The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1872, Image 1

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f T
ifptiiii.tsmiD f.veiiy fiuday mohnimu
cnuiiT iiottstt, w.ooMsnuna, rA., n v
KiiiTon Ann rr.orniETon.
Terms-Two Cellars a Vcar payatlo In advance
job pniNTiua
nMlldoscrlptloiis executed with neatness nud
dispatch nt roasonnblo rales.
UolumWa Oountv Official Directory.
Vrllrffltf.fllflO'e Wlt.MAM J;MM ..
y Module JuiKfH-lIUU DlilUt, l8AA0 B' JI0K
""volAonolnr-, .vft-Konoi.ri' "''';',.
llrnlrlcr A- Jlccortlc r Wl I.M A mhon l 1 , J Atom .
,'l(Tr-AAttON HMIIir.
'JWnmrcr WliAiAM LAMOM.
()).ii.noncrJ CYUUH Itohlil.vs, HlliAM J.
Hrr.DKit, Wn.r.iAM
Onmnlnlonm' Clirk-WILLIAM KntrKllAUM,
AuiUI rtV. .1. C'AMl'llISLL, DANHSt, LV.IC.
( ll.MILlHtlONNEIt
r ,..n -CitAitr.r:i 0. Munrjiv.
J.irvO' ..(imsjioiimi-laAAcMcUMniJolIH MO
A vll ...
(..lilifi .i'2'( n'lllcHclcij! C1IAM.E3 0, HAKKLT5V
1 1, ;w TWrW-Dlrcctors, B. II. MlM.r.n
Wii 1IA.M Kuajiku, lllooiiiRburn, nnd JoliNbOH
li. i Li it. uiecnwuou, liialli.osji.u, kwi
Eloonisuurg Official Directory,
J:tarlvrn llanltnff Co. JOHN A. FUNSTOit
Piisldcnt, 11, 11. Giiotz, Cashier.
7'il Xatlmnl A'tiiil-Cll AS. It. l'AXTOK, Prcs't ,
,1. P. Tiisynif. Cnshlor,
iiu,t-U. ir. LlTli.7i, l'rra'l., f. W. MILLKH,
!,itil.i,rff .Huiltltnrt ntul K
f, ,n WM. I'llAC'OCIE, ITOS l .1. Jt. liunini..-.. nvi
il, 11. Human:., nve.
J..I. Fiesldent, 0. 0. 1Iai:kli:y, Hce'y.
Ohurcli Directory.
fitEBiiYTuniAN cituncir.
.llmicr-llcv. Btiinit Mltrliell.
.Subbalh A'mlffJ-lOJi A, M.; 7Jj 1'. M.
Vahljalh ArAt,ol-UA,M,
Proper Medina Weduof.dny, 7! V. M. ,
Heals freoj no pews leutedj stiaugers wol
rofne. Blooriisburrv Diroctory.
DAl'I'ltllAOH Just lecclvtd and lorsaloattlio
I Columuian office.
DAVID i.uwiiiNiiiiim, Men
(.l.,abovo American llouso.
AVID LOWUNllUltO, MerclianlTailor.Malu
WM. MOItlllH, Morrlinnl Tailor, over Ilosen
slocks confectionery, opposltoOadinauslur
nliuro warerooms.
n 1. I.UTZ, DruRRistaui
I1,, bulow tbo I'ost OUlcc.
1 i;.SAVAai:,dealcrin Clocks, Watches nnd
U' Jewelry, Main hi., Just below tho American
Hot: e.
LOUIS IlKltNHAIU), Wntcli nnd Clock maker
near southeast corner Main and lion sts.
R( ATHCAIIT, Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar
, ltet ktrect, below Main.
n M.KNOHIt, Dealer In Hoots nnd Shoes, latest
I'j. nnd best styles, corner Main aud Market
micetu, In tbo old l'ost Olllce.
ni'.Mitv irr.T.'.iM. Mnnnr.ietnrcr nnd dealer In
11 Hoots and Shoes, Orocciles, etc., Main street, liioomsuuri:.
I x It. 11. C. HOWKlt, Burgeon, Malutl.,
1 abovo tho Court llouso.
nit. WM
xr. lil'.HKlt. Kiirircon niul l'hvslclan.
Office over the l libt Untlounl Lank.
l U. HAUKLEY, Attorney-nt-L. w
U. floor In Kxcbaugolllock, near 1 lib
'Uxchuuge I
11. McKELVY.M. D.,Bui'Keoii and Physician
. liorihsiuo -Muni si., uciow .ui.n.ui.
T V, ltUTTKlt, M. D. Burgeon
aid Physician
iJ . Jlaikct street, abovo jjiain.
1 11. ItOHISON, Atlorney-at-Lnw, OIllco Hart
tj. aiuii'HbulldluB.Maluktisct.
1. 11. 11, F. KINNEY, Burgoon Dentist. Teeth
in 2iracieu wiuiuuLpuiu; jiiuiii ui.., utuu ujj
iMtc Episcopal Cbuicli,
i H. rVANB, M. D., SuiKeon i.nd Physician,
t) . viitli bhloMu'inslieet, below Market.
nit. A. L. Tl'HNF.It.PhysIelniuiuclKurKeou.of
llie ovir Klelm's Drill; Stou iisUUneo one
dour below ltev. D. J. Waller.
C I'l Tl.UMAN, Mllllneiy ai d Fi.ucy Goods,
1 1, opposite Episcopal (Jlnucli, Main tt,
Ml is 1M7AV, HAUKLEY, MUllnrr, ltamsey
iinibliiig .Main street.
ii I M. DliltltlCKSON, Millinery aud Fancy
.'1 (, mils, .msiiusi., lieioi. .Maueei.
n JULIA A. A BADE 11AHKI.F.Y. Indle-s
i. . umlllitM Pattcruj, southcitht comer
nl Weststi.
p- Mli-hl'S IIAI1MAN Millinery nnd 1
li- ods, .Mum St., beluw Amei lean House,
Lii'KIvS HOTEL, by T. llent. Taylor, east end
I' oi Main htieet,
t MAltll, Dry Goods and Notions, south-
ueit corner iiain ana iron bis.
yoX .t WI.1ID, Confectionery nnd Hukeiy,
I u noicsnie unci mail, uxcunugo uiocie.
II ('. HOWEIt, Hatsond Caps, Hoots nndShoes,
il. siaiu bi nuovo uouii iiouse.
I II. MAIZE. Mammoth Clroecrv. lino (Iro-
.J. cerhs. Fruits, Nntu, l'rovlslou, Ac, Main
'u ucniro miccis.
HI 'KEIA'Y. NKAL A CO.. dealers In Dry Goods.
Ill (iioccrlcs, Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish. Iron.Nalls,
., :n. i.. cor, iaiu una aiaiKi-i sis.
II. MII.I.Flt PON. dcalcisi 111 Dry Goods.
drncciles, (iucti.sworo, Flour, Fall, Shoes,
i (ou , eic-Mamsi.
i M. ( HPvISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness-
. , itiuiiur, nuivo s i.iocic iwnin oiieci.
1, W. ltOIlIlINS.IItiiiordealer.ieconddoorironi
i - nonuwesi covne-r -111111 aim 11011 sis.
1, 1 TIIOHNTON.Wsll Paper, Window Shade
no jinnies, iiuieit u:u.n, imuiji si.
f w.COrtELL, Fnrnltuio P.romo, tlnco dory
v. - unci:, wain direct, west 01 Marucisi,
HllOHF.NSTOCK.Photogiapher.over Ki.l.blns 1
' ii Dyer's Btore, Main st.
I H, KUIIN, dcalerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem-
1 uunu'K auoy, 1 enrol American iiuuse,
OAMUEI, JACOHY, Marble nnd Brown fitono
iWnrks, East liloomsburg.llerwlck lorn.
WM, ltABIl. dealer In Inrnltnro, trunks, ccdoi I
wiiiuw wuiu, ueur inu ruriai iioici
V II. HIDLF.MAN, Agent for Munson's Copper
ij- muuiiir i.iguiuing iiuu.
p FOSTElt.aiuo Maker, nnd While nud Fancy
u. 4uuucr,ncuuowu,
MOTE HOOKS, nnd blank NOTES. Willi or with-
IX out exemption, for salo nt tho Columuiah
1 1 F, DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St,
It, UUUUlUb llUUUlllgt
lilt. J, K. UOIiniNS, Burgeon and Physician
if dl-uuuu ni uuiuw niuiii,
rui.HEllT A KLINE, dry goods, grocorleu, nnd
u:iu'rai mercuanuise, jsiuiu Direct.
I U, KISTLEIt, "Cnltawlssn llouso," North
U . f,,.y.n VI. .1.. .....I . ' h.I
a wu.uv, umi n.'i;iiu diivio,
1 Kliir.CIt, lllllard Bnloon, Oystut, nud lee
... .t-uiu 111 kcusuu malum.
U M- HHOBHT.denlorln QonoralMcrclmndlce
ui, my eiuuus, iirncerlcs eve,
t-'TOOUEIIANNA or llrlelc lintel. S. Koston.
J bi.uder Propiletor.south-eastcorucrMalunnd
yMi II. AUHOrr, Attorney nt law, Main St.
Light Streot.
r. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door
JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dculer In
Hoots an, I Ml.nA.
, iuu u ouuooi iiouse.
It' SluuIVaMhcs UtV" aUd Tm Wftr0 ln
.lur,V,r0wBln "r, Ftci, dc, All kind ofOrttln
I'.aXt lU-Hv,t' ,ui!unnm. PIriiIuk" illll
1 'and Hox Man fueluiiiik',
VOLUME VI. - - NO. 24.
Buck Horn.
MA U.W. IT,, dealers 111 dry
goods, grocclerleg nnd gcucral mcrchntidso
Orangevillo Diroctory.
DIl. IinilUlNO & nilOTIIF.It.Carrcntcrsnnd
, llulldcrN, .Main St., below l'llio.
1)ItICIv IIOTKf. nnd refreshment Haloon, by
) ltolir M'Mcury cor.ofilalu and l'luoet.
Dll. O. A. MKOAltonii.l'liyslclan nnd Burgeon
Main st, i next door to Cloud's Hotel,
D A VI lTnintUtNO, Flonrnnd arlstMlll.and
.Uealorln grain, Mill Hlrcct.
JAIV11..M ii,iiAHii.n,uauinpi.iniccr huu uu
dertakcr. Main Ht., below l'lne.
SCHUYLF.Il A CO., Iron founder. Machinists
and Mauufiictuicis of plows, Mill Ht.
drain Cradle. Main Ht.
WII.T.tAM PF.I.ONC1 Hlioemnhcrntut luannfac
turcr of Illicit, Mill bl., west ol l'me
Philadelphia Directory.
N. 11. Corner Bocond and Arch Streets,
Ue.tlcrs lu
ntcr;, nvirm, lit cAnn houA, At'., ac.
4a-0rders will rcclvo prompt atlyillmi.
may 10,C7-tr.
VKY li. WALK 13 It,
me a li , sonnoi'j' & uo..
iMi'omrni and joniiniisoF
fiOrli!inal assnilcd i,ncl:a!:es of (Ineenswaro
coiihtantlv on baud. IebU'72-tf.
BuoincGB Cardn.
OfllCQ Conrl-Houpo Allev. below tbo CoLUM
MIAN Olllce, llloomsburB Fa.
B-Ornci: Court llouso Alley. In tbo Co.
i.njiniAN bulldluir. Unnl.'CT.
OIllco Conrl Honso Alley, below-tho Coi.UM-
urAHOmeo. llfiuntles. IIack-1'ay anil Feusloni
rollccted. DloomsbmB l'a. sep.'-VM
OKFICF, abovo
llowcr's Blore, Main street,
Illoonisbuig, l'a.
Ofllco Main Street below tho Court House.
llloomsbiirg l'cun'a.
Ollke Willi J. O, Fieeze.lliower's Illock.
Cm be eonsnlltd In Ucrmnu or English,
lucliva 7u
Collections niomntlv made. Convcvnnelng
ill nllv r-xwutf il niu. nllnther blislne ss eitllliect
eel with his j ulisslon caielully nlltndeil to In
.Mouioui, soiliiuinuei lauii aim itjiuiuoia rouu
tics. IH3.1S7I-IJ.
MnluBlrcetonodoor nbovo E. Mendeuhall's
A lamo nssor ment iif Stoves, ntaloiu ana
Itaugescouslantly on hand, uud lor snlo at tho
lowest lates,
Tinning In all Its branches carefully attended to,
and satlslactlon Kuarnuloed,
Tin work ol all kinds wbolesaio ana retail, a
lal Is rcrmesled.
Jan 1'71
3i a ii iz 1. 1;
w o n it s.
lll.OO.MSllUltO, l'A,
Monuments. Tombs. Headstones. Ac. M ork
neatly executed. Ciders by mall will receive
pecial uileliuon, is, u. u nm uenvereu iiuhoi
cbnrge. T. L. O UNION, l'roprlcior.
ocliJ 71-11. 1 . u. liox yi.
(lo to
East lUoonishuiz P.I.. lor all kinds nt tbo best
homo nnd city mado
1'' II it JN 1 i u u 1. .
Pilces rcai.onablo and tliobtf' "oik
Jan l'7-tr
DAN V 1 Ij li JS
Mniuifnclurerof Wronshl Iron Ilrldgev, Hollers,
(iasholdeis, Flieproof liulldlngs, Wiought Iron
iioouug, lioouug l'laiues, rie'uuug ituu jjuuis,
I 'mm Oates and fcnclne. also Wrougbtlron pip-
liii:. Stacks nnd nil kinds of Smith Woilr, Ac.
Hepalrs promptly attended to.
N.I5. Drawings and litlmattSBUppuca.
new Yortic. coitir. and liveiipool.
0,000 tons burden 3,000 h. 11. each.
SnllhiL' from New York oiiBATIlltDAYS. lrom
Liverpool oil T1IUHSDAYS, aud Cork Harbor
the day following.
From tho Whlto Star Dock, P.ivonla Ferry,
Jersey City.
Passenger accommodations (for all classes)
unrivalled, combining
HAi'i.i x . nrn.ii.iJ, at. 11 i;u,it uiii.
H.alnnns. sinto-rooms, biuoklnu-room aud bath
rooms In midship section, wheio leust motion Is
felt, Surgeous nud tttownrdouicg accompany
these steamers.
hates aaioou, ugom, wiecrago, eju curren
cy, Tlioio wishing 10 scnu lor iricucis irom tno
Old Country can now obtalu slcerago pierald
eoriiiicuics. nj curreucv.
l'assegers booked to or from all parts of
America, Purls, Hamburgh, Norway, Sweden,
India, Australia, Chiua, etc.
lixcursion ucueiH uraiucu uv luwebi luiu-i,
Dl'ulls lrom 1 upwards,
For lnsnecllon of plans and otherlnformatlon,
apply to No. 19 llroadwuy. Now orlt.
Or In W. i'EACOCIv'. '
Jnul2tf Illoomkburg, Pa.
Would lulnrm his friends and tbo nubile that
iiu uus laiveu possession 01
lu tho KxchauKQ Hloclc, ho loug occupied by lUm
uuu win miry uu inu uuutuita oi u
Ho brings to tho buslncwinncxporlenco ol muuy
years and ussuies tho coinliniiilty that ho will
bullish tho best of bread, cakes, 1 oils. biscuit. Ae.
Ircsh every day. Ho proposes also to keep 011
hand a largo uud well ussorlcd block ot
of all grades. French candles and thoso or do
mestic manufacture, ulwayH to bo had, wholesale
I nnd retail at lowest tatcs. Aeljolnlng tho llakery
nnd Coulcctlouciy Is a woll established
1 . .
wl,cro my 1,0 "mvX A1 nlld I'ftBcr' aud Uo-
lit Uo ileHcucics wlilcli fcult tho ruhllo tft-ntc, Uh
Iovcrlho conlectlonery store, whero ladles nnd
gentlemen can obtalu tho best of Ice. ci cum in
A fair share of llio liublle custom Is leouestcd
and ifo pains w III Li paled to ensuro sutlslac
Uuu, nprll Vil.'TH-tl
Itespectfully oirers Ills proresilonal services to
tho ladles and gentlemen of lllooirtsbura and vl.
dully. Ho Is prepared to attend toalltho vnrl.
ousopcratlon In tho lino of hU profession, and
Is provided with tho latest Improved Foucei.ain
Teeth whlclt will be Inserted on gold plating
silver nnd rubber baso to look ns well as tho nnb
ural teeth. Teeth oxtractcd by nil the now anj
most approved methods, nnd all operations on
tho teeth carohlllynnd prorerly nttended to.
ltesldenco nnd ofllco n low doors nhnvo the
Court llouso, samo side.
llloorasburg, Jan.1'71 ly
Will forco a beautiful net of Wblskcis or Mus
tachej lu riom two to thieo months, on nny per
son over twelve yeais old, ItHonuof tho best
preparations to innko tbo whlskcrB grow that
ovcrwas known. Onobottloof It lssuillclciil to
produce n very stromc beard. 11 does not In any
way stain tr Injiiro tho sum. Try HI It la no
humbii!;. l'rlcu iw cents per boltlu. Bent by
mall post pnld, (o nny nddrcss, on receipt ol
nug.i 71-ly.
h n ii
Wyoming . ...
Adams County, l'euun
.... v 450.CII0
.....T l.KAt.UOO
Fulton N, -i
North America
IiiltrnalloURl N.V
Niagara N.Y
1'srmcis' Dauvlllo.N.Y.
Albanv City tOil.ono
Dauvllle, lforso Thclt Mutual,
Atlantic, N..Y l,(uo.uo
Oirinnnla, N. Y 5(,IW
Fl'.EAB DUOWN, X(rtit,
nini2r7l ly, IIi.oojikiiui.i) 1 n.
insignia especially for tho use or d
r.dlcs who deslio to knit for the matktt. Will
do cvciy stitch of tho knitting lu n slocking,
widening and hnrioulngas readily ns by linnd.
Alo sphudld for worsteds and fancy woik.
STITCH!. Ale cly tasy lo mnnago, mul not
liable to i et out of older. Every Family should
have one.
Wo wanl mi Agent lu eeiy town to Introduce
and sell lb m, to whom we-oller Ihomostllberal
Inducement!?. Seiul lor our Circular and Bamplo
Slocklnp. Address.
uov. lo,'7l-ly. Hatb.Mo.
c. no WEB,
has opuUcd n ursl-class
at the old stand on MalnMlivut, Dloomsbuig.arew
dooisnbovo thoCoutt House. Ills stock U com
posed ol' the very latest and beststyles ever oller
ud to tho citizens of Coliimbi. i County. Hoean
accommodate, tho public with tliofollowlnggoods
at tho lowest rates. Ilea's heavy iloublo soled
stoga boots, men's double nnd single lap soled
kip boots, mcu's heavy stoga shoes ofnll kinds,
men's lino boots and shoes of nil grades, boy'a
double soled boots nnd. shoes ofnll kinds, men's
glove kid Ilalmornl's, women's, boys's
aud misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo Isld
Polish very flne.women's morocco llahvoialsand
calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait
ers. In short boots oi nil descriptions both peg
ged andrcwed.
Ho would also call attention to his fine cnort
ment of
which comprises all tho new and populai arl
ctiesat prlceswhtchcaunotfulltosiiltnll. lliat
goods nio ollcred at tho lowest cash rates an !
will bo guaranteed to give sntlsfacllou, A ca'.i
13 solicited hefuie purchasing elsewhere as it li
bellovcd that better bargains aro to be To-iLii
than at any olhor plnco In tbo county.
Jan l'7t
5iANurACTUin:ii.s or
of tho most Approved I'attcni.s,
.Hill fi'ai'liir;,
ol' nil descriptions.
Gtdicml Jlcicliaiulko, Lumbor, etc., etc.
We would announce to the public in iri iurul
that wu havo taken tho well known Agilcultur-
ai wonts oi in is piaco nua Hnaiimiuco n our aim
to iuanuracliuul' Agricultural lmnle-
inents eriual lo any other makeis lu tho Slate,
sucii as
Tht'CNliiiig IlIacItliicH,
Uoth Lever nnd Tread Power.
IMows of every UcNcriptiou,
among which will bo tho celebrated
acknowledged by all to be tho best
lor tho I. inner. Also tho
low extant
Champion, SIcmim' Vatciit
The Montrose.
Iron E l(It:s,
ami 4'aHllnuH
ul'oveiy descilptloli. Wo shall uso 110110 but tho
best mnteilals and employ uono but competent
ana experrnccu iiieriinnics ami our prieus win
con, pare i.ivoiauiy wuu any oiuur uiuiiui.iciur.
f rs.
country rrni uco. l.umuer. uiu iron, iai:en 111
exchange. Woalsohavnn stoiolu connection
with nnr Agricultural Works, whero mov ho
lound n full noitincnt nt ME11C1IAND1SE
which will bo sold nt small prrillts. (live us a
call beforo puici.aslng elsowheio nud wo guar
auieo sausiaruuu,
Hotolfs. .
Tho undersigned would 1 11 form tho travelling
nubile that ho has taken tbo nbovo named estab
lishment nnd thoroughly rcllttcd tho samo lor
too perfect convenience ol his guests. Ills laidei
will bo slocked Willi tho best tno market allords,
i'lio choicest liquors, wines uud tlgaisalways to
uo lounu ill 11 111 uar.
Kspv, Pa
buig ui)
would unuouncota tho cltlreusof lllooms
nil vicinity, that ho ba lust received a lull
uuu compieie assoiiuieui ui
i JXTLnr.3, tonus, tassi:i.m,
nud i.U other noods In his lino of business. Al
tho newest and most nppioved patterns of tho
day are always to bo iMuud lu his establishment.
uiur.u, ey-ii muiii m. ueiuw Jiiariiet,
Ita Rulora and Inotitutlona.
Nothing Hko It. Strikes everybody nsjust tho
book they need. It Is nu Eiicyclopiedla of tho
uovcriiiiiciu. mugiu pages 111 11, uro 01 iiieni'
selves worm inupuruui iiiuuuuir. enrr eou jmyi
ami d u i x.ivii uui vt.i iur uunvusser:
Indus and gentlemen farmers, teachers aud
sludcuts. Oncovin!' took 75 onlert in u few tlaus,
with ciruclar alone, iefore the look apveared. Slid
11 duy can be cleared lu lair terrltury. Wrlto at
oni'o lor circular una information. NEW
WOULD PUUL1SHINU CO., Cor. 7tl mid Mar
uet Htrceis.i.'uiiuuuiixuia. oci. o,u-iy.
Tho 11 1st vnd only self-feeding Authracllo C(al
nvuvu over iiivuueuu mat will i eriecuy
Consumoull tho gasos,
Warrautcd thu uisiT iujatinu BTOVK
tho country.
Send for Pilco List nnd Circular to
I'liivo Manuliicliiieifl, I'ltl ibuivh, Pit.
Ofnll tho bonny buds that blow
In bright or cloudy weather.
Of nil llio flowers that como nnd go
Tho wholo twclvo mouths together,
This Htllo purplo pnnsy brings
Thoughts of tho sweetest, saddc.t things,
1 had nllttlo lover once,
Who used to glvo mo posies t
Ills eyes were blue ns iiyncltiths,
Ills Hps wcrored ns roses,
And ovcrybody loved to prnlsa
Ills prctly looks nudwlnsomo wnys,
Tho girls Hint wcut to school with mo
Mado lltllo Jealous speeches,
Hecauso ho brought mo royally
Ills biggest plums nnd peaches,
And nlways nt tho door would wnll
To carry homo my books nud slate.
"They couldn't see" Willi pout nnd lllng-
"Tho mighty fascination
About that llttlo snub-nosed till 112
To win such admiration ;
Am if there wcrn'tn dozen girls
With nicer eyes nud longer e'urls!
And this I knew ns well ns they,
And never could seo clearly
Why moro than Marlon or .May
I should ho loved so dearly.
So onca I asked him, why was lids ?
He only nuswered with n kiss.
Until I tcasod him "Tell mo why
1 want to know tho reason ;"
When from llio garden-bed close by,
(Tho pmislcs wcro In season)
llo plucked and gnvo n llnwcrto me,
With sweet and sliuplogravlly,
"Tho gnidcu Is lu bloom," ho said,
"With lilies pnlo and slender.
With roses aud verbenas red,
And fiischla", purplo splendor;
Hut over nnd nbovo tho rest,
This llttlo henrtsenso suits mo best."
"Am I your llttlo hoji tseaso then?"
I asked with blushing pleasure;
llo nuswered yes I aud yes again
Heartsease, nnd dearest treasure;
That tho round world nnd all tho sea
' Hi Id nothing half so sweet as me!
I ll-tcned with a proud delight
Tun inre for wouls to capture,
Nor ever dreamed whnt sudden blight
Would como to chill my r.ipluro,
Could 1 forcsoo tho louder bloom
Of pansles round a little tomb?
Llfo holds sotno stem experience,
As most of us discover,
And I'vo had other losses slneo
I lost my llttlo lover;
But still this purple pausy brings
Thoughtsof tho saddest, sweetest thing!.
:V lttiiilloril by the niiniu ofScrowler
had managed to liavo the stago stop nt
bis liouso for tho passengers lo dine, by
allowing tho driver, Lowis, njip a head
for eacli dinner eaten, nud tho assuraneo
that Lcw'.i grog should not cost him a
cent; hut as tho tavern was ten miles
0111 Parltcr'SjWhcro tho passengers had
formerly dined, and tlioy did not roach
till half past throe, tho landlord dis
ivived that, what with tho jiercontnso
to .Lewis, and tho keen appcties of tho
asskiiguis, who hail tititctl nothing
om bix o'clock, ho was "advancing
backwards" instead of improving ids
ursoby tho operation.
Tlie two worthies held a eousultation,
11 which it was agreed that Lewis should
jo hi'liiiid Ids timo in arriving and tiio
uiidloid Iatn with his dinner, so that as
ion r.n they had fairly commenced op
erations tho horn should bo blown and
10 psi.seugt'iM hurried oil' on tho plea
mt tho stage could wait 110 longer.
This game was played for somo time
1th success; tho hungry passengers
rumbled and scolded Low for nu hour
or fi each duy ; but ho pocketed lUejips
and laughed in his alcove.
It happened about this time, that as
tho grumbling passengers wero about
leaving Parker's tho old dining house,
stout, hearty-looking man, comforta
bly dressed, presented himself at tho
coacli door and too!: a vacant placo on
the uilddlu beat. Ther wero llirco ladies
on tho back neat, tiirco men on tiio front
seal, and now, that an additional pas
senger hud been taken in, three 011 the
middle seat, making it a full slago load.
Tiio new passjuger was iiuilo chatty
.ind sociable, and well acquainted with
men and things, and full of anecdote.
Ho proved (itiito an ngrceablo compan
ion. Rut oven ids versatility nnd good
uaturo failed to interest his fellow-
sufferers long. Hunger was too keen.
At last Scrowlcr'a fifth-rate liouso was
gained, and after a long nnd tantalizing
delay dinner was annouueod. Tho gen
tlemen Willi ladies had b.irely found
timo to help them, and then got clover-
n going themselves to tho luno of tho
fork, when "Too-too-too oto o!" rang
thh drivei's horn at tiw door of the
dining-room, followed by his loud
"Coach right oil', gentlemen! Take
your seats, quid;!"
Up sprang the passengers and scram
bled off, somo swearing nnd somo too
much under tho fear of being loft bohind
to think of anything olsobutgcttlngiti
sldothostnge. Rut tlicro was 0110 among thorn wiio
was so much engaged that ho did not
seem to hear or seo anything of all this
until another blast rang Into tho door
and tiio landlord, Scrowlcr, touched him
011 tho shoulder, with
"Tho atngo la going, sir."
"Dnt I'vo not half tlnished my dinner
vet." rclurnod tho passenger, who prov
cd to bo tho 0110 taken in nt rancors
looking up in stirpriso aud sputtering
forth portions ol food from his well-nil-
ed mouth as ho spoko.
"I'nlsorry for that sIr,"totuniedScrcW'
cr, blandly. "Hut I can't help It. Tho
driver will bO off III n lllOlllCllt. 110 Is
behind, his timo now, and must bo in by
n ceitaln hour, or ho will bo discharg
ed." "Too-too-too too-o-o-o!" scroamedtho
horn, loudor tliuu usual, followed by
"AU-on-board!" from the driver, who
Instantly disappeared.
"He's goltlug on hfs box now, sir,
and will start lu u moment," urged tho
"And I'vo uald for my dlnnorl Too
bad. loo bad I Well, hand mo hacl: my
inonoy ; I novcr pay for what I do not
"I can't do that, sir. Horry for you,
but tho fault Is not miuo. My dinner
has been nil prepared, nud you'rp wol
como to cat It."
As matters wcro thus pressing, llio
passenger did not stop long to parloy.
Drawing from his pocket n clean whlto
, handkerchief, neatly folded as II had ion
tho ironing table, ho hastily spread it
open on llio table, nnd turning into it n
fresh dish of boiled eggs, then two or
thrco plates of brond, with sundry llttlo
nlcknackcrics,hotlcdltup quickly, mut
tering to himself nil tho whlio in an un
dertone. Then seizing a turkoy in ouo
hand, two roasted chickens nnd his
well-tilled handkerchief in tho other,
ho bowed to landlord and said
"Good-day, sir I I'll finish my dinner
on tho road 1"
Scrowlcr was too much surprised and
confounded to interfere.
Thus equipped, tho passenger mado
his nppcnraiico nt tho coach door, nnd
crowding in, took his placo on tho
mlddlo seat; tho ladlos twltlercd, tho
men laughod or looked grave according
to iholr humor, but our hungry pnbscn
ger seemed In no way disconcerted.
"Won't you liavo n dish, and n knife
and fork 1" asked the landlord, who had
recovered Ids senses, and camo forward,
n few moments nflcr tho traveller had
seated himself, with tho articles, pre
senting tiiein as ho spoko with n mock,
polito air, intending to dash our hero.
Rut ho was not to bo thrown off his
"Tliank you kindly !" ho said, bow
ing as ho received tho disli nnd carving
Instruments. "I had forgotten these."
As soon as tho pair of chickens and
thu turkey wore adjusted on tho spa
cious dish, which tiio landlord already
repented having put in tho incorrlgiblo
traveler's way, tho latter sang out at
tho lop of liis.volec: "All right, driver !
Go ahead I"
Crack went tho whip, nnd off rolled
the singe, leaving Uonifaeo vexed ,nngry,
and yet amused nt tho liidicrotisness of
tho whole scene.
Aa for tho passengers, all shrunk in
stinctively from tho bread, meat, etc.,
which had been so liberally provided,
while the ladles turned up their pretty
noses, nnd ejaculated in n sofl, low
voico :
"Disgusting 1"
"Hold on hero stranger, will you!"
said ho of tho chickens nnd turkey,
"this confounded, stago jolts at such a
ralo that 1 can't carvo my turkoy."
Indicating with his fingers as he spoke,
on ono sido of tho spacious disli upon
which reposed his proveixler.
Tho individual thus addressed could
do no less than obey the request ; nnd
then llio samo was mado to his other
neighbor who lent tho required aid.
"And now, stranger, do you hold this
bread bag I" extending his clean, well
filled handkerchief to n passenger beforo
him. Ho was, in answer to this request,
politely relieved of his bread, eggs, etc.
Tho dish was now supported ou his
knees and firmly held there by his noxt
door neighbor, who began to enjoy tho
joke, as didmostof Ills other fellow-passengers.
In dissecting tho turkey and
pair of chickens, undcrnll tho disadvan
tageous circumstances, lie showed him
selfn skillful carver. Tho different parts
were nicely separated, nnd laid about
the dish neatly and quilo temptingly.
By this timo the odor of tbo fowls had
awakened into keenness tho unsatisfied
appetites of tho wholo company, who
were only wailing for an invitation to
help themselves. In carving, the ac
complished stranger bad surrounded
tho edgoof tiio disli Willi tho pieces of
turkey and chickeh leaving quito n
spneo in tho centre. Into this ho emp
tied the contents of his pocket-handkerchief,
consisting of a dozen or so of boil
ed eggs, with bread.
"Now, ladles," ho said, lifting tho
dish and partly turning round so that it
rested ou tho taut leathern strap that
formed the moveable back of tho scat,
and thii3 was fully presented lo them
"Help yournolvcs, I know you aro bun-
Tho ladles looked at tho tempting
exhibition, colored, and hesitated
"Don't bo afraid," ho urged. "Neces
sity know.s no law."
Tho temptation wns too gro'it for ono
hungrier than tho rest, who, hesitating
no longer, took tho wing of a chicken in
ono hand and a pleco of bread in tho
other, and forthwith commonccd opera
tlons, not howovor beforo shohad smil
ed, bowed, nnd said a courteous "Thank
you, sir."
Tho other two ladies followed suit
quito naturally, then tho men wont to
work in right good earnest, uor paused
until turkoy, chickens, bread, eggs, and
all had vanished. Of course, tho sauco
for nil tliis was good liuiner, Jokes and
funny sayings Is no small quantity.
After tho catublcs had fully disappear
cd tho empty dish was cast overboard,
and all hands composed themselves, In
tho best temper possible, with them
selves, each other, and all tho world,
Uonifaeo not excepted.
Two hours and a half nflerwnrds tho
slago brought up at Grimes' for tea. For
somo timo pastlho Into dinner arraugo-
incuts had not affected tho uppetlle3 0f
tho passengers us It had done ut ilrst,
much to tho surprlso of tho landlord and
"agent," and notnlittlo to liia rogret.
On this occasion, howovor, his guests
seemed moro luclinod to laugh than to
eat, and finally loft tho tnlilo, after hav
ing Ukeu only ono cup each, with
"fixins" ln proportion. Tho secret of
this leaked out boforo tho stago moved,
of the great morrlinont of Grimes and tho
cotoilo in his bar-room, to whom ouo of
tho passengers related tho joko. Among
theso was tho editor of n country papor.
On tho noxt morning tho wholo story
niucared in print, with natnos, placos,
nudall detailed with much humor. This
account, Parker, who most pooplo
thought know about a3 much of tho
wholo matter as anybody, nan put into
tho form of a hand bill, two or thrco of
which woro circulated among tho pas
sengersln ovcry stago. Of courao Screw,
lor becamo nwaro of this fact, nnd did
not tho passongors
out of their dinner whon tlioy consent
ed to eat at all. Hut It happened two or
thrco times n week that a wholo stago
load (would refuso to dino with him,
and thus ho came oil' tho loser. Finally
ho abandoned tho profitless business of
dining tho stages, and foil back into his
old ways.
Whoever goos that road now gots a
comfortable- dlunor, In good Par
kcr'n, nnd should tlioold man feel In tho
humor, Will havo ndded,by wny of extra
ftuo.a grnphicskotch of llio sayings nnd
doings at Scrowlcr's, with which our
readers havojust boon mado acquaint
ed. IMgnr A. roc nnd the Juleps
John R. Thompson succeeded Edgar
A, Poo ns editor of tho Southern Liter'
ary Messenger. Fresh from tho Uni
versity, well-to-do in tho goods of this
world, and Justly proud of tho position
for tho Messenger thou was tho oldest,
and certainly ono of the best magazines
in tho Union Thompson lived en
prince in a sulto of apartments In Main
street. Ono of them, furnished hand
somely ns a rccoptlon-room, contained
a bcaufct well stocked with tho choicest
liquors. Into this room camo ono morn
ing about elovcii o'clock n hnndsomo,
very intellectual-looking man, who,
bowing formally, nsked if ho had tho
pleasure of addressing Mr. John R.
"Yes," said Mr. Thompson, who had
already rlson.
"My name," said tho stranger, "Is
It may bo taken for granted that tho
youthful editor, who was never lacking
In courtesy, gavo his predecessor just
such n reception as tho occasion and tho
man required. If Thompson felt hon
ored by tho visit, Poo was moro than
gnitiflcd by tho cordiality and unfeign
ed respect manifested by tho young
poet. Tho author of "ThoRaven" was
now seated in an easy-chair. Conver
sation flowed freely and pleasantly, Poo
of courso taking tho lead, aud nn hour
or two slipped away seemingly iti as
many moments.
Poo rose lo take leave. Thompson
ontreated him lo roraain. No, ho had
an engagement. As ho turned towards
tho door, Poo's oyo fell upon tiio beau-
fetwith its glittering nrray of silver nnd
cut-glass, and a change camo over his
grave, handsome face. Tn nn ariimntcd
lono ho said, "All! you havo a nico
llttlo arrangement there, Mr. Thomp
son. Perhaps you can give mo some
thing to drink."
"Indeed I can," bald Mr. Thompson.
"What will you have'.'"
"That depends upon what you got."
Thompson enumerated several kinds
of wine, whisky, aud Frencli brandy,
commending tho last as very superior'.
Poe chose brandy. Selecting a tum
bler of tho ordinary size, lie lifted the
decanter with steady hand and began
to pour ono finger, two fingers, thrco
fingers, four fingers, flvo 1
Tnompson became alarmed. "Ex
cuse my seeming incivility," said ho
"such It really is not, I assuro you
but, Mr. Poo, aro you aro you not
(akiny a llttlo Just n Jittlo too much
for your own good'."'
"No, sir, not at all," was tho reply.
"I know myself thoroughly well, Mr.
Thompson and can gaugo myself to a
hair. I have had somo cxperionco in
these matters, and I havo discovered
about brandy, good French brandy,
this reinarkablo peculiarity tlial it is
least injurious when you fill tho glass
as nearly full as possible, and leave
room ror as littio waicr as poisiuio."
And tho pouring went steadily on till
tho tumbler was full to tho very brim.
"Now a drop just a drop of water, if
you please."
Tho drop of water it was barely moro
than that was added, and thon, to
Thompson's amazement and horror,
Poo drained his glass to tho bottom.
Ho lingered awhile, and Thompson,
fearing that the brandy might toll upon
bis distinguished guest after ho got Into
the street, suggested, as adroitly and
respectfully as ho could, that a few mo
ments of reposo on tho sofa might bo of
service to him.
"Oil no !'' said Poo: "you need havo
no fear for mo. Tho brandy Is nothing.
J've already had thirteen Juleps; and
now I think I'll step across the way and
get my breakfast !"
Extending his hand hi farowell, ho
bowed stlfliy and was gone. Lippin
coil's Magazine.
Years ago into a wlulcsalo grocery
storo in Boston walked a tall muscular
ooklng, raw-boned nun, evidently a
fresh comer from somo back town In
Maine or New Hampshire. Accosting
first person ho met, who happened to tho
bo tho merchant himself, ho asked :
You don't want to hlro a man in your
storo do you?"
'Well," said tho merchant, "I don't
know; what can you do'."'
"Do," said thoman, "I rather guess I
can turn my hand to almost anything.
What do you want dono'."'
Woll if I was to biro a man It
would bo ono that could lift well, a
strong, wiry fellow; ono for inslanco
that could shoulder a sack of coffeo liko
that yonder, and carry it across tho
storo and nover lay it down."
"Tlioro now, captin'," said our coun
tryman, "that's Just mo. I can lift
anything I hitch to: you can't sot mo
What will you glvo a man that can suit
you 7"
"I toll you," said tho merchant. "If
you will shoulder that sack of coll'eo and
carry it across tho storo twice and novcr
lay It down, I will hlro you for a year
at f 100 per month."
"Dono," said tho stranger, nud by
this timo ovcry cleric In tho storo gath
cred around aud wcro waiting to Join In
tho laugh against tho man, .who walk.
lug up to tho sack, throw it across his
shouldor with perfect easo as it was not
extremely heavy nnd walking with it
twice across tho storo. went quietly to
a largo hook which was fastened to tiio
wall, and hanging tho sack upon It
turned to tho merchant and said :
"There, now, It may haug thcro till
dooni'sday ; I shan't novor lay it down
What shall I go about mlstor'.' Just
glvo mo plenty lo do nnd $100 a month
nnd Its ull right."
Tho clerks hroko into a laugh, but it
was out of tho othor sides of thoir
mouths anil tho mprchant, discomfited
yot sastlllQd, kept to his agreomout, and
to day tho green countryman is tho
sonlor partner In tho firm nnd worth
half-million dollars,
How Wntcli Springs Aro Mmlo.
Tho method of making mainsprings
for watches as practiced In Now York
and other largo cities, is first to cut up
sleol of necessary thickness Into strips
of tho necessary breadth. Thoso strip3
aro then fastened by tho ends in n long
horizontal framo nnd tho edges and
8ldc3 of tho steel aro smoothed by pol
ishors fastened between two sticks and
worked by hand longthwlso on tho
steel, from tho ono end of tho framo to
tho other. After being prepared in this
maimer tho steel is wound closoly
round a wooden ccntro, in tho samo
manner as n ribbon is wound on a small
block, and in tho process of winding
ono end of each strip of stool is fastened
to tho end of another, and a number of
lengths being colled ono on top of tho
other. Tho roll of steel is thon put into
a furnace, tho necessary heat applied,
ami tho hot steel suddenly plunged Into
oil. In this condition, although tho
steel Is hard, tlioro is a certain amount
of flexibility to It, Just tho snmo as a
very thin nnd narrow strip of glass In
elastic, which provonts tho steel from
breaking when tho surfaco Is being pro
pared for blueing, and which is done Is
something tho samo manner as smooth
ing tho steel in tho first instance, only
finer polishing materials aro used. Tho
blueing Is dono by drawing tho steel in
straight lengths over an alcohol lamp or
a hot pleco of metal, which renders it
perfectly clastic, and afterwards it Is
cut to tho proper lengths nnd tho eyes
for tho hooks put in, nnd thon colled
Into a spiral form ou a tool, the
samo in prlnciplo as tho tool used by
watchmakers in putting mainsprings
in their barrel or boxes. Ilorolog leal
Something About Radies. There
aro fourteen thousand babies In tho
great Hospltol Doin, in Mocow. Somo
ot them aro foundlings, somo tho off
springs of naval and military officers,
and many belong to merchants and
tradespeople of the city. They uro fed,
washed, and dressed with tho utmost
regularity. Each nurso in a ward has
a specific duty lo perform. Take the
ward having tho week-old babios: Ono
nurso will do nothing from morning
till night but undress babies, another
will drcs3 them up and tos3 them away,
whilo another will follow and nurse
thorn. So tlioy go up and down tho
sides of the ward, cacii baby being wash
ed, nursed, and dressed a certain num
ber of times each day. Tho littio things
learn to liko litis treatment. Some
times nurso gives thorn a toss of several
feet into the beds'or from ono woman
lo another, and tho littio things will
laugh and screw up tho funniest smiles.
After being nursed tlioy nro rolled up
tJfflil liko nn Indian baby and laid
Many good, respectable mothers,
whoso husbands aroin thoarmy or navy,
or even well-to-do tradesmen, send
their offsprings hero to be cared for.
The treatment Is so superior that by far
fewer babies dio than would dio if loft
to tho best care of n fond mother.
Tho castaways aro trained up by tho
government tho males becoming ofll-
cera in the army aud navy O Fifth
avonuo belles 1), and tho females becom
ing actresses ami assistants in choruses
n tho great theatres all drifting Into
social circles abovo tho ox-serfs. Ono of
tho most agrcoablo officers In Moscow
is a captain of infantry, who was oncoa
motherless foundling.
A Kentuokian nnd a Yaukeo wero
iding through tho woods, tho former
on a lino black horse, and tho Yankeo
on nn inferior animal. Tho latter
wanted to make a 'swap,' but ho did
not seo how ho was to do it. Al last. ho
thought of a plan.
His horso had been taught to sit down
liko a dog whenever ho was touched
with tho spurs. Seeing a wild turkoy
tho Yankeo mado his horso perform
this trick, and asserted that ho was
pointing gamo as was his custom. The
Kentucklan rodo in tho direction hull-
:ated by tho horso's no30, and up rose a
turkey. That settled tho matter; tho
trado was mado, and tho saddlo3 and
horsos wero exchanged. After a timo
tlioy camo to a deep and rapid stream,
over which tho black horso carried his
rider with easo. But tho Kentucklan
on tho Yankco's old beast, found
great difficulty in getting over, and
when ho had reached tho middlo
of tho stroam ho was afraid tho horse
would allow hlmsolf to bo carried away,
and so endeavored to spur him up to
moro vigorous action. Down sat tho
old horso ou his haunches.
Look hero !' shouted tiio enraged and
partially submerged Kentucklan to
tho Yankee ou tho other sido of tho
stream, 'What does all this performance
mean '?'
I want you to kuow strauger,' cried
tho Yankeo, preparing to rido away,
That that 'ero boss will pint fish J 1st
as well as it will fowl. Hearth and
Hints to Yoiine Men Mho go a Siiarkliig.
Theso words of wisdom aro from a
paper in tho last uumborof tho Loudon
Society :
"After all, in looking out for a wife,
a mau must consider liowsho will show
at tho fireside, rather than at parties.
You can learn so much of literary and
icsthotle tastes, from tho fnvorito books
aro always on hand, tho mu3lc that Is that
regularly sung, tho kind of associations,
and tho general order of tastes. It Is
by far tho best way of getting up a flir
tation, which ia not unplcasautly dono
under tho parental oyes whon such eyes
aro kindly uud benignant. Lovo-mak-lug
is au uncommon pleasant employ
ment for tho winter nights. You may
talk of tho perils of young men when
they como up to town; but thcro is no
bottorBitfoguard than giving suchyoung
follows tho associations of homo and
sweet woman, Parents make an im
mense i n is tako is taking toosovcrcly
monetary a vlow of a young fellow's
prospects. I nover know a young fel
low undor ovor so dun a eloud, who
with purpoio uud ability, could not
work out his way into tho sunlight.
Better ovou tho long engagement, or
tho early marrlngo, than many oilier
1 suppositions that might ho put."
One lui'W (twalva jlnn'or, Hi uiulvnuiiit lu
bpA' :.. lit. a, us. ea. u
ouoiuui ) ti.w iini ttflo
Twulncnro . ,W 0() 7.0U 0.01 I5,(l
Thrco Inches 6,l 7,i 1V 10H
Four Inches -...?,') O.oil 11,(0 17w 25,oo
atlartor ooluuin.-... lo.oo. u.ih li.ou su,) :,na
llnU colnran .. 15.i lM S.t) i.oo .tn.oi
Olio column.. (..30.00 80,09 4o,W 00,00 I0H.W
Eiteentor's or Ailmlnlnlrntot'd Notice, e3,C0
Auditor' or Afwlsnoo's Notice, ,60.
Local notices, twenty cents a line.
rni,1a In (lift TltiilnAi nirectrtrtf" Column.
tZ.txi per your for llio first lwo Hoes, anil It00 for
each additional line
A graveyard inscription in Konno
bunk, Mo., reads thus : "Poor Jo, his
head is lovel now if It wns nover bo
foro." A Detroit man lias got through kocp
lng tamo foxes slnco ho lost soven prlzo
fowls which cost him eight dollars
Women havo their rights In Now Al
bany, Ind. Thoro a woman can whip
her husband for $7.50, whilo a man who
thrashes his wife is assessed $23. CO.
An Illinois editor has bocomo bo hol
low from depending upon tho printing
business alono for bread, that ho pro
poses to sell himself for stovo-plpo at
tiirco cents a foot.
A nowly madojudgo al Seguln. Tex
as, lately imprisoned tho ontiro liar of
tho town,' oxcept tho District Attor
ney, for contempt, although his court
was not in session.
A Galvostonian whoso hennery had
been robbed of flvo Brnhmas, requests
tho thief to call and "tako away the
rooster, as ho is very lonely, aud no
questions will bo asked."
A keeper who wa3 taking' two con
victs to tho Slato Prison, recently,
when tho train stopped at Sing Sing,
called out : "Stop out, gentlemen ; llf
teen years for refreshments."
A Kansas papor, in reporting a trial,
concludes with "tho Jury returned a
verdict of not guilty, but if tho prisoner
is sharp, ho will lcavo town without
loss of time."
An Ohio paper says that Colorado
bugs aro sitting around on tho fences of
fering sovcnty-elght cents n bushel for
potatoes, and a dollar a day for hands
to plant them.
Tho season for being killed by baso
ball opens a llttlo later this year, but u
satisfactory report lias been recelvod
from Racine. Ago 12. Hot liner. In
tho stomach.
Tho Danbury A'ctcs says : "How any
unprejudiced man can look upon tho
present sized penny cake of maple sugar
aud claim that tho world is growing
better, passes our comprehension."
Peru, Iud,, lias a remarkablo choral
society. A local sheet say3 : "Tho so
prano reached high C without effort,
and tho basso profundo mado a run of
tho gallery stairs, striking B flat in a
sitting position."
This is said lo bo an Ohio epitaph :
Under this sod
And under tucso trees,
Llotli tbo uod-
Y of Solomon Tease,
lie's not ln this hole,
Hut only his pod;
He shelled out bis soul
And went up to God.
A man out West undertook to play
with a Hon at tho menagerie tho other
day. Ho says ho finds it mighty hard
to wrlto with his left hand, but that ho
misses bis oyo moro thananythlng clso.
His noso was always a troublo to him.
They do everything quickly and for
cibly in tho western states, but they aro
not economical. A young man in
Galena, Illinois, lately used a wholo
keg of powder to get from tho second
story to tho streot.
A cowardly editor, who. liko a Croat
many of his class among us dare not
speaK out plainly what ho means, hits
tho Mormon women a covert blow by
saying that hair restoratives aro very
popular among mo mormon ciucrs.
An ingenious sehoolma'ara in Iowa
punished a boy for kissing the big girls
by making him show how it was
dono beforo tho wholo school. It didn't
work well, however, for tho idea bo-
camo altogether to popular at once.
An exchange savs. "Oskosh. Wis..
claims a baby born without brains."
Whereupon tho Loulsvillo Courier Jour
nal observes : "Lucky infant cuss I His
parents may assert his futuro fitness for
tho Presidency, and point to a living
An Elmira man, very drunk, fooled
a rattle-snake, which ho found In his
garden, by letting it bito him fifty times,
A snako is fooling away his timo in
bitting an Elmira man. They aro not
afraid of snakes up tlioro until.they get
into their boots.
A young lady, socking a situation,
was interested In an advertisement for
some ono to do light housekeeping. So
sbo wrote to tho advertiser asking whero
tho llght-houso was, and If thero was
any way of getting to shore on Sun-
A llttlo boy accosted his bald-nated
papa thus
"Papa, aro you growing stilrV"
"No. dear what makes you think
"Becauso tho ton of vour bead Is earn-
ing through your hair."
ThbStatoSuDCrlutcndcnt from Maine
sent out this question : "Can you sug
gest any amendments to tho school law
ofthoStato?" Tho School Commltteo
of MariavIIlo nuswered : "Wo recom
mend tho establishment of a reform
school for meddlesome parents."
Tho Now Britain (Conn.) Rocmd
says : "A prominent Democrat wi ro
nis whlto tint to cnurcn lastaunday, tiio
first timo for tho season, but ho took
caro to put n card in tho band. "Subjc.-t
to tno approval oi tiio Democratic is t
tional Convention."
Tho Ithaca Journal says tho nm if
reader InTltusvlllo who left tho "i" out
of LoulsoKcllogg'suamcIiasbeen heaul
from, llo has snippeti on a wnaier lor it
thrco and a hall years crulso, and hopes
Mias K. will allow her dander too eonl
before lie returns.
Somo workmen in u Qulncy, III.,
foundry tried to molt up an unexplodcd
bomb shell. As often U3 pcopla m th
suburbs find stray pieces of fresh meat,
tlioy carry them to tho pollco ofllto,
whero an experienced undertaker ex
crcises his ingenuity ln fitting them
A gentleman whoso custom It was lo
entertain vory often aclrclo of friends,
obsorved that ono of them was eating
something boforo graco was asked, and
dotcrmineu to euro mm. upon tno
repetition of the offence ho said : "For
what wo aro about to rccoivo, and for
what James Taylor has already receiv
ed, tho Lord makous truly thankful."
It has boon suggested that ns a means
of eradicating polygamy In Utah,
vast quantities of fashlonaulo millinery
Sooda should bo sent thcro, and the
lontllo women Induced to array them
solves in gorgeous stylo. This will pro-
duco such a compotiiiou on tno part oi
tho Mormon sisteriiooti.antisucii neavy
bills for finery that their husbands will
bo clad to roduco tho number of wives.
so as lo roduco tho prcssuro on their
Thoro Is a station on tho Pittsburg.
Fort Wayno and Chicago Railroad call
ed Hanma, in honor of i deceased cltl
zoii of Fort yayno. A train stoppod
thero thq other day, and tho brakeman,
after tho manner of ids class, thrust his
head iusldp.tho door, and called out
"Hannn," loud and long. A young
lady, probably endowed with tiio pootlo
appellation or Hannah, supjiosluf' ho
was nddrcsslng her, nnd 'Bhock6d'ftt')il3
familiarity ou bo short an acquaintance,
frowned liko a thunder-cloud and re
torted, "Shut yourinouth." Ho shut It,