THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. . Agricultural. Loss or Wlirat lij llry In?. Wt jjivoour rcmlc;a n yonr nun tlio riMi'tnol n series of iwiiorlincnt with corn, showing llmt thu i.vorniia loss til Wi'K' it by drying, from thoflriitof Win ter till tho onil of tho following Bum me:', was about ouo-llfth, ami Umt Ink lug nil chanced for low, Including Inter est, It woulil tjcnernlly bo bettor for runners (If ihoy soil at nil) to sell un tthcllcil corn from tho field nt sovonty' live cents per bushel, thnn tho follow Ing AuKiist or BeiUcmbor at ono dollar lcr bushel. Moro limited experiments Havo beou m.ulo with wheat, by which wo learn that tho loss of weight by dry iugli much lesi than with corn. A h. of wheat hung up lu a drylug at mospliero ou tho Urat of September, lost oue-fourteonlh In weight by tho first of December. If after such experiments havo beau sufllclontly repeated to cstab Huh n geticrul rule, tho roaults do not greatly differ from these, thou laruicrs will loam the fact that It would bo bet ter to receive) ono dollar and thirty-two ccuts per bushel for tholr wheat In early Autumn, than to keep It till next Juno nnd sell for a dollar and a half on tho basil of Bcveu per cent. Interest fornlno months, and taking no accouut of tho chaiu'os of loss by insects, rats, theft or lire. Thojo considerations furnish ad dlttonal reasons to farmers, to dlsposo of their grain when there is a froo mar . kct for it, instead of waiting for a high er price, which they aro uncortaln of receiving. Country Gentleman. Wooden Drains. Strango as it may seem, after nil our experimenting with wood nnd tho tile draining material, wo aro likely come back again to wooden drains of souio sort under peculiar circumstances Thoy aro prououced on good authority superior to, as they aro far cheaper than the drains, whero tho wood is subject to tho vapor of carbolic acid. But oven without this preparation, wooden wa- ter-pipes, mntlo in tho best manner, will out last two or thrco generations under ground. But as it regards the so-called llobbins process, it Is not np plied to logs, but boards, so that tho logs of any porishablo woods sawed in to boards, and tho boards subjected to the vapor of carbolic ncld, formed into sqtiuio conductors and used as drains upon farms, will last, it is claimed "for ever," at a cost of not over a fourth or llfth of that of tile, a heavy article and expeu9ivo to farmers living at a ills tanco from a manufactory. Should this process turn out to bo all that is claimed for it, tho farmers of tho country will find it a means of rejuvenating their lands by draining, which, whllo it will cost but little, will nearly doublo their productive capacity. Germanlown Tel egraph. Stagnant AYatcr anil 3111k. It has been known for a long timo that milk left standlnginaroom, whero patients aro sick, becomes permeated with tho subtle poison of tho disease. Contagion has also been spread through milk by reason of persons recovering from sickness attending to tho labors of the dairy. Tho kind of grass or fodder, on which tho cows feed, also gives a pe culiar flavor and quality to their milk. In addition to thoso facts, it lias recent ly been demonstrated that tho most startling consequences may ensuo from tho animals drinking stagnant water. Professor Law, of Cornell University, has examined with a microscope, milk of an unusual ropy appearance, and found It full of those fungi or vegetable organism that abound in stagnant wa ter. On inquiry ho found that tho cows from which it came had only stagnant water to drink, and further in vestigation rovealed tho fact that the blood of tho animals teemed with these fungi and that the'eows wero in a fever ish, unhealthy condition. Tho warning which this discovery ought to convey is very simple. It is tho duty of dairy men to see that their cattlo havo a sup ply ofpuro, sweet water. Thoy use such a great quautlty of water that a judicious concern for tho health of tho community should induce them to em ploy none but tho very cleanest. Medicines for Poultry. It may bo making a too sweeping as sertion to say that all tho medicines ad vertised for domestic animals aro hum bugs; but it is safe to declare that most of them are, aud to look with suspicion on overy now panacea that is heralded. As the vices of mankind proparo the way for tho advertisers of nostrums in numerable, so tho keeping of artificial breeds of f iwls in clo30 quarters and ynder other unnatural conditions gives riso to epidemics nnd patent medicines. Even if the latter wero so efficacious as their venders claim, wo should say, do not keep fowls under any management that requires drugs. Wild birds aro so uniformly healthy that one appearing otherwlso is rarely procured, yet wo aro glad to eay thoy tako no pills and pow ders. LiTTJjnixa thosheep.yardsisapolnt of great Importance, aud requires good Judgment and experience. Sheep will Ho down nnd rest as soon ns thoy havo n llttlo frosh straw spread In tho yard or under tho shed, and this should ho uttonded to overy day; but It is ex ceedIngyIraportant not to got so much straw and manuro under tho sheop ns to causo fermentation. Avoid tho mud and dirty straw on one hand, nnd fer menting manuro on the other. Both nro injurious. A llttlo straw and often Is tho rule. Be careful to throw tho straw pulled out from tho racks, about tho yards ovory day and not let it accu mulate. A llttlo attention to this mat. ter will bo amply rewarded. Sowiko Clover. Clover, says tho Agriculturist, may bo sown in tho Spring, on tholastsnow.whlchon melt ing carries tho seed down Into tho soil ; or later, by sowing on thosoll when tho ground Is suhlclcntly dry to bear a har row, and harrowing tho wheat with a Thomas smoothing harrow, which cov ers tho clover and benefits tho wheat. Timothy may bo sown at tho samo timo na tho wheat; tho quantity should bo ono peck of each. Feeding cattlo and sheep on tho baro ground may bo necessary In cer tain circumstances, but, as a rulo, it is n most wasteful practice. If you can not do anything bettor, mako a rack out of a few rails or poles, placed along side tho barn, or shed, or fence. "Young Folks. Kilty and the 1.) in. uv Kt.MIItA. W. llUCJHKfl. "Mninnin, mamma 1" Tho excited call camo from llttlo Kitty's bedroom, as her mother sat In tho room darning stockings, "o mamma 1 como quick 1" Mrs. Martin, hastily dropping her work, was soon at her daughter's bed side Tho Lynx, mamma : 0, 1 am afraid thcro Is ono in the room I" Kitty's father had that ovcnlng read aloud a paragraph from tho newspaper, about a Lynx on tho pralrlo attacking a dog, nnd ns It was likely to get tho better of him, a young woman who wns working near, killed It with acorn cutter. Why, my poor llttlo frlghtcnod darling, theso animals aro very rarely seen, oven on tho prairies, and thcro is not tho least danger of thorn horo In town. And supposing that thcro wero any, how could thoy got upstairs hero? O nol it Is impossible. Try not to think about It and go to sleep." But Kitty was thoroughly aroused, and though her mother, to gratify her, looked under tho bed, and In overy nook and corner of tho room, when over alio attempted to lcavo tho child, sho would cry, "O, I can't help It ; am so afraid of tho Lynx. Mamma," sho said at last, "don't you know when wo lived In Pennsylvania, in that town at tho fool of tho mountain, a wild animal camo down from tho mountain, lu tho lot bohlnd tho houso. Wasn't that a Lynx? and why did tho men nil try to catch it, if It wouldn't get In nnd hurt you?" "I can not jmaglno what you moan my dear," replied Mrs. Martin Kitty continued: "Why don't you remember, mamma, a boy ran in and called papa from tho study, aud you all laughed so at something ho said." "O yes, that was a deer ; you know deer meat Is called venison and Is very good food. Deer aro harmless creatures and tho men had no fear of Its hurting us, but only wished to shoot it to get tho meat. Gov. Johnson happened to como to town that day ; indeed ho was then at tho hotel. Thero had boon a groat deal of oxcltomont making pro parations to receive him, aud whon lit tlo Henry saw tho men in chaso for tho deer, ho ran in aud called to your papa 'Do plcaso como down. Tho go vernor 's deer has run off, and all tho mcu aro after him." This brings to my mind somothing elso that happened whllo we lived there, and I would toll you about It only It might makoyou afraid." "O no, It wouldn't mamma, I know. I do so lovo td hear your stories. Please tell mo, mamu dear." "Well; two ladles, who had moved away, aud been absent several years, returucd to visit their friends there. After tea ono ovonlng thoy left a friend they had been visiting, to spend tho night with Mrs. Leo, who lived a little out of town boyond a thick grove, by tho sido of which tho road ran. Tho night was dark, but they walkod along, talking pleasantly, and feeling no fear until thoy thought they heard tho pat ter of feet bohind thorn. They then quickened their pace, and cvldontly whatever was following them moved at tho samo rapid rato, and trip, trip, it camo over tho stones. Mrs. Morrison, who had moro courago than hor friend, Mrs. Knight, proposed to stop and soo if they could discover anything, when to tholr horror, thero appeared bright sparkling eyes. "Tho ladles then ran with all their might, and faster ana faster camo their foe, when at last they ran In to Mrs. Lee's houso without tho ceremony of kuockiag. They began to relato in tho most e icitccl manner tho particulars of their f'arful walk. "Mrs. Leo's sons two stout young men prepared to go out with their guns, thinking they might discover and kill tho animal, whatever it might bo, that had so alarmed tho ladies ; when their mother romarked to Mrs. Knight that her yarn was hauglng from her basket, aud examination proved that hor knitting work bad fallen out aud that tho ball unwound until tho yarn caught on tho basket, and tho knitting- work had followed thom to tho very foot of the portico, and 1U ncedlo eyes wero shining thoro as brightly as ever. You may bo suro Mrs. Knight laughed as heartily as tho rest for being so frightened at her cwu knitting-work." Kitty smiled. This diversion had put tho Lynx eutiroly out of her thoughts, and her close attention had mado her oyo-lldsdroop so that when her mamma took tho lamp sho did not notice It, and was soon wrapped in slumber. X German Fable. A raven was crossing a field, and saw a cuckoo preparing a soft bed bohind a shady bush. That seemed very odd to him ; so ho crept nearer, aud asked tho cuckoo what he was.maklng there. "A bod, as you can see," tho cuckoo answered, shortly. "A bed, what for?" tho raven kept on inquiring. "You are not going to lio on tho ground ? As far as I know, you usually rest in a hollow tree." "It Is not for myself," replied tho cuckoo, "but for that poor sick lion thcro, you sco bohind tho bushes. See that poor creaturo,"ho continued, weep ing, "sho fills my soul with pity ; Bho has not been well for a long time." "Really, an odd kind of neighborly lovo. I could never in the least havo expected It from you,'1 tho ravon cried, in an ecstasy ; and tho bright te.trs flow ed down his raveu cheeks at tho thought of this noble deed. "Yes," continued tho cuckoo, lu a whlnlng,tono, "this good lion luid'mo nearly overy day an egg; on that I lutvo hitherto lived whon I could get at noth ing olso, nnd how miserable I should bo If sho should ilitj I I mu'it perish. Yes, must starve, in these famine times." "Ah I so It Is not precisely for thu poor sick hcu, but for tho oggs you mako tho nest," croaked tho ravon, as, quick ly drying her tears, sho How away. How to Know a Goose. "Mother, mother!" cried a young rook returning hurriedly from his first flight, "I am so frightened! I havo 3ccn such a signt." "What sight my eon'."' asked tho rook. "O. whlto creatures. Bcreatninir and running, and straining their necks, and holding their heads over so high ! Seo, mother thero thoy go 1" "Geeso, my son, merely geeso," calm ly replied tho parent bird, looking over tho common. "Through life, child, ob servo that when you meet any ono who maKCsagrcai iuss nuoui ininscii, mill tries to lift his head higher than tho rest of tho world, you may set him down at onco for a goose." Pat out Modiciuoo. A N APPEAL To Dobltllalcd Poisoih, To Dyspeptics, ro Muuorers rrom Jjiver u,imjlaiiH, lu inusu nnvin,; no 2nnciiip. To thmo with Urokcn Down Consti tutions. To Nervous ticoplo, To Children Wasting Away, To nny with Dahllllato.l DlguJtlvo urgaus, Or sulTertnatcilh tutu of the following Symptoms, which iivllcatc Disordered lAver or stomach, irnsti iii Ton stlpallmi, Inward Piles. Fulness or lllood to the Hend. Acid ity fifths Stomach, NAUsea, Heartburn, Disgust fur Komi, Sour Hrtucitatlons.wltikliisor Fiut teringnt tho PltnrtlioStomacti.HwIm milium tho Hend, Hurried nnd IMIllcult llronthliw. I'lullcrlui nt tho Hojrt. Choldiiz or Hutnmiliiig Heimtlous whon In n Lying I'm. lure, uimncss ui mini, wuis or cos ueioro ttioWlshM-'ovcriinddullpalu In tho head, Detlcicucy of l'ursplmlfon, Yellowness or tho Hlctn ana Eyes, I'ntn in tho Bide, Hack, Chost, LIiuih, Ac, Huddcu Flushes or Heat, Burning In tho Klein, Coiutuut Imaginings of i;vll, nuil great Depression of Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN UlTTUtW. A lHttcrj without Alcohol or Spirits or nny k Ind, Is different from nil others. It Is composed of the puro Juices, or Vital Principle of Hoot, Herbs, Mid llarkt, (or ns medicinally termed Extracts,) tho worthlcssor Inert portions of tho Ingredients not being used. Tnci-eforo In one llotlle nf this Hitters turro is coutnlncd ns much mcdlrlunl vlrtuo ns will bo found In sover.1l gallons of or dlunry mixtures. Tho Hoots, sc., mod In this mtteis nro grown In Germany, their vlinl prin ciples extracted in thnt country by nscleutlllc Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho inauuractory In IhlscltV, Wiiero tiloare cmnpoundol nud hot tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Ultters Is tree from the objections urged ngulusl nil others: no deslro for stimulants can oo in duced from their use, they csuuot m.ilco drunk nrd. nnd enn not under nuy circumstances, havo nny but a beneficial effect, HOOFLAND'3 GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded tor thoso not Inclined to extrcmo bitters, ami Is intended for usa lu c.ises when some alcoholic stimulant Is req aired In connection with tho Toulo properties ot the Ult ters. Kach bottle of tho Toulo contains ono bot tle of tho Hitters, combine! Willi puro SANTA CRUZ UUM.nnd Havored In such a manner in it tho cxtremo bitterness of tho bitters Is overcome, forming a preparation highly ngrcciulo nnd pleasant to tho palate, nud cjiiialuing thu me.ll virtues ot tuo Bittern. .Tho prlco of tho Tonlo is 81.50 per Uottlo which many persons think too high. Thoy must tako Into considera tion that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to bo of a puro quality. A poor artfelo could bo fur nished nt a cheaper prlce.bu t Is it not better to ply n little moro nud havo a goodartlclo? A medi cinal preparation should contain lions bat tho bcntlugredlcuts; nud they who expect lo obtain n cheap compound, and bj bsnelUlo I by It will mostcertaluly be che.ucd. I100FL VND'S GERMAN HirfElW, UOOFLAND'3 GEUMAN TONIC, WIIJI iIO0Fr,..ND-3 l'ODOl'IIYI.lilN PI Mi, WILT, CURE l'OU. Tlicy nro tho Urcitcat iii.ood runifiKiis Known to tho Medical world, and will eradi cate diseases arising trom liupuro bio j J, Uebltlly of the Digestive Organs, or ulsoased Liver, In a shorter tlmo than any other ltnown remedies. Tho who'.o SUPimilE COUUTof Pennsylvania srEAK ron TiinsE hemcdies. Who would ask for mora DlgulQod nnJStrongcr Testimony? Hon. OEonan W. Woodwabd, ormcr Chief Juu tke oj the Supreme Oiurl of rcnnnhanla, a present Member cf Congress from Pennsylvania urites: Philadelphia, March 15th, 1S47. I find M Hoolland's German Hitters" is ngood tonic, useful In diseases of tho dlgcstlvo organs, and of great benefit la coses of debility and want of nctlon In the systom. Yours truly UnonaE W. Woodwahd. Hon. JamesThomson, Chief Justice cf the Siwreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1607. I consider "Hoofland's German Ultters" a val uablo medicine In case of attacks ot Indigestion or Uyspopsla. I can certify this from my expe rience of It, Yours, with respect, Jamls Thomson, Hon. George Suahswood, Jutticeof the Supreme Court of I'enn silvan la. Philadelphia, Juno 1.1S83. I havo tound by experience tint "Hoolland's German Hitters" Is n verv irood tonic, rulluvln? dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UUOKUU fSlIAIUJWOOD, Hon. Wm. V. Rogers, Major of the City of Jtojfalo. X 1". Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Juno 22, 1S03. I havo used "HooBands German Bitters and Tonlo" in my family during the pist year, and can recommend them as an excellent tonic, lrn- Eartlng tonoand vigor to the systom. Their uso as biicu producttvo of decidedly houcllclal effects. Wm. i Houeiw. Hon. James IS. Wood, Ex-Mayor cf WM'atmporl ra. I tako groat pleasure In rcoammcudlng" Hoof land's German Toalo " to any ono who may bo mulcted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keep my loud In my btomach,and I became so weak as not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonlo effo-'ted a perlsct euro. Jamej M, Wood. lillMEMDElt THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS, AND UOOFLAND'3 GEUMAN TONIC Will Curo every caso of J A li ASM U S, Or Wasting away of the HoJy. REMEMttER THAT UOOFLANU'd GERMAN REMEDIED Are tho medicines vou reoulro to nnrtfv thn Blood, cxclto tho tornld Liver to hcalttiv action. and to cnablo you to pass.safely thro'i'jh any DR. HOOFLAND'S O D O P II Y L L I N Substitute row Mercury nro pills a dose. 'Jhe most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable (Xilfiartio known. it Is not necessary tn t.ikn n lmmlntM (if t.lmm Pills to produce tho desired effect; two or them netnu culy and powerfully, eleausliig tho Liver, Stomach and lliwels of all Impurities. The principle Ingredient Is Po lophylllu, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandrako, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and searchtug than tho Mandrako Itself. Its peculiar action is upon tho Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc- from 'tho Injurious results nttachod to tua use of that mineral. 1' or nil diseases In which the uso of n cathartic is Indicated, theso pills will give entire satlstau lion lu overy case. Thoy NEVEIl PA If In casus ot Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nnd extreme oostlveuess, Dr. Hoolland's Gcrinun Hitlers or Tonlo should bo used lr. connection with the Pills. The tonlo effect of tho Hitlers or Tonlo Duuusup thesystem. Tho Hitlers or Tonic purines the lllood, strengthens tho Nerves, hbii. ULATKH tho Liver, nntl irlv,. ktrmitrth. .in, n,v UUdVlgT. ' ' ueepyour uowels actlvo with tho Pills, nud touo up the system with Hitters or Tonic, and no disease can retain tho hold, or even tusall you. .,iA,eet lhat 11 18 DR. HOOFLANU'S GER MAN Remedies thai nro bo universally usod nud highly recommended 5 nnd do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to tnko nny thing that ho may say Is Just us good, becauio ho makes it These Remedies will bo sent by express ti nuy locality, upon application to tho I'ltlNUl PAt. OFFICE, at the OKltMAN MEDIUINi HTOUE, 031 Arch St.. Philadelphia. C'HAS. M. UVAS, 1'roprlotnr. Thate Ilemetll03 are for sale by DrugcUls Borekeepere, end Medicine Dealers very vthcra Miacellanooun, J W. NIL1H MUSIO W A It 13 It O O HI S A.stitntt Matimmt nf MUBtCAi, MRUIIAIfliMR AMTAYa OH VtOMJW, toNcniiriNAs, FIiAGOIjKTiS, FIFI53, DRUMS, HARMONICAS, Ac. VI0MN BTUINUS'OF THE BEST QUALITY THE LATEST SH13I3T MUSIC. PIANO AND ORGAN HTOJta A Mi STYLES AND PRICES. A niZTTUIl ASSOItTMKKT OF OKOAN3 THAN CAN 1IU KOUND niiSHWHIHtQ. THE TEMPLE ANUELIC ORGAN WHICH 11 A3 THE BWEBTIHT TONE" THAT CAN US FOUND IN A REKO OltUAN. iiiii nun t A.k.iiniu u.-iuiu t'tiiuimsiiii; iiu whore. Wnreroom Main HI reel, below Mnrliol, uppumo uoreu a luruuuro wnreroom, iiioomi burg, Vju,7My HEAD QUARTERS Fon BOOTS, mm AND GAITERS, IS AT E. M. KNORR'S CHEAPEST AD 13 3 5 V Tho County Affords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. HcptcmhcrS lS71-tf. A. J. EVANS. RBADY MADE AND axjSTonvE made CLOTHING. HE HA3 THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE tf i; s t w o 3i u ?,t v r:. For coo 1 11U and proiuptuevi l.i Did, it; Uieie U tho place to go. His trnodi nro selected with cara nnd hU Cus tom Work will comp ii'B favorably with tho bcbt ctTor'.K cf tho fashionable city Dealer. HE KEE1M A LAnfJC STOCK OF HOYS' AM) CIIIMHIEN'S CL9THIXH AND E.'TS' rUSiXISEUSO G0003, At Astonishingly Low Price. llloomsburB, Sept. L"J, IS7M! joiin a. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! r.EUWICK, TENN'A. Tho undersigned would respectfully Inform tho t'HUons of llorwlclr, nud vicinity, that ho u-ii upeucu a uumecuouery nuu iiauery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Ilerwlclr, Pa., where he Is prepared to furulsh an biuus ui PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, I'OnElON AND DOMESTIC FRUITS GUANOES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, ic, Ac, Ac. UV WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. Amonz tho assortment will bo found Oenm Nuts, KiiKllxh Wulnuls, Pcanutii, Almonds, KIN bcrts, Fto, Apple, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of alllo out kinds, Mustard. Catsup, Plcltles, Chiicolntp, Canned Finitof nil Kinds, Corn HUiich, 1;k lils cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, t'iiee.e, Honp, Wrltlns Paper, Acreemtnt Papers, En- ' FISH AND OYSTEU3, Aud produce of nil kinds. Fresh llread nu Cukes every day. Ice Cream In Btoson, Your patronage is loucucu. JOIIN O, JACOI1Y. ISerwlck, Jan 171-tv rraiiiHBflSPiEiEs. The remnrkablo ndventurfs of tho lamous WHITE CHIEF nud UIO WAUUIOH avions the Red HUlns. Thrilling uccouuu of Oreat Hunts, Hairbreadth Ebi npi'suud Terrible Conto.u with the bit; uiunonnd hostile tribes. Spirited de,crlp tlous nt the habits nnd Mincrsllllnhs of that triune iM.uple, Their Spori", Leitemls, Traill, tlous. How thev Woo nud wed, Scalp, Doet'irj Worship, ic. New, Froth nnd Populxr, Prlco Ixiw. His kcIIIuc by Hie thousands with won. drrful rapidity, Aiteuts uro mnkUi; from Soil to 81WI per week, Choice rlcld yet vaennt. Bend at oncu ior sample cnnniers, iiiusiraiionsauu par tlcnlars to A, II. HIIIIIIARD, Publisher, jau!n' ifl ChCBlntit St., l'hlla. Rimnlno Vnnr Miacollnnoous. jILLElVB STOKE. . H. MIIiLKU A SON, lmvo rotnoTedtlielrHlorotolho room formerly oMttptal by M"ndenhull,iin Msin strosl, lllooms btirc, Mrly oppatlta t lie Kpiscipal C lit! roll whew liny rtroilowrmlnodloMltoniuimmloriito lernls in.cnn ha procured elas whero, Thlrr sloe It oomprlsn LADIES' DMliSH CIUODI! nt tit cnolowt styles aud latst lashlons, Uictlltrr Wltftnlnrg numtutnt of Dry Uoodi nud otries.wmslstlikg '. lb foUowliift rtlclcs (Mrpau, Oil tlothi, OUt, OutimtrM, AHAttl, , Flunnols, WUU, MfhltO Voods tisebt, Hoop HlrlrlD, Uuilltn, I olio wuru e Ct1twntc QnMMteare, Hrdwnrrf Uostn and Bhatt, Itnts nail OAT IftWP Nets, tmiirtllnf, MoSlhg.nioaui, Two, (MOM, ssn, Tout, Rise, Allspice, QWuiir, CUiuatnon, Nutuu-s" AND HOXIONB OENERALLTf. Iii r.ort, werythlus RBnnliy kept Hi oonntri iire, to whloU they Invite the attention of the pnhilc mrUy. Toe blgnest price will be paid for conntry produce in r change for goods. (t, H. JIILLEtt ABON. lllootuwbnrg l'n, oct 1171-:f N EW STOOK OF OLOT17INO. Fresh arrival nf FALL AND VIXTEIl 0001)3 DAVID LOWEHUERC Invlle attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FABHlONAflLE CLOT1HNU. at his store on Main Street, lnShlvo's bloc!:, ono door West o l.. u. .mm ssion, llloomsburu, Pa., where ne has just received from .New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND nOYS' CLOTHINO, Including tho most fashionable, durable aud handsome DRESS OOODS, oouklstlng of BOX, SACK, ROCO, HUM, AND 01L-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho hui also repleu Ishetl his already lurrje stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. OLOVEH. SUSPENDERS. AND FANCY ARTICLPa Ho nas constantly un hand u lurL;o and wcll-fcc- cctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he Is prepared to rnairo to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is mode to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufiHitnro. QOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ot overy description, fine nnd cheap. Ills caso ol fewelry Is not surpassed In tlihCplacc. Call nud examlno hlsRcncrat assortment of CLOTHINO, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENI1ERO. nw. i:,Gi;i:uii:.vT.: that c:o-.;ronr. nojAinua arc ;i'iUi!:cd on ee v'p"-rl;agn,t!icre. I ij ".tot a m. ret p cparalion, I'liTSiriAxs rnrscr.iiir. it llij a certain euro for Scrofula, :'yp!,ili In all iti fornii, lllicuina li :u, l.I.i'i Div iei, l.ivcr Com "Inh.t r.nd all d..ieascs of tlio Jii-cd. v. il! do more r oo:l than ten bottle cl :!;o t'yrtpj of Liiapanl!a. te: u;ir.u.i!;;2Ni:o physicians Iaveu.ed Ilcyailarsi ltlicirpraclin fur the p-.l Uireo fucly OMlon-a il oaa nliablj AltcratilS and Eluod Purilicr. n:t. t. c. rcrnr, ct Eaiiimcic. 1)11. T. J. li) KI.V, " !; t. It. v. iwi.ll. " mt.r.o. n- wu.v, " D.:. .J. Eti'AIt.i, Gl NichoIiSlIIlc, nr.. J. L. McCARTHA, ColnmWa, !". t . a. a. nos:.::s. r.Jjecomii, n. c. z:zi) a:td l:ii!0ese3 by 1. L'..Vr.ENe 1 1 ; CC.NS, Fall Kit cr, I '. W.'MIlTSr. Jir.snn, JIMi. K.V V. li -.' I....M..UJ, ol.ij. .! l'Al I., tl.'.Vt.:! i'i l ).,l.n..;i!nsv!ilc, Va. ...'.:.'L. C. JMAatll.N, Jlurflces. bortf,Tc.-.u. tl ir fipiso v I 'ln'-t jillnv of nny e-. iiicd nii.di In n-l.r.icii tu the vl: TutlioJIl-dir.-l i iti c'.t n i e r:ii-i!.ir.trj a Fluid r.v- tra-.tsuperlMrto any tl:cy luio eicr ivj 111 II. -J t-r.i-iiui.t nfdiscasrd illotHlt t'MMtl'lvted wo ray try Utrti..iH3, ui. 1 c-l l.l'.l bo listored to health. P.ovil-illt b ri.'l lv allDruprKhU, prUo ('. AuJrtiJ v.., r j co, J i -i-urwrj Clieir.Uti, HaLTluoac, llu. We rcsnpctrully rail tho nttentfmi of thoo tk'3lrtn to purchase our miiko of i'inuos. Wo uro Httthtlt'd tUit wo opn glvo hitllbf.tctlon lu every c.w. vnr worKiuoiiBKiuiui unu expfrien ceUimiiuru uruler tlio iMTsoualhupurluteuiieuco of tho member oi our llrm, Wtuibo only tlio uesi b.ihoneu umwr.uim iae niiiuriai in yeua ral la tlrht clits.s. Our Pianos without exception h.wu ttte nutt'iit n "ru ties 'ement throuuli. out, which in tho opinion of tlm most i-ompo- leuijuduufi is pnmouuecu vaumuio, uy inm nu pruvement ti riano In umdo moro diunhlo ami Icoeps 1 ho loio longer. Wo claim hirour instru ments that they uro second to noiiu, and they comblnonll tuo cssonttal tlemcnm that consti tute huporlor workmanship, ro will give n written Guarantee lor llvo years, Mr, -jnuai 1'itKiMAK, member of our firm, will visit l.loomnburi; four timoHuycar to re pair ftmtuttiMia to tuning nf nil I'lanos. Ju the uhNcucool Mr. I'iiuiman. Mr. 1, K.Miii.r.u will attpiul to our buslnoss (n llloomsburu uud U authorize d u receive nnd holicit orders. W'ociu Jve tt.o vury best rcn'rencps. JuitlmoretM. 1, I. K., Donler In PIjiuok, Organs and Melodeoni flv octavo and Mvo btop orKuns ol Ihobuotmiikt1, buldatSllu. Termsuusy, Juno 21 JycKKrA7Y, NEiVL & CO., IJCATjERS i?t DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND Gen era I Meveli an disc, IJLOOMSHUKG, IA. J:mM'72-tf (V 1 r TTin il WT1 I M I I YAIAJAULK IMtOl'EUTY VOW HAUU Tho tindtrklKned wMiluc to rcllro from busl nih now oiler nt private bnln hla entti e proper tyhttuiled In Urangevillts conbUtluc of a om half intcrebtln tho well Unown i.'UUNDUV AND A(3HICUI.TUUAL WOHICB, topethcr wllh tho Knglno, Lnllics nnd other Ma. clilnery beloi.yluu tu tho Mime, nUo the entire htock now cm hand, together with n valuable pair of hnrhCH.nud ihe wukouk, bltd, Ilaruei. .to., also liN town loU ni which U trected ngoftd frame dwillirirf.uUo, twcntyflvo ncren. known hh the Dr. Itt prop riy ubout tcu of which tire cleared, Ike Imlunco Umbered. l'rlca rrasouable. lhHe8lon given at any time to suit purchasers. Apply to or address. oct, 6,71tf, OranBJvllle, Columbia Oo Druga and Ohemioalia. ' UM nAUHIO AND CUItK OF J. CONHUMITION. iho primary nnueuroutifiimptlon Is derange ment of IhoulgPsllvonrgnuK, inla derahkotneut produces deficient nuttlllnii and nsalnuluim n lly nftftlmllathm I menu thai inocwm by whlfh Ilia mitrimcul ol tlio food 1h couvctted into hlood,niKl thence Into tho Hulldi or the body, rrwn with dlKmtiou tliui impaired, having the Kllghtnut piuillposllluii to puitnonury dlv rftHG.orli thoy tane cold, will ha very liable to have Cousninptlou of the Dunm lunomeot lu forinil and I nold that It willow Impossible to cure any rune of Consumption without. Hint to siortnK n good dlKcMmu nud healthy MHHiinlla tlon, 'iho very llrnt tiling to be duiioH tocicutue the Nlotnuchaud bowelt Jiont ulUlMeuHed mucus and (dime, wulch It cloggiiiK tbfcNo otgiiui to llmt they run not perform 1 inlr luiirtluin, nnd then rouso tip nnd linno tlteilvcr toiihealtiiy actum, Vot tbH purpose tuo nun Nt and in Hi temudy is Hthetu'k'ft Wwn iruteo I'llU Xluo I'tllH cleftti tlio Ktunmcli nud howel.1 of nil the dead and inoibld nlhuo that Is cumin dlmmu nnd nocny lathe wno.eNyniem, Tuey will clear out the lier olall UlHeaNcd bile tbat has nccum ulatitl there, and toue It up to n row nnd healthy union, by which natural and healthy bile Wheel elcd, 'Ihe Minn nc ;i, bowclw, nnd llvtr aro thu i clea In tel by in u ihiul Hi'liettun'H Matidr.itfe lillj but thtfie leiauiuH lu tho mwihivIi an oxem or aotd, thuoigan Is torjud and the appeutc poor lu tho bowel tuu lacleaU are weau, mid iquirlutj htieugth und hU)un, it 14 in u coiulltlou UUu UiU timtbcheiKii.'H ueuued 'i'ouio pioven to be the must valunule 1 clued y ever dlhcovcied It Isalluillue, mm ltu use will iieutr.tll.t all excoHi or acid, muktiiji tho moiiiucIi nwi-ut and lrebli; It Will nive permuiiuul tone li tula important or Kan, uudireute u wood, lien My .ippctuo, and pre p.tte the y Mem lor tlio llift prudent of u goiki dt-Kt-hlluii, uud ullltiuioly niunu yod, noahhy, living blood, Alter tlili preptuatury treatuieiil, what remains to cure tnuit ciics of Consump tion ts the lrce and perHevcrluuse ofrtciienck'H l'uimuuioyiup. Ihu iMlmonlcrup uourihe4 the ayatcto, put jIIlh tho blood, and h icaully ah horbtd into the circulation, and thence distrib uted to tho dUenMcd lungs. Tntro it ripeu-tmt morbid JuattfiS, wnulhtr in thu toimol aljaettts I'H or lubeicltrt, uud tlieu a-sinn ss.i uil to tXpil nil the d (staved inatttrttu tiie luim of lieu us jiLCtoiatlon, when oueo 11 ripens, lb is then, by iho i;ieht iitalui aud ptiriiyinji pioperitu4 oi Hcneiick'tt l iiJmuniu wuip, luui nit uiuuinuud cavitien nro heulid up bouud, uud my pattern ht LiirvU, a TheoaBehtmi tumg to be dtmo lu Jng Cou FUiuptlou i lo mt up a noodappi tilt and h cotxl dUellou,Ro thut tuo Loly utit ijrow In ilesli and yet Mtoiig. If u pel huh has dineased Juiikh, ncavliy or absceRs there, the cavliy enniiot Ileal, the matter cannot ripen, bo Iimtf as tlio hh ttm Is below par. What Is neccsHury 10 cuio is a new older ol things yood HiiH?Utot a K''od nutrition, tho body to row lu Uunh auu ytci iat; then ature Is helped, the cavities will heal, thu matter will ilpeii and bo thrown oil' in ie tpiuutltle!, and tlio person reditu mrensih. 'j hla U the t tie nud only plan to cuio I'-onHump-tlon, and 11 a pcrnon Is very n.i't.if Iho lunns aio not entirely destroyed, oreven li ono luiu;ls en tirely Rone, 11 there ts mouidi vitality left in tho otber to IicmI up, there W hope, I hao ht-cii many pcr'ue ired with only ono frnund ItlbK. live and enjn ille t a uld nye. This la whal fck'henck h 'le-Ueiaes will do to euro Consumption, 'lliey ui.'. il noit t h" Ntoin'iWi, Hwceien ami Ktrenthen It, Ket tip a e,nod diges tion, aud give 2iH till u the asUt incj Ntie ucetis to clear tho Hjrtem of all the dUc:isy lhat if lu the lungs, whatever tho toi m may be. It Is liupoitant that wlillu mUvx BchtMiclc's Medicines, care hlitaild bo eerci-sed not. to tako cold; ktep lndoors In cold uud damp weather ; avoid night air and tako out door exorcUo only lu n genial and warm sunshtue. 1 wish it distinctly understood thai when I rec ominoud a patient to bo careful lu regard to tak ing cold, while uMngmy .Medicines, i do no lor a hpeclal leason. Ainau who has but partially ro covi red trom the ell" ctsof a bid cold Is lar moiu llablo ton i elapse than one who has been entire ly cured; and it U precisely the samo lu regaul to Coufitinptlon, Ho loug as the luugs me not pciftULly Inaled, Just bo Ion-; 1h theio immincul danger of a lull leiurn of the disease. Hence 11 is Hint I mi htrenuou-ly caution pulmonary pa lleulK iKulnst ev iSlng themselves to ttn almo-t-phtro that Is m. genial and pleasant. Coulli m od CoLbumittlvcN' lungs ate u mass of sons, which tho least elnuuo of ltmospher.- wlltlu ll.ime. The grand seciet of my success with my Medlclms cmsistH in tny abllP lo sub lue in lUuiinatlon ad of piovolilug it, as many of the faculty do. An hJlamed hum cannot, wllh saletv to the patient, bo expos-od tfi tho bltlug bhtsisof Winter urthe cljlillng winds at spring or ATitumn. It should bo caiemlly shielded irom all Irritating Inliucncts, 'l ho utmost caution should be observed In this particular, as wit bout It a curo uudei almost uuy ciicuuistauceM Is tin Impossibility. '1 he pei bun should bo kept una wholesome aud nutritions diet, and all the Medicines cintluuci until the body has lestored to 11 thu natural (pi'intlty ot tlesli aud .stretiyth. 1 way mhelt cuied by tnis treatment of tho worst kihd of CoLuumptiou, nud have lived lo eel Iat and mauy j ears, with one loug mostly gone. I havo cured thousands since ntul very m.iily havo heed cu led by this Heal hient whom 1 havo never Men. About iho 1'irot ol October 1 expect to tako pos&cMhmof my new building, nt the Xortheas Coiner ol Hi.xih nud Arch Streets, where I shat 1 jo ploa.scd to give advice to all wno may require Full diivction-i accompany nil my Kcmcilles, fso a pcihuu in an part ol the world cm bo readily curtd by nMrielobservncooi tho same. J. II, HC11UNUK, M. D. I'hlladclphla .Toluison, Ilollavny A Cowdcu, $)l Arch street Philadelphia, wnole&alo agents. lnovl771-iy. Dr. WAX.rrr.' - - YINEG- Jv) iiunciiciwci uau. ..:.;c . 2" Hc&rt.-etlnionytallitfr .u'-i- ; iuiuuuiic i:ii.ctj. ffDii WHAT ARE THEY' ljFANCV DRINlC.l'j ItiJac? l?f,f,",ftnii, WliHIicy, Troof Bvlrlla i nd llel'itbu l.lctiurjCoctorccl.eplccd acacvrLct tcj to vlcasotlis taste, csJlcd" Tonics," MArpct. in," " ItCEtorcrr," ic, ttat lead tlio tippler ta lo Crual.cni:cs3 tad rxiu, bet tro a trco Mcdlclac, c.da IrcutiioSitiTO r.ootomul Herbs cf Callforalo, I'rco fl'iim nil Alcubvllo Btimiilnnts. TLcjrcio t'ao aitaT lii.onii puitii-'ii;:: nnd a i.irc r.IVINH l'i:iNCiri,Eaiicrfcct llooovator aad Ia!s3:at3rcf tlio Eyttcn, carrylc; off altpolscaoas :-at:c; aai roi.torlns tuo llooa to a licaltoy coailtlon. "opcrsoa taatal:o theso Enters tccordls tocliiT l'oiaadrcaalnlor.suuT.'cIl. tltiO Tflllbo clvcaforca lararatloca:j,rivi,i- 1 i .j bones aro net deetroyed by ralacra.1 hoca or i: ucaas, cud Uia vital ercaaa i-anf "nd tu ; '.utcf repair. r1r.-I11flr.mm1.tar7 nnd Chronic Kliccian :'t:.i nut! Gout, Dr&pcpMn, in Imllccstlou, .'.Hut., Iti-taittcut nud lutL-rniillcut 1'cvcim 1 1 . thollloud, l.licr, KUlucji! nud ..l...'.:tr. t-icto Illttciu l-tvo beca ricit race :c . tu-tli UIscccs tro cacrcd l7ltti.ttd II. ,1, clilor;cacrall7 rrouacv-by L.rarjc: . lilurerlvo Orcauj. I. iM'Ll'tilA (lit INni(ICt3TIOK, Ut-i ,1. la Ilia vl oulJ;:c, Cocct!i,'l.s!.taci.- cf U.a 1 .-t, V.zz'-f uv r. e:.t.PL3 cf t:.o tt-.rac'.:, . 1 i..t. I..t:.i -.:'.., L'...,-ia .ttacu, rc!r.I:-tica 1 ' ' 1 .1, 1. .:-r.'.:: -..l.c.i cf t..j La- 2' . r..-i la tl.o .1 . f l l.liatyr, a 1 r.r..r.a v'L-.r 1 . u'al 1 . : :. r,:v. t;.oci.lir,LEOof Bjticr! a. . . i i-,.-o:atj ti.oBtouaclicadtt.raa:ata t.,o to , ::.'...'CJ towels, WMc!ircnSci'tl.emofiao(;aa;'.:a . :;;cyl: c'.ca.slaj HicVloodcf all liaparltl.'C, raJ . it'ii? : . :.:ar nl vliror to tlio vtolo tj etvSi. 1 jjjtJniritij.cnipuoas.'ftttcr.rais . . J .-, r;cu,r.i. jlce, ItutclccEoIle, t .- "..oir-s, cr.lJ.I!eail,tcro Hyca, r.rj tip. i . . .. , ti.ctiltrctiouocf . ... u.iol uo ti':a, of Ti-batci cr uarno cr nature, 1 . 1 divrJlj U aj cp aaj cartlcd oas of tlio ryttcm la a 1 i.ti I...10 1 y tuo uso cf theso Dlttcrs. Ono Icttlo 1 1 1 li c tcs 1. 1:1 coETlaco tUo raost lacrcilalons or their il:. live CvTjct. ( ' aea i'..a V;tlataJ Elcod wfconcver you CsJ Its 1. -parities barttlng tbronsh tlio tila lallraplos, Erup tions crEcTiSt cleeasalt when j on nacl It obstractcd dactlsa la tin) veins 1 clcanca Itv.licultlsfoul, your feclmas wtU toll you v? tea. Keep tlio blood Vnrc end tho health cf tho ryttera vrlll follow. riK, Al'Eanlcthcr WOU3IS, lurklna In tbo; co many thousands, aro ctTeotaally destroy, deal removed. Tor fall dlractlont, read carefully tha circular around each bottle, printed ta foar Ion. Cuages-Enclltli, German, Trench &ad Epanhih. 4 j. TTALsnn, rroprictor. n. 11. wcnosAED g co., O.-ijilstJ and Ctn. .ecats, E03 Francisco, Cal 'aad Siaa UlUoia.:n. co Btrett, Sei7 York. t-tOU) UV .'JJ. WIL'UOISIS A1ID UEAIXEfl. SiTO-ti Tonny person producing nuy M. Ili-lne fcliow Ins hall as many living, jwrinuiicnt i-nreHHH l)it. 1TII.I.II'H VKUIlTAlll.l! ItllKUJIATli- ltllSlCllV. Useit inwardly only. A idonsaiit Mcllclne, fr from iiijnrtuui Unma. wiirruulcd, under outli, to ImVM icrimiiH"iitly(-uri'ill)jlumtiyiwiiiitiuutM Irwitnl In tlio inut leu ywirs. (ch trktliniiuy.) It It Iho M'ltiil file pruMiliilnn of I'rofi'hsor Jus. 1. Filler, M. I) , 11 rniduutu of tho Unlvcrlty nf ivuuiiyl.iiiila A, I). Il,-now one of I'lilludcl phlrt'K oldeiil reuulur pli Hk-tuii9,nnd 1'rotOf.Bnr nt t'lnmlslry nnd ToxIooIokv, who lum mado XelliultiUi, Clilulilo una IhlUuiinatory lllieuinn. tliui the fciMCliUUy of Irs t-nllro prulieslonal lllo-n fuel vouched f. r hy tho klgiiaturi-H uccoui. pnvlii!euoli tKiltlc, (dnntny iiriunlneiit renown. M plili'l iiiK.i-Ii-ril) mi. 1., 1u.1l it lu r tehtluioiilala, 'fiipn-litt hiilleiei. Irom poUonoin riuai-lr noi. trnim nud usoleH ejpeiidlturu of money, n leital Hluued ituiiruiilce,bt"ltUf,exiM't mimb.-rotljulllca warranted tn cure, will bo furwiirdcd Bratls to any MiUVrerwiiUlim by letter a full dCbcrlptlon of iillllctloii. Ill cmu t failure lo curo, uniount puld positively iTlunded, Miillclno kt'Ut nny. whero by espu, collect on delivery, AllllcUil Invited towrlto lor ail vice i all lufonuntlou nnd medical ndvlco keut hy letter cmtls. Principal olllce, 9 HnutU l'ourtli direct, l'illlndelpliln, hi. Tlio llcinedy is told or obtained by Drtinslatii. inar2'71 lv it"- V r" " s s -v N lit" fK H ''U- h m I '-a flh fe(5is.;iftt Si"'- S3 .m t i HIS X'-f ' 'jpi-y-- tils 1! i ti .-. Miscellaneous. CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. OI' NUW YOUK, No. of Policies tosil 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUKSnll tlio now form of I'oIIcIch Jand presenta ni luvornblei ternn its liny com. piny In thn United rt-atei, Tiie cuinp.tny will umlto Icmpor.iry loan on ill pollel'-H. Thirty ihivi' nrnr-0 nllowed on each piymcnt, nnd tho policy held Rood durlnu- Hint tlmo. All our iollclei luoliiconloslahlo lor tlio imtal dunei. Policies l.suod by this company nro uoa-for. Icluirp. ' No extra chargon mado for travelling pormlt". Policyholders sharo In tlio nuiiunl prnlltunt tlio company, nnd Imvon vnlco lu tho eleoilous nnd lnntmKeineiit nf tho company. Is'o policy or lnedleal leo chntltoil, .1U81UH liAWltl'.NC!-;, l'rfs't. W. II. WYNKOUP, Vlcol're.i't. .1. 1". Ilia TIM, l-'ccretary, H. c. citANUi.r.u, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of North-Eastern Peun'a. "CoLTOihiAis'" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. LUDWIG & BROCKYfAY, General Agents. Jan. 0,lS7L'-lf. AHION PIANO. Tho nnlv perret Instrument In Iho World. It lntntt,irY((f in lttchties", Power, llrllllancy nnil himhillty. Hpeclal terms lo Teachers. .Marked f ivors toClernjineu. Heud lor Illus' rated Arlon C. W. FOSTI.ll. acnrrnl Agent, mar 10'71-tf.J Maui-ii Chunk, Pa. QARRIAOE MANUFACTORY, nioomsbnrg, I'a. M. O. BLOAN St BUOTHEU Havo nn baud nud for sale nt tbo most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of , cAitiUAUEs, iiuaaiEs, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted tn be made of the best nnd most dur able materials, nud by the most experienced workmen. Allworle sent out from tho estab lishment will he found to hoof tho highest class and sure to irlvo perfect satisfaction. They have niso n nuu assortment. 01 h 1. 1: i a n h ofnlltfio newest nnil most tashlonablo styles well mid carelully made nud of tho best mater ials. Au inspection of their work Is nshrd ns Hi believed tbat none superior can bo found in the country. jail i-fi Hail Roads. T AOICAWAIsNA AND I5LOOMS- Li llllltd ll.VII.UOAI) On uud iMtorNov. 1.7, ls71, 1'assonKer Trains will ruti us ftiiloi.-s : Coins North, Arrlvo Arrlvo lu-ni. p. m. ... 0.411 l.ll ... S.1S 11.52 (JoIngHonth T.eavo Leavf n.iu. n.m Hcranton Pitts ton I. 11 II. 11 10.S-; Kingston 1 "t. A W.Iiarroj C'rs 8.3J 1231 2.33 J.10 3.CS 3.31 3.07 11.00 Plymouth Shlckshlnuy. Herwlck liloom ... 8.1.1 .. 7.IM 7.:il ..... 8.1)5 i2.;ii i-j.iio 11. :w Uiinvllle, 10.50 l.'.T Connection made ntScranton bv the 10.10 n.m. trnl'i lor (Ireat ilend, Illuhauitou, Albauyand nil poluln North, I.ast and West. D.T. BOUND, Rnp't. jORTFIEUN CENTRAL RAIL On and after Nov. 12th '1871, Trains will leave Sdnhury ns follows i NOItTIIWAUD, liT-lr.-t.Dilly to Wllltamsport, KImlra. Canan d.ih;ut, ltochestcr, Uutlulo, Huspension Ilrldiie, nud N. I'alls. 12.11 1: M. Itnil ilo, N. Pulls, .ic. 0.501-.M., I) illv, (except Huudays) for William- sport nml Kile. 1.51 i". si., Oallv. (oTcent.tnndnvsl for Brain, nn 1 irn Fall-, via. Urlo railroad from Elmlr i, TIIAINS SOUTIIWAItD. 1,17 A, M, Dally for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 10.05 A. M. Dally (except lundavsl for Haltlmor Washington nd L'ulla-Io'plil'i. l.ll v. m. Dally (axcopt Hundays) lor Haltimore. 1'hll.ulelphl.i, .U-. i:d.s. YOUNU, aenerulI'iuisvuEtr A&ent, ALFiiEO It. Fish. Oon'L Bup't. gllORTJEST ROUTE" E ASTW A 1W. Danville, Hazleton&lMarre Rl 1 1 'INTER AURA XG EVENTS. EASTWAUD. WESrWAItD. IiKAVE. Sunbury, Danville C'atawlshit llralelou llethlehcni, 1 Si A. M. I.KAVE. .. (l.'JI) .. 7.IIS .. 7.2S .. 0 OS ' r. m. Uhi ,323 I 4J New York, Ilastou, Phihi llelhleli'm, Hazletnn. niiiuieipuia t'atawlssa. Hnzleion. L-jj i:n 'i linnvllh,. New York. 34u il Huubury. Tlionfteriioiu train cnnneclsnt Huubury with the P..t K. -1.31 p. in. train Kolna West; arrives at Willlamsnoite.3 1; Loi'k Haven TA'i p.m., aud with tho Northern 1'intrnl I.f0 p, m miivliiK Houlh, reaclilui: llnriMmiK 7.UI p, in., mid llaltlmoru 10.11 p. in., uud uUo with thu huubury nud I.ew lslown Kallruud, Cnmfcrtublu uud handsome Coaches ou this new route. J, UUUVKY K.S1:, buperiulondent. CHOICE FAII1Y GROCERIES DOWN IN PR! OK J. II. MAIZE'S, Corner JIaIn and Ctutrn His., ULOOMSBUHO, A new stock of Fresh Goods Just opened nt MAIZU'H. Teas, Colic on, Suirai-N, HYHUIH nnd MOI, UisKS. ClltJI-JU, SIEATH. HALT, FISH. etc. Vi:ai,TAl!LKS, IIKItMETJCALLY Sealed Uooils. JKLI.IEH nnd PItFHKHVIX, VirKI.KH, FOUIilUN and DOMhHTIO FHUlTrf. Aii Elognnt AB.soi'tmont OF QUEENSWARE Constantly on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW aud ULABSWAIlE of ovtry variety, All my toods are of the flrst nualllyand at ex tiemely low prices, dectftl-tf J, U, MAIZE, pATKNT mj$ If v Patout Medicines. H ENR.Y T. irKLMUOLD't. (lOJU'OOHll 1-' li U 1 i) . EXTItACT CATAW1IA O 11 A 1 E 1'HL S. OjmiiciiI 7Vtrl-7u(( Extract Jlhulat b n.nj Hulil tract Oxtaicba Uraie TGI. MVKIl COMl'IiAINT3,.lAUNl)Icr lm IOUH AFFI-XTIO.N'H. HICK OH N Kit VOL, ikMutjiii., vuai i uisras, l-.TC. I'uitLI v VEOETAllLE, CONTAINING HO MEIluttpv MINEHALB Oil DEIjEriiHIOUa DltUOy, TtlPRIi Pllla flMi llirt mill, ilnlli-liirnllt. ..t - ,,iV u ,Cn pnrsitlvo, suportedltis castor oil, salts, in.l3. tiesl.t.ctc. Th'jra Is nothlin mnrn n.-pniiii,i.i.. thu ctomach. They Rlvo lone, nnd causo uclihvi Hansen uur cripiuij paius. TUey nro compo. t j of tuo Jlncst tnaredtcnts. Arinr n fmv ili,vu . thoui.suciiuiuuvuoratlouuflhouutlro syst m tauoa place ns touppenr miraculous to tno weak nuil rliprvntiut. urhnlhAr umbki. ....... ..... ... , ..v.Uv. I..I.WI, i.unt uiipru deuco or dUcnso, II, T, llelmbold's Coiuiiauna i iuiui.auuubi,Hiawunurauoi'iii.saroiiot r coated, from thu fact that sugar-coated Plus do nut Ulsolvc, but pass lltrouslithostomachwlllioii dissolving, consequently do uot proditcothode. sired circct. T1IUCATAW11A OUAl'U PlLLs being plensant lu tnbtuund odor, do not tiecc ,si. tale their boltirj,!. PIIICE Fll-rv cents rniinox. UENUY T. UELMUOL&S. lltattLY t'OXCKNTKATED COM1-OUNI) FLUID EXTItACT HAliaAPAIlILLA Will radlcallv exterminate from tho system Scrofula, Byphllls, ForcrSores, UIccrs.WoroEyo Soro Legs, Horo Mouth, Head, Ilrouclilll Sklu Dispnscs, Halt lllieuu, aukirs, ltuimln from tho liar, Whlto Hwclllngs, Tumors, fi.i ccrousAirbctlons, Nodes, Itlckcts.OJaudorawc lugs, Night Hwoat, Hash, Tetter, Humors ol a Kinds, Chronlo Hlicumatlsm, Dyspepsia, nnd n dl.scaso thathas been cstubllshti. lu tlio syit i for years, llelugprepared EXPHIHLY for tlionbovo com plalnls, Its ULOOD-PUHIFYINa proprieties nr greatorthau uuy other preparation ot Har.sapa. rilla. It gives tho COMPLEXION a clear an healthy color mid restores tho patient ton state ol HEALTH and 1'UKirY. For I'urirying the lllood, removing nil Chronic CoustltutiounI Die eases arising from an Impure stalo of tho hloud And the only reliable mid ellectuai known reme dy for tho curo of Pains nnd Swellings ot the llouos, Ulcerations of tlio Throat nnd Lc" lilotches, Pimples on tne Fno, Erysipelas nn all scaly Eruptions of I ho Skin, and Uvnutmin tho Complexion. Price, 81 OOper Hottle. HENRY T. IIELMDOLD'S COSCKN1KATED EE UID EXTIiA CTE UCJ1 V, THE GIIEATDIUHETIC, has cured every caso of Diabetes In which It ha beeu given, Irritation ol thu neck uf thollladdt and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceratlou o tho Kldnsys nud Madder, Hetcutlon of Urlue Diseases of tho Prostate Olaud.btono In the Iliad dcr, Calculs, Gravel, Ilrlckdusl Deposit, nnd .Mucous or Milky Discharges, nnd for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of boiu Hexes, ntton ded with tho following Hymptoius: ludlsposl tlon to Exertion, loss ol Power, loss or .Memory Ditllculty of Ilrenthlng, Weak Nerves, Trem bllug, Horror of Disease, Wukciulness, Dimnes of Islon, Palu In tho Dock, Hot Hands Flush lug of tho llody, Dryness ol thu Sklu, Eruptiou ou tho Fnco, Pallid Countenance, Uuivtra Lassitude of tlio .Muscular System, etc. Used by persons Irom tno ages or eighteen to twcnty-Ilve, aud Irom thirty-live to lllly-ilvo oi lu tho dcclluo or chango of life; niter eonlluc mcut or labor pains; bed-wcttlug In children llelmhonPs Extract Iltichu 1 Dlurellc nnd Illood-Purllying. nnd cures nil diseases nrlsln-. from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses uud Imprudences In Life, Impurities of tho lllood etc., Mipersedlng Copabia lu nffectlorji fur which It Is used, nud Hyphllltlo Airectlnns-ln thete HOSE WSh" COU"Cctlon wl,h "L'LMnOLDH LADIE3. In many aflectlous peculiar to ladles, tho 1'--tract Iluchu Is unequalled by nny other rt medy as Is Chlorosis or Hetcutlon, Irreguhirlty, Pain lulness or Suppression of Customary Evacun lions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus SUito of tho Uterus Leucorrhcea or Whltes.Sterlllty.andforull com pluluis Incident to tho sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is pre scribed extensively hy tlio most eminent ptysl laus nnd Midwives for Euleehled aud Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes nnd nil agos (.v ten ded with nny of tho nbovo diseases o r nym pt. .res II. T. HELMIIOLD'S EXTHACT HUCHU CUHES DISEASES AHISINQ FHOM IMPHL'- DENCE, HA11ITSOF DISSIPATION, ETC., In nil tholr stages, nt llttlo expense llttlo or no chango In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex posure. It causes n frequelit desire, anil gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Uretha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent In this class of diseases, nnd expelllug all l'olsouous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of In competent persons, nnd who havo paid heavy fees to be cured In n short time, have round they iiavo been deceived, and that tho "Poison" has, hy tho uso of "poweriul astringents," been dried up lu tho systom, to break out In a more aggra vated form, nud lierhaps after Marrlago. Use HELMIIOLD'S EXTHACT HUCHU for nil Atlectlous nnd Diseases of the Urluary Organs, whether existing In Male or Female, Irom what ever causo originating, and no matter of how long btandlng. PHICE ONE DOLLAH AND FIITY CENTS PER HOITLE. HENRY T. HELuMUOLiD'S IM PROVED ROSR WASH cannot be surpassed rts a FACE I wll bo found tho only speclflo remedy In every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCOHHUTIC DRYNESS, INDUHATIONSor the CUTANEOUS MEMBRANE, etc., dispels REDNESS nud IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, RADII MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF SCALP OR SKIN, FROHTIIITES, nnd nil purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS nro used ; restores the skin to a Mate of purity nud softness, nud In- surei continued healthy action to the tlssuo o Its vessels, on which depend the agreeable clear ness and vivacity of complexion so mn di sought aud ndmired. Hut however valuables ns remedy for existing defects of the sklu, II, T llelmbold's Rnso Wash-has Ions sustained Its principle claim to uubounded patrouago, by possessing qualities which render it n TOILET Al'PENDAOE of the raost Superlative nud Congenial character, combining In nu elegnnt formula those promlncutrequlslts, SAFETYaud EFFICACY tho Invariable accompaniment ol Its uso ns n Preservative and Refresher of the Complexion, It Is nn excellent Lotion for ills, eases of a .Syphilitic Nature, and as nu Injection lor diseases oi tno urinary organs, arising frum habits of dissipation, usod In connection with the EXTRACTS llUCHU.HAHSArARILLA.nud CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, In such diseases ns recommended, cannot bo surpassed, PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER HOTTLE. Full and explicit directions acoompany the medicines, Evldeuco uf tbo most responsible and reliable character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, nnd up ward of 50,000 unsolicited certificates and recom meudutory letters, mauy of which aro from the highest sources, Including eminent Physicians Clergymcu, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor h never resorted to their publication lu the news papers; he does not do this from tbo fact thn his articles rank ns Standard Preparations, nnd do not need to be propped up by certificates. Henry T. IIclmbolil'N Genuine I'rcpnrntlouN, Delivered to any address, becure from obaci vatlon, Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address lette-rs for in formation, lu coufldenco to HENRY T, HELM. BOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only Depots i il, t, iilliJiiiuijU H urug aim Chemical Warehouse, No, 691 Broadway, New York, or to II, T. HELMIIOLD'S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, I'a. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITERS. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers