Agricultural,. Small farm Maxims, 1 Hiimll fiiniiHixru rhcnpcr mul easier to iimuago than largo 01109 nntl Day boi ler for tho capital Invented. Thcroforo small farms nro bo3t. 2. If you want to limit 0 your farm pay, you must glvo It your dally, per sonal attention. But If your farm Is too largo you cannot do this; lionco, as I said above, small farms nro best. !) Tf you don't want your farm to run away, you must stop tho llttlo leakB. Wo may expect fowcr leaks on u small plnco tlinn a blc ono; licnco ngHln, small farms aro boat. 4. Food your land well, and It will feed you, It takes less to feed n fow acres than a great many. So you seo email farms aro best. C. If you would Uvo long and enjoy life, work a little, then rest a llttlo. But If you havo a largo farm you must labor all (ho time. Hero again, small farms aro best. G. To rnlso big corn you must keep email irrrtss. To mako small gross you must cut often. So In this wo find small farms aro best. 7. Ifyou havoagoodfonco.younood fear no lost) by stock. But foncos aro costly. Thus onco mora wo And small farms aro best. 8. If you want good roads, and plen ty of schools, churches, and. mills you must havo n denso population. If farms nro largo this is Impossible Therefore, I declare small farms to bo tho best. Farms Bhould Increaso In value year by year. It costs less to Itnprovo a fow acres than a great many. Hero as bo foro small farms aro best. if. Hr. J., in llural Carolinian. Clear ana Dry Stables. A liorso will enduro sovcro cold weather without much inconvenience, so long as ho is furnished with a dry stable. But requlro him to stand on a wet and foul floor, and his health will soon begin to fall. Horses often suffer from eold feet and legs. A great many stables havo damp and wet floors. Fow men who handle horses glvo proper at tention to tho feet and legs. Especially Is this tho case on farms. Much tlmo is spen t of a morning in rubbing, brush ing, nnd smoothing thohalr on tho sides and hips, but at no tlmo aro tho feci ex nmined and properly cared for. Now, bo it known, that tho feet of a horso re quire moro care than tho body. They need ten times as much, for In one res pect they nro nlmost tho cntlro horso. All tho grooming that can bo dono won't avail anything If tho horso is forced to stand whero his feot will bo filthy. In thiscaso thofect will become disordered ; and thon tho legs will got badly out of fix ; and with bad feot and bad legs, thero is not much else of tho horso fit for anything. Stable prisons generally aro terribly severe on the feet and leg3 of horses; and unless theso buildings can afford a dry room, whero n horso can walk around, Ho down, or roll over, they aro not half so healthy and comfortable to tho howo as tho pas ture, and should be avoided by all good hostlers in tho country. Land Waster. Tho commonly received Idea of tho valuo of Land Plaster in commercial manures, is that ItJIs only serviceable as an absorbent of tho volatile elements, as ammonia, which It will hold in the soil for tho use of tho growing crops. Also it Is an absorbent of moisture, and theusaofit, (Ukosalt in this respect) may mitigate the effects of drought upon tho soil. Its effects, however, when applied alono to corn, havosoveral times attract ed our attention. Whether applied at tho root, or a thimbleful dropped Into tho bud of tho growing corn, the ef fect Is great in maintaining a vigorous growth and rich green color. Hero is what a correspondent of tho liuratJfew Yorker says of his experi ence In the use of plaster on corn : "Tho past season I used plaster alono on ono piece of corn, skipping two rows each fcidft of tho uaplastcred. This was a triangular-shaped field of ono aero and ono-fourth. Tho corn on tho two not plastered weighed 183 poudds ; shortest rows plastered, 224 pounds; longest rows plastered, 274 ponnds; or about 100 pounds of corn by using plaster to 7.1 pounds whero not used. Thero wero 150 bushels ofcorn on this piece." Fruit Trees. To mako fruit trec3 bear largely for many years in succession, tho soil under thein should not bo cultivated, should bo ploughed summer nnd fall, and manur ed every year ; it is said that tho best manuro for bushes and trees is their own leaves and twigs ; these should bo gathered together In a heap every au tumn, mixing thcrowlth somo barn yard manure, to bo dampened occasion ally, to keep tho leaves from getting dry nnd belnf bio .vn away ; then spread out in tho early spring; In addition, a bushel of Hmo mixed well with two or -threo bushels of wood ashes, spread un der each treo onco a year, would add greatly to their fruitfulncss. Tbo reason fruit trees dlo in a fow years, or begin to bear less fruit and of inferior quality, is becauso tho trees, not being manured, exhaust thoquallty of tho soil about them, necessary for their sustenance. Oats for l-jimln. Tho Importanco of having Iambs ready for market at as early a period of tho season as possible, h a matter which every farmer who lives in tho vicinity of largo markets, understands or at least ought to. It may porhaps not bo known to all farmers, that lambs aro ablo to eat oats when from threo to four weeks old, nnd my experience has been that thero Is no provender with tho uso of which I am familiar, that appears to havo such an Immodiato and salutary effect upon them. All that Is necessary to bo dono is to moiston tho oats, and placo them In a trough rahed nbout six or eight Indies from tho floor, and whero tho old shoop cannot got at them. Those who aro skeptical In rogard to this matter, can very readily tost tho valuo of this suggestion on a slnglo lamb or a pair. Cor. Journal of the Mvrm. Kje for Milch Cows. A foreign paper says: When ryo Is of good quality, it certainly constitutes an ejreollnnf. fhnri tnr nil Iilmt. .r.i..i. Dairy cows fod dally on flvo ponnds of 1 jv mem hum u Bumviency 01 cut straw havo been found to yield very larce miaiif Itlfs nfmlllr in iriin.,,1 is famous for Its excellent butter, ryo " .""tu ujwo , huu in deed, generally throughout northorn and central Europo thero exists asgreat a prejudice In favor of ryo as a cattlo food as tboro is a prejudlco ogalnst it In heao countries. THE Young Folks. The Slory of a I'lowr lllosioin. BY AM KM A K. DALEY. A bunch of pink clovor opened hor eyes ono morning nt sunrlso, and looked nbout her. Sho grow near tho gato of n llttlo garden In tho country, nnd was ono of a largo number of pink clovers. On each sldo of tho pathway, loading from tho gato, woro llttlo flower-beds, bordered with whlto shells, and filled with gaily tinted flowers. Thero wero panslcs with tholr purplo vests, roses with pink, blushing petals, fragrant whlto lilies, nnd many other flowers. Thoy nodded to each other In tho morn ing nlr, and seemed very happy. Pink Clovor thought thoy wero beautiful, nnd looked at her own dress as well as sho could. "Am I llko youV" sho said to a largo clover that grow near her. This clovor had boon in oxlstonco threo days, and hor blossoms woro be ginning to turn brown on top, but sho did not know It. Sho nodded her head to tho young clovor, nnd said, "Just llko mo, only as you havo not lived as long as I havo, you cannot havo so much sense." "Is my head turning brown?" said Pink Clover. "No," answered tho other, "you nro qutto pink nnd fresh. Wo clovers pro- servo our beauty a long tlmo." And sho straightened herself, and shook a drop of dew off ono of her leaves. Pink Clover thought It very strango that tho other did not know sho was fading; but sho said nothing, for fear of giving offenso. Tho door of tho cottago was opened, and a llttlo girl camo out and ran down tho walk. Her oyes wcrons bluo as vi olets, her hair shono llko corn silk, and her checks wero as pink as tho roses. Sho woro a whlto frock, and a long bluo sash. Sho ran to tho flower beds and, began to pick tho flowers. Hor mother camo stood nnd In tho doorway. "Gath er tho most beautiful, "sho said. Pink Clover watched tho child as sho went from flower to flower. Sho thought sho would not llko to bo pluck' cd from her stem, and wither away, Sho leaned forward and whispered to tho roso that grow near her, "Why do you not resist V Your thorns aro long and sharp." "Wo do not bloom for ourselves ;" answered tho roso ; "wo aro mado to glvo pleasure to man, and when wo aro gathered, though wo droop and dlo, our mission is fulfilled." Pink Clover was slleut. Sho wished tho llttlo girl would pluck her also, that sho might gladden a human hoart ; but tho child passed her by and took tbo beautiful roso. "No ono thinks much of clover blos soms,"saIdatuftof gras3, "or of tho grasses, but tho same hand mado us all." "Wo too havo our work," said tho old clover who had spoken before; "whole countries would bo desolate without us. Wo make glad tho waste places." Tho llttlo girl had gone Into tho house, but sho soon came out again, bearing her flowers. Hor mother came with her. They got Into a little wagon that rattled up to the gato. Tho child's father stood by tho wagou. "Wo had bolter tako somo grass with us for tho horso to cat," said tho moth er ; "cut that close to tho gate." The man brought a scythe and did as sho told him. He cut down Pink Clo ver, too. Tho back of the wagon was filled with grass ; tho father took bis seat, and Pink Clover found herself go ing to tho great city. "But only for a horso to eat," shesaid to herself. Tho wagon rolled on and reached tho city. It Jolted over tho stones of the streets, and tossed Pink Clover quite high in the air sometimes. Every thing around looked so dirty that she wondered how any ono could want to Uvo there. The llttlo girl wondered too, but her father told her thoy would soon come to plcasauter streets, and would seo many beautiful houses. At length, In turning a corner, tho wagon jolted so hard that poor Pink Clover, when sho was tossed up, did not como down on tho grass again, but right In tho dirty street. No one saw her fall. Sho lay there, and tho wagon passed out of sight. "Not even to be eaten by a horse," sho sighed. "I must wither, and be trampled on by careless feet." Several hours passed, and tho little bunch of clover lay fading in tho strcot, Tho hot sun beat down upon her; tho dust blew over hcrj, but sho had not been stepped on. A boy passed along tho street. His clothes wero clean, though patched and old. Ho looked sadly down as ho walk ed. When ho reached tho corner whero Pink Clover lay ho saw hor. His face brightened ; ho stooped and picked her up. "Poor llttlo blossom," hosaid, and walked on holding hor tightly in his hand. Ho turned out of that street Int6 ono still narrower and dirtier. Ho entered a wretched house, passed up tho stairs, and went Into a small room. It was clean, but very scantily furnished. A sick girl was lying In tho bed asleep. Her hands were so thin thatovory bluo vein in them was vlslblo. Her moth er was bending over her. When tho boy entered sho raised her head. "How Is sister?" ho asked. "Sho is easier now," answered tho mother, "but sho has beon suffering very much. Sho longs for puro air. If sho could havo that sho would Uvo. Tho boy held up tho bunch of clover blossoms. "I found It In tho stroet,"ho said ; "It seems llko my poor sister fad ing away In tho close city. I will ro vivo it If I can." Ho placod Pink Clovor In n glass of cool water, and set tho glass on tho ta ble Ho sprinkled somo drops of wator over hor, and bIio felt herself beginning to rovlvo. Sho hold up her head, and hor fragrant breath stolo in tho room, Soon tho sick girl opened her oyes, and saw tho llttlo blossoms. Sho held out her hands towards thorn, and hor mother gavo them to hor, Sho lnhalod their perfume, and a glad light camo into her oyes. "Oh I dear mother," sho crlod, "I said that if I could only havo a breath from tho country I should got wcll.and Clod has sent It to mo In these llttlo flowers." Then tho llttlo clovor know that through unthought-of ways, sho had boon brought to fulfill her mission ; that when bIio lay unheeded in tho dust she had been coming nearer and nearer to tho work of cheering a human heart. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Patent Modicinea. ,N APPEAL To I)oblltlatod Persons, xo uyspoptics, To Bufforors from Liver Complaint, To t hnsn linvlir tin Atinnflln To thoso with Broken Down Consti tutions, To Nervous nooplo, To Children Wasting Away, To any with DobHlUUod Dlgoativo Organs, Or inhering with any of the following Symptoms, which indicate JJttordcred Liver or Stomach, such as Con stipation. Inward riles. Fill lies or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Tor Food, Bonr Krusc".atlou,HInklugor Fiut terlugnt tho PltoftheStomach, Swim ming of the Head, Hurried nud Difficult Urenthlng, Fluttering nt tho Hoart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when In a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs licforo tho Hlght,Fover nnd dull pntn In the head, Deflclcncy otPersplration. Yellowness or tho'Hklii and Eyes, Vain In tho Hide, Hack. Client, Limbs, Ac; Sudden Flushes of Heat, Horning In the Flesh, Constant Imagining or Evil, nud great Depression of Spirits, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN UITTER3. A Hitter without Alcohol orSplrllsof any kind, li different from all others. It la composed of the pure Juices, or Vital lYlnelple of lloou, lltrbt, and Jlarki, (or as medicinally termed Extracts,) the worthlessor Inert portions of the lngredlontu not being used. Therefore In one Bottle or this Hitters tnere is routained as much medicinal virtue as will be found In several gallons of or dinary mixtures. Tbo lloots, a, used In this nittets nro grown In Uormany, their vital prin ciples extracted m that country by a scleutirio Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, where they are compounded nnd bot tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Miners is free irom 1110 uujecuuiis urgeu against allothorsi no desire for stimulants can bo In duced from their use, thor cannot mako drunk ards, nnd cannot under any circumstances, have any but n benefiolnl effect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not Inclined to oxtreme bitters, nnd Is Intended for use In cases when soma alcoholic stimulant Is required in connection with tho Tonlo properties of tbo Hit lers, rjicn oouio 01 me .1 omo contains ono 1101 Ue of the Hitters, combined with rare HA NT A CRUZ HUM, and flavored In such a manner that the extreme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, forming preparation highly agreeable and clnal virtues of too Bitters. The price of the Tonlo. la 81.50 nor Dotllo which manv rontons think too high. They must take Into eonsldora-. L1UU IHU, LUU BtUllumilh UWli 13 KUUI itUVCWU IA1 OH of a cure oualltv. A Door article could be fur nished nt n cheaper pr Ice.bnt la it not better to pay u little moro nnd have n good arUele I A modf elnal preparation should contain none bat the Dest ingreutenis ; huh iney wno expect 10 ootain a cheap compound, nnd bo benefitted by it will xnosiceriiuniy uecneatcu. JIOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITIERS, on HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITH HOOFLAND'S PODOPUYLL1N FILL, WILL CURB YOU. They are Uio Greatest n i. o o d p v n i p i- e n o Known to tho Medical world, and will nraill cate diseases arising from Impure blood, Debility of the Digestive Organs, or diseased Liveafln a tiuuruir (ime man any oiner Known rcmeuies, The whole BUPREM12 COURT of Pennsylvania STEAK FOR THESE BEXEDIES. Who would ask for more Dlgnlfled and Stronger Testimony 7 Hon. GxonaB W. WoonwABD.ornur ChWJu$- (ice 0 the Supreme Court oj Pennsylvania, a preterit Member c Congrcu from Pennsylvania write ! riiiLADEU-niA, March ICth, 1887. I find "neofland's German Hitters is ntrood tonlo. useful in diseases of the dleestlve orama. and of great benefit lncasesor deblUty and want ui ucuon in me system. xours iruiy UEonaic w. WOODWARD. Hon. Ja mks Thomson, Chief Justice 0 the Supreme Cimrt of Pennsylvania. rniLADEi.ruiA, April 23, 1867. I consider "DToofland's German Hitters" a val uable medlclno In case of attacks ot Indtirestlon or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience of It, Youth, with respect. JAUKH THOMSON, Hon. Geobqe Suarswood, Justice of the Supreme Court cf Pennsylvania, ruiLADdj-iiiA, June 1, 1SC3. I have found by oxoerlonoo that "Hoofland'a German Dltters" Is a very trood tonic-: rellevlna dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UJbUliUK OUAJUJWOOU. Hon. Wm. F. Rogers, Mayor of the City cf Buffalo. -v. r. Mayor's Offloo, Buffalo, June 23, 1809. I havo nsod "UooQands German Bitters nnd Tonlo" In my family during tho past year, and can recommend them as au excellent tonlo, lm- huuuk wau uuu viuur kj iuu bvbloiu. ineir nse has been productive of decidedly benoQelol effects. Wm. F. IUxjeks. non. James M. Wood, Et-Mayor of nilltamtport Pa. I tako creat deasuro In reoommcndlnc " lloof- land's German Tonlo " to any one who may he nlnicted with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia bo badly It was Impossible to keep lay food In my stomacn.and I became so weak as not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles or Tonlo effected a perfect cure. jaxes ji. wood, UEMEMBER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, aud HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO W1U Cure every case or MARA S M US, Or Wasting nway of tho Body. REitBXBER TilAI HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medlalnfia vnn rrnnlrn tn nurlfw thA Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enable you to pasa.sarely through any haidshlps or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN Substitute for Mercury Fills. riro PILLS A DOSE. 'Jhe moat Powerful, Ytt Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic- known. It la nnt nerAHfinrv ti talra alinmirnllnr tlmon Pills to produce the desired effect; two of them act qu ckly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach and Ilowels of nil Impurities. The principle ingredient Is Podopbylllu, or tho Aloo hollo Extract of Mandrake, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and searching than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action Is upon the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc- from the Injurious results attached to the use of uist mineral. For all diseases In which the use of a cathartto Is Indicated, these pills will give entire satisfac tion in every case. They NEVER FAIL. In cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nnd extreme costlveaess. Dr. Hoouand's German Hitters or Tonlo should be used In connection with the Pills. The tonlo effect of tho Ultters or Tonlo builds up lliesyatem. The Ultters or Tonlo purines me jtioou, sireogiueus uiu nerves, heo ulates the Liver, and gives strength, energy nnd vigor. ' Keep your Bowels actlvo with tho Pills, and tone up the system with Bitters or Tonlo, and no disease can retain the hold, or even assail yon. iwooueciinai it is nit. huukland'h oer. MAN Remedies that are so universally used and highly recommended; and do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to take anything that ho may Sav is init as eon.1. Iuvjiiihh lm innlrffn n larger profit on It. These Remedies will m cptif liv .mrM, tn any locality, upon application to the PRINCI PAL OFFICE, at the OlillUAN MHlllfllNH STORE, 031 Arch Ht Philadelphia. CIIAS. 31. EVANS, Proprietor. Xaes Remedies are for sal by Drniilata Hortktsperi, and Medicine Dealers Tiry whirs Miscollanoous. HEAD QUARTERS FOIl BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E. M. KNOKR'S CHEAPEST AD BE3L' The County Affords AT t CASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Corns anil Examine Before Purchasing Elsewhere, E. M. KNORR, BLOOM9BURG, PA. Septembers lS71-tf. J, EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM nVLIDIE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WORK JI 1! IV. , For pood nts and promptness In filling orders AO IUU JMUUU lu go. Ills roods nro selentpil wlfn nn(iiilaPii. tom WOrk Will eamtlArn ffivnrnhlv vlth Din ttaef vkiw, ,a aj i.iu uuuiuuuuiu city ijeiiier. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS' AND CIIttDIlES'S CLOTHING AND CESTS' FUHXISHING GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Trices. Dloomsburg, Sept. w, 1871-u JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, FKNN A. Ph. nn,,nl ..J 1 .. . . .vmo w.wiwL, iuiu vicinity, wub lie has opened a Confectionery and llakery In (ha fUt vim. I) I -1. i . . . ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Pa., wtioro ho Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS &c, &c., &c, do. BY WHOLESALE ASD ttETAIL. Nnt'i"v? if1htS?irtra.enf,w111 b0 tmmd Cnxun lIU,'.iW'pp.1i'c2??a Nuts, jollies of uW. ent kinds. Mustard, Catson. Pickles. Cluuviiiitj. !Sn u, L, ii.'u kl9ds Corn Htaroh, Ekis BIih ?w3,&&cli?n' O?84' Crackers, Cheese, velopes iuian l-upers, jin- FISH AND OYSTERS, I'twuco vi 111 aiuus fTesn jfrcau an Cukes every day. loo Cream In Season. Your patronage fa solicited. Berwick. Jan 171 tv QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, nioomsunrg, ra. M. C. SLOAN at BROTHER nave on hand and for sale at the most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, and evory description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of thojiest and most dur able materials, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from the estab lishment will be found to beof the highest cluss and sure to give perfect satisfaction. They have also a fine assortment of SLEiailH of nil the newest nnd most lnshlonnblo styles well and carefully made and or the best mater ials. An Inspection of their work Is asked as ltl believed that nono superior can be fonnd lu the country. Jan 1'71 CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES DOWN IN PRICE J. XZ. MAIZE'S, Corner Main and Centre fits., DLOOMSBURG. A new stock of Fresh Goods Just opened nt MAIZE'S. Tens, COITCOH. StlKfU'M, SYRUPS and MOLABHKB. CHKE3E, MEATS. SALT. FIHIf, etc. VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Sealed UckhIs JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS. An Elegant Assoxtmont OF QUEENSWARE Constantly on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW and GLASSWARE of every variety. All my goods are or the first quality and at ex treinely low prices. J, H, MAIZK. AQE1IT3 1 Wnttl for I Twelre Years ns Wild Indians a. Plains. The remarkable ndveuturrs of tho famous WHITE CHIEF and BIG WARRIOR among the Red Hklns. Thrilling accounts of Great Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes and Terrible Cautests with the big game nnd hostile tribes. Spirited descrip tions of the habits and superstitious or that strange people. Their Sporln. Legends, Tradl yn" .low u" Woo and Wed.Bcalp.'Doctor: Worship, da New, Fresh and Popular, Price Low. It fs selling by tho thousands with won. S"'fu' "PidUy. Agents are making from J.W to 1100 per week. Choice field yet vacant. Send at puco for sample chapters, Illnstrutlons and par "fKJ,0. . A' HUBBARD. Publisher, janaTMf. W Chestnut St., Phlfa. Miscollanoonp. jyTILLElVS STORE. 8. It. MILLER A BON, havo lemoved luolr Btoro to tho room formerly occupied by Mendeuhall.on MnliiBtroat, Mould. burg, uoarly oppoilto tho Episcopal Church whero they are dotormlned to icllon n modcrato terms n can be procutod else whore. Thli r slock comprises LADIES' DRKUH GOODS ot the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n large assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting ot tho following t rllclcs Carpets, , Oil Cloths, oths, Onnslmorcs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Good Linens, Hoop Skirts, . Muslins, Hollowwnre Cednrwart Queenswaro. Hnidware Boota nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-GIasfiOj, Tobacco, Co D ee, Ung.trs, Teas, Rlee, Allspice, - fflfig".. ClnriSiiMBr Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, In short, everything usually kept In country tores, to which they Invite tho ntlentlou of the publlo generally. Thehlghost price will bo paid for country prodnco In excunngo for goods. D, II. MILLER A SON. octl371-!f Bloomsburgl'n. jq'EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvnl or FALL AND WINTER GOODS DAVID LOWENBERG Invites attention to his stock or CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at hla storo on Mnln Street, InShlvo's block, ono door West o C. C. Murr'n store, . uioomsuure, a,, whore no lias Just received from Now York nnd pniiaaeiphin n run assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashlsnable, dn ruble, and nono somo , , DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, R0CO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also rep len ished his already largo stock or FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND TLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKB, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. SUSPENDERS. AND FANCY ARTICLES jib nas constantly on nana a largo nnu well'se eotcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is preparod to mane to order Into any kind or clothing, en very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is or homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES ANB JEWELRY, ol ovcry description, fine and cheap. Ills case, ol fowolry Is not surpassed In thlsjplaco. Call nnd examine his general assortment or CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. oct!3'71 DAVID LOWENBERG. llli: 1NGIIKDIU.VT3 THAT COMPOSK ItOsADAMS nro published on evci y package, there fore it is nof a setrct preparation, consequently I'lITSICIASS raESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilid in all it) form. Rheuma tism, SM11 DiMair, Liver Com plaint anil nil dincast-'S of tho lllood. ' OUS B0ITL3 0? H03ADALIS will do moro f ood than ten bottles of tho Syrupa of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERS-.GNlD PHYSICIANS havou&cd Rrnadalia in their practice for tho past tiirco years and freely endorse il as a rcliallo Altcraticj at.d liloot) Purifier. Dlt. T. C. PCOn, of naltimcio. till. T, J. JlOVKI.N, nit. it. w u ahh. on r a. ruNNKLLY, Dit.J S. SPARKS, of Nicholas! illc, n.1. j L. McCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. a. NOULKS, r.d3ceomb, N. C. USED AHD ENDORSED BY J. B. V'nCNCH i EONS, Tall Rlcr, r. V. KMlTIt.Jiclimn, Mlrh. . r Wlli:i.I.KI(,id. Uhio. II RAM.. Lima. Olilu. Clt.l.VKN is CO.,(,..rilfnsvlllc, Va. SAJI'L. O. McrADUCN, Murfrccs. boro, Tciui. Our space will not allow of any ex. tc nled rcmarki in relation to tho ilrtucicf Itoudalli. Totlio McdicJ i'loft'SSlon we guarantee a Fluid Kx tmtsuicrior to any thoy hao ever used lu tho treatment of diseased Dloinli and to tlienilllrted n say try Itoiailalij. anl leu Mill Lo Mnri,l to health. Rosalalli 1 is r.r.1,1 M Drugsits, prico Ol.sopcrbottlo. Address DP.. CiSHSHTS Is CO. -I.'aaii'indirinj DALTisoaE, Mn. TDALTIMORE PIANOS. "Wo respectfully call tho attention of those desiring to purchase oar mako of Pianos. We aro satisfied that we can glvo satisfaction lu every case. Our workmen skillful and experien ced nud nro under the personnl superintendence or the members or our firm. Wo use only the best seasoned timber, nud the material In gene ral Is first class. Our Pianos without exception havo the patent agratl'es arrangement through out, which lu tho opinion or the most coinpe tentludges Is pronounced valuable, ttv nils lm. provement 11 Piano la made moro duiublo and keeps the toio longer. We cliilui ror our lustra ineuts that they ure becoud to none, und they combine all the essential elements that consti tute superior workmanship. We will give a written guarantee for Uvo years. Mr, Co.nkad FwtiMAN, member or our firm, will visit ltioomsburg four limes a year to re pair and attend to tuning of nil Pianos, In the absence ot Mr. Fkeiaian, Mr. I. K.Millek will attend to our business In liloomsburg und Is authorized to receive and solicit orders. Wo cuu give thu very best references, OAEHLB 4 CO. , Baltimore. M. D. I. K. Miixeii, Dealer In Plauos, orguns and Melodeous flvo octave and five stop oigans ot the best make, sold nt Jl 10. Terms eusy, Juno SI jyoKELVY, NEAL & CO., DEALERS IN DIXY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSliURQ, PA. JanM'72-tf "VALUABLE PROPEIVTV FOK V HALE. The uuderblgned wishing to retire from busi ness now oilers ut privute bale his fntlre proper ty situated lu Oraugevllie, consisting of n one half Interest In tho welt known FOUNDHV AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, together with tho Engine, Lathes nnd other Ma chinery belonging to the same, iilsn the entire stock now on hand, together with a valuable pair or horses, nnd the wagons, sleds, Harness, rtcalso his town lots on which is erected a good Iramo dwelling, also, twenty-five acres, known as the Dr. Lott pro)ieriy ubout leu of which are cleared, the balance limbered, Prices reasonable. Possension given nt any time to suit purchasers. Apply to or address, . ., Wl LLI AM BC1IUYLEH, oct, e,71-tr. Oratmvllle, Columbia Co ROSAJPALU Drugs and Chomicala. ft II U OAUBW AND CUKE OF JL CONSUMPTION. , , , 'tin nrlinnrv rnllsn nf lnnnuiniitlnn is iiernnire- Inenl or the illuoM I vo nrgans, 1 nil ilrraliKClm lit proiluces dcllcient nutrition nnd iiMlmllatlii 11 llynsslmlliilliin 1 mrnn thnt process ny which lllfl IlllirjIII.'U. Ul- "ID IVIUU t", tV-M IIIIU lil(MXl,nlid tlicnco Into tho Bollds of tho body. persons with uignsiiuu 11111 iiupuireu, ui.vuik tho slightest prodhposltlou to imlinoiiiiry ills emo.tir It they taso cold, will bo very llnblo lo havo consumption or tho Lungi In some or Us forinst nnd lliold Hint It will no impossible lu euro nny enso or Coimtinipllon without llrsl re storing 11 good dlitt'ittiou nnd lieiillliy nsslmlln tlon, J ho very Hint thing tn bo 1I0110I1 toclrnuso Hie Htouincluuid bowels IrnmnlldiACHicd iiutctis nnd slime, wnicli Is clogging llime ornins tn ttint they cannot perform their functions, and then ruuo tip and rehtoru the liver tu 11 heullliy ncllou, For this pnrposo tlio suri'Nt mul best remedy is Hclienck's Manumku Pills. Tlieo Pills clenn the Htoiuncli mid bowels of nil tho (Undnud morbid slime that IsciUMiiudlst'iiso mid ttceny 111 tho wnoio system, Tney will clear out the liver ol nil dlm'iised bile thnt hni iiccuin uliiled there, nnd rmnu It up to 11 row uud hcnllliy nctiuii, by which lmturiil mid henllliy bile Is secreted. ., , The htoiuncli, bowels, nnd liver nro thui cleans ed by the moot Hchenca's Muutlraku PillsJ but thero leinnlus in thu slouincli 1111 excvsi ol ucid, ihoiirgim It torpid nnd 1110 uppeillu puor. In thu iinu'u thu liieieiiL'i urn weak, uud le'iiiiriiur sttciiuth mul MipKrt. It Is In it condition llku this Hint Bcliciieli's ue.iwced Tunic proves to I10 tho 11111H viilunblu remedy ever dlscovvrwl. It is ulknllno, nnd II use will iieutrulko nil excess of noil, iiiultlug the Ktoiiincii nucet uud iresh ; It W ill glvo ptrilllllieui lunu n. una imi'ui miii. ui gun, 11 nil (.rcutu a good, hearty appetite, Hint pre puie the system fur thu hist processor n goon di gestion, uud tilllmaluly milieu guod, noalihy, living blood, Alter this pri'iuintory treittineiit, what leiunlus to cure niunt ctists ofCuusump llon U the liioiitid pertuverlug use ufscuuuek's Puliiiuiilc Syrup. Tho Pulinotilcsyrup nouruties the system, pinnies tho blood, nnd Is readily ab sorbed lulu the cliculnllou.mid thence Ulitrlb. uted lo the diseased lunaa, Thero It ripeui nil morbid matters, wuulher In the tormol abscess es or tubercles, una then imslsts Nnturu tu exiel nil thu UIM'itseil lunlter, lu tliu form oriruuux lwctorntion, when onei It riiicns, 11 Is then, ny the gtent lienling and purliyliig properties ot Helipnck's l'lilmiiulc svriln. Hint nil ulcers mid yji(jye aie liwiled up sound, uud uiy pattern 1 The essenlinl thing to be done In curing Ton sumption Is lo tret up a good appetite and h koikI diucstluii, bo that the bod will grow In Uesti nnd get xtroiig, Ifiipcisou has diseased lungs, a cavity or nbscess tlieie,Hio eavlly cannot hcnl,Hie mutter cannot ripen, ho lotigus the sys tem Is below par. What is necessary to euro 11 n new order ot tlilngs.n good appetite, u i'ikhI nutrition, tho body tn grow lu llesii mul get hit' then ."suture Is helped, the cavities will heul, Hie matter will ilpen nnd bo thrown oil" lu rge qiiautltlrs, nnd tho person regain utrcngtn. this Is the tinunnd only plan to eiuo Cotisuinn. Hon, mid It a person Is very bad, lr the lungs uru not cntltely ifi' even II 11110 luug Is on tlrcly gone, II there lseuuugli vitality IcH In the other to heal up, there is hope, I hao seen ninny persons cured with only ono sound lung, Uvo nnd enjoy lllo tn n g.iod uia nge. This Is what sclienclt's .dedlc'lnes will do to ciiru Consumption, They will clean out tho Mom vh, sweeten nnd stieuglbeu II, get up u good inges tion, nnd glvoNaturo the usslntnnca sho neeu.s to clear tho syntciu or nil tho disease that is lit the lungs, whatever tho lorm may be. It Is important that whllo using Bcheuck's Medicines, euro should bo exercised not to tttlco cold; keep lndoors lu cold nnd damp weather; nvold night ulr, nnd take outdoor uxerclso ouly In n genial nntl warm sunshtno. I wtiili It distinctly understood thatwhcuT rec ommend n putlentto bo cnrelul tn regard to talc ing cold, whllo using my Medicines, a do un lor a special rcasou. A man who has but partially re covered Irom tho ellVelsorn bad cold is fur mow liable to a relapse, than ono who bus been entire ly cured; and it Is precisely tho uurno In regard to Consumption, So loug us tho ltiugs nruiuit pcrteolly heiiled.Justbulong Is thero imtnlneut danger of u lull return of tho disease, lionco It Is that I so btrenuoiibly caution pulmonary pa tients nimlnst exnoslni: thomsolves Lout. nim phero that Is not eenlai and pleasnnt. Coullrm ed Consumptives' lungs nro a uutrw of sores, which 1110 icust cuuugu ui mmospner.. will lu llamo, Tho Krund secret of my snoccbH with my McdlelncH consists In my nhulty toHubduoln liummation instead of provoking It, as many of tho taculty do. An lnllamed lung cannot, with bnrotv lo tho patient, bo oxposcil to tho tilting blasts or Winter or the chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It should ho carefully shielded irom all lrrltaHnn Inllucnces. Tho uitinu.t. .-unit,., should bo obhorved in this particular, mi without Jb t euro uiiuer tuwubl uuy circumstances is UU lm possibility. Tho person should boheptonnwholcsomoand nutritions diet, nnd nil tho Medicines contlnuo.1 until tho hodv has restored to 11. ilm nntnnii qunntlty of llesii uud streugtli. 1 was inyhoii cureci oy 11ns treatment or tho worst klhd of ContumutTnn. nmi imv., iivmi in get lat and henrty theso mnny years, with onu lung mostly gono. Ihuvocured thousands since and very many havo beon cured by thistreut- ,..u. n,u,u a iiuvu uuyci neeu. About tho First ol October I expect to toko POSSeSslOUOrinV new tlUlMlnr- nt. 1ha STnHh,... Corner or Sixth nnd Arch htreets, whero I shut bo plcabcd to glvo ndvlco to all wno may requlro Fall directions accomnnnv nil m. itnmaiii.. ho Unit a person in uny part or thu world can lie le.iuuy cureu uy a Htnot oiiservsncool tho same. J. JL SUIIUNUK, AI, D, 1'hlludeiihla. Johnson. IIoll.iwuv .fr flmvdn,, en1? Ami, Philadelphia, wholesalo ngcuts. uovl7'71-ly, Dr. WALIZZZ.". ' . YINEG-AL Hundreds cf iha: Dear testimony ts th"'r "Woii-'-.- nil Cumllvii I. ill ft t. iffiii WHAT ARE THEV 9 ki o 5 a a ass fig1-1 t-wii ts P u iJ IS Si B -1 10 nati tu -i wo a o e, G hp on'' H c-r: 2i 9 THEY ARB NOT A VILC ot J B u-j FANCY DRIMIC. Piil lfdoonc'cJrsnni, Whisker. Proof Hplrllu und Hcfiiau Lii;nuru doctored, rpicod anilBi?cct tned to ploafiotho taetc, callcd,,Tonlcs,""Appctii:. cr," " ItcEtorcrs," tc, that lead tho tippler ca tu drnakenness nnd rchi, bat aro a truo Medicine, tnodo from tho NotiTO Ilcotsimd Ucrboof California, frco from nllAlcobullo Bliinulaiiig. They ore tfca (ilttW ULUUII PUItlFlEtt nnd A l.IPE (.1VINU PUINClPLEapcrfcct licnoTator and lat Igorator or tho 6y6tca, carrying otr all polaonoaa matter and restoring tho tlood to a healthy confiltlon. Ko person can take theso Bittcra accoriloa to dire.j. tlon and rcraalnlong unwell. ' S10O wlllbo given foran inruTiblocascpiu,-)".'! tho bones aro not deetroyed ly mineral poiicn or ether means, cad tho -vital orgjna -wasted J jyjud tho t.olnt cf repair. For Inflammatory nnd Chronlo Uhcumn. Hum nnd Oout, Dyspcpslu, ur ludiicotloo, EltloiiK, Ucuilttcutundlutcruittleut Fuvcis Dlbcnbesot'thoUlood, Liver, Itlducin, mid Illuddcr, tacso Hlttci-u Lavo been meet bucccee lal. bucli Dlscunea cro caused ly Vitiated Dload. which Is generally produced by derangement cf tho Digestive Orcnnn. " DYBPEPtJIA Oil 1ND1UESTIOK, Ucad aeho, Pala la tho Lhoulilcra, Coushs.Tightncta of to Chest, Dizziness, Cocr Ernctatlois cf tho stomach. Cad la:tc la tho IMuth, BlUono Attache, Pclpititloa cf Ilia Heart, lallacmatloaof tho Ltrr-Es, Palnlatha irclona of tho Ultacya, and a hundred cth.r sainrul tjinptenctro tho cfrtprlrcaof Djepcpela. hsylaviscrtta tho Stomach and Etimulato Ua tor pldllvcrcxd bowels, trhlcli render them of unequalled eflcacyla cleansing tho blood of all Imparities, nd lairtittns now l.fa cad vigor to tho wholo system. rOIMJHIN !IUCACS.rrmitlDna.TF. k. cud Dlataacs cf Iho Lkm, of whatever namo or natnre, tr j literally dug up end carried out of tho system la a. thcrttiaoby thonsoof theso Kttcrs. Ono bottla la tucli catcs will convince Iho raost lacrcdalons of thclr vuraiivo eucct. Clcanso tho Vitiated Elocd whenever yon And Its imparities burning thronirk tho slda laruaplos, nrnp tiona or Eorea i dcaaco It when you find It obstructed ana tloislsh la tho veins t clcanso it when It Is foal, tad your fccUnss will tell yon when. Keep tho blood pnro and the health or tho system will follow. PIN, TAPEandothcMVOnBIS, larktaglntho system of so many theasasds, aro effectually destroy ed and rcniOTCd. Tor full directions, read carcfally Iho circular around each bottlo, printed la four Ian. Cuagcs-CngliEh, German, Trench and Spanish. . J. WALKER, Proprietor, r n, licDOXALD & CO., Dniijcists aad Gen, Agents, Eaa Francisco, Cal and 83 and SIComincrco Street, IfewTorlt. CVSOLD BY ALL 1UIUCQ.IBTS ASD DEAIXItt. To any person producing any Mwiclno kltnw Ing half as mnuy living, permanent cnresiis Dk. FTII.KK'S VKaBTAULB IlHKUJtATIO llKUlUIY. Uted inwardly only. A pleasant Medicine, Ireo irom injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, to hav pormnneutly cured Win every luo pat tents treated In the past ten years. (Hen testimony.) It Is the sclcntfilo prescription of i'roieskor Jos. P. rltler, M, D ,u graduate of the University nt Pcunsylvaula A. 1). 18.U, now ono of Philadel phia's oldest regular physicians, nnd Professor of Chemistry nud Toxicology, who lias mado Neuralgia, Chronlo nud lullarnraatory Rheuma tism tlio speciality of his entile professional lire a fact vouched for by tho tlguaturcs accom pany ing each bottle, or ninny prominent renown ed pliyblcliins,clergyiiH-u, und oilier testlmoulnls. To protect Mitrmci irom poisonous quack nos trums nud useless expendltuie of money, a legal signed guaruulee.stullugexuet uumberof bullies warranted to cure, will be lorwnnlcd gratis to any sull'ererteudlng by letter a full description of aflllctlou, lu rusoot futluro to cure, utuouul pntd positively lefuuded, Medicine sent any. whero by express, collect on dellvory. Afflicted luvlled towrlto lor ndvlco; all Information anil medical advice seut by letter gratis. Principal office. 29 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, I'a The Remedy Is sold or obtained by Druggists. inr8t'7l-lv Si -i ' W MWm?y 3"i5!? MiscollnncouH. CONTINENTAL. Lif6 Insuranco Oompany. OF NEW YORK. 1 of Policies Issued 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. THSUKSnll llio now form of Poiicle Xnml presents as Invnrnbln tftrns ns liny com- imiiy in uiu uiiiii-iiniiiki-ti The company will mako temporary loans on Thirty davs' grace allowed on each payment, nnd tho policy held good during Unit time. Ail our policies nro incontestable lor tho usunl onuses. - . Policies Issued by this company nro non-for- tenure. ... ,. Tn nl..n l.nnrt t,..rlA ttr Irnvnlllnir nnrinlts. Policy holdeis sharo In Iho minimi profits ol tho company, nnd havo nvolco tn thu elections linn iiiaiiageiiicuv 01 uio euiiipimj'. No policy or mndlcnl fee charged. . .lUsrilH LAWIIKNCK, Pres't. W. II. WYNKOUP, VicoPrcs't. J. P. Hon in, Secretary, H. C. (JiiANDt.iiit, Jr., Actuary, Central Office of M-Eastera Penn'a "Columbian" Building ?-tr "sr T ", jC, LUDWI& & BROCKWAY, General Agents- Jan. S,lST2-tf. AHION PIANO. Tlio oulv verfect Instrument In Uio World. I In tiii7iil(uf in Ulchuess, Power, Ilrlllluney nml Durability. Hpcclul terms to Tenehers. .Marked favors to Clergymen, Kcnd lor Illustrated Arlnn Pamphlet. O. W. FOSTER General Agent, tonr 10'71 tf. MADClt CIIDNK, PA. Hail Roads. T ACKAWA.MNA AND BLOODS JU nUUd UAILROAl) On nudaltor.Nov. S3, 1871, Pnsnonger Trains wll UIU 113 IUIIUIVII I Going North. Oolni Leavo ;Wonll Arrive Arrlvo Leav a. m a. m. ... !M0 . m. 1.11 - 11.51! Hcrnnton.. Plttstou... I.l.'i -Ml w.d; 3.1.S 10.3.1 Kingston 1 Rt, & W.UnrroC'M Plymouth .. Hhickshluuv.... 8.30 1131 2.33 2.10 3.57 11.00 Wit 12.2H K.IKl 11.3d 11.14 7.!1 Ilorwlck 7.M Uloom . 8.0j uanviuo 1U.M vn Connection inmln at.Mirntirn tiv ihn in in n ni trniti for Great Uend, Him;nnmtou, Albany am! cu. ,PUIUUI ,,UILil, 1.1U. UIJU IVeNl. D.T. ROUND, Hup't. TVTORTIIEHN CENTRAL II All J- WAY. on and nftor Nov. 12th 1871, Trains will loavosomiunv ns follows : NORTHWARD. 12L30 T'.BX.DallV to WIIIinmai-,nrt.. T.Mmlrn Pnti.ti ilnlgiiu, Itochratcr, Dutlulo, riuspenslou Urldge nuu it. runs. 12.t) P. m. llumilo, N. Palis, ao. 0.50 1'. M., Dull v, (oxcopt Sundays) for William oiiui.auu J-.I1U. 4.3j I'. M.. Dnllv. (nTpnntRnmlnvfll fnr l'lmlrn Rumilii and Niagara Fttlle, via. Erlo rnllroad J1U111 .IIUll . TRAINS SOUTH WAI.D. 1.17 A.M. Dally for Baltimort, Washington nnd i iniauuipiiiu. 10.0", A. M. Dally (oircnt Sundays) for Daltlmor Washlugtou nnd Pnlladolphln. LW l'. M. Daily (except Sundays) lor Uallltnorc i uiuvuuipuill, &c. KD. S. YOUNO, Ueneral Io.sseugcr Agent Alkbkd It. Fisk. aen'l. Hnpt. gUORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD Danville, HcLzletou & WilkesMrre M WINTER AIZliANOFMENTS. EAsrWAltD. LKAVU. A. M, Sunbnry -t.. 11,20 Danville....- 7.02 Cntnwissa. - 7.28 lltizlctcn . 908 P. M, lictUlehom, 1 12.10 Philadelphia 1 i.-j 2.15 Har.lelon, fi; 12.3.5 New Yoik, Jds.' 300 WESrWARl). tEAVK. 1U Now York. J-iston. Phlln Uethlch'iii. Ilazlelou, t'atawlssa. Diiuvllie. Sun bury. Tho nfternnnn train potinpptn nl. Htinhnfv toII li tho P. ti n. in. trnlti filing Wif. liprlvc. n, Wllllaiiisnorlr.3'); Lock Haven 7.5j p.maud Willi i.umi;iu .uirui i.ou p. in., moving nouill, ri-nehing Hurrisliurg 7.00 p. in., nnd llultlmor. iu. j p. in,, nnu Rlbo wan tno suubury uud lw htown Rallroiul. Cninfcrtahlu uud handsomo Coaches on this new route. J. I1ERVEY KASE, Superintendent. READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MosnAy, May 27, 1S71. Great Tmnlr l.tnufrnm IlinMnWIi nn,l TJnlVi. West lor Plll!llllnInit!L.Nfw Vnrlr. Ifonillmr l'ntlw ville, 'itiiniinua, Aulnund, Shumokln Lebunot ;i cum vu, r-asiou, r.puriua, i.tuz, utuctsici Trains leavo IlnrrlBburB for Now York us ioi lows: At 2.45, 8,10, u. m., nnd 2,W) p. m con ui'ctlni! with similar trains on 1'cnusylvu nlu Rullroud, nnd arriving nt Now York ir ..-" . nun i,,u u, in. re.ipeciivi'ii nieepiug cars accompany tho 2,15 it tn. train llulnmllll?! I.nwn Nnw Vnrlr nl lieo.iTn nti, I'ilSn nunn nnd p. m. Plilladelphla'at 7.30, s.bu ... in, nun u..up. m. aieeping cars accomitan) thQ iM n.m.. tmla 1mm N V uritlinnl oh, ,!,., Iaavo llarrlsburg lor Reading, Potuvllie, i pjunua, Mlnersvlllo, .Uihland, Shumokln Al len town und Phlltt'd. nt H.lun.m., and 2,00 anil i.u4,,nLuiiiuiiK ui, ijoiiauon nnu priucipiii waj ntu.iuur., int-,,ui mii, i rain couueciuig ior I'nil'1 PottSVilio und (JOlumlll.l. Olllv. Knr PnlluvlH Schuylkill Iluveu and Auburn, via Schuylkill i.imi ouMiueiiiuiuu iiuiiruuu,ionvo iiurrisnurg n 3,;o p.m. East l'onnsylvnnln Rnllroad trains leavo Roa-i Ing for Allentown l-iistnn and Now Yoik nt 4.S! IU.J0. ii. tu., anil 1.03 p. m. Returning, leavi nw i on. hi v.w u, ui 12.I.U noon nnu 6.3U n. m. and Allentown lit 7.20 a. in, 12.2juoou, 2.15, 4,25 u.W Jl. 111. Wny Pussunger Train ieues Philadolnhla n 7,10 u.m coiiuectlng wltli similar train on Hwi a. luiuiuu roiurniug irom uenuingatu,20p.m btoniilnir at nil htnti.-.r.a 1 Leave Pottsvlllo at 0,00 a.m., and 2,W p.m. ,,w u ... ,,,,, rauumuitlU Ul O.IUUUU 11,1 a. ni Ashland at 7,03 nnd 12,13 noou Mnli I unoy City ut 7.15 a. m. nud 1.2 1 n. lu. Tnmaona w Voi-i?,i,n','iilna'rVu,'-m' ,or I'ulladelpbln, New Leuvv Pottsvlllo via Scnuylkllt nnd Husrjuo huuna Itnllrotid at 8.15 a.m. lor HanUburg. aui 11,13 a lU.. for Pllindlov,, ,m,l 'l-r..i,,,..,l Reading Accommodatlou Train leaves Potts VIllo ul b.iO n. m., passes Iteadlug at 7.30 a. ra ar- fivf,UK 'tt, Vrn,,uj4'!''hla ut lu-a) Returnlns leaves PhlUulclphia at fi.15 p. m passing Itead-'"1-n,l".5-',atrlvltignt Poltsvlllo at WUp.m, loltstowu Accoinmountlon Train, loaves Polls- . . ..,r ,ou roturniug, leaves PhllaueiphU Ul l.oU 11.111. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Rending at 7,JJ a.m., and 11.15 p.m. for Epbratu, Lttlx, Luucas Perklomen itull Road Trains leavo Perklomei Junction at 7.17 0,05 u. m 3.t ji o.uo p. m, return, lug: lenvo Schweukhvlllii ntiuiii k in n m. i.'s. noon l.ii ii.iii., connectltiB with similar train, oi- lteudiuir llu lioiul. ' Colehiookdulo llullroad trains leave Potlstowu nt u.iou.m,i-l.t5 0.tip.m.relurnlng leavo Mouut riuasauiut 7.uo una 11.2a u, m 3.00 p.m. counect- m wm' niiuuur IIU11IS on iieiuilllg Hullrouil, Chester Valley Rullroud Trains leuvo tluitgo port ut 8,:ion. in. nnd 2.03 uud 6.52 p. ni. returning. Ituvu Dowuluglon ut 0.-IO n, in,, 12.J5 noon nud Vr !'. ,u,'i ,l,'""'tlng with similar trains or Reading ltullroad. Ou suudiii-s, louvo New York at 5,30 p.m.. Pnli phlu ut s,oo a.m. und 3,15, (the ham! a.m. trait iiiuu ugonly toReiidlUBi)lcuvei'otUvllIo6.00a.m.: HiirrlsburK nt 'ito n. m, nnd 2.W) p. in. and leave Alleiitoivn nt .15 uud b.3T, p. m unil leuve Rending ut 7.15 u. m, nud 10.35p. m, lor Hairlw urir. Jit 0.00a. m. for New York.nt.ion. ii ,lor Phlladel"hla"1' 01 W0 "' m-' """"isu.'C Luiuiiiuiiiiinii, iiiioage. Excurslou Tickets toutij duced rates. Senbon, school ant from nil points, nt ru- .o'ils.1!"l!U eliccled through; 1C0 pounds allowed each pusDouger, J. E. WOOTTEN, ,, Asst. Bunt, d; Eug. Mach'ry, Reading, Pa., April a. 1871. NOTICE Is hero by given to nil persons, thnt my wile (llauna Ii Hiss) has Kit my bed und board, vllhoul rUtllcieut cuuse. 1 Hicreiore hereby riiutlou any unit nil persons not to trust heron my uiTiiuui, us i win uut puv nny uenis or her enutriictliiir. James riaiiTii, lleuton, Feb. 10, 1872. feb23'7J w J USTIOE'S BLiANKS. Weiiovhavoon hand a largo neatly printed ns sort in t-ut or JjUnTlCE'H uud CObrAULli. 1ILANKH, to which wo invito the aiuutlou of these Cillers. pATENT Patent Modicinoo, JJENBY T. IIKLMUOLDV. u u ai i- u u n it r ii u I ) KXTIIACT OATAWIU 0 11 A 1' E V I L h 8. Cbm;oiifnl J'arf j i-7fil Extract IthuUirli i t Itutil tract (Mtatvba Urape rOHLlVEH COMPLAINTS, JAUNDU'E l it IOUH AFI-'ECTIONS. HICK OR NLItVo I . HEADACHE, COariVENEaS, Lto. Pi hi i. VUdKrAHLE, CONTAINING No MLllt'l i,v MINERAL OR DELUfERIOUS DltUO.1 Thoso Pills nro tho am t delightfully plea purgative, superceding caitor oil, salts, m, ., uesni, kii. rueru is uuiuing moro ncceptnliiei tho stomach. They glvo tono, nud cause ut, ,,, nausea nor Brlpliitf pains, They aro comm, tiftuotiinf fnireiiientj, After u fow ilujn' u thcm,stieu iiuiuvigorutlou of thu entire t. taltci placo ns to appear lalrnculous to tnetr nnd enervated, whether nrisuig from imi J ilcuco or ill".euso. 11. T. Helmbold's Com., fluid HxtraetCiitawbnUrnua Pills nro not coutcJ, from tho fact Hint sugar-coated l'lu. not disolve, btttpais through thostomuch wit illsiolvlng, consenuently do not produce tliu jt hired cirect, T1H1 CATAW11A ORAPU PiLLj being plensnut lu taatouuil odor, do not tie. tale their being sugar-coated. 1'ltICll I'Hiy CKNTB PERRON. UEN11Y T. UELMliofali IttDlILY CONCBNTBATt 1 OOjJt a FLUID F.XTRACT SAIW' l.u Will radically exmrmlumo .iu"lifu Hroruln,SyphlUs,FeerHores, Uicirs.Hoi-, C Sore Legs, Horo Mouth, Head, ilronc'i Hkln DNenscs, Bait Rlieunv, ntikcrs, Ruin, from Iho Knr, Whlto Hwolllngi, Tumors ccroitiAiroctloiis.Nodcs.Rlckets.Olnndiirt'i Ings, Night Bwcnls, Rash, Tetter, Humors I Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia mm dlseuso thnt has been established In the s- , for years, lIcliigprcpntedKXPRtSLYforthonliof. plnlnts, its HLOOIM'URIFYINO proprietu greater llian nny other prepnmtlqn oi K.i rllla, It givei tho COMPLUXIO.V u c:c. r , heall hy color nnd restores tho patient to a m ot llKALTil nud PURITY. For Purlfylnu , Ulood, removing nil Chronlo Constitutional I eases nrlMng from an Impure staio or the i,n And thoonlyrelinbloniiuetlectitnl known n in dy for the cuio of Pnlna nud Swelling m Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat nnd I, Blotches, Pimples on (no Fnw, Hryslpi'ii. . c all scaly Krnptlons or tho Hkln, nnd Ileum r , thoCoraplexlou. Price, SI 00 per Bottlo. HENRY T. HELMBOIilJ'S CONCENl HATED FL UID FXTHA OT 11 UCH V, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every enso of Dfabetes In which tt . been given, Irritation of tho neck or thoDlaiii. uud Inflammation or tlio Kidneys, Ulceration tlio Kidneys nnd lilnddcr, Retention or Urm Dlscnsesortho rrobtnto Gland. Htono lu the 111 dcr, Culculs, Gravel, Rrlckdusl Deposit, n Mucous or Jliiky Dlschurgei, nud for Eufeeij und Dclicnto Conitltutlons of botli Soxci, nut , ded with tho fallowing sympUims: Indlspi Hon lo Exertion, loss ol Power, loss of Mi'iiim Difficulty of llreathlng, Nerves, Tr ;u bllug, Horror of Disease, Wukoinluess, Dinm," or Vision, Puln lu tho Uock, Hot Iluiidn, Final, Ing or tho Iiody, Dryness ot tho Hkln, l.rtipu,,., on tho Face, Pnllld Countcuimce, Univir Lassltudo of tho Muscular HyMeui, etc. Used by pctsous Irom tho nges of eighteen lu twenty-tlvo, nnd from thlrty-nvo to nrty-rhi. . lu tho decllno or chnngo or lira; nftcr couth, -mcnt or lnbor pnlns; bed-wcttlng lu cluldRU Hclmbold'a Extract Iluchit U Diuretic u lllood-I'urllyliig, and cures all dls,e.ises ari from Hnblts of Dlsslpntlon, und Exresw an , Imprudences In Life, Impurities or the lilr , etc., superseding Copabla In itfloctloiiH for wtui .. It Is used, and Syphilitic AnVctloiiH-ln tin-, diseases m,ed lu connection with IIELMCnU' . ROSE WASH. IwVDIES. In many affections pecnllar to ladles, tho Ks truct Ruchu lo uueriualled by any other reinedy us Is Chlorobls or Retention, Irregularity, l'aiu. rulness or Suppression of Cnstonmry Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Utenm Leucorrha-n or Wliites.Sterlllty.and for ull coin plaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising rrom Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is pre. scribed extensively by tho most eminent pujn. tans and Mldwlvcs for Enloebled nnd Delle.Ui. Constitutions, or both soxes and nil iies tall -m. ded with any of the above diseases or sympt, m. II. T. HELMUOLD'S EXTRACT RUfllU CURE3 DISEASES ARISING FROM I.MPIII DENCE, HARITS OF DISSIPATION, 1711 '.. In nil their stages, ut little expenso. llttlo u chnniio In diet, no Inconvoulonce, nud no posnro. It causes n frciiucnt desire, nnd g.v strength to Urlnnto, thereby romovlng OlStnn ttous, I'rovcutlng and Curing Strictures or ti -Uiothn, Allaying Pain nnd Inflammation, si frequent In this class of diseases, and vxpclltr uii i-oisonous matter. Thousands who havo been tho victims ot u. competout persons, nnd who have paid lu.w fees to be cured In n short tlmo, havo found tne have been deceived, nnd that tho "Poison" taj. by tho uso of "powerful astringents," been dm i up In tho system, lo break out In a more wjr . vnted lorm, nnd perhaps after Marrlnse, Uso HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for a' Affections und Discuses of the Urlunry Organs, whether existing In Malo or Female, irom what ever cause nrlglnntlug, nnd no mutter or lion long standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AM' FIFTY CENTS PER 110TTLE. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S Ul PROVED ROSE WASII cannot lioktirpassoil ns a FACE WASH, anl wll be found tho only Bpeclflo remedy In every pedes or CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicate! PIMPLE-s, SPOTS, SCOR11UTU DRYNESS, INDURATIONSorthoCtlTANEoUH MEMI1RANE, etc., dispels HEDNES8 nnd IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, RAMI MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF SCALP Uit SKIN, FROST R ITES, nnd nil purposes lor whir i SALVES or OINTMENTS nro used; restores Hit hkln to a state of purity nnd softness, nnd in sures continued healthy actlou lo tho tissue o Its veasolH, on which depend the ngreeablo clear ness nnd vivacity of complexion so mujli sougli' and nduilrod. Rut howovcr valuahlo na remedy for oxlstlng defects of tho skin, II. 1 Helmbold's lto.,0 Wash has Ion: sustaluod 1' - principle claim to unbounded pitrouago, t. IMssossltig qualities whlcli render It n TOihl-1' APPENDAGE or tlio most Superlative ami Congenial character, combining lu an eleaut formula those prominent requllts,SAFErYiiiui EFFICACY the lnvarlnblo accompaniment ol Its use as a Preservative aud Relresherof tu Complexion, It Is nn excellent Lotion tnr lic enses ofn Syphilitic Naturo, and ns an Injection lor dlsouses of the Urlunry Organs, nrlslug from liublls or dissipation, used lu counecllnu Willi tho EXTRACTS IlUCHU.SARSAPARILLA.uad CATAWRA GRAPE PILLS, in such disease n. recommetiJed, eanuot bo surpas-cl. PHIi -. ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE. Full uud explicit directions uccompan) tlir medicines. uviuouco or me most responsioio ami ien"" character furulshod on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, and up ward of 50,000 unsolicited certificates and recom mendatory loiters, mnuy of which nro fiom the highest sources, Including eminent Physicians Clergymen, Statesmen, etc, Tho proprietor h uevcr resorted to their publication lu the nous papers; ho does not do this rrom the fact tha his articles rank as Standard Preparations, nnd do not neod to bo propped up by certificates. Henry T. HelmboItl'N Genuine rrcpa rations. Delivered to any address, becure from obe i vatlou, Established upwards of twenty years. Bold by Druggists ovorywherc. Address letters for In formation, In conQdeuoe lo HENRY T, HELM- HOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only DepoUl 11, T, HELMUOLD'S Drug au.i Chemical Warehouse, No, 691 Ilrondwny, New York, or to H, T, HELMUOLD'S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 11EWARE OF COUNTERFEITERS.