:.: i i i i - - r. . . , , k .... , , , t -rrcr 4 A '! RATES OF ATWWjmSING. lltc (ifotiuntoiM up Kill 11 n.u ,ti a I I' , s, n Al.'CV N, I'jy llA 10 tv pan ir a td B' AND j puiu.isiiei) every phiuay mouninu stllltt'OMtMnlAN nUII.DINh NEATltfltS coi iit notttin, ntooirstitritn, i'A., nr CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, lcnrron and rnorniKTon, Tora:"Two Dollars a Year payaUo In advaneo. JOD PllINTINQ if tndoscrlptlons executed with neatness and dispatch nt reasonable rates. Columbia County Official Directory .. . . a . i Mr.i.aitt t,- M-ttt.t.. iTMlll'lll.inoc iv jiii, 11.1 a t-. MMl(.fJ1telfJ-IllAM.ui.hll, IsAAO B. MOM JtrfiUltr.t Jiecorder-WMIMaox H. JAeoliv. )iaW Attorney- JAMES.llmfcojf, Jit. Rhcrisr AAllOS HMIT1I. C Siirrcyor-IHAAOlliiwiTT. JVm.nii'cr-WlJ.l.tAM LAMO-C. CrmmlfJ.fMeM- I'YIlU.S IlOIIlltSS, ltlRAM J. Hi rni . Wim.iam KiiArrr.it. Vi,mndslonn' Cfrrft Wir.i.tAM Knii'KnAtiM, '11-1'. J. C'AHI'IIKI.L, HANinb Ll.ll. ('llAHI.VH''NNr.ll f jroiui'- t'ltAiii.r tO, Mtnii'iiV. jiii'itWiiii.nioiicii IbAAO.Mi;lliunK,JollN JIO A clVi'iV o.'jicrf icitln-C1tAhMss O. ItAitKt.r.Y mot ior yjiir(d-l)lreetorii, B. II. MtLi.Kn V II dam Eiiami.ii, llloomsburi!, nml Joiinhoii I - I l.t u. Ultiuwoou, L'ilAltl.L8 CoSNl.il, Kcc'y. BloomBburg Offioial Direotory. j:tu,n.lvro lumktvn rB.-Joitn A. l'CNSTOH President, II. H. llnorz, Cnshlcr. j ,rst An'.-imi y:iiA-ci?aJ. it. PAxTos.Prcs't , J. l'.Ti .tin. Cnshlcr. lx,:umbtalvnt!i MulxmtlSavtnQ Vnndnnd IMnAf l. mfion-E. II, I.tiTI.K, l'rrift., C. W. MIM.KI1, ntji'nmlivra Ittdtdtng nnd Saving fSmtl Aunrttf cm WM. 1'KArucK, l'res't,, J, li. Houison, Hoc, lilt vmsburii Muttid Having Ivnd Annotation J.J. Unowr.ll President, C. tl, UAllKI.KV, Heo'y. Ohurch Direotory. 1'KEsiivTcntAN cnritcn. .VMfirr-Itov, Btuntt Mitchell. Sabbath ficrricc J-1UJ i A, 31.; "J P. M, Sabbath Sehool-VA. ft. I'raier Medina Wednesday. 7;S 1. M. , Hcnfs free; no pews lcutudj strangers wcl come. Bloomcbnrg Directory. r )A1'1.H IIAOH JuM, received and farsnlonltlie CLOTHING, &U. DAVID L0WHNI1EIUJ, McrclinulTiillor.Maln ht.,nbovo American llnuse. urM. JIOItltlH, Merchant Tailor, over Itn&on l slocks coiirectloncry,oiiiiolloCiuluiKU8lur itimrc waitronnis. DKUGS, CIIEiMIOALS. &C. ii 1'. IiUT,, llniBglst and Apothecary, Mnlu 6t. f;, below the l'osl OIllcc. CLOCKS, SVATCIIES, &C. CK.HAVAdE, denier In Clocks, Watches ami . Jewelry, Main St., Just below tuo American unlive. f ot'IH linUNIIAHl), Watch and Cloclc maker lj near southeast corner Main and Iron sis. i CATIICAUT, waicnni II. kcthtrect, below Main CATIIC'AItT, Watcli nnd Clock Mnker.Mar- BOOTS AND BIIOES. n JI. KNOHU, Dealer In Hoots nlidHhocs, latest und best styles, corner Main mill Market stitcts In the old 1'os.t Olllce, HKNIIY Kldll.M.Mniiufaetnrer nnd Healer In Dents and Blious, Uiocerlcs, etc,, Main sticct, i st ltlooiusburc. PItOFESSIONAL. Dlt. II. 0. HOWlUt, Burgeon Dentist, Main St., ubovo thu Com t House. DH. WM. M. UBIIEIt, Burgoon and l'hyslclan. Uilko over the 1'list liaUonal linnk. ( (1. liAUKI.HY, Attorney-nt-I..iw. 0!!Ico,2d U, ilnorlu i;xchauKelllock,iie;u'tliii"I.xchanfi' llnlel." 7 11. McICI.I.VY.M, I).,SurKeon nnd l'hyslclan J . uoith slilo Main St., below Mniket. T C. HUTTI.lt, M. I). Burncou and l'hyslclan l . .laraei. siietl, uuovu iuiu. 1 I!. IlOlilSON, Attoniey.at-I..iw, OlllcoIIart .) . man's bulldlus, Main struct. . II, r. KiJNNi';y, Murceon i-'enusv. leein JI xtrncled without pain: Main nt nearly op- ue j.j)isi;u!ui .iiuii:ii, T It. I'VAIS'H, M. I)., SurRion nnd I'hjslclnn, J. miii Hi sliIuMiuii street, below .Market. OV.. A. li. Tl'HNr.lt, I'hysrclan nmlSurKeoti.or lue oir Klelm'H Drim fcloiu, usliltneu one Ui ii below Itev. D. J. Waller. ..' IIjIjINEHY a fancy goods. r i'HTr.HMAN, Millinery ned Fancy Ooods, I , oiiiosiie Episcopal Church, i.Ialu st, ii H I.IZZIT. IIAItlCLKY, Milliner, ltamsey JI .nltdln- Main street. i, i-H M. DI.ItltlCK'RON, Millinery nud Fancy .11 t.unj.i, Mains!., below Market. II us. JUIJA A. ft HADP. 11AUKI.KY, I.adloV il ii.tUsaml Diess l'alttnu, southeast coruir ' mill West st. '1' ! MISSKS 1IAI1MAK Millinery nnd Fancy 1 "Kjdk, Main bt below Amtrican House, HOTELS AND SALOONS. (.UKS 1I0TI.L, by T. Ilcut. Taylor, east end i. i ji ' Slalu street. MKnCIIANTS AND GROCEKS. ' 1 MAl'.H, Dry Ooods and Notions, south l ntst corner Main and lion Bts. X a Wl.'lill, Confectionery and ll.ikcry, i.ut.kinlo and retail, Kxchange lllock. 0( IIUWEII, llatsand Cnps.UootsnndBhocs, , Main st., above Court Honso. H. SIAlzn, Mnmmoth Grocery, lino Oro i). chIos, I riilts, NutB, l'rovislou, de Slain 1 ('mire Streets. H'KFLVY. NKAI. I'O.. ilcnlersln Tirv Onnds. J) l-rorerles, Flour, Feed, Bait, l'lsh.Irou.Nalls, N. II. cor. Mnlu and MSrkct sts. i v. II. MILI.KIt PI1V. ilrnlcra In llrv floods . UrnrtrKg. (Jueensware, Flour, Half, Bhoes, loui.itc.J.ialust. MISCELLANEOUS. f M. UU'.If TMAN. Huddle, Trunk A Hurncis v., maktr, bhlve's llloi k Main Btiect, h W ItOnillKH.IIriuiirdealei'secouildoorfroiu uuiiuwtbt eorutr main ana iron sis. I ' ' IIIDUNTON, Wiilll'iiper.Windov;BliiiJoa b. uOHstuits. lluveUbloik.Malust. If, v: f'OIti:u,, Fnrnlturi Itooms, thrco story ! "' "ck, Main Bluet, vest ofMarket st. ltr.NSTOCK,l'liologiarhcr,overl!obblnii - 11' iEyir'a Btoie, Malnst. j I KUIIN. dinlerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chcm I tlln'Snll.iv. i nrnf Alnfirlrnn IlnuRft. V. Y " 11 1 '"H ' linn iiruivn niuiiu 'm, i-asi iiioomsburi;,iJorwlcK roau, ,J!' lABll, dealer In furniture, trunks, ceder ivtiiv, uc-ur iiiu I'umH jiuiei. rU,m,w'!':MAN A""1 Sor Mnnson's Copper I FOSTElt.Hlno Maker, nnd WUlto and Fancy --M..v,,ovoiHJIVX, ' if,I!00KP' nni hll,nlt NOTFH, with or with Lou exemption, fur sala at the Columuiaj Cntawinsa. . DAM.M AN. Mcrehaut Tailor, Second l'.l.ol)bus'llulldlns. St. Dki' K: ItOlSIHNH, BurBCoa and l'hyslclan "konUBt below Main. I RT KLINE, dry f-oods, grocorlcs, antral raiicbandlse, Main Btiect and J e,'!,;iB?.l4E1! "t-'attnwtssa House," North I . i-urucr Main and Wi-i nml Miin .. L. riJ;,1',11' Ulllard Hnloon, Oysters, nnd Ico tcamin season Mnlu m. hi" J'mIi,.ANI?A or I,rlck lr"'1' B' Knsien jUbtuet' 1 M" r,1,,r WBmnl j j?''1' II. ABllO'lT, Attoiuey at law, Main Bt. Light Stroot. H. cgoo1i'i0''c'llw'U'a' Hist door I'wtanjMauuuicturtr nnd dealer In !1, d!liu Lia5,1" ulove'' nd Tln wre Ju l''b Sni'; ""iB "'"'cr in nil l.l...1n kinds of Oral n Eopy. Vt. IIIM.... " - " ' ft VOLUME VI. ---NO. 23. Buck Horn. AOAV. If. BHOEMAltF.lt, ilenlcrs In dry Roods, fjrocclerles nnd general merchnnilso Orangevillo Directory, II, IIEUIUNCI ft IlItOTHEIl.Carpcntetsnnd . Uulldcrs, Main st,, below l'lue. HICIC HOTEf, and refreshment Baloon, b' ltohr M'llcnry cor.of nln nud l'luo Bt, Dlt. O. A.ME(lAItClEI,,l'liyslclnnnndBiirgcou Main St., nest door to Good's Hotel, DAVID HEUllINO, Flour nud Orlst Mill, ami Dealer in grain, Mill Blreet. fAMEB 11. HAUMAN. Cabinet Mnkcr and Un. o dertakcr. Main Bt,, below Pine. QUlHtYILH ft CO., Iron fotiuaers.Machlnlsts O and Mnunfactnicts ol pious, Mill Bt, IiAMUEI.BHAiH'I.raM.MaUcroftlieHaylmrst O Uralu Cradle. MalnBl. UTII'MAM'DEIjONO Sliociniikeriiti.i iiialiufnc. ) turer of Ililck, Mill HI., west of l'me Philadelphia Directory. yAlNWltlGHT & CO., N. i:. Corner Hecond nnd Arch Btrcets, l'HII.AUEI.I'lIlA, Dealers In ti:ab, sYitura, coffee, buaii, molasbicb hick, sricra, in cAitn soda, ac, ac, 4-0rdcrs will receive prompt attcntlmi, may 10,b7-tr. H ARVEY 15. WALKER, WITH SOU ROPP ME All, SCIIllOPP A CO. IMl'OItTEr.S ANnjOUIILIlSOt' CHINA, ai,.SBB AND (lUEESSWAUi:, No. 108 NOI'.TH BECONDST., l'HII.ADEM'lIIA. gjfOilKlual mmrted packases of Oneenswnro constantly on hand. ieb'JJ'7J-tf. BurjinesB Cards. g II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Court-Honso Alley, bclov; the Coi.um 1AM Ofllco, llloomsburg Pa, c, U. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1H00M3BUH0, rA. -Offioe Court llou ho Alloy. In the Co- msmiAN building. (Jau4,'67. c t W. MILLER, ATTOIINEY AT L.VW. rAN onice. llouulles. llnclt-l'av and Tensions nntHhfn.i.l n,,iinA llln.. L.lnn f 1. n IMMIU. collected. llloomsburg l'a. sep.'A)'07 JOHN M. OLAIIK, ATTOltNlIY AT LAW. OFFICII nbovo Hovor's Btorc. Main street. llloomsburg, l'a. JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTOI'.NKY AT UW, Ofllco Main Htreot below tho Court House. llloomsburg i'enn'n. B. FRANK ZARR ATTOIINEY AT LAW, IILOOMBIIUIIO, PA. Ollko with J. 0. Frceze.Biower's Ulock. Can bo consulted In Ucnnar or Englisli. mch:'J'7J-tr .QIIARLKS C. LEIDY, ATTORAT.Y-.VT-ILAW. OFFICE ON OAK BTIIEET, MOUNT OAItMEIi 0I:TIIU.MIIE1!I.ASD county, i'A. Collections proniplly made, Conveyancing riillv execnteil am another business conncct- 'd with bis rofesslnii fiiielullv attended to 111 .Montour. Ntii'llimubulaud and Columbia eiiiiu- ties. H11.1S7MI. TVTF.W BTOVE AND TlrJ SUOP. 1WA1A1I UAUErllUt'll, I.ilntltrettono door nbovo 1!. Mendenhull's Store. A largo assortment of stoves, lloatcrs nnu ttunges constantly on hand, and for sate at tho uwi'st rates. TlnnllV' In nil Its branches eaverullvnltonded to. and satlslactlon guaranteed. i in wora oi an Kiuus wnoteuaio ami roian. j lal Is rerjuested. Jaul'71 JgLOOMSUURG ni arbik w o n n. a. MAIN STltWT, 1IKI.0W MAKICET, ULOOMBUUHO, PA. Monuments. Tombs. Headstones. Ac. "Work neatly executed. Oulers by mall will recelvo fieciai attention, is, n. woric ueuveieii ireooi large. T, I,. UUNTON, Proprietor. octlS'71-tf. l',O.PoxiJ7, BARGAINS BARGAINS. . qrirx sAi.r.3 ANn bmai.i. FHornn HAVE YOUH MONEY. Onto HIINItY YOST. East llloonisbmg Pa., lor all telmMof tliebist borne nud city mado f u i( n i x l! n ju . Prices rrasouablo and the bo-' "irlt done. Jan 17i-tf "yULOAN WORKS, DANVILLE P A. WILLIAM H, LAW, MnnufJeluierol Wrought Iron Drilled, Boilers, (lasholders, Fiieproof linlldlngs, Wi ought Iron Itootlng, Itooflntf Flames, Flouring nnd Doors, i iiriu uaies nnti jencing, iilEO wiougni iiou pip lug, Htackn and alt kinds ofHmlth Vorl:,iS.e ltenalrs promptly ntttiuled to. ji.ii. jji awiug uui u,iimaiesfiuppneu. ootn'71-ly. J. THORNTON lim would announce to tho citizens of Illooma- urn and vicinity, that ho ha lust lecel veil a lull nun complete nssorimciii oi AVALLFAl'EH, WINDOW 811 ADEB, 1'ixri'Ki.s, conns, tas-skls, nnd all other goods In hla lino of huslncss, All tho newest and most approved patterns oftho uuy iiiu hi ways w un ii"u in itisesiuoiinumcuu mar.S.'MMf Main Ht, below Market. Z1 hi'.iv ium, Luuii, linn i.i r.iu ui'ii. NEW AND FULL-POWEHKD BTEA MSIUpg. OCEANIC. CELTIC. ItEl'UllLlO. Ull'i Hl. 1,1I1J1 1 1X1 111'; IVIJ1LL.II. ATLANTIU. IIALTIC. AIUllATIC, U.lrtiu llJlin UUII1UUU,IAM II. l. t'lICII. Baillna from New York on BATlJitDAYH. from Liverpool on THUltSDAYH, and Cork Haibor thodav following. From tho Whlto Btar Dock, l'avonla I'crrv. Jersey City. i iissi'nger neeouiiuoaaiiuiis iiur nil Classes unrivalled, combining rcni'i'.i x, eri-.r.u, Ann uuiruiti, rJJffH Baloon s. state-rooms, smoking-room nud bath l ooms In midship section, wbcio least motion Is lell, Bnrgeous and stewardesses accompany theso steamers. ltAI?sKttl?0.n' W old. Stecince, 30currcn- CV. i llOSO WlblltUlf to Mini InrlHnnilufrnm Mm Old Country can now obtain stceraijo prepaid Passengers booked fo or from all parts ol America, Paris, Hamburgh, Noiway. Hwcdm India, Australia, China, etc.' "c'-i Exclusion tickets granted nt lowest rates. Drafts lrom 1 unwinds. For Inspietlen ol plans nnd other liifoiuiatloii, apply to No, IV Proadwny, New Yoik, Or to W. PEACOL'lf. 6 ' JaulStf Dloomsliurg, Va. "VfALUABLE PROPERTY FOR T, HALE. Thotiudirslgned wishing to retire from bus! 11CS8 HOW Oilers at lirlvntn uiln bis nlitlm nrnnr,r. t y situated In Orangevillo, consullugot aoue- I'm, iMniio. im mu HVll uuuwu FOUNIIEY AND AUWCULTUKAL -WOUICB, toectlier With tho Encllie. Lnllirs nml nllinr Ala. f hlntry belouglnu to tho came, also tho entlro sidcu iioiv on nuiiii, lugeiner tmx a vaiuauio pniroi uorses.anu uio wagons, sitda, Harness, Ac. also his town lots on which la ,ii-i ii, ,i i-mul lrumo dwdling, also, twenty-llvo acres, known un iiiwur. ioit proptriy nuout leu oi whlcti i cleared. Uio baluncn tlrnliernil. Pi Ices reasonable, Possession given nt any ,miv iu.ui, Hllllllinrin, -M'l'O 1U ,ir lllllllt'HS OCt.OH.tf. OrntigovIlU', t'olmuhls Co, ivii.i.iAni ni uu lia.li, Miscellaneous. D ENTISTRY. It. C. HO WEE, DENTIST, Itospectfully oners his professional services lo tho ladles nud gentlemen of lllnomsburgond vl clnlty. Ho Is prepared to attend tonlltr.o vnrl. nus operations In tho Una of his profession, nud Is provided with tho latest Improved I'onci'.LAiN Ti-.KTlt which will bo Inserted on cold plat Ing Oliver nnd rubber baso to look as well nsttio na. urnl teeth. Teeth cxtrnctcd by nil tho new nnJ mostnpproved mclhods, nnd nil operations on thn teeth carefully nml propel ly attended to, Hesldeneo nud ofllco a few iloms alinvo tbs Com t Houso, snruo side. tlloomstiurg, Jan,P71 ly IJI1IK GREAT MAGICAL ii . i it f o ii c i: ti f Will forcn a benullful fiet of WhlskciK or Mus tache, In fiotn two to lliri'o mouths, nn any per son over twelve years old, It Is ono of tho nest prepniatlous to msko thn whiskers glow Hint ovcrwas known. Ono bottlo of It lssufllelent In produce n eiy slump I, raid. It does not in nny way Unln or Injnro tho skin. Try It I It Is no liunibutr. Prlre Si cents per bottle. Bent by mall post paid, to nny nddrefs, on ren ipt ol pi be. Address WILLIAM C. WACIN EE, AKliJtsvllIe, aug.i 71-ly. Adnius County, l'rnnn MS RANGE AGENCY. Vvvcmini. . I'all.iioo l,WW,0i lyi.ixx) 30,(SXI 4.",0,li(3 1,100,0 i.OiJO.d) :iso,OuO p;o,uio sii,niu 100.01 o Mutual, l.ioo.oui boo.oeo Etna Fulton N. North Alueihn t'lty Inlernatlnuiii N.Y Nlaiiara N.Y MarehautH Hprlngtlold rnrmeis' UnuvliW.N.Y Ainany City Danville, llorso Tliolt Atlnntle. N. Y (icrmanla, It. Y FP.EAM ULliWN, A-.' i... mni.'l 71 ly. liMinvsni'ii'i la. R INKLEY KNITTING MACHINE 'HIE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST ANDBl'ST IN USE I HAS IIUT ONE NEEDLEI A CHILD CAN HUN IT! 1'itlgr.cd specially for tho use of families, nnd mill s who desire to knit for the mmket, Will !o i i iy stitch of llio knitting In n stocking, widening nnd nnrrowlngns rcndlly nsby hand. Ale hplimlld for voisluls nnd fancy work, TAKING FIVE Ulll'EHENT KINDH OF STl'KIII Ale vi ry msy to manage, and not nn oie in i.tt out iii uiuir, i-very i auiliysnoiuu l.av one, e want nn Agent in cv;ry town to introduce nnd sell them. towbem wuoin r the moslllbernl imliiccminti-. Bind fi.rourciiciilarnudfcmnplo I loeklnir. AiUlicss, IIIKKLLY KXITTJNU MACHINE CO., nov. lu.'71-ly. Eat h, Me. O. IIOWER, has opened a lirst-clasa EOOT, BUOE, UAT CAP, AIIU I-JP. w'OltE. at tho old stand on AialuStrcet.nioomsbiirE.afow douru above tho Court House, His stock iscnm poEedoi lliovery latestand bcstEtyles over otlcr ed to tho citizens ol Columbia County. He can accommodate tho publlcwlththe following goods attholowc.it rates. Men's Leivy donblo soled silica boots, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stogn shoes of all kinds, men's lino boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots aud,shocs ol all kinds, men's glovo kid Enlmoral shoes, men's, women's, boys's and misses' lusting gaiters, women's glovo kid Polish very fluo.wonien's morocco Balmorals and calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg ged and sowed. no wouiu amo can attention to his auo assort ment of ATH, CAr.S, FUK3 AND NOTIONS. which coinnrlses all tho new nud rnmilai vnrl. etlesat pilccswhleh canuotlallto suit all. These goods aro ottered at tho lowest cash rates and win ne gunmuiocu to glvo sntlsiactlon. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is bolloved thRt better bargains aro to bo found than at any other plaen lu tho county. 1UU 1 41 'PIIE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC- JL iUl.lNU COMPANY. uANUiuciur.r:ia o? AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEN Tc3 oftho most Approved Paltcnis. B3H1 Wcarii!,', .ToUiIii:!;;, of all dcscilpllons. DEALEllS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, Ac., Ac. ORANO EVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnounco to tho nublic In i-eneiul that wo havo taken tho woll known Aizrlenl tin- al Works of this place and uhallinako It our aim to mnniifactiuo First Class Agricultural Imple ments criuul to any other makers in tlio State. such na Tliresliliis BlacSiiHts, liolh Lover nnd Tread Power. PJowh o" evepy :icsci'3tli0M, anions which will bo tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN IIEUO, ncknowledscd by nil to bo tho best plow extant lor tho lurmcr. Also tho C!i:;:ti)!oii, Stasmj' Prtlcisl ami '1'Cic .loii;'o;c. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, (L'HllJvalos'M, E;'ot ?lcitlcii, nnd CastlngH of i veiy description. Wo shall nso nono but tho Leit materials nnd employ nono ma competent and experienced mechanics nnd our prices will comparo iiivomuiy wun any inner uiaauiaciur irs. Countrv I'rsdiice. I.unibei. Old Iron, tnhrii In excitant!)1. Wo olio have a stoiolu connection wiiu our Agiiciiiiuini won;?, wnoro may no loiind h lull nsi.orlment of MEUCHANDISE which will be sold nt small piollts. (Uvo its a (-un neiuiu purcutiMiig eisewnero aim we guar, nutco satislaclion, marcli'J-JTJ-ly. Hotels. gENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, DENTON, COLUMMA COUNTY, PA. This well known Houso having been nut in thoiounh renalr Is now oncn lor tbu lecention nf visitors. No palus havo been spared to ensure. tltii n.t, li.nf n,.i,irjt.l ef .,iiim.,u l'l,n nMn.lnl.,. ulsoiunaitStiigo Horn llio Hotel to llloomsbuig und liiltTmedliito points ou Tuesday, Thursday uuu uuiuiuujr ui uavu uvun, tjaui lEiil JU1E ESPY HOTEL. EdPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A. Tha uudorslgncd would Inrorm tlio travelllns lUbliotllllt ho has takull Clin nbrivnimmoil cUnti. Ishmeut and thorouuhlv rntuip.i ttui lihh inr '""i iihci couvunieuconi nisgucsts. iiisiurucr Will bO Stocked With tlio hivil. tlTn tnnrlrnl ,i(1r.lc The, cholcosl liquors, wines nnd cigars always to WILLI A M 1'HTTIT. Ksp . Pa THE NATION Ita Rulora and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing llko It, Strikes ovoryhody as Just llio book they need. His an Encyclopaedia of tho Utiverntnuit. Sluglo pages lu It, aio nt them selves worth tho prlcooflho book, orer UMpagea und only iZU). A Uleli Harvest for Canvassers inuus nun Eeutieinen i.inners, leaeuersiuid students, Un agent tooklSoiUeri in a few dam, tilth clmclar ((lone, before the bookatmetiud. eu u cluy can bo cleared lu lair tcrrltuiy, Wilto lit iiiiou lor circular nuu inioruiaiion, iNl'.lv wuiu.u I'uiH.ioiuiNii co., cor. 7in nnii Mar uvinuvi'iH.i iiiiuiiviiiuiu. loci, u, ii-iy.j PERrECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. llio, lint nd only self-feeding Anthraclto (Joal Htovo over luveulcd that will Porlcctly . , 'lOUsumoullthogaso. wiiifiiuveu ino niai Jii;AIINU STOVE tho cottutry. .Seiid for Prlco List nnd Circular lo MITCHELL. Bl'EVL'NBON & CO., Hloyo Mnintiactuict-i, Plltsburgli, Pa, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Poetical. Only n Kiss. Only a klss-a trlllo sllshl Just eager lips ono moment bloul, Two (aces 111 with kindly light, Ono thrill across two pulses scut. Strangers, so fow bright, short hours pnstl Strangers to-morrow, as bcforoT Ah, no I where'er our fate bo cast, I hold tlicc, liivc,forevcrmoro. How small a thing can chnngo tho day! Cnn wnko depoudenco from lis gloom, Crlhi'cm lo llio Its sullen gray, And bid our soul-llowcrsblttsli nnd bloom. Yiiti'vo touched my blow with fcslnl wine, With honor pioud as crownoil kings i Tho lips that onco wcro pressed lo thlno Aro sacred from nil menner I'dugs, Othcis shall know what I but guess, And keep llio Joy I snatched to-day; Hut memory guards thy ono caress For mine, mine only, mlnofor nyo. When soulsliavo touched In lips that meet, Tliey part not sullen, sad, and cold; Bllllellugsnn Influence subtly sweet, Otto touch that fuses dross to gold. Count It no loss, or lavls waste, Tho lltllii pearl you cateless spend; (Ileamsnot tho cup wo only tasto? Must Joy dolny till lovo's at end 7 Pafo lu my heart thy Jewel lies, Hello nnd typo my sum of bliss. Nonr theo or far, I keep my prize, Thy first pcrchanco thy only kiss! "ll'iiffcnlaii" fit May Galaxy, Miscellaneous. i'i:i:si:)i:nt jacksox mh.nt undeii- STAXl) FUKXCH. Henry a. wise, of Va., 1ms pub lished a volume of "Recollections," from which wo tnlto this rrood ono on Pre Id ent Jnckfon : But, on another occasion, lii3 iKiior tnee of lungmtKo did entangle him in n ridiculous mistake, and almost In a scrape. Duringhisadministration.whilo Mr. Louis Mt'Lane, of Delaware, was Secretary of State, Franco seutueertalii dashing minister to Washington, a young man just elevated nbovo tho grade of Charge, whoso passion was display. Ilia outilt of equipage, grooms, postillions and gold laco was magnifi cent. Ho called on tho Secretary of Stato to appoint an audieuco with tlio Presi dent; and Mr. McLane, .tn accomplish, cd, easy gentleman, begged him to call tho next morning at 10 o'clock at the Stato ofllco, and ho would accompany and present him to tho President. Monsieur lo Ministeur mistook as to tho placo of calling. I lo thought ho wm to call at tho President's mansion at 10 o'clock A. M. Accordingly, in full pa noply of costume, in coach-and-four, with attendants, grooms, postillion?, out-riders and iootmon, at the hour ap ptintcd ho drove up to tho door of tho Whito House, Instead of thu Stato De partment whcroMr. McLano wcsawnlt- ing his arrival. At that timothoPrcsidcnt was served by a French cook, and the celebrated Irishman, Jemmy O'Neal, was Gcner- il Jackfaon's potted mojor domo. Tho hour vTas about tho timo of General Jacksou'ci flnising puffof tho pipo after breakf.tst, and ho smoked, a-j ho did everything elso with all his might. His mode was no Latakia curl, no dreamy, thready lino from barely opened lips; nit a full drawing nud expanding vol ume of white cloud rising up whiff af lir whiff, puffafter puff, and bowl and stem and plpo all smoked as hard and fast as they could, and tho ilro was red and tho ashes hot, and tho whole room was so obfuscated that one could hardly breathe its ntmcsphcro or see. His usual modo of sitting while smoking, was with hi3 loft leg t hrowu across tho right, anil tho left too brought behind tho right tendon-Achilles, and tho long pipo btem reating on tho fork or crotch of the two knees, and reaching nearly to tho floor. Ho smoked tho old Pow. halan bowl, with reed stem very long. In thisattitudeho wassittiugandsniok ing while Mr. MeLano was waiting at tho Stato Ofllco for Mr. Ministor, and whllo Mr. Minister was riding up to tho Presidential Mauslon. Ho arrived tlio French cook in llio kitchen, Join- my O'Neal about his business, and Gen eral Jackson alone In lib office. A bus tle was made, bell began to ring, Jem my wa3 summoned to tho door, and thcro presented itself all this parade. Tho dlvll tho word could Jemmy un derstand, and tho best ho could do was to run up stairs to tho General and an- nouiico somebody very grand, but Jem my winked that nil didn't seom right, as there seemed too much fusa fur that soon in tho morning, and it might bo, after all, an Imposition. "Och, thoro was no tolling about tho tiling, it was so unuitial !" It might turn out what afterwards occurred aL twroncoaffalr ! Tho General qulotly replied, "Oh, Jem my, show tho strangor up wo will bco who It is." Jemmy ran, and Jackbon sat smoking, when presently tho room door was thrown wldo open, and a manikin of gold laco oatercd, cocked hat, with bullion and whito feather, nourished in hand, m iking a salaam to tho right and a salaam to tho loft with tremendous sweeps, whizzing and whlrrlngFrench withvohemontgesturo and approaching ncaror and nearer; It seemed threatening lu tho oxtroraol Tho President quit smoking, boat tho bowl of his plpo In his hand, roso quick ly, took hold of tho back oftho chair, aud exclaimed witha strong voico. "By thGO'ernitl god, Jimmy O'Neal, who Is thi.v.'" Jemmy, with oyes and ears opon, and hands ready, wasamamlly looking ou, when, fortunately, ho bothought him or tho French cook, who with his shirt sleovc3 rolled up to his shoulders, and Just as ho wan, besprinkled with Hour, ran up with Jemmy, arriving Justin timo to save Mr. MInUtor'd pato from being Binnshcd by the chair In Gchorul Jackson's hnuds. "Mnn Dioul" ixeluliiied the cook j "It Is tho grand Minister of Louis Phil Uppel" "Oh I" bald tho General ; "walk In, sir, thoro Is no corenioiiy hero!1' utid ho was nbout talcing tlio Mltilstcrby both hands Just as Mr. McLane entered to uco tho mlstako, to wltiam thoprovoutlon of tho catnstropho, and to enjoy tho Joko, which mudo him a thou3dnil times arterwnrd "shako" with Jollity "llko n bowlful of Jelly." FRIDAY, JUNE 7, About Clrcimcs. Thorn aro In tho United Stales travel lug through tho Summer season no loss than forty-four different circus compa nies. Tho fitting out of a first-class cir cus, oxcluslvo or nny menagerie, costs fully $100,000. Tho expenso of a now tent, with poles, ropes, seats, lamps, banners, cntranco curtain, is a llttlo short or $5,000. Tho baggago wagons rango In valuofrom $270 to $700. Tho extra horses needed for them aro from $G0O to $000 per pair, and tho great golden chariot for musicians costs rrom $1,500 to $2,000, and tho ring carpet for tumbling costs from $200 to $500, ac cording lo slzo and quality. Trick horses rango rrom $1,000 to $3,000 in value, pad horses rrom $1,200 to $2,200, horseback act horses from $1,200 to $2,200, trick ponies from $100 to $1,000, and tho trick mules often coat $1,000. FIrst'Clnss stock gymnasts nnd riders recelvo from $77i to $100 per week nnd tholr board or tho traveling season. Firslchiss men and women riders recelvo from $00 to $200 per week and tholr board ; clowns rrom $00 to $100, and tho mass or riders from S25 to $o0. Eques trian stars rccoivo from $500 to $1,500 per month. Six to ton ncrobats, six riders and half n dozen supernumera ries, usually form tho complement of a clreu, In addition to tho stars. Tho dally expenses or such nn establishment nro rrom $000 to $1000. Acrobats nnd gymnasts begin their education for tho ring at six or eight years of ago, when their young limbs nro pliable, and sometimes earlier, and continuo their violent exorcises until nearly fifty, when their mu?clc3 bo como loo rigid ror tho work. It is n mistake to suppose that circus men lead dissipated nnd spendthrift lives. Tho oxcrciso or their calling requires relax ed sinows, a clear head, and n body In completo health. A miscalculation, or a railuro or strength during n leap, might entail death. Thoy aro, thero rore, very sparing, or entirely abstoml-, ous, in tho use or strong liquors, and very moderate in nny gratification of senso whatever. Retired showmen may bo round in many parts or tho country and aro esteemed citizens. Their mildness for horses naturally leads them to a country life, whero they can maintain their fiworites cheaply. Tho amount-invested in tho mrly-rour circuses and menagcrio3 is $2,500,000. A town or 2000 inhabitants will requlro about $200 rorndvanco po3tcrs,and largo cities $500 to $1000. Circuses do not travel during tho Winter in tho North ern Slates. Thoy cither lay up until tho Spring, and start upon their tours from tho 1st or April to tho 10th or May, or thoy travel in tho Southern States, beirinnlntr tholr marches from tho 1st to tho 10th of November. About ten of the forly-rour proprietors aro wealthy but the majority or them nro in tlio hands or sheriffs from two to twenty times during each season. Tho weather is their greatest enemy, n rainy day sotting them back badly. A PVNNiNei correspondent or tho New York Sun recently visited n ro- malo seminary, nnd hero is his account or it: Tho bess fechool-inasler showed mo round, and tho swectcht lot of lasses I over saw wero those Ias-ses. Thoy beat lasses candy. It was liko looking at a great big patch of ripo strawberries, all of 'era sweet, but hero and thcro ono of 'om a llttlo bigger thnn tho rest, and somehow I liked tho biggest ono best. I told tho boss that I didn't think this could bo a good school. Says ho: "Why?" Said I : "Thoro nro too many misses hero ror correct lessons." Then ho called up a lovely girl in green merino, with a yellow silk string round her neck, and she stepped up to a nlco clean blackboard nnd took a pleco or chalk and daubed 11 nil up. Then tho bof3 exclaimed: "What do you think or that?" I told him that any fool could mako whito marks on to a blackboard with a pleco of chalk. "Givo her a picco of charcoal," says I, "and ir sho makes them whito mnrks with that, then alio will bo smart." Then ho said it was rrom memory. "Not" Fnid I, "you don't say that Is rrom memory ; what in thunder is tho thing anyhow ?" It lookr d liko a spo cimcn or knl.somitiing. "Why," said he, "that is tho map or Asia." "Drawn by a minor," said I; "that makes it Aeia Mi'jor." Thon ho psked mu what I took it far, and I told him I tool: It for a skating pond. That ended tho geography les son and wo went to mathematics. Tlio boss told mo to givo 'cm n problem to solve. I did, nnd 1 don't think they havo solved It yet. I got up and I said : "My dear young Indies, I proposo to you tho following problem, nnd I'll givo you ten minutes to stick your fin gors In your cars, aud rock to and rro to solve it: If it takes ono hundred years for a hard shell clam to hop ono mllo on ono foot, nvolrdupols measure, how long will it tako n locomotlvo go ing forty miles nn hour to reach its dc tinatlon, apothecaries' weight?" They couldn't ono or 'em do It. Ono wanted to know how old tho clam was, another whero tho destination ; In fact they wauted mo to do tho sum for 'em, nnd I got disgusted nnd left. Durln g n class-meeting held soveral years slnco by tho Methodist brethren or u southern village. Brother Jones went among tho colored portion or tho congregation. Finding thcro an old man notorious for his endeavor to servo God on tho Sabbath and Satan tho rest or the week, lo said : "Well, Brothor Dick, I'm glad to sco you hero I Havo n't stolo any turkoys slnco I saw you last, Brother Dick ?" "No, no, Bruddor Jones ; no turkoys." "Nor nny chick ons, Brother Dick?" "No, no, Brudder Jones; nochlckous." "Than, tho Lord, Brother Dick 1 That'a dolug well, my brotherl" said Brother Jones, loaylng Brothor Dick, who Immediately ro lloved bin over-burdened conscloneo by saying to a near neighbor with nn Im monso sigh or roller: "Ef ho'd n said ducks, ho'd a had mo!" 1872. COL. Tlio Strength of tlio Law. You havo thousands or readers (writes n correspondent at Nashville, TenucS' sco) who npprccluto n good thing at tho expenso even or that "bulwark or our liberties," tlio trial by Jury. Tho Hon. N B , for many years beforo tho war, nnd at present, our highly re spected circuit Judge, whllo perhaps as good n i isipri Hjjutlgo ns hasever worn tlio Judicial ermine, Is at tho samo timo ono or tho most genial or men. No ono enjoys or can tell a good story hotter than ho. This ono I think woll worthy or preservation In your treasury or good things tho Editor's Drawer. Not many years ngo, tho Judgo says, n mnn was on trial at Wayncsburg, In this State, on a chnrgo or murder. Tho ovidenco for tho Slato In-of Itscir fatally defective tho dcrendant on his part, by tho testimony or several liniinpeachablo witnesses, es tablished n pcrfocl "alibi." Tho Judge and every ono elso supposed tho prose cuting attorney would thereupon givo up tho caso. But no ; ho was an obsti onto follow, whom tho defendant's counsel hud mado mad, and, moreover, ho "had no uso for" tho defendant any way, and arguo tho caso ho would. Court adjourned till tho next morning. Mcnnwhlle our attorney-general spent n good portion or tho night In ransack ing tho books for "bloody cases," moro especially tho&u In which tho Judges had Indulged in a vast deal or rhetoric in their descriptions or tho horrible na turo or tho crlmo or murder. Thoao extracts ho read to tho Jury in his speech tho next morning, quoting also rreely from the Old Testament as to tho prop er disposition to bo made of the mur- dcrer, and closed up in a perfcet confla gration or English adjectives In giving his own notions as to the indescribable heinousncss or tho crlmo or murder. Tho Court then charged the jury briefly who, after a fow moments' retirement, brought in a verdict or "Guilty of mur der in tho first degreo !" Of course a now trial was granted. Defendant's counsel, however, was nnturally curi ous to know how tho Jury could havo found that verdict, and so, walking up to ono of tho most intelligent or tho twelve, ho said to him, "How on earth did you find that verdict ? on what ev idence did you baso It?" "Oh I" said tho Juryman; "thar wa'n't nothing In tho evidence that teched him ; but, you sco, the law wan so strong!" kditoe's uiimvek, In Harper's Magazineor June. At Louisville, Kentucky, last year, tho canvasser for tho City Directory, visited, among othor places, tho ofllco or tho American Merchants' Union Ex press Company,and mado n careftil nolo of nil names and residences of the clerks, officers' and attaches or tho com pany as they wero given to him. In tho list appeared tho following : "Ter hune, Peter, with A. M. U. Ex. Co., bds. Louisvlilo Hotel." Tho namo or tho ngent was to appear in largo letters, tho extra chargo or ono dollar being paid at tho time. In duo timo tho di rectory appeared, with Peter Terhuno, Esq., as tho agent or tho company, in largo typo. Tho canvasser had, how- o yer, mado a mistako in tho namo. Po- ter was in reality an attache or tho of ilco, but was a dog, belonging to ono of tho clerks, who had given tho namo to tho canvasser in fun. Strangers in tho city, who havo business at tho office, Invariably ask for Peter Terhuno, and letters or all kinds on business or pri- vato matters, como addressed to tho dog, who, it Is reported, bears his blush ing honors with great meekness. Moue novelties aro tho result or ac- cidont than is generally supposed. Tho origin or blue-tinted paper camo about by a mero slip or tlio hand. William East, an English paper maker, onco up on a timo set his men to work and went away on business. Whllo tho men wcro at dinner Mrs. East accidentally let a bluo bag fall into ono or tho vats or pulp. Alarmed at tho occurrence sho determined to say nothing about It. Great was tho oslonlshraont or tho workmen when they saw tho peculiar color of the papor, nnd great the ntiger of Mr. East when ho returned and found that a wholo vat or pulp had been spoiled. After giving tho paper mado from it warehoiiho room for four year, Mr. East sent It up to lila ngent In London to bo sold "for what It would fotch." "For what It will fetch!" said tho agent, misunderstanding tho mean ing; "well it certainly Is n novelty, but ho must not expect too much." So ho sold tho whole at tm advance upon tho market price, nud wroto to tho mills for us much moro as ho could got. Tho surprlso of Mr. East may bo imagined. Ho hastened to his wire, who found courage lo confess her share In tho for- tuuato accident, and to claim n reward which sho received in tho shape or n now cloak. Mr. East kept his secret for a short time, supplied tho markot with tho novel tiut, until tho demand Air exceeded tho supply, and other ma kers discovering tho means used, com peted with him. A Sliout Mistake HY a Hunter, This is what happened loaNorth Caro lina 'coon hunter whllo "tho brilliant November moon was riding In tho azuro vault, affording her queenly light ." Ho was out hunting in what aro termed tho "low lands," when tho hoarsb Sotos of his dog told him that tho varmint, what ever It was, had takon to a treo. An prouchlug, und not wishing to spend his strongth In foiling tho tree, ho conclud cd to climb It. No sooner said than done; up ho went nud Just about tho timo ho was making ioady to givo tho "critter" a shako out, down tho aulmal camo with a sudden rush, and avoiding tlio dogs, reached another treo and en sconced himself amid Its branches. Nothing daunted, our hunter again pur. sued him ; this timo ho obtained a clear vlow of tho unknown, and camo to tho conclusion that It was tho lilggce rac coon that ovorhofauw. Again tho some thing descended with fearful rapidity ami again ho waa upunothor treo. This tluc, however, lila bulk was clearly pqrceptlblo and tho death-dealing dou bio barrel brought him down. It was a hugo tiger cat, vulgarly called "wild eni."-I)l$sourl Democrat, !' i. " ' -, ' T., , ! , UMlMj-'Mirlt ."".ll W DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 16, Darld Onrrlok and tlio MnstllT. Ono very sultry evening In tho dog days. Gnrrlck performed tho part of "Lear." In tho first four nets ho re ceived tho accustomed trlbuto of ap plause ; at tho conclusion of (ho fifth, when ho wept ovor tho body of Cordelia, every cyo caught tho soft Infection. At this Interesting moment, lo tho aslonishmout of all present, his face assumed a now character, and his wholo frame appeared agitated by a now pas sion. It was not tragic, It was evident ly nn endeavor to suppress a laugh. In n fow seconds tho old attendant nobles appeared lo bo nffuctcd In tho samo manner, and tho beauteous Corde lia who was lying extended on n crim son couch, opening her oyes to sea what occasioned the interruption, leaped from her sofa, and with tho majesty or Eng. laud tho gallant Albany, and tough old Kent, ran laughing off tho stage. Tho audlenco could not account for thlj strango termination orn tragedy lu any other way than by supposing that tho dramalli pcrsontts wero seized with a sudden fronzy ; but their risibility had a different source A rat Whltcchapcl butcher, seated in tho centre or tho front bench or tho pit, was accompauled by his mastiff, who, being accustomed to sit on tho samo seal with his master, nt home, naturally supposed that ho might hero enjoy tho samo privilege. Tho bulchcr sat very far back ; and tho dog finding a fair opening, got on tho seat, nnd fixing his forepaws on tho rails or tho orchestra, peered at tho performers wlthns upright n hend nnd ns gravo nn air as tho most sagacious critic or tho day. Our corpulent slaughterman was mado or melting stuff, and not being accustomed to tho heat of a play-house, found himself oppressed by a largo and well-powdered Sunday periwig, which, for tho gratification of cooling and wip ing his head, ho pulled off and placed on tho head oftho mastiff. Tho dog, being lu so conspicuous a situation, caught thooyoof Mr, Garrick and the other performers. A mastiff in a church-warden's wig was too much ; it would havo proyoked laughter in Lear hiraseir, at tho moment of hl3 deepest distress. No wonder then that it had such an effect on his representa tive. Anecdote of Tom Coewin. When tho lato Tom Corwln was quite a young man ho was olectcd a Member of tho General Assembly of tho Stato of Ohio, and early in tho session ho brought in n bill for tho destruction or tho public whipping post. Ho mado an earnest speech in ravor or tho measure, to which nn elderly member replied ns follows : "Mr. Speaker, tho gentleman Is not so old as I am, nnd has not seen as much ol thepractical operation or tho system or punishment which ho desires to abolish When I lived in Connecticut, if a follow stolo a horse, or cut up other antics, wo used to tio him up and givo him a real good thrashing ; and ho alwnya cleared right out, and wo never saw anything moro or him. It's tho best way or get ting rid or tho rogues that over was tried, and without expenso to thoStato." Mr. Corwin, who novcr railed to carry his point by a Joko, ir tho argument was against him, only mado a brief reply : "Mr. Speakor, I havo ofton boen puzzled to account for tho vast emigration from Connecticut to tho West ; but tho gen tleman last up lias oxplaiucd it to my satisraction." It is almost needless to say that Mr. Corwin's bill passed by an oversvhelmlng majority. A Wise Spouse. A lady or this city, orFronch parontago, bright, witty, and good,becamo tho wifo of n gcntlonmn whoso business called him regularly overy summer lo Paris. In his youth his pace had been rapid, nnd tho lady's relatives gave many shakes or tho head when talking of tho marriage. Ho told her very frankly that ho had been of naughty habits, but promised to bo proper. And ho mado n very good hus band. On each return from Parte ho brought her somo nlco llttlo present- sometimes a bonnet, sometimes a dozen of Alexandre's, sometimes a dress. But on this, his eighth return, he surprised her by placing in hor hands a niagnlil cent laco shawl, tho cost of which could not havo been less than seven or eight hundred dollars. Well might her bright eyes sparklo, as thoy did, over tho ex quislto gossaracr-llko gift. Putting an arm tenderly nround his neck and giv ing him a soft, sweet kiss, sho said : "Ah, what a good, kind husband you arc, to uring mo snen a ucauuiui pres ent! but, Charley dear (with a roguish smile,)!; "how bad you must have been in rarU thu last Hmc!" She know him ! Editou's Drawee, in Harper's Magazine for April. Ahout Doas. A ranchman In Color ado has a Bagaclous dog which tho own or firmly bolieves can couut. Ho haB Bovon yoko, or fourteen working oxen, and when not in uso theso aro turned loosowlth a largo herd or cattle. Whou over they aro roqulred ho speaks to his dog tho aarao as ho would to a boy, and tells him to go and drive in his oxen Tlio dog immediately starts oil' and does tho Job as well ns anybody. On ono occaslou during tho last season whontho dog had tho cattlo nearly in, ho was, no ticed to suddenly lenvo them and run back to tho herd as fast as ho could go, which was three-quarters of mllo nwny. This excited somo surprlso, but it was soon discovered ho had driven In but thirteen, and had gone back to correct his carelessness by bringing in tho fourteenth. An instance of nuo honesty, nnd showing how a dog may deslro to pay his board bill, recently occurred in Fitchburg, Mass. A lady saw n dog frequently ubout hor houso picking up odd bills which had been thrown out, and ono day sho called him in aud fed li ra, Tho next day ho camo back, and asj sho opened tho door ho walked in and laid an egg on tho floor, whon ho was again fed. Tho following dayhobrought hs egg to pay for his dinner, aud om tho fourth day, lie brought tho om lieu nor BCir, who It scorns had failed to furnish tho required egg I tfi ' ) -if! s'ndnlvfiler nnafihoii. iKrAttrnitlne nr lisfnrtnlvnlent In Nonpareil ty fte) ono or two lnnci ttons, I l.W t liroc lnseitlons, tiw SPACE. III. iit rfu, tu, It. Ono hull USi li,!) 11.00 'V'! 110,01 Two lncnw... L J. 3.0 o.tio 7,w o) b,t i'Uroo inches .....i Sfn 7,xj Km Four Inches.! ..... 7,00 ,W. 11,00 17.11) ai,W- onaVur rolumST.:.. 10.00 UM UM -mm ),iw Half column... 15.00 18,00 SO.uO W),oi) i,o;) Ono cotiraa.rrrM..Jt)laO SH,t)i 40,00 eo,oo 100.W Exccntor'ii or Adinlnlatrntor'ii Notice, 13,00 Auditor' or Asslsnee's Notice, )2,50. Local notices, twenty cents a lino. Cards In the "Business Directory" column, !2.on ner venr for tho first Inn lines, nnd tl.OO f ir each additional line. Treed bra Bear. A Missouri settlor, om Uio Union Pa cific HallroaJ, Btraybddtvtrow nlopq In tho woods rccobtljtiin quest of squir rels, provided with'tmly a single barrel ed shot gun. Tho first gamo ho baw was a boar or monstrous proportions and ttnmlstakablo cannibal notions. Ho let fly nt Bruin ns tho nmlablo creaturo advanced, but missed him. Thcro wiw n raco literally for limb or llfo, nnd tho hunter succeeded, just as tho cavornous Jaws or tho beast touched his skirls, In swinging upwnrds on n hospitable limb, whero ho thought ho was secure, for a time at least. Tho bear, baffled lu his onset, adopted a Fabian policy, grimly wultod, sitting on his haunches, in vicious contemplation for tho moment when his victim should descend. Bears liko mortals loso patience, and when llio hunter was attempting to climb higher, tho bruto was enabled to eoIzo ono leg aud tore tho foot almost entirely off. Tho wretched man rendered al most frautlo with pain, thrust ono foot in a hollow placo 111 tho tree, and' seiz ing his knife, mado a strike at theC bear's head. Tho bear with ono vigorous sweep or his paw, struck tho weapon from tho man's hand; for n moment tho poor wrotch gavo up for lost, but suddenly ho remembered that his pocket was filled with salt, which ho had In tended for Bhcop. At onco salt was his safely. As the bear thrust his head up, a handful or salt was dropped tquaroly into his wicked oyes, and wilh howls or pain ho foil scraping nnd claw ing tho ground. Dealing this out in homeopathic system at each onsot or tho bear, tho hunter passed tho day and night, until finally long after noon of tho next day, tho people, alarmed by his long absence, searched tho woods and rescued him from his perilous posi tion. Things Wo Llko to See. Wo llko to seo young ladles who aro bitter enemies kiss each othor very af fectionately when they meet. It ro minds us of n man named Judos who lived several years ago. Wo like to seo a fashionably drcsscel lady promenad ing tho streets wearing n bluo silk drc33, trailing a yard behind her in tho mud it cleans tho streets so nicely. Wo llko to seo young men very polltoand oblig ing to other young ladies, who aro scarcely civil to their sisters at homo 11 proves that tho lords or creation aro void or deception. Wo llko to seo llttlo boys come to church in tho eve ning, andamuso thomselvos by sticking pins in their sleopy neighbors it shows that they nro not burying tholr talents in tho earth 1 Wo llko to seo a man in variably throw his newspaper, boots and hat on tho floor for his tired wifo to pick up it is ovidonco that ho remem bers his promise to "chorlsh her I" We liko to seo tho choir during divino ser vico, spend their timo in whispering and telling stories It helps us to appre ciate tho sermon, and convinces us that thoy aro capable or singing "with tho spirit and with tho understanding al so 1" Wo llko to seo young ladles keep their jaws la constant motion, endeav oring to masticato a hugo ball or chew ing gum it looks so ladyllko 1 Wo liko to seo a man sporting fast jiorses, whllo ho owes tho printer and gives nothing to tho minister it looks honorable! There aro many other things wo would liko to sec, bat wo forbear. A Hint. Somo timo ago there lived a gontlcmon of indolent habits, In Sus sex, who mado a business in the winter season of visiting his friends oxtcmlvo iy. Attor wearing out his woleomo in his own immediate vicinity, ho thought ho would visit an old Quaker friend, somo twenty miles distant, who had been a schoolfellow of his. On his arrival ho was cordially recoived by tho Quaker, ho thinking his visitor had taken much pains to como so far to seo him. Ho treated his friond with great uttontion and politeness for several days, and, as ho did not see any sign3 or his leaving, ho becamo uneasy, but ho bore It with patienco till tho morning or the eighth day, when ho said to him "My friend, I am afraid theo will uovor visit mo again." "Oh yes, I shall," said tho vHtor; "I havoonjoyed my visit very much; I shall cortainly como again." "Nay," Baid tho Quaker, "1 think thee will not visit mo again." 'What makes you think I will not como again?" asked tho visitor. "Ii theo dost novcr leave," said thu Quaker, "how canst thee come again ?" Ills visitor left. Natuhal Cuiuosity in Virginia. Lmits naturae, or tho play of nature is found ns frequently in tho vegetable as iu tho animal kingdom. A vcgotanlo curiosity has leon found lu Virginia, in tho ahapo or a bamboo root, whioh hold in ouo position preseuts, clearly defined In outlluo, and recogulzablo nt a glauce, a bull's head and throe cow's heads. Reversing it a shoep's head ap pears to vlow, oxact und faltbful to nature, as ir carveel by some skilled hand, Tho heads or two African nu tolopos, a boar's head, a groy hound's, a bull dog's, u squirrel sitting on a stump, and a tobacco worm, aro seen whon tho root is hold iu othor positions. This freak or nnturo is said to bo on oxhibiton in Richmond, If wo nro to hnvo such outlaws or monsters, wo pro fer them to bo vogetablo rather than animal. Heme Is a specimen or circumstantial ovidenco and the "beauty of tho law's delay :" A boy or sixteen was acquit ted tho other day in tho superior court of Massachusetts, of n chargo of plac ing obstructions ou a railroad, but' not until lio had been in prison fifteen months waiting for his trial. It was fl rially proved that ho was In fact engag ed In removing tho obstructions placed on tho road by somo unknown person whou arrested, and for thus proventing a lerrlblo accident ia was iuiprlfconed over a year. A Connecticut uewtipaper tuinouupcu that "or tho flvo lady converts" rocent ly baptized in Watcrbury "threo wcro geutlemou," 9