I THE COLUMBIAN A.ND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUR.Gr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. lieu In I'lnco or Dog.. Tliero U hardly a fmnlly tlmt doc's tin' throw it wny enough tnblcntrdpi I" foul nt lonst lmlfn dozen lions nntl many Hint keep n nuisance In tho slmpu of n tlo;r, tlmt doos no Rood, but costs moru than n dozon eood hens, citnplnln that, thoy cAiinot fiflbrd to keep hens. Ono dog In ti nolghborhood Is Ronorally n Krcatcr troublo to tho neighbors than a llock of hens would bo; for If hens nro Well fed nt homo thoy Will rarely ro invity. Hut who over saw n dog that wai not a post, running ncros-s tho now ly inndo garden, rind sticking Ills noso into everything.? Kill on" tho curs nnd give tho food to tho hens, nnd you will titfd lol.mro nsWoll ns protltlnsodo Iiir. W'o wish thoro was n tax of ono hundred dollars on every doc in tho country. Thoso that nro of valuo ns wnleh-dog3 could bo retained, whllo tho host of rtnutling, dlrtylcurs would glvo placo to eomo moro useful and less troublcsomo pet. Poultry Standard. Foct Hot in Cattle, I havo had nn ojfperlenco of nearly thirty years In Canada with thlsdlseaso,and havo tried all tho remedies recommended by diff erent writer?, nearly all of which failed. 1 wiw kd to try experiments and Anally succeeded In finding tho origin or place of beginning of this disease. In Its first appearance, if you observo closely, you will seo tho animal shake Its hind foot lis if something wero between tho cloven parts of tho hoof, and tho samo nnklo will soon becomo a little swollen. You may then look out for tho foot rot And now for tho remedy : It is ncccs sary to tako up t lie foot and cut with any sharp knifo a scralcirclo through tho solo of tho foot, as near tho centre as possible, and If fresh blood appears, shut It back and try tho other hoof (tliero will bo no danger in'lamlng tho animal ;) but if matter appears proceed to cut tho pleco out entire, about the size of a Canadian shilling piece. That will bo all that is necessary for tho euro in its first stage. It will go no further. But if it should break out at tho top of tho hoof before discovery, you will want to cut tho solo of tho foot as nbovo described, and apply a salvo mndo of tar and mutton tallow nt tho top of tho hoof, or at tlio placo breaking out. Tho causo of its breaking out at tho top of tho hoof is for want of vent: it cannot find its way through tho shell of tho foot. It must, therefore, find Its way out at tho weakest point. HuralNcw Yorker. A correspondent of tho Farmer's Jlome Journal writing from tno vicin ity of Brandon, Hiss., speaks of a kind of oats raised la that section, which is valuable because it never rusts. Ho had never heard it mentioned, either in tho newspapers of Kentucky, or by farmers, nnd yet it is a peculiar and distinctive variety. It is known thoro as red oats, and is tho only kind that can bo raised in Mississippi. It can bo readily dis tinguished from any other oats at a glanco. TI1I3 variety is of a brownish red color, and the grain will weigh two or thrco times as much as that of any other kind. It does notgrow qulto so tall, but yields more grain. Tho corres pondent docs not know where it origi nated, but ho asserts that when other oats are selling at 80 cents per bushel, the red oats sell readily at from $1,50 to $2,G0 per bushel. How to Fasten Cows. Stanchions should bo abolished as a cruelty to ani mals. Cows or oxen thus fastened have no opportunity of relioving themselves from their clos'e.'cramped position. A much moro comfortable.andsafo fasten ing is tho rlng-and-chain cattlo-tie. The ring slides up and down a post firmly founded in tho floor of tho stable, nnd let into tho beam or joist abovo. Tho chain is fastened around tho animal's neck by passing a small cross-bar through a rlng;J and by passing it through two or three of the rings, it is absolutely im posslblo that tho chain can como un fastened. A spring snap-hook may bo used in addition, which will add another perfect fastening If desired. Willi this fastening tho cow can liodown in a nat ural position, and whllo sleeping can turn her head over toward her shoulder, as sho will almost always do. Tho writer has used them rormany years for cows, oxen, and bulls, without any acci dent and with great satisfaction. Mado of steel they are light, cheap, secure, nnd comfortable. Cows that como In beforo tho Ursi of April will now, in ordinary dairies, bo allowed to go dry. In the majority of easoj they ceaso to glvo milk of their own accord. With warm stables and liberal food, somo cows will continuo to give milk nearly or qulto up to cilving. Hut such cases, in our experience, are rare. It requires liberal food and tho best of treatment to keep such a cow in vigorous health. For ton days or two weeks ueroro calving, it Is well to glvo laxatlvo food, such as bran-mash and lin seed tea, or If this is not sufficient, glvo a pound of glauber salts, or half-pound of Epsom salt, and a tablespoonful of ginger. In caso of very fat cows, It Is well to give this doso once a week for three weeks or a month beforo calving, as n provcntlvo of milk-fever. Tho first work on tho farm In tho spring, when tho snow begins to melt, should bo to let ofrnny wator that ac cumulates on tho fields. No matter how carefully tho furrows and outlets may havo been mado In tho fall, tliero is always moro or leas to bo done in tho Hprlng, to provide froo egreas for tho Wnter. A few hours' work with n lioo and spado, at this season, will often let off thousands of gallons of water, which otherwlso would soak Into the OpU and keep it wot and cold for soveral weeks. Bone-Meai.) foii Cows. Hon, Har ris. Lewis of tho Farmer's Club to whom was referred tho Inquiry mado a few weeks ago about cows eating rubbish, 'oplled by lottor, saying that bonomeal was needed. It might bo fed to them in small quantities, like salt, or If two hundred pounds per aero should bo spread on tho pasture, it would furnish tho cows with bono matorlal for a life time. On sandy land,gyp3um would a similar effect; ono hundred pounds perucro was the right quantity. Soke Mouth and Tongue. Threo drachms or borax, two of sugar of load, half, an ounco of alum, and a pint of sago ten, will euro a sore mouth and tongue, It must bo used as a wash. Young Folks. I'rliuo Oaiiilci. A r A t It Y BTOUV. Tliero was onco n Prlnco named (Jan. defl, who was so rich that when ho went out ho was obliged to ride with n guard, lest ho should bo snapped up and mar ried by Princesses from foroign king doms. Now in tho kingdom of this l'rlnco lived two fair sisters, called Myrtlo nnd Violet, In nn old castlo by tho sea j and they wcro so beautiful that tho castlo was always full of their lov ers, but tho sisters would listen to nono of thorn. Ono day, word camo to theso sisters that l'rlnco Gnndes was coming to seo them. Tho sisters wero in n great Hut ler. They ran to tho chest to get out alt their most beautiful dresses, " I will wear white," said Violet. "And I will wear purple," said Myrtlo. So thoy put on their handsome dresses and sat up in their tower watching for tho Frlnco. Iiy-nnd-by they saw a great cloud of dust coming, and know that ho was near at hand. Soon they could seo a splendid coach In tho midst and presently tho coach stopped at their door, and tho Prince got out. Ho was old, fat, and red-haired, with tho worst walk and harshest volco In tho world. "You may havo him, sister," said Violet. "If ho wero twenty times a I'rinco I would not marry him." Myrtlo tossed her head, and went for ward to welcoino tho Prince. Tho Prlnco got out of his carriage, and wiped his feet on tho satin trail of her robe. "And why did you not provldo mo with a better foot mat?" ho said, very rouchly. Myrtlo was naturally very angry, but sho pretended to bo qulto pleased ; and taking tho Prince's band, sho led him into tho hall, when tho Prlnco strotcho himself on tho handsomest sola, nnd ordered her to stand and fan him. Myrtle, who was determined to mar ry tho Princo no matter how odious ho was, took no notice of his rudeness, but did as sho was bid. Put Violet, who could not tear to seo it, wont out of the castle, and sat down by tho sea-shore. Thoro sho saw tho sea-fairies, and heard them laugh, and say among them selves, "Myrtle, who thinks herself moro beautiful than any fuiry, is going to marry tho great Prlnco Gandes." Thl-) made Violet muro uneasy; and sitting by the shore, sho began to weep and a young man seeing her, rodo up to ask what was tho matter. "Oh, fir!'' cried Violet, " my sister is determined to marry Princo Gandes atul ho Is tho most hideous, vulgar mon ster that tho world oversaw; and yet know that nothing I can say can keep her from it." "That is very sad," answered the young man, getting off Wis horse to talk to Violet. And bo talked so delightfully that Violet sat thero till dark, nnd though It was only half an hour. "Will you como hero tomorrow?' asked tho young man. ""Yes," said Violet and rau homo as fast as sho could. Just as sho got there, Myrtlo'd fairy god-mother came in at thogato, and, scowling at Violet, went to find Myrtlo. " Godmother, I am to marry Princo Gandes to-morrow," cried Myrtle, as soon as sho saw her. "You think that you are," answered tho godmother; "but tho real Princo spent all tho day with Violet on tho sea-shore, and she is to meet him to morrow. Tho man you havo hero is tho meanest of his servants, whom tho Prince sent hero to seo if you cared for him or his title." On hearing this, Myrtlo flow into a violent rage; but her godmother stop ped her. "Go to thosea-shoro to-morrow," sho said, "and tell tho young man whom you will meet thero that VIolot means to marry tho Prince, and cannot come, and leavo the rest to me." Accordingly, Myrtlo wont early tho next day to tho sea-shore, and seeing tho real Prince, told him what her god mother had said. The Prlnco thought this very strange, but said nothing. By-and-by ho asked'her : " How does' it happen that yesterday you wero to marry tho Prince, and to day it is Violet?" "I havo changed my mind," said Myrtle, but sho blushed so red that ho was sure something was wrong. So after ho had said good-bye, ho fol lowed her home, and at thogato her godmother met her. "Well, how did you faro with tho real Prince to-day?" sho askc-d. " Ho is very stupid," sai.-l Myrtle, pouting. "But what havo you done with Violet?" "Kept her asleep all day. Sho has just woko up. Look where sho runs to tho sea-shore." Then Myrtlo laughed. But tho Princo turned his horse, nnd rodo back to tho shore, and thero found Violet, wringing her hands, and saying: " I havo slept all day, nnd now ho is gone." "No, he Is here," cried tho real Prince. And taking her on his horse, ho car ried her to court. So Violet married Princo Gande?, but Myrtlo was too much ashamed to show her head at court, becauso sho would havo married a servant, thinking him a king. Tub Boy that Paid His Driits. Tho other day, a llttlo son of a well known bank officer In Wall street, Now York, lost hia purso whllo coming from Central Park ; and a stranger, seeing his discomfort, paid IiU railroad fare, thruo cents. Tho boy, thanking hlm,Baid; " If you will toll mo your name, sir, I will bring it to you to-morrow." "O, no," said tho gentleman, " nover mind about it." Tho boy persisted, saying his father nover allowed him to run In dobt. "I will not glvo you ray namo," replied tho gentleman, "but! llvo at ISO, on street." Tho next morn ing, tho door bell rang at that house, and our llttlo hero told tho amused ser vant his errand. ""Which of tho gen- tieraen 13 it?" said sho; "thero aro soveral In tho family." Tho boy twist ed on his heel, and, after a moment's tnougm, saiu: "liavo you a pnoio graph book In thlshouso?" Sho brought ono; and, turning Its pages, ho said, pointing to ono: "That's my man Pleaeo glvo him these thrco cents, and toll him tho boy who borrowed It In tho cars yesterday, left It to pay hia dobt." Pntout Mcdiciuoa. N APPEAL To Dobllllnted Persons, To Dyspeptics, to Biiiiorcrs irom Liivor complaint, To thoso having no Appctlto, xo inoso wuu uroKon Down uonsu- tutlons, To Nervous neonlo. To Children Wasting Away, To nny with Djbltltated Dlgojtlvo Organs, Or sutTerina with ami of thcfotlowlno Symptoms, which indlculc Disordered lAver or womacn, such in Con. stlpatlnu, Inward l'lles, Fulness or Blood to tho Head, Acid ity of tlio Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, l)lguu for Komi, Sour Enisc'tntlotisluklngorFltil terltignt thoPltnflho'stomacb.swliti. mlngol tlio llonil, Hurried and Dlltlcult ItroHtlitllff. Fluttering nL thn ftmrt. Chiilclna or sutfncntlug Sensations whon In n Lying Pos ture, Dimness oi v mon, uois or weos uoiore tlioyiglit.Fevcrniuldullpaln In the head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowtioss of tho sttln and Eyes, Pulu In the Slde, Uncle, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Huiklen Flushes or lteat, Burning In tho Flesh, Coustnullmnglntngs of Kvll, nud great Depression of t Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any li 1ml, Ts different from nil others. It Is rnmnosod of the pnro j luces, or t uai I'rmctpte oj noma, jierus, nnd Harks, (or us medicinally termed Exlrncts,) i in won imssor lnerLvtnriinnsoi uieinsreuienis not being used. Therefore In one llottTo of this Hitters thero is contained ns much medtclunl virtue ns win bo found In several gallons of or dinary mixtures, Alio noois, ccc, uscu in una Hlttf rs nro erown In Uormnnv. their vllnl prin ciples extracted in that country by a scloullHo Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, whore they lire compounded nnd hot tied, Coutnlnlng no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters is freo from the oojecuons urged ngainsi ull others: no doslro for stimulants can ho in ducod from their use, thev cannot make drunk ards, nnd cannot under nuy circumstances, havo any mu a ucueucini cucci. HOOFLAND'S QEtUIAN TONIC, Ws compounded lor those not Inclined to exlrcmo bitters, nnd Is Intended for use In cases when some alcoholic stimulant is repaired In connection vruu tno 'ionio properties 01 too uii' tcra. Pjirh tiotilo of tho Toulo contains one hot' tin of thn Hitters, cnmhlnod wiLh Puro BANTA CllUZ UUM.nnd tlavorcd In such a manner that mo extreme nmemeaa ui iuw uiiMjrajsuvttuumf. forming n preparation nigniy ngrceaoie nni clnal virtues of too Ilitters. The price of tho Tonio 13 S1.60 per lioitio wnicn many persons liunit lUOlllgu. lUUSll 1UHJ WUOIMKIW Hon that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to bn of n tmro oualltv. A poor nrtlclu could be fur nished nt a cheaper price.but Is It not better to pay n little more and havo n goodarllcle7 Amedl clnal preparation should contain none but tho heRt.lni-rpillpnts! and t hev who pxnect to obtain u cheap ooiuiMiwil, undba benefltlei by It will mostcerminiy oe cueaieu. ilOOFLAND'S OEIIMAN BITrEItS, on HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC WITH HOOFLAND'S l'ODOPUYLLIN PILL, WILL CURD YOU. They nro tho Greatest u i. q o d r u li i f 1 1: u b Known to the Medical world, and will eradi cate Ulsonsesarlslngfromimpuro blood. Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased Liver, In n shorter time, than nuy other Known remedies. The whole SUritEMU COUUTof Pennsylvania SPEAK POn THESE REMEDIES. Who would ask for moro Dignified nndStrongcr Testimony ? Don. OEor.ac W. WooDWAbD, former Chief Jus tice of tlie Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Member of Congress from Fennsylmnta writes: rniLADEtrniA, March 16th, 1S37. I find " Ilootland's German Bitters" Is ngood tonle, useful In diseases of the digestlvo organs, and of great benefit In cases of debility and want of action In tho system. Yours truly QEOncm W. Woodward. Hon. Jam es Thomson, Cfiff Justice rj the Supreme Ctmrl of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1S67. I consider "Ilootland's German Bitters" n. val uable mcdlclno In ciue of nttacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my.expo rlcnco of It. Yours, with respect, JAMK3 THOMSON, Hon. GEonan Huarswood, Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1S0J. I liavo lound by experience that "Hoofland's Oermnn Hitters" Is n very good tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. Don, Wm. P. Rogers, Mayor of the City of Iluffalo . n. r. Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Juno 22, 1S30. I liavo used "Hooflands German Bitters and Tonic" in my family during tho past year, and can recommend them as nn excellent toulo, lm- ai ung tone ami vigor to too system. 1 noir uso ins becu nroductlvo of decidedly benellclal ctlccts. Wm. V. ltoaKita. Hon. James M. Wood, ICz-Mayvr of Wllllamsport Pa. I talie ureat pleasure In rccomincndln-" Hoof land's German Tonio " to nny one who may bo atnicted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia bo badlv It was HnnossiDie to Keen mv lood In mv stomach, and I became ho weak as not to bo able to walk half amllo. Tiro bottles of Tonio effected a perfect enro. James M. Wood. UEMEM13EH TnAT HOOFLAND'S GKRMAN B1TTEIIS, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO Will Cure every caso of MARA S M US, Or Wasting away of tho Body, REMEMBER THAT UOOFLAND'8 GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines von reoulrn in nurlfv the Blood, oxcite tho torpid Diver to healthv nctlon. nnd to cnaltlo you to pass.talely through any nurusmpa ur tuipuBurt-. DIt. HOOFLAND'S PODOPIIYLL I Is SUI13TITUTE FOR MERCURY PlLLS. TITO PILLS A DOSE. lite most roicerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic known. It Is not necessarv to tako a hnnilfultnf thpsn Pills to produce tho declred cttect; two of them net tiwclily and powerfully, cleansing the LI vor, KtMlnaoli nnd llowels of nil Impurities. Tno principle ingredient Is Podophylllu,, or the Alco holic Extract of Mnudrake, which Is by many times moro powerful, noting and searching than the Mandra&o Itself, Its peculiar action is u pou the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc- linn. ullh nil Ilia nn.oaw rtt T.f n m ... ..a. t- frora'ttie Injurious results attached to ilia use of tnai mineral. For all diseases In which the use of a cathartic is indicated, me&e puis win give enttro sattsrao- tlnnlnauanlMod Til aw TJ l J fc-II k-11I. in cases ol Liver Comulntnt. DvsDonsin and extreme costlveness. Dr. Hoo&and'a German Hitlers or Tonio should uo used In connection with tho Pills. Tho tonic effect of the Hitlers or Toulo builds up tnosysteiu. Tho Hitters or Tonle puriues tue juoou, fcirenginoua lue nerves, jiku ulates the Liver, and gives strength, energy and vigor. Keep your Rowels actlva with tho Pills, and tone up the system with Hitters or Tonic, nnd no disease can retain the hold, or even ussoll you. MAN Remedies thataresounlveisallvuscd and uiguiy recommended ; and uo not allow the Druggist to Induce you to take anything that lie may nuy Is Just us good, because he makes a larger proat on it. These Remedies will be sent by express to any locality, npou application to the PRINOI. PAL OFFICK, lit the GERMAN MEDICINE Hiuitc. oji Arcn bi., .niiadcipuia,-' CIIAS. BI. EVANS, Proprietor. Less Remedies are for tale by DruggUU Borekeepera, and Medicine Dealers very whore Mifjccllauooua. HEAD QUA11TERS 1011 BOOTS, SHOES AMD GAITERS, IS AT E.M..KNORKS CHEAPEST AD BEST Tlio County Affords AT 0 ASH'PllICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNOllR, BLOOMSBUHG, PA. September S 1871-tf, A. J, EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM IVI-A-ZDE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE PINEST OOODS, LATEST STYLES AXD EMPLOYS THE BUST VT O It It 31 C 3J. For pood ilt-s aud promptness In lining order luei u is iuo piuee 10 gu. ills coods are selected with cure nnd Ids (-us. torn Work will compare favorably with tlio best euorisoi mo iiisuiouauio cuy ucaicr. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AXI) CmhDUKS'.S Cl.OTMXH GIFTS' FUItrVISXIIAT! GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. Bloomsburg, Sept, 29, linl-tt JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, FENN A, Tho undersigned would respectfully lntorm tho Citizens of Berwick, and vicinity, that lio has opened a Coufoctionory and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Pn., where ho Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS &C, &!., iic, Ac. HV WHOLESALE AND BCTAIL. Anion-? thn nssnrtmpiif. will ha fan,i f-..n Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts. Almonds, Fil berts. Fics. Armies. Cocoa NntM .tniini nr -mrnp. ent kinds. Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Frnit of nil kinds. Corn Starch. Ebb Ills. cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheeso, Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And nrodncn of all hinds. Ti-rah nrpn.i nn Cakes every dav. Ice Cream In Swion. Ynni- patronage is solicited. 1WT ,, juum u. JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv ftTJARRIAQE MANUFACTORY, jnoomsuurBi "I. M. 0. SLOAN ft BROTHER Havo on hand and for sale at the most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, RUGOIES. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY wni-rniitil ts, hn mmln n f Ihn hf-At nnd mos t dnr nhin materials, nnd bv the most experienced workmen. All wont sent out irom iuo esiau lishment will bo found to boot tlio highest class and sure to give perfect satisfaction. They have also a line assortment of HLEIOUS of nil tho iinwoHt nnd most fashionable stvles well and carefully made and oftuo nest inaier- lais. An Insmwtlnn of their work Is nsked as HI believed that none superior can bo found In the country, Ian P71 CHOICE FAII1Y GROCERIES" DOWN IN PBIOE OT. XX. M A I Z B ' S, Corner Main LjaMBDORO.. A new ktocli of Fxmh Goods Jntt opened at MAJZH'S. Ten, Cohcch, Sursun, SYRUPS and MOLASSKH. CHISESE, MEATS, HALT VIM1I. ,'tf- VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Staled Goods. TUT T TU 1 1,11 lfl.l ,11, L-U Tlir-ir, TSJ juuutl, uim I iirr,iv,i-, i ii,,i",.j, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEENSWARE ronstnntlv nn bnmL Also WOOD, WILLOW and GIJVBSWAREof every variety. All my goods are of the nra quality and at ex tremely low prices. docS II-tf J. II, MAIZK. AGEHT3 Tv7elTC Year; ii amn.ii ths3 Wild Indians Plains. 0 Thn remarkable ndventurts of tlio famous WHITE OHIKFnnd BIO WARRIOR among the Rod Skins. Thrilling accounts of Great Hunts, Hairbreadth Eicapes aud Terrible Contests with the big gamo aud hostile tribes. Spirited descrliw tlons uf the habits aud tuperslltlons of Ihnt i-irange neopie, ineir nporiu, j.egenus, iruui tlnus. How thev Woo aud Wed. Heal n. Doctor: Worship, Sc New, Frenh and Popular, Prlco Low. Ills selling by the thousands with won. derful rapidity. Agents are making from ISO to f 100 per week. Choice field yet vacant. Send at ouce for sample chapters. Illustrations and par ticulars to A. II. U tJltllA RD, Publisher, jauirni-tX. 0OChwiluutHt Phils. MiocollancouB, lyJII.LKU'S HTOltE. M, 11. jvill.lil-.lt 11 Irnvo removed tkelr Hloro to tho room formerly occupied by Mciidcuhnll.ou Malnstroot, Illooms. burg, nearly opposite tho Episcopal cnurcu whero thoy nro determined to sollon ns moderate terms ns can bo procured else where, Thler stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS ot tho choicest stylo and latest fashlolis.toicthct with n large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho followlug irtioles Carpels, Oil Ulotlin, oll:, UACslmcrcs, tlhnwls, Flannels, Sllhs, Whlto Goods Linens, . HoopSklrtc, Miihllns, lloMowwnrc Ccdtirwnrt (iuoonawaro, Hcrdwarj Roots nud Shoos, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrollas, Looklng-Glansej, Tobacco. Coffee, UtiBAra, Ti-an, Rice, Allspico, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegi AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. IU r.nort, everything usually kept In country tores, to which they Invito the attention of the public generally. Tno highest prlco will bo raid ior country produce in oxchnnso for goods. B. II. MILLI.UA BON. oct3I71-!f Dloomsbu.cPa. JEW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEIt GOODS DAVID LOWENHERG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, nt his store on MnluRtroet, InShlvo's bloclt, ono door West C. U. Mnrr's store, Uloomsburg, ra., whero no has Just received from Now York nnd Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, including the most fashtenable, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, BACK, ROCO, GUM.AND 01L-GL0TH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes ami colors. Ho has nlso rep leu tsheil his already largo stock cf FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIFED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS IHNDKERCHIEFH. QLOVES. SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand u large and well-se- octcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTIN03. which ho Is prepared to mono to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All bis clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'iLRY, olevcry description, Qnennd cheap, Ills caso ot towolry Is not surpassed In thlsjplacc. Call and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octl3'7i DAVID LOWENBERG. "C$ A'R A f? ini: j:iGi;i:L'ir..v'.n.i that 'compos;: kosadu.is nr.- ' nLlis!icil on cv vpul.n-, tl.ure jKiro Itia J:ta si i-t p.t-ji..r3'.iun, ,coni:cf;uciil!y ' ruYsin.vxs rr.i:sa:uv.: k jit ij n ccrl.iin faro fur JM-rofu!;, Syi!nli.i iii nl iti 1'urins, RJiriniu iti in, Si-Hi 1'ih, .in", Liver Cotn Miliiint and all dibcaMC of l!io liluod. v.-ill do moro uotl tiian ten IiottlcJ of the Srup;i of tjdr.--jjaril!a. tkc u!iocri:;!Sti;3 ravciciAiia liave utiI I'tc-iildl.siii t!iririnet!i 1 f.ir t!io just tlrn.0 yr.irs an.l f r'j endorse it -isa hImLIj ,Mli'ral.3 and I.IooJ Pu.-iur. lilt. T. C. I-Jntt.rf Eulthniie. nil. T.J. )l ) KIN, " Int. is. v; i M li. " 'pn p o. r n - u.v, ' tk U1 J. !. i.'-.ilivj. 01 .V,iln,laallli-. D.-..'jVl. JtrCAr.THA, C-ihir.lW.i, CyjA-'nr..A. '.i. Non.rs,rj;cco.-.ii., .v.c. 7'T3 i J. B. VIir.NVlI L 0NS. Tall i;.;cr. V, . y"TM.l'd. Mi V. 1' WH-.i I.r.Ii, I'i.t . M JtAI t.,J.n ' 1 ( It X.N Jz ( .( - -.V. r.lr, Vt. Loro(Tciiiu (t,r FjMro v i.lnrt ..1' of nny cv I i.te.l iiii.;:k-i i-i iciii.tiv tu tl.a k.'iuc30t 'i t.tl.o Mi'ihr.i I'lolC'SHin vt gun-iiitf-J a Klu J traHsuptnwr l' nuyttuy Iuu car lisc-J in tlio trca'inrnt of ihiMtil DIooJ j and t- thi'ii!lHrlf-l svo iy (jy itijul.ilii, uu.l juu lo rt'bturti to hc.ilth. tiia Hosalalh m (n.M y 11 DnipKlsts, AUilrcss C3. clz::2i;:3 ii co. DiLTiaoai:. i'y. JgALTIMORE PIANOS. We respectfully call the attention of thoso desiring to purchase our make of Pianos, We aro Ballstleu thai wo am glvo Batlslacllnn In every case. Our workmen skllllul and experien ced and nro under tho personal superintendence or the members of our rlriu, We use only the best seasoned timber, mid tho material In gene ral is first olass. Our Pianos without exception have the patent ngratles arrangement through out, which. In the opinion of tno most compe tent Judges Is pronounced valuable. By this Im- Erovement a llano la innde more duiablo and oeps tho to-io longer. Wo claim lor our Instru ments that they are second to none, and they comblno all the essential elements that consti tute superior workmanship. Wo will give n written guarantee for llvo years. Mr. Cmnkau Fiiiciman, member of our firm, will visit Uloomsburg four times a year to re pair mid attend tu tuulnguf all Pianos, In tlio ubsencoot Mr, FitniUAN, Mr, I, K, Milleu will attend In our business In Bloomsburg and Is authorized to receive nnd solicit orders. Wo cau give tho very best references. GAEHLE A CO. Baltimore, M. D. I. 1". Mili.ku, Dealer In Pianos, Orguns and Melodeons live octave and live stop organs ot tho best make, sold at Slid, Terms easy, Junes jyjcKELVY, NEAL & CO., DEALERS IN BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchcni (Use, BLOOMSUUIta, PA. JanM72-tf ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR MA 1.1. The undersigned wishing to retire from html. ness now oilers nt prlvnte sale Ills entlro proper tysltustod In Ornngcvllle, consisting or a one half interest lu the well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, together wllli tho Engine, Lnlhes nud other Ma chinery belonglug to the Mime, also the entire stock now on hand, together with a valuable pair or horses, aud the wagons, sleds, Harness, Ac. ulso his town lots on which Is erected a good frame dwelling, also, twenty-rlve acres, known as the Dr. Lott property abont ten of which are cleured, the balance timbered. Prices reasonable. Possession rUcii at any tlmo to suit purchasers. Apply to or address, WILLIAM SCHUYLER, oct,6,7l.tf. Oraugt ville, Columbia Co C3 Drngo and OhcmictUs. ft IIU CAUSE ANU OUIIK Ufc' X CONHUA1P110N. ilie priiiiuij- ummwui uiiniiiii,,tiwii ,n viuni- meiit ol the uigomtvoorKiuis. inls Uoraiineinuut iirodticos tiencieut uuiiiiiun nun nssuiiuiiiiuii ly assimilation 1 Incun Hint process by which the nutriment ol tho rood Is converted lulu blood, nnd tlielice into the solids of the body. Persons with digestion thus impaired, having the Kllghtcut piedlspositlou to pulmonary dis ease, Ol II they time cold, will bo vory liable to have Consumption of the Lungs 111 some oi na lorms; and 1 hold that it will uu impu.slbio to cure nuy case ot Consumption without Hist re storing n good digestion mid healthy iissiuilla. Hon. i hu very nut thing to bo done is to clenuso the stomach nnd bowels numiii! diseased luuciis nud sumo, wulcli Is Clogging lumo'tiigaus U that tlu-y cannot perlorui llielr luiictluns, mid then ruimo up mid resloru the iUer lu u neiillliy iiclluu. For this purpose luo surest una best remedy Is SchenuK'H MauuiuUe l'llls. These Pills clean tin) stomach mid bowels of ml the deadiiud morbid slime that Is causing disease mill ueciiy 111 the wnoio system, 1 iiey will eleur Mil the liver of nil diseased bile Unit nasiiccuiu UUilLil llieie, and rouse It up to a new uud hcutuiy action, by which natural una healthy bllulssecieU-d, 'liiebloiiiacii. bowels, and liver nro thus cleans. id by Hit) Usuul Hcheucn's ilanill.iHu l-ilisi but ineiu reiuiuun in mu Muiniicii uu excess ui uciu, thuuruau Is lurnid and the utmetltu Door. In the bowels the laelenls nio wi-nii. nnd leuniriuii stieuglli mid uiiiort. ills In n luiidltlou liku ims intu nuiieiiea h cae.iweeu i on iu proves lo ou the must valuable leiuedy ever discovered. It is alkaline, una Us me will ucuiiallzu nil excess ol ucid, inuklug tliesloniaeli sweet uud Iroslif it will gle tiniiiuenl tono to this liiipoitaut or gan, uuu tie.uu u gouu, nearly uppeilie, uuu piO' n.ii u the svstelulul- the Hist uroi.essul il i-tiuii ill. Ki'stluu, nnd ultimately inane uodd. ueabhv. living muuii. Yiier mis prcpiuuiory irtiuiiitlil, what rt.miiins to curu must casts uf Cuusmiip. ttou is the ireeiind persevering use uf ocuoucii'm l'liimouleisyiitit. 'lhul'iiluiuiiict3rupiiouii,nes the si stem, puulles tnu bluud. uud is i canity ub- suibtitiutu the elicuiniiuii, and thence dislrib- uieu io me uifieabeu mugs, lucre it ripeusuil luuiutd luatleis, wuetller lu the lulluui ubscess- ts ur lubeieies, una then assists xsuturu to expel uii iu iiiM-usi'ii iiiubiL-i, in iuo lunii ui lieeex- pecioiaiiou, wntu ouce H rineus, it is theu, u. ilie uie.tt litiiiluu und iiuuivuni luuiiuriles ui tociitiiclt's x-uliiiuuiu bMiii). luiu ml uleeisiiud ctiwucu nro ueaieu up buuuu, uuu my palltlll 1 I.II1CU. Tho essential thine- to bo done In curliiz Con Mimpllon is to get upnKoodaiipetilo mid ugood digestion, so Hint tno body will grow In Uesh nud net stronir. Ifnnoisim bus ilisoist-il linn.s. a cavity or nbscess llieie, tho cavily cannot neai, iuo maiier cannot ripen, so lougns the sys tem Is below par. What Is necessary lo cure is u new order ol things, a good nppetlto, a good uutiltlon. tho body to urnw lu Hush nud iti mi llion Nnture is helped, tho cavities will Ileal, the luutii.. i,-vu uuu uv iiijunii uix in iyy i,iiiuuiiin, mm inu jiersun regaut sirenglll. Aiiia i.uii iiiiuuuu Ulllj pillll 111 CUIU t OUSmilp uuu. uuu u it person is very nau, n iuo mugs tiro not entirely destroyed, orevon If ono Jung Is en tlrcly gone, lr there. Is enough vitality leli lu the other to henl up, tliercls liope. 1 have seen many persous cured with only ono pound iunir. llvo mid eulov lite to n untiil ntrl mm This Is ivhatSclienck'sXli-dlclues will do to euro luiisojiipuou. j ney win i-ieaii out ino sioin ich sweeten and strelmllieu It. irel unui-nnil ill,-r,u. Don, nnd glvoNulttro the assistance she needs to cieur iuo sysiem oi nu tue uisease tnntis in tho lllllus. whatever the form mav be. It Is Important that whtlo using Schenck's Medicines, enre Bliould bo exercised not to take cold; keep In-doors In cold and damp weather; avoid night air, nnd tako out-door exercise only In n genitil nud wnrra sunshine. I wiEli It distinctly underntooi! that when j rec ommend a pntlentto bo careful lu regard U tak ing cold, whllo using my Medicines, l do so for n special reason. A man who has but partially re covered Irom tlio ducts or u bad cold Is far more liable ton relapse than ono who has been entire ly cured ; nud it Is precisely tho samo In regard to Consumption, So long us tho lungs are not perfectly healed, Just so long Is thcto imminent danger of a lull lelurii or the dlscuse. Hence it Is that 1 ho stieuuously caution pulmonary pa tients nutitnst exposing themselves touu atmos phere that Is not geulai nnd pleasant. Continu ed Consumptives' lungs nro n mnss of sores, which the least cluingo or atmosphcr will lu Hume. Tho grand secret ol my success with my Medicines consists lu my ability to subduo In liammatton lnslend of provoking it, as mauy of tho faculty do. An lullnmed lung cannot, with safety to tlio patient, bo exposed to tho biting blasts of Winter or tho chilling winds of Spring or Autumn, it should bo carefully shielded irom all Irritating influences. The utmost caution should be observed In this particular, ns without It u cure under almost any clrcumstunccs Is nn Impossibility. '1 lio person should be kept on a wholesomo and nutritious diet, and all the Medicines continued until the body has restored to it tho natural quantity of flesh und strength. I was myi-eir cured by Inls treatmont of tho worst klhd of Consumption, aud luivo lived to net Hit anil hearty these many years, with one lung mostly gone. I havo cured thousands since and very many havo been cured by this treat ment whom 1 liavo never seen. About the First of October I expect to tako possessiouerniy now building, tit the Northeas Corner ol sixth nnd Arch Stiuets, where I slim bo pleased to give advice to nil who may require Full directions accompany all nly Remedies, no that a pi-ison In uny purl of the world can bo readily cund by a strict observance ol tho bamc. J. 11. SCUENCK, M. D. Philadelphia. Johnson, Holl.iway & Cowdon, G02 Arch street Philadelphia, wholesalo agents, luovl7'71-ly. A 6SEAT MOTji? Dr. WALnrr.- - ' ' YME(Mi; .... Dear tcRtlmony to tfi''ir "Vc IUHJU1UUV0 JLIIILII. BilMWHAT ARE TKEY?faLg THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINIC. JUJooSl'uSienm, Whiskey, Proor fiplrlts uud ltcfnsu LiQUurs doctored, pplcod andETcct ened to plcasotho teste, called" Tonics,"" Appctlz. ere," " Itcttorcrs," i.c, that lead tfco tippler cn to thnakcimesB and rnlL, bnt aro a trnn Medicine, mado from tno Natlvo r.ootaand Uerbsof California, Irco frniu nil Atcoliello ritlmulnntB. Tncyaro tna GREAT I1LOOD PUKIl'lER nnd A LIFE GIVING PUIfiCIPLEapcrfcct renovator and Invisorator of tlio Eystcni, carrying otX all polsonocs natter and rcetorlng tho blood to a healthy condition. I'.o person can taiio theso Bitters according to dire-j-tloi and remain long unwell. &1UO 151111)0 given foraa InrnraUacascriw.T'.'l to bones aro not destroyed ny mineral poison or ether means, and tho s ital crsans vastcd ;v?nd tho pctnt or repair, rorlntlnmunitory nnd Chronic Rlicuniu t.sm nud Gout, Dyspcceln, or Indlccstloe, Elilenii, Itcinltlcnt uud lutermittent Fevers Dli cnscu of tho liluod, Liver, Kidneys, mid Eluditcr, tacso Dlttcto Lava been inott fcuccctE-i-I. bucll Dlsem.ca era canecd ly Vitiated Illocd, 7hlch Is generally rroduccd ty dcrcrscncut 01 tuo Directive Oicr.ns. " DYf-PEPOIA till lNDlGESTIo:;, lUaJ c-j?, 1'aln in tho tl-culJcrs, Cocchs.llshtncsscf tho . .nt, EIzzi..cB3, tcur Pructatloas cr tho Ctcinach, . ad tu..u n tiu !:m-.Ui, Unions Attnchs, l'alpltatlca i- UislLut, Ia-Jcn:n.i.tloacf thoXucss, Tain la tho :.-:.os cr tho Kidnoys, andnhnndrcd ether ni.nlcl i : ; ti)i:.s,crolhaci:cpricBcf Dytpcpsla, .1 y i..-. l2or.-.t j ths Stomach and ctllnulato tuo tcr I ..lll.u-ci.d lcrtU,TrUch rcndcrtlicmotaaeiinaite.l i jj.icj U tl1.ar.sln3 tho blood cr all Impurities, and : -rtluj r...- i;:o and vigor to tho vliolo syetem. i-'.IItr DIOnASES.Eroptlomi.Tcttcr.Calt " ,,. 1 1 ., I., u Uo, Lr otc, 1 icplcs, rctiulcs.Eclls, Tcr- eitns, Ccald-Ilcad, Eoro Cycs.Errtlp- i!i',.tc:i, lcur!3, PIseoloi-ttlonsorthoEhtn.Uuincrs 1. a L.Jw'afcca ortho blJn, or srhatcver namo cr nature, u. n l.tirally dig up and carried oat or tho system la a chci t t.mo 17 tho nso or thcBo Bitters. Ono lettlo la 1 u.li cares will convlaco tho most Incrcdnlocs or their iurailvo oITcct, Clcaaso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its la-pnrltlcs bursting throne a tho slcla la Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; clcaaso It when you and it obstructed an I tlusclsh la tna veins 1 clcanso Itwhcnltlsroul, and yocr rsclmzs nlll toll 70a whoa. Keep tho Wood ym and tlio health cr tho system will follow. . PIN, TA PC and other WORMS, lurking la tha system or so many thousands, aro cScQtually destroy, od and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, prlatcd la four lan guages English, German, Trench and Spanish. J.TTAlXCr!, Proprietor. R. n. McDOSALD A CO., Dr-ig-siBts and Oca. Agents, Can Pranclsco, Cal 2'aaJ Z2 and SI Commcrco Street, New York. eV-fcOLD jjy ALL UliUQQlSTS AND DEAIXEfl. , K'-o-t; An 7 sl-.:v To nny person producing nny Mdlclno show lug hull as many living, permanent cures as I) 11. PTILEK'H VKCIKTAULE ItltEUUATlU ItEMEDV. Used inwardly only. A plciibaiil Medicine, Iree from Injurious drugs, wnrrunted, under outh, to hav permanently cured Win every Hie patients treated In the past ten years. (-eo testimony.) It Istheselentftlo prescription of Professor Jos. P. l'ltler, M. I , u graduate of tho University ol Pennsylvania A. D. Ibaa, now uue of Philadel phia's oldest regular physlclnus, and Professor ol (HemlRtry audi Toxicology, who has made Neuralgia, Chronlo and lutlummntory Rhcuinn tlsm the speciality or Ills entire professional life n loot vouched for by the signatures aecom panylngeuch bottle, ol many prominent renown ed hyalclans,o!crgymen,iiudothcr testimonials. To protect sutlereis Irom poisonous quack nos trums and useless expenditure of money, a legal Hlgued guarantee, stating exact number of bottles wurrauted. to cure, will be forwarded grutls to any sufferer sending by letter a full description of ailllcllou. Iu case ot failure to euro, amount paid imsitlvely refunded. Medicine sent any where by express, collect on delivery. Afflicted Invited to write for advleo ; all Information und medical advice sent by letter gratis. Principal olUee, Hi Bimth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Remedy Is sold or obtained by Druggists, mar m'71-lv ' tit mmL t s 1 .9 ' " '" o 0 5 p. THEY AKIS NOT A VILE 1 S 12 M il o mvmmr MiscGllanoourj, Emm mm CONTINENTAL, Lifo lusurauco Company. OF NEW YORK. No. of Policies Issuer 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUKS nil tlio now form of Policies JLniid presents ns lavorauin ttrms us nuy cum' tv.nv lu thn ITlillnit Hrntmi. The compauy will make temporary loans on ti ,.nii.tUB Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. All our policies are Incontestable for tho usual Policies Issued by this company nro non-far- iciuire. Policyholders share in the aunuiil prolltsot and management ot tho compauy. .U llUllty UI iUfllll'lll lull l'!!ll!tl-ll, .Timrim r.AWitKNt:E. Pres't. W. 11. WYNKOOP, Vlcol'rcs't. j. p. iioaERS,ecrctary, H. O. CitANOLEii, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of littstern Penii'a. "Columbian" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. LUDWICt & BHOCKWAY, General Agents. Jan. 5,1872.tf. Hail Roads. T AOKAWiVNA AND BLOOMS- i-t UURO RAILROAD ?uVa"r5,0WBV' 1!7,s7,I,aE80UEer',',lD3W", Going North. Arrive Arrlvo n. m. 11. m. p. 111. l.H I'.ll 2.33 2.40 3.C8 R.SI 3.57 a. m Reriinton 11.40 Plttslon 8.1S I. H II. 5 1131 12.21 L1.00 H.3!l 11.11 M.ns 10.35 11.00 Klnt'Ktnn ) hi. V.Unrro;0'rs BoU Plvmoulh s.ts Hhickshlnny.... 7.ao uiirwita m ...1 Bloom S.C5 uanviiie.. 10.50 J.27 Connection mndo atHcranton hv the 10.40 a.m. train for Great Bond, Rlnghnmlou, Albany and uii iiuiuis isoriu, 1.01, uuu wesi. u. 1. uuui u. tsap't. NORTHERN CENTRAL WAY. RAIL On and after Nov. 12th 1371, Trains will leavo SuNBuny ns follows : NORTHWARD, 12.30 P.M. Dallv to Wllllamsnnrt. Elmlr.i. Cnnan. dalgua, Rochester, Butlalo, Suspension Bridge, nuu is, runs, 12.1) r. M. Buffalo, N. Falls, .tc. 0.50 P.M., Dallv, (except BundayB) for William- spurt uuu r.rie. i 11 I. ... llnll.r nrtnn U.....1n., t I-IIh Bu'iralo and Niagara V.iU, via. Erlo railroad irom Kimti'd. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1.17 A.M. Dally for Dalttraorf, Washington nnd 1 UllUUUipillil IO.Oj A. M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltlraon Washington id Pniladolphla. 4.40 1'. M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore. XUUJUUCipUlU, AC. KD. H. YOIJNG. eneral Passonger Agent, Alfred R. Fisi:, Gen'L Snp't. gHORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD, Danville, Hazletflfl&WiWarre R.E. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. i.eavi:. A. M leave. Snnhury Danville Cutawlssa. Hiuleton H.2U 7.02 7.28 9 0S I". M. ttU 12.10 , 2.15 l.'n lil) Jfc 3 60 3d New York. Kustoii. Phlla Bethleh'm. Ilethleliem, Phliiuleliihla tlazlcton, New York. Hazlotan. Cutawlssa. Danville. Sunbury. The afternoon train connectsat Sunbury with tho P. At K.4.33 p. m. train going West; arrives at Willlsinsporth.30; UmIc Haven 7,55 p.mnHd with tho Northern Central 4.60 d. in., movlue; Houth. reaching llarrlsbnrg 7.00 p. m., and llultlmoie 10.45 p. 111., nnd nlso with the Huubury and Lcw lstnwn Railroad, Comfortable nnd handsome Coaches on this new route J. HERVEY EASE, Sup-Tlntenileut. JEADINQ RAILROAJ-. WINTER AERANQEM I VT, 4 Monday, May 27, 1S71. Great Trunk Lino from the Nui ' did North west forPhlladololihi.NewYork.lt. . illiu 1'otLs ville, Tamaniiti, Ashland, Sham . 111 Lebanon Aiieuiowu, Ivaston, Kpnrata, Lit , Lancaster Columbia, Ac, trains leave Harrlsburg lor New Yolk n 10.- iows: At sua, 8,11), a. ui and 2,00 p. in., inn nectlug with slmllnr traius on Pennsylva nia Rullroad. nnd nrrlvlng at New York at 10,07, u. 111., Sfit, and 11,15 p. m. ruspectlvelj Sleeping cars accompany the 2,15 u m, train wiiuuui cnauge, Returnlue: Leave New York at O.OOa.m.nni 12.30 noun and 6,i0 p. m. Philadelphia at 7.30, 6.30 a. m, uuu o,.iu p. iu. uieeping cms accompuu) viiu 7,uii ji.iu,, 1 rain iriuu is 1 wiiuuui. euauge, Leiive llarrlsbnrg lor Readlne. Potlsvllie. la miuiua, MlnerKVlire. Ashland, Shamukln Al lcntowu und Phlhi'd, ut 8,10 u, in., and 2.0J and 1,05 p.m.,slopplugnt Lebanon and principal wnj stations; tho4,05 p.m. train connecting lor Phll'e Pottsvlllo and L'olumhlu only. Eor Pollsvlllt and Auburn, via Schuylkill Rallroad.leavollarrlsburgtu nouuyiaill liaveu and Susquehanna 3.10 p.m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Iteait lug for AUeutowu Easton uud New York at 4.32, 10.30, a. m., uud 4.05 p. in. Returning, leavt New Yorkut 0.00 n, m. , 12.30 noon and 5.3J p. m, aud AUeutowu at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 4.25 an- p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves lmlladclnhla at 7,30 a.m., connecting with similar train on East Pa. railroad returning from Reading at 0,20 p.iu stopping at all stnttous. Leave Pottsvlllo ut 0.00 n.tti.. nnil 11.111. Herndou nt 10.00 a. m., Blmmokln ut5,40uud 11.15 a. m., Asuiauu at 7,0j a.m. and noon wan anoy City at 7.15 a. m. uud 1.2 1 p. iu. Tumaqua hi h.I'j 11. m and 2.10 p, m, for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrlsburg.&c. Leave Potlsvllie via bcuuylklll and Susque hanna Railroad at 8,15 ii.ni. for Hnrrlsburg, am 11,45 a. iuior PlueGrovo uud Trcmout. Reading Accouimodattou Train leaves Potts vlllo ut 5.40 a. m passes Reiullng at 7,30 a. m ar riving at Pliilodelphla at 10.20 u. m. Retumluit. leavtis Phlhuleliihiii ut 5.15 u. m.. nasslng Read Ing at 7,05 p.m., arriving nt Pottsvlllo at 0.10 p.m, l oiisuiwil Accommuuauuu .ruiu,ieuvesxiii& town nt 0,30 a.m., returnlug, leaves PhlladephU at 4,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nl 7,20 a.m., and 0.15 p.m. fur Epbrata, Llllz, Lancas. im, vuiuiuum. Perklomen ltall Road Trains leave Porklomei JnncUou at 7.17 0,05 u. m 3.00 A B.00 p. in. roturn. lug: leavo BehwcuUsvlllo nt0.S0, 8.10 a.m., US noon .it 4.45 p.m., connecting with similar train, or Heading Italiroad. Colebrookdole Rullroad trains leave Pottslowu at .40a.m,& 1.15tt.4i p.m. returning leave Mouul Pleasant ut 7.00 and 11.25 u. in., 3.00 p.m, connect luu win- similar trains 011 Readlug Railroad. Chester Valley Rullroad Trains leave Budge port ut 8,30 a. iu. uud 2.05 nud 6.Mp. m. returnlug. leave Dowulngton at 0,40 a. ui., 12.45 noon uud 5.25 p. m., connecttug with similar Uulns oi Reading Railroad. On Sundays, leavo New York nt 6,30 p.m., Phli phluut 8,00 a.m. and 3,15 p.m., (tho 8,00 a.m. trail runnlugonly toRendlUBj)loavePottkvllle8,00u.m. Hnrrlsburg at 2.40 ft. in, and 2.00 p. ni. and leave Allentoivu ut 0.15 and 8.35 p. in., and leave Heading ut 7.15 u. in. and 10.S5p, m, lor Hairis burg, at 6.00a. m. for New York,ut7.20a.iulor AUeutowu and at 0.40 a. ra.' and 4.15 p. m to' Philadelphia. Commutation, Mlleugo, Season, School jH Kxcnrslou Tickets to uud from all points, nt le duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowei cucli passenger, ' " J. E. WOOTTEN. Asst. Bunt, a Eng. MncU'ry, Reading, Pa., April 3, II OH. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, ETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, A3,, AC. Neatly and Ohoflply Printed Prom the Latest Styles of.Type at the COLUMBIAN OFFICE. ' Patent Modiciuoa, T. JIELMBOIiD'a, " u o M 1' O U N 1) 1'IiDI I) rXTIUOT CATAW11A 0 II A P 13 PILLS. CbnyioneiK i'arf-:uJ Extract llhubnrb niui sium tract atlauln ,. FOItLIVEIl COMPLAINM.JAUNDICI.' t, IOU3 AFKECTIONH. HICK 01 ' HE, COai'lVENESS, Etc. Pi,,, ; VEOUTA1ILE, UONTAININU No MPn, , ',M MINKRALH OR DELEl'ERIOUH I l)'tuJH lY These Pills nro tho most ilnlloi,ifii.. .... purgative, flupon-odlng castor oil. f,' nesla.eto. There Is nothing moro 'ij the stomach. Thoy elvo tone. ni "J ell nausea nor griping pains. Thev nrnT . u" theni, such nn i.ivltoratlou ol tUo ent r ? M uuies pinco n, to nppenr inlrnculotis to tne , and enervated, -whether rlsls ,ro,, deuce or disease. II. T. Ileltnbold's !0,n'ru nu u i.xiractuatawbaGrano Pills are i, coated, from the fact that sngar-coatea C"8','' ,.-.v..,tUi, uniuany Odor, dn nm tato their being tusar-contej; PR S "1' CENTH PEUUOX. iRILLHfry Jimiir T. IIELMJIOUVS, HiaitLV CONCENTIIATEn COMfotlSn FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAlttr.i.i Will radically cxttrmltmin rmm .1.. .... 8crorula,HyphllIs,EoverSore,,Ulcer.,,Bo,er ,'" Bore Legs, Horn Monlh, Hole Henil. Bn, : 1 ' Hklu Diseases, Halt Rlieuu. ankers, it,, , ' irom tho Ear. wnitn u,.-,, ceroi,sA,r... A, ' " or, . ferol"lrut'ous,Nodcs,Rickets.oinnd,ii-v.. Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism Dv.,,.'!0"' ' " vuSUtU III tlio Kt-Stm Trs: P-nlnts, It, DLOOD-PURIEYZNO ZZ greater than any other preparation ,, Rar,;l r inan nny other preparation ol Rar,,f It gives tho COMPLKviom ....... v b'-UI IUO UU.111-I.KX 1I1M l nv'VoT -. viuir 11 .1 t to a . Ulood, removing nil Chro-ilc Coiistltt,; rases nrlslng from nn impuro stnto of ti,e 1,1, ,' uu uieouiyreliaiiienndollectual known m- . dy for tho euro of Pains nud Hwelllus, ol , "u"v, ulbCUUIUIlN III inn 'l-lifnnt s . niotches PImpi on tuo Pace, lirysipei.,,, nil scaly Eruptloiis ortho Hirm d . .... .,J tho Complexion. Price, 31 60 per Bottle. '"'S IIENKY T. IIELMBOLD'S CONCENl HATED FL UID FXTUA OTIi UCJI I , ill E GREAT DIURETIC, ""Jfed every case of Diabetes In which It , iiuuuiuiiiii luonecicor tho Iliad- I nnd Inflammation ortho Kidneys, Ulceration".! the Kldncvs n.l iii,i,i. .:..'.,. - - - "vt .ott.-iiuuil 01 rrnt Dlsoascsortno Prostatoaiaud.Htnnn i,,n,.., , dcr, Calculs, Gravel, Ilrlckdnsl Denosli Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Ena-m,, and Delicate Constitutions or boih Sexes alien, ded with tho following symptoms: iudKi,,-, tlou to Exertion, loss 01 Power, loss of Memo-i DlfUculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Treat bliug, Herrorof Dlseaso. Waketnln,. iu... .. of Vision, Pain In tho Back, Hot Hands, I mu. .uB ui iuo uouy, uryness ol tho Klilu, hruniica on tho Face, Pallid Countenance, Umunm nuosiiuuo 01 tuo Jiuscuiar hiystem, etc. Used by poisons Irom tno ages of nioin,. tweuty-tivc, nnd from thlrty-Uvo to nrty-Ateor in tho decline or change of life; alter confioi. meut or labor pains; bed-wetting In clnidieii Holmbold's Extract llucliu Is Dlun-iii- .m Blood-Purllying, and cures nil diseiu.es ur.k.m from Habits of Dissipation, and Exci-ists m; Imprudences in Life, Impurities or the llluo etc., superseding Copabla in nUectlous for wnte it is usod, nud Syphilitic AirOcllons-lu thi-i diseases used In connection Willi HELM HOL" iiuau WASH. LADII1S. In many affections peculiar to ladles, the b tract Buchu Is unequalled by any other n mi-iii- as Is Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Via- iuiuess or suppression or Customary i:vacm Hons, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of tlio I'terci Leucorrhcea or Whltes.Sterlllty.nnd for all com plaints Incident to tho sex, whether nrlMns froo Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is P. scribed oxtcnsively by tho most eminent pin,,. lans nnd .Midwlves for Enlecbled and Delirj'. Constitutions, of both sexes auiLall agi-s .atten ded with any of the abovodlseascsor nympturo II. T. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT IlLTHt' CURES DISEASES ARISING FKOJI IMPKl'- DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, KIC, In nil their stages, at llttlo expense Utile r change In diet, no Inconvenience, and uo ti posuro. It causes n frequent desire, anil slvo streugth to Urinate, thereby removing Ohitrac tlous, Preventing nud Curing Strictures hi iai Uretha, Allaying Pain nnd Inflammation, i rreqnont in this class or diseases, and 1 ipelliq all Poisonous matter. Thousands who have been tho victims n competent persons, aud who have paid tun! roes to bo cured In a short time, have fnunJ t-cj have been deceived, and that the "Poison U by the uso of "powerful astringents," been 1lr.1i. up In the system, to break out In a more titi vated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT llUt'lIL' tori. Affections and DIsenses of tho Urinary Or;au whether exlstiug In Male or Female, Irom u over cause originating, nnd no matter 0! bo long standing, PRICE ONE DOLLAR AM FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HENRY T. HELMhOLiTK IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed as a FACE WASH. an I i bo found the only speclfio remedy In e'" species of CUTANEOUS AFFKCTION. It (PJ illlir nrnilli-ntnu l'lUI'MM SPOTS. SCOItW I DRYNESS, INDURATIONSof theCUTANr-O''9 MEMBRANE, etc., dispels REDNESS n"J PIIIIPVP IMP-T.lMJlTtnN IIIVKS. HA u MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF HC.U-P 03 SKIN, FROSTBITES, and all purposes lor wui SALVES or OINTMENTS nro nsed; restoriit-1 skin to a state of purity aud softness, an. ' surea continued healthy action to the tls!l Its vessels, on which depend the agreeable cles-f-ness and vivacity of complexion so mwu s-)Ss and ndmlrciL Bat however valuable remedy far existing defects of the skin, U- J' Helmbold's Rose Wash has Ion: susUlm-J principle claim to unbounded batronai!. possessing qualities which render It a TOiU' APPENDAOC of tho most Superlative Jj Congenial cluiracter, oomblnlng lu an elft' formula those prominent requlsits,SAFhTV! lEFFIOACY tl- Invariable accompaniment Its use ns n Preservative and Refresher ot 'a1 1 Complexion, II Is nn excellent Lotion tor eases of a Syphilitic Naturo.nudas an Inji-U ' lor diseases of the Urinary Organs, artslnc " Iiablls of dissipation, nsed In councctum ' tho EXTRA CTSRUCHU.SARSA PA IUbhA-ft-OATAWBA GRAPE PILLS.In such reeommonJod, cannot bo tiirpmed. I1-' ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Full and explloit directions nccoiuF- '' mcllclnea. , rH Evidence of the most responsible onu " charaoter furnished on application, wlt" dreds of thousands of living witnesses."1"1 ward of 30,000 unsolicited certificates ana mendatory loiters, many or which are fro highest sources, including eminent W;"' Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The propritw r nover resorted to their publication lu tt ' papers; he does not do this from the m hia articles rank as Standard Preparations, do, not need to bo propped up by ceitlncs'"- Ilcnrr T. Ilcimboltl'x fici)"" lrciiariitIoiis. tu' Delivered to any address, be cure fteui 1 vatlon. . , EstablUhed upwards of twenty years- e-( Druggista ovcrj'where. Address letter s formation, In confldenco to HENKV f-1 BOLD, Druggist and Chemist ,. Only Depots! II. T. HELMBOLRH P Chemical Warehouse, No. 591 "'""fVp-i York, or to II. T. IIELMBOLD'S Med''1 m 101 Bonth Tentli Street, PhilodelpUU. P"- BEWARE OP COUNTEBKEITEltfl. ,lllIllllllllllliljJissjis