THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. Friday, May 31, IS? FRANK COOLBY, ASSIST A KT IJDITOIl. Railroad Timo Tablo. I.AIKA WANNA & ULOOMSllUltO. H. It. North. Bomb Mi 10:51 A. M. 6ilS P. M. Arccminodalloii - 4:19 A. II, 10:50 11. M, ;x,,liss U;S8P.M. 11:37 A.N. t'mwiPSA it. n, i-nojt lturmtT btation. LOCAL. Tin: noxl Exhibition of llio Pcnn sylvnnla Slnto Agricultural Socloty will bo hold nt JSrio, on mo 17111 01 September, InsliiiR four ilnys. Candidates for ofllco nro unusually .1, 1 .......... n In lt.n-.n 11.,... 6111 1 1 uuu nuiuuu iu luuou uiuy jiiuui, anil morbidly anxious about tlio health nf tlio voter and his family. CliiAi'K vines hnvo suffcrou Krcntly from tlio longtli and sovority of tho past winter, ami mnny of thorn In tills vicin ity will havo to bo cut down. Many fruit trees havo been killed In this town. Tun lSutlcr Ilcruhl reports a fcovcrc fre t 011 tho mtli, BUfUclcntly so to in jure tho buds of plum and peach trees. This Is certainly a pretty lato visit of tlio Icy "Jack." Wr. wcro visited on Monday last by alicavy shower and during Its continu .moo hull stonc3 of goodly slzo fell for a few moments. No dnmngo was douoto Imds ns far as wo havo learned. On Sunday, tho 10th Inst., Itov. J. P. Tin I In baptized in tho Fishlngcrcek two young ladles, and on last Sunday the uno solemn ceremony was per formed oa Mrs. Aaron Smith. Wilkes Hakkf. Is to havo two now I. nks tho "I'coplo's Bank," of which Vi Iter Q. Sterling and B, .1. Flick aro tho leading spirits, and tho "dernianla li.inl;" of which Lewis Landmcsscr 1, 0110 of tlio primo movers. ii; Supremo Court of Pennsylvania ..a just decided that "tho usobya citl - 0 of public ways is that of transit it- -loungers who occupy tho public fiu.'ift.iy aro obstructions of tho public ii of way.and nuisances." I nn Democracy of Lancaster county tao elected John T. MacQonlglo and J.itin Duffy as delegates to tho Heading Cr.iwntion, with instructions to voto fan; It. Uuckalow, "Ilrat, last, and all llio time." Wl publish this week thoablo though i icnuthy address of Capl. W. McClelland beforo tho Pa. Reserve Association at i Wilkes Harro. It gives cvldonco of jffluch labor and thought In its produc tion, aud marks its author m a man of juniisual ability. T'lK Lowisburg Chronic-! snys that Ii Williamsport is four iniii s long, and ..lioutns wido as a plii'i- of hemlock .ib. It contains somo 10,000 inhabl- jt ills, about half a many mortgages, a ,. lUsmno permanent dub!, and nn odl twlio tries to talk a llttl.- Dutch. fin: through morning train on tho (, ii 15. R, It. ran otr tlio track near Plymouth 011 Tuesday hist, tho switch ing misplaced. No ono was injured Inn tho engine, a Hue new one, was 1 , .vilanuiged and tumid upsidodown. fur. hi'idgo over tho canal near tho ri i-r lirhlgo at Catawissa was carried way on Tuesday morning by a boat. All tlio woodwork was knocked luto In slrciim. Tlio unusually high water iii 1,10 canal was tho cm so of tho ac ciiiiiit. Repairs will be1 mado ininio ili.crly. r. thirty feet of llio roof of tlio ' 'o over Catawitsa creek, at t ho Pa I it Mill, was blown off during tho storm cf Monday last. A now framo build- leg on Main Street, in Catawissa, was twisted out of all shapo by tho samo norm. Tho carpenters, however, think tin liuilGlng can bo restored to its form r uprightness without taking It down. Hi. Levi L, Tate, of tho Williams. I'm Sun, tho man who onco editod a lupcr in Lerwick, and losing his u published "that ho had been loft v-iili seven small children and ono at no breast," is in favor of Qen. Cass for Oovornur, Berwick IndepenH, rt' 13 havo received tho first number of T;.-Science 0 Health, n now monthly, '' "d to health oa Hygienic prlnci- It Is filled with short, well writ ' . articles 011 heaith and gunoral sub- v and illustrated with numerous U" lis price, S2 per year, will placo within reach or all. Published by uiuel It. Wells, BSD Broadway, Now irk. It Is said that Northumberland coun ty has no less than forty candidates for Hhcrlll'. Trado must bo uluek or patri otism rampant in that region. Just think of tlilrty-nlno disappointed iifllco Hcckern growling over defeat. NoitTiiUMiiuitriANi) Is looking up. It proposed to orcct car shops thcro at a cost of $23,000, nnd, wo aro informed, moro than this required amount lias boon nlrcady subscribed. As a natural consequence, tho valtto of real cstato has Increased lately, and properly in tho town is changing hands. Last wcok's North Carolinian notices tho arrival, in Elizabeth City, of Gilbert II. Fowler and wife, of Fowlorsvllto, this County. In tho samo number llio editor returns thanks to a friend for sovcral baskets of lino strawberries. It will bo somo tlmo beforo wo aro called on to do tho samo. Tiiuku absorbers of alcoholic stimu lants woro Incarcerated on Thursday night, having miscalculated thostrGtigth of their heads or that of tho whisky. Last week was 11 prolific ono for Lock up victims, there having been no less than sovcu of thoso transient, boardors. Is whisky any cheaper than It has been ? UnwAitn Hidleman, ngod eighteen years, a son of 12. IJ. Bldleman, of this town, met with a torriblo death ut Northumberland on Monday last. Ho was employed as brakemau on tho P. & 15. It. R. and whilst coupling some freight car.s was caught between tlio bumpers, crushing In his right.sldo and mutilating tlio shoulder and arm. His body was brought hero on Monday night. Danville was crowded with visitors last week 011 tho occasion of tho visit of Barnaul's Show. Citizens of Columbia, Montour and Lycoming Counties woro present in lnnfo numbers. It Is a ro markabfo fact, that uono of them, so far as wo personally ascertained, wore thero Iosco this ahow; all wont on "business." Wo had no idea Danvillo was such a lively placo for trade. Somo ton thou sand people managed to finish their "busino3s " about 2 o'clock in tho after- noon, and wnro Boated in tlio big tent, to witness tho sports of tho arena. TriE Pennsylvania Stato Sabbath School Association will meet In Con vention at Pittsburg on Tuesday, Juno 11, in tho Third Presbyterian Church of that city. In addition to tho necessary business of an nnmtal meeting, thero will bo addresses, discussions nnd oxer cisea of general interest. Tho Penns. 1 vania, Heading, Connellsville, and Al legheny Valley railroads will issuo round tiip tickets at reduced rates. Dicicixsox Seminaiiy. Tho twen ty-fourth commencement exercises of tills institution will bo held Thursday, June 20lh, in tho Academy of Music, Williamsport. Tho Bollcs Lottrcs aeueral Society, will hold their annual reunion on Tues day, the 18th, at 12 P. M. Tho address beforo the society will bo delivered by B. 15. Hamlin, D. 15., at 8 P. M. Dr. Sims will preach tho annual sermon, nnd Dr. Newman, of Washington, will deliver an address. Excursion tickets will bo issued bv tho Catawissa It. 11., good from Juno l.itli, to .Juno 22d mcliislvo, 011 presen tation of an invitation which can bo procured of W.I. Buckalow. Col. V. 13. Piolett, for a number of years our candldalo for Congrcsi, has given in full udhoslou lu lluraeu Uroo-ley. Tun millinery storoond dwelling of Daniel A. Hess, lu Mlllllnvllle, was de stroyed by flroon Tuesday afternoon of last week. 'Tho building was a framo and was partially Insured. Somo of tho millinery goods woro saved, but tho greater part of tho contonts of tho building, furulluro, &c, woro lost. Tho ilro was undoubtedly accidental, tho flames being first, discovered on llio roof. bi.ov.'Nr.n. Avouuh man was drown- 'd on Sunday morning near Leo's furry. ' was a Hired hand on u canal boat. Ti." captain called him up at -1 o'clock l" wiwh off tho deck. Later in tho "wnhig, when tho captain camo fain tho cabin, ho was missing, was soon after found ut tlio hot '"u of the water, near tho boat. Ho about 17 years of ngo, aud was "iu uowu tho river. Wo did notlearn "unamo. Plymouth Star. "What Ni:.tV" is tho peculiar litlo " uow monthly paper for "Wide .lso boys and girls." It Is very at ltlvo in form and feature, ami its twiu aro Intorestingand instructive. Uiebubrcrlptlon p,iCQ u surprisingly 'w. being only !)0 cents a year, 25 cents clubs of fuur, nnd 20 cents when 'enty n vo or moro aro ordered to ono "'-uress, Specimen copies aro tent on "i I'1 of 8tmp. Address, Publisher ' "Aaiflfett? Chicago, III. A mai, mmned John N. Simons, was f doath "car TnMianuock, on V , lst' Fro,n n ""to-book In Ids jo in N. Simons, Homo, Stato of New ' "0 married tho daughter of m . "oovori Hanover, Lussorno Wuty l'a. His wife died last Juno. and 1 waa 29 ynro oUl ,rtst MQrcl't ornT . ouior n,ul '"ot'ior living A8ln 'if0lu 11,0 Stat0 of Now York, vorv , , ? aK0 1,0 ,nttt,Q tt WH1, being ii srin IU1U ma 1,0 was worth thUiiL , ,R mvaU)ry yet whore Mi property ,8 located. Papers through ouIo country plcaso copy. On Wednesday, May 22, tho Metho dist General Conforenco .sitting in New York city elected ilvo Bishops. Of these, tho ono who received tho largest number of votes was Ilov. Thomas Bowman, D. D., who was born in Ber wick, this county, whoro his father yet resides. Dr. Bowman was a graduate of Dickinson College. For ton years ho was tho president of Dickinson Sem inary, at Williamsport, aud in 1809 ho was elected president of Asbury Univer sity, at Clrconcastlo, Ind., where his homo now is. Ho is very popular as a preacher and ono of tho prominent ora tors of tho church . Ho is also celebrated as a teacher, being ono of tho most pop ular instructors In tho Methodist Epis copal Church. Wo publish a sermon of li'.i elsowhore. wk learn from a Pittston paper that Air. John M. Barton, a former resident of Bloomsburg, and known to many of our readers, was assaulted last week at tho Eaglo llotol in Pittston, whoro ho is now established. Somo worthless fellow armed with a plbtol and filled with rago and bad whisky (which wo do not heliovo Mr. Barton sold him) on tcrcd tho hotel aud uttered bloody threats, nourishing tlio pistol and ex pressing a warm deslro to quench tho vital spark of Mr. Barton. Tho man was Anally ejected and mado his escape although tho Chief of Polico strove ear neatly to iutervlow him. It would seem advisablo for Air. Barton to arm himself ii3 Is tho custom in tho Pacific States, and do part of tho pistol business himself when assaulted by vagroin men disguised In Pittston whisky. Tub election of Tamca Dennis (color ed! to tho Bloomsburg Town Council will bo conlostcd, nnd Juno 1st Is sot apart for tlio hearing. Tho proceedings nro Instituted by Democrats. This Is rather silly. Buckalow has his theory of eumulutivo voting nut Into practlco In his own town and then, becauso It operates so as to elect a man objection nblo to him, ho contests tlio election, Shamo on such conduct. It Is on a par with his couutingoutof tho Democratic County Convention, thoso deiegntes who opposed his wishes. Montour American. Tho editor of tho A mcrican has suc ceeded In goltlug ns many mlsstalo. nionta In tho abovo article as was well possible, and evidences cither perfect Ignoranco or tho subject or a wilful per version of facts from personal dlsllko to Mr. Buckalow. Dannls' election Is not solely contested by Dcmocrats,asl3 plain ly evident from tho names signed to tho petition to Court, somo of them being well known a3 consistent Republicans standing os well In their party as tho editor of tho jlmcnci. To havo allow ed tho election of Dennis to pass unquos tionod would havo been to establish a precodent in direct opposition to law. Had Dennis boon lrgally elected thcro would havo boon no contest, but ho was not. This is tho mattr lu a nut shell, and as wo prefer to bcllovo tho editor of tho American Ignorant, rather than untruthful, wo submit this statement t his consideration, Tin; Commitlco appointed by the Town Council of Danvillo to make an investigation concerning tho host mode of constructing water works, after visit Ing various cities nnd towns havo unanimously decided in favor of tho Holly system. There seems to bo a gon ornl lestimoiiy In favor of this plan. At Bttfl'ilo, for instance, they say tlioy found tho Holly syslom aud tho reser voir co it twico as much as tho Holly, tho i Tolly was considered much tho best. The Committee say that tho Hol ly is much the chcape it. If this bo true tlio consumers of water will cortalnlv piefortho Holly system, slnco it .not only furnishes tho cheapest water, but dispenses Willi tut- onicctionanlo rcsor oir and nt tho Ramo limn furmshp tho best security against tho spread of nro, which is an important consulera- m.Jieubucan. As a citizen of thia town, and a tax payer, wo have taken considerable in terest in tho water works question, but must condemn tho persistent efforts of journalists to foist ono system upon tlio tc wn to tho exclusion of others. Wo have learned that tho agent of tho "Holly system" agrcod to pay a certain Dan villo editor $100 for tho inilu-'nco of his paper in securing tho ndoption of this plan, and ice know that tho editor ud vo :atcd it. Similar noticos havo appearoi in tlio Republican of this placo and we Relieve that ho has boon offered a Rimi Inr amount in case it is adopted here. If tho system Is tlio best and wo know nothing to tho contrary it ought to win without an attempt to brlbo tlio press. Besides, agents who attempt bribery will go Icyoml the press. Ti employ such means is a confession of weakness, and would damn a good ease. At a meeting of tho Towu Council held May , E. K. Ikeler presented the petition of numerous citizens asking for the, opening, widening and btraight enlng of Market Stiect through and along tho lot of Martha Wells, below Third Street. John G. Freeze present ed a petition asking that pavements on Third Street, between East and Wes streets bo mado eight feet In width. At a meeting hold on May 11, a potl tlou was presented by John a. Freeze, praying for tho opening of Main Street at Its full width to the Normal School This Hoks to tlio removal of tho Fork Hotel. un me 7111 01 way iho Council re eelved a petition of citizens asking for tho widening of Third Street, botween Whitonuin'H alloy and tho Itomau Oath ollc church property. A resolution wa3 passed to notify Martha Weils that tho Council intended taking action as to tho widening of Market Street through anil along tier property and that mooting would bo hold on tho illst of May, at which sho might attend if she desired to bo heard In relation to tho samo. A similar notlco was also order ed to bo served on tho owners of tho Forks Hotel and Tannery property ad Joining, iu relation to tho opening of Main Street. Two Ordinances wer passed which aro published elsuwhcm iho following persons wcro appoint ed on 1110 police forco for tho present year: 'i nomas ueddes, Chief; A. No bio, Isaiah Ilagcnbuch. Isane ltodar mol, Jackson Hower, James McBrido nnd Potcr Blllinycr, CANDIDATES. rAll win nro nimotniTit In IIiIh Ul nn- rlilfi" oil in uiiiiio ny tlio iii'dmou or inonciuuctniio Convention.) l'OK 1'ltOTIIONOTAllY JKSSn COLHMAN, lil.OOMBilUlUl. B. FRANK ZAltlt, IlLOOMHllUltO, rott in:cuTEit and iti:coni)i:n, WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, nLOOMHllUIlO. MARKET REPORTS. UlnomtliurR Market. Wlicnt i-cr tmsbcl t2."0 Ilvo " Corn " Onlfl, 11 tyi Klourpcrliairol IJ M Clover-cut W i' inxsctn llultor Ukrr ',' Tallow 10 rotator Drlei.1 Apriltii 0 llnma Hlilri nnd HhoiilJcrn " lnrd per pound - . 10 ltny iitrtou 2 ' 00 KI'IX'IAli NOTICES. Wanti-.d. A rrlrl to do houso work In n small family. Apply at this ofllco. If. Tun fact of two thousand a week moro Singer Sowing Mnchlti03 being sold, Droves beyond nil doubt or ques tion that tho Sinners aro tho best. They havo been freely tested for many years In tho cities and principal towns of this country, and found to bo simple, durable, fast, easy to learn, not liable to get out of order, and nlways rcllablo lor goon won:. Ladles I. W. Ilarlman lias Fans by the hundred for 5 cts. to l,7o each. If you want n good double combined corn plow, go to S. Iltiber & Son, Dan villo. Pa. Farmers pronounce it tlio host In tho market, for lightness of draught nun lor good won:. ..'-iw You can buy of I. W. Ilarlman 8 yds of Brown or Bleached Muslin lor i.uu Tub Hah Uooji UnuKiir lur wcnkiiesi of llio stt.nmeli H n ut Hum Hitlers. Tlioy nro jmi-hmacil w 111 1'iisvi on.n cleat r ciomtm . hieli is rendered moro nctlvo by tlio liniment iiMi'iiiKeuts villi which It In combined. If your kt.fim lcii li u'oulc. or viiur.Ilvr r or Imu-elH dlsor tl.Ti I. lone, HtrciiKlliun mid regulnto thorn with viMiiAi; jinTi:us, a ,uro v uiiktaih.b toji Ai 1111 , L'oi!iit:rrivn anii ArMitENT, frco from itleuliol, mid oaKil)lool Infusing now viUllty in to your exhausted nnd disordered system. ii2J-nv. Vi r vi.ii: tiik tlAin. Whv does Iho hull-be, eonio hiiish nnd dry whv does It fall out whv does It become gray? Hlinply bcenuso llio liro hits ouu out ot It. 'Ihotiber.s draw Rustenanco from llio senlo ns llio i-rnss draws nllment from I ho soil, nnd when tho titpply ot nutriment Is rill on l'l oil lit 1 i' mo hid iiruuuei. wunura mm dies. At the lli-st fivmnlom of deciy. therefore. tho unfed or hair-fed roots oftlio hnlr should bo lelioshrd nnd roinlorced with IiYON's K ATI1AI os, the only iirepaintlnn which will nourish tho iiiuiut-iiiH iiuti iveu iiieiu 111 it iii'jtuus tuuvu- tlon after thevhavo beauii to sillier from n dell- clency of their natural stimulant, As loin- as tho JVIllll.WIIIM i.s mini uiiiy iist-u, . ,.ii,.-, ul- t!rco of Irlctlon. motnlnG nnd ovenlnir. so lorn will It bo Iniposllile lor the hair to Avhlten or ran out from tho scalp. Oastoi'.ia. Is a fclentlfie vi irehihie nrpnara tlou; u perfect hubslllute lor mut mole ellVctlvo than Castor Oil and IspUo-saut to take. It cleanses 1110 sysieiu 111 ti most reinurKaoiu manner ; uoes not distress 01 Rihio.but operates when all other remedies havo failed. Ills icrtala to superscdo l'llls, Castor Oil, Nnicotlc By tups nnd all other puruatlvo and exciting medicines. Tho Castorla contains neilhoi- Mlmrals. Morphlno nor Alco hol, lly Its cmollrut, soothlm; Ul'cct, It assimi lates tlio food and produces natural sleep par tlcularlv ndaptlrK it to crylnunnd teething chll dioo. It cuies Stomach Ache, Wind Colic, con stipation, Flatulency, Cnmp nnd kills Worms. Make your Urut;gi!,t send lor It : ha will always keep It, ns every lamlly miibl i'.au It, It costs hut lllty cents a battle. Iw KIlUOItN OT YOIITIR. Hrery iinrvonn Ynunn tnn In tho I'liioti. igccIvp, lice, n Itei Ifo tiiat nlllpioren blef thiougli life, Py nddiiBi-liiu, In toiifl'lcucc, JUlliS II, 1lulil.CS, Uox 81 1'. O, 41 Cedar HI.. N. Y. leli.u.iy, Im)ortani; Testimony ! Thn following lellrrH nrn nmoim tho mnnv va nro constantly roctlvliiK fioni persons who hnvo becu cured by Schenck'H Pulmonic Syrup, Selienclc's Sea Weed Tonic, AND Selienclc's jMttndniko Pills. I'tniugrovt, Salem Coiiiily, Neu'iltriey, Kkiiiutaiiy W, 1S72, Dr. J, H.HCIIKNCK.N. E.coriicrHixthniul Arch streets, Philadelphia, Itcspccted Hlr I lako pleasuro lu nddlnrj my testimony to thnlof tho many others who hnvo been cured by thoclllcacy of Hchcnck's Pulmonic Byrup, Hen weed Tonic, nnd Mamlrako l'llls, LiOllSlIIUl'iiw" i;ei, 11,-1 i-uutiiy Willi my family, mostof Us members liavliiudlcii ol lint cnrlynires, My mother nnd thren brothers died nt tho ngo of .11,0110 brother nt i.7, and my sister 1 was, when iibout 111 yrnra, seized Willi liver complalul, which rnpidlydevelopcd Into l'ulinn nnry Coiisumpllou, I ns compelled to lolln nulsli mycmploymcnt(thntor a blacksmith.) 1 consulted skillful nnd eminent physicians, nnd tried many patent nostrums, bill, without, success, so that my friends wcro sure that there was noliopoof my recovery, lor I wns reduced from 111) pounds to 101, and was not ablo to do aiiyilllUE wiwiimi, assistance, tcrposltlun, I wns Induced to try our remedies, nnd placo lnysell under your treatment, nnd so rapid nnd thoiougli wns my recovery, Hint It seemed lis though somo superhuman power was nt woik, mid to-day I mil ns well ns nt nny tlmo during my lile, 1 weigh IW pnuuds, nm till years old. and lor some tlmo havo been regularly at tending to my business, bidding fair lu llro ton good old age. I nm thankful to you beyond expression tor having placed mo In a position wherein I nm it beuellt Instead of n burden to my lamlly. Your Zilnndrnko l'llls nro tlio only inedlclno I ever iiso now. I tululc they nro the best In tho world. 1 enn rcrir you to hundreds of my neighbors who will veiny all 1 hnvo wiltten.nnd uuy In formation nny or my fellow clll.ons mav deslro wlllbofricly nnd gladly given, upon lecelptot stump, by Yours, etc. joiin c. iiKwrrr. Key tVesl, Fin., Feb. I!), isrj. Dr. J. H.RCIILINCIC.N. 12. cor. Hlxth nnd Arch sheets, Philadelphia. Dear Hir l'lcasn forward, per first steamer, six bottles Hea Weed Tonic nnd twclvo buttles rut monlc Hyrup, Your Medicines nro o such vnluo that I can not bo wllMoutlhein in my household, and in fact nol.iinlty should bo without them. IhavoKUui them n fair list, and openly lie clavo them lo bo even better than you claim. u n-poctrully yours, fto w. a. witrrriiuitsT, l'JIII.ADi M lltA, Mau h I, IS '. Dr. J. H.bOUIlNGIC, lto.siKkted Hlr I tnko pleasure lu awarding to you this eirlillcato of the voudeilul euio jour Pulmonic Hyrup and Hea Weed Tonic produced. My throat and bronchial tubes weie so highly lullnmed that It was ulinout Impossible for mo to Bwnliow my loixl. 1 nm on a visit to my uncle, Ilr. Chailes John son, No. WJ 1'edcrnl street, who says your modi clne r.Uaed him irom almostdealh 111101. all oth er moni.s had falled,niid ho hnving, tlicrefoie, lull rontldcnro lu thovirtuo ol 3-0111- remedies, strongly lecomlucnded mo to tiy them. 1 did so. nnd In one week from tlio Umo I commenced tnklug t'lem my tlnoat untlerwent acrygreHt change for tho better, so that 1 could eitiny mcnlh v uhont nny dllUcully or pulu. I can .icarc. I uitl voids lo express iny gia'ltude for tho eaii relief your luvaluablu medicines pro ducuil iuii me, itud I deem it hultmncL ut giati .tudoi,, ilve you Iho nckiiowlodgutut nt 01 my nppru 1.1 lou. Yours lospectiiilly, HAcilnr, si, .lAcuns. 2r.i. ICO Wist Thhty-thlrd sire, t. New Yoik, Tun Lackawanna it Dloomsburg K. H. Co., wo believe, Is entitled to pro- miiienco over nil tho soulless corpora tions witli which tills Stato abounds. Tho conveniences which it affords tho business and traveling public aro in an Invert ratio to its rates of charges. lis latest exhibition of generous regard for tho people's comfort was given on rhursday of last weolx. ISaruum'sshow was to bo In Danvillo on that day and numbers of pooplo living within reach of tho Railroad desired to attend, whereupon this noblo Company put a special train on tho road to accommo date tho sight-scors, Thi3 train consist ed of a lot of open cars, with boards laid icross for seats, affording no protection from tho heat, dust, or sparks from tho engine, wo aro iniormcd tiiat several ladies had their shawls and drcsios ru ined by tho burning sparUs. No extra cars wero put upon tho tip-train in tho ovening and but a portion of tlio largo crowd waiting at tho Danvillo station was enabled to obtain entrance to tho cars, and of thoso who did get iusldo not ono-third could bo seated. A perfect ignoranco was manifested ua to the run ning of an extra train. Thero was ono wo learn, which lift Danvillo about 7i o'clock, but no 0110 about tho station seemed to havo any knowledgo of It. When it did appear it was found to bo thosamo,or allko sot of open cara, which tool; passongers in tho morning. If tho L. & 15. R. R.Vasono of thoso obliging Corporations which could claim any sympathy whatever by vlrluoof low tntcs, thero might bo bumo reason for silence, but as its passenger rates aro exeestilvo and Its freights simply out rageous, wo holiovo it to bo proper to hold it up for tho public contempt it merits. If tills rapacious Company can not exhibit cither cheapness, comfort or couveniouco in its management, It would boa public blessing to talco away its charter, which It has persistently and shamofully abused, and lot tho road Ho ldlo until a different and better state of affairs was Inaugurated. Tho Dela ware, Lackawanna & Western road, which leases and runs It would tarn general thanks If tlioy would cut down tho rales or show that they havo homo little regard for tho people from whom they derive their rovenue. How Wi; Usi:d to he I'iiysickkd. Who does not lemcmber tho tlmo when spriug puigatlon was cousldeifd indispensable to summer ileal tli'.' No matter for wry faces, the Inevitable salts nud senna, rhubalb, or calomel nnd jalap, must be administered. Theso "spring medicines," tho ytnl lighters woro told, weio to keen thorn Imlu and heai ly during mo summer. Wo all know now Unit this wns a fallacy; that new vigor, not depletion, is what Is required nt tho commence ment of tlio summer solstice. As 11 preparation lor the enervating ell'ects of oppresslvo summer weather.ii courio ol Hosteller's Htomach lliltcrs is highly expedient. This Unions vegetablu pro-p-un'lim has thrco proiniuent pioiierllcs: It lenniates . iiurilles. and leculutcs all tho lane- (lulls if llio body. It is composed exciaslvely of pn.e eseiamo piouuciions, viz.: mo csseniiai pi inclploot Munoiigahcl.i lly e, nnd ttio moslelll-e.iclou-i tonic and ntleratlvo loots, barks ami gums known lo medical botanists. Hence, Ills an absolutely safe medicine, and 110 tioctmo ot the l'hiiimacopeela'cnu cowparo Willi It either In purity, or lu tho variety of Its objects, and Its cuinnrchenslvo results, llannily lor mankind. the theory that it was necessary t piosliato a patient in order locuro him, Is lorever exploded, and tho truu philosophical doctrine, that vigor Is t In- gieal iinlugonlst of dbcuso, hns taken Us nktcL-. llesietter's L'ltters lsnn lnvleornnt. nntl fit nee It Is tho proper mediclno for tho feeble at this most tiylng siusou of tho year. llo sure that you obtain the gcnuluo article, as theie 1110 lunumerublo vile Imitations lu llio maiket. Look to tho ornamental stninn. tho en giaeil label, and tho namo blown Into theglnss. Hosteller's Hlomach Hitters is sold lu bottles only, luuyiu-jw SOHDNC'K'S I'ULJIOXIC h,VJtlTi', SKA. WRKD TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS. Theae 1110 Uio only medicines that will euro L'uimonary cousumpiiuu. nr. ncuencit uus been in constant nrncllco over thirtv venrs continu ally exuninlng lungs, nnd knows his medicines. If properly taken, will euro Consumption, His Jluuitral.o l'llls clcanso tho llvei-and stomach ills ci Weed Tonic dissolves tho lood. stiniu lates the coating ol the stomach, and makes It digest. Ills Pulmonic Hvruniineu'i thomatter. aim ii.m-.rc inrows 11 ou wiiiiuuinuy exertion. 1'ilei of tlio i'lllliionlo Syiup Pud Hell Wood ioiut-, xi,- icr ooiiie, or $iu pi 1 n?ll iioztn, Miiudr.die l'llls 15 cents per box. I BY ritEPAllED ONIA" AND Foil HAIil J. H. SCIIENCK & SON, N. H. Corner SIXTH nud AltCII ulrcuts, rUlLABnU'IIIA, And by Druggists and Dealers Generally. JOHNSTON, IIOIXOWAY & COWDKX, C02 AltCII S'fllEET, PniliAllEIjI'IIIA Wholtsule Agents, up. - 12. lbK-ly ' TfXKOUTOR'S NOTICE. R J KHTATL till- MH'HAKI, HNV1IKU. UEI 'II. Loiters testamentary on tho estate of Michael Snyder lalonf Locust township, Columbia coun ty, dee'il, havo been granted by tho ncglstcr of saiu couniy 10 1 nam s 1 eiieiman. iu persons havlnu el' ims the estate are rcnuestrd to pi. split llicni lo the lAcculor In Columbia cotiuiv. Ihoso iiidebted to thorsuiloclluoron nolo, 11., I iiient, morl'ngo or book account will make i.oiucm to tho Kx en'or without deuy CHAIILI.S l-Kl'IKlt.MAN. n)i d Hi, 1S72-CW. Kxot utor. ITiXKCUTOR'S NOTICE. 1.STATE Ol' WIl.I.r.l5I 1IOWLI.I.. Dlil'n. I.tttew testa menlnrv ou iboest.itc of Wlllliun iioweu, nio ui .siouut I'leasnut lowusnip, Co, lumbta countv deceased, havo been granted bj tho HcKlstoroi' Ellas Hov.-ef and J. M. Chcmberlln, Executors towhomnll persons Indebted to snld estate nro requested to iiiiiiiti i;iyiiieui, auu luuse uaviui: claims or tie ninuilsagiiiustsald cstato.wlllmako themkuov, n 10 1110 iTiceuiors '.yiiualHUCiay, ln.lAH 1IOWKI.1i. nprii;5'";-ln- .1. M. CHEMIII2UL1 Executors. MARRIAGES. IvIlAMnit-CONNOU.-In Oinugovllio 011 May Stli by ltcv. N.Hpcnr Mr.Johu W. Kramer of Klslilng Cieek to Miss Harnli A. Conmr of u reenwoou. KAItCIINint-nHHYFOOLK-Outlio 18th lust., nt llirwlclc by llev. H.B. Henry, Mr. tleo. W, Knrehner In Miss Km a lulu llriyloglu both ol is isiej.i-iu, i.uuiuu luuuiy. DEATHS. ADAMS In llrlnrcrrek lowiishlp, ou Hiinday llio Huh lust., Maigmctwlteot 12iios Adams lu iter it.111 ytuis, lolizo, un, 7 Kr.EN. May 10th, lu NcMjopeek, Miner A son of 12. W. uud Maiy t'.. Keen, UKCd -2 yi TlIltNElt.-Muy 1Mb, lu Kulein, Mis. Havllla T urner consult of John Turner, used ubout 5U HAHIA'.-Moy Mill, In llciwlclc, Mrs. Snrnh nun, uKiu 0 1 1110, v iiiouiiisuuii u dtiy!, Sciviui; Machine .Sales for 1S71. Thero is a clrctinistanco connected with tlio lato dl.-aitrous tire at Chicago which deserves special mention, as ox pressivo of tho comparative estimation i.i which tho various Sowing Machines now In uso in this country aro held by the Western people. It is stated In tho report oftlio Special llollef Committee of that city, as published in tlio Chica go Tribuuo of March 0th of tho present year, that tho wholo number of Sowing Machines for which orders havo been is sued to tho (Into of tho report is 2,91-1, on which tho commlttco havo paid tho sum of $71,-liJ0.8!). Of theso the Singer Manufacturing Company supplied 2,127 Wheeler & Wilson, 233; llowo, 127; G rover & Daker, 1 1 ; Wilcox & Olbbs, 80; Florence, 18; Flnklo & Lyon, 20, Iilees, 17; JFAnu, 11 ; Wilson, 0: West ern Kmiire, 2; Manhattan, 2: Davis, 2: Eliptic, 1 ; Uold Medal, 1 ; and Ameri can Uuttonhole. 2. This renort indicates how well tho Singer Sowing Machine- maintains its early and well-earned popularity. It may uo rcgardeii as ono oi mo pioneers in tlio Sowing Jluchlrto manufacture), which is ono ol tho most rotnariiauio ovents Iu tlio progress of mechanical in vention, and ono of tho most striking loatures or modern prouuctivoiiuiusiry. Additional evidence, however, is iriveu of tho popularity of tlio Singer 'Now pamny Hewing .Msiciiino, ny ttio annual returns mado bvt ho various companies anil sworn to by thorn in obtalnin g II-cen-os iu 1871, Irom tho owners of tho Mowing Macnino patoniH, thoso returns snow inni i no winger Manufacturing Company sold during tho year, 181, 200 machines ; the Wheel er it Wilbon Company, 123,020; drover & Baker Sowing Machine- Company, 00,8:14 ; weed sowing amcnine uompa ny, !iU,C05; Howo Machino Company (January 1ft to July 1st) 31.010; Wil cox & Uibbs, 30,127 ; Wilson Sowing Machino Company, 21,103; American II. II. O. A S. M. Company, 20,121 ; Original llowo Sewing Muchlrn) Compa ny, 20,0,"il ; I'Torenco H. M. Co., 11,6118; Donio-itiu M. M. Co.. 10.207 : Flnklo, Lvon .t Co.. 7.(5:10 : vKtna S. M. Co., 1,720; Ulei'H H. M. Co, 1,057; Kllptie S. M. Co., -1,020; ISnipiro H M. Co., OiiO; l'arham S. M. Co., 2,000; Dart man it FtintonS. M. Co.. 1.001 : liar Hot H. M. Co., (ill; J. Q. Falsom, 0S0 MeKav'sS. M. Association. lh: u. J'. Tonmson. 1 17 : nud tho Union Uutton- holo machino, 121; thus making tho sales ol tlio h ncir macniues exceeu thoso of all others, 02,000. iVfcw York iSumuiv Acies. Thero Is no lnro City In tho union wiioroKowiui' jM.ic nines aro so wen uu derstnod or as mnnv attachments mado as In Chleaco. which proves beyond all doubt that If tho mil merits of SlngersNow Family Machines wcro gen orally kuown.fow could bo told. BUPINICSS OAHDhi, VIHITINU UAKUe, I2VriUt HKADfl, 1UI.I, IIKAU), t'UOUU.VUMR.1, I'OHTiaw, 40,, ttU. Neatly nud Cheaply I'rinto'J t rom the litest Btyles of Type nt the (JOIiUMIlUN OK1TI01C. li E M OVAL!! T. W. NtLISR', MUSIC W A I t 13 11 () O M H havo been lemovcd to tho NEW MUCK 11U1LDINO Ol'rOHlTIitl.oHI'ISWi'AI.I.IIOIlCII.JIAmHt Whf re no will keep n gfiieml wwortinent of TIlK LA'l'lCST SIIKIiT MUSIC, 1'IAKOS, OIlOAKfj, VIOLINS, nnd (ill KlNliB OP MUHIUAb INSTItUMKNTS, Also MUHIO HOOK'S for nil LVrTl'ltO.MIlNTH. PIANO AND OUUAJi .STOOIft AUi BTYI.EU AND I'lltOMB. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is tho clicapost First Cltiss Piano in tho mtii'kcl. Having rfeauieit tho Agency ol Hie tiro, woous' nnsowKKi) oiki.vnb, lor (.'olumblil Oouuty, tojotlier with fllo 'l li. JfihlrMri nt(iflnt t lit- A. M Mi ' otnliini't Willi iitliur olllclunt reuif Ji- t, ir t impular lm ni rur4iieCiirpnrnllTfrilO.Tntirl MrNfl HUAltHKNKSHntKl UliCKUATiUN of tho tliroiH nro Immediately relieved Riid slatetnpiili nre routAtilly ItelnK Hcnt lo tlm prnpriHtor of relief UitlutlottHi tnji only Wttli.' . I'rlroSlnfntM nir llnx. JOHN U. KK1.I30U, lilMattHt., N, V. Hnlo Affonr for in (llOOQ gAlJTION. tfnrbollrTRbleti, IT ho U. H, Hontl fur Cliculnr. AGENTS WANTEDrofBthoday?" UIO LUWIS' lait nntl Brcntcst Work. OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOLLY I'llIKND'fl BCCItLT. If In by n.hln Iho molt Inltlna anil salnhlo hook In the lloltl. lit U ou ft vltfillylniiiortJintBUli loci. IHIi by Aincrloi'fl nuiht popular writer on livnllh. .1 It ls.fnr tho price, llio lnrni'Rtnntllmnil BomeHt book oversold by aulifirrlptlon, Affonti, tho pooplo aro oncer fur BiiHi n boolt, nud will urBoyou lolirlimltlothcm. WrlloforUrra,.ic frio, OHO. MAl'LKAN, l'nbllslior, 7S3Hanom Htroot, l'lilla. nMlw ' with nioncllnnd , Cutalogups, snni- n. m. ni'KuKif, liSOwi AXTTi1 V,?1An,: "APII1LY ill Ui J'i 1 Koy Chcckoullllfi. jilcii mill lull imrllclllius rili:i;. llraltloboro, VI, FKEE TO JiOOK AGENTS. Wo will Bend n linndHomo ProHpeciuiTif our Now llliiilritKtl ranilly 1 11 1 1- r,,!italiiln over 11 lino Hcrlpluro IlliiRti al Ions t'iniiy Ilnuk Agent Ireo ol f linrKO, Aildress natiokai. rmiMiatKn Co., l'hila., l'a. u'J'jlw J URUBEBA. Is a powerful Tonic, upecially adapted for uso lu Hprlug, when tho inngiild and debilitated hj-s-lem needs strenqtli nml vltnllty! It will elvo vigor to tho leoblo, Rlrongtli to tho wonlr, nnl luatlou to tlio dejected, activity to tlio aluggUli. rent to tho woary, timet to tno nervous, nntl health to tho tullrm. It la n Boulli Anierlran plaut,whlch,necordlng to tho medlenl nnd nclontlllo pcrloillctiU of Lon don nnd l'arU,pose8BAfl tho nioslpoworftil tonto luonerlles l nown lo Mnlerla Mnillrri. nml lu wt.ll known In Us native c mutry at liaving wonder I u I curntlvonualltleii. and linn been Ions uiml nn anpt'Clllc liinllcnseHnr ImpurltliH of the llltiod, ieruiiBeineniH oi 1110 j.iver nnti wpieen, 'i uinorn IlronNV. Poverty ol tho niootl. DeblliK- Wimir. liens oftlio InlestliieH, Utcrliio or t'rlnary Or gans. Dr, Wells' Extract of Juruboba Is Btrcuslheulnt- nnd nnurlililntr lllrn nn. trlcious rood token into tho nlomnch, It anslinl lntcsnnttdltruws itself through tlio circulation, giving vigor nnd hcRlth. It reguhites tho bowols, quids the ncrvos, nels dlicclly on the sccietlve organs, nnd, by lu, pow erful Tonle nud restoring tlfects, iiruduces henilhy ana vigorous action lo the wholo system. JOIi:; Q. KELT.OOO, IS rial! t., Kcw York. nolo Acer, t tnr the United Htnles. l'rl o fl por llut.lo. Mond lur C'licahir. nsiwl T.i 1 1 v, r f ., .t, v. i 1 1 m.) 1.1 and lnit'iirtlve bocl: 1 ,,ned far yn's. J1AHK iVV.MM'H best, 1 b IU' 'UI y spl.-iiui'lly II iitirnted. and very ci"",' prtive Iho pi,, at buccc , ot Iho fci 'in. early f, r clioi' o I-rru iry. Rniuplc i rations, sptrlal tciniH and iv copy AOKN'18' I'OCKKT rOJtl'ANION.' free Adtlre., si- th t xperit'nre, if any UAItl) LM i J. l'ublMio:s 711 H.iU'.oni .St. i'i:i.niULnr.ii ANHBLIt', lurnlhliea ndvnniai-ei to iiut'ih.i. i li,ewlorc. STATIONAUY OK.ALL KIND!?. A full nssoitmcnl or KQIJAHK AND OVAL miAMUKS, all styles and prices couslgiitly ou BTi:i''i.i:(iitAvifR4, ouno.MtH .m oi.bitKD I'HIMTH, hTIIUHOSl'lU'ICS AND VIKWH. i'l LMll nnd esnmtuc. liichb'72-i!m. ADJIINISm ATOR'a NOTI CK. E.STATKOF WILSON Al.T.SH DDC'll. l.ottersol uUniNtrtillou on thoestatoof Wilson Allen, lato of Madison township, Columbia county, uoteasetl navo been grinlcit by tbu lteg istcr 01 stiiu etinmy iu jtiiiu j. ruuhion, Ol llloonisburg. All persons having claims against thocKtatool the lU-eedont nru lcnuestetl loino- sent them lor hLltlement, anil tilt ho indebted to tho estate to uinko paymunt to tho uiuleiblgued, adinlinslmtor, ithout delay. JOHN A, KUNHTOX MiiyJl'73-tiw. Admlnlsii'iitor, IXEOUTOIIB' NOTICE, li r-bfATi; or' tKEsuoi,Tz, niiu'ii. Letters te.stamentnrv on tho c&ttito ofl'hlllii HccbholU. liile ni Catawissa township. Columbia couniy, tlcecased, havo been granted by tho He gUter ol saltl county, to Henry llolllngsliead autl Isaac II. lccMioltz. All persons having claims against tho estato nro requested to pre- scut luein 10 uo luxccuiois luioiumunicouuiy. Thoso lntlebted to tho estate, citlier ou note judgment, nioili-ago or hook account will make p:ij liltui to ino r.xecuinrs wnnoiu ueiay. UiNU l!UL.Lilli-,lll,ALl, ISAAC II. HKKUIIOLT., May il, is? i uw. Kxucutuis, tONNKLL & DATTIN, Wholcsnlo nnd l'vclall DoaUri, In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Rims, Hubs and Spokes, fjpring:, AXLES, mill PIPE BOXES, HOUSE SHOES, nntl HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER ami SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS ami TURPENTINI IVIaiiuf.tctiircfri of TIN WAilH, AfjenU for Eairbank's Scales ! A DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. r fjirATi: op josepii, nr.c'D. Lett, ii ot lulniiiilstrntlon ou tho e.tati. ol Joseph Weiss, into ofMuJIson twp., Columbia counts dt-'c'tl., haveboougrantetl bvtliollegtster of tn l.l rimiH, , to Ose.r 1. Kut ot'Llglit htiout, io.. I'.i. All iHisous luivlin: claims or dem..uils ag.ilns'. ttio di cedeni aro reriuost- eu i, tmiuo iiii-in uii'.Aii, lino inno inueineti loin .'n inn mtnt. OMCAll I'. i;m upiii 1 1, 7- uw. AUmiutstraltir. A L'DlTOltVS NOTICE. '1 Uu uiiderslmieil. nmiolntod an Auditor to dis tribute the fu nils iu thu iiautlsot 1 11 ram J. lteeder, Kxccuttirof John Zelgler, lato of Catawissa twp. Itepieseuttitivi'S ol halt! ilt-cedent, nccortllui: to l.iw.wiu uirei luu pill uus ill llliurii,!ii iiiu uiueu nfU'llllum II. Abbott lu t'.itawishii. on Saturday IJlll liny OI JUIIU A, IK lit 111 O'ClOCIt 111 IHO forenoon. All prisons having claims ujiou saltl funds are rciiuuvil topreHcut thorn to tho auditor propel Iv Miiipiirled, or bo loiever tlebaiTeit fioni t'Oiuing in on s.ihl Innd : .iiiiir. ii, i-ui.r..i. May L. in AnUllur. gUElt UVV'H HALE. llv vhtutiot n will of Fieri l'nelas Ikstu-.I nut of Iho t'liurr ot Common Plots of Columbia county and to mo directed theru will bo expos- ea lo puout) bino uu inn prciuisus uu nuiui day, Juno s, isjl at 'J o'clock, p. in., All that imicel ornlecoof laud slttiato In Mudl sou towushlp Columbia eouuty and hl.ilo of rcnniiyivuniu, iiouuui'ii aim ut'teruieiiiiM ioiiows, tnwll: on Iho West North and Kusl by laiuliof I'luderlck Heir, nud on thoHoulli by lands of C, Kriuner, contiiluing hoventy-two acres bo tho siuno mole or less, on which aro erccieti u tiv, eu lug liimsi' anil n sniall barn with tho uppur, tOlJIlllCl s. HeUod lulii n in eecnllonand to be w.'d as tho proH'i-,y ol Murthu llcltsmau. 'Mv AAIiON UJUTlI.ShcrllV. HISSOLUTION OP CO PARTNEU IJ Mill'. Tho co-p.irtuerhhlp hcrctoforo oxlstlng under tho linn niiino of Suvdor. llartmuu A Co. IstlU- fcolvcd by tho death ufllcnjumlu l'.Souder. Tlio books ol tho l ite llrm uio lu tlio hands ol li.uuei Snvder to whom all norsons ktiowlnir thenl- feolvcs lo be indebted to tho llrinuio requested to mnlcu lminedlalu nayuieut. Tin business will he continued nt tlio old placo under tho uamo ofl). Hnyiler A Co. 11. hNYDEit, A l-O.. I . Maj 17th 187J-U TK'A' Hi:.: In Nr-4 and otlit AO r.NTS lor it I its m .tint; Itlvnls bound, . Must , p oly ',, illu ,- of our mailed , II I'll , l'hlln. ulOJjv A T E M E N D O U H ti U C O E S S T. M. AltTHI'IfH N, w r.nok, THREE YEARS IN A IAN TRAP (A companion, to "Teh Nioitr'siN A llAit- ltooM,") soot) Hold In a Kew Days ! Anenls sav thov li'-ver hatl n book which sells llko It. Ouo Canva' st r to, lc elglity-ono orders iu .'I days, nnother twenty in u hair day. It sclli to all classes, ages ti'.d hexia nntl is so cheap Hint any fnnillvcn-i all rd to buy It. strongly eiuloiMidby all llio Lading men la Iho Tom pernnco cuiso ; r.iw, Judir.Q filack, S 11. Clin e, J. 11, Orne and other. Bend for Illustra ted clieuhir, coulalulng It-stlmonlnls nud terms toagenis, nun se euro oou u rinorv at-oncc. J. M. Hl'ODDAItl) iv CO, lubllbhers, l'hlln dolphin. li'Jllw nuu'Aitu I'arnny ensoof Illiiid, Bleed; life Jleliing or Uloernleil I'll, m iimt Dn Iltno's l'tr.u Hemkiiv falls la cure. It 14 rcinmd exnrcNsiv to euro thel'lles.iinilnothlliu ilso. Hold by nil hrnmtlstt. l'rlcn. tl.oo. i:Aiti iiioMiv ,m uivr yvr.i, will ii'ii nTTn!T?lTinuTyw?HTuTiTil,?on! No inimfv ra- t rsons. rile fur ptrneuiRrs. ii it I red "A. .1. Will IK. Ill I'esrl Ml,, Nv uric I Ol.M 1H WAP J IA. Agenis niuKe moro iiiou A ey nt work for ns than nt anything else. Iluslnessllghtnud permanent. Particulars free. 0. BTiKsoN & uo., Vine Art Publishers, Port- land, Maine. UfJ PIANO CO., N. Y, I'HICB, . O. No Agents. Circulars free. RaUE OUANUE KOll AGENTS! Agents, wo will p.y you 110 por wcoi in cash if you wiltcngngu with us at once. Kverylhlng mrnniieti, nnn uxpenses paiu, Auuross r. rt. lll.LH & CO., Charlotte, Mich. in: riiti IJON.1 AT MP.Dlt.Ali IIOOIC nf useful knowledge to nil. Heut iico lor IwoBtnmps. Address Dr. apaiithao ncinnau, onio. nai-it JIST OE DEALERS ov COLIniltM COllXTY. I hereby certify that tho following list of deal ers taken, returned nnd classified liymo.ln ac cordance with tlio sovcral Acts of Assembly, In and for tlio county of Colombia, for tlio year ono thousand eight hundred nut sovonly-two. Is cor rect lo tho best of my knowledgo nud belief, town or iiLooMsBuna, J K liver, (1 W Correll, OA Klolm, DA Hockley, lllomnshurg Iron Co, I W llnrtinan, Mclselvy, Neal & Co, M P l.nlz, Moyor JJrothers, U C Hower, N .1 Ileiulerslioll, Henry ltoseunock, W P floss, lsalnh Hngcnbnch, Henry Klelm, William aiger, H II Miller Hon. Miss IS Petermau, William llnbb, Miss H C Ale, IWNIles, Davltl Htronp, Wm II Brown, CCMftrr, Decker ftateoke), Hobblns A i ves, Itunyon t Wardln, James Cadinaii, David Ixiweuberg, A J Kvans, Miss Ilarmnns, Clark & Wolr, J H Maize, Thomas Webb, lleriiard blolner. Miss A D Webb, i: M Knorr, A M Itiipert, II Clay iLirtintvu, L i: Wh.iry, (' W Mini A Ilro.. Hi'iiili'i'shotl .V Mason J W Helidersboll. 1'axtou ,V ILuinaii, O A .Ineoby, V. Jueobs, Mrsluivid, Hloro l'nrnlturo Druggist Hooks Btoro Hloro 8loro Ktoro Druggists Wioo Btoro Druggist coniecuoccr Bloro- Htoro Grocery Grocery Moro Millinery Hirnlturo Mllllucry Pianos, &e Htoro Orocery Hroccry Confectionery Htoro llardwaro l'nrnlturo Clothing Clothing Millinery Htoio lro?erv Confectionery Confectionery II IHlOKBIOrO 11 Shoe Store 11 Tin nntl Stoves 11 Grocery II TlimndHtovcsll Coal Dealers II Class. Tax. I.I JIO 01) 13 ii Growry Mlllt is Grocery Confectionery L'uufcctloncry I1ESTO.N" TOWSIUIl'. II Mellenry, J J Mellenry, Samuel lloaoock, Colo dt Tnoruas, store Hloro Hloro Millers aoi:ni'.4 wanted i-'oit un: asd times of Isfe s Contains biogiapules of Drew, Vnnderbllt, (Inultl, '1 weed, de , with n flnancial history ot tlio country for tho last three ye; n, and what (InVMT knew nboHt MILACIC fill DAY." Over 00 paces. I'rlco Aildn-RS Ne.v i i,-. TIUOIC le., ll, isafcsau aticni, ltiru, rtEAVEU TOWNSHIP. Abraham Itlee. Storo C A Hliuniau, Htoro wm K Lonsenbornor, Hloro Alen ,t l'ntlou, Htoro Allen Ma in, Store lmnwici: r.ojiouan, n Vi. 11 11 11 II It 11 11 L'.wnmn & Jackson, 11 M lloekiuau. C 1) Huydur, iiiieneH sc lacra, A Miller. J 1) Dcdson, Miiw, Urltlnln A Co, J G Jucohv, N w sterner, Miss licit Uerlmli. J A 11 It Hower, Jackson Woodlu, (i A iiiickingunm, .1 il Soeilioltz, t Jnekson & Wiiodlu, Vou'ht s: Michael, Sloto Tobacconist Hook Hloro Diuggltts Htore Diugglkt Hloro Confectionery l'urnllure .Millinery Htoro Conin'y litoro Tin nntl Stoves 11 Tin nud Stoves II M'l'gconipy UUIACl T.llSIt TOWK9IIII'. James P l'reas, It C Frens, H L Adams .t Bon, Wm M Klluetob, .Mrs A W Hatou, lVerll lyman, Grocery Miller Htoro Htoro Sloio Mill 10 W) 7 W) i 7 00 0) 12 50 10 00 lo no 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 j? 8 7 0) 7 7 ( 1) 7 m no 1C 0) 7 OJ 7 u 7 UI 7 (X) 15 W 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 U) 7 00 7 09 7 O) 7 00 7 OU 7 fl 7 U0 7 0) nco ii m 7 (0 '7 00 7$ 7 0) 7 UJ 7 ft) US) 7 00 7 00 7 0.1 12 30 7 CO 10 00" 7 00 10 00 7 on 12 SI 3 go 7 00 7 0J, ?8 7 O) 7 Oil 7 HI 7 tl) 7 111 . 7 IU ' IXNTl'.C TOWSSHir. Sold only by Agents. A Book l'or Everybody ! BO,O0O Per jHoiltll. Tho lnstantnuotius success of tills Book is not dtiauge, although It U having unprecedented r'nr, lipk op jr.sus.TiiKcnuisT.i!Y IIENltY WARD BEECDER, Is a work which tho rending pul'llc havo brcu waltlnaior with nvldity j nil worts nml condi tions ut Jiion wdlcomo it hrnrtllv. na n bo )lc fo tits r-ui, ni-nwiiiu.-i, j uu uijutiui, Hitu I'ltKSH. and TIIK rKOl'LIC. ror-d It rairorlv. piw jny It thoroughly, praluo it siucrrfcly. tho point lor ttioi'T tJCf I VI Accnttoknowislliat i OlvJsjiiw'O 5 More Agents wanted, intelligent men utd women may obtain Iner.itlvo employment by taking nn agency, lull d.'beripilvo circular! mailed free. Very liberal terms to Canvas-urs. Apply only to J. U. l'Oltl) .t 1 O., 'jr P.irlc l'lace. Now Voik; 11 ISromllold St., lloblon, Ma.s"..: 7a W. Washington l-t., Chicago, 111. CIscap Fan:i ! Free E3otsics ! ON THE LINK OFTIIC UillON I'AQIFIQ RAILROAD. A LAX!) OKAXTOr 12,000,000 A ORES TH T1I11 I1U5T i'AUMIXll AND MINERAL LAKD-J IN AMi:il''A. .M'iu:TT: Nebraska IN TIIK s',ia5:Ar pji'i'Tt: vajjKY, Tho Gttrtlen of tlio West, NOW I'Oll HALE! Theso lands aro In tho central portion ol t lie United Hlulcs. on tho list dczrcouf North Lati tude, thn central liuo of tho great Temperate Zone of tho American Continent, and lor grnin growing nntl stock raising unsurpassed by any lu the Unlled States. CilrlAl I.l. IN 1 IHLE. moro favorablo terms given, nntl moro convenient to murkit than can no itiunii eisewnero. FUUV JIOMISSTJSADS I Oil ACTUAL SET- ri.JJKS. The Best Locations for Colonies, Soldiers entitled to a homestead of lOO acres, x'l-ec i-un.ii, iu irciinsi'rs oi j.niiii. Seuu lor tho new Uoserlptlvo l'amphlot, wiUi new maps, pulilislieit in English, German Mvedlsii nud Danish, mailed freo everywhere AU'llt'ss 1 1 r. I'AVIH, Land Commissioner, U.I'. It. 11. Co., Omaha. Neb. Luv, Hi os & Co, Kamuel Diotcrkli, Pldllp Harris, Jacob Sponsler, Jcssollicks, J .1 Holble, ZTFowIcr, Witmlroiilrvln, H. D. ltinard, lllbby.t portion, Htoro Grocery Htoro Htoro Grocery Mill Htore Htoro Htoro Btoro CATAWISSA Towxsmr. PLUMBING. STKAM ai ei- Ortle II I led. I HAS FITTING. s by mall h,.llcitod, and piomptly IIS Pesaai Atfesxtie., ni i SOKA-ISTTOIsT, I, l!7tf. Ililo A. llio. M M Krobst, It PFortner, 12-rj, Win 11 Ornnue. J II Seesholtz, imoeri. a ivuup, K Weaver, llrowu & Jones, Thomas II Hr.rtlr I John tz Sons, J M Smith, William John. George Mnahardt, lovth 11 1 1 J K Hharnlcss &hons. Storn l'l William llartman. 1,'uruituro ll Store Stoio Htoro Groccry Groccry Htore Htoro Htore l'urulturo Store linu'"ist nn una k snoes 11 11 11 11 II . 11 n ii ii ii ii 1Z ii n ti 10 II 11 11 V) 11 A 11 Cleaver A J lloylc, LO Wltman, H 1! Eiemer, Lllshn Dreisbael Crltz & Thomas, Tin aud stoves ll shoo Htoro Coal Dealer Htoro Mill Millers 11 11 11 11 11 t ENTnALiA noiiouan. M C Kantncr, Wm Torry, John Moran, .1 J lloigland, James II Kdgar, David Ulock, A 11 Fortuer, O IS Millard, Hnury Trnngli, s Van IUuou, !nrtlu Monaghan, Henry Moser, Cimri. 1 1'oUnd, . Htoro Htoro HhooStorb H'.oio Furnlturo Grocery j m anu Slaves 1 1 11 u U 11 11 ' 11 S'loro Confectionery Drugglbt Htoro Htoro Contoclloneiy risuiNucu.. n 'rowxsmi'. .1 M Amineimau, .1 F Mellenry, D AM .Mellenry, G M Howell, Hjtomnn lluss, K J A U P JtcUcury Jarlas Harrison, T 1' Hwuzy, Htoro. -Btoru JIlUcrF, Htoro Hloro mANKLItJ TOWNSHIP. C Mcudcnhall A Uio, uyer k iho, V5 KllNIIARD RTOIINKR Would liilorm his rlcuds nud tho public that ho luus taken possosHlon ot THE OLD ST.3ST2D: In tho nxrhdnuo Lluck, bo loug occvuded by htm una u ill cuiry tin mo nusiadii oi u - FIR ST-CLASS II A 1C U R Y , TTrt lii-l turn tnthA Imtlrfitu nil fvnoi-lAiifA ni mnnv vt'.irrtniifi nssiiitH tbo coninmuitv llmt lio will I'urniHh tho host ofhrend, ciikcs, rolls, blsnilt, Ac, iresu nvcjy nay, no piopow iuko id itccpon nana a mro unu wen usaoricu biocu. ui FINK CONFECTIONERY, or all grados. French caudles and thoso of do mestic! inanulacturo, always to bo had, w holesalo and ii lull nt lowest rates. Adjoining tho Hakcry nud Cunlrclloniry Is it well established RESTAURANT, where may ho found Alo and Lager, aud Ito fioshiiuiils, Oyslcrslu season nntl tlio various lltllu delicacies wlileli sultthe public taste. Then, Is also n FINK 1013 CllRAM BALOON, over the conic ctlouory storo, whero ladles and geutleuien can obtain I no bust ol Ico LTeuni 111 iicnsou, A lair share nf tlm public custom In requested and no paint will be spared lo eusmo sutislac llo i. upillStl,'7.!-tt (Incorporated lb00.) COLU M1JIA FIRK INSURANCE CO. OKFICIlltH AND DIllECTOHS.-rt. H.Detwller I'res't: 11. Wilson. Vlco-l'rcs'ti Ilerb't Tlioinas Treas.; J.l'. Fruoautr, Hec'y ; H. H. Detwiler, Ill- ram Wilson, Hubert crane, wm, ruttou, Joun H. Ilachmun, M. M. Htrlclcler, Jacob H. strlne, Jamos Hcnrooder, Goo. Iloglo, W. U. Case. Amos. 1". lives, John hhcrtzer, II. H, Ilsslck. For In surance oi Agencies, address J, F. FltULAUFF, Hic'y, Columbia, P.i. 0W & NEBRASKA LANDS FOH SAL11 11V THE & Mo. River R. R. Co. lYiXiiTiSOWfj or ACHES On Ten Years' Cietllt. at 0 ner cent Inleicst. No part of principal due lor two years, nml uicnuo imiy ouo'iiuuu yf-irt) iiu-paiu in iuu. PHODUiri'H will pay Tor Innd and improve ments within Iho limit of this generous ciedlt Cu-lltttcr torus wer,) iirver oil' rtj, are tot uow, nntl lirooaoiy ueverwiu ue. CI HCULAItH giving full pin tlcula uio sup plied gratis; any wishing to lntlueo others lo emigrate with tin m. or to form n colony, aro tu- viicii it. usk iur iiii iiiey want in iiisiriuuie. Apply to OliO H. II AltltlH, Land comm'r For Inwiv laiuds.nt HUltl.lNGTON, IOWA, And fir Nebraska l.nuds. nt L1NCOL i.NLH 1) rilack. Hogart & Kreamer, jirs iiauuau nenry, Kills lives a, P Heller .t Co,. A J Leldy, llllaiii Masters, 'ra Kyer a sou, Joiin Reagle, i: icilni Mill inn Storo llllnni Olil. HhoeBtora M G A W II Miicemaker 8toio ICLUSTTOWKUHIP Win I Wm Harris a liro, enrv Gable. Hr. 1'ettermau, J 11 Vusllne, Jonathan Haiuliiiian, Jacob Voager, Yoeum A Co, ThomoN boa born, 4,i at AGKNTH WANTI'DI lor our new hook, b , V. ti. Wl'.llll, llio noted Pioneer and llum nu i. A most nccurato and lii' cluathig ile-. rip tlou of tlio wlldue sand weitlth of tho bonuil. less West. Its untold riches, Illg Injuns, ltiitialo, Wolv, s, A.c, Crowdod wltn valuublo luloimatlon spiukllug witli ttio keenest wit uud rudest humor, ilvullug Muik Twain's best, undfcplon dldl Illustrated, Will bo Immensely popular nud sell beyond precedent. l or ttamplu puge, llliutintlous, toi ins. Ac., address, HUUllAltD HltOS., Publishers, prlUG'7Mf 721 Hausum Ht l'lilla. A. II. FRANCiyOUS & CO, 03.3 IKCAitKUT SBRBET, PIIILADnLnilA, We luve .ipenei.1 for tho HPIUNa TUADU, tlio largest uud best ussortod Htock ot PHILADKLPHIA OAHPET3, Tiilile, Btalr nnd Floor Oil Cloths, Window tiliados and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, , ...... ."n, ', H.UIIW, 4 W lllt'K,,, eS, Clorks, Looking Glasses, l'nucy llashftD, llrooms, Hiukcls, Uuckcts, llrushes, ('lollies Wringers, Woodin Ai Willow Wiiro In the thiltcd matw.,' In busln, e.i iUKs us (o sell at low prlcvn una nii uUli tho host quality of Goods. HQI.U AGKNTH I'OHTUK OKLKBBATUl) AMK1U0AN WAS1IKH, Pi Ice S3.5J Over 111,000 sold in Six Mouths 'lVriiis : Curpel8, GO daya. , All other goods, 30 tlnys, Not. 1 ' aprllM,72-Jni. VOHTAJlLJi NOVA FOUXTAlNti $40, $50, $75 ami $100. GOOD, IjURAULE AND CHEAP! Sliljipeil licaily for Vso ! MANUFACTOItr.D I1V J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind. Mj-Kentl tor Clrcnlar.-ca JHE TnaUEMABIC Tlio S!csl IBiiir 5icsslnK uud itcstoies'. iillllloiiN say "ItintX.lTT'S COCOAIXEJ." Votu- iirugrglNt litis It. A Ciniury of Tiiunmh over ilvknersui. llvr duieate, lunul oeiiiplaluU nud muIuus lebrlle uud nervous illsoidtrs. ban ImiaorUilUwl tbo .sielUt'i'Hi'ii.uud lhcti vleloiltnaio now rupeuted luriiiiguuiii iuia iieiiut'uvru ny i a HKAr. I s b, VIlHVlbUUiT tiliLTZim Al'MIIHM'i OOUUllllllli nil Iho dements nnd protlnciiig nil the lmppy risiuiis ui iuu iirt'ui, ueiiuuii opriuui kOl.l) 11V ALL DltUGGIHTS. Millers Storo 11 11 11 11 tl II 1 11 n ii 10 w 7 00 7 oa ruu 7 00 7 Ol) 10 Od 7 IH) 7 till 7 (0 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 W) 7 Ol) 21 03 10 01) ID 00 7 0) 21 CO 7 IK) 7 00 7 00 r oo 7 10 7 00 7 Oi) 7U1 7.10 7 (11) 7 00 7 M lii 00 7 00 7 0.) 7 00 7 CO 7 00 n oi 7(0 7 00 io on 12 50 7 0'J 7 Oo 7 10 7 (0 7 OO 7 00 7 O) 7 OO 7 10 11 (0 7 (O OUEENWOOU TOW.VMBII'. Htoro Storo Htore Htoio Blore Hlnre Htoro Htoro HKMLOCK TOWNlltll'. Store Htoro Htore Mill Stoio store Htoro i r yi, i s T0Wsmp. K Stliwepnonlirlsir. Creasv A llovu, Win V Drown, John II Heller, A c l'cunvlinuer, Mrs l'l A Hts, Store Stoio Htoro Store Htore Storo Millinery amnhttll .t Co. ','m II llnuck, M.VlNTOWSIillll'. it tore (lioceiy 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 n 1 1 i w 11, a 18 11 14 li li if 12 CO 1) 00 7 00 12 50 10 ()) V) 00 12 fO 11 00 7 0) 7 CO 7 (0 7.(1. 1 ' lJ 700 ; ui W . ,i) ; i,i n ) M ? 4 ' 'f ' 1 t i UONTOUIl TOWUI II', l'axton jb llarmau, ii.irton A Co, P II Maruarum. A J Aniinwman, lton!rc Millers Grocery Woro 9 it O Kreamer, win uingics, Mrs M A Wnlscn, MOl'NT I'l.KASAKTtOWWSHIP. J II Sanil, Store II, MAblSOK TOWflgUll'. btoru storo Millinery obavok TOvrjluU'. Miller II Miller 11 Mlllor H Store lA Oiocery ll Storo 11 Grocery 11 ter Gut. Wesley llowman, David lavage. v n bio wan, Low A ltoblilns. DKHInau, K li Johnson. mil mi a iro, iiinngeviue I 'XI T ) Tin and Stoves MannftictnrlriB Comp'y I'lKETOWKaitll'. UVf" Lyons, Htoro 1 1 l'.ilAlUNGCI-.IUtlC T0W.NSUI1', 11 11 suaAiii.oAi"io'SiiH'. MCo'.o, liloio , .l!0TrTowNIIIl. ) tt) lulu T Iii'i r- Vu ll ) Owen Chert liigtoii J il Kllhgtr, Htore ftorn ( 7 m 7;tu .ilw H'U' 7.W W K Dolterich 4 llro,' lKilall Ilngeubncti, Hauiuel A Worinuu, liggn .1 croveung, JiiRn W llollmrui, o H Kowlor, J I) WoikhcUsr, G M Ilakcr. U W Crevcilng, A 11 V.'blto, 1) A Creasy . J H (ioi tiner, Ktlvliner 4 ban IVUMVI I, B ' I Btoro Hloro Htoio Htore Store :mij Ishue Storo tiwery htoro bioio Hloia lh Hiatal ,1H W. . II 11 11 11 11 o 11 ll 12 11 13 11 7 ol 7 OO 7 10 11 Ul 19 ft) t& 7 Id li M 7 Ul 1' 00 7 (o T Ul IHlftl Tin imailtoxoii 11 All pertouK who itfty vul ngurlevcsl by tlir above t'laBlflctltin,eii 1ii(vp nn opiiurliuill' of uj'ucnllug by railing iiran m undfislsiivd ia (Tiitawlvwi.uny tlli)elililil.luuoTllji,Wi.aiwUtL tlinei an npptll will be bid t tbe Court llluio millooinsburg. ' 7 , ''ty (JABl'Alt ItAWN,