".'ii THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, IJLOOMSKUHO. COUTMKI mtTNTY. V iJLdOMSBUllG; PA. Friday, March 22, 1S7 ItonhTcU'A Tigttros. We iloiibt vory much whether I'uo uc tunl cotulttlon of tlio public fltinnee 8 Iuvj over boon thoroughly umlcrstooil elur lnp Mr. Iioutwcll'amlralnUlratloti, nnil ccttalnly, recent elcvelopmenU would Bo?m to show that no untloralnmllnj? la po-sllile. Neither tho llRurea of Secro tury iloulwcllnorof tholtepjlstor of tho Ticasury nfjreo with his own sttUo tnciiH Ilo clulms to hnvo reduced tho public debt almost $300,000,000. In his roiiott to Cunurcsi ho stated that n ro tluctlivi Imd been made, in tho last two flseal yeani,or$103,029 031 but hU of ficial reports published tnouthly show n redu. li')U of $200,115,750. Thero h hero a (KliWemcei of 510.000.000. Acuta take tho (Inures of tho Secretary anil thoM'tif tlm Iteglstcr, us to tho public eicot : ll.mtwtli, Allison. Discrepancy ,... J,(lM),0 ;,V.it I14KU.IH441 107 JI,4i6 i",.8,B7a,li7 2,3sU,3S,&DJ UI,:I3 8.M in u comparison with hltusolf Mr Boutwell comes out no hotter: For 1RI!) l-n lttititu-ll'.ran,,i.n?lhnl year.- ... $2,050 CW.OOo i iir looi-, aea wnun-tii a noon ofisio- iius.uo.urj Dlicrcnanry SOS.OOO.tiui) Hero Is a discrepancy of SGS.000,0001 What rcllanco can ho placed 011 any figures of u Secretary who can make Bueii errors 113 tlicaei. Hut thero are yet trrpftli'r! In tlinnnniml rinnrtiifllii Sec retary ntid lleglster stating Iho public ueot rrom isoi to 1870 Inclusive, then will ho found tho astonishing dissrop ancy or $050,020,1331 The reports never acreo for those ten years. But tho most extraordinary part ol mo wnoie matter Is tiiat In tlio list ro port of tho Secretary this discrepancy vanisnes into tnin air end all Is correct Now this klud of arbitrary book-keep inRinaysuIt tho purposes of tho Ad ministration but will hardly provo sat Isfactorv to tho countrv. Thero Is nr Kent need of a strict investigation Into uiontiuirs of tlio Treasury, to elecieu whether theso differences nro duo to fraudulent practices or to inexcusably uaei ooou-Keeping. .As mailers now are, It Is Impossible to arrive ut an Just tinnreclation of tlm shitn nf fhi Treasury. Wo havo long belloved that an Investigation would reveal Ktinh 11 condition of affairs as would put to the blush Tammany's peculations anil frauds : such enormities ni wnnlil mm l)0l tho world to stand nsrlmit nnil reins. oven tlio people of this country.famillut wild irauus, 10 cry aloud for justice -i.et tlio investigation bu had at onco. Hoiiclcssness of Iteform. The peoplo may m well rnako up tneir minus first ns last that thero will be no reform of public abuses durin; tho present administration, nor in tin next should Mr. Grant bo re-elected When investigation has brought to light corruption of tho most flagrant eicscriptioti thero Is uo disposition cvl denesd to punish tho offenders or pro tect tho sufferers. Men of whoso fraud Ulent deeds thero is no (lrmhr. urn stond lly retained in power or are appointed 10 omces 01 greater Honor and prout. Ii is openly charged that Leet, whoso un warrantable robberies of Now York merchants havo been amply proved yet retains his position although nppii rently removed. Tho only change i that his name is not kept qui to so prom inently before the people. Holdeu tin disgraced Governor of North Carolitu who daro not return to tho State fron which ho fled to avoid impeachinein has boen offered the position of Minlste to;Peru. Subordinate officials discharg ed for dishonesty aro given other place under the Government ; unfaithluluea.-. in ono ofllco being seemingly no argu m'ent against them of corruptness in au other. Mr. Grant in his mcsjago to Congresr congratulates tho country upon th. prompt punishment of defaulters. II this were true, which It is not, it woulu be of little comfort. The appointment of such men as would require no punish ment would bo vastly better. Art thero no honest men in tho list of Mr. Grant's acquaintances ? Tho punish innnt of a thief who bus robbed'u3 is b no means as i-atMactory as tho preven tion of the theft. But thero is no pun ishment of offenders. Thero nrodoz?nt of public defaulters who havo novo oven been brought to trial and who nover will be. This is tho very worst or all Iho bad features of this bad administration. Reform is laughed nt by Mr. GrantV adherents. Thero seems to bo but on object to bo attained and that Is his re olection, to this all things olse nro sub ordlnotcd. And if this istruonow, what may we not ospect should tho mlsfor tunato.of a second term bsfal tho coun try. Thero will never bo reform under Grant.. A Check to (irant. Slrnngo as it may teem, novcrthUesf It Is t-trjctly true, that tho nomination of Judge Davis and Oov. Parker cm bodies and asserts tho ono great princi ple of the supremacy or law, and espec ially that supremacy In autagonhmto military usurpation. It was Judge Davis who delivered tho opinion or the Supremo Court-and that, too, before tho ashes of war wero entirely cooled which denounced and crushed for over the infamy of military commissions. When Iho brnvo peoplo of tho North West, irrespective of party, rose in peaceful revolt and appoaled to tho Federal Judiciary for redress, Judge Davis not only granted It in tho form in which it wus sought, but seut word to Abraham Lincoln that if tho aggress! vo outragos of his military lackey were persisted in, thero would bo organized nnd popular resistance, nnd that be, David Davis, would, ir need bo, put himself at tho head of it. And Mr. Lincoln nover did himself greater lion or tlmn by accepting tho advice, ns he instantly did, of his long tried and trusted friend, for ho immediately ro VOked tho offensive order. V. Vert, r.n.t remembers tho contest and Its Issue in JVewJerboy, last Autumn. It was tho squarest fight, down to that tlmo, over jougni, over mo merits of Grantlsrn nnd thn Arirninlatr.itlmi m -... .1. .1 1. w .. tv iiuiuril 11, Gov. Parker's success was tho first opon oil l.nl- . 1 T3 r.i ...-... , 1 t .. . . . .v lw uw3iu, iuiu 111 lucognuinir wajies, axiacirou tnu omco or thofluno r.IIH ftl(t. nnil cnlnnttm l.ln. .ltu 1 a. t 1 , tue inet, and selecting him as ono of muir L-Buuiunira, mo great army of T.nhnr Itnfnrm llirniml.r... n. Labor Iteform throughout tho country bo (ho ultlmato complications nnd ro suiiswnatineyrnay, is openJy enlisted against tho common enomv of lAdorui licnrnnf Inti nnrl nhnrn . 1 ial. T . I U6urpat,lpu and abuse, Wash, IXiiriot, Tho Men Docket 1)111. Vnlliiwlnjt tlio legislation of Isfll on thin subject, eotnes another bill cover liK Iho miiio ground but nioro offtmMvo to tho people In Its details. Tho first 1 ut ion provide tlmt "It shall bo tho duty uf tho fctirvoyor general to mnko 'out and forward t'i tho soveral county 'surveyors 'land lien dockets' for tho 'counties respectively, similar to those 'heretofore furnlshod tho prothonotar 'lei, with such additional on tries 'relating to patenting tracts or pirts or 'tracts since made; and it shall bo tho 'dnty or each county surveyor to pro 'servo said docket nnd dollver tho samo "to hU successor In office." lly net of 1801 theso dockets wero cut In tlm nrotbonntnrv'rf nlllrn whom they could bo seen and examined by nil men, out tins bill would scud tho new ones to a county surveyor an officer of no importance, and whoso election is generally n matter of compliment. In tact in very many counties tlio com missions ato not taken. Hut oven when tliev tin nnnllfv 114 11 ruin thnv do not restuo nt tlio county seat, out in inn country, wnero it is eliiiicuit to rencii them. Tho Deonlo in search of needed Information mint find n perambulating surveyor, whoso duties generally keep mm from home. But If this section Is bwl tho fourth Is Inlnultous. It nroviiles thattbueountv xurvevoroverv tbreu nion t lis shall make 11 rcnort to Iho stirvovor i?enonil.settlni? lortn tno names of warrantees' dates of warrants, etc., and tho nntnes of tho iwiiors. turontsnr oceutiit-rs of tintiutimt ed tracts upon whom ho has served the not ices. "And for each not Ice to the own "ers.ngents or occupiers of nn unpatcnt "ed tract or rouialnlncf nartofnn unttat "euted tract ho shall bo entitled ton teo ''of five dollars tube paldout of thoState "treasury on warrants drawn by the "auditor general upon tho certificate of "tho surveyor general.'' Thoglst of the bill is hero seen. If passed it would not ouly glvo Inquisitorial powers to tho surveyor, but in somo counties would yield him an enormous salary. In Luzarns count v. wn 11 ro Informed. It would clvo him SlO.OOi tier anuum for a simple notice, and ho Is tojudgo ns to whom they aro to bo served upon . He charges Hvo dollars and tho amount comes out or tno stato treasury. A tract may havo 11 hundred "occupiers," ilid If notices warn sen t tn ranli nvnrv tiireo mouths, ns provided In tho bill tho Purveyor would receive from noti ces relating to that ono tract $2000. Section five is nlwurd nnd untnuan Ing. Tho last clause) i.i giving the surveyor additional fees provides that his fees shall bo tho samo as for exo cutlng a warrant of tho samo quantity of acres ns now provided bylaw. The sixth section Ij also vicious, because it authoriz s tho county surveyor to net as n deputy sheriff. Dit. Moiseau Morris has prepared a eodo of rules which should ba strictly followed by all thoso who havo to deal with scnrletinn. Tho patient should be placed in a Eeparato room and no one illnwcd to enter It except tho nurse and physician, or to loueh tho clothing or bedding until It has been thoroughly disinfected. With regard to infected things Dr. Morris writes : All clothing, bedding, nnd other arti les not absolutely necessary for the use f tho patient should bo removed from ho sick room. Articles used about the natient. such as sheets, nillow.e.nes. nr clothe, must not bo removed from the tcK room until they havo beon dlslu ected by placing them in a tub with ho following disinfecting solution: ight ounces sulphate of zinc, one lunco carbolic ucld, throo gallons of vater. They should ho soaked In till fluid for ono hour, and then bo thrown into boiling water and thoroughly washed. Feather nnd hair pillows anil nattresses require fumigation, and should not bo removed from tho sick 00m until this has been dono. All vessels u-sOd to receive tho discharges of patients should havosotno of tho abovo -olution kept constantly in them, and iiumedlaielyafter their use bo removed from tho sick room and emptied. Water-closets mid privies must also bo dis infected dr.i.ly with somo of tho samo solution. A pleci) of muslin, ono foot 'quare, should bo dipped In tho solution 111(1 HUSllPndpd Ill tonin n-ll-f rifHiamnrti constantly ; mid tho samo ha kopt in uaiiways adjacent tothoslck room. All straw beds Miould bo bumod nrtcr use. It Is advised not to uso handkerchiefs about tho patient, but rather old. soft rtZd. which should bo immediately hurned after use. Tno ceilings and sldo walls of thoslck room should bo thor oughly cleansed nnd ilme-wnshed whenever the patient has been removed therefrom. T11031: who stickle for tho purity and efficiency of our naval administration aro invited to pondor these facts. Tho United States steamer Tenncssco had encitic3 placed in her which cost the government $710,000. Theso englnos propelled tho ship just Hvo and a half knots an hour. When it was attempt ed to Increase tho revolutions to thirty turns per minuto nnd the speed of the ship to six knots tho brasses grow so hot and tho machinery so crazy that the wholo structuro was endangered. At last, on her return from a voyage of 1,500 miles, it was concluded to removo tho machinery and put In new com pound engines. This work Is now bo Ing dono by a firm which is to get $300, 000 and tho old engines. Those oid cn glncs nro offered for $35,000, without finding buyers. Government pays $710,000 for what nobody clso will pay $3-5,000 for.. Ilo wis that for economy? -World. James W.Grimos was tho founder of tho Kepubllcan party in tho State of Iowa. Ho was elected Governor, tlum Senator twice. Ilo voted ngatnst the impeachment of Andrew Johuson, and resigned in 1803, when ho wont to Southern Europo and remained there until this summer, when ho roturnod homo to die. Ouly nbuut three days before hi s death ho metu distinguished Konoraloilleerortho late war and said to him In conversation; "Grant's Admin Istratlon Is tho most coutomptlblo in imbecility uud most scandalous In cor ruption which has over opproisdd the American people or dis-'raced tho K;',?,"rer Tho workmen In tho JlothBchUd j, nt WJltkowiU, in Moravia, rintondontj gaining eutrauco, they burst opon the fcafound appropriated its .1 1 n.i. . contents, then demolished tho bulldlne-. Tho soldiers were called out and fired on the rioters. lour wero killed and nriv wounded Ord.srh mi. . t . .... Tho mines are guarded by tho military. LEGISLATURE. Tn tho Hcimto mi Wednesday of lffnt week tho following bll's wero introduc ed 1 Bv Mr. Davis, ofl'lillndnlnbl.i. retru lating tho qualifications of teachers of public i-cliools. lly Mr. Anderson, supplonient to act relating to liens of mechanics nnd ol hers upon buildings. By Mr. KantlaU, act repealing net of 23tli March, 1858, regulating rnlooflu. teroit, and rovlslng act or -d March, 182.1, reducing rato from eight to six per cent. iV resolution of Mr. Billlngfelt wan adopted, that bills shall bo tnesagcd to tho houo in tho orderof tlielr pas-tago, and no priority glvetMinle3 specially ordered by tho senate. Mr. Dili Introduced n bill which pass ed ns follows: Skotio.vI. He it enacted cto . That In all cases horetoforo ns well as horeaftor, when the common law form ofndoptlnjr a child by dead has beon practically done, It shall bo lawful in proof or duo execution 111 properiiiucos lorrec irdl'ig or deeds In tho county wherotho mlopt Ing parent resides ut th datu orits exo cutlnu, and 11 duly certified copy there in sunn 00 received 111 ovuicnco wun tho snmt) forco and effect as tho record of adoption would havo In tlm mndu urovidod In tho act to Which this Is it supplement. In tho Homo n bill was passed to Incorporate thoSulllvau anthracite com pany. Agreeably to order, tho hmtso pro ceeded to tlio consideration vt bill No. 11-18, entitled "au net to reorganize the congressional districts of Pennsylvania In accordance) with tlio net of congress approved February 2, 1872." Mr. Latin, and Mr. Brockway desired upoilpuncnciitof tholilll until Wednes day next, contending that thero had not been sufficient tlmo afforded tlnco tho bill was reported to examine tho same. Mr. Hewitt Insisted upon procieding ut onco to consider Iho bill. Tho houso resolved Itself into com mittco of tlio whole, Mr. M'.Ttiiikin in tho chair for tho purpose of considering tho bill. Tho first section having been read, a motion was mado by Mr. Brock way that tho committoo rise, report progress and as!: leave to sit again. Which was agreed to, and tho speaker having resumed tho chair, Mr. M'Jun kiu reported as instructed. On tho question, shall thocommittco havo leave to sit again ? Mr. Dlowitt hoped that loavo would not bo granted, but that tho bill would receive consideration at this time. Tho public demands that this bill shall ro- ccivo speedy consideration. Tho motion was further discussed by Messrs. Mooro, Mitchell (Tioga), Million, Hancock, Broc'eway, Liwson, and Elliott. The qucstij.i was decided in II13 n g atlvo Mr. Broekway said according to tho bill reported by tho coramitleo ono republican would caunt equal to two democrats. Tho nverago excess of popu lation In tho proposed democratic dls trieta Is 10,313. Ilo pr-Jsentod tho figures and geographical Inconsistencies or each district, and favored tho pendtngumend ment. Mr. M'Coiniell. pronounced tho bill as it camo from tho committee unfair, un just and illiberal. On a majority or loss than twenty thousand it gives tho dominant parly over two thirds of tho entiro delegation In eougro.-s, nnd such Injustico will nover bo sustained and endorsed by tho peoplo of tho state. Tho title wa3 read and agreed to, wlin the houso adj'Hirued. In tho Senate on Thursday of last Vfok tho following bill passed. Senato No. 022, supplement tj the Susquehanna boom camp.my. Mr. Dill amended, making tho booraago charges ninety-five conts.and making tho bill go into effect April 15, 1872, Tho bill pending for a convention to roviso and amend tho constitution was discussed nt some length, and after ho- ing amended by Messrs Bllllngfelt, BucUulcw nnd Wnllnco, was passed finally. This bill provides for tho elec.io.i on tho second Tuesday of October next, of 152 delegates, twenty of which shall bo elected in tho Stato nt large, each voter voting for not moro than ten candidates and tho twenty having tho highest number of votes shall bo de clared elected ; theother delegate) (132) to bo elected from tho different senator ial districts. Tho tickets to bo voted for mem bers at largo of tho convention shall havo on tho outsido tho words "dele, gates at large," and tho tickets to bo voted for district members of tho con vention shall havo on tho outsido tho words "district delegates," and nn tho Inside tho names of thu w latcs dvoted for. Tho Convention is to meet in : . 1 hall of tho IIouso of Representative.) at Ilar- rlsburg on tho second Friday in No vember, and shall havo power to pro poso to tho citizens or tho Common wealth for their approval or re J i-.lon, a now constitution or nmenduvn's to tho present ono. Ono third or tlio mem bcrs shall havo tho right to icnuiro soparato and distinct submlslon to tho popular voio 01 any ninuniimcn; pro posed. Tho 0th nrtlclo of tlio present constl tution known as tho "declaration or rlglpV' shall howovor remain unchang ed. Tho convention shall not create, es tablish or submit any proposition for tho establishment of-a court or courts with oxcluslvo equity Jurisdiction. Tho onIro compensation and allow- ntico to each member of the eonvontloa shall bo us follows: For salary, seven hundred nnd fifty dollars; for mlloaito, ten cents per mllo circular, not-to lis allowed ut more thin two so4sIons; for postago, stationery and contingencies, fifty dollars. Vacancies nro to be fil'cd by tho ment burs at larfo who shall havo been voted for by tho mejorlty of-voters In tho dls irlct where tho vacancy occurs. In tho House the boom bill rrom tho senato being on tho speaker's tablo, u motion was mado by Mr. Noyrs to tus pond tho rules and luy the samo upon tho table, which wus not agreed to yeas -10, nays 50, bslng o-n than two thirds, In tho Senate on Friday last tho fol lowing bills wero pus3od. Senato No. 11-17, entitled an act iclii tlvo to Incorporated companies, fo vot ing of stock nn,d increasing their slock, kb follows: Section 1. Jle U enacted da., That hereafter llbhall and nuv tiu lawful for uny person holding or ownlngshures of slnPK in itiiy I.' T nrnt il ("iiiimtitt 8 Hi any llni" ini'i- m oicctii'iH, either i.v transfer on iU h inks or by certificate Willi truusfer thereon, to vnloMldntook atSucli election inch (-lisre being entit led to ono vntn. und nuv Inervinii of stoc't shall be divided pro ruin mining tho stockholder, ntid nil laws Incuti tdstcnt herewith am hereby rcpmled. Supplement to an act ciitltiod nn c relative) tn limitations, approved Ihe Kiill day ef D ci'iubcr, 1800, us follow-: Ht-urioN 1. Jle enacted etc. That (tie net cut Italian act relative to llmltat Ions, approved tho 10th day or Decemiier, 1800, xhall notupply to uny oise where 11 fund or property is dlrontpd, by will or t her wise, to bo devoted to nuy charitable or benevolent purpose, and the fund or property h to ho up pueu 10 mien purpose upon tunnsp peiilmrof somo futurucmitlnLrc.u'v. con dition or event. 1V11 act relating tothot-toult anil hondn nf railroad nnd canal companies, merged or proposing to merge, nnd held l executors, guardians or tntstets, ns follows: Skction 1. JJe il enacted etc.. That It shall nod may bo lawful for any exeeii tor, ctMi'dtiiu or truMoo ho d inr t lie- stock und bonds, or either, of uny rail road or canal company which may be mithunz -d to merxo and eoiisolidate) with, or which has becotrm niergtsl mid consnlldated with, any other railroad or cant'l comiany, to hreo fir nnd in re spciit to the tiiiii hloi'ic and ootids, or either, so held by thini, to tho tormi nnd conditions of such nr wed or no Tttat merger, and to accept In lieu or vx ciiangt) tar sun vt-n-ic nmi 0 ntiin, or either, but to bu held I 1 llko trmls, the stoek uud bonds, or either, of the com pany ho nnrglng, or formed by men merger and cnuoiidat!nn, Tho IIouso was not In hcbsIoh. In thoSonato u, Monday last a com- munlc.itlou iidilre-ned lo tho governor byC. D. Brbthom w.m re id, in which hodeclln?d tho nnmliatlon to the, office of auditor general. Tho bill p.is-cd providing for the cicc tlo:i of Auditor Qeno.-al and Surveyor Goneral tiy tho people. In tho IIouso nothing of general in leixvt tiansplred. In tho flor:atoori Tuofd-iy nn motion of Mr. Warfel, senate bill 10G, entitled an act lo provldo rooms for meetings of conventions or hcIioo! directors and lo lis tliu salaries of couuty 31 perhiie-ml oats was taken up and passed. Tho bill gives supcrinteiidenU two dollars loreMou Hfiinoi under them nnd ono dollar for each t-ou.iro m lo of tin county, no salary to bv) less than $1000 except In counties whero thero are le.-s than 100 echools. Mr. Gray offered a resolution extend ing tho date- for final adjournment to Thursday, April -1. which w&s passul In tho IIouso u bill was passed to ex tend n certain act regulating medical practlco lo Columbia county. Joint resolution rrom tho seaato to extend tlio tlmo of final adjournment until Thursday, April -1, was taken up from tho speaker's tablo, and concurred ni. A bill wa3 passed to exempt the parsonage- of tho Presbyterian uud of tho Methodist Episcopal church, of Danville, from taxation, except for stato purposes. CONGRESS. In tho IIouse.Mr. Wood.of New York moved to suspend tho rules so ns to nave tno iioaso passu resolution calliii upon tho Treasurer or tho United Kioto to take instant means to rellnvo tin public want orn circulating medium, thero beluga ca-di balance- of$221, 603,7-10 in tho Treasury. Tho House refused to ntispend tho rules. Tho Ssn.Uo wasted another deyon Wednesday of last woik over Coiikll'iig'. resolutloi calling on tlio President to communicate to thu Stna'o tiio number of recommendations for ofllco undo by Senators from New York, Illinois, Mis souii, and Nobraska. In tho House only 0110 or two bills of minor impor tatieo wcio passed, tho wh'.lo oriho d y being spent in debate whllo 111 com mittco or tho wholo on tho P jst-olllce Appropriation hill. Neither tho IIouso nor tho S'li-ete did much of i-nportanca on Thursday of last week. In the latter tho Legislative Appropration bill elicited somo di-cuss ion on tho question of salaries, and the bill as amended was pas-.ed. In the IIous3 a bill was passed laying tho Stato of Kansas $337 000 for expu'ise incurred during tho war. In tho Sernito on Friday last Mr Trumubll made n per-ional explanation respecting his connection witii the McArdlo caje. Tho Tariff bill nf lb. Finance Uommittto wasdoliated, Messrs. Sherman and Scitt miiklin; ila'ioratu speiehei. The Chairman nf tho Floautv Cimmittiod-'Claro,! hint c.fio fa v. r of a reductions nl S21.0M 00 ) a id i '..it il be taken off tostilo fabrics. In the Houso n resilmi 01 wa , fibred and ndoptrd instructing tho Coium.ttee on Commerce to Inquire! into thoullegod combination of railroad luterosig known us tho Snnthern improvement Com pany, and dci-igned to control the trans portation of oil from tho oil regions to tho seaboard. In tho Senato on Moii'Juy last Mr. Conkllng's resolution calling upon tiie Presidont for information as to mom mend itlons for ofllco undo ny Seuutor-r-otn certain States wai taken up. In tho feinato 0:1 Tuesday the bill directing tho Secretary orthoTriMs ury to pay $100,000 prlz . money to the ofilcors and crew of iho Koarsargo wan pascd. Mr. Cm belt called up his hill to facllitato spceio payments by com polling thn lunks to hold their reserves In cotn. Tho Houo resumed tho con sideration of tho Senate bill to provldo lor reporting und publishing the dobatesofCongross, which win amended uud passed. A resolution making tho 11-cal year commouco on the Ut of January was adopted. Tho House then went Into conunltteo or the 'wholo on the Appropriation bill. NEWS . Tho Montgomery county Alms House Was destroyed by tiro last wojk and itlx paupers weru burned to death, Jny Ooulel has resigned the Preilden uy and Directorehlp 0r Hie Krlo It. It. and thu rouil Is now In thu hands of nn honest nnd able udmtuUtratlon. A boy convict, named Jnstlco Dunn, 10 ears of age, 011 Sunday evening, as ho was being linked up in bU cell in the House qf IWuge.Hendttll's Inland, slab Led unit killed hls keeper, S uuuol Cal vert, with a shoe-ki.lfo. Tho motive or tho murder wus revenge, Culvert hav ing punlshtil nlm for Infraction of ruins, Tlio French Assembly puts Its font down on tho Ititornnllonal. Tho bill for the suppression of Unit organization passed the Assembly without amend ment. Pontons holding office in tho In 11 'tlnnui, nr iinvinx nn.-. e oimciIiiii wnh tht body, will be llflhle In fine, linpr'-i n iiiqSt, and ib privation of civil and do me ilia riant. Final tiolfco Uild to have been i;l v il by lfVMi t, Tillers of France's ro nuticlmiim of the c nn n -rclnl tnnb with ISoglatiilt Thero was n llely Srona In Ihe Ho- irlish llouoof Coin o-o'is last Tueday when Hit Oniric Dilke's reolutloii t Invr-dlgnto tbn PXp"nsPof the crown 11110 up. Tlm propiMd Inqnlry pe idden the r)H'II lift, the dtitlm of slotK'ur ists attached lo the crown, and the In come and expenditure of Iho' Queen embraces tho liioomo of the l'rliicoof Wnle, tho cost nl c nirt ee'reiiirmles, royiil ynciits iiiidJourneylMgs tonntl fro, iinit even the amounts e.xponded by Ihe (ueeu in nuking pre-MiiN toiler frlmls. M.'. Aubcron Ileib-rt lee ouled Ihti mo tion. Finally, upon n divHioii being eiillid for, 271 memoir) returned lo ex pies i their aversion lo tho motion by their vele, whilo only two votes wore lecorded In Its favor. New AdvertiaouieutB. rp II I? O II A NO H VI UAi M AN U l-UO- X I'tllllNII CoMl'ANY. m v.nuj Acn'iosim or aci in c u ivr u it a n i m p i jUM kkt.h of the most Aptirovtd Putteins. ,13211 Gem-inn, atu! CtiltlttB-K or n'i doserlptloos. nr.Ai.nrs ijf Cleneral M'Tchnndl-e, Ijiimber, A?., Ac ORAKGEVILLK, PA. Wo wotil.l mninnco to tho publlo lo KoniTit Ill-it. wo Havo tiiciMi tin) woo l:nnwn Aitili-nllnr-nl Worun or th In iil una n'ml I initio Itnir dim In mnunruci tiro l;'lrit(;l in Aiirioiiltiir.il Inuiio- meiiti equal tnmiy other rankers lit fio .State, Threshing Jlucriiiu'W, nolh T.-vernu-.l Trsa-I Towoir. flows ejfovcj'.T Bcscvlpt ion, among wlilrtiwiU betlioeelabratca KNOr, MOUNTAIN I1KUO, rtr-lsnowlr-ilml by nil In In Iho b.9t plaw cr.lnnt IU. llll ...Lll.k.'l. UIU C:i:i:upion, Sterns' Vntcut anil 'a'lio "3o:itroso. ALSO, DOUBIiE CORN PIiOVK; El'o:: Kcllle.'-i, and L':isllrgs nf rvery dM-rlpl'iin. Wei.li-11 nn iionolmt ttin io i in iirmii ini'i einp ov nono in --iin-i. ii r nnil cxperiPiic 'n in oiaui3i iin-i our pricns wi i 0 Mnpaio i ivuinuiy wii-i uny oinur mii'iuiaciur 1 TH. Country rrolnoi. T.nmhor, Ol ' Iron tnl:pn In cxrlMliife. Wn nls'. Iimvh :i Htnoln rt ilni(-i-tlon with our Agrlciiliur-I Wnrlcs, Wier- nmv lie roiiml H full u-Kortniont t MKIt'.IIV DI-.I', whlon will itoBol i nt Bin II pr 'tits. (ll-o ih iv cnu '-croro ptiro a-iiia ci.-iouiii;ro una wo iru.ir ante. -iitlH-..ctlii WM.JOIINS'l.V. W. II.R'IITII I'rcsMimt. Soi- (taiy imroh'J.""-!-. OQ'Yf A MONTH inw lour Unlv. r il "anient (50 I O oinhlnntl(iii Tunnel lintln H-lo i-iit-ir, uud other nrtlulci. H.vco Novelty - v. -no , ilC. 1U.W1 11 AVI? V M-Mr: r.Al'liii.Y wiiii stciioii .unl llvii UJ lvo (Jlierlconlllin. Cat h Ii) ju-h miin n o. nmi mil p u tk-uliu'3 t'linu. ij. M, m-es-ix;i uriiiico iro, vt. nuwi t:0WOTII I-"IlH,UTO 110OII AGi:ST.-l I WJiiil yinir MtUlre1.-!. nt.-ttlti oxnorteii'-o. sucrei. unil UoitU uo v beilin, nnil i-ti-etvti fieoonr nv AGKNTss' l'OUKET COMPANION, Wo-tbSI0.U) tonnv lloo Al-phi. HUUllMlll IJKOa.. l'ul) Ishors, Kn.i.nin St., t-iiiidueipnin. 1U.WI AGENTS J AGENTS!! AGENTS!!! W.i will juy per voi(f lu -sii, ami pp n sos to irooil luouls who allien, iviiii u- nt tii-jo JJvur.vtlunj; i-.r Uti il, siMivs- U.vi 1 ,. iJUhSiiCO.. C'lmrtotl", Midi. THUKB YI3AIH in ti MAN Til MM! A commtnldii in "To Nimini im a P.au Ho m," hy T H. Auiiari:, (tho nuift i pulur l viiutjc in au ii ts.) no io I ',v. n is tt m ti lint! itxnos j ol I if ni it run liw ami sol i ti'r it I li ill hu iuciial ir a tliite .xuamlifti In u cttv tlruu shop, fitiuws ui Hi viloilueop I. m - irarilaO'l Id bar ioo h, ntid lailio m-'n p w rf il w tk t tlio klml evtr utMimi. Wi 1 Lo oyo ly r ad by Uiimsan-M, ami ih vr ain to bnv an Imiiumti al-. Apply nr au ay;u 'yiinlbi uoo a-, rcll unm lit m ny to J. .J, bTODDAH!) A CO, l'Ui IitJIltlH, I'llUUU l. 11UVI OFTTIlKi'MLY STNDI1D IIOOIC or tho kin I publishoiJ. A l 0 -..i cJ yearly by all who tin0' II Cvkmii hri Hindis hv Ai-nts in r,iiivii.siiw rnr u nan's IH lionarvf'l' Uv nihil L' ill It,"i !r,l.-i hi tvery Ucpar incut tl Iltun u HiJort, tl)ai i nny ot or possloln vny Krom5lio 1 u k hi mired It N for ovcrv Hoockro ut. Karnier, Trade anil lr 't''.s-ion. For ilio sick t d wt-I' A rcllablo hnnkof poriuanunL v Iim o o cry wldo awake prorrH Ivn pis m. It h- 'N 1 -olf. Kx im let" h AtUlrrKS, K M. lUd.u, i:&JijliUi Httcoi, New York ol-wl A r7? iIrrCl Wo av" 111 ,,r'y r U1,v ' "ow.low JVVJJji. xoprint praoitu h k Hint t-kikc to bo wtKPrlv M)i';ht f- r bv all o'iism h, .Il'St' tup. wooic vm i nn rrMis. it vui b iho clioapont and in ht salcahlo bouk ovoi puhll- lid a don a vitulty lot lcsttn na-1 mi riua soij. Jrct J-lvo ii'tnts Kbotiul lnso im t.mo, hut wrih ui. otiCi' tor pir 1 irs -n 1 m iuro boit tn rltory, 'or when wo hiiuoimk'iuIw illi-tmd a utio iho author, hho tho ntostpopn arund sin ful In Am-rlc i io-(iav, thin will a iuh for n('n hH lii'P'iidon it jou will mlw a anut chanco if joatl lav. Wo will hen t In1 to a'jAipM lllnstratod crru liranj Tonus t'mt tefv 'orup-ilMon Ad ircs G ICO. MAClifclAN, I'ublhhur lilCu'l 71 (HailMiu He-., I'lilhid l. DfeWjIIesfTsk; llrJlli ntivn rifiitiuH of Hit Sljihti find Ntt mi toim if N"o Yn-k TAMMANY FllAUDS. Ilini;r.iililtfs ot Vuniio hill, fruv, ei niiil nmi ntner K It, mnn ,UH, Ail nlmnt JO IMmank KIfc.1.1), llm Ml -i Hint I DWAIl i K, hluKl- -,. lbiiMis-lti,ictnvo(if -virOI) ji.ist'i, pr In-, ly ll'ii-ir.neil. AiHnts Wnn'iil. Bi-nil (1.1) fur imtllt, mill seciiin ((rri-o-v ut iiui-n eir-nnrii f-ii.-. IlillON l'lliJl,iaiHNu u , ni, Ik , (-, id. I5', or e'li-tlanntt. nl.wl WKLLS'OARBOIiIOT.AnLErS Finn otT'fii-, i uii'no no Tln-wTiibKi!M picscnt Iho At-lil In ('nm'iinnilon (?llh other ctlli-h-m ri-ino 1 1 111 :i po-nll ir fm in Mr rhu cur rnii tiiko v ruii'i r.UMi in m-k IIOAU'iUM-Ssulul Ui t'KIl.V'noN Dfiln. tlnoui urn Iniiiiptllniclv r-llnvi-il mil Kt ai-ninu nn i-ousliiiiily beliu si-ni in llv nro.ntHtor of rmli-i lllCH-O-Ol thro it ilitllcn ll, h of emu Ktoiiilinii. I'4 ITPIOV '(Uuelv.-d hy wortlilp-.- Vln U 1 1 Ui Iniltxtlo.x. (it-i nnlv W-IN' (.ul hnlli-'liiblrlx. l'rlru rmiU lmr Hox. JOHN li IU.I.UKIU, ISl'iiai Hi... N, Y. huuit lur i Ir I'Ulnr. MoluAwu fur thn U. nliiti'l on, woui.u i WEiti: a child aoaiNi nliihK Uif wo-iry und cxhnuiiteil oiii-, n Iho lun uiiiriuiil I Mlt udu of Hpilnif enniti-i nnuti hiin, Coiiifi nmi if culve vigor unit htrnatli hum tlu womlerliil HjmIIi AiiicrU-di Tonic JURUBEBA. Lonii-nnil mieoifnUy lncilln ttiniiilv(i.,tintry ns n I'nWfiftil Tunic, uuil l'nttnt I'nillk-r of t-,ii lllnoil, l Is ImiiHl nvi-i lo cxi-i-i"! tho nnt clpf IIoiih lounilml on 1W ureal ii-pntiiilnii, Aronnl. lux to li,u iiicilirul nmi -eli-uUllo iit-rlnilltuil-i ol Ijoiiilnii uml P.irl!, It p ssi-kii-.-, iiih most ''nwcr ml TodIu priiit'iln-H known In Materia M.dicn, Dr. Wells' Extract of Juruboba Isnpirfwt reinnH loralldl .-aeni tho IlLOOl). (ill -.Nli: WI-.KNi:s. (ILAMHII.i)l,- ll MIIIIS, UK' ills V i-Cll'iI-'ULA, IN'I l-JIIN I, All- HIH-nMX 11' ll Will 1(111 M'llll o'lSIIUI-tlonsol lll-l l.lVlllt. r-l'I.Kl.N INIIis'I'INj;-., Uil-.HINlv i.ml Ullf -411 Oil JV.NM, It ih NirMixini iiiiiKHinl no'irMilh'-. Llko im IllClnllSl SI I UlllCIl lUtO lll KllllilllCll It HUlllll- lult'a iiiii illlhn I'si-ll tluuu,h Iho ml till uljn. Kleins vinr nmi In iilfi. Il Iiwulitwi Ihu howulif, nuldtH tlio norvos, n t Uirooily on lli b-cu-llve oig iiin, unit, by tu pnw (rul 1'nhlo ivuil tr.sturiui4 bfl-s-iH, priidnois hpiillhy ami vitf ir-'UH ujtiou to tho wliolv uy tcm, .UiiN Q. Kin.l.OtJCJ, 11- Wall '-t., vew VorU. Hole Aticnt fur ilio Ilnlicil ht'iien. I'rl a 41 pttr Hot lo. riunit fur uiroular. iil2vi Asut.t-i WuiirhI fur thu .New Wurl;, OUlt OIlIIiUHEN, on Ho v In Mnhn mill Keep them Healthy. U.v AUtiU-tTW-K. (lAIIDvKIt, JI, ll. Lalo rruiustur In Nw Vorl; MiHllcnl i oIlrKA. It liau of Alnusi-iueii ii l-Ulnnii ion. 1' iys sl l)volopmui, DUo-oen, Aouhl n , MiniUmm, Ac. Imparttug u viu-t uinuunt uf nluiililu lniur iiiulln , onmluutive lbs lliwlth, Ilappluuwi, ami W'ellaru of llm ouiiK. WrlltrU In u pins lintklyld, ll W excluding! Iiileiiwlluian mil un lumiuiiilvo. Hvurv Fumlly slionlil liave It, and no IVruit nin ulfnU lob wnho Hi, ficnU fur drcu.uru lllvltitf lull lUltlpnUvi.- i)UPIi:i.li AIIMIMD, Piib'hhcr, (lto22'71-lt 111 Sunkoui Hlluei, I'lillautlphla Ik l.L Now Advttimas. TO lleiOK AOK.V"! MA UK TWAIVH KKV BOOK. " HOUGHING IT," Utrmt tnri'iin -i-. !0 ttnon.rt lonit. 1 1 n mofr Impnllr- (' dm 1 ilil mi I h ro l I O-i Wi-il i'iBlii-rrl'KV i -r I M enrlj id-hiiIu. Apilj rut Irt-atar- a term- m n n i-h i-1 .n a " m is a n. ri i e h r, 711 Hiiieom M riillii l-Iph'n, H0LLIDAY3BUM, Piv, DB1INA?.T, inv j i-irn WAi'eni I'nii.iiwi. Hiirlng Tei in Bi-Klm Apill iU Hiicrirul Thoioim'i, Koimmlcil, Hmi'lhrid, ITS TlioMitliiil mn'ttilliib'o t-ntOitllnt tor oh mhtlfiun Moa-ontli Hdupntlo'i. Hmotioul nei inii ni lnsruk, Vnt luionnjilon, wmnKir-i.oroalftrto i. iwrt mokh, l'iu littTin, In. Clionp Paring ! I'rcc Uonics 1 . o -run biNn o-Tim U.N10N PAt'lKIi' UMl.UOAl). a tAKninuxtoF 12,000,000 ACHES tt rnn 11!ST K.MtMtN'O ffn MIMG Ali f.ASDH IM .- :.iui u . 15,000,000 ACliK'-. IN Ji7E''K.fiR A ltftlR ORUtT I'l.iTTi: V ALLEY, Tho Gni't'e'i ol' tlio Wcsl, Nnw I'niiHvw i Tlipe Inwilii ur lnllior-i n.l nrtrtlon or the Uniiwl hui,im the e nt di-.rce-ii Ninth lull t'irtp, fie eoutml lino of tno iirrnt 'tpmprr-ito Zoneoflh- "lmrlOin I'oru-iioni .-nil Inr isruln Riiinrlno nnil kkipK ruining nuuipsel by any ,11 in- U 'Uttll i'll",. CHK PHil IN P.'.Ii i?. mnr fivninlilo. tnvmi ilvt-ii. nn-i mnip cnnvonieut to murk-t ilinn cnu io 'oun-i p'spwik-i- -. I'nBt! iiitiiEiTKAry mil actvat. set- The Jlrnl Lniniimm for Ononim BoWlpri ctillt'Bl ton ho pu'lpi'l nl ISO ncrrs. li'l-liA Pnhsi-s tn liu-(.i.ni(-rN nl l.nml. Heml for tli i pw l eii-riptlvp inm lilm. with new mn is, puliliihpi in Hi rMsii, (li rnnili, Hui-il nil nmi lm-,1 ll mn'K-d lu-o i vpiywhfie. Auiircn (ii I., Ijiii-1 Cirninl oner, V.V It H Co., Oinnlio, .Nth, i:X T'I Vnlll .VMiYIMCU VE 1ENT-W CABINET OHGAKS, - T'n- Mil -nn A IT i nil - O ri i n. rnsnoetfllllv nn.o .nt tin- inn- ulucti n - f luipi'iioiiii-ii h if inucn more ilinn oniinir.. ititt-i 1-1. i -icr. i nrc IlRKIl AND Ml'B OaUI sUl' OR 1AS hulng tlmn-ily aifecsiful onmblimium oi HI.AT, Willi icods I'Wiin j llAY'M TRA'-TOSISa KKV-llOAUt), trhlch ns.h hu instiii-iv tnnv-.il hi thn rl -hi n" li-fi, rliiiintliu tno pitch or irnn-nnHtit Iho Key 1 1- ilinivliiKS nnd ui-ncili.tiiiiis, oi i-Olmaliir, JJKW AND llWHIT HTYLKs 111-' DOtlULK KJ-.UK IWUINKI' O ( Rt Sun flllnn-l f!2 dell. Conslilrrl'igPiip-iClW, e. i'h-iiio-, -urn ruiio-iKii i.sno ne in iiii'k in.tii.uiji, i ii ju niuuiieuiicr I lit u ii uy b.iui.iiu nin 1. 'I'hoMinnn Ilim'iln O -cans urn ni-bnivl odcwl mr -in-' Imni mtr nn- Un ny licllllli-s ii r liniiiiitiititur - t'llx I'omuini- L-.m Iforl Hihl. no v nn nirln lo to tell nl print's h.oh reniiur iii.ni l N(i"l-.TIuVAni.Y IinlK-T. IVi'i ret ive nriicm tt-i i .'noli : flvn netiro or- cans Sin lii an t upwiir'- Willi tlircu kuis io-(1s flit una iwji'iH 1 rl, styl'D, up & .',1,1 i nt-il. fv li u iraL .1 Oiinl'ifuo. mil IVstlni ml'il fl'i'iil ir, nlt'i "..liiliin- -,r M-illB THAN 0li Til ilHANi' HIIMI IAN.-4.Huir rr- r. MASON.l KAMI. IN i.ltfl N CO.. lSlTioiuoiil it , lloHion. 6 itroaJ -iiy. N. Y, ron i'A iihu .sou.i potwr ia's $-10, $50, $75 and $100. GOOD. liURMiLK AND ('I1KAIM tjliltsptd Rc Hly Vhc ! mamifaci i hid ny J. V,'. I II M'JI.VN All) , SMril-on, Ind. wSmnl f iri Ircu'ur'Sa ilur 'rnnwli-.l If.')1) i CO 1 .U M I J 1 A K I ft K I VS U K A NT H CO O I'li'K-w NI)HIK; TOIl-s. . H. Iintwilpri I'rcs- ; ji. wiihoi, vini-rr c I ; ii-rn t 1 11 nuns, r ni .i .1 !'. I'iii- int. Km-'' : s I) tailor. III- rnni Vt llson, 1,11'wri Onti i- AV'm I'.i t-iii, InlM II. Il.i In. mn, .M. .11. Htrlt' 1,-r, .ine ,n H Mtluu, .liimn- N.-iT'ii-1 -r. iIpi. Ito'i-, V H.i'usc Alnos I i;-n...liihn Hiiaitcr, 11 H. Hs-iuK. l or lu b iroiic-. or ai-iii'ii n, n Itlrr-KS J. K. I-HUB il'KF.Haj'y. (Wn nhl , Tn ea-v.i i-otii: assuui o ..e-c 11111111. -ttunuw I'liutlnHHlviiii;. I''iliul nt til. Jilsl. Ill trodni'fil In tlm I.OIJI I A n. '. I.H-'R AHSUll ANi'I! -O 'IP.TV OK NKW YORK ny ullmllllll t'iitlovin-lil I'oll'iy is grniuoil hi nnoir ikiii I'lllii llud ul HJtu-iM, l"lpoi ti .01 pivmiuuisiutiiiiioi " !)r) " ait ' " " .SP'.V bUSlIlL-SN. 1 -.71. :11.3 il.O tl 1 trizodt lu wol'lit. H-ut h. . is, n.iii 1 1 I no nn -, . , SR,ui:i0D Iidhtha- Astonti Wiino-ii i-vri viviiem. Ail'lioas I. li. iti nisrui (ii'i 0. i akciu, .'iWCln-'Httillt -SI., I'lul.. luipil a. rplic I"! 111 ni- ilolil It 1 iinsi m il , or. ihor 1 liitti-h'ililli-r. T'l'i 111 illlil.. A ivr)iiuil(!', IIX 1 01 i ins i,s i iiil I. cip is ,." a Wiiuiiill us Isi.t isrniit nnil Nlnso, In i imrrH , n t 1 - I-ii-l 1 1 and Hospital tull- iit- 1 1 1 ii . i a' 1 ) is, uii'i p I r ill i li i-ti-u-. Tills nlw ii lilnK h loll i-tt-.iinllv Mills-ti-.it'd, i town itvo , nnil bi iiutiitillv biiuiiil In c-ioih, richly ornainonl'-'i In iil.m nnil goi I 1 hulil nnlv- hv t-tli)H.-,lninn. l'llno&i.i. lMlIU iu-lphl.t I'll J I I1I114 o P111I1L ulp'iii, I'.I. Tnu Agi-nts who Ilist --i-uil sl. '1 lo-ouitl w'illyi-tlhe 1 11 iLory inr una ins t,u 11114 o j c. aarcA ui'KX . nits, uui L,L)EWH,-a nnil nil who c inipiiin nio r.iillding -a ,iil le 1 with 0111 new Illustr.ilo li ntiili)ai-o.HrcuL-l,iloffitn.i)p D3..V. J. llIi'KNKt.1. 4 Co, A-cnllai-'m-il Do -It I'U'iliaiiera, 1.7 wira Hi., N". Y.-jTa AQKNIM WANTIIII FOU A WDHK DIM IRIP IVU Ih" I'l I'Y O" Nl.W YlillMunil uVAfUOU-H IUVM. I'" ai li-nilnrs and w nlulm In.' s its lllxll unil low lil.i; xls iinirnlo pal u-rB tin 1 ilnr dt-nst tt iiluuill'ii N n ml -I ii,l-i ; 1 n UIN'H '. I'ltAI'DS, Its It.ntlug ilinn un io'tti-la atltsndvuat.iror; Us.- ,.i nn--; It in t-ti'iii-iniul c linn, Illustr tlnl wlm iioariy 1! 11 lino iu ur.ivlusn. S-nd 101 ciicuhirK, v.llh turiii-ir-il it fll, ihs cil.il'iinori iu trorK. Nu'iuUitl rubil--nun Co., I'hll.i., ' .1. WANTED. AGENTrf 'ro foil Ih I nip uvi: 1 1'Vn'r.jU'j ilowlnj M;i'jt-lao. M-hus four -lili-in'it mllo iei. Han tno uiilk l'uiir n-.n.s. 1-VMt'iiH Its ovu ends I'or Tteauty, Simplicity nn 1 urnbtllty. Is nltli on ispisi Lihitil ii-un-. Hnlu.io un, No. ll-.-tl Uln-Miuit ML, l-hlladi-1, nli. WIli ON b. I'KNNYl'.VCII. H, UuikieOM, 1 OKMTs W M! I'. Audits nial: ipme 111011. lrl i' at tv,., li t 't' ua iliati at 1 iiy.ntim oIkp. J-li.fU C'i-1. Il-thl unil pi rutu ,r 1 . 1 an uiil 1 1 1 H I u. '11 i ti Co., b'.n 1 i l 111)11. Ill l,s. I'orl- nui M-ilnti. IT y Hllllin Co. N.Y, 1st (I nsofjoe Vong nits. U.K? auiua 01 j ti'r u 11 1 1 lies In C out o cundWamIoT ,-ii,.,'I 01 ll.ir( . -ur.il I'll n Ua ti-ul, I)' I- UI l-.NK d: Cll-s I'llild i-xll id, Cun-H -.11101 r, h rofiiln, vnhl'ls Oit.r'h, lib-u milium. Niuiila. t'ulin -11 'rv ouipl.ilii k 1 lt-.-r -, H il It 11 ui, lili D-i'iisns ml I'l-xHl Ins asi's. Is pur' lv vi'ix'-uhin. I'ii-Ii st buow.i liluivl 1' iriil, r. te .Id by all lining xt. 1'no . a poi bo tin " -'tl-v lii,'t,llj 11K1U. ti-til fjl ( in-u'.ir eiiili- , " l.irBt.. N. rul fttn o isi-nf lll.p-l ITlod ir, lich n it U o mtPil ,. 1L11I lir, ltr.:.. On t , 115 8SlUl HY l-l'ls IO 1-uri-. II 1. in. pmii ."(piioaiv' id diiHinm- it-s, aim noihlbg ilbu. tso'd by ul' Dt-uiSJiis, IVlo 1 il.bi. .Man h'.'i'T-.'-lv Tleslaiiraiit M DiniiiE Rcoies. FKANK SMI I II. I-mjii'lftor. riiiLM)i:i.i'iiiA, N II. T1.0 ln-n!nn Is rs-iiiral, Ihe mmlabinti. atientiv., at il t o tub i' upplli-il with iliu id-i ii iu.ii 1-i,-t i.ll'ur. n, la-all (ill I well touUud. llic him a i'u-1. r M. KEI'IIEAUT, ' J WITH iiAUNTii, nno. & iiEnnoN, HATH, t'AW, HTISAW fiOOIW ft UIW, No. TUi HUikotrlttwt, (AUive Hllh,) 1'UII.AtiKll'lllA, AlKWIUCHiT A (.()., 'WIIOLLHAI.!-: UHOCK' f, K, l:, Corn.r tiicsjnd uud Ard. riirrcls, I'llll. IPKLl-IljA, Dtsilom n TKA1,8YIlUrH,('0It'Fi:E,HUUAIt,i!0I.AS8UH 1 kick, HFlrxn, mi rAnnop.t,.ic.(c, J-OiUera will roo- vo piotapl atlfnllon. may H),7-ir. f JJAItVEY II. WAIdCEU, Willi MEAIt, BCllKOPP- A (JO., mi'oinnis A.N'Ujuiiutioiui' CHINA, ULASfl NU QUEUNSWAUi:, o. 1L8 NOUT1I BIICONDhT., l'lIILAIiELI'IIIA, S-OitKliial nkortod ltcliai(6 of Qucc nawuro constantly on hand, 1 mbtfu-u. ii 1.1 a W (:)"" J. rildllNTON 1 4, vrmil-l niinmilipliltithf fltlN-ntiof IUeimi i, nru "mi vicinity, thnt lihul rwttlTert nfull unit rnmilp nmnrtm-nem WAt,I I'Af KR, WINDOW HltAUfiH, ri)iTt'iir conn, TAwn.i, ,nd oil mint Hiniit-. In III" if tic- ol hnMnvm. All l- ii'-noM I'tia ci"Hi npp'nvcii pniirrn or mo i n- lwnv lo ht fennrt In h MiliHhBtrt. nut (,-!' ' Mlr Ml IwlMW WH'llW. JTKW MT11VIC AND TIN HHOP. mAitn HAiioiu'i'ii, Mln Krr-tl en door loe B. MtnulrnuoU' ier. a lint Mwirtmmn or to. llminr ixui nniillf.i-ODiilniUly mi Imud.nnrt rnr le At tho (iwm i-rip. I'mnlni In nil It brii(irMoirrAillr'llcnilai(i, ii'l mUlirm-tlon (nnrAiiMMl, Tin worn ol nil inrt tholownmna r-ltl. A mi in rwnwirt, Jul) ''71 LOOJl.sUUiea .13 xi n Hi u tv t u n s. MAIN MHNKT, lIKtOW MAKKHT, Ht.O 'MSHUIl ), I' , Mmiumpo'ii. Tnmlii. Iloniltoiirt. Ac Work lil IV cxppu'pij Ofilot by null will rcpIVo iim-pIiiI Hlloutlun, ?f . M, Work ilpllvrrril frcnol oiiinip. T, ii. (iUNK)N, rroprltnr, CCllH 71-ir. I . (i. not l)7. "KTVUIIINAHY. AUOUHT t'BIKNt', I'll.' Ill III yirt IllBlli , U11VI9 ins burvicos 10 II1-J pnbllr nn n cftnlnitlfil IIOntHK AND COW DOCTOH, and all oilier aiilmalx, for which liln rlinrgs nrn inoiinrNii-, nn fan aiwiiva oe iniuiii i-nni niiio 01 isnrwlck loud. iii-HrK. ll..la(s)ty'a Marble Yard, iiiuiiiiiMuiiiv. .)lllj l lsii-iy. JAHOsVINS BAROAINS. QUICK sai.ki ash ma Mi pitorirs. rlAVK VOTIlt MONI1Y. Oo lo lli-itri.t. t-rvu-n I'.iwl liloomHburg, l'n., for all (tlmls of the best hivil Kud ollv initiln r U II N ITUltli, Prions remniUHlile Hnd Iho lie ' -ira. done, Inn I'Ti-tf ll EMOYAL!! T. W. XILESV M U S J U W A It E ll OOJIS liuvo boen removed to thu NEW BRlOlv UUILDINO orrostTE tiioKinso JrAfiCitonoii, main at. Whsro Uo -will keep n ieiiefatnirsortmcnt of TUB LATEST 8IIEET MUSK), PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, auinii 1:1:1m oi musical iifsTiiunnsfp. Alan MOaiO I!001viSfrUIN.iTr.UMKNTa. PIANO AND ORGAN 8TOOL3 ALL BTYIJI AND I-ItlCKK. TIIJC SHOEMAKER PJANO Ls tlio clieapest First Class Piano in tho market. Having tosiiiotl Ihu Agency ol the eino. woods' r.t'.NowNKD ohoans, for Columbia OJiiuly, toiolher with tlio uru.Em'.ATKD TSJiPi.t: ANGi:r.ie'. fnnilshci nUvanWgoa to narcltaiorj not fjund ulsewaoro. STATIONARY OF ALL iCINDS. A full assortment of SQUARE AND OVAL FRAMES, nil stylo 1 and prices coafcUutly on hand. sn:"iii:ait.viNa'i, ciiiiomo-i .e- ror.oitr.D 1'lltN W,MTi:itt05COI'ti AND VIIIW ft. C3-Cill and examine. mc!i3'7-6 n. glKTIi ANNUAL Sl'ATEM I' NT oi-' 'run CONTINENTAL LI FE I NSU RANGE COMPANY, OP NLW YOltK. Vninlierof Vollclcs, IsiiieJ la If'I. 10.17) Atnoimt Insured on muiii-. J.'O.SRIOl w N) lioln iniinbi r ol is lico l-s-edby iliui'onipsuy In Die. Slat, J,.';0 Inconn- durlnii 1S7I. ! J.7S1) (ii k-j I'.iiiI clnrin- bv Dnslb and Alum lira, ii'j l,s.a tn) I o pulley holdeu, rnr ilvliWnds, lelurned pi p. iniiiins, puichatisl po'l'-tea. S7U7.7 ( 51 A-mm lauiliiry 1-t Is7. t"),3oJ6H Wi 1-,..,TrNf.,.,AT' ' I'iMIT OK TIII3 IIIODMH- ll"(l AOIIM.'Y. (X)NI'INi;VTAIi LIKI-JIN- ii nn;-umi'a"n y m' AiiW 0KK' ' " IlIisNO'.! Officii:, ) LUDWia OOMIMUIAS 11UII.D1NQ !- 'U liiuuaiiuiia, I'h.s.sa j HltOL'KlVAY, Oener.il AkcuU, Number nr npp'lonlluns seut to hoiuoottVo. sa lliauriince on wuue, Vi,. .,.,, lolleia-(elV(d. '00 jnaurnueudii siime, Jill 5.M1 Vn inluiiiH 011 iihovo pnltcles. si 57 j 11 Iho iiKiiiity hiis hail nnu, net lotaia bin' pilil ViSni'S"" "' W.m ',''" Jcrslmtl. ol Mooresl (UK, J" 'oure- uui-.wltiniasiusurodby llin llnr rUburK, Agent, J K Kisto,,, j,ir ' t.',Wj W AOKNTB! H. O. Coiy Hpeclttl Aut. Wuyneoo, Hnuf-aJale. Kll llambliu.l.oeal aijI.. " " Hull aUrtlllo I .. I. I'll man, cjieclaiAKl,, WyomliiB eo.,Hliu. miHhildy .',,'",'rsl"'I,0ulA"ll 1'radrord c., liarclay. Ii. il, Illce. ' " " jtuaie i'. H Kooiui, " " HlilcUabluny. ""' l'. O. Wn lswnrth, Special Ant., Towu Hill. I.u. zinoouuty. O. U. Mdilieit. Hpoelal Ab., Light SLreet. Dr. Lliuplu, lli-lil 11. I. .1.U f. lll,..U 11...... .v. 11,111 1'i-'iiir, i'ltuto I'u. i nos maoui, i- mnuiii, pa, IJ e)iiover, llrucli Hitvau, J, Oaliea, Dauville, p INK LEY K.N11TINU M uMli THK MIM1'1,H!T, fill' I Khr AM) 1 U-Kt HAH HIT ONI: I,. ti 1 . Clltl.II CAN ltt'N 11 1 lindiineil (i(tllt fur 11k ih, otiuin , ndlia wlm ('islic In libit nr I lie n,,, it lloMI'l.i lll(h (I 111 111" 1 lt, n , wiiU-nlliM ..nil iinptui ufcnfiunli, Ami abUtidld for f(i'nl- m -1 1 . 2'&&l?M I,VI: IHHI.M.M M M'HCIII Ate ury ) to in. m, llablo lo 1 tt mil 01 orurr. im, i mi. i havo oiii'. We Htil on ArmiI In -i ij ti, i) , mill foil ilium, ionium, vim u, i 11m , . Indui'diiiiiilp, Minut luronrl in 1 Inn . Windmill. ittl 1 ens. UlNKIihY UNIITINU M,t,, , nnv. lii,'7i-ly. ' t. 11 O W'EJt, liua opdlitit it flrsUi laaa BOOT, 81I0K, HAT CAP, AND H x . nttbooldatnndou MnltiHIrcet, nionin- n diHira iibovc the Court lloiiso, Hissin pimedol thn very latent nnd hcstRlvk-si't, ed to llierltlr.unsol Columbia Cotiuit . noconimiHlaUitiiopubllowitlitborolPiw . atlholiJWOBt r itcti, Meu'a heavy don . atonn bonis, men'h double and sliiBle 1 , kip boots, men's heavy atnun ahni a or nil' , men's tine bnola und shoes ol all iinul, dnuhle soled bouts und.slioi'S ol nil klm loye kid Ilalmural hoes,tneir, wouilii'' (nil 1 inlsst-s' InatliiKKaltera, women's ,', Polish very lino, women's morocco ISalnioi caltahoes, womou'a very rtn kid but tout 1 , ers. Ilishnrt b,)nii,o nlliloitTlptlonauolli . Ho would Alto ea .. i.lk 11 ' )hla no ment of AT, CAI'a, l e.lW AND NuiIOIt I, which compi-lncs nit Hie now and populni ellesnl prlcoa wbloh catiliotfalllom t ,.i . Roods are ollared at the lowest en .'i r ! will bo Hnnratileed tnulvu saltni.ictloii, is kOllclted beturo iiurcbaaiiiu ehiowh? 1 1 blleved that better Imisiins ro to t . "l " r i',,' w 01 uiBionuty. Jan 171 yjXOIlANOE UAKl ltY A h u CONFIIC T I O N E R Y , uLooitsnunu, 1' v. Tbo undersigned, sucref-sors or r (,i would respoi tluliy aiinnunre that tiny taken the wcll-establ ibIusI aland rcrentrv plwl by tho above named, In liloom ,1. 1 prepnreil loeontluno th Im, luc a 1.1 1 lurlns nnd selling, by WHOLESALE AND liLTML, CoufocMoiiery of every stylo and kum ihvy will linvoat all tlniosn coi-.pl, -t hu thu best nnd Ireshusl Itruul 111 1 ( 1, di-slrinj iinytht.ur In this Unn will llud it 1 , advnulngo to cull on in. AN ICE fJREAlI .sALOu ' Isndded tn Iho eslahllsbnn at, nnd 1, 1 1 nthirawho may p.Ui'onlzu us, may re v 1 upon r i-clvlug , roper utleullon, , r 11 ah ire 1 or puhll- pntrotiiiil.t is respo mm. s 111 lUspbnir.v. 1,-uio.i, iiini n her yuii', 11 and amull qn.iutltles. const nitty nn 1 1 I Dl.UICl.lt t" T May 5. K7I.-U- .VfONTOUR iiou.se Ii- HUl'KItr, I'A. WILLIAM IltIiLr.lt, l'lopri.. or, Tills Home h (Vina boon p.illu tln-irin hr Is now open f r the reception nr isiidsN, pilns will ne spArnd to emur Iho pi 1 roll or iho travelers, Tne I'rnnrlutir sin share of public patronise. Tlm bir w slnckod at nil tlinns vltu nno dqaors 11" 1 I.uil'71 EN'TON IIOTF,!, A". P. IMATT, '.'r .p-i.' ,r, IlKNTON. i'OLUs'III IW'M'I. I's. I tils well knottn Ilmisi' ti .vn ticci ihoiomrb lepulr Is now opfii tin Hieti 'eit vlaltots No pnlna have he( ti spireii'. , the pei-itel enmlnrl ot ku- si , Hit pi n also runs u Mage linm the tl-ip-i 10 Ilio 1, and lulei'iiiedUtn points on I' icstluj 1 1 and -SHtnrit-iy 01 each u-is '.- ,,i 'IHE Ecil'Y HOTEL. JIMl'Y, fXlLUIIIlllA fOl'.TI , Tho unilerslgiitil would inlu-.-m Mir puhllellut In lisstnUen bealsiteuuni Ilshment and thoioiiKhly relllti") ihi m the period convenience of his -iii-sis. ii will beatiicki-d with the best the m ir,. 11 Thn clolcl liquors, wines uud clgiu , be (ouiid In Ida bur, W I Ll.. tan , I . TOE NATION Ito Rulora ancl Institution1:. IN KVUMSLl AND GKUMAN Notlilng itkf tt. Htrlk h itryi"K.y ti- m li'iolc ihcy tieiM. It W mi Mir elirpiuili.t Oowrnmt nt. Innii pne n It, itrt- -.i i Np1?H Yllltll Ulli pllCOOt 1 iHhtlOU til''' i't (ind on It Si 'iU, A Illuii Hat vtkl lor i ituv itiHlt-h Kiid KcnllciiiHii iitm-ih, t.ufiii iStndf-nU. One ayent tool; boniei utii fjitfi dt velar titonc, bcitnt the IwuK apttcw 5ti u iloy chu he li-niod lu Mir tiui W i mn'o ir I'irciilar ut iniVinuii'lon ' WOlli It riTHJ.lhUINO CO., tor V li ntnl t htt hSttYHs.lMiliaaL'tiihi.i. , . 0 - PE11FECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. TJ10 first nnd only sell feeding Auisrin 1 , Move evi-r tuoiuisl Unit will l'tiu-i-. it Consume nil thoiMse. Wannnted thu HKvr ui;a.INU HTe)M the country. HeiM for I'rke List and Circular t' MITUIILLL, hil'A'KSaOs ' 1 Move Maiiiiliictuiers, l'lttabuib. I i E N T I ii T R Y . 11. e;. 110WER, dentist. Kespectfully oUera lita proiesioual serv tbo ladles ami i;tiutlemeuol llloomsbur, elulty. He Is piepared toalleud loallti, t oua oiicralion!. lu the line olbla protet-,, -lspiovlded with the latest tuipioved I'uiu 1 Teeth which will be lu&erttd on old pin silver and rubber b.iae lo looli 113 .ellusiln urn) teeth. IVeih extracted by dill tie u . most approved methoda, and ail operation 'hn teeth careliillyaiiit proptiiy iu'liioi d i Itealdcnce and olllco a lew doers 'ii'v .ourt House, aamo aldo. llhiotusburc. lan.l'7i ly "yULOAN WORKS, 1) A N V I L L 10 I' A. WILLI VII II. LAW, Vnnwrneim'rot Wrouijhi Ir-m Hut-; 1. 'i (l.ishoiiiers, l-'l c.-jii-t il tiulltilns, w "ii iloollu.i, llootluit I'm no-., 1-1 nn uii; n ul ! l'.i 111 Uiitin tunl fi ueliirf .1 mi Wiinniiii 1 o I11K. -Sim In sod mi Ulmls ol Hmith VV' a Ii-ialrs inompllv slti-iiile-t ui .N It I lawlngs and Kstuuules sup, Ii 1. oel-.TJl-lJ. r(pU E liREA T MAUle;.aL (i t: f i. f Will tori'" iv Ik' IuU.uI sel of WhKltel-s 01 (Hi-lie.lii from -wotn three uioutis,oii un. ami over Uvelvn ye-irs i'ld D Is nn,-ni it.e prepiiiutl un to 11, like Un- v-'hisktra ero : everwHsIm wn One bni'lt if I ta.uilleiii pruiliieea u-ij sIiiuil' Unit! ! dis-s 1101 in tvsy slain or injur" Ihe sUln Ti ii t 1 , hllllllilU, J'rlc- OT eelll- p'.l ! lilt- Kel.' Tinll pns paid, 10 nns tit ititas, ot. 11 1 price. Address WILLI Ol 1 W.iONH, Alelldlsvllie. mill lS.'71-Iy. Attains (ililiti,l NSU)' ' N I (I 1 Wyojnlna 'tu KlUUau N. V, North Aiarikw ray (uteruullniiHi N.Y NlHiru N.Y M MercUuula HviriUKilohl . ,. , Fanners' HauvilJe.N.) Albany l.'lty.... Danville, Ilnrae Tbell , Atlantic, N. Y Uenuama, N. Y KKIHU IIHoW.S 4it." msi3l'7i-ly. IIi.oos-h - A Nl'.W YOItlf. CORK, AND I IVPHI" ' Nl'.W AM) rULI,-l'l)Wl:lt.D HIBliiMt ' fllKHlX LAIICI1-HI' INTill;V(iltl,l) O0i:.Nll'. I Ll.'l II'. ISKIIII. li ATLANTIC. IIALTIC', A 1)111 tin II KM nns bur'loi 3.H h p. each. Klillllff Iroin New orl( OIIHAI'IJIIDAVH, I :i Liverpool on TI1UH.S1)YH, uud Cork II n the day lollowlnu, from tbo Whltu Htar Doolc, Vavouu ri Jeiaey Clly, I'daaeiiKur necoiniiiodatioiia (for all el unrivalled, eombinluK HAHllY ril'hl-.D.ANDe'OMt'-OI'.T Haloons, stale-risims, ainoUlntf-Hsnn aiul 'ista Inomslii inldsblpaeellon, where ieuat mutmii 1 lell, hurifcous und ituniirile-aea uccouii's these ateamera. 1Utvj Miloou, SS sold. Rteorniie, SJiirurr.-a cy. 'IhoiotvlablUB lo aenil lor Irleuda ir nn b Oltl Ciuiulry can now obtain bteeiaua pi- uu cerllllciitea, tl-i currency. fuaaetiBers bonked lo or from all pa ' America, rnrla, llauiburijh, Norway, MVe- -India, Australia, iihlna, etc. Haeinalon tlcketa granted at loweat ratoi, lirafla from tl upwards, ! or liianeclluii ot plana and otberlnfiiriunlin'i apply lo No, ID Jiroadwjy, New York. J. II. M'MIKis. A Kent, Orlo W.l'KAC'OeK, J.lhlitf lJlooiti.hurK, I'A-