THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. How to Sot Crtlilmire l'lnuR 'I'lio ralilmuo U n plant Hint iirciU tit Ik frr(nently worlccil, olllirr wllli tli hoc or plow; mul In trnmiplitntlnid tlmy Hlioiilil bo so But ns tu fucllltnto tlio ittler worklnir. Our exporlonco Willi Uipih 1ms been limited to irimlen ritllttrc, though on u ptotty lrtrgo scdlo j mill wo lmvo loiitf practiced n plnu of Botllni:. tlmt rotulcra tlio nllor-worklni? with n hoo n very quick operation. Wo first rldgo up tlio ground in beds, ns If for cotton planting and In dry weather, with tho garden lino, mark tlio row distinctly so that tho plants may bo set in perfectly straight llne3, which adds groatly to tho ftno appearance of tho crop In tho garden. This row la marked out, not on tho top of tho bed. hut on tho side of It, and ns near tho bottom of tho water furrow as It can bo, not to lmvo water stand or collect about tho plnnta when thoy aro set. Wo prefer u rainy spell for setting plant9, and tho operation la performed In tho usual manner with ashortpolntcd stick for a dibble. As soon as tho rain Is ovor, and tho soil dry enough, tho plants nro carefully but lightly hoed ovor j and wo find fro Miient stirring of tho soil, whllo tho dow Is on, curly in tho morning, very pro niotlvo of a quick, vigorous growth By reason of tho plants being set low down on tho sldoof tho bed, with tho rldgo of earth in botween every two rows, tho first threo or four workings aro vory quickly dono by merely draw Ing down a part of tho bed and pulling tho fresh earth up around tho roots Tho operation is much moro quick than when tlio plants nro set on level ground or on top of tho bods, as is tho practico of many persons. A chief advantage of this method, nlso, is that when tho oJrtli Is finally worked down to a level ns It will bo, after a few hoeiugs, tho plant is then found to bo deeply set tho ground, which Is very necessary, If tho cabbages aro expected to make firm heads. Arc Moles aPcstJ There is a great differenco of opinion as to this question. Our own la that tho molo is harmless as a rule sometimes it damnges lawns and gardens In per suit of its food, which usually Is tho earth worm. If it should go through a hill of corn and inluro it by loosing tho rootless, it is still In pursuit of the earth worm, which is, in dry times, found about tho roots of corn and other vogo tables, grass, &c, moro abundantly than elsowhero. So far as our observa Hons extend, wo havo nover known tho molo to eat vcgetablo matter. It would seem to bo, strictly, a carnivorous nni mal. And on this head horo is some- thing to tho point: Mr. Weber, ono of tho savausot Zurich, Switzerland, re cently oxamlned .tho stomachs of a number of moles caught in different localities, but failed to discover therein tho slightest vestigo of plants or roots ; whereas thoy were filled by tho remains of earthworms. Ho shut up soveral of these animals In n box containing earth and sod with growing grass, and a small caso of grub or earthworms. In nlno days two moles devoured 311 whito worms, 1C3 earthworms, 23 caterpillars, and a dead mouse. Fed with a mixed diet of raw meat and vegetables, tho moles ato tho meat and left the plants ; and when vegetables exclusively wero dealt out to them, in twenty-four hours both died of starvation. Oermantown Telegraph. rnmpklnsanioiie Corn. A correspondent of tho Country uenllenwn says : Corn, as wo all know, is a warm climate production, and needs all tho warmth of tho sun it can got. Whero tho land is rich, pump kin vines will almost cover tho ground, and consequently tho sun's rays cannot shino on and warm the ground, which is so necessary to a good growth of corn. This year by way of experiment I ploughed up 1 acres of moderately rich land, and planted two acres In corn and pumpkins in tho usual way, and tho rest half corn and pumpkins separate. The first grow well until tho vines be gan to run, and then it seemed almost to stand still; tho stalks wero largo enough, but it did not ear well, while that without tho pumpkins was tho best piece of corn In tho neighborhood. About two thirds was good for seed, whllo there wero moro than enough pumpkins to pay fbr tho extra land. Uso Siiliiliiir In Xcsts. Tho powdered sulphur sold by drug gists Is a cheap preventive of parasites upon young chickens. After a hen has been setting till well-established, sprin klo a small handful upon her eggs when sho is off, and upon every part of the nest and for n littio distanco all around it. When sho goes ou disturb her Just enough to makoherbristlo her feathers, aud then duet another handrul down to tho skin, upon her head, neck and every part or tho body not In contact with tho nost, and do not omit to put a small pinch under each wiug. Then when tho chickens aro hatched there will bo no vermin whatover to leavo tho hen and gather upon tho young, as Is fro qnently tho caso when no precautions aro taken. Ono thorough application such as wo havo described will suffice. llural Home. To Prevent Ilecs from Swarming;, Tako iho precaution, when they exhibit a disposition to swarm, to stop most of tho outlets from tho hive, so as toforco thom to occupy considerable timo in coming out. Tho swarm Is commonly mado up of young bees, many of whom cannot fly very well, ana as nothing can be dono by tho swarm until thoy aro all out of tho hive, but fly about in tho air, by prolonging tho timo of their coming out, tho feeblo ones becomo tired, and finding their plans frustrated, must alight to re-arraugo their Journey. If thoy can Jeavo tho old Ulvoall at onco, they earo very Httlo about alighting. Young Cattle. I fany farmer wants to stunt his young cattlo ho has only to turn them adrift, oxposed, to wintry winds, and feed them on dry rough fodder. But if ho wants them of thrifty and vigorous growth, r.nd to turn out well and hearty in tho spring, ho must houso and feed thom with a fair supply of good food, but not so much as to mako them gross and feverish. Good sheds, good beds, good water, chopped focd mixed with a Httlo bran, nn oc casional mess of cut roots, and on airing in mild weather, will keep tho young stock In growing condition, and In per. oct health. Young Folks. Tlllj'f l.ioii In (Ifiilogj. l'llly sat on tho old door stono with or two precious pebbles In her hands. 'hey wero smooth, mid whllo, nnd glls- toning, nnd camo from tho shoro of that wonderful ocean that Tilly always dreamed ubout, hut nover had seen. TheJStono Professor himself brought tho pebblas to Tilly, and when ho loaned out nt tho window nnd saw tho Httlo maiden holding thom ngalnst her round red cheeks, hosmtlcd n littio all to him self and camo and sat down by her, whllo Tilly looked shy and clad, but didn't speak n word, "You llko them, do you?" said tho Slono Professor; "well, I'll tell you n story nbout thom." "Many, many years ago, Tilly, long beforo cither you or I wero born, each ono of theso littio pebbles was a rough pleco of stono that had crumbled olf from somo great rock, and It fell Into tho water aomowhoro, only a river, but It lay In somo place, whero tho wave3 washed over It, and rolled It nbout, and very slowly theso wavo3 woro off tho comers and sharp edges, nnd very slowly tho rough stono grow smooth. If you hnd looked nt It ono May-day, and not seen it again till tho next May-day came, I sup030 you would hardly havo noticed any change, but it was Just a Httlo different ; every spring It camoout smoother than it was tho year before, till, nfter a groat while, all tho rough part was gone, and whnt was left was this beautiful round pebble." Tilly handled over tho two sho wn3 holding, whllo tho Stono Professor talked, and tried to make bcllovo they fooked as ho said they ussd to, but it was hard work to think that anything so soft as water could havo worn off such hard stone. "And this Is another treasure, I sup pose," said tho professor, picking up a pleco of pudillng-stono that peeped from tho Httlo rulllcd pocket of Tilly's apron; "maybo you think this stono wns made so; but it was not. Onco upon a time, a Httlo pllo of gravel stones lay In a hoi low all by themselves. Thoro camo a great rain, aud washed somo soft, sticky mud down, nnd covered them all up; it squeezed itself In among tho littio stones, and filled every crevice; then, when tho rain was over, tho sun shouo ou it, and baked it hard, and afterward It got covered up under sand, and earth, and stones, and thcro it lay, growing harder all tho time, till tho mud was a dark brown stono itself, when somo ono was digging there ono day, found this brown stone, all full of Httlo stones, that look llko tho raisins in your grandma's Thanksgiving pudding; and that's why they call It pudding-stone." Tilly laid down her pebbles and ex amined her queor littio bit of pudding stone, and then laid all threo in a straight row on tho door-stone. Thoy wero very precious in her eyes, aud sho was Just making up her mind tojmt them in her cabinet nnd label them "gems," as sho had seen somo precious things in tho professor's cabinot laboled. But Just then the professor wont on: "Hero's this rough, old door-stone, Tilly ; all tho scrubbing and scouring in tho world could nover mako it smooth and white llko that ono over tho way. But do you seo theso queer marks in it Just such marks as tho geeso mako in the mud along tho edgo of tho gutter, only over and over so much larger? Sec, horo is one, and hero is another ; regular bird tracks." "Why, so thoy are," said Tilly, get ting down on her knees, and laying her chubby fingers In tho marks. "And, onco upon a time you seo It's Just liko a fairy story onca upon a timo, tills old door-stono wasn't stono nt all, but just mud, stiff, gray mud, and a great bird camo stalking along, and left its foot-prints iu, And tho sun dried tho mud, and thcro tho tracks wero; and tho sand blow ovor thorn nnd cov ered tlicm up, and at last tho gray mud itself turned into stone. It was a great many years about it ; aud, in tho moan time, tho big bird and nil its relations had utterly disappeared, so that when at last men dug up tho stono, nnd saw tho curious tracks, they could only guess how tho bird looked that mado them. Just think, Tilly, tho bird that walked ovor this stono may havo died long beforo Adam was made." That was a long speech for tho Stono Professor, but Tilly seemed to liko it. Little Corporul. Tun Dutiful Doa. A shepherd in tlio county of Norfolk had n favorite dog, which had been his fuithrul com panion for many years. Ono day, this shepherd went to removo a flock of sheep from ono fold to another. Thoy had to prusby a gap In tho hedge, whero tho shepherd told his faithful servant to watch, saying, "You stand thero Jack !" After tho man had led his sheop to their now fold, ho went about other work, and thought no moro about tho dog until the oveningj but then, whon ho was sought for, ho was uowhero tobo found. Tho next day, tho shephord chanced to remember what he had told tho dog to do tho day boforc. Ho im mediately set out to tho placo whero ho had left hi no, and, to his delight, found him at his post of duty. Tho poornnl mal was much pleased to seo his mas tor, but ho did not movo from his post until ho was called. Might not many children learn n less of obedionco aud steadfastness in duty from tho shep herd's dog? Good Manners. Young folks should bo mannerly. How to bo so, is tho question. Many a good girl and boy feel that thoy can't behavo to suit thom selves In tho presence of company. Thoy feel timid, bishfui and self-dls-trustful tho moment they aro addressed by a stranger, or appear In company. Thoro Is but ono way to get over this feeling and acquire easy aud graceful manners, that Is, do tho best thoy can all tho timo at homo as well as abroad. Good mannors aro not learned by arbi trary teaching so much as acquired by habit, Thoygrowuponusbyuso. Wo must bo courtoous, agreeable, civil, kind, gentlemanly and womanly at homo, and then It will becomo a kind of second naturo to bo so ovory whoro. A courso, rough manner at homo bogots a habit of roughness which wo cannot lay off If wo try, whon wo go among Strang ors. Tho most agroeablo pooplo wo havo over known In company nro thoso who nro perfoctly agroeablo at homo. Homo Is tho school for all good things, especially for good manners. Patent Modicines. AN APPEAL l'o Debilitated Persons, Po Dyspeptics, l'o Sufferers from Liver Complaint, l'o thosu having no Appotlln, fo those with Hrokou Down Const I- tullotis. l'o Nervous neonlo. To Clilldron Wasting Away, To tiny With Debilitated Digestive Organs, Or suflerlna with mm ot the futlowbin Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, Bticli ns Con stlpatlnn, Inward Pllos, Fulness or Blood to tho Hcnd, Acid ity or tlio Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust fat Fond, Hour Erusc".atlous,siul(lngor Flul lerlugallho Pltof tho Stomach, Swim ming ot tlio Head, Hurried nud DllUcnlt llieathlh?. l'iuttcrlnff nt tlio Iln.irl. cunlilnir or suirocnlfng Sensations when In n Lying Pos ture, i'iuiiicns ui v isiou, i;ois or wous uoioro tho Stght.Fovernnd dull pain lu tlio head, Dcilcioucy of Perspiration, Yellowness or tlio Hkln nnd Eyes, ruin In tlio Hide, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden Flushes or Heal, Burning lu tho Flesh, Constant lmngiulugs of Evil, nnd great Depression of Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind, Is dllTercnt from nil others. His composed of tho puro Juices, or Vital l'rlnelple of Jloots, Herbs, nnd Harks, (or ns medicinally termed Extracts,) tho woithlessor Inert porllonsof tho Ingredients not belli!; used. Therefore, lu ono llottlo or this Hitters tuero is contained ns much medicinal vlrtuo ns will bo found In sovcrnl gallons of or dinary mixtures. Tlio Uoots, Ac., used In this Hitters uro grown lu Gctmnuy, their vllnl prin ciples extracted in that couutry by n Kcloutlno Chemist, nnd forwarded to the. manufactory lu tills city, Whero they uro compounded nnd hot tied, Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters Is Ireo from tho objections urged ngalnst nil others! no deslro for stimulants can bo In duced from their uso, tliov cannot mnko drunk ards, aud ennuotundornuy circumstances, have auy but n ctlect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Wns compounded lor thoso not Inclined to extreme miters, anil is intended for uso In cases when somo nlcoholio stimulant Is required In connection with tho Toulo properties oi tho Hit ters. Encli bottlo of ttro Toulo contains ono bot tle of tho mtters. combined with nnrn hanta CRUZ HUM, nnd Uavorcd I u such a manner I hat me extreme oiiicruess of the bitters Is overcome, forming n preparation highly agrceablo and pieusuut iu wio pninio, nnn containing mo medi cinal virtues or tne Hitters. The price of tho Tonlo is Sl.SU per Uottlo. which many persons think too high. They must take Into considera tion that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to bn of n puro quality. A poor nrtlcio could bo fur nished nt a chen per prlce.but Is It not better to pay a little moro and havo n good nrtlcio? A medi cinal preparation should contain nono bat tlio best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and bo boncllllei by It will HOOFLANDS GERMAN UITrEIlS, on HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO, WITH HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN l'IMj, WILL CURE YOU. Thoy nro tho Greatest UIiOOD P U R I F I E It 3 Known to tho Medical world, nnd will oradl catodlsoasosartslng from Impure blood, Doblllty or the Dlgestlvo Organs, or diseased Liver, Iu n shorter timo than any other kuowu remedies. Tho whole SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania SI'BU: I-OB THESE UEMUDIES. Who would ask for moro Dignified andStrongcr Testimony f Hou. Okoucje W. Woodwaisd, former Chief Jin ttce of the Supreme Court of rcnntylcanta, a present Member of Congress from rcmiitlmnla writes: PjllLAUEi.rJIIA, March Kith, 1807. I And "Jfoofland's German Hitters" is n good tonic, useful In discuses of tho dlgostlva organs, and of great bcnetlt lncascsof debility nnd want of action In tho Ej-stom, Yours truly UKOitau y. Woodwahd. DIou. JAMtaTiiOMSOX, Chief Justice oftheSupreme Omrf of rcnnsylmnta. PHILADELPHIA, April 28, 1SCT. I consider "lloofland's German Hitters" n val uable medlclno In caso of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience, of It. Yours, with rospect, Jajiks Thomson, Hon. GEonaic aiiAnswooD, Justice of the Supreme court of rennsytmnia. Philadelphia, Juno 1, lsoi I havo found bv cxDOrlcncothafllnnfltind'a German Hitters" Is n, very good tonic, relieving dj'Bpeptlo symptoms almost directly. UOiyj OHAESWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Rosers, Mayor of the City of Jluffulo. iV. r. Mayor's Ofllce. HufTalo, Juno 2, 1SC9. I havo usod "Hoollands Gorman Hitters and Tonlo" In my family durlm: tlio nast venr. nnd can recommend them an an excellent tonlo, im parting tone nnu vigor to mo system. Their uso lias becu productive of decldcdlv bonoilclal cllects. Wm. F. noui:r.s. Hon. Juiue.i Mi Wood, I'.c-Mjyor of inUftimjior( -Ta. I talcoureat nleasurotu recommending" Hoof. laud's German Tonlo " to uuv ono who uiav bn mulcted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keep my iood In my stomach, and I became so weak as not to bo ablo townlk half amllo. Two bottles of Tonlo elTectcd apcrlcjt cure. Jamks M. Wood. IMMEMISXR THAT ,FLAND'S GERMAN UITrERH, AND ' liAND'3 QEUMAN TONIO Will Cure every caso of MARA 8 M U S, Or Watting away of tho Ilody, REMEMllL'K THAT UOOFLAND'H GERMAN REMEDIES Are tho medicines! von renntrn In ,tui-trv ,l,u Hlood. excite the tornld Elver to henltliv nntlmt. and to enable you to pass.salcly throut;li any Dll. HOOFI.ANDH l'ODO V II Y Jj J, J iN , Substitute for Mercury 1' two 1'illu a dose. 'lhe most Poxcerul, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Catharlle known. It Is not necessary to tako a hacdfull cf theso Pills to produce tho desired ettect; two of them net quickly and powerlully, cleansing the Elver. Htouiacli and Howelu of all Impurities. The Crlnclplo Ingredient Is Podophylltu, or tho Alco olla Extract of Mandrake, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and searching than the Mandrake itself. Iu peculiar action Is upon the Elver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc tions, with all the power ol Mercury, yet Ireo from tlie Injurious results attached to the uso of that mineral. For all diseases In which the id of a cathartic Is Indicated, these pills will give entire saUsiac tlon in every case. They NEVER FAIL. In coses ol Elver CotnDkUnt. DvsneDAin nn.i extreme costlvencss. Dr. HooflauoVs German uuieni or lunio saoum do iuou in oonnccuon with tho Pills. The tonlo effect of tho Ultinm r.r Tonlo bulldsupthosystem. The Hitters or Tonlo punuca ine juoou, guengiaeus uio nerves, reg ulates the Elvor, and gives strength, energy and vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and touo up the system with Hitters or Tonic, and no disease can retain thr tnld, or even assail you. Recollect that It Is DIt. iIOOFEAND'H GER MAN Itemed les that are so uulversully iuoJ and highly recommended; uud do not allow the Druggist to luduoa you to tako anything thaVhe may say Is Just as good, bcoause ho makes n larger prollt ou IU Theso Remedies will bo uont by express to any locality, upon application to tho PRINCI PAL OFFICE, at tho UERMAN MEDICINE BTORE. 031 ArcliBt., Philadelphia. "'r' CIIAS. 91. UVANS, Vroprlctor. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists Uorekeepers, and Medicine Dealers very where Miscollnnooun, BOOTS & SHOES. AT e.m.kno:rks SPRING STYLES, THE LA'J'KST AND 1BK8T. Every variety Mr .Men, Women ami Children. OLD STOCK - Selling at Cost Id i IommiiiI (o mnlco room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND S13I3. J. UVANS. READY MADS AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. HE IIA8 THE " FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE IS V. S T IV O It K 31 S3 TJ. For good nts and promptness In nillng orders thel o Is tho placo to go. His goods aro selected with caro nnd his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with tho hest ellorts of tho fashlouahlo city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAItOE STOCK OF HOYS' AND CHILimEN'.S CLOTMNU AND (KELTS' S,Uit.V3SSiXV CiOORS, At Astonishingly Low Prlcoi. lllooiusburg, sopr, 15), iS71-tt JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKE IVY AND CONPEUTIONEHYI UHHWICIv, TENN A. ."2,.Vn.,l!cl'sl5n,?d w.?la respectfully Inform the Citizens of Berwick, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a Coulectlouery aud Bakery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, all kinds of ' prepared to lurnisn PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS &c., Ac, Ac, Ac. UY WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL. Among tho assortment will bo found Crrnm ft. ti'Rllsh Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds FiT berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa Hula, Jollies ol jiucr cut kinds, Mustaid, Catsup, Pickles. Chocolate KjnCHl lluX of,nU k' Voru Starch, ECg S s-' SonA Kwluac,l0'?stcr Crackers. Cheese, voiopes, "j'w , i-apcis, un- FISH AND OYSTEItS, And produco of all kinds. Fresh Bread nn rragsoKiteJdC.L'1CamlU cloa- Ye1" Berwick. Jan P7I-tv " JAC0I5V' JARRIAGE MANLJFAOTOlli , Eloonistourg, Pa. il. 0. SLOAN & BROTHER H ivo on hnnd ami for calo nt tho tnoi.t reasona ble rates a splendid block of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tlio best nnd most dur able materials, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out tram tlio estab lishment will bo found to boot tho highest clafH and euro to give porlect natlsUctlon, They havo also n lino usaortment of SLEIGHS of nil tho newest and most fashionable styles well and carefully made and of tho boat inatci lals, Anlnspectlou of their woik Is asked ns it 1 bellovcd that none superior can be found In tho country. jan 111 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN PltlOE J. H. HI A I 2 3 ' 3, Corner Main aud Centre Sts., BLOOMSBURO. A new block of l'rtsh Goods Just opened at m MAIZE'S. Tens, C'oirccH, SuBurN, SYRUPS and MOLASSES. CHEESE. MEATS. SALT, FIHII, etc. VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Sealed Goods. JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES, FOREIGN nnd DOMESTIC FRUITS. An Elogant Assortmont OF QUEBNSWAUB Constantly on hand. Also WOOD. WILLOW and GLASSWARE of every variety. All my goods aro of tho llrbt quality mid at ex tremely low prices. deca'71-tl j, u, MAIZE. AQElITSl WyeYeairWMMiaiisPiriiiis. Tho rcmarkablo adventures of the lamous WHITE CHIEF iind BIO WARRIOR awoug Ihl RedHklns. Thrilling accouuts ol Greut Hunts, Hairbreadth EbcapesoudTerriblo Contests with tho big came and hostllo tribes. Splrltod descrip tions of tho habits and superstitions of that Jtrango people. Their Sports. Legends, Tradi tions. How they Woo and Wed, SculpDoctor. Worship, ac. New, Fresh and Popular, Prlco Low. It Is selllrg by the thousands with won '.'1Iful rapid ty. Agents are making from rwto llWporweck. Choice Held yet vacant. Bend at once for samplo chapters, Illustrations and par ticulars to A. 11. HUB1IARD, Publisher. 1W Chestnut St.. Phlfa. "DLANK DEEDS. iim?,u5w U?V0 tho linestatsoilmentof BLANK i.WVSi'iP Lttu.a "! that wero ever JJSS.1. 1"'"0"bl"'f' EargaMioonbest pare -m.,t...p.a.1'et' 9""jmon Deeds, Executor's aud Administrator's Deeds small elzo Kood liitl! icap common Deeds, ftoT u Miscellaneous. jriLLElVa BTOKE. n. 11. MIM.UR AHON, havo irmnvcdtlielrBtorototlio loom formeily occupied ljyAteiidcnliall,oiiMalliMroet,lllomn. burg, nearly oppoillo Ilia Episcopal Chtircli wiiero iney nro dctorinlncdtosellotinimodoralo Icrmsnican bo procured clo where, Tliler stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS ol tlio choicest styles nnd lnlwt fashions, luRMlicr wiiu niargo assortment of Dry Goods and (Irn. cei Ion, eonsHtlitfl of llio following rl loleu Carpets, Oil Cloths, nibs, Cntidmores, Minwls, Flnnntls, Hltla, Whtto Goods Llncim, HoopBUIrls, Muslim, HollowwAre Cedar wart 0.ttnBwre, !!nr.lwar,, Boots nnd Stioet, Hats nnd Cnin Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looktng-Ulawe;, Tobacco, Calico, ' Uugars, Tons, Rise, Allsplcr., (linger, . Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONU GENEP.ALLY. In shoit, ovorylulng usually kept lu country torui, to which they Invito the attention of tho publlo Generally. Tho highest prlco will bo paid for country produce lu oxchanga for goods. n. H. MILLER A SON. octS17I-:f Bloomsburgl. N EW STOCK OP OLOTIIING. Fresh nrrlval of Sl'ItlNO GOODS DAVID I.OWENBERO luvltCH intention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his store on Mr.ln Street, In tho new block, Bloomsburg, Pa., whero no lias Just received from Now York and ruimueipnm a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and nauusome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOS, RACK, ROOD, GUM, 4.ND OIL-GT.OTII COATS AND PAN'IS. of nil corts.slzci nnd colors. Ho lias nlso rep leu Ished his already largo stock of CLOTH AND CASyiMEHES, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS 3HIP.T3, CRAVATS, STOCKS. COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES no nas constantly on uanu a largo una woll-co cctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he la prepared to mako to order luto.'.ny kind of clothing, on very Bhort notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ol ovory description, fino and cheap. ol fowciry Is not surpassed In thlslplacc. Call nnd oxamino his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AO. octl3'7I DAVID LOWENBERO. 11IE INGREDIENTS THAT COMl'OSK I10SADALI3 aro published on cvctyjtttkago, there- lure it is not a rcirei preparation, consequently riiYsicms jt.escuibi: it His a certain euro fur Scrofula, Syphilis in all iti forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Elver Com plaint and all ili.-casia of tlio Ulood. 0N2 BOTTLj 0? P.0SADALI3 will do moro food than ten bottled of tlio Syrups f Karsaparilh. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Ilwadalis in their practica for tho just threo years and freely endorse it is a reliable Altcratito and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. POOH, of Ellllmcio. DH. T. J. IIOYKI.V, " 1)11. It. W CAItlt. " 1)11 I' O. OA VNI'I.LY, " DH. J. S. SPARES, of Nlchohsvillo, DH.'j!'!. MtCMlTIIA, Columbia, S. ( . DJl. A. I). r.ODI.ES, Edgocemb, N. C. USL7J A1TD INDORSED BY J. 11. VIIEM'II . SONS, l'all River; Mass. r t. SMITH, Jit ( son, Midi. A. wiii', i.ii,u. oiuo. II. HAM., I.uni.OMo. rlUVEN & CO., (iradonsvllle, Va. SAJl'L. O. MiXADDE.N, Murfrcca boio,Tcnn. Our space wlllnot allow of any e. tomlcd remarks in iclntion to this ii.tucs.ol Rosddalls. Totho JledicJ l'jarcssion we guarantee a Fluid Ex tra: superior to any they liaso ever used In tho treatment of diseased hloiidj and to theatlllcted wo say try ltosa-lalls, and ui will bo restored to health. RosaJalls Is -ioIJ liv all TjrttrH.t.. UJtt rrico 01.33 per bottlo, AiUitsj CL3!!Sl?r3 Is CO. raJurirg ChtmUi, EaLTlllOIl:. all). JJALTIMORE l LviSTOa. Wo respectfully call tho attention of thoso desiring to iiurcluso our mnUo of Pianos. Wo nro saflslled that wo can glvo satlstactlon In every cai,o. Our workmen bklllful and oxpeilen cod and nro under tho personal supcrlnteudcuco of tho members or our Hi m. Wo uso only tho best seasoned tlmbor, and tho material iu geno rol Is tlrst class. Our Pianos without exception havo tlio patent agrntTes ariaugcmeut through out, which lu tho opinion of tho most compe tent Judges Is pronouncod vnluublo. By this Im provement a Piano Is mado more duiablo and kocps tho to-io longer. Wo claim for our instru ments that thoy aro becond to none, and they comblnoiill too essential elements that constf. tuto supcilor workmanship, Wo will glvo n ,vi men Kliuruuiuo lur avu years, Mr. CuNitAii Fbciuan, member of our Arm, will visit Bloomsburg lour times a year to re pair nnd attend to tuning or all Pianos. In tho absence ot Mr. FnEiMAH, Mr. I. K. Milleb will attend to our busluq&s In Bloomsburg and Is authorized to receive and solicit orders. Wo can glvo tho very best references. GAEHLE&CO. Baltimore, M. D; I. K. Miller, Denier in Pianos, Organs and Melodeons ilvo octavo and live stop organs ot tho best mntto, sold at Slid. Terms cosy, Juno 21 cKELVY, NEAL & CO,, DEALERS IN BUY GOODS, G HO 0 Ell IE S, AND G on ci I Jllei 'dli an disc, ULOOMSUUIta, I'A. JauM'72-tf trALUAULE PKOPEllTY FOR V HALE. Tlio uudcrfeiened wishlns to l ellre from busi. uehs now oirors nt pi Ivato salo Ids cntlro propor tvsltuated In OrimpnvlllA. rnnslHtlnL. nr n .tun. hull lutircbt lu tho well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, together with the Engine, Lathes und other Ma chluciy belouglug to tlio sumo, uUo the entire slock now on hand, together with it valuable pair of horses, and tho wagons, sleds, Harness, Ac.aUo his town lots on which is erected n good as the Dr. Iitl property about lea of which e cleared, the balance timbered. Prices reasonable. Posscsslcn given at i timo to suit purchasers. Apply to or uddres . ... UiJ.blsJH oct, 0,' Orangovllle, Columbia R08AOAU8 p'i'r . ... MiscellanoouB, 1872. 1872. NEW SrilTNO CJOODS. -:o: M. R LUTZ Hasjuit tetiiriied from Now Vmlt tlllin full llnbnl 11L.VOK AND COLORED fULKS, liYONS'StlACl'Dl'MiN'S, SILK I'ONdniiS, plain siflpo nnd bllene, .y (. t in a a, htlfpo nnd plain. CJltABH 0I.OTIIS, stilpo plain mid cliciie. WASH I'OI'LINS, and enlorul. hl'AUAX, J'AKUy PLAIDS, COLORED OA Ml! 11 1 OH, PERCALES, Wfi-IIITE GOODS, SUISSE, TARLATAN, VICTORIA LAWN, BISHOP LAWN, NAINSOOKS, PIQUES, LONG CLOTH, CAMIIRU. LINENS, NATKINS, DOIYIX. towi:ls, LACE CUP.TAIiW, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY AND QLOVES, aud everj thing generally kept In n llrst-class DRY GOODS STORE. BROWER'S RI.OCK, EAST OF CO CRT HOUSE, MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBb'RG, PA' QOURT PROCLAMATION. WliciiEAS, thollon. William Elwell, President Judgont tlio Couit of Oyer nnd 'IVriiilnor nnd GcnerHlJilil llfillverv. f?,nrt nr Oitirl ni M(.ui,.,... of tho l'eaco uud C'oui t of Common Pleas nnd Or- puaii Hioiiriui mo oiu juuiciai iiistriet, com posed of tho counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyomlug, and tho Hon. Irani Dorr and Isaac S. Mouroo Associate Judges or Columbia county havo issued their precept, beating d.ilo tlio 17th day or February, In the year of our Lord, ono thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one, und to modirceted lor holdlugaCouitot Oyer nnd Ter miner and General Quarter Sessions of th Poaco Court ot Common Pleas nud Orphan's Court, in Bloomsburg, lu tlio county of Columbia, ou tho tlrst Monday, being tho Gth day ot May next, tocontiuuo ono week. Notico Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tho Justices of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables ol tho fcnld county ol Columbia, that thoy bo then and there iu their proper person nt 111 o'clock in tho forenoon of hald uth day ot May witli their records, Inquisitions und other remembrances, to do thoso things whlcli to tholr oilleos iiiipertnln to bo done. And thoso that nru bound by recognizance, to prosoculo against tho prla. oners that uio or may bo iu thu Jail ot tho said county of Columbia, to bo then and thero to prosccuto them us shall bo Just. Ju rois ai o requested to bo punctual lu their attend nuce.ngiccnbly totholrnotlcos. Dated utlllooins f " i burg, tlio 5th day of April, In tho year h. s. J ol our Lord, ono thousand eight hitn '"tv drcd nnd suventy-two anil lu tho ninety filth year ol tho Independence ol tho United States of America. AARON SMITH, Bloomsbuig, April 5, 1S72. Shuiiif. Hloom J. J. Robblns. Plilllp Ever. j eavcr-ueorgo p. Drlesbach. Henry Hlnterlltcr, .m. ni.v uuiil'.i u, UUUKS011. Brlarcrcek-Arclilbald Hcury. Catawlssa-Charlos Krelgli. Centralla Robert Gorrell. Fianlclln Owun Kostenbauder, Flshlugcrcck Allied Prrston. Greenwood Wilson M, Eves. Jackson-Georgo Hiirleman. Ellslri Robblns. "omiocu-ielcrs. Ilruglur, Wllllain Annleiuan. nimnSr ' Jolm t-'hrlillan, James Malno-Geiirce lliclsch, Moutoui-Jolin G. (iul;k, Chilstlaii Clone). iiraugo-aeorg Apploman. Pluo Jacob Losg, Scott John Waters, PETIT JURORS. iimom Tiiomns ooddls, Thotnas llollinm, W. lloa'vcr Moses Hc'hllcher. Uarwlcjt-Wllllam J.Kuorr, Adrian Van Dough. ton, S. E. Walton. Benton Andrew'!'. Ikelcr. Brlarcrcck-D. W. Mart., Josi.ili U. M.nU. Centre Lnf.iyetto Creasy. Catawissa-Saniucl Dlcmer, Danlul Zarr Ir. 1 lshlugcrcek lames N. .lonos. Greenwood-Wllllain J. Cox, Rnb't M. Musurave Hemlock-Jolin Giuhor, Wm. II. Shoemaker. Locust-Dtvid Lclbv, Jolm Helner, Adam Dim mlng, Lucas Fahrluger, .'I'min Jacob G rover, Sam'l Beidleman.Chuilos CUi.UISW,, JKIIII V. 11IUWU. Madison Joseph Maust, Jr. Mt. I'icasaut-D. R. Appleman, A.J, llcolcr, John Montonr-E. O. Rleketts. John Snyder. Plue-Willlain 1'. Funs. Roarlugcrcek nenjamln Lovan, Scott James Meredith. T 1ST OP CAUSES I'OR TRIAL jus jiu .u.i 'ir.iti, iblJ. Gcorgo A Trick vs, ThomnsBtackhnuso Wiiium Longoiibcrger, tt al. vs. Hugh W. Mc- Reyno'ds, etal. A i '''' 1,aScmiau vs. Samuel Scliwerpon- JI!0110,1 "rovor'K ma' vs.Snvago firlght. Grover 'uso' Savago & Bright. Iliooiuall ft Co., vs. JIoNluplntshumau. KurU&Fuuston vs. Alfred Ernwluo, Clemtiel O, Rlckctt's adm'r vs. David Sweeney Thomas O'Conner vs. Mai tin aauohln. I.ewU I. Adams vs. I'lshlugercok School Dl I. E. Satterstliwalt vs. Frcdcilck Morcoron. Mankliu Township vs. John Melloynolds. Dan Ul F. Keyboit vs. Klinetop A Walton, Vcnlali Rceco'sndin'r. vs. W. A. Kline. it RU!'oMalll0a V"' I',"lad(jlP1'lllll"d Roadlug INjtruiMoniisliau vs. Philadelphia and Reading Roger Dlx'ou vs. Philadelphia and Dealing R, R, JVngR? II. Co?U'l!y v 1'hU.iiIuli.IiH. nn.i Re id. Fraiicls' J. Kllno v. Jacob Herring. E. O. Rlelietts vs. John Sweeney ot ul. oeorso K. I less vs. Joseph Wels tl'?'.K,"ail,or VM- Wlill.un . A. W, Eaton vs. Jo in L. linslnr ' AUUl'OW I'mvnl ni. vj 'l'lw....T.i IK. UHl',1,10 Uh0 V- j0h11 ""K Ct ill. I lank E. Brockwny vs Daukl y. b.-voi'i t. Oeorgo M. Baker vs. T. J. Iiwcll el l. I raslus Ross vs. Oliver A. Jacoby. George Wltmyer'aex'rs. vs. JohnSllner. a' 'S'r! iHZZrti- V"-,HUK"V' Mclleynolds. et ul. Allrare Ralimau Co a"Vm' Uuzll!l0" Susan Olllnm vs. Martin M. Brobst. fm fi?.?.1 ve- Bloomsburg Iron Co. Tho??W.,.1,1,114rit vs- H.ll" W Melieyiiolds. Thomas Williams vs. John Cain, EjtraS. Lyons vs. Solomon Dirk. Clark Mciill vs. A. 11. Stowurt. J. W. Masteller vs. Wllllain Williams, John . Alleger vs. II. G, Crevellnsf. Goorgo Swelgart vs. James W. Hnukcy. Bcujiimln Wagner vs. Joseph R. Rhodes, Daniel Suydor vs. John Mowry. M. E. Walker, mo, vs. Bloomsburg Lltcrurv In. . ktlttilennd State Normal School, i""!ur, Lavlua Golder's uso vs. Mathlas Kline. Sylvester J. Faux: vs. Jc&so Merril. w'V! Ifwuco ex'r. vs. Amanda .awrcuco. W. O. Oernid vs. John O. Jacoby. Wilton Agcr vs. 0, 11. Brockway. Mnry Miller vs. Jolm Minor's ex'rs. Mifjcollnnoouo. CONTINENTAL. Life Auriixranco Company. OP NT.W YORK. 1. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSBTS $5,500,000. TSSUESnll tho now form of Policies Xnud presenlsns lavorablfl terms as any com p my lu thu Uilllrd Slntes, The company will mako temporary loans on Its pnllrli-H. 'J lilrty days' qraconllnwcd on each payment, and tho poller held good during that time. All our policies nro Incontestable lor iho itsitnl causes. Policies Issued by this company nro non-forfeiture. No extra charccs made for travel Mm? nermlls. Policy holdcis sharo lu tho nununl prollts of uiu i-uuiiuu , iiiiu iiiivu ii vmco in ino elections nnd mnmtgement of tho company. No policy or medical loo chnrged. JUSTUS LAWRKNCE, Pres'l. , . W. II. WYNKOOP, VicoPres'l. J. P. RoriERa, Secretary, H. C. CitANUi.Lit, Jr Actuary, Central Office of Irlli-Easlern Pemi'a. "CoLTOruiAN" Building- BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jan. 5,1672-tf. Hail Roads. LACKAWANNA AND IiLOOMS BURG RAILP.OAH On andoUjrNov. L7, 1871, P-itsongnr Trains will run an follows : Going North. Going South Leavo Loave Arrlvo Arrive it. m. .... o.W ... s.H n. m. p.m. n.m Scranlon .. Pitts ton.... 1.11 11.52 l.V, LMI ID.05 10.35 Kingston ft. c.,, & Willarro C'rs iM Plymouth 8.1.1 Shlckshlnny.... 7.:io Berwick 7..1I Bloom 8.U5 U3I 12M) DM 11.11 2. UJ 2.10 3. CH :t.5l 3.07 11.00 unuvuio.. 10.50 4.1.7 Coulicctluil made fitSnranlnn liv llm m 10 n.m. train for Great Bond, Blughamtou, Albany uud ullpoiutsNoith, East and West. D.T. BOUND, Rup't. jORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL On and aftor Nov. liui'lS71, Trains if 111 leavo SUNnunv as follows : NORTHWARD. 12.'I0 p.m. Dally to Wllllamsport, Elmlra, Cannn dalgua, Rochcstor, BuU'alo, Su fpcnslon Bridge, uud N. Falls. 12.1) l'. M. BufTalo, N. Falls, .tc. G.501-. Jr., Dallv.foxccpt Sundays) Tor William sport uud Erlo. I.'ij i'. M Dallv. (except Sundays) fur Elmlra, Biiiralnnnd Niagara F.ill", via. Erlo railroad li'om Elmirii. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1.17 A.M. Dally for Baltimore, Washluglon and 10.01 A. M, Daily (except Sundays) for Ualtlmor Washington .ind Pnll.idelpUla. 1.10 I', m. Dally (oxcept Sundays) lor II iltlmoro. Plilladolplila, .ic. ED. S. YOUNG. Goncral Passenger Agent. Awitun It. Fist:. Gen'l. Sup't. gHORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD. Daiwille,Hazletoii&Wil!(esMiT3R.R. WIN THR A llIiANOLWLNTS. EASTWARD. WES 1' WARD. I.UAVK. A. M. Runbury Danvillo Citawlssa Hazleluil .... (!.:o .... 7.112 .... 7.2.S .... UUi V. 51. 12.10 J i Now Yoik. Hrid E.iston. Phlln CJ J Bothteti'ni, Ilcthlclicm, lJ 12.10 Hazleton. Phlladolphla Isj 2.15 Cntawlssa. iiuziuioii, ia i uunvillo. New Yoik. 3 5U I Sun bury. Tho aftornomi train connectsnt Suubury with ' V- "' train going West; iirrlvosat yuu-imsiwir,; uucic iiavcn i.ih p,m.,auii will: Iho Northern Central 1.50 p. m.. moving South ;..'"" 'mi lauiii ,.w i. in,, nun liaiiimori 10.1 j p. m., and nlso with tho Sunbnry aud Law. Istowu Rallioad. Comfortable and handsomu Caachei on this UUW IUUU'. J. 1IERVEY KASE, Sij. .'utondent. J EADINO RA1LROAI WINTER AUU.VIJOi.s-I I.N f . Mo:iiay, May , l.s.i. ..liroat Trunk Lino from tlio No: t! , -,d Nuith- West tpri'hlladolplila.Now York. Itv.u.iuu Polls vino, Tnmanua, Ashland, SU.i ni.:. 'a Luhauon .jiiemywu, liasiou, ispniaiu, jjiin, Lancaster i.umiuuia, ie., Trains leavo Harrisbuig fori.', w s,. . l. :o.' lowsi .it s,iu, a. m mill p. ia.. uccuiig wil l similar trains n- P. mi-ulvn nhi Railroad, and arrivtm. nt. m..v v.-.,-i. ,.i W W, a. m J,5.', aud D, 15 v. in. 10 poalvcly. Slt'eplug cais accompany tho 2,13 n iu. tiain without change Koturnlust L-avo IJewYoiltnt 12.1) noon and 5,JJ p. m. Philadelphia at ,7M, b.J0 thu b',3U n.m. train Irom N YwRliont chause. i.cavo iiarrisutu-i: lor Reading, Pottsvllie, la, Mlnorsvlllo, Ashland. Hliamoliln Al, lonlowu nud Phlla'd. at S.lUa.m.. una 2.UU nnd l.Uj p.m., stopping at Lebauon uud principal way stations: thoJ.Ojp.m. train connecting lor Phll'i , ii m0!1, s-01""3"'11 'y. l or Poltsvlllo I....I.J.UHI 4.i.,l;u m,u .mourn, via ucnuyiklli and bus,quehanna Uailiod, leavo II.nvls.burg nl East Pennsylvania Railroad tiaina loavoRcad. Ing for Allentowu Easton nud Now Yorkutlbi. 1U.J0. n. in . and 1.05 p. m. Returning, lcaw New Yoilt ut u.tW a. m., 12.SJ noon and 5.W p. m and Allcutown at 7.2dn. m. 12.2o noon, 2 15 1 vi Way P.issengor Tiain icues Philadelphia at JfWu.m couiiectiug with similar train on East Pa. rallioad reluming lr..j ReadlugatO,i;op.m. OUU,JIMUS lib Ull DLUUu. a. m., Ashland nl 7,j"n.ui. i.nd 12,11 iioon Mah nnpy City nt 7.15 n. ui. nnd I., n. m.T.imanim .ii ILIonwbrPlnooVovo K isf m i" Tralu leuvo3 otts at 1,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad I'n-.lus lenvo Heading nt 1 rl'.MVi'.H' "''" lor i:l'hr..ta, LltuVliue.u- j-urKiomen K.iu Uuad Tiainsleavo Porklomeu nllll,V m idH)r0,ili'-11'0aJ t'.'aln'i 'WVOPottKtown 'IJU'.m'A''1,;i(,-4,,J''n)'retu,'uln8 lave Mount ..wW...,.tU I.UVHHUU.UJU, in., o.w p.m. connect- lUU W II similar triihlani, IN.,!, II ,.' ii.UtH... 11 c?!,.tS';.yu"ey Railroad Tiainsleavo Bridge port at 8,30n. m. nnd 2.U5 nnd 6.32 p. m. return lu? leave Downlngton lit 0,10 a. in. UOcru Tiuiti ai lui itailioa, ."-" ",m"al u'' On Himdoi's, leavo Now Yoik nt 5,30 p.m.. Phil. Phla ut s,oo n.m. and 3,15 p.m., (tho 0,ou a m train fcavu A I lo n 1 mv twi i n Vk .?,'.. aJi.m IV .'.. "J Reading at 7.15 u. m, nud lo.3ip, m 'lor "liairll. burg, nt 5.tX)n. m. for ttow Yoik.ntV.ion m for Exe?l!U,l.!,,?,'',,"!!fi'?.,Jl H"?o. .-M duced rates. u "um I'oiais.une. llagi;nie ehecl.-r,.l ll,..,.!,. .n . each pnaleugcr" " ' w 'uuuu """" J. E. WOOTTEN, .,,,.. Asst. Bujit. i Eng. Mnch'iy. Roadlug, Pa., April 3. 1W1. ' PUPINESS CARDS, JJ VISITING UAIUM. villa a. m pubsos Reading at 7,30 a. m ar riving nt I hlladcphlaat 10.20 a. m. 'Return S ,,Valuao",ul,11 ,Qt i15 ' 'a., passing Road lug at 7,55 p.m., arriving at Pottsvllie at ff. V) p.m. Pottstowu AcoommoiiaHoiiTraiu.loavesI'otts. town nitnrnl,,.. ,V,ry'l.l.l:,"l.?. . .0 .vH,un , UI1WIIJUU, E1TER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROORAMMES, POSTERS, AO., AO. Neatly anil Oiioajily rrinlod From the Latest Styles of Type nl the COLUMU1AN OI'KJOK, i PntsiitMcclioiuos, JJENRYT. IIKLMHoi.dv. ' 'I ill 1' U tf ff I) I'Mji,, nxniAcr wtawiia O U A P E P ILLg ' """"1 mrfHuht street Ithubn, Huld tract aitau ba drape ,uMlf'illi"lrotll?,UJ,t Ju"iiruily ric , af;Thci7;;oimso.;-v f io finest t ,,arca,c,,t,. After n few days n ' Ue,, suen nn liivlgomtlou of the en ro . " ant. e ioV: ' "urncmol"tu"" u. . "vuuimiauriiBo Pills are not.,, eoated, f.-on, t,10 f1(ct Uml KUsnt.cJ , 11 old solve.butp.i,slhr2ht.iestomac , lllSSOlVllllf. C01isni,n.,ll . ' ""'""l.Oj tatoiheir i,r, , .':."": "or' "!10' ' . . CENTS PEit BOX. 1 "IC" 1 J' n wiNur t. JucLJinoLir,,. HIUIILY t'ONCDNTnATrll OOMl'Ol'Ml FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILL.v Will radically exterminate from iho Scroruln, Syphilis, FovorSores, Ulcers, Soiei-t Soro Legs, Soro Mouth, Horo llcnd, Brunei,,, Skin Dlsenses, Salt Rheuu, linkers, Rum, from tho Ear, Whllo Swellings, Tumors i i lugs, Night Swents, Rash, Teller, Humors ,n Kinds, Chronic Ulieitniatlsni, Dyspepsia, mm dlscaso that has boon established In tho si- .., for years. u Bolngpreparcd EXPRE-JSLY for thoubove . un, plaints, Its BLOOD-PURIFYING propilc'tes u grontcr than nny other preparation ol Sai- m rllla. It gives tho COMPLEXION n clear 'ai healthy color and icstores tho patient ton st n ol HEALTH nnd PURITY. For Purlryli,,. ,',, Blood, removing all Chronic Coiistltutlounrin eases nrlslugnom an Impuio state or the bio. And tho only relmbio nnd cllectual known u dy lor tho euro of Pains ami Swelllu s ot , Bonos, Ulcerations of tho Throat una I, Blotches, Pimples- on tne Face, Erysipelases all scaly Eruptions of tho Skin, ami lleautn . the Complexion. Prlce,Jl50perBolt!c. HENRY -T. HELJIIJOH' COKcnMIIATKD IVj UID BXTIIA OT JJ UCJU . THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cuicd every caso of Dlabetos in which i nk. been given, Irrltntlon of tho nock of the Bl.wui and Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Olccratn , tho Kidneys nnd Bladder, Retention of X rtue Diseases of tho Prostalo Gland. Stone lu the Hi. u dor, Calculs, Gravel, Brlckdusi, Deposit, nil Mucous or Milky Dlschaigcs, and for Enriein und DcIIcato Constitutions of both Soxes, atte i ded with tho following symptoms: lnd'hpu Hon to Exertion, loss ol Power, loss or Mcmor Difficulty of Broathlug, Weak Nerves, Treia. bling, Horror of Disease, Wakoiulness, Dinm, oVisIon, Pain lu tho Bock, Hot Hands, Fiusu lngol tlio Body, Dryness ol Iho Skin, Krupii, on tho Face, Pallid Countenance, lulyei Lassltudo of tho Muscular System, etc. Used by peisous Horn mo nges of eightem to twcnty-Uve, nud from thlrty-llvu to lllty-Uvo oi In tho dcclluo or chnngo of life; nfter coun.i mcnt or labor pains j bed-wettlnrj In children Heiiubold's Extract Iluciui is Dluruiic .. Blood-Purllylng, nud cures nil diseases a,,. fiom Habits f Dissipation, nud Excesses u Imprudences in Lifo, Impurities or the etc., Euporscdlus Copabla In nireotlons far nine It Is used, nnd SyplUlltlo Affoetn'ius- in tnts diseases used In connection Willi II EI..M m 1 ' ROSE WASH. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladles, ii.t i tract Biichu Is unequalled by any other run, j' as Is Chlorosis or Retoutlon, Iiregulaniy, , fuluesa or Suppression of Custoinaiy v.m- , tloni, Ulcerated or Schlrius SUttooi tho t , . Lcucorrha'aor Whltcu.Storillty.umliorati , ji plaints incident to the sex, whether arising n. Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It ,,r scribed extensively by tho most omlnuut p, laus and Midwives for Enleebloil and ts 1, Constitutions, ol both sexes and nil a-i-s..,,, ded wllh any ol tho abovedlseasesur -Via , 11, T. HELMROLD'S EXTRACT BUC1II" CUR1H DISEASES ARISING FROM I Ml . DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ET , in nil tholr stages, at Httlo expense, lit' le in u chaugo lu diet, no Inconvenience, and nn posuio. It causes n frequent deslio, and glv stieugth to Urinate, theieby removlng'Obstrui Hons, Proventlng and Curing Strlctuics of tu, Uietha, Allaying P.ilu and lull.iminatlou, s frequent in this class or dlscasoi, and expel, all Poisonous matter. Thousands who lmvo been tho victims oi m compelout persons, and who havo paid lu aij fees to bo cured In n chart timo, lmvo found im . havo boon dicclveJ, aud that tho "Poison" lu by tho use of "powerful astringents," been art, up in tho system, to break out In a moro uggr, vatcd loiui.aud perhaps alter Marriage. Uso IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC1IU lor u Allectlons nail Diseases of tho Urinary Organs whether existing In Male or Fomalo, liotu over causo originating, and no matter or now long standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AN1. FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S iri r PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo sarpissod ma FACE WASIEauJ tv bo found tho only spoelllo roraody lu cv species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. 1 sp -e dlly eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCORIR i DRYNESS, INDURATIONS or tho ('UTAH Ei ' MEMBRANE, etc., dispels REDNESS und ' CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, RA MOTH PATCHES. DRYNESS OF SOAI.P Ob SKIN, FROSTBITES, and nil purposes lor wlm a SALVES or OINTMENTS are used; restores i. sklu to n state of purity and softness, and in sures continued healthy action to tho tlssuoo Its ve&sols, on which depend tlio ngrecablo clear ncss and vivacity ol complexion so muoh sougi,i and admired. But liowovcr vnluablo as remedy fur existing dofects of tho sklu, H, T Hclmboll's Roio Wash lias long sustained n principle el ilm to unbounded patronago, o. po-,seslng i nlltlcs which render It n TO.l ti' APPEMDA i of the most Superlative tu 0 Con.'cnlal c iracter, coiublnlnj In nu cK i formula thosi romlncutroqultlts.HAFLTYi.. u EFFICACY tL i invariable iiccoiupanlmeni t Its uso as a Pi -.ervntlvo aud Refresher of to Complexion. It is an excellent Lotion for d eases of a Syphllu in Naturo, nnd as an liijc,ii..i. lordls isosoftlie I'rluury Organs, arising fium habits ot disslpat.ini, used lu connection ivit, tho EXTUACTS IIUCIIU,SAR3APARILLA, a CATAWBA ORArE PILLS, In such dlsc.vos a recommcu.lcd, cunnot bo surpa-ied. PRIi I' ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Full and explicit directions na-i r.lpai,) v - lucdlclues. i.viacucoor tno most lospousiuio nnd rcu. ,- character furnished ou application, with " dreds of thousands of living wltnessou, nud t,, ward or 30,o unsolicited cei tlflcntca and rccoin moudatory letters, many of whlcji nro from tu highest sources, Including eminent Physical). Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. Tho proprietor h nover resorted to tholr publication In tho now papers; he docs not do this from tho fact tha his articles rauS as Standard Prenaratlons, nnr do not need to bo proppod up by certificates, E5cnry T. tloluibuld'u fieaitilnt Prcpni'ittloiiH, Dcllveied to nuy address. Hoiurofiom (-" vallon. Established upwards of twenty ycaia. Bold b; Druggists cvcrywhoio. Address letters fur lu formation, In confidence to HENRY T. HELM BOLD, Druggist and ChtmUt Only Depotst II, T, IIELMBOLD'S Drug nn, Chemical Warehouse, No, 601 Broadway, Nov York, or to II. T. IIELMBOLD'S Medical Dtpoi 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. VOH LIVER COMPLAINTS Jtr,.. 1O0H AFFECTIONS. BWIC oWi'. - "" HEADACHE, COSTI VI3NE8H. I x0N U EGIlrAIILE, CONTAINING No m,' L 1,1 ' MINERALS OR I.EUirKltlotW I i f ' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITERS.