The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 19, 1872, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. BLOOMSBU11G, PA. Friday, April 10, 1S72. A Dirty Doilgf. Gov. deary Informed a cotntultteo of Uio Into Republican Convention, thnt ho would not sIrh tho Congressional Apportionment bill, IT at all, until after tlio October election. Ills motive Ih triitistiarcnt. Ho proposes to take advantuRO of tho Infamous gcrryman iler of 1602, and Uion for fear tho next Lntrlstaturo will pass a fair bill, will hIrh tho oct of last wintor, which ncftrly as unfair. Yet, knowing how uncertain ho Is In performing lila prom lsos and pledges ho winy bo Induced to slijn tho bill. If ho does not, wo glvo duo no'Ico to our opponents In this District, (lint they mustjlght to win it JL Model Conictitlan. liver slnco Its creation tho Republic an organization has been designated as tho "God and morality party," by Its leaders, who claimed that it possessed all tho vlrtuoj In tho calendar. With out dlactfslng tho morality of our gift enterprise and horso Jockey President or the dofa'catlons and swindles pcrpe traled by his appointees, wo would al ludo to tho recent Stato Convontlon which It was presumed would ropronn tho brains and Intolllgencoof tho party From nil wo can learn, however, It was an undisciplined mob, controlled by office-holders and roughs, and on ovcry occasion tho respectable minority wcro stifled, and their protests treated with derision. Tho notorious Bill Ovens was made Sergeant at Arms. Ho held that position In tho Houso of Rcprcs entatlves us a reward for having killed tho crallant Col. Kiddle. Tho Insido management was controlled by Col Mann, who has engineered moro ras callty in Philadelphia than any othc man, and ho had for aide-do camp tho notorious Bunn who got a seat In the Legislature through tho oathsof repeat ere. who havo sinco been proven perjurer. Wm. Elliott, lato speaker of thu Houso, lent a hand, and ngaln sue ccssfully used his favorite weapon of tojieluhlng debatothat was unpalatable Of course R. V. JIackoy , Stato Treas urer, and ono of tho "Ring" was pres ent as a delegate. Ho must havo Hart ranft nominated, to cover their Joint transactions, and especially tho Evans swindle, hi which both wero concerned. Another leader present was General Joshua T. Owons, hia specialty lying In the fact that ho wa3 court martlalod and sentenced to bo dismissed tho nrmyon tho charges of being found drunk in tho streets of Harper's Ferry, and of using insulting languago to tho daugh ter of his Lieut. Col. Under such management, what chance had Ketchum.or any other honost man? It is proper to add that ono third of tho delegates at least stood firm, and pro tested to tho last. Not content with packing tho Convention, tho "Ring" also nominated delegates to tho Nation al Convention. Tho people of each dis trict wero not left freo to chooso for themselves, but had to swallow tho nominations of a corrupt majority. Ono earnest protest nt least was uttered by Col. Frick of Montour, as wo learn by tho Press, viz: "THE niGUTS OF THE TEOrLE. At this point Mr. R. M. Frick, of Montour, said: 1 ueslro to enter ray protest against tho convention appoint Ing delegates to the National Conven tion nt Philadelphia. I do not think this convention is competent to take from the Republicans of tho different Congressional districts tho power to appoint. Hero ho was choked off by tho Hon. Win. Elliott, of Philadelphia, shouting "Question 1 question 1" Tho President. Tho Chair, is now making out tho list of cammlttees. Mr. Elliott. Thcu I raise tho point that the gentleman is out of order. Tho President. Tho gentleman is out of order, If tho point is raised. Ho has a right to tile his protest with tho clerk. MR. PRICK'S PROTEST. Mr. Frick did not file his protest with tho clerk of tho convention, but ho did with tho reporter of tho Frets, and it is as follows ; I, R. M. Frick, of Montour county, protest against tho appointment of del egates to tho National Republican Con vention at Philadelphia by this conven tion, for tho reason that it is not compe tent for this convention to assumo du ties not delegated to It by tho peoplo." Wo do not bellevd tlio masses of tho Republican party will endorso tho ac tion of tho Convention. They aro al ready speaking out, and, unless mero puty tools, cannot bo driven into tho support of obnoxious mon. Opinions or Uio Itrnubllcan Press in regard ... w. Ilnoi-I.!.,,.-,.!'.......,,!,,,, BEFORE THE CONVENTION. (rrom the l'reu.) A LAST WORD. Wo aro told that it Is too lato in tho day to advlso the delegates to tho Re publican Stato Convention, and that wo uroouiy struggling against uio niovit able. Wo bono and beliovo not. At all ovonts, It is our right nnd duty as a Re publican Journalist to speak out boldly anupiainiy. Ono word to tho Philadelphia delega tion, all probability.wlll havo tho deciding vote. Theso gentlemen know tliesltuation in this city.thosloom of tlio present and tho uncertainty of tiio iuium. xney wero cnusen uy liiuciilti ory which nino tenths or tho party eon (lomns, and upon which oven tho City Executlvo Committee pronounces the doom of abolition. Thoy know how difficult it will bo to call out tho nnrlv voto next fall, and tho necessity of a uiaio uckoi wnicu win unito uio tnou sands or voters hero, di3gustcd with present management nnd tired or tho dictation ora few mon. They know or tno sentiment; iiero wnicn win not tot cratotho slightest suspicionorthosmnll est charge against u candidato; thoy havo heard tho mutterlngs of n storm which needs but ono Impolitic act to burst forth, and they will, wo trust, heed tho warnings. Now, us Philadelphia goe3, so goes inornate, in ibu i-nuaueipnia went against us and Sharswood was elected Judge of tho Supremo Court. In 1609 deary had -1.630 moiorlty in tho State. und Philadelphia gavo him thomeasuro or it, 4,-iuu. L,ast year Htanton,ior Ami itor General, had 14,400 majority, and wo gave him 11,401 or It. This city is tno nuiworK oi itepuuiicanism. When tho Democracy carry It thoy will Bween .tho State. Tho wisest and best mon in tho State our educators and champions In the past counsel tho nomination of a man who will call out tho voto of Philadel phia and enlist tho enthusiasm or Its thousands or Republicans, as dovotedly loyal In their attachment to tho party as any, but will not bo forced Into tho Bupportora "set-up" candidate. Their wise, disinterested, nnd patriotic coun sols must prevail In tho selection or tho nen who aro to lead our columns and carry forward and enforci tlio great minis or Jicpuuucanism. Our latest despatches front llarrlslittrg eavo small ground for hopu that tho o ltlc aus will modify their prearrang ed programtno in respect to tho nomi nation tor uovcrnor, notwniisianmnK tho clearest Indications that tho masses of tho party do not approve of their holco.and tho serious dancer that a de feat, which would ho n dlsastor. may result irotii tnoir oustinacy. um wo havo done our full duty In tho matter- now let tho delegates Uo tneirs. THE VOICE OF THE rKOPLK. As tho tnomontousncsri or tho Issues that hang upon tho coming campaign aro better understood, nnd nstho influ ence which tomorrow's convention will oxcrcleo in Bhaplng tho result or that campaign is bettor appieciatod, wo bo- gin to sco tno cioutis dissolve, nnu mo tuture ortho party becoming ungninnu nssurrcd again. Tlinnntnlnntlnn nl (ir-nprni liartrann. which nwhllo ncro looked in though the peoplo demanded, is now most strongly opposed by them. The "plot,"or "job," or wiituovor it may uo.ot tno party man no-nra. lino nvnllwl Rtnrlll of honost 111 il mint on tlmittelinii t tno ICtlL'Ul anu breadth or tho Commouwcalth. Tho peoplo sternly reject any attempt to lorco upon tuem n canuuiato iiomiuniuu hv Hticli mrmtis as tlioso whicli elected one-naif tho delegates senito nurris burg from tills city. Now. Oniioriii Ilartranft was as gal Innt n Hiltllnr ns Ponnsvlvanla or any other Stato Bout to tho front, and wo caunot reward too highly tho heroes who saved tho Unlon.and his administration of tho Auditor Goueral's oiuco lias tip tiarnnllv been sntinfactorv nnd honest hut tlnrn mo HUnicions airaiust him which would weigh him down liko n inllUtnni In tlir Pfimlnrri'anvass. Thoy may bo unjust and malicious, but they wero not inspired by his opponents lor tno nomination, nor navo tney uuuu urn ed against lilm by thesohonorablo gontlo mnn Vnrthnrmnrn. lin him lint ItUi rin( experience, ability, or cutturo lor tho lixecutivo oi a great uomuitmniuuM liko Pennsylvania. Upsides all this, consider tho great Is sues at stnko In October next. Tho of fices aro hlL'h and imnortant Governor, Judge of tho Supremo Court, Auditor Genaral, and a Legislature to elect a United States Senator. Soldnm is thcro such a combination of causes to call for irooil noniluatlons. wise counsels, and unauimltyof action. In tho November following tho Presidential nnd Congress ional elections win no nciu, anu n, may so turn that tho electoral voto of Penn fcyl vania thrown into tho scale will turn tlio baiianco. tiio result oi tno i-rcsi-dential race will hinge upon tlio Onto Per contest. Never was thero a moro critical peri od, and tlio party should bo active, har monious, anu milieu, wo navo not tno beaten Democracy so much to fear as tlio dangerous eiouiPiits in our ranKS, growing bolder and moro confident every day by just such movements as that now under consideration. The moral force of our organi..ttiou must not bo weakened, least of nil in Pennsylvan ia, always staunch and true. Let tho aspirants for the nominations, if not tho member. of the convention, riso above their pwonal ambitions and savo our more than over neoded,from tho shadow of defeat which looms up in the future. AFTER THE CONVENTION: YESTERDAY'S WOltK. General John F. Ilartranft is tho Re publican nomlnco for Governor of Penn sylvania. Wo beliovo it to bo a most inauspicious selection, n sad opening of what promises to bo a most exciting and difficult campaign. Made not in the spirit of harmony in tho party or of tho Interests of tho 8tato, but simply to gratify a "ring" which has taken pos session of tho Republican organization of tho Stato anil will lead us to inevita ble defeat in tho city next fall unless sternly checked beforehand, it will need a sunerhuman effort to elect General Ilartranft. Not oven tho placing of Judgo Mercur upon tno ticuec witn nini will help to lighten our load. Tho selection or delegates to tho Na tional Convention and tho Stato Consti tutional Convention is poor, and calls Tor no praise. A littlo leaven of wis dom, integrity nnd ability, is infused, but it does not leaven tho wholo lump. Some of tho names to tho first aro thoso of good Republicans and honest men, and ono or two aro of another class. In choosing tho delegates at largo to the Constitutional Convention there was an evident ignoranco of tho bill passed at tho recent session or tho Legislature, Thero wero twenty-eight delegates to be elected nt largo from tho Stato and six from Philadelphia. Tho convention yesterday gavo our city a sharo of tho State's representation. Tho hypocrisy or tho delegates from this city naming tho Hon. Wm. M. Meredith is palpable. ' Wo can only wisli that tho conven tion had been held under fairer auspi ces, that thero had been less of tho ring and rowdy element, and moro of tho disinterested nud patriotic spirit which characterized a few members. Judgo Mercur's name Is a tower of strength, hut oven it or that of tho best mnn thu Republican party of Pennsylvania over presented caunot efface tlio shamo with which n part of yesterday's proceed ings arc disgraced. Patience aud forbearance coeso to bo virtues when any man or set of men attempt to tyrannizo over cither a peo plo or party. Tho Republican Stato Central Commltteo of Pennsylvania, whoso own authority is derived from tho Republican voters at second-hand only, and thereforo may rail entirely to represent their wishes, empowered tho Republican Stato Con mention to appoint delegates to tho National Convention, which meets in this city next Juno. Tho commltteo had no possible warrant for this actiou. It was directly opposed to tho precedents or tlio two last Na tional Republican Conventions, and not only had not tho sanction o! tho peo ple, but has sinco been earnestly pro tested against by tho voters in soveral districts. Furthermore, tlio Harrlaburg Convention, to which tho rights ortho Individual voters wero thus arbitrarily delegated, was notoriously packed by a ring of unprincipled self-constituted party managers. Tlio election of tho delegates composing it, so far at least as Philadelphia is concerned, was a mock ery, in which tho masses or tho party wero suffered to havo no voice. For theso reasons alone, even had tlio Na tional delegates chosen been over so worthy and real ropreseutntlvo men, tho Republicans of tho sovoral districts would havo been fullyjustifled In meet ing In their respective towns or wards and electing such delegates as they do sired to havo to represent them. Hut, as tho case stands, thoy will bo com pelled, out of seir-rcdpect, to do this. Tho Stato Convention yesterday up pointed n set or delegates for tho Phil adelphia districts, most or whom aro utterly without character or Influence, except with roughs or bummers or their own strlpo. Thuro aro but two or threo resptctablo men in tho wholo delega tion. Tho rest iiavo been takou mainly from tho vcrv lowest or our petty ward politicians. Wo advlso that meetings be called at ouco in all tho wards or the city, and wherovor clso In tho Stato this courso has not already been deter mined upon, and that tho Republican voters (who aro entirely competont to ueciuo tor inctnseivcs in tins important matter) proceed to elect their own del egates to tho convention, which will unquestionably nominate President Grant next Juno. From the Lancaster Esprese.J Thoso who havo been careful readers or tho Imprest ror tho past two years. or sinco It lias called public attention to tho rockloss und criminal manner In which our stato finances havo been managed, need scarcely bo Informed that neither tho proceedings nor tho results of tho republican stato conven tion meet our approval or havo any claim upon our support. Tho conven tion, ho far ni Its relation to either tho wiihos nr tlio Interests of tho peoplo at largo aro concerned, win n broad farce. wonovorBaw us equal, nnu wo nopo wo may novorloolc upon Its Uko ngaln. It was moro liko a ratification mcotlui:. called to endorse whnthadnlrcady been agreed upon in a caucus called by mo treasury ring or MaeKoy, linrtranit os Company. tiio nomination or llartranrt, Known to bo n member of n ring which stinks in tho nostrils of all honest men, him self under n cloud of suspicion In con nection with tno Kvuni irauii, was oau enough, nnd of ltsclf n greater load man any party would bo abio to carry, but It was cnmtilc.tolv Biinnlcuiolltcd by tho nomination of Senator Allen.whoso principle distinction was Ms champion slilti of that l'Il'miHi! fraud known ns mo "iNino Million utcai," mm wnicn was thoroughly ventilated In the repub lican uowspapcrs or Lancaster at tlio time that bold scheme for robbing the treasury was attempted. To ask tho readers or Ilia Express to support u ticket n ku mis, aim iioiuiiiaieiiuuuersueii mis pices, won d bu aL-ros-i nnd unpariionn bio insult. Wn do not beliovo it can bo elected, and tho host reason In tho world which can bo plven ror thlsopiu ion. to all honest men, Is that It does not deservo to bo. Perhaps tho only redeeming fenturo in tho proceedings is tho nomination of Judgo Morcur, who is said to bo an un exceptionable man, and well qualified for tho rcsnonslblo nosltlon for which ho has been designated, though ho owes ins cnoico miner to geograpnicai con sideratlotia than to nnv conclusions ba sed upon a comparison or thu merits or uio diirercnt cumulates. Tho selection or candidates ror delo iratcs at larco to tho constitutional con- vontlon, which ought never to havo been assumed by n partisan convention wns dono by n packed gommitteo nirainst tho oarncst remonstrances of a powerful minority, to whom oven tho light of discussion was denied by the prompt application of tho gaR wieiucu by a Pliant tool in tho chair. Tho rcnublican nartv cannot carry such loads as theso nnd survive. Tho tlmo has now en inn to call a "hall" along tho lino, if tho rank and tlio would savo It from falling headlong Into tho fearful "hIoul'Ii of despond" to which tho leaders aro hurrying it. Wo know that tho creatures of tho ring will resort to tho scare crow or tno over shadowing importauco of tho presiden tial election, but tills Is an old and fa miliar dovicoof tho loaders to cover up their indefonslblo nct3 which people now well understand, ir the men who controlled tho Harrisburg convention had boon really solicitous or tho success or tho presidential tickot they would nover havo placed such an incubus upon tho party as tho ticket against which wo now enter oursolemn protest I From tho Ueidlng Eagle Tho nomination or such a man as Ilartranft who is well known as u friend of Geo. O. Evans: as u notorious jockey end "sporting man;" a deeply interested party in an sencmes ior plun dering tho natioual and stato govern ments to whicli ho could possibly cain admission; a man who has been tlmo and again denounced oy nonestrepuoii can senators liko Messrs. Billlngreltnnd Warful; a man who can only command a mere handful of votes in a republican strong hold liko Lancaster county actually deems uko a bid lor a dcieat, aud a defeat ho will rcceivo if tho poo plo of Pennsylvania aro in earnest in their desiro for reform. Notwithstanding all tho whitewash ing and shirking ortho questions, at is suobvllartranftandhisaldcrsand abet tors in tho Evans frauds, it is too ovidont that Hartrauft. as auditor general. deeply concerned in thoso rascally transactions. A llarrlsuurg correspond of tho Philadelphia Press stated, baforo tho nomination, mat somo very unpiea Bant facts were being rakd up in con nection with Hartranft's peculiar ac tion.-i in regard to tho stato sinking fund. Ilartranft was a member of tho board, and, in connection with stato treasurer Mackev. recommended nn additional loan of $5,000,000, in tlio faco of tho fact mat mere was men in tno stato treasury an unexpended balance of Sl,204,303.01, all which belonged to tho sinking fund. Another thing that shows badly for Ilartranft is tho ro markablo financial exhibit or tho con dition of stato treasury presented by Messrs. Ilartranft, Maekey.and Jordan, in responso to Mr. Billingfelt's resolu tionan exhibit that shows that over duo loans, bearing interest, amount to $1,C01,28:!,20 (not including tho loan duo in February last), with an unox pended balance in tho stato treasury of 5,800,791,43, which presents no excuse for this uudoubtcd mismanagement of the peoplo'a money. From the Lancaster Enterprise Tho proceedings of tho stato conven tion, and tho tickot nominated, appear in another column. Tho action of tho body has caused wido spread dissatis faction, which finds very plain express ion In tho leading city journals, ns well as among tho delegates on tho floor ot tho convention itself. Tho ticket as it stands is admitted to bo n weak ono. Why was it so formed? Becauso tho action of tho convention was controlled by the sarao ring which usurped tlio powers of tho wholo party iu tlio selec tion of national delegates. Knowing this, honest republicans arc absolved from tho allegianco claimed to bo duo to candidates who aro tho actual choice ortho majority. Candidates represent ing not tho people, but a eliquo of corrupt mon, cannot expect to receivo that united support which is essential to success. Wo await developments, bolioving that somo radical chango in tho present situation is tho only way to prevent an improper nomination from resulting iu u disastrous defeat, which the party can least afford upon tho very thresh old of a presidential election. CONGRESS. In tho Senato on Wednesday u( last week on motion of Mr. Sherman, tho Houso messago dcuyingtho right uf the Sonato toatnaud a Uritr bill wds r.'fjr red to tlio Committee on Privilege!. Ho Bald It was tlio first tlmo it was over disputed that tlio Senato had nucha right. Mr. Frelinghuysou introduced n bill giving tho American and East In iian Telegraph Company thp right to havo and maintain llnesofcablobetwecn tho American and Asiatic coasts. In tho Houso thcro was a discussion of tho bill abolishing tho franking prlvi lege. Mr. Carroll opposed it ns anti republican. Mr. Potter regarded tho present bill as u buncombe measure Mr. Butler nlso opposed It, and explain ed Ids former voto lu favor of such a bill by stating that ho knew tho Senate would kill It. Tho bill was recommitted -that is, killed. I n tho Senato on Thursday of last week a resolution adopted by tlio West Vir ginia Constitutional Con volition In favor or amnesty was presented, an adverso report from tho Commltteo on Petitions upon tho bill to pension tlio widow of Admiral Farragut was recolved, tho caso of Sanator Abbott was discussed, and tlio Consular anil Diplomatic Ap propriation bill was amended aud pass ed. The Houso passed a bill 07 to Tl to prevent cruelty to animals In transit, considered a bill to encourago tho plant ing of trees and tho preservation of woods, and discussod tho Senato amend ments to tho Legislative, Exccutlvo, and Judicial Appropriation bill. An amend ment to red u co tho sum of $50,000 for tho perfection and enforcement ortho President's clvll-servlco regulation to $10,000 was adopted by 02 to G9. Ia tho Sonato on Friday last a bill was reported appropriating 150,000 ror tho observance or tho transit or tho planet Venus, and tho North Carolina election caso was debated without no tion. In tho Houso tlio Sounto amend ments to tho Legislative, Executl vo.nnd Judiciary Appropriation bill wore de bated, ThoSenato on Monday last postponed consideration of tho contested election caso of Senator Abbot, of North Caroli na, until Monday next, and extending tho power or tho President to suspend tho writ or habeas corpus at his dlscro tion.for tho Wednesday nftor. Memor ials wcro prosontcd praying that no ex tension bo granted tlio Wilson sowing- machine patent. In tho Houso tlio chairman of tho commltteo appointed to Investigate tho sales of arms to Franco reported tho ov ldenco and conclusions of tlio commlt teo, exonerating tho Secrotary of War, Tho River and Harbor Improvement bill, appropriating about fivo millions, was passed, n3 was nlso a bill for tho ap pointment or n commission to Inquire into tlio depredations on tho Mexican frontier. Now Advertisements. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF J01RHI WEI.H. UKO'll. Lcltcrn of iiUinlnlHlrtitloti on the CKtnto nf Joseph Wclii, lato or .Madison irp Columbia county cleo'd., haveueunifnuileil Dv thoIUulnter m haul count), louKeir Knl of I.lBht Htrcct. Columbia co l'n. All person huvinir claim or UeinumlH nuuluKL thu ilectMent are rcnue&t i-u iu niHKO iiiciu unuMii, nnu hhiko imipu'eu. to make imvmt-nl, OSUAlt l". ENT. npni m,'7i'-tw. Administrator, MHATPV MADIiKAl'IDI.Y with 8tcncll and UlvlllJiKey ChecKouiillM. catalogue, Mtin ihu. aim luu iKirucuiani r i.r.r., a, JU, ni-ENUEli iiraiucooroY . 11 18w I FREE TO linn If A HUNTS ,7, - V ' ' 4 1 V 111 1 I KJ , o will fleml a naiiiUoinu Prospectus of our rfcwr Illustrnttd l-'amlly Bll!n contalnlns over 1j0 lino HcrJpturc-Illustration to any Hook Agent Ireo of chnruo. Address National l'unMsuixn Co., I'hlla, UlHIW fjREAT CHANCE for A&ENTS Do you wnntun agency, local or travel loir, with uu opportunity to make S3 to atti n nay Renins our new 7 strand Whltu Wins Clothe Lines? They last forever; sunplesfree. 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UOAltSENESI and ULCERATION of tho throat aro Immediately relieved and statements aro constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in caicsnf throat dllllcullles of years standing. 04 TTWTAAT Don't be deceived by worthless AU 1 LU1N Imitations. Oct only Wells' Carhoile Tablets. Irlco2i cents per Hox. JOHN . KELLOUO. 18 Piatt St.. N. Y. Solo Ancnt for tno U. hi. Bend for Circular. nltiw4 TIIEA-NECTAR A i'uro Clllnt-so lea. TJin 11KST TEA IMl'nllTI'.U. Warranted to suit all tastes, I'M up In our trado mark Hall round nnd Pound Packages only, aland W Pound lloxes. For Halo at Wholesalo only by thu Great Atlantic nnd 1'aclflc Tea Co , I'. O. Hox Oll'O. Now nlSlw Yorit City. 4,000 AQENT.4 WANTED 1 for our now book, liy Y. E. WEB1I. tho noted Pioneer und Uu morlst. A most accurate nnd fascinating de scription or tho wlldness and wealth ol tlio boundless West. Its untold riches, lllg Injuns, IlufUlo, Wolves, Ac. Crowded with vnluablo In formation, sparking with tho keonot wit nnd raciest humor, rivaling Mark Twain's best, and splendidly Illustrated. Will be Immensely popu lar and soil boyond precedent. Korsample pages, illustrations. Wins, tc address UUllllAltl) IJUO.y. Publishers 723 Hansom Ht., I'hlla. nlClw FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. -:0:- THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD. A leading periodical for Teachers, with full ex planations of tlio Lessons, 10 pages monthly. Only W rents r year. THE CHILD'S WORLD. ftiVyjftifi! dren. 100 copies monthly, ono ycar.S12.U0, or twice a month, S2I.O0. THE SCHOLAR'S PAPER. t of Uio lesson, nnd topics for tho study or It,;. Intermediate Lesson Paper of a moro simple character, with questions and explanation-.-. Illthcrol tho above at tho rato of 7ocoiiu tier luu eoplos monthly ; or 51) I jr ao copies per year. ' Hpecltnen copies orauyof tho above, furnished on application to TIIlJ AMKlllCAN HUND.VY.MIHOOL UNION, 1121 UhestuutHtrcet, I'hllaJelpiii.i. nliilw AGENTS! QUICK! Or YOU Will Iillt-H nhntca of territory, (tlieru isu rush tor in m tho jjuvj.a insi unci (ireivsi worir. OUR DIGES2IOPJ : or, MY JOLLY MUKND'rt HKCIIKT. It Is by odds the most taking and salable book In tho Hold, lit Is on a vitally Important sub ject. 3 It Is by America's most popular writer on health. .1 It Is, tor tho price, the largest and hand somest book over sold by subscription, Accnts, tho peoplo nro eager for such n book, and will urgoyou to bring It to them. Write for terms, c freo. QUO. MAULUAN, l'ubllsher, 7AlBani,om Mtreot, I'hlla. nlOlw Oil, WOULD I WEUK A CHILD AGAIN I sighs tho w nd exhausted ono, as tho lan gniir and lMgHOKle of spring conies upon lilm. Come und rwMro vigor nud strength irom tho wonderful HJWtx American Tonlo JUMUBEBA. Loi) as a gand successfully usedln ltsnatlvecuntry , Powerful Tonic, and l'otent liirltlfi- ,r n,n Wood, it Is louud oven to exceed tho anticipa tions founded on its great reputation. Accord. Ing lo tho medical and scientific periodicals of Loudon and Paris, It possesses the most Power iul Tonlo properties known to Materia Medlca. Dr. Wolls' Extract of Jurubeba !?.?,Pf 'peJj; foraltdlseasesnt tho I1LOOD, OIK1AN1U WKAIuNESS. ULANIHJLOUH i t. lll0lCliWml NTKHNAL All. LIVKU, hl'LKEN. INTliJTINlM. UIKHINE and UKINAHY OKQANS. ull-'i-Jt Is strcuglhening and nourishing. Llkenti. trlcions fopir taken Into the stomacli, It nsiinl- l'Lll,2L)1iruse.,.11'!f.1 tlironnU the circulation, giving vigor and health, ' It regulates tho bowels, quiets tho nerves, nets directly on the secretive oig.ins, and, by IU now. erful ronlp and reslorlug effects, produces healthy and vlgirous action to the whole sys. tern. JOHN Q. KELLOOa. 1? Piatt Kt Now York. , Bplo Agent for tho Uullod btates. Price 81 per Bottle. Heud for Circular. ulOwl GET TI1I3 BESTI l(a) tlio Patent Flange Cos Wheels on toth enfls on Uio rolls. THE NOVELTY THE NO VELTY Dm' t''"'" tnd' Has tlio Patent Curved Clamn. THE NOVELTY vi.uncut.iamp. Is tho easiest working Wrluger THE NOVELTY 8 Is the Btrooiiost W'rluger THE NOVELTY 1 , Is Hie most durablo Wringer Tlieso with other advantages make It moro dolrubln t hun any other. No Prtietlciil Hotiaekpoper can afford to buy n Wringer until slio has ex- ,. amine 1 tlie NOVELTY. Try it and satisfy youi self that I ti tho I1E.ST. Hold everywhere. 1IAILY WAHIIINO iWItlNaiNfl MACIIINI3 (W 1W ChRinb,r Htrett, Now York. uieiw 1A HOUSEKEEPERS! TO THE N ao GROCER & TEA DEAXER, Opposite tlio Stono Episcopal Church, corner of Mnln nntl IronRta., Hlootnsbttrf?, W. II. UHOWN Is now oirerlnrr on terms which challcnRo competition, n now stock of RMgU 0001)3, Groceries and Provisions, Flour and 'Feed, Teas, Spicc3, Coll'003, Sugar, Syrups, W. IJ. UHOWN keeps tho best Now to iiloomsbiirg, nntl nrosoltt nt oxtrenifly low prkw. Go nnu soo his Fish they nro flno nntl Rood ; 3 , , und full barrels nto nil full weight. UltOWN hiw n full nssortmont of tho lioit Qucenswnro which ho soils very low. Ills Iron Stone Clilim nnd Q Unaware, nro of every vnrlety. Vegetables of every Description. Sealed Goods, Tomatoes, Peaches nnd Pears, Green Peas, Hum Henns, Green Corn, Cherries, Strawberries, Pino Apples, Dried Com, Blnckborrio. Green Gatros, Damson Plums, Quinces, Pears, Ilaspbcrrlcs, Jellies, Flavoring Extracts, C.ttsup-i, Mustards, Sauces, Shell Fish, Olives, Sardines, Olivo Oil, Ac, Ac, Ac. b--Ho keeps nothing but flrst-class goods which nro warranted to give satis faction to everyone. TiGS?" Produce and Grain taken in exchange for CJootkTgjJf April 10, 1872. What is this anAKDHpEctKio for dyspepsia? this bubbllDg, vparkllng, cooling, purifying, rcg nlitlng draught thoy call Taiwan r'H EtFKit vtsccNTSiii.TZEit APKHtENT? Well, It Is simply tho Chemical stmllo of tho Holtzor Spring Water, which, lor 1U0 years lias been accounted tho finest Cnthartlnnud Alieratlvo In nil Europe. BOLD UY ALL DllUUOIHTtf. 'B IIEONLYOENEUAL ACCIDENT X Insurance Company In Amerlcn, wilting Accident Policies by the mouth or year, Is tho of Hartford, Ct. It Insures men of all tradcs.occu- mn 1 17 nr nrci nations nnd llliAV JJiLrjllO rates within themeansof all. Tit r Tn wni.Kita also writes pollcicsof Llfcand dowmoutofnll usual forms, unltlnj AmploEc. INS UR AN OE uide' n nDtln?toeCoutrii Moderate Cost ;icl Premium system is tho favorite Low Kate, All Cash, Stock Plan. No other In tho world, of Its has returned so mush money in boucilts to Its Policy holders. Cash Assets, nearly Two Millions. Eicu I'arins ! Free lBomcN I OITHB LINE OK THE UNION 1'AOIFIO ItAlLROAD. A LAND QUANT OK 12.000.000 ACHE IN THU 11KST FAKMINtl AND MINEHAL LANDS IN AMEItlCA. 3,000,000 ACIIESTN NEBRASKA INTIIK CHEAT PJX.ITTK VAIL.I.KY, "J'Jic Garden of the West, NOW KOHHALEI Theso lands nrj in tho central portion or the United Htales, on tlio list degrco of North Latl. tnde, tho central lino of tho great Tempcrato Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing nnd stock raising unsurpassed by any In the United Htntes. ClIEAPEll IN l'UICE, more favorable terms given, nnd moro convenient to market than can be tound elsewliere. MltM HOMVUTEAnS FOll ACTUAL SET TLEltH. The Jiest Locutions for Colonies. Soldiers untitled to a homestead of ISO acres. Free I'asscs to Purchasers of liuiid. Bend tor the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published lu English, Swedish und Danish, mailed freo overywhero Address O K. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U.P. it. II. Co., Omaha, Neb. EXnt.YORDlNAUY IMl'ltOVESlENTd IN CABINET ORGANS. Tlio Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. respectfully announce tho Introduction of Improvements of much inuro than ordinary Interest. Tnose nro HEED AND PIPE CAUINE1' OHUANS being tho ouly successful combination of ItEAL 1'IPrJJ with reeds ever made j DAY'S Tit A NSPOBING KEY-COAKD, which can be Instantly moved to tho rijht or left, changing the pitch, or transposing tho hey. For drawings nnd descriptions, seoCiicnlnr, NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES 01-' DOUBLE UEED CABINET OKUANS. nt tllO, 8132 and 512 each. ConMderlngCarmcltv, Elegance, nnd Thorough Excellence of Work mnushlp, these are chcaier than any before oil erod, Tlio Mason A Hamlin Organs nro nckni.wl edged UEST. and Irom extriiordlmry ficilitlcs lor inanulacture this Compmy can afford and, now underlako lo bell at prices which rendur them UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four octave organs 831 each; Fivo octavo or gans 8l0i, SUI ami upwari's. With threo sets reeds 81VJ und upwards, Forty styles, np to SIM) each. New Illustrated Catalogue, nnd Testimonial Circular, with opinions of MOKE THAN ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent free. MASON S HAMLIN OltOAN CO., 13lTremoutht., llostou. 0 93 Broadway, N, Y POliTAliLU SODA FOUNTAINS $10, $50, $75 and $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP 1 Shipped Kcutly Tor Use ! MANUPACTUIIEU 11 V J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Iud. 3-Bend for Clrcular.-fcB THE MORMON WIFE. Now is tho tlmo for Agents to sccuro territory for this thrilling ami fearless hook, 1 1 comprises the Adventures nud Experience or n woman written by hersolf for years the wife of a M or mon Prophet-disclosing all that la mysterious, wicked nud startling, abounding in thrilling adventure, humorous and pathetlo scenes tho most fascinating book extaut. Steel portrait of tho Authoress, portraits ot leading Mormons, both men nnd women. Lite nnd Scenes In Utah, etc. Sold onlv by Agents. For clrcularsaddresa HAUTl-'OUD PUBLISHING CO., Harttord, Coun, WANTED. A competent A gent to canvass nnd take charge, lu a portion ot l'tiui., of thu Halo o'a rapidly nelllnn book, by the most eminent author in th United Htatos, and Indispensable to the correct trauKactlon of every kind of bun in ess. Agents Nell trow 60 to 10J per week. LliiEUAl, Salauy given. If desired nud permanent bualntbs, ti. H. B'JitANTON & CO., Hartford Conn, THE CHRISTIAN. UA: llglous, family puper, lull of Incidents, provi dences, musle, poetry, true stories foiyouug,old, satntsand sinners. No sectarianism, controversy polllics, puirs, pills, or patent medicines, li e. u 5 ear I 10 copies, 85 ! Bend loo for 3 papers belore you forget) Little christian, Kcoplrs 81. II. L. llASrimis, Truct Iteposltory, IU Lludall St., Dos lou, Muss. SOMETHING NEW FOR A&ENTS. Agents who want to mako money c-iti sell noth ing so rapidly as our new and beuullfulsteel En uravlug THE MOTHER OE OUIt LOUD. It Is tho liuest subject ever engraved, and sur- E rises every beholder with Its wondrous beauty. Ize Z!x3i in. Price U.M. Highly endorsed by leading Divines of all denominations. Agents who Und that "Hooks go luird,"cau make 110 per dny Willi this splendid work ufart. Male und female Affeuts want-d. Wrlto fur circulars to WOKTHINUION, DUSflN A CO., Ilurtford, Ct. (Incorporated 16110.) COLUMBIA FIHE INSURANCE CO. OKF1CE1W AND DlltECT0IlS.-8. H. Dctwiler Pres'ti H, Wllsou, Vlce-Pres'f, Herb't Thomas Treas.: J.I-M-'ruesim, Seo'y : s. S, Detwller, Hi ram Wilson, Itoiiert Craue. Wm. Pulton, John II. Bachiuun, M, M. Htrlckler. Jacob S. Strlne, James Schroeder, Geo. llogle, W. O, Case. Amos. 1-'. Eves, John shertzcr, II. II. Esslck, For lu burauce or Agencies, address J. F. FUUEAUFF, Seo'y. Columbia, Pa. JMMENSIS'SUCOESA . ed. male or fern uio, in every county In the lilted Stales and Cuuadas, to sell our new and most useful Patent ; Irom one toslx used lu overy family. 100 per cent, guaranteed. For samples and terms, Inclose ten oeuts und address FKuuUrtONacoui3lttverHtuet,Troy, n, v, PUBLIC. to Molasses, Moats, Cheese, Fish, Ac. Urifjlit. Fat Jfitckerpl Hint nro brought RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS! Agents, wo will pay you 810 per weoit In cash If yoa will cng-igo with us AT ONcn. Everything ELLS .tc CO., charlotte, Mich. A GENTS W A N T E I ). A gc n t s mnko moro mon 11 cy nt work for us than nt nnyililng else. y. ciitMiuH s ,o., i-ino Art ruunsncrs, I'orl land, Maine. PIANO CO., N. Y. PllICE, No Agents. Circulars freo. $21)0 For nny easoof Ill.nd. Bleed Ing, llelilng or Ulcerated 1'iu-s that lit: Hind's Pilk ltKMRHV falls lo corp. If. 1. prepaieu expressly 10 cure mo mes.nud nothing ClTAMMEltlNf). Drs. Wldtn ,MUtn. n-i in. O av.. New York, Hofereucesn-omclergyiuon lu ,,u i-nj uuLit uuruu, oeuu ior circular GUEAT MEDICAL HOOK of uselul knowledgo to nil. Sent freo for two stamp. Address Dr. uu.14ra1.1ii iiueiuuail, uuio. 'PDITP rP.Hf - HwMoKnctlcTIME.KEEP I IIU1J lilt nnd Indicator. Indispensable to 'I' I 11 Ii ".ij- nu.vii.-rs, im er, uoy. runner. 1 1 ill CJ and for EVEltYBODY in nel or II re liable tlmokceper. Usual watch size, Btcel works, Km-.!. t-r..HUll, IU IieaLUlfcUllJl-iCllSe, WAUIlANTKD '!,.dc!ot?,S!;"e9i tlmo for two years. Nothing Hire It. 1.010 Kn i ivifklv. v--,i, . In neat ease, will bo sent, prepaid, nuy where, for !l;3for 8'-'. Try ono. circulars tree. Order only from the So'e Agents, l- KINO A CO., Brattle- boro, Vt. nprll lil,'7-lw THE NEW NORTH - WEST AND ITS GREAT RAIL ROAD OP THE Pacific Rail Read A SAFE ami PROFITABLE Invest ment Secured liy Fifty Million Acres of Land. Resiitered, $100, $500, $1000, 55000, $10,000, Coupon, $100, $500, nnd $1000. Holders nro ex empt from U. S. Tax. The First Mnrlgago Land Orant (lold Bonds of the Northern Pnclllo Compnny.aro now sclllug at Par and iiccruod Interost, In currency, nnd uro unhesitatingly reoommended to nil elnsses ns nn investment that combines n pro ntiblR rnto of Interest with nbsoluto security. JAY COOKE A CO., l-'inunclal Agents. FOR SALE IN ULOOMSCURG BY THE 11LOOM1BUKO BANKINO COMPANY. IN CATAWISSA BY DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS HANK. nprllHJ7'Mw gHERIFF'3 SALES. . Hy virtue of sundry wi lis of venditioni exponas ac., issued nut ortho Court ofCommon Pleas of .iiuiiiiiiu euuiiiy nnu to mo uirocted thero will ho exposed to public salo ntthn Court House, in tho Town oi Illooinsburg, on MONDAY, I ho Oth day of May, nt ono o'clock, p. in., tho following real estate to wit : All Hint certain piece or parcel of land situate In Locust township Coluinblaconnty.l'u., bound ed nnd described ns follows, to wit: nn tho woi-t by lands of John Johnson and Mary Stewart: on the north by lands or Peter Stransserj on the cast hy Chrlsllan Hmnll, nnd on tho south by tho snme, containing forty-six ncres, moro or less.on which nro erected a dwelling house nud bunk bnrn with tho appurtenances. Seizfd.taken in execution nnd to ho sold as th property of Hiram Y. Hower. ALSO, All that certain tract of land wllh tho nppur tcnntices.kltuatoln Montour township, bounded and described as follows, to wit: onthesoulhby lands of Of orgo Lyim.on the wost by hinds now or Into of Frick & Hurly, on tho north by lands of William Huberts, on thoeiikt by lands of Cad wallador Iloberts, nud lauds'uow of Joseph Fry. containing thlrty-slx ncies moroor less, togother with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho property of Simon ltudy. ALSO: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of ground situate In tho town nf Espy, Columbia county anil Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded ami n. scribed us follows, to wit: On tho south sldoof neeouu surei,, uuiuiuiog 101 oi unrisimnn & Har rison on theenstand liyun alley on tho south, nnd by lot of James Fowler on tbo weit, wheron Is erected a two-story framo d Weill nil honso wllh the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to bo soldns tho property of N. S. Tlngly. ALSO: A framo dwelling house of two stories, having a trout or thirty feet and n depth oi twenty feet, sltuato upon a certain lot or piece ofland within the county of Columbia In tbo town of Mlllllu. vllle. Mlllllu township, bounded nn the frmit. i,v Slain Street, on the rear liy n back street, on tho northeast by lands of George Shumnn, on tho southwest by Inuds of Aaron W. Hess, contain- IUK niAij-oiA. iret uuui UUU JUUriCOU rOUS 111 depth moro or Itss. Seized, taken lu execution nnd to bo lold as tuepropsrty of Jolm W. Vohe. All that certain piece or psreel of laud sltuato in iirceuwoou twp.. woiuiuuia couuiy aiui mnut nf l'eniiHVlvania bounded and described ns r.,1. lows, tn wit: On tho south nnd west by land of James vantioru.ou me norm uy isnu oi nenry Delougand on the east by land of William Wil son nnd James Manning, containing Mrty ncres, bo the samo moro or less, on whicli uru erected a frame dwelling houho audit bank barn, Willi tbo uppurtenauces, ALSO: Another lot or piece of land sltuato In the towuiif llobrsliurg. In the county of Columbia nnd Statu Hfnivsatd, lioiiuded ns follows to win On the south by lot of Abraham Kline, on I lie west by laud of Jacob Berlin, un the north by lot of Samuel Heruiuger and ou tho east hy u public road leading from Itnhrsbnrg to Heiitou, said lot Is six rods lu front und teu deep, where on nro erected u story nud u half dwelling house, a frame stoic and u stable, with the uppurle nances. Seized, taken In execution und In ho sold as the property of James V. Wilson, ALSO: All that cortaln lot sltuato In Scott twp . Co lumbia county, Pcnusylvuiila, bounded and de scribed as lolluws, to wit! On til-wc-t by laud of Isaac Hess, on tho north by n public rond, on the east hy land of John llurllugaine, nud on tho south by land ol Uaao White, containing ubout u quarter nf an acre, bo the Mime more or lets, on u hlch Is erected u dwelling house. Seized, taken lu exei-utlou una to be soldns the properly of Philip tlraham, 11 AAUON SMITH, Sheriff, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTA1E Of rnll.ll- IIAltTKAN, llEO'll, Letters of ndiulnUtrutlou on thu estalo ot Philip Hartrusii lute of Scott township, Co lumbia county, Pa., deceased, have been grunted by tho Itegtsterof said county to Thomas W. llartmiin of Espy, All persons having claims or demands against the decedent are requested to make them known, aud those indebted to mnko payment without deluv, THOMAH W. IIAIITMAN. prlllt72Ct Administrator, U.S. SOU N ORDINANCE or tlio calnullaliing or a uurbsiono Morkct. tin II nrdnlunit nini rnnrted tiv the Town Loun. ell of tho Town of Blooinshurg, nnd It is hereby ordalneil nud enacted by authority of tho same, AiiT! I, That tho Marttct days in tho said Town shall no Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hntur- nays oi cacu ween, mini eleven u cioca m mu r...n , fMi.t Ktnrlrnt 1UI flllJII, HIIll lllllb rL-l'l,lllI Bliru,lliililiinv, street to Iron street, shall bo used ns tho place of miiruci- ior mo snio untl Venning ui iiieuis, vrKe tnbles, fruit, nud nil other kinds of victuals nud provisions whntsoovcr.nnd noporsonor persons shnll. during market hours, buy, or cause to bo bought In gross, and for.tho purpose of selling ugnm, nny meats, vegetables, fruit, or other nr tlcioH of marketing whntover, excepting only l-'lour, Meal, Com, Whoit. Hyo, Oats, nr other grains, under n flno or penalty ot five dollars for each fitretice. A nr. i. That It shall not be lawful for any per son or persons whatsoever, tho produocr or pro duccrsof marketing, (r their agent, huckster or pB.ilcr, to linwlc, peddlo, or soil, in nny street, or alley, or lu any part of said Town, nny urllclo oi prouuee or provisions ior lamuy use, omer than fresh flshnud oyslorsnt nuy other tlmo aud place, than tho tlmo nnd plnco or places deslgna- eu Herein, or nereinier ui-niKi-uveu uj- .uwin.u norltv. under n lino of flvo dollars for each of fence. JVotlcfcd. however, that butchers and others having ntlcnacd tho market with their wagous, uo auoweu to pcuuio meat niter market hours on market days. iut. a. ii nuy person sunn sen or expose in lo within tliolliultsofthotownutllloomsburg. nuy pork, mutton, heor, lamb, venl, poultry, fish, oysters, or nny other article of lood diseased, tnlnttd, blown, stale, or unwholesome, nr In any manlier renderod unlit for use, or nuy vonl which wneu Killed sniiu not navo ueen oi mo nge 01 four weeks, such ortlclo shall bo forfeited to the Town, nud the otlender or oMoudcrs, on o invlc tlou, shall forfeit nud pay n Hue of llvo dollars for each ollenco. .A ht, -l. Knch and ovcry person or persons witn wagons, sleds, nr utile r vehicles containing ar ticles fur market, shall bo required during mar kot huurs to back un tu thu nuvement on tho South side of said Second street, from tho first day of April until tho Ilrst day uf October In each year, and from Hie llrst day of October Ui i uo urst oi April, on me JNorm siuo 01 saiu street, lu such manner us not to obstruct tho crosslugs, nor tho truvcllng in the sfieet. nnd every person found violating tho directions of this ortlclo snnu, on couvictiou, iorieit nnu pay a una 01 ono dollur for cneti und uvcrv ollenco. a nr. s. All articles of marketing exposed for salo within thu limits or said Town which shell, or may bo found deficient In weight or measure by tne President ot tno Town Council, or other dulynuthorlred person or persons, shnll bo seized uuu iorieueil ior mo use 01 mu ruwu. Passed April H, 1S7J. , E. MENDENHALL, Presfdont of thu Town Council. Attest: I-', C. Eyeu, Secretnry. The nbnvo Ordinance to lakoctlccton nnd after tho 2uth day or April, iota inpr. u. OTEl'HEN HALDY. Poor Ovorsecr KJ of CatnwIssaTwp. iu Account with said Twp. DK, To due from 1870-inln't ordupllcato 1971 Clt, 9;3t 115 By cash paid expeusos of Mnrlh.i 11 ing- nan, By cish p'd cxpensos ot Sarah Beech, 8 31 85 liu M IN) V3 151) d'l ntucir, " Michael Penslrfgcr Cleorgo Hughes (rent) Samuel Kostenbaudcr, Self for Dupllcnto, Exonerations, u m 1 60 3 W 7 SO Hy percentage ou 571',! ai(ffl 5 per cent. By services, Hy baUuco due township, 31 GJ 33 U) SMI K7 S3J1 M Wo the auditors of Catnwlssa township liavo examined tho ncct of Stephen ll.ildy ns Poor Over- seerofsatd township nnd llnd It correct us ubovo siaieo. Witness our hand tills 8th day or April 1872. M. V. H KLINE. ) HENltY. HOLLI NG3IIE AD. Auditors, C. E. MAKOEUUM. J ANTED. A resident salesman with nu established trade in Columbia und tlio ndiolnlng couutlos, to rep resent nl'lilladclohla Wliolesalo Urocerv House Address In confidence, " Uroccr," Columbian ouice. npr. n, Ml. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 THE BLOOMSBUHO L1TEHAHY INSTITUTE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open under tho cntlro control of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. They havo selected ns Principal of tho Insti tution REV. JOHN IIIJWITT, a ccntlomnn whoso qualifications have heeu fully testtMl und nro vet I ia other educational en- terprlseN of a liko nature; and thuy ask nnd haven rljht todemaud ior lilm nnd tho Insti tution, tho coutldeuro and .support of our own citizens, nud of tlio frlemlaof the enterprise nnd ui tuuutnuii uvrrv wjiuru. iiipoiuiot COllllOrl convenience nnd boantv of hulldlnvi nnd knr roundlucs. no Hchool in thoHtutoKtirnnRMPH thiK nd we nro determined It tdmll not be Kecond In inn Kiuu, quality ami tuorouguncss or its uiscl pnuu uuu cmuiro. Tho Bpriug session of twelvo woek will begin MONDAY, APItIL 8th, nnd closo JUNK 28TH. EXPENSES: Tuition nud Hoarding, Including washing nud ui'ui, iur luubcbsiuu oi iweivo weesH, cuu w. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Tuition for day pupils, ono dollar per week, In tlio model school, irom fifty to eighty cents per wecit. Jiuslc, lirawlna, I'alntliiK, Ac, extra, Bills uro payable, nud mti-ttho naid nrumotlv. one-half at the lifKinninsmi'l the other lulfnt 1110 miitdio ot me session. J. O. FIIEFZK, hSeerclnry. . B. I1UIT.IIT. I'reslcleut, rpREASURER'ti SALE OK UNSI-IATr.D LAN1JJ IN COLUMBIA CO, Aerecablv to tho provisions of nn Act nl As scmidy uniitlod nu Act directing tiio modu o selling liuseati'd hinds lor taxus ami nlhi-rtmr noses, missed tho thirteenth dnv of Muinh. isi. nud tlio further supplements thcre-o passed on the 13th day of March. 1SI7. nud tho oth davm March, 1821, aud tho 0th day of March, 1817, tho t-,,.aU,,r,, ,f r,l,il,ln on,,..,, I.l,u ..I .. .... lico to all persons concerned therein, thai uulcss tiio County, ltoad, .School, Poor, Bounty and tttaio taxes tiuo on 1110 iniiowins traots ot uuseat ed la ids. sltuatu lnColumhla countv. tire tint, boforo tho d.iy ot sale, tho wholo or such pans of ciiuu iiiM-i, iu tviu )iy luuuusis Cllliro lulu lucre' on, win oo soiu iil mo i ourt uonsi in uio low of IllooinsbiUL'. I'ii.,nn tlio luth day ot June. Ih7. and t- contluuo hy ndjouruiuont, li-.iui day to uay ior urrearuKes ui taxes nuo fan- uouiily, and eu&ui ueciueu uu vai.ii iiuei. cesjiei . i iciy. Acres. irnrronlfCJ or Owner. iy. as. JJeavcr. Gray William Cl.irlr Andrew, traot. D.ivls Isaao Kry U.ivld Little Mnlhlas, Littlo Knbert. Morris Hiulcl, Noyer Ueorao, Nunsesser Ueorjjo Ntiuuiau 1-'. L. Shnmau K. L. Mniinim 1-', L. Hhuiuau Heorijo & Co,, WilpmanH. W. Benuliiy-er christian, Hhumaii 1-'. L. Hhuiiian K, L. Hosier Jacob, ilec'd., lienton. Christman Ann, Wells John Applem.iu I'oter, l'euuiuiiton Jesso It. JSriarcreek. Applo l'aul llrlttaln William A.J. lillsh Iteuhen, Beach Nathau, Beach Nfithan ilryau (uy, Clem W. T. D. Rev. Headly H. K, Headly H, v., Headly H. I-'., HlcuJi Jesse, ltecer Abraham, l'ealer bamuel J, HtacUhouso Joseph, Hlactctiouso Joseph, MtacUhouse, Joseph, hull Adam, Hponeubert; Philip, wittier Jacob. Trough Henry, Doty l'ealer. I'arks Jumes, Klssner A Kuorr, CUtawissa 'Jbwnshlp, MoN'Inch James S., Clewell Jacob, Jr., llrohst J.H., Brobst J, H., llrotist J.H., Hrobst J. 35 8i) V5 91 2IJO 111-) 70 1( IU 11) 7 7.5 4UII 1(0 71 IU0 'lit 10 1 00 ill 40 1 1. .1 ( I. (. 1 ! to s uo 24 1 5 7 1 u. II) SI) 13 fill 8 27 i 71 1 hi) 11 B.1 alio nn 100 .'10 ss 218 18D 600 10 211 mo UI 200 tn 100 1U0 ft 7 301 10 II) 4 47 Si) (i M 61 X 111 l; 8 til 17 78 10 t)7 21) a (10 11 M 6 0 18 31 11 h.1 a s 61) S i) 17 hi i IV! it 63 Hi 1(10 61 101 :ii m w 4 M 5 X5 1 70 2 m I 17 r. oi 27 11 Bllliuyer M, & a., Centratia Jlorough. 2 Lrls Alter John, 1 lloyla.lohn, 1 11 crsuu Michael, 1 " Chadwlclc Ann T., 11 " Collins I'oter l-, 1 " Cannon Bernard, 1 " Colllhau James, I " Kellermau Alleu, 1 " (IrlRlth BeDJainlu, 1 " llluojohu, 1 ' Holmes Thomas. 7 " Jones Aim T. Mrs, 1 " Kline Caroline, 1 ' Kline it lleinhold, 1 " IColler widow, 1 " Lovelund H. A, 2 " Laugou l'iit'a 1 Morijaii I). John, 1 " Marks Loyd, 1 " Maiks Ueorge, 1 MeehaiiThomas. 2 M Mooru Urace Mrs. 1 " Nevlu Michael, 1 " I'arks . 1 (lulnn l'utiiclt, 1 " Helly 1 " Hhephard B. V. I ' Wlttlck Pred. 1 ZUlur William, 1 Hughs John J, 1 ' CaiuTerrence, 1 " Davis Henry, Centre Township, 3.1 Conner Isaiah, mtato 3S CouiierHnmuel, estate UK Hewitt A Benedict, 7 Kriw William, estate 3 Uood Jacob, 13 M 5 71) U 3'J l a) Ii 01) 4 29 8 kl 8 UI 1 11) 4 18 4 07 3 30 8 01 15 W 8 111 4 ! 1 10 8 b'l 8 01 8 ill 8 01 17 27 8 61 17 27 H 1(1 4 2D 8 W 4 31 15 23 U Ol .1 81 7 62 0 28 a 28 0 HI 1 It 111 5 Klefcr Daniel, 1 Klliendall A creiwy, 2 Ilnmhach Daniel, 7 Hill Jncob estate, Conyngham Township, I) Jordan ltohcrt, 0 I'm tor Andrew, J .. Walker Lowls, "ill". Jfnston Thomas, ofsso Huston Mary, of no lluston Thomas, Of tftO Ilusfmi Marv ill SI w a si MIM 6)8 1 M fs M M I'l 5') '- 111 111 11 11.1 71 NU on m V) M 0 01 41 IKI ii m 61 11 m isa nj ai 3 21 31 2(1 M IT 1 Un 41 W m in iil ;g l'l 1 1(1 312 '.ti )N SM 3 Kl .'tl 11 w 41 1 ) 3 TO fill U II) 4 Si s to 3 7i 1 11 4 II 8 4'. li., D Iluchcr l'elcr. Ileasley Johnson, lllllr.hlnier Tliomns, Wlckcrshnm Amos, rilinnuon William, Illckhnm acorge, IlarnosTliomas, Ilea A. W. Ilea A. W. Ilea A. W. Kline, Lludonmulh A Co,, Llndenmuth Uoorxo D Walker Iswls, 1UUI1K UUI1I1, Brantian Kbonescr, .,1111. dtfSlltlll, Dellaveu I'oter. Miller William, Porter William, Ileese Daniel, Warner Jonn, Beaver A Kllno, lteeso Michael, ItttlWIl Nlllh.lttlnl 1 Lot Lelliy J. M. ' marr nenry B lloliibold W li., Westman Daniel, Vocum Frank, Cloivcr HlllHh, Cook David, KlliiBamnti Froi., Kaclielrles (looriro, Unodmali William. Wallace William, Bart Andrew, i.nln TcrrencH, , Helnibneb l'lilllp. Howls P. 8., Joyce Peter, Knlttle Jonnthiui, MiiKUlroTorrcuce, Murr A Morris, I McMunamsn f ellr, McMHUiunnn Petep, Mnriihv Anlluii.v 1 Lot Murphy Ulchard, ..iiirpuy inotuns, Hhlvcly Matthew, l'rcstou Improvement Co., Pishlngcreck Township, Doty A Pealer, DoiyA l'ealer, Doty A Dealer, Ikeler William, Joues JnmoK Lemon Michael, Mears William, Montgomery 1)., estate, Pealer Mnniuol J., Unaiigst Ahraliam, Parks James II.. Mcllourv Hd taxes. Lemon Thomas, D 13 Tl I M 1 4 21 HI (II 1.1 ,i 5 t') 1 li 3TI OTI Pranklln, 67 lloyer Hdw.ird, (H) Hower Moses, 'it Lilley Abraham, 1 Lloyd John, Qrccnwooil, .1 Kllno Daniel, H Nnllon Hnmunl. 10 01 15 M 3 IM M li 2 71 17 00 17 1; 10) 'lltmnu Abrn., estate. 60 Watts A llodlluo, Hemlock, W Cnmphi-ll I,. N 5) L'liitiillt James, 34 3 ill Jackson, Uof 2in Kilo John, Hofl'ls Kilo John. 9 71 low 2 si) Hill II ki) IS YminR Abraham, Woclever Jacob, Hess John L., loo 100 Locust, 203 llllllngton Thomas, 31 Jolm Mamuel, 32 John Hamuel, UK) llhodcs John A Joseph, 131 lteeso Mlchncl, 30 Haven William, iot 1M) Huston Thoiiins. 14 ol Itr) lteeso Daniel, w or200 Hu.ton Mary, li ol 200 Huston Charlotte. 1? r-NUl lln., i.... 11 Tl 2(11 2 K 7 M U 7 2 J, litl 7 7 i 7 .), 7.1 l kl 7A 7i 7 . 7 21 7, St) 1 II. of 200 Iteyuolds Jonn, Sot 200 Myers Marr. !?of 100 Huston Tliomas. Hot 180 lteeso Daniel, i of 2i iu Huston Mary, li (11200 Huston Clisrlotlc, y. or 2nd lleynolds John, Yoder Aaron A Bamuc), Miller J u oo h, Miller Jacob, Heaver llcorgo A J, L. Kllno. Beaver George A J. L. Kline, Keller Hlehard, Madison Ibwmhip. Kills William, estnlo, M o..r Jacob, Main. Flucher J. P., Klnchcr J. I'., Hosier Jacob, Hhtniau Hudolph, Ntiumau (leorge, Hhuman Daniel, heirs, Hlnuimil iMilah. ln-lru tH 11)1 01 141 1 41 ii ; 4 "J 40 220 1 Kl 2. 'J 35 I IK) )0) 11-3 101 or 07 10J 100 1?) ) 471 0 U. 611 it! 819 IU 3) mneck, Hrobst, "ietlerAHutuk Vtsxcs'2-7 Vettcr Isaac, J itj 1IJII b.tu. .ot.u 0 imuici, VetterJ. 11, Yctter A Klaso. Longeuborger Oeorge, estate, MiJJlin. Brown David, sr., Creasy Henry, Durnbach Naomi, Keller John, Nungcssep Ueorge, Zlmuiermauii Jostiuu, YohoJohn It., Montour. (llger John, estato, lluuisey John, estato, Ml. Pleasant. (Irimm Lorenzo, McCnrly Daniel, Orange. ;rovellna Samuel, Kveretl Moses, Jones Hlehard, Kllno A, J,, Kllno A.. 1 Trelplcpioio Jacob, Pine. lleuflcld Tliomai. D.ivls Tliomas, estato, HeathHylvester, Vauderbllco Thomas J,, Poarlngcrcek. Ilauh J. Miller, Little ltnbcrt, ' Bucheri'eter, Barnes Thomas, Jr., l'rlck A tjiiumau, Huston John, part of, Trlcn Jacob, Morris Daniel, Yocum KIMiH, Yocum Klisha, Woary (labriel, Morris D. A M. a. Hughs, Morris D. A M. (1. Hughs. Morris D. A M. 1). Hughs . Morris 1) A M. o. Hughs. Morris D. AM. O. Hughs, Weary Oabriel, Weary (iabrieL Ilauh J. Miller, Keller Hlciiurd, Beaver Ueorge A J, L, Kline, Sugar Loaf. llucUalow James, Colo hzcklel. Custard Mary, Uoss Nathaniel, (Iray Hobert, Montgomery Itoberl, eslntc, 8 1,7 2 11 lu 6TJ IS 11 67 2(D 173 47 "3 ii: mu :m 7VD b'M 111 id 1.7 8 :ii 01 5i 61 IT7 It,. li s't 1 II ij 401) 17 1 Lot til) 75.'. I I .'i 11 -ii 40 41 60 H'J 400 111) 5') 3) Z3 611 131 111 11) 7 li !) 68 21) 1.0 3-1 20 1 Kl 1 I 41 7 CO :j ii 203 81 7i loo 205 30) .ii T) -14 i ) H or 113 Kilo John, tn WILLIAM LAMO.V, Bloomsburs, April 5, VM. Trensurti rpREASURER'S SALE OF HEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNIV Also tho following lots, pieces or parcels ol Seated Lands, returned by tho tax collectors.un to ho sold at tho same time, under tho provMoui of nu net of Assembly, entitled "An Act relumi, to the tnlo of lauds lor tnxos In Columbia Coun ty." Icrci. Wurrmitees or Owners. Heaver. 13 Miller KUas, 2 drover Hlephen, 1 Baker Thomas, 3".U Luce Ueorgu A lienton. Dal .j .7 17 1! 60 60 78 111 4.1 25 6) Conner Preservo, Khullz Kzeklel, Koons Johu, Hwartwout John, Conner Mtithlns, Masters Parvlu, Brlulc John U,, liloom. Puisfll K. B., Prenils Nancy, Murruy Joseph P., IT Si 4.-; on 1170 172 24J l lLot I " I " 1 II jlll 31 Ihiarcreek, 100 Miller Reuben, 6 Thomas Jo.lah, 1 Miles Luev, 3) Vanpelt Url lb, Conyngham, 1 Brown William, 1 Fgan Patriek, U Casey Iiaureuoe, 1" Preston Improvement Co.. I Lot Yorkey William, Greenwood, H Drelpleploco James, 23 Watls ioseph, II I Cole Nicholas, 3 HockChrlstUn, Hemlock, 11173 5J.VI 5 Jl OtW l 2) Kusriuehanna Hlnto Compsuy, Jackson. 213 Itnlston J William A John, 6 KeslcrJohn, IjOCUSL 11 Breach Joseph, 6 Croul Jacsh, 48 Donehoe Cornelius, 81 Met Charles, 11 Millard William, IH'1 KIotHloyer Hnrah o, JHVUIdlH'UU, ei H 121 i 111) ill 41 Thomas Hiram, HI Wutklns Hobert M 2 Yeager Henry V 1 Hupp (leorge, tsitato, 3 Htruusor Charles, Madison, 69 Wlilpi'lca James, estate, Pine. Vox John, MlulerCliarleii, (Ireenly James, Hwlsher Philip, Jioarlngcreek, Bherman Catharine. ;ili iu ! 43 H WILLIAM LAMO.V, llloouuburg, April 5, Ml. Treason',