The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 07, 1872, Image 2

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    13LOOMSBU11G, PA.
Friday, Juno- ?', 1S72.
Cliatlcs II. Uoclmlcw.
In placing at tho head of our columns
tho narao of thla tlUtlnculshutl contlo-
man as tho canulilato for Governor, wo
not only do what la oxpoctcd of us as
members of tho party which niacin!
him In nomination, but at tho satno
tlrao Rlvo oppression to tho most heart
fult satisfaction personally at tho result.
Tho selection) of Mr. Buckalow was
tho spontaneous and unsolicited action
of tho Boverelgn people. -From all parts
of. tho Commonwealth came lift ado-
mmid on tho convention nssemblcd at
lU-mllnir for a nomination vlilcli should
Klvouhopo Hrtd curnejtof reform In
ovury branch of tho government at
Hnrrlsburg; that should securo capacl
ty, honesty, and Indopondonco In the
administration; that should Ignoro
rings ana corporations as engines of po
litical power and dlspensors of political
patronagf, and rcstoro to tho pooplo of
mo Biuto tno respect, consideration and
protection they had and onjoyed In
inwo nays or political purity when SI
moii tfnyUer and Francis It, Shank lion-ot-d
tho olllco of Chtof Executive oftlio
The nomination was conspicuous by
tho absence of all tho usual appliances
and concomitants of such an event.
Not even Ida own county was Instruct
CHl .'orhlm, and but ono county In tho
State, wo bellove, had taken that pre
caution ; and yet when his namo was
mentioned lu convention tho Instanta
noous outburst of enthusiasm showed
tho beat of tho popular heart. From
tho beginning of tho balloting to tho
end or it thoro was a steady and lncreas
ing advance la tho number of his sup
porters till, on tho magic soventh, the
triumph, was complete.
Scarcely two weeks had gono by since
Mr. Buckalow had consented to permit
his namo to be mentioned in connection
with tho offlco of Governor ; but twen
ty years of a stainless public lira had
convinced tho peopio that ho was tho
man, perhaps tho only man, who could
and would stem tho torrent of corrup
tion which has-so long disgraced tho
State; and his competitors gracefully
gavo way beforo tho resistless will of
the people who, irrespective of provi
ous party ties, havo overywhoro spon
taneously announced their dctcrmlna-
lion to givo him their support.
Mr. Buckalow has never been a vlo-
lent partlzan. It Is not in his naturo to
be so. Though no man holds his opln
ions more tenaciously or upon a surer
foundation of argument and reaion, he
always treats an opponent with respect
and his oplniona with consideration.
The qualities of his bead and his heart
draw to him Irresistibly tho support of
all honest and moderate men overy-
Ho la a lawyer of distinguished ablli
ty, a public speaker of great power and
persuasiveness, a statesman of large
experience, a politician of clean hands,
of, pure heart, of uncorrupt mind, of an
ago when the firo of youth has been
tempered by observation and study,
and will make a Governor of whom
tho State may be proud, and in whom
tho peopio can have tho most unlimited
Sumner on Grant.
Ono of tho greatest political aensatlons
of the day, overtopping In interest oven
tho Philadelphia Convention, la tho re
cent masterly speech of Senator Sumner
reviewing Grant's political career, and
In which he os3erta that Grant Is moro
deserving of Impeachmentthan Andrew
Johnson. It cannotbosald that Sumner
Is a Democrat; ho is now and has al
ways been our bitterest apponont, and
his testimony Is that of a Badlcal wit
ness. Even Fornoy, who ha3 at last resolv
ed to support Grant (but declines to aid
Hartraoft) in commenting on his speech
alludes to him as "the great Senator
who never does anything in haste"
and as "my dear friend Sumner." He
"It would be folly to deny that hla
philippic is fierce and able. It would bo
weak to refuse to accept it as a bold and
dangerous demonstration. As such 1
propose to discuss It. Tho readers of
The Press havo not failed to notice
that I have nover concealed my attach
ment to Charles Sumner. I know him so
well, and havo known him solong.and I
confide so entirely in hl3 personal integ
rity, and so honor his acquirements and
his patriotism, that I could not help re-
Seated efforts to establish good relations
etweon him and President Grant. I
have ne vor conecalc 1 my belief that his
degradation from tho chairmanship of
the Sonato Commlttco. of Foreign Rela
tions was a mlstike, deoply aggravated
by It subsequent organization, and by
tho removal of Mr. Motley. He con
structed and led a great party, and
hung to his convictions with tho tena
city of a Cromwell, cantlvatlncr tho Son
ato and tho country, and extorting, by
nn tremenuous aDiuiies, tno warmest
praise from his sternest foes."
Ho knew Grant, becauso ho helped
mako him and, liko a prudent parent,
is no w chastising a bad child. Nor can it
bo said that Sumner Is a disappointed
offlco Becker. Ho is an Intense radical,
and represented an intensely radical
state, long beforo Orant voted for
Buchanan, or declared that "if tho war
was to bo for the liberation of tho nig
gera ho would re3ign." If Sumner,
Greely, Fenton, Schurz, Trumbull, and
McCIuro are not Republicans, both par
ties are vory much deceived.
It will now moro than over bo tho
duty of tho Democrats at Baltlmoro to
nomlnato a man of such ability and
statesmanship, as to throw in deop
contrast tho man whom his own party
chargo with nopotlsm, corruption, and
Imbecility. '
Tho contrast wa3 mado at Heading
and tho result will be tho Inevitable do
feat of tho Treasury Ring at Harrisburg,
whoso fostering corruption Is so noto
rious that It ia not oven denlod.
Gen. O. O. JJoward, of Freedman's
Bureau notoriety was recontly sent by
tho Government to pacify tho Apache
Indians. On hla arrival in Arizona he
requested Gen. Crook to temporarily
suapendlloatlle operations against these
Indiana until ho had an opportunity to
tost the efllcacy of moral suasion. Ho
now withdraws hla previous request for
a suspension of tho campaign, and ad
vises vigorous measures at onco to pun
ish tho hostllo Apachea, whom ho de
signated oa robbora and murderers, who
will not bo ronclllatcd.
Tho adjournment question occupied
tho attention of both Houses of Congress
on Saturday, and June 10 was fixed cb
tho day of final adjournment.
Procfdllnga of the Itomocrnllc Stale Con
! trillion.
Heading May 30th.
Slinrllv niter 11 o'clock tho conven
tion whm e.iUt'il I ) order by tho lion.
William A. Wallace, chairman of tho
Stato Central Committee Jlou'ioolntcd
John (!. Il.irr nf l'lltshimr. II. 11. Until
or incoming, llerniau ivreiz oi
li.lK, W. llttV'S urieroi iiancaiiur, mm
John O'Connor of I'hliadolphla, torn-
tiornrv Rrcrntarlrs.onu jYllC.aoi auiiiviiu
of Philadelphia sorgcuut-at'ttrms. The
roll of delegate wri callcu, ana tno
contests, substitutions, and changea rt
Mr. "Wallaeo delivered a brief iuldrti
on leaving tno cuair, in wmcu no ji
voked concord and forucaranco, am
tho excrclso o ' Judgment In tho doll
boratlons and In tho selection of candi
datc3 and tho preparation of a plat
Him 11. 1 Ttrown. nf Clarion. Hon
WllllHin lllirliir. nf fllnnrlleld. and Hon.
William Ilaiidull, or Schuylkill, wero
nominated for tho ollk-o of temporary
Ttr. Univi-ii wnt 0. eettU. anil upon
taking tho chair mailo a brief speech, in
which no saiu tno convunwun mui uu-
ilnr Ihn mint filViirilblo clrClimStUUCCS
and that tho harmony pervading tho
body augured success, fcncouragemeni
nnnlil hn tn Icon front the dissensions In
tho Itepiibllcun party, growing out of
tho rum oi corrupt rings aim cauuia.
iinrfiil Mm mlmitltm of n L'ood platform
ami it strong ticket. Ho returned thanks
for tho honor conlurr I, and at tho cloio
of his speech w-iselioueu.
Tut; inrir'rcr.iiixHH wai.
Pnmmlltrrq on Uesoltltlona. Oriranl
ziltmi. nnil ffilfntliil.4 wero aonolntcd
a ti scuiaainn ons-jcti unou iitcsuiuuuu
to refer all resolutions oiiercu to tno
proper commlttto without rctuiinrr. jf.
Onnttv ni'rrnd that all resolutions
rnintinn- in tiifttfhmi or Presidential
candidates should bo referred without
delay or debate.
A rmnllltlnn tt) QDUOlut It COnimittCS
of thlrty-threu to nomlnato candidates
for ilelcgat- I I ) ino uonsuuuiunui vaju-
vention wjs cnnsiuuruu iu lunm.
a rrwluilnn was otTered that whon
Uio convention adjourns, It adjourns to
meet at thru o'clock this afternoon,
nnil tlmt It thon orocc idto tho nomina
tion of Judge or tho supremo uourt,
nmmmr.r. I'nni'rp.-snioii at largo, auditor
general, clcctJf j at lorge, and six dele
gates at largo 10 tno uuiuuuiniiu uuuuii
ni nnnvonnnn.
Mr. Uotrroth. or aotnersot, moveu
that the number of delegates to tho ua-
Hminl ennvniulon be oltrllt. With tWO
provisional delegate which was agrcod
Mr. nruudairo. of Luzorne. mov
ed t .) Btriko out all excepting tho words
it. olved. that whou this convention
adjourns It adjourns to meet at thrco
n'ninnlr fhiq nftnrnnon." which was
o'clock this afternoon," which was
nmrorfl to.
Mr. Slnan. of Philadelphia, offtrod a
resolution that a committee, consisting
of ono member from each senatorial dis
trlni. lm nmio'ntcd on credentials.
Mr. Bunting, of Delawaro, moved
that the commlttco consist of soven
Mr. Moore, of Philadelphia, moved
that the committcs on contested seats
consist of five persons, which was agroed
to, anuitnocnairman nameu uio iouow
Imr: T. A. Sloan. Philadelphia : D. O.
Burr. Allecuonv: G. W. Skinner,
Franklin ; T. Chalfant, Montour and
G. Search, Luzerne.
On motion adjourned until 3 p. m
Tho Convention was called to order
nt threo n'elnek.
Mr. Barr, of Allegheny, secrotary of
tho commlttco on contested seats, re
ported that Hannibal Sloan, of Indiana,
anu Jonn .miner, oi uuestor, weru on-
HUU iiuuu iuilll-r, Ul uuraiui. nviw
titled to seats from thoso districts as
Mr. M'MulIon reported the follow-
incr permanent officers :
President Hon. Hiester Clymor;
Vleo Presidents 1st district. Edward
Dougherty 5 2d, Charles Thomas ; 3d, A.
H. Ladner -. 4th. John II. Chad wick : 5th
Stewart Lerch; Cth, Charles Earnest;
7th, U. Ulatz; atn, ti. renn omito;
8th, James Duffy ; 10th, James Mahan ;
lltn, it. A. racKer; jzm, wuuuiu u.
Krelder; 13th, Ilonry S. Mottjllth,
William m. nan; totn,u. 11. cum
min ; lth, Waltar Sherwood; 17th, "W.
E. Smith ; 18th, William Linton; 10th,
George W. Bklnner ; 20th, P. L. Wicks ;
21st, William A. M'Goniglo; 22d,Dr.
A. J. Fisher; 23d, Philip 11. atovonson ;
C. n. Ferrltt.John II. Balloy; 21th,
William Mahor; 2oth, A.E.Wilson;
2Gth, W. B. Dunlap ; 27th, Grler O. Orr ;
28th, B. Magoflin ; 20th, J. B. Brawloy ;
30th, David OHn.
Secretaries John C. Barr, II. U.
Cummin, Herman Krotz, W. H. Grler,
John O'Connor, G. W. Waddell, W. P.
Furey, C. W. Carrlgan, J. W. Bowman,
D. W. Maratf, II. M. Steward, J. R.
Snowden, E.J. Roberts, W. O. Plumm,
v. A. Davitt and J. Howard Reach.
On motion or Mr. ismery, 01 incom
ing, a committee of two wore appoint
ed to Inform Mr. Clymer of his election,
and ecjort him to tno cnair.
Hon. Helster Clymer, on being Intro
duced to the convention, apoko as fol
lows :
Gentlemen of the Convention.!
I am profoundly grateful to you for this,
and vou will bt ir mo witness, unsolicit
ed honor. It adds another to tho many
debts of gratitude l owo to tho demo
cracy 01 Pennsylvania, urom an
parts of this Keystone state, from
nur rlvera. which flow to the culf. from
tho southern borders, irom tno northern
line, men have como up here together
to consult for tho deliverance of tho
land. For twelvo years, long, dreary,
bitter years, tho peopio of tho whole
land havo suffered worto than an Egyp
tian bondage. Good men overywhoro
to-day aro consulting together how
thero may bo adeliveranco from the
crloo of military power, from thla on
prosslon and wrong, from suffering
which we enduro patiently, becauso wo
hope and bellove that In tho democracy
and in the good men of the whole land
thorp can yet bo delivcraneo from
them. Wo aro about to appeal to tho
wholo peopio of tho wholo stato and to
the wholo country. I will not say how
you aro to appeal to them. It will not
bo my pleasuro for ono momont to in
dlcato to this convention what thoy
shall do. L can only rsk mat your con
vention shall bo conducted In the Inter
est of the' right, and it will and must
bear abundant fruits. I havo nothing to
say to you "with referenco to mon, noth
Ing with referenco to him who should
fill tho high position of Govoruor. It is
my pleasuro to know overy gontloman
mentioned in connection with that
offlco and to know them personally.
Whoever 110 may uo no win do im
measurably tho peor of his opponent.
you aro auout to oeg.n your uenoera
tlons. You will allow mo most rover
ontlv to humbly ask tho dlvlno bless
lnc of him without whom and without
whoso guidancetho labors of men are In
vain. I iiavo out ono moro woru to auu,
that vou will pardon any error I may
mako and bolievo It to bo an error of
tho head and not of tho heart. I am
done, contlomon. and am ready to re
celvo any motions that tho convention
may havo to oner.
Tho roll was called by tho secretary,
and tho following resolution was oiler
Jiesolved, That a commlttco of thirty
threo bo appointed, ono from each scna
torlul district, to roport the namoa of
fourteen persona at largo as ueiegatea to
thn constitutional convention, and ton
persona aa dolegatoa to tho democratic
national convention.
Tho first part of tho resolution was
Tho proposition to send ton delegates
at largo' to tho national convention was
opposed Py Air. unuiuuiiuu, ut uuiuiuv.
lie was not in favor of acommlttoo
choosing tho dolegatoa to tho national
convention, xnai powur biiouiu uo ex
erclsed by tho convention Itself.
Tho consideration of tho second por
tlon of tho resolution was, on motion
postponed Indctinitoiy.
Mr. Ctirrliiati dcilrcd to ask of tho
chairman of tho commlttco on resolu
tions what progress they wero making
tnoir unties.
Governor B hiler. c an rinnn. said that
llio commlttco wero not res dy to report.
Tho uommltl' o would hardly bo ready
to report befuro to-morrow morning.
a motion was maua 10 nroccou to
notnlnnticfttiuldritcs for Governor. It
tlo ia wero tnndo ! Gancral G. V. Cm i
A1UII, V. XV. UUUU111UV, -L. .ill tWAi ui .
"Wliarton. Colonel A. 0. Noyri. V. l'
IInH 11 .nn..t T TIT T
Scholl, ll. U. Wright, lion. William
M'filn iintl. M'Culmont. Hon.
,10. Ii. Acker, John It. Heading and M.
u. Trout.
Mr. Carrlgan of Philadelphia, nomlii'
utt J Hon. IHrster Clvmur. Mr. Civ
mer remarked I am not Insonslbiu to
tho kltidiu s of inv friend from rhila
dolphin, but ho knows mo too woU to
think that his kindness would permit
mo to do nnvtliliiL' that would Icoimr
diso our victory. 1 am at tho sorvlco
nf dm ilniiinprfttn nf Mill nliiln (rather n
a private), 1 am ready and wllllrig to
servo, and follow Its marches, Ilrmly
uoiioving anil oaruntiy praying lor n
cr'u.t and clorlous victory. 1'ou will
allow mo to decide tho motion nomin
ating mo to bo out of order, liot this
convcntloji nomlnato it man who will
lean us on to victory.
on mot on or air. itanuau tno nom
Illations wero closed. Mcssrsi Acker
and Heading were withdrawn.
I'lio convention then nrococJcd
balloting witli tho following result.
Cass 17
Buckalow 23
Fox '.
Wharton 3
Wrluht 8
M'Clelland 13
Mr. Worrcl wlthdrow
din inimn nf
Mr. Wharton.
CllS3 CI
Buckalow 24
M'Calmont 11
Trout i
Wright 10
M'Clelland It
Noves 10
Scholl 3
Cass GS
M'Calmont 0
Buckalow 32
Trout 1
Wright 7
M'Clelland 10
Noycj M
55 I Buckalow 35
Cass 5G M'Calmont u
Bueknlmv 30 Wrl2ht i
Noves ." 15 M'Cle land.:::::: 8
Ptoyts 10 I n-"uu
Cass 55 I Buckalow -1-
Scattering 33
Mr. Buckolow was nomlnatod on tho
soventh ballot, receiving 74 votes.
Hon. James Thompson was nomin
ated bv acclamation for sunromoiudgo
aftor which tho convention adjournod
until ten o'clock to-morrow.
Beadino, May. 31.
Tho convention met at ten o'clock.
Mr. Buckalow was introduced to tho
convention by tho Hon. Holstor Clymor
and dcllvorcd a speech which will bo
round cisownoro
Mr. Cly mer said, at tho closo of Mr.
Buckalow'saddrcis: "Mavakind
denco guard and keep him! May tho
good peopio Bustain and support him!
And mav honest mon overywhoro and
of overy political creed rejoico that tho
hour lias struct: wnon in mm, oy mm
and throiiL'h him imbecility and cor
ruption is to bo banished from tho
oxecutivoand iegislativo departments
of this commonwealth."
Mr. Cofrroth moved that tho conven
linn nrnppf-d with tho nomination for
- . . , . , . , - - .
auditor go.noral, which was agreed to,
and the following nominations wero
Mr.. Balloy of Allegheny, nominated
Gon. W. H. If. Davla, of Bucks: doa.
Jiullch nominated Gen. William M'-
Candlcs3, of Philadelphia ; Mr. nam
nominated F. M. Crane, of Wayno;
Capt. Skinner nominated William
Hartloy, of Bedford; Mr. Cummings
nominated jonn Liawsno, 01 uiuurnuiu ;
Mr. l.itton nominated J. F. Tomnlo.
of Greene ; Mr. Sloan nominated B. L.
Templo, or Philadelphia; Air. iiauoy
nominated Liovi luaisn, 01 xorir; anu
Mr. Worrell nominated William Balrd,
of Philadelphia.
On motion, balloting was commenc
ed, with tho following result :
first ballot.
Davis. 2fl: M'Candless. 8 : Crane. 12:
Haitloy, 30; Lawsho, 0; Toraplo, of
Philadelphia, 15; Templo, or ureeno,
14; Maisn, 7; Balrd, 1.
Tho names 01 Messrs. Liawsno, xom
plo, of Philadelphia, Malsh and Balrd
wero withdrawn.
Davis. 29 ; M'Candloss, 8 ; Crano, 8 ;
Hartloy, 79 ; Templo, of Greono, 9.
Mr. liartioy- naving recoiveu a ma
orlty of all the votes, he was duly an
nounced a3 nominated.
On motion of Mr. Monaghan, or thea
ter, tho nomination of Mr. Hartloy was
mado unanimous.
General Davis, of Bucks, mado a row
remarks, in which ho pronounced tho
success of tho party ft cortalnty.
Mr. William iiartiey, tno cauuiuato
for auditor general, was introduced to
tno convention anu spoko as iouows :
Gontiemen or tno convention and 101
low citizens, I havo no language to ex
nonn.- tn f riii inn Tnnnn 11T m it nnn r
for the honor which you havo conferred
upon mo, knowing that as a politician,
as a party man It is unmoritod and
though I havo lived forty years I havo
novor hold an offlco of trust or emolu
ment. No matter what sins I may bo
guilty of I do not think that I havo
thought moro highly of myself than I
should havo thought, and it great
eratitication to mo to-uay 1 kuow
mat ray menus anu neignuoi - navo
thought butter of mo than 1 havo
of mysolf. I stand beforo you without
any prepared speech. 1 oxpected after
my namo was used m connection with
this offlco a complimentary veto. A
few weeks ago I novor dreamed of hoing
presented to tho pooplo of Pennsylvania
oy mis convention ior so nonorauio a
position. As you havo seen fit in your
wisdom, or folly, to placo mo beforo tho
peopio of this stato, 1 will endeavor with
tho help of God to pursuo tho satno
coureo of life, guided by tho samo rules
that I havo over been guided by and I
will causo you no ahamo. I bono to be-
como better acquainted with you and if
tno peopio or this great commonwealth
seo proper to mako mo guardian oi their
treasury. 1 win enueavor to licruro un
tho accounts by tho old rules that wero
taucht mo in the old school arithmetics.
I havo nover been In tho Pennsylvania
legislature. 1 navo enueavoreu to at
tend to my own business. 1 do not
mean to cast any reflections upon tho
mombcra of the legislature who havo
followed tho course or right and hones
ty. I want you to understand that
como frosh from tho peopio. My speech
is over. 1 manic you.
Mr. Cofrroth moved that tho conven
tlon proceed to nominations of three
delegatoas for Congressmen at largo, nominations wero as iouows :
Mr.-Josephs, of Philadelphia, nomlu
ated R. Vaux, of Philadelphia ; Mr.
liaro nominated J. II. Honk ns. of Al
logheny -. Mr. Allon nominated Seldon
Marvin. of lirlo: Mr. Milter nominated
R. L. Johnson, of Cambria j Mr. Blglor
nomiuuiuu j. xi. minion, 01 unesicr;
Mr. Emory nominate! G. W. Skinner,
of Franklin j Mr. Monaghan nominated
U. i2. M'Lmugniin.oi uumuoriand ; Mr,
ijamuorton noiiiiiiuitu 11, u, w right
of Luzerne.
Ballots wero entored Into with tho
following rosult:
Vaux, 81 1 nopklns, 81; Marvin, 01
T,.l Of. . 11 -I ., I .. O-l . ai,i,.mn-,,l
11 ; M'Laughlln, 11 ; Wright, CO; Skin
nor. 83.
Mr. Reel of Allegheny, mado a motion
that Mr. Johnson bo nomlnatod by ac
clamatlon. which was not airrceu to.
Messrs. Vaux and Hopkins wero nom
Inatcd on tho tlrst ballot.
Marvin. il-I: Johnson. 12', Wright,
Skinner, 12.
tho namo oi air. isrinion was mm
drawn beforo tho second ballot wasond-
cd,and n number of delegates, uoioro
tho llnal annmncement was mado,
changed their votoo.
un tno second uauoi jur. vrigni win
nninliinlnil. nnil mi inn! Inn of L'ntltult)
Sk .iner tho nominations wero mauo
Co . Wrieht and Mr. Hopkins wore
lntrodU2)d and inado a low romarks,
thanking tho co vontlon for tho honor
conferred. . ,.
Tlio convontlan ndjourneil snoriiy
after ono o'clock, until two P. M.
Tho convention rca9?omblcd shortly
after 2 o'clock, and tho commit ;o to so
led delegates at largo to tho Constitu
tional convention proscnteu tno iouow
ing report:
Hon. Jeremiah S. Black Hon. Geo.
w. Wmiilwnrd. Hon. Wi' lam Blirlcr.
Hon. Hobort A. Lainborton, Hon. A.
A. Purman, Fraukllu B. Cowan, James
EIHs.Georgo N. Dallas, John H. Camp-
U3ll, William u. uorou, vm. ii. ismmi.
William J. Baor, S. II. Heynolds and
H. 0. T. Dodd.
T in ronort or llic commnieo wn
FOlt ll.M.TIMOIli:.
Thn rnnvontlon nroirrdcd to elect
delegate at laro to tlm IS.Utlmoro Con
vention, anu tno louuwnig wutuuiwun
........ .!n. . r... Li.... ....rtil ilnlnirnlr
iiv- iii-i-iiiiiiiii mil nil ni l .iiuiiu. iivivn""".
lion. William A. Wallace, Gen. Geor(,o
W. Cars. Hon. annuel J. Buudall, ami
Philip Collins, K-i.
msTiuor i)i:riKOTiM
Tim fniinu-inir ncMntis wero named rs
lUlrtnt deli-Lmtes: h. A. Mackoy, 01
minimi ATM. A linn nf Crawford. Asa
J illlkviiii ."i - - , , ' -
I'fldrer oi uurnon, o. jj. jii.tvyu.iiii" v.
Susquohanna, C W. Carrlga-i, Ph la-
delphla, Jon., i. ni
- v , ,. : ' -- , ., ,,f
Arniitirnmin-v. Dr. U. ii. JUimeriy 01
Philadelphia, Wm.H. Uuttcr of North
nmntnn. .Tnhn 1). HtllCS Of IjChiall. Sy-
nnlden of Armstronc. Joseph P. Shell
of Bedford, Samuel G. King, Phlladol
niiin wii inm i-;. nanirnoriv oi jjuu1
phln, John B. Braddin, of Cuniberland,
ltlchard iiummoi oi jliuuihiiu, mm u
B. Wilson of Beaver.
It was resolved that eacli Senatorial
district select ono member of tho Stato
, . fV.,,t.. tlinnlinli-mnn of tho
convention, nfter consultation with tho
candidates lor uovernor, iYuuiiur
oral, and Congrc3sman-at-large, to ap
point tho chairman oi tno commmuu
Hon. William Blglor, chairman of
tho Commltt jo on liesoiutions, prcsuui
ml Mm fnllnwlnp ronort :
Jlesolved, That tho Democratic party
whllo in tho futuro aa In tho past, llrm
ly upholding tho Constitution of tho
United Staten as tho foundation and
timiintinn nf tho no.yorsof tho General
Government, and tho safo shield of tho
liberties of tho peopio, demands for tho
citicen tho largest freedom consistent
with public order, and for overy Stato
Mm rfcrht of self-government : that to
iinhnld i lm fnr.nor mid nrotect tho lot-
tcr tno Demoeracy of Pennsylvania
,.n., finil nn hnttor niatrorm linon W1110U
i-nii find nn hnttor nlatform unon which
to stand than tho groat leading princi
ples enunciated in tho inaugural ad Or o.
of President Jtffarsou, aud tho farowoll
address of tho immortal Jackson : upon
thoso two groat Stato papors wo plant
ourselves, und outor tho contest for
lltunh-ecl. That abused a tho public
confldoaeo has been by a long period of
official mlsmanaacraont, wasto, anu
fraud, this convontioa invit 1 tho co
nunratlon of all citizens of the Com
monwealth in tho earnest effort which
tho great constituency it represents Is
about to mako to remove from our Stato
administration ovcrv taint or political
corruption, Tho inton ;t of overy
Pennsylvania!! is uirccuy anu vuauy
pnnnernod In tho eradication of all un
just usagosand practices by which indi-
vtmiai liriunes mv ou urouiuu 111. iuu-
lic cost, and tho attompt to do this can bo
mado certainly succujiui oy tno union
of unricrht and fair-minded mon of all
parties, and by sustaining candidates of
unquestioned nullities anu uusiiuuuu
Jiesolved. That this convention ap
peals to tho peopio of Pennsylvania for
tno support 01 tno c.uiuiuiuu iur uuv
oruor whom it has placed lu nomina
tion, becauso his election will sreure at
onco a correction of oxistintr wrongs aud
tho permanent luturo prosperity 01
tho State. It asks for his support, bo-
causo ho has been nominated not to
subservo tho views or promoto tho in
terests of any section or faction, but to
moot tho requlroraonts of an urgent and
common need : becauso ho fully ronro
sonts, and in his Ufa and character fairly
illustrates, tho truo spirit and principles
of popular government; becauso ho has
boon an earnest, slncero and efficient
opponent of tho fraudulent practices
anu laiso doctrines 01 tno party mat uus
hold power through many long years
of misrepresentation and inhruloi be
causo ho stands pledged by tho record of
his wnoio 1110 to administer ms omco,
if elected, for tho benefit and only for
the benefit of tho nconlo: becauso ho
can bo trusted to securo carefal, iconora-
ical and rcsponsihlo coutiol of tho
agonts and officials and the treasury of
tno commonwealth ; ueeauso nu can uo
relied on to withstand unfounded und
uniust demands to tho prejtulioof pub
Uo riulita. to opposo with vigor tho cii
croaebment of powerful corpoiatious,
and energetically resist tho grant to ag
gregated capital of privileges which
could bo used to inlure. hamper, and
impede tno otiorts 01 individuals in tno
varloas onterprhes and Holds of labor
which tho btato aitorus, anu uccauso ms
action in tho past la proof that his offi
cial influenco will bo used hereafter to
prevent tho mischiefs of special lcgisla
tion, and to destroy tho possibility of
Erocuring tno onactmont o: any statuto
y tho uso of moaoy or other corrupt
JtesoXced, That In presontluir tho
Hon. James Thompson for Judgoof tho
Supremo Court wo havo only to invito
tho consideration of tho peopio to tho
integrity, impartiality and preoralneut
logai attainments which navo charac
terized tho discharge of his official du
ties during his fifteen years' sorvlco up
on tho bench of tho Supremo Court.
Jiesolved, Tint in tho persons of tho
candidates projdntcd for tho offices of
Auditor Gcuoral.Conurcssman-at-lurge,
aud dolegates to tho Convention to
amend the Constitution, wo havo can
dldatcs eminently worthy of tho couff
uenco anu support 01 tno peopio.
Jiesolved. That tho crant bv tho Rad
leal Legislature of this Stato of numer
ous charters creating such corporations
aa tno "uoutn improvement uompa
ny," "Continental Improvement Cotn
imnv." and others of similar character.
13 uniust to tho interests of trade. Is
dangorous to tho rights und liberties of
tno peopio. anu us such meeta with our
unquaiitied condemnation.
Theso resolutions wero unanimously
Resolutions ol thanks to Mr. Mlsh
ler, proprietor of tho hall, and others
wero tnen passeu, anu mo convention
adjourned sine tile.
Tho Asiatic cholera has eomo at last.
Tho French gunboat Torror, with forty
cases of tho cholera ou board, arrived nt
Now York last week, and was immodl
ately ordered to tho open ocean, Tho
scQurgo has appearod In Havana In a
peculiarly vlrulont form, being com
plicated with yellow-rover.
Tho Congressional conforenco com
mltleo on tho Tariff and Tax bill havo
agreed on their roport. Thoy placo
whiskey at 70 conts.whlch covers overy
thing except tho 10 cent stamp on tho
barrel for tho rectifier, and fix a unl
form tax of 20 rnta on tobacco.
Address or Mr. llucknlcir to tho llpaillng
Convention, upon nccetthic; the noia
liiatlon for (lovcrnor.
Mit. President and Gentlemen
oi-' this Convention 1 lnppcar this
morning in your prcsonco in pursuance
of tho reqir H of tho commlttco which
waited upon 1110, to tendor to you. and
through you to, I hope, n major ty of
tho pooplo of tills Stato, my slncero.
hnirtlolt. earnest thanks for tho great
honor which has been dono 1110 lu nom
inating mo as tho Doinocratla candidate
I ... ......... M nt lila r'.iiYiliwilitt-nnllll.
Tiilo nomination so tendered was no
solicited by mo. It camo, if I under
stand the facts correctly, rs tho lcgltl-
tnato outgrowth or puuuo opinion in
this Stato; not so much b' Miuo of any
gonoral conviction of preeminent abil
ity In tho indlv liual who has been so-
lecioil, not uccauso ui nny hiuuuik ui
distinguished character which hps bt m
established '.y him, but becuino tho
peopio throughout this uommonwcaiin,
having had an opportunity fornoarly 11
quarter or a century or observing his
course and conduct In public position,
have attained to tho beiioi mat, what
ever may baSAld of your candidate, ho
13 nolther to uo scuueeu nor iiuiuuuiu ;u
in llio performance 01 puDiicdiuy; nil
iimt. Imii'lni? bv tho past, it Is likely in
tho future, whon tho Interests of a elms
or a clique aro upon tho ono hand, and
flin Intorests of tlio people upon 'ho
other, ho win stand urmiy wun unit
in- t mass of Immunity from which ho
sprang 11.ul with which he sympathizes
.1 - .ti i-,.f.i...t... itin.. ........ 1
in overv nuro ui 1113 nuiiit. ummi.-u
minimis''. I
Uuntiemen, 01 tins ucuou iiineii oy
you I spot Impersonally. This oetloti
taken by you will bo sanctioned and
r.itlflcd for no low ormero personal oh-
icets. but from natriotic motives. Wl'U
honest convictions wo go iorwaru lino
tho contest cssured that its result will
ho triumph. Cheers. And what do
wo iicsiro.' isot mereiv mat certain
men representing 113 shall hold publlo
olllco; not that moro gratification of
party pcssions snaii como to us, nut mat
this Government of ours shall bo hon
est and pu.e.fairnnd equal, in Its action
with regard to all our peopio, and above
all, at this Juncture, that thoso reforms
winch aro necdsary m 1110 government
of our Htato, as well ns in 1110 govern
mcnt of tho United Stales, shall bo so
cured to tho peopio by all tho agoncles
appropriate ami uucquato to tneirnt
The peopio of tliis Stato havo deter
mined thatn Constitutional Convention
fairly selected, nnd ropresonllng all tho
noonla of the State, shall bo convened
tho present year, and that, so far as it
is necessary to meet tho exigencies of
tho times i)yiuuuamcntaicnani;c3, thoso
changes shall bo secured. But wo know
that something moro man tins is neces
sary; that constitutioual provisions
must bo uoneral and vacuo in character
at least to a certain extent, and that for
tho application and enforcement of
sound principles of government wo
must havo reliable men in public olllco
An old political motto and a favorite
one, which you havo often heard, is
this, "Principles and not mon." I bo
llovo tho Latin equivalent for this ex
pression was placed by Mr. Madison
upon his carriage, so that ho should be
contsantiy reminded of tho truth which
was supposed to bo contained in it.
Well now, gentlemen, I think under
tho experienco wo havo had lu rccout
times wo should amend this motto : wo
should say now, "Principles, and men
to support thoui." Look to your Gov
ernment in tho Stato, look to your Gov
ernment at Washington, and is it not
manifest that although good pnnclpk j
aro written in your fundamental laws.
and although tho peopio aro overywhoro
desirous that thoy shall bo applied, yot
thero is laiiuro becauso tno agents lor
their application aro unfaithful or in
competent'.' Be it now our mission in
tins year 01 initial iciorm, is-', be it
now our mission to co forward in tho
selection of men who will apply Amer
ican principles m American uoverii-
niL-nt. I Grout cheerinc I
Gcntlemou, my Ideas of tho duties or
tlio uovernor ot tlio commonwealth
aro, I suppose, somowhat peculiar. My
iuea is mat 110 is a magistrate, n 110 is
callod that in his high, his important
office, I mean in tlio actual discharge of
its dimes, 110 is not to Know mat a par
ty nas ciecieu mm. xrcmenuous ap
plause Ho is to bo tho maglstrato of
tho cutiro peopio of tho Commonwoaltli
Ho is not to let loose a criminal from
your penitentiaries becauso political fa
vorites (lomand ms release applause
uor Is ho in any -manner to prostitute
thoso powers which wero created for
tho common tho purposes
or interests of nny limited number or of
a low. Uentloraon, 1 bolievo thero is a
disposition at this timo in our (Jonimou
wealth to get a little boyond and out
sido of that circlo of intonbo party pas
sion which raced over this country du
ring uiu WB1111111 uiunr-ii, years aiier tlio
conclusion of tho war. Our pcoploaro bo
ginning to understand that thero aro
many matters, and those of tho creates!
significance, upon which gontiemen of
intolllgonco and liberal opinion can
heartily unite to subservo and promoto
tuoso purposes ior winch political socio
ty was organized. Hero aro questions
rotating to tho harmony of llio different
parts of tho Union, ordinarily expn ssed
by general amnesty and oblivion of tho
past, iiero aro questions 01 nnanco and
taxation, in which thero aro common
intorost3 aud upon which patties aro
not sharply dividiJ, and many others
now in viow. 1 snail not occupy your
time upon thtio. fCr!c3 of "Go on 1"
and applause. Now, in viow of tho
general disposition to havo reform in-
trouueed into our btato and into our
National Governments, wo aro entitled,
when wo sot up candidates for whom
and around whom public confldouoa can
gather, wo aro entitled to appeal to men
of all parties ami shades of opinion to go
with us, and to establishi nowdeparturo
which shall bo ono of purity, energy,
faithfulness, intogrlty, and justice in
government. Groat cheers.
it is a source or deop satisfaction to
mo to know that at thu end of this ami
cable controversy upon tho question of
tho selection of a eandidato for G ovcrnor,
tlio utmost goad feeling provaiis, and
that other gcntlemou who wero named
or proposed for nomination for this
olllco, and their frionds, aro now cor
dially.united and acquiescent in tlio ro
sult which the convention has reached.
All of thoso candidates for nomination
aro known to tho peopio of this Stato ns
mon of high character and merit. I
speak of them kindly, not from motives
of policy, but sincerely and truly. I
respect tucra ami respect tnoir menus
who stood by them aud presented tholr
names for consideration In tliia conven
tion, and now what I deslro Is thatoach
of them and their friends, tho rosult
having boon reached, will aland by mo
in this coutest, upholding my feeble
hands, and, Ukoa band of brothers Join
ed, wo shall proceed forward to victory.
twiiu appiauao.j auow mo ono addi
tional remark in this connection. Thero
has been too much disposition lu our
great Commonwealth among hor public
mon to pusn personal nviury a iituo too
far a littlo bayond tho limit of what
was becoming or oxpedlout.
Tlio result has been that our Stato hf.s
boon comparatively dwarfed In this
great Union of ours. Other States havo
been raoio potontial In tho Federal Gov
ernment, and havo had moro Inlluouco
upon Its action. Now York, Vlrglula,
and other Statos, although no moro
patriotic, no moro dosorvlng, have had
a little moro emlnoiico and distinction
lu tho Fcdoral Union than our nobio
and magnificent Stulo. It hasbeeu our
own fault, und tliorcmodyls In our own
hands. Let gontiemen In our Stato who
aro favorod with publlo approval, who
aro placed lu public station, lot thorn
cultlvato magnanimity and good will
with each other, and whon ability rises
In our Stato lot us cherish and encour
ago It. Whon u man appoata to rlso a
littlo abovo tho ordluary lovel, and bids
fair to attain publlo distinction, instead
of pulling him down lot ua support him,
and bid him God-sjiteJ. Lot 113 havo
a State hopo and a Stato prldo, and cul
tivate our own mon, aud thus assist di
rectly and Indirectly to givo to our Htato
that position which bolongs to her In
mis American union, x iinu tno pro
ccedlngs and llio results of this convc t
tlon, and tho spirit which nownnlma'os
nil tho gontlemon concerned In It, ns an
omen of tood for tho futuro In this
rc peel, that wo will cherish and cultl
vato that spirit of hp mony nnd good
will among our rcprcsontatlvo mer
which will promoto tho Inter, -ta, Inllu-, nnd character or tho Htato.
Gontlomon, I know most of you n-o
anxious to conclut.o your duties heio
and roturn to your homos, it was 11. t
my Intoutlon, on appearing be.'oro you,
to mako an elaborate or prolonged ttu
(Iras. During tho courso or 1110 canvnsa,
opportunity, will bo afforded mo of
mooting my loiiow-ciuzons 111 mumum
parts of tho Stato under circumstance 1
moro auspicious and convenient for tho
discussion of public matters. I shall
endeavor to perforn my duty In this
canvass, and, In cr lclusio", ill I havo
to say to you is mat you so sunn, pin
form yours.
Mr Clymer. the I'rc'Idont oftho Con
vention, then said :
May a kind Provldonco guard and
keep him, may tho good peopio sustain
and support him, and moy honest mon
every whoro ami 01 every political crecu
rejoice that tho hour hrs struck whon
In him, by him, nnd through him, im
becility and corruption aro to bo ban
ished irom mo executive niut logisiauvo
departments of tho Common wealth.
or roi.iiJiniA couvrr,
or Enin county.
or i-im.Aiici.i'm.v,
or Ai.i.nintnNV.
1 1 EN DU I OK 11, WUiailT,
For Meinbcru or the CoiiAtltiitlonnl Con
(1KO. W. WOODWARD, I'iillaJcIpliln,
WM. lllULEIt, Clcarllcld.
W. J. I1AER, domcrsct.
W. 11. H.MIIH, Allcjhony.
l-'RANKMN 11. UOWEN. riilladVlpuln.
JOHN H. CAMPUKLL, Philadelphia.
H. A. REYNOI.DH, Lancaster.
JAMEH EliI.lH.rldmylklll.
H. V. T. 1)01)1), VonaiiBO.
(IEO. M. DAI.LAH, I'lilladclphla.
A. A. PURMAN, Green.
WM. L. CORUETT, Clarion.
New Advertisements.
tt I if al b I IK-il-l I MJ-
Is ready for Canvassers. It is a comnan'.on vol
ume to "INNOCCNTH AUBOAI),"or Which 113.WI0
copies have been sold. Don't waslotlmeon boolcs
no ono warns, utn lai.o ono lieonio win hiop you
lu tho streets to Mibscrlbo for. "Thero lsivtuno
to laugh," aud nil who read this book will sec
clearly tuat timo has come. Apply at onco for
territory or circulars.
711 Kausom Kt 1'hlladjlphia.
Ail persons aro forbidden to In pass ou any
property belonging to me, whother occupied by
inuur leased to others, for any ourposo wliatovor,
as persons so licspasslug will be dealt W1IU
uceordlog to law.
i.l.UAU 1UUU.11.
Ei.Ysuur.a Juno 7th 1372. u'.3-3i
Letters of ndmlulslratlonou tbeestatoof Mary
R. Kvaus lato ol Fishing cieck township, Co.
lumljtn county, deceased, navo been Rranted by
tho RcglMcr ol said conuty to Jacob S. Evans, of
urcenwooi. au pur:,oas uaviug ciuuns against
tho estate of the ocek lent aro leouested to pro
bent them lor Hetltement ami loom Indebted
to thocstato to make paymout to tho uudci
slgued, admluiiitrator, wltiinut delay.
Juue7'72-4w Administrator,
Poor District of lltoom, January 2d, 1I7I, to
January St h, 1S72.
Jacob Hchuyler, Tro.isuroi- In uc.Miut with
said District.
To amount received of John AlFuiiiton,
lato Treasurer 27 10
To amount received of Win, Kreaiuer...
To tension of Isaac Sowcrswoitb Jj 00
To total amount received on Illoom Du
plicate jli.'l 3i
To total amount reeelvt 1 on Gleemvood
duplicate i"A CO
To total amount received on Scott dupll
cato 10W 07
To tolal nuuMKt lecelved on HiiK.trloal
dtiplieite 417 03
87181 '.'7
. ei7 SH
. 171 .11
37 07
871 1 27
Ily order redeemed
Ily commission on same
lly balaneo m hands ut Tu-ami'er..
Examined nnd cerlllled.
J. H.IKKLKIt, (-Directors.
lly reriutt of Directors wo havo ext-mined thu
abovo and llnd it correct.
F. P. DRINKER, 1 .,,i,,1,.J
J. ll.CASEY, 'f-uidllou.
Directors of tho Poor lu account with Illoom,
Scott, Greenwood and Hugarloaf townships.
To nmt. or duplicates for year 1871, viz.
To Illoom township SSOUJ 37
To Scott township V j i .0 07
To Greenwood township -.'lis n
To Shugnrloat township 711 0)
To amount received lor grain, etc,, sold. . 102 00
To orders outstanding 2:51 01
814919 09
Ily com. on 81123 31 coll. oted on Illoom
duplicate 10-0. 191 01
lly colli, ou Soil 03 collected on Green
Wood duplicate, 10-0 ill S5
1)3 com. on 8101017 collccttd on Scott du
pllcato 4 0-0. H)
Dy com. on 81'. 00 collected ou Sugailoaf
dunllcato 4 0-0 17 n.
lly exonerations, Illoom duplicate, 1871... 31 00
lly " Scott duplicate 0 15
lly " Greenwood dnpllouo 5 55
lly nmt, due ou illoom dunllcato (uncol
lected) 1200 15
Dy nmt, duo ou Scott duplicate (uucsl-
1312 23
Bv nmt. due ou Gicenwood dunlleale
(uncollected,) 1759 01
Dy nmt. iluu oa Sug.trloaf duplicate (nu-
coucctuu.;... sju dj
By tho followiug amts. paid by directors
r uiinuu iinu ncuuyier Itom jau. I. to
Auill 1. 1.S71 5J.IC0 17
lly S. II, Miller i)s Son storj ncet 1H7I
ny it. j. irfiarn store acct , ,i, m ui
lly II, L. Detll'eubach iirlutlng I'j'U
lly J. G. Frcezo'pior. beivlces 50 I )
lly P. lllppcusliel tix , . 12 SI
lly lsalan Haaenbjch More ncct 1115
lly I. S. Kuliu beef acel C5 1.7
lly Fox & Webb 15 73
lly K, 1. Lull, dings, Ac II n
lly J. II Maize storoucct 13 50
lly U. O. Marr storoncct 31 21
lly McKetvey Neil & Co.stoio uect 00 II
Ily Runyou Jt Wardiu store ucct 18 82
lly Dr. Ruber prof service i HO
Ily Dr, ltutt.T prof, services 12 1 1
lly Sharpless A Harmau 2H !
lly 1). Stmnp store ncct 2,1 77
lly Johu Wolt stoio acct IS 70
lly S. It, Thomas smithing 17 12
lly Phlneas Welch 10 73
Ily N. J. Ilonderhhot drugs 3 43
Dye. s. Fuiman 1 03
lly Jamci (Jadman Chairs 8 11
uyn. ivuorr siumiing sen
ily lloytr llroj. drugs Ac 0 ca
Dyhiiudry hinall items for loose work i"J 61
Uy orders Usued to sundry persons for
which thoro uppjar no vouchers 410 CI
Total TTiTsTl to
lly tlio following nmouuU paid by di
rectors Miller, Ikoier, it Kramer from
April 1, 1871, to Jan. 8, 1S72,
By Philip Dowall, (steward, B months
wages Is7 50
ny Duiil. i uoulcr labor outarui 127 fit)
llv Mis. Dewald for scwIhl' no -21
ily E. Ilreed Matrou 31 weeks 170 00
lly Johu AudloStowaid21days 17 15
lly Louisa u.iuer matron 10 20
Ily M. Gllbeit collect ir Mt, Pleautut
township for 1870 32 09
Dy T. J. Welllver coll nor Mt. Pleasant
township county and poor lax 1871 10 83
8017 51
lly A, W. Patterson, malting cistern 818 87
lly K.Mendiulmll lumber lor elsti rn ... 12 73
lly stout lor pump lor cistern II to
lly Isulah Hugeubuch for spouting etc.... II 82
lly " " lorMsvo, pipe, etc. iM 00
lly H. R. Thomas, for smithing.......... 21 14
Uy II, L. Dlollenbach. prlullug 13 01
Uy Sundries for debts contracted by
former directors 81 81
UyMrs.C.S. Rlshlou, Inter. st ouboud
toJlyl, D71 33 1J
Uy Miss H. blouu.luteicst on bond to July
1,1871 15223
Uy First National llauk, uotolnlvt n by
former directors to.iolin A, l'uustou,)
with protest uud Intorest 2111 00
Ily John A Funston, six bonds and Int.. 3135 00
lly Robert ltobblns for cow 51 (0
llv ' lor harness 40 (0
lly Turnbach, Hess a Co., for hay mice, ,. 38 U)
lly Robt. Rouu colllu, etc., lor 1). Larklus 15 00
lly Dr. McKolvy. prof, services 15 Oi
lly Dr. Tinner, i rof. servl o 8 El
lly Director's services K 1 10
lly Wm. Kramer, Secretary's services to t J
Ily J. G. nteu'i Attorney aorvlces (0 00
lly cu'.h. Lug, amt, lecured by Judgm't., 171 co
lly Junes Kussol, matron 21 till
lly MargaietDuts 17 00
lly miscellaneous expense Incurred dur
ing 0 months for support of paupers
lea and merchants bills, etc 1321 3$
111912 0)
Examined nnil co',,,,nfl,,i,ii-i-!i 1
iu- fiirtn nml Imllillns vnluoJ fl 10 t ' CO
211 O
171 1 )
Mi I I
Did 10
ny repiiim m uiumiuKi v iv
Py luHiHoholil rurnlluro
Ily Itinnlnit titenilH
lly lioraoi, initio ntul 1iob
US' liny, Rrnln, etc
lly 18 ncrca Wliont nnd Ilyo .n.i
lly balance on llloomtwi'., duplicate by
1 '21.1 ( )
1 CJ1 40
II.. I.nlnnnann Un,M I M w II U ll I II ll It III 1 1 At 11
ux, huu cum
by ex and com 1612 211
ny balance ou urcenwouu lownmup .
duplicate by ox. and com 1 i09 II
tla. I,..l.nn. .... U..rtlnnr tnUMIBlllll till.
pllcalo by 0X1 nnd com 239 01
lly JtntE'iiclit Y. O. L0112 40U 01
121 127 83
To balance duo on f.irm n 3 00
To Inlcreit on mime o mouths
Toordora outstandln
VI ill I
, 10,131 02
1. 1 O'J
To balanco lu favor
fi 1,127 n
To Harah llechtol f 11 ?'
To Klltaboth Overdorf
Til lMinlnlii llrnvnlltitr 15 I J
To Mary U. Urccn 3 ( I
$ 00 4!)
Amount of laxablo pro erty for I'oor pnrno ea
In oach townslilpof tho l'oov District ofUioom
q-i ,ii.r In I n nB.Auiniiitt .
Towliahlp of Illoom 0".W f (
Township of Hcolt SIH.IIUW
Towiwhlp of Greenwood ! M' J J
iownatup or ngarioar uu,ui w
211l)Uali. wheat 1 CO till 60
ii mini ryo SI " w
IUI buali.oatHbOets l'.f I I
uiibii. corn card 4U eta
(Iliunii. clover scnl to
150 bush, potaloca50cta
2,' ) bundles com fodder 8 ctl.
171 i.)
lCi- i
VI) -l
ill ' i
8 I )
21 I )
It " I heads cabbage 3 els...,
3 bush, onions tl
i-siona nay ').
i ueirera tiu
65) lbs. butter 23 e'l
CTldoz. ckrs 20 ctl
' lahoats ii CO
li I . I
117 I.I
70 O)
33 1
Total ! 3
No. paupers ndmjtlpd In poor house during
itue year cuuiiir juh, o, "
No. nt paupors lelt during year u
No of paupers died 3
i-io oi paupers now rcmaiiuug iu pour uuusu
X of Conynjibam aim coniraiia i'oor District
lor tho year ending April Mil, 1872.
William U-iodman Treasurer for tho year In
nect. with said District.
To nml. reed, from twp. dupllcato for
1M1 HHM -
80,13) 15
To unit, reed, from borough dupllcato
lor 1171 i
To ami. reed, from o.her sources lor 1871
H7, 1 0
S10 ! J
To nml. oi uninnco ou nanu irom last
2 ear
5)9 10
Total - - 87,o:)U
Dy ami, of sundry orders redeemed
during year M.0 16
lly nmt. ol treasurer's commission 0
2 per ct ' 12!! 2"
lly balaneo on hand nt date 1.112 3)
$7,850 1)0
Wo the undersigned auditors ol Con-
yngnam -lownsu'p una ueutruim
Uorouiili for the year 1S72, havo ex
amined and audited tho loregolng
account and llnd it correct uj abovo
Account of tho Directors of tho Poor of sn'd
DIM. lor tho year ending April 8th, H7.'.
Toamt. of poor nnd purchaso poor-tax
dupllinlooflCouynKliatn twp 87,11-! 82
To nmt. of poor and purchase poor-tax
uupuouo oi leumuiu uuroiiKii yj
To ntni. riril. Inr nnhlnrn of eatlio and
produce sold oil farm . 210 2
To unit. reed, for board of Mrs. White
nt noor house, on ncct..
00 00
co oo
S09 10
To nml, reed, from Mrs, Ann McKler
unn lor dobt on acct
To nmt. of balance on hand from Inst
Total fT. 89,011 12
Ily nmt, of unseated land-tax returned
by collector on twp.duplicato 8(111 11
lly nmt. of errors nnd exonerations nl-
lowed collector on twn. dunllcato 0 75
By ami. of collector's commission tj)
5 per ct. on 80,780 01 collected 359 13
Dy nmt. of unseated lot tax relumed by
collector ou boro. duplicate 20 19
Ily nmt. of errors and oxoneratlo as al
lowed on same 4 02
Dy nmt, of collector's commission y
k'rtGperct. on 8021 11 collected 10 0j
lly nmt. ol lustallmcu. paid ou larm
Wll-J luteio-.t i.ijw ii.
Uy nmt. naid asylums lor board, Ac, oi
lunatic nauDers..
Oil n
Ily nmt. paid for stock, repairing, llmo
ior lariu, no
Ily ami. paid for jusurauco
Ilv nmt. paid forwork dono on larm
an jo
7 :i
2l oo
lly nmt. paid for hari'waro and sad
dlery lly nmt, paid lor suppoi t of poor house,
IK) 5)
Sll 1)
ny aiut, pain ior inuuciu utieuuaueo
nnd medicine
217 1:2
ily nmt. paid for out-door relief to pau
lly unit, paid lor Halurlc and oxpenscs
of steward, matron, directors, Ac.
lly nmt. paid miscellaneous expenscj
und bills
lly unit, paid treasurer's commission
on Si), 1 10 10 paid out each (42 ner et.
llyaint. ot balance lu hands of ocis-
121 L0
1 112 1,1
Census of Poor House.
No. of paupers In poor house al bcglnuiu;
oi too year
-IU. Ill 1!UIUI3 UIIIIWI IUU Ullllllii JUHl I
No. of paupers discharged nudnbscondud 8
No. of paupers born uono
.o. oi paupers ilieu J
No, of paupers sent to statu lunatic a lyiuiu. 1
No. ol paupers now lu state lunatic asylum
nt expense oi uist i
No. of paupers iu poor house at date 10
Statement of tho assets and Indebtedness of
tho District April bill, 1W2.
'arm nnd buildings wortli M.SiO I )
l-'armlue: utensils worth..
070 20
Household furnituro wortli
Horses and catllo wortli
Potatoes worth
1 1 uy gruln uudsliuw worth
Pigs worth
Mituuro worth
Meat worth
Poultry woith
Wheat and ryo in giound worth
Clover bced worth
Lard worth
Vinegar worth
I-'Ish worth
Dalance iu treasury
272 Is
7I 10
25 CO
i.l CI
50 0)
210 I)
57 10
13 50
IH 10
2 C)
)2 01
11 (M
5 1)
I 2i
I lJ3l
,'111,'iW t.i
81,011 10
8,1)7 53
Anil, yet duo on farm with tntcicst .
Dalance iu la vol' ol district
S10.0J8 03
PioJucts of tho farm for llio yiar 1-71.
8 tons of hay 830 82 n CO
10 bush, buckwheat CS 75 12 I )
01 bush, wheat 81 I) ti 20
2i)5 bush, corn-ears 5) cts 102 50
32 bush, ryo 81 10 35 2)
200 bush, potatoes 40 cts 11)1 00
2l3bush. oats at 53 els 118 23
7 loads corn fodder at 810 70 U
1,37 pounds pork nt 7 cts 03 07
475 heads cabbage at 3 cts 11 V 3
50 lbs soap made at 10 cts 5 I )
nutter, i-gi;s, nnuvigeuiuies mi . ,)
Live block lalsed Illtj
Clover bced rulscd 11 (j
WILLIAM GOODMAN,) Directors or tlio poor
PATRICK 11URKE, i-ol Conyngbain and
WILLIAM UN YDIill, J Contralla poor dlst.
Attehi C. O. MURPHY Clerlr.
jCon v sou 1M Tw'i1., April 8, 172. June 7-:it
Agreeably to tho provisions of au Act ot As
sembly eulltled au Act illrocllug the mode of
selling unseated lands lor taxes and other pur
poses, passed tho thirteenth day or March, 1815,
aud tno further supplements thcieio passed ou
the 13th day of March, 1817, uud the 2jlh duyoi
March, 1821, uud the 0th day or March, 1817, the
Treasurer ot Columbia county, hereby gives uo
tlco to nil persons coucerued therein, that uuless
the Couuty, Road, School, Poor, llouuty nnd
State taxes duo ou the following tracts ot unseat
ed lands, situate in Columbia county, are paid
before tho duy of sale, tho wholo or such parts of
each tract will pay tho costs chargeable there
on, will bo sold ut tho court llousu iu tho town
of liloomsburg. Pa., on tho 10th day of Juno, 1872,
und to coutluuo by adjournment, irom day to
day lor arrearages of taxes duo said Couuty, und
costa uccrued ou each tract respectively.
Acres. W'arranttei or Owners. IM. Cls,
Gray William
Clark Andrew, tract,
Davis Isaac
Fry David
Littlo Malhias,
LRtlo Robert,
Morris Daniel,
1 00
10 to
1 50
5 oo
11 50
a 77
5 00
fi 00
8 00
1 60
a oo
21 12
5 77
1 02
10 80
13 60
Novor Ucorae,
Nuugcsser (Jeorgo
snumaa F. L.
Shumau F. L.
Hhuman F. L.
Shumau George & Co,,
Shlpmau II. W.
Ileuuluger Cluistlan,
Hhuraau F. Ii.
Hhuman F. L.
Hosier Jacob, deo'd.,
Clirlstmau Ann,
Wells Johu
Applcman Peter,:
l'euulugtou Jessu R,
Applu Puul
Ilrltlulu William A, J.
lllish Reuben,
Ilench Nathau,
Reach Nathau,
llryau Guy,
Clem W.T. D. lUv.
HcadlyH. F.,
Hcadly H. F.,
Headly H. F.,
lllcks Jesse,
Recer Abraham,
l'ealer Samuel J.
htackhouso Joseph,
Stuckhouse Joseph,
Blackhouse, Joseph,
Suit Adam,
8 27
1 71
1 80
12 0)
11 BS
4 47
SO w
35 63
8 01
12 40
8 (II
17 78
10 (17
22 83
11 85
6 0J
10 32
11 85
6 33
6 11
103 Bponenbcrg Philip,
S Hlttlcr Jacob.
7 Traugh Henry,
30) IJoty A l'oalor.
iu i-arsa jampft,
It) Klsauer A Knorr,
Gxtawissa 1tonthlp,
81 McNlneh Jameia,
100 Clewell Jaoob. ir
61 UrolHtJ.H., " '
101 llrobut .1, H.
82 llrointJ.H.,
Ml llrobat J. H
M lllllmrcr M, A U.,
3 "3
2 01
s; 7i
Ocntrallu liorough,
Arlcr John,
lloylo John,
Crano Michael,
ChadwIcK Ann T
Collins I'eler
Cannon Ueriiard,
Colllhan James,
Fetterman Alien,
Urimth Iienjamln,
Holmes Thomas.
Jonca Auu T, Mrs.
Kllno Caroline,
Kline A Relubold,
Keller widow,
Lovoland II. A,
Laugou Fat's
Moraun D. John,
MarRs Loyd,
Marks George,
Moeiiau Thomas,
Moore Oraco Mrs.
Ncvln Michael,
Uuliin Fatrlclr,
Hbepliard H. F.
Wltllclc I'red,
ZUlor Wlllkim,
Hughs John J,
Cain Terrenco,
Davis Henry,
Centre Township.
2 Lots
, ,i
1 M
2 11
12 "
1 "
j ii
i 11
t '
7 11
1 "
0 7 a
2 so
IS 00
1 29
1 10
1 (17
a so
8 00
8 111
1 10
8 1)2
8 01
8 01
8 01
17 11
8 01
17 27
8 W
4 '.')
8 Ol
4 31
15 25
0 01
3 HI
7 02
2 J'
1 11
1 "
'i "
1 "
2 "
1 "
1 '
1 "
1 "
1 "
I .1
1 11
.11 Couuer IsalaU, estate
iti Conner Hamuel, estate
i.U Dewltt A Ileuodlct,
7 Frits William, estate
3 Good Jacob,
ft Ktefer Daniel,
1 Ktkcndnll A Creasy,
(I lltmhach Daniel,
17 11111 Jacob estate,
Conyngfiam Township.
270 Jordan Robert,
USD Porter Andrew,
801 Walker Lewis,
Jjofl70 Ruston Thomas,
Wof 3) Ruston Mary,
0 M
0 24
0 H
1 7J
, M
1 II
Wl 0(1
51 I HI
i'J I ol
l-ll (,j
111 id
71 H
L-l 'J
51 ii
1W ai
311 2i
Jl .1.1
21 31
2ll 51
17 k2
12 37
41 VI
W 10
ar,i 7u
1 '0
7 it
.1 SI
3 10
jOi nu itusiou i nomas,
:i,oicou nustuii .limy,
Vr) lluchcr Peter,
Ueaslev Johnsou.
lllltzhlmcr Thomas,
Wlokersliam Amos.
Shannon William,
Illckham Ueorgo,
Ilea A. W.
ilea A. W.
Ren A. V.
itllno, Llndonmuth A Co.
Liudeuiuuth (leorfo D..
Walker Lewis,
Young John,
llrauuau ibeaezcr,
ileam Joshua,
Dellaveu Peter.
Miller William,
Porior William, Daniel,
Warner Joan.
Heaver A Kline,
Reeso Mlcuncl,
iirowu iNiithaulel.
Lelbv J. M.
.Mnrr HeurvH..
Relubold W. ll
Westmnn Daniel,
Yocum Frank,
Cleaver Elijah,
1 Cook David,
1 Kiiugaiuau Frod,,
1 4achetrles (leorgo.
1 Goodman William.
' Wallace William,
' Hart Audiew,
1 ualu Torrouce,
1 Helmb.ich Piillln,
.llewlg P.S.,
1 Joyce I'etor,
' Knittlo Jonatliau,
1 JiagulroTerreiicu,
' Marr A Morris, 1
1 McMauamau Kellx,
2 s:
i I '.I
i :n
5 4ii
3 7U
4 I)
1 li
8 ii
12 a
Me.Mtinaman ltii.,r.
1 " Jlurjihy Anthony,
, ..ui. .1,1.1, ni j .wuuiiru,
Murohv TnamiLs.
Hulvely Malthow,
Prcstou Improvement Co.,
Jishingcrcek Township.
Doty & Pealor,
Doty iS l'ealer,
Doty .t l'ealer,
Ikoier William,
Jones James N,,
Loinou Michael,
Mears William,
Montgomery D., estate,
l'ealer Samuel j,,
Uuangst Abraham,
Parks James II,.
Mclleury Eil., J taxos.
Lemon Thomas,
lioyer Edward,
1 tower Moses,
Lllley Abraham,
Lloyd Johu,
1 I
21 in
lo ;i
1 ii
I 71
0 72
li M
'i e
Kllno Daulol,
JMoltou Samuel,
Tltmau Abra., estate.
Walls 6t RoJliuo,
Campbell L. N
Kmmltt James,
i; i
17 ii
3 .1-
3 an
JlofilJ Kilo John,
J3ol2J1 ivllo Johu,
Young AbrMlinm,
100 Wooiever Jacob,
100 Hess John L
9 71
2 SO
If ill
tl Ml
llllllugtou Thouus,
Johu Hamuel,
John Samuel,
Rhodes John t Joseph,
, Saveu William,
m lw "Uston Thomas,
li ol 10) Reoso Daniel.
.1 1,1
7 Ji
7 -n
7 2-'
7 Ji
7 Jo
7 2ti
S 11,1
4 Ul
1 41
I 41
II 7i
b2 RU.ton.Mary,
J " imituii v.ii:iriottO.
15 ol 200 Reynolds Joun.
Jj of 200 Myers .Mary,
y. of 100 Ruston Thomas. IU,I linn... II...I.I I
I 7 ,.f .,Ll.i . V
"i.-JJi i;""r " ;V,"ri ..
fr'Stn !f,,J!w!i,",'"',"UtL''
I A . w W1U t'tllllUI,
-tuiw itusion uuarioiu
.of 2uo Itoyuolds Johu.
2 of 200 Myers Mary,
it Yoder Aaron ii S.n
Aaron ,t Hiiniii
Mill,,, i,.,.i.
.Miller Jacob,
Reaver Georgo A J. L. Kllno,
Weaver George Jt J. L. Kllno
Keller Richard,
Madison Townshin.
Ellis William, oslato, i ,
Moser Jacob, j d
Flncher J. P., is,
Flueher J. P., 0
Hosier Jacob, ii.
bhu-uau Rudolph, a m
Shumau George, t-.
Shumau Daniel, holis, j lu
Shuman Isulah, helis ' ;ju
smocu, Urobst, letter nauck !txi 2 j;
letter Isaac, ,.j
iTetter Isaac A Daniel, so;, aii
YelteriS Klaso. aim
Lougenberger George, estato i 7)
Iirowu David, b.- 1 u
Creasy Henry, lu :
Durnbaoh Aluoml, Jiii
Keller Johu, 7m
Nungesser George, 8
.Imiuuriuaun Joiuua. 211
Youe Johu R jj
Gigor Johu, 0, tale, i
llamsey Jonn, estate, 1 1
Mt. JVeasant.
Grli.ioi Loronio, i.j
Mo Jarty Dante), 1
Crovcliug Hamuol, : 171
Everett .Moses, 7 tJ
Jones Richard, usi
Kllno A. J., u
Kllno A.J,, )s
'1 reiplcilcco, c ,;
Ueufleld Thomas. t,
1 Lot
Davis Thomas, estate, j 1.
Heath Sylvester, 1 y
Vaudersllco Thomas J 11 0!
Raul) J. Miller, si,
Little Robert, a,
llueuer Peter, i,
D.trnes Thomas, Jr jti
l'rlck A Shumau, ja;
Huslu 1 lolm, mrl of, t ,.
'Prion Jacob, a"!
Morris .i.iulel,
Yocum i IMia, i-
Viicum 1 llsha, A 141
Weary Gabriel, w j 1
Muirls D..i! M. G, Hughs. 7W
Morris 1). ik M. 0, Hughs. 1 1'
Mori Is 1). il si. u. Hughs .
.Morris I). & .M, u, Hughs. 3v
Morris 1). ,1: M. G, IIubIis. w
Weury Gabriel, J n
Weury Gabriel li
lUubJ. Miller, :l)
Keller RtcliaiJ, I'l
Ueavcr George & J, L, Kllno, 1'''
Sunar Lrtnf.
200 Uucknlew James, au
81 Cole Ezeklel. II
75 Custard Marv. U
Uucknlew James,
Cole Ezeklel,
Custard Mary,
Goss Nuthaulol,
Giuy Robert,
Montgomery Robert, estate,
Roberts & Larlsh,
200 Goss Nuthaulvl, 3D
205 Giuy Robert, 2J7)
300 Montgomery Robert, estate, H
400 Roberts iS Larlsh, W'11
liloomsburg, April 8, 1872. Treasurer.
AO., 40,
Noatly aud Choaply Printed
rrom the latest Htylei of Typo l th
ooLUMuiAN oyyioi:
Wo now havo the finest assortment of DLANK
DEEDS ou baud nud ior sale that were ever
kenl iu Uioomsburg. Large slxo on best
ineut papor, Common Deeds, Executor's jn
Adiululstrator's Ditds-smali sue wood nJ
heap common Deeds; 4c .
Wo now have on hand a Urge neatly ' U'm
assortment of JUSTICE'S ,a,N?WE8,
BLANKS, to which wo luvlle tho altenlloa"'
heao olllcers,