The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 12, 1872, Image 4
0 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Young Folks. Tim King or Mm World. A t;roat Klnponcn lind n fnvnrllc ami, Whom ho wlahctt to educato in nil tho vlrtuud mul nccoiupllshtnenU which conltl mlorn a prlncd. Tlicroforo ho ro solved Hint his son should not bo wertk oncd by Indulgence, nor spoiled by tho flatteries of n court j nud to this, end tho young tirlnco was sont Into n distant proylnco of tho roalm, whero ho might bretitho tho fresh nlr from tho moun tains, and draw from tho soil tho stronc nnd vigorous llfo Of tho peasant, whllo lio learned by dally contact tho naturo ol tho people whom ho was to rulo. Eor ttio wlfro King know that no boy can becomo learned of moro Instruction, nor strong by tho services of others, that ho can have, In fact, no real power but what ho acquires for himself! and ho do sired Unit liIssonahouldboaKiuL' not In namo only hut In fact, by being stronger nnd wiser than Ills suljects. As ICinir ship, therefore, was tho trade to which tho boy wus to bo brought up, his good lamer wimieu nim to servo nn nnnrcn tlceshlp t govorutng ; nnd tho province wiiicimaii boon assigned him nsa school, win also given Mm for a Kingdom. Tho royal ehnrtor was inado out nearly in uieso words : "iluvo thou dominion over tho fish of tho sea, and over tho fowl of tho nlr, and over every living thing that moTeth upon tho earth." Ro sides theso threo classes of subjects were thousands of woll-tralnod servants, who wero nlso fitted to perform tho oflleo of teachers; but theso wero not mentioned In tho charter; Indeed, they wero to remain out of sight for tho present, and to servo tho prince only so fast as ho learned tho spell by which they could bo summoned, and compiled with tho conditions which thoy wero Instructed to Impose Nono of tho comforts of a royal palaco wero provided : tho prlco was to enjoy theso whenover ho should learn to procure tliom forhlinsolf ; mean while, ho slopton tho ground and shar ed tho common kindly gifts of Isaturo with tho poorest of his subject. Threo faithful servauts, Eyes. Ears, and Hands, stood very near him nil tho time, and ho probably know tho use fulness of theso from tho first ; but tho rest ho began to learn only after a severe eourso of instruction. And this Is tho way his education began : "I am hungry," said tho prince. "Will your Royal llighncss bo pleas cd to gather eomo acorns?" "But I shall bo hungry to-morrow, and tho next day, nnd after tho acorns are gono." "PerJiaps your Itoyal Highness will havo tho condescension to dig nnd plant and reap," was tho reply. "Certainly; but must I dig with my augers V." "Until you can find Eoracthlnc bet tor ; there Is iron underground which you may soino timo bo ablo to com niand." But tho last was spoken aside, so that tho princo did not quite under stand it. Under tho teaching of Necessity ho began to dig.and ere long tho bounteous earth, which is as kind to princes as to neggars' sons, rowarded him with n golden harvest. Ho found, indeed, that just beneath tho surfaco of tho soil wero millions of llttlo J-orccsnll ready to sup ply his wants ; and tho dropping of tho seed, followed by an occasional visita tion of tho hoe, by way of reminder, was tho only hint they needed of his sovereign will. Tho samo stem tutor soon hinted to his, pupil that a better dwelling might bo found than tho dismal eavo or hollow trunk of a tree which had afforded him shelter. But what to build of? "Thero is wood in tho forest," said Eyes ; and tho princo found that houses for millions of men wcronll around him. if only tho shaping and planing tools wero applied. By this timo ho was growing wiser, pornaps prouder. "This wigwam is noabodoforn king," said he. "Thero is n stono in tho quarric3,"sald Eyes again. True enough, thero it was, glittering granite, smooth sandstono, nnd white marblo; but how to tnko it out? Hands tried, but stronger hands wero holding it duwn to thocarth ; and hero tho princo madoacquaintanco with tho great Giant Gravitation, who appeared in thoso ear ly days somewhat iiko nn enemy, but proved, when better known, his firmest friend nnd ally. To conquer this friend ly resistance of Gravatlon, another uso ful servant was lound, a simple crea ture called "Lever," but who had n power of using and combining his forces In so great a variety of ways that ho did almost all tho work that tho young sovereign needed of n mechanical kind. Provided thus with food nnd a palaco, you might think our young monarch in a, fairway to possess his kingdom ; but this was hardly a beginning. At lint, ho know not oven enough to keep him self from becoming sick ; and though ho Is considered much wiser to-day, it must bo confessed that in this respect ho is al most as Ignorant as ever ho was. Even sickness, however, proved a teacher; for It forced him to search for tho gifts of healing through all tho borders ofh realm. Ho found at longth that under ovory leaf in tho forest, in ovorv llbro of its bark, nnd at overy root, lurked some good spirit, that, if ho could onl v learn its charm, would heal sorao uno of his pains. It is truo that theso humblo llttlo ser. vailts did inllnito harm when they re ceived tho wrong direction; but that buroiy was no mult of thoirs. It was only as tho princo, their master, learned uiuu-Hpeu, mat, no could command them at nil ; and so stupid a scholar ha3 ho boon, that to this day ho often reads tho spoil backwards, and is served In a way Just opposlto to that which ho doalriw. And this Is a curious fact concoming nil theso sorvants of our raeo. Each has mystic word by which nlono ho can bo summoned, nnd fixed laws of bis bolng under which only will ho net. Tho man. arch, thoreforo, must servo n llttlo an- prentlceshlp at obeying beforo ho Isnblo to command. Many claimants to tho crown havo failed tosecuro their kiue ship, only by neglecting or refusing to compiy wuii tins ruio. Let us seo how theso teachers aro ac customed to denl with refractory pu pi Is. "I shall go whero 1 please," says tho scholar, "without regard to your strict, tyrannical rules," "Ah I very woll, then, I'll Just swnl low you," says Ocean. "I'll burn you," says Fire. "I'll break your bones," says Gravi tation, out of olio of his great yawning caverns. "1 won'toboy you." "Then you'll get a blowing up," cries Iho Whllo Giant, with a great roar. I will uotspcndmy tlniolnstiidylng your tlrcsomo roots nnd leaves." "l)lo then In your Ignorance. It Is all tho samo to us," roply tho plnlndcal lng subjects, But at last tho man comes who will obey, nud ho Is their king. To him tho soil gives up Its fruit and tho mountains their treasures, tho sea Its wealth and tho forests their Innumerable virtues; and he, patient nnd submissive, who learns tho rulo of all nnd oboys It, bo comes tho ruler of nil. As tho years go on, ho finds now forces around hlm,nnd, by obeying them, extends hlsdomlnlon into wider realms. Ills two hands, that wero liU first nud almost his only ser vnnts, nro now promoted to do only tho flncr work. Tho great forces that ho has called from their hiding-places havo built his palaces, bridged great rivers, nnd bound together tho remotest cor tier's of his kingdom. They run upon his errands quickly ns tho lightning; thoy carry his wealth across tho ocean with great wings or steam ; they make him tho omnipotent ruler of tho world, Just la tho degrco that ho porfectly obey 3 their laws. If ho Infringes their rights but for n moment, any one of them Is ready to tako his life. As yet, It must bo said, our young princo has only learned to call a few of his servants by their names, and ofton falls In his efforts to glvo his commands even to theso, and enforco their obo dlcnco. But ho is Improving year by year, his wealth Increasing in exact proportion to his dlllgcnco nnd obo dlcnco ; and no ono can tell how great will bo his power, when tho whole of his vast kingdom shall bo reduced to his control. Our Young Friends. Agricultural. Jlnlcs on the Turin. Thero has always been a great deal of prrjudlco In somo parts of tho country In regard to using mules on tho farm It is truo if thoy aro not properly handled and broken in tho first placo they nro npt to bo unruly at timos, but not moro so thnn somo horses, and if properly broken nnd kindly cared for, they aro not nearly so liablo to run away or frighten as horses. It is truo they do not look so well to a carriago as horsc3, but whero economy is con sulted thero is certainly much to bo said in favor of tho mule, as it does not cost much over half tho amount to feed and shoos n pair of mules for ono year, that It does u pair of horses, aud, taK ing tho year through thoy will do moro work; besides this, they will last twice as long. Theso aro all important considera tions in determining tho most econom ical unlmal to uso on a farm. Every farmer, In moderato or straigtcued circurastanccs,is willing to forego some thing in tho matter of pleasure if there by his gains nro greater. If an animal can bo raised to tho ago ol usetuincss, for less expense, can bo kept after that tiraO on cheaper food, if his sickness and shoeing cost tho owner less money, aud his working years aro greater, afarmor can well allurcl to accept somo draw backs in tho matlcrof appearanco ofeaso of management. But thero aro many purposes for which tho mulo is almost universally regarded as tho superior of tho horso. Ono such employment is plowing among com, potatoes, and other cultivated crop3. For this pur poso tho mulo has many advantages. His feet aro small aud his disposition is to put thorn down very nearly in a line. This being tho caso ho seldom injures ridges, hills or crops by tread ing on them. Tho plowing of cultiva ted crop3 must bo attended to during tho sovcrest heat of summer. Horses aro rendered moro impatient by in sects, and aro les3 nblo to endmro tho cxtremo heat of tho weather than mules'; their skin is also easier chafed and they aro much moro liablo to bo laid up at tho most important period of tho year by various' diseases then provalent. Foxes as Sheep-Herders. Tho Stockton (Cal.) Republican vouch es for tho following story: "Pcoplo of ten wonder at tho remurkablo instiuct displayed by well-trained shepherd dogs, but what will they say when wo .tell them of a band of sheep that is guarded by foxes alono. Tho storv seems improbablo, but of its trufli wo havo tho most undoubted proof. On Whiskey mil, four miles from Slilton, may bo seen, almost any day, a largo llock of sheep herded by foxes. Theso guardians oftholittlo Iambs aro threo iu number ono a gray fox aud tho other two of tho species known as tho red fox. In point of Intelligence theso novel sheii)ftrds aro said to greatly sur pass tho best trained dogs. They per form their work well, and from morn ing till night aro over on tho alert. Tho gray ono seems to control, nud In a great measuro direct, tho actions of tho other two. A gentleman informs us that ho yesterday saw tho gray fox pursuo.and attaek a hog that had bei.ed a lamb and was making off with it. Tho contest was short and sharp, and resulted In tho hog dropping tho lamb and beating hasty retreat. Tho fox picked up tlio apparently uuinjurcd lamb and carried It back to tho tlock. Hetter lYtd, Ilcltcr .llaiiurc. Under thl3 heading tho Malno Farmer says: Few truths In agricultural economy aro better established than this : that tho better and richer tho feed given to anl mals, tho hotter will bo tho matiuro mado. Animals kept on straw and coarse, rough fodder, with llttlo or no provender, ovon if they havo this sort or rood In abundance, will produco manuru of very Inferior quality to that mado from corn meal, cotton seed," rapo cauo or oiner articles rich In nltrogon. It Is a custom with tho best English far mors a custom as woll as n business to feed for tho purposo of obtaining tho manure. And whllo thero is almoit al ways a lo3s In feeding animals upon purchased, food, leaving out of calcula tlon thomanuro they mako. when this Is considered, especially If ono wishes to restoro or maintain tho fertility of a experiments show that feed- ing animals Is tho cheapest modo of ob taining manure March and April winds nro product- lvo of autrerlng to cattlo left out unpro tected or In barns whero cracks aro ' wide enough to put your hand through.' Patent Modicinoo. A N APPEAL l'o Debilitated Porsiins, To Dyspeptics. To Buliorora from Llvor Complaint, io tnoso navintf no Appotuo, To thoso with Urokon Down Consll tutlons, To Nervous nconlo. To Children Wasting Away, To nny with Debilitated Dlgestlvo urgans, Or suffering with any of the following Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, such a, Con stipation, Inward Mi's, Fumes, or lllonil To 1 ho Henil.AcId lty of the stomach, Nausea, Ileartburn, Disgust for Fond, Hour Erusc'tatlonH.SInltlngorFlut tcrliignt tlio Pit oft hostomnch, Swim ml.mol tho, Harried nml Dllllcult llrcatliln. Fluttering nt tho llcrt, Choking orHullbeatlng HensitlnnH when In n Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs beTnro the Sight, I'ovcrnnddtill pnln In Iho lion.l, Deficiency orporsplrntfon, Yellowness or tho Skin nnd Eyes, Pnln In tho Hide, H.iclt, Chest, I.lmlis, .U'., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In Iho 1'losn, Constant Imagining, of Evil, mul great Depression or .Spirits. hoofland's oerman hitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits or nny ltluil, Is dlll'crcnt from nil others. Ills composed of tho pure Juices, or 1'iftil I'rtnctplc of Jtonis.JIerbi, nml Jtarki, (or ns medicinally termed Extracts,) tho worllilossnr Inert portlonsor tho liuttcdlculs lint being used. Tlicreforo In ono lloltlo of this Ulnars tncro is contained ns much medicinal vlrtno ns will lio fu.iud In sovornl gallon, of or illnnry mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac., used In this Hitters nre crown in Germany, their vital prni" elplos extracted In that eouutry by rt sclcntltlo Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho inantir.tclory In this city, wnoro they are, compounded nnd bot tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters Is rreo from tho objections urged agnlust nil others: no desire for stimulants can no In duced from their use, thcr caunot mnko drunk ards, nnd cannot under any circumstances, lmvo any but n bcnetlclal eil'ect. HOOFLAND'S fJERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not Inclined to oxtremo bitters, nnd Is Intended for uso in cases when some nloohollo stimulant Is required In connection with tbo Toulo properties ol tho Hit ters. EAch bottlo of the Tonic coutnlns one bot tle or tho Hitters, combined with pure SANTA CRUZ HUM, nnd Hitvorcd tu such n mnnnerthat tho extreme bitterness of thobltters Is overcome, forming n preparation highly ngreeabto and pleasant to tho palate, nml containing tho medi cinal virtues oi tno hitters. Tlio pilce or tho Tonlo la tl.OO per ISottlo which ninny persons think too high. They must take Into coiiHklera tlon that tbu utlmulant used Is guaranteed to bn or n puro finality. A poor article could ho fur nished at a cheaper pr lce,but Is It not better to pay n little moro and havo n good nrtlcle? A medi cinal preparation hhould contain none but the best Ingredients: nud thevwho expect to obtain n cheap compound, nml bo bcnellltei by It will xnostcerta .aiuiy bo cheated. JlOOl'I.AND'S HERMAN BirrEKS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITH ilOOi'LAND'S l-ODOrilYLLIN PILL, WILL CURE YOU. Thoy nro tho Groatcst uiiooi) rum fie ns Known to tho Medical world, nnd will er.nll- caieuiseafcesansingrroni impure blood, Debility of tho DlKfhtlvo Organs, or diseased Liver, lu a ftuoricr mno man any otuer uuowu romcdles. Tho wholo aUPJlUME COUllTof Pennsylvania SPEAK t'Oll THESE IIESIEDIK3. Who would ask for moro DIguined and Stronger Testimony? Hon. Ueoucie W. Woodwabd, former Chief Jut. lice of the Supreme Court of 1'cnnsylmnta, a l'rescnt JAmbcr of Congress from 1'cnnsylcaniu urites: Philadelphia, March lOtli, 1S07. I find "Ilootland's Herman miters" Is n good tonic, uselul In diseases or tho dlgesttvo organs, and of great benefit lncasesofdeblllty and want of action In tho systom. Yours truly UEOnaE W. WoouwAni). lion. JambsTuouson, Chief Justice if the Supreme Court of Fciuuileanta. PHILADELPHIA, April S3, 1M,7. I consider "lloollaud's German Hitters" nval- uanio mciueinu in caso or nunckn ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can ceitirv this from my oxpu rleucoont. yours, with lospect, Jauu Thomson, Hon. GEonan Suap.swood, Justice ef the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Juno l, isca. I havo lound by cxperlcnco that "lloolland's ficrmnn Hitters" Is nvervcood umln. reiiAvinr- dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UEOKUK aUAKSWOOD, Hon. Will. F. Itogcrs, Mayor of the Ctyof Ituffaio., N. Y. Mayor's Olllce, Buffalo, Juno 2 1S09. I havo used "Hooflands Gorman Litters and Toulo" In iny family daring tho past year, nnd can recommend them as an excellent tonic, Im parting tono nnd vigor to tho system. Their uso 1ms been productive of decidedly houellclal caccts. Wji, F. ItOCIKltS. Hon. James M. Wood, JZc-3Iayor of Williamsport fa. I tako great ploaturotnreoonimcudlns" Moor land's Herman Tonlo " to nny ono who may bo aflllcted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia to badly It was lmposslblo to keep uiy lood In my stomach, and I becamo fco weak rs not to lio ablo towalk half a mile. Two bottles or Tonic effected a perfect euro. James 11. Wood. ItCMEilBEJt THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTIUIS, AND HOOFLAND'S QEBMAN TONIO Will Curo every caso of MARA S M US, Or Wasting away of tho Eody. XEMEMllEIi THAT UOOFLAND'3 GERMAN REMEDIES Aro the medicines yon require to purify the Hlood, exclto tho torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enablo yon to pass.balely through uuy hardships or exposure. I'll. HOOFLAND'H O D O P II Y L L I N SUI13TITUTU FOR AlURCUltY l'JLLH. 'TWO 2'IUJJ A flOXE. 7 he most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Ve'jdablc Culhartia known. I t is not necessary to tako n handfullof theso I'llls to produco tho desired effect: two of them net quickly nud lwwerlully, cleanklug tho Liver, Htomach nud llowols of nil Impurities. Tlio principle lugredlent Is Podophylllii, or the Aloo hollo l.xtiact of .Mandrake, which Is by mauv times mora imwerful, noting and searching ihun tua MRUdrnlio llself. Its peculiar action Is upon the Liver, cleaning It speedily from nil obstruc tions, with nil tho power ol Mercury, yet irtio from the lujurlous results attached to tho use of that mineral. For all diseases In which Uio nso of a caUiartlc Is Indicated, theso pills will give enllro sallsiao tlon In every caso. They NEVER FAIL. In cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nml "treiiie costlvcness, Dr. lloolland's German .,.lIf or4.uulo.,,,hould bo used Hi connection with the rills. Tho tonlo effect of tho Hitters or ?,?ilSHu. w'Pthosystem. The Hitters or Toulo purines the lllood, strengthens the Nerves, kkj. nnd "gor ' OUU 'lve', "'"Wi energy iJmt'K.?V!'lIlow.eU "ctlyo with tho I'llls, nnd ?iiS"f.AUo ywu wltli Hitters or Tonic and you? rutnln U" 1 vl J' ur e"ua i' "'at It is DR. rfOOFLAND'f) GEIl Si 'Ciff that nro so uulversally used and highly recommended nnd do not ullow tlio Druggist to induce you to take iiuytlilug that ha SrYerouVoL"1! tau " These Remedies will ba sent by express to WVt ,?8?yi,rVpo.u W"1??""" to The rttfiVi PAL OFFICE, at tlio GERMAN MEDIIMNI.' UTORE. 031 Arch Ht.,.Phlladelphla. Mt-muN' CII.IS. M. EVANS, Propj-lolor. These Remedlos aro for ala by DrnggltU Borekeopcrs, ana Medicine Dealers very where Miscollancoun. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E. M. KNORR'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST. AND BUST livery variety for Men, Women nud Children OLD STOCK Soiling nt Cost to cIiho out lo mako room lor NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE, A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND oxjsoronvr ivehde CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINE3T GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS TUB BEST WO R li 31 K 71. For pood flU nnd promptness In lllllng ordtrs lui-iuisiuu juacu iu go. Ills corals arn Retantml wlin . n.i torn Work will coinparo favorably with tho best HE 1CEEP3 A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AM) CHIMMKN'S CLOTlllXd AND CENTS' FUIUVSSISIiVG GOOKS, At Astonishingly Low Prices. Bloomsburg, Sept. H), Ib71-tl JOHN O. JACOBY'S EAKFItY AND CONFECTIONEIIY! I1ERWICK, PF.NN A. The nndorsltmed wnuhl r,nAririiio tho Citizens of Herwlclc. uu WJvuv. i,utiibbbkuuuiy uuu uajiery hi ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick. Pa., whero ho is tirm-,,! ,r. f,.nt.. rLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS 1C, Jtc., &c, Ac. BY WU0L1MALE AMD KETAIL. v.,!ua" !; T ""f"11"'1"'' win uo mund Cream bBrti' a11 vV"1uta' l'!"uUi! Almonds, Kll- en?' kl mff' AKP,1',l?a Nu'. Je'llCH of -j'lller- r. Vi r.i VJH' v.iuunorH, uuet'se. vckfpcs 8 P'r At-'rtemcut 1'arers, En- FISH AND OYSTEItS, r """"" arena isrend nn . , . t umj, jlu Litiuaiu ceosou. Your patronago fa solicited. ' Iuur Ilerwlclr,Janl'71-tv J u-" O. JACOR Y. QARRIAQE MANUFACTORY, moomsDurg.i'a. M, C. BLOAH A BROTHER Ilnvo on hand and for sale at tho mmt. r. ni.n,i.i. bio rales a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BOUGIES. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best and mom dnr. ablo materials, and by tho most experienced workmen, jh wiuk sent, oui irom ma estab lishment Will bo found to hoof tho hlehtst eliu.s anil suro to glvo pctlect satisfaction. They havo S L E I O II B ornlltho newest and most tashlonnblo styles nun uuu viUCIUllI 111UUU UUU Ul KliJ UUSt JUUier lals. An Inspection of llielr work Is asked ns ltl bollevetl that nono suoerlor rnn hn fnnnil In lh. country. jan P71 CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES 3D OWN IN P1UOE J. 33. M A I S D ' S, Corner Main and Centre Sis., BLOOMSUURG. Anew Mock of Frsh Ooodslust opened at -MAIZE'S. TenN, Colleen. Susrsii'N. HYRUra and SlOLASSliS. CHEESE. MEATS. MALT, FlHIf. etc. VEGETABLES, 1IKRMET1CALLY Sealed flnmiH. JELLIES nnd I'llEHKKVKH, PICKLES, uEIun aud DOMEHTIO FRUITS. An Elegant Assortmont OF QUEENSWAHE Constantly on hand. AUO WOOD. WILLOW litul IILARHWAHKHf every variety, All mv L'oods nre of thu tlrkt. tremely low prices, ' "' J,AIZE- AQEUTS Sf Wittii ftr BUi WTfl Years w Wild Indiana .Mains. TIA wnnn.1rn1.1 .1 1 ., . WHITKCHII4l'iimlllIOWAUH10KainHtttlie Red Hklus. Thrilling accnunls of Great Hunts. Hairbreadth Escapes uud'JVrrlule Contests will! . .u u.b bu iiuuuuiiuiiio iriues. npirueu uescr -tlons of the habjts aud superhtltlons of that ......,bo ij iB, "i'ii. egeniis, Trndl- t cms, How they Woo nud Wled. Scalp, Doctor! worsnip, ac. new, rrosn nnd Popular. Prlco Low. It is selling by the thousands wltli won. 'lerful rapid ty. Agents aro making from -n to lino per week, Choice Held yet vacaut, Ki nd nt iur suuijuo cusiiierN, jiiusirniiousnud par. tlculars to A. If. JIUBHARD. PublUh?Pl Jau' 4oo Chestnut St., Phlfa. B LANK DEEDS. Va linur l.mro t . . . . knnt'ln l1fLH',4?"d rf0r k"1.6 "' W.r . - , u u iMiKiiiiuuu uuu parch inper, Common Deeds, Executor's nud chenpcom nd . "i-nftilfl-l! nS i,Tti Y 1 Mif3collnncouf3. jVJlljiiER'S STORE. H, II. MILLER A HON, havo remnved UielrHlnroln Iho room formerly occupied liyMcmlciihall,niiMnlnnlrcet,lilooms burg, neai ly opposlto the Episcopal Church Where thoy nro determined to sell on ns moderate Icrfns ns can bo procured else whero, Tliler stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS ol tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods Sind Gro ceries, consisting of tho followlngarllclos Cnrpclfl, Oil Cloths, otha, Cnsslmorce, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whllo Goods Linens, Hoop Skirts, Mtislliis, Ilollowwuro Ccdnrwnre Qttoenswnrc, Hatclwnri Hoots nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glassei, Tobacco, Co lice, Uugarn, Teas, Rico, , AIlsplco. Ginger, Cluuainoii, Mutmogs AND N0T10:iS GENERALLY. In Bhort, ovcrythlng usually kept in country toreo, lo which thoy Invito tho nttoutlon of the public genorally. Tlio highest prlco will bo raid for country produco In exchange for goods. H. II. MILLER it RON. oct3P7I-!f Bloomsburg Pa. EW STOCK OF CLOTIIINO. Fresh nnlvnl of SPRINCJ GOODS DAVID LOWENHERO Invites attention to his clock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, nt his store on MnlnStrcct, In Iho new block, Eloomsburg, l'n., whoro no has Just received from New York nnd Philadelphia n full nssortmcnt or MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most faslilsuablo, durable, aud handsomo DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM.AND OIL-OLOTH COATS AND l'ANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nud colors. Ho has also rep len lshed his nlrcady large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, STRIPED, naUP.ED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, Ho nan constantly on Hand a largo nud well-se- cctcd nssortmcnt of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to maco to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short uotlec, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. Q OLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ol every description, fine nud cheap. Ills caso ol fowclry Is not surpassed In thlsiplacc. Call nud oxamlno his general assortment of CLOTIIINO, WATCHES JEWELRY? AC. .oct!3'71 DAVID LOWENBERG. Tim jNGitniMUiVTs that IcOMI'OSi: 110SADAL1S nro puMishcd on every pat I:agc, tlicrc ll'uro it is not a icirLt preparation, Iconsctiucutly riiTsici.wn rr.Kscr.imj it His a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilid in all III forma, Rheuma tism, !iin Dis.' asc.s, Liver Com- plaint and all ureases ol tlio lllood. cas soirn or sccadaiis will do moro r ood than ten holtlcj of tlio Syrups ol' Sarsuparilla. THE UNDEntiGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rwadalis in tl.cir practiri for tho jasl tlirco years and frrely ciulorso it as a reliable Allcratho ami Hlocd Purifier. nrt. t. c. r-coii, or Eaitimcio. 1)H. T. J. IIOYKIX, " im. it. w CAiiit. " 1)11 P O. OA'.NI'LI.Y, " nit. j a. si'Aii:.i, or Nkhoiisuuc, D3. V L. McCARTIIA, ColamMa, S. ( . nn a. .i :;oei.i;s, r-djecomb, n. c. USE!) A1TD KTDORSED B7 J. II. VRr.NCH !i EONS, Pullltlvcr, P. W . SMITH. Jirksnn. Mlrli. A. K Wlll'KLKII.Miaa, Ohio. 1! KALI., I.lni i. llhio. CIU.VUN is ('0.,(ior.lnnsvlllc. Va. ,S.ri,. G. MtrADCEN, Murfrtca boro,Tcnn. (lur fipaco villnot alloM- of nny ex, to itll'I lliltJtl.s 111 lelaticu to Hid litilC90f Rosadalis. Tolho Mi-dicrJ PiofcsiiionMo guarantee a Fluid Kx tra:( eupcriur to uuy tlipy Imio ever ucd in tho treatment or diseased HlotHl; mul to tlieallllclfd wo say try Hosatlalia. blul &u will Lq restore J tu health. Ilosalalls is si.1,1 t,y all Druggists, price Ot-50 per bvttlj. Address I!?.. & CJ. HantifMLTint) Chtmhts, lULTluoni:. llv. gALTIMOKE I'lANOS. WO resncctfullv rail tlio rtttcntlnn nf n.ntrt desiring to liurcliasu our lnako of Pianos. Wo aro satisfied that wo can give satisfaction In ovcry case. Our workmen skllltnl nnd experlen. ccd aud nro under tho personal Mipeiluteudeuco of tho members or our firm. Wo uso only the uesi seasoucti umuer, nnd tlio material In gene ral Is first class. Our Pianos without exception have the patent ngrull'es arrangement ihmur.h. out, which In tlio opinion of tho most coimui. lent Judges Is pronounced valuable. By this lm- m. & iuiiu io nmuu iiiuiu imrauiu uuu keeiw the toio longer. Wo claim lor our Instru ments hint, ineyaro seconu to none, and thej comhlnonll tho csseutlal elemeulH that const! uno superior worKiuausiup, Wo will give tt wrmcii guaiuiitf'u lor live yeurs. Mr. Cunkaii 1'kkima.n. member of our Arm. will visit Bloomsburg four times a year to re uulr and attend to tuulng of nil Pianos. In Hm uoseuceoi ivir. r KEiuAif, ."nr. i. a. jiiillkk will ntteud to our bushier In Bloomsburg aud Is uuiuuriuti id reeuivu niiu suiicib uruers. lYucau givo tno very nest reiereuees. OAEHLE & CO. ltaltlmnrn. M. 11 I. K. MlLl.Klt. Dealer In Pianos. On-unu nml Melodeous live octavo nnd tlvo stop organs ol tho best make, sold aUllO. Terms easy, June 21 jyjcKKLV V, NEAL & CO., DEALERS IN DllY GOODS, G JIOCEHIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSUUIia, PA. JanM'72-tf VALUABLE I'llOPEHTV FOR SALE. The undersigned wishing to retire from busi ness now ollVrs ut private sale his entire proper ty idtuated lu Orangevlllo, consisting oi a oue half Interest tu tho well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, together with tho Engine, Lnlhcs nnd other Ma chlnery belonging to the sume, niso the entire htock HOW on band. tiiL'elher with (L vnlnnliln pair of horses, nud the wagoiis, sleds. Harness. tvu..uisv mi mwji iuis uii which is eiecieu agoou Traino dwelllne. aUo. ttviiiitv.rlvA iinrau lr,ww us the Dr. Lott proirty ubout teu of which are cicureu, tuo naiuncu umbered, Prices reasonable, Pussesslen given nt any tlilio to suit Jiurchuers. Apply toormldresa, . WlLLIAlfHOHUYLKlt. oci, u, ,i.u, uraugeviue, Columbia CO ROSADALIS Miscellaneous, 1872. 1872. NEW SPRING GOODS. -1Q1- M. P. LUTZ Has Just returned from New York with n full llnu ol HLAUK AND COLOltEl) SILKS, LYONS' SILK POPLINS, SILK PONGKKS plain sirlfo anil olicne, suitings, Kltlpo and pint: CiHASS CLOTHS, slilpe plain and tlicuo. WASH I'OI'LINS, Ll.icl: nud coloicd ALPACAS, FANCY 1'L.imS, C 0 L 0 11 E I) 0 A M D It 1 C S I'E IlC ALES, WHITE GOOBS, SUISSE, TARL vtan, VICTOUI LAWN, BISHOP LAWN, NAINSOOKS, l'jiiUJx. LONG CLOTH, L'AMRRICS. LINENS. NAPKINS, 1)01 Y U X. TOWEI.S, LACE CURTAIilS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES and everything generally kept In a Ilrst-class DKY GOODS STORE. DROWER'S 13L0CK, EAST OF COURT HOUSE, MAIN STREET, BLOOMSllURa,,PA' A GREAT M&im. i : . Dr. WALrry f - . VINEG-AI t IJcar testimony to tIicir'VotIv-t' THEY? TUEY ARE NOT A VILB "1 IS FANCY DRI PJ IC. pjj? Widoef PttSrvmn, Whlskoy, Troof Spirits uud Ilefusu Llduoro doctored, cpicod and sweet ened to plcasotno taste, callcd"TonIcs,""Apj!ctlz. era," " Restorers," Ac, tbtt lead Uio tippler on to drunkenness oad ruiL, but aro a true Alcdlclnc, mado from tbo Nativo Roots and Ucrbs of California, frco rrem nllAlcohvlla Stlmulnnts. Tbcyaro tho GREAT BLOOD rUUIFIElt. nnd A LIFE GIVING PIMNCIPLEapcrfoct Renovator aid Xavlgorator of tbo Bystcra, carrying oir all poisonous matter and restoring tbo blood to a bcaltby condltloa. Ko person can take tbceo miters uccordtag to tuw t:oaaad remain long nnwctl. G100 wlllbo glvcnforaa lnrnratlocasc,piuO"'l tbo bones aro not destroyed by mlacral poison cr other means, and tbo vital orgiaa vestoe1 . tbo point of repair, I'lii'Inflummutory nnd Chronic Kiicnmn linn nud Goat, Ilyspcpslu, ur Indiscsilou, Elllouv, lleuillteut uud lnlilulltent Poera Discuses of tho lllood, l.Uer, Kldnejs, nnd Illudilcr, tnceo Ulttcro Ioto teen most rucccrs lu!. Diseases cro cacccd ly Vlilntcd Illooil, wlUch 13 generally produced by deraarencut ii t.iu Dlecilvo Oignus. DYbl'RPMIA OR. INDltJESTIO:;, RlkI r.cbc, Pain la th j Efcculecrs, Coctb3,Tli;l. tacts cf iho Clic:t, Dkzl-cti, tour n.ctatlocs cf tbo Etomacb, lad tus t o la tba .'ioutb, liiljoas Attccbs, rclpltatlcn if UwIIwrt, tl.o Luces. Talalatbo unices cf tin hundred otb;r nnaful i. i..;.tuuE,u-j tl,o ef.eprlr.E3 of Dyipcpela. i y h.-wscri.ta tbo Ctomacb cud stlmtlata Uo tor 1 1.l l.vcr ccd loffcls, Mblca render them ot nuejuailcd iL-.cyla clcaarlns tho Hood cf all Impurities, oaJ lu pirtluj i.ew i..a and igcr to tbo v,bo!o system. I'U tjlllN DISCASLO, Eruptions, Tetter, Ealt I ...ur. ,,pot,r:!:'plcs,rusiuIcs,I!oI!s,Ctr l jacli., U-Y. utto, Ccald-Uead, Eoro Eyes, Erytlr hoj, Hcb, Ccurfj, Llscolcratioc3 of tbo Eliln, Uumors aud Ha.ei.sea cf tbo b'lia. of rbatocr namo or nature, aro literally dug up uud carried out of tbo system la a cbcritlmo by tbo uso of theso Bitters. Ono bottlo la tucb cues v.ill convlnco tho rao:t Incredulous of their curstlTo clTcct. Clcaaso Iho Vitiated lllood whenever j ou find Its lxpurltlca burr tine through tho skin In Pimplos, Erup tions or 6ore3 1 clcanso It when yon llnd It obstructed end elugglsb la th veins t clcanso It when It U foul, aud your feelings will tell you when. Keep tbo blood puro aud tho health of tbo system will follow, PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurttuittntha system of so many thousands, uo cffcttually destroy, cd and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tbo circular around each bottlo, printed In four lau Knagcs-Engllsh, German, Trench and Spanish. , J. T7ALEER, rioprletor. I!. H, MCDONALD & CO., Drnjglsts end Oen, Agents, Ean Francisco, Cal and and 31 Couimorco Etrect, New York. E-EOLD EY AU- URUOQISTS AND DEALERS. 2S7D-tf To nnv nerttnn tirodnnltiir nnu Ins half tm lniiuy living, iieriuauent cures as lm. KriI.KIl'a VKQKTAIII.B RllEUUATIO ltKHKUY. vmy. a iiiuiibant nieuiclne, freo from lujiirloiu ill lies. Wurrnntcd, under oiuh. UihaVB perinuiiently cured Win every i0Uiatleut treated In the liaM len yearn. (Heo testimony,! It j tlioueieiitlllo pruberlption of PrufrMor Jos. V. Htlcr.M. l).,tt urudnate of the Unlveri,lly ol . w.....j 1H ... 4 ,iu,v uu ui i inland- phla's oldcr.1 rei!Hlarphyi.lclan8,and Profenmr ol CliemUtry iiiur Toxlcolouy, who lias miuia Nenralithi, Chrcinlound Inirammatory Rheniua- If '". ""'" proichBional llfo ft laet vouched for liv tlio k l..nnl,,r..u ,,..... pauylUL'euch Lottie, nl inuuy iironiluent reuown odphyiilcluiis.clcii.'yiiieii.uuiIoUiertci.tliuoiilttls, tnun uud Ubelobu uxpeudlturo of money, a Uix! nlKued Kunrantee,i.tutlnj!exiict uumherof botlTetj wurrnuted to cure, will bo rorumm...! r.i. SI ul'y.?.,."ftrt'"1B by. W.ur a dtrTcrlptlon of sanction. Iu ciwooi falluro to curo. ninoiint pam positively rem ided, Medlcliio tent niiv. where bv exnresa. collect nn ftt.liuu a .ml.., wrlto lor advice : alt luformatimi ! medical ndvlc Kent by letler Kralis. PrliTeiiuil ottlce.aiboutu Fonrtu alreet. luiadelnhla IS The Remedy ( BOia or 0u jxlua by JuKE li. i fS: WHAT ARE B "s jr !i' ! 1 lift !fl mini a mm mur it (i iv MiBccllanoouB, CONTINENTAL. Life IiiGurancc Compnny. OK NUW YORK. No. of Policies W 43,000. ASSETS ,$5,500,000. TSSUES nil (ho now form of Policies JLnnd presents nn favorable terim n? nny com- jmiij in iiiu uniirii rsiniei, Tlio eompany will mnlto Icmpor.iry loans on Rh policies. Tlilrty dnvn' Erneo ntloweil on each payment, nnd tho policy held ood durlnis that time. All our policies nru Incontestable for tho usual cimves. Policies Issued by this company nro non-for-lelturo. No extra charges mado for travelling permits. Policyholders Rlinro In llio nnnniil proillsof tno company, nnd have a volco In tlio elecilous nnd lunmn-etncnt of Iho company. No policy or inodlenl feoehnrned. JUSTUS LAWRKNCK, Pres't. W. II. WYNKOOP, Vlto Pres't, J. P. RonEIts, Secretary, S. C. CitANDLKit, Jr., Actuary, Central Office of Norili-Easteru PeHii'a. "CoLTJniiAN" Building BLOOMSBURG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jan.5,lS72-lf. an Hail Roads. TAOKAWAJNNA AND RLOOMS. XJ 11URU RAILROAD On nnd ftorNov. '.7, 1871, raosotigcr Trains will Going North. Arrive Arrive n. ni. p. iu. Scrantou ii.iu l.H Plttston tus 11.5'J Oolnt' South Lcavo Leave p.m. I. 1) U.U 2.3J 2.10 II. CS 8.51 3.57 K Klneston 1 Rt, u & W.Ilarroi C'rs s-oJ Plymouth n.H Sliiclishlnuy.... 7.:m llerwlct 7.3.1 lUoora fcsW 12.31 12.20 12.WI ll. :m 11.11 11.00 unuviiie .. lO.oO 4. Connection mado atScr.intmi liv thn ln.iO a.m. trnlu for Great Rend, IlliiKhnniton, Albany nud ui.n,lUM .tunu, lua.uuii Yt"Ht. D, T, ROUND, Rnp't. TVTOHTIIEIIN OENTKAIi RAILi J.1 WAY. On aud aftor Nov. 12tU 1871, Trains lcavo su.vnunyns follows : NORTHWARD. will 13.S0 Dally to Vllllamsport, Rlmlra, Canan-ditlr-nn, Rochcstor, UulTalo, Suspcuslou Rrldno, 12.10 1'. m. Iluiralo, N. Kails, Ac. 0.501". M., Dull v, (except Sundays) for William. sport and Erlo. 1.53 in sr., Dallv. (ejcoptSuutlaysl for I'.Imlrn llnll.ilii and Niagara Fall", via. Urlo lallroatl Irom Klmlru. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1.17 A. SI. Dally for Baltimore, Washington aud 1 .ili.,UUI,JlllU. 10.03 A. M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltlmon Wttshlugtou and PnlladolpUlii. 1.10 i'. m. Dally (oxcopt Sundays) for Baltimore. x i.iiiiuuiiiui.i, ive, KD. S. YOUNU, QeneralPixsionger Agent, ALFitui) R. Fisi:. Qcn'l.Snp't, gllOUTEST ROUTE EASTWARD, Baiffllle,Hazleioii&YiWaiTeR.R. WINTJ3R ARRANGEMENTS. EASTWARD. t.KAVK. Sunbury Dnuvllle Catawlsn Hazletou WESTWARD. . M. (WU 7.(12 7.2S 01W I.KAVE. New York, Hastou. Phlla liellilch'in. Ilethleliem 1 XsJ 12.10 J Ila i-J,' 2.15 I fill f,-,: 12.:t3 1 Do a so lsui Ilazletnn. PlllllidolpliU utawlHsn. nuvllle. IlllZil'lOIl, New York Sunbury. Tho nfteruoou train couuectsnt Sunbury with l!1.0,!.- K-4-'13 P- train coinB West; arrives at WilllBmxportti.30; Loclc Haven 7.5.3 iun.,nrid with tho Northern (.Vntral I. Ml n. in., liwtuim wintl. reacliliiK llurrlkburi! 7.00 p. m and Baltimore p. in., hiiu iu!o wim ino Huuoury uud i.ew Iblown Railroad, Coiufortnblo uud liandbomo Co iclios ou this new route. J, 1ILRVEY KASR, Sui rlulendcnt. JEADINQ RAILKOAI . WINTER arranges; : T. Monday, Jlny 27, l.s. . Great Trunk Lino from tlieNoi nd Moith- Wchtlnrl'lllllLilnllihlii.Mnur V..rlr I. , P..M- ville, Tamaqun, Ashinntl, lViuuiou Allentnwu, Easton, EpliraUi, Lltl L i icnaier Co lunibl:i. J-c. Trains leave Ilnrrlsburg for New Yoin m.. lows: At 2.43, 8,lo, n. in., and 2,00 p. m., cm nectlini with similar trnlhs on Pi n ir.ylv.t nln Railroad, nnd iirrlvlnu nt New Yorn al 10,17, . in., S,r,;, nud 0,15 p. m. rerpectively. Hleeplun ears accompany the 2,13 a, in, train without change. Returiiini;: Leave NewYorknt O.OOn.ra.nnu 12.30 noon uud 5.10 n. in. l'lillailelnhbL nt 7..HI. s..'ll a. m, nml S.JOp. m, Sleeping cars nccompnuy tho 5,30 p.m., train Irom N Y without cham;e. Ltnvo liarrlsburi; lor Reading, Pottsvllie, iu raaiiua, Idlnersvlllu, Aslihind, Shnmokin Al lentowu uud Phlla'd.ut S.lOn.m., and 2,00 nnd 1,05 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal wuy lununi: mv n.uj, iraui connecting lor I'niru 'OtthVllIo lllld LfolumliiiL nnlv. I.'iir I'ntlMVllln Schuylkill Haveu nud Auburn, vln Schuylkill and busnuehunu.i Rullroud.leavolIarrisburK nt 3,10 p.m. r.aii j'cnnsyi vaiiin itniiroad trains leave Head- IU lor Allolitowu 1-LStoll nnd New Ynrlr nl J !l ' 10.30. 11. 111., nnd 1.0.3 n. in. lti.rnrttlin, lo...,J NOW Y'orltllt ll.Wlu. in.. 12.SU nonn nml .1..-LI tv rn uud Alleutown nt 7.20a.m. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 1.25 uiv 0.15 n. in. Way 1'aw.cusor Train loaves Philadelphia ul connecting with similar train on Easl in, niiiiuuu ruiuruiug irom ticauiugutu.20p.ui stopping nl nil stations. i.fiivo i-oiisvuio nt ii.oo n.m and 2,30 p.m. IIriwlnti iit.inililn m HI ...Lin r. it ic ii. in., Ashland at 7,03 uud 12,U noon AlaL aupy City at 7.15 n. in. uud 1.2 p. m. Tamaqun nl s.ii a. m nnd 2.10 p. ui. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Ilarrlshtirg.Ae. Leuvo Pottsvlllo via beuuylklll and Susqno. hanutt RalliondutS.15 for Harrlsburg. nud 11,43 u iu lor PlnoUrovo uud Tremont, Reading Accommodation Train leaves I'otls vlllo nt 5.40 n. m passes Rending nt 7.30 n. m ur rlvlug ut Plilladefpblttnt 10.20 u.m. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 5,15 p. ui rasslng Itead luKut7,55p.iniirrlvlngutPottsvlllo at two p.m. I'OIUIOWU Aeeomiliutlatlnli Trulii Innvna p,tu: nnvii uiu.uvu.iu., returning, leaves I'hllauelputn at 4.30 n.m. Columbhi Railroad Trains leave Rending nt ii.iu, iu. .jiuiuiu, xiiuz, iaucas, Perklomen ItnlVltoad Tralnalenvn li.lrln,na. juuuiiuu ui ,,i i v,i u. in., a.w .vu.wp, ru. return, inc: leave BchweukhVlilo utU.30, H.lo, 12.6 110011 A' 4.45 II.Ul.. COnnUCtllU? Wltllkllllllnr Irnln or Reudlntr Itnllroad. Colebrookdalo Railroad trains IcavoPottstown at 0.40a. iu, iV. 1.15 U.I) p. in, returnlui: loavo Mount Pleasant ut 7.00 uud 11.25 u. in., 3.00 p.m. couuect lux wlin similar tniluson Readiug iludroad, Chester Vullov Rnllroad Tialnu lfuvn it.., i. ,dgO' VS. b D,w ... lUl C.11U .AJ UlIU U.O jl, IU, rClUrUllllJi 6.25 li, in., couueetlus with tiiullar trulus on lteadlUL- Railroad. uii nunuuys, leuvo New York nt 5,30 p.m.. Phil- III, ll III kl.l n tn ...... l l& l. L ..'. T . ?....7,i,;..vT;i.v. V, ,, ' A ' i.l"wo,w n.iu. inui. ii..; ?,r; ' -"'""""'Bii'euvei-iiiisviiies.ouu.inj Uurruburi: ut 2.W u. in, nud 2.00 p. 111. and !; 11 ' .i"" u,,a u,lu "''"P. miind leave . . .. , ...u u. iu. nuu iiiaiii, iu, ior iiairis burg, jit 6.00U. m. for New Yorlr. nt 7.20 11. mlur i.i. iT 1 , . , M Mi v,w w"i s.iop. Ul 11)1 Philadelphia, Coiuiuutiiilon, Mileage, Benton, School .us. hxcurhlon Tifin.tu ..I r...... .. il ..i..iu .1 ,A dticed rales. 1 ' UilL'iiui'u cheek ml II. rmiwli. 101 nniiiiiln nlln.vp, each paMuuger. ' J. IV. WUliriLH, Asst. Huiil, i Lug, Mucu'ry, Reading, Pa., April 3. 1871. EUtUNESS GAUDS, VISITING CARDS, UTTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AO., AO. Neatly nnd Cheaply Prlnle-J From tho Latest Stylos of Type at the Pntcat Modicinoa. JIW UY TTlfEMI 1JOM).,, , "OM POUND 1-LUl'n EXTflACT t'ATAWII O It A P-12 1'lhhH ua fca.(,(,;;;ela, FORMVKU COAIPLAINTS Jtitvt.. ipW AFFKOTIONS. SK'm'' 'l ''"ACIIE, COSTIVENESS. I tc11 ') U1 VEUETAIILL', CONTAINING Nim,,V.1 V't MINERAL OR DELUTElttOUs Theso Pills nro tho most,,.. . purgative, miporeodlim enstnr .?..1ka -4 H, nalt i, nesla,olo. Thero Is nothlni-,,.' " ' hosiomacn. They sivo tone, nnd can 1 , 1 nnuseanor griping ,,aius. They nro r o itio finesttnareJients. Ano,Uwi ' Hem, sucn n invigoratlon or tho enuro t takes place ns to appear miraculous to tn0V" nuit eiiervalcl. whether arising ir l 7, ' ilcnco or disease. It. T. Holmi ,,i,iV "l I'lti JptrnctCalnMbaOraoo Plll B ' coaled, from Iho fact that stigai-conie d ' ' not dholvc, but pass tlironnh tho.ioi.! '."' d ssolvlnrr r.n . ""-'IWir CENTS PER BOX, 7 1 UIt'1! l ltl 'MENRY T. IlELME OLD'S. mcmr.Y co.vl'k.vti'.atkd compound FLUID EXTRACT SAItSAPAIHLI, V Will radically cxttrmlnaio from tlio Scrofula, syplilll.,, FovorSore,, Ulcers Sore , So o l egs, Soro Mouth, Solo Head h- lr Skin Diseases, salt Rheum, nukers ito , from tho tor, Whllo Swel lug,, tu '" ""' cerousAirecllons.Nodes.Rlckels ni ' lt's, Night,. Ras .. Totier H ,JaM K ChrSnlc Rheumatism pep T "' disihathas been MmuiZTtUoT than nny oC J rilln. It gives tlio COMPLEXIOV n Vi ' Blood, "c " ,,1,; r'" ' ' ses nrlsing rron. n imp 0 1 1 ""''' ' And tho only reliabionntiect nM ' Uy for tu. euro of Palnsn 'r'. " -j mu euro Ol l'nlns mid Swrlll. Bones. Ulceration, of tho Thruat Notches. Plmnles on . ........ 11 1 nnd I, nil scaly Eraril, of thoVkm i' y,, 1,C tlmcomplexlon. Prlccoer Dot ' 'ieia a..a lleatiliri '"per Jiotllo. HENRY T. HELMEOLD'S CONCENT II ATEI) FL UID EXTRA GTE UCI1 V, THE GREAT DIURETIC, lias cured overy case of Diabetes lu which li , been given, Irritation of tho neck or tho Iliad., mid inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration tho Kidneys nud niiuidnr iii...i . V'SCai,Cr f 1110 rmstat0 a"""l.Htoue in tiic Tin"!' -j.., VU.I.U1-,, wruvei, Jirickdtist Deposit, ni , ,. ,, '. "'uarges.nnd for Eufeeu. . ,i,,li,i,liujuUUiomor both Sexes nlin ded with tbo following Bymptoms: ludiM, tlon to Lxcrtlon, loss ol Power, loss of .Memo, . B lllculty of Breathing, Weak NerVes b lug, Horror of Disease, Vr-akeiulness, 1) , or Vision, Pain lu Iho llock, Hot Hands, Fiu. ' lug of tho Body, Dryness ol tho Skin, L"nip, ".1 cm tho Face. Pallid Countenance. Unn.r Lassltudo of tho Muscular System, etc. Uscdbypeisous irom tno nges of euntee,, ,, twcnty.llve, nnd from Ihlrty.llvo to Ilny-ni" n tho decline or chnngo of ufo. after coulliu' ment or labor pains; bed-wcttlug in chlldr" Helinbold'd Extract Iluchu Is Diuretic nea from . yln?'a" H .llsensc, arMn. from IliibiU of Dissipation, and uud Imprudences lu Klfe. Iinpurllles of tho Woo etc., superseding Copabla In allectlous for wuu It Is used, nnd Syphilitic Airectlons-ln 1,,,. J"1 ' connection with HELMIlOLf LA DIICS. Iu manyallccllou, peculiar lo ladles, the I tract Buchti Is uneqiialled by nny other rem. u -in is Chloroils or Retention, Irregularity Puu itilness or Suppression of Cnsloniary i.vacn . tlous, Ulcerated or Schlrrus SL1I0 of the Pier,,, Lcuxorrhica or Wliltes.Storlllty.and for all com plaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is prc scrlbed oxtonslvcly by tho most eminent iiiiys, lansnudMldwlvesfor Enleebled nud Del,,.,,.. Constitutions, of both soxes and all u-es it.e. ded wlUi nny ofthonbovodisea!,esorsVtiipt ..u 11. T. HELMUOLD'S EXTRACT JIUCliL" CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM lMl'i. - DENCE, HAI1ITS OF DISSIPATION, ET 111 nil their stages, nt llttlo cpenso. little or ... chnngo In diet, no Inconvenlenco, nnd no posuio, It causes a frequent desire, and g." strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obsi.u. lions, Preventing nud Curing Strictures of me Urotha, Allaying Pain nnd Inflammation, so frequent lu this class of diseases, and e.peimiu nil I'olsouous matter. Thousands who have been tho victims of in competent persons, and who have p-ild hen fees to bo cured lu a short time, havo found tin j havo been deceived, and Hint the "Poison" hm by tho use of "powerful astringents," been druo up In tho system, to break out In n moro agari vated foim.nnd porhups after Marriage. Uso HELMROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for ii'i Allectlous nsd Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing lu Male or Femnle, from what ever cause orlgluntlng, and 110 matter of how long standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HENRY T. HEfiTUnOIiD'.S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo n, n FACE WASH.mid wu bo found tho only speclllo remedy In every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCORllUTI' DRYNESS, INDURATIONSnr thoCUTANEOl h MEMI1RANE, etc, dispels REDNESS nnd IN CIPIENT 1NFLAMATION, HIV11S, HASH MOTH I'ATCIIICS, DRYNUS3 OF SCALP Oil SKIN, FROSTBITES, nud nil purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS nro used; restores the skin to n state of purity nnd softness, nnd in sures continued healthy action to tlio tissue o its vessels, on which depend tbo ngreenblo clear ness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. Hut however valuable ni remedy fsr existing defects of tho skin, II. T- llelinbnM's Roso Wash has Ion: sustained its prluclplo claim to unbounded patronage, possessing qualities which render It a TOlLhT AFPENDAGr! of the most Superlatlvo anil Congenial character, combining In nn elegant formula thoso prnminont requlslts, SAFETY auil EFFICACY' the Invariable accompaniment 01 Its nso as a Preservative and ltefrcshorof t tie Complexion, It is nn excellent Lotion for dis eases of 11 SyphlliiioNnturo,iindns nn Injection ior diseases of the Urinary Organs, nrlslug limn habits of dissipation, used In connection wltt) the EXTRACTS UUCHU,BARSAPAiULLA,aud CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS.I11 such diseases as rocommeuJed, canuot be surpassed. FRR'H ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Full and explicit directions accompany luc medicines. Evidence of the most responsible nnd relink character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living wltnessos, and up ward of 80,000 unsolicited certltlcntea and recoin moudatory lelters, many of which are from the highest sources, lncludlug eminent Phyklclaus Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor li never resorted to their publication iu tbo nows papers! be docs not do this from tho fact tha Ills articles tank as Standard I'rennratlnna.niid do not need to be propped up by certificates. Ilcury T. IIclinuoIri'N Gciiiiine I'rciiarntloiiri, Delivered to any nddress. becurefrotu vUti vatlon. KktablUhed upwards of twenty venrs. Bold hv Druggists everywhere. Addross letters for In- formation, In confidence to HENRY T, HELM- BOLD, Druggist nnd Chemist Only DepoUl II, T, HELMUOLD'S Drug nnd Chemical Werenouso, No. 691 Broadway, New York, or to H,T, HELMUOLD'S Medical Depol 101 South. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. COLUMUIAN OFFlOEi 11EWAH.E OF COUNTERFEITERS.