THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMKBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. Friday, Juno T, 1872. PRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT EDITOR. Railroad Timo Tablo, LACKAWANNA A HLOOMSIltmeUt. 11. North. BoulU. Mull troinimoilntlon i-:irrc6 10:61A.M. 6:18 l'.M. 4:1. A.M. 10:50 l'.M. 0:28 l'.M. 0:37 A.M. CATAW1EHA It. It. FKOM nWEUT BTATION, nn na Norm. uqipg ' m r. m, 11:11 A. M. LOCAL Otm townsman David Lowonberp; VA3 choson Presidential Elector from this Coii'iressloiml District, nt tlio Dcinoerntlc Stnto Convention In llontl-Inpf- The ntloiirncit court convened to try tho llloomsburn contested olectlon cuso, ouSalurdnylnst, was adjourned to Juno nth. The Lock Haven ltopubllcan says : "If wo do not liavo a flood, all tho mills will bo obliged to shutdown by tho flrot of July." TuuitfjHAY of last weok was Decora tion day and was protty generally cele brated throughout tho country, though not sounivcrsallyasherotoforo. Blooms burg took no noto of tho anniversary. WhyuKM this thus? AN unknown man committed sulcldo In Wilkes Barro Inst week by deliber ately walking Into tho river and drown ing himself. This is a now plan, most suicides preferring deep water and a plungo headlong. Stbawhemues and green peas have uiatla their uppearanco In our markets. The prices are a trillo steep just at pres ent hut wllftomi down In timo. Tho berries, aro in capital order firm and sound. Unlcs thosigus aro dcceptlvo thtro will bo a largo crop this year. Tho Hupremo Court, now In session at Harrlshurg, havo oxpresseda determi nation to hear tho Local Option case lu Philadelphia on thoilrst of July.If coun sel of both sides aro ready. Ti:mi'EUAtuke or May 1872 at Bloomsburg, Pa., result of thrco daily observations Maximum 03 on tho 10th; Minimum 12 on tho Cth and Mth, In the morning ; avcrago or tho mouth C31. II. Z. The Scrauton daily Republican con cedtu tho nomination of Buckalcw and Thompson to bo thoBtrongost ticket tho Democrats could liavo made, and inti mates that tho prospect for thu success of tho Republican Stato ticket is not en couraging. The Independent Order of Good Templars will havo a meeting in their hall with open doors, Tut iilay ovoning Juno lltli to discuss the relution of tho church to tho temperance cause. All aro Invited to attend and tuko purt in tho discussion. We learn that Mr. J. W. Alder who recently rc Igned his position as Asst. Supt. of tho Catawlssa It. B. has been appointed Paymaster of thu same road, taking tho placo of Mr. ltitor who has been mado Treasurer. Messrs. Milleu and Davh of this town recently caught in u net in tho river a nondescript, a species of lizard apparently, measuring somo eighteen inches in length. Tho creaturo lias a very Hat head, a largo mouth and uncommonly sharp teeth. l'uor. James C. Bhown late of thu Normal School will deliver tho Oration at tho Reunion of tho Gamma Kpsllon Society of Williumsport Dickinson Seminary Wednesday afternoon or Juno 10th. Tho samo body has secured Ru v. J. 1'. Nowman D. D. Chaplain of tho U. S. Senate to dollver a Literary address in tho evening in tho Academy of Mu tic. Jack Thompson again cauio to grief on Monday ovoning from oxcosalvu application to "tho cup which choers but aho inebriates" aud was provided with lodgings by Constablo Woodward in tho Lock-up. Thompson's visits to lllooinsburg always seem to result dis astrously and ho would gratify tho citizens of thu town aud iusuro his own comfort by staying away; "A com summation devoutly to bo wished." Oim exchanges nro filled with reports of persons who wero robbed by pick pockets whilst attending Bamum's 6how. Theso light-fingered gentry wero in Danvlllo while tho show was there, hut wo havo hoard of no ono from this county who was unfortunate enough to lose money or valuables. An attempt win mado, wo nro Informed, to steal tho watch of E. H. Baidy Jr. of Danvlllo, but ho discovered tho roguo In time to prevent tho abstraction of tho time piece, although llio chain had been cut in two. Now tliot our Stato ticket Is mado up unu ino campaign fairly opened wo urgo upon tho Democrats of tho County the expediency of forming Clubs In tho various townships, presorvlng thoreby a compact organization and ensuring attendanco ut tho polls noxt fall. Our farmers can certainly Bparo an ovening now and then for interchange or nolitl cal views and opinions and tho result of such talks will undoubtedly bo tho keeping allvo of Interest and tho pro duction of a full voto In October. Wo trust most earnestly that our readers way glvo heed to our advico. A younq man named Frank Beavqr eamo to Ills death last week near Nu media, this County. lu a most suddeu aud singular manner, by a fall from his horso. Ho had ridden tho horso to a field for tho purpose of getting somo chains, which, having obtained, ho hung over his shoulders. On his way homo ho stopped to speak to somo ac quaintances and, when ready to start "(,'iiln, spoko bhnrply to his horso who M'raug lorwnrd suddenly unseating his rider. Bonvpr linunvcr rimolirul itiiino, looked after tho horso and went 'mo the houso, and died lu a fow mo inentB. Tho doctor Who wn Mated tho cauio of his death to bo a ruptured blood vessel. Beaver was tho grandson of Ludwig Thloio and was well known In tho community whero resiueti. Tho Republican contains nn nrtlcle, this week, on Mr. Buckalow, which Is a tissue of falsehoods from beginning to end. No such words as nro Imputed lo Mr. Buckalow wcro over spoken by him, as tho cdllor of tho Republican very well knows, or might havo known If ho had taken tho troublo to read tho speech as roportcd. In washing window or other glass novcr uso soap unless it can bo thorough ly rinsed off; wash off tho dirt witii warm water; after tho glass Is dry rub a llttlo paste- of whiting and water in tho centra of each pano. With another cloth rlnso over tho glass, then rub It With a dry cloth till It shines lllto crystal. CHeap Blankets. Itowspapcrs over or undor tho bed-spread will keep tho sleeper as warm as an additional pair of blankoh, nnd they aro an excel lent protection whero tlicro aro no blankets. Tho largor theshcot of courso tho better, aud It might bo best to stitch them to tho covorlot. Tlieso uses of an articlo so abundant should bo generally known to tho poor, who aro apt to suffer In cold weather. On Monday evening last Mr. David Lowenberg Hung to tho breezo a hand somo flag from the stair surmounting his now building. Tho flag was tho gift of a fow of Mr. Lowenborg's mauy friends and was presented as a mark of appreciation of tho manly and genorous qualities which havo long distinguish ed him both as a public man nnd n prlvato cltiEon. Tho nation's ensign could not float over a moro cetimablo and useful m'embor of society. The Friendship Flro Co. of this town bold a Festival last weok and notted thereat tho sum of $113.00. A silver headed cano was voted for and William Shipuian was tho fortunato winner ho receiving 107 votes and William 'Webb receiving 137. Tlicro was a largo atteu dauco at the Festival during tho thrco evenings of Its contlnuanco and much satisfaction was expressed at tho good management whleb characterized tho occasion. Pass Him Round. Tho Mayvlllo Scntinol says a soundrel, calling him self Ira Brown, from Auburn, N. Y., Is traveling oround tho country with a patent cut bar for a mower and reaper. Ho appoints agonts in tho townships, and takes contracts with thorn, which ho cuts in two, making a noto of them. Tho farmers of thlsscctlon want to keep their oyos opened against such swin dlers. They aro llablo to receive a visit from somo of them any day. Mu. BacKALEW at HoME.-zSeraitate lo ouv next Oovernor. Tho unpropi tious weather of Saturday last provent ed tho citizens of Bloomsburg from ten dering to Mr. Buckalow their congratu lations, thus expressing their approval of tho action of tho Beading Conven tion in nominating so ablo and honest n citizen for the highestofllco in tho State Government. Monday evenlug, how- over, proved fair and at about 8 o'clock a largo number of our townsmen of both parties, tho Friendship Firo Com pany and Monrce's Band, assembled near the Court Houso and marched to tho residence of Mr. Buckalow. After soveral well executed nieces by tho Baud, there wero repented calls for Mr. Buckalcw, in response to which ho came forward and made a bhort but earnest sp.ech. Ho reviewed briefly tho pro ceedings at tho Convention which ter minated in ills nomination; spoko of tho harmony which prevailed ; tho ab sence of potty intriguing and wiro pul ling nnd thu henrly endorsement of tho ticket as formed. He expressed his grotitudo to tho people of tho county for tho steady and unwavering support which they had extended to him for so many years. Tho bpeeeh was such u, oue us a man would mako to tho frleuds and neighbors who had known him for years and amongst whom ho had spent Ills life. It wrs simple, unaffected, manly and sincere, nnd his hearers iv eeived it as such. Col. Freeze followed Mr. Buckulow and gavoamoio extended account of tho Convention. Capt. Brockwoy spoko a fow moments as to tho Republican support which would bo extended toour nomineo this fall and predicted a glori ous victory. Now let tho people of Columbia coun ty seo to it that tho majority this fall is greater than ever beforo. Mr. Bucka lew can bo voted for by members of both parties who prefer honesty and ability to rottenness and corruption. Mark tho contrast : Buckalcw Hart ran ft. Runaways. A horso belonging to Norman Purel, run away on Monday afternoon on Market Street near tho railroad and In Ids course ran over a trto in front or Mr. Jno. A. Funston's residence, aud also ono in front of Mr. Win. Peacock's on Fifth Street. Tho frightened animal continued his way through Fifth to East S.reet and then, like u tax payer, took tho pavement and ran to tho Forks Hotel whero ho was stopped not greatly Injured. Tho truck wagon to which ho was attached was badly dislocated. Two young mon wero lu tho wagon and wero thrown out but escaped with a few bruises. On Tuesday lust tho three liurso team of Wlllian Beck or Brier Creek town ship was waiting at Llmo Ridgo for a load of llmo wlion tlioy becamo fright ened and dashed oil furiously. A bov who was standing by tho heads of tho horses, endcavorod to hold them, but was dragged somo dlstanco and finally thrown to tho ground tho wagon passing over him. Ho followed tho horses until ho fell from exhaustion and was carried homo. Ills Injuries nro serious, Ono of tho horses in making a short turn In tho road was thrown violently against a post and killed. A son of Hiram Hess was driving u tnreo horso team near Light Street on TU03day last wiieu tho horses took fright and after breaking tho polo of ino wagon, ran away dragging Mr. Hess several rous, cutting and bruising him soveroly. The horses ran luto Llclit Street and wero stopped at Kelchtior's Mill, not much hurt. Wo havo to chronicle yet another runaway. As a gentleman, whoso namo wo havo not learned accompanied by two ladles was driving near tho Nor- rows between Rupert aud Catawlssa, his horso took fright at a passing train aud ran off, throwing tho occupants of tho buggy to tho ground and bruising them quite seriously. Tho horso ran to tho bridge, then turned and crossed tho track In tho rnr or tho train and fell exhausted. CANDIDATES. All who nro announced In this list nro pie 1g. ul to nbldo by tho decision of tho Dcmoerntlc Convention, TOR l'HOTHONOTAKY JESSE COLEMAN, 11L00M811UU0. B. FRANK ZARR, llLOOMSBUItU, FOll ItEellBTEK AN11 IlF.COlUlEtt. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, llLOOMSnUItU. DEATHS. FAULDS. In nnnvlllo. on Saturday tho VAh Imt., Mary wlfool W. it. Faulds.nnd daughter of llichard Thompson, esq., of llcrwlck, lu her 8 J year. HICKS. In Bcash llnven. on Faturilny Inst Denjnnlu son of J. F. nnd Matilo Micks, used nbout 10 wock . OHL.- On tho Hill nil.. In Cnl.awlssn, Ellzi Ma tllil 1, Infant daughter of John 1'. and Elmlrn (Jlil. need 3 ruoulus aud l days. Sl'lICIAIi NOTICES. Wanted. A girl to do houso work In n small family. Apply at this olllco. tf. Another largo lot of shoes Just recciv cilnt E. M. Knorr's. E. M. Ktiorr soils tho best Calf Boot In town for S0.7G. Every body says that E. M. Knorr husthob :t and tho cheapest In town. Tho Irit Ladlei' Gaiters can bo had at E. M. Knorr's. Teas 1 Teas. Great Reduction in nricont Maize's Mammoth Grocery,Cor. Main and Center Street. If you want a good doublo combined corn plow', go to ,S. Huber A Bon. Da.i vlllo, Pit. Farmers pronoum ! it tiio best in tho market, for ligntness of draught and for good u..k. 22-lw You can buv of I. W Hartman S yds of Brown or Bleached Muslin for $1.00 Qoeenswake. tho larireit st(ck in this sestlonof tho State, of all d crip ItonsatMaizo'd Mammo.ii Grocery, for t i'o at tho low rat i a which ho bus br m . sllinsr although tho nric havo nt'.vanecd twenty-flvo per cent, in tho eastern uitics. aia t. M. 1 . Lutz has received nnother largo rssortment of grfs cloths and wash poplins. Now whito ironds. dress goods, cali coes nnd muslins nt M. P. LutzV. Summer cassimers. cottonntlri and linens for men and boys' wear nt lest year's prices at M. P. Lutz's. 1. W. Hartman rolls turret chain for cash, at S'Aels. You can buy Black Lace Shawls of L.-.W. Hartman for 7.00, S.oO, 10.00 aud 11.00. I. W. Hartman soils bleached mus lin 1 yard wide for 12Jcts. If you call soon at I. W. Hiu'lman's you can get a dress of that Frou Frou dress goods at liocts yard. Gshadoof gran cloth for ladies wlu at I. W. Hartman. Tho finest i.3sorlmcnt of Foreign and Domestic Fiults, always to bo found, in se Maize's Mammoth Grocery. Strawberries, PJncnpplo-i, Uaimnn-i, Orangra, Lemons, Ffgs, Dates, Jliiislus, JSuti or all Kinus A:e now on liniiii, Fresh vegetables of all kinds. n23-2t. Old Established Coal Yard. C. W .Neat, & Brio. Wholesnlo & Re tail Dealers in ull sizes of the best qualities of Rod and Whito Asli Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Lima burners supplied at liberul rates with best quality No. G, coal. For smith ilres, in addition to a primo articlo of lump, wo havo a first class quality of Bitumi nous coal, nt $0.23 per ton on wharf. Largo stocks of all sizes constantly on 1 1 mid . Strict personal attention given to tho preparation of all our coal. Grain, Lumbor and Slabs taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town. Orders left at McKelvy Neal & Co's. storn or at our olllco, will receivo prompt attention. Office & Yauds at MoKELVY & NEAL'd FUUNACE, EAST BLOOMsnuitei. Yourpatronago respect fully solicited. Hixtkkn Veamof KurcE-a. In lew tho now falllOUH ML-STANQ L1NIMT.N V WAX tlrht tllilllfl linown to th 'mullo by an oxt-mijlvo fiyfettm of miver usm;, r rom mai innu 10 me prexeui, ino demand lor It hui heoi steadily lucrtatilui'.unlll it nas laucu inu leauoi aiieiunn.i'llions, luuoug, ujuuui-uis, uiiu uiueruxtuiuui rrjiieuief, unfurl' ed or domestic, over luuoduced lulu tho AUH'tl can market. In tho must celebrated rucitnr ninl tloltln: MiiblcB. In tlio et.ablthhinntHol stinni ami city car eompaul(H, uud In thOHtablcs of in iviu uenucineutii is uie only rccoguigeu euro lor Mich UUenueu of tho hotbu a( nqulro out ward Ire ilineut. Nor It Is leB valuabluusn local application forbumoof tho most dl&trc8lut: com plaints to vhlch man is tubjut. Uueumathmi, Mlllin'ss of too Joints, ueuralla, Hiiro thioat, tumor.H, weus, larnchc, tcotlm.-hu yield lo Its Iiaiu-stibdulng, coiinter-iirltunt propeitlCH, aud mrnx. sealJH find cuts urn henltd wltn ltirr..lttiln rupiuuy uuuer u- operaiiou, Interest on tho Pacific R. R. bonds, u-iu per cent puyuoio ii (join, win uo punt ny ttio mooiusuurg uanuing uo. on aud alter July Ut. T TREASURER'S SALE Or' SEATED LANDS INCOLU1111IA COUNTY. Also tho following lots, nieces or parcels of Heaieu i.amis. lu-.uiueu oy ii.o tax aoucciors.aru to bu bold ut tho samo llutc, under the provisions ol uu atlul Assembly, entitled "An Act lelallug loiuusaiuui i.uius iui iu&c in i;uiuiiiui.k i;ouu ty." Acta. Warrantit or Uunen, Af. C, Heaver. Miller Ellas, Uiovcr Stephen, linker Thomas, l,u(0 Oeoro A., Rent on, Conner l'r.'servo, Hliullz KzeUk'l, Koous John, Hwaitwout John, Conner Mathlas, Moslem r.irvlu, Urluk John (J., Jiloom. 15 27 17 Hit 21 eu 17 1) 121 (1 II 1170 172 2 40 10 1 Lot l'uibtll K. 1)., 5 3uU I'reulis Mancy, Murray Joseph 1'., Unarcreek, Miller lleuheu. 11175 2M Thomas Joslah, hllll'S LllCV. Vnupelt Uilah, Conynghuiii, 'i Drown William, 1 Kgau 1'atrlcU, 2 Ciibey Lauteuce, r l'leston luinrovement Co.. .'17 20 tibO 7 51 1U50 iVi 1 Lot Yurkcy William, ureemvootl, 8 2.1 1 11 DielpUplcco James, Walls Jobenh. 2 1 2 20 U00 ICO Jobepll, Colo Nicholas, Hock Christian, Hemlock, Busquehauna Slato Company, Jackson, lliilstuu J William & John, 12 CO 212 0 isesier uuiui, Locust. 3 Drench Joseph, 6 Croul Jucsb, IK Douehoo Cornelius, 8J Metx Charles, 11 Millard William, UO Myers Jacob, y. Lot sfoyer Sarah, IS Thomas Hiram, til Wntklus ltobert U 2 Y'cagcr Henry V., Zi Hupp Ueorge, estute, 11 I U5 61 1211 50 1 10 10 a mruiiser cunries, Madison, CO Whlpnle.s James, estate, 5:1 Pine. U) Vox John, U Mluler Uharlcti, 20 Ureeuly James, lij Hwlsher Philip, Roaringcreek, 41 Sherman Catharine, 107 WILLIAM LAMON, illnnmsbuii:, April 5, 1S72. Trtnsurcr, SoninffJIacliiiioSalcfl for 1871. Thero Is a clrcumstanco connected with tho lato disastrous flro at Chicago which deserves special montlon, as ox prcsslvo or tho comr-iratlvo cttlir atlon In which tho vorlous Sowing Machines now In uso In this couniry nro held by tho Wcstorn people It is slat 3d In tho roport of tho Spsclal Rollof Commlttoo or that city, as published In tho Chici go Trlbuno or March 0th or tho iireont year, that tlio wnolo nitmbor or ' wing Machines Tor which ordors havo i i Is sued to thodatoof tho rofDrt Is 2,011, on which thn committee havo paid tho sum of $71,130.89. Of theso tho Singer Manufacturing Company supplied 2,-127 Wheeler & Wilson, 23i; Howe, 127 j drover A Baker, 11 : Wilcox & Glbbs, 30; Florence, 18 j Finklo & Lyon, 20, Bices, 17: Etna, 11; Wilson, 5: West ern Empire, 2 j Manhattan, 2 : Davis, 2 ! Eliptlc, 1 j Gold Medal, 1 ; and Ameri can Buttonholo, 2. . This roport indicates how woll tlio Singer Sowing Macliino maintains its oariy and well-earned popularity. It may bo regarded as ono of tho pioneers in thu Sowing ilnclilno manufacture, which Is ono or tho most iCinorkublo ovcnSs in tho progress of mechanical In vention, and ono of tho most striking features of modern productive Industry. Additional ovldonce, howover, Is given or tlio popularity or tlio Singer 'Now Family Sowing Machlno, by tho nnntial returns mado by tlio various companies sworn to by them In obtaining li censes in 1871, from tho owners of tho Sowing Machlno patents. Thoso roturns show that tho Singer Manufacturing Company sold during tho yoar, 181, 2G0 machines ; tho Wheel orii Wilson Company, 128,020; Grover & Baker Sowing Machlno Company, 00,833 ; Weed Sowing Machlno Compa ny, 30,005; Howo Machlno Company (January 1st to July 1st) 31.010; Wil cox & Glbbs, 30,127; Wilson Sowing Macliino Company, 21,103; American II. II. O. & S. M. Company, 20,121 ; Original IIowo Sowing Machlno Compa ny, 20,051 ; Florence S. M. Co., 11,008; Domestic S. M. Co., 10,207; Finklo, Lyoa & Co., 7,G30; Etna S. M. Co., 1,720 ; Illccs S. M. Co , 1,057 ; Eliptlc S. M. Co., 1,025; Empiro S. M. Co., 2, 'JGo ; Parham S. M. Co., 2,050 ; Bart man & FantonS. M. Co,, 1,001 ; Bar tlet S. M. Co., 011; J. G. Falsom, 5S0 McKay's S. M. Association, 218 ; O. F. Tompson, 117; mid tho Union Button liolo machine, 121; thus making llio sales of tho Singer machines exceed tho-oof all others, 52,000. Xcio York Sunday jS'cics. Thero is no largo City in tlio union where Sowing Machines aro so well tin der.itood or as many attachuiouts mado us In Chicago, which proves beyond all doubt that if tho real merits of Singers Now Family Machines wero gen erally known, few others could bo sold. A riTIFtn. Conditio. It Is n tvl thine to pass through life only half alive. Yet there uio IhorHands whoso habitual coudltlon l.s ono of languor and debility. They complain of no kdc clllo iiheme; they HilTer no posltlvo palu; but they have uo relish for anytnlng which nlHirdH menial or sensuous ulcnsuiv. In nine er ic 1 out of ten tills stato or Inssi.udo and torpor nrlses irom a morbid stomach. Indigestion dtslrors tho enerqy or both mind nnd body. When tin waste ol raturo Is not supplied by n duo nnd regnlnrrulinllntlonof tho l"od, every orsan Is starved, every luii'llon Interrupted. Now, what does common Renso surest under theso circumstances ol depression? i no system needs routdni; and stieuKthcnlnu ; not merely lor an hour or two, to sink afterward Into a moro pitiable condltlo.i than ever (ns It suroly would do If an ordinary nleoholM stimulant wero re sorted to) but radically and pernniHently. How Is thU desliable object to bo accomplish ed? Tho answer lo this fiuestion, lounded on tho unvarying expcrlenro of a quarter of n cen tury, 13 easily given. Infubo new visor Into tho dlfjestlvo organs by a course or llnstcltcrVjBtom nch Hitlers. Douotwasto time by administer ing temporary remedies, but waJ(e tho system up hv leeupeiatins the lountaln head of physi cal strength anil cneiy, tho urcat o can upon which all tho other organs dci end for their na ture nnd suppoit. lly the tnno that a dozen doses of the Kreat vegetable tonic and luvlKorjnt havo been taken thotccblo frame ol tlio dyspeptic will begin to feel Us benign Influence. Appetite will be crea ted, and with appetllo the capacity to digest what It craves. I'ersevero until tho euro Is com-plelo-uutll healthful blood, lit to bo the inatcil al of liesh and muscle, bono and ncrvo and brain Hows through tho channels of cltculatlou, insienu 01 mo waiery pauuium whu wnicn tuey liuvo heretofore boen Imperfect ly nourished. e:e:koics or youth. i:(iy ncivons Young Man In tho Union, will ecelve, liee, a lleclpe that wlllprovo u blbbsmg through llle, by addicting, lu eotilldeuce, juh.n 11. UUIIISN, 12 Cedar Kt.,N. Y. leb. t', ly, Sox 117.' 1'. 0. Important Testimony ! Tho followlm.' letters nro nmong tho uaiiv wo aioeonstanlly teceivlugliom persons whe liavo beeu cured by Sclicnck'ti St'lienck's Pulmonu Syvnp, Sen AVecd Tonic, AND Si'lienck'rf Maiulvukc Pilla I'eunsKrove , Sultm County, New Jersey. FKIUIUAKY 27. 1S7Z )r. J. II.SClIUNCls.N. V., eoiucr Bixthand Aich blieeis, I'liiiaoeipiiiu, itesneeted blr I tako nleasuro In adding inv estlmuny to that of tho many otheis who liavo inpii emed bv thoeltlcaevot Hchcuck's I'ultnoule Hyrnp, Ken Weed Tonic, and Mandrake 1'IIN, (.(lllbUllipilou nils iil-l-, iit:icuii.ii.v .villi my family, most ol Its members having died ol It nt cai lv aires. My mother nml threo brotherHdled at tho ago ol ill, one brother nt 27, and my sister ut 1 1. . I was. wlicn nuoui ai years, seueu wun nvcr eumpl.ilnt, which rapidly duvclorcd lino 1'ulmo- rat y (.Ollbuiuiniou, i ,ua stiuipviis'ii lo luiui- qulsh my employment (that ol a bMcKbiullh ) Icoiihiilttd sktlllul and eminent phyhlclans. aud tiled many iiatent nostiiiins, but without success, so mat my menus wi ic sure iniro was no bona ol mv leeovery. lur I was leduceil lioui ll'J pounds to 11)1, and was not ublo to do uuyilllllg Wlllioui. assistance. iiv wnaL l now iouie u ion as a i lovuiciuiai in loioosltloii. I was Induced to trv our remedies. and placo uiysell under your truilmcut, nnd n rapid and thormigli was my recovery, that It beuntd as though boino bupcihumnu power was III worK, aim lu-u.iy i i.u. us wun u.s lib liny mil.) dining iny llle. I weigh 10J pounds, am llii years old nnd lor some tlnio liavo been regularly nt- tendlugto my biibluus, bidding l.ilrto llvotoa good old age. i i i lu ukiu in you UL-30UO c.nrc3iou lor having placed mo In a position wheielu 1 tun u ueneiH lllbieim (il u uniuuii in my i.iuiuy. luur iiiiiniiruicu ruisniuiuo only lueiiicino over uso now. 1 IhiuU theyuro tho bebl ,u tho world. I can icier you to nuuurcus oi my neiguuois who will verliv all lliavo willteii.and utiv In- lorinatlou nny of my fellow citizens may desire wlllbolieely and gladly glvi n, upon iccclptol sunup, ny vours.eie. Koy "Tcst, VU. rcii. if, 1ST-: Dr. J. H.HCIIUNCK, N. II. cor. HI much. Philadelphia. sill and Ar u Dear Sir Please lorwu'd, per llrt slcamcr, bix DOLlies rtea wieu lomu uiiu ii.eivo uoiues i'iu motile Syrup, Your medicines nro o biich valuo that I cn nut bu without them in my household, ami in tact uo iniuiiy suouiii no wuiioui ineiu, 1 havo given them a talc lest, nnd op.'til claio them lo bo cvlu belter than sou claim. Veil lespeuttully youis, tea W. A. WlllTI'.lll'lW. J.l ii i. . Harcli 1, Is In-. .1. H.HClIHNCIi. llekpected Sir I tako pleasure In awarding lo vim this ceriltlcaluol tho wonderful euro you I'liltiimilfi sU'iitn nnd Ka l Weed Tonic nroduced My throat and nroncniai nines wero so nigmy iiitlamed thut It was almost Impossible for mo lo swuiiow my loon. 1 nil. OH 11 Vlbll IU Illy until'. ll. s,iiu.ii;.s Jiiur bon, No. Ilia h eueral street, who says your meui I'hiHs rulsed blui liom almost death utter all olU' or means had billed, nun uo uaviug, iiiercioro, inn f'liiiiiiiciiru ill LiiuviiLiiu ul juiii iciuvi ii:a. btrongly recommended ino to tiythein, I did sn. nml 111 llllll ll(lL'!t 1IU U LI1U LllUU 1 liUllllllUUWU tnklug Hum my thioat underwent n very groat cluiugo lur thu better, so null 1 couiii eat my iiiii t will lull iiiiv uiiucuiiv ul num. . l:i.ii scarcely find woids to express my gratitude lor mo cany leiiei our luviuuiiuio iiiiruis-iui-o inu' .inomi ntimi mn.iiiid I deem It butuuact olgratl ludo to give you tho acknowledgement ol my l.ppi ie.ui.uu. . "--''xr' ''j, . No, HO Wtst 'lhirly-thlrdblieel.New York SC11ENC1CS PULMONIC SYRCl', SEA WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, These nisi tho only mcdlclues that will euro Pulmonary Consumption. Dr.Sclienck has been in couslaul praetlco over thirty years contluii' ally examining lungs, and knows his nieiflelnes, 11 properly taktn, will euro Consumption, Ills Muudiako Pills cleanse tho liver uud stomach j his Sea Weed Tonlo dissolves tho food, stimu lates tho coaling ul tho blomuch, nud makes It dlgist, Ills Puliuoulo Syrup rlpeus tho mailer, and I'.aUuu lluows It oil without nny oxertlou. 11 711 Ul I'rlco of the Puliuoulo Hrup and Sea We i Toulc, 11,25 per buttle, or 17 00 per hull doiteu, Muudiako Pills S3 ccuui 1'er box. I'KLTAHKD ON I.V AND Foil SALE HY J. II. SOIIENCK & SON, N. V, Corner SIXTH aud AKCH Ulncts, 1'IllLAUEt.l'UIA, Aud oy Druggists and Dealers generally, JOHNSTON, 1I0U.0WAY & COWDW, C02 Aucit Stuekt, Philadeliuiia. Wholesale Agents. nprll. iw-iy Tun IIAlt Hoom ltrMfnv for wonltncssof tho stoimcli Is n ilosn of Hum illtlers. They mo (uncharged with Fusel Oil, n deadly elemenl, which Is rendered moro ncllvo by tho pungent astringents with which It ! coinblnod, If your sloir ch Is weak, (iryour.llver or bowels disor der! , t mo, gtben nnd tegt nto them with VtNfoAii iiittkils, n pure VtuT.m.K htoii aciiio, CoiuiEcTivn and ArnntRNT, freo from alcohol, nnd capable of Infusing nowvllsllly In. to your exhausted nnd dlsordeiod eyrtem, D22-IW OASTontA. nsuhsllluto for Castor Oil n fami ly physio which Is pleasant to takn and don not (llstrrisnr gripe, hill Issuiotn npcrato when nil other rcmcdle i havo railed, It is n purely vcro tablo prpnratlon, eontaliilug neither Minerals, MorphlliH nor Alcohol tho I osult of II fleen years ojpeiMiientlng by Doctor Mnmnel Htcher. It Is per eclly haniiles and mo.o rnVctlvo th nu rills, N rotle Hyrups or Castor Oil. Ilynoolhlng tho svslcm it produces nalurai sloop, and Is par t'ciilaily ndnpled to crying or t etlilug children. ltlhlsWonns,iiros Hlmnach Ache, Coiistlpn llo.l Klnllllcuey nnd Derangement n. tho Liver, No family can allord to bo without this article, it costs but ? I cents aslc your druggist lu got It "or j on, find ho will nlways keep It, tw 17XEOUTOR'S NOTICE. All ssTATUoi MiciiAnr, bnyiieh, nrc'n. 1 alters testamentary on tho cslato of .Michael Rnydcr latoori.ocust township, Columbia coun ty, dco'd, havo Vcn grnnted by tho ueglstcr of said county to t'h Ties Fcttcrm .11, All persons uavlng clnlins n: .mst t ,n cslnto nro requested lo piescnt them to tho llxccutor In Columbia comity, Thoso Indebted lo tho estate cither on note, Judgment, mortgage or book account will innke payment to tho Kxecutor without delay. ciiAitLEs Fr.rrKit.MAN. nprll 20, 1872-Ow. i:xecuto. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Alt KSTATK OP Wlt.t.tAJt HOWht.I., Pltc'l), Letters tcstamentaiy on tlioeslatoofWIIIIam Howell, Into of Mount l'lcasant township, Co lumbia county ilr leased, 1' ,vo been granted by tho IleglstorofColuinblaeou.Uy.loKllns Howell nuil J, M. Chcmberlln, i;xecutrs to whom all persons Indebted to sab estalo aro requested to mako payment, and those having claims or de mands against said estate.wlll mako them known to the Lxecutors without delav. 111.1AM HOWKI.L. J. M. CIILMIIEULIN. npill23'2-lw i;xecutors. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XV KSTATK OV WllSON AT.T.KN nKc'l). Lettersofndmlstrntlonoii thoestatoof Wilson Allen, Into or Madison township, Columbia county, deceased, brvo been granted by tho Iteg 1'ter or said county to John A. Kunslon, of Illoomsburg. All persons having claims against tlio eslalo of tlio decedent nro rcquc ded to pro Bent them lor settlement, nnd thoso Indebted lo the eslalo lo mnko payment lo tlio undersigned, ndinlnis.rator, without delav. , JOHN A. KIJNSTON Moy2l'72 Gn-. Administrator, I7XKCUTORS' NOTICE. U i.s.ATi'.or l'litLli' sncsnoi.T, nix'n. Letters testamentary on tho eslalo of Philip Heesholt!!, lain of Catawlssa township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been grauteilby tho lie glslcr of said coutily, lo Henry llolllngshend and Isaac H. eesholtz. All persons having claims against the estato aro requested to pre sout them to iho llxecutors In Columbia county. Thoso Indebted to tho estate, either on noto Judgment, mortgage or book account will make i nyiaent lo tho Kxecnlors without delav. HKNltY HOLI.IMISHIOAD, ISAAC 11, HEIMIIOI.TZ, May 21, lS72-0w. Hxccutors. A "UDITOR'S NOTICE iiiiiitiiiHinii, uuuiMJi ui'ihiiui'u uy inu Court or Common Picas of Columbia county, lo distribute tho fund In Court, to tho lion creditors of James V. Wilson, arising irom tho bale of the real ostato ofthosald James V. Wilson, as sold bv tho Mherlir or Columbia County by virtue of a Vciulllionl Urpnnai, will meet tho parties Interested at his olllco In Iho town of Illooms burg, on Salurday, the ifjth day of Juno next, nt lu A M when and wheio nil persons Interest ed am requested to make their claims or bo de barred Irom coming in upon said lund. JOHN M. CLAltk", Auditor, may 27, 1S7., wO. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. T he undersigned, nnnotnleil nn Aiiilllnr In ill,. 1 1 Ibule thu funds in the handsol Hiram J. lleede. , lixerutoror John Zelgler, lato of Catnwl.ssa twp. defeased, to nnd nmnngst tho heirs nml legal Hopiesentatlvcs of said decctlent, according to law, mil meet tho parties hi interest,at tho olllco or William II. Abbott in cnlawlisi, on Katurday 15lh dnj- of Juno A, D. lt72, at lu o'clock lu tho forenoon. All persons leaving claims upon said iunds aro requited to present them to the auditor properly supported, orbe forever debarred from coming lu on Bald fund : JOHN (1. VRV.V.Y.K May 20, 1S72-1W Auditor. s IlERIPE'S SALE. llyvlrluoof n wilt of Kicrl I'licus Issued out or tho Court of Common Ploa.s ol Columbia county and to mo directed thero will bo expov cd lo puhllo salo on tlio promises on hiatur d.iy.JunoH, iS7Jnt2 o'clock, p.m., All that parcel orplecoof laud situate In Madi son township Columbia county and stato of 1'ciinsylvnnla, bounded and described as lotlows, lo wit. : on tho West North aril East by lauds of Kiedorick Derr, and on tho South by Iand.-Tof C. Kramer, coulnlnlug seventy-two acres bo the samo moro or less, on which aro erected a dwell ing homo nnd a small barn with tlio appur tenances. Seized taken in execution and to bo Bold as tho rrorcriy of Martha ilcltsmau. Ow AARON SMITH, SherilT. I SSOLUTIOX OF CO I'A UTXER- J Mill'. Tho eo.pai Incrshlo heretofore existing under tho film namo of Snvdoi. Hartman & Co. is dis solved by tho death of Uenjaniin Homier. Tho hooks oi mu isle urm aio in mo uautts ol uantcl Knviler lo whom all poisms knowing Ihcm- -elves to no lnoeoiea to mo nrm ai'o lcquested to nako luiiacdlate p.iyment. JIlO IiUSIlieSS .Vtll IIOCOUIIIIIU'LI iiviuo oi i pun J tuli'i I'll uaoio of 1). Snj iIli ,t en. j Cl.1. vutii, i- ' u,. l.l'. 'u..iy ,7th ADM 1 NISTRATOR'S NOTIt E. l-STATK OP KI,T7At!V:Tll uURllA OlO'e. Lctleis of niltnlntstr.ttiou on tho st.tto i Kllabi'lh Murray Uto of Deny townsihp, Mon- our counly. ra.. deceased, nao been loantcd by the Uiglster or said conuly to Thomas Iluller WashlnstonvUle, Columbia county, 1M. All persons having claims or demands against tho di cedent nro requested to inaico them known, nnd thoso indebted to mako payment without delay. i u, ii u j i.i. ii, Administrator. may Jlst, ls72, xiO NOTICE. The Stock holders of the Not th A West Brauch llall I' to, aro uercuy uouneu tuaian iiisiauuieui oi icn rcr cent on (licit sliarosubsciibed Is lcqulied to bo paid lo tho Treasurer, on or heloro Iho llrsl ilay of July uet, Py orderof tho Hoard of Dlieotois. .llO I. XX .1. .Ili.W., Sm-rv i TllE.isi'ui: '. Match JIllS7.'.-jw. rti A mado from jO els. Call nnd examine or i Oll H implcs sent (pnslago tree) for.') els. that einll milek for 10. It. L. WOLCOTT. HI Chat liamtaquaro.N. Y. iw ARcilts ssnnteil t r tlio AUTOUIOOIIAI'Y of ir llecollectious ot a llusy Lilt-, lliu.trateil. 'I'lio Llio nnd Times ol'sogreata l'lillanthroplstnud itclormor, cannot fall to interest osery tiuu Anierle.m. Send 51.50 b.r ssimplo eoiy. II. II. T ItKAT. I'ub. t t'j U'wny, N. Y'. Iw inSVCHDMANCY or SOUL CIIAHMINO." I How either sex mnv faseluata and eraiu tho lovo AnllectlniiHnf nuy person they ehoo'e, In stuitle. '1 his Simula mental iit'oniriment all can,liec, by ni'ill, for iicts. together v. .thn lllirringu guine I'.g.vpiiau (iineu-, i.iuiuiifi, uiini o Ladles, Ac A iiiieer.oxeltingbook. PiO.iiinlsolil. Address T. WILLIAM iS CO. Pubs, 1'nil.i. I.v First rrsmi'i .1 Ara.In-.l.'n, I uiilile l.l v..ts l uvi 1, . 'lining Closet, llroll lug In 1', 1 (hi u 1 ml. Damping AHIutulU' dial... u I 11 .11. I-I'M I'll. .YAltltDN itl'o. . Watei a 1 1, N. Y. iw KENNEDY ii 111...1UJ :is UIN I'M UNI'. Tho p'oin u t a', has, by llio ns.I, tnni'o ot i-niini'tit Physicians and I'hcmi .1 hi.i'-i oiiea ino aiedlei' pv ipLitles contained In 10 oil. Pin It, and Hu m of tho lletnlui !i lice, una outsllleil a v.ll uabl e pri p'traiion to bo applied ns a Huls s or Plaster for ltheumallsni, Croon, Pain or Soreness of tho Hack ('lit st 01 Munich, Pllcs.tfult llheum Si'uixy. Sor. s, Uli-ers lUiulnus.Soro ('ii-tis, Fr is! iliti's, Chtlblalus, soro lli.ust . and Nlpidks, Uliuwurms, dialing and bkiu or In. Il.imniat irv liatuii'. Tl ltl.i:-i N. C'lliTl'tNlON, Ailit. 7 hixt . Avenue, New York. AGENTS WANrWnTCl ly Interesting Hook ol Travels aud Dibtoverlcs lu AI.I. THECOUNTllHWof Iho Polar and Tropical Worlds. It Is lull of Information lespeetlng tho MAHVE LOUH WONDEltS nud llEAUl'IlOH of theso but llttlo known countries, and nbounds Willi 'I'liiitT.i.iN-ii ljLScnii'TioNHnt tho during adveu in.K. ,,r nil Ihn lintnil Truvpters nml CxnTorers III thoso remoto regions. ILLHrtTltATED WITH SOME 2JO I'TNU ENUltAVlNliS. l or lull dcs. crlptloii, terms, Ac., nddruss, slating experience Ifunvll. C. JOHNSON. Publisher. 700 Arch St Philadelphia, iw LEWIS' last nud greatest work, OUR DIGESTION, or. MY JOLLY FIHEND'S SECHEI". It Is by odds Iho most taking and saleable book lu the Held. 1 It Is on a vitally Important sub Jed. 2 11 Is by America's most popular writer on health. U It Is, tor thu price, tin) largest anil handsomest book ever sold by subscription. Agents, tho neonlonrocfle:er iorsuchn book.nnd will uigo you to bring It to them, Wrlto lor terms, ac lreo. .ii'.ii,,,.. oiiiimw ii. ,1.11. 1, ah nprll St),'7S-tfi ' 73J Sa'usom Street, Phlladelplila, 1,000 AGENTS WANTED! forournew book, lly W. r;. WLllll, Iho nuH',1 pioneer anu Hum- orisi. a most aieuiaiu nun luseiiiiiiuig uescrip, linn of thn i ililtiei.s nud wealth of tho bound ...... . , I.llnl,nn III., Inllinu 11..,,..!.. WAR SSfiNGE Wolves, Ac. Crowded with valuable Information sparkling Willi tho keenest wit uud raciest liiuuor, moling Maik Twain's best, nnd splen did!) Illuslintcd, Will bo Immensely popular anu sen ueyouu pitci-ui-ui. svv tuiupiu pages) UlUhirilllous, lerius, ai., uiuiivm, HUIJIJAUI) HllOrt., Publishers, nprll2a'7'Mf WI Hansom HI., l'lilla EW I)RUQ STORE. ClIllIH. A. KliEl.M Having pnrelmsed Iho liuslliens of 1 , I', l.ntz now oirem nt Iho old stnnd, n cbolco pmuitmon of lmtum, UIII'.MIOAI.S, '1'ATltNT MKDICINIH, TOII.KT AHT1CLKH, l'ANOY SOA1M, llltUSHIW, Ac,, Ac. And ngenernl nssortment of Iho cholast goods usually lonnd In llrstelnss establlslimeiits, I'hyilrlahs' l'rescilpllons and Pamlly lleclpes Carclully Cum pound ed. On Hiinrtays, open rrom 8 n. m lo 10 n. m., nnd from 2 p. hi., lu 1 p. m. OEItMAN AND IINUI.MH HI'OKEN. feb9'72-tf TALIAN 11 EES & QUEENS. will sell In Juno and July n limited number of young ITALIAN SWAEMS OF BEES, In tho Ametli itt hlvo nt !15 per swnrm. I will Iransftriind Italianize black colonies ntn reas onable price, l'uro llnllali (iuectis for sale, I also mako to order tho doublo -to-tootht I Pcotch Harrows. 1'rlce, sleel teeth, 811! or lion ticllljll, For further lniormatlon ndrtiess, H. II. HKOWN Mayl0-2m Llllll s'., Columbia ro , l'a. ARION PIANO. Tho only perfect Instrument In tho World. It Is uncrjiuilUd lu Wellness, Power, llrllllaucy and Durability. Hpcclnl terms to Teachers, Marked ravors lo Clergymen. Send for Illus'raled Arlon Pamphlet. O. W. KOSTEH, Oencrnl Agent, mar 10'71 tf. Maucii Chunk, Pa. 0 RDINANCE NO. 0. AN OKIIINANCK TO AMEND OniltNANCC NO, I, Section 1, lie it ortliinctl ami ctutctnl bu the Town (i)UHCll of the Town of lllonmxbura, ami it ii licnbi ordained end enacted by an'Munty of the same That it shall not bo lawlul to flro nny fire crackers, or squibsofany dlscriotlon or kind upon any day, wlilhln tho limits c. tho Town of Illoomsburg; nnd any person or persons 11 ring or cnusltig to bo Hi ed, such flro riackeis or squibs within tho limits or thosald Town, shall, upon conMctlon beloro tho President of tho Town Council, forfeit and ray a lino not exceeding llvo dollnrs for eafh ollenco. Mid so much of tho sixth nitlcle ol the first Kictlon or Town Ordinance No. 1, entitled 'An Ordl anca lor tho preservation of iho I'eace.iiiid r other mirposes," enacted the 13th day of May, TO, as Is inconsistent herewith, be undlhcsuuio hereby repenlcd. St'.CTioN 2. This ordinance shall take eflec! on and nflcr ten days publication. Passed May 27, 1S72, K. Mr.NIiII.NIIAI.L. Attcst-C. (1. DAltKLi;Y. l'resldelll. Secret nry. Illoomsburg, May 10, 1S72. Q RDINANCE NO. 7. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. ,'i. Hfction I. He it ordained and enacted bu the Toitn Council of the 7liicn of JlUtomtburf and U ft hcriby ordamcd and vnaeted bt the ciV,. tf.v of the same i That tho maiket hours bo until nlno o'clock In tho forenoon on each mil kot day from tho llrst day of May to tho Hist day of Novembor, lu each year, and until tuu o'clook in llio forenoon on each market da Irom tho llrbt day of November to tho llrst day of May, And that so much of ordinance No. 5, entitled "An ordinauco for the establishment ola Cuib stoifo Market, "passod tho eighth day of April 1572. as lsluoouslstenthciewlth.beaud t'l samo is hereli- repealed. ' P.lbCOU May 27, 1.S72. r.. mi:ndenhai-l, Attest U. (1. ll.VHULEY, President. Secretary. May 3j, 1S72. ..A''K Tho Haca ot'Xizio Keeper:;. B. ALL r. BACH WA'l'CTIIJS nml JEWKLllY IMNVlId.E IM. UlLVEIt AND 1'I.A'iKi' WAlli:, I'llliNi u CLOCKS, HWIFS Nil AllKi:i"tN STEM WATCHES. THE UENOWNED ELOIN WA'll'iir1-. A LAUOI! ASfcOl'.TMENT OF FINE JEWI'.LltY, DIAJIUNDU Ac, ltepulilng promptly utlciided to. B. EUNIIARD STOIINEIt Would Ids tilcmls and ll.u nublli- ho ha- l.iksii pus esslmiot THE OH.ID SOTISTJD;, in 11. e E.M haiiiw Hliiel:. so lung occupied bv him and i Ul entry on ihu business ofa FIRST CLASS BAKERY, ITnliih'.i u fMltut lnt'.l t.n.u nit dTriftrlfUfn nt tminv ycurdnnl nurt.f tlu ronmiuulty that hu will frcali cveiy dt.y. lit' aUo to Uuopon liutul u luro uud veil lufaurtcil btock ot FINE CONFECTIONERY, of nit einili'S. Friucli candles and thnsanl do mestlo inauufactuio, always to bo had, wholesale anu retail at lowest laics, Aujoiniug uio iiuuery nml Confectionery is a well established RHSTAXrilAXtTC, wheioinay lo found Alo nnd I.njer, nud Hu treshineiils, Oysters lu season and tho various little delicacies which suit tho public taste. Thero is 1USO u FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, over tho cnnleetluuuy store, whero ladles nud gentlemen can obtain thu best of leo e reaiu In sciuou. A fair Fhnio of tho nubile custom Is reouested uuu no piuus iii uuspaieaiu eusuru saiisuiC' liuo. uprii u, (i-ii A. II. FJUJTCISCUS & 00. 513 IVXAItKrr STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wo havo opened for tho Sl'ltlNQ TI.ADE, 111 bVD MBK UJOUt IUU V3 IV UI PHILADELPHIA UAHPETS, jpATENT Table, Stall- and Floor Oil Cloths, Window aiiui;s mm ian'r, s;urpui main, (.niiuu, Yum, llattlng.Waddlug, Twluis.WlcUs, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy lliibkfts, Iliooms, llukkels, tluckds, Hrtishes, Clothts Wilngeis, Wooden A Willow Wuro lu the I'lilkd tates, Onrl.ii.i, iiiii.-i i- ill business oiinbl.HO. fill at lot. i'iu,. mid lurnl-h tho best nualtty POLE AGENTS FUK THE CEMiHIUTKI) AMGItlCAN WAS1IKH, I'rlco H.W Over ly.OOOBQld in Six Moulin Terms : Cnrpets, GO elays. All other Kooeld. UO ihu'8. Net. npri)i:ii,'7J - Those Tablets present tho Acid In Uombitm Jon with other elllelonl remedleK, In n Tiopular foi m lortno cure ornu JiniUATniin i.ursn uiense, ltOAHHENlWHnuil ULOEItATION of tho throni aro Iminedlniely rflloved nnd st'itcnn nls nro coiistnutly being sent to tho proprietor of relief in cases 01 inroiii uiuiriiu n-s ul inns N.aiiiuuK. HI IT'PinM Don't be deceived by worthless Ji U 11 Ull imiliitions, (lot only wens' CaibiiiloTahlets. Price 21eonlt per llox. JOHN (. KELLOUl), 18 FlnttHt., N, Y. Solo Agent for tho V, M, Hend for Circular. nJOwl AGMTS WANTEDoWaB? DIO LEWIS' last nnd grontest work. OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOLLY Fill END'S BECltKT. II hi by .odds thn most taking and salablo book In tho Hold, lit Is on n vitally lmiwrtant sub leet. 2 It Is by America's most popular writer on IicalUi. .1 11 ls.fortho prlee.lliB largestnndhnnd sonest book eversold by sulKcriptlon, Agcntu, tho roplo a eager for such n book, nnd will urgo you too .nglttolhcm. Write for terms, e freo. fll.O. MACLEAN, I'nbllshor, 7Sausom Street, l'hlln. najlw r.MADE ItAPIDLY with Htcnolinnd Isoy Check outilu. Cntalosues. satn- plos i nud lull pnrtlculars FItEE. H. M. Bpiinckb, Lrattlcboro, VI. n20wl FKBE TO t BOOK, AGENTS. o will so id it tin idsomo Prospectus or our Now Illustrnltd Family lliblo contalulii't over 41) lino Herlptttro Illustrations lo tiny Hook Agent lreo orthnrgo. AddKSS NATIONAL I'CIil.lsiii.s-ii (;o., l'hlla., Pa. H201W JURUBEBA. Is ft powerful Tonic, specially ndnpted for use lu sprit-j, when tho Inugu (I nnd deblllutl sys tem needs strength nnd vitality! It will glvo vigor to tho feeble, stre iglh to the weak, nnl mat 511 to tho dejected, activity to tho sluggish, rest to tho wen y, quiet to tho r-rvous, nnd health to tho Infirm. 1 1 Is n South American plnnt.wlileh, ncconllng lo tho ined.cnl nnd scientific pcrlodlcnls of Lou don nnd Pnris.possessrs the most powerful tonic properties k nown to Materia, Medlcn, and Is well known lu Its natlvo ojunlry ns having wonder lul curntlvo qualities, nnd has been long used ns n specific lu nil cases of Impurities of the lllood. Derangements of tho Liver nnd Spleen, Tumors Dropsy, J'ovcrty ol tho lllood. Debility, Weak ness of tho Intestines, Utcrluo or L'riunry Or gans, Dr. Wolla' Extract of Juruboba Is strengthening nnd nourishing! llko nu trlclous food token into tlio sloinach, It nsslmi latcsari dltTusos Itself thiough the circulation, giving vigor and health. It legulates tho bowels, qulols tho nerves, nets directly on the secretive organs, nnd, by Its pow erful Tonlo nnd lestorlng cfi'octs, produces hcnllhy and vlgirous nctlou to tlio wholo sys tem. JOHN CI, KELLOCJCl, IP l'intl St., New York. Solo Agent for tho United SUttes. I'rlco 1 por Dotllo. Send for Circular. uljwl THAI IIEIW, STUJENTS nml oiliers wanted as AGENTS for Tho richest, raciest, wittiest, most lasclnatlng nnd lnlrnitlvo hook Issued for years. Illvals MAHIC TWAIN'S best, Is beautlully bound, splcnd'dly Illustrated, nnd very cheap. Must provo Uio great success of tho senson. Apply early for clio eo to rltory. Sample pages, illus tration), special teims nnd a copy or our "AOIHTh l'OCKET COMPANIONy mailed freo. Address, stating experience. If nny, HUH HA III) DUOS. 1'ubllshcis 72) Hansom St., l'lilla. nllilw A T E 31 E Nl) O U SS U O C ES T. S. AltTHI'IPS New P.ook, THREE YEARS IN A MAN TRAP (A companion lo "TE:r Nioht'.hin a UAlt llooM,")5W)0Sold in a Few Days I Agents say they never had a book which sells llko it. Ono Canvasser took elglity-ono orders m 3 days, another twenty in n half day. It sells to all classes, ages and sexes nnd Is so cheap that any lamlly can nilord to buy it. strongly enilnrK'dby all iho haling men In tho Tern, peranco eauso ; Neal Dow, Judgo Illacir, H 11. Chase, J. ILUrnoaudolheis. Scud for Illustra ted circular, containing testimonials nnd terms tongouts, nud securogood territory nt once. J. M. STODDAHD iz CO , Publishers, Phila delphia, najiw AGENTS WANTED FOH LIFE AND TIMES OF Contains blntjrnphleH of Drew, Vautlorbllt, (iould, Tweed, Ac, with a flnuncinl history ot tlio country for tho last three voars, nnd what Cl it a liuow about mu.ack: l'ltmAY." Orr SODpiucH. I'rlco $2, Adilrc Now VorU EOOK lit ass.iu uirccr, iew i one. Sold only by Agent). Look for Evcrvboilv ! A 10,000 Per Blonlls. Tho Instantaneous success of this Hook Is not strange, although It U having unprecedented sales. THE LIFE OF JESUS, TflECIIKIST, UY HENRY WAKD BEECI1ER, Is a work which tho reading public havo been wnitluglor with r.vldltyj nil sorts nnd condl Hons ol men welcome it beartilv, as n book to lie rem). WCHOI.A1SM. T1XK cl.EHUl-, TIIK I'ltKhS. and TIIK i'KOl'LE. read It rmnnlv. , n. Joy It thoroughly, praiso it blucerciy. ino iioint ior ino i vk i S vl Agcnttoknowlslhat.. A O w JL- f0 1 Moro Audits WatltEd. Intellf'-Htil. nipn women may obtain lucrative employment by taking nu agency. Full descriptive Circulars mailed free. Very terms to Canvassors. Apply only to J. 11. FOltD CO., 27 Park Place, Now oik; 11 lSromflold St., llostou, Mass.; 7j ii uniuugiuui;!., (.Illctlgo, 111, t'ticfsi) rai ins ! B'rcc Homes ! OS THU LINE OF TIIK UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND Oil VNT OF 12,000,000 A C R E R is tiii: HEST 1'AltMlNU AND MINEUAL LANDS IN AMLItK'V. 3,0OI),H) I H Um IN NEBRASKA IN THE (.IttMT S'JilTTj: VALI.UY, Tlio Cuinlen of the AVest, NOW FOUSALU! Thtso lands arj lu tho central portion ol Hit UlilU d States, on tlio list dogreo of North iJltl. tudu, tuu eeutrul lino of tho great Temperate iSouunl the American Continent, and for grain growing nud stock raising unsurpassed by any in thn Hulled states. CIIEAPEllIN PltHU:. moro favorablo terms given, and moio convenient to uuuket than can on iiiuiui eisnwnero. I'jtKis jiumi:stj:ats roi: actual si:t ru.'ita. The Rest Locations for Colonies, Soldiers entitled tun homestead of loo acres, ii-i-ee ).iscs (i. lni-( linseis of La, til. Semi lor theuew Uesciipllvu I'amphlet, with Ili'r llianS. nubllsne.I ill Kni'llsh. tlrrmn Sivedisii uud Danish, mailed lreo overywheib A'lill s O F. DAVIS, LuUil ( oinmlssUincr, U, P. It. It. Co., Omaha, Neb. (iucorporuteiFlbiioT) COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Ol'FlCEllH AND nillECl'OltS. S.H.Delwller Pres'H 11. Wilson, Vlce-Prtb'f, I lub't Thomas Ticvs.: J, F. Fiueanil, Scc'y ; K s. Detwllcr, 111 runi Wilson, Itobeit Crane, Wm. l'atton, John II. Uachman, M. XI. Strleklcr, Jaoob S. strlne, James Hchroeder, Goo. Uogle, w. O. Case, Amos. F. Eves, John Shertzi r, 11. 11, Ilydck, For In surance oi Agencies, address J. F. ! UUEALF1', Sec'y. Columbia, l'a. LANDS FOH SALE HY THE & Mo. River R. R. Co. imiijXiXozmb or aches On Teu ) carh' Clttllt. at a xmr cent Ititeiont. Ko of rvlncliml duo for tun ycor-4. unit mo ncu oniy ouc-niiuu yearly mi pain m ;uu. i uuijui irs wui jiay ir inun uuu iinpruvi; mcutH within tlio limit of lUU ct iiGruus credit iiciitr icnih were uevt-r one tea, uro nut tow, mm jirouauiy never win ne. t IltCULiAUa L'lviu ' lull nrticuiar uru hlih. pliod gratiB; nny wifclilut: to inUuco othcrn to tuipruio wiiu meiu, urioiurm ivcoiony, uro in iUd to nhlt lur ull thov want to ilULrlbuto. Annlv to (1KOH. II AltltlN. Ianil lmm'r. For Iowal.aiids(atlJUUldNUTON, lUW'A, POUTARLR HOD A FOUXTAIXS $10, $50, $75 ami $100. GOOD, DUItABLK AND CHKAl'l Sluiipcil Koady for Vsc ! MANDrACrDUEll UY J. V. CHAl'ilAN & CO., Madison, lud. 3-Scnd torCircular.o COCOAlNE -TBA8E 1TMARK- Tho nest Hair iMcsslns nml Ucstorcr. .illlltoiis) say "ItUItKIJTT'S COt' Votir Druggist tins It, tho lo of A ll ,110 r.t T ....... I. .n.f.ko iinu'rt ,.r.i,,,,i,I,i,i iVi.u.a nud nervous disuders, has Immortalized tho auovooiaikiucaiiou.cauiiftveuuupiujiuuni ui HcllzerBrw.iicdtlusu victories now ifpvalid upneMlne ly calling tiron ,ll,i'u,dS',"le.Df,". tnroughouttuls hemisphere, by TAnuAsr's Kr- CatuwUku,uy tlinei;utilJuuullp,l6jl,utwhtcU miv80ii(T siltzzu AI'KIuknt: contululuc time bu npi tnl will be held m the Court Houso ull the elements aud prodnclng all the ...nil. nf ll,u (Wo,,! llu.lnai, kn.ln,, 3ni SOLD UY ALL DKl.'GUlKis, KHIVA II I For any rase of OLnd, nieort Ing, itching or Ulcerated Plies that Tib IltRO'a Fii.k ItEMKnr falls to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, nnd nothing else. Hold by nil Dril-ri-lsts. Vtlen, ?7rriiMiit)i77)TniiHi nTlcinriii fiiil frrtf!!, lyritn lor mriirulitrw. No mony rn- quluil, A..i. v7rTiTJ,.ln tMirT M., New Yn sjiiJJA v aTi i r.U. Agents nia'keTnTreTnvir? v (it. irnflr fni- n than at nnvtlilnir nisi.. tnstnnss llrlil nml tinrnlftnnnt. I'llrflculars frnn. O, htiishon & Co., Flno Art Publishers, Port- (uiiu, ivniine. UQ' WANO u6 N. Y'ri'lllCli, CO(W . D. No Agunu. ClrcnUrs freo. ipfiJM RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS I Agent, wo win pay you II) per weoit In cnti If you will engago with ns at oncb. Uverylhlng furnished, mid oxpenses pnld, Address F. A. V.LIJi & CO., Churlotle, Mich. StllEATMEDlUAl, HOOK of useful knowledgo t to nil, Sent lico lor two slumps. Addreas Dr. oxapartk AO nclnnntl, Ohio, nli-tf JIST OF DEALERS OF COI.Uflllil.l COU.VTY. I hereby certify Hint thofollowlng list of detl- cordanco with tlio several Acts nf Assembly, in nuu ior mo county oi uoinmuia lor llio yenr (ino thousand eight hundred and sovenly-two, Is oor rcet to tho best nf my knowledge nnd belief. IQWX Or llLOOHSBUItO. flnss. Tut. j.i.Mer, Htoro it till (X) in on 7 oo 7 00 40 01 u ro 40 CO 10 oo 7 01 7 111) 10 (H) 7 01) 7 IK) 7 O) 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 SO 7 00 7 00 7 01) 7 00 7 00 10 no 10 00 7 00 7 00 IC Oi) 7 IU 7 UU 7 f 7 00 15 m 10 tJ 7 00 7 10 7 10 7 Oi) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 IV 7 00 CO 00 7 00 7 V) 7 0) u w iiorrell, I'urnltnro O A Klolm, Druggist i a iiecmey, Hooks i".?P.,",,ur'! Iron Co, store I W Uln McKelvy, Nenl & Co, Storo M P Lull-., . store Store Druggists Slioo Htoro Druggist Confectioner Kioto Htoro Grocery Grocery Store Millinery Furniture Minlncry I'lAnos, ic storo llroeory Grocery Confectionery Htoro Hardware Furniture Clothing Clothing Millinery Htoro Oroecrv Ttoyer llrolhers, HCIIower, N J Hendorshott, Henry lloseuitock, W F II ess, Isaiah Ilngeubuch, Henry Kleitu, William (ll(7t.r S II Miller Son. Miss k retermnn, William ltabb, MIssSC Ale, IWNIlcs, Dnvld Mioiip. Win H llrown. COMnir, iiecaernMiecKCJ, jsiiuuiiis r ves, itunvon it Wnl-iltn. Jami-s Cadman, David Iiwenbeig, A J Evans, Miss HarmaiiR. Chirk A Wolf, J II Maize. Thouuis Webb, Hernard Stobucr, .Miss A. D Webb, Ii .M Knorr. A M Kurort. H Clay Hartman, L H W'h.iry, (' W Neal Hro., Hpudershott .t liiason Confectionery 11 Confectionery 11 Hook Storo 11 Shoo Store H Tin and Stoves It Grocery II Tin and Stoves U Coal Dealers 1 1 11 Grocery II Millers ID Grocery 1 1 Confectionery 11 Confectionery H J W Heiiilershott. rax ton & iiarman, O A Jacoby, i'i Jacobs, Mrs David llrobst, 11KXTON TOWNsmr. n McUenry, Storo J J McHonry. Storo 13 I'J II II 11) 00 12 CO 7 00 7 t Samuel Hencnck, Store Cole A Thomas, Millers II KAVUl TOWNSHIP. Abraham Itlce, Storo CAMinman, storo 7 00 7 IK) 7 0) 7 00 7 U0 win is. (.ongcuuerger, rstoro Alen & P.Utou, Storo Allen Mann, Store nnr.wrcic nonouau, Bowman A Jackson, 11 M Hnckman, O H Snyder, Storo Tobacconist Hook Storo Druggists Storo Druggist "tore Confectionery Furniture Millinery Storo Coron'v Store 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 50 7 00 10 OO 7 Ui) 10 OO 7 00 12 5) 25 00 7 (10 7 00 SW ()) 7 (0 ungues & .Macra, A Miller. J U Dodsnu, Shaw. Ilrlttaiii A Co. J G Jacoby, is y rsieener, Miss licll Hertrnu. J & li It Hower, Jackson Woodln, G A Buckingham, J M Secsholtz, Jackson A Woodln, lin anu oujvch is Tin and Stoves II JPI'gComp'y 1 s ougut iv .uicuaei, lnuAncnnEK TowNsitif. James r Treas, flrocery Miller Storo Storo Storo Mill 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 W uu rreas, E L Adams & Son, Win M Kllnetob, Mrs A W Eatou, P.ter Hayman, CENTRE TOWNSHIP. Low. llros S. Co. Store Grocery Storo Storo Grocery Mill Store Storo Store Storo 11 II II ,11 11 14 13 II 11 II 10 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 U0 7 00 7 00 7 tO Samuel Dleterlch, Philip Harris, Jacob Sponsler, Jesso Hicks, a ouium, .T Fowler, Wllmlro Irvln, H. V. lllnard, iiiuuy a uoiuou, C'.ITAV.-ISS'A TOWNSHIP. IIIlo A nro M JI llrobst, II I'Fortncr, E (j, Wm II Orange, J II Secstiolt., Gilbert it Kline, Storo Storo Storo Grocory Grocery Slore Stoio Storo Furnlturo Storo Druirelst 7 CO H 60 7 00 7 oa 7 00 21 O) 10 oo 111 00 7 O) 2) 10 7 UO 7 00 7 00 21 0O 7 10 7 00 7 0J 7 U0 7 10 7 0 ) 7 00 v weaver, llrown & Jones. Thomas E Harder, 1 John & sous, J M Smith, William John. Georgo Manhardt, J K t-harpltss . Sous, William Hartman, A 11 Cleaver, .I Itoyle, LO Wltman, 4 11 Dlcmer, Elisha Drclsbath, CrlU & Thomas-, Tin nnd Stoves 11 Shoes II Store U Kurulturo li Tin aud Stoves 11 Shoo Sloro 11 Coal Dealer Storo Mill Millers II II 11 II ci: niALi a nonouau. M C Kantncr, Storo store Shoo Storo Htoio Furnlturo Grocory II o ll li ll S1.Q00 7 01 2. IN 7 em 7 00 7 no 7 UO 7 W, 15 Oi 7(0 . 7 00 III no 12 30 7 00 in lorry, John Moian. .1 J Haigland, James E Edgar, David lllack, A li Fortner, o 11 Millard, Henry Trough, S Van nureu, Wnrtln Mouaghau, Henry Moser, Conrad Fol did, Tin anu stoves 1 1 .store Conlectloncry Druggist Stoiu Si 10 Confectionery i :siiiN3rrtKii.K township. .1 M Ainmcrman, .1 1' .Mclli niy, 1) . M Mellenry, G M IIowoll, Solomon liuss, E J.t U P MeHenry, .latl.ts Iliuilsou, T P Swavy, Htoio Htoro Millers, Storo Sloro FUANKLIS TOWNSHIP. CMonilenhall A Uro, MlllflS Sloro 11 11 11 10 7 00 UJl'l ... .11 u, OUE E.N WOO 1 1 TO WNS !1 1 V. P D lllack, Stole Store store Storu Store Sloro Storu Storo II 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 i: wi 11 10 7 It) ii a 10 Ol M id w u l l 00 Hogart a Kreamer, Mrs Hannah Henry, r.ius i.ves .v lull, A 1' Heller .4 Co, M A J Lelily, William Maslois, Wm Eyerd ton, HEsir.on: TOM'.ssiiii-. Johnl'.eagle, .Mill wm K Kline, .Mill Win Hanls.i Urn, storo ytiinain inn. Shoostore si U ,t W 11 sliteinaker Stoio i.octisr TOWNSHIP. Ileni: ij uaoic, Mr, ! Fettcrman, Store Storo stoio Mill storo Storo Stoio 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Chas 1 .1 II Vastlnc. Jonathan llauchinau, .iiiL-ou i eager, i uriiui .w (.o, Thomas Seaborn, JHkTLIN TOWX.SIIII'. E Scnwepiiouhelser, Creasy .( llrown, Sloro Storo storo Sloro Store Htme Millinery 11 u 11 Ll II 11 II in v iirown, .lohu 11 Heller, lloirc a Lutr, a c reunvbakei, Mrs E A litis, JHINTOW.N31III'. Cnmpbell a Co, Win 11 Hnuuk, Storo Urocery 11 11 MO.SIUUUTOWillir, r.ixton .i Harmau, Dealers S 11 II' II iiaiiou it co, -Millers 1' HMargarum, llroeory A J Ammeriuau, htora JIOl'NT I'l.K.tSAKT TOH-.SH1IIP, JESanil", Htoro 11 MA1IISOS TOW.S'SIIU', OKrmincr, Storo 11 Wm (llngles. storo 11 Mrs MA Watson, Millinery 11 OUANGSTOWJibllll', 1'etirEnt, Miller 11 W esley nowman, Miner it David Savane. Miller 11 A 11 Stewart, Sloro 11 Low a ttobbius, urocery 1 1 DK Sloan. Stoio li K 11 Johnson. llrocerv 11 Smith Uro, Tin and Stoves 11 Orangovllle Maunfacturlug Comp'y IJ I'lNETOWNBllir. U W Lyons, store 11 U0AitjMH'lii:i:i: T0WbUH', Owen Chenlnglou J II K linger, Storo Stuio fciyiAIU-OAf lOWMSUll', M Co!c, store SCCTT TOWKbUlP. W UDdterlch AllroJ Rtore Store Store Stora stoio Mil! bhue Stole lircccry htoio htoro Htutu liiiieglu , 11 11 It IS li (1 11 It III 11 11 11 ll isaian imgeuoucu. Samuel A worman, Logan A ('reveling, John W Hollinnu. O S Fowler, J D Workholser, ll M llakcr. U WCrevdint, i A li wane, 1) A cicasy, j H noinuir, Kcicuuer a nun, ,,.l n. u 1.'.. - JUllllS Tlu and Stows I t... f,..iiu All retkocs vho tany (eel asciltvid by t liuppy I m Dlonusbuig. ,.t,...i. r. ' CABPAltnAWN. Mrjlc-lm Artcdiililf Quaint 7 lu 7 Ml 7 1.0 7 00 7 00 7 Ull 7 III 7 10 " 0 1 1(1 111 11) " oi jo ii i7:v: 7 '0 7 1,1 7 i") 7 10 7 Ml 1) 10 ID Oil 7 W 7 (m 711 in o, 7 tiii 1" i.., 7 ll 7 W Ii VI 7 00 7 to 7 00 7 10 7 10 10 (O 10 ID U) UJ 7 Ul 7 10 11 M 7 Ul 1 Ul 7 I'D 7 UU 7 W tho