The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 10, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Friday, May 10, 1872.
Railroad Timo Table
tlackawanna & iiLoojisnuna. . it.
North. Hontli.
Mnll 10:61 A M. ,6:1' J,'. JJ
Acctmmodntloii 4:15 A.M. 1,?:ai i Vl
Express 8:28 l'.M. lOTA.M
Uolni-Norlh. a ii'a0?!11'
Iicmocrntic Cotinly Contention.
Notlco Is hereby given thnt In pursuance, of tlio
llules for lliogovemaiico of tlio Democratic parly
of llio County of Colunibln, adopted December
20, 1670, n Convention to elect n lieprcscniauve
Dclegato to (ho State Dcmocratlo Convention to
ho held In Heading on tho 30th day or May, 1872,
and to choose Senatorial Conferees to meet sim
ilar Conferees from tho counties of Lycoming,
Sullivan and Montour, will bo held at tho Court
House, In tho Town of Bloomsburg, on TUBS
DAV. tho llth day of May, 1872, at 2 1. M.
Tho election of Delegates to tho said County
Convention Mill boheldon 9 ATUKDAY, tho 11th
day of May, 1S7S, between tho hoursof thrco and
sovon 1'. M nt tho usual voting places, doio
gates to ho voted for ns prescribed by tho amend
ed rules.
Ily order Democratic Standing Committee.
C. O. HAHKLEY, Chairman.
Tub subscription accounts of II. L.
DIciTenbach having been purchased by
O. B. Brockway, settlement of tho samo
will bo mailo to him, Instead of O. W.
Miller, ns heretofore
All applications for licensed at tho
present term of court wero p-rnuted.
Rov. Hr. Dock of Oosport N. Y. will
preach In tho Lutheran Church next
Sunday, morning and evening.
Bishop IIowo administered tho rlto
of confirmation to cloven porsons nt
St. Paul's Church In this town, on Mon
day night last.
Tlio rains of Thursday and Friday
of last week wero followed by most un
seasonably cold weather, although not
sufficiently so to Injuro tlio fruit trco
buds, as faros wo can learn.
At a Meeting of tho stockholders of
tlio Normal School of thl3 town, hold
In tho Hall of tho Instltuto on Saturday
last, Mr. David Lowcnberg was elected
President of tlio Board of Trustees. Mr.
L. N. Moyer was choson Clork and Mr
Win. Peacock Teller. Tho old board
was ro olcctcd.
"The strongest propensity In wo
man's nature, Is to want to know what
is going on, nnd next to boss tho Job."
Wooro not acquainted with tho tin
fortunato author of tho above state
ment, but wo aro willing to wager a
largo nmount that ho Is married and
that ho Is ono of tho "Job?" lii-i wifo
"bosses. "
Theke is no surer nor chi'fipor way
to ineroaso tho value of properly than
by planting trees, flowers and shrub
bery. A neat garden beautified by flow
ers adds Immcnsoly to tho valuo of a
lot and can bo attained without groat
expense. Tasto not money is what is
We really llko tho energy and zeal
displayed In tlio work on tlio now hotel
building. Tho progress from day
to day is most plainly to bo seen. Tho
foundation walls nro completed and tlio
brick work begun, Tt Is to bo laid as
fast as circumstances will permit.
A man named Calvin Clark, aged
about 30 years, who has boon employ
ed as clerk in tho storo of I. II. Seesholtz,
Catawissa, cut his throat with a razor
on Wednesday last, in It Is bed room.
Hois alivo at this writing but will pro
bably dio, as his Injuries aro terribly
An effort Is being mado for tho incor
poration of a company in Catawissa un
der tho title of "Tho Catawissa Manu
facturing Company," for tho construc
tion of railroad cars, Ac. A fluo builil
Incr site has been obtalued and ground
will bo broken ntonco for tho erection
of suitablo shops and n foundry. Wo
congratulato tho peoplo of our Mdtcr
burg on so convincing a proof of vitality.
I ' postmasters who return papers to
thii onico ns uncalled for, will not send
us a letter as required by law, notifying
in of tho fact, thoy will do n part of
their duty by giving tho namo of their
offices on such papers as thoy may ro
turn, Thoy would savo us much an
noyance and loss of timo by so doing
though thoy only partially fulfill tho
requirements of law.
Tun bodies of John Uolin nnd Silas
Smith, drowned recently nt Wapwollo
pen whilst crossing tho river, wero re
covered on Thursday of last week by a
canal boat driver employed by Mrs.
Cromor. Tho body of Smith was found
on a bar some threo quarters or a mllo
below tho place-where- tho accident oc
curred and that of Belin was floating
near by.
A Are broko out in tho woods near
Rupert, on Monday, which destroyed a
largoamountoffenciiu'and wood. Tho
flames at ouo timo mado their way into
tho barn yard of Mr. Roberta but wero
extinguished aftorgrcat exertion. Largo
fires In tho woods aro reported from
neighboring counties, tho unusual nnd
exces3lvo drought rendering tho tim
ber as dry rtB tinder. A heavy fall of
rain will bo neco3sary to prcvont futuro
disasters of tho kind.
A new board walk has been laid
on tho West sldo of Contor Street,
from Main Street to tho stables
of tho hotol property. It does not seem
quite natural to walk on that sldo of
the street at present but wo will proba
bly got used to it.
Tlio walk on tlio Fust nhln Ima in..,.
been noeded and will provo n sourco of
great corarort and convenlenco to many
ofour citizens whoso business or social
duties requiro thorn to pass through tlio
Now Hint tho spring" has fairly sot In
and agents (so-called) for farming ma
chinery liavo started wo feel Impelled
to oficr a word or ndvlco to our frarmers ,
jo this effect: Bo very caroful about
buying or persons or whom you know
nothing, nnd noversign contracts, agree.
mciUs or notes without scoklng compo
tent advice. Thocourtsaro full of cases
where- an Innocont " contract" turns
OUt to hn II vlllnlnnnal,. ,1nnn i
. miuiuui 11UIU.
" Is safer to buy your Implements of
tellablo and well known Arms, and
havo no dealings with fellows who offer
" iinui money iiinimiiropporiunllirv)
Tub barn of Williau Bahmo in Kerns
vlllo, Locust township was set on flro
on Sunday night last, and toiauy tics
troyed togothor wlthasotof carpenter1'-)
tools, a barrel of whisky, forty gallons
of wlno nnd various articles of value.
Mr. Bahmo had his hands sovcroly
burned whilst ondenvorlng to oxtln
gulsh tho flames.
TEMi'Eit ATiinn of April 1872: result
obtained by threo dally observations.
Maximum 60 on tlio20tln, nt 2 p. m,
Minimum 02', on tho 4th, tho 6th, tho
Cth and tho 23d, nt 7 a. m. Menu of tho
month C2.
N. B.-April 19, Town Clock 17 min
utes SO seconds too slow. ii. z.
A mnd dog was killed several weeks ago
In Fishing Creek township after hnv
Ing bitten a cow belonging to John F.
Hutchison nnd sovcral dogs. On Friday
Inst tho cow showed symptoms of hy
drophobia and It becamo necessary to
kill her on tho following day. Reports
of mad dogs from all parts of tho Stnto
contlnuo to bo noted. Wohavonover
known as many alleged cases. It would
bo woll for owners of dogs to look after
them carefully or thoy may hnvo an ox
pcnslvo oxporlcnco In tho loss of cattlo
or oven their own lives.
Moyeh Bnos. hnvo vastly improved
their flno storo In Brower's Building by
tho introduction of cxtcnslvo shelving
for their Immcnso stock of Patent Medi
cines; by tho ro painting of tho interior
of tlio storo and by tho calciniinlug of
tho celling and walls, when tho work
in fairly completed thero will bo no
superior to tho establishment in this
part of tho state. Tho business of Moy
er Bros. Is stoaiiuy mcroasmg ami nr
fords further ovldonco that energy and
skill will compel success.
Tun Incroaso of tho travel to and
from Bloorasburg has impelled Mr.
J. L. Girton to add to his conveniences
for conveying passengers to tho railroad
stations. Ho has accordingly had a
new omnibus built which is a decided
work of art. It is somowhat lighter
than tho ono heretoforo in uso and Is
suporbly painted both in side nnd out.
It cannot fail to givo general satisfact
ion and wo wish Mr. Qirton nil possiblo
success, with his now investment.
The suggestions contained in n com
munication, to bo found In another
column, reiativo to tho holding of Coun
ty Conventions at an early day will
commend themselves to overy thought
ful man who has studied the subject nt
nil. Tho folly of putting off tho work
of tho campaign until the latest possiblo
moment hns been very fully shown and
especially in this Congressional Dis
trict. Let tho Conventions bo held as
soon us practicable, nnd should any
county In tho district refuse to set a
reasonably early day let such county bo
unrepresented at tho raottlng of Con
ferees, delays aro after more than dan
gerous In political Movement tney
aro distinctive.
The residence of William Milnes, at
Espy, was entered by burglars on Sun
day night last and robbed of valuables
worth, at least $000. Among tho arti
cles taken wero two gold watches, be
longing to tho son-in-law of Mr. Millies
tiud to his wife, a diamond ring, several
other articles of jewelry and $20 in
monoy. It was known that suspicious
characters wero In tho neighborhood
and tho bank officers of this town and
tho?o of Catawissa wero duly notified
and extra precautions wero adopted by
them to prevent robbery. Only a day
or two boforo tho burglary two men
wero refused lodgings in ono of our ho
tels', nnd thero is reason to suppose
thoy may liavo had something to
do with tho Job. Ono of our keenest
detectives recognized them ns having
been hero somo two years ago.
KniTOii Columbian Sir: More bat
tles liavo been lost for lack of timely
preparation, than becauso of disparity
of numbers, or want of valor in tlio los
ing party. A good cause, when It de
pends upon votes, must bo first won by
arguments; and tho earlier a good
causo is sustained by sound reasoning
tho moro certain is tho victory, and the
mnro magnificent is tlio majority.
Hence nominatiugconvontionsshould
bo held early. A good cause, an unex
ceptionable representative of it, and ro
iterated arguments must win. In dis
tricts, if tlio county conventions eomo
ate, tho conferences como late, and if a
inistako is mado in tho selection of can
didates, no timo is Ielt to explain, mol
lify or persuade.
In tlio new senatorial district com
posed of tho counties of Columbia, Ly
coming, Montour nnd Sullivan, tho
nomination .should bo mado at an early
day. Our nominating convontion moots
Tuesday, August 13th, and tlio district
nomination should bo made certainly
by tho first of September.
The old congressional district in which
we aro liuely to remain this fall is sub
ject to tho great tardiness of Bradford,
nnd to virtual defeat becauso of want of
timo to work after tho nomination Is
made. Cannot that bu remedied, and
ono chanco for success Insured by timely
work? Queuist.
meeting of School Directors.
Pursuant to notice tho School Direc
tors of Columbia county met in conven
tion at tho Court IIouso on Tuesday,
May 7th, at ono o'clock P. M.
Tlio Convention was cnllod to order
by O. Q. Barkioy. Esa,. tho nctlne- hu-
ncrlntcudent of common schools of tho
un motion oi joint uartiwui, Hsq., of
Btickhorn, IS. I . Fortner, of Catawissa,
was unanimously chosen president of
tho Convention.
Allen Mann, Esq., and E. 11. II; dor.
wero appointed secrotariaj.
Tlio objects of tho meeting wero stated
to bo tho fixing of tho annual salary for
and tho election of u county sunerlii.
tomlent of common tchools for tho
county of Columbia for tiperlodof threo
Tlio townships and boroughs were
piiii'ti in order anil ono
uunurcit nnd twenty school directors
nnswored to their names and wero reis
tcred by tho secretaries.
un motion or o. P. Dolmor, E,i.. of
uatawissa, duly seconded' tlio salary of
uiu bupenniuuiioiu was llxed at $1,000
per year.
Tho following candidates for tho ofllco
oi couniy superimoiuioni wero then
nominated : Win. 1 1. Snydor, orOrango ;
M. W. Nuss, or Bloomsburg ; William
Burgess, orMlllvllloj O. G, Murphy, or
On motion tho nominating closed.
A voto holnc had resulted n fnllmva
viz: Snvdor 03. Nuss it. Un rn-PSS ft mul
Murphy 0 ; thereupon Mr. Buyder was
uccimi-u, uy uiu unair, iiuiy elected.
On motion tho Convention adjourned
2Tb theJlonorable the Judges if the Churl
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Co
lumtila Count:
Tho petition of tho undersigned, tiuall
fled olectora of tho town of Bloomsburg,
In said county, complaining of tho un
due election nndfalso return, of James
DonnU ns a member of tho town coun
cil of said town, respectfully rcprosonts:
1. Thnt said town was incorporated
by an act of Assembly approved March
1th, 1870, entitled "an net to defino
tho limits nnd to organlzo tho town
of Bloomsburg," nnd that by virtue of
said act and of other laws or tho Com
monwealth nppllcablo thereto, tho said
town possesses tho organization and
powers or a township as well as n town
organization nnd government, and that
all elections ror members of councils
In nhd for said town nro under tho samo
regulations or law In nil respects ns elec
tions orconstablcs of townships, except
ns to tho mnnncr or casting votes nnd
tlio mnnncr or malting returns thereof.
2. That nt nn election held in said
town on tho second Tuesday or April, or
tho present year, ror tho choice or x
town councilmcn nnd n president or tho
council, pursunnt to tho provisions or
tho nrorcsnld act or 1th or March, 1870,
thero wero certain tickets, to wit, thirty
threo in number, voted by electors or
said town and received by tho election
officers, each thcrcor containing tho
names or six porsons for members of
tho town council, tho namo or tlio said
James Dennis being ono thcrcor upon
each or said tickets with tho flguro and
word, "G votes," opp03lto to his namo
thereon ; that tho tickets so voted wero
not In duo form of law but wero irregu
lar, unauthorized nnd illegal ; that
twenty-ono of said tickets wero voted
at tlio pollsin tlio election district of East
Bloomsburg, and twelvo thoreor In tho
election district or West Bloomsburg,
and that tho election officers or East
Bloomsburg did count tho said twenty
ono tickets voted In said district, and
did count, compute nnd return thcrofbr
and tliorefromone hundred and twenty
six votes for tho said James Dennis,
and tlio election officers of West Blooms
burg did count tlio twelvo tickets afore
said voted in said district, and did
count, computo and return therefor nnd
therefrom soventy-two votes for tho
said James Dennis; that tlio return
Judges from tho said election districts
or I'.ast and west Bloomsburg uia meet
together after tho closo of said election
and did mako up n Joint or general ro
turn of tho votes cast for councilmcn in
their respectlvo districts nt tho said
town election, nnd did flio tho samo in
tho ofllco of tho clerk or tho said Court
or Quarter Sessions or tlio Peaco or Co
lumbia eount.v.nnd that In said joint or
general return, so mado and filed, wero
computed and contained tlio aforesaid
ono hundred and twenty-six votes and
tno aiorcsaiu seventy-two votes as Hav
ing been cast for tho said James Dennis,
whereby and by reason whereof It was
mado to annear unon said lolnt or gen
eral return that ho tho said James Den
nis was ono of tho six candidates high
est In voto at said election, and that ho
was duly elected to bo a mombor of tlio
town council ror tno ensuing year.
3. That by tho said joint or general
return or said election it is renro.sontod.
sot forth and declared, that nt said elec
tion tno votes cast ror councilmcn in
said town wero ns follows, to wit:
For Caleb Barton -17 1 votes.
" Frens Brown 3rd "
" John S. Sterner 203 "
" William B. Koons.. 227 "
" James Dennis li)3 "
" Stephen Knorr 102 "
" Charles O. Barkioy. 101 "
" Stephen II. Miller.. 1GH "
" William Kramer.... 21" "
Scattering votes 10,
Whereas, in truth and in fact, the said
James Dennis did not receive moro
than thirty-thrco lawful votes at said
election, nnd was not ono or six candi
dates highest in voto thereat, and was
not then nnd there duly elected n mom
Der of tlio snld council ; and tho peti
tioners aver that tho aforesaid district
returns and tho said joint or general ro-
turn nro ntiso in respect ot tlio reported
voto for tho said Jnmes Dennis and in
that regard should bo disallowed nnd
1. That nt tho said town election
Charles O. Barkioy did receive, in the
election district of East Bloomsburg,
ono hundred and twenty one votes for
tho ofllco of councilman instead or ono
hundred votes as counted and returned
for him by the election officers or that
district, nnd that ho did recoivo, nt tlio
samo election In tho election district or
West Bloomsburg, sovonty-threo votes
for tho samo ofllco Instead or sixty-one
votes ii3 counted nnd returned for him
by tho election efficors of that district,
nnd that his true, total voto in said
town for tlio said ofllco was ono hundred
nnd ninety-four votes, nnd that ho and
not tho said James Donnis was ono of
tho six candidates highest in voto at
said election and was duly elected to
tho said ofllco of councilman for tho said
town of Bloomsburg for tho ensuing
Your petitioners thoreforo pray tho
Court to appoint a suitablo timo for tlio
hearing or this petition and complaint,
and to inako such order as" may bo ne
cessary to exhibit tho aforesaid ttnduo
and falso return, nnd to decreo nnd nil-
judgo that tho said return or tho said
James Donnis to tho office or council
man nforot-nid is falso, and that thosnid
Charles 0. Barkioy was at tho said elec
tion duly and leirallv elected to tho said
office instead of tho said Dennis, nnd
that tho Court will tnko such other ac
lion in tho premised as shall seem fit
and bo conformable to justlco; nnd, ns
in duty bound, they will ever pray, Ac.
Michael F. Eyerly. William Neal.
W. H. Jacoby.
B. Frank Zarr.
W. J. Buckalow.
J. J. Brower.
1). Lowcnberg,
Aaron Smith.
M. P. Lulz.
B. F. llitrtmau.
O. W. Miller.
W. C. MeKinney.
Win. Krickbnum.
C. M. Brown.
William Vc-rrv.
O. II. Hondcrshot.
E. II. Little.
J. M. Clark.
E. Mondenliall.
Monlecai Millard.
Columbia County, ss :
O. W. Miller and Win. Krickbaum.
two of tho above petitioners, helm.' duly
sworn according to law, do depose nnd
gay, that tho facts stated In tho nbovo
petition nro truo to the best ol ttioir
kuowledgo and belief.
C. W. MILLElt,
Sworn nud subscribed boforo mn.Mny
3, 1872. B. H. BINQLElt,
Clerk (i. ,V.
The Quarlorly meeting of iho Con
vocation of Williamsport was hold In
St. Paul'd Church, Bloouuburg, com
mencing on Monday evening last. Thero
Where present tho Bt. Biv. Bishop
IIowo and all tho clergy of tho Convoca
tion together with Rev. Mr. Clovelaud
of St. Clement's, "Wilkes U.irre. After
services on Monday night thero was n
social gathering of tlio clergy and laity
nt thoresidencoof J. J. Brower lq.
If Berwick with her "limited ro
sources," could hnvo hnd the Irondalo
furnaces, ami tho furnnco of McKoivy,
Neal & Co., erected within her limits,
wllli their concomitant advantages,
Bloomsburg to-day would bo in tho
shallow of u city bet upon u hill. Her
wick Independent.
Which is mighty line, but If the firm
of Jackson & Woodln wero to movo
out of Borwlck, tlio town would specdl
ly becomo a howling wilderness whoro
a canal boat would not stop for fear that
Its mules might ncqulro additional
slowncs.--. Tlio truth Is that Borwlck
ought to bo called "Jackson A Wood-
Invlllo." Individual, not corpornto, ef
fort has Built and Improved Blooms-
Court 1'rocceilliigi.
Tno general May Term or Columbia
county Courts convened on Monday,
May 0. Ills Honcr, William Elwoll,
President Judgo, nnd Iram Dorr and
Isaac S. Monroo, Associates, on tlio
Tho constables or tho sovcral town
ships mndo their returns, and tlio now
ones elected for tho ensuing year wero
sworn In,
Tho list of Grand Jurors was called
nnd John G. Quick. Esq., of Montour
township wns appointed foreman nnd
Philip Eyor was oxcuscd from serving.
M. 0. Woodward) Snmuol Stotler nnd
Isaac McBrldo wero nppolntcdtlpstnvcs
to wnlt upon tho Court.
Petition of Nntlinn Fnhrlngcr asking
for tho appointment of a gunrdlan,
Alonzo Falirlngor appointed.
Tho petition or John Fnhrlngcr ask.
ing for tlio appointment or n gunrdinn.
Alonzo Fnhrlngcr appointed.
Tho petition or Barbara E. Caso. Wil
liam A.Caso, Cordelia B.Caso and Em
ma C. Caso for guardian. Ezra Stevens
Petition oi John L. Caso forguardian.
Ezra Stevens appointed.
On motion or C. B. Brockwoy, Esq.,
E. E.Orvis,Esq., was admltled to prac
tice in tho several courts or Columbia
Petition oT tho administrators oT Jn
cob Ilnrris, deceased, for tho salo or real
estate. Salo ordered.
Petition for specific performance of
contract in tho ostato of Jacob Ilnrris,
decensed. Citation nwnrded.
Viowers to viow n slto for n county
brldgo over llonrlngcrcck near Jackson
Campboll's, in Locust township. John
Ilerner, John Snyder and Isaiah Yen
gor, viowers, roportcd in favor of a
bridge, which wns approved by tho
Grand Jury nnd concurred In by tho
Petition of qunliflcd electors of tho
town of Bloomsburg contesting tho
election of James Donnis as ono of tlio
Town Council. Ordered that notlco bo
clven to James Donnis ten days prior
to tho hcnrlng nnd fixed tho timo of
hearing on tho first day of Juno next,
at ono o'clock In tho nftcrnoon.
Petition or tho Overseers or tlio Poor
or Pino township for nn ordor or costs;
rulo granted on tho Overseers or tho
Poor or Jordan township, Lycoming
county to show causo why they shall
not pay tho costs in n ccrtnln case.
Petition or John Thomns Uren for
gunrdinn, Chnrles Hnrtmnn nppointed.
Petition or Daniel Itoach and Harriot
Roach for thonppointmentof gunrdinn,
William Roach appointed.
Petition for salo of tho real estnto of
Syl ester Pealer, deceased, for tho pay
ment of debts. Salo ordered.
Petition or William Hipponstcol for
tlio adoption or Webster Dictterleh ns
his child nnd heir with tho consent or
Freeman II. Diottoricli tho surviving
parent ; it was decreed that iio bo adopt
ed and tako tlio namo or Wobster Hip
ponstcol. Commonwealth vs. Ellas Bogart,
chargo assault and battery, n truo bill.
On motion tho Court granted n nolle
pros., on pyamcnt or costs.
uommonweaitn vs. JUoyer BIckart,
chargo ralso pretense, a truo bill. On
motion nolle pros., allowed on payment
or costs.
On motion or R. F. Clark tho order
or sale In the vstatoor Benjamin Camp,
deceased, was continued.
In tho estate of Philip Miller, deceas
ed tho roturn of Inquest was confirmed
Report of salo in the eslato of Lemuel
Roberts, deceased, was confirmed nisi.
Report of salo in tho estato of Philip
Kistlcr, deceased, was confirmed, nisi.
Report of salo in the estato of Geo.
M. Beagle, deceased, confirmed nisi.
Peti'ionof Mary E. Pursol asking to
bo allowed to select Isaac Mordan us
her guardian who was approved by tho
In thocstato or Jacob Harrls.dcceasod
petition for partition, Inquest awarded.
Petition for appointment or supervis
or in Scott township, Henry Trembley
Com unon wealth vs. Geo. Ruckel,
chargo assault nud battery, not n trim
bill nnd tho prosecutor, Jackson L.
Evans to pay tho costs.
A. W. Eaton vs. John L. Hosier. A
jury was ordered in this caso who re
turned a verdict in favor of tlio plain
tiff for one dollar and tho defendant pay
tho costs. This was an action for tlio
recovery of damages sustained by tho
plaintiff, whoso horso was frightened
by tlio defendant's fence, which stood
in tho public road.
In the estato of Mary R. Evans peti
tion for sale or realty for payment or
debts. Sale ordered.
Petition for eltatiou on John Ii. Yoho
as guardian, to file his account. Cita
tion awarded.
Report or salo In tho estate or Peter
Bitner, deceased, confirmed nisi, and
continued as to such parts as remain
In tho estato or Jacob Koilonbauder,
deceased. Report of salo confirmed
Petition of John L. Rceco for guar
dian. Jcseiih W. Rceco unnointed.
Petition for partition in the estato or
inomas itoacn, deceased, inquest
awarded ; personal notlco to bo given
to tho parties in interest.
Report orsalo in tlio estate or William
Lutz, deceased. Confirmed nisi.
Petition or John C. Richnrt, guardian
or Clara Blttenbetider, to sell realty be
longing to ids ward. M. "Whitnioyer
appointed auditor to report racts with
his opinion as to tho propriety or tho
Report of John M. Clark, auditor to
distrluuto tho balance in the hands of
the administrators of Simon Cofncr. iln.
ceased. Confirmed nisi.
Report of W. Wirt, auditor nn nxenn.
t ions to tho account or tlio administrator
ot u. J'lsner. deceased. Confirmed n si.
Report or C. G. Barkioy. auditor on
exceptions to tho account of tho admin
istrators of Dan el Yettcr. deceased.
Confirmed nisi.
Report of E. R. Ikelor. auditor to dis
tribute tho proceeds nriiire from tlio
saiein mu property oi liauuouand i' ar
id i. uounrmcu nisi.
Report oIC. B. Brockwuv. auditor to
distribute tho muds in tlio hands or tho
administrators or Benjamin Fowler, de
ceased. Confirmed nisi.
Rop.Tt of W. Wirt, auditor to dlslri
buto tlio fonds in tho hands or thu nd
minlntor or Andrew Larish. deceased
Confirmed nisi.
Report of J. G. Freeze. Esa.. auditor
in tlio estato of Samuel Blank, deceased,
to tnui'o distribution, uoniirmed nisi,
Report or viowers or n road In Sugar
loar township. Confirmed nisi.
Report or viowers orn road In Green
wood township, near A. P. Younc's.
-womirmen nisi.
Roportorviowersora road In Benton
township, uoniirmed nisi.
Wo havo received tho first numbers
or tho Daily Mornliii Standard, edited
by II. L. Dlcllenbach, Williainspirt. It
Is a very neat shoot or six eolunins,well
edited, and will bo orereat valuo to tho
Democracy or Lycoming county. Wo
wish it nil good fortune.
Thu J-.pttomtsl Is tho lltlo of ti now
paper, E. W. Capron, formerly of tlio
Qutelte nnd Jlulletin, Editor. It Is Ro
publican In politics.
Williamsport has now twodallys.Hiroo
weekly and two nionthly papers, wliicl
evidences prognss.
Large quantities of hoof are, It Is
said, now Milpped from Texas to Now
York, by means of tho refrigerating
Tlio above extraordinary stutemoiU
wo find in an exchange. It is tho first
wo havo heard of fro.H as u motive
power. If this sort of tiling koopu on
locomotlvo3 will ba btiporsoded by ico
cream frec.ors and passengers will bo
packed in ice, tho coldest man reaching
his destination tlio first. Science i
wonderful in Us workings but it docs
not affect somo nowspaper corrospon
drills a bit.
The Doylostown Democrat quotes
prlmo hay ns soiling at from $15 to $18
per ton. This is tho highest rnto wo
havo over known. It Is not noccssary,
perhaps, to stnto thnt tho farmers nro
getting their liny to market with all
llOPPMAN-WAONEIL-ny I,. A. German, nt
his residence April tli, 1872. Mr. Prcdcrlck W.
llotrman, ot Jordan. I.yronmm county, to Miss
Carollno Wauuor.of Jackson, Columbia, county,
IIAMITON.-In ItonrlUB Creek, on tho 21th tilt.,
Elltabcth Hampton, ni;cd about SOycars.
I.AWTON.-In Pino township, nil tho 3,1 Inst,,
William Luwtou, aged about, 21 yettrs.
KEIit.Ert. Ill Oraiigevtltp, on March 27lh,
Chnrles, son or UcorRO and Husnn Killer, of
typhoid fever, aged lilycnis, 10 mouths nnd 2J
Illoomstiur-r MarUet.
Wheat per hushel
Kyo " (II
Corn " 75
Oats. " 13
Flour per burrol S 00
Clovcrsecd ft m
Flnxseed 1 60
lluttcr H M
Eggs is
Tallow io
Potatoes 60
Dried Apples 10
Hams 15
Hides and Hbouldors u
I.ard per pound 10
Hay per ton 1(1 no
Sl'KCI.Ui X0TH!i:S.
Yellow Nnnsemond Sweet Potato
plants GOcts. per 100, by J. Garrison,
Ico-cold sparkling Soda with delicious
syrups of all kinds nt Hcndershott's
drug storo, Main Stroct.
Low & RoiiuiNs,nt Orangovillo, aro
selling splendid buggies nnd platform
spring wagons at astonishingly low
Clark tt Wolf will givo ono of
Madamo Domorcst's dress patterns! to
any purchaser or a good dress.
Thu placo to find a nico shawl
2 00, is at I. W. Htu-tman's.
Clark & "WoKwlll have in stock tlio
last part or this week, Grenadines from
20ct, to GOct per yard. Hcrnani to sell
nt TiOcts, worth last S" ison $1.00 nnd
French lining to lino with.
Gp.ass cloth for drossesat I. W. Hart
man's. Clark & Woir offer silk fringed laco
sacques, Novelty embroidered sacques
lace pointed and puro lace shawls.
A canal boat In good order for salo or
to rent. Apply to U. II. lint, Light
Street. Ut
Clark it Wolf ofler Shawls at reduced
prices $2.7") did sell at $3.50; now in storo
tlio 5th lot nnd wo aro bound to sell
them off, ranging from 2.75 to 15.00."
Black laco shawls for $7 00, $8 00,
$10 00 and $l t 00, at I. W. Hartman's.
Clark & Wolf offer n splendid nssort
ment of Parasols rroni75ctsto $1,00.
Clark iSc. Woir havo in stock
Dutcii carpet & straw matting.
Clark & WoIPs motto is "small profits
andqulck sales," not much blowing but
what is what.
Black, Stella nud Thibet shawls
from $1! 75 upwards, e,t I. W. Hart
man's. The publicaro hereby assured. throucli
the eoltims of the Columbian, that
Htrsons' Purgative Pills contain no in-
urious principle, nut Hint thoy mav bo
nduiluistored to childiou and tho most
weak and shattorcd constitutions in
small doses, with great certainty or
Dr. A. Johuson. ono of tlio most suc
cessful practitioners ofliis time, invent
ed what Is now called Johnson's Anodyne
Liniment. Tho great success of this ar-
ticlo in tlio cure of Bronchitis and all
diseases or throat and lungs, will mako
tno namo ot Johnson not less favorably,
ir less widely known, than that or Louis
Tno returns of talcs of tho different
sewing machines, during the year 1871,
show tho Singer machine to be by far
mo most popular oi an in the marKet,
tho number sold being 181,200, out of a
total of 010,191 of twenty five different
patterns. It appears, too, that tho
Chicaco Reliof Committee, which un
dertook to furnish sewing machines to
persons needing litem, supplied 2,127
Singer machines against 517 of all other
Kiutts. Tins proiereneo lor tho Singer
machino is duo to its intrinsic suneriori-
ty, and seems likely to bo maintained
against allcompetitlou.iVcio JW- Sun.
TlIU CAVSK of Tkmi'riianck lln J somo nf IN
most Insidious and dimnorolm lops In tlio mam-
so-called ' tonics" nnd "appetizers," mndo of
clienn wlilskv nnd reluso liquors, linlihul up to
suit depraved nppctlles, mid. tho nnnieof medl-
. Mir-., uii. A r.K n K i ' 1UUMA IM-:iiAK
llirrnnsmo uouo ol these. They nru notii bev
erage, butn genuine medicine, putoly egelnlilc,
prepmcd Horn CnlirornlaheilH by n phy
sician, For all itifcciiin of the stomach, liver,
Kidneys, bladder, skin nud blood, they aioim in-
i.uuu.u ana imuviuicu lemuu. wuy
C'AsioiiiA :i sub- tltuto lorCastorOll avcgit-
ablo preparation contalnlui; m-IlU-i- Mlnoials,
Morphine nor Alcohol. It Is pUasnul li taUe,
does not iiiui"ilc, nnd operates when a 1 other
icinedlc'i'e.l. Ur. Tltt-Iiu- has GXpcriinuntvJ
llftcen uais la piuliH-lui' n iiroiiarutlou moro
elllclenl Hum C.Hti i-Oll.v.itliiiut Its horrid tubls,
Tho Cnsl.iiia leyul-.tea I lie system: eurescuu.
stlpatiou, sU.i.ul-11 iulie, duup nnd llattileucy,
nudUiiuvmu.s, II .h.ed nut dlstii-ssor uilpe, ily
Usqulutlnif, sjothini; el!ei:t It pmduic-s natural
sleep, nud is paitk-ul iriy to ci ylnir nnd
teething children.
Wo deslio l'hjhk-I.ins to list tli s nitlclc, uud
will foru-uid thuo Lotties cuatIs to tnuiuldiess
of nuy ono so nutheutlcntcd. Insist thnt your
druziilst order it lor you. It eosfs hutW cents,
nud ono bottlo will savo muny dn-'ni's bills.
Yi.ah AN li Ni:i(IIIS. If lioises couW ninko
themselves iimk-i stood In linmnu lmii,'iKii;e, they
sent lo thu stuU'iiH-ut that tho MirrAxu
ttuum eiiiuuy uy 1111 iiiii eisui 1 t-ii. iiieir us
ill. NT is uiu host remedy ex tint lor all iticsu ex
ternal nllmeuls, nud by u most einpliatlo
'Neigh I" show thrliillspleasiiiout overy attempt
tr. nc, iinv ..ll,..- w... nvitln.t li, lt,j..o,l S-.-I.r
slni-o lis Introduction lu Bt, I.ouls, nt tho iioso of
Uiu .iloxlo.ui war liUM'J.ti lias ptoved n sli-ual
blcslim to liorso and inun cuiiuic. Willi ubsoluw
ciriiuiiiy uuti wouueuu uespuicu, sucu (-ipituo
uiM-iiM-s us spavin, riiiKuoiU', pou evil, scrauines
liooule, .ic, and relieving and tlnallv lemovliiii
Iho nululul nllectlons which nttuclc tho muscles
sinews nud external glands of human beliius. It
Is a tact beyond conliudictlon that lor nil Injuries
orcomplaliits ol man ornu'idiuixds to whlchuu
i-xu-riiit! it'iucuy i.s iippui-uuie, mo .uu-viAMi
i iMMLNf la prclerublu to every other,
How WkUsed toue PitvucKiit). Who does
nut iiiueiiiuer uiu iiino When spiiug purgation
was cnnsldcied Indispensable, tobllinmer health?
No mutter tor wry faces, Iho I no liable salts uud
senna, rhubiiib. or calomel nud ialnn. must be
nduilulsterid. Thesu "spring medicines," thu
youngsters wero. loin, woro to keoiithoin halo
and lieartv durlm thn summer. Wn nil Irnnw
now that tills was n fallacy; that new vigor, not iviiuiis reuuireu ui ino commence,
meat of tho summer solstice. Asa nreiiaiatlon
fur llio enervating cllectsot oppressive summer
wi'iillier, a eoiiue ul llostctter's Mtomuch llitteis
Is highly expedient. This Unions Vegetable ore.
para' Ion has three piomlucut propeitles: It
icuovutes. imrllles. nud teuulates nil thutiino-
tlonsol thu body. It Is composed exclusively of
puio vegetable productions, Mzi thu essential
prluclploof Moiu ugahela ltyo.und thu most elll
caclous tonlo uud alterative roots, barks nud
gums known to medical botanists. Hence, it is
uu absolutely sale medicine, uud no liuctuioot
tho l'hQiinucoinel.icnii compare with it cither lu
puruy, or in ino variety oi us oujices, and its
eomniehcuslvu result!', llnmilly lor mankind.
the theory that It was necessary to piostrule a
patient lu order to cure lureverexploded,
uud the true philosophical doctrine, that vigor is
Iho great nniiigoulst ul disease, has tali en its
place, llosleltet's Hitters is an Invleorunt, nud
henco It is the piopvr inedlctue fur tlio feeble nt
this most trying season or the yeur.
Iio sure that you obtain the eennluo article, ns
there uie Innumerable vile Imitations lu the
luuricoi, '.ouii iu ine utumuuuiui slump. Iho eu
eruved label, and tho name blowu into the class
Hosteller Ktomach Hitlers is sold In buttles
iiuiy, Mayiu-iw
Kvcry nervous Yonnir Man In His Union, will
rocclvctrce, n Itcelpo tlint will provo a lilcsilim
through life, by niiarcMUi.ieoiyncJi'nr,
llojc C1T2 1. O. W Ceilar St',) rV. Y.
Important Testimony T
Tho followlnu letters nro nnioim tlio many we
nro constantly rrcclvlnc mm persons who hvo
been cured by
Schcnck'H Pulmonic Syrup,
Sciicnok'H Sea Weed Tonic,
Selienclc's Mandrake PJHh.
I'tnnaf-rove, Salem County, Kcw .It fry,
KkiiiiUAUV 27, 1W2.
Dr. J. II.HCHI'NCK, N. K. corner Hlxthnnd Arch
streets, Philadelphia,
iiiniutil Hlr-1 tnko nlcasnro 111 nddlnB ray
testimony to that of tho ninny others who hnvo
been cured by thoolllciioynf Hclicnck's 1'ulmonio
Hymp, Hen Wmu Tonic, linn AinnurnKS i-ius.
.n,,unnmtlnrt hntt linen llcrBllllnrV With 111V
family, tnostor Its membors InivlUK died ol It ut
enrly necs. My mother and tlneo brothers died
nt t ho ni;u of .if, ono brother nt 'it, nud my sister
a was, when aUuit 31 years, seized with liver
complaint, which lipldlydovoioped Into l'ulino-
nary consumption, i was cumiieucu in ruim
tin Isli my employment (that of u blacksmith.)
I consulted skillful And eminent physicians,
and tried mnuy patott nostrums, but without
success, so that my friends wero Hiiro thnt thero
was no liopo of my recovery, lor 1 wns reduced
from 1 10 pounds to 101, ncd wns not ublo to do
nnythlni! without nsslstnncc.
Ily whnt I now look upon as n Providential In
terposition, I wns Induced to try your remedies,
nmi nlncn mvseir under your tieutment. nnd so
rapid nnd tlioroUKli was my recovery, that it
scemeil lis lliuui;'! suiun bujiui uuji.uu iuUJ ivua
at work, and to-day I am as well ns at nuy timo
durlni; my lllc. 1 weigh Ml pounds, am ;w years
nt,l cttwl fnr nnmn tltuo havu bo-li retrulnrlv at-
leiulltmto my business, bidding; rair to live ton
Ijood old aso.
I am thankful to you beyond expression for
having placed mo In a position wherein I am n
ucneui lusioiu oi u uuiutm iu tuy i.iiuiiy.
lour -Mandrake 1 'ills nro the only medicine I
over uso now. I think thoy nro tho best lu tbo
1 can rcrcr you to hundreds of iny neighbors
who will verily all I havo written, and any In
formation any of my fellow citizens mav delro
will bo freely and gladly given, upon receipt ot
stamp, by Yours, etc.
lic'y West, riu., rcb. i!, ls-sa.
Dr. J. II. BOHUNCK, N. E. cor. Hixth and Arch
stieuts, XMillndelpliia,
Dear Sir l'leaso torwnrd, per II rat stenmer, six
liotllcs Kea. Wewd Tonic nud twelvo Lotties l'ul
luouloHyiup. Your medicines tiro o such valuo that lean
not bo without them lu my household, and lu
met no family should bo without them,
Ihnvoniven them n fair test, nnd openly de
clare them to be even better than you claim.
Very respectfully yours, sc.
riitLADKij-uiA, March I, ln:z
Dr. J.1I.SC11UNCK,
ltespeclcd Hlr I tnko ploasuro lu awarding to
you tula certificate of tho wonderlul cuto your
l'nlmoulo Hyrup nud Se.i Weed Tonlo produced.
Mv throat and bronchial tubes wero so highly
luilnmcd that it wns almost Impossible fur mo to
swallow my lood.
I mi, on a visit to my uucle, Mr. Charles John
sou, No. VM Kuderal street, wno says your medi
cines raised him from almost death alter all oth
er means had lutiod, and ho having, therefore,
full conlldeuoo In tliovlituo of your remedies,
strongly leeomlnendcd ino to try them, I did
so. nnd lu ono week lrom tbo tlrao I commenced
taking them my thtoat underwent a very great
chaugo lor tho better, so that I could eat my
incuts without nuy (JHUcailty or pain. I can
scarcely find words to eipreos my (gratitude for
tho early lellel our luvulunblo medicines pro
duced upon me.nnd I deem It butuunct of grati
tude to givo you tlio ncltuowledguiueut ut my
appreciation. Yours respectfully,
ltAClllII, M, .lACOIiS.
No. 100 West Thirty-third street,; Sew Yolk.
Tbcso nio tho ouly medicines thnt will euro
Pulmonary Consumption. Dr. Hruenck has been
In constant practice over thirty years continu
ally cxnnilulng luugs, nud knows his medicines,
if properly taken, will euro Consumption, Ills
MuudiaUo I'llls cleanse tho liver nnd stomach;
his Kca Weed Tonic dissolves tho lood, stimu
lates the coating ot the stomach, nnd makes it
digest. His Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter,
nud nature, throws It oil' without any exertion.
Prico of tho Pulmonic Syrup nnd St a Weed
Tonic, I,'J5 per bottle, or E7UI per hell'
MnudiukuPllls23 cents per box.
N. D. Comer SIXTH and AllCH ilticcls,
And by Druggists aud Dealers gcncinlly,
G02 Ancii Stiieet, Philadelphia.
Wholesale Agents.
ESTATE OS- 1'IIIUr V. 8TUEI.Y. 1)1 O'l).
Defter ot ndmliiistrntlon on the estato of
iuiup . niceiy, ruio ui licaver iwp., iiuuiouui
county, decensed, havo been giuutcd by tho
itcgtbicroisaiu county 10 Allen .Munu, numinis
trntor. All poisons huvlng cinlmsngainst the es
tate of tho decedeut aro icquestea to present
them for settlement, nud thuso Indebted to tho
estate to lunko payment totho undersigned, nd-
luiuisuuiuis, wiiuuui ueiny.
i,L,ris .-iiAisis,
April. 12,'2-Ow Admlutstiutor.
Letters testnmentnrv on tbo estato of Michael
Snyder lnte of Locust township, Columbia coun
ty, dee'd, havo been granted by the Register of
Raid county to Charles l'cttermnu. All persuns
having claims against tho estnte nio requested
to present them to the Executor lu Columbia
county. Tlioso indebted to the estnto either on
note, judgment, mortgage or book nccouut will
mako payment to tho Executor without delay.
WlWlllLlU.--. 1' .1 x j-.ii..i...
aprll 20, lbT2-0w. Executor.
letters testnmeutnryou lheestateof William
Howell. Into of Mount Pleasant township. Co
lumbia couutv deceased, hnvo been granted by
tlio lteglstorol Columbia county.toEllas Howell
and J. M. Chemborlln, Executrs to whom all
pcisons Indebted to said estate are requested to
mako payment, and loose having claims or de
mands against said i state.wl 11 mnke them known
to the Executors without delay.
Isi.jas huwi:i,i.
J. M. CliE.MIIEItl.I.v.
nprlP'-l'T-'-lw Executois.
Ily vhtuo of sundry wtits of venditioni exponas
Ac, issued out ofttio Court of Common Pleas ol
Columbia county and to mo dliu?ted thero will
bo exposed to publlo sale ut tbs Court House, lu
thu 'iown of llloomsburg, on Hai iiiiiai . the ilth
day of May, ut ono o'clock, p in., tho Pillowing
icui isiuiu iu wn :
Another tlact mcce oi n-d -el oflalul slluato
lu tho Township of l-'lshln -creek Columbia
couutv Ktnlo of l'eim-vlvanlii bounded uud de
scribed ns follows to wit: on tb. Wostbv laud-sof
John nud Lemuel Dinko and un the. .Norm nnd
Enst by lauds of Elicit Stewart nud on thoUouth
by lauds ol Isaac McIIcnr- containing twelve
ncrcs more or le-s wllh theiippcrtciijiices.
he', d taken In cvecutlon and to In sold us the
I'lo, er y ol silvin Kelk-i,
A A HON S.MIIII,hh,nll'.
'Iho prnpilclor, has, by tho mils-
laucu in i.iuiueiii i nysii-i ins nnu
I'heinlstKsue, ceiled lu utilizing tho
medicinal propeitles enntulued In
tho Oil, Pilch, and llcstu ol the
Hemlock Tice. and ohtiliicd n vnt-
) liable pri paratiou to ho applied ns
n -sail cor riasieriur iiiieiiiiinusiu,
Cioup, P.itu or Koreness ol tho Hack
Chest or Stomach, Pilos.tsult Ithcum
Hcuivy, Sores, Ulccls. Bunions,)! o
Coins, Kiust lutes, chilblains, soio
llrcasuand Nipples, ltlngworms,
Chatlug and skin diseases of In
llauiinaturv nntuie. CHAULES A.
t'ltlTl'bNTO.V, A'tent, 7 Sixth Avenue, New
York, nis-iw.
mi.r. Ihw.f Dnnm.l M'l.i- Ml
LllU JJL'Ol J.UJJl.i. -I I j llll
The Hcien'tifio AMUHIL'AN Is tiio clieniiet and
best Uliistiiilod weekly paper published. Every
number contains lioiu 10 to 15 original engrav
ings olucw' machinery, novel Inventions, HrldKes,
iugineeriugworiis,Aiciiiieciuve,iuiprovea r urm
Implements, nud every new discovery lu Cliem
lstrv. A venr's nillubels coutnili bJ Duces and
severul hundred cngrnvlugs. 'ihousimds of vol
umes aro preserved lor binding nud lefcreuce,
The practical receipts nro well woilh ten times
Kni-rlmenii h -nt lice.
luu suiiscnpiiuii iiice, aiiiiis, ?j ti j im uv mull,
uu lull hi uu i-tews
PATENTS obtained ou the best terms. Models
ut new lueutlous unit sketches examined, and
advice Irce, All patents mo published lu the
Hclcntille Ameilcau tho week they Issue. Send
tor Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and I all
directions lor obtaining Patents,
Address lor i-nper, or cnueerning I'atcnts,
MU.NN A CO.S7 Pink How; N. Y. Branch oitlcc,
cor. F. anil 7th bt., Washington, D, C, iiis-lw
A 0 ,00 O It E E N 15 A O K
and a specimen of tho
Willtui liv 'JO Emlnont Authors, Includiug
Wo waut agents in every town to solicltoulers
for tills uork, ou liberal terms. It sells lo nil
classes, aud uo library should bo without It, U
Is a complete litstoi) ofnllbi.iuchesol Industry,
piocessiu ol inuuiiliiciures, etc. No like woil:
ever betoio publUhed, Ouo ngent sold Via lu
elglit days, another h!i la ouo week, uuother UJ
lu two wicks. An eaily application will secure
a choice lu terrltuiy, 1 nil purtlculurs nud terms
will bo nut Irie, wllh u bpecliueu ol this great
work, nud a t) Oiecuback, J. II, HUltlt it
HYDE, Haitlord.Coun, uls-iw
Wn now liavo the lluc.stussoitmoutorilLA.NK:
DEEDS ou liiuid nud fur sale thnt weru ever
kept iu Bloomsburg. Laro slto ou best parch
meut paper, Common Deeds, Executors and
Administrator's Deeds email size good nud
heap common Drrsls, Ac.
ninVTl.Uf MADE nAPIDIiY with Btcncllnnd
plusiiiiiriiillimillcularsl'lll.l'.. H. M'I1I;,'",,K"'
iirniLieiiorn. s l. -
Wo will sond n handsomo Prospectus of our
Now Hluslrntid I-'nmlly Illblo containing river
im lino Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent
irca oi cnnrKC. ... ,,
Address natiokAI. I'OBtli'itlso Co., Phlla.,
Pa. nlslw
jjo you wuuiun iikouij .
Ing. with nn oppoitunltvtomake 5 to
S'Jo it day selllnn out uew 7 strand
Whlto Wlro Clothes Lln.lsT, fhey last
foroven samples freo. Hmd . for c t-cu-inr.
Address at onco lluilsoti ltlvcr
jLiH.WIro Works, corner water m. nu
JlildonLMio, N. Y.or 3lli W. lianuoipu r-i.,
cago, III. niiw
klnd pul'llslied. A tW saved yearly by all who
:m bo mrulo hy AeoiUs
iln cftUVfissing for "u"
Sthef pns1; b "way Kroi.V jlS to Id) a week In
soured. It Is for every Housekeeper. Er'ncr,
Tmiln nnd Profession, r'nr tho sick nnd well. A
.Vllahlo bo.ikofnortnaneut value ; to overy wldo
nwnko progressive person. It U Use r. i-xirn
tVTms! 1 Atulress, P.'m. lti. Kltfhlli Street
Now York. niwi
TlfnUB YEA1W in ft MAN Til AIM
A comtinnloti to "Tf.n Nioiit's is a llAit
lloom?" by T. S. AttTiion. (tho most popular of
Atrlcan authors.) isnowitady.ltlsttsliirl llns
expose To liquor moklni and selling, a thrllllug
Jee'ltal of n. (hreo years life in n city drain shop,
shows up Iho vilo deceptions practiced in bar
rooms, and is tl o mnsl powerful -work or tho
k ti i over written. Will be eagerly road by thou
sands" nud Ms certain to hnvo an l"f "fm sa''
Apply tor an agency nnd do good ns well ns mako
JLBTODDAUT Aul,llshcrs, Phllftd'a.
Everything pertaining to Ililllards at lowest
prices. Illustrated Cutylp,SUOJ,sc'rt' by mnll.
Pu8cc"sorto P1II-I.AN & COLLENDEIt.
ThcsoTublels preeeut tho Acid lu Combination
with other eUlcIcnt remedies, lit a Pppulnr form
for tho Cure of nil TH KU AT and LITNO Diseases,
1IOA IISENES3 np.d ULCEItATION of tho throat
aro immediately relieved and statements nro
constantly being sent to tbo proprietor of relief
In ca'cs of throat dlfllcultlca of years stand ng.
01 nHimT Don't bo deceived by worthless
AU 1 LUiN imitations. Oat orjy Wei S
(Jnrbiiiiolnblels. Price 23 cents per ilex. JOHN
o. KELLOOO, IS PluttSt., N, Y. Sole Agent for
the U.S. Scud for Circular. nlOwl
A Puro Chiuesa leu.
Warranted to suit nil tastes.
Put up in our trade mark Hair
Pound nnd Pound Packages
nnly.lOand COPouud lloxes.
Kor Salo nt Wholcsnlo only by
Iho Oreat Atlnntlc nud Purine
Ten Co., 1'. O. Uox 5.W1. New
Yom city.
1,000 AOENTS WANTED I for our uow book,
Dy W. E. WEI1II, the noted Pioneer and Hu
morist. A most neCnraln nnd fnsclnatlnir de
scription of tho wildness nnd wealth of the
iiouiidiess west, ns unioiu ricues, ing jiijuus,
IlulIUlo, Wolves. Ac. Crowdod with valuable in
formation, Bparkliig with tho keonost wit and
raciest humor, rivaling Mark Twain's liest, nnd
splendidly Illustrated. Will bo Immensely popu
lar nnd sell beyond precedent. Kor samplo pages,
Illustrations, terms, ,tc, address HullDAHD
llltOS. Publishers 72.1 Sausom St., Philo. nlUlw
A lending periodical for Teachers, with full ex
planations of tlio Lessons. 10 pages monthly.
Onlv GO cents n year.
drcn. 100 copies monthly, ono year,8I2.0U, or
twlco a month. 821.00.
of tho lesson, and topics for tho study of It, AC.
Intermediate Lesson Paper
of a moro simple character, with questions and
explanations. Either of the above at tho rate ot
73 cents per lot) copies monthly ; or C9 for 100 copies
per year.
Specimen copies of any of the above, furnished
onnppllcntion to
IK' Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ullilw
or von will miss choice
of territory, (there Nn
main tor in nn DID
LEWIS Insr nnl (-rrvtfcwt WorlT.
II Is bv odds the most taking andsalablo book
In tho Held, lit Is on a vitally important sub
ject, 2 it Is hy America's most popular writer ou
health. 3 It Is.for tho pi Ice, the laigest and hand
somest book ever sold by subscription. Agents
the peoplo ate eager for such a book, and will
urgeyou tobringlttothem. Write for terms, Ac.,
tree. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 7JJ Sausom
Street, Phllu. ulOlw
sighs tlio weary and exhausted one, as tho lan
guor nud lassitude of spring comes upon him.
Como uud lccelvo vigor aud strength lrom Iho
wonderful South American Tonlo
Long and successfully usedln its native country
ns a Powiilul Tonic, iiiul Poteut Purlller or the
lllood, It is lound even to exceed tho anticipa
tions lounded on Its greul leputatiou. Accord
ing to the medical and hcleniltlc periodicals of
Loudon and Purls, It p msesses the most Fowor
fill Tonic propeitiis kuowu to Malcriu Mcdlca.
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is a perfect remedv foralldlsensesnl thellLOOD,
SClSHS.uml will removeall ola.tructlons of the
It is streugtlieuiug uud nourishing. Llko nu
trlclous food taken into the stomach, It assimi
lates aud Itself thioush the clicuUtlou,
giving vigor nnd health.
It regulates the bowels, quiets tho nerves, acts
directly on the secretlvo organs, nnd, by its pow
erful Toulc uud restoring eliects, -produces
lieelthy nud vigorous action to the whole sys
tem. JOHN 11. KELLOGG, IS Plntl St., New York.
Sole Agent tor tho United SUUcs.
Prico J! per Dottle. Send lor Clicuhir. ulbwl
lias tho
Patent Flaie Cos Wirt on Mi enils
on tho lolls.
KolU separato fi eoly at either end.
uu.. rvj I'iji i
Has the Patent Curved C lamp.
Is tbo ca lest woiklug Wringer
lili'i aNU V I'HjL 1
.. Is the SticDgcst Wringer
riuti .uvi'.ljl
Is tho most durabloWilngcr
iiiesn nun oiuer luivaningus inaiiu it more
ucDiiuoiu uiau any oiuer.
No l'racticitl Hotiscl:rppcr
o.iu ntt'eid to buy n Wringer until she bus ex
amined the NOVELTY.
, Trv it an I satisfy youieelt that it is tho UEsT.
Kr.1,1 nvm v.vlini .
i.u ivi uuamueri. Hiiect, new voru. niuiw
Would inform his friends and Iho public that
ho has taken posicsslou oi
In the i:.chango Block, so long occupied ly him
and will carry ou the business of n
He brings to the busluetsnnexpt rlouco ol many
years nud assures tho conmiuulty that ho will
liuulkli tho bestofbrcad, cukes, lolls.bUcult, Ac,
Iresh every duy. Hepiuposes nlso to keepou
hand u im-gc nud well ussorled slock ot
of nil grades. Frt nch caudles ami those of do
luestiu mauuMctuie, always lo bo hnd, wholesale
nud retail ut lowest rates. Adjoining tho linker
mid Coulci-lloucry Is u welt established
whero may bo found Alo nud I.njer, nud Ho
lieshmciits, Oystcisln season nud iho various
lit tlo di llcucleb which inlt the public Instc. There
over tho confectionery store, where ladles nnd
gentlemen uan obtain thu best ot ico Cusim lu
A fair shnio of the publlo custom Is icquesled
mm no puuiH will livsparoatn ensure suusinc
tlo'i. nprllVHI.'72-ll
What h tiiw OitAHDSncirio for dynpepiia?
thli bubbllDj, -iparkllug, cooling, purifying, reg
ulating drnuglit thoy call TAititANT'a Effku
VE3CK!JT8KLTZErt ArKntEMT? Well, tt Is simply
the Chemical fne slmllo of the Soltier Sprlni;
Water, which, for IIO years ha; been accounted
tho finest Catlmrtloand Alterative Innll Europe,
X Insuranco Company in America, writing
Accident rollclcs hy the month or year, Is tlio
of Hnrtford, Ct. HInsuresmcnofall trailcs.occu-
mn i irr-T 'PDC! patlons nnd profcssloin.nt
L lvAV Jif JjliflvO iatcs within tho menus of
all. Tit nTnA VEt-Kiu also writes pollclcsof Lifer nd
dowmcntofall ttinal forms,unltin-f Amplofe-
rMClITH I Vftli'' curlty and Moderate Cost
liM O U It AiN Ulljinder a.Dcflnlto Contract
Premium system Is tho favorllo Low Hate, All
Onsh, Stock Plan. No other lu tho world, of IU
rtmil) l TV aio, has returned so miuh
LUjll AiN 1 money lu beuetlts to Its Pollcj.
holders. Cnsh Assets. nearly TwoMIlllons.
Ciicni rarins ! Tree Home I
on Tun i.ivb or tub
12,000,000 A O II E S
OKK.iT I'lillTIi VAI.I.KV,
Tlio Garden of tlio West,
TlicRO lends nr in the central portion of the
United HUtes, on tho list degree of North Lati
tude, the central lino of tho great Temperalo
Zone of tho Aincrlonu Contlueut, and lor grain
growinu nnd stock raising unsurpassed by any
In the United suites.
C1IEAPEH IN PHICE, more favorable terms
given , and more convenient to market than can
bo tound olsewbeie.
The Pest Locations for Colonics.
Soldiers entitled to a homestead of lOO acres.
Free I'iiiici to rurcliascrs ot I. unit.
Scud for the new Dcscrlptivo Pamphlet, with
new Tnnna. nnhtlalinil 111 Em-llsb. Oerlunll.
Swcdlsli nnd Danish, mailed freo cverywhero
Address Lr.i.ijn,
Land Commissioner, U.P. 11. K. Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
T:xrkAmii)iNAitY uiPitovUiisNTs in
ThoMnsonit Hamlin Organ Co. respectfully
announce the Introduction of improvements of
much mure than ordinary Interest. Tneseure
being the only successful comblnntlou of HEAL
PIPbS with u-cds ever mado j
which can bo Instantly moved lo tho rlht or
lelt, changing tho pitch, or transposing tho key.
l-'or drawings and descriptions, see Circular.
nt 8H0, 5132 hnd J123 encli. Considering Capacity,
Elegance, nnd Thorough Excellence of .Work
maushlp, these nro cheaper thau any before off
ered. Tho Mason A Hamlin Organs nro acknowl
edged BEST, and from extraordinary facilities
for manufacture this Company can uirord, and,
now undertako to sell nt prices which render
Four octavo organs S30 each; Flvo octavo or
gans J10), S12.5 and upwards. With threo sets
reeds IjU and upwards, Forty styles, up lo
315UO each.
New Illustrated Catalogue, ami Testimonial
Circular, with opinion' of SIOHE THAN ONE
151 Trctnout St., Boston . 590 Broadwuy, N. Y
$10, $50, $75 and $100.
Slti)p(l Ready for Uso !
J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind.
3-Send for Clrcular.-C
Now is tho timo for Agents to securo territory
for this thrilling and fearless book. It comprises
tbo Adventures nnd Experience of a woman
written by herself for years the wife of u M or-
,to,,. i 1 "I r . mans mysteilous,
wicked nnd startling, abounding In thrilling
w...... , ..uLuutuua .uu jiuiuulic scenes me
most fascinating book extaut. Steel portrait of
the Authoress, portraits of lending Mormons,
both men mid women. Llro nndScenes In Utub!
A. competent Agent to canvass and tako charge.
111 portion oi Penn., of the salo ota rapidly
selling book, by tho most eminent nuthor in tho
United States, and ludlspensablo to the correct
transaction of every kind of business. Agents
sell lrom 50 to lOUpcrwoelc LliiEnAr. Salakv
glveu.lfdesired. nnd perrannent business.
, S. S. SUUAN'ION CO., Hartford Conn.
THE CHRISTIAN. ge1Sont,1,l.y?Ve8:
llgious, faintly paper, lull of incidents, provi
dence!, music, poetry, true stories for young.old,
salntjiand sinners. No sectarianism, controversy
politics, pull's, pills, or patent medicines. IR'c. u
year 1 lu copies, to ! Send luc for 3 papers before
you forgetl Little Christian,!! copies si. H. L.
HA.sri.Niis, Tract Heposltory, 11) Liudall St., Dos
ton, Mass.
Agents who waut to make money eiu hell noth
Ingso rnptdiy as our new nnd beautiful steel En-
It M the tlnest subject ever engraved, nnd sur
prises every beholder with its wondrous benuty,
fSlzc i !f.'x3 ; in. Price 82.50. Highly endorsed by
lending Divines of nil dononilnatlons. Agents
who find thnt "Hooks go hnrd,"can make S tu per
dny wltli this splendid work arart, Molo una
feninlo Aeents wnnltd. Writo for clrcnlnrs to
WOKTI 1 1 NO TON, DUSflN & CO., HniUorUVct.
I res'l; II. Willou, Vlce-Prts't; Hevb'tThnmss
Ireas.; .1, p, 1'iuesull, Sec'y ; s dvile 111.
rnm Wilson, Itohert Cinne, Wi F.i'ton. olin
11. Bacliinau, Jl, M. Stiieklcr, ,i.,cob s. tetrlne.
James Schrocder, Ooo. BikjUs W. tl. Case. Amos
i,i..i;iljuiiuniiytiKtrl ii ii, iiou. lor In
surance or Agencies, nddr.hS
j. r. MiuuAuyy, Scc'y, Culuiiil.ia, J'a,
1 MMENSi SUCCESS.- Ajicnls Wm t .
L cd. malo or female, iu c-M-.y county in
I iiind sintis and t'aunda.s, tn sell our now . i ,
mosliuelul I'aleut ; rrom one tosl used lu v . ,
laillllv. 100 i.,-r cent, euaianl.i.l. l-'ovsa.... i. -
ami terms Inclo-e ten eontsuu ud.l u.s
EKt) USO.N .t CO.,lllj liivel SI I . tt. Tuiy , N
Agents, wo will pay )ou SIJ p. r wres In e
If yoa will eugige with us .u- nsi i Eveiyinii
furnlsbed, and expenses paid. Addicts I'.
EL.LS i t o., (.harlolte, Midi.
i 0 1 'NTS WANTED. Agents make more in
V tv nt work lor us lli-ui ul. .iiivlliiin- -
iiui-iiiessiigui nun priiiniit-ui . t-uiiicuiais ii,
( A Co., Fluo Alt, l'..i.
land Maine,
Ciieulirs free!
For any ciu-ooi llliii.l, H i. i
lug. Itching or li'i-iini. .i
Piles Hint Di. 11 1 mi's Pii
llEMnnv lulls to cure. H i
prepared expic-ly to cure lliel'ilos, nudnothu
else. Sold by all Drusgists, Price, 5I.0J.
STAM M Eltl NO. Drs. Wlilto .t Oatman, 1.2 lu,
a v., New Yolk. Itoferences from clergymen m
tho city. No pay uutllcureJ, Send for 'iicula. .
AHEAT JIEDICAL IIOOH of nstiul knowh-du
U to nil. Sent lice for two tlaiups. Addicts I i
BoNAl'AltTE A Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
fpniTl.t FOB II. SwlssMaguctloTIME.KLi.l .
1 UUlj Ell and Indicator. IudUpeusublu In
'PI HI I," every travelers, trader, boy, farmer,
1 I 111 TJ aud for EVEItYIIODY lu need oi u u
liable tlino-kocpcr. Usual watch ske, steel woiks,
glass crystal, Iu neat OHOIDE cate, wahuan ihii
to ucnoio oorieci umo ior two years, coining
like It. l.OCO sold weekly. This valuublo ntticli-.
in neat caso, will bo Bent, prepaid, nuywheii', Inr
1; 3 lore.'. Try one. Ciicuhns lice. Older nulj
lrom tho So'o Agents, F. KINO A CO., ltiiilllu
uoru, i. uprii ii-, iw-sw
The only perfect Instrument lu the World, It
is ucointii in ltirliutss, Power, llrllliaucy aud
Durability. Special teims to Teaclins. .Maikid
favors to Clergymen. Send for Illustrated Alien
O. y, FOSTEH, Ocuersl Agmt.
mar 1071 tr. Mavcii chuk, Pa,
Wo now haver n hcud a large neatly pilnlul
nskorlmtut el JI WICX M rnd CONSTAllklH
BLANKS, lo width we li.vlle the nitflitluu of
heto otUa is.
IT t'
U.VJ. No