THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, The Columbian- "floomsburg, Friday, Mtircli 1, 1072, FRANK CCOLEY, ASSISTANT lJDITOIt. Itnilrond Timo Table LACKAWANNA A IlLOOMSnUnO H. It. 10:fllA.M. fiilSl;.'. :IU,M,10:501.M, ......... t:S8 1'. M. A.M Mull v Accommodation l.jcl rtPF CATAWlf-BA It. 11. KltOM lttPi:iVT STATION, Oolne North. MV.'i 1ba "m"1' MS P.M. Hill A.M. LOCAL. Iion. Jamks li. Brx'K of Kentucky will plcnso accept our thntiks for ti copy of Ills nWc speech on tho "Postal Telo graph." Wk caII attention to tlio opinion of Judgo Elwell, relative tho extension of Fourth Street In this town, which will bo fount! elsewhere. Tub highest salary wild In this coun try to n lady teacher la saltl to ho given toMls-i Anna 0-Urackott, Principal of tho St. Louis Normal School, Si'iOO nj'ear. In tho Interest of a long stint-ring anil gently complaining community, wo hep; to inako a suggestion to designers of etovo patterns. It Is, that tho hearths should always ho plain and smooth and also slightly descending from tho stove, so that they may bo claoncd and kept clean, with art ordinary expenditure, of labor and temper. Tho fllagreo work upon most of them Is an outrngo and u nuisance, and requires to be reformed altogether. Oun Representative, Mr. IJrockway, has succeeded In getting through tho House of Representatives au appropria tion of $10,000 for our Normal School. Stami Yotm Checks. With tho many changes In tho rovcnuoliuvs somo think that checks, drafts, etc,, are not to bo stamped. Tho following Is tho laws Bank check, draft or order for any sum of monoy drawn upon any bank, bank er, or trust company, at sight or on do- inand, two cent stamp. When drawn upon any other person or persons, com panies or corporators, for any sum ex- ceding ten dollars, at sight or demand two cent stamp. Look out for mad dog-) now. Thcro U nothing makes a dog so tnad as to lio compelled to sit out on tho doorstep tills weather and howl to get in at tho stove. Sutii J. Comly ha-3 boon appointed Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia in tho placo of John W. Forney, resigned, Mr. Comly is a brother of Joshua W. Comly, Esq., of Danville. Tim stockholders of tho Deposit and Savings Bank of Catawisia, entered Into au election for directors, on Feb ruary 22d, which resulted in tho elec tion of tho following board, viz; J. K. Sharplcss, Win. J. Ejer, George Scott, lienry Ilolllngshead, George W. Crov- ellng, and George S.Gilbert. Tho hoard organized on February 23d, and elected Georgo Scott, President, and Benjamin Rusli Davis of Berwick, Cashier. Tho Bank will ho ready for business by March 15th at furthest. Tin: commltteo in tho Groy-M'CIuro contested election case, of which Mr. Buckalow is chairman went to Phila delphia on Monday tor tho purposo of examining witnesses. It is thought there will bo over 1200 to examine. A very destructive tiro at Sollnsgrovo on Wednesday of last week, destroying thirteen dwellings, llvostoros, a Church and a number of stables and bams, LoS3 $100,000. Tho flro was probably tho work of an incendiary. The citizens of Milton are in consid erable trepidation concerning tho ico gorge in tho river at that place It is feared that, when tho ico breaks up, a dam may bo formed and tho town bo Hooded, Right Rev. M. A. DeWolfo Howe, bishop of this Episcopal diocese, will raako auoflicial visit to Reading on Palm Sunday. Ho will administer tho rlto of confirmation In two of tho Episcopal churches of that city mi tho above occasion. IN tho borough election in Sunbury last week tho Democrats elected their wholo ticket with two or threo excep tions. Sol. Malick, Esq., was elected Chief Burgess and Mr. John Clark, As sistant Burgess. Tho borough has here tofore been Republican. Tnr. new Pastor of tho German Ro formed Church of this placo was ordain- ed last evening and will deliver bis itrst sermon as Pastor hero next Sunday, March n J, at tho usual timo in tho fore noon. In tho afternoon ofsimoday ho will preach his first sermon au Pastor at tho "Heller's Church." AU aro cordi ally Invited. A 31UAKEMAN on tho L. & B. H. R. named Daniel Titus, fell from the train at Rupert, ou Saturday last, and a car passed over his foot cutting olf two toes. Tho number of accidents to rail road employees in this vicinity is un usually largo of late.this being tho third wo have chronicled within a few days tho two preceding it having been fatal Oun thanks aro duo our friend Mc of Fishingcrcek for tho list of new sub scribers sent. Wo are not making any effort to Increase our list, trusting that tho merits of tho Columbian will com mend it to the party, and that no spec ial solicitation will ho necessary. Any person who wishos to keep posted in tho news, politics or tho business of tho day should have a copy. The World Almanac for 1S72 is even more complelo and full than any of Its predecessors and should bo in tho hands of every man who takes any interest in tho affairs of tho country. It con tains an iuimonso amount of general and political information, statistics congressional legislation and Items of public vuluo. Prlco twenty-llvo cents, Address "Tiio World," !3-' Park Row New York. Wi: havo received tho first number of a magazlno for "wido awako boys and irirls." with tho rather odd name of "What Next?", which is tho best o tho kind wo havo seen. It contains several good stories, poetry, ic, Just suited to tho tastes of young people. 13 published monthly at tho very low ruto of 30 cents per year, address Pun i.isiieh oi-' What Next? 133 West Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois. The Legislaturo has now been in Eession two months, nnd lias not. yet passed ono singlo general bill into a iw ; at any rato "Legal Opinion" which proposes to publish them con temporaneously with their passage,has not yet given us any results of their labois. Wo should regard this as pretty slow work, or rather as no work at all. If tho facts aro as we suppose, thero is some heavy work before them, Includ- tig tho appropriation and tho appor tionment bills ami it is possible they aro working at them. The origin of the flro which destroy ed tho school houso near Allnas Cole's, in Sugarloaf township, was undoubted ly tho placing of red hot coals in a wooden ash box. This box had been on flro onco before and the children had extinguished tho ilames with snow, but somo flro yet remained and during the night it again ignited tho box. It would bo well for teachers in tho various schools in the county to cxerciso caro in tho disposal of ashes, or thero may bo occasion to noto tho destruction of another school before warm weather. Thero are many persons who affect to dlsbcllovo In tho efficacy of advertising, but Just so soon as ono of them gets Into a ecrapo It is astonishing to sco tho alacrity with which ho calls on tho editor to nk that tho llttlo affair may not ho mentioned In tho columns of his paper. If theso men bellovo what they say why this anxiety? Tun volco of tho mud turtlo and that of tho lightning rod man will soon bo heard in tho land. Get your shot gun and prepare for war. Rv. Wo do not dcslro to run counter to tho sporting tastes of tho community but wo feel Impelled to say that although tliero Is no law on tho statuto books for bidding tho shooting of mud turtles, thero Is nn absurd prohibition as to tho popping over of lightning rod men. Tho law Is, perhaps, ridiculous, but so long as It exists it will bo bettor to ab stain from this exciting sport. Light ning rod men, aro fellow creatures after all, and although tho temptation may be .strong to bag them, yot tho fact of their human origin should bo allowed full weight. So wo soy, don't shoot them ; 'let dogs delight to bark (at) and blto" them but dou't you do anything of tho sort. The most dls.igrocablo months of tho year aro February and March. Tlio latter, especially, with Its high winds and keen air is peculiarly unpleasant and unhealthy, and yet thero aro somo days In both months which aro so warm and bright, so full of sunshlno and beauty, that wo can, by closing our eyes, easily fancytho flowers to bo In bjooni and tho trec3 In leaf, with tho birds flying among tho boughs. Thero is no dependence, however, to bo placed upon tho cliaugeful weather, and tho perfect to-day may bo followed by a lark and fierce to-morrow. But March, though keen and cold and cruel, is tho harbinger of better things, and tlio fancies which its pleasant days create, will soon become realities. Tho fro and snow will disappear betoro tho genial heat of tho sun, and tho glad earth will, rouso from winter's slumbers and put on tho gay. green garb of Spring. In a debate in tho United States Sen ate a few days ago, on tho French neu utility resolutions, Mr. Sumner after quoting authorities on othor points; "also read from Worcester's largo dic tionary, which ho thought the best au thority, tho definition of "Emissary," and said that tho uso of theso two words by Mr. Conkling in this amendment, not only implied.ignoranco of languago but was also an insult to a friendly po-ver." Wo aro glad to find Mr. Sumner, who is a scholar, whatever elso ho may be, giving his voice and the weight of his critical Judgment against Webster. Doubtless tlio book, which is neither a Dictionary nor an Encyclopedia, but a littlo of both, will gradually find its level. Old Rose Bushes. A subscriber sends tlio following on tho management of old roso bushes to tho New York Ob server : Never givo up a choico but de cayed roso bush till you havo tried wa terlng it for two or threo times a week with siot tea. Tuko soot from a chim ney or stovo in which wood is burned and make a tea of it. When cold, water tho roso with it. When all is used, pour boiling water a second timo on tho soot Tho shrub will quickly send out thrifty shoots, tho leaves will become large and thick, and tho blossoms will bo larger and moro richly tinted than before. To keep plants clear of insects, syringe them with quassia tea. Quassia c in bo obtained at un apothecary's. Tliodiree tions I enclose have been fully tested In my family, with most satisfactory re sults. iV mooting of tho Commissioner of the Ilunlock's Creel: and Muncy Rail road was hold in Now Columbus, Luzorno county, at the hotel of Hon. John Koons, on Saturday tho 17th Inst. llou. John Koons was mado Presi dent and C. A. Bowers, Eq,, of Muncy, Secretnry,$ 10,000 of stock Is ncco-snry to sccuro a patent for tho road. This stock to bo t ivldcd into shares of $2-, each $1 on each sharo to bo paid down. Ad dresses wero mado by Mr. H. Daven port, J. D. Mcllck, II. W. Pcttikcnnnd others. We give, us a matter of Interest to our readors, tho names of tho ofllccrs of tho Rosemont Cemetery Company, In this town. President, Rev. 1). J. Waller; Secretary, L. B. Rupert; Board of Man agers, William Neal, John G. Free-, Philip Uuangst, H. II. Miller, J. K. Orotz, J. J. Brower, C. B. Brockway. E. P. Lutz, and I. W. Hartman. Tho Cemetery grounds havo been put in thorough order and In tho coming spring will bo further beautified. Tho pcoplo of Bloomsburg havo always taken prldo In tho appearanco of tho Cemetery, though wo venturo tho us sertlon that, until now, but few know tho names of tho gentleman who havo tho management of affairs, Col. VioronE. Pioi.w.t, well known to tho people of this county, met with a most annoying and at tho samollmo ludicrous adventuro whilst on a visit, recently, to his friend Dr. G. B. Llnder mau in south Bethlehem. On waking In tho morning tho Col. was unable to find any of ills clothing and, upon in quiry, discovered thatsonio adroit thiof had entered his room during tho night and appropriated tho garments to his own use. This was truly an unfortun- ato predicament which was rendered moro so by tho fact that nono of his host's clothing would fit him. Ho was in consequeueo obliged to return to bed until suitable habiliments could bo pro cured. Dr. Linderman lost a quantity of siiverwaio and most of his clothing by tho tame audacious robber. The following public sales, bills of which l.nvo been piinted at thU office, lire- to take placo at tho dates specific!. I'EUSONAIi PltOPEltTV, Jolm 1). Esalck, Whlto Hall, March, Olh. iniih ! ft i in iMinti'ikcn inn'ntinn I uirn iiiiinu.inieui pkiu swu' ij t wrwwm " u,,.i jumu, v..,. ,-, ,)rCP(,, , (,, rtlm-lmrto of the dtttMa units Mnrrli 7lli. fibb'-lntjTuiil nn 1'HIHAY, Urn lfllh day.. of ia .,,V.t..- ... , i. ....... i. MA lltll A.I). ion n'cUfH a ')., irt Hi; .uiivm vviiili'i , ccuimimieiiii', mniv.ii 7th. Legal Nofcicsm. A" v mfo rTnot ici-iT " EflTATR OF AHMIEW I.AttlBH, tECLAkI. The tinderMgucd, Auditor ftMWintM bytfc Of ptintia' Court of Coiombiii Count lo diotri tlio ftinifain tho lunula ortlic oMi7w of An drew l.ntlsli, Into of m Id cow t J , dr-JWMrt, will A. S. Knltllc, Locust twp., March 11, Charles Giarhnrt, Mlfllln to.v, ii'lilp, March 12tli. Estalo of Jacob Harris, Buck Horn, Match 11th. W. T.Shuman, Main twp., March 11. Thomna Hower, Franklin township, March 20th. Margaret Slater, lien loci: township, March Dili. Georgo J. Swcigert, Bloomjburg, March Olh. Georgo If. Evert, Oraugo township, March 12th. Augustm Traub, Locust township, March 12th. Thomas W. Fry, Centro township, March 10th. KEAIi 32STATE, Estate of John Yoagciy Jr. Locust township, March 0th. Estatoof Peter BItncr, Locust twp., March 1 1th. EstatoofW. 11. Ent, Bloom, Maich lGth. Estate of C. II. Preblcr, Bloom, March 10th. Estate of John Kile, Jr. Si'garloaf township, March "0th. Eslato of Georgo M. Beagle, Hem lock tr.wnshlp, March 23d. ofllce of iho Hheilir, in Ilia t'oatt Horn in lllnonvbuiy, wl n anil where nil ptrtona Inter- "tcK " "Utnrt lf 'fl? Wind.lot. l-'lb. 1I,1S7J.I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MTATK lll-mHAM IlAKfH, llKfl). i.rili-r or Adinhilatinllnii. mi Hie rntalo (i! Ulrtim lliikor, Info or JnckMin Inwnalilii Co lumliln. rntiiitv. ilirrnaed. lmve liean urnutPd lisr tlio ltpgimi-r uf cald comity to .Icmljti I-rlU, cifunmo piaoc, AlliieraoinliavliigclRlmaagaliiHt Inmlila county, ilicrnaed, linve liean urantpd liy llieratnta of the ilrcmlont nip luqnealoil In Ijfo- M-ui iiiciti lor ueiueiuem, nou imobu iikibm tli, t-Mnto to iiihUc imyiiu'iit lo the iimlori! JO.'HUA KttlT?, JinM72.CT AilmltiUirftlor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r ihtatk in- Miir.ii Mil t.nn. iifco'u. Letter of mtiiiliiiHtrutlon on the citato of I'lilllp Jlllli-r, Into of Ct'lilro tw).. Columbia couiifv iieo'd., havolioeu KruutMl by tnolIuulRtcr of Bind rounU,lo Uptitulnlii Jtllltr, ot hiipr, l-iil I'll . I-n . nil, i Abllllinin K. KllUlulUl. of Lllno Hldgp, Col, co., l'n. All l'ti-Hoiin Imvlun i luttus ol ilellllllHll I'KnillBl. iw ntc-iuom. mu if,u.-ai-iil to inaUo liiclu Known, mm iboie niuplitt-d to make i aymi nt, uunjamin jiilleic, Al II'M, H. Bill -MAN, Jfiiiic 7i-Cw AitniinMrAtmn. A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XX. raTATR of no), jr. iikacii.i:, uku-ii, IiPttpr or administration on tlu estate of Geo, M. lleatrlp, Into of Hemlock; towmlilp, Columbia comity, dpp'il., Imvo Iippii timnletl by tho ltcgla icr of enld county to H. H. Miller, of lllooni twp., CnlmnbUi comity, P,i. All pcn-oni Imvlnsi claims ntnlnsliliopstiiteol tbo ili-ceilent are ruiuuatul to nicupiit tlii-tu lor settlement, and thoha In ikbied to tlio estnto to inako payment to tliu uudetHlgued, ndmlnlitraior, JJ",'j01lllt1,r',1,,1-, fi!b2'72-Gn 'Admiuiilruuir, S FOP. BfftBGAINS, -:o:- Sotlco Is'liercby Riven Hint t'.io co-parlner-Khlp berclofo n rxMliig between T. 1". SwHjrt- Sl'KOIAL OTICi:S, -rklSPOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER- and Oeome Kramer, under tlio iinu uuo in Swayire c Kramer, lit Jonea' Mill, WklilngcreuK towiikblp, win dissolved ou Janumy 10, by itta Itiiil cotiM-iit. The boons aro lu ilm liaiida or Mr. ICrniiicrtowliomallconimunlcauntnabouu; be nddicn-cd. Aceuuuts not fcltlod by tile 11 or Mnrcli will bccollpcttd nceontliiK to law. T. 1-. MWAYZII, feb2'71-lm UEO. KUAMIS11, GREAT1''1'' OUT OF WINT3R GOODS. In ortler lo mak'o room for Spring Good? I will elo'ooutthobalancoof my FRENCH MERINq, ' EM PRI'lSS CLOTH,' in jiwi.v,u ao ino v nil uy uov, ii, J. ui "o Mk'iiKb, J). I)., of Clilcso. only coinplolo lilnlory. TOO Svo, pages ; 75 engravings, ;u (to nlrcadv "l 1. l'rlooJi.GO. oceiils n iidc In aiilnvs. l'rnllU ijio lo niftrer. AUU.T8 WASTBtl. II. M. STlOunMri-fED A CO., 8? l'arkllow. New York. ,.! , 'I, 0C5HT OF NEW YORK. A WQHK nlWIHI'tlVBof llin CITY OK NEiV YoIUClna I Us VAKIOU-l 1'IUBia. Its spUnoors nii'l wTetrbediierst Its lilgli and low Ufa i liamarbla unlaces and itsrk iIuki Ha ttttnMl"lis mid dangers ( lis HINOSA FllAtjns , Its ICfHllug men anil pom loians t " ouvcnmrei ; lUcHarltiafi! lis invsierica and crimes. llljinratcd Willi Nc-ntlyZiOHnoEmravlngs. AQEN1M WANrEl,-s?end for circulars nrd neoonrtormsand n full description of tlio work. Addtuaa National rnbllslilng Co., 1-lilla., I'a, IIISTORYOF Tlio Great Fires 111 CllICAdO and tho WEfTby Itev.i:. J. O, nn l'rlce Ji.fio. W oeenls n ade In 20 ilays. CELTIC W E 13 ELY. TUe greatest Ulif-lratcd Orlxiual Htory Taper 111 America. Mglit Now Original rttorles In flrst number. Wo Ibtrury treat equal to 1U Agents anil iiinv.isori WMtilod in ovory town and city 110 n week easily ronllied by tlio -V irisu Journal. Hpeclmcn copies Ireo, nrilm Union. snlc of tills extraordinary unwsdealors. il.J. 0'IiBA!lV0O.,l nnd American i or sale by nil ililru iTlrn.G,-.! f 2.tAl nor vear. 1JO.-1 D.ul, r,ev mm, WHAT TO HEAD AND nOW TO READ, Ileitis classified Lists of Cbolcs Heading, with appropriate ltinta and Hemarks, adapted to the Ueiierat ltoioer, lo Hnbscribers, ana to persons Intending Inform collections of Hooks. 1 vol, 12mo. 132 page. Price, W cents. Bont freo by mull ou lecelpt uf tlio prlco. V. AITLETON A CO., Tubllshers, New Yorir. New SDrincr styles of Drc- C. C. Marr's cheap. Goon clean coal is haul to pet, hut J. J. Robbina Columbia Iron Works al ways keeps it on hand. At a incotliiK of tlio Stockholders in tlio North anil West Branch Railroad thoCourtllouso in Blooms burg, according to public notice, on Sat urday, February 21th, tho following ofUcers wero elected for the current year, viz.: President, D. J. Waller; Directors, William Neal, John A. Funstcn, Rob ert F. Clark, Col. J. O. Freeze, Hon. L. D. Shoemaker, Hon. B. S. Bentloy, E. Mendenhall, D. Lowenburg, Wil liam Peacock, J. B. Robison, James Masters, Jacob Schuyler. At a meeting of tho Board of Direc tors, William Neal was elected Treasu rer. Tho following members wcto elect ed an Exccutivo Committee, viz.: D Waller, William Neal, John A. Funston, Jacob Schuyler and D. Low-enberg. By an act of Assembly, approved tho 13th May, 1871, commissioners wero ap pointed to open books and tako sub scriptions and organize a company to construct a railroad from Wilkes Barro in Luzerne county, to Williamsport, in Lycoming county, by tho way of Bloomsburg, up tho Littlo Fishing creek -, and with power to construct a branch from Bloomsburg up Big Fish ingcreok to connect with any railroad in Sullivan county Ac. Tinder tho provisions of the act, tho books havo been opened, tho stock sub scribed, tlio charter secured, tliocompa ny organized and a corps of engineers and workmen placed on tho line of tlio proposed road. Its Importanco to Bloomsburg cannot bo over-estimated, nor indeed to all points nlong tho line. As a coal and lumber carrying road it will afford fa cilities and advantages to every man who ues either ono of thoso articles. Wo aro glad to seo that tho prospects of activo work upon tho lino nro good.and hpo to seo it pushed with tho vigor tlio project deserves. COMMUXICATKl). It' vou nro musically inclined, call on Allstalt, Court IIouso Alley and gratify your tastes, eltner vocal or instrumen tal. New music, instruments, Ac. C. C. Marr lias all kinds of Bit Drcs3 Goods to sell cheap for cash. We mado up our mind fcomo timo since, that thoso early bluo birds ami robins, who havo teen Hying about lu the southern part of tho State, endeav oritig to convinco themselves and man kind that spring had arrived, would eventually eomo to griof.and tho recent cold weather must havo convinced thoso prematuro warblers that neither "ono swallow makes a summer," nor ono bluo bird a spring. Tho "Benton Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association" had their sec ond monthly meeting for Issuing stock and telling tlio monoy on last Tuesday. Threo hundred and r.Incty-threo ad ditional shares wero taken, making tlio present number of shares seven hundred and thirteen. At this salo eighteen shares wero satisfied at an averngo pro mlum of eighty-six, thereby increasing tho vuluo of tho stock to flvo dollars ami iilnety-threo cents. The irregularity of tlio mails nt Blocmhburg Is becoming unbearable. Every day sonioonoof them, at least, isdelaycd. Tho annoyanco to business men and to thoso whoso timo is valua bio, is excessive. It seems as If nil tlio railroads or all tho mail agents hud conspired to deprlvo our citizens of whatever of good nuturo they may yet possess. Thero is no redress as far as railroads nro concerned, for no power on earth can force them to ruu on time. so wo can but escrclso our forboaranco for thoso which so despltefully uso us and poreecuto us. Talking. It Isa great thing to mind one's own business, said a certain phil osopner ; and ho was right. An ex change remarks that it is it great thing to let other people's business alono; and tills much is implied by tho maxim above quoted. In our view thero is hard ly n class of pests in modern society and they nro numerous so superlative ly contemptihlo as that classknown as tattlers, or meddlers in other peoplo's business. Wo don't ndiulro a thief, wo have nouflltiity with gamblcrs.and have no respect for misers ; but either of thoso uro first-class gentlemou in com parison with tho inriuUttlvc, Jealous minded tattler, who goes mousing about in tho garb of social respectublll ty, poking his noso or his fingers lu tho affairs of his neighbors, ami seizing up on every trilling circumstances mat comesSwIthiu tho wido swoop of his re- nioiEeless curiosity, for tho purposo of making capital against thoso whoso characters ho cannot understand, be cause they nro pure and abovoimpeach mont. The 2i'd of February, tho birth day of Washington and tho dato of tho ex istence of tlio Bloomsburg Literary In stitute as a Normal School, was duly cclobrated at tho school, in a manner creditaulo to tho officers und scholars of tho Institution and agreeable to thoso wlio wero auditors. In tho afternoon at 2 o'clock tliero wero oxerclaes in tho largo hall, consisting of original essays, declamations, anil colloquies, intor sporsed with vocal and instrumental music. At four o'clock a flno dinner, prepared under tho supervision of Unit genial caterer, Mr. Stoward Millard, was discussed, tho Trustees and their families and somo Invited guests being present. In tho ovening a lectuto was delivered by Rov. Dr. Washburn, of Ashland, on tho character of "Washing ton. Thcro was ulso a dialoguo, tableau and music, all of which gave general satisfaction. Tlio nuillonco was u largo ono, larger than might havo been ex pectcdin consideration of tho intenso cold which prevailed. Tho holiday was pleasantly and son- elbly obsorvedond had tho weather been a tritlo moro spring llko tliero would imvo boon no drawback to tlio pleasures of tho occasion. Mil. Editor: The members of tho Order of United American Mechanics of this place, wishing to celebrate tho birthday of tho Father of our country thought they could in no way eidoy themselves better than by having a sup per whereat they could mingle together and share with each other that brother ly love which exists or should exist in every order. Consequently tho Com ralttee, with tho assistance of your townsman, Mr. B. Laycock, who Is a gentleman In every respect and who knows what prime oysters are, procured two thousand of them, which, with pics and cakes, afforded u splendid supper, at which tho members, with their good dames, partook with very much appro elation. The Order is young, though under very prosperous circumstances and em braces most of tho prominent citizen of this community- Respectfully yours, Fiiek. Buckhorn, February 2:i, 1872. Mn. Editor: Having noticed a com munlcatlon In tho JlepuMican signed " Enterprise," advocating a Railroad from Bloomsburg to Orangevillo, and thinkiug another communication upon tho subject in the Coi.u.mhian would no bo aiiiisj, tho writer will uo his be efforts to further tho said Railroad, as ho believes it would bo of great vuluo to tho business community through which it would pass, by vastly ing all manner of business. It must bo acknowledged that tho trafllc up Fish ingcreok is immenso and tho writer has often wondered why men of energy activity, and enterprise, (who hav used their influence in building othe Railways) havo overlooked tho steadily increasing necessity for a Road from Bloomsburg to Orangovlllo. Why Is it. that our men of capital go to distant parts of our Stato to invest it, when it should bo used to develop our own re sources and railway facilities nt homo? Tho above mentioned Railway would hoof iuimonso benefit to Bloomsburg, giving to her machliio shops and foun dries an Inureaso of trado. Now oneti would bo built up and thus consumo tho iron smelted at our own furnaces, and would glvo employment to hun dreds of mechanics. Havo wo any meu of energy, activity and enterprise-who will tako hold of this project? Ifo, let a meeting bo called and action taken in tho matter at once. Wo believoa Charter is already lu existence- for tlio - . .... IP ....A ...1... .it, till. Kj .f. W rioau , ii nut wiiy i-uuuui Krnnfii Ttnilrond run from B oomsburg to Ortinguvillo, then to Mlllvlllo uud up Littlo Fibhitipercck? Let us hear from others ution tlio above subject. Moro anon. Raji. Road. Orongoville, Mar, 1, 1872. Stationery of all descriptions and of the best, at I. W. Niles', Main St. Call and see. mchl72-tf. Evr.E Sc liAXiinw., Fourth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, aro now ofltrlng a lull line or .-spring i)ty uoous 10 pur chasers, as will bo seen by advertis- meut In another column. Dye Stuffs of all colors and of tho best kinds at lvleini's new drug store. Stoi- and see. What ? Tho best ccal In town at J. J. Robbins' Columbia Iron Works. Tito latest and best books issued can be found at tho Circulating Libraiy. Young people nnd old con suit them selves. All styles of literature from metaphysics toprimersto bo had as soon as published. O. C. Mahu nays 30 ets. in cash or goods for Irtish builo The filled selection of new music, vo- cnl and instrumental to ho fniiml in Bloomsburg, is at tlio stoic of J. Yv. Niles. Main Strict. Instruments of all kinds nnd of the List quality on hand. march!' 2-tl. Brtowx & Jon'eh. Who aro they They are an uiiteriuisiiur young llrm lately established in Cain wissi and fr m Urn ustonisliiiiL' amount of Dry Ooods they sell it evident that tho people aro attracted by their low prices. They are in constant receipt ol frc-li goods from New York. They tell only for cash, giving tlio buyer every prssible pilvantnco derived from this plan. A visit to their Moio will convince tho reader of these facts. i' i-tt. (.'(isslp ;iitli our Headers. TLero aro many good men and wo men in tho world who never lot pass an occasion to decry novel reading with out taking advantage of it. They look pon light literature as pernicious, and persistence in reading It as eventually certain to produce disastrous results That many nt least, of these persons aro earnest in their belief and sincerely desirous of tho good of their fellow crea tures it would bo folly to deny, but their views aro narrow and ovldenca a Japanese stripes contracted or bigoted mind which cither cheap lor cash, cannot or will not accept truthful nnd moral lessons savo when presented through tho medium of such books as they consider of tlio proper character. Truth and honor aro tho same whether depicted in tho bright, sparkling, witty naces of a romance, or in tho moro sombre teachings of the moral essayist, Tliero aro seasons for all things, and books suited to thoso seasons, and at though the writings of tho great and good should always receive the careful ind studious attention which they merit, it is an error to suppose that thero is not much to bo learned from tho lighter productions of tho novelist. Tliero are books nnd books, and it is not to lu understood that all novels nro worthy of being read or oven skimmed Trashy workj abound, which neither faithfully portray character nor "point moral, "but thero aro also hundreds of books which do both, and most charm ugly too. Tlio lessons of real value which aro taught under cover of satiro, or humor or scoruful contempt, often leave a more lastiug impression on the mind, than when thosamearo presented in unadorned nakedness in heavier lit erature. It is well known that tho wri tings of modern novelists have brought about a reform of existing abuses which tho efforts of philanthropists and legis lators had failed to produce. Ajudi clous selection from tho works of wri ters who uso correct English, who por tray noble and puro men and women ami who uso their storks to subserve good ends, in satirising abuses, in ridi culing follies, or in presenting for our admiration the noble,tho manly and thu true will certainly luneflt tho re.idir both mentally and-morally. In this day of book-making, young pooplo hhoutd not bo permitted to wander unguided through tho mazes of sensational liter ature, whero tlio grains of wheat aro lew and tho chaff is plentiful, and yet tho records of most circulating libraries would seem to indicate that such licenso s permitted. Tho volumes which bear marks of most uso aro not of tho class which aro worthy of reading and re membering but aro tlio frothy, ephem oral productions of tho day, badly print ed, full of solecisms, grammatical e rors and anachronisms, calculated to mislead nnd tending to destroy that cirrtctnoss of languago which it should bo the aim of youth to acquire. Tiic-w sensational sionesaro not wormy ui im- namo of novels, and it is from tho read ing of such unmitigated trash that evil comes, anil not lrom mo wniiiigs oi such as Johnson, Scott, Thackeray, Dickens and others of their kinds Tlio world owes much to such men, and it is unfair lo condemn novel read ing becauso thero are thoso who write neither comprehending thu duties nor responsibilities of authorship. "All work and no play, makoi Jack u dull boy" and nil solid readiiig.uncnllvencd by wit. humor or fancy would mako tho poor boy a dull ono indeed Tlio fact is, that the reading of such brilliant books us constitute u sort of "modern cla-sics," and which havo their place In every well appointed library, aro absolutely indispensable in tiio foruiatluii of u perfect education. Indiscriminate devouring of books, ro gardlets of merit, should not be permit ted, moro especially to young glrls.who , finot nt 17XECUTOR'S NOTICE. S'i i-ar ,t. fit, i-ir AiiT.rvt it nns nl.r.n. nFf 'n. Ix-uermesuimpiHury on mu iuu "i i iuin i ii,.,i,ir. int., i,i I!liimm,buiir. Columbia county. .li-i.-.!.. hfivn ln-pn m-nuted bv tbe KeuUler of wild pouuiv lo .Mary lioeuier, oi muimisiuim, uuu i .Ino. 11. H. l'ail:, Thof. B. Doeblcr nnd E. n. IllpSH, ol Wllliaill&pon, l'-i. ah liermmu iiuviub clnltnsaKnlnat th estuto aro icquwted lo or unttliem lotbo Executor.. Tliuso Indebted to tlio ustme eltlier on noto, ludKinciit, mortgage or Ixiok account will m;ii:e payment 10 mo r.xccn- lors v.'linoui nenv. M AKY JKlI', lliooin-.uurg, i-a, JiUll. 11 11. l'AIli:, "1 . , THCS.s. DoEULEltAWnn-nort Ta., E It. UldUS, j abSii'T.'-lw Executors. WINTER' rOPLlNS, AND EXTIIAOKUINAUY IMfltOVEMENTK IN CABINET ORGANS. Tlio JIasos A HAMt.trf OHOAtf Co, respect fully announce tlio Introduction or Improvements of rtiucii moro than ordinary Interest. Thoso aro HEED AND Pirn CABINET OHdANB, Ileitis: tlio only successlul combination of IlEAE Pil-ES Willi roe Ji over Mado i DAY S TltANSPOSINO KEY-nO.VItD, ublclican bo Instantly moved to the ri?lit or li-ll, clmuxlug tbe pltcb, or transposing tbo Hey, for drawings nnd descriptions, seo Circular. NEW AND KI.EC1ANT KTYEES OK DOUnLE llEk.D CAMNETOIIUAN8, rt t !1 in, JIB nnd ?13 cacti. Considering Capiell y. Elf-K-iuce, and TnorouKh Excellence of Work ninnslilii. tin-so are cbeaper tliati any belore oil'. oreil. Tiie mason a ii am Lin organs aro ncunowi. cdRPd IlNHr, nml from eitmor.tinary rwiiuics for inrtaufaoluro this Company can nltord. nnd no- undertake lo sell ut prices which render Hum . urtiUj.tiio,AiJL.x inLi,i.-isai. TTnni- nr-lavo nrffana S"0 ear-li i l'lvc octavo orcans $HH, fli and upwnrdi. Willi threo sets reads SlViaud upwards. Forty styles, up to Hj.i-je.acu. l...ot.-n(n., fn, nnrt - n.,nMna nnil Circular, villi nplnlon-i of MOKE THAN ONE IIOUHAM) JUMriANH, sent free. W Z 353 s n : r; iz l w Zi r; ck A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r rurATK HI X.RA1I wlllTKNlflllT. DKr'n. I.etteri of nilinlnt-tration on the i.tiiteorHnrnh WhlteiiiRlit .lutuof JU. l'leiuaul tup., Columbia pountj .ificeasf-il have been grunted by I ho Iti-g-lviir ,ir hiiI.I cunt-. In (!. W. Miller, ot llloollls. bur-r. All person- bavlni! claims n-i Inst the estate ot I tin decedent 1110 reiiuesleil to pie (.put. tin-in lm i(-ttl.-lllpnt. and lllil-m Ind-bte.t to Hie e-anto to malic pnyment to tlu uudoi signed, lunuiniMinior wuu-i-.u tinny. r js JT T -j-j. fcb'Jl'Ti-Cw. Ad'uilulsiriitor. S1AHON A HAMLIN OUCIAN CO.. 151 Trcroout ft., lloston. SOU llroadway, N. Y. frncornoralPd 1WVI.1 COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Uf f l-UiWlrS iViN LI .UiUlL lUltrS. at great bargains. FUm AT COST. B. P. IlEiWtr.itR, Pres't. If. Wilson. Vlce-Pres t Hmnr-r Thomas, Trcns. .1. I'. I-'lltJI-AUFF icc'.v. J. II. ItArtlStAN. ULO. JIOG1.F ItonT. Ckank. WM. I'ATTON. Jas. HritKOEDKn, .1. H. MKINB. XI. M. HTKICKLER. It. I, KVON. For Instil nnce or Agencies. Addres-i V. Fl.Uli.VUl l-', Mec'y, uoiumnia, ra. nt Mat-r',3 very UDrron's notice. The undpr.l;ncd appointed by the Comt or Common Pli-a", of Co umbt v Cnunty, Auditor to (lMilbutc lo tho pnrtiia entitled thereto tho monev lufonrt ; proceeds nrKIHK riom Uioahor ltrs h ile nl thopropeity of H.111110.1 & Farrcll will mcit tho pnitics Interested for tlio purposo oriilsappiilniiiientiitblii oule- mill omsUuii!, on Frlituy. tho 2.M day or M.irch, A. Ii. Ih71 nt l i oVIocit a. 111. All persons hiivlui; claims ng,iluit i.nlil liinil inn ri-nuiied to nre-ent tt'em vY b.- tor- ever debarrtd fiom coming in fi-rupnit.or sharo oftbosime. i.. I!. .Kill Ell. febl37J-lw Aiullli.i-, A UDITOR'S notice XT'. rSTATE Of SIMON C0TNE11, IlEC'lL 'I iinilrsliiiu-d nhunluled bv tho UlLiiam.' Court or Couinibln. county, Auditor m tho estuto of hlmou Cotner. deceased, will mttL tipn.n'iirs ltitprested for tho nurnose ol hli r.r- noiuini, 111. il tbo ollico ot John G. l'recze. In Hlooni-.iiunr.oii Wcduesdny. Jlnreli iuth, lu o'eloclc a. 111. ol s-.ald day. All persons h.ivlui! claims on suid estate, ate reouired lo tiltelid or bo forever debaucu lrom cwnlmj 111 Inrivpntt orsald mud. junzi -m. ti.Aiiu, feW.l'7J-lw Auilloi. A DJUNIBTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xi. IST.I1COI- THOMAS IIOAC1I, IlkC'l). Letters ol Admlulstrattou un the es' or Tholrns II mcli, inteol Koiriug Crei It 1-tvp.. Co lumbl.icountj , deceased, hnvu bi en gn.u.ed by Hie Uigister 01 said toiiuty to lMerKwiinlf.tii Locu-.' lp. All pciMina b.iMng cl.ilius ugulust til'-estato or the dmndeilL are lcpu- td to jno-hi-llt 1 In in lor h.-ttleuieut, uud til lli'lcbied to 'liu est tie tom-ti:-- piyoii-ul to tLu,-. gned aduunlstralor without delay. l-ETI 11 SWANK, ftb.Il'7:-0w. Admtni-rtr-tor. ALEXANDER KID GLOVES, at$l. J. & I. COATS' Cotton SO cts, per doz. M. P. LUTZ'S, MAIX STREET, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WANTED, Tllld SPU1NO, 1 0,0 0 0 FA 11 ME US, To lmiirovo 1,700,000 arres of tho'Wit Farmlns Liiudi lu Town, lieo from mortgage or other m- I cumbrftnee, Toese lands comprise tho Govern ment railroad grants sujaceut to the ureal tnor ouUfaifs lietweeu Cht n-go, Omaha and Hlonx City antl llo chleily ill tho MIDDLE UEUION OF WETEUN IOWA, iU most fertile and healthful portion (fever nml ! tiirtio helm' unknown), and traversed by rail roads lu every direction. Now la the timo to SECUItK A HOME AT 81 AND So por acre, upon Iouk time, with six per cnt In- icreHi, in iuu luxuriaui uiiey ui euuui iuo nuj" or, the Mnpie, the Hoidter or the Little Sioux, Agents nt stations are provided with teaniH to slinv lands frco topurchnsern. HendloraUulde. li gives prices, lenus, ue&crjniiuus, wueio ua- pioriug uciteis uro r-oiii,nuu now iu rtauu ir jundM, County maps alio sent free. Address JOHN" R. CALHOUN, Lanl Commissioner Iowa it. It. Land Co., Cedar Kaplds, Iowa. SECUPE THE AGENCY AT ONCE lKT FAMILY HKWIXU MArillNH DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. ICLEIil J. 1.. FHIT Ollvldllit Slrcet I'lillnile Iplilfi, i'a ITavlue 1 urclincil tlio liulnc:R of 1'.P. Lutz, toy,- cirnu nt tbo old uinud, 11 clioice nuboi-tmcut jpOR RENT. A valuable farm in Centra township, Colnm- lil-i l-i.nntv tifllnlnlni-. liMila I-H-(lQr. V.'lll. lioHcr, Uciibiii Mtlcr mid iitbi-rs, i-onluliiin bo acres, ;uiitri'ti(it wlikliiirolntlmbti'. f-iaodlumt and ouibuilLlliii;-., null ami tvulor. I'br iiruu uud lull 1 anlculaiB apply Hi HAMijr.I.EYIIAIlD. lUceulor (if I'rt-'i'lt. hl.uHti, lUe-ntid. l'o.t Olll- e a-'.dn-- s, l.imu llidco, P.i, K-bl'TJ-ll uituas. C'HK.Mt.OAT.'J, PATE.NT JtL'WICINE9, N OT1CE. i:ery nervmiK A omie Man In tbo t'nlnn, will l-ci-f-ive. Ino. a llc-Plt t- mar M-ui prove it utuMsiuu tliruuuli Hie, 1 y adurcti-liiB. in eiu llilpiiee, JOHN U. fianlIN. Dox 172 T. O. -W Udar St., N. Y. Old rnouic'K.SAnr. 1 'Yinooi-k. IJo.v facts aro kl'litie them Tbo idea Hint InwilUm ut-aknetl by tlistas.j can bo relieved bv iirnstiatiui; llie-11 Willi uo-iruciive urui;-i, la ni mii-ii-r eiiieiiiiint-u Kver slnt-o tuolntr,i- (lUCllOU OI 1111. VI AIM I(H V If-1.1.A1. 1)1 I 1 1-11.-3 11 has been obvlo-js tiiut their iCKUlatiiiii and In vlgoratina properties aio pll-hullleteiit lor tho cuio of elironlc ludlKCi-tlirti, i hcumatiMii, eon--.tiniitinii. dlarrl.cea. nervous iiHt-cllon-i. aim mi larl us fevi-t-s, aud they are now tlio Maudard remedy lor these eomplaluls tuo union. 'All iiervonM knnwini 1 IllilobtFdto Imlub Dioierk-li on Noto or llooli account will aavo costs by calltiiK upon llio ftiibscrlber, rebld Ing nt ltupeit, any timo between this dato and Hid litb day of March, and thoso neglecting tliU notico will havo costs added alter tb-it dato. J011NO.Q.U1 K.J. P. lltircrt. Teb. IIr.1, l!7- l'eb'.a'7-.-.lm "RvfOTICE JLI Is hereby Riven to all, that mv ve i li, I f 1 -in n.1 'l Hhsihas lelt mv bed i.lld hil'ird. c il.hfint itillleletit e.uiRe. I hereby eautinn any and all peisons not to trust her on 1 my ae -ouni, as i w in uui n.l'- any uems in uy. contra-iiiii;. J.iMKS -sMITlI. lleuton, t-o'J. 10. 18T2. febi'7 Iw GREENWOOD SEMINARY, TOILiri' AUTIUMS, TAKO V HO ATS, HnU3Hia,Ac.,ic. Al-dn ff-ocn-l ntioTluicnt of tbe choicest goods UU.Uliy 11.1,11(1 III lirtl eiufcs esiauiisinueiuo. PintTci-vs' riirscniiTio-s ash 1-ajiii.v Utnro t'iiEri'j.i.Y CoMi-ousnKU. On SnEdnyi', rj-cn lrom S a. m., to 10 a. m., and iroiu p. ia., in i p. in. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT For mieurlwo persons of either sex, In every town m tho United Htntes, by which they may reiuizo ironi -s jj"' 10 8i,wuper jeur, wiin uui muo Interference with ordlnaiy occupation. If the wunin uino is uovoicu u uiucii i timer bum wiu bo realized. Koys and girls ma muko nearly as much as grown people Some making iroin7 to Sl.'j per wtel:. Tor iiartlculars, address J. J, FAUUF.LL & CO , 767 lhoadway, N. Y. AOENT.S Wantkd,-Agents makomnre money at work lor us than at anything else, llusl I ness Hunt and permanent, I'artlculais free. O. STI.sox & Co., Ine Att Vulttihcrs, Portland, ; iwaiuo. Un ltanoCo.,N.Y: lstclass?J. NoAseutH. O. Xamesof p.itronstu-l-JSuites In Circular. OPIUM EATERS ! Kr'iKK I H our Antidote will not cure. No pulu or in- eonvpnioncp. sent on receipt of SLOO. H. (i, AHMSiTH-UNG, II. D., Healing Institution, Ber : rlen Springs, Mich. To AtU ci'llkcr. AH perbons who contem plate in al;!n.r contracts with newhnanera for the InstrUou of Advcrtlicmeuts should -send to C;riniAN AlID ENGLISH brOKKN. ftiLO'72-lf Newspaper Advertilug Agency, tor a Clicnlnr, or IncloRo 2lontsfor tlielr ONE iic'nti-1) iuu l'AML'iiiih'r, coutnintug LNis ot.V'OONewKpapers nnd c-htlmnteh.Rliowlug tiie cost of !tdvertlMialso many useful hints to adverttmeis, aud some account of I tr experiences oi men wno are Known ns rsncceshiui Auvertu eis. 'ibis firm nro proprietors of tho American G in every nellou of AT MIUiVIM.!:, COIi. CO., PA. MARRIAGES. CONJlolt-nnAllIIAltT On tbo 2.M ult.. at the iisldenceol tlio brute's lather, by 1-.. 1-;. orvis, (Minister of tho H isnel) Mr. Ileniy V. Cnniuir, I ii urautseviiie, to miss iiaitio u. to rnaii,oi C'ambra, co., Pa, WAltit-TlIO MAB-fln tho 2.'d nil., by Itf-v. J. P. Tustlu, Mr. lleo. Yv. varr, to MI--S J'uiy 1J. Thomas, both oi Uloomsburg, I1INGI10SK llUTl'ON-llll tbo!;d Ult.. by PaV. .1. 1". Tiistln.Mr, lOllstia Hliiisroso. to Jlus.Mui-y Jano Htiiton, both ot llltiomsbiir. HIM- AI.l.KX-On t o Sid ult., bv Itnv. M. hpu ir. Mr. Uldeuu IIcw s, ioIIsk ii.lio.--s.i ii. Al io n, all ol iJieeiiW'-ioil. DEATHS. The SrriiiK Te-ni will coromcnco on Nondnj. AiiU 1st, is?a. Vacation lrom the middle ol June, lu the filli of Auuust, when tho I'ull Term i.-lll open. Klcvtn weibs mal:ea quarter, l'ur CliculaiK, liciudlhi;, 'itilm-, TuiHon or other ) aitlcularf, r.ddre-s febUTi-l-ni Pilnclpnl. K If-N'l 11 In I elitie, on Hie liH.inll-B ofthe Mill ult.. .Mini i mi, W'l.-oi v. ni. Kisn, r, aii-i nniiisi) ler of Ii-.ihc and -bulb Is ,uer,ag djf.ars, 10 mouths and Ji dub. KIllKllNDAI.I. In M fit It. town ship, on tlio l.'lli lu-.l., CorucliiH KUUcudall lu bis liJta iar. MARKET REPORTS. Illooiiibtinrj; rmrliet- W hi ll in To. u ' Oils. " Kln-r ri r i Clo.i-r-C'i I 1'1'U. u-il lint I el' K.-.s T..ll-m J-uIa..ies lueo .YI'DIL Hums Hiues and Shoulders Laid pi r round liny per ion TTTiri..' - I- r -T-r" '"'-1 1 p-mww-rr-cTi What Lvsi-EI'SIA MVY Hsu I.v I.nlii:c-tlon Is not d-ms-iMiis, s.iy tbo faculty, i'oi-liap-i not lu ithclj, whllo It lemulns mero lmllges.lon; but loolc 1 1 tho conseqiicno.-s to whlcli It nuy lead, and often dots lead when It becomes a eliioulo disease, Aspatl: of llro la a small thin,', A pros. suioof tlio foot Willi put It out; u brc-l'h will i pi r IniBhol JI.I'l a 10 J) I, I . 5 m i "i '.'5 11) 6d 1' 17 11 1(1 Si 10 y EADIKQ RAILROAD. WISTCIl AnnANOMMENT. JIokday, May C7, 1S7I. Urent Trunlc I.ino from tbo North and I.'orlL West forl'blladelphia.Now Vorlt, llcaiUiiK Potts vllle, 'i'amaiiua, Ashland, bhamoUin Lebanon AUentown, Kastou,, Litlz, Luuoslui Columbia, dr., Trains le.ivo Ilarrlsbui-p; for -tew York as io. lowst At ".i, t,lnf a. in., .ui'l 0 p. in., cod ueolliiK with traius oi i'cimsylva rua lla.h'iud. and arilvinu at I-Tuw Yorl; al lu,' 7, a. iu S,6f, and p. m, ic-iieutlvels. Slcipiiuj euis uecoii : ny fio -,15 -i u . train without cH-iiiitP. Ib-tiiiniuu: l.cavo IJ'-v. Yo-ltal a.m. ii-h-Iv'.i'uo.m and A, .0 p. ni. i'b'.l.i.luipbb. at ',...), a lu, and 11,'iU p. in, sfleep-i-g c.u i accoltipar.) t: i.i j.. m.. tlulu Horn ti Y without ('Uauxc. I.U1-.0 Ilari-lsbtirii tor Il-adlng, I'ollsvll.t, i niauua. MineiKVllle. Ashland, tshamukln Al U-nlowu and Phllii'd. t 8,lUn.iuaud '.'.0.) and 1,1 j p.m., sloppum at i.cuauou anil principal way stailoni'; tlio 1,1)5 p.m. tialu coune.-tiiigfor Plill'u I'ottsvlllo and Columbia only. lVr l'ollsvill Kcbuylltlll Haven ami Auburn, vl.t hchnylUlll and husqucb.miiu Kutlroud.leavo Jlunu.l uru m il.lti p.m. List Penrsylvanitv l'.auroad tiams leave Ilea ' ins lo Alh-uiowu KusUm uud i.t-w YiiiiaU, liVli). a. in., ami j.uj p. in. liuuniina, leave loi fiu.i it.:; - li. in. JNNOUJS'CEMENT ! THE HLOOMSDUlia LITEIIAIIY INSTITUTP AND STATE IsOUJIAE SCUOOIj will open on MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, under tbo cutlio control of tho liOARD OP TKUSTEES. They havo selected as Principal of llio Instl- lllllUU CHARLES ii. liAltKLEY, ii centleman whose qualtflcation havo heen I lullv tt-bted and proved in the NINE VISA US lu wiiicn ho nasi had charyo or ino (.rnoois or tne County an Htij ei intendont ; nnd they ask. nnd have a rUht lo 'kmand lor hlni and the Insti tution. the rontidenro antl support of our own 'li lyet s. Hiid of the irJendbof thei-nterpriso and ofiducUion everjwhere. Injolntot comfort, conveulenco and btnuiyof hulldtn nnd bnr loundincs, noi-v-hool lu thu State hurras sc 3 thlb; and we aio detumlntd It hlmll uot he second lu tho kind, quality aud lLei'uuhut'.-H of lis Ulbcl ptnio cud cultuie. PARK BOW, and aro possessed of uiipqualed facilities for se curiuir tbo lnsfrtlon of advertisements la nil nowspapers ana 1'eriouicaisat lowest rales. 1S72. 1871! SPLENDID INDUCEMUNP-S WEEKLY PATRIOT. lilin.VTIA" EXLAKOED AND IMPROVED CALENDAR. Tbo wintfr tesslon of twtlYo weeks will com mcneo on ,' u, in. Mi, -J.2J nro nccillliirly Sll.-CC-ItIb!o to lligll ilowil cxttusulsU it. YU It may llroa powder mill, or .iiu';,.')'" iiii ninnt nml rnn.Hiitlc ltlL'hifllt linil Uliullu a lUmo tUaH7lll cjumimo tt city. Inlllto ;, auiltllliont ana roilllllll b IllUUtUl, linil malllltrlndlscstloninay praluco uastrlils, eau- peiltloumn ilull 1 cv.- YtiU; at U.U0 a, :n.. 12,1-1) noon aud S.: and AHeutown at 7,-'JU. in. 12,'ij uooii, mi D.12 ii. m. Way passenger Train lonies ri.llndf-lpiila al 7,KJu.m., counocllut: , ItU similar train on !&ui Pa. lallroad luliirulat; i'.oui lUiliu,-i,tu,3v)).ai stnppiufj ut all btulb,us. I.. .I-.U 1-ottbVlllo at 0.00 a.m.. aud CIO i-.di. llciudou at lu.UUii. in., Uiamoklu at 5,jUaiul il.lj a. ni Ashland at 7,0!) a.m. and ll'.IJ uouu Mali auoy Lity ul 7.1 j a. ui. uud 1. ' p. m. Tatiiniiii al s.Ji a, m., nnd 2.10 p. m. lur PuilaiUli)4ia,tev yum, P.u.idinK, l.gavu l'otuvlllu vu ..-uuj lilll and ui,ue banua tb-lli'i.a-l aid,!.") u.ui. lur llaiiisivui, hum ll.luti ui,,loi Pi jwuiuvouud Tiumuul, Heading iVi.c,-i.iMi.datiou Train luttvou Pctts villti iit.ii.4-i a. ut.. UU-.I. u l(Alai.l.uu al 7.31) it. m.. nr. r.vlue, at i'iii.--.usii-uiaal lu.Ai a, in, Uslmuim. IvitMu l-l.lbmi..piiin at e.l.) p. m., pauslan l(eil luii at 7,iii .ni., i.uivniKi.t PotuviUu p.m. Potuiown Aeuininiomittoii na!u,!uvuhl',ittt town a.m., rvluratim, lunvtis PullwlriiiUH- at l.U I u.ui. tiiuaj .lull, i luvtl URC1IUK al lu. wr tiiurni.i, Ulxit, Laocai Itcnuny, January Ctb, 3.072, and close MARCH 28th. The Firing ees9ion of twelve wcclts will begin MONDAY, APRIL Btu, nud closo JUNE 2STH. EXPENSES: Trtltlou and Iloardlnv, liu-ludlng n-anlilnir and heat, fi.r the session of twolvo weous, (It) W. ACADEMIC DEP a RTMKNT. TuUitin for day pupils, ono dollar per wees. In tbo modi! school, imtu tllty to eighty cents inrweelt. Music Hn-.wllitt, Painting, ac, exlia llllls pre payable, film lu-lf in anvauoeaud the other half at tho middle of tho s. asluii. j. u. i- n-.i.-zi--, l. u. m'PEKT, becretary, l-rtslucut. Tbo old faorito llimnnatic Wrtklv. Hin PA'lltloT, 111 appear ou tbo iansT or jasuaiiv, IBs, Orcatly Knlarsed and claused fiom present quano In a Mammoth 1 olio. It will i-ouihIh ii. or. i iteiullni; Matter uuy oilitr Weekly published In Pennsylvania. It will clvo an nccuraio r port ofthe Markets of New York, Philadelphia, ll.illluiore.PUlsbuit; and iliirilsburtt. Its Literary Departm-nit will contain Talo, 1'ssayn, Poetry, etc., by tho best Aiium-an ami European writers. It will contain such full nndfnlUilul reports of Congressional and Leu s'ative prm-ei-dings as will allord Its readers nrteKi-uoderstHndlntiol the doings of their publ o bci-wuib. Durlni:itio sesstnn uf tile Legislature It ri. bo of special lultiost aud value lo every Penusyivaulau. I'iTJtSOT: Ono Copy, one year $2,f0 Hue Copy, six month-. ...1.25 Pour Copies, one ear, each 1.73 Teu Copies, one year, tacb , l.&u Twenty Copies, ono year, each I.i5 l.'.ll.i l-m.lnu (1,1.1 Ollurur.lS linill.-ur ..n'.ll till I , I ic, is imuisuri aii extra cony.. H furulsbt-d to the Acent scndiui! lu clubs of (en or more. A cony ot 'he Dally 1'airiot will oo sent, irec, lo tho As-cut ieuiiiu; in emus myry or nioie, ah papers win whoao exultulilo iiuiiglnutloiis euii bo reaiUly sw.iycd iy tho unreal ami ex tnionlimuy actions of ti iiliit-hhccl: hero or llio lovo fclcU f.incie-j of u tinsel lu-ro luo. Murblil and unlii-althy niluds aro us biiro torc.iult from cheap, llnnhy nov eld as ludiccsitloii fiom umvIiDlfsum food. Ji thcro bo any i;ooil for tho world In tho timo to come, it Li to tho falnr box wo must look. Without rood wo men thcro can bo no good men. Thiteii Klrls whoso solo reading Is of tho wbhy washy l;lnd nro uiillttlntj themselves for tho duties of wife, mother.frleud or coinimiiUn.With thoso good pooplo who eoudemn novel roauintf, wo agree, m ro gnriU theso books, that thoy aro pernl clous and ruinous in their oiiects. cer oi mo siomacu. congestion oi mo uuweis, apoplexy, liver dlsia-o, and many oilitrdau- gin. us innlaaiei, is It nut wlso men, lo ciieemt In tbo teim? K.ithlus is moro eieaily aud in- di-iputahly istabl'shid than that Hustelters Htuuiucli lilttcrs will eradicate dysptpda lu all Its Ha-je-j, 'J'bo tutu policy, However, Is In eitlu- (.ttlsU It III the iliststaees Willi tills wholesome, uweilul, nnd Infallible tonic aud alleiutive. 11 is easier lo quench n spaik than n llaiue, ami it Is easier to cuio d-tspepbia when It is Hist devel oped, than when It hasmaduheauway by nt gleet, nnd lcoiu complicated wllh ol lit r aliments, Thcio Is not tbe shadow of a iloubl that the bit lers aiuiis diiteus auiugonlslle to dyspepsia as water islo llio. 1 heie i;i iitoiisaud ol lases on li conl ptuMiigtblnact. Ihu remedy Issatound UKrieabli'. All Ihu lliiuors ol eommuiee prutcilh id us stlmiiiaiils lemeu stlnu- bobliid. llul the stlug is taken t-iilol Hin s)ilrltuous bailsul Ibis grculrt inuly by MKeiabloiiiedlculloii.nudinoiit oer,lbe slimulaul llmsliiiulcaud Is of eireii iloinil t.urttv. Ol ull toules taken us sulisniarils or remullis fur lever and aguu, bilious lemll- tents, anil utlUTrpiueiiiics, it is mo only ouoiuat tun uulloruiiy be depended on. Itond Trains leavo Vi-i-l.-m.iini jnui-iiouut ..ii v.eeu. in,, j.w otu.wp. m, rbiur&-tiii-t ltiuv bvli-HeukkVlll utli.81), hi) i',ui lis noon A l.U ).m., cunuteilug Willi btmlli-.r traTn, o Keadlutf It illiiia.l. Cniibrookdalol.ul.lOfid trains leave, I'olUtoKli nt u w j.m, i'uluii h-iuu Mouul Pliasauiul 7.w mill ll.Ua M m., S.VU, lull unci-I in" win suuuar tiuius on iituitiutiKuiiioaii. Cluster Valley iluliload Tialtis li.ivu biaiae r.Dit ut s,iiin. tu. end ;,15 and o.bJj-. in. remrnaiK. liuNo Dowiilniilou at (MO a, In., l'.'.ii i ik.ii and M,i p. in., coiiu.ii.i.; with s:i.ii!i.r ts- i .l Hiudiug Itallu ml. On Kunduys, ii-uvt -i i Vk at 6,3.) p.m,(piil phluat b,w ii.iii.i,, i- ',1 ip.t.i., tlhus.iJua.iii.lralL l unulinttinly udii ..U:i.a,jleavvl ollsvllles,' ia.U),: ll.iiilst ii-u in -J. lu a. lu. and 'Jau it. ui. hi-.iI Khvo Alleuiiiiui in v.19 huu n.3oi). m. .iuin icuo Leading ul a. in, ana ll).ap, ui, lor JlMrb but, id &.1VU. I". lor KeW Yoilt, at 7,i!'l, re,, b r AltelilnlUl iu-d ulU.iU U. U,' JIUU l.ljl). i... tin l-llll.,illlplllu. I'liuiiuui-iiii-n, Mileage, Fk-nson, 8ibuoi -uu l.scuisit.u 'luki-is lu i. ud puluts, ttJlS iluetU rati. inigiiuue cbetki-u lliroucks 100 i-omiil aJioweu eai li piwtouaer. J.IS. WOQT1W, AksUiuj I, it lint. .Macii'ry, IUading, I'a , A pi III. JWI. AOKNTH WANTED. MARK TWAINV3 NEW ROOK t "ROUGHING IT," JA READY EOR CANVASSERS. 1 1 Is a companion volumo to K ' 1 N N O C E NTS A R R O A D, of which .00,000 Copies Havo aiieaily beeu ordered, uud Ls still oto ol the best h. Hills' booksout, Duu'i wastu llrro on books no ot-.o wants, bnt take nut-people u 111 stop ou lu tbe slioeis to sltbscitUe loi. "There Is u llmo tu laneh." ami all who nuJ this book wilt see cii-aily mat tint o mis come, .apply uv once lor lenuory, Llrcu kits, uud Terms. Addi DUl'l Il-.I.U AbllMEAU. Publisher det71tf 71ltirtisom biuit, PblladtlpliU USTIOE'S BLANKH. Wa now bava ou band a larire aistorllm nt nf J1!MT1CE H ulul IHiA.SKH, to whicd we invite the utteuUou ot neve omct-rs, neatly printed CO-NbTAllLlM be senaiately addressed, but must no lo one nost olllce. Lbalrtnen irf Democratic - ounty t'omnilltets, ami olheis luteiestid lu the e.-tis,- of rood gov trument, are respectfully rf-qm-steit in act as .samis lor tho latim.Uou of Uubs lor the Weekly Patriot, THE DAILY PATRIOT, Published livery Morning, buuduys excepted. Is u lb st class uewsps per, containing lull leU graph ic, repuris, special , asiuugiou uispateiies, ina most com pluto und accurate market lepotts, lull ucouuts ot proceeulugs of congress uud Legltla- luie, spicy euivuriais, eci, Ouo Conv. one year, bv mall. 17: five Conies. do., f Kj Teu Copies, elo.,860, lerius. e.usu in uiiTauee. feiui ii-ni viiucu .Money Older, Hank Draft or lleslslered Letter, llllls sent by Mull will be at tbe risk ot the sen der. HKND VOU PltCPECTUa AND HPIXIMEN COPY. AdUiess "THE PATIUOT ' lluirlsburg.Pa. feb.i8, 7I-3t. rALUAULE TIMllER LAND FOR SALE. 'I lie underslsncd oilers for tale about (fl acies ol lluo wood laud fovered Willi white pine, oak, f hcsinul e in Orange towushlp near James Palteisou's sawmill, ler 1 urtkulars i-s to Itlias apply to J,B,1.YAH, le b-'i'Miu llreenwood, Columbia county, I a. gLANK DEEDS. We now bavo the flucst assorlmenl of 11LANK DKK1H ou band and lor sale that were e-ter kept 111 liluoiusbuig. Luite slie onlbejt raieblneut paper, lowiiiou nceus, f.iecuiur-uuu .iiiuiiuis- trulors Deeds smell me Common. Deeds, c. ; toed lai er (cheap 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers