THE COLUMBIAN A.ND DEMOCEAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMEIA COUTSTTY, PA. Agricultural. Treatment or Dlstrmiirr. 'Pliotrcntinontof a common cflsooMM toinper U vory Bluiplo, nnd rumiirvs Interim! medicines only, whon tho fovor la high, tho mucous membrane much reddened nnd Uio respiration dllllcult. In other cases, hut especially as hooii ns tho conch has liccomo looso mid easy, tho dlsclinreo from nostrils thick nnd tho abscesses lmvo been oponod, a morcly hygienic ntul dlotcttcal trctvtmont Is quite suniclont. Respecting thcao, wo lmvo to avoid any oxposuro of tho patient to wet and cold, linvo to keep ns much as possible a uniform tompcraturo la tho Btablo and to glvo easily digested food, such ns bran, mashos, malt, boiled oats carrots, and If it can bo had, young gross and othor green provender. Ifthcro is eonsldcrablo BwellhiR bo ncath tlioj.worln tho throat, tho horso should not bo allowed to cat from tho ground -consequently ho should not bo kept In thupasturo for that moat like ly will Increaso tho swelling. Food nnd wafer tho latter in tho cold season a littlo warmcd-must boput into tho man gcr, within easy roach of tho animal Tho application of a good fly blister on tho swelling beneath tho Jaw, that Is be tween tho two branches of tho lower Jaw bono, hastens considerably tho ripening sof tho abscess, which should bo lanced at its lowest point and, if possiblo, near tho center, as soon as tho presoncoof tho matter can bo detected. Steam baths and all that' kind of nonsense lncom- modo tho patient and do d great deal more harm than thoy do good. If Internal medicines are required, a doso of tartar emetic, two scruples of sal ammoniac, with a littlo 11 corlco root powder, aniso seed pow der and marshmallow root powder. mixed with a littlo wator and mado into pills, may bo given to a full grown horso three, times a day, till tho resplnv tlou has becomo less difficult, tho cougl easier and the dischago from tho nos trlls thick. National Live Stock Jour nal. Sphoutikq Potatoes. Tho Gor mantown Telegraph: says "Sprouting whlto potatoes will advanco tho crop two weekj. They should be cut so that about two eyes aro allowed to each piece, and these, should bo planted in hot beds with thin covering of soil ; it is better to plant in boxes and set these in n hot bed, so that after thoy aro properly sprouted thoy can boat onco carried to tho placo of planting. tho nights should bo anyway cold, pro tcct with thin covering of straw whon tho plants mako their nppcaranco nbovo ground. .Sorno persons who want a largo quantity sprouted,cut tho potatocsos do sired, and spread them on boards, boxes or crates, in a dark placo, and when sprouted, say from an inch to an incli nnd-a half, cxposo them to tho light, moistening two or threo times a week with tepid water. Thoy should bo plant ed out so that thero is not more than two Inches of soil ever tho top of tho sprouts." New variety op cucumber. In "Land and Water" wo havo a figure and description of what is called tho new white-spino cucumber. This, when raised on a trellis, grows to an enormous size, ono vino having threo specimens, each of them threo foot in length ,besidcs many others over two feet long. Tho flesh is said to bo very solid, with but few seeds, and tho flavor very fine. This method of growing cucumbers is recommended as furnishing a much suporlor result to that of allowing them to trail on tho ground, as thoy thus grow finer, stralghtcr, and with a larger yield. This now cucumber has tho skin perfectly smooth. It is very short in tho neck, and It is considered a decided gain to tho resources of tho vcgetablo gardener. Tho agricultural editor of fho Bee Keeper's Journal vouches for tho fol lowing, handed him by a friend : "If you deslro to got a largo yield of milk glvo your cow, threo times a day, wator, slightly warm, salted, in which bran has been stirred at tho ratoof ono quart to two gallons of water. You will find that your cow will gain twenty-flvo percent. Immediately under tho effect of t, and sho will becomo so attached to tho diot ns to refuso to drink clear water, unless very thirsty, but this mess sho will drink almost at auy time, and ask for more. Tho amount of this drink is an ordinary pailful at each timo, morning, noon and night. Your animal will then do her best at discounting tho lacteal." Influence of food uroN poultry and Ecas. Tho Influoncoof tho food of poultry upon tho quality and flavor of their Uosh and eggs has not generally been taken into consideration ; but It is now well ascertained that great caro slioulu bo exorcised in regard to this matter. In some Instances It has been attempted to feed poultry on a largo scaio in l-ranco on horse-fiosh, and, altliough thoy dovour this substanco very greedily, it has been found to glvo them a very unpleasant Bavor. Tho best fattening material for chlckous is said to bo Indiau corn-meal and milk: and certain largo poultry establishments in Franco uso this entirely, to tho ad vantages both of tho flesh and of tho eggs. Transplanting. Tho editor of tho Germantown Tele graph says; Thero is no modo that wo over tried so effectual in transplant in; loujuiu, cauuage, cantoioupo. or auy other tender plant from tho hot bed or from ono placo to another, as to preparo n vessel mica with manure water, tho rich soli, about the consiS' tency of thin mush, with which tho roots of tho plants should bo woll coat ed, and et in a hole mado with a round pieco of wood nud dibble. After being rather firmly planted moisten again with manuro-wator. Wo havo novor failed in any tranBplanlng, when dono In this way, and tho troublo Is very slight, Fresh Air for BiiEEP.-Biieop ro quire abundance of fresh air. m in fart all stock do, butshoop especially, Close peus aro very Injurious, causing first running at tho noso nnd coliln. witir.h finally result In a cough and Inflamatlon of tho lungs. Tho greatest need Is to keep thorn dry under foot and protected from snow and rain storms j sheep will ohooao to Ho out of dooraina weil-Hter- wi yam rattier than under cover, and inrivo owner in doing ao. Young Folks. Tho I'lrst Wife' WoMIng King. A cerlnlu good man was twlco mar ried. By his first wlfo ho had a son, who. soon after his mother's death, resolved to becomo a soldier, and go to forolgn lands. "When ono has seen tho world, ono values nomo u little more, nnd If I llvo I shnll return," said ho. Bo tho father cavo him his blessing nnd his mother's wedding ring, say. Ing, "Keep this ring, nud then, how over long you stay away, and how cvor changed you may becomo, by this token I shall know you to bo my truo sou and heir." Iu a short tlmo after, tho father married Ills second wlfo, and by this marrlago also ho haifasou. Years past by, nnd tho eldest son did not return. They did not hear from him, and at last iivcry ono be Hovcd him to bo dead. Hut in reality ho was nllvc, nnd nftcr a long timo ho turned his steps homeward. Ho was so much changed by ago and traveling that ho did not seem like tho samo man who had gone away, but ho had tho ring tied fast and safo around his neck. Ono ulght, how over, on his way homo, ho was too far from shelter to get a bed, bo no slept under a hedgo, and when ho woko In tho morning tho string was untied and tho rlnir was gono. Ho spent a wholo day In searching for it, but In vain; and at last horesoivcu to ko on home, and explain tho matter to his father should ho find mm nuvo and well. Tho old man was overjoyed toseo his son ncaln. and fully belloved his slory about tho ring, but tho second wlfo was greatly displeased to tninic that her own child was not now to bo tho fcolo heir of his father's goods and so she postered anil worked upon tho old man by artful and malicious speeches that ho consented to send away tho new comer, till ho should havo found his mother's woddlng ring, "Is-tho homestead I havo taken such good caro of," sho cried, "to go to tho first vagrant who cornea with a brown faco and ragged coat, pretend ing that ho is your son V" So tho soldier was sent about his business ; but his father followod him to tho gate, nnd slipped somo money Into his hand, saying "God. speed you back again with tho ring." It was Sunday morning, and tho bellswcro ringingforscrvicoas ho turn cd sadly away. "Ding, dong!" rang tho bells, "ding, doug! Why do you not como to church llko others ? Why nro you not dressed in your Sunday clothes ? and wherefore do you heavo such doleful sighs, whilo wo ring merrily?" Tho soldier repliou "This day I am turned out of homo and heritage, though I am indeed tho truo hnlr." "Nevertheless, keep up a good heart and trust In God, and do your duty, Wo shall ring for your return," said tho bells. As ho went, tho sun shono on tho green fields, and In tho soldier's eyes and said, "Seo how brightly I shlno But vou. comrade, why Is your faco nnrlniiilv?" "Ts thero not cood reason." replied tho soldier, "this day I am turned out of homo and .'herlfago, and yet am tho heir." ..... "Nevertheless, keep up Heart, i snail shino on your return," said tho sun. Along tho route tho hawthorn hedges wero white with bloom. "Hoy- day," they cried, "who Is this that comes tramp-tramp, with a faco as long as a poplar tree? Cheor up friend I it is spring ; sweet spring ; all is now full of hope and Joy, and why should you looK so sour?" "May I not bo excused," said too soldier, "This day I am turned out of homo and heritage, and yet I am tho truo heir." "Nevertheless, keep up a stout heart; wo shall blossom when you return," said tho hedges. When ho had waanderod for threo days and nights, all ho had was spent, and thero was no shelter to bo seen but a dark, gloomy forest, which stretched out "before him. Just then ho saw n small, weazened old women, who was trying to lift a bundlo of sticks on to her back. "That is too heavy for you, good mother," said tho soldier ; and ho rais ed and adjusted it for her. ' "Havo you just como hero?" asked tho old crono ; "then tho beat thanks I can glvo you is to Ind you got way as fast as you cau." "I never retreated yet, damo," replied tho soldier, and on ho went. Presently ho met with a giant, who was strolling along by tho edgo of tho wood, knocking tho cones oft tho tops of tho flr-treos with his fingernails. Ho was an Ill-favored looking monster, but ho said, civilly enough, "You look in want of employment, comrade; will you take service with mo?" "I must first know two things," aus. wered tho soldior, "my work and ray wages." "Your work," replied tho giant, "is to cut a path through this wood to tho other side. But then you shall havo a year and a day to do It in. If you do It within tho tlmo, you will find at tho othor end a magpie's nest, In which Is tho ring of which you aro lu search. Tho nest also contains tho crown Jowcls which havo been stoleu, and If you tako these to tho King, you will need no further reward. But, on tho other hand, If tho work is not dono within tho will always bo my servant, without wages.". "It Is a hard bargain," said tho sol dior, "hut need knows uolaw, and I agree to tho conditions." Whon ho camo to tho giant's abode ho was greatly astonlehed to seo tho littlo weazened woman. Bho showed no sign of rccognlzlug him, however, and tho soldier observed a llko dis cretion. Ho soon discovered that sho wa3 tho giant's wife, and in creat dread of her husband, who treated her with great cruelty. "To-morrow you shall begin work," earn mo giani. "If you pleaso," replied tho soldior and before ho wont to bed ho carried in tho wood and water for tho old woman, saying to hor, "There's kin ship In troublo." Noxt morning tho giant led him to a certain placo ou tho outskirts of tho forest, and giving him an nxo, said "Tho soonor you begin tho bottor, and you may eco that it Is not difficult.1 saying which, ho took hold of ono'treo by tho mlddio, and It snapped off ns ono might pluck a uowor. CONTINUED. Moyors' Column, o 50 h a CO I Z p A 3 C3 2 0 9 25 UaylO-ly Miscellaneous, BOOTS & SHOES. AT I E.M.KNOKR'S I SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every vnrlcty for .Men, Women mul Children, OLD STOCK Selling nt Cost to cloo out to mnko room lor NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SIC ID. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE UAH TUG FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND KMI'LOya THE n K S T W O II It ,11 B X. For good nt and promptness In tilling orders theio Is tho placo to go. Ills COods aro selected with rnrn mi,l htn fno. torn Work will coraparo favorably with tho best uuu, to u. ti.u luauiuuuuju vuy ueaier. UE KEET3 A LAHQE STOCK OF HOYS' AND CIIILDItEN'S CLOTHING GETS' FURNISHING GOODS, I At Astonishingly Low Prices. Dloomsburg, Sept. 2U,1S7M1 JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKEBY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PENN A. Tho undersigned would refmettfiilltf fnfnrm tho Citizens of Berwick, and vicinity, that ho uu ujwuuu u iumuciiuiiery anu uaaery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Pa., whero ho la prepared to furnish I PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, Ac., dc, itc. HY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Aunnnp lhn lunnrtmpnt. will lu. nv.. i Nni . wf,. i Canned Fruit of all kinds, Com Btarch. Kce His cult, Boda Crackers, Oyster Crackers. Cneese. FISH AND OYSTERS, AUU tirOdUCrt f nil klmlfl. Vrcnh llron.l mm Cakea every day. loo Cream In Beason, Your, , . , ,, . JOHN O. JACOB Y. Berwick, Jan 171 tv QAKRIAGE MANUFACTORY, muuuuiuuiy, 1 M. U SLOAN & BROTHER Have ou hand and for sale at tho modt reasona ble rates a Bpicmiiu siock 01 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND 1'AHOJ warranted to bo made of the best and most dur able materials, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from tho estab lishment win bo found to bo of tho highest class and sure to give perfect satisfaction. They huvo also a une assortment 01 SLEIGHS of all the newest and mout lushlonabio styles woll ana oareraiiy mauo auu 01 me oesi maivr- mm. An Inspection of their work is asked as It 1 bellevod that none superior can ba found In the ooaniry. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES 33 OWN IN PItlOE J. H. MAIZE'S, A nnw ntiok nf Vre&h f Inndii Inst orteneil at MA1ZKU Teas, CoiTcch, finsarn, syitura ana molabhkb. uueusb, jieath. uat.t vmir ntn. VEQETABLE8. liEKMUTlCALLY Sealed T..r V t.i-k , .... ..ft.. t , r 1.D ll.riWT XU i-xjHtiun auu uuauiiiuiiiuuD, An Elegant Assortment op QUEENSWARB (Mndtnntlv nn lifiml. Also WOOD. WILLOW and ULASHWAWIof Alt tnv coods are of the flrl nualllv and nt t-x trwmeiy iuw j) nut, r AQE1ITS Vutti (it Twelye Years lv Wild Miais &f. Plains. Tlie remarkable ndvmtureii of tUe laraous WIHT1-. HIllKI-'im,! mil WAHltlOIt amonetue lUdUklnB. TUriaingttcrnuuUof urcutlluuu, llalrlireailtb Kcap ana Terrible Contests wltu the big camo mul liontllo tribes. Hplrlted dcscrlv tluna ol the bablu and hupemlllona of that kiranae Jloui. I ioui. now uivy uui uuu -vu.acuiii, uucwii i WorbUlp, Ac New, Kreh and ronular. Trice I.nw. It Is solllnz bv tbo thousands with won derful raiilUlty, Aicents are inaklsg from tu to I10U tier ve.k. Cliolce Hold yet vacant. Bend at ouce lor sample cnni UCUlUrM IU A. ... HUltlMltu, . UU11JM1VI, laulTll-tf, 40U Chestuut Ht l'blla TDLANK DEKDS. We now liavo tlie flncstastortniHitof 11LAN1C DEEDH on band aud (or sale that were ever kept lu lllooinsburE. Large site on best parch .uvu. ,'uju , , uuiuiu.. iu. ...wiiiijr n iiuu i Aduilmstrator's I)e(.lE tniull klio good and I ICUl tUUIIUUU l'CU0, ihU. Miscellaneous, MILLER'8ST0KE' M. 11, M1I.1.HII a HUH, havo romovoit Iholr Btoro to tho room formerly occupied by Mondonhall.tmMnlliiitroot, Illooms burg, nearly opposite tho Episcopal Church micro ihoy nro ilctormlnod to sell on ai moderate lormi as can ho procured clso where, Tlilnr stock enraprlici liAHIKM' Dltlflf) UOODH ot the choicest stylos ami latest fashions, toaolhor Willi alnrpn nftartt-ti,tf nf llrt. (lnn.1. n..l ... corlos,.eonststlugof thofollowlusartlclrs Carpots, Oilcloths, . oths, Uasslmcros, Uhawls, Flauuols, HllltH, White Goods Linens, lloopHkirts, Musllus, Jlollowwaro Ucdtirwnro (luoeuswaro, Hardware Hoots nnd Hhocs, lints nud Cam HoopNots, Umbrcllah, Looklug-Ulasooi, Tobacco, Corroo, Uujars, Teas, Ulco, Allspico, ' (linger, Cinnamon. Nntmcss AMU nuriUflH UENEKALLY. In short, nrnrvlhlnv mnnli. ... ......... 1 - . - w un.i.i.ij iu V-lJUUir fores, to Which tlinv InvltA flm ntlntiflnt. nfll-f. pnblio generally. Tho highest prlco will bo raid ,u. wuuhj- pruonco in oxcunngo lor goods. H. 11, AI1I.L.1.11 it SON, OCt 3171-tf ".Uumu,..BI. N EV STOOK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvnl of SPKINQ GOODS DAVID LOWENDElta Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASniONAULE CLOTHINU. at hi j Rtoro on MaluStreet, In tho new block, Bloomsburg, Pa., whero no tni Just received from New York nnd Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashlannblc, durable, and handsomo DRESS Q00D8, consisting of SOX, SACK, R0C0,aUM,AND01L-QL0TH COATS AND PANTS. of all torts, sizes and colors, no has also rep len lshed his already largo stock of CLOTH AND CAH3I MEIIES , STRIPED, FIQURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS. CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, HUarKNUEIi, AND FAKCY ARTICLES He nas constantlyxn hand a largo and woll-so- ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared to mauo to order Into any kind of clotlilng, on very short noUco, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'SLRY, ol every description, lino and cheap. Ills case ol fowelry Is not surpassed In thbsjplaco. Cull and examine bis general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID L0WEN11ERG. (1.;. 1:1 VWIIlnl' PAINS Trur'i u j to Ywonty Wllnutcs. .o: o ;k noun 1 in" i'.- 'lu-iit 1 w il ;;:iv ctio 11'.. .Hill VMS. h'vyj ... u' is a cunn run Kvr.itY r.w.v. It itu Uio iirht :iuj U rijo Only Litln Itomody ip t. !!; ti',' l!io ii''rt ccriiclat!ii(r V51'1' 'l!,1J'J I ,,f"n, nii'i turi rm ).i'iliim, lut In rtiftlw Liii uii, itowcin, uri'tlur p.iua or l 01m uis in rno't " i.ti-i 11,1 v TWIT.TV JIlKfTi: , ., ..lll,, l',o ..,lntl , Cr'ii,,KJ, Ii,u . 1: MAT I' -. Il-.l rl.ti-.. , HADWAY'S READY RELIE.- Wll.I. AH'OHIl INSTANT KAll. 1NV:.A,!MAII(.N' Hi- TIM! KtHNLYS. 1M l,MM'MON M-' THE r.l.A' 1 lNTI.AMMATlON Ol-- Till: l.l)Wi:i,s. I'OMIHSIIDN UK Tim I.l :v M)I!K TlUtOAT, MH'K'III.T llltEA tlllMI. I A I.l 1 I A I III 1 III- llll. 11'. - , M.D.i.',ni.'Hmniii, .tw".TUoiii.;;ih 1!llE,JUl,... cold emu., Ann; i'iiiua Tho npplic.itiu i ( tKrt Iti' uii Itcllrf t-i il.o i u. tumfurt. Twctiiy iiroti in itur.i iupnwr 'i vinr vni iu i uiuei.u ciiio CUAM1S. M'ASMS. SoUIt hln. .1 HRAKTIllTltV, (MCK 111. l H II. JXAKUIX' till In'iT.H.NaI, I'AIN.s. , ltrmly lli'llrl Willi Hum. A I. .v .ti.t Iu ' ; 'i liun j itiuih Ui.i'nly or Unit i .. .1 ttliitulat.t. Knvnn an it m i: cnu.i r.. din c.-iiu. t'iu u mt U n-UU' HJllit 111 tl.I1 wt'A tint wl.l UtM iw. Uli i Akiic, iui'I nil C'lltti M.'.illii , liPlou-t, S.Mtlit, 'f.rlmlil, iillow.aml (-tlitr Kt u m t ii.U.1 U I'.ANW A'H HLt ) wiiuUk m UADWAWH CKAM I.ilMLl'. Hlty wul jurWUc. hU t'i I'm -i HEALTHS BEAUTY!! STHONO AMI) rtllll! KH'M lllJ)OU-IX" o ri.KSII ANIl WIllilllT- I'l.KM; MvIM AND l)h: Tlr t'l. CUAi;'l.l.AIU?i M.t I lll.U IU AI.Ii. 3g RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT has maui: thi) :nsr ,'.'u!iimi ci uks- fo ilincu. m ii.xrii' .ii.r. i iii rin.Mii.n i it i liouv it.NDnufioiis, -i -i Kit: jrr.triAt'i: (IF THIS 1KULY . t L ULDlr ini;, THAT Evory Dny an Uncrcnao in Flesh and Woleht lo Goon nnd Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUHIFJEtt. Kverv .Iron ot tha HAUh V .'U.I.I liKbOLVKNT toiiiiiiunlc-ittd through lliu Ml- t, Hi it. I rltn umt ttlur lluiaiaii.lJuK.aof tlius; -it tii u.n ( 1 u rir It r tlie wribln of llu liolr unit in w ait niim-l nuti rl. I, hertruu. hypiuiirt, ('mi umiJii-n, liuii.niMr uicv t In tha ', Muiltli, T.l'ii'U. NmU'n i t iu ljt.iii.l-i inl olUtr parUfcf tlm )uu, lfl i: a Mt mum I'l-tli ir. i Iroin Urn Uart, ami tin irt T mu u( i illc nvm, Luij (1'iiis IVwr SiU'J, h( iM M ' I. II UX Vt'i'iln. ..ilt llUcuin, CllCLM III HlO AViHIlt', tl I U . ftkll.t.lJ tlll'l :tlttful ills rlArL'ti N'l-rLt Si' itn. L u - r-iu. I u'l l .i-tita l.f Il.d Jlfti tirliit-liil. trj wit lil i t . '.vti r in jo if il.h wuuUr of Modcrii t licniUtr', uu-i I will troto to unv l'unnn U'lii h t r t ' i u i.khi ij t.iH w tu(.:iig us iH'U'iit iiotr t vmi tlii'iu. If thu )ntUiittilil!y h.L ..i r 1 !'. l t!,u h itm at il liVOniiOalttot) Ihut U iui fi t-T' '!):;, H U'l 4 In Utmitafntiii lm.ilthv l.hi.l .lul Ihlj Ihj HAILhA I'AltlL- 1,1 AN will I iikwi m-;ur', ct Mil) ilmi tlm Mm vt ii.ii 1 1 it 1 a i i sr tv-1 al Vliown riui'tU il njilil ii if rtiiti I Cum i , f'cr'tl iituti , luro f r t'r'inarv. A ! V I)UI,ttn. Ilnid-v M 'M-io of W'aX ft, 1 m n . f I', lirljU'n IUh.i-v. Iurd11..rj urn I rltl.lii-t U t.h', mUt'l w tilt mi W j live i i m Mliltti Ml!i. or tlitTJ un'f, .uit VkMit bout" tin -t (iiiiuiiiiiiuri i, ii in i in .t i jiotlt'S or tU j w:iti r U Dili l.WuthuuliUu f niu.'., iiu iiKirtltl. irk, t ill-1-- ih'ltubiiri, tut'l tlvil i wIiij .uul i il i i t (!u ft null vt thu lIuU -in I intum,, naiuiiii; m.u4Uii!i flloiiirtlii) U'in. J'nvo, ijixy, VVORH"G- fl 1. 1 tuu..u .li.l jiim Iltmctl) i"r )I'yn i'nt Titjw, tiV. 'fl'cuucii oJ 110 Vonrs tfroivtfi Cured ly ncilj.vtN 55oho1voiiI. II i! i M tai , July H, laO. Tttnu w It 1 1 i . i 'i i . r lu I'll) Oturltl An J 1 U. All I In ! -t n ,i) "il, i . iitl...r r il." I trlvl Ctiry lltliiif ttul ru.uiiiaitfitd-d U it in-lLlini 1ihn'. tit. I mv jour lUffut, nJ IttiMigtit I HnUtry it) tul bail mi f iltU tit It, fitauii 1 kaJ ultardl Ut lwU ymn. I tk ill U-tlki (.f th lUtulfvnl. ami w box t-f ltaUy' I'lll", ti4 two LoIlKi if ) r ltlKIlf qJ tbN tl tti'l aiifiiof tnuiut U la iit i dlt, itrj ( M UlUr, iiuwlvr, a4 happier llio I Lata fur Imlt tvs '1 fei vr( tunMr u lu lla Mi ttl f lb buwdi, avtr tl - tr n 1 auk tttLl li iwi fur lU-J UmLH-( Otlivri. igil u l'lil'li-h It if 1 Dcbuota, - HANNAH I'.VNAH. DR. RADWAY'S' PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pnfwtly Untoleiw, ctiyuitl coated with sweet emu, j iir?:. rt'KtiUti, iurtfv. clt-uiuft uul ttrtnirtbrn, It4du;i)U ViiU, f-.tlio curitof ill (M nrd"Mtfth(f Moniifh, I-hir, IJ-iwt Kili.v, 11' 'lu.r, .V.n. ( UN- . II .In hi-, (. .Jistll turn, ( tiv ii. ft, Jii.l' 'i i (n i, IlilluUi-iut. IU lout t. , 1 d.numtln-i ( i I .il. i'lUi.iul all l rtu'oiiieiit nf tlio Inu.-il V t. W -n.ii.tcil t ilfot-t ft iutiiic fir., l'uuly Yi.- 1 ! , . .taliii g 1 o iiarmry, Uilin'r Ui, nr (Mi I trlout i'r u i.'-., 2 if Q'ttvi 1, f !Inuina( !.., 'ii.s ii'iuUli froi.i, li.v.1. 1 IU, J..,1i, s -f IU Ilo.t In It-a IK i.l' Ackltty f IU H"ilt U, Ilrnnlurn. I'm. I wll- I U r WttUht In llta KlCiiii til, rur I'm t 't.iitt, MliVIiiif (t HUr I nil hi Ilia I'ltnf tho H b, r-lin liyn ihtf I Kail, (lurrU.1 ui 4 ItiiHiult tlrvutlilmr, I Inttr-tln,- m tti IU irl, C UUI tr buir.atli hutbtint wliiiu Ii t ' l i' lin.i vt Uiwn, IMi vr Ul.i K..r. ili. Sitf'.t. I'.-r,! 1 hull I in. iu tU IKI. PrUttriiry .f JVr-i'-i.i i, t.ltwii i i' i M ii m) rif, I'bIu In tU hi.i,, c'i i, Lli-W, i., I .'ii ik, t liut, MuruUi 1 tk 1 lath. A fmv (1 fnnii nil I l.u i.l.nvi .mm i ,1 i l-i ic, jjttuu jirt&x. 11V lll'l'dllNTS ltKli -FAI.m: AMI 'Ilil'K." Ber.' u. Mterttamp to HAliWAV Ji to., N, bj MuUttt Uue, Jfuw.Vnrk. lliIU1114llUll " lu I liKUaatllilH ni fJ aa,l f Uu, - HI3 72-ly M CKELVY, NEAL & CO., DKAI.ERH JN DRY GOODS, GBOOEItl J3S, ANIl General Merchandise, BLOOJISBURQ, l'A. Mifjccllanoouo, 1872. 1872. NEW SPRING GOODS. M. P. LUTZ llniluslrcluriieil (loinNew Ymkwlllia full lino ol IJLAOIC AND COLOKKD HIIiKS, LYONS' SILK rOl'LLN'S, SILK PONOKHS, plain strlfo and clicno, & UtTJXGS, stUpo nnd plain GltASS OLOTIia, Rtrlpo pl.iln and choiic. WASH I'OPIilKH, blade ami colored. ALPACAS, FANCY PJ,A1DS, 0 0 LOU IIP OAM 15 UKJiS, 1'EKOAL.KS, WHITE GOODS, buishi:, TAIUiATAN, viirioitiA i.awn. HlHlIOl' l.AW.V, NA1NH00KS, litium C'AMUniCH, LOMO CLOTH, NA 'ICtNH. DaiYi,a, TOWHt.S, LACK CUIlTAIrfS, SHAWLS. NOTIONS, TRIJIMINGS, HOSIERY AND QI.OVES, a)ul cverj tlilus generally kept lu n llrst-class DBY Q00D3 STORE. IIROWER'S BLOCK, I3AST0PC0UHT HOUrfi:, -MAIN HTltKHT, liLooMsnuna.pA' ALT.EXT.oii iiillii UVji-V. - DISET'ES CT TIT ' In the woiiilcrfal i,iqJu-iiio to wlikh IlionfiHrU'il aro alMVu luintul r- rulk-l, tin- illHcint-rrr lie-lluvo-t Ua lin cuiulil-if 1 ii hartuwj muio ol J.'a turo'B mo.t imvi-reU-i cumtlvo iiriiporllt-:. ihlih Oo,l Uh Initlllul lulu llw c,;ct.illo Mli;;iliim lor lmalintho ilck, tlim worn t-icr litfuro oinlilucil lu one mixllciin. Tlu L-vlilctitu of this f-ict Is founil hi tho v.uloly or ob'tlnati- ills casus which It h is luo i I mini to coiiquor. In Iho euro or tlroiiuhltlH, Novcrii C'diikIih, an! tlwculvi-tirji of (lonuii mptloii, II lias a.tonlsli) I thj m.-,lit il fi i'ly, ami I'mtni-ntphy-Blcl ns pro-i'j i-iM It tlu e ''H'"t lnullial illscoio-ryorthi.-iM. Whllo it c irt Ihj sowiojlt'oniihs, It tM i;t!wiu tlu systn ,i n. il pnrlKIOH Ilia l)lni),l. 11 Its gro it u 1 1 lli.irnii'jh Wooil puilly ln pr i,i TthM. it c.iroi all nilMUirn, limn Iho won Nisi-ot'ula tia coni u 1,1 tsluleli, I'lin 1I ii, or Iliiriiptlull, Mo ill-oui-o. Jllno Ml ro'.soiH, unl lliolr cltV-tH. am irinllralnl, nml ti"omas lioalth an 1 a mini I innstlliillon c-finh-liilul HrVMliolii-, Sull ISliiMini, t'uvi-r Siiro-i, Sculy or Itouuli Miln, In rliort. all tin imraorn is illnu-u-1 initM-il by lu,l LInoil, aro co-i'iuorcl liy this pjivcrlnl purlljlnjinr.a lu-vl.')r.itlu,'m--llclnj. If yo i foul il ill, ilr m-.v (li'hllltati-il. I.avo Pillow cobrofskln o.-j,-Il,nviiU hiown i-potn on faco 01 hJy.rroTiJ:'t h -i li iM in- ilu.lm-s, Inul lalo lu unilth, Intern il Unit or clilll. nllL-rimtnl ilh hot il-ulu, loi il-u. un-l I'looiiiv louhojlngs, li ro 'nl ir 111111 Jtit j. a 1 1 lon.-i i rcutcil, jimaiofun'ci-- lat Iron S'o.-il.l r Illllnii.- liuKx." In uniy ci - of '"I.Ivor C'oin lilulut" u ily pi. I ol th,-.i fmploms arc csjio lioiuol. l r-n-lv In- all null catcs lr. 1'iorco's 0 ii,l-1 XI Ik il l)li-co cry has no equal, mltc.l'jcUpjrfi-u-iirji, l,-.nliutho!liirHii-iii!i!i-ciu-l a-il linUlw. l'or t'1.1 cuio of Hiililtuiil CHl-Ulii.Uloil of tho hnvicN Ills nuclei la ' at romi ly. a i I t'i io who haio u.-cd It lor this pirpjioarj I ) 1 1 I i iH pnl-". ,, ,. Tho nHors S 1 .WW rraaul for a iniili- I'ut will -nil It f,ir the rnro ol alllhoiua- L-l.o. fir v r i ri-i-o nim-tnli-ii. S ill II , 1(. V I' Cll I 15 ' it I ,i-r nilllii l-rcpart-o i,y I' I i in l.ll , , V V. nlS721y, FANCY SILK GOODS, KID GJMS1, Mac. lit' 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, C9nlE(teaiiiU!(Tiiiiillil)f)iifi, H f'J. .. ) WIDliIS, TBIMMINfl a:w - --.- SIIiRB, TUR9,U0I5:;! a.:d Yi3LOU3Jfj, EngliB.i Ci-anatllots, Tl6,uo. , U coz, t'.tlclnB3, wuiTt: :: :' . T.:njM..s HECK TIES. Ijnc.-j LuTTUrtJ. SC. il mm vim w-r itrid-s rf l'ooi Kiihi, V, In , l'r , ' ,1 1 ,1IU V 1'IIOIi. 11, .1KB i in,i anil K, fuse Liquors, tin pi , -, c-illcil doatnuil, -i' , i. an l 1'oiiu ," "Aii'i K t ,i, , , '.c , ui.ii lean Ilia nn. L-rcn u- ih mil om, i iuul lulu, inn jro ; mio MciliiMu-, miiU C -in ih I, nn r,"U ami lii-ib or un firnii, fiM fii-m all A.u-huiic Miiniil.iiil. 1 Iwy arc the ...... m.i t .l l.,i.. ,-,i,ip Puncm c. a Per IM Konmatiir ami Iinigoralur of Iho fji Hem, earning nn" all poi'ininut Inatlii. anil rctotini; Ihf blooil Hi -1 healthy c.nditioti. ciiuchinn it, rcfiolnnn anil inviRoratulff healthy condition, ciiuchmi! It, rclic-limK am invigoraiinii I '.C J;,S,utlVc:,; Jin ivi'xmt vixil InUo tUvw tlUttv accord hik lo (lirtciiniH, and remain lonn miwtll, jirouloil llieir bmici arc imt ittrocil turnon rr oilier mcan ami llie vital nrnan waMcd ljoont Uic oint cf Jepajj' , l)ytiriHlu or IniUtyciilon. Hcniutlic, rain in tlie MiouMcr-, CourIi 'liglituc of tlio CJiest, !) new, Sour llniclatininof tlio Slnnncti, Had laitaintliQ Moutti, lliluma Att.ults, lMlpllMicii cf ttiC Heart, In fl.immntion tf the I.imss I'.un In the regions of tlie Kid iieys, nml .1 Imndrcd other painful ymntnnn, are the ofT tpnnas of l)y-jiei'sia. In these complaints it i no equal, ami ono bottle will pro-o a belter guarantee of Its hwrita thin n Icnutliy filvi moment. i.'.ti it f 'nnttilitlittfl. in tonnff or (ln. tnAr tin! or ninftlc, at tho dawn of um.mli(WKl. ot the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so ttetulcil an inducuce that a marked improvement ( soon twrccpuuic. l'or Intlniiiiimtory nmt ('hiomc Itlictt- lililllttu aim uom, jyspcpii or inuiRcsunm nujou-, HCiniueiH nnii imeinmiviH i fiwinvs vi ms mwu, KiJnei and llladibr. lhe-c lllttrri lnve been mot successful. Such 1 ho nre caused by Vitiated liloocl, itch h Bcnerally produced uy uciaiiReincm t me ui They arc a fJonllo Purffnllvo a writ ne n Tmlp jio'-c-'in nUn the pcculnr merit rf actineas a powerful afr,ent In i.1icihb Congestion nr Inflammation t.f ttic Hivcr and Vi -coral Organs and in Hihoiis Diseases. I....., ninisiirxt. snni. Pimn rniiiile. lloil. Car bunclcn', Ring'ttornw, Scald-lIcad.Sore i:je, , Krjsipclas. I tCll, SCllrl", UlSCnlurauoui HI lliu OKU), numun nun of the Skin, tf wliatucr name or nature, aro literally dug hp ami earned out of tho system in a short time by llw "ce cf the Hitters Ono bottle in snth cae3will cunvinte tlio wojI uictedulous of their curatne C Ptc'jMiHO tlio Vlllntctl lllootl whencxer ou find iuimpuiitienburtimtthrotii;h the bl.m in l'impleo, Kniptions or Sores; cleanie it when you find It ob utmcleJ and lwg?ih intliecins: cleanse it when It ii fmli 5ntirfeehii?Mill toll ou when. Keep iho Hood inne, nnd ttm health of the ystcin id follow. (i-alrrul ilimiiniitN pimUim tstOAn Hit Tittis the most wi-iidw'ital Invigorant that cur &u stained the tiiAmtt s) stem. . Vill 'I'apo, linu nuu r in -"Hi juimiik iu uio eystem of so many thousand, nro effectually destroyed nnd removed. Says a distinguished physiologist I There la fcarcc'y an indiMdual upon the face cf the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy dements of the body that worms etist, kit upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters cf ducase. t No system of Medicine, no vcumfujjes, no anthelmintic., will fre Ih system from worms like these Hittcr3. Mcchnnlcnl DHcnscs. IVrsons engaged In Paints and Minerals such ai Number?, Tpc-setterj, r'i.i t.niiAra nnd Mintre. .in ilit-v advance in life, will be Biiblect to paralysis of the How els. To cuatd against this take a dose of walker s inegab xjittcrs oncu lUlloti ltcmltlint, ami Ititrvmhteiit Fever fi which are ro prevalent hi the vallcja if .our crcat risers througltout the United States, especially Uiose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, len iiesee, Cu.nbcrlaiul, Arkansas Ued, Colorado, Hraro?, KioUraiulc.reail, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah.Uoanokc, iiimv r.ihrri. with their vast tributaries. thniuhout our entire country durin; the Summer and Autumn, and rcmaihably so during seasons of unusual heat and drjncss arc invariably accompanied by exten sive derangements of the stomach and liter, nnd other abdominal lsccra. 'Ihcre are always more or less ob; nf thrt n vvp-iliCCES mid irritable State cf the stomach, and great torpor of tho boweK being clogged un with utialcd accumulations. In their treat incut, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon m.lmiii i.rfin. it cM'Iltiall V tlCCeSSArV. fhCTQ 11 no cathartic fur tho put pose equal to J. Walkbu's a limy ill niwcdlly tcmovo tlio n.iitcr itli illicit ilia LomcIj mo VINEGAR iillTLRS loaded, at the sime time itiimdalmg the secretions of the hcr, aud generally retormg the healthy functions of tlm digestive urg.un. . , . ,. .r.ii i. .ik TCIn?rf TCvll. White Hwe line. Ulcers, i:ryipcl.i-i, Swelkd Nodi, Goiter, Scrofuloui InllamniatiotH, lmlulont luitauimations oicrcunai jvi fcctions, (!d Sure3, Kruptions of the Skin, Sorohjcs, ... i.. .i,. . In ril i,tli.rrnn:titiitinml Diseases. Waikku's Vi.kor iliiriius lnve shown theif great curatne powtis i.i tho moat ol)unato and intractable n... vni!.fli-'.i C'.itifnrnliL Vliicsrnr Illttera act on .VI the : in a inn: ir manner. Hy punfjing llie Hlood tluy th- ciu.e, and by resolving away the ciltcts of tlu ml! iiiu.nt.ti-i (the tubercular deposits) Ihc alfocud pain teu'.e h.V.ih, and a ptrmancut cure istfftcted. . . Thi nrcncri!o-i i Pi:. Vikik''- inegr nn. Aperient. lJ..inhorctic and L.iriutnative. Nittntiiiu, Lixative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Inilant, Sudontic, Alter itae, and Anti-liiUous. Th AiK'j-It'tit and mild Laxative properties of JJtJ. IVAIICUKS VINUli lilTTURi ir n ic utoi iw ruard iu all 1 1 ot truptiuin ami malignant levers, tncir ..;r- I. ,inif. nml Ronihin" iironertics nrotect the humor nt the Uucjs. 'Ihoir Seditnc piopcttics allay .,-.;.,:. i'ii ii i-Miit -.ti;?.!. iirimatb. and bowels, either from lull nut i itio.i. ut.i I, co k, cramps, etc. 'ibeir Cmmlcr-Inil .tit i.iiliienco extendi thimichout tho system. I 1 1 mi .( iimni tlii'l.icl nil till) KlilllCV. COrrCClint! and reKurth i : ilu tln.vif unno. 'i hoir AntMhiious pioiiertiei -!'ne the It er, it the sttrction of bile, ai.d us di chiie-i thrtitinh tlu b.iuiy ducts and aie Piipcuor to all icmtdJ.t! .r; :it , t i the cure ot Uillnus Kcer, v .nd A v jtc. FuvtD'y (ho !.! a;;r.lUil ulscnwc b puri fying all u-i thud-. wiih Vim t, : UtTi F let. No epidemic ca 1 1 ike I'm d ol a U'u tl u . f iic.trmed. 'I he Incr, the i tell, tlio I m tlu 1.1,1 i nml tlie tici e .tro lemlumi ill ' V i.ul I V till tt mviornitt. Tiic Ki:l .y ... 1) : Hi ,-. i viuhli's Vinioir Hit. TLRS, III Ctlui.i 1Vm., Ncrvutis Disonlct, Ctintiji it' I I. 'I'" atfctms i'ic 11 cr! n . t,i llioll im! . -i' I fur llie i.i iu i. Direction ! nt nislu fi'iin n 1 Vit ,-n.iil i.i.ilii li i ii i nLr. mm .til luaiaiuc I... I., i iiliiii.n.iiv onr.ln-i i -.mi . iin il lit lutndrott. i'ii' .1 ' i riure .tic .vtl- '. . . 'I llil'S tO IlLll ..'.: .1 i I I'.u lull uiiH'-i.l.lifilil' k1. Lt.ell ... ItllltlL'll clion. veins m, ii-1 t b-t.ti ami xcci.ili'c-, ..'ill tile mtt- door cxuii-i j. I !i am c.iiiiH.-t.'d 1.1 ptiiuly ugcuuta il.i.u in. niiti. iiicredtent-. ai il c J. VALKI.K, I'n'p'i. It- II.M.'nOXA.ll&Ca. llni"pists ami tiun Anl-i . " rraiin-eo, t,.u.. and comtr 1 1 Waliinnlon iii.d fats. . New Vou SOLD 1!V 7VI.I. UKLT.IIIS'IS l.Ml D1.ALKR3. ulS-7Jain Im: inuiu:l'Ii:nt3 that CO.MI'OSI. IIOSA.UIIS aro pullislicil on evo' k.ij'e.tlicrc loroitiso(a i.'ii- '. . i'i.nation, conEcquenlly physicians r::i: cm n It is a ccrlaln t.tru I'..- Ikrofula, Synliilii iu all it i". n. , lllictuna- lUm. Skill l)i:f ast", Com- plaint and all tl:.-.- cl tlio Ulooil. oun 320ITL3 c? r.c2:.-:.u will do more pooil t! ..i ten boltl-.j ot I no hyrutvj ot .-aieapJtill.t. THE UNDEnUIQNEO PHYSICIANS liuvoiutU IlcY.nJ.ilin in their pr-ictica for Iho usl tliao yearn ami freely eiuiort'o it i3 a rtuauio itiicrattta and II loo J l'urilier. rm. t. c. i-cnit, t,r Eaiiimoio. lllt.T. J. IIOVKI.V, " int. it. iv I'.utii. Pit 1'. O. DAVVKLLY. " 1)11. J. li. sl'.VUKS, ol .NidicUsWlte, Ky. pn. J. I.. McC.UlTIIA,, Imt.A. . NOllLKS.Mgccomu, N.C. USEIl AUD MIDOESED BY j. n. vri:n'ch s. eons, rail nivcr. i ii nn. 11'. VI. SMITH, Jicliwn, Midi. A. Wlll.Hl.l.ll. l.u.13, Oli.o. HI n l'Ai.i., 1..1.M.0I1..J. J'l tni.Vfi & 1 1).. (.m-ilnnn Illp. Va. ;.V?I'I.. ( . SUl'ADLll.N, Jllttfrccsi un", . ii. fjurn.nco lnrttlln'v of anvcx. Iri.lel lenii! . in itt.itun to tha tl.ttieiot Ki.iail. . I utlio leillcnl l'lolcsltm i-e l-u ii.ti.tfo a f luid Kv trafiunorlr.rtu uuv tliov hao cvoi I iic J In tlio triM'ini ill of diseased llloiull anil tu tli u!.ll(tetlwosay tiy Uuialaliii. mil i a . ill lo rcetorc I to liciltli. Itoialallili .1,1 ly all DrtijsIsU, priee ui..u per nettle. Auureijj D?,, ClSrT3 & CO. funt'citrfiii; Chvnuti, IlAtTIilOltL.', Ms. July 21-71 ly. pALTlMORE PIANOS. , Wo respectfully call tho attention of ihoso ileslrlus to nurchabo our inalio ol l'lanos. Wo nro nallsfled that wo can Rive satisfaction lu overy case. Our workmen (ikillluland oxptrlen- rpu f.iiii urn imiinr run ,n.-un..., I ?L ISnSinilV iifSLr i"fP' wf uf", ?nly 1110 i ;.7"r V' V,V tr" '!'.'. '"I"! " Hvr" au ma iiaieut tiraues urrautxoiueut iuroueu put. which In tho opinion of iho most roiupo. teut Juducs lu iirououuccd valuable. Hv this 1111 provcuient a Vlano In mado inoro duinblo nnd keeps the to 10 loncor. Wo olalra lor our Instrtt. menu that they nro second to tiouo, nud they conibluo all tho essential elements that constf. tuto superior workmanship, Wo will clvo n written guarantee for llvo years. Mr. CdNltAD l.'UEIMAN'. UlOlllbCr (If nnrftrtn will visit Hloomsburs lour tlmosnycnr to ro nalr nndatteud to tuulua of nil lManm. in nm ubseucool Mr, l iiEtsiAN.JIr. I. K.Miu.ut will uttoud to our business In Hloomkbun; nud is nuthorlzed to rcelvo and solicit 01 Jem, wucituuiu vuo very uesi rcioreurcs, OAKHI.U&rO. , , llaltlnioie.M, D. I. K. M1I.I.EU. Dealer in Plnnrm. nriMinu nml Melodeous live octavo nnd llvo Mop orcaus ol the best mnko, told nt SHO. Tcnilo easy, Juuo 21 Miecollancous. CONTINENTAL. Lifo lusuranco Company. OK NEW YORK. 1 of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES nil tho now form of I'oli. JLnml irc8ont3 ns lavornbla tcriua us mij i panj' lu tlio Unlli'il Htnlrs, iho comiiany win muico tcinpornry urn lt nollclii. Tlilrtv davs' crnco nllowoil on capli nnvii. nml tliu policy liclil Komi ihtrlnt; Hint tlmo. All tiur tioiiclci aro Incmilcstablo lor tlio 11 causes. roiiclcs lssuoa uy this comiiauy nro lion lollnre. jvo extra enarges mauo ror travoliinu rfrin lMllcv lioMcru hliaro lu tlio nniinnl ttrniii tlio cmnli.iuv.iinil havo il vnlco tti lhn 'l. anil management nf tlio company. policy ov inonicai ico rimritcu. W. 11. WYNKUUl'. Vli ' , .1. P. HoimiM, Kccretary, H. O. O'UANDt.tiH, Jr Actuary, ice of "Columbian" Buildiim BLOOMSBURG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General A'Jcnt Jim. 5.1W2-U. Hail Roads. T ACKAWA.NNA AND BLOOM uumi UAii.uoAi) On ami olUrNov. 17, ISTl.Tai , net rr. n, i run ns follows : aoiuaNortii. Al rl vo Arrive OOUlg I 1 Leave 1 n. m. n. m. Hcranton 0.10 1'ltlMOU 8.1S 1.11 lt.fij li3l 12.5t3 I. '.W) II. Sil 11.11 Mi i.MI KInRjton 1 fit. &aj .llano Crs A. I 2.10 3XS 3.M 3.57 rivmonth 8.11 Hhlclmliiuny.... 7.3U iierwicix h llloom 8.W Uanvlllo lO.tO 4.17 connection maile al HeriinLon nv tlu :i j train for Oroat lietiil, IlliiKliamton, Albjiiyn .o allpolutn Koilli, Kastiuiil West. TVTORTIIEIIN CENTKAL hail VMY. un ana alter jsov. i:tn 1871, Trsiin v loavoUusnuay ns follows ! NOIlTIIWAItU. 1110 P.M. Dally to Wllllamiport, Klmlra, Cur. .u dalcna, UocliciMcr, lmu tin, buspcuMon Li 1. and N. Fulls. 12.10 p, 31. Huiralo, N. Killi, ic. 0.00 p. M Daily, foxcept HnnaayH) for Wi .lUI b UUII JllU, Co p. M., Dally. (oxcnplKnmlays) for I r. Huiralo and Nlag irn Pall", vl t. Urlo 1 from Ulniha. TltAINH KOUniWAlUl. 1.17 A.M. Dally for Ilaltlmnrc, Wiv li . I'miaucipiun. 10.03 A.M. Dally (oxeept BumlavH) loi Lt.i it t . u WaBlilugton 'iuiI 5,nllaJi,!i'i,i. 1.10 P. m. Dally (oxcept fSimiliiy ) 1 u I .. Philadelphia, Ac. ii. oh- , Uen'J.Elcp't. ALFP.EI) It. Vim gUORTUST ROUTE EAST ' Vli Danville, Hazleton&WiWarre R,l! WINTER A ffllANQEMLNl : EASTWARD. WK-Sl'WAH A. M. i.F vvn. RuuUury New V' Kastoii l'lill i Delhi. if.niriuo Catawlssa 7.U2 i Siill 7.21 I 'JOS nSJ llazleiou 1" n. Iictliloliem, 12.IU llazlctun. riilladolpliln i.' 2 1 r. t'atnwlssa. llazlotou, I'--M Dauvllle. NcwYorlr, jji 3.W Huubuiy. Tho afternnnn train ennnocNat Hillibury tv 'i tlio I'. & U.1.33 p. m, train going Vcit; ur. it Vt'llllarusportti.iM; Lock Huveu7,lj p.iu.,aail i' tlio Northern Uentral 1.50 p. m.. inovnig iitiUi reachluB llarrlsburi! 7.WI p. iu und llultimoi. 10.15 p, m., and also with tho Himbuiy a ml I. lstown Kallroad. Louirortablo aud liandsomo uoaclteH ci iu ' now route. j, JiisuvuY jtAtii;, auperint.Eiuu' EABINQ RAILROAD. Iti" WINTER ARIIANGEM Ll.'T. Monday, May 27, 1871. Great Trunk Lino from tlie Nortn and "n West lor l'hiladclphla.NowY'oik.HeailliiR I vino, Taraanua, Asuiami, uaiuoitni j.i-u.iu. . Allcutown. Kiiston. Unlifata. Lltiz. Laui- Columbia, &c, Trains loavo Harrlsburs for Now Y'orli as ic lows: At 2.45, B,10, a. in., and 2,0) p. in., ' netting with (.liullar tralnu ou I'cnnsii nln llallroad, nnd arrlvlug nt New Yorlt . 10,07, n. in., 3,63, nud 11,13 ). in. respeci Bleeping cum accompany tlio 2,!i u in i. i without chanzo. Hetuiulug: l.eao Now York ut l).i ' i j 12.30 uoou and 6,13 p. in, VblhidulphU ut . . a. m, nnd .1.30 p. iu. Lcavo llairlsburg for lteauine, i on ,u 'luaqua, MlnerKvillp, Aslilnud, HliuinoK ii leutowu nud rhlla'd.nt b,,nnil ..f ' j,uf p.m.. stopping lUJ.euauon nun pnneiii i kUUlous; Iho 1,VS p.m. tralu couueetluglor ' FntlKvl ivlllo and Uolumbla only, l or . t on Bchuylklll Haven and Auburn, via S"hu and Uiuquchauna llallroad, leave Ham " 3,';'peniivlviiliiriniillrnaillrilinqle.l U lug lor Allcutown Kastou nnd New Yoilt . . 10.10, n. m and 1.03 p. m. Uetr.rnlnu. I New Yoikat 0.00 a. m 12.30 noon audl-ii and AllerUowu nt 7.2'Ja. in. 12.20 uoou, - , am' 0.15 p. m. Way 1'as.veugcr Train icave'i Philadeti 7.S0a.m conuectlug with ulmllar Hum ou I'll, rallioad rcturulns lroiu llcadluuut u.- I btOpplUg nt Ull btllllGUS. J.eilVO I'UllbVlllU Ul u.W ...iu,, ttu.i Ilnriulon nt 10.00 a. in.. UUiimokln nt fi.lOnii ' 11. 111., Ablilnnd at7,0j a.m. and 12,13 uoou -anoy City ut 7.51 n. in. unil 1,2-1 p. 111. Tniu...,i u. iu,, and 2,10 p. iu, lor I'litladelpui. , iuik, iteauiu, iiurribuur, ixc. lMivo l'uti-.vllle via Mcunylklll mid 1 hantm llalli id at8,15, lor llnrilobui 11,1-n m foi I'tlioOioveunil Tieuioilt, ltendlnKAce winudatlon Tiulu leaven i vllle nt5.50 n. m., piu,dea Heading al 7,H 'a., rlvluy nt riilhn eliihln nt 0.60 11. 111. lluluru 1 icaveii t'uiiuue., uiu tit 0,10 p. ui., immiut, .. luKiit 7,10 p.m., 1. avlusut I'otmvlllu nto.: 1 l'otuiown Aici uiiiuuatlon Train, leave 1 tnwu at 0,43 n,m lornlni;, leaves l'hllui.' . (Ninth und Uicen) l 1,3) p.m. Columbia Kamouu liuinu lcsc llt-n 7,20 n.iii,, ami W3 p.m. tor K.phrnin. I.iu.-.. I ter, Columbia, Ac ; returning lenv l. ini 1 ' and 3.23 p. 10., and Coluiuoia .1 in. end 3 la p. m, I'likioinen Hull Itoad Tr.iiualt .ive l'e. . Junction at 7.15 O.tOn, 111,, 3,w u'5 13 p. 111. lut: Ituw Kchwcnkivlllo nt(i.Ji, t.t" .' I.OOII & ),13 P.lll., COlllltUll., VrHll i,ll.I' - ir i.ii.iuui! itauroati. CoUbioohdalo Jlullrond tialUK leavol'01,l.i0 0.2ia! 7.13 ii.ia.rttumlii's Ii l'kaiautat O.O1.1, B.00 nnd 11.-3 11. in., 3.2.3 p.m. lU'Cljut; wnr blllillitr iimna uit tveauiiiu v riclicrln,'! Valley Railroad trains leine 1 niyviiin nt uio 11. ni..:-t.lo anil 6.50 n. 111.1 u lug, leavo llycis nt 0.10 a, 111., 11M5 aud l..i I 1 coiiucctlUB with tialusoii Uemlluu Rniln u CUCEier Vliney jtniuuau irunii leu.u port ut 8,30 . iu. aud 2.10 nud 6.oJy. 111. Ktu Icnvo Dowulugtou ut U.M 11, in., I'.'.vJ 1. -6.1) ii, m,, conucctluB with blunhu l I ......- . . , ... . r r , ItfllMlllK I.UII1UUU, Thla nt 8.00 n.iu. and 3,15 p.m., (tlio b,W a 1 1. luniuuutiuiy toiieagiuu iieaveroui.viiiii w .. nt " d" ., in nml '2Aii tl. 11 Icnvo AUentonn n'"1 u-15 Iu" uu.'. lleadlug lit 7.15 11. ni.iiud lu.3ip. in, lor 1! ' burg, nf 4.3ln. in. for New Ynik.iitlWu. i Alleulowuaud utO.10 a. iu.' and l.U Philadelphia. Coiuinutiitlon, Mileage, Henson. f'rli. . Txciirslou Tlckils tu nud irun nil pul." duccd rates, , , llagcaKO checked thiouh; KO pouuU i ' inch i'usoui;f r. J, V, WOOTTl-i. Asst. Buiit, & Kug, Mut n Ilcadlus, I'o., May U. iwi. J UPIC1?S BLANKS. Wo Lew 1 ii o c n hi nd n Iiiik l.iall' 1 '.' . nesortintul l Olh'llt'I.'M u.d twb'h i' 1 1I1.ANKH, lo vl.ldi MO luMlo 11.0 mlcidi"" hcioMllcciP,