THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. Bloomsburg Friday, April 12, 1872. FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT II 1) I T 0 It. Railroad Ximo Table ; LACKAWANNA & ULOOMSilUItCl It. H. North. Houlli. Vnll 10i"l A M. ftlSP.M. Arccinlnodntloii 4:15 A.M. lV'J ' txpriss IWSr.M. oatawifba it. it. rnoM liurnitT station. (Inlnc North. "."'P.B po"i' ists r. m, 11:11 A. M, Democratic Comity Contention. Nollco In hereby Riven that In pursuance of the Utiles for tlioRovernanco of tho Democratic parly of tho County of Columbia, adopted December W, ldTO, n Convention to elect a ltcpreientatlvo Dolcgalo to tho Btato Democratic Convention to Lo hi Id In Heading on tho 30th day of May, 1S72, and to ciiooso Hcnatorlal Conferees to meet sim ilar Conferees from tho counties of Lycoming, Sullivan and Montour, will bo held at tho Court limine, In tho Town of Itloomshurg, on TUES DAY, tho lltli day of May, 1S7J, at 2 1. M. Tho election of Delegates to tho said County Convention will boliell on HATIMDAY, tho 11th day of May, H72, between tho hours of three and .oven I'. M..nt tho usual voting places. Dele gates to bo voted for as prescribed by tho amend cd rules. lly order Democratic Btandlng Committee C. U. 11AKKLF.Y, Chairman. LOCAL Tiiu Democratic) County Convention of Ltizomo will moot tit Wilkes Burro, on Tuesday tho 23d lust. Wk learn tliat tho Columbia Iron Works htwo parsed under tho control of a Joint stock company. I'ittston threatens tho community with n dally paper. Tho Wilkes llarro dally has not yet put iu an appearance, Tm: river has overflowed tho flats, nt Kingston, and passengers between that place and Wilkes IJ.trro arc obliged to cross in boats. Heading must bo an uncomfortable if not danuerous city In which to reside. No less than twenty funerals passod tlirotiali its streets in ono day recently. Tin: pcoplo of Savannah aro luxurlat iiiji In green peas and uew potatoes. Wo beliovo ours aro not quito rlpo yet N. B. "This is sarcasm." By n typographical error last week tho purchase money of John HenUor sliott's property in Madison township, was mado to read $22,300; it should have been $12,300. Tun Agency of tho Continental Life Insurance Co. will bo conducted hero- nflerbyC. 1). Uroclcwny, Mr. Lttdwlg having retired from tho firm. Tui: maplo sugar season lias not be gun ns yet. A legislative friend sug gests that It has ovidently lost Its placo on tho calendar and will probably not bo reached this year. Wr. lmvo received tho first number of tho Danvlllo Independent a nowspaper published In Danvlllo, D. II. B. Urowcr editor. It is about tho slzo of tho lately deceased Medium. Tho now paper looks well and promises to bo spicy. At tho town election on Tuosday last tho recent law forbidding the selling of liquor whilst tho polls were open, was rigidly observed, all tho bars in town being closed until seven o'clock in tho evening. The prospects for a largo fruit crop tho coming uoason aro said to bo very flattering. Tho absanco of any very warm weather hns prevented tho buds from pushing forward and materially lessened tho danger of tho fruit being frozen in tho blossom. The ieo disappeared from tho river this year in tiic most quiet manner con celvable, many pcrsotn not knowing of Its departure. Tlicro Is yet much ico left upon tho dams but no fears aro en tcrtnlncd of rtnv damaso being done along tho river. Tho Local Option bill passed for tho borough of Shlpponsburg, Cumberland County, was, by Judgo Junkin, presi dent Judge, held to bounconstltutional, and licenses were granted as if no such law existed. Tun oiilco of tho Lycoming I'iro In suranco Company, at Muncy, Pu., wa3 robbed, on Tuesday night of last week of over 30,000 iu registered bonds and railroad stocks, $20,000 or which tic longed to private parties. Two men have been arrested on suspicion. Tun Bellefontu Watchman, a rigidly religious newspaper of this State, noted for tho austerity ol its f-t'th and freedom from allusions of doubtful purity, statis lliat tho Columhian although a "dull paper" can occasionally say a "good thing." Wo wish wo could for the II atchmanbul wo can't. Tun Town Council of Milton has passed a resolution to tho effect that nil dogs found unmuzzled in tho streets of that Borough shall bo killed if not re claimed within 48 hours after their seiz ure and tho payment of $2.00 flue. Tun Bill for tho abandonment of tho Extension of tho North Branch Canal, abovo PIttston has becomo a law. Freight charges on coal and limo by tho Lehigh Valley K. It. aro not to ex ceed those of 1S03 70. Boatmeu aro to bo allowed to remove their boats from tho Canal. The reason why wo do not lmvo moro wild pigeons this spring seems to bo given by tho Indiana papers who speak of immense flocks of tho birds in differ ent parts of that State. Ono roost is said tocxtend over eight miles of wooda. Boys and men kill them with club to save powder and shot. It U to bo hoped that this year both Main and Market streets may bo re lieved from tlioso buildings which stand so as to destroy tho appearance of both streets. When tho Forks Hotel and tho Wells Houso aro removed, and when the grading of tho tt reels is fully com pleted Bloomsburg will ba In truth ft very pretty and pleasant town. Tun work on tho Exchnngo Hotel property is being pushed forward with all rapidity, and tho indications aro that wo shall rejoice cro long In tho pos session of n fine Hotel of sufficient slzo to accomodate any amount of travol Tho probabilities aro that a greater number of pcoplo will visit tho town when It is generally known that Hotel facilities lmvo bccii Increased. Wn believe it Is pretty generally con ceded that tho grain has not been in jurcd to any great extent by tho rigor ous weather of tho past winter. Tho ground lias been frozen solid aud tho grain has thus not been exposed to alternate thawing and freezings which provo its greatest cmemics. At an election for officers of the Hun- loclt's Creek and Muncy llailroad, held at Benton last week tho following nam ed gentlemen wero elected : President William IJrintllo. Directors Jonas Doty, Poter Lau bach, Samuel Haycock, John Koons, Myron Fellows, Win. S. Monroe, P. M. Trumbowcr, J. M. M. Qerherd, II. W. Pctrlkin, Win. J. Wood, Georgo Dcrr, G. W. Philips. Ouit Town Election. 1 Broadl Farce a colored CbuncilmunU Tho an nual election for Town Council, under tho reformed plan of voting, look place on Tuosday last. Slnco tho flrst elec tion under our charter, the Council has stood politically four Democrats and threo Pcpubllcan3. It was composed of tho best citizens of our town, and labored diligently for tho best Interests of our pcoplo. Desirous of avoiding political strife, last year the Demo crats agreed with tho ltopubllcnns to coutinuo tho existing board, and it com promise was thus effected. But tho la boring men cumulated their votes on n candidate of their own, and secured hl3 election. This year tho Democrats proposed to contlnuo tho saino officers in power, ex eept Mr. Eyor, who had removed, and Mr. Blnkcr who declined lo bo u candl dale. This proposition was rejected by tho opposition, under tho lead of Mesjrs. Kuorrund Whitmoycr-Its ring tuaiteis, and they nominated it Presi' dent of Town Council, and three mem hers, throwing overboard Mr. Sharpies?, aud replacing Caleb Barton, who was defeated by tho people last year. In self-dcfenco the Democrats nominated W. B. Koons for President of tho Town Council, and Messrs. Barkley, Kuorr, and Miller as mcmbdrs. Forseelug n bitter contest, and a pro liable defeat, tho Radical leaders agreed to drop ono of their candidates forCoun cil, and permit tho Democrats to elect four, as heretofore. This proposition was agreed lo by a number of DemO' crats, but fearing treachery a number of them centered their votes on John Sterner, and he was elected. And now eamo in tho trick of tho game. Alter securing enough votes to elect Barton and Freas Brown because no serious opposition Was mado to Mr. Mendenliall as President of tho Town Council the Radical, under the lead of Esq. Cliemberliu, Tity Jacoby and Boyd Robison, commenced running a colored man named Jatuoj Dennis, for Council, and tho dusky reserves wero at otioa brought into action. lie Is de clared to havo been elected, and tho hearts of our opponents wero mado glad. They had broken faith elected an ig norant negro who does not want tho placo and defeated Charles G. Barkley one of tho most efficient Couticilmen thu Town has had. Wo say that Dennis " was declared elected." In fact ho was not, us a re count of the ballots would show. Ills tickets hud on tho names of six person", and opposite Ills was pilnted "0 votes." Tho other names wero unscratclied, yet In defiance of law, tho enllro six votes wero counted for Dennis. Other in stances of special counting aro known. We do not know whether tlicro will bo it contest or not, and aro not protest ing so much agaiust tho election of a negro, as we are against tho violation of tho morning's agreement, and tho tie feat of good men ly curbitono-politi cian3. Tho lioeril Orillon l.fttv. As tltoro sr cms to bo tt general misun derstanding In rogard to the provisions of this act, wo will slato that tho elec tions for or against llconso aro not lo bo held until tho third Friday in March, 1873, except whero tho municipal elec tions aro held on somo other day, whero the voto for or against local option Bhall bo at the time of such election as flxed by special laws. It will thus bo seen that it Is in tho power of tho next Lo- glslaturo to repeal this act beforo It goes Into effect. Again tho vote is to bo taken by conn ties and cities. This, at tho tlmo of tlio passage of tho act wo deemed tinwho, becattso If taken by townships and wards It would carry In somo districts, which will now boawainpod by the voto of the county. Wo bollovo local option would havo carried In several town ships in this and Luzcrno county, for example, but that tho aggregate voto of tho counties named, will dofcat it. Agalu, no answer has been made to tho point raised by Mr. Brockway, In tho Legislature, that the act is uncon stltutional under tho decision of tho Supremo Court in tho Allegheny county cases. That point, however, will agalu bo decided beforo It goes into operation COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Tlin fnllmtrlnv rronltnmotl llflVn MlfOCtOil tH to nmiounre their iiriiim iw CntirtMMeB lor tho Ofllco of (Superintendent of Common Schools or M. W. NUSS or nr-oosisnuita. WILLIAM II. SNYDER or CATAW1MA. Wo find tho following very Com pliuiontnry Notice of tho Bloomsburg Normal School and its new Principal Rev. John Hewitt, In tho Montour American and reproduce it Willi picas urc Important Chancie. Wo notico thatun Invitation lias been extended by lliu Hoard of Trustees of tno uiooms burn Literary Institute, to itov. John Hewitt to takotlio prlnclpalsliipoftiiat institution, anil this gentleman 11113 ac canted the task and already entered up 011 his labors. Wo consider this a most fortunate selection on tho part of tho Trustee-". Mr. liowitt, is a gentleman of ilno abilities, nleasaut nddrc&s and untiring energy. uu ciwns win go towards making tlio i-elpjnl wnat It should bo, ono tf tho btMt and most lmnulur in this section of tho State. Tho buildings wero erected but 11 few years ago and aro perfect models of their kind, being supplied with all tho modern inii) ovctneats to facilitate in- Ft ruction and lo mako 11 comfortablo and healthy homo for scholars, ,u i-,-. ...,.11 Hl'KCIAIi S0TKT.S. TMinrlimm n ml Mliavltl nenilftllClltly rttred by Jos. Garrison, Bloomsbtirg, Pa. aprl2 2t 1.V in Main, anni'fl. Initriitnenls. Ac, Stop and sto Alslatt, Court Houso alley, no nas 'em. 1 1 - 11. A. n.innnn. of Benton, offers a largo and carefully selected asorttncnt of millinery goods Just received from (l.r nlllnu nml iMuiwn lo 1)0 Of tllO llt'St and pretlleit patterns. A view of tho gOOdS Will proVO UUS biiuuiiiuiii. iu "u true. Mover Bro. havo Just received sovcr al carloadsof bo jo from Chicago, to bo iiaml lii I in trmntiftu-iurc 01 l-iins limits. They havo also tho other Ingredients necessary for making tho Phoiplmtes. Tim iimount sold bv them last year lias justified tho purchase or an enormous amount of material which will doubtless bo bought during tho so.'.soa. Waxtbh. A f-trorrr. aellvo lilrl to do houso work. Apply at this efface. Foil Rest. Two ilno rooms over tho ofllco or Robert F. Clark, on Main St. Apply to Mrs. W. II. Ent, opposite tho J'oriss uoici. Titr. Hnll In th fourth Blow of Brow nrs liii!Mln! rim bu rented fr tho mir noso of a Town Hall. It will hold Fivo Hundred persons and has iu it a first nines Mnsnn & Hamlin Cabinet Orgaa Parties desiring to rent can do so by ap plying to Ji. H.KiNfii.Ki:, RonnitT Roan, K. O. Ent, nol2v-l Committee The True (IrnniiUorCoiifldinee. Whcnco dimi's that llrm roUanon, thai. nLmolulc, mi- ilotiMiriK rami in ine cmcwy 01 junmi'M Htnmneli llllternnun romwly Tnr InillRiwtloii. 1)11- loss illmirilers.lntermiitMiinniireimi win levers, which notorloupily prevail In all i.nrtj or tho Unlttil Mtaten? Thin conflilenco has hern Krowliiir tor twonly years, ami It H till! extend- DC. It H HlVll'U n'UUII Wl lUTIHIll) i u l" I"'--.7t rniramlnf.!) ftttf nttv htlinfltl flevlfO. Illll 1 tho mioiitanootii ami natural eoncqncneo of experience. What people nooilally rkiikj un der their own eyenlney cannot question. hM r.uniiifn in unnenuny iiiftiricin imiv mbjii- urn who eaoino ckcihihc ionic, n i'iu v"):yy seono rerlodlcsl fevorH. and tliclr linmeulato nelglibom, who neglect thli precaution, nrp irosiraieu vr xno unwim-, nuw nu n'-mu ho phcnimieiion uliould ho without IW lMson ? .. Iltm -nnf.t.n l.lmtl If 1 Pell I llflt OUt liatO caws of dyKpcpeln, of liver complaint, of con .r .i..F.-riiiH n-cntf npfi. mid of General debility, yield to tho operation of tho l",1" ri'iin-iiy, now run uvrii wtiiMiii" , . Iir.l.l 11m nmli,raAitifnt 9 r.vewll Ileuses Of thO RalU tury cilocts of tho hitters nro to ho found In every civl'liiei.1 iielllement on this continent. Thetnou- situis upon thousands wim owo ineir itoui i from sickness, to Its extraordinary medicinal properties, nrn culhuslnsllo In Its pM se. lho multitudes who recommend It In n neighborly wny lo their friends md acqunliiianoeH, us well as thoso who make while ihcli estlmilo orns fi. in,. nr 1 viiu ,m o if. kinin 1 npir inn'un 'or tho Inltli Hint Is 111 them. They have all either filt or wltuossoi Its henuikf t operations. i:niToittAh Noricrs aro socommon that It is alnii si nnpossiuio lor an cuiior 10 expre"s ins iw.iinkt t.iiitiimi nr ihn merits of unv article wllh- .ni. iii.inir Ntmnpctpil nf lmerestoi motives. This nu'i, However, Mian not nvwi u- iium -ujii s whnt wo Ihlnlt ornnow audiuou 10 1110 .iiaiorm Mi .iin.i m which ouriitteiitloii hashcen recently dliicled. Wo refer to br. J. wai.kkii h i ai.ifoii via viviiiA 1 iiTrntH. n remi'ii v w men is mnx inn Its way Into mme families Jnt now than nil Km miIiim- mivirtimil meillelties nut toncthe-. Thel e seems lo ho no qui silou about tho potency r.i iiu ii.nli mid ntieuitlvii iironertlcs. h tide It posescs thocreal ut-antive iicoinineniiou'iu 01 rouiillinnK iiiiiiu-r in- u ui'i i'"m -i-lifif 11 ln mif ruin fur liidluesilon. llilllousllCJS, Conitlpatioii.iiud many complAliits of nervous nrlmn, wo Iiimi! reason to Know; aim we aio d..iini,i mi r.,w,il nutliiirltv Hint, ss n ucueial lu- vlitorunt, rcuulattut! anil purlfylim i,,iM in, iinmii. 11. u Hbiieil that Its lmzrcillentR. (obtninoil from the wilds of California,) aro now to lho medical world; arid Its extraordinary el lectu certainly warrant tlio conclusion thai .1 Is iv compound of nKuiita hitherto unknown. If popularity Is any criterion, tlicro onu ho no doubt or lho elflclency id tlio Vl.smiAli UittkIIs,: fur Iliosnloorthonrtlclalsimmcuaeaudcoutiuually lucreuslui. UKKOKS'fU' YOUTS1. i:vcry nervous Yoiin;? Man In the Union, will receive, free, a lioclpo Hint will provo n hlcthlni! through UK-, ty iiUilrcssliiR, In eonlhluicc, JOHN 11. OUHKM, r.oxClWl'.O. il Cedar bU,N. Y. REMOVAL!! I. W. NIL12S', M (J H I 0 WAR E ROOMS havo been removed to tlio TO IlOOtr AOF.NT8. MARK TWAIN'H NEW BOOK, "HOUGHING IT," T. vAn.W trip flnnvrtKMerft. Mn hnoK Is lrsikOfl for more Impatiently tlian this, and nenU will do well to get territory lor It as early ns possible. Apply for circular and terms to 4 11 ' IUtirVIL-Ml tUlllh'.ll t,r,111,1- 711 Hansom Ht,,r-hlhvlelptila. HOLLIDAYSBURO, PA., SEMINARY. Itov. JOSKril WAUUii.rnncipai. Hprlnit Term llelns April 1st. HuccoKsful, Thoroiigli, Hconomlcal, Healthful. NEW J1RIOIC BUILDING The oldest and most reliable Institution fof n'i talnlns a Mercantile Ednoatlon. i'roctlcal bust ness men ns Instructors. Kor lnlormatlon, wrlto for it circular to 1". Uorir ft Hons, l'ltts hurKh, I'a, Cheap I'ai iiis ! I'rce llomcN ! OTIIK IilPIK ur 1 UK UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A I.ASIIUllANTor OPl'OSITKthom'lSUOl'ALCUUItCII.MAtNBt. 1 2,00 0,0 00 A C E. 'j S 11KST I'AltMINO AND M1NEKAI. LANDS IN AMKItlUA. 3,000,000 ACRES IN NEBRASKA CSKRAT 1iAtTIJ VAI.I.IJV, Tlio Clai-dcn of tho West, NOW KOll SALE! Tl,in Inlidi nr - In tlin etil rnl HOrllon Of thft Ilnlletl MIaIpm. nn llin 4lt iletrren of North Lati tude, the central lino of tile gruat Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing and stock ralsliiif unsurpassed by any in theUnlnil Htntes. CllKAfllIN l'HICK, more rsvoraoie irnni I given, and moro convenient to marKei inaucuii I bo found elsewhere. .... rilEU 7OJH;S17.Vl)V JTJB AVI -UAIs sill- TI.I.U3. The licit Locations for Colonies. Soldiers entitled to a hoincstead of 100 acres. Free I'asses lo I'urciinttrs oi nsna, Send for tho now Uoscrlptlvo Pamphlet. wltA new mans, mibltsbed In Knaiisn. uermari Swullsh and Danish, mailed freo everywhero Address i' r, iAnn, Land Commissioner, U.l'. 11. 11. Co., Omaha, Neb. Bnow:; & Jouns. Who nro they They aro an cnterprlsinir younjr llrm latelv established In Cutawlswand frun thu abtoiilsliin amount of Dry Goods they n-11 ie evident that tho people arc attracted by their low prices. Thoy nro in constant receipt of fresh goods Vnrl.-. Tlinv Rell onlv for All of ' tlm linvnr nvrrv tiossible rooms aro lark'e', well voritilnted, PtivantaKC tlorivctl from this plan. A ratably lighted and attractive. The vlsit l0 ,hcir wui convince tlio reader of these facts. nl-tf. tho tiior dormitories nro roomy, neat and com- fortiiblyrurni-hcd.ThopIcasurosrounds are extensive, coverinj,' an area of ten or twelve1 acres, and thoentiro institu tion is situated on an eminence over looking tlio pleasant villas or Bloonis btt.'i;. There could bo no moro suitable nlneo to snnd vouna ladies or ercntlo- men for education, and with so able a Cavalry Condition Powders for tho fol crmillomun ns Mr. Hewitt at tho head, lowlm? trouble in horses: Los3 of ail it will present an additional attraction, petite, roughness of the hair, ttoppago We commend tlio Institute to our of bowels or water, thick water, coughs, readers and hopo Montour County will und colds, swelling or tlio glands, worms uo largely represeineu in ine rou norso an, tnicic winti, anti nettves of pupils. E. M. Knorr has ladies' lasting gaiter from 00 upwards. Vi-.ti-utn-ai'v Surceonsali over the. country aro recommending tihcrldan'b AUDITOR'S NOTICE. csrATK or SAMUKt. iilank, onc'n. 1 ho undercLtucd tippolnted nudlior lo alUtrlb uto tiio funds m tho hands or.M.i; Jackon,eMi., trustee, to and nniongsttho persons entitled ton share Ibuiclu, will meet tho partita Interested utthoolllcoorM. II. Jiickfcou, esq., In llerwiclc im -nturday. April 20th at ono o'clock p. m., tor thuimiiHiso ol malvlug such dlhtrlbutlon ; when and win to all persous are required to appearand niiiku their claims or ho forever debaried from cumlng In lorn sliaro or said fund. ,.,, JOUN O. VV.KV.7.V., mclilVTi-Il. Audlto.. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. "rE, i,.Tnral-fiirr nntlllnr nnnnlnteilhv tho Or-' Court ol Columbia county, on exceptions III II1H Ul sunlit uinjii;oici u . . uu.v, ... tor of Clotworthy l 'lshcr, late of said county, de ceased, will proceed to tho discharge or the du ties of his appointment nt tho oltlco of the bher- lir h, ii,i',irl llntiu In ItlnoiiiRbltrir. on rrp .I'.. II,,. inn, ,:v nf Alirll. X7 III ID o'clock.!!. m.,'when and whero nil persons Interested may 1UICUU 11 lliey UHLlli liropci. .ti.-t. March It, leTJ-lt Auditor. We givo below an important act, ap proved by lho Governor April 3, 1S7- extending the competency of witnesses In certain criminal case? Suction 1. Be it enacted, Ac, That in tho trial of all indictments, com plaints, and other proceedings against Old Stock is offered at E. M. Knorr's at cost. A FRir.Ni or ours who is cliiof clerk in tlio Governmental Dispensary, says that no medicino chest is now eompleto without Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Wo always supposed it was prescribed by law ; ir it is not, it ought to be, for persons charged witli tho commission certainly there Is nothing in tlio wholo Tun Bloom Ellction. Wo givo tho declared result of tho late election in this place by districts. It is just to Mr. Lowcnbcrg, and somo per sons voted for, to say that their names wero u;ed without their knowledge or consent, nor did they or their frienil.i attempt to sccuro their election : Candidates. ICast Bloom. II'. Bloom. Heavy Roiuieuy at Muncy. The ofllco of tho Lycoming Firo Insuranco Company at Muncy was entered by burglars last week and ono of tlio safes blown open. Over $30,000 in registered railioad bond3 and stocks were abstrac ed, $10,000 of which belonged to tlio Company, and tho balanco to private parties. Two suspicious characters have been arrested in connection with tho robbery. There will bo a concert in Cadman's TTnii this. Friday, evening, by four blind girls. These girls wero educated at Philadelphia, and aro said lo bo flue vocallstsandaccomplished instrumental iiprfurmers. Tlio newspapers of thoso places whero they havo given musical entertainments speak In high terms of their abilities. Wo have n- doubt their concert will bo well attended, as tho tieonlo of Bloomsburg havo always shown a partiality for like entertain wents. The warm rains of the earlier part of tho week had a wonderful eiTect upon the grass. In the spaco of a few hours tho green shoots appeared abovo tho ground.wlierebeforotheralnevery tiling was dead and brown. Now that tho grass has onco started tho fields will booh bo covered with their verdant car net. Tito rain was most welcome to tho pcoplo of town ns tho streets had becomo Insufferably dusty; tho wens aim as terns also needed Ailing up. It will not bo long beforo ploughing will bo general aud tho spring campaign fairly openeu Bluo birds and robins have ceased to uo curiosities and honey beo nro on tlio wing forsweets. Favorablo wcatiier for tho next few weoks may provent a lato harvest by increased rapidity of growth in tho vegetablo world. ANEaston paper expresses itselfclearly as regards its opinion concerning ono Sclileitmbach, and tho preachers which men of his kind make. "Capt. Schletimbach, who has been by turns a loud-moutlicd Radical stump speaker, Mull Agent on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, and editor of a Ger man paper at Allontown, has turned preacher, utlt oi wnat, iniaeruuiu lumin al preachers aro mado now-a-days." Tnr new storo of David Loweuberg is at length flnished aud Mr. Lowenberg has moved In. Tho unusually fino stock which ho ofrers this Spring show to great advantage in lho line, large, airy rooms. A lino assortment oi jewelry will hereafter bo a specialty of Mr. Lowenbeig'bcstablishmentand to prop erly exhibit this ho ha3 furnished a vciy handsome silver mounted snow case. His storo deserves a call. W. F. Souilers.onoof tho firm ofSny- der, Hartman &Co. of Epy.was killed on Wednesiav morning last at King' ston u hilst on the down passenger train, on his way home. Somo part of tho ma chluery of the engine had becomo do r.inirpit nnd a man was t-cnt back to flat' an approaching pay train but linlnr recalled too soon, tho engino of tho pay train struck tlio rear car of the passenger train throwing Mr. Sotiders from thoplatform crushing him betw-een two cars. Noouoelsowas Injured. Caleb Barton, John S. Sterner, Freas Brown, W. B. Koons, James Dennis, Stephen Knorr, S. H. Miller, O. G. Barkley, Wm. Kramer, Joseph Sharpleas, David Lowenberg, Judah Boone, For V, Elias Mendenliall, David Lowenberg, J. Morris, W. B. Koons, At a meeting or tlio Town Council, held on Saturday evening last, tho fol lowing business of public Interest was transacted : The establishing of a Curb stone Market, tho full text of which In tlio Ordinatico is published elsewhero; tho directing of tho paving and grading of Third street betweon East and Leoti ard streets, and of Centre street from Second to'Slxth stroets. Tho meetings of tho Council havo been quite largely attended of lato by tho property holders interested In tlio grading of tho Btrcots. It Is by far tlio most lmportnnt duty which tho Coun cil havo had to perform, and ono which will affect tho appearance of tlio Town to thuuroatost extent. The main object to bo attained Is a full nnd Bufllcleut drainage, and when this Is satisfactorily completed and tho streets reduced to proper grades tho valuo of property win uo much en liancod aud tho comfort of our citizens Incrcasod. The Supervisors of townships, re ecu tlv elected, should bear In mind ma their duties require them to to keep the roads In perfect repair. As soon as tut frost is out of the ground, work siiou commence. Tho flrst repairing should bo tho filling up of holes and deep ruts and opening tlio gutters; and tho road bhould recclvo it eompleto overhaul ing. Nof.tlso idea of economy should prevent tho Supervisor from attending in this much needed precaution, im township Supervisors mo responslb! for any accident to man or neast, tin tlio Courts aro nevr r chary in iiiillctin exemplary damages upon ofllcers tie; lectlng this duty. Judgo Junkin, I Perry county, recently awarueti . damages against tho supervisor of Mllle township, Incurred in cons queneo the bad condition of tlio road. 219i 1U1 3J 1I9J 120 til 110 100 18 !$ csident. 115 it) -JO 109 123 77 72 101 3S Gl (! il 3 o 91 51 1 0 of crimes or oll'onces not abovo tliogradu of misdemeanor in any court of record or criminal uristi etiun. tno person so charged, shall, at his own request, but not otherwise, uo deemed a competent witne-.s; out His neglect or reiusai to testify, shall not create any presumption ainst nun. nor snail any reierenco uc made to. nor shall any comment bo mado isnnn such neglect or refusal by counsel In tlio cao during the trial of tlio cause: Frorhlerf, That this act shall not extend to tlio trial of any person on n indictment ior perjury or lorgery. The Conspiracy I-aw, The following Is tlio text of an act drawn by Mr. Btcckway for tho relic of laboreis, workinguien, and journey men, from certain prosecutions and in iiil.tnipiiis fur conspiracy uudor tho criminal laws of this Commonwealth Kri'Ttiijj 1. Be it enacted. &c. That from aud after tlio passage of thi act it hail bo lawful lor any moorer or muur ns. workltitrmnn or woruing'iicu, jour Mnvmnii ni- niiiriii'Yiiiuu. uuiiu nm. ii, individuals or as tlio member of an club, sucluty.or u-aojiuiion, u iciu-.u iu woru or inner mr nuy puisini u ma whenever in hi, her or their opinion tlio wages are instifllcient, or the mat muni i,t hiieli laburer or laborers, work ingmati or workinguien, Journeyman ,1- niiriii'Viiieii. PV ins. ner, ur uiui mminver. is brutal or offensive, or tl roiitinued labor by such laborer or la linrnrs. worklnL'ta.tu or woruingmeu .mi-iniviiiiui ur iJiiriie.viiii.-ii, wuuui ui contrary to lliu rules, regulations, "i py-1 ws o: any emu, btL-iuiy, w uii;mi zillon. to which he, hlie, or they migl belong, wltuoui buujeciui!; miy iviuuu or peisonsbo rtiusing to wmu ui mum, materia mcdica of so much importance to tlio soldier and the sailor .-s Joiineotrs Ancdyno Liniment. A DMINISTRATORS' XOTICE. r i-ktati- op l'ETrn HAlTn:. ncc'H. Lctttraormlintstratlou on tbcer.lato or Peter Iliiuclc. lato of Ucavcr township, Columbia enimtv. iipci'nl have been ernuled by the Hck Icinc r ,nl,l mnntv In .liilin Ifnliek and Nntlian llredbender, orsamo place. All persons lmvliiB claims nralnst tho esiato of tho decedent uro re qucstid to present them for settlement, nnd thosa Indebted to tho esiato to mako payment to tho undersigned, administrators, without delay. JOHN UAUl'K, NATHAN llltEPnENDEU, mch20'?2-(in'. Administrators, TXCORPORATIOM. Whtro ho will leep n general assorlmcnt of THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORQAN3, VIOLINS, amUUKINDJ 01' MUSICAL INSTItUMENTS. a iso : i ua to no o i:s r n- ni 1 1 nst it u m ents. PIAIiO ANIl OtttlAN STOOLS ALL btyles Aril) pmctn. EXntAOnUINAHY IMl'HOVEMENTS IN CABINET ORGANS. Tho Mason & Hamlin Oriian Co. respectfully niiiiiiiinoe the lutr.iductlon or lmprovomeuts or much moro than ordinary Interest. Toese aro HEED AND PIPE CAI11NET OU'JANS tictiiE; tho only successful combination of UEAL l'll'i-Jl with reeds over mado DAY'S TUAVuroSINO KEY-BO AltD, ...i.i.i. ,, ii,..nil,.n,nt-,l Ir. Ihn rlKI n. THE SII01CEAKER PIANO Ieft,Vhniiisln tho pltcfi. or trnnsposln tho key. iliiJ unuiJiiuiJwv i. liiiiv Kor drawlUKs and descriptions, see Circular. NEW AND ELEOANT STYLES OE DOUBLE HEED CA1IINE1' OKOANS. at J110,JlS2and!l2)eacli. ConslderlnBCnpacltv, i:'eBnce, una rnorougu i.sceucnce oi , onv uanshlp, theso aro choaper than any before orr trej. , , Tho Mnsnn cs iiamun iiri;ans nro wxnawi I edged UUST, and fiom oxtraordlnsry f iellllles lor manulactnro this cjompany can nfford. and, now uuucriauo to sen ai iirices wmcu teuuv. litem UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four octavo oreans 5V) each: Fivo octavo or gans SlOi. tva and upwards. With threo sets reeds J1W and upwards, Forty styles, up to S150U each. . , , Now Illustrated CatalORUO. and Testimonial Circular, with opinions of MOllE THAN OSL THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent free. 1 131 Tromont at,, Boston. am Broadway, N. Y. a Notico is herd, v given, that on tho 17th day of Feb. A. D. lsT.'.suuury inhabitants of Columbia couutv, prcentedapetltton tothcCourtol Com mon Pleas of said county, praylnslhe said Court to grant a Chatter of Incorporation to tlio Falr Tlcw Fish Company of Catawtssa Township l'a. with lho ilKlits and privileges therein stated, and If no sulllclcnt cause Is shown to tho con trary on tho first day of next term, tho prajcr ot tho petitioners will uo granted, uccordln? lo tho Act of Assembly In such case mado and pro vided. It. 11. HINOhElt. April 3th 7Mt. 1-rothonolary. is lho cheapest First Class Piano in the market.. Having secured tlio Aseucy ol tho eiUO. WOODS' ItENOWNED OIIUANH, for Columbia County, together with tho CELEnitATED TEMPLE ANGELIC, furnishes advantages to purchasers not fjund elsewueio. STATIONARY OK ALL KINDS. A full assort incut of SQUARE AND OVAL FRAMEE3, V.. M. Knorr has men's calf boots, t?p sole, for $.60 and upwards. A larero stool: of children's &hoej of all kinds at E. M. Knorr's. Genuine French icid boot can bo had at E. M. ladles' button Knorr's. Receipts for March. Tlini Trench G J Sweigard F M Klino John Snyder K whitman aoO 'Calaw'a Chap 11 00 A largo stock of spring goods have been received at E. M. Knorr's and lie will lmvo moro by Saturday. r,lli " 1, nil en !5 01) Calvary Com 1 SO E JUeler 1 80 John Turner G V Drci-ibaeh '2 00 Sol Diemer Mifflin twi) 00 bCarmnn JllVandersliceiloiP' I'lios llnmboy riios C hrisman ;i oU ,.u anaiier Cru-adoCom 10 00 .Cyrus Demott 1 00 A W Eveland 0 0 John Rlllheim U 00 Peter Miller 2 00 iE W El well 2 00 Weidnrhold & II N Aramcr Shoemaker 2 o0 man 2 0U Sam'l Johnson 2 00 Jos Klino 2 00 (i'wood two 2 00 A 11 Utltan X 00 H Karns 7 ou .jonn ieyitari i iu Centre two 2 00 !Geo Ilirlemati iJ oD Jos C Parker 2 00 Jacoli Long 70 Calvary Com 1 fiu i wm unodnian 2 uu Hon G Scott 2 uu 'J no i) i topper uu R H Nicely 11 on list J 11 uoe- R C Sbivo 1 lo bier J C Davis 2 00 Kst A Iui-h Sam'l Smith 2 Oo Jno Keleliner Dauchy & '.'o 1 lo Col County f !niitini'iit:tl I.ifo I' R Colo Ins Co 21 SOiAaron Wolfo Martin Leidy 2 00 J 15 Shullz 15 F Hartmun 2 On Ulanlw M Wvnknnp oil SnmM Helwlg W Il'Mille;- 1 00 V H Ikelcr A V Cool 2(IOlChas licid H A Dieterlcl: I M ICIias Ash Wm Hets 2 Oil Levi Zincr Jno M Clark i 00 il) V Miller J L Jacoby 1 60,Israel Ijcllev Est P Kistler 7 00 Emma Lowi3 J Traul) 1 00 Joseph Earner Paper Sacks 2 70 , oo Xmpor taut Testimony ! 100 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 00 00 Tlio following letters nro ninnui; tho many wo ate constantly rccelvlns Horn persons wr.e uuvu been cured by Sfhenek's Pulmonic Syrup, Selienck's Sea AVcctl Tonic, AiJD Sehenck's jManelrake PilU. Pea 11 00 2 00 2 00 2:5 70 0 30 ill 01 ) s:l 2 u() 00 00 HO til) 1 00 00 20 00 MARRIAGES. In Germany, music is a part of om mon education. All slug except tin few whom uaturo has denied tlio gilt and the organ aud choir lead tho praises of tho great congregation. It would 1)-' well if it wero so every where. So one, in his zeal, wished that all aod's people wero prophets. Rut this has never yot beenj and wo must ba content with what wo lmvo. trail proached, una most of them preached poorly, wo should crave u iciplto from tho univer sal prophojylug. All peoplo cannot slnir.S'jnio whoaro proud of tholrglftJn tills way, had better uo silent, lor tnoy disturb their fellow'-wondilppors with their "goodly noise." If wo woul.l havo congregational singing, wo must oducato our children in mu3lc. Until that happy time, lot us bo thankful that others moro gifted cau do for us what wo cannot do for ourselvos, ami thus maintain tho praises of Isrenl, Kx, tu ptosoeutlon or imlictiiirtit lor con Miliaey under tho laws of tins Commonwealth. Provided, That this net shall not uo neiti to appiy iu mo member or incmucra oi any emu, buci- ety or orgatuisHiun, too euiisimiiiuu, liy-laws, luiesimu itunmuiiD ui nro not in strict conliiriiiity tu thu Con- htittitlon of tho State oi Pennsylvania tnd to the Constitution oi ine uuiiei sji ,t.. nnd that It tliau not io lawim fur any fcucli luuorer to iiiuuui muuia frniu unrKinir ior men - L-iiiiiiiui-in, m.u .,, , h virii tu do so. Section 2. That all acts or pans of acts eontlictliig with tlio above section, bu and thu btttue aio hereby icpealed. After much delay tlio ntiovo act was n iused thtoil 'll both Iloll-es ol tho Is gislature, and will undoubtedly bo sign al by tho Governor. The law as it now btauds Is a nllo of feudal barbarism, aud bus only been raked up of lato years for the purpose of oppressing workingmen. '1 hey can not seo why it is lawful for corporations tu combine, and unlawlul fur the r.ous of toll to do tho same tiling. This bill was demanded by 'JO.OOO or- L-anIs3d laboring men In this Stale, and for once tho Legislature lias aecctieu to their ivimeht. JI IlINHON-STOUT.-Oll Hie - 1 ll-'-. 'jy.!'-."- Wilson, Mr. Willl.uu il. Jonns 'il ami .nisi .i, nesbtout, botliol Jcrioituwu.i-a. JOlIN-lir.ACOC'U.-In D.invlllo, l'.i,, on Hnlr.i ii.iv ,,v... .im- M.neli mil. bv ltev. Uriel llr.ives. Mr. H. H. John, ol .Mlllvllle, Colombia coiinly, IM., to.MsMlntlo lleajucl:, ot Ml. Pleasant, Columbia county, l'a. ussgrovr, Sialcm County, Nesv .Tcrsey. rEliltlTAltv 'J7. 1S712. Dr. J. H.SCHKNCK.N. i;. corner Mixtuauu Arcn Ilispcclcil bir I talto pleasure In ndilinsmy testimony to llintoi tlio many nunm wiiu uuvu been cured by llioellleucy ol Kcbouclt's l'ttlmoulo tlv run. ea vec t juuie, uuu .uuui.i.iuu ...a. tl ruii. c-i.1. ,1 ,.. I,l.,.,lli,trv- w III inv family, most of Its memUeis has lug died ot it at "'i!'. ll mnlhi rand tlneo blot leiH died n't tiio UKo'of JI, uu o bioiUtr at :7, aud my sister i ithm, niu.nt ill vt silzed with liver complaint, wblcli utpldlyduveloped Into 1'ulmo- paiv Coiisumpiion, i nii ii i, ' fiulhh my cuiploymcnuiuaioi a uiiiermiiiiii ; . . . . 1....1, 1. tilt,, I (1,1,1 KMllllHllI 1,1,11.111111 and tried nitny patent nostrums, but without "ucuclia, so that my Irleuds were sure tlutt there. was no nopo ot my iutu,cij,i,i. . .1 .""K"i Horn 110 pounds to Wl, aud w.u notable to do nytnini; wiinoui. iia-itii'ii.---. ili', i now loulcui.on iik a In ternoslttuu, I was Induced .o try j our remedies, ami 'iiiuo mi sell under jour licilmeiit, mid no r uin, i.ud lliorough was my recovery, ibi.t it .seemed us though somo supethumau was al woru, anu iu-uay iiv... ... m.jr !..,i.. i.iv i , it., l wel-h 15: rounds. am IJ yearn Old llUd lot Sumu lll-iu iiu .jvk.. n-Bumuj in teUllingl'l Uiy UUSlUe', U.HU1US aii in inn iu uoo J out age. , . I nui IhanUful to you beyond expression for havllli: placed mo in n iu.'i'u i-iyiu t uui i. ...... in iin.ti'il of n liunlen to my i.unily. v.ini. Muiidi.iku 1'ills aro tlio only uie llelno ever use now. 1 tiuult they arj the Lest lu tnu "li'if.'i re.'er sou to hundreds of my neighbor' wlto will eitiy a 1 I Havo wniuii.uii.i any in I. r .11(11 lull 1111V til II.V li;illl, 1.11 .'.-11J 111..1 lll-ll wlllHufiieiy end gially glv u, upon uctlpto tuu.-.v.i.. ,,.,.,,.,, DEATHS. IMlIfXir.-S.-In Mlllvllle, April 1st, ltcbicm Plillllps, agi-il ai jeurs. MARKET REPORTS. Ulnom-buri; gjarliet. , i I ubet Kv e " tVjru Oil... " ! lt,ii pi r in i it-, . .. Clovetneil l-'l.m-i'd Iluner Viiij- Tul. iii IVt It'll n II: leii Xi J it lullik uli-H and buoui.ii .aid tnr pound...,. Hay per Ion tl.r a U 4 s I. . 'i tr) 1 AMKi if vN tiroc;; Tho Amll number of this excellent periodl eal has beou received. It is repieto ai over with useful, aud to the cnterpris int. htoek-Iireedcr. lndisiienslbio lufor " . .. -.t i,i.. mat on. livery iiepariiuuui a ". sustalnod wllh well written arllclos iiiimtmtcd bv tome twenty llvoencrav iiiLs of IJilry Fixtures, Hulldlngs lloraos. Cattlo. Sheep, Hogs, Poultry Dogs, &e. All our subscribers can re celvo frco Specimen Copies by addros ing tho Publishers N. 1. Uovmi A Co., Parlccsburg, Penii. epv -it est. U'JU., E'clJ. 1, IS- l);.J.n.KCHUNCK,N. II. cor. Hlsili nndAich bireil-, l liiianeii'iiin. . . nun-tt -iikisl. lorwaid. per flr-t t learner, sis liotlli Sea Wewd Tonic aud twelve lioiilod l'ul- iiiouie syiup. ,,, I'ltinn iii.i T,.111 Youl III uiciliei i in .tun. .... .... ...... not bo Mltuout itio.u tu my liousehuld, ana in luet no family should be without Iheiu. 1 have given Iheiu u lair list, unit openly de cliiio them to bo een bitter than yon claim. x ei j "y A;";v,uli:, REGISTER'S XOTICES.-Notice is hereby given to all legatee, creditors aud ... i,..i- nni-knim Interested ill tho estates of tlio re spective decedents and minors, that tho follow lti'rndmlulstiatloH and guardian accounts havo HCOll IHUll 1U II1U Ullliuui liiu iianii.1 mi v.,.iii,.i- ,- xiniiiv. nil. I w 1 1 1 lid il, even! nil lur I'.uiiiir.uii inn nnd iillnii-niifii 111 tlin Ornhnns' l.'ourt. to bo linl.l In lllnninvlillrtr nil Wedllcsil.lV. the Ull llav ol Mav. Ib7.'. at u o'clock lu tho alleruouu of said day ' 1, The Urst and nnnl aecountnf Jr-slali li.hrllz, administrator ot Mnrgnrtt I'UU, l.ue ul bugar- iiil towusnip, uecciisid. " Thn llnal nccnunt of Johu W. Hunter, ad. lulnlstrator of Albeit Hunter, Lite of l'luo tp. t ceased. ;v Tlin account nf Is.iae I,. Crvdei. pKf clltor of Mary c. cryuer, lateoi tno oorouguoi uenvicu, deceased. Thn first nnd final account ofV.m. Mastillor administrator tie vomsnon. oi Lnrisitan.i ueicn rl. 1 He ol Madison tp., iice;ascu. .1. The fliinl account of Abrain H.McNcal. ex ecutor of t-anuicl McNeil, lato oi iicuton town Ulp. deceased. il. Thn first nnd flnal account of William Maa- eller. ndmlnlstrntur of John Italcliard. lalo of Madison tp., deceased. 7. Tho account of Uenjamlu Wagucr, ndmluls. iraioroi iancy i.iiciugiou, iuio oi iocusi, hi. deceased. S. riiollrstaud final account of John Itantz, ndtnltilstratorofi:ilzabeth lleece, lataol urccu wood lp., deceased. o. Thn account of Simon Ilelwlz. admlnlstrn' tor ol Jonas Helwlg, latoof Locust tp deceased, ID. account of rctei- Hut, execu tor or .Matthew ilcOowell, lato orhcott towd' bhlp. deceased. 11. Tho account of Henry L. Freas, William II drew 1 teas, l.ito cl Centre township, deceased, 1 Ihn ni fount or I'etcr I.nibaucl. adinlllls rator of Jacob Odeu. Lite ot lloutou tuwnsliip, deceased. 1.1 T l,n ni- "limit, ut Wm. (liiojliinn and ltachel 11. iwlg, ailiulnlstratoiH of l'elir Helwlg, Luo ot Locust lownsiup, deceased. II Thn nr-cialllt of rdm'.ltlll Ciawfiird. Ill lid mlnMrtitorof i:ilibilii Lunger, Liteot lietitou township, ueco.isea. 1 j. The account of John A. Iiiincr, admlnlstrn. tor ot Iti'beec.i llltuir, lalo of Lo.'ust tp., dee'd. 10. Tho nccjuut of l'eter EeLroto. nilminlstin- tor ol holoinnn Lciro e. lato i.r llu.tvcr town ship, deceased. t. Tlio account of r.cauen l a'i' lngcr.guaiiuan ol Johu Helmbruch, mluor cull 1 ol Jonn lleliu- bi ik'S, sr., into or Locust lov.-UMiip, uecoas'-u. Is. Tlio n-ciunt or.S. H. Midi r, gaardlan of tlio persons and eiHtes of Mary M., and Ku dericli li.Uruss, mluor children i f xcbulon Unnj.lato ot ltloom township, deceased. ID. Tlio account of H. H. Mill -r, guardian of tho prraoa aud estato or wcsi-i- uiriroi, iiiiuor child of Jacob Hailzjl, Jr., Imo ol MllUtn luv.'n- Hhip, iioceasoj. !W. Thu first and lihul a'ou'.itofl'eterHwanl:, ailmluistratur ur Jacob Versing, Uto of Lociut lovnshli, deceased. ni Ti,.i nddr, nut. nf William Aitnur. ndmlnls- lial'orof l'cter Uiown, lalo ol l'luo tp., demised. 2.'. Thoncciunlof Wllllim lllcliariU.ndm'r. of Joslah J. 'iliuiua., lato in uoauurfereeu, iuwii ship, uco il. SI. Tlio Hist and paillil account or Ktinnct Oelttirleh, ksiculorol Jacob Mostelur, lalool llnareitek tuwunhlp, deceased. " i 'rhniliml nncnuntof W. H. Abbott. Admtn- l-tr,il-r of Amu-i IthoJes, Lite ot Cutnwlsu tp., doi-tused. .. ., .1 il. J.ilUU 1 1 i. tJIS Ivl . l'.wlstn's Olllc.-. 1 liiojiiuuuii.'piiij, is;.',f all styles nnd piliics conslgntly onliadd. STHKI.KOUAVINGf!. CHUOMOS .1- rOLOUKD riurs is, sriiitiiust.ufta aiu view a. PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $40, $50, $75 anil $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND ClIKAl'I S!tilUcl Rcntl J' for Use I MANUFACTURED BV J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ind. JS3-Send for CIrcular.tT Tnfinrnnr.atnil lsfifl.l COLUMBIA FIltE INSUUANCE CO. OKFICKILS AND DtUUCTOnS.-S.H.Ilctwllcr Pres't: H. Wilson, Vlce-Prcs'tj Herb'tThomaj Treas.! J. F. Frueanff, Sec'y ; tt. . Oetwller, Ill ram Wilson, Uobert Crnno, Wm. l'atton, John l it. liacuman, -'i. ji. nuiunicit -iiiwii -i- .i-....k, James Behroedar, Goo. Ilolc, W. (J. Case. Anion. r . Kvcs.jonu anerizer, 11. d. cjikkb.. -burancoor AKencles, address J. r . r uurJAur r , .-;cc y, woiuuiuia, i -Call aud examine. mchS'72-Gm. as-UEFORi: AfiSUIHNa VOUIlLIFE.eramlns -tbo newTontlno Savings und plan, Just . In troduced bv tho KQlJIrAHLK MFE AHdUK. ANOB feOCICTV OF NEW YOltK, by w huh an endowment policy Is granted at about half rates. l.nd ol iu years, imperii. ui iii;iiiiiiii.nv.. It loi - it ,ij i. 2QI " " " New business, 1WI, 5 11,330 010, largest In world. Assetts, . . SLS "0.000 Income, . . Js.000,000 ltellablo Agents wauled everywhere. Addreis I. L. UKQISTElt, General Agent, 8 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. N JEW DRUG STORE. rilhe Kcmnlo Soldier! Uilneieil or. TheFo- i miiin Mniuier. ine iuniiiuKji'iicumii.i - CHRIS. A. KLEIJI Having pnriliafed tho Luslncfs of E. r. Lulz HOW Oil II S III l no inn n inmi , n imhi;ituiuuii, Of or.uas, CHEMICALS, perleucess and Ksoapes of a Woman as Spy , Scout and Nurse, In camps, llattlo Hclds and Hospitals, 12 full-pago Illustrations, and nor trait on steel. ,Tlils absorbing book, elegantly Illus trated, crown vo., anu ueauuiuuj u.,ui, . ... cloth, richly ornamented In blact and gold Is sold only by subscription. Price S2.M. Phjla 7iii,i V.iifitl,ln,. Pn'. IMillaileln ila. P.l. The Agents who llrst send Sl.'ii ioroultlt will get the territory lor this Insl-sellltig boo'i. ESrCARPENTERS, BUILDERS,T9a and all whoeontemplntoBnlldlng.Rupplloi with our newJIiusiruiC'ucuuiiogueui .cvcu-.w. oi.-iuH C3-.V. J. Uicknem, & Co, A-chltccturiu hook X uoiisiieii, -.1 ii.iuu,,,.', PATENT MEDICINES, AGENTS WANTED FOU toim:t.hticli, r-v a n Fl OF NEW YORK. a wnnir niiscniprivn of the city of new AHIC luSll IU VAUIOUS l'AtS Its splendors nun , . low lire; Its marble ralacca and ih attractions and dangers: lis ULNOS 'ANOYSOAPH, 11 HUSHES, Ac,, Ac. And a general assortment of the choicest goods USUIllly lOUllU ill UISICHISM eSlllUllsuillcuin, Physicians' prescriptions and Finally lteclpcs Carelul ly Compounded. on riunuays, open lrom a a. m., iu iu n. m., uuw from 'J p. in., to 4 p in. GEItMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. fcbO'72-lf its blcli nnd I dark lens; iw insaPUAUPH. Itscharlltes ; lis iu .-;",-,. lllnsirateu wiiiii .e.... .- "friiail drs- Kend for elrculArs, with terms aud a full cripuonoftnoworli. National PublUUlng l'utia., in, Co., sw woiu'u fih:u to hook agents. l-cnd Miur aildusi", btutlUK exrcilence, success, and LooL now belllng.uiid ncele freo our now AGENT'S POCKET COMPANION, Worth 510.00 to any P.ools Agents, Agents also 1) 1? T T) 1? "ST . T1IEWHI1K Wanted lor -13 iu ij 1J lj CHIEF. TWELVE YEAItS AMONG THE WILM IN DIANS OF THE PLAINS. Murdered September 1st, lfc.l. Tho wild ndvenlures nnd marvelous fsperl enicH of Geo, p. lteldcn, known as tho "UU Warrior." "llieat Hunter," und famous "Whllo Chief," of !WI lodgfH. A bock of thrilling Inter i st, richly lllustiatcd; chainiacverjbody every WANTED. AGENTS To Roll tho Improved Florenco Sewing Machine. Makes lour dlllerent stitches, allium iuui f H Fastens its own ends. For Ileauty. filmplldty and liurabllity. ' '" outeoiial. Llbemltrrms. Salesroom, No. HiS Chest.Mv),lll!?'!t1t,0',,.'Artrrn ManaEeis. Wll.tU.'i'i'"'-""" rji--T WANTED. Agents make more mc.n- land, Maine. U.S. Piano Co N.Y. 1st class !). Noogcnts. Nuiues of .alrons In lOStatcs in Circular T-r-ri 1 HTIA wnerc, nnu sens io eAceeu any uooii uui. l fl I X. Ill s L 1 Tl I rjeuu lor llluninted poslir and extra Icnns. B . !J l If VJ XVXS- A.",-f WANTED :-Atrents for our new 10- VAw salt uncum! i suin lXtu V page paner the Contrlbuior. Thirteen de- Diseases. Is purcU vege ti 'l' J' ch j.V(ce, " pariments. religious unit secular, ltev. A. 11. Illood Pnritler. ho Id bj ,M Drt gists- 8lB'aejr llarlo writes fur tt. M.touyear; afiUprcmlnm per boUle.inservetl u trade imirit. muu tiietchsubscrtbsr. For Agents' terms Circular. Olllce, 00 Cedar fi., . uddiess. JAHiu II. Eaule. ISostos, Mass. i Ohdeh vnii r Rocils from New York ., .if 'K iln's Lint " 1 iir 1.1 East River. aiHl yo'u will !;et tbiiii by Urown'b Line. Cuiini'ctliiiH inmlu at l'ltlladulphla. No drayufis lowest turoujju rates. a s.iAiii.11 lNHTiTunoN. Just at tho iicrlod .. I...., ,ni sin iti'.meii wcio eoiniilaluing thai n.u hiirbe-olntineiils ol lho d iy with uustablo lenio- Ills l lie lthl ami. i.iriimr.f i iiiuui, n. tuiiiu in Mtssoiul, without liny llouiMi of ti limpets, unit ,.nn i . nr. Ik caiiiu tbo lavorlte embroca tion for the citeuiiil li1i-nii-r uil Injuries of hi, ISIS IllUU'lUllO HI I'll 1110 11 tSlilll IlUllFllUl 11- ernstutis. Fiom Unit I imo to this, It hns nuver hurseiiieu ; nor Is Its household reputation as u etne ior rhniniatlnii.Hiunli!la, sore nlnpli-ami culiid I lensts. lumurs, luuilips, nuo tlin n'.iai'; ,.nl,u I.. mini, he. brlllsi'W. burns, woiiud-, nnd pprains, n win in-iiiiiu im iviiunij ., .,i..- vulue unit apply It primiplly to tlioesii null in liules of the "ilstug genii lion," and In lac I ieiu is not a town or twp. lu lho Unlled Stales win lo IheMl'srAMi l,INIUiiT Is pot ngardcd b both soses and eu'ry ems, us iiuicssuig louieium muuity. B. LANK DEEDS. Wo now havo tho tlncst nsscrt mentof PLANK Dr-r-l'lS on HllUU UUU ior sale mill, nmu 1....1I In lUnmiihtittri-. t.urmi size rill bent llllt'll, ixiiii-r. f'nniiiinli Deeds, lxectllor S mill Adinlnlsirnlor's Duds 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 tlzo guul and heap common Ileitis, &o. 1.1'iiiA, i.Ah 1, lu S . ir u.-iiti:.!-ir. 1 V, .. ',..i, 1 n,ko tdeusiire in awarding to ji.u tnt-ciilllku'.ool tho.wundeilul emu iour I'lllniollUhJlupaudSe., Vi cid li l H' pimlucii l. Mv Uiiuai aud bronchial lulus , , 1 . so big jly iiilUiumi ibatlt waaulmo.t uupjssiuluKi'io 10 kV' r. oi .J to my uue;. , Mr. Clin as John son. No. Ul.' I'odi lul blicct, Mi.o sajb jour itieiil ..,1 1,1 m inmi nlmoit death all otu Lt "moans had lalloJ.uud hu haviug, iheieiore, l ill conlldeiii.0 lu thoviiluo of your remedies, siiongly leoommendeil 1110 to uy iheiu. 1 did in. ii.i.-lr from u,u time 1 CJIllllleull'd tuning lliem my thiojt umlerwciii 11 yeo BioJt chat go lor lho beiur, su thai I could vol my niei l without any dlillcully 01 p.1.11. 1 oaii nicely linn ivuiiih im 'n-i "j " ui v., in- 111111 Hub Ul inedli'llu'S lilu- dui'edupou me, und I deem It butauaci ol gull tadelo give uu U10 ueuuuwledgeiiieui ul my Ul.plM'.ul.ou. ,,t ,, ,1H. No. L0 Wis'. 'lhllly-lllIlM Mlu.l, NiW Yollt. CUENCK'S PULMONIC bYlll'P, SEA WEED TONIC, mid MANDRAKE PILLS. i-t,(ii.n nrn Ihn null- medlclnOS thllt Will CUI'0 Pu.Hiuuaiy Cji huuipilou. Hr. Bchenei has bun . .ii.., (ivnr thirlv oars continu ally examlulug lunas, uud knows His iiieille.nin. 11 i ioiH ili uuui.Mill tuie Uiusuniptlou, Ills .1 .'...if. .1-.: ion- in.uiAi, tno llviiraud bloutiuiht LIS fcl'1 llltU 1U1IIU Ulliunwiliu iuu,,.,iniu- Utcs the loallng ot the. bioiuiicn, und iiiakus It dlui'41. HW ruaiwuio niuiui'vuii -in iii.i...i uud mituie tnrows 11 uu miuiihiiuuj uiiuuu iri, ii or tho riilmouio syrup nod Km Weed Toulii, II, o pei nome, i i" i,c, in 1 f'luuurui.oi nis- i"i i' I'llLPAl'.Ll) ONLY AND POP. HALF. HV J. H. SCUENCK it SON, N. E. toruer SIXl'H and AUOH Btreeis, I'lIlI.MJKU'lUA, Ami b) Druggists unit Haulers generally. JOIISSTOX, 110U.0WAY A: COWIHIX, C02 Audi Hthi'.lt, Philadelphia. U'holaale Agents. npr 1.', iw-iy. T-IDUYi.-.' APPRAISEMENTS. 'I'l.n f(,ii,iriiiif'iUmnents of real and lier- ,a,,.I kLiiniirttil WlililW'S Ol dCCOdl'tltS Have been nieu 111 i:m 111111-11 01 niu inBiini ..iiiinhhi eiiiiutv.uuder tho llulus ot Court, and will bo presented lor nbsoluto contlrni'illou, to ti... i-lrnl,,niK.i i:niul to bo held In lllooiiisburg. In and lor mid coiiuly.on Wi-iiuns.lay.lhi-Mhdayof May, 1V7J. Id '- o'eloeU : M., ot sal J day, un less exceptions to such eontli illations 1110 provl ously Hied, ol which nil peivons luleiisled lu said esluies will lane uoueo ; t. Wl low 01 PeU-r Hatio't, late ol II javel town ship, decease il. !. Widow of Sylvist.r IValor, la.c ol rislilag- crouk t (WHbtilp deceased. a. Widow if Charles 11. D.ieh er. lato of th) town of li:oomsburg, deceased. 1. Widower PI1III11 Kistler, Into of Mt. Plons ant township, dieiasul. c. Widow of Hliiiui nakir. lalo or Jacuson tr deceased. 0. Widow 1.1 Jchn H. Davis, l.ito of Ilenton tp, deceased. Widow of Leonard W. I'.oborls, Lite oi Ml girlnal tovnisiiip.ueciMscu. s. Wldo v of Uobert H. Hampton, latoof Koar lligilieli towu-uip, ueouskvu. 11 Widow of A. 11. wuiimoytr, lalo oi Pino loivnshlp, deceased. 111. Wld-iwnf f.ooran M. isoagle. latoof Htm locu lowusiup, uecea-eii. 1 w tt TAI-rittV ItsKlAr. llecisters umen. 1 lllooiusbHig, Api 11 0.18:2.1 4T)SYC HOM ANCY', OR SOUL I rllAllMINtl." Howelthcrslxiiuy fascl- line' and gain the love and utrecllons of any per son they choose, Instantly. This simple incutnl acquirement nllean possess, tree, by mall, for'Ji ei uU. togetber with u inarrlogo guldo, Egyptian .I'll, lircams lliuis nr ijiuirs , ie. iv iiuiri, ltlngbook. loo.oi) sold. Address T.WILLIAM BEWAltB 1l A JR. Ki tPTi Oruvl1. ItroiunR IllntH tiT I-ndlt-H'. Ac. & CO. Tub'a, I'Ullu. ACGtmTWAWTEP FOR n,.nJ(.il I'f till" else. !!o!,lb fth Drur ? to cure the Piles, and nothing ' ' Marcii'-W-tw rirtrimtf.iirrp: ! uii v elt.Utni 1 till 1 vrrr. tiUi is: 1-lllDK ftU.luU. -1.1 '.'3 I'll 111 l.llllklJ I'l Imuc4..I TrvJ q-OTICE OK DISSOLUTION. 1 no e j-unriui r.uip neroioiure eisunit o.-n.. J. II. Knlttluiind J. H. Htiumsii. under thollnii nainuiit KnlillH A Hhuniau, l tuls day dLsolvwl by inutuul eouMUit. KNITTLE J. a. bl'lU.MsN. ( itawlssa, April 1. 1 It 1 DOE N I'lCE. The Best Paper! Try It!! ThoHctKNTH'to Amkkicas Is Ihochearest and best illustrate ! weekly paper puhlUhed. Every iiuinbur ooutulns from lu to u original engrav- in.4 nfiipw ma 'Hliinrv. novel lliveu lnus.lirtilges. Uuglneerliig works, Arclutecturo,liiiproved Farm liiiiiletiieiits. and overv new discovery lu Cheln- Islty, A year's numbers contain Mi pages nnd i.(,v.,inl hinutrml ereniv lues Thousands of vol- tunes uro preserved for binding and reference, I 1110 praciicHi reieim io nui i.uiiu iuu mui ilu unlwi-rliitloii li'lue. TennH.Sl a vcal-hv mail. Hpecliueus sent tree, Muy bu liatf ot all News Dealers. PATENTS obtnlnca oil Hie best terms Mode Is .,1 mw Inventions uud sketches examined, and advice fiee. All patents uro published In the I sclentuia Amurlcuu the week tliev Issue. Send 1 lur i-.impuiei, uu pages, cout.iiniug mws anu full uirecuoiis ior ooiiiiuiiig j-uicms. - Auuress ior ruper, ur eoueeruing I'aient9, MUNN.&CO.H7 Park ltiw; N.Y. lliiiiiili ofllc 1 o,r. F. uud "Ui fcli., Wusluugtou, D. C. PANCY SILK GOODS, KID GlkOYES, &c- . ..nivrjiiion,v c 1 r .ii..i.i,,.i . r liner piml. nil lho ean'tul stock or tho l'iiluwlsa Iltlilgo I'liiupuny will t o paid ut lliu olllce "f thu Tieusurur of thu Company on a"J u"i'' ACWb8, QILtiEltT, Tremsuror. An uleetlon will le helilnt tho liiiusunrj. il. Kistler. lu the town ol Cutawl,.u belween lho biuisof lo'iloek.P. M and 0 o'clwlt. P. JL, of Monday. May i. ii-, uu 1 utnifini i'" -s"i "w'retary iiuil 'i'riiuiuieror the Cutuwlwm lltldgo LO.upany.or ' ""0",' -jltutl'Hr O IMUUVr, Sec.y, npr, 11, lKfilw. Catarrh snd Deafncs3 Cured by Uy aii-s J.nza. "I had CuU'tli 5)yisirs; mil 73 years old nnd IlATli euiiu 11m, Airs, 1. ,. iiiuirui, 1U7 llh St.. W'uisburgu. N. Y. "I had tularin, and was totally licit- tioui It IS I yeirs, I havo now no Cutsrrli, and havo my Iii-urlug, thu result ot uslutfii One Dollar Packet 01 nr. 111 ATvn iNiGA iiius la.viuu i'lercy ," 1SJ 1.1. 191UII iJlt, V VV lltlll, A nlalu Irutblul statemnt ttiat Catauuii. In inanv huudreilsoteasL. buiuo exist lumivciortv yoars, lias been peruiuueully cuiedby the u.o ot I a Ono Dollar P.isket ot Dr. HVATP'S IN.A, n veuctjilitn. inlltl tiinl Rootlilnir reinedv. Heuil tl.OO lor Midleino and ndvleo tu Dr. E. r. Hyatt, (depot of thu celebrated Hyatt's LI to, ' .'lOUrandhi., V. Y, lly luull l.vii. Test uaiuplo ou roceipiwcis. 361 BRORDWAY, NEW YORK, Importers ami Jobbers of Cord Edge auil Gros Grain EMons, IN ALL COLORS AND WIDTHS, TRIMMING A1ID BONNET SILKS, TURaUOISB and VELOURS, English Crapes, Crormcllnoo, TlesuoG, Lacos, Edgings, wiiitii rovroiv 'risiwMiNos. NECK TIES. DRESS BUTTONS. 4C.
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