The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 19, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Bloomsburg, Friday, April 19, 1872
Railroad Timo Table.
Nortli. South.
Mull 10;.')1 A M, 6:18 P. M,
Accommodation 1:1s a. si. jwoui. ii
press t:V8 1". M. 0: J7 A. M
OolncNnrlli. Coins South'
4:08 P. M, "I" A. M.
Democratic County Convention.
Notion In hereby given ttint In pursuance of tho
Utiles for the governance of tho Democratic, patty
of the Cotiuty of Columbia, adopted December
81, 1S70, a Convention to elect n Representative
Delegate to tho Stato Democratic. Convention to
bo held In Heading on tbo 30th day of May, 1872,
and to cnooso Senatorial Confereco to meet sim
ilar Conferees from tho countlea of Lveomlnir
Sullivan ami Montour, will bo held (it tho Court
House, lnllio Town of llloomsburg, on TUCS'
DAY, the llth day nf May, 187;, at 2 1 M.
Tho election of Delegates to tho said County
Convention will beheld on SATURDAY, tho llth
day of May, 1872, between tho hours of threo and
(.oven 1', M at the usual voting places. Dele
gates to bo voted for ns prescribed by tho amend
od rules.
lly order Democratic Standing Committee.
C. U. 11A11KLEY, Chairman.
To ttio School Directors of Columbia County,
Oitrm.EMKNl-In pursuancoof tho lorty-thlrd
section of tho Act of 8th May, 1551, and supplo
mcnts thereto, you are hereby notified to meet
In Convention, at tho Court House, in lllooms
burg, oil tho FIltST TUKSDAY IN MAY, A. D
157 A being tho seventh day of tho mouth, at one
o'clock In tho afternoon, and select viva voce, by a
majority of tho whole number of Directors pres.
ent, one person of literary and scientific ncqulro'
ments, and of skill and cxperlenco in the art or
teaching, as County Superintendent, for tho
throe succeeding years; determine tho amount
of compensation for tho same, and certify tho
result to the StateSuperlntendent.nt Harrlsburg,
as required by law.
C. O. llAItKLKY,
County Superintendent of Columbia Co.
llloomsburg, Pa., April ID, 1872.
The accounts of II. L. Dleflunlmch
having been purchased by 0. B. Brock-
way, settlement of tho samo will bo
miulo to hlra, Instead of 0. W. Miller,
as heretofore.
Never tnko off ilannel becauso it
looks llko spring. Flannel never looks
like spring.
The Governor has signed tho Blooms
burg Water Works bill and it is thero
foro u law.
Bishop Howe will visit Bloomsburg
on tho (Jth of May next, and Catawlssa
tho samo evening.
A numiieh of rafts havo passed down
tho river lately, but tho water is not as
high as could bo wished. Tho ice has
never disappeared more quietly than
this year.
Farmers who have begun plowing
Btato that tho frost is nearly out of tho
ground except in placos of inoro than
usual exposure, near fences, &2 whero
tho ground 13 yot frozen.
Our townspeople will bo glad to
know that Mr. John Stees has returned
tOjJJloomsburg afi3 resumed his old
position in tho Post Oillco. He Is prompt
and obliging and a blessing to the pub
lie as a mail dcspatchisl.
We havo been shown a lemon, grown
by a gentleman of this town Which is
of most unusual size. It measured
11x11? inches, and weighed ono pound.
Tho treo bore several others of nearly
equal size.
If that vcnerablo exponent of pationco
Job, had wrestled with a cold in the
head with soro throat accompaniments
for a couple of weeks, ho would havo
oxpressed his opinion forcibly, wo know,
for Job was a man after all.
The valuo of real and personal prop
erty in Allegheny county, Pa., is
$300,181,070. Tho combined valuo of
property in Delawaio, Flodda, Novadn,
Oregon, and Nobraska, amounts to
$293,314,015, or$Gl,8GG,15j less than that
ofasinglo county in this State.
As a remedy for painful wounds, it is
recommended to take a pan or shovel
with burning coals and sprinkle upon
them common brown sugar, and hold
tho wounded part in tho smoke. In a
few minutes tho pain will bo allayed
and recovery proceeds rapidly.
An Indiana editor makes a pathetic
oppeal to Ills readers, saying: "If there
is anything you know, that is worth
knowing, that wo ought to know, and
you know we don't know, please let us
know it." And that is the sort of thing
wo wish to know, you know.
A Lamp oxploded in tho liouso of
Mrs. Adams, on Main htreet, last week
and very nearly produced a eonilagra
tlon. Tho flames were finally extin
guished by sorao neighbors who went
to tho assistance of Mrs. Adams, aud
some articles of clothing wcro all that
wore destroyed.
Laborers aro hard at work on tho
North Branch canal, widening and
deepening tho ditch. This will onablo
boats of larger tonnago to use tho canal,
and will better accomtnodato steam
boats, if such aro found sultablo for tho
work. Tho water lias already beon let
to the West Branch canal.
An attempt was recently made to
burn tho lino music hall in Lewisburg
by saturating tho floors and stairways
with coal oil. Fortunatoly tho incen
diary closed tho outer doors of tho
building nnd thusdostroyedthodraught
so that tho tiro went out. Tho scoun
drel who mado tho attempt has not yet
been discovered.
We havo received a communication
Blgncd "A Citizen" in relation to "Lo
cust Township Institutes," but as tho
uarao of tho writer is not given wo do
not publish it. Wo havo constantly as
serted our position on this point and
shall udhero to it. Communications
must bu signed by thu wrltor, not for
publication, but as ovldoncoof tho good
Intent of tho writer and for tho protec
tion of tho paper.
The Town Election. Wo under
stand that the election of Dennis, tho
colored Councilman, at tho lato town
eloctlon will bo contested at tho coming
torm nf court, and no doubt tho roturn
will bo sot aside ns falsa on tho grounds
that tho tickets voted for him wero illo
gal. In this caso a very small trick,
very stupidly executed, will fail of its
purpose, and all tho persons duly elect
od by lawful votes will constitute tho
council for tho coming year.
An Alabama lion has laid eovornl
black eggs, causing great consternation,
They say It Is tho sign of a coining ne
gro war.
Thero was a block egg laid In Blooms
burg on Tuosday of last wcok and wo
aro curious to soo what it will hatch out.
A llat-boat was capsized whilst cross
ing tho river at Wapwollopen on Wed
nesday last, and two men, whoso names
wo havo not learned, and threo horses
wcro drowned. Ono of tho mon was a
teamster, tho other Is reported to bo
connected In somo manner with tho
'owder Mills at Wapwollopen.
CoAij dealers aro In much bettor
spirits Just now than merchants having
Spring dry goods and clothing for sale.
Wo don't know how tho doctors feel
about It, but should fancy that thero
was enough human discomfort extant
to render them perfectly happy.
An oxchango volunteers tho follow
ing ndvlco for April Don't bo taken
In by meteorological falso pretenses.
Stick to your woolens until tho settled
flno weather cornea in early June, un
less you wish to bo cut off untimely by
a sudden wcatlier stab through your
unshielded epidermis Into tho wind-
plpo or lungs.
Accident. A daughter of Philip
Fenstcmuker of Ncscopeclc township,
aged about 17 years, was burned to n
crisp on Monday last, by her clothes
taking flro in some way that Is not
accounted for, sho being entirely alono
in tho houso at tho time. Sho lived
but threo hours suffering Intcnso pain
when death camo to her relief.
An editor whoso memory is of tho
highest order, discourseth as follows:
Will somo ono nleaso send us that
item about tho Wisconsin girl who
ploughs nnd harrows and plants forty
llvo acres of land with her own hand ?
Wo cannot roallzo that it is siirinetlmo
till wo'voread that item. Wo haven't
missed it for ten years.
The following record of proceedings
in tho Luzemo county court at Wilkes-
Barre, boforo Judge Klwell will explain
McNolsh it Williamson vs. N. Y. &
Pa. C. It. It. Co. The rulo to show causo
why defendants shall not bo allowed af
fidavits discharged, and on motion of
plaintiffs' counsel that tho President
Judge indlcato tho adjacent county to
wnictt mo caso snail do removed, tno
President Judge names Columbia coun
ty ns such.
We call attention to tho advertise
ment of Jay Cooko & Co., rclativo to
tho Northern Pacific It. K. 7-30 Gold
Loan, to bo found elsewhere. A largo
number of documents, map3, &c., sotting
forth tho advantages of this investment
havo been liberally distributed through
tho town and those desiring to obtain
tliem can do so at tho Bloomsburg
Banking Co.
In tho present rago for naming every
imaglnablo stylo of thing nnimato or
inanimate a "Dolly Varden" wo aro
suro that somo ono will eventually al
lude to tho late snow storm as bearing
that titlo. To bo in timo, theroforo wn
would stato that tho "Dolly Varden"
storm was of nature's nowest and pret
tiest-patterns though not ono of hor
most comfortable dresses.
This most extraordinary winter gavo
fresh evidence of vitality by a snow
storm of fair dimensions, on Monday.
Tho ground wa-s whitened, although
tho Hakes melted rapidly. In tho far
West snow has fallen in astonishing
quantities, blocking up railroads and
destroying life by avalanches. If this
sort of thing keeps on, strawberries will
beeomo a fall fruit and all apples will
bo winter ones. It lias been many
years sinco snow has visited this part
of tho country at so lato a ditto as tho
lOth of April.
Very nearly a flro occurred at Espy,
on Monday, at tho storo of John W.
Hoffman. A lot of rags had been sort
ed and wero lying partly on tho floor
and partly in a largo box. In tho room
was an old stovo which was seldom used
but on this day a flro had been lighted
in It, which in somo mannerset flro to the
rags. Mr. Sehug, who was working in
tho garden behind tho building, noticed
tho sraoko and gavo tho alarm. On en
tering tho room tho flames wcro seen
caching nearly to the ceiling. Prompt
and energetic measures wcro taken and
tho flro finally extinguished.
We havo received a communication
from Ceutralia asking why tho Colum
ihan lias not been sent to tho writer
sinco April 1st. In reply wo would say
that. sinco tho establishment of tho Co-
IjUmihan in January, 1807, our Contra-
a friend lias not paid a cent and in ac
cordance with a rulo adopted by us wo
nivo droppetl his namo, as wo further-
noro intend to do in all such cases after
tho ensuing May court. A newspaper
ofllco calls for cash payments for labor
and material and wo cau.not afford to
furnish papers gratuitously. Wo trust
that those whoso names tiro dropped
will appreciate our motives.
It has been said that crlnio is epide
mic and it would seem thatcaroUswess
Is also, it wo aro to heliovo tho reports
of the papers from various-parts of thu
State, and that meanness is the suro ac
companiment of carelessness. We havo
read lately of a dozen different cases
whero men havo lost largo sums of
money nnd havo bestowed on the Sud
ors therouf tho most insignificant To
wards. Tho sums lost vary from 5000
to $3000 and tho rowards from ton cents
to ono dollar. If these stories nro truo
it may bo argued that tho mean men of
tho community havo all tho money and
that tho poor ones nro all honest. But
it is singular to say tho least that tho
dropping of well filled pocket hooUs
should havo become so general.
On Friday night luntConstabln Wood
ward provided two votaries of Bacchus
with lodgings in tho Lock-up and on
Saturday accommodated James Green,
tt gentleman of tho African persuasion,
in a llko manner. Mr. Green lias Hinted
his Intention to bo tho noxt Chief of Po
lice of tho town, (elated probably by
tho election of ono of his race to tho dig
nity of a Councilman) and wo aro thero
foro constrained to boliovo that ho
voluntarily entered the gloomy por
tals of tho lock-up in order to itcquiru
nn experience as to its comfort ami con
venience, which would hoof use to him
in his ofllcial capacity. History has fur
nished us with similar examples of self
assumed discomfort, to result ufter
wards in tho public welfare. Wo pro
sumo that tho thoughtful and dignified
cltlzona who voted for Mr. Dennis will
confer a llko favor upon Mr. Green,
A young lad aged about 12 years, son
of Michael Crooly, In "Montour How"
In thlsplaco,waskllled by bolngthrown
from ono of tho freight cars at tho tun
nel head of tho Pennsylvania compa
ny's furnaces. Tho wheel of tho car
passed over his head, killing htm In
stantly. Danville lntclllgcncar.
LAMON In Hrlarcrcolt township, on Saturday,
tho lltlf lust,, James Lainou, aged 81 yotrs,
Mr. Lauion was tho father of William
Lamon, our County Treasurer, and a
man of integrity and intelligence Ills
llfo lias bccn'inalnly spenton his farm.
Ho was universally respected by his
neighbors and dlod at a rlpo ago with
tho knowledge of a well spent llfo of no
tlvo exertion.
A man In New Jersey, whllo moving
last week, placed a hog In n pen fapnn a
wagon in such u condition that tho hog
was compelled to rido backward. When
ho reached his destination tho animal
was dead, ills death being occasioned, it
is said, by tho manner in which ho was
being conveyed.
Tho nbovo statement fills in with un
bounded astonishment. Wo havo known
of delicate women who could not etuluro
riding backward but havo never heard
ol a pig wlioso nervous organization was
so easily upset. What renders tho affair
still moro dlfllcult to comprehend Is
that tho pig was notonly raadosick,but
died from tho ride. Tho fact in wo don't
boliovo It; tho pig demised from some
other cause. Probably ho was not used
to driving nboutand was scared to death
by tho condition ot tho Jersey roads.
Take your homo paper; it gives you
inoro uuwa of immediate interest than
New York or other papers; it talks for
you when other localities belle you; It
stands up for your rlghte;you always
have a champion in your homo paper,
and those who stand up for you should
certainly be well sustained. Your
Interests aro kindred and equal, and
you must riso or fall together. There
fore, it is your interest to support your
homo paper; not grudgingly, but in a
liberal spirit; as t, pleasure, not as a
disagreeable duty, but as an investment
that will nmply pay the expenditure."
Tin: forests of many of our States are
rapidly diminishing, and this is par
ticularly stated of tho plno forests of
Pennsylvania. For ten years past tho
consumption of timber to supply the
numerous saw-mills of Williamsport
alone has been immense. Tho amount
of logs rafied out of tho boom for tho
present season will cut over 210,000,000
feet ol boards. It is safo to assumo that
300,000,000, feet aro annually manufac
tured at Williamsport. If wogo back ten
years wo havo tho cnormott s aggregato
of 3,000,000,000 feet. That this fearful
consumption of tho raw material can
contiuuo for many moro years is im
possible. But thu loss of tho supply of
lumber is not tho only evil result of de
nuding tho country of foresls. Tall trees,
by detaining mists and fogs until they
havo timo to form rain clouds, exerciso
an important influence In determining
tho quantity of' rain for tho year. A
Stato which destroys its trees will soon
suffer in climate.
A Wohij to oun Keadeiu. Sinco
re-assuming control of tho Columbian
wo havo mado no effort to increase its
circulation, depending upon its solid
merits as a newspaper,!ind tho unbouglit
organ of tho entiro party of this county.
It is personally gratifying to us to be
ablo to stato howovcr, that our circu
lation is steadily and surely increasing,
an cvidenco that our labors and expense
in behalf of tho organization aro not
unappreciated. Wo aro thankful for
this moro from a parly than a personal
reason, becauso it evinces a lively inter
est in tho questions at issue, and unmis
takably shows that our friends are fully
alivo to tho issues at stake the present
As a party wo aro solid and united,
nnd feel assured of victory this fall.
Constant and untiring action will eee
us successful.
We do not demand that support shall
only bo given to us. Head our paper,
and if in useful information, news,
general reading, &o.t it is not equal to
others of "tho sam'o faith and order,"
drop it aud tako somo better ono. Keep
protect frown down divisions and
let tho people rulo tho party, and not a
few self constituted leaders did take
political action.
Negroes in Politics. For soveral
years past tho negroes of tho South
havo controlled its politics, but the
"tidal wave" is now extending north.
Their organ, a now-paper published at
Harrisburg, call Our SVationul Progress,
instances the fact that Ohio has sent one
negro to tho Kepublican National Con
vention, and insists that the negroes of
this Stato ought to havo at least two, if
not three, delegates. The editor puts
tho cause thus:
"Let colored men insist upon their
recognition and respect for their polit
ical power.
"Tho issue must be made, and it
might as well ba made now as here
after. Somo republican.? aro saying
'wait!' nnd somo of them will 6jy so
for all oternity. Colored men respect
In obedienco to tiiis iloin.ind tho Re
publicans elected u colored councilman
in this town last Tuesday u week and
at their Stato Convention on Wednes
day of tho tamo week, selected Robert
Purvis, a negro, us ti delegate to their
National Convention. Tou the marl:,
gentleman ; you must como to It.
At a meeting of tho Council of St.
Matthew's Lutheran church, Blooms
burg, held April 10, 1872, tho following
preamble aud resolutions wero present
ed and, on motion, unanimously
Whereas, our Pastor, Rev. B. F.
Alleman, feels It his duty to resign his
pastoratu for auotlier field of labor and
usefulness, and
Whereas, Having sorvod us faithfully
and acceptably for llvo years, aud tn
deared himself to us by his high moral
worth and Christian character, his pi
ous example and earnest endeavors to
promote tint causo of Christ in our
midst, therefor
Unsolved, That wo accept his resigna
tion with sorrow, sincerely regrottlng
tho circumstances which led film to
hover his connection with us as Pastor
to people.
1'esotved, That wo cordiallycotnmend
him as a faithful minister of tho Gospel,
an ablo preacher, a zealous and devoted
pastor, and tender to hlmsolf and fami
ly our warmoit regards, coupled with
our best wishos for his future welfaro
and prosperity.
Jtesolved, That a copy of these reso
lutlons bo presented toourrotirlng pas
tor and that they bo published In tho
town papers.
Wsi, J. Bidi.eman, )
1,8. Kuiin, Coni.
A. W. Fhy, J
Loss of llfo has been again caused at
Ltttlo Cottonwood,Utah, by avclanches
of snow. Snow thero lselx feet dcopon
n lovot.
Wo oro happy to stato that tho Nor
mal School was liovcr In a moro pros
perous condition than now. Thero nro
1C0 students nt present and It is moro
than probable that tills number will bo
Increased yet more. Tho tchool has n
popular and energetic Principal and
everything works smoothly. Itlsnrenl
pleasuroto us to bo ablo to moko this
Hon. W. M, Piatt, ex-Speaker of tho
Pennsylvania Scnate,wns assaulted last
week In his oillco in Tttnkhannock, by
William B, Harding, who was arrested
and held to ball. Tho difllctilty nroso
out of a controversy about a school In
tho establishment of which Piatt was
The Behwick Roi.lino Mn,r Co.
On Monday evening, April 8th, 1872,
tho stockholders of tho now rolling mill
enterprise met ot Jackson & Woodln's
oillco and effected an organization. Tho
project will bo rapidly pushed to com
pletion nnd it Is expected that tho
branch railroad will bo built and tho
rolling mill bo In operation in about
four months. Tho tltlo of tho now com
pany ls,tho"Berwick Rolling Mill Co.,"
and tho following gentlemen composo
Its management for tho ensuing year:
M. W. Jackson, President; Georgo B.
Thompson, Vlco President, Treasurer
and General Manager. Directors, W.
II. Woodln, Hudson Owen.C. O. Jack
Jackson, O. R Woods, S. C Jayno, L.
T. Thompson. II. M. Hockman; Her
volvk Independent,
Hook Notices
"Back-Loo Studies,"
In this unlquo series of papers, now
appearing In ScniiiNEit's Monthly,
Mr. Warner, author of "My Bummer
in n Garden." is deing Ills best work.
Hero wo have, in a pleasant fiction of
a talking group in iront oi an oiu
fashioned country back-log, philos
ophic suggestion, sarcasm that smiles,
not sneers, bright bits of description,
social out-looks,, enlivening all,
a fiesh," crisp, yet juicy" and delicious
humor. Back-Lou Studies havo been
quieklv appreciated by tho press. Tho
Now York Timessays that tlieso sketch
es, "for light, airy, but genulno deline
ations of character, havo rarely beon
surpassed by any writer of tho present
day." Tho Jloston Transcript says that
"for delicacy of touch, quaint senti
ment, and quiet humor, Back-Loo
Studies aro tho best of things in tbolrt
way." Tho JVation thinks that Back
Loa Studies No. III. "renews and
increases thoevidenca piven in his pre
vious performances that wo havo in
him a humorist of real merit.' Writ
inc of ono of theso nancrs. tho N. Y.
Mail says it is tho "best thing ho has
written, and tno nest mine: in its way
any American or English magazlno has
had for many a day; " anil tno Jiosion
Commercial Bulletin says: "Back-Loo
Studies constitute a decided hit in
magazine literature." Another of these
delightful papers will appear in tbo
nri number ol acriuner's mommy.
which will bo for sale by all Booksellers
and Newsdealers. $1.00 a year, 30 cts.
a number. Sciubner &Co., G01 Broad
way, New York.
Tho fullowlnrr trentlemen have directed us lo
announce their mimes as Candidates lor the
Oillce of Kuperluteudeutof Common SSchools of
this county.
nOBHINS-On February tilth. 1871 Charles It.
non of Cyrus and Lavlna Kobbius,agcd-ycuH, 3
momnsunu t uays.
O! wo'vo Iriln rmr lnrllnf:Chnrl!o
Kurlv la the h'Jent tomb,
Just whllo earth ludress't tho saddest
K'er flowers he gnu to bloom,
Charlie, loved one, God 1ms tnlccn thoe.
Puralastnn moro, we know,
W his little voice in HweetmusH1 shall tear;
O! wo in Is i our Chiirlio ho.
Too ratio tho earth for Mich n blossom ;
Only lent ; thou wert not Riven ;
Yet wo fondly hopo to inept theo;
Cuarlto ! yes, well meet In heaven.
IlloomsburR ITCarket.
Wheat per bushel $1.60
Itvo " ai
Coru " 90
Oila. " 1)
Flour ver barrel R TO
Cloeifei-tl & SO
FlHSkMj Z. 1 5H
lintler SO
Kuks 25
Taflon 10
1'otatotM &0
Drleii Arr't'i 1"
lliinih 17
BUIca und Mionlileis li
Laul per jiounu hi
Hay per Ion "j 00
Tho returns of sales of tho dilTerent
sewitisr machine.-", durine; tho year 1871.
show tho Singer machine to bo by far
tho most popular of all in tho marKet,
tho number told beiti 181,260, out of a
total of 010,191 of twenty-tivo diirerent
patterns. It appears, too, that tho Chi
eago Belief Committee, which under
took to furnish sowing machines to per
sons needing them, supplied -,-127 Sing
er machines against 017 of all other
kinds. This nrefiToneo for tho Singer
machine Is duo to its intrinsic superiori
ty, and seems likely to ho maintained
against all competition. iV. Y, Hun.
Low & Bobbin-', of Orangoville, man
ufacture trio neatost, cheapest ami nest
platform spring wagons aud buggies in
me county.
M. P. Lmts warrants Mi $1.00 kid
1 bnxi!- nT.n nnllnrt (It'll X ll4 vn W I M I .
drawn mytclf from tho Orangovilio
luiuiUMCiimiig i-uiupniiy.
April 12, 1872. V. II. Smith.
Heat dross calicoes. 17J cents per yard
at 51. P. ljUtn's, and bleached tiiii.-Iins
nt the old prices'. "Prtilt of tlio loom,"
I. W. llartman has been compelled to
get nn extra clerk. Ills business has
grown under tho cash system very
Another lot of bhoes wero received nt
13. 51. Knorr's last week.
Tiinexleiislvo establishment of Clark
& Wolf is filled with tho nowest and
prettiest goods of thu t-eiKon. A visit
to their store will no wen repaid.
Have your money by examining 51.
P. l.ulz's stock of dress jjooils ond
I. V. llartman, thoy h.iy, sells shawls
cheaper than nny one in tno county
Try him Ladles.
You can cot Nottingham laco for win
dow curtains of 51. P. Laitz for 20, 25, 30,
135, 10, -10, so, oo, uo anil Tucts per yarn,
It Is o comfort to walk through so
largo a storo us that of Clark & Wolf
a mi eco tno iininciiBO siock nicy oner
tor salo. It looks as if thero wero somo
life in tho community nt least.
Saturday noxt will bo tho first market
tiayj alter you navo boki go to , v.
Jiartman lo buy an yourcirygoous.gro
cerles, fish, queens ware, Ae.
Don't fall to examine 13. M. Knorr's
spring styles of shoes boforo buying
Uuown & Jonks. Who aro thoy
Thoy aro an enterprising young tirm
lnlelv established in Catawlsfiaond from
tlio astonishing amount of Dry Goods
thoy sell lc evident that tho pcoplo
aro nttraclcd by their low prices. Thoy
aro In constant receipt of fresh goods
from New York. .Thoy ecll only Tor
cash, giving tho buyer every posslblo
e dvantago derived from this plan. A
visit to their storo will convinco tho
reader of theso facts. n i-tr.
B. 51. Knorr has men's Congrc33 gal
tors for $2,23 und upwards.
Full trimmed lasting gaiters for la
dles can bo had at 13. 51. Knorr's tor
$2 CO.
Shoes and gaiters especially for old
latiies can do nan nt k, m. luiorrs.
13. 51. Knorr has tho largest and best
soloctcd stock in town.
Custom work mado to order at short
notice and In llrst-class stylo and quali
ty at 13. 51. Knorr's.
No other sewing machines havo sus-
fnlnn1 ilnrltin. tin. lnt Iwnnlv vonra. Gn
high a reputation as tho Singer. Tho
most complete nnu pericci in an its
parts Is their lately Improved now fam
ily machine. Thoy aro simple, durable,
easy to learn, not liablo to get out of or
der, and In capacity for doing a great
variety of family sowing, excel all
Tho people como from different parts
of the county lo buy their cheap goods
oi i. w. nanmon.
r.ntToKiAi. NflTicrsnro to common Hint It la
nlmo-st Impossible for nu editor lo exprost Ins
lioncHt opinion of tlio merits nf nny nrllcle wltli-
nni uemK suspccitni oi lmerpMcu motives, mis
Uct, lioivovor, shall not ilcttr us from snyluu
ulnt wo think of n nowmUlltlon lo tho Mnterlu
MtuUcii to which our attention has been recently
called. Wo reler to Br. J. Wai.kku'm Califor
nia Vinkoah 111TTBH.S, n remedy which Is mak
ing Its way Into moto iHinllleH J'ifct now than alt
tho other advertised medicines put together.
There seems to bo no question about tho potency
of 1U toulo and nlteramo prcipoitics, whllo it
possesses tlio Krcat negative lccommendatlon of
cnniulutn neither alcohol nor mineral poison.
'1 hat It is a specific for Indigestion. Ullllousuc&s,
Coiftlpallon, and many complaints of nervous
origin, we havo renKon lo know; aud wo aro
assured on Rood authority that as general In.
vlKoraut, reKUlatln" and purifying
has no equal. It is stated that its Ingredients,
(obtalnod Irom tho wilds of California.) aio new
lo tlio medical world J and Its extraordinary ef
fkcta certalulj warrant tho conclusion that It Is
iv compound ol agents hitherto unknown. If
popularity Is any criterion, thero can bo no doubt
ot tlio elllciency or tho Vinkoak Rittkrs, for
Ihesalo of tlio article 13 Immense aud contluu
ally Increasing,
TnANSFonjnso Tin: CoMrLnxiou. The trans
formations produced by Uauan's Magnolia
Dalm nro qulto fiH astonishing as nny Kcene on
tho stage of n theater. That l'imoiii beautlller,
transmutes a s illow, peelty looking complexion,
Into ono In which the Ully nnd tue losu vie for
adinirntinu, nnd Imparts to a dry. harsh shlu,
the soilness ol perfect loveliness. Tan nndlreck
lcs. which country air nnd suullght are pretty
sure to proluce, in spile of parasols and sun-
uuwus, ure commeieiy oumeruieu uy li; wuuo ll
bas a perfectly magical eilect In banishing unduo
rcdncas, blotches and pimples from the skin.
When tlio lady who has used It to remedy her
complexlounl defects looks In 1 lie mirror, sho 1h
equally astounded nnd gratified at the improve
ments In her appearance. Kvery blemlHli has
disappeared: her neck, arms and bosom, now
rival In whiteness llio snowy collar which en
circles her throat, her cheek mantles with a
peacli-llko bloom, aud slio Is ready to Invoke a
blessing on tlio Inventor of tho article which has
wrought suclmdellgutlul tr.iustormatlou.
CAs roniA atubstltuto for Castor Oil a vc gel-
able preparation containing noltbcr Minerals,
Jtorphlno nor Alcohol. It Is pleasaut to tako,
does not nauseate, nnd operates when all other
remedies failed. Dr. l'ltcher has experimented
fifteen years la producing a preparation mote
efficient than Castor Oil, without its horrid taste.
The Castorla regulates tho system ; cures con
stipation, stomach nche, croup and llatulcncy,
nnd kills worms. Itdoesnotdlstrcssorgrlpo. Dy
Its quieting, soothing effect It producos natural
sleep, uud Is particularly adapted to crylnj; and
teething chlldron.
Wo dcslro Physicians to test tills article, and
will forw.ud threu bottles ugatH to tho address
of any ono bo authenticated. Insist that your
drusgist order It for you. It costs but 50 cents,
and ono battle will save many Jco'or's bills.
Important Testimony!
The followluc loiters aro nmnne tho mnnv wn
are constantly receiving fioin persons whe have
ueuu cureu uy
Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup,
Sclienck's Sen AVecd Tonic,
Schenck's Mandrake Pills.
rcuiucrovr, Salim Couuty, New Jersey,
l-'EIlllUAKY L7. lSTl
Dr. J, 1I.SCHENCK, N. E. corner authund Arch
sireeis, l'liuaueipuia,
ttesnecled Mir I take pleasure In nddlnirmv
testimony to that of the many otherH who havo
lipcn rurtid bv tile elllcacvof Hchenck'M I'lilmnnln
fciyrup, Sea Weed Tonic, aud Mandrako I'ills,
uonsuiupiiuu uu ues-u iinvunury wan my
f.nniiv. muslof Its members havlm; died nt it nt.
early ugts. My mother and threo uiotheisdleil
nt Ihe ubo of 31, one biolher ul.7, uud my sister
nt in.
I was, wuen aooni oi years, seizes Willi liver
complaint, which rapldlydevetoped lnio Pulmo
riuy Consumption, I was compelled lo rellu
tjulsh my employment (that of u lilacf smllh )
1 consulted skillful uud eminent physicians,
and tried many patent nostrums, but without
success, so that my lilends were sure that there
was no hope of my recovery, lor I was ruuuced
ti om 1 10 pounds to lut,aiid was notable tu do
anything without assistance.
uy wiiui i now louKupou us a rrovidcntlal in
teriHisltluii. 1 was lnduetsl lo try your remedies.
ami place myseli under our treatment, aud so
rapid und thorough was my recovery, that it
seemed as though soiiio superhuman puwer was
at work, aud to-day I am as well as ni any time
during my Ule. 1 weigh HI pounds, am SJseari.
uld.und lor some timo liavo been regularly at
tending tn iny busiueis. blddlug lair to llvuton
good old age.
i inn luuujnui iu jou ueyouu expression lor
having placed mo In n position wherein 1 um a i, uuiuou m my Itlllluy.
Your Mandiake riilsnruthe onlv tuedh-inn i
ever use now. 1 think they are thu best in tue
I can re cr you to nuuureiis or my neighbors
who will urlly a l lliavu written, and auy lu
lormatlou any ol my leilow clli,-jm may desire
will no fieely uuil gladly glVk u. unou leeeintut
slump, by Yiiuirf.ele.
liny IXtibt, I'la., Fell. If), 18TJ.
Dr. J. ll.SCUUNCK.N. 11. cor. Hlxtu and Arch
hi reels, I'titiadeipUla.
Dear K.r l'ieaae lur.uil, per nr.t steamer, tlx
botllesHenWedToaloand twelve bullied i ul
iiiouluMyiup. Your iiuUiclno.s nro o isuch valuo that lean
not bu without them lu my household, uud lu
tact no famll) should bo without them.
lluivo given tliem u fair test, aud opeuiy de
clare thein lo be even better than you claim,
Very ittpearully youis, ,m
1'Ull.AUl Ll'UIA, MaiLll 4, IS 2.
1)1. J. II. !CHE'sCU,
Ue.peitidisir I ultoplcasuro lu awiirdlu to
you this celtlllcatu ot the wouderlul cure your
i'uliiiuulc sijuip aud Ho.i Weed 'i'uulu pruductil.
My throat nun bioucUlul tubea weie so highly
luilamed lliut It wi.s ulinoat impossible turruo lo
swallow my loud,
1 un. una visit to my uncle, Mr. Cbailes Juhu
suti, .Nu. Ul'J Kedeial sluet, wuu says your modi
elms rai.ed hlui Hum utmost ileuUi ufter ull oth
er moans had f.illei, una bo having, therefore,
Mil coulldeiico lu thu virtue ol jour remedies,
.lrtmi:lv leeommended mu lo tivtlien. I iil.i
bu. una lu one weuk Irum mo llmu I uommcmod
taking tliem my tlnoat uuueiwvut a vury gloat
ch.ingo lor. tho better, so lliut 1 could oai my
meals without any ulUlcully ur p.wu, 1 can
scarcely Uud words to tspress my grautudo for
tue eauy lenui yuur lusuiuauiu lueuiciues pro
dueoduiiou me. uud 1 deem It bututincL nt I'mti.
tudoto glsu you lb" acknowledgement oi my
upprtciauuu, luun. ivspcuiiuuy,
11AL.HKI. M. (ACullsj
No, 41U Witt llnrly-tuird street, New oik.
These aro tho only medicines that will cure
runuouary wousumpuou. ur. tscucuck lias been
In euuslaUL nractlcu over thlrlv v.ars ..nnllmi.
ally examlulug luug, uud knows his medicines.
If propeily takiu, Mill ture Cousuuiptlou, Ills
Muudruku l'llls cleanse the llvoranu stomach:
Ills hei Weed Tuulu dissolves thu lood.sllmu
lattutlie cuatlng ot thu stomach, uud makes It
digest, IIlH I'ulmuuio ttyiun ripens tlio nutltr,
I'rlco of tlio 1'ulmoulo Byrup and Kju Weed
jouic, per uouie, or mm purlieu uozeu.
Mandrake I'll Is .5 conu per box,
N. E. Corner SIXTH nnd ARCH Streets,
And by Druggists and Dealers generally.
002 Arch fcixitEKr, Philadelphia,
Wholesale Agents,
npr 12. 1872-ty.
intitoits or youth.
r.vcry nervous Young Man In the Union, will
receive, free, n Itoclpothnt will prove n blcMluit
through life, iy Addressing. In confldonco,
John ii.(Kii)i:iv.
llox 6172 1', O, 12 Cedar Ht.,N.Y.
XjL kstatb op- w. bteislt, nrc'n.
M tlern ol administration on the ostnto of
rhlllti W. Blcfly, lato of Heaver lwp Columbia
county, deceased, have been granted by tho
ItcglstcMiliiald county to Allen Maim, adminis
trator. All pcrnons having clalmsaKa.ust tho es
tate of tho decedent are requested to present
them for settlement, and those Indebted to tlio
estato to mako payment to tlio undersigned, nd-
mlnlslrators, without delay.
April, 12,'2-Cw Administrator,
Lclttrsnf ndmlstrntlon on tho estato of l'elcr
Hniuk, late of Heaver township, Columbia
county, deceased havo been (-ranted by tlio lies
Istcr of said county to John llauck and Nathan
llredbender, of samo place. All persons having
claims against the osiate of tho decodent nro re
quested to present them for settlement, aud
llioso Indebted to tho estate to mako payment to
tjio uudcrslgued, administrators, without delay,
mcli20';2-0sv. Administrators,
Notlco is hereby given, that on tlio 17th day of
Kb. A. D. 187i,sundry Inhabitants or Columbia
couutv, presented a petition to tho Court nt Com
mon 1'lea.sof said county, praying tho said Court
to grant a Charter of Incorporation to the 1'nlr
view Klsli Company of Catawlssa Township l',
Willi tho lights and privileges therein stated,
nnd If no kUlllclcnt causo Is shown to tho con
trary on the Ilrst day of next term, tlio prayer ot
tbo petitioners will he giauted, according to tlio
Act of Assembly lu such case made nnd pro
vided. It, II. KINULKU.
April Stli 72-H. 1'rotUonotnry.
XV heroby given to all legatees, creditors and
other persons interested In tho estates of the re
spective decedents and minors, that the follow
ing administration nnd guardian accounts linvo
been tiled In the oillco or tho Keglster of Colum
blncounty, nnd will bo presented for confirma
tion nnd nllowanco lu the Orphans' Court, to be
held In Hloomsburg.on Wedneaday, tbo Cth day
of May, 187V, nt 2 o'clock lu the alteruoon of
said day I
1. The first nnd final account of Joslalt n.Prltz,
administrator of Margaret Krllz, lato of Sugar
loaf township, deceased,
2. Tho Htial nccount of John W. Hunter, ad
ministrator of Albert Hunter, lato of 1'lue tp
3. Tho account of Isaac L. Cryder, Executor of
Mary C. Cry dcr, lato of tho borough of llcrwlck,
, Tlio first and final account of Wm. Masttllcr
administrator lie bonla non, of Christiana Kolcli
nrd, l.ito of Madison tpv deceased.
5, Tho final nccount of Abram S. McNeal, ex
ecutor of CnmuelMcWeal, lato of Hentoa town
ship, deceased,
(I. Tlio first ond final nccount of William Mns
teller. administrator of John ltelchard, Into of
Madison tp., deceased.
7. Tlio account of llenjamln Wagner, adminis
trator of Naucy l'llklugton, lato of Locust tp.,
8. Tho nrst and Hnal account of John Ilautz,
administrator of Kllmabctli Heeee, late of Green
wood tp., deceased.
0. Tho account of Simon Helwlg, administra
tor of Jouas llehvlg, latoof Locust tp., deceased.
10. Supplemental account of Peter i:nt, execu
tor of Matthew McDowell, lute of fccott town
ship, deceased.
11. Tho account of Henry L. Krens, William II.
I-reus, and James I'. Krcas.adminlslrotorsof An
drew I'rcas, late ot Centre township, deceased,
12. Tho account of Peler Lnubach, adminis
trator uf Jacob Ogdeu, lute of lleuton township,
13. Tho account ol Win. Goodman nnd Itachcl
Helwlg, administrators of I'oter Helwlg, late of
Locust township, deceased.
II. Tho account or Edmund Crawford :!d, ad
ministrator of Elizabeth Lunger, late of lleuton
t3wnsh!p, deceased.
15. The account of John A. miner, administra
tor of Itebecca llltucr, lato of Losusl tp., dcc'di
10. The account of l'eter Eckroto. administra
tor of Solomon Eckrote. lato nf Heaver town
ship, deceased.
17. The account orileobcnFalirlnger, guardian
of John ilellnbriH'k, minor child of Joliu Helui-
urticir, sr., iato or Locust township, deceased.
18. Tho account or S. II. Miller, guardian of tho
nelsons aud estates of Mary M.,aud Kiedcrlek
1). Gross. inlnorclilldrcn cf Zebulou Gross, latoof
Hloom township, deceased.
19. The account of K. II. Miller, ennrdlan nf Ihn
person aud estato or Wesley ituitzol, minor
child or Jacob Harlzcl, Jr., lato ol Mitllln town
ship, docc.iscJ.
20. Theflrstand final account or Pr-tpr w Willi lr.
administrator or Jacob l'erslug, lato of Locust
tun.iauij,, UULCUSCU.
21. The account of William Aitbmv adminis
trator of l'eter Uruner.latoof l'lue tp., Uectased.
22. The account of William Tllinnd.w.nilmV nf
Joslali J. Thomas, lato of ltoarlngcreek, town
ship, dee'd,
I. Tbo first nnd nnrtlnl npwiiiiii. nf rmmr.r
Dclttericb, Executor or Jacob Mostcllir, late or
Hrlarcreek township, deceased.
, 21. The nnnl account or W. II. Abbott, Admin
istrator or Amos HboJos, Into or CatawUs.i tp.,
, . . W II. JACOUY, Iteglstcr.
Iteglstcr's OIUcp. 1
Bloomsburg, A prll 5, 1872, J
7 Y
Tho following appraisements of rcnl nnd per
sonal property setapaitto widows of decedents
havo been Hied lu tbo orUco of tho ltegisterui
Columbia county.under tlio Rules of Court, and
will bo presented lor absolute confirmation, to
tbo Orphans' Court to ho held in llloomsburg, In
and for said county, on Wednesday, thefitbduyol
May, lb72, at 2 o'clock p. jr., of said day, un
less exceptions to such confirmations aro previ
ously llled.ot which all persons Interested In
hald estates will tako notlco :
1. Widow orrcter Ilnuctt, lato orileavor town
ship, deceased.
2. Widow or Sylvester Pealer, late ol I'lshlng
creck township, deceased.
3. Widow of Charles II. Doeb'.cr, lato or thj
town of llloomsburg, deceased.
4. Widow of Thlllp Klstler, late of Mt. Pleas
ant township, deceased.
5. Widow of Iliiam Eaker, lateof Jackson In.,
0. Widow of John It, Davis, late of Benton to.,
7. Widow of Leonard W. Roberta, lato of En
garloaf township, deceased.
8. Widow of ltobert 8. Hampton, lato or ltoar
lngcreek township, deceased.
1). Widow of A. D. Wliitinoyer, late or Huo
township, deceased.
in. Wld.vw or Georgo M. Beagle, latoof Hem
lock township, deceased.
.. , W. W. JACODV. Register.
Register's Office,
llloomsburg, Aprils, 1S72.J
The co-partnership heretofore cxlstlngbotween
II. k nlltlM nll.l .1 Si Ulmmni. a
liamoorKimtle.t Hhumnu, Is this day dissolved
by mutual conscut.
. , J. a. WIIUMAN.
Cilawlssn, April 1, 1672:3t.
A dividend of 3 per rent., nn the capital slock
of the Catawlssa Bridge Company will bo paid
nt the oilicu or tho Treasurer ol IhoCompuuy on
and alter April 10, 172.
ununus s. uiuui ur, Treasurer,
An election will to held at the bouse of .r. it.
Klstler. In tlio town of Catawl.-a. between thu
hours or 1 o'clock, I. M., and C o'clock, 1. M., or
Monday. May a. 1872. lor President. Mmim-itr.
isecieiaryuuu irtusuierui inn euuiwusu Hlicge
uump.iuy lur lue ensuing year.
apr. 5, ISTCiIw.
Wholesale an! Retail Dealers In
Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs,
AXLE-i, mill PIPE I10XE3,
Mnntifdcttirers of
Amenta fur
Fnirbnnk's Scales !
STEAM unil
Orders by mail solicited, und promptly
3.2.8 Pena ilvexiuc,
ti pr. 1,
V,.,,, t . . . . ....
DhhUS ou huud and lor tulo that went t ver
V-I.nt In ItlrkmiittliM.. T .a m n lI.h . 1.
kept lu lUooiuBuuu, Large bUo on best parch
meat raiKjr, Common UcoJk, Kxecutor a uud
Adiulnlstrator'H Deeds buiall blzo nood uud
heap common DeedN.dc,
htivo been romovod to tho
Where no will keep a general assortment of
is the cheapest First Class Piano in
the market.
Having secured tho Agency ol tho
for Columbia County, togother with tho
furnishes advantages to purchasers not 1'oUud
elsewhere. ,
A full assortment of
Rll slylca aud prices constantly on hadd.
&Call nnd examine
Having purchased tlio business of E. P. Lutz
now ofiers at tile old stand, a choice nmlni.n
And a ceucral assoitmentof the choicest, r-nods
usually found In tlrst class establishments,
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes
Careful ly Compounded,
tin Sundays, open from S a. in., to 10 a. in., nnd
from 'J p. in., to 4 p m.
feb 0'72-tf
f-end jour oddres, staling experience, success,
and book now killing, und receive lrce our now
Worth. 810.GO to nny Book Agents.
Agents also 1 T?, T. TI TT' "M-.THEWHITE
Wuutcd tor J -' JL J-s CHIEF.
Murdered September 1st, 1S71.
The wild ndvenlnres and marvelous erneil-
oncescf Oeo. P. Ileldeli. I;nriu-n nu tbo lilt
Warilor." ''Great liunler." and ritnnn. t.U'liltM
Chief." of li lodgts. A book or thrilling Inter
est, richly lllnsiiuted; charms every body cieij-
yi mc.v, t.uu sens iu I'Aceeu uuy ixkuc out.
neua iur iiiusirnieu poster unu exira teims,
HUUILUlD llROS.PuDlisheis,
mclil'7I-tf 72i Sausom St., Phlla.
WANTED : Afjentsforournow 1C
naco miner tbo Contributor. Ttdrtpen dp.
narlmenls. rellL-lnus anil kni-nlnr. I!nv A 11
Earlo writes fnr It. Hl.lOnyear: a f iOCprcmlum
luuiLiiauuwuuar. ruw!(ems eernis
address, JAuta H. Kaiile, HosTON,Mnsi.
X CHARMING." Iloveltherslxmivfiisi-l.
tmiu ntld Cain lll'O loveand uflW-tlnns nfnnv iipr.
sou tliey chooae, Instantly. Thts simple menial
acqitiieuiuui. un can possei., iree, uy msu, lor 2)
cents, together with a marrlaco guide, Egyptian
Orarl", Dreams. Hints to Ladles', Ac. A qurer,
exelllng nook. ldO.OOjsold. Address T.WILLIAM
& tu. r uu s,i'uua.
liy' BHAhlr.ii V. TiitKMB.' b, IV
Ulbd n4 rftUauli-uil luuieil
TC? BlOitl
bnmilar rplJlTl
The Best Paper! Try It!
The SCIKNTrrir) AyrnmiV In thnrhnnnct n,..l
ben Illustrated wceuly paper publl.hod. Every
number oontalns from 10 to 15onslual enurav
liiKsolnew machinery .novel liivenilons.llrldBos,
EuBlneerlngworks.Archltocluro.lmproved Farm
lmplcmeuUi, and every new disoovery In Clicm
iMry. A year's numbers coiiialn h3J pages and
several hundred orgraviners Thousands of vol
uinoj are preserved for blndlni; and reference
Tho prnctlciil receipts are well worth ten times
ttio subscription prlco. Terms, $1 a year bv mall.
Specimens sent free, Jluy bu hnil of ulih'cwa
PATH.NTS obtained on tho best terms. Models
ot new Inventions aud sketches examined, und
advice frso. All patents nre published In the
Kclentltlo Amorlcau tho week they Issue. Send
lor Pamphlet, 110 paires, eoutalnlmj laws aud lull
directions lor obtaining Patents.
Address for Paper, or concerning Patents
MUNNACO.STPurU lW-j N. Y. llraVh offli"'
cor. 1'. aud 7th HIh., Washlugtou, U. u.
Catarrh and Deafness Onrod bv llv-
ntt'H Tn9 ' '
years, I have now no Catarrh, aud havo my
hearlUB. the result of usIub a One Dollar Packet
V.f, '." "lATTalNiiA Mls.-rMalvlnaPiorcy," ml
UivllonSt.,New York,
A plain truthful statement that CATAnnn. In
many hundreds ofesjies, some exlstlngover forty
years, has been permanently cured by the no of
it One Dollar Packet of Dr. HYATT'S 1N.A, a
yfsotaule, mild and soothing remedy. Send
ll.OO for Medicine and advlco lo Dr. U y. Hyatt,
(depot of the celebrated Hyatt's Ufa llaUaml.
SWtlrandBt., V, X, lly mall Iree. Test sample on
receipt V0 cts, '
WimmtAs, the Hon. William Klwell, President
JudKoor tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd
General Jail Delivery, Court ot Uuarter Hesslons
uf the Pence and Court nf Common Pleas anil Or
phan's Court In tho aitli Judicial District, com
posed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and
jiiouroo Associate judges or Columbia county
havo Issued their nrerenl. benrlnir ilatn Iho ml.
J ...... nuu llivi.ljll.linill mil HII'I 1BIUH1 r.
ilay of February, In tho year of otir Iird, one
thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one, and to
medlrected for noldingnCourtof Oyer nnd Ter
miner nnu ucnerai uuarter Hesslons or the Peace
Court of Common Plea nnd Orphan's Court, In
llloomsburg, In the county of Colnmbla, on the
first Monday, bolng the UtU day ot May next,
lo continue oue week.
Notice Is hereby given, to tlio Coroner, to the
Justices of tho Pence, nnd tho Constables or the
said county orcolumbla, that they bo then nnd
thero In tuel -prepor person at in o'clock In the
forenoon of snld Slfi inv nf Mnv wlLh thAlr
records, Inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do thoso things which to their offices appertain
to he done. And those that are bound hy
reCOanlKance. to nronecntn ajralnst the nrls
oners that nre or may be In the Jail of the
said county at Columbia, to be then and
there to prosecute them as shall be lust. Ju
rors nro requested to bo punctual in their attend
auce.agreenbly tothelmotlces. Dated at Illooms-
, s Diirg, 1110 oiu nay ot April, in me year
h. a. i of our Iord, one thousand eight bun
' ' dred and soventv-twnanil In tlm nlneiv
flftli year or tho Independence ot tho United
Slates or America. AARON SMITH,
utoomsnurg, April s, WTl. Mherlir.
MAY TERM. 1671.
muuiu . . .j ituuuius, i-iiuip r-yor.
Heaver Oeorge P. Drlesbach, Henry Hlnterlltor.
ltAvmlnl- 1'hn. u t, T .1. . "
Hrlarcreek Archibald Henry.
Catawlssa Charles Krelgli.
Centrnlla Robert OorreTl.
Frnnkllu Owen Kostnbnnder.
I'lshlngcreok Alfred Preston.
Greenwood Wilson M, Eves.
Jackson-George Uurlcraan, Ellsha Robblns.
I. .I,UL ., vlY' "rugior, wiiuam Appieman.
Madlspn-Fred. Derr, John Christian, James
DUdlne. '
Hlolna-IWn.. t)M.I.Al.
Monlour-JoTin O. ijutck, Christian CIcwell.
"s. "wjik-s Appieman.
Pine Jacob Long.
Scott John Waters,
Hloom Thomas Goddls, Thomas Dollman, W.
11. Koons, William Slivers.
lljrwlck William J. KnJrr, Adrian VanHongh-
ton.S.E. Walton.
Benton Andrew T. Ikcler.
Hrlarcreek D. W. Marl. Joslali It. Mart.
Centre Lafayette Creasy,
Catawlssa Samuel Dlemer, Daniel Zarr, Jr.
Fhhlngcreek .lames N. Jonos.
Greenwood William J. Cox, llob't M. Musgravc.
Hemlock-John Gruber, Wm. U. Shoemaker.
Locust 1)1 vld Lclbv, Johu llelner, Adam Dim-
Millllu Jacob G rover, Sam'l Ileldloman, Charles
w tuHiici-vi, duuu r iiniiva.
Madison J nsenh Maust. 1r.
Mt. I'leasaut D. It. Appieman, A. J. Ikeler, Joliu
Montonr E. G. Rlcketts, John Snyder,
Pine William P. Faus.
Koarlngcreek Benjamin Lovan.
Scott James Merodllh.
AT MAY TERM, 1472.
George A. Frlck vs. Thomas Stnckhouse.
William Lougenberger, et ul. vs. Hugh W. Mo-
ncjuunn, - ui.
A. C. & F. Holder man vs. Samuel Bchweppen
helser. Michael Orover'R 4 use' vs. Savaged: Orlght.
Mlchasl Grover 'use' Savage A: IlrlghU
Ilroomall & Co., vs. McNinch&Snuman.
Knrtzisr uusion vs. Aiireu urnwine,
Clemncl O. Rlcketl's ndm'r vs. David Sweeney
et al.
Thomas O'Conner vs. Martin Ganghln.
Lewis I. Adams vs. Kisblngcreek School DIst.
E. Sattersthwait vs. Frederick Mercuron.
1-rankllu Township vs. John Mclleynolds.
Daniel F. Seybort vs. Kllnctop & Walton.
Venlah Reece'sadm'r. vs. W. A. Kline.
Michael Maulon vs. Philadelphia nnd Reading
R. K, Co.
Patrick Monaghan vs. Philadelphia and Reading
R. H. Co.
Roger Dixon vs. Philadelphia and Reading R. R,
Mrs. Mary Connelly vs. Philadelphia and Read
lug It. H. Co.
Francis J. Kline vs. Jacob Herring.
E. o. ltlcketts vs. John Sweeney et nl.
Oeorgo K. Hess vs. Joseph Wels et al.
Uogart & Kramer vs. William llarber,
A. W. Eaton vs. John L. Hosier.
Joseph W. Fausey vs. John Mulligan.
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. J. M. Frock.
A. 11. Stewart vs. Francis 11 Joly.
William Mllnes vs. Jonas Doty.
Andrew Crevellng vs. Thomas Trench.
Jeremiah Iless 'use vs. John Hotraian et a'.
Fiauk E.Hrockway ys Daniel F. Seybert.
Georgo M. Raker vs.T. J. Lawell el ul.
Kiastus Ross vs. Oliver A. Jacoby.
Georgo Wltmyer'sex'rs. vs. Johu Stlner.
A. Purdeo & Co. vs. Hugh W. Mclleynolds, et al.
A. Pardee i Co .vs.l).iuvllle,lIajIctouii Wilkes
barre Railroad Co.
Susan Gtlham vs. Martin M. Brobst.
James Dryanl vs. lllotimsburg Iron Co.
Mordecal Millard vs. Hugh W. McReynolds.
Thomas Williams vs. John Cain,
Ezras. Lyons vs. Solomon Dirk,
Clark Mcrrll vs. A. H. Stewart.
J. W. Mostcller vs. William Williams.
John Y. Allcger vs. H. O. Crevellng.
George Swelgart vs. Jauios W. Saukcy.
llenjamln Wagner vs. Joseph R. Rhodes.
Daniel Snyder vs. John Mowry.
M, K. Walker, use, vs. Lloomsburg Literary In
stitute and State Normal School.
Lavlna Gnlder's uso vs. Mnthlas Kline.
Sylvester J, Fnux vs. Jcsso Merrll.
Johu Lawrcnco ex'r. vs. Amanda Lawrenee.
v. u. uerara vs. jonn u. jacony.
Wilson Acer vs. C. 11. Ilrockwav.
Mary Miller vs. John MlUor's ox'rs.
Supervisors of roads In Catawlssa township,
In ncct. with sail township,
To amount of duplicate, $333 05
error uuo on last year s sciiie
ment, 7 23
By amount paid sundry rcrsons for
worit c. tw
" Exonerations, hi W
" l'erccntngo on collection 0 rcr
cent, 100 41
Bond, . 1 &U
IJ197 5
By balance due township, 8175 in
Wn tlm auditors of Catawlssa townshln have
examined the acct. or Joseph llartman and John
strouse as supervisors or said township nnd find
this correct asabovo suited.
Witness our nanus mis em uay oi Aprun...
M. V. 11. KLINE. 1
Is ready for Canvassors. No book la looked for
more Impatiently than this, and agents will du
well to get territory lor It as early as possible.
Apply lor Circulars and terras to
uTiipipt.ii smmrm Tnlti.iaw
711 Sa'nsom St,, Philadelphia,
Agents Wanted for tho Now Work,
Ho ,v to Fuko nnd Keep them Healthy.
Lato iroIossor In New York Mcilicul College,
tt.trofitsof AmuKemeiils. Kdncatlon. Pnv steal
Development Diseases, Accidents, Mnrrtaces,
Ac, ImpurtlDg a vast amount of valuable lnlor
nmtWm conductlvo to the Heultli, llapplncH,
ami Wrllare of Iho oun. Written In a plm.
Hit; f-tyie, u is cxcccuiuyiy toieroanugas wen an
Kvery Family fchoulil lmvo It, and no Taretit
rnti niinnl to bu without It. bend for circulars
giving lull particulars.
UUrf iral A-iii uuusin-r,
dccQ2'71-tf 711 Baubom Htreet, riillaailpbl i
KID c,
Importers and Jobbers of
CorflEte anfl Gros Grain millions,
English Crapos, Cronadinos,
Tlosuoo, Lncoc, Cdglnes,
white: cottos tuimbiiivcs,
Tho only pereet Instrument In the World, It
Is nneoiKiI(l in lllrhness. Power, llrllllancy and
jluraWlllty. Special terms to Teachers. Marked
favors to Clergymen. Bend for Illustrated Alloa
O. W. FOSTER. Oeneral Agent,
mar 10'71-If.J Mavch Vuvk,Va.