THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SUhc (ifolumhuui HliOOMSUURQ, PA. Friday, May 10, ISYZ'. Tlio Cincinnati Convention mid tlio Demo crntlc Tarty. Whalovor hopo thoro may hnvo bcon of n combination between tlio Llbornl Republicans anil tho Domocrntlo party for tbo purposo of electing nn honest nnd puro President, has boon eiTeetunl ly dlsslptttod by tho roccnt action of tho Cincinnati convention. It was called by life-long Republicans Its delegates wero all members of that party, and Its nomlnoe for Prosldont tho most bitter opponent tho Domocracy ovor had. To sell out our organisation to such n cllquo would bo tho abandonment of every Idea wo ever prolessod and a con fession that spoils, and not principle, was tho basis of our organization, Po- lltk'nl lenders might sign tho deed of transfer, but they could not deliver tho property. It Is far bettor to keep our organl&ttlon Intact, ovon If wo suitor temporary defeat, than attempt a com blnatiou that would loosen all political tios and associations, and ovontually rlvo tho party. Wo concedo that Greoloy Is honest and ablo a man who would not prostl tuto tho high omco of President to per Honal gain or ambition a man who would not appoint all his relatives to oftlce, nor rccelvo bribes for political appointments; a man who would digni fy our relations with foreign nations, nnd would govern nt homo In tho Inter est of tho cntlro nation ; a man who would not smother civil law under mil itary rule, nor keop allvo tho embers of civil war. ' But In our own organization wo have men equally honest and pure, and bet ter lit ted to administer tho affairs of this great nation. Mahomet must come to the mountain. Our millions, thor oughly organized and strongly en trenched, will not, dare not surrender to a newly organized faction of uncer tain strength. Our duty is to make good nomina tions, a fair platform, and securo success by unity and harmony. Victory is in our grasp and naught savo treachery or h gro?s blunder can snatch it from us. Tlio Cincinnati Convention. For weeks the main topic of couvcrsa- tlon among politicians has been tho Cincinnati Convention. Unusual Inter est was oxcited In regard to it not only becauso its call was out of tho beaten path, but becauso of tho large number of prominent Republicans who Joined in the movement, and of tho probable effect it would havo on the coming Pro sldcntlal election. Its actual work is beforo us, and has become history, but tho future results aro matters for specu latlon. It must bo conceded at tho outslart that no political convention for many years has been so represcntativo as that held at Cincinnati, It not only com prised tho clement in the Republican party dissatisfied with Grant, but its leaders wero and are the ablest men In the organization : those who founded and fostered it, and by their active aid and assistance in tho past led it to vic tory. It is not a revolt against tho par ty, but against the men who usurped its management. Many ablo men wero suggested as candidates for President, any ono of whom in point of ability, integrity, or sound Republicanism is the superior of Grant. Men may smllo at tho nomina tion of Greeley for President, but that very nomination shows tho earnestness of tho men engaged in the matter, and its effect will bo greater than many Im aglno at tho present time. In the first placo neither the ability nor the integrity of Mr. Greoloy can for a moment bo doubted. Ills wholo life has been devoted to tho interests of tho Republican party. He and Sumner and Schurz.and Adams, and Fenton, and other so-called Llboral Republicans wero building It up when Grant was vo ting for Buchanan and Breckenridge when Butler was using his influence to nominate Jeff. Davis for Presldont in 1800 and when Akorraan and Long street (Grant's latest allies and an- pointees to office) wero marshalling reb el hosts against Union troop:). Again, ho and Sumner havo a much stronger hold on tho colored peoplo than Grant. Whilst the latter was undeter mined whethor to bo a Democrat or Re publican, and when even Lincoln hesi tated, tho former wero demaudlng the freedom and enfranchisement of the slaves. In fact, had Greeley been the regular Republican nominee, ho would havo received their unanimous voto, Greeley Is also strong becauso all tho independent parties and isms will con' ceniraio on nim, even ir no lias no chanco for success. Tho Republican temperance men find their beau ideal as a candidate In him, and must stultify themselves to voto for a notorious tip pler like Grant. In him tho tariff men find an original and persistent advocate a man who ha? been their champion and bulwark for nearly half a century. On tho con trary, Grant has no fixed opinion on the subject, and among his first official acts was tho appointment of n notori ous freetrader, A. T. Stewart, as Secre. tary of tho Treasury. Lastly, Greeley is not a man to bo dragged from the courso by threats or promises. He and his supporters aro torrlbly In earnest, and will make themselves felt during tho ontlro can vass. Tho platform Is an admirablo produc tlon and contains very Httlo to which a Democrat could not subscribe, and yet nothing that can bo offensive to any fair minded Republican. Tho address to tho pooplo Is a scathing robuko to tho presont administration, and coming from thosourco it does must havo great weight with tho Republican masses. If its charges bo true, and on that point thoro can bo Httlo doubt, no man who attended that convention can con slstently support Grant, whatever tho result may be. It charges him with usurpation, tyr ranny and corruptions and tho election of an honest Democrat must bo greatly preierreu ny consistent Republicans to tho success of tho man whom they thus Hllgmatiso and condomn. Massachusetts and South Oaiio. i.ina.-CoI. A, K. McCluro and Col. Henry W. Gray both at Cincinnati in tho Interest of Republican reform. Ro. form must bo sadly needed when such cotahlnallon Is rondo. Tlio Taxes of KMIroml anil Canal Com. panics. Wo publish at length this week tho ro.iurt of tho sub eommlttoo of tho Ju dlciary General of tho Houso of Hepro spiilatlvon, In relation to tho taxes with held from tho Stalo by certain corpora tions chaitered by tlio Legislature. This commlttco was raised upon a reso lution offered by tho lleprescntatlvo of this county, and tho facts elicited show tho necessity for a full Investigation. Although n mass of testimony was taken, tho data Is far from bolng com plete, mainly becauso all aorta of ob stacles wero thrown in tho way of n thorough examination. Tho Legisla ture at tho instance of corporation lob byists failed toglvo tho commlttco tho proper authority until too lato to bo ol use, and tho witnesses summoned cither evaded tho subpoenas, or fulled to nt tend. As a matter of fact, two thirds of tho tuxes now Imposed by existing laws upon railroad and canal companies nro not paid Into tho Stato Treasury, and tho amount In default will roach at least two millions qf dollars J Worso than all, through tho negligent manner lu which Ooneral Hartranft has managed tho Auditor uenoral's olllco, it is Im possible to nscortnln tliero tho amount duo tho Commonwealth, as somocor panics havo not inadocomploto returns in soven years. Part of tho amount duo was paid aftor tho investigation bo, but tho great bulk Is still withheld upon technical ground, nnd as yet no effort lias been made lo niter or nmond tho alleged defectlvo laws. The report should bo perused by nil our readers, and tlio necessity for prompt legislation the coining winter will bo nt once apparent. Notwithstanding tho conceded rot tenness of tho Philadelphia political machinery, wo predict tlmt tho "roos tors" anil "plnclieri" (hero will bo ro nominated to the I.egMaturo, or equally corrupt men bo named In their stead If the "reformers" moan reform, they aiiouici begin at home, and aid in tho election of honest raon, without regard to tlio party which names them. Address and Platform of tlio Liberal Itc publican1;. TIIE ADDISES3. mo Administration now lu power una ruiiuuruu liseii guilty oi wanton uisregaru oi mo laws ot tlio land, and usurped powers not granted by tho Constitution. It has acted as if tho laws had binding force only for thoso wno are governed, and not for H1030 who govern. It has thus struck a blow at the fundamental tirlnclnlra nf rnnall. 8tutionaI government and tho liberty of mo citizen, rno rrcsiuontoitlio United States has openly used tho powers nnd opportunities of his high olllco for tho promotion of personal ends. Ho has kept notoriously corrupt and unworthy men in places of power and rcsponsl- unity, iu mo uuirnncnc oi mo public interest. Hohasusedthonublin of the Government as a machinory of iiamsuu auu personal luiiuouco, and Interfered with nrrnmnen in tho political affairs of Stntn nml muni. cipaiuies. ue has rewarded, with in fluential and lucrative offices, men who had acquired his favor by valuablo presents; tnus stimulating domoraliza tlon of our political life by his consnie UOU3 examnlo. Ho has shown himsnlf uepiorauiy unequal to tho tasks imnos ed upon him by tho necessities of tho country, and culpably careless of tho respuusiuuiues oi nis nigu omco, Tho partisans Ot tho Admlnlstrntlnn. na. suming to bo tho Republican party and uuuuuiuuL' aa onrnnizatinn. navn nr. tempted to Justify BUCh u-rnnra miff nal. Hato such abuses, to tho end of main taining partisan ascendancy. They have stood In tho way of necessary in vestigations and indispensable reforms, Eretendlng that no serious fault could o found with tho presont adminlstra- tlon of public affairs; thus Eeeking to blind tho eyes of tho peoplo. They havo kept alive the nasslons and reannt. mouts of the lato civil war, to use thorn for their own advantage. They havo resorted to arbitrary meas ures in direct conflict with tho organic law instead of anncalintr to thn hotter instincts and latent patriotism of tho Southern peoplo by rostoriug to them thoso rights, the enjoyment of which Is indlspensablo for a successful adminis tration of their local affairs, and would tond to movo a patriotic and hopeful national feeling. They havo degraded themselves and tho namnnf thnir nnrrv oncojustly ontltlod to the confldonco of tho nation, bv a baso sveonhsnnv in tho dispenser of executive powor and pat ronage unworthy of Republican free mon; thoy havo soueht to stiflo tho voico or Just criticism, to stiflo tho moral sense of tho nennln. nnd tn nnh. Jugato public opinion by tyrannical party discipline. They aro striving to maintain themselves in authority for selfish ends by an unscrupulous uso of tho power which rightfully belongs to tho people, and should bo employed only in tho service of tho country. Bo lleving that an organization thus led and controlled can no longer bo of sor vico to tho best Interests of tho Ropu"b- Xn 1 ..... . 1 i . . 1 nt, wu huvu ruauivuu 10 maKo an inde pendent appeal to tho sober ludcrmnnt. conscience, and patriotism of the Amor- icau peopio. THE PLATFORM. TTy.6',1!1.? Lil)Crnl Republicans of tho uunuu Dimes, in .National Convontion assembled at Cincinnati, proclaim tho following principles as essential to Just Government : first: Wo recognize tho equality of . , ,u Ulu mwi "nu "iu that It is tho duty of Government in its dealings with tho peoplo to motoout t-iiuiuuuu uxuee jusiico to all or what- uvur Himyuy, race, color, or pcrstia slon, religious or political. Second: Wo pledgo ourselves to main tain mo union oi uieso states, emanci pation and enfranchisement, and to op poso any reopening of tho questions ootuuu uy hiu iuirieeum, rourtccnth, and Fifteenth Amendments to tho Constitution. TJiird: Wo demand tho immediate and abspluto removal of all disabilities Imposed on account of tho Rebellion, which was finally subdued sovon years ago. belioylng that universal amnsty will result In complete pacification in all sections of tho country. Fourth! Local self-government, with Impartial suffrage, will guard tho rights of all cltlzons moro securely than anv contrallzod power. Tho public wol- faro requires tho sunromnnu nt Ihn l.,n over tho military authority, and free dom of porson under iho protection of tho habeas corpus. Wo demand for tho Indl vidua tho largest liberty consistent with public order : for tho Rhitn finir. government, and for tho nation a return iy luumumous 01 pcaco anu tho con- DuiuuouBi limitations oi power. Fifth! Tho Civil Service of tho flnv. ernment hasbecoraoa mcro instrument of partisan tyranny and personal am bltlon and an object of solflsh greed. It i9 a.,B.candal and reproach upon freo in- (not lliillnnn ntnl 1 . t .uiuHuui auu uruuus a uemoraiiz. tlon clangorous to tho perpetuity of re publican government. Wo therefore, regard such thorough reforms of tho Civil Scrv GO nj) onn nf thn nt Jng necessities of tho hour ; that honosty Mwuij, uu imumy consututo tho only valid claim to public employment : that tho offices of tho Government ceaso to bo a matter of arbitrary favor itism and patronago, and that nubile station beepmo again a post of honor. To this end it is Imperatively required that no President shall bo a candldato for reelection, Sixth: Wodomand a system of Fed eral taxation which shall not unncoos- sarlly Interfere with tho Industry of tho people, and which shall provldo tho means necessary to pay tho oxponscs of tho Government economically admin istered, tho pensions, tho Interest on tho public debt, and a modorato reduc tion annually or tho principal thoroof; and recognizing that thoro aro in our midst honest but Irreconcllablo differ ences of opinion with regard to tho re spective systems of Protection nnd Frco Trade, wo romlt tho discussion of tho subject to tho peoplo In their Congress ional Districts, nnd to tho decision of Congress Ihorcon, wholly frco of Exec utive Interforcnco or dictation. Seventh: Tho public credit must bo sacredly maintained, nnd wo denounco repudiation In every form and gulso. Eighths A speedy return to speclo payment Is demanded allko by tho highest consideration of commercial morality and honest government. Ninths Wo remember with gratltudo tho heroism and sacrifices of tho soldiers and sailors of tho Ropubllc, and no net of ours shall over dotract from their Justly-earned famo or tho full roward of their patriotism. Tenth: Wo aro opposed to all further grants of lauds to railroads or other corporations. Tho public domain should bo held sacred to actual settlors. Eleventh : Wo hold that it is tho duty of tho Govornmont, in Its intcrcourso with foreign nations, to cultivate tho friendship of peace, by treating with all on fair nnd cquol terms, regarding It nliko dishonorable olthor to demand what is not right, or to submit to what Is wrong. Twelfth i For tho promotion and suc cess of theso vital principles nnd tho support of tho candidates nominated by this Convontion, wo Invite and cor dially welcomo tho corporation of all patriotic citizens, without regard to previous affiliations. CONGRESS. Tho most Important foaturo in Con gress on Wcdnosday of last weok was tho passago by tho Houso of tho bill for tho repeal of tho duties on tea and coffco amended by tho Senate. In tho Sonato Httlo of note was done. A bill involvlngnnaval appropriation brougli out sovero charges of oxtravaganco and maladministration In tho Navy De partmont from Messrs. Trumbull and Stevenson. In tho Seuato on Thursday of last week Mr. Sumner presented a remon strance, against tho repeal of tho Elgl: hour law. A proposition of Camoron to permit tho officials In tho United States diplomatic and consular service to receive presents from tho Emperor of Germany as testimonials of gratitudo for tho kindness shown to Germans in Franco during tho lato war, was onergct ically opposed and Indignantly protes ted against by Sonators and went over. The Houso continued its debalo upon tho Tariff bill In tho commltteo of th whole. Little of importanco was dono in other dlrccctions. Congross was unusually dullon Friday last. Tho Senato passed tho Pacific Mail Subsidy bill, with slight amend mcnts. Tho discussion of the Tariff bill in tho lower houso was interrupted by tho nomination of Mr. Greoloy by tho Cincinnati Convontion. Thoannounco meutputaneud to all speech-making at onco, and created, according to tho report, no little "amusoment and satis faction." In tho Senato on Monday tho amend niont to the Postofllco Deficiency bill to increaso tho appropriation from SI. 7UO,ouo to ?a,439,000, was agreed to. In tho Houso Mr. Eldridco sent un jjiessrs. woiiey nnd Mnynard's bill. Ironically entitled "To incranao taxca without adding to the rovonue," which elicited a good deal of laughter. Tho important feature of tho day's session was an indignant protest by Mr. Wood nBalnst tho partiality and narrow parti sauship shown by the President in In viting tho Republican membors only of tho Commltteo on Foreign Affairs to a consultation. NEWS Tho President has approved tho Li'l repealing tho duties on tea and coffco ou aud after tho 1st of July noxt. Tho Cincinnati National Llboral Ro- publican Convontion mot and organized ou Wednesday May 1st by tho choice of Judge Stanloy Matthows, of Ohio, as temporary chairman. Thoro was a full attondanco of delegates, and tho utmost harmony nnd enthusiasm prevailed. Nothing was dono boyond taking tho preliminary stops for organizing. Tho organization wa9 perfected on Thursday with tho election of Senator Schurz as president, and vice-presidents from each Stato and Torrltory. On Friday tho balloting for President aud vice-president began aud resulted in tho nomination of HoracoGrooloy lor I'rcsiuentontho sixth ballot and B. Gratz Brown for vico-prosident ou tho second ballot. Groat enthusiasm pre vailed although tho nomination of Greoloy surprlsod most perso as his strength lu tho convention Im I been much underrated. From England comes uows confirming mo mtelllgcncoof a virtual withdrawal of tho indirect claims by tho adminlstra tion. Earl Granville in tho Houso of Lords, and Mr. Gladstono iu tho Houso of Commons, said that tho reply of tho American government on tho sul Joct of tho consequential damages had been re ceived and gavo grounds for hopo that tlio cntlro matter would bo settled to tho completo satisfaction of both coun tries. Advlcos from Zanzibar, Africa, to tho 15th of April havo been received. Tho island has been visited by a tcrrlblo hurricane. Ono huudred and fifty vos- sols of all classes wero sunk or strandod on tho coast. Tho town of Zanzibar was very badly damaged, and tho loss was estimated at $10,000,000. The minority report of tho French Arms Commlttco, as submitted, states that tho War Dopartmeut must havo known that tho bulk of tho arms in question wore going to Franco, and con surta It for affording a protoxt of which a moro captious government than Prus sia might havo easily takon advantago. A formidable Insurrection has broken out In Spain under Don Carlos, tho aspirant to tho throne. A sovero battlo was fought on Suuday last In which tho Insurgents wero routed. Sixteen provinces aro said to bo in re volt. Tho Stato Labor Reform Convention mot at Willlamsport on Tuesday last. It organized permanently by tho elec tlon of Mr. John Sinoy as President and tho usual Vico-Prcsldonls aud Secretaries. Tho following aro tho names of nominees ; For Governor, Win. P, Scholl of Bedford ; For Auditor Gonoral Hon. Ejala Blllingfelt of Lancaster For Judgo of tho Supremo Court, Mr. Chief Justlco Thompson. Nllilo's Thoatro, In Now York, was destroyed by flro Monday. Tho Metro politan Hotel and, Holrabold's drug storo wero damaged. Tho loss is esti mated at ovor $300,000. The first regular Convention of tho now Episcopal Dlocoso of Control Penn sylvania, will ho hold In Wltllamsport, on tho 11th, 12th and 13th of Juno, com mencing at ovonlng prayers, 5 o'clock, on tho Uth. At least sixty clorgy mon will bo present to participate New Advortisoments. JIST OF DEALERS OF COLUMIIIA COUNTY. I hereby certify that tlio following list of deal era taken, returned nnd classified by me, In ac cordance with the aovcrnl Acts or Assembly, in nnd for the county of Columbia for tlio year ono thousand elghthundred and seventy-two, In cor rect to tlio best ef my knowledge nu J belief. TOWN or llLOOMinFlto, Class. Tax. J K lljer, U WOorrcll, OA Klclm, 1) A Hockley. Illoomsburi; Iron Co, I W llartman, McKelvy, Ncnl & t'n, M V lW. Moycrllrothois, II O Howtr, N J llendersbott, Henry llosenstock, W V Hess, Isnlah Hagonbucb, Henry Klelm, William Olecr, H H Miller i Son. Miss E rctcrman, William llabb, MKsHUAlo, I W Nlles, David Htroup, Wm H llrowu, O O Marr, Decker A Meckel, Hobbtus A Kves. Uuuyon & Wnnlln, James Cadman, David Lowenbcrs, A J Evans, MUs llarraans, Clark & Woir, J II Maize, Tbomas webb, llernanl Btotmor, .Miss A 1 Webb, Bloro I'urulluio Druggist hooks Hloro Hlorn Worn Hloio DruuuUls 1.1 f iu w 10 u) 7 to 7 00 40 01 12 M 40 00 10 00 7 eo 7 (10 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 01) 7 (p0 12 SO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 110 10 OU 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 0U 7 OO 7 00 7 00 13 0J Sboo Hloro DriiKlst Conrici loner sioro Hloro Grocery Grocery Storo Millinery Furniture Millinery rianos, t&o mora tlmecry Grocery Confectionery 1 1ll! Ill o c-l.cliln Cllilllllll! Millinery Hloro Grocery L'onfectiouorv 10 W 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 DO Courectlonory 11 Hook Storo II Hhoo Storo it Tin nnd stoves 14 Grocery II Tin nnd Stoves 11 Coal Dealers 1 1 i. ji Knorr, A M lluriert, H Clnv Hartmnu, 7 00 7 00 I, E Whary, (! W Ncal & nro., Hrmlcrsliott & Mason .1 W llendersbolt, I'axtou A Harman, () A Jncoby, E Jneobs, Mrs David llrobst, 7 Oi) 7 00 Grocery Millers Grocery Confectionery Confectionery 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 cnsTOK Tow.vsnip. 11 Mclloury, J J Mcllcnry, Hamuel Ileaeock, Colo & Tnomns, storo Storo Storo Millers 11 11 00 12 CO II It 7 (0 7 00 nuAvKn Tow.ismr, Abraham nice, Storo C A Shuman, Storo " Wm K .onijeuberser, Storo Alcn & l'.UtoD, storo Allen Mann, Storo 7 CO 7 00 7 03 7 00 7 OU 11EUW1CK DOltOL'OH, llowmau A Jackson, H M Hockmau, C U Snydor, Hugbes A Macra, A Sillier, J U Dodson, Shaw. Urlttaln .t Co. Storo 12 Tobacconist 14 Hook Storo 1 1 Druggists II Storo 12 Druggist II Storo 1.1 Confectionery 11 Furniture 13 Millinery II Storo 11 Comp'y Store 0 Tin and stoves 1 1 Tin and Stoves 14 12 SO 7 00 7 00 7 00 1J CO 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 J O Jncoby, n y mecKer, Miss Hell Ilertran. 7 00 12 63 2j 00 J & H H llowor, Jackson & Woodlu, G A Uucklngbam, J M Sccsboltz. 7 00 7 00 200 00 7 10 Jackson & Woodln, H i B uomn y 1 vougni AMlcna:!, 14 lmiAiiciiiCEK TOWtfiiiir, James P 1'rcas, Grocery Miller Store Storo Storo Mill II 14 II II 11 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 nu reas, K I. Adams .tt Ron . Wm M Kllnetob, Mrs A W Eaton, l'tcr JInymau, CENTnn TOWNSHIP. Low. Bros Ji Co. Store Grocery Storo Storo Grocery Mill Storo Storo 111 00 7 0J 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 Hamuel Dictcrich, Philip Harris, Jacob Spousler, Jesso Ulcks, J J Selblc, V. T Fowler, u muiro irvin, CATAW1S3A TOW.-JSIIIl'. IIIlo A llro. M M Drobst, H V Former, Eiq, Wm H Orouzo. Storo Htoro Htoro Grocery Grocery Htoro Storo Htoro Furniture Htoro Druirolst T 1 I ' Gllliert A Klluo, F Weaver, tlrntirn A, tmiM Thomas E Harder, I John A Sons, J M Smith, William John, Georce Manlmrdt. Tin und Stoves 1 Shoes 1 1 J K Mliarnless & Sous, Storo in ,r mmm uunuuu. Fumlturo 14 A II Cleaver, tiu and stoves 11 a j itoyio, h O Witman. Shoe Store 14 Coal Dealer 1 1 Storo 14 .Mill 11 Millers II SUDlemor, Kllsha Drclsbach, Critz & Thomas, cksthalia nonocau, M GKantucr, Wm Torrv. Storo II Storo u Shoo Storo 11 Storo 11 Furniture 11 Grocery 11 Tin nnd Stoves II Store n Jobn Moran, J J HoaKland, James E Edgar, David Ulack, A 11 Fortner, O H Millard, Heurv Traueh. Confectionery II S Van Huron, DruzKlst 14 Martin Monnghau, Henrv Mnser. Storo Storo Confectionery 11 12 14 Conrad FoUud, '!3UIX 'CHEEK TOWNSHIP M Ammerman. Store Storo 7 00 7 10 7 W 7 00 7 00 J F Mcllenry, Dam Mcllenry, G M Howell, Solomon llnss, EJ&Ul'Mcllcury, Jarlas Harrison, T l Swnzy, Millers, Htoro Storo 7 0J 7 a 7 (10 KltASKMN TOWN3UIP. O Mcndenhall A liro, Millers Dyer it Hro, storo II II 10 to 7 00 OI1EKNWOOD TOW.VSUIP. I' D lllack, Storo Hoi-aiL.t Iv reamer. Kt.-tr.i 12 II II 12 II II 12 II 12 M 110) 7 U) Mrs Hannah lloury, Htoro X.1US r.vns a i;io, Hloro A V Heller A Co,. Htoio MiJLeldy, store William Masters, H'.mu Wm Eyer A Hon, sturo 12 50 10 00 l'J 00 12 60 l'J 0U HEMLOCK TOW.NSlIIl'. John Ileai-lo, Mill 7 00 7 00 7 OU 7 00 10 00 wmunimc, ami Win Harris .1 Uro, Storo William Ohl, ShooStore M G A W H Sbcomakcr Htoro LOCUST TOWNSHIP. Henry Gablo.Hr, Chas Fettermaii, J II Vnstlne. Storo Storo 7 00 7 0) 7 00 Storo Jonathan Uauclnnan, Mill Htoio 7 00 7 00 Yocum 4 Co. Thomas Seaborn, Storo Store 10 00 7 00 MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. E Schwcnncnhelscr. Storo Storo Htoro Htoro Store Storo Millinery II 13 II U II II II 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 OO 7 00 Croasv A Brown, WmVIIrown. John II Hctlor, JIUUCU it LtUlXj A O l'ennybnuor, Mrs EAIIets, MAIN TOWNSHIP. store Urocery Campbell ,t Co, Wm H Hauck, II II 7 00 7 00 MONTODH TOWNSHIP. Paxtou a Harman, Harton ,k Co, PKMariarum. Doalcrs Millers Grocery Storo s 11 II 11 30 00 7 00 7 00 A J Ammerman, 7 00 MOUNr ri.E.VS.tNT TOWNSHIP. EHauils, Store MADISON T0TN3IIIP. 7 00 ir reamer. Storo Storo Millinery 13 II II 10 CO Wm Glngles, Mrs M A Watson, 10 00 7 0 'J OnANuETOWSTSIIIP. Peter Eut, Wesley llowmau, David savage, Miller Miller .Miller Store Grocery Storo Grocorv 7 00 7 OO 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 1) 0U Low tfc Hobblns, lll.-llnin U Johnson. jiu aim moves it Manufacturing Comp'y 11 I-INB TOWNSHIP, It W Lyons, Htoro 7 0J IlOAllINQCIIEEIC TOWNSHIP, Owen Clicrrlngtou Store 7 00 7 t0 u ivvngor, more SUGUltr.OAF TOWNSHIP, M Cole, Htoro 7 00 SOOTf TOWNSHIP, W E Delterlch A liro,! Bloro Htoro Storo ii ii it ii ii 0 1', 12 II 11 II 7 0) 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 .7) OU 7 00 7 (JO 12 SO 7 01 11 00 7 00 Isalab Hafircnbucb. Samuel A Worraan, Logan it (Irevellng, John W Hoinnaii, Htoro Htoro :mpu Hliue Htoro Grocery Store Storo Store Druggist Millers H Fowler, v womuuiser, ax natter, W Crevellng, 11 White. A Creasv. J It Gorduer, Kelchner A Son, II 7 00 7 00 uobortHEut, Tin and stoves 11 All nnrsnnu urtio MAV feel mrirrieved liv tl. above classification, can have an opportunity of Dneunnu ur ciuiini; unou inu uuuerNitmed nt. uiuwissa, any iime until juuo inu, i9,uiwnicn time au appeal will ho held ut tbo Court Houso u juuviusuurg. ,. , , U AD Alt JIAWN, MaylO-lm Utrtanlde AuUtr. Moyors' Column, Eh H & Q ft Til Til m (13 A fit o 5? r B. l 0 CO W Lh l CO ijj o rr 0. O r- ffl s3 5 a CO w -j b o UfJ Q CO a: o ui o rr H H EH Ph Tff) -a. ii 0 a ft H W , m LU X 0 0 H of 'g g C3 5 in Ml H ui b Oi rr, Pi H 0 m w P. P) n m H 0 H 80 h Q LU I CL Q. 3 CO CO cc LU 1 LU Q -DC r Z o H m w m H Pi MaylO-ly TO THE ao 'j'o GROCER & TEA DEALER, Opposlto tho Stotio Kptacopnl Church, corner of Jlnln nntl Iron sts., Dloomsbtirf; W. IT. 11110WN In now oH'orliif,' on terms which challenge- competition, n now stock of kjiksii aoons, Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed, Tens, Spiocy, Coflbos Sugar, Syrup-, Molnsso?, Meats, Choose, Fish, etc. W. IX. MIOWW keeps tho bent Now Drlcht. lt Muckorol Hint nro brought to Hloonisburg, nml nro sold nt oxtromely low lirlcos. Oo nnd sco I1I9 Flsli they nro flno nml good; ',, J, nnd full Imrroln nro nil full weight. UUOWN has n full nsHorlinont or tho host Quoonswnro which ho sells very low. Ills Iron Slonu Chltm nnd Cllnsswnro, nro of ovory variety. Vegetables of every Description. .Sealed Goods, Tomatoes, Po.iches nnd I'cars, Qreon Peas, Lima Denns, Green Corn, Chorrles, Strawberries, I'lno Applea, Dried Corn, Illnckbcrrlos. a recti Garros, Damson Plums, (iulncos, Pears, Itasnberrlcs, Jclllas, Flavoring 3xtracts, Catsups, Mustards, Sauces, Shell Fish, Ollvci, Sardines, OHvo Oil, Ac, &s., Ac. it3y-IIo kcojis nothing but Ilrst class goods which nro warranted to f'lvo sntis faution to overy one. TProtliiec and Grain taken in exchange for Goock eSt April 11), 1872. 1 TALIAN BBKS ,t (JUERNS. will sell In Juno nu 1 M:vnllnillpil initnl.r. UI i llUlig ITALIAN SWARMS OF BEES. In tlio American hive nt 15 per swnnn. I will .1UU3H-, unit .lu.iiuiiu liiacn colonies ni n rens onablo lirlco. lMiroltnll.111 Ollcenq fnr suln. I nlso nmlio to order tlio 1I011LI0 10-toothcd Scotch llnrrowi. l'rice, steel teeth, $1 5; or Iron iv.;iii.i. iui mi liter lurorm.iiinn niliircKi. 11. II. IIIIIIWN. JInylO-2iu LiKhtst., UoluruLla co , t'n. P UBLIC S AIjH VAl.UAliLK HIIAIj KSl'ATi:. Iu nursunnco of nn order of tho fYinrt. nf f?nm. mon 1'leasof Columbia county, tho unilcrslfiiu'l comnillleoof thocstnto of Anthony W. Davis, n luuatlc.wlll cxposo to publtcsnlo on tho promises On SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1S72, nttcn o'clock In tlio forenoon of Mid dny, Iho undlvloed one-filth of tlio surlaco of nil that CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Rltuato In tlio townships of Heaver nnd North union, iu mo counties 01 uoiuuioianiuiyclniyl- am, iiuutvu u mo iiuuiter mil tract, coaiaiuin: FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN Acres, moro or less, ndjolnihs lands of David Davis, Ulinrlos 11. Troy, Oarrett Vanblarlseu, l,auo Davis, l'eter 1'ousu nnd otUers, (excepting all minerals lu.unon and uiifieru.-iiii irnrt. win, Ireo lngri'5,8. (Kress and regress In, upon and over ofnu uuui tu my, iiiiuu, ucposit anu carry nwny all minerals, with nrivllcgo lodeposit uponsnld tract dirt, blato nnd other refnso matter from tho minim; ot (aiu minerals also, with tlio rlglit oi ImV fill 111.11 llnhuna .cnivmiu nn.t. tntil.. that, may bo necessary for tho dlBg'lni;, mining iuiuvutijiu4iii,ai vii Bum JUIUUIUIS,; Unou the lollowlnir terms tpn nno. fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid nt tlio strllilnKdown of tlio property ; ono-fourthof tho purchase money less tho ten per cent, at tho con tinuation of tho sale, nnd Inn balance Inniin j cur iiierea-.tcr wmi interest irom conllrmatlou nisi, l urcuuser 10 pay lor Deed und stamps. Possession will bo given upon tbo purchascrsc- llll.U inu IHllCUilU llllllll'y. J'aviu uivvia, vammuue. llKAVKit Vallbv, Jlay V, IK12. X. II. Tho other nnrtles In Interenl. In snl,l! wlllsell their Inteiestsin tho said surface npon Buwiuuay nun upon ii.iiuo terms ami eonui' nuns anu exceptions. Mayio-lt FIIE ANNUAL ME ETING OF TIIE jl uoiumoia uounty Agricultural, Hortlcul tural nnd Jlcchnulcal Association, fnr 11 in oIppi tlon of olllcers for tho ensiifn" year will bo ivhl In tho Court llouio. In fflooaisburg. on HATUH- IA V. tllO JMtll Iil V .f r.iv A. 11 lt.7 .it rnL.nlr TIIE NEW NORTH - WEST AND ITS GREAT RAIL ROAD ! OF THE ni Pacific Bail . SAFE nnd PROFITABLE Invest mont Secured by Fifty Million Acres of Land. ItegUtered, $100, S500, $1000, SMOO, $10,000, Coupon, $100, $500, and $1000. Holders aro ex cm pt from U. S. Tax. Tho I'lrst Mortgage Land Clrant Oold IJonds of . iti ifcauroa-i uonipauy,aro now avi,iu tiv.ui nun iicciuoii interest, in currency, and aro unhesitatingly recommendod to all classes as an investuiont that combines it mo- ,.Miu .inu iti ,, witu aus'Jiiuu security, JAY COOKU it CO., l'luanclal Agents. FOR SALE IN ULOOMSliURQ UY Till: ULOO.M.SIlUIta DANKINU COMPANY. IN OATAWISSA BY DEI'OSIT AND HAVINGS UAN1C. nprlll07Mw A. II. FlUffCISOUS & CO., rillLADEU'HIA. Wo havo oponed for tho HPHINU TUADK, tlio ,,ii uu., luauiiuu fSLUlfll UI I'lIlLADELI'HIA OA'UPETM, Tub e, Htair nnd Floor Oil Cloths, Window ...i.iuu.-, Hun .u,ui, iu.jiui. i.iiuiu, ,;ottoil, Yarn, ll.tttlng, Wadding, Twiues.WlcUs, Clocks, Looking Ulusscs, l'aucy llasltPts, llrooms, llasltets, Dockets, llrushcs, Clothes Wringers, Wooden A Willow Wnro in tho United mates. Our lariro increaso In biilnpus .n.ll..ii. In sell at low pilces und lurulsh tlio best finality of HOLE AUENTS I'OIl THE OELEIlllATEl) AMERICAN WASHER. Prlco 3.5J Over 13,000 sold In Six Months Terms : Carpets, GO days. All other i;oods, .'JO days, Net. nuliai,'72-3in 1,000 AOKVTS WANTED! for our new hook, lly W. H. WEUI1, tlio uoled Pioneer and Hum orist, A most accurato and fasclniithiBdescrin. tlon of tho wllduess and wealth of tho bound loss West, lis untold riches, lllg Injuns. HuUitlo Wolves, Ac. Vfpwdou with valuable Information' snaiklluif with tlio lf,inFur. wit . Iiumor, rivaling Muik Twain's best. nn,u,,ii!: dldl) Illustrated, Will bo Immensely popular and sell beyond precedent, l'or bumplu . ages. Illustrations, terms, .ic., address, 1 1 b ' UUlUlAHlJ liltOH , I'u illsliers. uprllSa'Ti-tf 7Buui,'hl(a. AGENTS! QUICK! or yon will in las choice of terrltoiy, (tliero Is n LEWlSMast and ereattst work. r 'W U J" OUR DIGESTION, no tr inn v it,i,..,. in i.M VT.1.1101 tukhiK ana balcnhlo book ject, ill Isby America's mobt nonular writer unucaun. 3 Uis.iortho price, tho Inraeiit and Agents, tho pconlo urocaL'or forHiirh n lm.r umi willurgo you to bxloa it lo tlium. Write for terms. Ac,, frco, ,WI aprll 2C.' 731 riausom atiecl, l'lilladelphla. , 10 11001C ACIENTH. TT A IMr irtVA IHIIU Mum nnni. " HOUGHING IT!" ApplFfSr Circulars and term, to" ,OS""J'0' DUt'l'IELDABIIMEAD.I'nl.lliher. m rjaueoin Ht., l'hllailclplila. PUBLIC. Agents Wanted for tho New Work, OUU CIIII,DKEN-, Ho v lo Mnlco nnd K eep theni Healthy. lly AUUlWriM K. (lAItl)NEIt, M. 1). I.Bto 1'iolessor iu New York Medical Collego. It treats or Amusements. Kducntlon, I'liyslcal Dovelopmcnt, Diseases, Accidents. Marriages, ....I-.,. i..,s ,,iai, luiiuiuii. oi vaiuauio mior inatlnn couductlyo to the Health, Happiness, and Wclr.iro of tho Young. Written in a pleas ng stylo, it is exceedingly interesting as well as instructive. Every Family should havo it, nnd no Tarcnt can ullord lo bo without it. Bcud lor circulars giving lull particulars. , o,..RlimKI'u ASIIMEAD.rnbllslier, ilccSl ,1-tf 711 Sansom Htieet, l'lilladelphla "TOTICE. All persons nro forbidden lo trust my wlfo, n.Vtr.V.?. - ' . r i u" oooisoi lier lhingcfeek; April jNNOUNCEMENTI THE IlLOOJMBima I.ITEltVUY INBTITUM AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open under tlio entlro coutrol of tho 110AKU OF T11USTEE3. Thoy havo selected as Principal of tlio Instl REV. JOHN HEWITT, S,fHyu.,n?n V'lloso oualincallons havo beon ..te!,tcdfaai,rrov0lf 1,1 "'r educational en" in. ,',a. ,1,ko "ttlwrei nnd thoy nsk and V,ihl '"J'f m!in'-1 for ''"n andtholnsti tuuoii.tbocoundoncoauil support of our own nioW111 01 1110 ';"uds or illo enterpriso and oi education ovory where. In point or comfort Pliuo nnd inn ur'n.' -""'B"ess oi us mscl- Tho Spring session of twolvo wooks will begin MONDAY, APRIL Srii, and clo?o JUNE 2ST1I. EXPENSES: . T.Vl,,lon,,nl1'' Hoarding, Including washing and , .... fc ,...u.i w, .t.uivu IVUUUS, SUJ VJ, ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Inth6iinodo.schoV,l,',omUflfto'olg J.a.KItEEZE, L. n. itiiPin.T Mccrctary. l'resldeut A DJIINJSTRATOli'S NOTlCliT Joseph "H.'. A U persons ha Wi n . , . 'iHS aralu,f " "ocolent uro i-euuost-to.nVnW?, , u!" kuuw. u'l ""iui Indobicd iprn iu,-7J-By. Administrator, iJiREASURHR'd SALE Of UNSEATED LAND.J IN COLUJIUI.V CO Aerfrnlilv ii ftin ...,.i..i e .... k.iS V n, ?ll .V.l . ., . "S.".' U,A ACT OI .AH- Ju n.Zi , . "es nun oiner pur- ,.vwltui.tiiuiu iii.i lueutu uav ol .March nit tl,?.VJtt 1,"r"lc.r uPPlejnoits tlforom nasse'd in Treasurer of Columbia county, hereby gi ves uo S??,l P"'0"'' concerned tlierclu.llmt unloss li. . . "tuuui, i-oor, liouuty and '."i?0? i1 uo,n'n?followlug tracts ol uuseTt- j... , wuiiimuiu county, nro nald ?,r, V,f, ?"'?'.'" w,.'ol. ut ncli lurPs or -.t ' ,' " uu ir iuilj iiioru- .u i.UUi.Uiu vjr iiujuuriiiuujt, 11' ml it IV to day ror arrearages or taxes duo said O :ury aud . r.r ""I'l-unvjiy. icm. Wurrantcea or Owners. IM. at Jlnarpr. 3i flr.iv ll'lllliioi I 00 aw Clark Andruw. tiacl. ,0 '.. Davis Is.i-ic 111 li'rv llnirlil "1X1 l.lttln Mntlil i hW lilttlollobolt .' ll ,o 70 Morris lunlol, 1 f Ml Nrtvnr i o-i j to K 01) 11) Nuugesser Uoinw 10 Hhuiunn V. I.. 7 Hlittuuui V. I 7., Hhlllniiu 1iV 1. 1 51 CO a oo M) Mhimmti llAnirin f. f. U0 Hhlpmau II. W. " 21 5 77 71 lleuulugur Christian. KM) Hllllliliiu li-. I. ' n 10 Ml 13 AO Hi uliuiuan 1". L. 10 lloslor Jacob, dee'd., Menton. 11 Auu. Wells Johu 18 Applemau l'eter, 15 Pounluston Jesso It. X 1 71 1 h'J i: o Briarcrcck. 200 A miln T.tnl 11 s 4 t it m llrlUnln William A.J. llltstl Kullbou, llcacli Nathan, lleach Nathan, llryan Ouy, Clem W. T. 1). Itev. Headly H. K., Hoadly H. K, Deadly B. V ' lilclts Jesse, ltecer Abraham, l'eulor Uamuol J, Htaclchouso Joseph, iHtuckliouso Joseph, HtackUouso, Joseph, BultAdam, BponenborB Phllln. Hlttler Jacob. Trough Henry, Doty & I'calcr. 1'ai kg James, Klssncr & Knorr, Qitawissu T'liviishii), ilcNinch Jamos H Clowell Jaeob, Jr., llrobitJ.H., llrobst J, H. Ilrobst J. H., llrobst J, h lllllliiyt v M. H U., SO UI 401 KM) 3! S 210 IK 8 01 12 4 211 H (It Is.) 17 7s soo 10 07 S3 ti ll 10 AiQ 11 K ll'O ill M) 0J loo 6 I 1(1 1 II I s : 0 I 100 s 7 301 17 SO 2 07 2 U 10 10 I U 100 2 70 101 2 I l ; a i 27 i 2' lit Omtralla Jiorowh, Arter Johu, lioylo John, Crauo Michael, CbadwlcU Auu T., Collins l'eter 1',, Cunnon Uernard, Colllhan James, 1'etlermau Alley, Urllllth llebjauilu, lllno Johu, Holmes Thomas, Jones Ann T. Mrs. Klluo Curollno, Klluo i Itelnbold. . Koller widow, I.oveland 11. A, I.angon l'at'K Morgan D. John, Mailt I.oyd, Mailis Uoorgo, McchanThoinoa. Mooiotlraco Mrs. Nevln Michael, I'utks Qulun I'atrlclt, Hnllv 2 I,( Is H 5 U 2 n i 8 1 1 1 il 8 15 8 I 1 8 8 8 8 17 8 17 8 4 8 4 is: 0 I II I 7 ! 0-1 1 " 00 1 " Hhephard II. 1, 1 " Wllllck Kred. 1 " Zlijler William, 1 11 Hughs John J. 1 Cain Terrencc, Davis Henry, Centre Ibwiishb. Si Conuer Isaiah, cslato 33 Connor Hnmucl, o.ialo 0U Dewllt & lleucdlct, 7 1'riu William, utato a Uood Jacob, 1 72 Ktcfer D.mlcl, Klltcndallit Creasy, It.ln innS fin..,.., ' Ut SI 2 31 m ii 6W :a 30 tu KIM J'J S'l t'Hn IS J fil 6I 110(1 41 U) 01 H 71 1m2 311 j IM i ?, '' 21 .'11 21141 17 M 1J :tT 11 U S'l 1(1 3jl 71, 2 1 21 , 4 1 111 JIJ 21 7 Mi fl Si 3 H 31 Hill Jacob estato) CoMnnhnm 71n.,,.i... Jordan Itobcrt, ' TO Walker IwTs,' Kof 17i) Huston Tiiomns. ofrJiV.l!!.!,!!'ffi0.l'. 1W lluchorl'otor," lleasley Johnson. Wlckersimm Amos. H hnniiou William, 1 Icklinm tJoorgo, names Thomas, Ilea A. W. ltcn A, W. Ilea A, V. Kllno, l.lndonmulh A Co c-..;'.r.""' AUltUH UUIIU, llrnnuau Ebonczor. llenm Joshua, Dellnven l'eter. Miller William, l'orlor William, lteoso Daniel, Warner Joan, lloavorft Kllno, lloeso Michael, llrnivn KI..I ,...'.,-, 1 IM l.elby J. M. ' 1 oinbold 0, i Westinau Daniel, Yocum Krnnic, Clenver Klliali. Coolc David, ' Kliiigaman Prod,. Kacliclrlesdeorge. ""odiunii Wllllatii, Wallaco William. ' Unit Andrew, ' . mi. Aerreuo MV;"i""'s;.l.. f mS"."",;"iui'!'m 1 hot Murphy Itlcbanl,' 1 " HUIvely Matthew. l'restou Imurovnm.... ... Fishingcrcek Township Uoty A l'ealcr, 7 ' Doty & l'ealcr. Doty . l'ealcr, lkeler William, Joucs Jumes N,, I,cmon Michael, Mears William, Montgomery D., cstale. l'ealcr Hamuel J Uiiaugst Abraliain. l'arlts Jamos u ' Mclloury Ed., 'A taxes Demon Thom.Ys, ' Franklin. Iloycr Edward, HowelMoe, f'llloy Abiuhaui, hloyd John, Greenwood. Kllno D.inlol, Noltuu Haiuuel, Titinnii Abrn., vstalo. Watts a ltadlino, ' Jlemloc:. Campliell I,, jr., Kinmltt James, Jackson. 2in Kilo John, 231 Kilo John, Young Abrnhaii), Woolovcr Jacob. Hess John I,, 150 ,1 8 100 IjOCUSt. Illlllugton Tliomas, .lohii Hamuel, John Hamuel, Hliodos John it Jmeph. lleese Michael, 1 ' 200 31 32 1W 135 nil or loo Huston Thomas, ol 100 Hocso Daniel, or 200 Huston Mary, ol 200 Huston Charlotte or200Hoynolds John, I- v. w ...jicin .uury. nrinn iiiiinnnTi.. .... 4.c or 100 lteoso Daniel. ' or2uo Huston Maiy. ? 0,.y "iiston Clurlotto. Hof200 HoynoldH John.l U of 200 Myers Mary, ' 63 Mlllor Jacob, 22!1 JllllcrJacoh, ,m i'lvur ""o A J. r,. ii0 lul lloaver Oeorgo Jl J. D Kllno 01 Keller Itlclmrd, u0' Madison Township. 40 Ellis William, citato, Main. 3.5 10J l'ln,.',,M. T 1 l'luchor J, i1., Hosier Jacob, Hhuaiau Hudolph, Hhuman tleorgo, HbumauDaulel, holrs, Hlmman Isalali, heirs, iiefi!1?.';413-"1"1' Yettera Klaso. Lougeiiberger George, t-slalo Mijjlin. Drown David, sr.. Creasy Henry, Durnbach Naomi, Keller Johu, Nnngesser tlcorge, tliiimiiriiianu Josluia ouo John K 1 Montour. (Dgcr John, estate, Hanisey John, estuto, Ml. Flcaxaut. Urimos Loreuzo, Mcuuly D.mlcl, Orange. Ciovollng a.unucl, l-.Veretl .Moses, Jones Ktchnrd, Klluo A, J,, Kllno A. J Ticlplcplcui Jacob, Fin IleuOcld Thoiaas. 1 " S Ho''yj;1""''' 1 " Joyce l'eter, ? ! hb''oJounthan. 1 '11 5 III t t!2 8 ll) 1 .S2 3 l h Ji taxes 287 3fi su; 2i0 21 ill Jll 10J 10S 101 t7 107 10J 100 151 00 171 0 13 II 07 2IHJ 175 47 7i 11 2t i ijui, iieaiu wyivester, Vaudcrsllco Thoinas J.. lioaringereek, KaubJ. Miller, hlttlo Hobert, lluchcr l'eter, llarnes Thorn is.Jr.. l-'iick & Hhumaii, ' Huston Johu, luiiol Trlcu Jacob, Morris D.iuicl, Yocum Kllsha, Yocum Ellsha, Weary Gabriel, Morris D. a M. ri n,,.,!,, Morris I). A il. o. il, Th's Morris 1). & M, tj lluglis' -Mollis I), a M. O. Hiihs ' Morris 1). A M. O llu?i,s ' Weary Gabiiol, u"tUs' Weary Gabriel. Itaub J, Mlllor. Keller HlcharJ, Denver tleorgu x j. i,, Klluo, Sugar Loaf. lluckaluw Jumes, Colo Kiseklel. Cuitard .Mury, Ooss Nathaniel. Gray Hobert, u!!ta"?F? ly!b-". cn-tti, 40 41 50 II I 4)0 100 SJ 30 it 112 112 l'J 7 15 0 M 20 dO 8) 20.) 81 75 II 12 o'J 2U7U 11 'Xj 4.170 01.1 DAMON, Treasmtr. 20) !Jj 3IJ) 1D0 ,'of 110 ICiTo John, '"' HlooiiHUura.ApUU. l!'J'1A11 rriREASUREH'rf SALE " " Ol1' H KATE I) I..VND.SINCOUI1IUIA COUNTY. Also tho folluivliu lots, pleooi or nirceh of 2f ho , W?i ru'llr"0i', "y It" collocturi are to bo sold at tho s.imo time, under the nrovisloua u aff,,' V.V,"fi,!y'?nl,1 "AnAUrelVtliu ty." " IU l.ullllllUia COI1U- lcici. U'nraifit'i or Oituiwa. lht, m . Meaner. SI sillier Grover .Stephen, Italicr Thuinas, l.ucu G2orju A., 15 27 17 131 21 0J 1 Benton, Conner Preserve, Hhultz Eieklel, Koous John. Hwartwout John, Couuer Muthlas, Matters l'.trvlu, lirlu'cJolmO., 17 82 121 0 11 1170 172 2 40 I!) . Bloom. hit l'uisill E. Il " rieutl 1 Nancy, " Munay Joseph I',, Briarcreek. 100 .Miller Hei'.beu. 11175 52 20 0. 211 1 Miles hucy, 3) Vaiipclt Un t'l, ...wu... ul.lltlU, Conynyham. 2 liiown William, 1 i:,j 111 Patrick, 2 Casey Daurouce, '.' . 1'iestoii InipiovomsiHCOi, I.ot Y'orkey William, ' Greenwood. 8 Drelplepleco Jamci, Walls Joseph, 3 Colo Nicholas 3 Do.'kaiUstUu, Hemlock. 'I .SusijucliauuaBluto Coiupauy, Jackson, 2 Italstou J., William & John, & Hosier John, Locusts 3 Hi each Joseph, 0 Croul Jacob, 8 Doueboo Cameling 1 Mm. Charles, 1 Millard William. I Myers Jacob, DotHloyer Harah, 1 Thomas Hiram, J WutUlus UoboitM,. 2 eager Henry V Hupp Goorgo, estato, 1 Htiuuser Charles, Madison, 37 2 I H... 7 51 ll) , 2 J) Ul,0 1 W 12 jJ 12 ol 25 11 !'l 111 42 Ui Ui 65 121 5J 1 10 10 W) Whlpules James, estate. Pint. (ft Vox John. 8 71 3 45 16) 123 23 Mluler Charles, Greonly James, Hwlshcr l'hlllp, lioaringereek. Bherman Catharlno, 1 0; . l7Tr rr... r 1 ,n.r llloomiliurc. April 6, wi. Mnn nwifilt. Ml it 1 SO 3 111 W A II UW 4 A) 3 M 3 70 1 Ii 4 Ji 8 I, 12 21 li (il il i ii 21 III ,'J U I'l i, 0 S-, fl HI 1 I, 'in o j I) l 15 Ss 3 Oi 11 ill I?;!! 17 L, 0 71 low 2 SO Hi nl il HI II ;:i 2 M 2 .' 7 111 !l s; 2 'li 3 1,1 7 LU 7 l 7 2(1 7 UI ii! 7 211 7 2i, 7 2U 7 20 8 !)J I 01 1 11 1 41 11 7 1 70 1 .(, 1 02 11) 12 2 lil 7 ill) 8 311 2 11 2S2 101 no !l(l 123 I 77 7 1,2 lib, 0 3,1 5 td 0 ,2 .1 i: l :) 11 lii '111 1H7 li .',J 271 I w 3.17 1 II 7 to 710 1 la .1 3 . 0- 311 Til 174 II. 551 131 3 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers