,0)1 in
. 8.137 fit
Allll.l-nl . 1 . . & r .. t .... . .
11 .i: . , "u ,rlI wiin interest
llalatiee In favor of district
810,038 11-.
l'ro 'tuts 01 the farm for tho war 1.71
8 tons ol hay a 530
8211 ID
12 01
111.' Al
S3 21
llll I.
1!S 21
"0 (0
05 17
I i '. 3
Hi! 'n
01 bush, wheal ) tl IJ...!!
io bush. corn-ars 50 clt "
32 busj. ryo jl lo.......
viii Pomiocs 19 40 cts ..... !
z , . ftJi ui. aj.cis
7 loads corn fodder at $10.... ....... .'..'
jiVh.Vn.ia ' "
W lbs soap made at 10 cts"
, li"ej;,-;t. "p11 .vc go mbies..
Clover seed raised..
us 00
11 lu
iTitic-K1 88itiFs' isSii" P
HUHK1S " oV'nvha 5?
. iuu a.u WN VDE1I, j t;ntralfa poor dlst. '
Wo have opened for tho Sl'KlNa TItADK the
largest nud best ussortod Stock of
Tuble, Stair nnd Kloor oil cloths. Window
fhades und Paper, Carpet Chain CottniV
Clocks Looking Glasses. 1'ancy '
H'ff'ts, Brooms, llasketf, ,
Bi okets, Brushes, UloUies
WrliiBers. Woiilen A
Willow Varo in
tho United
nnrht,.,tlti...... 1.. .. .
cstt ... ; ! vwu 1,1 ousiuess enables us to
Goods W ,mC08 una 11UUUU tu8 ut quality "f
Prlco 83.50
Over 13.000 BOltl In Klv "rnntl,a
Turiua : Camels, no da
All other goods, SO tlnys, Net.
.uiiiviv i iri.ti.i-o i.-iii,v liUllll.
l.w.,lr..A... .... '
r.:..iicr;","'"orT- 18 eoiupamon vol.
limp tu"N0CIMT8 AllSOAD."of WhlClllCOUO
mPmf,.tliVe V!11 'oU',' Wou'1 wte tlnieo bookJ
no ono wants, bul take oue people w ill stop yuii
lu Ihoktrootslo subscribe (or. 'There li u Pifmo
? '""ttMll and oil who read this book will iio
clearly luat time lias come. Apply at once lor
territory or circulars. -m i ' ui once jor
DrrriKI.D ASUMKAl). l ublliher,
711 Bauioiu Bt,, hillndelphfa.
All penoni aro foiblddm totrtsi-ass on any
prororty belonging lo rue, whether occoiided by
ma or listed toothers, loranypiirroco whatever
as persons to ties ilny wilt Co dealt Willi
iwcordlug to law.
KLV IimO June7lhlf72. UJ3-Sl