The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1872, Image 2

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ht ($olnwbhw,
Friday, June 1, 1872.
Tlio Urarit OntiTcntloti.
No itollticnl nsuoinlihitfo uvcr mut hi
tlild country, whoso iirococdliiKH worn so
tlioruuhly cut ami ilrleil iioforoliiiiiil,
ih llioso ol tho Convention which met
In l'hllmlclpliirt last week to go through
tlio form of nomlnatinc Grant for Pres
Ident. Tlio noblo army of offlco holders
wero In full force and tmptnuded to tho
echo nil the Bpccchcs rirnUlnjr tho Rient
Olft taker who owih them. AU tho
iolltleiU renegades who linvo sold out
their principles for pnp wero cnuiusi
untie, In their fulsome Imrangucj for tho
1'nBldf.ittnl controller of tho meeting,
As 11 iell unwaged plcco of political
machinery tho Convention was a do
elded sui-ecss, but as a truo Indication
oflholirtt (iimllty of Hepubllcan feeling
throughout tho country It was a glgftn
tie farce. But ono man dared to ralso
his voico imnlnst tho modern Cwiar nnd
ho did 80 wHen leaving tho Convention
In which ho could And no freedom of
will allowed. Tho firing of salutes In
different cities In honor of tho result
was u part of tho plan to ovldenco pop
ular sympathy and might havo taken
place tho day boforo as farnsknowlcdgo
of tho results was concerned. Certain
papers did contain what purported to
bo telegraphic dispatches announcing
the nomination n day boforo It occurred
Tho Adjournment.
Congress adjourned on Monday night
after a htorray session In both Houses
In thoSomilo Zick Chandler madosomo
ridiculous statements concerning
Democratic and a Llboral Republican
conspiracy, but refused to give tho
namo of nuy Senator connectod there
with. Tho impresslou was gouoral that
thero was no truth whatovcr in tho
ThouproarluthellousuwaswordO than
usual, tho light being ovor tho EnforcO'
meut Amendment (tho Bayonot Law)
to tho appropriation bill. Mr. Blng
ham staled that tho opposition to tho
hill on tho ground of unconstitutional
Ity "was as disreputable, dishonorable,
and damning as the treason inaugurat
ed by tho bayonet twolvo years ago,"
whereupon Mr. Morgan his colleague
promptly told him that ho lied, a re
mark which, although true, was not
parliamentary. After a prolonged
equabblo tho bill was passed, but shorn
of Its most objcctlonablo features. As
is usual, tho country will rcjoico that
tho adjournment has taken placo.
The McChirC'tfcarj Case.
It is about tlmo that Radical editors
in this State should stop printing false
hoods about tho decision of tho Senato
Committeo In tho contested election
caso of McCIuro vs Gray. At all events
they should read (he report boforo print
ing falso and stupid articles about it.
The Committeo did not reject whole
polls or divisions simply upon proof
that Eomo fraudulent votes had been
given In them, or that irregularities
had taken placo at tho election. They
did not imitato the example of Repub
lican Judges in Philadelphia and of
Radical election committees in tho Leg
islature in this respect, but expressly
endorsed tho sound and Just doctrino of
tho Dechert case, announced at tho pre
vious session that nolthcr tho miscon
duct of election officers in conducting
an election nor tho fraud of a fow per
sons in casting votes, should absolutely
disfranchise all tho citizens, or render
the election void.
It is truo that tho Committeo rejected
certain division returns becauso they
wero proved to bo fraudulent, but tho
sitting member was permitted to prove
Ms actual voto in those divisions and in
troduced evidence for that purpose Ho
only failed becauso he had not a caso
and tho truo result in tho Senatorial
district was ultimately vindicated by
tho report against tho gros3 frauds
whicli had been perpetrated in tho re
turns. The Philadelphia Press stilt keeps
advising Its party to change its candid
ates, or else inevitable defeat awaits
them. In its issue of the 5th Inst, it
says:" But unfortunately wo havo a
State election in October, when wo shall
havo to voto for Governor, Auditor
General, a Supremo Judge, and a Leg
islature to choose a United States Sena
tor for six years from tho 4th of March,
1873. Foreseeing tho Importance of this
lnitalal contest, The Press nppcaled,
six months anterior to our Stato Con
vention, for tlio very best nominations
for Stato officers. Wo stated, over and
over again, that, however strong Grant
might bo, ho was not strong enough to
pull through a set of bad Stato and local
nominations. Events In Now York
proving unspeakablo corruption among
the Democrats, and tho conviction of of
fenders in our ranks in Philadelphia,
intensified tho Justlco and vindicated
tho necessity of this warning. AVo
plcadpd not only for our own welfaro as
a Slate, not only for our own honor as a
people, but for tho ro-olcetlon of General
Grant. Itwasnli In vain. Tho Stato
Convention selected candidates for State
officers, two of whom wero openly
repudiated by a number of Republican
papers and In a number of Republican
counties. For rofusing to endorso these
nominations The Press has been loudly
nnd persovcrlngly slandered ns tho se
cret cnomy of President Grant's re
We speak for no man or men. Wo
echo no resentment. Wo plead for tho
Republican party of Pennsylvania, long
oppressed by this most odious Personal
Rule. Wo plead for Grant, whoso great
namo Is employed to frighten timid
men into submission. Wo do not ask
that candidates from tho disfranchised
Republicans of tho Stato shall bo sub
stituted for Hart ran ft and Allen, but
wo demand that our success In Novem
ber shall not bo imperilled by our de
feat in October. General Hartranft was a
bravo soldier, and, wo bcllevo, Is an
honest man; but docs ho not know that
thero is a deep and determined purpose
among tho Republicans of many por
tions of the Stato not to support him?
Need we tell him and his friends of tho
sentiment In Philadelphia, Lancaster,
Chester, Luzorno, Wyoming, Allegha
ny, CambrIa,Venango, Lebanon, York,
aim other counties? Thoy refused to bo
warped in January; will thoy not bo
admonished In June? Tho candidate
for Auditor General, Col. Allen, of
Warren, Is. wo nro glad to bcllevo, ready
to retire, like a good Republican, beforo
a demonstration oven more serious.
The Republican party Is In a crisis, and
nothing can savo It nut bold and un
elfish action."
The llr-ndlm Coin cut Inn.
From tho Philadelphia Inquirer, (ttep.)
Mr. low Is a ccntlcnian of very
sterling abilities and thorough politic 1
nxperienrp. ills cnaraciur and reputa
tion nro nllkn excellent, and his iiomln-
titlrii Imi recognition of tho elliptic:. c
demand nrndo by tho peoplo of nil pur
u os mat tno earuiMiiuos put lurwnru ior
ofIlce of honor and responsibility shall
nn wt tun mm s in mm mentions nun
command thn support of tho community
which tney nro intoiy to no caneii upuii
to rODKOOUt.
From tho PhllndelphU Evening ltiilicthi (Hep.)
Tho Domocrncv of tho Stato of Penn
sylvnnlahavo mado their eholco wisely,
rrsniititier rnnillildtna nl mucn ticrsnn-
al popularity, ability and political
strength, Mr. Bucknlow is ono of tho
lrcmiest mums or tno rnnnsvivania uu
mocracya siirowil, sagacious political
manager, oi lino intellectual powers
nnd a formidable antagonist In any
nnslt on which in m.w iiccunv. Uil
thelrjttdlclal ticket tho Democrats placo
uniet JusiiceTnouipson.iuuiso present
n ucKoi ot nign personal rcspcciaimiiy
Prom tho Phllndolphtn Press (Itcp.) Juno lit.
Tho Democratic Stato Convention
concluded its labors yostordny by thu
nomination of win. llnrllov. Esd.. for
Auditor Goncral.Fromwhat wo can hear
of Mr. Hnrtloy, tho nomlneo for ami
Itnr nennrn . Ho Isn manoruniiuneacn
nliln hniinstv. who has never hold ofllco
anil who nt iiomo commands the undi
vided respect of all classes ami bom
run loaiurc oi mo convention ycsiur-
dny was tho speech of Mr. Buekalow
accepting tho nomination, Tt roads like
tno nuuress oi a patriot, onu curries us
bimck to thocarly days of tho Republic
when Intelllcenco nnd integrity wero
llin fltnndflrtls of fitness for ofllco. Ills
sentiments nro liberal, and his promises
fair. Llko Mr. ureoioy, no desires to
rcnreiont tho nconlo and not a party
nnd hnd ho not nil his llfo worshipped
sit tlm shrine of tho latter, tho Stato
might echo his wish with a wonderful
unanimity. In tho presonco of his
nomination, his ability, his honesty nnd
his manly speech yesterday, thoduty
of tho Republicans of Pennsylvania Is
n nln. Tho nrestlcro of Mr. Buckalcw
namo is a powerful weapou hi tho hands
of tho Democracy; but, unless tho Re
publican party bo used to defeat itself,
It will bo brokon ana ucrenteu.
From tho Alleutown News (InJ.)
Mr. Bucknlow Is of tho conservative
school of politics, although ho strongly
advocates tho cumulative prlnclplo In
voting and has devoted much study and
conslderabio tlmo to tho propagation
of this Idea. Senator Buekalow bears
an irrcnroachablo character throughout
his Stnto ainoner men of both parties.
and it is agreed that ho will poll a largo
Bhpro of the republican voto ns against
iinrtranit irrespective oi tno noerais
who will probably indorse him.
From tho nttston Comet.
Tho Democratic Stato Convention
placed in nomination Charles R. Buek
alow, of Columbia county, for Governor
and renominated Judco James Thomp
son for Supremo Judgo. As accoptablo
candidates to tno masses or independ
ent republican voters, tho ticket is head
and shoulders abovo that of tho repub
lican party in ability, Integrity and
popular favor. Mr. Buekalow is tho
author of the cumulative voting prln-
pic, is iiucrai nnd Jioncsr. Mr. Thomp
son Is popular all over tho State. Lu-
zerno county win proDauiy rcpuuinto
Hartranft, Allen and Mcrcur by about
three thousand majority for tho Dem
ocratic ticket.
From tho I'hccnlxvlllo Messenger.
Tlio Democratic State Convention met
and nominated for Governor, Hon.
Charles R. Buckalcw, now a member
of tho Stato Senate, and lata Senator of
tno united states. sur. uucKaiew is
ono of tho ablest leaders of tho Demo
cratic party in Pennsylvania and a man
of high reputation for Integrity. Other
men mny be moro personally popular,
but Mr. Buckalewls nrobablv nsstronir
n candidate ns tlio Democracy could
havo. Judgo Thompson's nomination
to tho Supremo Court was a foregono
conclusion. Of his abilities there is no
need to speak.
From tho Philadelphia Sunday Despatch, (Ind.)
Tho nominations aro good. Indeed,
tho candidates proposed aro much bet
ter than thosoon tho republican ticket.
Buekalow is far beyond Hartranft in
personal cbaracter,lntegrity nnd states
manship. No bettor nomination could
havo been mado for tho gubernatorial
ofllco in tho ranks of tho Domocratle
party. Mr. Hartley, the nomlneo for
Auditor General, bears tho reputation
of being a capablo business man; and
nover having held public office, or been
actlvo as a politician, ho is freo from
thostrong objections which oxistngalnst
Alien on tho other side. Chief Justlco
Thompson has been renominated for
judgo of the Supremo Court. Ho is a
man oi great learning and experionco,
possessing strength of mind and an able
intellect. Upon tho bench ho has been
a good Judge, except whero prejudico
or political favoritism biased his feel
ings. Possibly no Judgo chosen under
tho elective system can bo entirely Im
partial when tho prejudices of his own
friends upon public questions aro in tho
way. Whilst, therefore, it must be
candidly admitted that Judgo Thomp
son has been perfectly satisfactory in
his high office in most things which
came within tho sphere of his adjudi
cation, it can only bo said that tho weak
ness which has been shown in other
things was incident to human nature.
On tho whole, it may bo said that tho
party could not havo dono better thnn
to renominate tho .Chief Justice. Thero
was no other person named In compe
tition for tho offlco, and any now asplr
ant might not havo been as satisfactory.
From tho Harrlshurg Tatrlot.
Tho nomination of Charles R. Buek
alow has already been ratified in tho
hoarts of a great majority of tho Penn
sylvania people. Thoy npprcciato tho
ability whicli has marked his public
career and tho purity and simplicity
of his private life. Whothor in tho
Sonato of his own Stato, or In the Sen
nto of tho nation, or as representative
of tho country abroad, ho has distin
guished himself in every position.
Throughout his public lifo lin linn nn.
Joyed tho confidence and respect of tho
auiest men oi an parties. No man Is
moro familiar with tho affairs of tho
commonwealth. If elected,' no abuso
or corruption will bo permitted to ncs
tlo under his administration. Thoro
will bo no public scandal Job, and no
greedy speculations with tho monoy of
tho Commonwealth. But tho govern
mont of tho Stato will bo brought back
to tho purity which distinguished tho
best administrations of tho past. The
Reading Convention has answered In
this nomination tho earnest cry of tho
peoplo for reform.
From the Doylestown Democrat.
Our nominations aro moro than ex
cellent. Wo point with prldonnd pleas
uro to Charles R. Buckalcw, who heads
our ticket, and ask our enemy to "match
him" If thoy can. For ability, states
manilko views, and purity of character
ho Is not to bo excelled. When ho fills
tho chair of Stnto tho peoplo can rely
on an honest and upright administra
tion of affairs. Rings will havo no
abiding place about tho capital then,
and those who fatton on public corrup
tion will bo compelled to change their
location. Having sprung from tlio peo-
Bio thero Is naturally drawn to Mr.
uckalow tho sympathies or all those
who Hvo by toll j and wo predict his
election with tho cortalnty of tho arrival
of tho second Tuesday In October. Tho
radicals aro panic stricken at his nom
ination, and tho Philadelphia Press
already concedes his election at tho polls.
Corruption, fraud and injustice, bo long
all-powerful about tho Stato capital,
trerablo in advance Mr. Buekalow
will bo our noxt governor.
From tho rottivllle Htaadard.
Onco again tho Domocratle party of
retinsyivania has rison to a lovel with
tho exigencies and demands of tho hour,
Iu tho nomination of Hon, Charles .R,
crushing dofeat and extermination of
radicalism in uctouor is foreshadowed,
and tho redemption and political re
habllltatiou of tin' Keystone Common
wealth assured. Not only Is tho nom
lnntion of thu distinguished stnlosmau
whoso unmet heads tlio Statu tlckot. a
subject of congratulation and rejoicing,
mil tho character, honesty mm capacity
of tho candidates throughout Insures
their election by an overwhelming
mrlorlty ovor the corrupt crcaturos of
rinirs" and rotten corporations who
mnko up thu radical Statu ticket. Tho
niiirJUMi contrast between tno ilium
tieachablu honotv of tho emdldatos
selected by tho UMdlng Convention
nnd thn leprous anil unclean creatures
set up by Mackey, (Juoy & Co., Is so
wiuu and so glaring mat to tiouut tno
succesi of tho Democracy In tho cam-
tin l;ii lust onutied. Is to doubt thu sanity
of tho peoplo of this Commonwealth.
From tho Cirbon Democrat,
Tlio Democratic Stato Convention at
Reading resulted In tho nomination of
Mr. uucuiiiowas ourcanuiiiato tor Gov
ernor, and Chief Justice Thompson for
indue oi tno supremo uourt. tiio nom
ination of tlmo distinguished gcntlo
men. It Is hardlv necessary to say. in-
mini hut ono result a triumphant
election, Ho unllKo aro inrso noinina
Hons to thoso of tlio ltcpublican party
that no Intelligent citizen can for a
moment hoMtnto to endorso nnd finally
voto ior inoni.
From tho l'.rlo Observer,
Tho noxt Stato campaign will be
Buekalow, honestly and brains vs.
Hnrtranft, Incompetency nnd tho rings.
From Iho Porry County Democrat.
Tho Domocratle press Is a unit In tho
support of tho whole ticket nnd tho
uomiuntion ot (Jharies II. uucKnicw
seems to bo received by tho Republican
papers with a iooimc ni:in to aumira
tion. Indeed, n conslderabio number
of tho latter aro outspokou in their
pral30 of him and turn In dlscust from
tho nomlneo of their own party for
What a tributo to Integrity, honesty
of purpoio und manly strnight-forward-
ncss is scon in tiicso warm and uivora
bio responses to Buckalow's nominn
tlonl It makes ono feel ns if public
virtuo was not yet dead and tuat puuuc
sentiment was disposed to reward
fearless discharco of public duty. It
looks n3 If tho power of corrupt pollti
cal rings had boon broken and that our
peoplo may hono for a roturn of tho
days when ability, honesty and regard
for tho wolfaro of tho peoplo wero
deemed pro-requisites In candidates for
nunuc position.
Tho influenco of combinations of
politicians, whoso solo Interest In tho
nomination of Stato officers was center
ed in tlio procurement of places for
tho30 whom thoy could uso and profit
thoreby. has for many years been felt lu
Stato Conventions nnd has worked no
good to tho peoplo at largo. This In
fluenco failed or was not prcsont at
Reading. The nomination of so pure
and upright man as Buekalow proves
this fact. A better day has dawned
ior tno people or I'onnsyivania ir tnoy
will but rcalizu tho chango and avail
themselves of tho opportunity present
cd to restoro tlio old order of things nt
Harrisburir.whcn honesty and economy
provnded ovory department of tho Stnto
From tho lloslou Tost.
Mr. Buckalow's nomination ns gov
ernor of Pennsylvania was tho most
popular movement possibly for tho
Democracy of tho Koystono State to
mnko, and his excellent address to tho
convention, accenting tho distinction.
furnished another proof of tho sagacity
and soundness of his action. Ho re
prehended botli tho Stnto and national
administrations for tho notorious vices
which had brought them into disgraeo
in tho public estimation, and remarked
with striking truth that tho influence
of tho Stato In tho Union had been
dwarfed by tlio personal feuds und
Jealousies that prevailed. Hcuco tho
party that proposed to heal all such
dissentions betweon individuals, that
taught mngiianlmlty In action. that held
nlolt a higher prlnclplo than that of
plunder, deserved nnd must rccoive.tho
support of tho peoplo. In this view
the selection of Mr. Buekalow as tho
gubernatorial candldato Is of tho most
fortunato character. And tho addrcssos
ho promises to mako to tho peoplo dur
ing tho canvass cannot but pfoduco a
marked effect upon tho result of tho
campaign. Asa public character Mr.
Buckalcw successfully challenges com
parison with the first men Pennsylvania
has produced.
From tho Missouri Republican.
Hon. Charles R. Buekalow, tho Dcm
ocratle candidate for Governor of Penn
sylvanla, has long ranked among tho
ablest political leaders of that State.
In 18G3 ho was elected United States
Senator, and during his official torm
distinguished himself bv his bold and
judicious advocacy of Democratic prin
ciples, ami was particularly romarka
bio for tho zeal with which ho urged
tho adoption of minority representa
tion. Tho nomination of Mr. Bucknlow is
undoubtedly tho very strongest that
could havo been made ; a fact which
tho radicals havo already discovered, if
wo may judgo from tho highly slgniil
cant utterances of Colonel Forney which
appeared In our telegraphic column this
morning, to which wo direct special
attention. In short, tho whoio ticket,
Including Messrs. Richard Vauxand
Hendrick B. Wright for .Congrossmon
at largo, Is not merely unexceptional
but thoroughly oxcellent In nil respects
and thero is every prospect that tho
Koystono Stato will glvo a good account
of herself In October noxt.
From tho Ualtlmoro Gazette.
The speech of ox-Senator Bucknlow,
in acknowledgement of his nomination
03 tho Democratic candidato for tho
governorship or Pennsylvania, has tho
truo ring. Bettor still, tho character
of Mr. Buekalow stands so hlr1 In tho
estimation of all who know him that
full confidence will bo reposed in tho
pledges ho gives, and tho policy which,
In tho ovent or his election, ho says ho
will carry out. His nomination has
boon received with such general satis
faction Hint tho canvass will bo curried
on with moro than ordinary enthu dasm
on tho part of tho Pennsylvania De
mocracy, and under depressing Inllu.
onces on that of tho Republicans. It is
moreover tho happy fortuno of Mr.
Buekalow that oven his political ad ver
earies speak well or him.
Fiom tlio Tienlon American.
Mr. Bucknlow accepted tlio nomina
tion in an eloquent and forclblo speech.
Tlio manner of his rccoptlon by tho
convention, gavo ovory augury of suc
cess, and showed with what vigor,
unity nnd success tho tlckot mado will
bo supported In overy portion of tho
From thollojtou Commonwealth, (Itep.)
Ex-Sonntor Charlos R. Buekalow of
Pennsylvania, has boon nomlnntod by
tho Democrats for Governor. Ho is u
wise and manly man, and will proba
bly bo elected. As Senator ho won tho
respect of tho best Republicans.
From tho N. Y. Tribune, (Ilep.)
Mr. Buekalow brings to tho Execu
tive trust training of a varied sort. Ho
brings, too, tho fruits both of practical
experience and of long nnd laborious
study. Ho began In tho councils of tho
Stato. He was abroad in a responsiblo
diplomatic trust not a Muscovlto exllo,
such as so many of Inconvenient Ponn
sylvanians havo been, but on aclual
responsible duty. Ho served six years
and they wero yoars of trial and por-plexlty-frora
l863tol869,in tho Sen
ulo of tho United Btates, and then, like
Mr. Madison In tho groat crisis at tho
close of tho last century, ho roturned to
tho Stnto Legislature. It will bo for
his own Immediate fellow eltlzens, his
friends, and, if ho ha3 any, hi ene
mies, to study this record, from begin
nlng to end. Wo light, in ono of his
fow claborato speeches, bv morn nml.
dent on a sontonco, tho application of
wniuu iu uiu prc'sum uuy wo icavo 10
others. "Nepotism," said Mr. Bucka
low, spoaking in tlio Sonato in 18C6,
"tho appolntrnout of tolatlvos to office,
or tho obtaining tho appointment by
tho uso of one's official influonco, is
Justly odious, and should bo always de
nounced ns of evil example nnd corrtip-1
tivo tendency."
But tho croat n. ittlt of Senator Buck
alow's public llfo, nnd that on which
nis namo in History win rest, is tno io
velomont nnd evolution of Minority
Reprc :cntntlon that truo Democratic
prlnclplo of roproiontation of the wholo
people, minority as woll ns majority,
and this nppllcahlo lo nil public trusts
irom tno council in tho town or uiooms
burg, whero it is iu operation, up to
l'Ciierai oincci, wnoro wo nopo to see it.
this, wo repeat, is ono result oi nir.
Buckalow's public life, and on that re
sult, too, now that ho solicits tho stit-
iragtH or his rciiow-citizcns ior tno high
cit honor thoy can bestow, Pennsylva
nia has lo pass. Wo do not permit
ourselves to doubt tho ovent.
Tho Old (Inaril.
Tho trrcat county or Lancaster con
tains Icn.poHtlcnl papers ono Liberal,
three Domocratle nnd six Republican.
On tho Gubernatorial question they aro
ns follows :
Tho Volisftcund. weekly. German,
Republican, parades tho regular Olllco
Holders' ticket, but says little or noth
ing about it.
Tho Lancaster i&ammcr'.ltjpubllcm.
weekly, published by John A. Hlost
nnd, Naval Oillccr nt Phlladolpliin.sup-
ports iinrtranit.
Tho Columbia &'iiu. n Republican
weekly, published by an olllco holder
(notary puuuc), supports iinrtranit.
Tho Lancaster Jnqulrer, weokly,
Republican, parades tho icitaUr ticket,
iucludlng llarlratift mid Allen, but
openly nnd boldly doel lies that utile .
thoy withdraw tht'.w candidates and
nnmliiatn hotter nniu. overwhelming
dereat nwalts tho parly in October
noxt. It Is decidedly rtii,v Hnrtranrt.
Tho Lancaster sc!:lj J-Jntcrprtse,
Republican. Is mfiilv and strongly
against Hartranft, rafuses to hoist tho
tlcket,and will probably support llueka
Tho weekly La .im t-r lixprcss, Re
niibl can. otienlv xr t.' v Buekalow.
Tlio weekly L iii.m-i t Intelligencer,
Domocratle, supports Hueualow.
Tho Columbia Herald, weekly Demo
cratie. supports Buekalow.
Tho Lancaster Daily .Intelligencer,
Domocratle, supports liuckaiow.
Tho Lancaster Daily Express, Re
publican, supports Buekalow.
The Greeley Bannek Is squarely
against Hnrtranrt, and ravors tno tor
uial nomination of Bucknlow and Hnrt'
ley by tho Liberal Republicans.
For Hartranft and Allen 3
Arjalnst Hartranft nnd Allen and for "swapping
hornes" , '1
For llucknlew ttralghl 6
And according to our ostlmnto or the
circulation or thosovcrai papers named,
not including The Greeley Bannek,
thoy foot up n total number of papers
circulated within tins county:
For llaitranrt 5,500 papers, weekly
Against Hartrauit 30,U0 " "
Including thoso published dnllv.
Tho Old Guard will strlko from the
shoulder noxt October and November.
Rauch's Banner.
The IloptUjlican National Convention.
This body met In Philadelphia on
Juno Cth, nt tho Academy of Music
which had been tastefully decorated for
tlio occasion. Tho mcotlng was called
to order by Hon. Win. Clallin, Chair
man of tho National Exccutivo Com
mittco. Morton McMichnel of Phila
dolphin was chosen temporary Chair
man. Numerous speeches wero made,
threo of them by colored delegates,
Judgo Settle, of North Carolina, was
mado pormancnt Chairman, after which
tho Convention adjourned until tho fol
lowing day.
Tho noxt day, after tho Convention
was called to order thero was much
speech making by whito and colored
mon after which Grant was nominated
for President, rccoiving tho votes of nil
tho dolegates. Tho contest for tho Vico
Presidency terminated In favor or Hen
ry Wilson of Massachusetts, who re
ceived G01J votes; 321J being cast for
Tho Convention then adjourned siic
Gov. Piorpont of West Virginia, one
of tho delegates from that Stato to tho
Grant Convention in Philadelphia, se
ceded from ids delegation just boforo
tho convention met.
Ho said ho "had hoped, when selected
without solicitation to como ns a iloio
gate to this convention, that thoro
might bo still an opportunity to savo
tho party by tlio nomination of an ac
coptablo Presidential candidato ono
who would obey tho laws and respect
tho popular will; but It is now evident
that it was hoping against hopo that
this Is not a mcotlng for deliberation as
to tho Interests of tho Republican party
of tho country, but a meeting to obey
tho exacting demands of an arrogant
power. Neither tho admonitions of
Cincinnati nor of Sumner nro heeded,
and It is rosolved to destroy tho organi
zation to gratify mero personal govern
ment. I therefore withdraw from tho
delegation and givo you this timely no
tico to fill my place. I shall thon bo
freo to givo my earnest support to Hor
ace Greeley."
In ii game of Ijhsj hull playrd in
Philadelphia on Saturday lust, for tho
championship, between the At hletlcs of
Philadelphia and tho Mutuals of Now
York, tho latter wero doroated by tho
overwhelming scoro or lOtoO. This Is
tho worst dofeat known In a champion
ship gamo. Not ono ot tlio Mutuals
reached his third base. C000 peoplo
witnessed tho game.
Tho international boat raco which
took placo in England on tho Thames,
on Monday last, rosultcd iu tho disas
trous dofeat or tho American Crew
tho Atulantns or Now York by tho
Loudon Rowing Club.
Ono or, ir not the best gamo or baso
ball on lecord was played in Now York
on Monday by tho Boston and Mutual
clubs, tho runner winning, after cloven
innings, by a scoro of 3 to 2.
In duo accordance with International
law, tho Sioux Indians havo mado n
formal declaration of war, nnd 2,000 of
tholr number aro treading In tno foot
stops of Mars. Canada is also having
troublo with her Indians.
Tho Lyndon brldgo, on tho Philadel
phia and Erlo Railroad, near Williams,
port, was burned on Thursday night
or last week. It was 1,100 foot long.
Tho destruction of tho brldgo will not
Interforo with travel, as a branch road
can bo used.
Tho celebrated elephant "Romeo,"
ono or tho oldest, and said to bo tho
largest, In tho United States, valued at
f30,000, died at Chicago last week. Its
body has been presented to tho Chicago
Modlcal CoIIoko. Its skeleton will bo
mounted und placed In tho museum.
Tho strlko or tho mechanics In Now
Vork lias assumed formidable propor
tions and troublo Is anticipated. A
non-striking carpenter was shot and
killed by tho strikers last week. Tlio
strlko has extended to Philadelphia
whoso gas workers havo struck and loft
the city In darkness, Tho samo thing
Is reared in Now York.
Geu. Schonk has telegraphed to tho
Secretary of Stato that tho treaty Issavcd
and that tho English government would
accept his pledgo, gl von in writing, that
tho Indirect claims wero nbandonod by
the Amorlcnn government.
Intclllgenco has bron rocolved nf tho
doath nt Badon-Badon. Juiiotl. of Mr.
Joseph 11. Sernnlon, tho founder of Iho
.... ir.. , 1
Cliy wmiuu ui-urd ma iimuo, lit) mm
gone abroad In Jnnunry In tlio doliislvo
nopo tnai cnango 01 air nun oi sceno
might ro-nstahllsli his health, which
was already precarious. Mr. S.-ranton
was fiS years of ago, nud had been con
nected with many of tho enterprises
Icadlm to tho development of tlio ro-
sources of this valloy, Ho was formerly
I'rosiuput or tno ii, s 11. it. it. At tno
tlmo of his death ho was Pro3hlout of
thu Ltcknwaiinn Iron 0 Coal Co, nnd ef
tho First National Bank or Hcrnnlon.
and director In various railroad, mining
nnd nirtiiiiracturlug companies.
Hon. Tho.'. Williams ox-member or
Congress died lu Pittsburg on Thursday
of last week. Ho was ono of tho seven
managers of thu Houm lu tho Impeach
ment of Andrew Johnson.
This veteran Journalist tiled Juno
1st. lu tho 7i!J venr of his uco
nt his residence, nt Fort Washington,
near Now York city. James Gordon
Beimel, Sr., was n nntivoor Scottland,
born nt Now Mill, Banffshire, about
1800. llo was educated for tho church at
n Roman Catholic Seminary at Aber
deen, Scotland, but did not enter tho
priesthood. In April, 181!), bo emigrat
ed to tho United States, nnd nttompted,
but with indifferent success, to earn n
living as a teacher, hi 1S22 ho became
connectod with n newspaper In Ch rlcs
ton, S. C., but soon reinosxd to New
York, whero ho Was employed first ns
reporter, nnd then a- nssNtunt editor on
sovernl journals of that clly. taking on
nctlvo part lu politics ns a supporter of
General Jackson, hi 18"0 ho became
nssoclato editor nf the New York Courier
and hiinulrcr. havlmr previously bon
Iho Washington correspondent of that
journal nnd tho first person that over
wrote nowspaper letters from tho capi
tal, lu 1833 ho was cliicf editor of tho
Peniisylvanlaii. published in Philp 'el
phhi. lie then removed to Now York
and established tho New York Herald.
tho first number of which was issued on
May 0th, 1833. This well known lour.
nal, although starting as a small sheet,
in conscquenco of tho energy, nbillly,
and porsoveranco displayed bv Mr.
Bennett, beenmo n nowspaper of wide
circulation and extended inuuonco
throughout tills country nnd Europe In
his activity in obtaining tlio freshest
and most important nowsfrom all nunr-
tors, und In tho liberal compensation
paid ror seeking out tho, latest intclll
eenco Mr. Bcnnotl wa3 unrlvalkJ.nnd
tho Herald Air thlrty-soven years Inn
ucen unucr nis intelligent nnu unro
mltting supervision, nnd has been oml
nontly euccessrul.
The Wayne Ciliten, tho Republican
organ of Wayno eounly, still refuses to
hoist tlio Stato ticket. Speaking uf tho
two candidates for Governor, it says
"Tho nomination of Bucitnlow makes
It moro than over necessary to reeon
struct tlio Republican ticket. Did the
contest lio between Iinrtranit nnd Cass,
tho formor might bo Buccessrul ; but ns
against Buckalcw his chanco is admit
ted, by thoso best acquainted with the
situation, to bo nlmost hopeless. Tlio
difference between tho two parties, po
litically, Is trilling compared with the
difference between tlio candidates in
point of character. In this matter the
Republican party suffers under n most
humiliating disadvantage. Though the
number of Republicans who will voto
for Buckalcw may not bo large, thoso
who will not voto Air Hartranft mny bo
reckoned by thousands. Our majority
in tlio Stato last year was somo fifteen
thousand. But we must poll a much
larger voto tills year, ir wo would bo
suecessrul. Unless wo do this, tho voto
givon to Packer In 1609 will this year
sufllcu to elect Buekalow by n majority
orucnrly two tliouiund. Ami unlcus
wo poll a larger voto than wo cost ror
Geary Iu 18G9, tlio voto for Soymour in
180S will bo sufilciont to elect Buckalcw
into ofllco by a majority of nearly
twenty-threo thousand. In short, Har
tranft may bo defeated although ho re
ceives a larger voto than Geary, and
though Buekalow falls twenty thousand
behind Seymour. Sucli a consideration
should lead the Republican party to re
Iloct seriously on its present precarious
or niiLADiai'iuA.
op Ai.i.i:miE.NY.
01' I.UZI'.ll.Ni: COUNTY.
For .Members or the Constitutional Con.
?,W;.Yf .YoonwAun, rhiindciphm,
WM. lllULKlt, Clcarllcld.
W, J. llAEIl. rioinuisc.t.
W. It, HMITII, Allegheny.
KKANKLIN II. UOWKS, Philadelphia.
JOHN H. (,'AMPliELl,, l'hlliulLliildi.
H, A. UKYNOMJH, IdUinislcr.
JAMES ULI.IS, Kthiiyllilll,
H. O. T. 1)01)11. Vcnanuo.
(I1X). M. DALLAS, Philadelphia.
IlOllEKT A. LAMUK11TON, liatipliln.
A. A. l'UUMAN, Uruun.
WM. L. COllDEiT, Clarion.
New Advertisemontn.
w uiu urpiiaii-H ioiin oiuouiinrn.i couniy
In I lit mnl'iiy nf ,lii .,!, ,
i iliioiA , i V l'vwt,uu 1UI I'1' imun uiiu
i .VC 1 . " 11111 ""iiu ui Hilary iiariuan,
laloororauijo township Columbia county deeois.
and ropiisontatlvtu ol said deceased that In
purnuuieo nnt writ of pai ttllon und valuation to
I tin II 1 I 111 tli I I ii,l I n.mi. II... i . .... i
-..vj.. "1" H" "j'vj ti uiu i i uiu is I a oi mi III
lv nr I Ml n tn til i ) t ) n it, i. . i.
tU on Haturtlay tlio mil day olJ uly A, 1). Mi tor
?! 1 . 0htat0, nctioriUuK tho cominamls or bahl
ailaiiil II tlmv llilnlr ti.itn.n
A A HON HMUH Bherlir,
In tho Orphans Court of Coliimlila county,
lu thu mutter of tho petition ior partlllou and
..u....v... . ,v iisuiwui MUIL'UIIU A1USUJI
I Si 1 i ?oiu l'"hp Columbia county deeoas.
representative or tho Mild deceased that In pur
suant! of a writ of paitttlon and valuation to
........ .vvt..u . iitii iiuuu inn lueiuiseti oi nam
ueceasod sltuato hi llloom township county ol
....u .,,, iijmjr My IllUlU UU MlllUIIIOllCU.On
Haturday tha27lh day of July A. O, im for tho
purnosu of malclUB partition and valuation of
Ii vmufcu uuvuiumu io uiu counnauus or
said writ, when nud wliero nil parties interested
111AV flltllllll if I ll.u III I Ml. nvnnK
Juno 11 1S7J-U AAUON HMITII ShcrlU.
. , i?car. Ilontou Juno tho Glh, IS72 a pair of
V.'l,laP'lctacleK aud caso belouijlns to Mit.J. J,
M'Houry tho flmler will ho liberally romirdtd
hy returning them to tho owner.
JuuoH,l!S7J.3t J, J, M'HENMY.
Notice is hereby given thatlotlors of Admlnis.
IfS oa.!'tty bCDU Bruuted by tho Iteiflsterof
Wills of Columbia count to tho uudcisluucil up
Ion tho estate of William F. Boudcr, lato of Espy
In said county, uow dectased. All persons In.
debled to said cstalo nro rcqut red to make poy.
merit and uil persons who havo claims aguiust
said estate lo mako them known to tlio undo. .
signed resident lu tho city of l'hlladelphla.or
to M, C, MeCollum nt Ihe town of Espy nforo-
spy i
1.UU1.4 II, HOOD.
Juiiullb72 Iw
Fllll culKfllH, COLD.1 a HOAlt-shNiisa.
Theso Tablets present tho Acid In Combination
with other clllcleut remedies, lu a popular form
',,J.,!1?,i;.".e,Pr'"'l'OATuiid hnO Diseases.
aro Immediately rellevod und statements nre
constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief
lu cases of throat dlllloulties of yeais ktaudlna.
P! A TIT TON . 1'ou't hodecolved by worthlofs
JjAUllUill Imitations. Oet only Wells'
Carbolic i 'luhlets. Price iij cents per Hox. JOHN
o. KELLOtlO, wPtottBU. N, Y, riolo Agent for
the U,H. HonU Mr Circular, n?'wl
(in Jlanhoocl, Womanhood, una tholr Mutual
(Send lor upoelmcn phiioi nnd circular, with
!::?m.'.! .,A',!'r NATIONAL rUHIilDIIINCI
10 , l'hlla, 1'n, H2I-IW,
wont! forUoscrlptivo circular uud nnrclal terms
Uir inu Krull"(l f"UUj!UKU HOnK piUMlSUCth
McClBlton's Annul icaiiism in Amnrina
Owhiiitoiho prciont political pxcllfitnriil, will
'II Hit (III, lllJtl niX lllllllllt 111(13 Willi 1 1 1 c.
Isllio innsi rollalitnlinnlc In iho mnrlti l.
.1. M. fSmllllAIlT I'D.. I'nlillsli in. 7, I Mm,.
nom HI,, 1'liH'n. n'.'l hv
TEACHLtM, BTL Df.NI'H and others wanted
Tlio rk'hcit raclot, mo it fasrm.itlni!, luntruc-
live aim inusn-p.ovoKiUK dooic usuou Mr verm,
acknowledged superior Ii MA UK TWAIN, In
splendidly lllUHirata', plettfiatly bound, nnd
very clif ip, Acents report grand ruccci, Ham
Ulo pane xpoclultci'insntid "AOKNTH" l'OCKKT
COMPANION," frcaAildicii.lIl'UIIAItDllllOH.
i'iii)ii"' p'H Till mmom t riinn, nz iw
uiu i,i'.w,Q tail mm gmiusi uiu,
Tlili lnvnlUHblo cotnnion-seui.0 Hook should ho
re ad by every man nnd woman lu thocountiy.
Thieo-iourlhs nrnll tho McltncM In our midst
may bo nvoldod by n knnwlrdio nud prnctlco
or our "Jolly friend's Hccrcl," Iho most mil"
..n..t,,. . ,., fl.n In.. I 1.nntll.. ..........
mind H for l's gi i-nt commnn-Vensp.ncyliumor,
shrowil gllmpi or mnnlilud nnd lis vlvnl mid
snrowu giimpi oi miuiiiiuii nii'i us vivii nnu
pllhy slyle ol cxmcsslnn, AtlUN'IW WANTED
ia make Money fust. Wiilo fur U'uMintcd elr
rnlnr, tcrni'i. ,ve luld OEO. MM'LliAN
l'uhii li'T, 7 IHa.i'.otnHlreul.l'lul n, n2llw
Ii n po erlul Tonip. r pcclaliy ndnpled lor lino In
Hnrluc. when Iho languid nud dcbllllnleil kvk.
tern needs kt-eiiRtli nnd vitality; it will givo
vigur is mo ic jit-, cngiii ui 1110 weai.,nui.
reNt iO uca y, quiet lo Ulo nc.voui, and
health ti tho lull n.
It Is a Ho til A icilcnn piaut.whlcli.nccordlHg
lo tho mec pal and Kclentlllc periodicals of Lon
don nnd TarW, possesses Iho nost poweiful tnnlc
properties known to Materia Medici, and Is well
known In Its untlvo c uiutrv as havliurwoiuli'i'.
lul cnrntlvo nunllllcs, and lias been Ions used ns
n spcciHo In nil cases or Impurlllcs of tlio Mood
Ueraugiments ol tho Liver nnd Spleen, Tumors
iviupsj, i overly in 1110 i"uus, uemuiy,
ncss of tho lulcstlucs, Utcrluo vt t'riuary o..
Dr. Wolls' Extract of Jurubeba
lu ttlrplurl hoiilm. oml , lll.n ..
trlclous fond takcirinto thostomaefi.'lt nsfclmi-
laies nim uiuuses liseii iniougli llio ctrculalloli
clvlui' vli-or nnd Iitnllh.
It reguLilcs tlio bowelii, nulots tlio nerves, nets
imi.-ciiy un inu M-eieiivo uii-uiis, nnu, uy us pow
crful Tonlo nnd reslniing illeets, produce
healthy nnd vigorous ncllou to tho wholo sys
JOHN O. KELLOdO. IS 1'lnll HI.. New Ynilr.
Holo Agent lor tho United Htntos.
1'ilco SI per Untile. Heud for Circular. nJIwl
Contains biographies of Drow, Vnndorhllt,
(lould. Tweed. &c, with n llnanclnl history ol
Iho country for tho Inst threo years, nnd what
tin ANT kuewnbout '1JLACK 1'ItlDAY." Over
sou pages, l'rico fi. Address Now Yorlt EOOIC
i;o l lo Nassau snoot, New York.
ka.vsas iti:(;isTi:iti: i:uis
Halo and Profitable Investment llonds. Himo of
1113 wcaunicsi connilcs in Italians Allen,
ties, lteglslcred by IhoSInlo of Kansas. Inter"
est nnd principal paid by the .Stato Treasurer.
nuutiwu, .-,uiiH.iiii,uuiiii'3uu iiuu iiuugms i.uitu1
tiio lionus pay per cent, iniQrcst, nnu nro over
threo years old, tho coupons having boon always
lcgularly and promptly paid, l'orstntlstlcsnud
luiormallon, address MASI'L A. OAYLOHD ii
N O 31 0 It V It V St I
111TV oni: OF
Jlclall pilce, 51.50. STONE A 1'OIIU, OJ'J Arch S!.,
iiiiaui-niuiii, t tu rieiiu ur Liirciiiar.
For any caso of niiinl. Bleed
lug, llchlns or Uleeinted
Piles that DC IIino'd l'n.n
ItKMiniy lalls to euro. It Is
piep.ueii pxpuissiy to euro luoi'iies.nnanoiiuu
uNu. Bold by nil Druggists. 1'ilce. 8I.UJ.
When (lie Illouil Uushus with locim-Iilto
violence to tho held, oiuIug liu! dudios, ver
tigo and dimness of sigh!, it is n terrain sign
that n mild, salubrlom, cooling mil cualllug
maun vu is i eiiuiieu, nil i i .iuiia.n r s l.l l' I.UVES
cent HEI.TKI! Al'ur.i kn t sliould hi ntonoro
soiled to.
A OENTri WANTEliJ-Agents m .lio inoiuimm.
IV oy nt woik lor us than nl unyihlii else,
llusluess light nud pormmont. I'.uiienl us Iree.
U, Htinson & Co., I'nio Ait l'ublishus, 1'ort
laud, Muluu.
Un 1'IANO CO. N. Y. I'ltlUH, DOtUl
. O. No ARonts. Chculiui freo. fpriiJU
J conditions wlilcli impair vllnllty nnsltlvo
nnd negatlvo uleclrlclly proof thai llfo is
ovoiveu wiinoni union- eiieet or tonncoi Inllu
ence ol llsh und nhosi.horlo diet modern tieat.
ment ol pelvlo lUseascs, stricture and varicocele,
und airest of development; leu lectures lo ills
iirivjiio .surgical class, ny liiwaki) 11. DIAUN,
M. ).. 42 l-'lllll Avenue. N. Y.! Ill iini'ns '', nonls.
"Every lino from tho pen ol Dr.Dlxmi lsnfgreal
vuinu mint; iviiiiiuuuiiiHii race. jiorrue urceicj.
6 HEAT MEDICAL, HOOK, ofuselul knowledgo
to all. Scut luu ior two stamps. Addicts Dr.
Ho.NAPAUTi; ,tc uclnnatl. Ohio. nil-tf
Eight Trains (Dally) to and from 1'hll.i IlIpIiI.i
und Pittsburg, and Two Tialus
(D illy) to and Irom Eire,
(Suudays Excepted.)
ON ami after Monday, Juno 3,
Iho Passenger Trains or tho I'onusylvaiili
llallroad Company will depart from Harrlsbur'
nnd aiilvo al I'hlHdelphlii mid l'lltsbuie ns fol
?;!0-l'iillndeIphlu Expreis Ie.ivc3 il.i. ils'iurg
dally (except Monduyjnt l:)ti. iu., and nriivoi
nt West l'hll.ulelphla at ftl'in, m.
$:'B Fast Lluo leaves Hurilsbui' duly ,ex
cept Monday) at !W5 n. m nud uulvi.s ui west
Philadelphia nt U:Za. m
7:3U Lancaster Tuilu, via Mount Joy, leaves
Iluulsburg dally (exc. pt Sumlayjat 7: j u. 111.,
nnd urrles nl Wnt l' Pi, On, lu.
-l'eutitiylvuiiin ltailroa 1 time.
l'aellle .xpn.,i h ives llnrriurg daily
ut 0:33 n. in., and mnvm nl West t'mlu lel.iniarit
ItiOp. m.
2.00 Klmlra Expiis k.nes Hunlshn k dmly
(except Kuudnvs nt ..10 p, in., Jtnd unnci ul
Vestl'lilladeU lilantC:jOp. in,
3:."u Harrlsbur'mi Ivaicsllar
rltb ug dally ( xeipt .Sunday) nt 3 OJp.m; iirilvcs
nt I'hltailelpiiiaatu.'Ji) p, iu.
t:'!J Mall Train leaves II irrisbuig d i Ty . x
cept Buudiy) nt t:'W p iu. n-d arrive nt i'hlia
delrlilantliuln. m.
10;2i Cincluuaii Eiiiress leaves llu:n i.r
dally at lls'Al p. m nud urilves ,il Wt.i I' i,u
dclphlaall'illi a, in,
IS:1) Houllicrn Express louvi s llaulsburaal
ly ut 13:5.1 ,n. m,, nri Ives nt Allo ju vnt C:J0u. in,
and urilves ul 1'liu.mirg u V:ii n. in.
8:U0 '1 hrougli I'as.eugor Train Unvcs Hurrls
bnig dally (except Momliy) at 3:0) u. in., m rives
at Altoona ut 6:10a, in. and arrive i:il l'lltsliurgnt
I: lip. m.
S:0j rac'flo Express Ioavoi Hurrlsbur,; dally
nt':ii)n. in., nrrlves nl Alloonaatl'jWii, m, nud
arrives ut 1'itlsburi; al U':H p. in,
1:15 Eilo Mall west, lor Erie, leaves Harris
burg dally ut 1:13 u. in., nrrlvlug at EUo ul 7:,o p,
7:10 Way ravencer Train loaves Harrlshurg
dally (except Huuduy) nl 7:J0 n. iu, arrives ut
Altooua ul l:ii p, iu. nnd at I'iilsburg ut l:jjp,
;JJ Mall Tiaiu. leaves Harrlsljurj daily (ex
cept Sunday) at l:M p. in. urilves at Allooiia nl
7:15 p. in., tukes mppir und arrives ut l'lttsbuig
at 1:15 a. in.
1:30-Fast Lluo leaves Harilsburg dully (ex
cept Sunday) nt l:W p. m uiilvesat Altooua nt
t-M p. m lakes kupscniuU nil Ives nl Pittsburg
al 1:15 u. in.
J.lO-Eilo Express west, for Erie, leaves Hnr
rlslmrg dully (except SundJy) ul 1:1! p, m , nr
rlvlng ut Lilu nl 7:10 n, hi,
Mixed train leaves HairiHburj;alJ:'J) P. lu,: iir
rives nt Altooua nt t-w u. m.
10:30-Cliielniiatl Expnss leaves llnriUbuig
dally (except Katuulay) at U:;o p. m mrlves ut
Altooua ut 0:15 u. iu nud univo . i I'lttshuiK at
1:30 u, in,
Hnpi, Mid, i,. v. 1', It. It.
Tlio only jiericl Instrument in tho World, It
liucguAllu ltlehncss, Power, llrllllaney und
DuraWlllty. Special terms lo Teachers. Murked
mar Wl-tl.J Mauch Chunk, i'A.
jr (j h i o w a it k it o o m n
Imvo boon rcinovoJ to llio
Whero no will lcp n general nnorltitcnt of
nnd all KINliM OF MHs!U.L INHTIlttMEN'lrt.
Also MUSIC llOOivS for nil 1NHTUUMF.N"IH.
is lite cheapest First Class Piano in
the market.
Having r.ccnicd Iho Agency ol tho
lor Columbia County, togelher Willi Iho
furnishes ndvanlazos to purchaser not found
A full nssoitmcut of
nil ilylesnndpiiscs couslguCy onliadd.
I'lvliSia, Ml lilll.U-SLUflUl AXSl) Vll.Wf.
WCall and examine.
an onitiNAKri: to amlnd oi.dixanci: xo. 1,
KcctIon 1. llv it ordained and enaded b;i the
Town VouncU f tlio Town of Jlloomittuiy,ind it
it hereby orttatnea ami cnacccu f' auifiortiy ij
the same : That it shall not ho l.'iwml to ilro any
tl ro crnrkers, or squibs many inscription nr kind
upon nuy uuy, wiuuin vno iiiiuih m inu 1 own 01
illoomsbMr" :andnuv nersonor rersons lliini'iu-
ca us tut; to 1m ll red, Mich llio crackers or squibs
Wlllllll 1110 11I11UH Ol Hid BU1U 1DWJ1, MHIII, lIpOIl
conviction btloro tho riesldcut of tho Town
Council, ioricit nnd taya nun not exceed u
Jlvo dollars lor each ultcnct.1. And so much
of tho Mxth nilllo tl tho llrst Lection ol
Town Onllnonio .Vi. 1. entitled "An Ordl
nauco for tho prt v.lMoii ol the Veaco, mid
for other purposes," enac'id thelthday orMny,
1 870, as Is Inconsistent herewith, ho aud tho s uiio
Is hereby repealed.
HncTioN This ordln mco shall take tiled on
ami alter ten nays publication,
l'asscd May V7, lt7.'. O. UAltTCMIY. i'lealilent.
Hloom.hurs, May UO, lbT'A
An Ordinance to amend OuUiumo No. 5.
SECTION I. 73 it ordained and enacted hu lh
Town Council r the 'Jhwn of Jllmmsuitrtj and it
u ncrcuij oraaincu ana cnacrca uy inc uulhoruy
oj ric a it me , juai. mo maricci iiourn do nniu
nlnu o'clock In tlio foreunon on each marhoL
day from tho llrst day ol May to tho tlrit day of
November, In each year, and nn' II ton o'clock
In tho lorenoon on each mark a d.i from tho
llrst day or November to tlio Ihi' day of .May,
And that ijo much of ordln man Vu. entitled
-An ortuuanco ior mo iMiauiisiiiii. ii o; -i curb
slono Market, "passed tho cl'-'ht ulii rAnrll
H7-'. ns HloconslstDiit licrovllh.b. ..i.l i i . v.imo
is nereov repeaieu."
Pasted May L'7, 1S72,
E. ME.Sb, !,.
Attest C, O. IIAUICLEY, l i . .
May 31, W-
Tho Raco oPTlcio KcepoH,
pnAi.r.n in
1)ANVI1LI3 I'd.
tr Itcpalrlug promptly nllcudtd to,
1 will tell lu Juuonud July n limited niimher
of young
In tho American lilvo nt IIS per swarm. I .will
transfer ami llallauUo black colonies nt a reas
onable price. Puioltalhui (uecus lorialo.
I also mako to order tho double 40-toothcd
Scotch Harrows. Prlco, steel teeth, J15j or Iron
ii.eiiif,i, lu.invi lururiniiiioii niiureNH,
I u 111 bin co , 1'n,
Wuht St., Columbia
Imwl'i'lf ,.,l,,''!,,'l", ,,l,n trtlSlllOM Of E. 1', l.ul,,
now olleis nt tho old slnnd, a choice nsnorttnoii
CH Etia'LH,
And n Roneinl nsdnrliiienl of Iho choicest good.i
usually found In ilrhtclnsa pstnbllshnipntsr
Physicians' Prescriptions nnd Fninlly ltechH i
Carefully Compounded.
On Hundnys, open Irani 8 n. m., tn 10 n, innud
rroniUp, in,, to 1 p. m,
rS 1 n mado from Wcls. Cull nnd examlno or 12
O I I S'iinp!osscnl(potago Ireo) for Wets, that
retail iiulcic for in. It, L. WOLCOH', 1S1 Chat
liimS'iuaie,N, Y. iw
mix wanted fjr tiio AirrollIOOHAl'Y nf
or llut'oiic'tiotis oi a 1
ltUV l.ltii. lint I ni I ml. 'I'll ,
Llfo and Times ofso itrea't a Phllanltiroplt nnd
Uefonner, pnmint r.ul lo Interest every trnr
Aniprlrnn. Henil Pl-fiil lor Eninnln ,.,.,. f n
Tltl- AT, I'uh. boo ll'wny, N. Y, p
,J. How 1'ither tex may fusclHalo und fain i
lovo A nlli'Pl lotm of nuy person they ehm ,
fct inlly. Thli (.imp! liKUlal iic iulr m ut all r i
possess, free, hy mull, for -5 cN. t'liiotln r w,i
marrlnso culdo, Egyptian Oracle, Dicnn i, Hnr
lo L'idlei, Ac, A qucpr.pxcltlmib'iolt. li-o.i' i t
Address T. WILLIAM A t:0. Pnbs P.flla I
First Prcaiu.-.i Ara.Inil.Tl.
Pouhlo vntod Oveu. Wnrmlnir Clooel in mi.
ins Door, render Guard, Dnniptin: Khaltli.
(ii'.'lp, DliiM l Draft. I CLLEIt, WAKltEN Co
.11 Hdlll Olll'll),!. l I
'J ho propilf tir, hai, by tlio n .
iiiiicooi i.iuiiieni. I'uysieiaus mul
rClietnllssuececd(dlu iitlllr.hif; im
iiieiuciiiLd liriipeiliu'l cnniaineil 111
Iho (111. Pitch, nnd Upmii r Hi
Hemlock Tioe, nnd ohuiuod a vu
uabl p preuirnil(m to lm nppllrd ,
nMnlvcnr PhistTf ir Hl"umill u
Croup, PalnorSoreiies .i i tho Hack'
Chest or Stomach.l'iles.N.dt lllieum
Scurvy, Horei, Ulcers, llunlons,Soru
Cnins, Frost liltos, Chllblalus, Sort
HreiiHtsnnd Nlpploi, lliiiiWorin
I'lmllui! and shin dlnpiisps or ln
llamniutorv ualui-p. i.'nAitiii' v
CHITTENTON, Agent, 7 HIMh Avenue, Niw
York. W,
ly Inlei ostlnu Honk ot Travels and Dibco el loa ,i,
Polar aud Tropical Worlds.
It Is full of information it'ipeetlni' theMAItVI
LOUS WONDEltS and HEALTIESof theso h
llttlu known eountrlCH, nnd nliouuiN wn,
Tunii.i.iNii DiacuiiTioNS ot thodarlnundveii.
Hires of all tho noted Travelers and Explorer hi
thoso reinolo realons. ILLUSTIIATED WITI'
SOME 2'JU 1'INE ENllItAVINds. rrlnll
crlpllon, terms ,tp., ndilresi,.tallng uxperieuen
If imv
ii. u. JuiiiN&u., i'iiuiisner,7uo Arch si
may :il tn
oryou wlllinlisclinii'
of territory, (Iheie is ,,
lush Inr ill ,in iiir
LEWIS' Inst and urcatcst woilc.
It is by odds tho moit talcing and salesblo li .ot;
iivtho Held. 1 It Is on n vilally Importnnl sul
Ject. 1! It Is liv America's most popular wnier
onhtalth. J It Is, for tho price, tho Inicestund
handsompst boolc over sold hy subscrlnllon
At!cnts, I lio people nioc ui r forsurh n hook a m
will urso you to brluu U to then. rue n ,
terms, ac, free.
, (IKOItOE MA' I HAN, Publish, r
nprll ca.'72-tf. 7,i.i Sou ,om sttcet, l'hil.uii , i,
J.OOU AGENTS WANTED! for our new hook.
1 Bill J
lly W. li. WEIIII, thu nnipd I'liim eraiiil iiura
orlst, A most nccttinlo nud rnscliiatlni'ilcM'rm
Hon nf tho wllilucssiuiil wealth oi tho bonrnl
loss West. Its untold ilehes, HIk Injuns, llim.iio
Wolves, Ac. Crowded with vnlualdo inforiu.iium
spaikllux Willi tho kiciicst Mil nud i it.u
humor, iivnlina Mailt Twnln'n best, niidsnl. u
illilU lll.l.linl.VTl ll'lll I... I ..l.' . 11 tJ
. J '"......'.. ,.. ,u ,i..iut.-iini;iy im Ml
and sell beyond piecedcnt. I'm sanijuu r ,
in u '.ii-.r inns, lermw, ,ie,, aimless.
lenus, ,le,, aililess
UUiillAUD Iiltlirt., Pu
nplulVT'-tr, I'llnlKI), .
2.1 Sans, m si., 1 iid,
Letters ol ndmlstratlou on thoe'.tateoi v, ,
Allen, lato ol Madison towushlp, Cohmi'.
eounly, deceased havo boon crautcd bv the I!.
lster ol said county to John A., .-,
llloomRhurK. All persons having claims .ufnn
tho eslnto ol the deceilent nio reiiuetisl i. in
sent thei i lor settlement, mul Hi ise Imlili Ml.
tho pslntolo maku payment lo Iho uiulersi", I
administrator, without delav.
Mny2l'72.Clv. Adnii.uslial .
li EsrATi: of 1'iin.ii' suraiioi,T, nni 'n,
Letteis testamentary on tho eslalo ol Plubi,
Seeshollii, lato ol Catnwlssn township. Cciiinuhu,
county, deceased, havo been crauleil by thu u.
glsler ot said couniy, to Henry lIollIiw.,lii'.i.t
and Isaac II. reeshnltz. All persnni b.ivin:-.
claims ngalnst tho estalo nro roiucsitsl to pr. -sunt
them to Iho Exccutoi lu I'ol'.iiublacouuiy.
Thoso Indebted to tho cstalo, either on nob
judgment, inoitago or book account will iiril.
I ayinent to tho Executors without dt lav.
May 21, IK'J-Uw. Exovui i
'iho undersigned, auditor appointed by un
ourt of Common I'lens nf ('oliiiniiiii pinmK i..
dlslrlbutolho fund iu Court, to Iho lloiiciodftui-i
of Jnnies V. Wilson, nrlslnurom thosalo of the
real cstnto of Iho said Jnincs V, Wilson, ns sold
bv tho Sherltl' of Columbia County by virtue
oin Venditioni Exiwnat, will meet tlio parties
lutctCMtcd nt his olllco In tho town of lllooms
burg, on Saturday, tho 20th day or Juno next,
nt lo A.M., when nnd whero nil persons intirisi
od mo requested to mako their claims oi bu il. -baircd
Irom coming In upon said In ml.
JOHN M. CLAUE, Auditur,
may 27, 1872, WO.
. .. . """-p'aiii'.i, iipiiuuiieii nil Aiiiiiiij, to a
tilbntul letuud.ln llioliaiidsolHiruni.r, II' ,4
Lxeiutiriii John Z iRkr, Into ol I'utawl's.i t 1 1
dicins.'d, to nud amongst tho Loirs nud le: i
lirprcscututivps of said deeei'.vUt, uccoriliuu i
'IVaV'"' "net the juitles lu the olll-1
of wi ll'ini 11. Abbott lnCatawlis'i.onS.iiur.l.
l ull dny or A, 1). Ib72, at ID o'clock lu H.
lou noun. All pi'isnns having claims m .u - .
tnndsaro r -rjulrPil to lu-csont thorn to (hoaudi' ii
pioperly n ippoilod.orboloievorilobarreu lioin
cotulu lu (iu said lund i
, , JOHN II. b'HEKZi
May 20, 16,:-Iw Audliu.
JrX. FDTATU Ol' 11AUV 11. KVANrt IlEC'll
Li tiers ol ndmlnlslratlonou Ihuclatoot .M.,rj
It. Evans lato of Pishing cieeli township, i -lumiila
eouuty, deceased, uuvo been urantuil in
tho Ilcglster of said county tojacobs. Kwius, o,
Orcenwood, All pcisniu havlug claims usuinsi
tho estutnof tho dueedentuioiequosted to in,
scut them Ior settlement nud llioso Injeliliil
to to mako payment in tho uudei
slsued,ndi.. .uIstrntor, wllhout delay.
T . . , JACOli S, EVaNi.
J.uie, 1 Adiiilnlntniior,
l I n I ... ...... 1 !.... ... .
J Mill'.
The eo.partnui ship hcrctoforo pxlstin: un 1
tho arm name ot Snyder, llnrtnum .v Co, i o
solvud by tho of llonjamln V. SomLr. 'i
books ol tho lte ilrin nro lu tho hundiof D.inn .
Snjdcr to whom all persons knotting them
selves to bo liidchttd to Iho llrmnro ruuuesteil lu
mako linmediato payment,
Tho business will bocoiitlnucd nt tho old pla
uuder tho namo of D, Snyder, it Co.
,, , ., . D. SNYDEIi, & CO..
Esi'V Mny Kill lb-.'.lf
Letters of administration on tho estntu m
Lllabetb Murray lulu of Dcrry towuslhp, .Mnn
tour eounly, P.i., deceased, havo been grannn
by thu Itcalster of said county to Tho.iu.
Ilutler Wushluutouvllle, Columbia couaty. !'
All ncrsous hnvlng claims or demands ruu i
the decedent uro requested q mako Iheie
known, and thoso Indebted (o mako payrm u1
lviiiiuilb ut.,.ij ,
luay 31st, lS72,wO
TVrOTIOE. Tlio Stock liolilera of tin
J.1 North Westllrauch Hall ltoad Co., nie
hereby Hollaed that nn Installment nr tin i.el
ccnHmeachshaiosuhi.crlbodis reuulred lo In
paid to tho Treasurer, on or beloro Iho Hist da
of July next, Hy orderof the Hoaid of Dire toi
.llUl IV ill, 1SCA1,,
Hen v A TuEAKuiinn,
March !)lst lB7.'..5w,
4 0 40.
Noatly aud Clioaply Prlatcl
Krom Ihj) latest filylcBofTj-peattha
era '