The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 08, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Boomsburg, Friday, March 8, 1872i
Railroad Tlmo Tablo.
Nnrtli. Month.
Jlnll 101 A.M. fills P.M.
Ariimiinod.illnii 4:IA.I, IOmM'.M.
Inputs (. liHSl'.M. C17A.M
( ata wish a n. n. riniM nrratT station,
GoInK North. OolnnHoiitU.
(:0S 1'. M. 11!" A. M.
Watkii isrotiillcil In tho streets of
Her wick nt thrco cents tho bucket.
TllK Wnleoiitown llccord says that
there wero C2 votes polled nt tho Into
electioiMit McEtvonsvlllo, mid out of
tlmt number -It wero candidates for
Tut Scriuiion 7 lines snys It Is useless
to deny, or ntlctnpl to liltlo tho fnct from
tho public, that lilnck or spotted fever
h raijlnj; In tlmt city.
A Machine Is tiiitiouiicHl,
which, if worn for lmlf nn hour dally,
Is warranted to press tho wearer's noso
into tiny shnpo ho may deslro within n
few weeks.
TEMi-nrtATUitC of February, 1871!, nt
Bltionislnirg, Pa., result of Mired daily
observations. Maximum, CC on tho
"itli,nt2 p.m. Minimum 3' on tho
8th, ut 7 it. in. AveniRO op mean of tho
month 20H. n. z.
llcMEMUKP. tho Sunday School Ex
hibition in tho M. E. Church cf this
placo this, Friday, night. Piof. I. W.
Xlles will furnish one of bis splendid
Tcuiplo Orcans for tho occasion.
Tin: barn of Jesso Hutlon in Mount
Pleasant township was destroyed by
flroon Saturday last together with his
firming implement'), grain, &e., nndii
horse. Wo havo not learned tho cause
of tho flro nor tho amount of tho loss.
AN exchange says that IJIoomsburg hud n leap ytar cngnnement niiil
that the girl was tho proposer. If this
bo truo wo should bo glad to know tho
name of tho young woman who has
taken advantngo of tho privileges
which leap year gives to her sex. Docs
any ouo know her?
It Iihs been proposed in Congress that
Postmasters should bo elected by tho
people. That would bo :i good move.
Thoso who aro served by this depart
ment nro fully as capable of selecting
proper and competent officials ns any
Congressman. Tho chances nro that wo
should sccuro better men as n general
Duuinci tho intensely cold weather of
the past fow days tho pump and steam
heating pipes of tho Normal School
wero frozen and somo dlillculty was
experience il in keeping tho building in
an inhabitable condition. Monday
night was prob.ibly tho coldest of tho
Si-ason, tho thermometer having gono
down to flvo degrees below zero nud a
(aloof wind prevailing.
Thkhk was n sharp snow squall on
Monday, which began with little pre
monition and, fur n time, tho snow fWl
rapidly. It lasted but a shoit time,
however, doing nothing inoro tnan
whitening tho ground. Tho weather
succeeding tho storm was exceedingly
cold. Winter's region is nearly over
and this last attempt to assert his sov
ereignty will add littlo to tho dignity
uf the dying monarch.
Tin: financial condition of Columbia
comity will comparo favorably with
that ol any other In tho Stato. Too
county Is not only without a debt but
has unavailable fund of $7,23.3.57. This
is proof that for u Just and economical
administration of public affairs Dom
ocratic men and measures nro indispen
sable. Wo beliovo no Republican coun
ty In the commonwealth U free from
Anotowlth tho words "without de
falcation" omitted, is legnl, negotiable
and rccovcrablejust as much so, legally,
as if those words wero in it.Tho Courts,
wo aro informed, hold that all notes
are liable todcfalcatlon.tiotwithstandiug
tho popular impression that tho clauso
of the words "without defalcation"
cannot bo offset In any part by nny
counter claim. Notes without tho
words named, however, aro not in
regular form, nud will not bo discounted
at bank.
Petekson's Dktkctoh, oftbolOtb,
says; Merchants, railroad officials, retail
dealers, bank officers, in short, all who
rsci'ivo paper money cannot exorcise
too great caro ut ibis tlmo against coun
terfeits. Never was thero so much
bogus currency In circulation, nnd
eclilom hnvo tho efforts to got it In cir
culation been so persistent unit well
muiingcd. Tho worthless stuff cm
braces all dcnomlnntious from tho&iO
V.S. greenback down to u fifty cent
note. Legal tender nnd national bank
notes aro uliko counterfeited, nnd right
sKlllfully too.
If thero nro nny landlords In town
who proposo rnlslng their rents this
J'rar, wo would call their attention to
'lie fact that sixteen families In Hello.
fouto hnvo decided to leavo that town
on account of tho high routs. Such an
oxoilus irom Uloonisburer would bn verv
disagreeable, especially for thoso who
would In that caso havo ompty houses
io look- after. Money is so light at pros
ft, Unit lmus.0 expenses havo becomo
matters of serious consideration. Mod-
judo rents witli good tenants aro vast
iy belter thnn high ones and nobody to
i'y mem.
What Good Roads Do. An ex
inaiigo truly says. "Good roads benefit
uyry ouo residing along their course.
Good roads snvo liorsi'-llwli: thev moll.
ifato the tinnsjiorlatlon of produce to
umrkut; they savo your temper! they
mruiM) tho vnluoof tho lauds; thoy
nd ntlrnctlvencss to tho eyo of a
strungeri they increno tho trafllciind
business of a town by Its vitality In all
wnnelic of trade. Show us n town
jwileli receives a largo country trade
"y means of tho lino roads leading to it,
d wo will show you a placo that Is
lively, prcgntblve, and thrifty, with
Money circulating in plenty, and men
'"ii uiamiics of industry busy
beavers. '
Ann O'Dyne Is said to bo tho quiet'
est young lady lu town. Montour
hloomsburg has ono far moro quiet.
Her iiauio 1) Ann S. Thosis.
Tit bub will lion shooting match font
largo black boar of 300 or 100 lbs,
weight, on Tuesday next, Mnrch 12th,
ut tho .hotel of William Unangst,
Hohrsburg. Our sportsmen should bo
present ns tho prlzois worth contending
Tito8i: of our subscribers who Intend
removing lu tho Spring, can lnwo tho
Coi.UMiiiAN sent to their now residen
ces by notifying us, nnd giving tho
nnmo of tho Post Offlco wbcro they nt
present rcccivo their papers.
"Rings." Whenever you hear n
man in this county pruto nbout "rings"
Just nsk him how much tlmo and money
he has spent lu tli servlco of tho party
ho attempts to divide. In mostinstnu
ces ho Is n disappointed pollilcan whom
tho peoplo havo repudiated, nnd whoso
efforts nro directed ngnlnst his own par
ty, Instead of against tho opposition.
A coTEMl'OHAHY remarks thnt."tho
groundhog has proved himself to bou
complete failure" this year. Tho writ
er may bo correct, but in this latitude,
tho salo or wearing of linen coats nnd
straw lints, has not occurred to nny no
ticeable extent. Wo nro willing to ac
cept Columbia county ground hogs as
pretty fair authority.
As all tho oilier pnpers of tho Stato
havo mentioned tho fnct, that March
has "como in liko n lion," nnd as wo do
not wish to appear eccentriu by sllenco
on tho subject, wo would stato distinct
ly nnd firmly our belief in tho lion-liko
advent of tho month. Wo would go
further and prophesy that It will depart
like a young sheep, although wo claim
no credit for tho originality of tho idea.
A mukdeu, attended by circumstan
ces of unusual brutality occurrod in
Plymouth last week. An old mnn
named James Hunter, going homo
drunk quarrelled with his aged wife
nnd literally beat her to death. Tho
dead body presented a terrible appear
ance, tho faco being nearly past recog
nition. Hunter was arrested and tho
coroner's jury found n verdict in accord
nnco with tho facts.
We call attention to the Sixth Annu
nl Report of tho Continental Life In
surance Company of Now York, to bo
found elsewhere. This Company is ono
of tho best in tho country and its report
proves how popular it is. Tho agents
for this part of tho State, Messrs. Lml
wig & Brockwity, ro meeting with suc
cess in their efforts to mako this Com
pany tho largest in tho land.
Mu. John Put, of this town lost a
lluohorsoon Monday last. Tho man
who attendod tho horso during Mr.
Fry's Illness, in attempting to cro-Js
Fishing Creek, with tho horse, on tho
ico, broko through and tho animal was
so seriously strained and cut, ns to ren
der it necessary to kill him as nfrioud
at our elbow suggests,to keep him from
Sunuuy thirsty souls In Now York
hao started a movement to compel
beer sellers to uso larger glasses. Beer
glasses havo been growing small by do
grees and beautifully less for several
years and tho patience of the"drinkists"
lias finally given out. Wo do not doubt
that this action will meet tho hearty
wishes of tho lovers of lager all over tho
A man named Jack Thompson, was
arrested by Constablo Woodward on
Monday last, for drunkenness and dis
orderly cjnduct, and lodged in tho
lock-up. This is tho second tlmo ho has
ucon arrested for tho samo offence.
Madison township owns this valuablo
bit of humanity nnd should tako caro
of him or ho may bo permanently pro
vided for in tho jail.
Hei'okts of thoexistonco of mad dogs
reach us from all directions. If this
stylo of things keeps on tho "dog days"
will havo to bo shifted into tho winter
months. Wo cannot imagino why the
dogs should bo mad. Nobody molests
them, as far us wo can learn. Perhaps
thoy aro jealous of tho very many pup
pies now holding olllco under tho gov
A dwelling house in Pino township,
situated near tho saw mill of Ellas
Mendonhall, and occupied by Cornelius
Reese, who is in charge of tho mill, was
destroyed by ilro on Thursday noon of
last week. Tho building was of frame
and was worth $700, on which was nn
nsurancoof $100. Most of tho furni
ture of tho tenant was saved.
1 1-' any of our readers havo been so
unfortunato as to bury cabbages to near
tho surface of tho ground as to freeze,
wo can brlngcomforttothem by telling
them how a chap in n neighboring
county acted in liko circumstances. lie
bored a holo in tho earth, filled It with
powdjr and blew up his cabbages. This
Is tho quickest and most reliable way
of "raising" this vegetable wo have
heard of.
The Republican County Commltteo
met lu tho Court Houso on Monday
last, and elected J. Harry James, of
Ccntralla as delegato to tho Siato Con
ventlon, Instructed for W. W. Ketchum
of Luzerne, for Governor, and Ulysses
Mercur, of Bradiord for Judgo of tho
Sunromo Court. M. A. Williams of
Orungo and E. B. Brown of Mifflin,
wero chosen Senatorial Conferees and
Instructed for W. II. Woodln as Sena
torial delegato to tho Stato Conveutlon.
Tho commltteo behaved quietly and
neither quarrelled among themselves
nor abused tho Democrats.
Many substances are in vogue to
sweeten tho breath, and todlsgulsonny
unpleasant scent, ns of spirits, tobacco,
etc. With tho vulgar It Is customary to
uso somo pungent aromatic, ns cloves,
etc., but this eavors too strongly of tho
drinking bar to be used by nny but tip
piers. The following, used us a mouth
wash, will bo found excolleut. Tako
chlorate of potash, tho drachms, nnd
dlssolvo In eight ouuees of roso or other
medicated water. As nn nrtlclo with
which to Uavor tho breath, thero Is
probably nothing equal to tho Wild
Ginger. It Is used by chewing a small
portion of tho root, or if In powdor, can
bo imulo into a lozenge. It Imparts to
tho breath an agreeable, spicy aroma.
Dental Jleglster.
A now stylo of oar ring has n chain
fastened from ono ear-ring to tho other,
passing under tho chin, nnd answering
tho doublo puposo of a necklace also.
It is said that If tho ground glass
globes for lamps or gas-burners aro
tinted blue, tho light Is peculiarly
grateful to tho eye. A lining or cover
ing of blue tissue-paper may glvo tho
desired tint.
- - . . .
We havo noticed a statement going
tho rounds of tho papers to tho effect
that tho tops of homlock trees nlmo3t
always lean towards tho cast. As wo
nro not versed In tho habits of hemlocks
wo would liko to know If this Is n
fact. Can somo of our readers inform
Benatoh Buckalew of Pennsylvan
ia, who has done excellent work In tho
Legislature of that Stato nnd compelled
tho respect of both parties, Is now
widely talked of as tho Democratic
nomlnco for Governor, and if popularity
could guaranteo success, ho might confi
dently count on success. aY. V- Tribune.
Although everybody has read or
heard of the book called Charlotte Tem
ple, very fow proplo know tho nnmo of
tho author. It was written by Susnnna
Rawson, who published nlson volume
of miscellaneous poems. Tho pooms
aro littlo known, but tho talo has been
read and wept over, and will continuo
to be, for many years to come.
The Yeah 1872. This year, Septem
ber and December each begin on a
Sunday, April and July on Monday.
October is the only month beginning on
Tuesday. February begins and endson
Thursday, consequently It "will havo five
Thursdays, which will not occur again
until 1000. In tho year 1SS8 Feb., will
have rlyo Sundays, which will not occur
again until tho year 1920. Tho year 1871
began on Sunday nnd ended on Sunday.
This will occur in 1882; and every
eleventh year thereafter.
According to a French statistician,
tho averago man has nt fllty slept
6,000 days, worked G.C00, walked 800
days, amused himself 4,000 days, spent
1,000 In eatitig, and been sick 600 days.
Ho lias eaton 17,000 pounds of bread,
10,000 pounds of meat, 4,000 pounds of
vegetables, llsb, etc., and drank 7,000
gallons of liquids. Thero aro 18,250
days in a half-century, nnd from tho
above statement it would seem that a
man .slept ono third of tho time.
There is no limit to tho ingenuity of
inventors. Hero is a fellow who has dis
covered a plan to keep cats from climb
ing a fence. Ho nails on a pieco of wiro
gauzo to tho top of tho fence, project
lug somo two feet on each side, and tho
most energetic cat cannot get over it.
Peoplo living in cities ought to voto
that chap a medal. If somebody would
invent a method of preventing cats
from screeching and howling in tho
iono watches of tho night, tho whole
community would arise as ono mnn
nnd call him blessed.
The utilization of coal-dust,by adapt
ing it to tho uso of fuel, is said to have
becomo a fixed fact. Besides tho coking
of tho bituminous coal dust, both tho an
thracite and bituminous dusts nro now
compounded with clay nnd saturated
with benzinoand rosin, and then mould
ed Into form for market, being termed
artificial fuel. This fuel Is well adapted
to nil purposes where groat intonsity of
combustion Is not desired for domestic
purposes particularly, and for tho pro
duction of steam In stationary boilers.
Boys Using Tobacco.-A strong and
seuslblo writer says a good sharp thing,
and a truo ono too, for boys who u.o
tobacco; "It has utterly spoiled and
utterly ruined thousands of boys.
It tends to tho softening and weakening
of the boneB, and It greatly injures tho
brain, the spinal marrow, and thewholo
nervous fluid. A boy who smokes
early and frequently, or In any way
uses largo quantities of never
known to mako u man of much energy,
and generally lacks muscular and phys
leal as well as mental power. Wo
would particularly warn boys, who
want to bo anything in tho world, to
shun tobacco as a most fearful poison
' Advkutisino Pays. " Often
times it pays tho printer better than it
pays tho merchant. It is a great
mistako to suppose that all ttio advertls
ing done, now-a-ilays, pays. It don't
pay to tell tho community with a
flourish of trumpets that you havo wares
to sell, better, cheaper, antl moro of
them than your neighbor In tratlo
when it's a lio, you haven't ! It don't
pay to attract peoplo to your placo of
business with promises of "low prico3,"
largo stock," "unparellelod advan
tages," when there is no truth in it !
don't pay to play upon tho credulity
of tho public. "Ho who spits against
tho wind, spits in ills own face," said
tho author of Poor Itlchard's Almanac,
and so it Is to day, A fraud may,
succeed for a while, but wait and see
little and big, tho whole troop of false
hoods, by-nntl-bye, will "como home
to roost. Exchavae,
Mn. Editou : What Is tho proper
pronunciation of Wind a swift current
of air V
Tho I Is generally mado short now a
days as in tiu, win, etc., but I am per
suiided very Incorrectly, Ono of tho
best ways of discovering it Is tho usago
of tho poets :
Their instruments wero various lu Hi ci r kind,
Homo for llio bow, und some for breathing tumr.
lint there nlns! ho could not safely flud
A pack of dog-Ilsti bud lilm la tlioiWml.
If wo should write
"Every Triton's horn Is ulnillng
Welcome to tlio wat'ry plulu,"
it would bo read with tho long I ; and
doubtless Dryden so Intended it, And
so too Pope;
Ye Mk'ious mmiIhkI whllo youth ferments your
ll'uu! the shrill horn, or tprcud tlio waving net,
And Dryden In nuolhcr placo gives
us this couplet :
It stop'd nt ouco the passnuoof hlstiiml
And llio free soul lo timing ulr reslgucd.
Upon tho subject of tho pronuncia
tion of tho word "Wind," tho poet Gay
says :
'Twns when the sons were roaring,
With hollow blasts olu tnil,
A damsel lay deploring,
All on a rock reclined.
Pope of Lady Mary, and his grotto
writes to Oay :
Hut soft recesses of uneasy minds,
To sigh unheard la to tho pusslug winds,
Feb. 23, 1872. Lavknoko.
Tun last number of tho National
Medical yournacontalnsn paper writ-
ton by Dr. John II, Grlscom, recom
mending tho uso of tho sulphite of soda
a compound of sulphurous acid and
soda In almost all diseases dependent
upon tho vitiated condition of tho blood,
whether caused by tho inhalation of
malaria or vitiation of food, nud nlmost
evory disorder of contagious nnd Infec
tious character. Dlarrhtra, cholera In
fantum, dysentery, nnd many sovcro
diseases of tho skin havo been relieved
nlmost Immediately upon lis digestion,
and moro quickly than by any other
articles of materia mcdlca, It Is also
held to be perfectly and rapidly cura
tive In somo cases of typhoid and In
termittent fovcr, oryslpelas, scarlatina,
dyspepsIa,nausca,syphilH, catarrh, and
rectal hemorrhage. ThoBulphltcofsoda,
which must not bo mistaken for tho
sulphate of soda, is in short a sort of
panacea. About twonty grains Is adoso
for nn adult.
TiiEnn was a mcttlng of tho Town
Council on Saturday last, nt which Mr.
Win. McKolvy presented a petition
from n number of citizens livlrg on tho
lino of Market Street asking for tho re
scinding of tho order of Council to ro-
movo tho brldgo across tho L. & B. It.
P.. at Market Street. Mr. Eyor moved
tho filing of tho petition nnd tho post
ponement of Its consideration, Mr.
Barkley moved to amend by tho ap
pointment of a committee to confer
with B. F. Clark Esq. tho Attorney for
tho L. & B. II. K. nud obtain such a
proposition from tho H. U. Co. as they
may desire to make, which amendment
was adopted, and Messrs. Barkley and
Koons appointed ns such Commltteo.
Tho Street Commissioner wns directed
to put up noticos forbidding tho romov
nl of earth from tho Market Street
brldgo emba nkmcnt. Council adjourn-
rd until Saturday March Jth at seven
(nsslii with our Headers.
"Como sentlo spring, mildness, come,'
Thero is adealof humbuglnSpring.
It Is, truly, the season when buds nnd
blossiiins appoir, when tho leaves put
forth mid when tho air is popularly
supposed to bo balmy and soft and
laden with sweet odors, but thero is a
period immediately succeeding tho ills
solution of Winter, wherein none of tho
delightful ovonts onumorated aro to bo
found. Tho "Icy barriers" of the Frost
King "ire broken down to bu sure, and
tho littlo rivulets How afresh, but they
meander in a manner detrimental to
personal comfort nnd destructive to
wearing npp.irel. Mud is a very good
thing In its way, but is not calculated
to call forth any very enthusiastic bursts
of admiration, when it is necessary to
wado through a luko of it to admiro a
landscape. Tho weather too Is capri
cious ; nipping airs prevail nnd boister
ous gales buffet tho pedestrian, making
watery tho oyes and cerulean tho noso.
Tho buds antl ilowors distrust tho at-
mosphero and decline to do moro than
glvo promiso of a futuro appearance ;
the grass does not rush forth into nny
great extent of greenness and i ho "sweet
odors" aro not strongly prevalent.
Thero aro, it is true, charming days oc
casionally, which aro rendered doubly
beautiful from their rarity, as smiles on
tho f co of a wilful beauty aro brighter
from very contrast with ill humor and
petulance, but such days aro "liko
angels' visits, fow and far between,"
and aro generally followed by ground
antl lofty tumbling on tho part of ther
mometers and by general nastiness and
discomfort. It must bo admitted that
tho pleasant days of early Spring aro
very pleasant, but wo cannot shut our
eyes to tho fact that tho greater portion
of tho month of March and tho first
part of April aro given over to intense
and Hidden cold snaps of Irregular du
ration or to a juicyness of soil and
dampness of air which are, doubtless
cotiducivo to tho well-being and happi
ness of aquatic birds but not to the
health or comfort of human beings.
Poets In all ages havo sung tho praises
of tho Spring-time, but they have al
ways been an Imaginative set, looking
at tho world through rosocoloied spec
tacles, and refusing to contemplate un
pleasant matters. Praise should bo giv
en whero pralso Is due, but we protest
against tho wholesale laudation of good,
bad nnd Indifferent days which mako
up tho averago Spring, simply because
they occur between tho cold of winter
and tho heat of summer. Ono poet has
had tho manliness to glvo his opinion
unbiased by tho assertions of his breth
ren In the craft and wo stand by him;
"'Come Ecntlo spring, ethereal mildness coiub,'
So sang tho poet without rliymo or reason ;
I tell you, sir, tho whole thing Is a hum,
There's no such semou,"
Kecclpts for IHrnnrj-.
Geo B Zarr 3 CO C Mart?.
Thomas Hower 3 CO Geo Shuman
Blanks 80 Irani Dorr
Jno O Coleman 20 Geo Derr
Henry Wagner 2 (10 J G Freezn
John Scott 1 00 Jno B Ogdcn
A B Swisher 2 0(1 O C Marr
UrBiicklnghaml 00 Blanks
H L Wright 2UU P Andesjr
Wm Miller 3 50 J W Lynch
Philip Creasy 1 00 Geo II Brown
Sural Ntis 2 00 PS Karshner
2 00
2 00
2 CO
2 00
1 ill)
2 CO
5 CO
5 00
2 00
Stephen Pettlt 3 50 Blanks
Datil Piefer
l 80 O I) Mills
1 00
J C Shultz
Wm Naus
Jacob Fisher
Capt J Allen
I Hngeubuch
CO IContliicntal Ins.
10 1 Company 12 00
2 00 Est J Troup 7 00
2 00 Est JGearhartlOCO
2 IK) EstSarahWliito-
2 00 uight 3 00
Off Miller 200
W Wintersloeti2 Oil G A Potter 1 50
Win Wolf 5 CO ,J W Hunter ISO
LCreasey 2 00 , Est A Hunter 0 25
Levi Kurtz 1 00.IA S Klllttlo 2 CO
JBNuss 2 00 Blanks (10
David Shaffer 2 00 Est F Laubach 3 00
J S Hendershott 25 1 W H Jaenby 5 00
HBWlntersteen2 00 .Daniel Fritz 2 00
Jos Mouser
2 00 'Siiml Shaffer Jr 00
G W Poust
Wm Fisher
John Smith
S Wolllver
Est P Miller
J M Tit mn n
Wm Dennis
James Boat
J 11 Malzo
J u WutcK I 00
1 15 James Smith 1 00
2 00 Dit'tterichAllro2 60
2 00, A Kelchuer
son flanks 50
CO, Henry holler 2 00
2 00, Allnas Colo 2 50
25' Cash 2 00
2 00 'Geo P Fritz 2 00
1 00 E W Fritz 2 J0
(1 00 Mr Fisher 2 00
Win Lainan
Est J Itichardsl200 Chits Hartman 3 lis
John D Esslck 3 50 Columbia Co. 123 25
P G Ht'imback'l 00 Blanks
David Waters 2 CO Marg. Slater
2 50
Est J Harris 8 70 Tlios w Fry
3 00
' III!
C Geariiart
2 CO Aug. Trail b
2 00iAtirnn Smith
A II Faiver
J Kisner
M O Sloan
Thos W Fry
2 00 ,0 C Marr
I 00 Jeremiah Hess 2 no
COiDatiiel Z.trr 2 00
2 CO
I. W. Nil, es has removed his Book
and Music Store to Bolitdeis new build
Ing, opposite the Episcopal Church.
Seo his advertisement else win re,
The Brown Lino tars will continue
to run ou tho L.A B. It. II,, notwllh
standliiB tho report to tho contrary.
Tun following public tales, bills of
which havo been printed at this ofllce,
nro to tako placo at the dates specified.
J. II. Vandersllco, Mount Pleasant
township, March 18th.
Thomas Chricman, Mount PlensHtit
township, March Kith.
A. S. Knlttle, Lc ctist twp., Maich 11.
Charles Gtarlmrt, .Milllln township,
March 12th.
Estnto of Jacob Harris, Duel: Horn,
Mnrch 11th.
W. T.Shumnn, Main twp., Mnrch 1-?.
Thomas Hower, Franklin township,
March 2()th.
Margaret Slater, llcti.locl: township,
March Mh.
Georgo J. Swclgcrl, Bloomsburg,
March 0th.
Georgo H. Evert, Ornngo township,
March 12th.
Augustus Traub, Locust township,
March 12th.
Thomas W. Fry, Centre township,
Mnrch 10th.
Estate or Lemuel W. Uobcrts, Sugar
loaf township, March 23d.
Estate of John Yeager, Jr. Locust
township, March 0th.
Estate of Peter Bltner, Locust twp.,
March 11th.
Estate of W. IL Ent, Bloom, Match
Estate of C. II. Dcobltr, Bloom, March
Estato of John Kile, Jr. Sugarloaf
township, March ."0th.
Estate of George M. Beagle, Hem
lock tiwnsbip.Marjh 2:H.
Wantkd. Two smart girls as ap
prentices to the tailoring business. Ap
ply to William Morris, Main Street.
It is a rare thing that physicians give
nny countenance to n medicine, tho
manufacture of which Is a secret. About
tho only exception wo know of is John
son's Anodyne Liniment. This, wo be
liovo, all endorse, and many of them
use it In their practice with great suc
cess. Ii' you want a good imntr collar for
lo, 20 and 23 cunts per box, g
, go to 1. W.
Thero nro probably a hundred or
more persons in this ami neigh boring
towns, who dully sutler Irom tlio dis
tressing effects ol kidney troubles, who
do not know that Johnson's Anodune
JAnimcnt is almost a certain euro. In
severe cases, great relief nuy bo obtain
ed, n not iv perlect cure.
I. W. Hautman's is tho placo now
to buy sliirt bosoms, laities' collars,
blenched muslins, &c.
Wo notice that tho Agricultural pa
pers all over tho countiy recommend
tho u-o of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition
1 'o wdcrs. Exehung c.
Farmers and otners in this section
have long known and appreciated the
advantage of theso powders over all
You can buy at I. W. Ilartmau's
linen table cloths, cotton table cloths,
bleached and unbleached, cheap.
I. W. IIautmak sells calico for 121
cents per yard, yet. next week ho will
sen uy tno pound 1'uuu yards.
Timothy seed for salo at I. W. H irt
man's. Pr.itsoN.s requiring purgatives or pHW
should bo careful what they buy. Somo
pills not only c.iu?o griping pains, but
leave the bowels in a torpid, costive
state. Parson's Purgativo Pills will re
lievo the bowels and cleanse the blood
without injury to tlio system.
Buow.N & Jon-i:s. Who aro thoy
They aro an enternii-Inc vouni' linn
lately established in CatawisKiand In m
tho ast'inisbing amount of Dry Goods
they sill U evident that tho people
nro attracted by their low prices. Tiicy
aro in constant receipt ol fresh goods
from New York. They tell only lor
cash, giving the buyer every p ssibto
8 il vantage derived lroni this plan. A
visit to their store will convince tho
rentier of theto fact's. 1. 1 if.
l'.ery 1 ervors 1 ounp Mnn In tho Union, will
recelM-. lite, h Kecleilat wlllpmvpa Olessln:
through life, ly ndUrcssliiK In voi faience,
John n. (kii i:n.
llox olTJ P. O. 42 Cttlar hi., '. Y.
I)S.U MEN TLI. SO TALKS ! IftllCy did. linn
tlieinas against the depleting lancet, th drastic
imr,' and the tcrrlbl,; sallvauts of tho ninterl.t
luedica, would arlso from every graveynrd. Tlio
motto of modem s!lcucols "I'rescrvo
and Kegulnto, not destroy," aud no remedy of
our diy Is so enilrely In harmony with this
plill.iuthroplo logic ns Un. w it s Vfq eta
ut.E ViNKOAit Ilirrr.RS. In this powerful, yet
harmless restorative, dyspepsia, bilious com
plaints, nnd nil dlseasoi of the stomach, liver,
bowels and nerves, oncjunt?r an IrresUtiblo
uutldote. Iw.
iiOWMAN IIAItlZKlr-On tho:ist lust, by llio
K, v. A. liilltiiln.Mr. las lor., nowmin n .111
l.nniui Unitel li Ih of Mlllllllvi.U', tolllul-
but Co.
W M.LI Vi:i!-K llnTIUt-A t V. C. ltu-lurl. I'u
'llli by iti'v. A. H., Mr. 1 n-nlil m
ellHer lo Jlls Anna I;. Mister, tlio lovnn
ol Montour, tile lal e of Col. Co., I'.i.
HIAVKl'.It-Zi:iOLHH-On lhursd'iv l'tb. sal
Is;., by llev. II. I. Allemon nt i,p re-lilcnru
01 the l.rlde father no r lllootusburg I'a. Sir,
t haras sbrttler to .M Us Lizzie Zelsler
JO.Vi:s-lIi;sS-On Thursday F, b. Sllih. 1: bv
the tame, Mr, John t. Joiie-lu MUnAtus
lless nil oi liioonihoitrg i-.t.
KUIIN-llU.S'TUH-Al Hun-8 Hotel. In Jllllon
on I On I'eb. by Rev, lliirhaui, Mr. .Iiiitifs
II. Kulinof llluumburi; to Mlvi I.iuh llunu r
or .Miuviuo.
Teru-iltlifpr In Oraneo townshin. on ihomnrn
ln ol 1 no I'Jih, lilt. Aliulrn, wife of Andrtw
lei winder, eu j euis, mumn., & a nays
Thou, my dearest wife h s left us,
Uornuon AutiCls, wings of luvo
Wheio tho biHsi.ed aro Ireo fromsafferln,
lu our Hvlor' courts ubovo.
Closely wo may follow aller,
lu ihofootstensthou hast trod
Till liUe tlieu wostiml uccu ted
in the presence or our roo.1.
What I'Yhi'Ei'srA may Usu Is Iudlscstlnn
is not daus-rous, say the faculty. IVrhtips not In
luelj, Willie it remains incio ludhttbdou; bu
look nt Hie eonseqiiencsn to which it may leud
and ofleu dors lead when It becomes 11 chronlo
disease. A spark of Ilro Is in, mall thine, A pres
niroof tho foot will! put it out; a broailt will
extinguish It, let It may flro 11 powder mill
kindle 11 IU1110 that will consume it clly. In like
manner ludhitstion may produce snm ills, euu
cer of tlio stomach, congesliou 01 the bowels,
apoplexy, liver dlsui'o, aud many other dan
genius maladies, Isli not wlto then, to check It
lu tho genu? x ot lilny Is more eleaily and lu
dlsput.ibly tstabllslKd than that llrsutler's
htuuiutli Ulltcm will trialitulo ditpepsla in nil
Its nan's, 'ino Hue policy, liowevir, Is toexilu,
gulsli it lu tho llrklstvees with this w holesoiue
poHtilul, and infallible tome, aud alterative.
Is tu.ier lo quench n spaik lluili it Hume, ami It
Is t asiir 111 euro U)bpetsla uhwi it is llrst devel
oped, thnn w lien t has made heauway by neglect
nud Ijictinu rompllcattd wltli other alliniuts,
'llitie Is not the tmdow of it doubt tluit the hit.
ters mens dirtellv uulnguiilstlo toil)b epsluus
water tstii lire, 'j'lieie tile luotibiind ol titses 011
rttoid pruvliiK thlsiutl. iiivitmedj Istafuund
nutttMblc, All the Ikiuoi- 01 toiiimticu 1 resci U
td H silmulbiitb Iiunu a umi behind, Hut the
Mini Is tnken outol die .pnitttous ba.lsof this
grtuuiiuioy uy,c,p ei'li imuirtl lou.uiHl luol
utet.tbe MlmulHLl IliusuitUlcAteil Is of eicHn.
lloniil itirlly. or nil l.iiiestukeu tissaleguunik
ui n iinu. tn ci unit uiiue, UIIIUUS leiuit-
1 VM,"..M",..V.t,',Ul.,,.,VW, IM,tUHVUIJ UUU tUltb
I tuu uunuiiai uu ut J'vuueu ou,
Legal Notices,
Tvru or
Tim utiilcrflRnctt, Auditor nMiolnted tiytlo
Drplmtm' ('mt of t' IiiimIiIh ('omitj' to liMrl
llio litmli in Hip hnntl of tliacxirulort or An
drew LitrlMi, Into of Mild coui't;i,uc,avil.'wni
ITickiI in tho dlxi-hamo of Itia iltttlw .f liW
nplwliitnifiit on F1UHAV. tlio IMIi iley of
SI A lu- II A. I'. IKT2. t ifuo'clixk n in.,nt llio
iiOIro of tlm Micrltl, In Hip Court IIuo III
li loom-tan tr, ulim nnd wlirrniill ptrMiim inter
emeu limy ntlcnd ir thoy llilul: pl'ip. ...
W, W J tlT, Auditor,
l'cb. H, 1S7M1
i.trAir. ok jiiham iiakiIi, DKCn. . . ,
LrtlrrM of AilniliiUtnitlnn. on tho rtflto Ol
lllrum llnltir, In'c or Jntktnn lownhli. Co
lmuliln : county dcccnuril, Imwi been Blunted Uf
tliu Kiglttir of nltl county to .Ionium l'tll"i
ofKiuno pmco. All pcrnohft having rlnlniNiigfllmt
the untiito of llio decedent urn ruqiitMid lopreJ
t.cul tin-ill for hctllemeut, imd Ihoiu Indebted Id
Hi" cHtntu to miike tmyiiictu to tlm umteralRued,
ndmlnlslralor, without ilckiy.
Joshua rniTZ,
JaiiM7i-Cw AdinlnlstrMor. i
raTATB or imo. sr. iikaom:, ni:c'ti.
Le Hint of mlmllilHl ration ou ilia cutnto of Oeo,
M, IJcnglr, Into of Ilcin'oUs tmvinhlp, Colmnhln
enmity, deo'd.. Imvo ln-eu crnhtcd bv tlm llugli. Mllier.of lllooni twp.,
Columbia county, I'u. All pcrKonsh.ivlnKclnliui
nsalnst llio utatuol llio decidenl nro ii-n.umt.-il
to present them lor teltlcment, nnd tlioiu In
debted In llto eMato to iiml;o payment lo tli4
uudirsigncd, ndrululstrator, without delny
Hi II All 1,1.1.11,
febi'TWlw Adiuiuliirutur,
l.HfrHtt.itnimii!ii.v on the cntiite of Chat. II.
Dopi.lcr, Into onilonuiburi!, Columbia counly.
dee'd., hnvo been frrntiteil bj the IttRlMcr or Mild
countv to Marv Doeblcr. of lllooiusi urit, mi l
.ino. II. 11, riMIC, 'inoH. tit imeiuer nun r, ii,
OlL'iM.of Wllllntntimrl. l'n. Ail persons hnvliii!
claiiiiHanaliil tlipestnlo nie ipijuixted to prt
mil them lo tho Kxeeulori,. Those Indebtwl lo
I he estate either on note, ludsinent, murUt.meor
book necount will make pnytneni lo tho execu
tors without delnv.
.MAIIY im)K.ui,..ii, mooiiiBourg, I'.l.
.liVO. II II. I'AItK, I . .
thos.h. ii,ini.Ei!lvwins'ron ra.,
II II. 11'UIH,
WhltetilKllt ,late uf Ml. 1'leusntil t , Columbia
county. ileceahcd have bten giuntud by llio Met;-
lstcr ol Kim county to i . w auuer, ui mooiii
liurir. All tiersons huvlliiz claims tu.lufit tlu
estate of llio decedent niu riquehted lo pie
MMitllicin forfitltUmtmt, nnd Iiioho l.idt-htl to pstulo to irnUc pavmoutto thtf undersigned,
lulmlnlsiinlor without delay.
I,. W. .Uitil.t.U, (
feb'J)7J-Cw. Administrator.
Tho unilprRlsucd nnnolntod by tho Court of
t oininon 1'ieas. 01 co uinoia , ouuiy, .uunor to
distribute to the parties entitled thereto tho
nniipv n 'mirt! iirpceeilsnrlslln' irom tno ier-
ir.s s.ila ol thomonerty of llaunou A Furred,
will mett tlm mitles Interested for llio tutrnoso
of his nppoln mPnt at his oillce in 111 ninsluirn,
om Friday, the 2JI day or Marcli, A . I). 1S7J nt. 1 1
o'clock u m. AH persons lmvlriirclnltns pjrslr'st
fsiilil mini 1111, 11 cioiieil to nre-cnt Lhein ur lie tor-
ever ili-bair. d lio'u comlny in f"rn i,:itt,oi-.sharo
oiiuoKimp. r, tt, , J1J..1 i,it.
feb-T72.Hi- AUtlltor,
UDITOR'S NOTJCJ.; or bim in cotnki:. ui
'iliuntk'ititiiH'il avMifMnuHl liy tlio OrrimuK
Uourl ol Columbia county, Atnll'nr ,n th
cstnto f Slinun rotuyr, ttcecaseU, tiu-ct
t w part if h lntcrcbttHi tor Hut purpip ol tilsap
toitiuucii'. ai inooiucooi joim it viazv, in
ilooinimrir. 011 Wodncml.iv. Mnri'li U'tli. tiT-.nt
III (i cJOi'k 11. tn. nfvild(la. All nelsons hnvlnif
clalniH on sattl ototn u- irrpilrMt t( uttemi or
uo lorpver tlfharroe Irom nnin lit m fur a tmrt
UI IUIKI, JUll.i .1. l.L.ltl,
loL)-'i 7.- JV All'Mtoi.
Xi. 1-htahj (ii- TimsrAM noACir. dtc'd.
Lot'orh of Atliniulstrjtloii (in tlio estato of
Tlio vnt Itnncli. ateor Hourhi' ncstiwn.. Co-
lini)l)t.H'Ount( tlL'ceusod, hati hum auttil hy
tlio Itt'BivttT ol ha It I county to lM?r Huaitk, n(
Locus' iwp. All persons haMUK cl.iiiii1 against
the etatH of tho iluct'ilcnt nro rL'tpio-ti'd t.i pre
pnt 1 hem tor settlement, ami th ko ltnlfbted to
tliuestitototn.Uiu p.tynimitto ttio nnilcrs,!gticil
iiuuiimsiruiur wiiuoiu uti.iy.
vm i. it swank,
fib.J7i-C. Atlmlnlstrait r.
Uy vlitun of n wilt of venditioni eximMat is
8iiuil nut of the Court of Common PIo-itiott,oUiin
ha count v. huu to m Ulreciea w l lm (Xhoft! I
to I'u hi lo bau on Uio prt-mlw-s on I : i NKs.
lu.V, tno 2ttli day of March, ut ono o'cl clt, p.
ra tho iullowliig pcra nal propertv to wit:
All thai lot or nrcH ot 1 mil Mtuntelu the town
of Ituclc Hoin.Otlumbla couuty, lennn Ivaula,
uuuiuicu ana uescrioeu us hhiowk io wii; u'i
the North bv lot of Catharluo Uirton. on tha
Kast ' a public vnutl lcaiUnn from Hloanihhuri
to Jcrsevtow n. on tho Mulh iv lot, of lieu
net, ana on thu West by an all y, whorcon uie
enctttl a uvtelllUt; homo and u miipji Mnbic,
f-altl Ut bciini Htxtv Wvt lu front m ro or 1o-h,
and ouo huudiod and II Uy feet Is tUi'tli luuie or
Helzd taken Into execution and to uo sola ai
tho piopor y of w.HUiu Kntpit.
in uri'u 1 1 ub Aaiiur. h.Miiii, nfiiu,
valuable f.ii-m in Centre townsbin. fnlnm-
lila tounty, iiiljolulus lauds of John l-'esler, m.
acres, .increK of which nro in limln r. ooodiann
and oiiibulldluiis, unit nnd wulor. Tor lerms
uinvu, iveunen rsii,..r urn om, rs. couitii u i ic.
ma run i urttculnis apply io i.i, 1. 1 ii. iti,
V. ecutor of 1 roil 'it. Mm tier, deceased,
l'ost OilUo uddieis, Lime Halge, l'n.
All persons linotvlntf IllfmsplvM Inilehtnl ,
Imlali llleieriek on Note or llool: nmiunt will
save costs uy i-iiini i- upon tuo MIOKcrllier. rt'&Itl
tnsnt Itupeit.any t.ino lietween this dnto anil
the Hill tiny of Mnxeli. mid those niKltctlns; tills
uuuie niu ixouL-uifl inuui aiirr in ti uaio.
.luiiN ri.our iv .i i
Iturcrt. I'eb. 21st. IV7'. fBh'.TrL'.im 1
lilil'-N UU1J ai'w.UliNAiil,
The SprlrmTp'in will enmineuco on Slnnday
All, II lul. 1R7M. Vamllmi linm the tiihIiIIh,
J ii i e, to the .Mil of A uaust, m lieu t lio I'u 11 Term
will oren. llleven wei Its nuike a ouarter.
Kor (llltlUils. lloillitllii'. 'aims 'lnllton nr
otutr ai uctuar-, auuitits
V, JI. IIUIlUrHst,
feliD72-tm IMuclp.ll,
(1 1'
hi: a i.
V A L V A n m;
iista n:
In piufiiiance of nn ri',rn1
of t'oltltnbl.t county, the under. Il-hhiI i,niu
tini'ir, te.. i,i uie e-t.iiM ot tj.oruo ji, uoiiulo lto
of Ueiuioi Ic townshtp. In tlio s idi c ainlvToec'd,
i . v,.i i-uu .w divot, iliu inLiuises on
at io o'clock in tho foreroon of ,.11 d
louln.-deserilied ical estate, i. mi it:
vide 1 1 nu-halt ol a mcshtuure .- ml
v. llio f,-.l
lh Ulldl
s't into in tholotcnship of lie' iloci: in tho conn
ty oriolumbl.i, boiiMUd tin I dtsiilbed us Ml
iuwk.oii too uoiiu nnii wo-t uy liuitls f r 11
lieii'snf .lit, nli Harris, deceased, on the east b
1'iirtoi lioiiiiey JieiicK, nnd on Iho souih i y
hi. us ,ji milium , .tui, t'lillLitluuli:
nml Iwcnly-elKht per. hen upon which is iicucd
mi,., n ui- iraiiii- Krisi nun. a House, Ac.
I I, Mil i'l NS OKNALK -Till i.ero. nt ,,f one.
loiiilh o I the purclins. mouey dhall to paid at
llio slilUmi; iloit-u ot ill., propelly toe one
I until, Itss the ten i er cent, on iiineonllnnutlMii
ot sale nml I'm itiiiaiiiinK thro.-louiths ill one
jiui iiiiit'iuiLT, wan inieitsi irom nie eonur'
matloii ulkl. To-scslim K yen upon tlio pur
eh.isor t,. curing tho p.iyiueut of tho purilutsi
luoliej, I'tlieli.tstis io pay lor il od and sttups,
m i'iifc.N 11. Mll.1,1 II
M.uchl'72 U Admlnlstrau
n a i.
V A I. V A 11 L 15
In pur-sinnco of nn order of tho Orplianb' Court
ui ne i-iiiuui , liHiiiiuiii, ino tllllierMlifllU'l IIS
nuiinuioiiaiui , in iieusiutuiii i,euiuci V
Huberts, lalo of HUL'iirlont' townshln. iii Hail
counly, dtveasi-,1, will c.xposo lo pubilo salo on
.lie j.iriutsea, uii
SATURDAY, MAltCII 23d, 1S72,
at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon of ald du-, tlio fol
iowlnt: ile-scribed leu chtatoto wir, a eertali
tract u land situate lu Uugnrlonr townblilp, lu
until I'lHlliti- '
more or It ss. mljoliilmr lauds rf Hatnuel ltobei 1
on iho ninth, la. U.s of liiiiiltllu Nut In on tho
east, iiiltds btionutUK to the heirs ot John I'll I a
nn inn kuuio, nnii uiiius oi i anici ituoeiis o-:
ihuwebt, Viuctioula eitetedu one und one-
nan story
and out I uiIiIIubs.
CtiNliIl Uj.nh nl' HAI.i:, Ten per cent, or on
fou'lh ot iho purchiu.0 mouey to bo paid Ht th
Klrlklnudiiun nl the iiionuitv. iium r,,n,'tl, r,
tho ptiithahf money Ids ifie ttn percent, ut the
continuation ot one; nud llio leiualuliiK llirio
lourlhs lu ouo ear llieuulitr, with inicrwt
Iioiii tuiitiiinnllou till. 1'uiflu.sfi' to my for
.i.tuiiiiu niuniv, ii, nrMliiu yivtll on llli pur-
iluiM r itiuniK ihe lialaucti of iht purthae
uiont) ,
Atltndance ulvcn on day of sale by
,, , nil.AB V. -Ill 1U..MI1 ,
Ilcnlon, Jlnrcli I, U7l-lt AUiumutiuiur.
H)lt BALK.
'I l.e i i.titi Mi , i ii (jR. is lor tulo iiloui to t,cus
ol line u t d li'i it i,,, ,u Mill tb.te i ir.e, oak
tbcidliiilitc., In 'i i, towunlilp umr Jiinies
riilliiknirs ku uil.l. I'tr lsuUuilurn us lo
leriiiKH, ly to j.h KV.8,
lib.'?'.'-liii (.iitiiwml, Columbia toiuiiy, l a.
Wo now have Die finest asMikriiiifriif nfin.ivk'
Dl' 1 I'M un blind ami lor sale that were i ter kept
lu IIIooiiitbuiK, l.urk-o sle on Istsi paicliiiitul
pui er, Lotnmoii Dusfs, Ejetutor'sand Admlnls
t.ulor'B Deedk-sniall situ ktid pnper (tlitap
Common Deeds, 4c.
.ft,, i., .
In order to make room for Spring
Goods I will close out tlio balance of my
W S X'J a a K. QHAWXiS
at great bargains.
J. & T. COATS' Cotton 80 cts. per iloz.
iravlnir ruiclinsed the business of 1'. 1. Lutz.
now otlt is ut the old Hluntl, u choke nsurluieui
Al d n t rrf rol nsmrlmeut of Hip choicest goods
UMUIll) 1LOUU 111 Ulfct CIIISI, tb.UtitlSUUltUtK,
Vmfitis' rnrscitii'Tioys ash 1'am
On Huuilnjs, open lit in S p. m,, to 10 n. m., nud
irom ; p. in., toi p. lu.
will open on
under tlio entire control of tlio
Tiicy liavo telcclcd ns 1'rluclpat of tbo Iustl
n ceullemnn wliosn qusilltlc.iiinns hnve been
fllllv lekted ni d proved In tbo NINK YIJAHh 111
uhlch be has lind rliargn of the i-cliools ot tliu
County nsi-iipeilntenotnt j nud ibey nsl:. nud
n.ivoa rUlit lo'leiiinud lor Iiiiu nud llio Inni
tutloit.llie conttilt m e nnd support ol our oun
II ir-i-i s. nnd of t lie lilcntUnf tbe , nlerprn-ennd
01 euiiciiiion everjwnere. in point ol comlnrt
COnVeUleiICO mill lienutvrif lilillilllifrs ntiil kiir.
lOlllldlUUS. UO HcllOOl iU till, Klllli, t.tiri.n.htM I hlk
and we nie del, lliilhul It shall not be second lu
tun mini, quality onu tnorouguueisof lUUIsci
juinv euu culture,
The winter eewlon of twelve weeks will com
incuce on
Monday, January Stb, 1072,
and clo&o
MAltOII !2Stl).
The Sjirlog session of twelve weeks will beglu
nnd close
Tuition nnd Iloardiiu.-, Includlus wiishlcc nud
hem, for tlio si-bsloti of twelve weens, flitl 00.
Tuition for day pupils, one dollar per week,
lu tlio model sebum, irom Illlv to i luhly coats
per weel;. Jlusic Uruwlin;. I' eitra.
Hills are rnynhjo, one hi. If In u.i nice und the
other bull m llio middle ol the session.
J. CI. 1- Hr.KZK, u K HlU'I.'ItT,
hecietary. I'rcldeut,
It Is a coinpinlou voltmio to
" I N N O O E N T S' A IJ R O A D ,
of which
100,000 Copies
Have alromly been ordered, uud is still one ot
the best sellini; honkfiout,
Don't wiule time un books no ono wants, but
take one pts'ldt' u ill siopj uu In the sine's lo
tiiUciliofov -'Thfrols a tlmo to laugh," nud
till who riutl this book will s,eo ideally Hut time
bus come. Apply nl once lor Territory, t'ticti
litis, aud Tonus. Addnss "
V,U.Vl n:JiV ASlIJinAI). 1-ul.lUlier
dccS.-71-tf 7U tamoin bltiel, l'blludelphla
We now have tin hand a Urije neatly nrlutisl
1I1.ANKH, to which wo luvlW tbo ultfutlou ot
Ytiiti: mnii ii VAitiotm riiAUiw.
ll unlcimors nnd wreien. ilnei it IilRli nnd
low lire i Its marble palaces and ilrk deft"! I'D
utlrnetl iimitiddaniiprni llfl UINOIa PUAtlDS ,
Its inndiug men nnd inlllclniis lfi advontnroit
ttn chnrlllM j lis mtslerlcx ntid orlmm.
lllnslmieii will. Nearly fflu I'lnellinravlngs. .
Aar,S'18WAM'i:ii,-rtnil for clreularn nod
eannr terms nud n full ileserlptlon of the work.
AUdrws National l'uljluliluK Co., l'hllit., I'a.
TJio Groat Fires
In CIIICAOO nnd tlio WITsTby llev E. J. 0 on-Hi-KKii,
D. 1) ol Ulilosgi). Only nimplele history,
roosvo. pages j "jeiigiavlniui. "u,ij nlrtswly sold.
lTlce$J.M. sjiw imenls n.siie In SOiIbvi,. 1 'roll's
RO to Rlllterers. ,tUK.TS WANTllIJ. 11. H.'i;iilico,i;riirknow New Yor.
Tlio KTenlt lllu.tralcd Orlulnal Story Pansr
lu Anierlcn. Mslit New Orlu'tinlMtorlps In tlritt
uuinber. No literary treat tn It. Agents
nml Canvassers wantcyl in evory tiwn nnd city
or Die Union. Jlu a week easily realized by tho
uaio or this putrrtordlniiry IrlsTi nud Amnrlcan
Jouritftl. (Specimen copies lro. For salo by-All
ncwixlpnlcrs. l'rlto.tle.: IT.'J) per t rnr. siblruHS
M. J. O I.iAiir CO., 1'. O. Hox 8,071, Now York,
Celnsclnsslllwl LtstH of Clioloe Itoadlni. with
nppr' pi into Hints and Iti-mark", ndupted lo tho
(loncial Ituaaer, to Hubscribers. anil to neroons
lutcuuiui; lo toirn oollectluu, of Hooks. 1 vol.
Initio. lGinaifi, Prloi. isl cents. Nent frAn hv
luittl on risielpt of Uie price, D, Al'l'LinoN A
CO., l'ttblUhers, K7 Yoi K.
ThollARO.VA ItAMMK OnaAN Co. rfsopelfnUv
aiiliouiiCM the lutrotluctlou of Improvements of
mnci more thnn ordinary Interest. Theeare
IlKKl) AND l'lrK OAtllNnrortOANft.
belni; tho only lueresslnl oomblutttlou ofllL'AI,
ii'i wiiu ice'is ever maue;
which can lo tnstnntlv mnved tn rial,,. r.v
leii, eliniiKliii; tno pltoii. or trausnonluz the Key.
lor ilrawliiKs nud descriptions, neo Clrcii ar.
Hlil'.U t. AUl.-IIiTUHUAMS,
tit l0, SI Wand JlSlench. Conslilerln? Cinteltr.
l.leKiinee, nml Thorough llxeellenqo of Work
m.tushiii, tlit-be aie cheaper Ihau any bt-ioro off-
Too SIasos A Hamlis Orirtnn nro ncftiiowl.
fdired IIIXT, nnd rrom pxtruordlnnry f unities
lor in. tuitfacture Hits Company con u!lord,nud
no-, utmeriitke lo sen nt prices which reader
Hi' m
UM1L fcHXl UN All lit CI I UAl'lST.
Tour oclaveorirans8.'0cnpii: Klveoclnveorgtns
8100. IVU nnd upwards. Willi tliroa sets reeds
Sr)ntid upvtur. b. Forty Myles, uptoal.7i.)e.tch.
isew it usir.tlivi vT.tHiO-nie, nnn itii!noniHi
?lrcitlur. utth otilnlnns nl V.OK1I 1'llAN flN'l'.
T1IOUHANI1 MUMI'IANrt, ent frps.
151 Trcmout St., liostjn. 40 ilroadway, N. Y.
rrnenrnorateil Isflll 1
Ul'l'lCEhtj A11 IJIlllJU'lUltS.
P. Pktwii.vh. l'res't.
IIout. Crank.
II. WlIJMN.V eo-rrcs't
Ilr.HiiT Tuom as, Trees.
Wm. 1attox.
Jam. tjciiROEntJ!,
.1. H. THINK
.i. r. r iturAvi 1,,-ec y.
II. IIaciiman.
It. 1. IIYOK.
1'or lnsurnnc nr Agencies, Ad lrss
I. 1'. r'ltUKAUl'F.iseo't, Columbia, Pa.
10,0 0 0 FA 11 ME IIS,
To impnivo 1,700,010 nTes of tho best Farming
hands In Iowa, fteo from tnortuogu orotherln
cumbrancf. Tooko lanrls oomprlNe Hie Ooveru
inent rant8 adjacent to the threat thor
oiiKhfarPH betweou Chi ago, Omaha and .Sioux
City and ilo chlclly lu tho
Its most fertllo nnd healthful nnrtlnii (fover nnd
ukuo bulng unknown), and traveled by rail
roads In every direction. Now 13 tho tlrao tj
per acre, upon long time, with hlx per ent In
tureM, In tho luxuilnnt vulley of edher tho lioy
er, thu Mnpie, the Ho'dleror tho MtttuHloux,
AKints nt Htatlons aro provldetl u ltli tetuus to
how lands free to purchaser, t'end foraUutde.
pltniiit; tickuU aro 801dtandhow Ut reach tho
mini!-. Countv nnntnlio nent free. Addrem
JOHN 11, CALHOUN, Laji 1 Commissioner Iowa
it. it, ljiuu uo.t Louar napias, lowa.
12!47 Clirilniit Htrett.
For one or two persons of either sex, lu every
town in tho United Htates, hy which they may
realize from to ULUOperj car, with but Httio
wii' u nine ih oevoieii a inucn mrupr ttum will
bo realized, lioys nud ylrls an inukH nearly a
much iij (rown people omo muUltiK trom $7
to 813 per week. For part leulais. uddre-is J, J,
FA1CUKLL A lO, 77 Iiroiulwny, X. Y.
A OENTB Wantku. Agents maltemoro money
A nt work for us tlmn at anything else, iiust
nuss llrht anil nermanent. lirtl!i Utk frpo. ct.
Htinson a Co., J7to Art Juttdhcrst l'orllaiid,
11 S.
i'lauoCo ,N.V: 1st class i?Jjt No Agents.
Names of patrons in ID suites In Circular.
it our Autltlotr will nut cure. No p.ilu or In
cnuvenionco. Sent on receipt of SJ.uo. s. .
AUMSTltuNO. M, U., llculiui; luslltutlou, Ber
rienSprln gs. .Nllcli. '
To Atl crtUcik. All iierkonu who cnnlem
rlitto ninlrlug couimc's with new spa pars fortbo
lut rtlou ot Advertl-.emeuts suould beud to
lorn rircutnr. nrincloRO 2'cntsfor their ONE
1IUND11M) l'AUi: 1'AMl'IILf.T, coulaiuiua
Lists of.l.iw) Newspapers anil estimittes, shnwlUK
tlio tost of adveitisiiiK, also many useful hints to
ndv, niseis, and some account of t' e experiences
of men who aro known as Successful Adteitls
ers '1 his firm are proprietors or llio American
Newspaper Advertising Agency,
41 PARK BOW, ft
nud nro possessed of unequale'l facilities for se.
curinK the lusirtton of advert seme Is ij a:l
Newspapi rs aud l'eilodlcalsat lowo-t rates.
In Iho OrphanV Court of Columbia count v. In
the uiuiter of tho partition and Ion of the
l.stale ol Plildp Miller late of i'. ntre totvnst ip,
deceased. Tn L'.vrus Weoli, Tlia.ter,
Cotiniv, Iviui'.as.take notlro tliit au Inques will
beheld at llio hue owellluir house ot Puilip Mil.
ler, deceaseil, lu toe iown-.lil oi Cenlre, t'oluni
bin eouniy.ou Thursday, the fotirtlitlay of April,
187J between the hours of u o'clock, it. m .and 1 p
in.olFuld day, foi the purpose of ti.akint; partition
oi Hie Ileal Ks nlo ot salt deeeHSed, to and
unmiiK bis ehlltlrtu and letal iepreetiiatlves. If
tho samo can bo tlouo without piejndlce to or
f loi lln n ,it the whole, oiiieruiseto vali osndnp
praise the sntuu uccoKilni: lo law, at tthlcli tlmo
and pl.ico ou ato renu red m ntieuil If ton
tuinlt pioper. AAliON S.Mini,Hhe!lfl.
IlLoojisiimtu, Maich I, !(;.' j mch.rJ-ut
Scud your address suiting experience, success,
and book now sell Inn aui riceive free our new
Worth $10.00 to nny Hook Agent.
Apenlsnlso 1 "IT T "ft 1, -m- . T1IK WITITE
VVnuled foi i- i- xj XJ l'j S : rli;'.
Murdered hepteinber 1st, lt71.
Thewlld ndveutuies antl tniirteloiu exiwrl
ences ot Oeo, I" Hidden known as (tin "lllit
Wanlor," 'Oreat llunler, " nud lauious -Whllo
rlilef," of ino lodges. A hook of thrilling Inler
tst, rlchl Illustrated; charms eeryisdy every
where, and sells to ctv-.-o I iiuy bu k out
hend for Illustrated poster and extra terras,
llL IIBAilLi 1IIUW., I'ublUhei-s,
mchl'7J-tf "Si Hansom Bt I'hlla.
1875. 1S72.
Entablishcd in lb-10.
Flno SILKS. '
(footl FLANNELS.
Rcsjt GLOVl's-onlv.
15,000 GOOD BLACK SlllvS..
tVlinicsiilo ami ftctull,
fcstraytd front tho premises of Win. UUoucic.
In UoailnBcreek townsnip, Columbia ouuntv
1M..OU Moiiday nUht, Keli. ill, youu steer
Willi shotthorus, white buck nud dark sputleti
sides (near a. ri).tu eolol). Any perstm itudlui:
nnd fefsllni; said sleor until railed for will be
nittalily rowutdea by iiotllj Inu tbe underHuued.
T l.o site r lias beeu t raeisl lu Cuiaw Issa "'"':u'
WIKDi:UU01.Da' hllOKMAKEll, li
P'hujlklll county. ja.