The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 15, 1872, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Blooraaburg, Friday, March 15, 1872.
Xlallrond Timo Table.
North. HoutU.
Mull ltillA M. SMS P.M.
ArcciuinuuHiiou, It):) 1 . M
LxpriM (8.8 1 M. tl;3TA.JI
OfllllC Nnrlll. OnlliR floillll-
i-M V. M. 11:11 A. M.
The Danville, Ilnzlcton A Wilkes
barm It ill road law nt Inst been leased
(o tliu I'utinsylVitnla Kullroatl company
Into wIioid liandj It passed on Friday.
Tniati. Is ciio mau In thb town who
Is determined to keep his storo opon on
St. l'.itrlek't) day, oven If nil others nro
closed. Ho docs not bellcvo it Is it legal
Mil. cuiilMrj. Philip Uumigsl celo
bratcd their silver wetldiiiKou Monday
last. A number of their friends nsscm
bled in the evening lo offer rongrntula
Hotif. 3 ."".'!' IVwuuiilfiuiflln'? lieuii olectod
Soimtorlul dclpgato to tbo Itepubllean
Stuto Convention, by tho confereos of
Lycmnltip;, Sullivan, Montour and Co
lumbia counties, llo is not instructed.
Dr.. S'astise, formerly of Catawlssa
died recently ut St. Louis and his body
Wrt3 brought to C.itawlss.i and buried on
Wednesday of last weolc. Dr. Vastlno
was n brother-in-law of Glurio It. Pax
ton of this i)laco, and father in-law to
Walter Scott of Catiwissa.
Poumo Schools No. 2 and 1 East
Ward and No. I of West Ward will
hold an exhibition at the Court House,
on Tuesday evening, March 19th, 1872,
tho proceeds of which will bo donatod
to tho East Ward Public School Li
Tun flno carriaRo reccnlly built by
M. C. Sloan & Brother, and sent by
them lo Norfolk, Virginia, was lost In
(ho river Delawnro by tho sinking of
tho steamer on which It was shipped.
Tho carriages made by Hip Sloans do
not wear out rapidly and thny havo to
sink a steamer tu destroy a new ono.
Two Important sales of real estate
will take placo in this town to-morrow,
March ICtli, being tho valuablo proper
ty adjoining tho Court House, belong
ing to tho estato of Wellington II. Ear,
and tho resldonco of tho Into Chalrus II.
Docbler, on Third Street. Tho bidding
for these houses and lots will undoubt
edly bo spirited, as tlioy nro most desir
nblo properties.
The season for maple sugar is at hand
nnd wo should thlul: that It would
provo n good ono. Tho weather Ims
been so continuously cold sinco Fall
that tho sap has hud no ch.v.ieo to run,
but when It does start, uii'ir tho Itiilu
ctico of gonial weather It will, or ouht
to, go with a rush. Wo hopo thii may
bo tho case, for iv largo crop will insuro
small prices.
I.uuns and Scalds. Every family
should havo a preparation of flaxseed
oil, chain, and vinegar, about tho con
sistency of thick paint, constantly on
hand for burns and scalds. A noted re
tired phybieian states that ho ht-.s used
it in hospital and prlvato practice for
tho past forty years, and believes that
no application can comparo witli It as
regards relief of pain and curative re
sults. That terriblo disease, tho spotted
fever, is raging to such an extent in
Scranton and its neighborhood, that tho
public schools at liydo Park, Bellevuo
and Petersburg havo been closed as a.
precaution. This fever is rcmarkablo
for tho rapidity with which it pros
traUs its victims, tho beginning of sick
ness and death being separated by only
a few hours. Wo havo heard of no
cases except In tho vicinity of Scranton.
Tin: baso bail feason is at hand and
tho various clubs throughout tho coun
try aro reorganizing and addingstrcngth
to their nines daily. Why ran not
IJloomsburg havo a first-class nine. Wo
aro sure that tho material is hero if It
is only taken ndvantngoof. Lei, us havo
thochamplon club of tho valley. Pre
eminence In b.u-o ball playing is an evi
dence nt least of tho vitality of tho
Mr, Jamus Caiman bus removed
tho boards from tho front ol his new
storo and It certainly presents a lino ap
pearance. Tho largo door nnd win
dows look extremely well. Mr. Low-
enberg will shortly tako away tho
wooden screen from his storo and
woshnll boabloto got nu idea of tho
appearance of tho building. It will not
bo surpassed by any in town wo aro as
sured. Sojjk graceless bcamp having beforo
his eyes neither dread of tho penalties
of the law, nor fear of personal ehas
tisemeut, has feloniously appropriated
sundry chickens belonging to Sheriff
Smith, under tho very wulls of tho jail.
Wo tiro authorized to stato that tho
thief, if captured, will havo time af
forded him to repent of his misdeeds,
in strict seclusion. A vacant coll In tho
Jull awaits hlm nnd tho Sherifr yearns
for his society.
The Secretary of tho Treasury has
decided that It Is tho duly of all national
bank depositaries, wherever situated,
to rcceivo at their full value, in pay
ment of cuneney, dues to tlio United
States, and to redeem at their full faco
valuo on tlio terms eel forth In Circular
No. 1, from tho Tiei'turer's cilice, de
faced and mutilated U gal-tender and
fractional notes, cacli (quailing or ex
ceeding threo-llftliB of Its erigical pro
portions iu ono piece.
At a mceling of the Friendship Fho
Company of this town on Thursday
March 7th, tho following nominations
wero mndo for officers. For President,
William Correll and Thomas Qeddls:
for Vice President, John Phillips; for
Scerelary, William Webb, William E.
Iilnkir; for Afslstant fcecrelnry, Wm
Evans, F. M. dlrton; for Treasurer,
T. II, llarlman, W. II. ailmoro; for
Foreman, WllllHin Shlpmnn ; for First
Assistant Foreman, Henry Yost John
M'Cormkk, and Frank Jncoby; for
Second AEsistant Foreman, Qeorgo
uerrlnger nnd Isaiah Ilolter.
Tins Is tho day of township election
in tins county tmd wo hopo there- may
ho it full volo polled. Every election
mis year is of Importance- and no man
Bliould stay nt homo unless detained by
sickness or business which cannot bo
postponed. In this town only Judges
nml inspectors of election nro to bo cho
sen O.NKof tho most recent triumphs of
MRonuny recorded at tho Patent Office
Is n dovlco for openlnp; In tho momlmr
and closing nt night tho gat s of bee-
hives, tho object being to excludo tho
bco moth. The gates nro so connected
with n poultry roost that when tbo
fowls nro on their perches tho addition
al weight closes tho bcohlvo gates, which
opon again when tho fowls depart In
tho morning.
Wk sco by somo of our exchanges
that tho wheat crop, In certain sections,
promises to bo total failure. In Co
lumbia county, so far as wo havo learn
ed tho crop has not been seriously in
ured, uut liio woatbor during tho pros-
out month will doubtless dctermlno Its
fate. A succession of thawlngs nnd
freezings would bo harmful, but It Is
hoped that no general destruction will
happen. In greatly exposed situations,
tho wheat will probubly bokilled.whero
no snow lies to protect It.
Dns. McK.ia.VY and Holier "of this
placo brought suit recently against tho
County Commissioners, to recover $50
being amount of their bill for post, mor
tem examination of tho body of John
Lorcman who died suddenly in n saloon
In town, last year. Tbo Commissioners
resist tliN claim r.s excessive, whilst tho
Dr.s. nllego that tho chargols tho lowest
allowed by tho feo bill of tbo Medical
Association. Itatlior an odd ease. Tho
suit was tried beforo J. J. llrowcr, Esq,
who lias not as yet given judgment.
Pasting Legal Tendeus. Tho
United States Treasurer states that, as
frauds might bo committed by pasting
together, in tho semblaneo of a noto,
fragments of different notes, tho re
maining portions of which might bo
redeemnblo in full under tbo rule-!, It
was thought best, for tho protection of
tho Assistant Treasurers and deposita
ries, that nil notes, consisting of pieces,
each less than thrco fifths of tho orlgl
nul proportions of a note, should bo re
deemed only at Washington, after ex
amlnatlon by tho experts of tho Trea
surer's ofllcc. If any fragment of a
torn noto equals or exceeds three lift lis
of tbo original proportions of tho noto
United States depositaries aro, under
tho rules, authorized to redeem them.
On Tuesday last a huckster named
Iliekernell, while driving towards this
place, ou tho river, with a heavy load,
consisting of six dressed nogs, about
200 lbs. of butter, 40 dozen of eggs., etc ,
carelessly drovo into somo thin Ico,
where a fUsuro had been created and
then frozen over, and of eourso broko
through, tho horso, wagon and driver
going under. Iliekernell, by dint of
strenuous exertions, got himself out,
but tho horso was drowned, and tho
entire load emptied under tho ico. Thrco
hogs and a few oilier things wero after
wards taken out, but tho remainder of
tbo load could not nnd perhaps will not
bo found. Aorthumberlaihl County
Tin: first of April, In this State, is a
time of anxiety to many business men.
riio paynipnts to bo made, very fro
qucntly necoisitato tho most lively ex
ertions, and botli tho generonty of
friends and tho capacity of thf banks
aro tried to tho utmost. But after tho
first, tho money market resumes its or
dinarily qulot stato and tho wheels of
trado roll smoothly again. WIjo cm
tell of tho sleepless nights and nervous
days spent by thoso indebted ones who
havo not tbo wherewithal to satisfy
their creditors? For them tbo first or
April is truly a day of dlro distress,
whoso approach is watched with fear
nnd disgust.
Although wo havo not hoard of tho
presence of thieves in tho county, wu
would ad vlso such of our readers as may
rcceivo money in payment, on tho coin
ing first of April, not to keop tho same
iu their houses, unless required for im
mediate use. Thloves and vagabonds
nro numerous throughout tho land and
they havo remarkably keen eyes for
other peoplo'a money. In tho country
it Is not diillcult to know or payments
being made and rascnls who aro too la
zy to work will exert themselves great
ly to obtain what does not belong to
them. Put your money in B ink and
you will bo euro of It. Tho Blooms
burg B inking Company havo u safe
which can defy tho ellbrts of thieves.
Something Woiith Knowing. it
is worth wliilo to know how to stop
bleeding from tho ii(,so whei it becomen
excessive. If tho finger is ressed firm
Iy upon Uio littlo artery w ieh supplies
blood to tho side of tho Jaco affected,
tho result is accomplished. Tim small
arteries, branching up from tho main
arteries ou each sldo of tho neck, and
passing over tho outsldo of tho jaw
bone, bupply tho faco with blood. If
tho noso bleeds from tho right nostril,
for o cample, pass tho finger along tho
edgo of tho right Jaw till tho boating of
tho artery is felt. Press hard upon It
and tho bleeding will cease. Continue
tho pressure flvo minutes, until the
ruptured vessel in tho noso has tlmo to
To convince you of tho fact that thero
is n blind spot in tho eyo wo will ask
you to close your right eye, nnd look
steadily at tho spot to tho right, as hero
o o
Hold tho paper from twelve to fifteen
Inches from your face, keeping your
eyo stendlly oillxed upon tlio dot; bring
tho paper slowly nearer your eye, when
you will find at n certain distance-about
six or Eovcn Inches from tlio eyo that
tlio left spot will entirely disappear;
but, ns you bring tho paper nearer to
you, or carry it farther oil, it will be-
como Instantly vlslblo again.
It has been found experimentally
that tho reason of this blindness Is, tho
imago In tho example given falls direct
ly upon Ihospot whero tho optic nervo
enters tho eyo, nnd this point bolnp
"blind," no Impgo Is formed there. Tho
optic nervo Is eonsidercd by most pco
rilo to bo tho sent of vision, whereas It-
is only used in transmitting u kuowl
edgo of what has been photographed
upon tho retina, to tho brain, whero
tho mind takes cognizance of It, and
wo aro said to eco U,HVie Jitstoury,
ON February 2'Jth, thcro was n largo
eaio or norscs nt Llmostonovlllc, belong
ing to tho Estate of John MeConnlck.
Sir Dudley, by (Ion. Harlranft's horso
Winchester brought $705, ngo coming
flvo years; n gelding colt, nearly two
yoirs old, by Prlnco John sold for $300;
Prlnco John was bid up lo $1025, but us
this was thought to bo less than his vttl
uo ho was not sold.
iMfoitTANT Diccision. Tho First
Comptroller of tho Treasury has decid
ed that whoro two parties havo given n
power or attorney to n third, und a draft
Is drawn in tho nnnio of ono of tho par
ties only, thero must bo a stparato
power from that ono, or tho power
given by tbo two must distinctly stato
tnat tbo nttorncy may act for cither In
dependently of tho other.
It is said that the best ehampaguo in
tho market is made from tomatoes.
Our farmers should by nil means go In
to tho manufacture or tho article, as to
matoes aro easily raised nnd inoxnon-
sive, whilst ehnmpagno nlwnys.sclls for
nign prices. Jersey elder has had a
monopoly of champ.igno making for
years and wo should bo pleas ;d to know
that Pennsylvania tomatoes had finally
triumphed. Wo do not vouch for tho
truth of tltc alleged discovery or tho
quality of tho wine.
It Is stated a3 n scientific fact that tho
shades of scarlet, oraugo and yellow
hnvo a stimulating and even Irritating
effect on tho human brain. Somoarllsts
cannot work long with those colors
without feeling tho effects. Even ani
mals nro sensitive to tho irritation of
scarlet, being tiometimos perfectly en
raged by tho sight oT a red dress or
shawl. It Is said that bulls aro made
furious for tho light in Spain by n gor
geous display of senrlot; nnd wo nil
know that tho quiet cow and the turkey
aro affected the same way. Bluo of deep
and dull huo is said to havo a depress
ing effect on tho mind, nnd other col
ors to havo each its own effect of pleas
ure or pain. Tills Is n fact which may
yet bo turned to good account iu tho
case of nervous patients.
To bo a good citizen, in tho full senso
of tho term, is not merely to lead a cor
rect life, but so to II vo that tho commu
niiy may feel tho influence of your pre
sence for good. Thero aro many men
whoso career h unmarked by any no
tion calling for tho condemnation of
good men, but whoso death causes no
mourning except, In their immediate
family and among personal friends.
Such men, though good husbands, fa
theis and companions havo not fulfilled
all the requirements of a citizen and,
dying, leave behind them no monu
moiits of their deeds, except tbo one0
over their graves. To so identify per
sonal with public interoats.toadd lo tho
public convenience, comfort or happi
ness and to uso wealth for tho benefit of
others and not alcuo for selfish ambi
tions are all Indispansablo for a good
A cheerful creaturo hi Bucks county,
with a talent for discovering tho short
comings or naluro lias been devoting
himself to tho task of investigating the
probabilities of tbo hay crop of tho
coming season. Tho pleasing conclu
sion to which bo has arrived is that
"tho warm snows in January started
tho grass buds, and tho frost of tho past
fortnight nipped tho stamens and sot
tho sap to running bael; in tho root-i,
which will mako tbo stalk grow the
wrong way, and therefore thoso who
can cut any hay at all this year will
havo to uso hoes or subsoil hoio raku).
Thai's alt"
This is chirpy and reassuring to farm
ers. If Horace Greeley would only fur
nish tlio country with an exhaustive ar
ticle on under ground hay making we
might know what to do under Uio clr
cumstances, but, wanting that, wo are
compelled to recommend turnips ns a
safe crop.
Tin: Town Council met on Saturd ty
iglit lait pursuant to adjournment,
nil tho members being present. Tho
ctltion of Dr. Turner relative to the
Market Street bridge and removal of
tbo embankment of tho samo was
ordered Hied. Tho petition of a inBj ir
ity of tlio residents of Ceutro Street
nskiuir for tho trradiug, Ac, of ald
tnet was nlo filed. Tlio petition pro
fronted by Leonard Shipmuu praying
for tho passing of an ordinance creating
Hook and Ladder Company in this
town was ordered Hied. Me-nrs. Peter
Billmyer, John Wolf and I. S. Kulm
equested that a chango bo madoiu tho
grade of Centre Street as beforo ostaD
llslied. Sundry bills wero ordered
aid. C. O. Barkioy was authorlzjd
to visit Kingston and Wilkes Barre for
ho purposo of pre.-cnting tlio Markot
Street bridiro (mention to tho 11. II.
Company, and also to obtain informa
tlon relative to water works, ino
Council then adlourncd to meet on
Thursday uvening, March llih.
At about 1 o'clock on Wednesday
Hiornimr. March (itli. tho citizens of
Cuntralia wero aroused from their slum
bers by shouts of fire. On arriving at
tliu scene tho liouao of James B.irry iu
the upper square of tho town was found
to bo In funics ; it is supposed to hnvo
caught from an old heatlng-stovo that
WU3 in u part of tlio house about to bo
tenanted bv another family. The homo
of Mary M'Brearly north of Mr. Bar
ry's, caught, and was consumed, as was
also Michael McNulty's, Tiiomn
Hoar's, James Uannon's and Josuph
Daw's. South of it. in tho same row, six
largo two story houses wero destroyed
and twelve families, tho occupants
thrown ou tho meicy of tho world h
tho extremo cold that prevailed. Many
of them howover soon procured house.
that wero for rent hero nnd tho rest aro
till depending on tho hospitality of
their friends. All tiiefurnituro was saved
xcept tho usual amountbrokenousueh
occasions. Tlio houso of Alexander
Morgan next lo Mr. Daws' ami only
11 vo feet distant, was saved by tho energy
of tho citizens, ns they managed to get
a supply of water from somo neighbors.
Thero has been no water in town lor
bomo tlmo past except that carried from
a distance. The lots is nbout 10,0UU
bclug partially Intured, but Mr. Mc
Nulty and Mrs. Mclirearly had no in
surance. The houso of Uio latter was
partially Insured uy Mr. It. Gorrell, ho
having had somo claims against it. Tho
matter lias been in litigation for Eovcral
years In court
The bill beforo tho Legislature to
ctntn i-niwi fmin siiipkshlnnv
Ornngevillo has been tilled.
Wr, nro Indebted to Pelcm ni's De
tector, for tho following, to dotect
counterfeit 50 cents curouey : Tho
engraving Is eoarso and tho lathe work
wanting, though Imitated coarsely, yet
It Is well calculated to deceive Tho red
and bluo fibres In thopaparof tho gonu.
Ino nro Imitated by printing i In tho
counterfeit, tho long beard of Secretary
Stanton is darker and tho figures "50"
on tho right hand nro surrounded by
solid black Instead of lino linos us In tho
genuine. On tho rovcrso tho counterfeit
inny bo dlstiiifulshed by tho "s" In
"Customs," falling to touch tho Inrao
oval to tho noxt.andalsobythoabseueu
of shading and tho flno lines around tho
"50" in tho corners.
UontNB and bluo birds hnvo mado
their appearance and wu will wager
that (hey regrot tho fact. How thoso
blessod birds can koep comfortablo In
this variable weather wo can not ima
gine Ilumnti beings aro notnblo to do
so. Of courso It is Impossible lo tell
how birds accommodate themselves to
circumstances, but If wo had nothing
moro pressing on hand than they have
and had wings, wo know what wo
would do. Is It probable that these
feathered bipeds lako anv in'.rrst ir
spring elections'. Niwlmilit tbev would
Jvyj- '.no -county If It went Itepubll
ean for fear or being taxed, by tho in
ternal Itovenuo fellow, as public singers
which would probably bo tho case.
Local Legislation.
Tlio schomo to lay out a Stalo road
between Shlcksbinny and Orangovllle,
Introduced by Mr. Koons of Luzerne,
has not yet becomo a law, and wo trust
will not, so far ns Cilunibla county Is
concerned. It will entail n heavy ex
pouso upon the townships through
which it would run, without any np
proxlmato benefit. It Is not demanded
by our people, nor is tlio proposed road
necessary, as thero is a parallel one closo
to it.
Mr. King of Schuylkill hns also in
duced n bill to lay out a Stato road from
Conyngham into Schuylkill county. If
this road 13 not necessary, nor demand
ed by tho Interests of our county, a ro
moi.'.traneo should at onco bo sent in,so
that our meuibercau tako action accord
ingly. Tho bill introduced to incorporate tho
Berwick Cemetery Company, and per
mit tho trustees or certain churches to
dlsposo or real estato has passed the
House. Tbo only objection to tho Bill
In our opinion is that by tho Act of
1851 tlio courts haw power to Incorpor
ate Cemetery Associations.
An Act lias alvi passed tho Senato nnd
Houso applying tho cumulative plan
of voting to tlio election of School Di
rectors In Conyngham township. The
general bill on that subject has not yet
been reached In tho IIoue
A bill lias also been read iu place by
Mr. Broekway and referred to tlw ap
propriate committee, providing for the
erection of a houso for tho employment
and support of tlio poor in tho town-
hip of Madison, &c.
An Act has also passed tho House to
prevent swino from running at largo in
ho townships of Benton and Fishing-
creek, and in tlio vlllago of Light Street.
Thero is a petition from a number of
inhabitants of Catawlssa township, to
bo included in tlio bill, which will un
doubtedly be done unless somo remon
strance is rnado against it. If the pro
plo thero do not want tlio law they
should move iu tho matter.
Tho Act relativu to taxation in the
Borough of Ce.ttralla, iu order to recon
cile conflicting interests will probably
amended so as to make the additional
tax eight mills, and extend tho tlmo for
its asso-sment.
Mr. Brocliway has also introduced a
bill creating a Court of Appeals in this
State, which has been alllrm.itlvely re
ported by tho General Judiciary Com
mittee. Tho design is not so much lo
press its passago, us to call public atten
tion to tho subject in advaneo or tlio
meeting of tho proposed Constitutional
Ho has also introduced n bill which
has been favorably reported by the Mima
Committeo providing for casesof vacan
cy In tho ofllcers of Prothonotary mid
Clerks of tho several Courts, until filled
bv appointment. It is intended to meet
sucli cases ns that which aroo upon tho
detli of General Ent.
iVlso a Joint resolution, relative to tho
publication of Acts of Assembly, which,
if adopted, will tavothuStato thousands
of dollars, and decrease the bulk of tho
Pamphlet laws one-third.
Tho Act changing tho or tlio
Catawlssa Savings Bank.aud allowing
tho election of an additional director,
has also passed tho House.
.Vlso. tho Act regulating tbo fees ol
Constables attending elections in tho
county of Columbia.
Also, Senate Bill 201, extending tnu
provisions of an Act, entitled "An Act
relativo to committing magistrates of
Lebanon, Dauphin, Adams and Frank
lin counties, approved March 2uh,lSG'.i,
to tho counties ot York, Perry, Cum
berland und Columbia. It provides,
that committing magistrates shall
enter complaints.on oath or affirmation,
upon tlioir criminal dockots, with the
name, residencoaud occupation, if any,
of nil defendants, bail and witnesses
In every criminal case and return a
trniit-cript from mid docket to tlio dis-
tlnetnttornoy oftho county, within flvo
days alter the binding over or commit
tal of defendants charged with felony
or any criminal offence, under a penal
ty of not exceeding five Iiuudrcd dol
(.'olp Willi Our Headers.
urn U a "mluhtv nleasant" thiiiK lf
po iplo would only t.iho the proper w.iy
to muls o It enjoyable, but tliero nro
nunibers who willliot do this and who
prefer their own seliWi discomfort, to
tho exertions rcuuislto to render them
selves and others happy. Pro-eminent
anionrr theso .voluntary destroycrd of
comfort aro Iho constitutional ijruin
bleis. It is iutposslblo to iilciso thoso
fellows they nro only happy when
thev aro miserable. No stato of tho at
mosphcro suits them, no condition o
hoeiul. nol Heal, iiioral, mental, pliy.sle
al or anv other kind of niralrs content
tliein, No tun over shines on them iu
which they cannot duery spots; no
moon so soft nnd bright but they liav
seen u softer nml brighter nnd mourn
for it. Tl.lnus to (htm nro not as they
used (o bo- nnd never will bo njuun
JIulters nro steadily KoltiBto "thodcni
nitinu bow-wows" nul theio is not
much hoiio In any tlilntr. If they at
cold they growl if they mo hot tiny
crumble. If they aro realty in physic
to al comfort they disturb themselves
with possibilities. They iliul fault with
ho heavens above, tho oar'h b m ath
nil tho watrr under tho earth nnd
vould, If thny dure 1, evil at the Deity
riio created them, 3Sow all till-; Is very
dAtl It would bo ludicrous H It wore
not-lt Is certainly vory sad lo hear
reasonable being) conducting them
selves In such nti unreiufotinblo tfutilier,
They do not seem to npprrclato tho fact
that their growling and grumbling pro
duces but ono effect, nnd that U their
own inlsiry.
No groat char-gen were evtfr (ffeclei.nO
troubles rcmo.-ed, no sorrow nlloviMfed
by whining complaints. These growl
do not moan to bo impious nut they
uro ; tlioy do not mean to bo moral s-ul-
cldcs but they aro 5 they do not mean,
perhaps, to bo nuisances but they are.
They nro simply egotistical, selfish crea
tures whoso minds nro concentrated on
themselves and who mnko themselves
unhappy as well ns ridiculous by con
juring up nnnoynndes when nono ex
ist, Thero h nothing manly or noblo
or good In all this fault finding ami yet
tlioy persist In it beeauio they refuse to
uso energy enough to hrraif themselves
of tho habit for habit it is. Undt r cer
tain clrcumstnucos,ns of sickness, quer
ulous complaint Is to bo cxricctod and
rriltr.ored " cordlngly, but persons In
good health, Jjavo no right either t'j In-
juro themsclvui or nnaoy olhori, by
constant complain1.
Such grumblers do exist ill every c im
munity; thero Is scarcely ono of tu vho
las not at least ono of tltn sort 011 tho
list of acquaintances. There is no pleas
uronor comfort nor satisfaction in know
ing them or talking with them unless
you arc iu bodily suffering ;:id c-i f;ct
thorn to do your grumbling frrjou.
It is u sin, nnd moro than nn orrnr for
tho creaturo to find fault with the Cre
ator and His works nnd assuredly thero
will como a punishment therefor. Sel
fishness may bo carried lo tho extent of
ix moral crlmo and must meet with a fit
penalty. It was to the grumblers of
Corinth that St. Paul wroto "Neithor
murmur ye ns they also murmured and
wero destroyed of tho destroyer."
CI.AliS-llHOCIUH-.n Contro township, on tlio
-1 liiKi., by itov. a.iuii. ii eiu'ricu, axi; i ri. ilt
lck Cuius, to Miss Helena Ilroclui.
KltlCUll AU.M-UOZi:r.I,U-.Mnroli 11, by Hi" Rev.
11. 1'. King William 11. Krlclibnumof -lmuo-l:tn,
l'.', Kiitl JMs HuUInh Iter.cllo of llenton,
Columbia couuty.
cltllASV-ltoiinilTS-IVbiuniy 15, Ml, at tlio
Slmrrplts, Mr. UnacCre.iKy o CVotre, ami Mi&s
Murij'ii-et Koberts of Jackson township, Colum
bin county, 1-a.
I'KN'HY On the 2nd day of lVbrunry Wnlter
iioiiry, M't'oiiu sou 01 ueoranu iiuti.emy.
in tuo nun year oi nn ago 1110 lunouti nervi-
ce tooi: Diuca atat. imius Liiuiviion jh-u-day
tlio ulh,
WATKIIS-Xcar Minilnvlllo IVbruary 2i).
Mr. Thomas Aten Watt-is age t twtuty ycais,
hix inoiuus aim u no uays.
I10WI2R In Uri.trcn ole townshln Marth :i. IK72.
Colesto Alit;. dunhtLT of TiaucU unu Haiaii
li'jwur, ntja bix ji'iiis.uvo nioiiiiu, iv.cmy
nluo dnys.
A fresh nssortmont of wall nnncr,
window sliudos und llxturcs, nicturo
i:ordn, tasicla. &c. of tho lutou nuttcrna
J tut rccelveil at lu. J.Thornton'a.
Johnson's Anoilimc Liniment, is with
out dniibt, tbo KilVst, sunst and best
ri'int dy that has ovi'r boon iuvented for
iuti'rmu and cxtoruai utu. it is appu
cablo to a aicat vark'ly of coinplaiuls,
aud is cnu.illv beneficial for nun or
We hnvo scon it a'atcd in arioiu pa-
pcrs throughout tliu country, that
Ajrents for tho 8nle of Shcrichm'a Ow-
airy Condition 1'wdera were itutlior-
i'd to rotund tlie money to any person
who should uso tlii iu mid not lie nit Is-
Hud with tho result. Wo doubtnl thit-
at, but tho tiruiiriLUiid uutliot i::r' uf-
to ay that it is truo.
Tin: coiil wliich J. J. Hobbin, Co
luuibia Iron Works, ofli'rs for s-alo, is of
ho bisi
kiudj and in tl'O best condi-
Al.TSTATT Still liCOIlSilgOOtl Sl-tlvtloil
vocal nod instrumental musie, in-
futuonts, Ac, which ho odors ;'.t r .t
sonitblo rates.
Tun stiriiiir stsiion of Gitnv.xod
Semliniry. nt Millvillo. will on
tuo nt ot April, buo auvcilibciiient,
1'L'iti;. freab drurrs can bo had
Klclni's now dru store, forinoiiy K.
:V law lot of tlati-f, wliolcsnl-.1 and
retail and n lot of wall nautr just re-
coived nt tho bool: s'.oro opposite tbo
UOlirt 11011:0.
Wantcii. Two smart I'iris ns tip
runt lues to tlio tailoring busine. Ap-
ly to William Morris, Main street.
IJnoww & JoNra. Who nro they
rhev nro no o.-.'-nrislntt vouii" linn
ately Cttabllslicil lu in m
ho tibtonibhintr aniouiu of Dry bood-t
bey sell it ovident tliat tnu in-opio
nrouUi-acted h.v their low uric.-s. Tiu-y
nun constant lcuelnt 01 ire.-n coous
from New Yoil:. They sell only lor
ish. l.'iviiif' tho bti.,iv every luwii'i
ilvantii);n tlerlveil liomtlil.i piaiii
sit to i iiolr --loi-' will eoriMii o
der of lln ?o fact?. i 1
1.nrv . rll n-u mint- Mnil tn till Union. l III
eielM'.trco.a Ueelpeil.nt will proo a lIt Mini;
hiouiii lite, I y miuteKHUK. in i oi i Meoi-.-,
JOHN li. IKH U -.
'.ox I. O. l-!UiJarStN,
Ufa n Jius' i tt. ho talks: 11 they did. ana
themas njiilnst tho ilrrtlotliis hmcet, th drastlo
pur.'o. nnd tho terrlhlo snllvauls of mo materia
mudlca, would arise from overy (jiavejaid. Tlio
motto ot modern, Hjlo ucols -l'.-etervo
nnd r.egnl.ite, not destroy," uuit no remedy ot
our day la to cuiltcly iu liaimony with tun
ihll.intluoplo loulo nsim. wam:ei: EOt.r.-
111.K ViNcu.iu inrriaiH. Iu thm powirtni, yo'.
linrmlim resfcir.liho. ilysupsl.i, tililoiis o
pliilnl", nnd all illsoasm of tho Moinai li, liver,
hoels nnd uuncf. one milter an liui-istiblo
antidote, ivr.
What DvspF.i'DiA may llsn is Iu-ligcfati n
is not il.iuuerous. day tho faculty. rorU.iiH not In
iiiir. while It remains mero Indiums Ion; but
louU i t tho counooueuois to which tt in iy lead.
and often does lea I when It btenmrs n chroulo
disease. Aspark of flro Is a -iiiall thing. A pre
uiot ftholoot will put It out; a brat Ii will
oitlucuUli II. Vet It may llio a powder mill, or
kin-lie a llama that will CDtuumon city, in llio
inanuer lnillgelion may produce gastritis, cau-
cer of tho 8tomucli.coiiBii.uou Ol the houcls,
unojluxy. liver duea-o, unil many otluruau-
gen us lunladlcv. is n not wiso men, in uueeis u
lu the (cllil'.- XS0111I112 is 111010 iliunv auu iu-
iln,i.ut.ibly utobllsued than that U.sieUei's
Kluiuaili llltteia wllUrudaato djbjn p-ia 1.1 all
iu dtuicai, Tho truo policy, however, U u tslln-
uiiUIi It la tliu llrbtbtKUe-H wlih una whoieaome,
i,oweiIul.una lulailiuio loniouuu uuerauve. u
is iiisler to nueuih a upaik than a lUiue, and It
is easier to euro di.peihl.i iihen II is nrsi uc-vei,
oni.d.than whtiillhas mailolieanwayhyutulei-t,
and liecomo eonipiieaieu wuu inner itiniieuis.
'llieio IS Hill 1 110 kllllililiv ui ii uuuui iuii ihu iiii-
ters nro ns ilirtctlv nntui!onli.tlo tn ilj spepsi.i us
wuu, ri.i.i nn,. '1 hem nie luoiisauil ol CU-sld i u
ii-eoril tirovlnu tlilslact, Hior-.nud Ubaniu'nl
iiutccalile. All tho Itiiuursnf eoniiueiiu pre.eilb.
...i ., u utiii.tiiutii-. lrnnii htlin behlnil. Hut Ihu
ktlnu Is taken out ol IbeiiplrituouH iMHIsof this
..r,.i i. imi.iv i, v v.eo iililuiiiedtcutti'n.iinituiuri .
over, tlio Miniulntil thusiiieillouleil Isof ojeep.
llotiHl i nit lib-. 1)1 ull IniilcH taken ns sufuguaiiu
ur reiiiulliH Ic-r liinoriiudnuue, billons limit
cell t, uud othei ep diinlis, Ills tlio only oue tlmt
lail UUllUrilliy VV -r,'wi,.--n. v,.,
"I UbTlC'E'b IsLAMvW.
v.-,. mm-imMi i-ii litud n Urse l. cully minted
.w,n,.i ,.r .liibTICUIs nnd L'OMIiAm.Uis
llLANKH, to which wo luvilo the ulteiillou of
UlCkU uiuotis,
JLi KKrAlK Or CHAN, 11, imKHfjKH, llRr'n.
,rttci h t "st -t nicm iiv on t ' i c-1 ti ' nt t i:'-'. if.
U'oi Ml. -,, it t'fl r ' i, 1 1" 1' KMLI '
IK., ii l-nr 'i.l I'.- IM
ho TtiOiH. IIMMW
oi Hat (I mi mi v t' l uiiJiiitn It gt
iiihI Jim, it, 1 1. rnrko Tfi .m. iJfmotNsan.if.
cjiuuuiuui nifl tlio i fttnl'g nMLi uMaS
II nniui..., . In All Ma
fAtnto GlUlcr nil ifnlj). itiiltttlafil. .HUM
Liuok luwount 'Till iuhKc ixuu jUIiU t
MARY DUKHI.KU, UmMtflMir,: , Tit.
,im. it. ii. e.
J UUS. ti. DO
1.. II. IIIU-,
jtX MTATK OK HAIIAtt Wt1ltfT, tC'D. ,
railtrtoi lulmluimnitiouou tiieeiiQorfik
Vl,llnnl.,hl. Intl. .if M t . 1'liU.MlkUL LUWIlllllP. UO-
8?lbl5jr.,,?.!.,lSf tuiv w?S
nioomihurg. All w-raotia Uiiviiik claims OKalnU
lha ?Mlnh ut tho ileGi1int aiB reonfNitcil 1
K.-lit thnm fur ftAf I lAm.-nl nnd L.uHO IndOuibU1
to tlio i-!.lato to mnko i'fiynicnt lo tho umttr
(ilpiicd,Bdniliilitralor, t,'liiit iljlwr.
r . b ii 1
louau t-j ot. &u
AUmhiintraloft ,
JIlO 'limUmltmAil nnri ItifM lit' ttin rlMi
Common 1'itiM, of Columbia count. AlTfllt
iiinmmiui 10 tnn pomei ciulv'u
, - . I ... . .
momiv In Ucltrt- m-npedtt
Slic rlir Mlu of M10 tM-ouMrty of lUtinon Filr-
ffhtf from 1
Winn in
n-ii. win mom inn inriiL4 lATPt-Qmrii imp tim ntii-.
p .,i-"rhl nppolnttneBt nt hlnotlli'u Iu HIiioMM,
nui on r riony, inw jvii any ot .Mtirvn, A. Ji iflTrf,
nt h, oVlut'li A. in. Al llprnm i li.vnifr f!nl!fti
himHim Mil, I fntiil nrnfeqm', ii-i m-ui thiro
or ho fon-vci iU'l)flfrc-l n-o-n 1 i-,ilu-' lu lurapirt
ov Blinr.- ol tliu : iniu-. , I -t
1". It. iKRf.l'.it. "
a iThrmit'M Noi'itiK. 1
li. KKTATM or Bl.MOR ( llNKH, lllWH.- , i '
Tlia IlllitBPHlirtKii. nuooiutod Iiv thtt flValHAH
Court or Columbia ouiiiily, Auditor In tluxMtato
oOhnoii Coiner,il8il,vr'iiliuert lha pMrtky
iiiltruKtiMl for Ihu mmioau of liln nnnolullufinrj
-efiaa. In Rictfmitiiirtf.
nit uw umw 01 juniiii. prceae, ra mti
on Wodneadny, March arjlli, lWi, M V) o'elotk
tn. All nirminx'lmvltic clalian nmlnatllia
ovtalo are rciintrud tn nttcua or be toras-ar ilc
birrud Hum loralng tn lit, part of uild fiu3 1,
jCa. bstatr or tUohah khack, ntvp.
lttptu of Ailmlnlstrutlnn on tlio cKtatS ,oX
TIioiiiiih IIom-Ii, Kiloof llo:rln!? IfCMttWit,, Qn
lMnuilcnunly, acccoitca, liuvu been Kiiiiili-il by
tliu lli-Rlmnr or pnM ci-nnly lo IVii-r w.tiik.of
t.octid iip. AU pcr-nnn hulug ulultuH utfaiiivt
ttin qslnt- of too ilPLvdc-nt nro n-iiucst'-a Ui pro
sent 1 li"m lor nr-tttenirnt, nml thoio inrtohtcil
1I10 ort ite to mnk" payment to tho U'l-ldraluiit-l
mlmtnlKtrnior wl'l out a 1 it.
rj'ixisi; -5WAMIS, . (ivr. AilmlnKtMaoi-i
gHKUlFIT'S SAL13. -j f
lty vlrtu'-nfn trilt of voiuUllAnt aximnrM k
Rii oil nut oftlie Court of Common l'Im of Ontnm
lila county, and to mo dlrotlnl v,ill tin pxoftfrkl
to rubllo mlu ou tho pri'inlseft on WKlfJlii
jUAr, ttiovitn uy nfMaroli.nt ono o'clock, r.
m tho following real (wtatoio wit: " '
All thatlotor Dorci'lori.intl rilttmtln thotrtn
oniucic Horn, Ontumbln county, Pcnustlvtmia,
oouniKd nna ctoncnoed n loimnw to wilt vn
uio r.'niin dv int or Uunurlno Ulrtou, on the
Kntt iy n ru il.o roucl londln irom niootnebur
to .Icivf'i town, ( i 1 1 io : outh ty lot r.f Hen
t.ol, uivl on Hi v. oit bv u nit' v. hereon ar
I'lvetcd n tlcllii houen iml a naull Htuble.
MiUl Inl beiiicr alMy fot lu irunt iu lu or lH9,
and ono Uuntlrod and fifty feet lu tl-pth more or
beir.'d takc;i Into ctecitlon and to bo saMr.s
Uio iiroi ,y oiViUiam KuIrIiI,
A valuable firm la tvnlro tnunship, Colum
bia County, adjoining huuU of John IVsitT, Win.
I lower, UeuhtMi Mtlt-r undutlitiM, i-ontnlnluff lid
ncrrn. 1-ificreBof whlUiutuln Uiubtr, Uotid tarm
and ouibuildluBs uuit and water. Kor termir
and lull riutlculnrH apply to
Hic-ontor of Treii'It. bhnlXtr. ducofUrd.
L'oiit OflUo adUruH. Limo UUUm. IV. '
All ih'i o'H I.nov.'.n i riMn'-Ivf-, 1 -i 1,-ljt --,1 tl
li-nhih IJii-lL-iicl: on Koto or lloolc ni-rnuut Ul
suveio-.t bv cullii n tliu n tin i.u'-rrller. rtMu-
ltlK nt Ultport. any luuo bit-.rceii this (I U'l rutl
tliu ntii Ouy of Mim-ti, anil ttiofo ni ilcctltiu thl.s
notlco will havo eosls uililed alter thit ilato.
.IU11.N U lit. ! K. ,1. 1'.
r.upert, Cell. 2t3, 17J. f3liST7S-lm
Tho uiulcrblL-ncil appolntcil by tho urpar.r.f,
Court il Columbia c -uuty, Auilltor, to m-ko
iiutilbuuou ot Uio bjlanco in iho nnnil-i ol ino
Ailmln'strator of talil ilccetlort as iu-r his i'C
eouiittlUil to Uih pnrlleft fntllleit to lei-else Uio
Hnnip. will nieit Uio pnrlloH lnterefitetl for Iho
nuiposo of IiIk nppnfutmiut. nt Iho oflco of
.loliu (1. Frccisp, 1 -i., In tilomnalmrif, on Kattir
ilay, tin ft Inlay or April, A. 1. Ml, al liio'dorl:
a, m. All pcisoiiH ii'ivlut; I'lniiiis upaltist tin
pbtnie nre requueu to prtseni ine'ii or oc iorevijr
ilr) trom comln : Iti tor a i-art of thutald
livml II. ritANKKAlin, .
mens '73-51 Auci.tor.!
U i'
V M.L'AUID- It E A 1
In TMMUvico ofnn rntirnf ttmOrrlinns' Coutt
of I'liiuinlila emiiity, t'.io rtjdcrlpnd AdmluW
lrnt"i', AC oftho estati' of Uni-tie M. ' e yh Into
of l!t.nito li townililti, lu tho i-'ild uie v, ih-c'd,
v. 1 1 expose to pun lc bale ou Iho p.u'iiltqbou i
SATURDAY, MARCH 23o, 152',' j '
rttldoVIocl: In tho forer.oo t ofs.nM diy. the fid
luuluiluiT.bfcd itul eMatc, to wit: Iho uijdl
vlde.l till '-half of a ucJshiitu -and
T II A G T O P I. A X i) ,
Rltuito in tli township of Ilomlocic In llif coun
ty of Columbia, bont.dvd nnd described as fol
lows, on tlio north and wh-1 by Hi.d of Iho
lU'irioi .latoo intrin, tieccnstu, (tn hid imh ny
land ot (Jnnlroy Melh I;, nnd on llio bouth by
and Iwiiitv-c-iL'ht nuhes ui-tui hi. h hi i ULtod
u t ir.-o Niorv franiH i-iihl mill, a honsi- Ap.
CONDITI- Xs Ot'" WALK I'm - eroelit ofono-
fourth of tho i,urelms-i money riiiiU t?o paid tit
lh strllonif oown ot tho properly ti'o ono-
f mrtli. U-kh iho ten rer rent, on Ihocnnflrmntton
of naln and tlio temnlnlii;; thvee foutlhi In ono
year tlierentter, with InltrcHt from tho eoutlr-
mail u mill. 10 set-won i; ven upon uio pur-
ilia, or h. i-ii 1 1 hi- tlio payment ol the mireiuifc-e
llllll.e, I'UlLllM ClHlOfHl tOI-ll LltllllUSt OipH,
s'lu-a !'.- ii. .'iii.i.iai,
JIiirelil'7-: It AdmlniistiiHor,
TJAilil-iLl ijAIltJ l'Uit
Thn llllilcrstllCil OiTul il far fcllltl ILllillLCl -ic.'lS
of lino wood Inml olve'fd with vhllo pliio, ml:,
rhi-stnut &o . In uran.-jo lori:ililp nonr James
I'alleii-oa-H taw mill, lor pnriieui'ir-i ns u
terms apply to J. n. liv .nh,
leb'-I'7-l--ai Groeuwood, ColuJiblrt county, P,
AT MII.I.Y1L.I-1J, (JUL. LU., l'A.
Tho HnrlniiTpnii will pnmm uoo on illondn
Apill ikt, IS7I1. Vne-itlou li nu tlu nitddlroi
.lune, to the 5th of Aiuut. ih.n Iho l'all 'term
will open. Kleven weeks tnaho a ounrter.
Tor I'lmiliilK. Uiniillnu. .-.Inn. Tuition or
other pirtteuinrs, aujrcs.-i
I .1, 11U III I IV",
feb') "J-Stn l'rlnclpal.
Kiplah'.luirliow to lir-nl:, nil Ho nu 1 mount n
-oil. huve to oieaii: ii hor-Ri lo huruos-i. to iiiiku a
iioi-o lie down, toll-iw vou. and Ntunt without
holdlnif, nlxo, v.iliinlihi it'-eipli lor dlsea is
Aisenis iTunieu, oesi lernvi.
W. It,, I'i.-1".- om is!., I'u.'.a-l'.
" 1500K AOENV.-j'WAN I ED. "
I d.-dro to Kieure tho st i lees of a lew moro
exper.oueed imoois, kiiii le.i.-neis ana onor
u men. to --oneii lorn new. n miliar aim oiiu-
tlfullv lllintrated work, wlneh Is proven to bo
ono oi in- esi hetiiui- oi-i,.s in ino iniiruei. i or
,'.-e.. n ulr, II V. Jlj;i:is)o:f, I liulli.ii -r.oil-i Aloli witu Huinnio i :un. terni.s.
SI,, I'uu.iuiipuia. nij-iiv
III. t$G!
,LI,,i..ll.m ro-,
l l'-iUr mil r.i I II. ..'Hliii- roiUlju. n ,1 ... ..ul,,l
y,, ,v ...i.!-,.. lnlTovrriryl
j , 0 0 (111 E E N H A
aud i spji-imii oC iho
0 IC
G II E A T I N 1) U 8 T K I E S
1300 PAO Es A N I ) f ID MNOlt.WI NO-PllINIi:
IN i;nuiImii Ann ui;iijiah.
Wrlltou hv 21 Iltuinent Authors, Including
Am nts w i 'itt d In everv town lo solicit oril or
eliiiKo. a.,d no ipirury should be without it. 1
lor nils v.'oii;, on iiiii-iai leiins. it. kens ill u
Is ui oiniui ii- utsini-) oi uu urauoutHoi industry,
ever beroiu liu'dUlud. Due uueut told 1;K 1
nr ie-N, i ,u ui.iiiu! n-iuii-s. tie. no iiko wnr
eU lit days, nuolhsr l- In ono wtwlc, snothor 3C
ill iwn wi-oh.. jvii i-nriv iippucniion win ssour.
ai-liolio in lerritory. I-nil Liutleularsniultorm
will ho lent Iree, wlih a speeltneti of thlserout
llO-ll. 11 II It - llllillO.Ml, J, Jl, lllllllb '
lYUU, ilaiiio: J, Conn, nu-iw
vvaittbeT AGEN TS,"
9UU to iliOO prr month, by rlllnp
AVI) HOW lltKY Vllir M 11EJ Oil TUK'TI l-ll.
lij.rM ami 1 nil Jirrii ii ouji t-hLi'-MAiii: Mil,
by j, i. jici u-u , ,ir.
II shows now iinrty, tiili-nl und pr.llent In.
illlstiy 1uim ii1u.ih met .vltlt siircess when
piopei iy vi t ii' iii inn nf luiij i iiuuwn- iisi.ui.
nlra. tenehos how to sum-ttil lu 111,., nnd Ht Him
sun u tune Unetlt mat kluil Kind lor piitleu
1,im u,,iices oi inn priss mm pmiu lein.s u,e.
N ii 1 v eudy I A new book liom ill' pi ,i if
Mi) I.l Wis, iMiu-ih-u'b iiioa'- popular liciute,'
i lid wilier nil health.
'J he world-wile it-flllnllou ol the author, ami
llio lnriieaIiiotall his, pievious works, i-uuoot
lull togiiuiienu Iwinelusi dtiuowt lor lulu, his
K t .
' 1--. '
.. 'I
If I
1 il !
I,. IU- -
,W ill
,- J
i ii-;
- .irf t
oil' f
in or'dor (o tnako room for Hpriny;
OootlB I will ciosoouttho bnlnnca of my
nt great barjnins.
A Vi COATS' Oottrn SO ct?. per drz.
ItavlPK pr.relinred tho I r.MiKFi of V. I. I.nlz
nrty olltis al tho old itano, tv cLolcorb&citmui
Tt H.r.i? AP.TICI,
rAi'cy RtAr3,
ml n ccneral nsroilimntof Iho choicest coods
usually found lu Ilistclsks establishments,
I'lij -leinl.n i-resciipiious unu ruuiuy isecipts
i-ii tJuuaa s. onen lioni S n. in., to 13 n. m.. aud
fioin J p. ui to 1 p ni,
1!1AN AND tlNGLI-jll Sl'CKEN,
feb 0 7,
will opvn on
under the cnliro control of tbo
Tiny h-.vo BCloctcil as Principal of tlio Insti
a rrutlomftn whoso oiiallfleatfon hnvo hpen
Jully Ublcd ui d ptovtd in tlin NINi; VICAim lu
wniiMi no imn imti ennrgo oi tuo honoois of tno
ouutv ns suiiei intuiuieut i ami iliev ask and
hnvo a ilrfht io dein uid tt.r li)m nndtheriifti
ttitlou. the couthieuee and tmiMiort of our own
citl.dii.i, und oi the irlfiidot the t nttTpruo and
ol tduc.Ulou cverywbtTc. Inpofntot comfort,
(onvoniuuio unit uuuuy oi ihuuiiuks nun nir
round inas, no Fohool tn the Slnto MirrnsniH HiIk;
nd we aro deti rinlned It t-hall not bo second lu
tho kind, quality und tUorouglmo s of Us disci
pline und culture
The winter Kctslon of twelve weelts will com-
and closo
MAKCII 23th.
Tho - prlns session of twelve w-5hs Ttlll brglu
MONDAY, Al'ltlli STU,
nnd closo
JUNK 3rn.
Tuition aud Uoardlm- lucluitluu washing and
ntiii, lor i no session oi iweivo w-eeus, too n-.'.
Tuition for day pnplls, ono dollar porweel;
Iulhu model tchool. iruin llftv to oiiilitv i-m
perweelc. Music, Untwine, lMlntlnu, ic, extra
uiner usii at. mo miuuiuoi ine session.
J. tl. ! ItEl ZE. 1 II. UlTEItT,
hecretary. l-rosldcnt.
vaia7abm: nn.r rsTATi:.
In pmsiinn onfnn onleroflhe Orphans' Court
of Colunibla countv tho Uliiterstaneil admluls.
Il.ilor, iSC, ol the ostiito of l,iiiiuil W hoberts,
Ittonf huinrloat township, In Mild county, dee'd,
will uxpoo tu public uio uu Iho pieliiisu, ou
SATUItUAY, .MA11C1I 23n, 1872,
nl It) o'clock In Iho forenoon of nil day, Iho
Ii'IIowiuk di - iil'ed rual ustati'i to wit: A cer
tain trsei oi land situate. In tonuihlp.
In-- ud couuly
re or ls. GdjulnlUK lands ol bumuel lloborls
i.n t
the north, minis ot riunkllu Nunlo cm tho
i ivt luud- urloiiuinu lo the lulrs nt John I'rlt.
oil tli MAilli. und lumls ot I'ulilel UoliorU on
t ' wist, Wheieuu Is ui-oted hollo and one
lill slo y
nmti ill Uuiltllug".
1 1, Millions UK HA I.U. Tin rcrfcnl.i.fiuo
foiiith ol llio Pliicliuso lllouev to no iiilil at tho
kiillilugUvwn ul tlio propeity, uu- iuurtli of
tlmpurT'hnsB luoiify liss I lie It'll per cent, at llio
iiiuMtmiiuou oi Miivi uuu mo leiiuiiuuiif iiiro
fouitti' In one star therestler, with fiiteml
I rum aunlliiiLKlliin nl,l, l'wnhsi-r lo juy lor
ill id and ktaiups. rosM-islnn utveii on lUe pin
olwser swurlug tlio balaoiw of tho luutisia
Attendance givtii mi day of.aloliy
. - . . .Mlwi n.wrn
iiwih v.nrii:NnY,
lieu iou, jurwi i, imr-it
ii I ri,j
A WORK IlKHOlllI-f 1VH pj 111 uirv
It MMpncluFM ami wrtehdn8 t It HI
rAwIrt- tu mnrtilo nai- nndiUrlcili
lUiiKinan us vahiiiuis i-iia:
nUrnttlondniiiliKlnuere in- lllRUg it F
IU ttaaing I 1W una -piuicinas-iMauji
ldtii-!irw; Its inrirliiinii crlmMk
tod with nearly UDilnotncrnvliiri.
ee oar Utms ftd a full itmcrlntlon of tn wnrs
n WAniJr5U.snii lor euuuiiini ii i
isniionni ruoiiiniiinuo., iiinn
Tho Great FIRES
iu CinnAQO nml the WKfl by ltv. It. J. Oo-kI-im-iKl.
I). t) of Chttniro. Only onmoleto lllsloi v
71 18vo. pMCSl 7jeai-ravluin. 7,0Wiilraly until,
rfln.m. STMajentmninlolnridas-s. I'foilis
Co.lDuireroni. AUKN1H WANrtiUi JI. H.
vlUUl'31 IX KJJ.t tl 1 .11 H. Jfc'JIV, .sisw mm.
C E L T I. C 13 E K h Y .
nibRreattlllurtrat-i!Orl(ilnnt Story IMner
l Atuerios, li'Eln Now OilttlualHIories lu llr.t
nmftr. lso lltmry IrMt innal to It. Act-nts
und omi7Asii wuUil In ovry town nnd city
ofthe Onion. tlOeelc onjilly roalmfcl by.Ui)
iuf tills extrnordinnrjr Irish nntl American
irlml, ftpoelini'ii copies froe. For salo by a 1
vsdpnli 1-4. l-riee. II -.- nwrf-nr. AiMnsi
M. 1, 0'J.yary A Uo., 1". O. Hot 0,071, Now York.
wAt ,wto read
;tfis: olaMlll-wl TAilM nf fllinlen Uavllti-r. with
nppfoprlntu Irlnts and Itomarks, ndapteu to tho
(fencml Ile&iler, to tjubserlbrs, nml to persons
l!iul!K tj lorm culltcltons or Jlooks. 1 vol,
no. 1 (Mites. I'rl-. ft rmu. fimt frso hv
mall on receiptor the price. 13, Al'l'I.Kl'OX it
U) PubllBbera, New otk,
Tho Mason .!- ttamlln Grctn Oo. rsniietfiilt--
nnnoancB tho Introdtictlon of lninromenM of
inuu moro innu ordinary luioiesu Tuofiearo
li-ln-f tlif o ily sn-cWMful combination of RBAL
1'11't-rt wllli roods evor male ;
wh loll can he lut inlly moved to tho rlfhl or
li'fl.rliaiulUK tbo pilch, or transposing Iho key.
Fur tlrau un-s mul uescrlptlons, seo Clroukir,
NEW AM) Vt.FXlANT HTYr.K-1 01' DOimt.K
n- tlM.tUinnd ll-l' each, Consldcrlnur-inscltv-,
1-,1'Kanc1, anil 'inoroii'-h lixcollenooor work
nniuslilp, these aro cheaper than any beforo oir
) od.
Tho Mnann Uimlln Orsnns nre nckniwl
odiie.1 Ul-Mr. nd from extrivurdlnaty rvclllties
lor uianuiacturo this Uompiuv cuu atror-I and,
now uudertatto to sell at pnocs which rentier
roui-octave oivftiiR I each Klvo octavo or-
Bus Jin. Jl-.l and upwarfs With three sets
reeds tlVJ nnd upwards, forty styles, up to
3 16 i eao.i.
tisew mu-iraleil Catalogue nnd ToRtlm-mist
, Ill, Willi Il-Mlllllll!- Ill .llll,n I.1L.-.IS l.SU
TiluUdANl) MtSH'I ANrl, sent free.
.SI AHU.N K 11A.MI.1.-S ()1K1A"S UO.,
Uf Trstnoul St., liostou. 5; J Uioailnny. N. Y.
(Incorporated lsi.)
f. S. Tletwller. l'res't.
Robert Crane.
Win. ration.
Jus. Hclirouiter.
J. S. Utrlno.
M..M. Hiriosler.
It. T. Itvo-n.
u. lisoo, vioe-l'reB't,
llerh't't'lionips Tri-as.
J. 1-'. Kruosuil'i tteo'y.
.1. i;. llachmuu.
Qoo. Uozle.
i-ur insurnnoe or
Ageuoles, Address
J, K. lTtUK.Ul''F, Soo'y, ColuurbU, I'a.
YATUD, tiii-s spniNo,
10,000 FARMERS.
Tolmprovo 1,700,000 ricreH ol tho bent l-'nrmiug
hnlidy In Iow.i, tree from mort-BHRe or other In
cutnbuiuue. Tlieso lauds comprise the Uoveru
ment v.nlroad gruatn ndjaeut to the greiit thor
ottghfarcH between Chto.igo. OiuaUauud titonx
Ottynnd llo chlelly la tho
llsmosLferiilonnd hoaltliful portion (lever nntl
nue belofi unknown), nnd tnivcr-3d by nt i
roa t in ovory Ulu'ctlou. Now ts tho tlmo t
ai'uuuii a noiin at si and si
per acre, upon inns tlmo, wlih flx per cent. In
terest, lu the luxurlnftt valley ortdther tho lljy
cr( tliu Maple, Uio .soldier or the Littlo Sioux.
Agonts at h unions nro provided with teiius to
Miow land fr o to purchasers, tttnd foraguldf.
It gives prlcts, term, detcilptiuua, wheio ex
ploring HckeU artifoid,nnd now to leach tho
junds. County moos also bcut fret. Address
JOHn K.CALHOUX.Inud C mmlsslontr lowtt
it. It. Lund ca, Cedar ituplds, Iowa.
1UK inn
J, I.. VELMilaus" ""
Sfa'"""'mT.7 Chestnut Ftriet,
"riiilndelphla. r.q.
Profitable 3mployment
for ono or two persons ot cltticr sex. In overy
town intiic L'nltt-d t-,taus, by which they may
ri alizi- fioni S.I tl) t.i Sl.i 0 per year, with hut Hi
ll Intel loitucu Willi ordinary occupation, lf
tho wholo tlmo is devoted a mucn la-utr sum
will bu realized. llosaml lrucau make near
Iv ns much as Blown people. Home making
Irom f7 to tn per week. Kor partlculam address
J.J. lAltUULl. & CO., 70; llruudway. N. Y.
AQEHTti WANTED. Aleuts inaUe moro mon
ey nt work for us than at anything else,
llusluess light and permacent. Purtlcuhus flee,
ii. t-TisbuN it Co., i'uio Art Publishers, l'ort
laud, latne.
Ql Tiauo Co. N.Y. 1st c'.aKsSi'OO. NongnU,
Oa iSutuen ol imlrouH lu -tJhtatea lu Circular
U i-ui -Nril)ciiL. will not cure. ..opuluoriu
conentence. fceut on receipt of S'.l'O. ti. ii.
AUM.yiKONG, .d. L).,llcuilug Institution, i.'ti
rleii tsprinns, Mich.
TO ADVKIl'flSEIW. All personswhocontem
plate tnaUIni; contracts M itli newspapers fur ILo
liibeitluu ol AderUsemti.lsshuu'Useud lo
for a Circular, or InclosoM cents for their ON'K
llUNDHLn IAOK PAMPHLKT, containing
LlsU ot y,ttOMevspav erbandi'ht;iiiHtecJ, thou int;
tho covt of ndvcrtistng, ls. many metal hinta
to ndvorttsors, nnd some account of iho cxp- rl
di os of mi'ii who nre known ns Hnece-nlul At-vorlHrr.-i,
Tills tli m nro mopnclorK of the Anitr
Icun NeWtopuper Ailvertfblntf Asency,
and nro rossessed of unrriuiloil facilities for s
curing tho lucrtlou if udverthuuieutH lu al
riowspupf rs ana penojioiis m luwoi
ltoyyj.' v
n the Ornhnns' Court of Crlambln ccuntv. n
tliu mum rot tho paititlou nnd vnluatlon in Uih
r.biuii oi i'liuiji .miier nut) n i nine iuwi mi pt
dccnut'd. To t'trus AVcbti. 'Ihn,'r, '(chu
('(juui v.lvumim.tfiku notk'o U.aL an lLniitiiLui'l
1)0 he hi at tliu late ow tiling Ijoiuu uf 4 hllipMii-
iur, uecc netu, -n ino iiMiip 01 1 emit', Loium
bin. co uiv.on Thurfcduv.ihu tooilh nav ul Ai 1
Mi, hotweon tho l.ouib 01 t o'clock, n, tn,, atid 1
p, ui., of said day, lor tho puiponcui inukir j ai
I'tion ot iho Hi ul K&Uituid kukI deustd. toiiii 1
niuouK hlb thllUuu atd Uai- rtprtfceutut , h
incKtuno r an lo tiono wonoui prejudice 10 t
fcpolllnu of the vlio:o, otntrrwlse to alunnd op
uialvi tno sumo uccordiua lo luNv.ul vthtuh tii.m
and plncoyouuru rctiuludtoHitemUfyouthi U
proper, AAuutjuin, aiicriu.
hii ittvr'H OrrirK, )
liiooMauunu, March 1, t7. $ xnehV'Z-U
EslalilbhoiUu 1810. ,
rino BILKS.
Flno HOdlEKY.
V!i()!cs:lo nntl Ilclal!.
Send your p.ddies. slntlfiK experlene. uccces
und bool; now btliniti"i'd rcceivo fieoour in. w
Vol lh SW.i I to any Book Aints.
AKcntsalso T) 1, T r V, V .Hlf WHU1
Vi mum n r 11 lj ij 1J lj l HIH'.
iw i t.vr veahs amcvno Tim w ilu in.
WANS Ol'" THK 1'l.A'H.
Murdered Hcptembcr 1st, U71.
The wild advciiuiris and marvelous c-xpeti-it.iis
i f (lio. 1", lleltliu, kurwu ss tie "I.l
Wuirlor," "Orcut lluutir." aud famous Wliilo
llilef," of lui looms. A lwkof ihtlllli g luur
ikt, UsUly lllusiiultil; cliannseveryUsly ic
wliete, and m Us lo exceed any boolt out.
bend for lll"Hitid lviklrr anil extls tuiii".
HUIJIIAIIU I5U0K, 1-unlUliei-s.
intlil'iMf Wilimlu fcl., 1 lul.i.
Jl J
W now have, tho fiii(tKrliiuctii( l i.ani-.
ou . miliu auu lor Hue mat vtie tvr
Unl In lnorioilmi.' litrgeiiltoon l ut iistch
nieut paper, Ceinmon Dirdt-, llnrutor h sua
Ailmlntsirlloi's liK'd.-tuisM sluo tupcr
cheap common Deeds, Ao.