dpalumb bloomsburg, Friday , March 1, 1872. Our Next (lorcrnor. For tlio past twelvo years, thu ollleu ofUovornor of this Coiiiinoiiwoaltli hits been held by Republicans, nuil thu Detiiuorullo voters nro noxiously Itinulr Ins; who shall bo our nominee this lull. It Is coiicmled by till that hu should bo u HttittMiimu of rlpo experience, onlurB ol rcputiltluti and utilitipeMcliAblo 1 u- tegrlty in ordor to bectiro tho votes, not only of his own party, but also those of tho iudependout voters of tho opposition. For six yours past tho Gu bernnturlal chair has boon filled by n woak, vaclllulnp; nnd potupous Execu tlve, whoso namo in fact has becoino rt byo word nnd a roproach In his own parly and his successor will undoubted ly bo a man of thosauio stamp If taken from tho saiuo party. In political centres no ntuno is moro frequently mentioned in connection wlui this high ofllco, than that of ClIAULErl It. iiUUKALEW of this CoUll ty. Wo do not know that ho would ac eept tho nomination in fact ho has re. fused it whon it was equivalent to an election but wodo know that ho would command not only tho full Democratic voto of thu State, but also tho votes ot many Republicans who caro more for an able, honest nud economical admin istratlou than for party rules and rogu lalious. On this subject wo append tho following editorials from tho Lancaster Intelligencer and tho Eastou Argus. The formersays; Hon. Charles IV. Buckalow lias been spoken or by sovcral prominent Demo cratlc tiuwspapers as a candidate for Governor. Wo Uo not know whether Mr. uuettnluw would accent a nom inatiou, but wc do know that ho would make a very strong candidate. Thero Is no man in tho Stato who occuulesn higher position in tho estimation of tho people than Senator Uuckalow. There is an nbldini: confidenco in his eoori Judgment and his integrity, which Is not eouilued within tlio lines of tho party 10 wntcn no nas always adhered nom principle. Tho clovation to tho uuuuruaionui cnair, or so able and so pure a statesman, would irratlfv mull!. iuiK-s who have not been in tho habit of voting wiui tno Democracy. -We mean not to disparage tho claims of nny other candidate iu speaking thus of Senator Uucifuiow. Tho Argus says : Now that tho Democratic Executive Committee has fixed tho tlmo for tho meeting of the Stato Convention, tho question, wno snail no our canuiumeior Governor? will Intcrestnotonly Demo crats hut every lionost anduprlghttnan of either party, wno is in uvor 01 in nusura'intr reform In tho Lcelslauv and Executi vo Departments of tho stato. Tho spirit of reform in tho management of both National nnd Stato affairs Is manifesting Itself among tho people. Thoy want to be secure, in tho future, against tho enactment of any more violent, unju3t and partisan laws, for political purposes, and in tho interest of corruption. Our enndidnte for Gover nor should boa man who from his well known purity of character and unsel llshnes3 of purpose will inspire tho peo plo with confidenco in his Integrity and capacity to reform tlio abuses which havo made our stato government a scandal and n reproach to all fair-minded and honest men. Ho should boa man who can combine nil tho elements in favor of honesty in tho administration of governmental affairs, who will pur sue no selfish object, whether of ambi tion or of private gain, but will bo firm, honest and faithful in tho dischargo of the duties of his oflico and in elevating tho moral tonoof public life above Its present level. Wo desire to say nothing in dUparagemntof other distinguished gentlemen who have been named in con nection with the Gubernatorial nomina tion when wo assert that in our opinion tho Hon. Charles It. Buckalow would bo tho moat nvallablo candidate In tho comlngcampalgn. Thoconservatlvoand compromising course pursued by Mr. Buckalew, In tho past, in relation to tho political questions which divided the Democratic and Republican parties; his statesmanlike abilities, purity of charac ter and large experienco in public affairs would necessarily win to hima large por tion of tho opposition who havo become dissatisfied nnd disgusted with the imbe cility and corruption which havo dis graced tho National nnd State Govern ments In tho past. We do not know that Mr. Buckalow desires a nomination nor oro wo aware that he would accept one if tendered him. but wo feel con fident that we speak tho sentiment of nine-tenths of the Democratic and Con servative voters of tho eastern section of the stato when wo say that with him as our Btanuara-uearer victory win come. Reform is domanded in all departments of our government. Tho pcoplo will no longer trust tno men wno navo rooueu them In tho past, butthoy must yiold their place to others In whoso ability and Integrity thero is no doubt. Tho "cohcslvo power ol public plunder" will no longer serve, to hold together tho diswlving fragments of tho putrid political comhinations which have their existence at Washington and at liar rlshurg, but Hko Tammany thoy must soon perish by reason of their own innato corruption. By tho nomination ofacandldato pos sessing tho ability,-high honor, spotless character nud ofticial experienco of Mr. Buckalow, the Democracy of our stato will prove their determination to bring about tho reforms so much talked of nnd so much needed. The Libel Law, Tho Lycoming Standard, in a lengthy article on thoabo vo subject, takes ground against any alteration of tho present law, but makes soveral full-grown mis tat.es in stating what it now is. In fact our libel law is n relic of tho old Star Chamber Court of England, except so far asnl tered by thopresent Constitution But that does not protect an editor in a suit for damages. Ho can not glvo nil the facts in ovldonce, nor tho clrcum stances under which tho alleged libel was published, except In mitigation of damages, unless he Intends to Justify, iu which caso tho proof must bo precise ly n9 broad as tho charge, or it la held to exaggerate tho libel. While tho publisher maybe personal ly Innocent of an Intention to do wrong, whllo his motives may havo boon Justi fiable, yet ho may bo mulcted heavily In damages under existing laws. In any other civil suit all tho facts may bo given In ovldcnco, and it is not right that tho law of libel should bo an excep tion to tho rulo. It is bcllovcd that tho appointment of Soth J. Comly as Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia will still further complicato Republican matters In Penn sylvania, Mr. Comly having been ap pointed at thu instance of Forney and ugalnst tho wishes of Cameron, who threatens to let tho Stato tako caro of it self, so far as ho is concorned. Grant evidently believes nnd trusts Forney uud expects him to carry tho Stato next Fall. A fight botween Forney and Cameron would bo nspectaclo worth soolngand might result in honest men getting their dues. Opinion of Judge I.lwcll- In tho matter of theVExceptlons by extension or Fourth I Jesso Coleman btrect In tho town of f u n d Goorgo innouisourg. weaver, Tho Act of Assembly under which theso proceedings wero had oxprcssly authorizes tho Court upon hearing to iuuuiij , iiiiiuuvuiiiit! uuniirni mo report of tlio viowers. In this respect tho Gcnernl Borough Law of 1851 is unllko tno aci oi uui oi April, 1850, In regard to tho extension of Hancock Street In mo city oi riiwuurg. uy tho latter Act no power to modify or rovlso tho report was reserved to tho Court. Judgo Mc Cluro in construlntr tho law vrv nm,.. crly held.O Harris :i3,thnt tho Court has uo uusiness wiui mo question of assess ment upon lots. Tho legislature con fined that duty to tho viewers: nil tho Court had to do was toseo that tho spirit of.tho law was carried out. Tno power or tno Court under tho borouch law. Pur. Birr. 122. Ar-t .,r iwin Is similar to that glvon by tho Act of 111 April, 18!!J in regard to erecting now townships or adoring tho lines of n township, wherein it is provided thnt iuu uuuii. in uiu next icrm nucr tno ro port or viewers shall bo mnde, shall takOBUCll Order thciruunnn ns tnfhom shall appear'Just and reasonable. an construing tins law it was imM in Warwick township. G Harris .17" ilmt. tho Court may sot nsldo tho report of mo commissioners, anu appoint n now commlsslon.orjthoy may remit it to tho Barao Commissioners for further Inves tigation, or thoy may nroceed in rrrr-t tho new township, or alter tho lines of mo oiu ono u inoy think proper, on evidence to be directly produced to them. i-uwe r iu uiuuny u report and power w m&u ouiu uciiuu ns 10 mo uourt may seem proper nro precisely tho same. auiu jhuvisipus nro mionucu to glvo to tllO Court. With tho rnnnrf n,.,! mil. denco bcroro it, full control over tho wnoio suujcci, ns wen In regard to dam ages as other mattors. ThO COUrt Will not. Imivmmr. nvmnl In very cloar cases, disturb tho report of viewers upon rt question or damages ui uiimiuuiiuiu, Yiiun men or judg ment, nctlmr under oath knowledgo acquired by an actual view huu iuu coHMuoiuuon, navo decided such u question, it must bo considered us equitable nud just, unless clearly shown to be otherwise. In tho caso or Jesso Coleman or whoso laud tho extension or Fourth Street takes 27 root 4 inches rrotn lii extending tho wholo depth of his lot, uuu it'iuinuK iuu moving ot ills 110Ue, . , , a WUI uxamineu wno es ttmato Ills damages tn im imminriiion tho amount awardod by tho viowers. xvo oi mem estimate his damages two hundred dollnrs-threoofthcm-hundred ono.two hundred and fifty-one, threo ... uuuuii-u-ono, uvo imnurcci, anu ono, fivo to six hundred dollars moro than tho report. In their estimate of tho vnluo ot tho property iu Its pres ent condition somo of theso witnesses differ fifteen hundred dollars from the others. We mention theso facts uot ns any discredit to any of tho witnesses but merely to snow now mucii moro aim cult-It is for tho Court to arrive at a cor rect conclusion man Tor viowers upon tho spot with nil the fads boforo them. In ordinary road cases where thero is dissatisfaction iu regard to nmount of damages tho only remedy Is by a rovlow, uu imiaiur ly uuiu yivuii iu iuu mini to inouny. ., Under tho borough net thero Is no provision for n rovlow : but ns beforo seen wo may refer.the report back when, lrtho complainant can satisfy tho viow ers that injustico isdono hlm.they would without doubt cheerfully chango their awaru. IT tho viowers can bo satisfied that they havo fallen into nu error in resrard to tho costs ol removing tno houso.dig glng a cellar nnd filling up in front or it uy reason or uot Knowing tno condi tion of tho house thev havo erroneous ly belioved that It can all bo moved when it cannot, they will havo tho power to so chango tho report us to cor rect tne error. As tho caso now stands tho Court would not bo justified in chancing the report ; tho report being equal to tho oaths of seven men selected for their Impartiality and good judgment,agaiust nlno men of nerhans eauallv (rood judgment in addition to that of tho complainant. Tlio testimony is there fore so nearly equally balanced as to forbid any attempt at modification. Wo might perhaps do justico by dividing tho dllferenco between tho estimates, But wo think wo would thereby set a bad precedent. Wo prefer thereforo to recommit tho report to tho sntno view ers with Instructions to reinvestigate tho question of tho damages of Jesso Coleman1 and, if they seo cause, to in crease tho same as they shall think just or to report tho sumo unchanged. In regard to tho except'ons of George Weaver wo think llttlo need bo said. In addition to tho report of tho viowers, than whom wo could not select better Judges of tho value of property and tho probabio enecta oi improvements, tno testimony produced by tho complain ant proves that tho market vnluo of his land would bo much enhanced by tho opening or tins street. According to Mr. Appleman's esti mato tho wholo land is now worth $2000. It can bo cut up into four lots on the north and four lots on tho south sldo of tho proposed street, tho lots on tho north would bo worth four to fivo hundred dollars, say $1800, thoso on tho south sldo from threo to four hundred dollars each, say $1100. When tho street is opened, tncrcroro, tnis ianu win bo worth tu tins estimate, iizw. itir. Sterner says that as lots for salo it will bo worth $1000 moro wnen tho street Is opened. Mr. Shannon testifies that tho loto will bo moro valuablo after tho street is opened, but does not say how much. Mr. corrcu mini! tno vaiuo would not bo Increased. This with tho testimony of Mr. Whary is all that is adduced uiralust tho report. Mr. Whary is not wen enougn acquainted witn tno property to givo an opinion. Whenever prlvato property is taken for nubile uso and damages aro claimed. tho rulo of damago is how much less Is tho proporty of tho complainant worth In market with tho improvement, than it was without it. And when tho kw allows assessments for contributions, tho question to ba first settled is how much is tho property worth moro by reason of tho Improvement. Whon that is ascertained as to all tho properties benefited, n basis for contribution is established. It Is ovldent from tho report and from tho testimony when fairly con sidered, that tho contribution required In this lnstanco is not exorDiiant. Mr. Weaver, however. Insists that ho docs not deslro to sell his land nnd thereforo this compulsory proceeding Is to htm unjust. Tnis ground or ob jection Is wholly unteimblo. Every citizen when ho accepts a grant or land from tho Commonwealth docs it upon tno impiicu conuuion mat no win sur render it up whenover tho exigencies of tho public shall require, upon com nensatiou mnde ond besides this com- innt thero oxlsts of necessity iu every sovereign stato tholrlght to tako prlvato proporty ior puune usu, xius rignv. of eminent domain or power or tho poopla existed ludopeuuent or tno con stltutlon. Tho provision which it con tains was merely restrictive of tho power nnd forbid Its exerclso unless provisions should bo mauo ror compensation. No citizen by declaring that ho de sires to keen his property in Its present shano or for purposes for which ho now uses It, can thoroby block tho whoels of progress and prevent thu construction of needed Improvements in tho shupo of railroads or streets. As towns and cities Increase In size and encroach upon tho arable land or tho county, tho own ers must submit to the construction or roads or streets for tho advantago of tho public otherwlso It would bo in tho, pOWCr OI a u muiviuuui iu siuy iuu uu- ward march oflmprovement by saying, thus far Shalt tnou como put no itir ihfr. Tho uiodo of proceeding adopted iu this caso and the prlnclplo upon which fhia nwrflsmpnt for contribution was mado has been sanctioned In u long lino THE COLUMBIAN of decisions nud its constitutionality Is not now nn open question. Wo seo no reason for disturbing tho report so far ns regards tho assessment mado ngnlnst Mr. Weaver. But ns wo refer It back for reinvesti gation wo will nt this tlmo confirm no part oi ltnusoiuiciy. And now,February 17, tho roport or tho viowers referred back to them with instruction to reconsider tho claim or Jesso Coleman rordamuiro.-'. nnd.If tho.v scocausoto add to his damages, they nro nt liberty to m cnango ineir report, otherwise to report that they seo no cause to chango thu snuiu. JJV THE COUIIT. "An Intelligent colored gentleman" having been n spectator ul tho Labor Convention which nominated Judgo Davis and Gov. Parker, for President and Vice President, was not pleased thereat, consequently, In tho naturo of things, Forney's Press is greatly oppos cd to tho nominations. The ovldcnco submitted to tho Clay ton Investigation Coinmlttco goes to show that tho Arkansas Senator, nnd tho pot nnd friend of Grnnt, was only guilty of bribery, perjury, forgery, and larceny. That is rather moderate for n carpet-bag U.nltcd States Senator. A Fort Wnyno correspondent or tho Cincinnati Mjnnmrcr lins thrown n Hood or light upon tho extraordinary nnd mysterious ploasuro which Presi dent Grnntseems to tako In tho fortunes or George K L?et. By this correspond ent's statomont it would appear that tho said L;otis no other than n cousin or tho President's wife. "A salutary lesson has been taught tho careless and dishonest public ser vants In tho great number of prosecu tions and convictions of tho last two years.' 'President 's Message. It might bo still moro satisfactory that tho President shoultl appoint to Ncw-orkcollect3rshlpj,uiul other im portant posts, officers whom it.would not be necessary to prosecute nml con vict. Saturday Ileview. Col. Fornoy, apparently uuder grc: pressure,has let out somo curious secrots concerning tho ways and moans by which Gen. Grant was first brought be foro tho public us caudldato for the Presidency. It now nppears that some body promised that ho should bo ro nominated, if ho would consent- to be elected by tho Republicans In 1808 Whother that somebody was nuthorlz cd to make that bargain Is not so clear, but it Is very certain that tho aforesaid somebody may havo some difficulty In carrying out his compact. X. Y. Trib une. Tho Truth Aliaut Col. Forney. Somebody has imposed upon tho Herald a story that Col. Fornoy is to go into tho cabinet iu Creswell's place, Tho fact is that Crc3wcll is not going to resign, nnd Grant is not going to dismiss him. Creswell, with his Chorpeuning frauds, whiskoy robberies nnd nil, i3 a man after Grant's own heart But it Is truo that a bargain has been mado with Fornoy. What ho wants is to be elected United StateH Senator to succeed Cameron, nnd that wily old fox has agreed that he will staud aside on tho oxpiration of his present term and allow Foruey to bo elected. This is tho milk in thatcocoauut, nud tho wholo of It. X. Y. Sun. About tho coolest thing that has oc urred this Winter Is a rcsolvo of a State Convention of tho faction domin ant iu South Carolina in thoso words ; "Itesolvcd, By tho Unlou Republican party of thoStuto of South Carolina, in Convention us3cmblod, that wo indorse tho-Adminlstratlon of President U. S. Grant, In its wlso uud successful finnu cial upllcy, which has reduced the national debt, whllo lessening tho pub lic taxes, nnd at tho samo tlmo preserv cd full faith with tho publiccroditors." Considering how theso rascals have sold themselves to mcasurclesss infamy over nnd over by stealing their poor Stato poorer than sho ever was beforo, quadrupling her cxponsc-s, doubling her debt, and trebling her taxes, this resolvo strikes us as tho Chiraborazo of imposturoand villainy. X. Y. Trtb unc. LEGISLATURE. In tho Sonato the following bills wero reported: Bill to enablo married wom en to purchasa sewing machines, as committed. Houso bill extending iongth or school term, as committed. Houso bill for triennial enumeration of children of school ago as committed. Messrs. White, Mumma and Fitch, Republicans, nnd Messrs. Dill, Bucka low, Broadhcad, Davis, Democrats were olectod members of tho Gray-McClure Committee. Tho Houso joint resolution, adjourning tho Loglslnturo till v ' dnes- day morning, tho 28th Inst, wat ;rced to. In tho Houso a largo number of bills wero passed. Tho annual appropriation bill was discussed on first reading, and tho bill passed tho committeo uf the wholo nnd second and third readings without material amendments, und goes to tho Scnato for concurrence. Adjourned till Wednosday, Fob. 27th CONGRESS. lu tho Scnato on Wednesday or last wcok Mr.Conkling prctcntcd an cmpha tic protest or tho Western Union Tele graph Compauy against tho postal tolegraph scheme., Thero was a fierco discussion betweon Messrs. Conkllng and Morton on ono sldo.and Mr. Schurz on tho other, concerning tho French arms frauds of thoGrant administration In tho Houso tho day was spent chleily in discussing tho Diplomatic Appropriation bill. In tho Sonato on Friday last, tho debate on Mr. Sumner's resolution concerning tho salo of arms to tho I-rench was continued, Mr. Trumbull of Illinois, speaking ftir tho resolution nnd defending himself together with tho Missouri Liberal Republican movo ment. Mr. Morton replied to Mr, Trumbull, attacking that goutiemnn and other Republicans nlllllatlng with him in tho Missouri movement. in tho Houso, tho Consular and Diplomatic bill was takon up. Alter somo dobato tho nmondtnent advancing tho Russian mission to first-class, tho Japaueso mission to second class, ond reducing tho Central American mission 10 ouu iniuisier ut Nicaragua, was agreed to, nnd tho bill passed. tiio Bcniuo was not in session on Saturday, nud tho IIouso did nothing but listen to spcecbmaking for publl cation In tho Congressional Globe, AND DEMOCRAT, In tho Souato on Monday tho delmto on tho French Anns Fraud was contin ued, Messrs, Nyo mid Frelliightiyscn defondlug thu administration, interrupt ed with nn occasional shot from Sjjhttrz.. Without coming to n voto, thoSonato adjourned. Tho House, nfler tho Introduction of now bills, madonn attempt to bring up Hooper's supplementary Civil Rlghm bill. A number of nmuesty bills wero next passed, us also win a bill repealing tho requlromcnt of stamps on pnckngc.i of Jollies, mustards, sauces, canned nud preserved rrullB, ac. Mr. Brooks In troduced n bill reducing thu duly on pig-Iron, which wns debated by n decisive vote. . In thoScnnlo on Tuesday Sumner's French arms resolutions wero taken up. Mr. Wright, Mr. West, Mr. Frcllng- huyscn, nnd Mr. Conklin spoko on tho administration sldoof tho question, nud Mr. Schurz on tlio opposition. Just provlous to adjournment Mr. Sumner obtained tho floor, nnd will reply to tho attacks or tho administration Senators Wednesday. In tho IIouso a bill was presented rroni tho Committeo onllanklng direct ing officers of national banks to whom counterfeit, altered, or spurious United States notos or national bank notes tiro presented tostnmp them ns such. After somo dobatotho Houso refused to pa9S tho hill bya voto of 87 to 98. After somo unimportant business thu IIouso wont Into committeo of tho wholo on tho Deficiency bill, and Btruclt out tho clause repealing tho law for tho publication of tho mattKs In newspa pers. NEWS John O'Connor, tho Delaware Lnckiv wanna mid Western cmbezzlor, pleaded guilty to emb?zzllng funds from the Lackawanna nnd Blooomsburg mail, and Judgo Ward, sentenced him to undergo nn Imprisonment in tho county jail forslxty days, pay a fine of$o0, nnd restoro the stolen money. Judcii; Davis, orilliuols, and Gov ernor Parker, oiNow Jorsoy, h uvo been named by tho Labor Iloforuiors ns their choice for Presidentand Vice-President Tho Kansns Lower IIouso lias passed the Sena'o bill regulating tho punish ment of convicted murderars, which practically abolishes thu death penalty. On Monday night, a fanner nnmcd Daniel Kramer living near Auburn, Schuylkill Co. wa3 brutally murdored and his wlfo nearly so. Kramer was found dead at somo distant from tho house, nnd Mrs, Kramer lay in tho houso with her skull rracturcd. The murder was committed with a heavy club, which was round. $S0O or $1000 iu cold was stslun and tho houso was ransacked. Two mon Joseph Bro wn and Isaac Hammel havo been arrested To? tho murder and aro In jail at Potls- ville. Tho National Centennial Committeo willmcetin Philadelphia next Monday March -1th to perfect arrangements for tho Anniversary. Tho Prohibition National Con volition met at Columbus Ohio, on tho 221 of February, and nominated James Black of Pennsylvania for President and John Russell of Michingan for VIco Pre3l dent. In Lowell, Mass., u boy 10 years of go, shot his successful rival, ugad ID whohadbecu prererred to him by ono ortho young ladlesortho city. New Advertiseraenta. XTOTICE. -Li Kstravod from tho uromuo or Wm. Kaoaues, In lloarlngcreute townslilnw Ojlutubln oouuty. l'a o.i Mouilay ulut, Kuu. IK, yooiis Hieor with short liorus. whllo back and il.irlt Knotted BlUt-H (nrar n roan color). Auy perou nndliii! aim lei-uinR bum Nicer uuui i-.uiuu mi wu, hiutauiy rewarucu oy uouiyinsina mmcrnnjin-u. The bteor has been traced to Catawlssa. WlKUUltllOLU O: HliUU-MAKLili, Khenaudoali, l'ob. 10, 1572. Schuylkill couutv. Pa. juaroUl'7-Mw T ETTING. March Dili, 187, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. to let the bulldlnc of two nbutmenUt lor county brldce wo will mcGL oil tho nr over tho canal at Contrevlllo. All parties lnt tr eated hhould attend. Contractor to havo 111 e tmnn 111 old abutments. Abutments to be com pleted by tho first or April, rumen intending to nut lu bids would do well to malco homo cal culations belore hand. Specifications oui bo keen on nay oi le'.uas. wan to uo aoouv zjj icei Ihlci at top. uv orupr oi OYIlUH ItOnlUNd, ) It. J. llEEDKIl, OoiumlM's WM. (SHAFFER. S Atteit Wm. Kkickdadm, Clerk. C'omrars. UfUce, llloom&burtf, Feb, 20, 117MI. D. LOWENBEBG. TREASUHEIt, in accou:it wi ru jui.i i'i.v ru.vu. DU. To 0 int. asses .0 J I ,r l7i. 8I.-2J7 oO Cll. By ami, due nud foul, au.l Ex. allow,.'.! illeetors Ex. lo lit) .1 110 3 50 Due. Com. 2 1 j Reaver Heulon 17 55 Herwlck 1 1,-2 llloom IS 00 11. Creelt S W CaUwlksa 'J El 11 CO ,'entrallu 125 0) Centre 11 It) Conyughara 12 M S 50 creeic au so 'raMklln... 1 "i 2 (XI 1 00 a 00 50 (J. Wooil K m Ilemloclr.... !1 5(1 Jaclt&ou 1 17 Locust 31 SO Mudlson 1 ,i Main 12 00 Milllin ... 2 11 Mt, I'lenbont 13 01 11 50 3 50 50 .Montour 19 Ml irange 8 GO I'lno 35 IU Creek I CO 3d 1 tit 3 00 hcoit 31 W Lual 15 tl) Ilyumt. duo, on UupllcatrH. " " commission to collectors. $111 00 13 11 1U4 511 100 CO 72 10 1.) UO Ml 00 exonerations to " order paid M. E. Jackson. " " llowman & Jiicksou, " " C, II. llrockway, paid assessors A managlug fund. treasurer's commission on i'ilf. balance due and paid over, 10 SO 313 77 51,317 5' Wo tho underslcncl. Auditors of Columbia county, In lho Ktalo of I'ennsylvanla, do hereby cerlllv. that Wti met at the Cnnrr. House. In liioomsnurg, on inoursiaay or January, j.. u., IS7'.', and did proceed to and did settle and ndlust the above account as required of un by law, and to tho best o t our J udgment and ability. In te8tlmonv whereof wo havo hereunto scl our nanus mis m aay 01 January, a. l . is,-- U.J. CAMl'llKLL, 1 DANIEL LEE, uouuiy Auditors, QOLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: In thoOrnhans' Court of Colnmbla couutv. In thu matter of the partition and valuation of the Estate ol rbllip .Miller. Into of Outre lownsulp, decease!. To Cyrus Webb, Thnyor, Neosim County, Kansas.tako notlco Hint nu Inqnoiit will ou jieiu 111, uie laie oweiuue uouso 01 I'liiup am ler. decerned. In tlio townshln of Centre. Colam blncounty.ou Thursday, the fourth dav of April. 1&7J botween tbohoursofuo'clock.n. in.. und In in.ofsald duy,forthe purpose of inaklug parllllon of tno Iteul Estate of sail derpiutud. to And among his children nnd legal representatives, If uiubniiiuL-uii uu uuiiu wuuuui prejudice 10 or siolllng or tho whole, otherwlso to v 11)110 nd up. praise tlio same aecoiUlng lo law, at which lime nml place yon aro required to attend If ,ou nuns: proper. aaiiui nmvii,riueriu HHKIUirF'tf Ol'KICL. 1 IlLooiisuoiui, March 1, 1S72 1 - incu.r-ot J10WOIIT1I I-'IIEE TO HOOIC AUENTO ! Hend your address, statlug experience, success, and book now selling, nud ncelvu free our new AGENTS POCKET COMPANION Worth $10.00 to nny Book Agent. Ageiilsalso 1 R T, T) E N WHITE Wunted fol iJ iJ .u l-i n , cmi;i,'. TWELVE YKAHH AMOSII THE WILD IN iHArinur i nn i-uauh. ilurdeied Eeptembor 1st, W, ThowllJ adventures and marvelous exnerl cnei-s of (J eo. 1'. Helden, known as the '-Dig ,,i,riur, - "ureut Jiuuier, -111111 minuus "Willie liiici." 111 iuo louges, a uook ui inruiing inter est, rleUU" lllustruted; charms everybody every w. uuu nvtis iu uftueou wujr Lfu,ii UUI, Hend lor llluslrated poster and extra terms. llUUUAllD lllioa., I'ubllahers, mchl'7Mf ni Hansom Ht., ttilla. BLOOMSBURO, 1872. 1872. 10YHE A LVNDI3L-L, OUKTIt AND AU0I1 HTB., l'lIIT.AtHM.t'UIA. nnu.itnai!) FINE I) H Y GOODS!! Usl.iblishcd in 19-10. KlnoHlLKH. Flno SHAWLS. WHITE G 00 PS. BLACK GOOBS. Dltl-SS GOOD3. LINEN GOODS. WOOLEN GOODS. Good FLANNKLS. Flno 1IOSIEHY. Bnst (1LOVKS nnlv. 15,000 GOOD BLACK SI L'KS. w iioionuio ami lU'iuii, mnrclil';2-ct. UULIC SALK VAI.UA1JLU ltKAL 13 STATU, In nurMinDrooran ordcroftlie Orphans' Conn of Columbia county, tho nmlcr-lnnwl Adminis trator, Ac, of thocKlnlH of Utorso M, Ue.iglo Into Ul ueiiiiui-ii iu usiiip, in iuu nil ici cminiy, ucc u, win UApuaw iu iuiuuu ft.tiu un lliu premise? on SATURDAY, MAItCH 23d, 1872, alio o'clock In tho forenoon nf said dav. tlio fol lowing descrllied real estate, to wit! Tho until vldcd one-half of a messuage and TRACT OF LAND, slluato In tlietowiisbln of llcmlocit In tlio conn tr oi uoiumuia. uotiLiieii nuo tirat-rihcii ns ri! lows, on tho north and west by lands of tlio neiri, oi .iiit-nu iiiirris, ueceasco, on um east ny Hid or Oodfrey Mellclc, and on tho south by heirs of Kamuel Waulg, containing TWKNTY-EIGIII1 ACHE3 anil twcntV't'ittht rverriieq nnmi xcliltMi iMrrnplnil ii thren utorv frnino irrltit mill, u Iuiusp. Ac. ui.inii ur haijU ion per cent, oi nni fourth of tho purcliaHa mouoy Rluill do pnlil nt tho Mrlkitig ttowu of tho property tno one fourth, lesv tho ten tier cent, nn Ihnc-nnilrinriUon of KAloumt tho remfttnlnt; thren fourth in ono year meruit iiur, wiiu nuercKi irom ino connr- mrui'in mm, i'osessiou given upon tho pur cnaier sertutnff mo payment of tho purchmto money. i'urcn.isern m pny i,r ocu anu Blimps, OUU XI IllJljL.lvt MiUThl';2-lt Administrator, P UBLIO SALK VAhU.UII,n UUAI. l.STATE. In pursumco of an order of tho Orphans' Court ui mo i-imuiy oi uuiuilioi-i, uio uuuersiguoa au Administrator, Ac. of he estate of Lemuel W. Itnherts. lato of mwarloaf townshln. In Raid county, deceased, will c.Tpoin lo public salo on the premises, on SATURDAY, MARCH 31), 1872, at 10 o'clock lu tho forenoon of said dav. tho fol lowing described rent estate lo wit: A certain tract of land sllimtj lu Hugarloaf township. In (aid county, CONTAINING 17 ACHES moro or less, adjoining lands cf Hi-nucl llobcrts on Iho.norlli, lands of l-'iaulilln Nusilo on tho east, lands holonlns to tho liuln of John V rlU on tno noiiiii, una lunils of Daniel lloberts ou ino wesi. w hereon is erected a ono and ono nan Hiory PLANK HOUSE and out hulldliiKS. CONDI HONS Ol-' HAL1-1 Ten ner rent, of on foiuth of tho nurcliaso money to bo natd nt th Mrlltlucdnwn of tho nronortv. One fiiurth o tho purchase money less 1 he ten per cont. nt t he confirmation of Mile; nud Iho remaining threo fourth In oao year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nlsl. l'urchaser to pay for deed and stamps. ro-Keston given on thu pur chaser LOcurlug tho balance of the purchase money. Attendance civen on clay of sain by HILAM V. JlclIENIlY. Benton, March 1, 1S71-K Adiuiulitrator, QIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT KJ OP TKIl CONTINENTALLIFE INSURANCE COMI'AT.'y, OP NEW Y0IIT. Number of I'ollcles, Issued lu IS7I. 10.17) Amount InsnrLd ou samo. 5:0,015,151 10 wuoieutiiuoeroi ponoio i-sned by lho Cominny to Dec. 31st. 171. 42 Incnmditrlnn 1371. 3.7590,11 s. l'ald claims by Ueath nud Annu ties. S49 l,lyj fx) 10 policy noiuers, ior uiviuonifs, tctnrned pre lnlums, pntcli:u,cd policies. 37D7,7is fit a&scis jnuuary isi 157-'. So.iiib.sii riusT annuat, nnPoiiTOP Tin: hloomh IUTHO AOUNCY. CON J'INIINTALj LIKE IN- HUllANCi; CO.'Jl'A.N Y 01-' I'.liW VOUK, 1011 UnANcnfiri'icK, ) COLUMIUAW llIJIt.niNd J lLOyM.suuau, I'CNHA. J Lumvia IlltOClCWAY, Uenerul Agents. Number of applloitions seal lohataeotuco. Xd Itisurauco ou satne. tUVJjtm follclrs received. am nsuranoe on same. Sill.&'jii rcmiums ou above policies, z-i,b7 15 Tlio nuenev has had no direct lnrsp-t hut n-ilil thu Claim of Win. llendernhott. of .Mnoresl-iln. .Montour county, who was lusuied by tho llar rislnui;, Agent, J. I". Eibton, fur S-VWJ 80 AOENTS: H. fl. f'or.v, Special Agt, Wayne co , Ilonesd ale. .ii iiamonu.iicai Agi., 11011-sierviuo .J. Kii' man, Special Agt., Wyoniliif; co., lilxlu ners Eddv. .. Hlli-llt. Local Act., llradford co.. llarclav. L. M, ltlce. " ' " Home. , u, Hoono, " ' Hhlckshlnuy. . C. Wadswoith, Mpeclal Agt., Town Illll, Lu- erilMConntv. 0. 11. Jlelllcit, Hpeclal As.., Ws'il S'.ieet. Ur. Chapln, U--nt n. Edw. L. Jones. Willi es-Il.ur,-. Hamuel l-'enr, l'lttsto 1, la. Tlioj. Nesbltt, I'lymoulli, P.i. .. ii L.ouover, ueacu uaveu. W. II Sharp, Union. j, waited, uauvuie. gHEBIFF'3 SALE. Uv vlrtoo of a wilt of venditioni exi-i-nin Is sued out of the Court of Common Plows of Colum bia county, and to mo dlrecud will l" impose! 10 .ruoiio haio on 1110 premises on wr.uii.T HAY. tho2oth dav of March, at nnu o'clock, n. in., tho following personal property to wit : All thai lot or pircr-lol Uud sltuatoln the town of Huck Horn, (J dumbl-i county, lVnnsylvaul.i, bounded and descrlbfd as tollows to wit: On the North bv lot ol Cnth-trlun (.Irion, 011 Ino East by a public road leading from llloomshurg to JcrseytOHn, on tho r-oulli by lotof lleu net.andou the Wet by un allty, whoreou 1110 erected n dwelling houso and 11 small stable, bald lnt bomg sixty f,-et In trout ni -ro or leds, and ouu hundred and filly feet In depth more or less. Helzed taken Into execution nud to bo sold ns tho proper y of William Knight. inarcni 7-st. .-vtviius r.uiiii,niu:tiu. LIC SAL E o r VALUAHLE l'EHSON-AI. 1'HOI'EnTV. Tlio .subscriber: will oll'er for halo lu lluctc- horn. at the residence of Jacob Harris, do- ceabod, lalo of Hemlock township, Columbia eouuiy, ou TIIUESDAY, MAItCII 11,187-', at Oo'a'ock n, in., tho f jllowlng peraonal pror erty, lowll: TIIltEE HOUSES, ono cow and calf, ono brood wow, ono lot of sno.iti: 1,0 Ubusholsourno.irM; ,V bushels pola- Uiei,: 50J bushe s oats: 10) bushels whuit: si mi. fchels rye; la) lous lliuothy hay; ono Exoelslor reafier. ono lllresuiUK macuiuo, iwo iwu-uumu waions,ona threo-horsH wiwon, ono truck wa Kon, ono bugi-y, onoenlkey, two Mleds. ono hay press, three wind mills, ono Brain drill, ouo Mjr Kbum mill and evaporation pans complete, two h iro liay forks, ouo post builng machine, one bhluglfl mill, ouo bet, blsoUsnilth tools, two new corn plows, hIiikIo and doable harness, cultiva tors, plows, harrows, l-.icainor nay raue. TllllEBIlOUIlLE.BAltllSI.BD SHOT OOK3, (new,) two single barrelodbhotRUUbi 'ii acres of wheat In the ground; bl.t ncrcs of ryo In tho ground, together with many other articles too iiumerons in mention, Trusts win I), i mado known ou the day of sale, nud duo attendance given by wiui.ia.m -'. Adro's.nf JA3, A.'l'i Alltlia J-lAcon llAMtis, dee'd J A CO 11 HIIEI.IIAUT, Auclloneer, Iludiuorii, Feb, 10, 1S7-U P UBLIO SALE OF II II A t V A Ii U A U I. E U -S T A T E , In nursuaucoofaunrdcroflhoOrplianii' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned Admlnts. iraiur ac, oi tuo esiaio oi weiuuifiou ii. i-.ui,, lato of thutnn ot Uloomsbim, In thositd coun ty, deceased, wllluxpjsj topubllosalo on tho premises on SATURDAY, JIAKCII lOTir, 1672, at 10 o'clock In tho loronoon of nalJ day, th o fol- mwiui; ui-bcriuea HOUSE AND LOT Of GHOUND, situate In tho Town of llloomsburg. In said county, fronting ou Hocoud or Main street ol' bald town, udlolulug lotof John K, (Iron, on ttiu West,Itldo Alloy ou lho North -md Wltnian's Alley ou tho East. Hald lot boliunlHJilt fifty six Net lu front on Ho'-ond or Main street nud two hundred nud lourleen feet six Im-hes In depth. Whoioou Is erected a largo two story DIUOK DWELLING HOUSE, with lirlclt Kltolicn nttochod : a Two-Htory l-'roino DwellniR IIouso, H I'l'.imci Btuble and wugou house, and ntner out ImllJhus. (TliH property Win a very deslrablu loculon for stores and utllces.) Aud bold us lali tho osUto of bald iieceasi-ii. fouitli or lho puruluke money shall bo paidut the striking down of thu proporty, thu ouo louith, less the leu per ceiit.onluu eunflrmatlnn of sale, and lLo remaining ihree-funrths lu onu yoar thereafter, with Interest from Ihacoullr lualloll nlsl, l'om-kslon given upon tho purchaser cccurlng ers to pay lor Heed uud Mumps, wowtjiuou,w me iiurcnusu muuey, i uieuas I'ETEIt ENT, Administrator, Light fstrcet, Feb. 21, U72, lebM'iMW COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. S irMtrtr.MO'H hat.U. ij lly vltluo of oerlnln wrltn ol Vomllllonl Ex ponss, Issued out of Ilia Court or Oommou I'leas ofNoilliumberland Countf, rcnnsylvsnln nud o tno iliri iP(i, 1 win sp so ,10 iiiiuiic mil i. 1. .,,i. iiotisn 111 ihn Unrotwli of Hunburv. oil Mondiif. Mnreii llth,187Ant 1 o cloi p. m., tho following properly, 10 will ..,, , All tllHl CTIHU1 irufc. 1'l'UD wi i--'. -. " iiiinti, 111 .ML carmel towiisUin. Nonhumbcr. Innd County, i'ennsylvanla. bojliinlug nt 'loaes liutoalt, lho snuUioa.t corner ofa ir let of land surveyed lu tlio namo of Wlllmm Hhinlioii.on tho tweuty-see in 1 day or uctober, Reveiilceii hmidrodiiud nlnclyfouf,tlienco by land survey ed to l'cter Hinlth, norlli eluht n ul ono.luurili degrees west, lllly-ouo and tnroe-teulli pcicliM to n corner of 1'olerHmilhl Ihenco by l'eler Hinlth and iiouon worunu, noriu i-n uj- ' greesnndthlrly-slx liiluutos cast, about sixty uvo perohestotholluobetwo, iiNorthum boiland und Columbia counties) Ihenco by lho ssld county II uo, north eUhl ecu decrees west, I lirougli n tractor land mrvejed In the namo of Ijwim point oil tlioHotithcru lino of 11 tract of land a r- eyrd lu the namo til Thomas Huston J thence hv tho same (Thomas Uusloiunorth i lKlity.elghl vt'niucr. (inn iiniiiirej. ana seveniy in-ienes i 11 and oni-hair uegiees wes', iiiioui. uuris- percnes 10 11 heap of tlones.H corlierof Tlioiiunltiistotilu 11 line 01 Mary Huston i llience south two degrees west iiuriyiureo po,cues iu u uuinei ui .umy itiiatiiii! thenco liv samo and Thomas llllllnn- ton north elghl-elght nnd oue-hall demees west, iwi hundred und llilriy-olmit uud sixteen ono huudledth perches to 11 poinli Ihenco throiuli thu (Old Iraclof laud snrvejeil 111 lho lino of n tract of laud snrveyed In Ilia uaiuu of Win Uliattnmi uiu I Ii llil. II Mil OHO fOUl ill lll-Jroi'S tninniii .ff.'H 1111, or. 1111 i iiiouuiiiu iveiieiii east twohuudrod 1Stulr1y-1wo.1t iiuriy-iivdoiie. lllllldrodin perches ion pine eorueroi lYiii-iuii null it . tiwiifn liv ll'llliiim i.l.bert north elhtv. ononiidono-lulf degrees east, thii-o liuiidre 1 and muty-nvo perciios t-j theplacoof uoliiuliigj , rii,iiilii,r 7,L, kiieeH bundle 1 iilti live 11 rns luoroor --ss.iiiii u 11011111114 1,11 , 1 ,un, 1.01 ,1,11, Iruct of land surveyed to William ah union 011 tho twenty second day of October A. 11. ono thousand soveu huudied mid iilucty-liiur, nnd n ti irt. 111 n t I'iicl oi 1 11 nil 11,1 tutu 111a nie s,imo. sur- eiedln tho name ol Luwli Walker ou tho same diy, Tho sail tract or parcel of Inud so levied Upon Uellllf pari Ul (I laie, iiueb ui uki if in ihiiu sltuato partly lu tuo snld lowuslilp uf .Ml. Car fuel. Norlliumberland county us aforesaid and partly In Hearing urecu lowusiuii, uoiuuiuia i-ouuiy tiinrniiiirtlL-tilarlv bounded una d jsi-rlosd as tol lows, to wit: lkgluiilug nt ft post nud stonns, a corner or land survejeu iu 1110 name ui i.oen- 7r Itnililinii, Ihpn,:e bl UlO B lllle llortll tell degrees west, one huudreil uud lorty.uliiu and uve-ieniii percuss 1 ni,,v, , y," ui .niiiii Young; then by the samu uud by laud sur vine j lu 1 bu name of. Mary llii.lun njith eUhiy- eight and one-lulf degrees west, lour uuiiurcd mid slxtppii nnrelioH tu n heau of stouet. 11 corn. or of .Miry Huston i thei'co by a coiner of iliom. ns Riisinn sou ii two die:rees west, sixty neit-ii,, toncorucr; inence norm emuii.eigiii..v uiie-iiaif uegrees wt-si, one iiuiuiicn wm. ihudij imipcr, flies ton heap of slones, aeoruoi'iil a tract sur- vnin In I lu, nn inn 11 1 11 US l.USLOU ill 111,,. Mnn- Uiisliin Ihenco bv Mary ltusloll. Hulllli 1m uegrees wesi, iniiiy-uueu yvm-va iu uueapnr stouts; ineueo ikuuj j--11'."" u, pnriiy by Thus, halfdc-1 halfderoes west, two hundred aim liility.clt;ht , llllllllglOU liui.il v'b''- l.llll onw- and sixteen one ttitnco Huutti e yhtunUune'fourlM ilog.ey p, tvrn hmtilri'it nnilllilrl y-tWJuml tulrty live -UIIUUIL-Ulll I'lttuwi iu i, pulUt- I.iim Irnfltli tvrrliMH 111 u 8t UlO. COlTe; Ol WMll.it,. Ulibert; thence hy WiUiatuuilburt nurin u)ttmy (laenim une-lmtf decree o.ui.liircotiuuiJrya uud nineiy-nvo inTene "'"V . i J"""iun- non in tho lino of K.ertUurtiou; ilioucoby ltobert Uonlon n irtli Un- mm oac-fourtn tlu Kreos west, llltyoro una inicc-icuia purulit-H t n corner or Hubert UorJoii : lliencu iiurth clt;lity twit ilpfrri'pi tluitv-slK mtnutoH cint. luur nun. ilrcd una (sixty-one and onclontti )errlict by ianu or lioitfii uo.uu uuu uuw l-orier ii tno niacoor tu'Kltiuuitf: containina icn imnaroil nnd flltv tliroo (liO() ucio uud twenty mivuii (7) purcliei or hxnd, emtiracluK ail th it certain trucL of iHinl fiiirvovod to Wnthiililel tlrown ou ihctwcnty llrstofOctoberHeveiittcnimndrttdnnd niut'iyiour, upuu uis warm i it uuini iwemy Hlxlti duy of November A, I). Kovuntcen hun drud and nlnety-tareo, mid all ol that certain other tract onatiu surveyed to willlnm Shunnoli on ino iweniy Reconu tiny ot ucimwr Kovt'Uicen ntinurea ana mnoiy i air. mm ino iiiror pari oi ii tsiircv udiclntuiT thu fcumu In lliunainou LcwU Wallcer urvcyud ou tho twciity-Htcoud oiuciuuerA, u, ouveiiieiiu nuuureti u.hi nint'iy four, lu Mirsuancti or his Wiirrant dalcd twenty Hlxtli of November bcvuutuea hundred and uluo tv th rue. nouun, tuikou iuui elocution anu id uo so u a thu property ol Tuo Oolambla Co.i ciiuuny, JolKN it. iii:idiKtt.hhcritr. Hl:crifr's CMlce, Suubury, Feb, VJt 1!)7;-Cv. PUBLIC SALK or VALUABLE IIK.VL I'-SIATH Tlyvlrttto of nitihnrlty aiul order or tlio Or phans' Cmirt or OolutubU Conn'v, tho uuiler Ktuneil, ailinlntslr.it r ot tho ixtato or John Yeniicr, Jr., deco-VH-tl, will expixo to wilo by pub llo veniluo.on thupromUosatonuo'clncIc In tho nriernuou,on satuuday, M.vnca 0, 1S72, thofillowlndDSrlboJ rial osUle: Siluato In tho tv)vadilp nf Liust. nmr lho villat;u of Sl vbtiwn, houniloj by l-md-tot" .I.ioob Htlnt. l.mdi of M iyijrry rtnvdar.l) vnlal M rrls and 'illt.i.:n llii-jlies, cu tt.iluin TJlIUrY-KIVK AOItCS moroot' less, with th appurten ttico-3. WKLLi.NOrO Yt;AGnit. AdtnluUtrator. Ti:itM Of HALi;, Ten poroout. of tna onc fiiuriuof tho purjhX'Ut m inu- ut oo p.vid at tho striking down of tho property; tlu oati-t'imrtli les-s tlio tea per cont, at th ) contlrmatioa of mil o anu Mi roiuAlultif hraa fj irtin in imuyoir thereaUer.wltainLerOitfmiioijdrai ttt in nlsl, It. U.ltlNiJLUU. Feb. 10,lS72-ts Cleilr. pUJiLIC ALE Of V A 1, U A II Ii E It E A 1. E H T ATE. Thu uudornleno-J ETOcntor of tho last will nnd tostanieut ol John Kile. Sit. I lie of tho tmvn llll of Huuirlniif, In tho cmniy nt Columbia, duo d., will expo.u to punuo H,iio un me proim3d ou SAT UUD AY, MAI10II UOril, 187.!, at 10 o'clock In lho forenoon of Fall day, tho following descilbod rual n.I.i'e, lo wit: l-'li st. A c.-ilila trut dI'I.i id altaito lu !iu Carlcai tovrui.hlp. lu baUI county, cuntalnlni 12S ACHES MOUK Oil LE-.9, ndlolnlii!; lainl-jor Audr-w Lanbi h, J.W.Kile, Auder.Hnn Kilo and Uenrd DIUk, Vtiiat &J n?rea of which U eIoir,d 1 i.id, anl t'u bibiuee In good Umber. Wheroju aro TWO GOOD DWELLING HOUSES, UEOod llanl: li.irn mil other outbuildings. A l;ood lounlaln iiiiiiii.at lliooonrol ino ilwt-liini' JlOUbl1 V kouu bnrini; 11 uiso iui.1 never i.iiu sprliiu ol water. Tujrj Is on lho prcinl-.es u hireau I GOOD APPLE Or.CUAKD. i'cjor.d. Tho undivided half of n tract of Tim ber Lund Id tno wariautoi li,liu of Kamuel Neyhu-,1, sliu-ito in JackMon tnwush ii, col un blaeonntv biainded on the no th,-asl lialraut in tho warranteo name or Wesluj Heh-i. on thu wtslby i-ouuiy llu-i and on the s null by laud In til-.' warranteo uamonf Kiunutl Vo.ks .md by laud of Jesbo l.houo cjutiiulut' y.7 ACHE-3 AND 81 PEItG'IIES, Mrict mm uro. AI.'!": Tho nndlvlded ono half ornnother Iran of timber land Nlluato lu Jueltson ii'id Huy ,rlo if t-vps In thu warranted lmmeot Wesley ili-hs, b-iundol ou thu wt-st by Iho hbnvo de-irrltied tract, on tlio north by l.iiiil nf .la nm If, i.s. on lho east bv ltobert Mont gomery and others and on thofaoulli by lands of David Holder, containing 103 AOIIE3 AND 85 PEIICIIE3, t-lrlct measure. ALSO: Another timber lot on West Cn-i-li l-'.ills in Jnekhou twp inaUtni; a cood mill w-at, bonndo'l on tho nootli liv land lato of I'hlllp KrleklMiiin, on tho west by tho same, on me norin ny ian,i hi ,hmu iviiuuu i.uii on tho eatt by land or Elllah Petoriuaii, con talulns EOlIlt ACUKS, strict nuuhure. '1 ei-.ns iiiuiIh knnwii on dav of halo whon nnd wheio iitteudiinee will lu ulven by iho under- tlviud. ItlL'tlAKIl K1I.K, l-'alrmount Hprlnijs, Exicntor. l.ui'.eriio Co., 1M, leoi3iv pUBLIC SALE VALUABIii: IlliAIi IJUIAI E. In pursunn'onfau nrdorof tho Orphans' Court ofColuiubl.1 county tho undi-rslmu-d udmluls. trutors, ita.ol 1'eloi- llltner lato of fm township of Locust, In said OTiiniy, deceased, will expose to puuuo saio on mo fireuiiss, on THUIliDAY, MAItCII Mtii, 1672, at 10 o'clock In tho forocoon of f aid day, lho fol lowing uebcriiK-d vaiuaoioreai usiuic, ut win No. 1. A certain Irsctuflaud situate lu Lo cust township in bald county, eoutalulug 103 ACHES AND ill PERCHES, neat measure, ndjolnlng lands of MlcliselStlne, Jr., Etwaid hlraubker, Henry liable and A. 11. I'lsiier Willi house and barn uuJ other farm buildings th-reon rrecu-d. Iso. a A liaet of land sltuatoln tlio townshl p and county ulorcsuld, contululug V O It T Y - T II It E K ACRES and 121 perches, urnit mou'-uro, tvJJolnlng lauds ol Mlcuart r-tuii., Jos-ph lllllrg and other lands of said deceased, with good buildings thereon erected, No.il. A tract or 1 ind sltu-ito In tlio township and county uloresald, eoulululuy 38 ACRES AND 02 PERCHES, ncatmeasure, adjoining lauds of Jo-oph llllleg. John Hilled, sr. Cliarlei l'V-ltermnii, n.tvli Kriseher, Edward Klraussoi-uuil oth-r lauds of said deceaseJ, Willi tJu.l buildings thereon erected. No. I- A tin -t of wojd-Uml slHialo In lho tuwnsUlp and county uf r ..iul, e jntululug FOUR ACRES & EIGHT IM3UU1IES, ndjolulng I mils of IVVjerl WalUl-i- uud other lauds of bald diK-taH-'d. No. A. A tract uf wno 11 ml bli uto In tho tuwubhlpaud county atoroiald cOi tilulug. 1 ACRES AND 80 PERCHES, AiMnlnlnlng lands of Eo'b A ltaub, Itotiort M. Watklus aud other lauds of said do eased. Mi. (J. A iruct nf woml l iiul situate lu the townbhlp and county ufiresald, eoulaliilng I ACRES AND 120 PARCHES, adjoiulnglaudsofltolb&lliub und John Mor- r TKUSIS OK HALE. Twenty per cent, ol one third of tho piirchHso innuoy lo be paid ut the Mrlklug down of tho proiierty tho one-third less lho twenty percent, upon tho dillvery of tho possesion oi tho propm ty, ouo.third "fthu pur chase monny In iineji'i'. Iron lho delivery of tho pnbsis-duu with lliluusi fr.mi ihn d.ite of lho delivery of the possessl'ili iitullliii bnlaueo ol the p iiehubo money In two years Irom lho delivery irthu instib!un Willi lulertst from the dale nf tho delivery of lho posbosslou, psyublo niiuiial ly. l'urchaber or imrchasera lo pay fur deed uud stumps, 'lho grulu lu the ground Is reserved from this sale, lho came tu bo gathered nud threshed ou thupicmlses, (lEollUt! 111TNEI1, ) Adlnr,a JUIIN A. 11JTNEU, Aumr fb23JJ-Bw CLARK & WOLFS LAHC4ir'STO0K OF FALL GOODS WHICH ARE NOW IN STORE. THEY WILL SELL THEM Low For Cash OR PEODUCE. CLARK & WOLF HAVE CALL AjYD SEE, Opposite Brown's Hotel BLOOMSBURG. Wo offer a HILIC COUDED TOl'LIN that sold nt SI. 50 now r.t $1.33 per yard. A nilcadld JAPANESE STl'.IPE atSI.PO pjr yard. A lull lino of 11LACK ALPACA from 3) cents to$l.'.'5per yard. ' Our M cent Alpaca can't lo beat, our ' Alpaca prime. cent And yon know our 03 ct. Alpaca'ls tlio best In the Market lor tho money. A Sixteen bono COIISET nlfTO cents. Our 51,50 Loiiy bono CORSET Is worth buying Illeached nnd unblesc'.K-d MUSLIN, a full stock. A1TI.E TON A., at 1 1 cents by tho bolt, 13 cents by the ynnl. Lullcs Whllo IIOSP, Iiailios Merino Hose, Iiadlcs Balmoral IIoso Ladies Balhitrfinp, Ho3P, Ladies Iron Fnuno Hose Ladles I'lllNQED HUITINO CLOTH forPolo- iiulboia'.JJ.UU per yard. Fleecrd Hose, Misses ono-linlr IIoso Hoso in oxtru Sisn Mlses Ribbed IIoso Men Wollen ono-half Hoso SHIRTS kM DRAWERS Ladies Vests Ctirdigan Janketi Ladiei Cloth Oloves Ladies nerlifid Qlnvca Ladles nuelc Gauntlets WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS. Ruck Gloves Ladies Fur top Gloves Gents Fur to Gloves Ruck Glovei nnd Mittona Ladies Kid Gloves Gents Clotli Rack Buck Palm Gloves Shavds of all Kinds. Ribbons Velveteens Empress Clotli Dress Goods Dundus Robes Black Satin Velvet Rlbons Bc.wor Clotli Cassimcrs and Elanels OILCLOTHS 1-1,6-landS-lwldf. TEA SETTS of 48 pieces, Iron stono waro nt 5J.75 per sett. Our Hock of TEAS, COFI-'EI, bPICra, Ac, Is full 11 ml at tho lowest figures. O ur itcck of NOTIONS Is lull and comj lete. 1I0018 and SHOES, a full line. CLAI1K & WOLP are closing out their stock of H1IAWLS at noticed prlus, many of thtiu at cost, Wc- mrrlid uo sink cl l-'UIia oix from lat scoou, our present stock Is largeandnH new, and we otltr ,hcm irom itw to per set.; WATEU-I'ltOOE CI.OAKINO t 11.05, J1.85, 1.6U and 11,75. ".'Kill Adl'.NTO WANTED m T.iplliinrHHVIN(IHII.IC.t LINilM-iIln . r.verv fiitnllv uses II. 171 In II 11 A' cleared with crrtninlr, Hend for t, rins a 1 toD.U airiiiinnsriOiiuoord, N. II. , , nMi Ail K AdENTH.WANTKl) for tlio I) jAl, IJHAHT8, olo.l-NHW MMv ri.NNSYLVAlNl.,1-pisnill and p.i nets. llAAHI-cJLUIIllKClIT, Enipirn , , Chart EslablUhmit,10'l,lborty Ht.; n, y)' sieTwonTn riiEETo hook aui:ni , 8fnd your address, slating exporleneo.i and book iioiysclllng,nnd recelvorrej . AGENTS' 1'OOKHT COJUANl(i ANION, Wnrlli 810.01 In nhrllnolr Anm lltnillMU) Ulioa, l'ubllslicrs.T.a Hau.,im., 1'hlladclphla. us."-i rS.l Do you want mi inteury, local or tmv , nut, wiui un iii'i'iiiiiiiiiiy in unite ain 80 n day senilis our now " s'riLd While Wiro Clothes Lines? They 1(, forever I ampleHfree, Hend for rlr j' lar, AddrokS nt onei) Hudson UHj. wn-n Works, corner Water hi. 1 ideT7i.aao. N. Y.cr 310 W, Kandolph Ht., cm. cigo, III. '"liv '";iv'i $300 flCWAUD tim proprietor of Ur ' W i ntarrti llcmeily for n t r i "(rt,f in IU fl," ( I O2nnt.nl1lc.1l1a cannot Hold by lraitnlst3 at rtlci ri A;cnt3 Wanted for T, S AUTllUIl'ii O 11 A N fl E HIjOHSU M b , 1'11E91I AND I'AIir.I). A book for young or old, husband or wlfei for tho happy nnd unhappy. Undoublolly I oteato-t of Ills works. Oood terms gnarantr- a. NHAHLY IIEADV1 A startling tcmperanca story by lids author. Tho only comn.ini to Ten NlElitsIn a ltnr llnom cwr wrillen. Hcnl for cl-cu l"rs to J . .M. riTOUUAUT ACO.,l'itli Un. Iers.rluladcipiiia, r.i. " AOCKlfl WANTED. Tho only complelo llle ot JAMES FISK. NV Itl.NH. Ilrllllaut reuplctuici;iii tiioi,i;iiii t ANI HIIVDOWS of New lork Life J nil, MA NHI-'1EL1) tho ilcen. How a beaullfiil wo, man cnnilvsfil and lulned her victims. Llleot El) WA It 1) H. H I'O K ES, 1 1 lusi rated octavo of nv t 5-iOp-iRes. hhiJJI.u ror outfit. luiil seciiro ic rl. torv at oneo. Circulars Irio. UNiON l'LU. T .V. .... ,,1.11.. I..lr,1,li I'litniiwi in- l-liinlt, IflStll.U W., I ll,..ui""l ... , AGENTS ! ! ! Th0 1,,IY81 1A u o! WOMAN Hllll nnlsolls nnv book in tlio market. It Istlior. ouehly i-stablMied us tho only reputablu norx 011 lho ilellcnts Rlll'JeeiK of which It treats. NEAHI.Y HEADY! A new booklromthopn of DID LEWIS. America's most popular loci tirer nml writer on limltti. Tho world-wUle reputation of tlio nntlior, and tho largosaioofall his previous winks, 0 -mint r II lo secure uu Immense demaud ior tliLs, hi s lnlest and best. UHO. MACLEAN. Pnlillslier, nK-liy " 73J fiamom Mt., l'hlladelphlii. WRLLs carbolic table rs l-uit l uuiili, iui.iifl ix iiU'Vimi-.sivs-, Theso Tablets lireseut tho Acid In Combination with other elllclent remedies, in a popular form lorthoCiir-oriiUTIIItOATand LUNG I)l-ciw, I10AlWE.VIa and UI.OEUATION of tho thnal are immediately relieved and statements are constantly lielng sent lo lho proprietor of relief llieni-csoi inroai-illllieiliiies ui years siuiiiiiuij, n I1M1IAT Eou't bo deceived by worthless OA U 1 lUlN Imitations. Oet only Wells' Ciirbulle lablels. l'rlce ii cents per llox. JOHN U. ICELLOUU, 18 Piatt Ht.,N, Y. Hend for llr cular. Holo Agent for tbo U. H. n-l- JURUBEBA. It In not a nhvsle It Is not what Is uoiiui arly called a Hitters, nor is It Intended ns such, Ii Is 11 Houth American plant that has been used fer many years uy mo inemcu lacuny m inoti i-miiit i-l.-s witli wnmlcrlnl etllcnev as a l'owi-iful Alleratlvo and Uneipialed Purlller of Ihn lll iol unn is asuroanu I'erieci iieuiMii luran uisuint-j ol tho LIVEIl AND HPLEEN, EXLAltnRMENT OU UllSI'llUUriONOFlNTEHTINKS UIHHAIH, UTI'lltlNi;, OH AUDOJIINAl. UHUAMb, l'OVIlllTYOIl A WANT OK ULUOl), 1 NT K 1 1 M I IT K NT Oil 11EMIT TENT FKVE1M, INI-'fiAMMA-TION OE THE LI VEIL E-llOPrtY, HLUOOIHII ClllCHLATION OE T1IE11LOOI) AI1-BCES-IES.TU MO ItS. JAUNDICE, firilOFULA, DYHPEl'rflA, A(U I: AND t-'EVEll. I III TH Kill CON-COJI-MITANT.-J. Dr. Wolh' Extraot of Jurubeba Isoitered toibe public asagreat luvlgoraiorun,! remedy for all impurities of tho blood, or fir organic weakness with their utleudaut evils, r or 1110 loregoing o'lniiiininis jii at-jasi;s;.i Is confidently recommended to everv famllvn.s a household remedy, aud should bo freely taken In all derangements of tho system. It give, health, viiror and I ono loalt the vital foiees und jiil nmhi. fi nil f irtlftPM all Wmilc Uliil lvtnnhull,. leinperaliieiuH, UI11S Kl. 1V1.1.IA1.U, 15 mm r-l,, I'HV Hllll.. Solo Aecntfor UlO ITllited Htutcs. PiI:o 51 per llotlle. Hend for Cliculur. iiS-4r CXTY.- A MONTH to sell our Universal Tem pi) I O ent, I'ombli.atlon Tunnel, Huttoti Hole 1 utter, und other articles. HACU NOVKLI'Y Co., M.ico, .io. liVl RARE CIIiiNCE FOR AGENTS. AGENTS, wo will nav yon SW per week la cash; II you will eugaso with 111 cr once. Ev erything furnished anil expenses paid. Ad dress, 1'. A. ELLS A CO., Cluirl,ite,.Mlch, nil in PSYCIIOLOO IC I'nscliintlon or Houl Chiinnicir i'l fingos bv Herbert Hamilton, H, A. 1 1 1 w to uso llils fiower (which all possess) at will. Iiivin allon, Hplrituatisru, -urocrlos, I emouology ami a thousand oilier wonders. Prleo ly mail Sl.'li, lu cloth: paper covers SI. 0, Copy freo lo nyifii-'i only. Jl.ijoo monlhlv easily mode. AddnssT W EVAMs, Pub. II H bth btreel Philadelphia I'a. in THOMSON'S WORLD- KKNOWNED PATENT GLOVE-FITTING CORSET If yon want the moi-t Kit Israclnr;, lust fill 1111: ui Ihe cheapest Corset for its ie.il value, you have tiu worn, bny Tiioaisoxa GENUINE PAH-NT (iLOVH-FITTIXG. No Corset has ever nl'iilii ed such n reputation, eitliei In thlH or nny otlier coun try. As now madolnlcustti and fullness of bu-1 IT CANNOT HE IMPItOVED. Everv dorsal is stamped witti tlio name TunK- hon nnd the trndo mark, 11 crown. Kept by all lli-sl.ctais dealers. THOMSON, I AKUIIOM Ull , Hide Owners of PatenU-, nS-tw 3'J1 Broivlway , New Y01U. pURI. jIC SALE op VALUA11LK PERSONAL PltOPEUTY. Tho subscriber will oiler for salo at hM ic-a- denco In Caliwlssii township ou SATURDAY, MARCH 2d, 1S7-', at in o'clock, n. m ,t'uo following pcrsmal pr ip erly to wit i TWO FINE HORSES, ono yearling colt, fivo inllcli cows. 0110 two-year oldliu'l, threo bead of young cattlo, threo beiu sheep, leiiiarlcnbly line, nlno slioits, ha-rows, plows, cull Ivntors, sleds, splendid new two horse wagon, spring wagon, lop binrgy, harness doubli and single, fanning mill, and other farming Im plements, SEVEN SV.'AUMS OF HUES. Alton lotof furnlluie. Terms made knowu 011 day of sale. JOHN KflH'f. caiawissa township, 1 eu. ist iccv i.-n "POR SALE. The resldcnco lato of Clnrles II. Dojbler E' , deo'd, slluatu on Third Street, lu tho Town ol luoomsuurg, anu ouo 01 iub MOST DESIRABLE In thoTowm will boouerod at prlvato sale. H has lately been repainted, papored aud lior oughly repa-red. II not previously dlspos.id if. It will bo exposed to public sale at Ilruuu s lin tel on SATURDAY, MARCH ICtii, 1S7, ntWo'clnclr In tho forenoon. TEllMS. l'lvo hundred dollars down, and mo balauce iu yearly payments ul ono thoiisaiid del hits, with luterest, well secured. Application cm ne male ior prlvato conini-, to MUS. M AUY DOE11LEU, Illooinsnur,;, E, 11. IHUUS, 1 Vllllampi'ri. J.II.H.PAltK', ). Pa, THUS. h. DOEULEll. I fcbC,T7.'-lw or In J. (I, i-'iirzK, Execnlors. liloouisburg, P.i, pUB LIC SALE or VALUAHLE PERSONAL PltoPEIlTy, Tlio snlisArlhr will ofTer for sale at bis n - dcii.-e lu Main township, Columbia couuiy. " THURSDAY, MAUCII ll.lWi, atOo'cliiekltithoforonoau.tho rolloivlaf " soual properly, lo wit: POUR GOOD YOUNO MULES, THREE OU AFT HORSES. ONE PACINCI IipRSE, (can en 111 fhrni, mliiltni llvnunljl UiS hat llkM lun.uti In, 1, 1 I, . ,m,u. l.u, ta I i-nf ll llt'lS. 0110 pair of Wilson p.iteut Uy nets uud oar biil', one uouine set ni iigui Harness, one muuto u - two saddles nud two riding bridles nud a iui either harness, two bl road wuijons, ouo tot II UUI, ON 13 Two.uonai! IKON axle waooh, nearly new, ono powder wagon bed, ono lufe blue wagon bed, ouo coal bod, I wo pair of "e sleds, with boxes nearly new, ouo lancy nie'Jr1 ouo sulkey. 010 light spring wsgou, wueelesr lows, log chains, rough locks, rope aud luc"',1. ouo young Durliuiii cow and call, ono eoninw" cow, ouo jialr of Chester wlillu brceilliig lav n lot of chickens, forks, rakes, shovels, ho picks, one cross cut saw, beed and bee mi", robes, blankets, desk, bureaus, lublo, aud a t" of thing, not mentioned. mmAiit Maluo twp., Feb, , 1S71. ' ' u0"-" fit---
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers