The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 10, 1872, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. tYlinl A Henry Soil will Un. Tito iuxI mnkna tho corn. Thin niiiy lo tnlson aimi uxloin, tw untlimlilod mi Unit u Btrnlghtlltio Is Iho Mliortint ills tanco botwcon two iiolnttt. I f tho sod Is right tho coin cm Itiko caro of Itself, What Is wanted Is n mass of roots, Ail ing tho soil to tho depth of three, four, or flvo Inches or more, and such n mat of vegetation on tho surfaco ns will Inovltably belong to such a mass of roots. Now, what such nn nmount of vegotnblo matter easily decomposed, mid hiicIi ns corn leaves to feed upon would mcHsurc, can very easily bo ostl mated. It would certainly bo within bounds to say that thero would bo on every Etjunro rod of ground 00 cubic feet of matter equal In fertilizing power to nverago barn-yard manure. This Is over thrcc-muirtcrs of a cord per squaro rod; nnd 1(H) rods going to mako up nn acre, thero would bo over 120 cords of manuro to the acre. This nmount of barn-yard manuro would scorn perfectly bowlldcr lng to ii farmer, and would bo boyond tho power of many to haul out and spread. And hero It is, on tho spot, in the most perfect shapo posslblo to bo utilised. Does it need then, any further argument to show clearly that n heavy soil Is tlii! beat, cheapest, nnd most easily handled manuro a farmer can procure or invent? Tho voxod question of whether ono should plow deep or shal low for corn, hcrogots a satisfactory and simply reply. With such n sod or any sod, wo may say, ono must plow Htifllclcnlly deep togct enough looso soli on tho lop to allow tlio harrow to work and mukoasccd-bed. No more, no less If your sod is such a one as wo lately saw cut from a pasturo on a farm in Eastern Pennsylvania, tho plow must necessarily go soven or eight Inches beneath tho surfaco beforo enough soli can bo obtained wherowith to mako seed -bed. Tho average crop on this farm is over 100 bushels of shelled corn per aero, and -tho secret, if thero Is any, is In this sod. Why should it bo doubted? It is n simple cxatuplo in proportion as sod is to sod, so corn to corn. And by this wo may learn what a heavy sod Will Co. Agriculturist. Alslko Clorcr in Mlcliigrnii. Samuel Booth, Branch county, Mich., writes tho Western Rural: "A year ago last spring, I hesitatingly purchased enough of tho seed to sow twenty flvo acres, it taking at tho rate of four and one-third pounds to tho aero, atonodol lar per pound. I sowod in tho month of Aprll.on ground proparcd for and sowed to wheat. I harrowed tho ground, and afterward plastered it. Notwlthstaud lng tho dry season, I cut from that ground about forty tons of hay in July. I drew In my barn fivo tons for feeding; tho balanco I stacked, and in Septem ber threshed it and got eighty-five bushels of seed. Beforo cutting I brought in somo stalks which measured four feet in iongth. Tho field on which It was sown is high, rolling land,, soil dark sandy loam. I am feeding this winter my entire stock, consisting of horses and cattle, on tho hay that was threshed. They never thrived better on any feed than they do at the present time. It is free from fuzz and dust, and tho stalk, unliko tho other clover, re mains green after tho seed has ripened, nnd tho cattle solzo Jt with an avidity that would plainly indicato Its superiori ty over tho common red clover. It is also excellent for tho honey bee, equal to if not surpassing tho white clover. Tho first cutting produces tho seed, and afterward excellent pasturage, but if preferred for hay and no seed, it pro duces two crops. With tho knowledgo I havo of it, I would not recommend it for light yollow, sandy soil." Prcscrviiiff Farm Tools. Evory farmer should havoa can of linseed oil and a brush on hand, and when ho buys a now tool ho should soak it well with tho oil and dry It be fore tho fire or in tho sun before using. Tho wood by this treatment is tough ened nnd mado stronger, nnd rendered Impervious to water. Wet n now hay rake, and when it dries it will begin to bo loose In tho joints; but if well oiled, tho wot will havo but slight eilect. Shovels and forks are preserved from checking and cracking in tho ton of tho handle by oiling, tho wood becomes ns smooth as glass by use, and is far less liable toblister tho hand when longuscd Axo andhararaerhandlesoften break off whero tho wood enters tho irori; this part, particularly, shoulil bo toughened with oil to secure durability. Oiling tho I wuiki in tno oyo oi tuo axo will provont It from swelling and shrinking nnd sometimes getting looso. Tho tools on n largo farm cost n great deal of money; they should bo of tho most approved kinds. It is poor economy nt tho pres ent extravagant prico of' labor to set men to work with ordinary old fashion ed implements. Laborers should ro turn their tools to tho convenient plnces provldod for them. After using, they should bo put away clean and bright. Tho mold boards of plows aro apt to get rusty from one season to another; oven if sheltered, thoy should bo brushed over with a few drops of oil whon put nwny, and th6y will then remain In good order until wanted. To llroak up Scttlnjr Ileus. A writer from Bangor, Maine, says: Build a coop of laths four feet squaro, with floor of Jaths ono or two inches apart nnd eighteen inches from tho ground or floor. When a hen shows broodlness plnco her in tho coop with out food or water until shogots over tho spell, which win bo In n day or two. Tho Idea Is to rcduco tho natural heat or tho body. With such a coop tho air draws under her nnd cools tho outsldo, and withholding food or water (for water will keep up animal heat) will redueo her blood, and when so coolrd will not set If wanted to. This niodo is not open to tho criticism of such modes as keep, lng hens stundlng in water, whero they nro liable to colds and then croup: or exposing them to tho passions of furious and strango-blooded cocks, often tearing ineir backs, nnd always endangering tho truoness of feather In the next litter of eggs. Tho objection lately raised. thut to break up hens when brooding, is contrary to nature, and too stimula ting because exhaustive, Is of llttlo forco voxcept whon hens nro kept loncer than prolltablo for their breed's sako), for tho only way lo mako n profit In brooding is to kill tho hens of ono and-two years nmi Keep mo pullets, Iiion ron Roses. A correspondent of an England paper rocomrnends tho laying about roso bushes old Iron. Ho finds that tho Iron rust nets ns n tonic to Dm rose. "YoUllfJ Folks. Patent Modicinoa. Miscellaneous, 1 . Tlif Crjitnl Spec1nclo. "What n stunld world iU In!" cried llltlo Blossom, slopping for n moment, ns sho ran down n stoop, mossy path, Which led through a wood to tho river's edgo. "Whnt n stupid world this Is I" And sho tossed back her sunny curls, whllo tho toars stood In her clear, brown eyes. "Of courso tho river has ovortlowcd lust bccatiso I wanted n walk along Us banks, nnd I feel suro tho forgct-mc nots will bo later than usual, on purposo to 8pllo mo. I halo theso nasty weeds," tho child continued, tearing up a handful of green leaves, which sho throw two or three yards away from her, Then Blossom hastened on with im patient zest till sho caught sight of a "fairy's ring" which had sprung up In tho ntght, beneath nn old oak-tree. "Tho30 disgusting toad stools," sho ex claimed, "aro determined to poison mo, but I shall pay no heed to tho na9ty things 1" And sho walked on with nn air of offended dignity. Suddenly sho looked up into tho sky. "Oh, dear I" shoslghed, "what an ugly black cloud that Is I" nnd, with n sullen kick of her llttlo foot, Blossom tripped and fell. You may bo suro sho had a good cr, for her aching llttlo heart was glad of an excuso for tears ; nnd seating herself near tho oak-tree, sho sobbed herself to sleep. Sho dreamed sho was lying in her own whllo bed at homo, when such a bright moonbeam darted In nt tho wlu dow that sho closed her weary llttlo eyes, lest they should bo dazzled "Blossom T' said a soft, musical voice, Blossom looked up, and sawn beautiful child sitting on the moonbeam. Her llttlo frock reminded Blossom of tho fleecy, white clouds In a summer-sky and Instead of n girdlo sho woro a gar land of mvrtlo nnd honoysucklo. Her fair hair was strown with swoot wood violets, In her hand was a Illy of tho valloy, nnd over heart rested lovely hcart's-caso, hiding among tho dainty folds of her whlto frock, "Who aro you?" said Blossom, rub bing her eyes, "Tho woo folk call mo Iris," said tho child. "Havo you been crying, Blos som?" "Yes," answered Blosioui, feeling very uncomfortable. "I thought so," said Iris, with a wlso nod ot her llttlo head ; ''that was why I came." There was a llttlo pause, and Blossom heard tho vlije-loaves outsldo tapping against tho window. "I fancy you must havo lost your crystal spectacles," said Iris, looking straight into Blossom's eyes. "Spectacles I" laughed Blossom. "You must bo mistaking-mo for grand mamma," and sho passed her plump hand over her dimpled faco, to see whether thero wero any wrinkles thero. "I knew you oneo had a pair, though," said Iris, "only they wero so perfect, you neither saw nor felt them ; but thoy mado all tho difference In tho wearing, for almost everything looked pleasant through them. "Well," replied Blossom, "I should liko sucli a pair of spectacles as that, or indeed anything eljo that would mako things seem a llttlo loss disagreeable. 'Listen, then,"8aid Iris. "Forgot yourown troubles and Just look straight up ; catch all thesunshino you cnu, and then look around for somo ono with whom you may sharo it." "Agreed !" answered Blossom. And with this sho awoke. Then sho sat up, full of her dream, and lifted up, not only heroyes, but her heart also; and then full of lovo nnd joyfulncss, sho looked around. Tho sun shone down through tho green boughs overhead, into tho ivy carpeted ground. From her pleasant seat Blossom could seo tho great river in tho valley, sweeping on betweon its green banks, and shining with gold wherever tho sun shono on it. It was wldo enough to look very beautiful, but evidently had not overflowed enough to prevent a walk along its banks ; and on tho limner siuo Blossom spied a great bed of lovely forget-mo-nota. Sho was wild with delight, hut sho hurried homoward, for sho thought sho know of n poor cottago whero somo of her sun shino would bo very acceptable. Sho stopped as sho passed tho oak tree, for sho saw a clump of floo mush rooms. "An, ' sho said, as sho stooped to gather them, "I onco thought thoso wero toadstools 1 And thoso plants took for useless wteds why, thoso aro wild Arums." Onco again Blossom looked up. Sho saw tho hsuiio dark cloud sho had no ticcd beforo, but saw, too, by tho bright rim of gold on Us upper edgo that it had n golden lining. "I scarcely think I need tho spec' taclesl" laughed Blossom. "You havo them already," said tho soft volco of Iris. "Did I not soy thoy wero Invlslblo?" And when Blossom lookod down sho siw tho lily of tho valley in her own little hand. Iris had left it as a keop sako. (Lily of tho valloy represents In flower languago tho return of happl ness.) Dolus (ooil (Juletly. Near tho foot of a mountain, crossed by n much traveled road, a delicious fountain of water gnshed from a fissuro in a rock. Its natural courso led away from tho road, but by a llttlo effort It could bo brought within tho reach of travelers and animals passing by. Mr, Sawyer, tho owner of tho land, gavo it this direction, nnd placed a wldo trougl for tho reception of tho water. Many a panting team was refreshed thereby, and niiiuytt iinveler tasted tho cool and sparkliug beverage. "father," said Itobert Ilariner, us they camo along and saw Mr. Sawye at work, "what docs Mr. Sawyer do that for?" "To do good," was tho reply. "What good will It do him ? Ho will nover want to uso tho water." "Ills object Is to do good to othors O rent numbers will bo benctlted by this net of his." "But thoy won't know that ho did It and lio won't get any credit for it." "Ho docs It to do good, not to get credit for it. Happiness is galnod by doing good, not in getting crodlt for it Ho knows that ho has mado an unselfish effort to do good, and Clod knows it henco it is no mnttor whether any others know II or not." A AUPEAIj Va Debilitated Persons, l'o Dyspeptics, To Sufferers from Liver Cmnnlntnt. To thoso having no Appotllo, To thoso with Broken Down Consti tutions. To Norvous tiooplo, to uimurcn wnsiing a way, To any with Debilitated DIgostlvo organs, Or sutTerina with ami of thcollowlnn Symptom, which Indicate Pisordereil juw or awmacn, Mich as Con stipation, Inward Plloi, Fulness or lllood lo Iho Head. Acid ity of ilia Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Fowl, Sour Krusc!tli)iiJInklngor Klut terlngnt thePltof tlioatonmcu.HwIin inlwtof Iho Head, Hurried nnuDinicult llronthliiK. Fluttering nt tho Bert. Choking or Bullbeatlng Hensnttuus wlieu lu n Lying Pos ture, iiimness oi vision, uow or weus ueioro tho HIsht.Fevernnd dull pain In tho head, Detlcloncy ofPoraplratlon. Yollowuesi of the Hltln nnd Eyes, lVihi lu the Hide, Illicit, Chest, Ltnibi, Ac., Huddcn Flushes of Heat, Burning lu the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Hplrlts, HOOFIiAND'S O HUMAN MTXiSHa. A Hitlers without Alcohol ortiplrllsof any li hut, Ta illffiTAnf from nil others. It Is rnmnnftad of the puro Juices, or Vital ITinelple ofltoots. Herbs. ...... a no t,..,1lf.l.,,,llt, In.lilAil h-vlraplfl i mo worunesiur men, puruuiinui uiuiuRiuuu-mn not being used. Thcroforo In ono llottlo of this Ulltcrs tuero is contained as much modlclnal vlrtuoas will be found In sovcral gallons of or illnnrv mixtures. Tho Hoots. Ac. used 111 this Hitters nro grown In Ucrmany, their vital prin ciples extracted in that country by a scientific Chemist, an forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, wnero thoy aro compounded nnd hot tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredient, this Hitlers is ireo irom mo oujeenunt uruu uKiiniti, nil others: no doslre for stimulants can Tie in iinreii from their use. thev cnunot mako drunk- urds, and cannot under nny circumstances, havo nny but n bcncueitu cuecu llOOt'LAND'd UEHMAN TONIC, Was compounded tor thoso not Inclined to otremo bitters, and Is intended for uso in cases when somo nlcohollo stimulant is required In connection wnn ue lonio properties oi mo uu tjira. F.!u-h tinttln nf the Tnula cnntAlns ono hot tin nf thn mt.ti.ra. mmlilnpil with mira HANTA CllUZ UU.M.nnd Unvored In such a manner that tno extreme uuieruessai me mueraituvcitmiu-. rnrmlni. n nrennratlon hlphlv ncrceaMo and pleasant to tno palate, and containing tho medi cinal virtues ot too illtters. Tho price of tho Tonic U 81.00 per Uottlo which many persons think too high. Tnoy must take into considera tion that tho stimulaut used H guaranteed to bo nf n nurn nunlltv. A coor nrtlcla could bo fur- nlsheu nt a cheaper price.but is It not better to pay n little more and havo n good nrtlclo 1 A medi cinal preparation should contain nono but tho best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to obtain n cheap compouud, nnd bo beuetlttcl by It will mostccnainiy oe cncaicuw HOOFIiAND'S 0 HUMAN BITrEllS, OR HOOFIiAND'S OEUMAN TONIO, WITU HOOFLAND'H PODOVUVLLIN PII.Ij, WILL CURE YOU. They nro tho Greatest HI, O O B P U 11 I F I K 11 8 Known to tho Medical world, nnd will cradl- cniouisoascs arising irom impure uioou. uesuiuy of tho Dlzestlvo Organs, or diseased Liver, lu a Buorierumoinannuy oiuer Known ruincmcH. Tho whole SUPlUiMF. COUUT of Pennsylvania Sl-KAK 1'OU THESE REMEDIES. Who would ask for moro Dignified and Stronger Testimony? Uon. Okohoe W. Woodwabd, former Chief Jiu lice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Jfemoer of Congress from Pennsylvania writes: riliLADELruiA, March 16th, 1S07. I find "Hoofland's German Illtters" Is a good tamo, usorai in diseases oi ine uigesuve organs, and of great benefit In cases of debility and want of action In tho system. Yours truly OnonOE W. Woodwakd. Hon. JA3IJ3TU0SI30N, Chief Justice of the Supreme Qwrt of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 2S, 18OT. I consider "IlooOand's German Btttcrs" a val uable mcdlclao in caso of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can ocrtlfy this from my oxpe rJonoa ttf If. your, wltli rospoot. JAMES XHOMSO.V, Hon. Geobqe SUAitswooD, Jmlleeofthe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, PuiL.VDEi.FniA, Juno 1, lSS-i. I havo lound bv exnerlenco that "Iloofland's German Hitters" In a very rood tonla. rollovlmr dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. Hon. Win. F. ltogcrs, Mayor of the City of Buffalo, H. Y. Mayor's OlUco, Unffiilo, Juno 2J, mi. I have usod "UooQands German Hitters nnd Tonto" In my faintly during tho past year, and can recommend them as au exocilent tonlo, Im parling tono ami vigor to tno system. Their uso has been productlvo of decidedly beneficial ell'octs. Wm, Roauns. Hon. James M. Wood, Kc-Mayorof Willlamiport Pa. I take ereat pleasure In recommendlns" Hoof land's German Tonlo " to any one who ma; bo afflicted with Dyspepsia. I bad tho DyBpopsla so badly It was Impossible to keep my lood In my stomach, and I became so weak as not to bo able towaiu: nan aiuno, i wououu-s oi ionia euocieu a perfect cure. 0am us M. Wood, liEilEilBKli THAT FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND I LAND'S OEUMAN TONIO Will Cure every caso of MARA S J! US, Or Wasting away ol the Body. JlKlIKlWEJt THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Aro tho mcdlolucs von rcaulro to nurlfv tho Blood, ozclte tho torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enable yon to pass;snfcly through auy nurusuipn ur ujpusurc. DR. HOOFLAND'S ODOrilYLL I N Substitute for Mercury Fiiils, nro PILLS A DOSE, 2he most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic known. It Is not nccessarv to tako n hnndfull of these Pills to produco the dcslrod cllect; two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing tho Liver, tjtomacu nna liaweis or h i minorities. Thn prlnclplo Ingredient Is Podophylllu, or tho A loo hollo Extract of Maudruko, which Is by many times mora powerful, aetlag and searching tlyiu tho Liver, cleaning It sccedllv from all ohstruc- MAno will, nil Mm .l T.f ........ . from tho Injurious results attached to t'uo uso of lust miuerai. For all diseases lu which tho uso of a cathartic is inuicaiou, tucso puis win kivq ciiino satlsuo ttau la everv caso. Thev NEVER FAIL. Iu cases ot Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud vxtrcmo costlveness. Dr. HoouauiPs Gerinau uuiursur luuio suaum uu umju iu cuuuecuou with tho Pills. Tho tonlo eilect of tho Ultters or Toulo builds up tliesystem. Tho Ultters or Touls purities the Blood, .treiigthcns tho Nerves, ueu ulates the Liver, und gives strength, energy and vigor. Keep your Bowels nctlvo with tho Pills, aud tone up tho system with Hitters or Tonic, nnd uu disease can retain thr Iwld, or even assail you. ' Recollect that It Is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that aro so universally usod aud highly recommended ; unj do not ullow tho Druggist to induce you to take uuythlng Unit ho may suy is lust as good, Ltcauso ho makos a laiger profit oult. These Remedies will be sent by express to nuy locality, upon application to tho PRINCI PAL OFFICE, at thu GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, oai Arch St.. Philadelphia. Oil AS. M. KVAIVS, Proprietor. These Remedies are for tola Lv Dmgrelsta lVWreeperg, and Medicine Dealers Vtry whero BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNORR'S THE LATEST AND BEST. Every variety for Jicn, Women nnd Children, OLD STOCK Selling nt Cost to cloio out lo mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Daraains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J, EVANS. HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM 3VEA.X)E CLOTHING. UK HAS TUB FINE6T GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE BEST ,W O It K M K .V. For good 11 ts nnd promptness In fllllug orders thcio Is tho placo to go. His goods nro selected with caro and his Cus tom Work will comparo Javorobly with tho best ctlorts of tho fashlonablo city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAUGH STOCK OF HOYS' AM) CHILWtEN'S CLOTHING AND GENTS' FIRNISlEIiVU GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Prices, llloomnburg, Sept, '29, lWl-tt JOHN G. JACOBY'B BAKEItY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PENNA. The undersigned would respectfully Inform tho Cltltcns of Berwick, and vicinity, that ho has opened a Confectionery and Bakery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Yx, whero ho Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS AC, tie, io., 0, 11Y WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Among tho nsaortmeut will bo found Cream Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds. Fll bcrts. Hps, Apples.Cocoa Nuts, Jellies or -Jltler-cut kinds, Mustnra, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of nil kinds. Corn starch. Ebb nisi cult, noun urackerB. Ovster rrnr-ia r'-Wnnc. Hnan WlHf Unnc .nn.....t velopes, ' FISH AND OYSTERS, And PrOdUCO of all kinds. Frenli Tlr.ia.l uakes every day. Ice Cream lu Season. Your am uuuu in uuueueu. ,. . v , . J01IN u- JACOBY. Berwick, Jnu 171 tv JARltIAGE MANUFACTORY. Bloomsbnrg, Pa, M. C SLOAN & BROTHER Have on hand and for salo nt tho most rensoun bio rules a splemiut stock or CARRIAGES, 11UGGIER, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to ho made of tho best and most dur able materials, and by tno most experiencou workmen. All work t,ent out from tno estab lishment will bo found to hoof tho highest clahs aud suro to gWe pcrlect satisfaction, They have also n una asoorimeut oi S L K I G II S of nil tho newest nnd most inshlouahle stylos weuauu carciuny mauo auu oi me ucst maier- lain. An InnneAtlnn nf their work Is nfakod US It 1 believed that none superior can bo found In tho country, iuuiu CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES 3D OWN IN PKIOE J. H. ISAIZS'S, Corner Main and Centra Hts., BLOOMSnURO. A new stock of Fresh Goods Just opened at MAINE'S. TeiiH, CoirecH, .Snpfiu'H, HYHUl'H and MOLASSES. CHICESE, MEATS, HALT. F1HH. eta. VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Scaled Goods. - 1LT T Tl-il n.i.l IITtl.'OVlltlLU llllllfT . 'tl FOREIGN aud DOMESTIC FRUITS, An EloKaiit Assovtmont OF QUEENSWARB Constant v on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW and OLAhHWARE of every variety. All my goods aro of tho Urit quality nnd at ex doeS'fl-tf J. II. MAIZE, AQEUTS Wisttl for I Twelve Years -ss8 Wild Indians & Plains. The remarkable ndventures of tho lamous WHITE CHI EFnnd BIG WARRIOR nmoug tho RedHklus. Thrilling accouuts of Grent Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes aud Terrlblo Coutosts with tho big game and hostile tribes. Spirited descrip tions of tho habits nnd fcupemtltlous of thut Mruugu iivupie, ineir nporis, i.egenus, 'iraui tlons. How they Woo aud Wed. Hcnln. Doctor: Worship, Ac. New, Fresh and Popular, Prlco Low. Ills selling by tho thousands with won derful rapidity. Agents nro making from ISO to I10U per week. Cholco Held yet vacant, bend at onco lorsampiocnanirrs, in AIT llltllllJ JanW'71-tf. .00 Chestnut St.. Fblfa. "DLANK DEEDS. Wa nn Ha flnpnt nf nr. a uir DEEDS ou hand and for sale that wero ever kept In Bloomsburg. Large slxe on best parch meut pnpor, Common Deeds, Executor's nnd AdmluUtrator's Deedssmall Mze good nnd .wu' w,.i.,,(iu .cIS UU, Miacollnnoono, M ILLEIVS BTOItE. H. It, MIll.KIt A HON, linvo removed their Hloro to tlio mom formerly occupied uyMcmtonhall, on Main slreot.lllooms. burg, nearly opposllo the Episcopal Church whero thoy nro delermluod to scllon ns modcrato terms ns can he procured clso where, Thler stock comprises LAiniXS' DULSS U00D3 of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Cloods end Gro ceries, consisting of tho following Article b Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Unsslmoren, Bhnwls, Fltinicls, Kllks, Whlto Ootids I. Incus, HoopHltlrts, Muslins, Ifollowwnre Cfdarwarc Uncensware, Hnrdwaru Hoots and Hhoc8, Hats nn I Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-Glav., Tobacco, Co free, Ung.irs, Teas, Hlco, Allspice, Hlugr-r, Cluunmou Nutmocn AND NOTIONS GUNKP.AI.l.Y in snort, everything usually Kent In couulir tores, to which they Invito tho ntteutlou of tho pubilo generally, Tho highest prlco will ho paid or coumry produce in exchange for goods. H. It, MlMiF.llA80N llloomsburg Pn, net 3171 tf JKW STOUK OP OLOT1I1NG. Fresh nulval of SWUNG GOODS DAVID LOWKNnr.KH Invltcn attention to his stock of' CHE P AND FASIIIONABU; CLOTHING, at his storu on MalnBtreet, In the new block, llloomsbnrg. Pa., whero no has Just received from Now YA.nk and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING, Including tho moat fashluable, dun, bio, nnd handsome DllESa (1001W, consisting of BOX, SACK, KOCO, GUM, AND OH.-OLOTH COATSAND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nnd colors. Ho has also rep len Ishod his nlrcndy largo stock of CLOTH AND CAHSIMnitES, 3TKIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VEHTU H1IIHTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. HUHFENDKltS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on nana a Hugo uud well-so ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINQS, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of cloUilug, on very short notlco, and In tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear, trad most of it Is of homo manufacture, GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olovcry description, flno nnd cheap. Ills case ol fowolry Is not surpasod lu thlsplaoo. Call and oxamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octU7i DAVID LOWENllEItO. ire a fin from O. o lo Twcrtty Minutes wot o:n- houk tnrro..'. villi il.t itl-j-iiu'it rifcil miy one NMTt:ii IVII l'AIX. r.AU.VAY'.i l.UAl-Y UKLIi:i-' IS A CUUH TOlt i:vi:iiv tain'. It ..uitt)U that and h Tlits Only Itcjncily tint liihtuiitl vt'; s dig mnht excnichliiiiz ia!?iMtlli7 I. Hii!iiiinllii-t, an. I run 4 C'u aeMimm, vl.i.Un.r of tho I.iuu'. htimincli, Uuwi'lr', uritlur i;$ ir ur,ui9,Ly oi.u iti'1-lii.a- ll0", jn rnoM oi: to twt-xty minuti:s. omnl' tmw Irknt ( r it . iilnir tho I'.iin tU MU:v MATIO, Ikil rMtU i, i i, fri).Uil, .Ntri.n, Neiir-: EfADwAY S READY FlELIIiF V.-II.I. A1TOIU) 1SHTAXT CAbi:. ISFLAM.M.VIION ill-' nil! KIUNUYS. IM'LAMMATIU.V Of TllU BLADnHlt. ini'L-UIMAHun ok -nn: iinwcLi. rnMii.srniN ot- Tim Li'xcs. SOItK TIll'.OAT, MH Il'lll.T IlItKATlllMl 11YSTCU1CS, Cl'.OL'l', l)H'llllli:HI . OATAKItll, lKILfUXZA. IIEADAClIi:, TOOfllACIIl:. M-.ri-..M.niA, mint-'MATisM. COLD CI1II.1.S, Afllin rlill.l.S. '1 lie appllc.tu i if liio Itc-iily Ilellef ti the jartcr parts whero tbg fHl:i (r tlllLculty cMslswlllallrUcijo anil comfort. Twenty .tropi In l,.If -l tini.l.U-r (f water il'l In a few moment c-iro CKAMI'M, M'ASM.l, HlUK hlOMACII, iiKAUTiitiliN', Mi'K in: iiii;iii' 111 .itititi:.. lJlhKN'TLItY. COl.ll'. V.1M" IX Till: liOWLLS, and nil INl'KIINAL PAINS. TravclcM MiouM , n U,'llo i,f lEiiilwnv'-. Heady Hi'lief with Hum. A lew iliops in .itvr Mill i,rc enl tkkiu'ty c,r paliH fr, il 1 water. liuueUr ILau Freucli 13r.iuily it llili, . :u :i tlltuuUiit. I-'E! Villi MB AJillli. FCVEr. AND Alll'l! cuck.l lordly ceiiti. Tliero la not a reincillal fluent lit tliU vvil,l tint tl,l cufo lVttr aud Aunts tutil nil other ?l.iLiil,,n, liillnn., S,-n!t, Tl,ltoUI, ,tlier rttfMliMi',1 l v IIAHWAY'.S l'll.LS) sooukk M itAiwws ui:.m itixiut'. Finycuiu lerUlilc. bohl lrlu"l''. HEALTH BEAUTY! S stkono AN'l) l'tmn l'.u tt iii,i)t)ii-ixr,'i!i:Asi: or I'l.lSSll AND Wi:iHllT-rl.i:Alt hKIM AND ui:.f WVU UOMrLUXION ukuii to all. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADR THU MOST ASTONMUNO oiinnSi BO ouick. no iiAi'in Aitt; "i iu: mianhi:s tin: llOUV llNDKlUidi:-, lrMKlt Tllli INI'UIIINU )K TIllS 'i'KUM' VOM).:i.t I U ilLUICJNK, THAT Evory Day nn Sncrcjso in Flosh and Weight la Coon nnd Folt. THE CHEAT Bl.OOD PURIFIER. Every drop of tlnj RAKSAl' ,U N UESOI.VKN 1 fommuntcutk'3 through tlu ltlxl, hwnl, t'tlin. ninl otlicr fluUsauilJuIcpSDr tiiusiitciii ilio ey ft tno, Ux it rrialra tho waatts cf tlio I .oily uiili it "v iuil nuuiul nmttrUl. Ncroruln, Uyphlll- Coiumiaiitlo i, UUffihe, L'lccm lu tho Thrmt, JIuuDi, Timtur-i, Nolv"t in tlio (iUiuta titnl ttber rarUi-f ttio tystou, fore Kyet, Mmim-in Dlachirm from tn liars, ami the tnt t'uitiHuf Skin illse.iau, Emp. tlons. Fovcr tiorcjt Kcilil Him.I. 'W'oriii, hilt lihcuiii, )ytiipclai, Acne, YAiz'x. h, Worm-iiii thu t'K'bli, Tumors, charRea, M'ht SwviH. It' vi Sjv I v.nBieacf the lifo iirinciitb?, nro vtthi 1 t!i fit itUa ni'iro of this ivomlcr if JioJcru OhcrnUtrv, an I f.-w la a una provo to nny person img it ir cii.ji r it 11.1- q rurnia vr uucase its )Oicut power to curu tln-m I( the patient, ililly Ikxo.uihj i Juco 1 l.y tho wntC3 and dei'ompOblUoii li cuntlim illy 1 nj;rt"--.lii, mkccciIs lu arresting theba ua.ti, iiiul ui'.iir thu Mmmuili new matfr lit undo from healthy tlgtl .m.t thu the SAKSAI'AIUL LtAN will ami dues secure, ISot only ilocs the fnt immtu?t Uisjlvemt nccl aH Vnown rtJiU'ilUl ncenli 1 1 xw uuru ut I'limtili', KTOluloim,, uikI thlti 1" v i hut it 1 1 thu only rltbc cure for TVlnary, find Wnrf dU Oraxol, Dlilatcn, Dropsy btojipaeq of Watir. lutum.i tio of rrliu-, Jirliiht'n Pisviuot Aiuumiuiiria, mm in tt i c n nun lin-ro uti nriCRiluel uc t'oalm, or tlio ttalcrl. Ihki., vluuilj-, tuiel tllh eutihtaticea like tho white of nn eiri:, or tiirrail-t il'm wlilto itllc, or tliero morllJ, tlarlt, hliUnui ,iipe.iraiice, ami Mlilta lonc-ilust ilepOblli, mul v,Ui'll tlitro It n likkliii', liurulni: Ktinatloit m hcu i.3Md2 vater, ami ,.ilu 1 1 Uu hatall of thu Hack tuM Rlone tlio Iifn I'lla-,, . WORWIS.-Tlio oily Uu 11 -ura ItcmcJy f r llw miJ'w, J'ajif, f.'c Tumor of 12 YoaiV rovtli Cui'i'd by IttKltvay'n tCcritilvciit. III. tir. II,,.., July u, ISiS. V Dr. Tl.nw.v .t li L I fl, nt . , 'i ,n. it 1,1 tlid ovarii! nj towl,. All th, lloclir. ia,4 " IhirriT.. ti.i hili fur It," J trl&l ry talDit th.l .... reioiiiiiiiiiijiij . L n m tbuia hUiid ui. I i.w nur ni(ilaiit. Hti.l ll. lciiiri I hil iufl.ral f.r ttttlvj ijr uir.ui, niiu ii.uui.,1. , .vutii , try l , uu, u.4 wj imta in II, I liK IIS bOltl.l cr ID. Itttolvrut, nnj otif ban-r i'tlli, nrnl to Utilti tf your Hetty Keftt-f mi thN li M-t n of tm i tf icta cr flt, and I Uri Itiur, itnurt'r, n'i I WW, ivi I li J-ur i!n 1 b fir twilvi i tun, Alt ttu It-It nUr I U tjuli, oter ths l-toId, HANNAH I AN AIT. jut worn ium-r nut 1 writs tbfl i t DR. KABWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pprfoctlr tafitoles., cUviitly villi sworl cum, puree rrjtuliti, furlfy, cltainw, uul Hrv ittliin. llKlrtayS 1'JlSf f.r tlie cum of ull tltirilorjof tho biw icli. Liver, levels, KUUieya, lihilder, Nitmjim, L'uiittirn lion, ('v,Uhuch-i, liulUi-atltui, li j'C."U, lUlloufnetK. lill ioui jVcrt lull uiiuiitloiinl ilio l!ouN. l'llci, and nil ia- Vnrr jii toil la fffcit a ponltlvo cure, l'urtly Vt , -t '1 liiliif tA. or ik lcl itiOIM tlrui. , citwlLliig to mercury, 6W" Obnorvtf tho Mlow li., i Ctiiv.ri ot tha UlctlU u OrMau ronitlpttlou, Inwurl lUi, It Acidity r llit hi. nimh, lu -Ji. , lietterWl.'liHn l!u H.n h, K Inir hi lha fit (f tLu H m!i. h. r rial tins doni Dls . tl,' li In thi )Ul rLUirn, IH. f 1 tt,l, Jull 'rut tli-M.tliikliiirtrl-luUer l Ha llntJ, (lurrkj tn4 Jmlicult UruLltini;. Hull, rli (ri.l t)u lit nt, CUkln? ir feulTutillUK KvHUlian 1i.ii It ft J).tj l'i.n, I ni.ti. t i( Uk)ii, lti cr HM Ih-Mw lint Muni, ov.ri I li ill r . In tbIIbAi,l)eUik'iicy if, il. l ll " I n w I l.jtl, 1'ala lu tb hUUtU.I, UaU, njiJ u.M.ii li K t Hut, Ivr&log lu tt A fMV rti.sf-3 cf 11 I)V.'AY'H VIM S will f.ea the jyetcm frciii ull tlio ii1mii mini nUm. l'fU, ajccLtj t Lex, HKp "TAl-bi: AMI hlWll. to.UAliWAY it CO., tj M HqiA cat Mtcrnlfimn ', If Men Iiic, New.ii.rk. A vU.tUfcvi.t)tu. lllluniiUIIbll Ulllll II.uJliiM yjoKELVY( NEAIj & CO,, iinAiiEiia in DRY GOODS, GltOCEIUES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMsuuna, pa. Miscollnnooua, 1872. 1872. NJ3W SrilTNCI GOODS. -:0!- M. P, LUTZ llniJintri'liiriicil fiom Nw Vol Is wllhn mil Una til UIjACIC AND COI.OIti:i SILKS, LYONS' SIJjKI'01'JjINS, SU.K l'OXdKKS, il,ilu Klrlpnnml clu-no. SUITINGS, slrlpu iml plain cinASS cloths, (trlpo 11I.1I11 nmi clinic. WASH I'OPHNa, iilul: nmi t-iilorcil, ALPACAS, FANCY PLAIDS, 0 O li O It K 1) 0 A M 15 It I O S I'EHCAIiKS, WHITE GOODS, TARLATAN, viaroiUA'n, lllBllOI LAWS, nainkookr uaMiikiuh, i.onu cloth, LINHNS, NAl'KINS, jioiyLs, TOWKIfl, LACK CUtVrAIiS, NOTIONS, TJtlMMINGS, IIOSIEIIY AND GLOVES, ami everything gsucrully ltcpt In a nr!-2lass DItY OOODS STOKE. BltOWKK'S BLO01C, HAST OlM.TIUltT IIOU.SK, MAIN STItKUT, IlLOO,lISllUIta,l,A (TH, Cut lllustratoi tho mannur of Uilfig r yDni PIERCE'S Fountain Nasal on This Intrnmcnt Is especially designed for tho ior- leciuppuciuion oi DR. GACC'S CATARRH REMEDY ItUUtoouly form of Inatrumciit yet invented vtith which lltiul niotllclno catt ho ennied htgfi tj nmi pcrfecil'j iipplled to all parts of tho nilcctcd nasal pas- wxCd,ftiul tho chambers or cavities comnnuiicntlnx murcwiin, iu which vuruttunu uicerti iiuqutmiy cuti, and from whlclitlio catarrhal dlechargc pent rally rr ccl'cI-. Tluwantofsucccsala treatluc Catarrh here toforo hi) arisen largely from tho iaipostiliility of applying rcmsiuci tu iiicao camcd nna c number si by auy of tho ordinary methods. Thisobftntlo Iu tho way of efl'cctin? cures U entirely overcome by tho lnycTuioTioi mu jjuucuo, iu usintf inia nit irunicm, tho FlulJ is carried bv its own wclohtl no sntiffina. lorc- nnor uumnma uc nn rcnuirco.i i it una i lopiiii in mini fuutlyllowlng stream in tho lilhct-t portion or tlio naal pusasca.pasacs Into and thorounldy clcaiiFca :Uttliutiibc4iuul chambers connected therewith, and (Invutntitnl thfinnnnsttnnstrit. Itailco f liliilfant find 60 t-lmpU n cliil.l can mulerttand it. I'll 11 a nil uxiuirii utrociicJiiH ucconij any lucii iiistnimuiit. When need with this Inetiumeiit. Dr. S?o( C-tUrih Itemcdy curca recent nttacha ol k"t;om in tno nic:ni"i)va low applications Nymptonm olf Oatarrli. l-'icquent head ache, dluclmrgo rdlln tnto throat, fonu'tlmcs pio titup. watcrv. tide!: mitcaa. iitirulent. oU'eiifivr. Ac, In othera n ilrynci, dry, watery, v. ink nr intlameil ot4. utoiinin i im oi olistructlim of nat-nl napfasep. rhiinr incari(.du"tliiotil luwUin; end loiiKhins to cljar throat, ulcerations scabs iiom nlccii, olco aiteroii, im.u ivan, onen"ivo nremii, iiupmrca oi totil iliinrlvitloii of vcwa ol emell and tfluto. dlzzl 11333, nitmtal dt'prelon, lns4 of appetite, indices tlon, oulargcd tonsil, tlcklinir coiikIi. &c. Only a lew oi uiQia pympionu iiiuimtiy iu uu pii'ttut iu anvMsnntniiii tliuo. E3r. riai?oK Cutarrls Koiucil j', hen u?cd itiniJi'. I'torcD'Huniti jioiiviivtaiiuiiccom runt uil wltli thn miittUutioiml treatment bicli 1: n'coinmunded in tho ptmphlct that wraps each hot' tlool tlio Kcmedy.U u peifect fpectflc (or this loath' eoinodljca?c. tin 1 tho nromi;tor ofl'er?. in nood faith, 8 301) reward fur a cum ho can not cure. Tho Itemcdy Is mild ani plearant to use, containing no stioii or caustic dnu'i or polfoni), Tho Cutanh iCemotiy H toM at w centJ, Jlonctio at u) ccntt, uy uu rirucmsi, or cituer win no matiuu vyno- luiviur uu luri-tuL oi ia'uih. it. v. iti:uon. si. k. Si1q Pi-oprlctor. n!8721y l F FA1TCY SILE GOODS, ' KH GIiOYJGJS, &Q tHAflt I - 361 BROiOTAY, EW VOH'.i, Coiil Efleo anil Crw feiiii Riiilionis, i:i;.Lir: . ; w.dtks, 'j?RIMMIN;f A. . l,:L28, SaSQUOWJS fvr.l ViiLuJEB, Unctish C. :.. c.j, Gfenatlinos, Tloiuc.1, Laco--, tUclnGC, WHiTi; ',-ir T:n.HWEiM. IIEC TIES. ll..iSS BUTTMJ. SC. WSJ injectcr, 4I y lii Viiicrrni' llltt- I .uu v Drln ai dltcfii--c Liqunrfi. ; i tT 1 1 tc.c.dled irti," fvC, that le-ul I i.t n. h'it ate a true nflVi U.Mi.V! ', (If Willi i it, , .1 1 ti . "It i Ionic 1 I'i. n thts tippli-r i ii t" i1 t Mcflini.c, in 1 1 n m ' i . 1 i tiul herb, of t nil 'in k s Hinilnitl. 'I hey are tho 1 a I ik nun IVInuplc, a lcr ii.ointnrc.-f Ilio SvMcm, MtT)lng r. .i i I f, l.n m.if ll.n blood in .1 fnmi, fn f from all A1 (licit I) i it id I'm i i,r . fict Henovator nnd I off all piiiMitimn li ic.Vtlv Ci-.iulitnP,fiuich,ii - it, tofn-'himiatid tnviROMfing both mind and dndv. 1 hey aro c.i-y of ntlmimstratton. pnimpt ni tiicir action, cciimi in inir kmui sam aim rutiible m n!l fbrmi cf dnrie. Nil I'cimou rnu tnhe tUct uUtev neenrd (tiR to dirctctfcii, nnd tem.iin Intitt imucil, provided lliclr UdllCS iiru nuniC'lM') Vil uy FiiMitnii tiii-wh m mini .in.iii-, and the vital ofRirn v.itrd Ixiyond tlio point cf wpair- l)'RlicMla or Inttlci'Htloii lload.ichc, I'.iin hi the Slnmltlcri, Cnusln, Tightnc of the Lhest, l)ii! hesi, Sour I'.nictitnirnof the Stmn.ich, I l.vl Taste hi tho Mouth. UihoiM Atiii.t.4, Pitlp.iathm nf tho Heart, In flammation cf the t.titi' , I'.iin initio rcRiom of the Kid neys and a luinln d oilur p.i.nfii1 syniptnnn, are the olf pritiRj nf I)j popt'i lit these rompl.dnt it hn no equal, and one buttlj will pro-c a better guarantee of its Klo nn iinn a n v. hiv .uncri L-tin-ui. Iir l"tiiiittc Ouinpluliitfl, in aun nr old, m.H tied cr at tin. dawn cf uomaiilnMul, nt lite turn nf life, these Tonic H. tiers dinnl.iv 'o decided an influence tint a 111 ii !t rd inipU'Vf'iunt ii Pimil p -icptilile, I (ii I lllliltuui.Tinry mid .iirmuc itiiru tiiittUm and (Jitiit, 1) tpip.ia ir Iih1i,lMicu, UiIkhi, Uemiltcnt aud Inttrni It nl I l i Pi .1 ci cl the lltond, I.Ivor. Kidncvi and 111 vl.lor, the e Ibttt-nlnvc lcn nnut siiecenfal. Smli l)i ' i -s aie t utd by Vitiited Illnnd, ili!ch U p,eirn ly I nuUtced by doranttcmeiit of lha Ui geMixe Urn U". (( j nit ii m in ii iiuiMni- tiiii Ton Ir pii-'tjjtium al-m tlu pccoli ir mciit rf actine ai a nnuiMfiil agi' n m rL'i.nm t. (iiigoMmn rr ititMmmatton (f ilia Lher .md Vicer.d Oiam, nmi hi lbtimM Diseases. I(ir NUiu Iiiicit4i h, i.ruption!, letter. b.iit Hlieum, IlWthi , Spnts l'iniilest I'ustnles lloiN, Car luintle, UiiiK-cntn, Srald Held, Soie I ,e, lypipc!at. Mill, Scut!, i ii cnici .lining or i ne nKiii, numors ana Dise.mei oi the hltiu, df w! ulcer ti.iine or nature, at o literal! ihu up a,,l 1 111,1 'he p .tern in a short tunc bv the ii-e of lb-1 i U ttcrs. On boiile in such c.iemil iiMiuni. liiL' i m. i UKiLiiuitiUi oi thur curatn c ftect . CU-uiiHc the VIMntcit Illoml nhnieier jott find itH im in'tit buiitin tlitimh the skin in I'lmplei, Kiuption , c i S riM ; tit iif-e it ulieu )rt find it bb MntctLd .ui't 'tu,i b m the .ill'; ileaiitc it when It ii f ml ; our ktlm . will tf I u whon. Ktep the bluod jmie. and tho h- ihh I iV tci.i i I follow. Utiitt'fill ( liiuwaiiiN ) r-iLlami Vi!,'rr)Tt 11 1 T Trctts the most Invigoiaut tit it rtu sustained the MiikntK ij tein. llii( I iiiic ntui otiiri i oriim, iiiikm? m tlie system ol t i thou--huh, aic cfkctiiiily destro)Cd aiUl rrlllivui. .i iii-imuiiiit;ii 'nyiiuif.'KiM i incru u scarcely .iti i uliwilu.vl upon die faco of the eat l It whose body ii exempt fiui the pieence of uorim. It is not upon the heiWhvclemvnt of the body that worms exist, but upon the di-tNWil himmn and t-hmy deposits breeil thee living ninnitcri uf cbsoiic. No system cf Medicine, no vctmifiies t aiitliehnuiiticj will fiCC tlic system from worm i hke tbce J!ittcrt. r.iints and MinenN, such ai I'lmiibcr1, Type soltcri, (iold beat erf. mid Miners, as they advance in life, mil be subject to pinlyi! of the ljouck To jjuard against this take a noso oi aikhhi u,nc(ar iuticks ome or twice a week, a? n l'icxtiiiie. lltllniti Itcmittciit. mul Iiitcrnilttcnt LV ri'. whictt nre so tircv.lluiit hi tlm v .ill eta nf our Srcat litcid thioubout the United Mates, cfpcci.illy ioie cf the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, tJuiiii'crliiiti. .MkmsT-.-Kcu, Loiorauo, tiraioi, kio (jiande, l'eattt Alabama, Mobile, Ravannah.lxoanoke, Jame and miny oilier, wiili their vast tributaries tbronhotit mn cntiio country dutin the Summer and Autumn, an 1 renuihib'y so durhn; seasons of umiual lieat and druu , a. ijn mably aiconipanied by exten sile djianni im in i i'i- stomach and hver, and other abdominal visciia. Ihcie nie nlti.iyi mora or less ob structions of the livci, a wc.iknesi and irritable ttate of the stomach, and great torpor if the bowels bcinR Clogged up mi titi.ite 1 aCLumul.itKiu-j, In tlicir treat tnent, a pu qative, ivrtim; a pntttiful inllucnce upon tluse larioin oro.i.H, h e -.un tally i.ecetwry, 'Ihcro U nocatharlit for tlio purpo-.- iipul to Dr J. VAtKEKi ViNHOin liiTiriisi, rit they will rpeedily remote tno diik'CfItiiL(l i.Lid mniur ttith tthith thii bntids arc tnaded, at llie Mine ti tie slmml itin the secretions (f iho liver, and gciiial' k tut in the hi.ihhy functioiia of the diestito on; uu St. lit t'n 1. 1, 'Ewim;,i Hvlb Whilo SacIIiurs UIcch, lhv is.'t, s tlkd UX, (luiti-r, Scrofuloua liiltimm.itiou. I.idol tit 1 iiilamm.mons, Mcrcuiial Af fections, (ld Soils 1 .t upiioii . ol the Skin, Sore LC8, etc , etc. lu thc-te. in ail oth r constitutiomt Diseases, Wai Ki.ii'i I'.ix n i.- lute bhovtn their Rrcat curatitc poi.r- 1 1 the mot ol-i i e and intractable case. Dr. Wulkci-N Cullfdnilii Vhir;;nv IllttriN act on .ill ihi.f i i-'un i mtilir iii.imter. Uy purifying t he 1 Hood thi t 1 1 'lit' ii - the i in . by icmiIviiii attiy llie ciU'iN ol tli- mli i nm ii'iin lib.' tubercular deposits) the aifccti-d put uteivo h,, and a p-iuiaucnt cure 14 effected Tlio imipet'iitw of Die. Walkkk's ViNifcin Hitiiu- aie Apmeiii. Diaphoretic and C trniin ititc, NutritHi is, tx inte, Diutetic.Sud Uite, Counter I int. nit, yuilniiJiL, A.tet ilitt , and Antt-l!t!oii,i. Tilt An:ilonl and mild I.ixitivo pi op ties of Du. Wuiiii's ViNK.Mt liirrikUi are the best infe t;uard in .ill i i . i f i i tioti and m ibinttt fevers, baUiiuie, hi'tu', and r-oodnn pnpeiti.s protect tlu liuimtti fit the inn . Uu r S-diute propel lies alhy pain in the iKitmi-i k tu,i, . mneh, and bottets, nrlicr from mtl mini .'in i, v. CoUlil'-flitli i ii i In llieir Diiiiwitc pi- ivtti it-., etc. iliur j t tt jtt ith tlinmj,Iimit tbc .jtem, n l!u lN.tiliicyst coi reeling an.l iL-nlii. il il nunc 'I bur Auli II botiH j , iii lb j ncLrclioit ol bile, !i i' bliuy ilin-H, and ate tout , ftn t'u cuiti tif Uihum propeitics siiimilU' vn .Hid iti d ill ii i ibi'ii snnciior tu .ill loi'tub il . tVvcr, Tcvi-r and A,u.', lu. Foitir.v (Uu aal:ut tllstiiwp byjuui fyin .ill Hi lluuUun'i V im (.. ti. Ill r 1 1 us. No ejiidciiiu can l.ili; tio'd t a ' un d.i.- f .i- iruit 1, '1 be btr, ilio, tlio Lutttls ttu icys nid tlio ncrtcs ms luidcrud di . i p.'" t 1 , tin -.. it l'it Imuran t. This I'lllif.iry ! On, ikih Vinjrar Ilir- THUS, in Ciiuiii i I'' 1 1, 1 t-wr-i, Ncrvtm.. OiLrdLt-., Cousitnit; d ki. ii . i t .1 i or, mul .ill maladit:- ntfectius the llM iiiiii,in.iry oi inn, h t'tiiiilii;il uu!., ii..iu .iru a.ic- or musnil ir : i 'i of thouainds. l' 1 . mg for the - uu u ' IJIriClloii:.- I'd at uiltt fioui a h t i Kat good noiniM. i'A thop, veiiitifiti, ir.ut Ik door txeteise. 1 h "V . innreilieii:--. 1 1" ' i J.WAl.KI.U, J'.P. ,oid llu and cornel ol W a lu i,. ,. ' i.niii in yniii tu licil l. .1,1,1 I.IU ll.lll lllCl.USlllil. iu t I, mi'i .1. Iii l',U'.iI., inutlrii 1, a,iil .vut.lbVH, .mil out. u c iiiim oil il ji.itl Mil.iMe i ii,, 'iii, it.n.:ii, I .SS, Sill 1 I IhllMl., L'.il.. 'i ii .mil hi. , New il. SU1.D UV M i. MU otH; .1-5 WD 1)L M.LH6. lllS-72 3m In;: i(Siii:ijir..vT.( that ft 'COMl'OSK ItO.M' 1 K! nro piiUiihctl on evi' vn. tifje, tliero loro it ii not .i s;,i,i j .lai.un, coiiEcrjucntly I'HYSKI.ixh i .:n c:iw.: n Itia a certain (in- tor Si m! Hyiliilh in ull iti 1. mi', m 1 1 :i'iii, lli'Ciiti'', I vrr t .. ,, j. 1 .1 1 ;i t cnil ull di.-i Jf k i.l t r IllufJ. '..J wj.i V..' ... v.'ill ily nmro f tiuiMIi.u. ti . i ol tlio rijri'ia nl r- JW..1U. th; uNannMCME. physicians I ! ii'i'il," i i t!.cir practtra hor tliojutl tliriu .ira mi.l f.u-ly ! ilorho it na rUi.lL!,! AltcMtite L.h! l)li uj I'uri&cr. !r;t. t. f i-(.T,ii.f,r itaviMtie. 1'ilt.T.J. IIJtl.IV. " !l il li. v. I'M it. ' IP I r O. PAN VI I.I.Y, " : . h. ii'.vlti.S, oi N.i iichavi'.'.c, j;:-.. j"!(K. StcCARTUA, Ci,luml,l.i, .i. MJBLKS, lUjcicrali, .N. C. ,:l: ."DT.ViHOT'iLD BY ,. ii '. ;'.i..Nviii, wn;:, r.!i:;nir, V . SUIT!', Jiclwn; J!i. . ! 1 hi I 1...II, I..I.U, i . Ji. I' V i., I 111.'. Vs. , .iiirlri'cE. ' f any c. i I.. C V. I .'.IjLL.i . 1 1..-. . lo urn I im-ml il,i- i i,.i'.-i ii v. .'r-u i. i tMli-i'i'inrt-i u ,'i -I Jl l!iu t" t 1 1 1 .iii.l l-il', ,U,m i'.i, ,...1 j tu l.t i ..I. 1 1, .1 .1 I '.I. ..I 1A- it i)' lino cv.r nit Of ll.T.l.l I '! '"il Mi'nytiy .i 1 Ititlou 1 nil Drill--I'll, ! li C). IjJliO 1 i... J'.t u t .. t ALTIMOBE PIANOS. & We rcRncctllllv call thn nllnnlnn nf llinn ilChliliiL' to jiurchaso our mnko of l'luuus. Wo nro satlsUcd that wo can kIvo Entlsfactlon In fivcty caw. OurworlxiueublilllfiilMid oxperlcu cod uud uro under tlio personal Mipeilutcudenco of tho lncmbcis of our tluu. Wotihu only tho bedt boaiioncd timber, and tho material In kcub. nil In tlri,t class. Our Pianos without exception havo ttie patent BgraUes nminKomciit through out, which In tho oplnlou of tho most conipo tent Judges Is pronounced valuable, lly this Im provement a piano Is mado moiu duiablu uud keeps Iho to 10 lougor. Wo claim for our lustru. lucutsthnt they aio hcooutl to noun, nnd thoy comblno all tho cusontlnl elements tUnt oiustl tuto superior workmunshlp. Wo will glvo n Mrltten guarantee for llvo years. Mr. ijoNitAn 1'iiKiMAN, member of our firm, will visit llloomsburii four times a yuir to re. pnlr and attend to tunlugof nil Pianos, Jutho nbseucoot Mr. Kiieiman. Mr, I, K.Mili.kii will ntloiul to our basinets lu llloomsbuits mid lu authorized to rceelve aud solicit orders. Wo can glvo tho very best references. OAKUMS 4 fJO. ilaltlmoro, M. 1. I. K. Mil.i.cit, Denier in I'lauos, Orgntis aud Meloilcous llvo octavo nnd llvo Hop organs ol tho best make, sold nt tlio. Tcimsciu.y, Juno 1ft R08ADAU8 r.rt g.V.ri I i MiscoUnnooug, CONTINENTAL. Lifo Inauranco Company, 01' NKW YOllIf. No. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES all tlio now form of I'ollrir mul prosenM ai Invomljlo tcnn- m nny f luiiyliithuUnllclHintos. y its pond1''1"' ,vlU "lak0 tcmPrnri loans . lr,yj,!ir,'?rni('oollrwciloii cacli piymc nnlli1A'.,.rollr.y.l,Bhl 't'lrlnn Hint Urns. All our pollclos nru lucoultstublo lor tlio uu CfltlPS. l'oilclos lssuoil by this company nro non tenure. no extra clinrRCs mntlo for tinvclllni iiprmi, ,. Policy hoMcrs share In tho nnniml nroiPi tlio company, nmi Imvon volco tn tho eloc im mul liiiinnscincnt nr tho conipmiy, Ho policy or inoillcnl Ico chartrcil. .Itl.STUS l.AWltliNlT!, l'r i , r. w- " WY.NKOOP, VI. ' I'i J, P. Itonrni, Secrctnry, H. u. uitAMiu.iiit, .Ir., Actuary. Central Office of Nortli-Easterii Wa, "CoLuauuAN" Buildiim- o BLOOMSBURG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, "wPw'Mrw,oq3Pja'jaajB Rail Ro.ida. TACKAWAJNNA ANI) BLOOM? XJ HUUtl HAIl.HOAU On atululUrMov. 17, 1871, rasnenccrTrn'nswi run an follows : doing North. doing Poaiii Arrlvo Arrlvo I,cavo l.iiv. n. iu. p. m. p. in. n. m Hcrmiton 1.1 1 i.ii iv, Plttston 8.18 11.61! 2.11 I, KlllStstOn 1 Bt. oo,, im, ., & W.IInrroj C'rs 5"u U3' a" " ' Plymouth B. 12.? 1 2.10 HhlckHlllmiy..., 7..K1 1J.00 3XS licrwlck 7.S1 11.31 8.31 llloom M 11,11 3.57 Dnnvlllo 10.C0 Coniioctlou mido atScruntou by Iho 10.M.,l trnhi lor Uvcat licnil, lHuhamtoii, Albnuyum nil points North, East anil Wwl, U.T.UOUIIU.aup't. NOBTIIERN CENTBAL WAY. BAIL Ou nmi nftor Nov. 12th 1S71, Trains .i IcavoBtiNiiuitYns follows : NOKTIIWAItl). 12.30 P.M. Dally toWUtlamsport, lilmlnt, Cnu. daJsua, lloclioster, llutl.ilo, amnonslon llnu aud N. Fulls. 12.13 V. M. Duiralo, N. Falls, ,ic. 0.50 1: sr., Dally, (except Sundays) for Willi sport uud Kilo. 1.33 p. M Dallv. (oiceptSundaym for i:m i Ilull'iilo and Niagara Fall-, m.i. l.'rlc riiUm TliAINS SOUTIITAHO. 1.17 A.M. Dally for llaltlmoit, Washing Plill.tdolplila. 10.0.1 A.M. Dally (except Sunday) fur Hall! j Wnshlncton mil Pnlladclphln. 1,19 f. jr. Dally (oxcopt fjiuiilayi) lor ui. in l'liiiacieipiiia, dc. Mi. h. oi N' dcneri 1 V -r g, ALFJSUD ii, fisii . Uon'). Su'i't, gHOHTEST HOUXH K.VSl'WAK.i Danville, HaztetoB&Wilbsta U WINTJHl A nlANCUJJrLX'n. KASTWAlll). WiNTWiviti'. I.IiWE. LUAVK. A. M. Knnbury u.'JO D.uivlllu 7.IU t'atawlssa 7.28 , llazluton !) OS , i. M. 1 New Yoi " 2 I liilHlull. 1'hlla llethl. " llethlohem, 1 lilo llnzlcton, Philadelphia 'jj 2.1.1 rntawlssa. llazlitoii, 1.-1,: l'J.ii.) Duuvlllo. New York, I jl U.5U Huubury. Thonftornoon train connoctfnt Hunbuiy ivn tho l& F.. i:,a p. ni, train going nrriv.". ' Wllll.imsportb.oO; Lock Haven 7.Vi p.m. ,and ivm tho Northern Central p. m.. moving Houm reaching llurrlsburg 7.W p. m., ami llaltrnmri 10,n p. in., and alM) with tho Huubury and Lev lstown ltallrnad. Comtortablo nnd haudsome Coaches on m now route. J. IIEIIVEY K AH H, Hupcrlulemli ii' JEADINQ KAILKOAD. WINTER AP.llANdKMENT. Monday, My 27, 1S71. (lical Trunk Lino from tho North ninlNoi' We,t loil'lilladelphla.New York, lteaiinig, Pi vllle, Tamanua, Ahluniul, Kliainokiu hehan Alleutowu, Ka-stou, Ephiutn, i.ltlz, Laucu Columbia, .lo., Tralus loavo Harrlsburg lor New York as io lowst At 2.1., 8,10, a. :u., i.ud 2,iKI . m., ruu ucetlng with Kliullar trnlns on I'cnns!" nla Uallroad, nnd nrilvlug at New Yin.i ai 10,07, Ji. in,, 3,E8, nnd '.1,15 p. m. rcspei e . .Sleeping cars uccompauy t'to J,15 n in wlthuut chaugo. KctuinliJgi I.eavo Now York nt 0,00 .u, 12.30 uouu uud 5,15 p. in. Philadelphia in a. m, mul il.i!0 p. in. Loavo Unirlbburg lor Heading, Pottsviiie mariun, Jllnersvlllo. Ahhlanil, hhamokiii luutowii aud PlilhiM. nl 8,10 n, in., nnd n,uu uu" I, 03 p,m.,ktopplug ut Lebanon ami principal v. statious; tho 1,05 p.m. train t-ouucctlug tor l'1 Pottsvlllo and Columbia only, l'nr Poll ' Hcliuyllilll llavou nnd Auburn, via K. i u audUubiiuchauua Uallroad, leavb Hariuai 3,10 p.m. Kist Pennsylvania Uallroad trains leav lugllor Alleutowu E.iitou aud New Yinlt ui 10.10, a. in., and I.Oj p. m. Itctuiulnu. New Yoik at t'.OO r. ui I2.W noou and i uud Alleutowu at 7,'.'Ja.m. 12.25 uoou, ii,' . am1 IMS p. m. Way Passenger Train icnves I'hlladelpu . 7.SJ a.m., connecting with hlmllar tralu uu I Pa. railroad returning liom KeadlugutO,. i stopping at all stations, Leavo Pottsvlllo at 0,00 a.m., and 2,.lo . Ilcrudou nt 10.00 a. in.,thuuioklu ut 5.IOumi n-ru., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. nnd 12, u noon 1 nnoy City at 7.51 n. in, und 1,2 p. in. Tama-iu 8,ili a. in., aud 2.10 p, in. lor Philadelphia, a Yoilt, ltoadlug, IIanisburg,&c. Leave Pottivlllo vln bcuuyiltlll and mi hanuu Uallr.uid at 8,15 n.m. lor Uui'rhuuit' II, 15 iv. iu.,tur l'luodinvoaudTremout, Heading Aec. mmodatlou Tralu iea t' vlllo at5.50 it. ii.., passes Heading r.t 7,25 a. id. rlvlug at Phllu. . Iphhi at 0.60 u. iu. Hutuimu. leaves Phlladel hla at 0,15 p. iu., pakfiUK 1 lug nt 7,10 p.m., ni l iving ai Pottsvllls iu0..' i'." l'ottbtowu Aeei uiuuiutluu Train, leae!,Pu town nt 0,1311.111., i tuinlug, leaves (Nlnih unit (Irteu) ' 1,'Up.m. Columbia ltuiiiu..a Hums nave. Iteaii ' 7,20 n,iu and ti,15 p.m. lor Kphralii, i,n 'Z, ' ' tor, Columbia, Ac.; reluming leav, lin .-i n.vou. in nnd 3.25 p. in., and Cuuiini.t in. and 3 in p, in. Perklumcu Hull ltci.ul l'liiln., le.i ' 1 1 Junction at 7.1.' 0,i0a. m O.Oi i-C i , lue: licliweliksvillu in I.. 0, i " UOOU i. 1.1 . 1'.lll., coliueeli.l w.lli -m o Hcndlni! Ibiilioad, Coieblcxilidale llullliiad tlallis li I ui ntU.10a.m,l.iOU.2.1 7.1a, li Pleasant at U.00, S.00 and 11.25 a. iu3.p.iii uecthig win hliiillnr tralus ou lteudliu lt. ' Plckei'ing Valloy Uallroad trains lnu" I " nlxvllloul,,'l.lo and 6.50 p.m., " lng, leuvo llyeisatO.SSa. iu,, 12.11 und l,.u e " cuuuoctlug with tialns ou Heading llulh- n, CheHer Valley Haliioad Tiulus leuvo 1) port at 8,80 a. in. aud 2.10 and 5.Up. in, u u ' li live Dowuiiigtou at b.55 a, iu l'..o J uoi 5.1) p. ni., couueetlna with sliullsr truii Heading llullroud, Ou Huudays, loavo New York nt 0,1 j p.iu ' phlaat 8,00 a,m.auil3,l5p.iu,,(lhuti,ooa.iii.i iuunluonlyloHoudlnii;)leuvePoitsvlllot,(. lluirlsburg at 2.15 a. m. nnd 2.00 p. in leavo Allculown at 1.25 and 0.15 p. in.. uii' Heading at 7.15 n. in. aud 10.33p. in, lor ll burg, af 4.31n. rn, for New Yoik, nl 7.20 n, i. . Alleutowu aud ut 0,10 it. 111.' and Philadelphia. Commutation, MlleuKO. Beuson. Hc".-ui I.xcurslon Tickets to uuu from ull polir it u ceil rates. Pnggago checked through; ICO potiuds each pasvengcr, j. i:, woorn n, Asst. fhipt, A- Hug. Maeh i) Heading, Piu, May 0, lnJ. J USTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now hnverii liniid n loipo urnlly r'",1',' titkortmriit of JUHT1WH uud lOTAhU 1ILANKH, to which wo luvlle tho nlttlillo" thtfcoolllcvis.